How lovely to be here in Mexico.
Been here for two weeks now.
We're coming from Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara, for the zen course.
How many have been there in the zen course or before that in León?
Lázaro Cárdenas, we had the course there also.
And in Querétaro, previously, as also in Toluca, Metepec,
and we're scheduling
a new course in León this June, possibly in Querétaro for end
of February or March or whatever flows.
When I land in Mexico I feel at home, I'm very happy.
I love everyone who approaches me,
you're very warm.
I feel your hugs in my soul and the mind-set here
is very different.
For instance, I am not known in my own country, Ireland.
It's a small country. Last year at a given moment
my sister asked me: "Sister, are you famous?
-Why do you ask?
-You have lots of friends on Facebook, like 90,000 followers.
Most of my work is in Spanish,
though I have some videos in English, but most of my audience
speaks Spanish.
We're sharing this wonderful event today in Querétaro,
and I couldn't resist the temptation to visit a very special place here.
The casa hogar San Pablo, you know what that is?
Casa hogar San Pablo.
It's a place where a family... a woman called Conchita,
has been sheltering people for 20 years, and also children
whose families rejected them because they had some sort of
physical, psychical or mental disability, and they hand their children to Conchita
because they can't carry the weight of a child with problems.
She also shelters people off the street, people with disabilities
who've been abandoned, rejected by society.
Conchita told me she has 75 people there who need daily care.
She uses 325 diapers per day, and has very little help.
We did a collective reset in León recently and we took the chance
to sell my books to give the earnings to this cause,
and we handed her 17,500 pesos today, like a godsend.
She said:
"You arrived at the right moment, you can't guess how much we needed this".
Our gesture was not only to give money but to walk in,
greet, hug, give love.
Give zen touches and resets to all the people living
under that roof and we have, in fact, taken more than we gave.
Do you know what it means to see a person lying in bed
who spend their whole life in that position?
Can't remember if this was a girl or a woman, she was flatted,
as if she's been rolled over by a bulldozer.
That's her permanent state.
Arrive there, do the zen touch, touch ther heads,
hug and kiss them, give them a back massage.
See them transform in front of our eyes,
their smile broadening.
How they try... A boy, when I finished:
-"Th, th, thanks".
-You don't need to thank me, with what I feel.
I feel it, vibrate in it. Those people have emotions,
feelings, a mind, inner life.
They are so sensitive, they feel more than anyone.
Their mind is not full of worry, of things to do,
they live the present intensely.
That's why when you come to give them love,
or a smile, a massage, a touch, the moment you place your hand
they feel and see and connect directly with your soul.
Who is the present for? For you, it's for you.
I'd invite the zen students who can do the touch,
if you really want to check what you can do with your hands,
check your real capacity, volunteer, go there and see.
Feel, observe. You will feel rich by this gift,
the gift of their smile given from the soul.
It's what we're missing in this world.
We visited this rehab place in León yesterday, for drug addicts.
In this place there are girls aged 12 to twenty something.
They check in there or their families bring them for three weeks,
three months, to quit drugs and alcohol. Twelve years old.
They needed love and joy and human contact.
There were even sisters in there.
There's people taking care of them and it makes you think about
the life they have at home that leads to addiction to drugs at just 12.
My daughter is almost 16 now, they are 4 years younger,
it was surreal for me.
Anyway, we walked in with our inner child showing up, naturally,
to share, not to give anything in particular, just to share.
I talked to them briefly.
I am a "güera", I'm Irish, from a small island, but I come to share.
It was just a brief talk.
I asked them:
"How many of you would like a reset so you can have
a clean slate in your life?"
You are 50 or more and I will see each of you so I only ask you
to be quiet, sitting down, and observe, feel.
What respect, what attitude,
everyone, when they felt like it, would come and sit in front of me.
I placed my hands and their face would change instantly.
Like they were given a Christmas present.
They were sitting in a corner and... There was no order.
Each one, when other had finished, until it was all over
in 90 minutes or two hours.
I felt deep inside that I wanted to share something else.
When I finished I said, taking a chair to sit down:
"Who wants to comb my hair? I'd like a Mexican hair-do".
They were fighting among them: "me, me".
They had my hair loose, took a comb, and braided it around my head.
I have a recording of that, might share it on Instagram.
All around me, admiring the hairdresser.
One would fix the fringe...
It's all in the video.
They were so happy! They asked: "What's your name? How can we find you?
Can we follow you on Facebook?"
So they came to share hugs, kisses... it was so moving.
It's so easy to go there and give your time.
These people need us to outreach,
so in your town, your village, wherever you live: open up.
Be yourself, open up, give yourself. Open your heart, get close, look in the eyes.
That's what we did today with the children and the grown ups.
Like this woman Diana, who's been there for years,
she has blue eyes and Down syndrome.
When I went to visit them she came up and looked me in the eyes.
She's deaf-mute.
She looked at me like... "sister".
I wondered where she was today, asked her to come out.
She greeted us all, came up and gave us a hug.
When I was doing the zen touch she looked at me with penetrating eyes
and that was a connection of beings, soul to soul.
The realization, I am you and you are I and we are one.
No time, no words.
No need for communication at all, she doesn't speak and there's no need.
The people who were with me, she looked at each one
and gave them a long hug.
How easy they play this out for us.
What happens out there in society?
We all have a shield, "I am".
Me, tag, barrier, distance, ego.
Division, differences, social status...
When we remember what happened in Oaxaca, in Moreles, DF.
What's social status in such a situation?
What matters for real in that moment? Surviving.
Survive anyway you can. And how do you guarantee survival?
By helping others to survive.
There are cosmic laws: what you want for you give to others.
Or are you closing up and saying:
"Fear! I won't go out or my life would be at risk.
Would the greatest masters of all time say something like that?
No, no, let others do it, I'll stay safe.
Now is a precious moment, beautiful, full of great changes.
Everything is changing. Old values are not valid.
Now it's about: share love, there's no time for nonsense.
No time for distractions.
Stop the grief, look ahead.
It's time to be an updated version of you,
a renovated version of you, clean slate.
It's time to stand up and say:
"Here I am, serving with love, how can I help you?"
Love live, love to be alive.
What happens when you're with someone whose days are numbered?
They practically know their leave date.
Do they worry about their mortgage or dusting the furniture?
Do they care about their social status or the money in the bank?
What do they hold on to at that moment? To every breath,
every inspiration and exhalation are gifts.
That person lives the present intensely, as children do.
That person knows what it's worth to be alive.
Do you value your life? Can you value being in the present?
You know what it means to breathe? Inhale and exhale?
Why are you so serious? Why don't you celebrate each instant?
I'm alive! I am alive.
Taste that food because you don't know if you'll eat tomorrow.
Ask in Oaxaca, will they eat tomorrow?
They don't know.
When they have something to eat,
will they gobble it? No, they'll taste it.
It's so important to appreciate what we have in life.
Everything is changing.
You are also changing inside.
Mother Earth is changing, society is changing.
The educational and political systems, the banks... everything.
What is no longer useful we must get rid of.
How can you contribute? Be yourself.
A real person, true, authentic, serving with love.
That easy.
We've been taught to complicate things.
Taught that everything has to be difficult. That if you don't pay, it's worthless.
Through the zen courses that we teach for free
we provide you with tools for these times.
Breathing with conscience so we can raise up to the challenges.
To control your character, to withstand sudden climate changes,
to survive in case there are no food or drink.
To be able to be in extreme cold or heat.
To have mental clarity, to be yourself, a real being,
and not a puppet of society.
Learn to meditate, meditation in nothingness.
Total absence of mind
to reach wholeness, and first arrive to the cloud.
Do you know that to awake for real
we only need one second?
A second in nothingness.
Just a second when you're not thinking,
when you completely forget about yourself.
One second.
That second is outside time and space.
A place amongst thoughts
and we need to get there. But we don't have to try it.
If you try it you block it.
When we connect to our inner child there are no expectations,
we don't look for things, they come naturally
from the innocence of our inner child.
There is where we need to go as humanity.
Don't teach our children to be like us but learn how to be like them.
Watch them. I am familiar with the extraocular vision technique,
in fact, I talked about it in a conference on changes in society
and my own experiences, and I also practised it with my daughter
at home and it's fantastic.
Two very good friends who teach in Chihuahua and Ottawa, in Canada,
have tried it out with their grandchildren.
I have a couple of wonderful videos from my friend in Chihuahua, in Parral,
who gives my books to her granddaughter and she describes the cover
while wearing her mask. This should be at anyone's reach so that...
We know the status of education nowadays,
our children being programmed and .
What need is there for that?
Depersonalize them, take away their values and great capacities.
I very much support this.
I believe it could in all schools, that all children
should be facilitated that chance.
Let children teach us adults, it's easy for them.
I see my daughter, who does amazing drawings.
A natural artist, so natural that she says:
"Mum, why does everyone like my drawings and paintings so much?"
They are in Instagram if you want to take a look.
She gave me a drawing of an eagle for my birthday.
Hyperrealism taken to a extreme, looks like a picture.
"Incredible, how do you do it? -It's easy.
I see it and I paint it".
She gives it no importance, it's her gift.
Same as a mathematician, a genius, could say they don't get
why people can't understand maths if they are so easy.
Where each human being should really go,
to find their talent, their gift, that they give that
as a present to humanity.
That creativity must be in the surface and we cannot be like sheep
following the flock, everyone must pass
maths, history, grammar, science. They must be good at everything,
if they are not they fail. You are a looser, have a hard time.
I've always had an idea about that university of life should be.
Either all pass or nobody. Like a game, something beautiful,
not a challenge or a goal.
The garden of childhood, so beautiful.
-"I get stuck with Maths. -Let me help you.
-I really like studying but my spoken English is bad.
-I can talk to you".
They all hold hands because they row in the same direction
and the boat must arrive to port so when one falters
there's another one to replace them or cheer them up, right?
That's for real, human beings living in community,
as a family, we should look towards that.
The thing is, as I live it, we've been in the playground
of live, playing the game of life, distracted,
entertained, a collective amnesia.
There's a big mum looking at all the chicken, her children,
who are enjoying the playground:
"Game over, quit playing, children, come on, let's go back home".
But we want to exhaust all possibilities, "hold on, I'm coming".
Same as with our children when they use WhatsApp and their cell phones.
-"Come, son, it's time for supper. -In a minute, I'm coming".
They want to make the most of this change and exhaust
all the possibilities.
In humanity nowadays there's this feeling
of urgency, but of what? Urgency to finish the game.
To awaken, to remember who we really are.
Urgency of love, where are we going?
When horses run in the fields and they suddenly see their house,
what do they do? They gallop.
Or when we have a gigantic puzzle.
It takes forever to put the first pieces together.
But there are only a few now to flip and join.
When we are about to finish the image in front of us,
that great puzzle, the pieces come together really fast.
You can see the image of what's coming.
Suddenly, the pieces join other pieces and you say:
"Wow, the wow moment, I can see it now".
And we live that sensation of "ah, got it,
I can see it, I can see it, you look familiar.
-You too, your face looks familiar. What do I know you of?
Haven't I been with you in other event?"
Suddenly there's a "yep, let's go".
And there are also the people who know they must do something but not what.
"I don't want to be in this job, I don't like this marriage.
I don't care about my life as was. I feel I must do something".
They pluck up courage, bravery, out of nowhere.
As if jumping into a pool head on, with all the consequences.
"I feel I have to do that. If I don't do it, I will be dead in life".
You change your circle of friends, or you look at them thinking you have nothing in common.
I don't fancy going to the disco, I don't want to get wasted,
I don't like watching football... There's something else stirring inside.
I look at the zen courses, for 20 years I have taught groups of 20-30 people,
and suddenly the courses have 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000.
All those people were before 9 women and one man,
a man looking for a girlfriend. Surely he had more chances to get one.
What do I see now? Teenagers of 16 coming to the courses.
The other day there was a 85-year-old woman in Madrid.
First row, alone, big smile. She developed vision,
vision of the third eye, sixth chakra. We activate the capacity.
I always say I teach nothing, I just help them remember
what they've forgotten through a tool I give you for free,
so you can practice it with free will.
You can calm your physical body when it's suffering and in pain.
You can calm your mind, placate the pain in your heart.
From the peace of the nervous system, mind and body, you can go inside.
Calm, peace and serenity in your soul, your spirit, and then navigate
inside of you, of your hard disk; it's all there.
There, where we point when we are asked.
-"Is that you? -Me?" You point here.
People call it the heart, but it's not.
It's the seat of the soul, the I am.
Who are you, for real? You say "I". You don't say "I".
When you feel something stirring in your soul,
you take your hand to the chest and say: "I'm going to faint".
Or when you see your idol or the love of your life: "You see?"
Why do you place your hand there?
You know, unconsciously, because you feel it and when the soul speaks
there's something here... a twist, a joy that leaves you breathless when you know
something to be true, to be real. Your fourth chakra, supermemory,
as I call it, tells you: "Listen, hear, there".
What you're living and feeling in that moment, that instant,
is good for you and is real for you.
What is good for someone is bad for others.
Don't listen to others, listen to yourself.
It's a way to make decisions knowing what you feel,
that's how you follow your path.
When I wrote the book "Connection with the soul" I started my own way,
finding myself in a continuous path, for I have already found myself.
It's non-stop and you uncover little secrets in your life.
They come up and you say: "what a coincidence, I can't believe it".
I was with a friend the other day, who said: "since we are here in Tlaquepaque
I must buy something for my house, let's go see ceramic numbers".
We went to a little shop where they had some numbers on display.
I asked her which number her house was and she said it was 108.
-"Really? -Yes, why?
-Don't you know the meaning of 108? -I don't.
-Can I tell you? -Sure. -You know it's a sacred number?
In Buddhism the malas, their beads, have 108 pieces.
Catholics have 54, half.
In the Orient there are 108 gods of love, search in Google.
Look for the meaning of 108".
Anyway, they didn't have 1 in the shop.
In the next shop we browsed we met two students
from the zen course, we chatted for a while,
and I look through the window and see on the wall a pottery plate
with a big number 108.
The only one in the shop with numbers.
We went in and say: "Look, your number. -How can that be?
-Buy it. Put it in the toilet, the house, the garage, on the table,
but don't leave it there, it's a sign from the universe.
-Oh well, how cool, unbelievable".
When we went to the collective reset I was in the car
with some collaborators and in order to get in this place
we need to go through a security control and the policeman
came out to ask us the names of those in the car
and I see in his walkie-talkie big black and white numbers: 108.
"Sir, excuse me, can I take a picture of you?
-A picture of a policeman, a security guard?
-Not your face, your device, your walkie-talkie.
-What a weird woman".
As it happened, he was in the picture with the 108 clearly showing.
We were driving and I told my friend: "Look at this picture.
-I can't be. -Look it up".
Wherever you pay attention there was your co-creative energy.
If you pay attention to the past and you're working on yourself,
"poor me, all happens to me, why me... I'll work on myself".
No. Clean slate. Updated version of me, reset.
What I am thinking of right now co-creates my tomorrow.
If I'm thinking of my past, I bring that energy to the present.
Where I think, there goes my co-creative energy... I pay attention to the past,
what will I attract to my present?
The same, the energy of the past to the present.
If I am thinking and vibrating in my past,
what will I have tomorrow and the next day? Same old story.
If you want no more of your past in your future, go for a clean slate.
Instead of devoting time...
to work on yourself, just live. Forgive yourself, forget.
We must drive humanity to live in the present,
be authentic people, co-create positively.
Forgive and forget the past for your own peace. Let go.
At the same time you must greet and yield.
Greet everyone that come into contact
in the updated version they are in the present moment,
without paying attention to what they were, yesterday or in the past.
There are cosmic laws: action and reaction.
If you judge, you'll be judged.
Get rid of that weight, that backpack and greet the person
you have in front of you
with the freshness typical of the present moment.
If you're able to do that, if you can do it and take nothing into account,
you can be a happier person.
Leave everyone to learn their life lessons, let cosmic law
put everything on the table with fairness, not pointing out, not judging.
We must do a collective reset to humanity
so that we become aware, we learn universal laws.
It's a practice, not about laying out books to study.
Simply knowing that there is action-reaction and knowing
that everything is possible because that's how we'll change the world.
We must...
Look closely, be great observers of our reality.
If you are living a terrible moment, one of conflict, we could say:
"circumstances don't matter, but what you are in them".
That conflict is actually a chance for you to grow.
Maybe you have reached a certain level of evolution and you think:
"If this had happened two years ago I would have plucked their eyes off,
I would have defended myself to be right no matter what".
Now, what do you really want? You want your peace and if you have it
conflicts around you don't affect you: "I concede you're right if you want".
It transforms all bad things in good ones.
Brings out the best in you, otherwise the tendency is to "again, bla bla".
How can you go to sleep in peace at night if you're turning things over in your head?
If we watch children when they play, what do they do?
They fight, they argue, they want to be right.
Two minutes later, they prefer to play and have fun, turn the page.
They let go. They don't question: "Forget it, mum, let's play".
Don't drag that heavy backpack for your pride.
They're wonderful, great masters.
I have a great master at home, my teenage daughter.
As mother and daughter, we've been through many evolution stages together.
She never ceases to surprise me, especially in these times now
of such great changes in humanity,
on a level as species.
Sometimes I think, "teenager hormones".
I breathe with consciousness.
How is she today? Comes in, drops the school bag.
On the floor.
"Hi, good afternoon, daughter. -Ummm.
-Ok, if you don't mind leave the backpack in your bedroom.
-Umm, always the same". And she leaves.
I go to the kitchen, sit down, food on the table for both.
I am silent, knowing how the hormones come.
Shall I speak or shut up?
-"Why are you so silent? What's got into you?
-No, no, daughter. -Why don't you ask me how was my day?
-How was your day? -Don't even ask.
-Why? -Because today was the worst day of my life.
-Want to talk about it?
-Alright, but you won't understand it.
-Well, I'll try. -Never mind, you cannot get
these things with teenagers. -You might be right.
-I'll tell you anyway". You don't know how it will be...
-"By the way, what do we have for lunch? -Lentils.
-Lentils again!" She doesn't want lentils...
Well, does it ring a bell? You are constantly...
So the day she comes home and I say: "Good afternoon, Joanna, how was your day?
-Why do you ask? Leave me alone".
Ok, don't let her lose her connection but I don't want to impose
spirituality on her, she must be a free soul, with hormones.
Between her teenager hormones and my menopause hormones
if a man were in the middle, poor thing.
My hormones are gone.
That person who challenges you at a given moment,
even if it's because of their hormones, they are your master.
It's the way you can check how much you've evolved.
You can't always say: "ah ok, darling, alright, daughter; whatever you say".
You snap. "Ok, fine, stop it, honey.
Ok, up to you, go to your room, you'll come back.
And she says: "if your fans could see you now".
She strikes hard, below the belt.
"If your fans could see you, so zen, look at the zen mother".
She makes fun of you and you say: "yes, true".
So we cannot expect to be in zen mode all day long.
"Excuse me, I'm zen, you know?
I'm filthily perfect and I don't even swear
or curse anyone and I meditate all day and I'm in full awareness
every single hour of the day.
So you will be really uncomfortable in my presence, won't you?"
We are human beings searching for ourselves and our peace.
But we need to abandon our comfort zone and there'll always be someone
who knows where your weak spot is and they'll come and tempt you
and trigger you off at the least convenient moment.
And you say: "If it weren't for you, I would be illuminated".
There's always someone who gets under your skin and we must say thanks.
Thank them because they are reminding you
that you haven't yet reached mastery, your self-mastery.
It's not a question of working yourself, but of recognizing yourself.
We are now living a revolution, but we are not revolutionary,
this is a re-evolution.
The more people get it, saying:
"I choose love, I choose to be myself with all the consequences.
I choose to be free, to speak out, and my happiness depends on no one".
The way to go out each morning is to delegate to your self.
"Hey, whatever it is, however it goes, I accept it.
In the benefit of humanity, I accept this day today.
Comes what may, I will be myself. I can do better or worse,
but at least I'll try not to hurt anyone".
When we are always living in a sort of self-sacrifice...
It's not that, it's something you learn on the fly.
As a public person, I understand that many people want to come closer
and absorb and sometimes they ask at the most inconvenient time,
and you say: "how do I get rid of this one now?".
Uh, see that Mexican woman, so effusive, she'll hold on to my neck
and squeeze me, "Suzanne, I love you".
I am not in the mood right now.
You learn to say no, to respect yourself and be respected.
Now it's not the time.
Yes, but... not now.
Like teenagers: later.
You must love and respect yourself and discipline others
so they respect you.
You'll live and let live, but need others to also
let you live...
This world has a bad habit, a lack of self-discipline.
If we want to live together humanity needs those values.
Put yourself in the place of others.
Don't corner them, don't drag them.
Now, I want it now. One way or another.
Since you're here I'll squeeze you,
open up your brains and take all the info I can since you're here.
Because you love yourself, you respect yourself.
When you offer yourself as a tool to help humankind,
you must also measure yourself.
It's not a question of losing your health, physical and mental.
I simply sacrifice myself for others, for humankind
You have to be well. You give from love.
For instance, on the plane to DF...
When I fly I always offer my help to the flight attendant:
"Listen, it's a night flight, there's 12 hours ahead of us.
In case any medical emergency should arise on board
I offer to help, you can call me.
"That's great, many thanks, but nothing ever happens.
-Yeah, sure.
Yes, no worries, even though nothing happens I can help, and what happened?
I had been sleeping for about 5 hours and was fast asleep
and I hear through the PA system: "Please, any doctor on board".
I wake up. "Doctor on board", and I see the flight attendant
looking over, like saying: "are you awake?"
I get up, the plane was full, so I go to the back of the plane
where there were two women, one of the older, fainted,
eyes rolled back. And then: "how good of you to come".
I come closer, place my hand for the emergency zen touch,
to reanimate her and the lady by her side, Mexican, exclaims:
"Suzanne Powell".
My hand still placed: "Yes, it's me.
-You have no idea how many times I've asked the universe to be able to meet you.
-Your wishes are commands.
You see, because of you look at the state of your friend?
Look at her!"
She stared at me in disbelief.
In no time, the other woman opens her eyes and sees me.
I say: "No, no, what? -I cannot believe it.
I so much, so much wished to meet you.
-Look, darling, there's other ways to call my attention".
I was placidly sleeping.
It's one of those things when magic flows through you.
That was her great wish.
Says: "we wanted to come to the course but we didn't get the ticket
because the timetable didn't suit and we couldn't make it.
-Well, here we are". I gave a reset to each of them.
The attendants came: "What did you do? Where did you touch her?
How did she recover? She looks so good.
Listen, I have this thing..."
I did a reset to the whole flight, all of the crew.
Up and down for a couple of hours.
So it took a while to go back to sleep...
But you offer because you know... imagine you're on board
and still 6 or 7 hours to arrive.
What a tremendous stress for everyone to be around someone sick.
That tiny self-sacrifice you give from unconditional love.
It's different, though. So you open yourself to flow.
Who's the real true recipient of an act of love?
Oneself. You create high evolution, high vibration and you surrender
in benefit of humanity.
If you say, "if I can, you can".
What do and have always done the great masters?
They show the way.
"If I with the physical body of a human being can achieve this,
I am showing that you, too, can do it".
Just like master Jesus 2,000 years ago.
"You will do greater miracles".
It wasn't a question of placing him on a pedestal to worship.
He said: "Wake up, humans, you can do this yourselves.
There's no need to suffer.
No need to fight".
He never said: "Come in, I'll heal you but leave some money in that box
so you can receive this healing".
He gave freely and unconditionally, made no distinction, saw no differences.
Status didn't matter.
There's this urgency now to awaken. On January 14th this year, at night,
my daughter went to her room, hours before her birthday.
Went to her room and said: "Mum, I'm watching a spiritual film".
What could have stung the teenager? What's this about?
She left. Found something on YouTube and I watched a documentary
they were showing on TV about the Mayas.
Then it was time for my hour of meditation.
Minutes before her birthday she shows up.
Sits beside me, on the floor, and says: "Mum, can you turn off the TV?"
She is weird today, what does she want? Of course, it's her birthday.
Surely she'll ask for an iPhone or something similar.
That's the way parents think when our children do something
differently and consciously, it's teenagers' strategy.
She sat down at my feet and began to ask
questions about my master in life; what he liked, his habits,
his favourite colour, foods, what we did, how we walked.
And she started talking about Aztecs, Mayas, diverse cultures...
I thought it was a strange night.
And when I was totally hooked up, listening attentively to her,
she started talking about planetary events, planetary changes.
About how Mother Earth was going to re-evolve.
Future earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcano eruptions,
climate changes, major disasters.
And all of a sudden: "There's no time, we've no time left.
-Pardon? -There's no time. Time's up.
Mum, look for a way to convey a message to humanity
that they must love each other.
Look for a way to make it viral, they must understand time's up,
we need to love each other.
-Ok, daughter, a video perhaps? -There's no time!
-I write a book? -Time's up!
Look, mum, think about it". And she went back to her room, disappeared.
I was utterly shocked.
I went to the kitchen, made some tea.
When my tea was ready, Joanna came in: "Hey, mum, I don't know what's going on,
but I feel as if I've changed personality.
I was watching a film in my room
and I came here and I feel as if my personality has changed.
-Joanna, we've been in the sofa chatting for 40 minutes, you on the floor.
-What? Mum, you dreamt that.
-No, Joanna, can't you remember our 40-minute conversation?
-Shut up! You surely fall asleep while meditating.
-Look at your watch, it's twelve thirty. -Ah, my birthday".
She had no idea of what had happened.
She had made a cosmic connection with her self to convey
a message to humankind.
She does this often, when not on teenager mode.
I reminded her of our conversation and she said:
"Really? Ah, ok, maybe".
Teenager Joanna was back, she was no longer channelling.
"Oh well, you'd better think about it, mum, in any case".
After this experience, I meditated, ponder this over,
fetched my cell phone and started to record my channellings.
I took a time everyday, when I felt something was coming.
I sat down, went inside, got the phone, turned on the recording
and had sessions of 15 or 20 minutes, sometimes lasting for hours.
And that's how my book "Wake up, humans", came out, with the intensity...
Wake up. A slap a smack like saying "come on, it's time,
enough distractions and going round, it's time".
Get out of the hypnotic dream of collective amnesia.
Our being, our soul, is crying out for it.
But everybody are like zombies.
Those not here, those out there in society
who are totally distracted and absorbed by technology.
There's the greatest trap of society, technology, your beloved cell phone,
computer, electronic devices, games and entertainments
that keep us on mode ohhh.
You are not in the present, you're anywhere but in the present.
That's why it's part of the diversion, the temptations that appeal
to your five senses are the distractions to prevent your awakening.
Food, entertainment, football or anything
that gets you out of ahhhh, takes away the focus,
the will to be inside.
That's why in the zen course, since there's this compulsory
5-minute daily meditation, once a day at least,
you have the chance for 5 minutes to leave all that behind,
dust the technology away.
We need that connection. To dust our antenna.
We are all connected to the Internet but we're missing the connection to our self.
When you learn to give less importance to technology,
even if just for a day, leaving all at home, going out to nature,
walking barefoot, hugging trees.
Contemplate and enjoy a sunset, share conversations, look in the eyes,
hug people, feel, laugh, dance.
Anything that makes you... I'm having a blast!
Withdraw into silence, also, into feeling, being in the present with just yourself.
Dare to be your master.
Self-mastery, collective reset, collective awakening, the urgency.
How do you say? Birds of a feather flock together.
That's why more and more souls are coming together,
like-minded people, with that same wish.
My daughter is coming to the courses to do resets and she has a chat
in WhatsApp, with zen teenagers.
She's finding like-minded people because she lacks the cunning
and subterfuges of teenagers. She feels different.
She has no affinity with friends her age.
They don't get each other.
She's different, naive, still innocent,
her inner child on the surface, so others look at her and say:
"Look at her, how dopy". She does not behave like them,
with their piercings, their tattoos, their short-cut hair-dos,
with more bosom outside than inside the clothes,
and showing off... all like that.
She's into sports, an artist, a child, wants to play and enjoy.
You have a laugh with her, she's cute, she's very innocent and you smile.
She wants to play, to enjoy herself, because the real dream of all children
is for their parents to awaken as it's much more fun for them.
That way they can give you information from the source, guide you,
they can walk you through your process of growing,
your enlightenment, your awakening, because they're closer
to the source than you. You left a long time ago.
Can't remember, that profound amnesia has settled down.
They are yet fresh, why tell you something
that you won't understand?
That sweet girl who... in Guadalajara a previous time,
after the first day a student goes back home
and she gets there and her daughter was waiting for her
at around 11pm and says:
"Mum, I'll sleep with you tonight, mum.
I've been waiting for a long time and now I will tell you my secrets".
Next day, that woman tells in front of all the class:
"She's so small, I couldn't imagine
there was so much wisdom in such a little person.
She opened up and I realised I was totally asleep,
ignorant of that wonderful being beside me".
Ah, if they told us! I love connecting with children
and when their mothers are not around I go up to them
even if they're babies, very small, and I ask:
"What have you come to do in this world?"
They look at me... Seriously?
Is she asking what I came to do here?
The mum interrupts: "She dances well.
-I'm talking to your daughter, if you don't mind".
I'm impertinent with the parents. "Excuse me, don't speak for your children".
Then, children look at their parents, like asking for permission,
"Can I speak? -Look at me.
What have you come to do?" And the mother there...
"Son, say something. -Shut up, please".
They're so annoying!
Parents, completely annulling that child.
Reminds me of a young boy who came to see me and his parents said:
"He is autistic, he doesn't get a thing. -Excuse me? Let me try to talk to him.
Hi, what's up? I'm Suzanne. How are things with you?
This world is a bit boring, isn't it? With the adults".
He smiles shyly and his mother: "Never mind, he won't answer back.
-I'll have to ask you to leave, I'm the boss here".
And the boy finally starts to interact with me, not verbally,
he smiles and I say: "Know what? Who's your idol, your superhero?"
He did a gesture and his mother said: "Superman".
-Know what? I can do magic", and I look to another side.
So not to invade or be in a position to impose, "I do magic,
if you want to I can do it for you, but you need to ask me.
Never mind, if you don't want to, I will give my magic to your parents.
Don't say a thing.
If you want me to do magic, sit there close your eyes and do this".
I give him time. The boy finally is like that with that attitude.
"When I'm done, you'll tell me how was the magic.
Because when I finish all the magic will be inside you".
He's smiling and his parents look like: "What's she doing?"
I place my hands, hold his wrist to enter
his magnetic field to diagnose and I check to see
where the root of his absence lies.
In that moment, just by that gesture, the boy started to talk non-stop.
As if he was wearing a mask in a virtual game and started speaking.
He had never talked and he said:
"There's a spider, weirdly it doesn't bit me, I will build a house".
Like the Internet games.
"Ah there's a woman, greetings, I go there".
Parents eyes wide open, and I hadn't even touched
his chakra points.
So I flip his hand over, stand up and place my hands for a reset.
The boy stayed, completely surrendering,
and when I finish I hug him and he turns round,
and tells me: "Do that again".
He had transformed, he had been living
in two parallel realities.
During our practice both realities merged together
and he could fit in life in society, adapt.
During his speech, while I touched him,
he mentioned the name Adriano.
"Look, here's Adriano, my friend". Out of curiosity I asked his mother
who was Adriano for her: "I don't know anyone by that name.
-Know what? I know a boy called Adriano, he's 12".
This other one was around 10. "He's a very special kid,
like the boy in the film "The sixth sense",
he sees all, above and below, he's supersensitive.
I know this guy I know you'll connect with him, you want to meet him?"
I brought them together, parents and children.
They became great friends, apparently, they understand each other perfectly
and after that this boy began to lead a more normal life
communication wise.
What could happen in that instant of connection with the soul.
When we are with a human being we don't have to dictate,
baby, child, teenager, adult...
In the soul as such there is no age, and that baby is not a baby,
but a being who's adopted a physical body to go with
and live what they've chosen to live as their current life experience.
They simply need to learn to work with that body,
its limitations, until they can be autonomous.
But it doesn't mean they don't have the mind of an adult.
When we start to talk to them being to being,
have they disabilities, tags... and we simply connect with that soul,
there are no differences. It all flows from the essence of love.
Same as the people today at the Casa Hogar San Pablo.
Pure essence, love; give, receive, share.
One of those boys today, when I approached them
I remembered him, the only one who could talk.
"Hey, what's up with you? You got something to tell me?
How's your life? What can you tell me? His legs don't work from the waist
down and he is sitting, has an adorable character.
"I was on the police helicopter, they took me...
-Really? That's great. -They took me somewhere to sing.
-You sing? -Yes, I love it.
-Please, will you sing for me and allow me to record it?
I'd like to see you everyday with that smile on the wonderful
face you have, and I can keep it as a memory.
Can I? -Of course".
And he sang Imagine, by John Lennon.
A minute, with a vibration... I'll upload it to YouTube and share it.
You know how that vibration reaches, with that feeling?
He wants to change the world.
"Look, I'll upload it, I want to share what you communicate
from your soul to everyone and will tell you how many people
have listened to you, because you know that from the cradle you live in,
you can change the world. -I can change the world?
-Yes, you can change it; you and all of us can change the world
if we share from the soul. What vibrates in you and is shared
and you reach others with that same feeling.
If I'm here with my colleagues listening to you and adoring you"...
Tears break, it's so emotional to feel him.
"I will share it. -That's cool".
I said goodbye, and I can't know if I'll ever see him again.
One thing I truly admire in Ms. Conchita...
When I was there for the first time, we spoke a lot and she told me
a very important thing: "What you see here is very hard".
First thing to impact you when you arrive is the smell.
Drooling, lots of diapers, spilt food... the smell.
But you open your heart and you don't smell, it's not getting to you.
"Look, Suzanne, parents give me their children and I agree, but tell them
that they don't want their child, they won't recognize them.
I accept them, feed them, shelter them,
dress them, love them... but they're their children.
I compel you to come and visit them periodically, they are yours.
I can do the rest, but I compel you".
If they don't show up, she calls them: "your child is waiting for you".
You know what Conchita says? "100% of cases, time goes by,
and by and by, and when finally the parents,
or a father or mother arrive and recognize their child
with unconditional love and feel them in their soul and hug them
and love them in the soul and receives them into their heart in the visit...
Within the week that child is dead".
They've completed their mission, they came to show unconditional love,
to bring unconditional love out in their parents.
When they accept them as their children they die in about a week.
What do you make of this?
Recently, they were all very sad because three of them had died
in a short period and they love all of them.
Those children from families that are there are also your children,
your siblings, your parents, cousins.
They belong to you as humanity, as species.
Hence the importance of going there and ask: "Conchita, what do you need?"
They use 325 diapers per day, there's lack of hands.
Many things. There's doctors, teachers, physiotherapists,
but Conchita, on a daily basis, has no time for holidays.
She takes no break.
She can't abandon 75 children, in 20 years.
"Suzanne, I am exhausted. These days I feel a heavy burden.
I've never been so tired".
I did a reset and when we said goodbye she told me: "I feel so light,
so happy, I could play. I feel so happy.
How great you've come.
For me, today your visit was more important than the money,
even though it's necessary. The atmosphere needed lightening up".
We brought love, we didn't even eat. We prefer to serve with love
and that was nurture of the soul.
We can eat later, it was more important
to take that chance since we're here.
There was this boy in a previous visit that when I walked in
came closer, held me, hugged me, looked at me, hugged me again.
And Diana, the deaf-mute, who was beside him...
He held me and walked me out and waved goodbye to everyone,
he dragged me out. What's going on, I couldn't understand.
"Wait, wait". He went to his room and came back with Barbie dolls.
He thought I was Barbie! He had a box full of dolls.
I wore a pony tail today so he would recognize me.
"Barbie, you. Look, Barbie".
Love of my life, her Barbie.
How much joy. I saw him today. "Remember me, your Barbie?"
And he looked at me and... When I did the zen touch,
he held my hand and kept his eyes on me.
He closed his eyes and just felt.
We were super connected, who knows? He might have been a lover in other life.
Who cares!
We were there feeling, for a long while, so quiet.
It was wonderful to feel it. Those moments are only lived
if you give yourself up with all the consequences.
Something very similar happened when I visited a leper colony
in Vietnam where there were 1,000 lepers,
many of them very contagious, but the colony
was directed by a Catholic priest who'd been for years with them
and I asked: "How come you haven't been infected?
-Love is my shield".
I thought, "just like Mother Teresa, love is your shield, your protection".
If you give yourself, you're protected. While there I could see
the suffering for a leper hurts less when they tear off their finger
than standing the pain. There was this boy following me
around the leper colony who asked me to take a picture.
He took a paper handkerchief, folded it, put it in his pyjama.
To look more handsome; I was over the moon.
He was missing fingers...
They lose their nose, eyes, ears, feet and legs.
They end up as a torso with a head, which they call lion head.
No nose, no ears, no eyes.
Armless and legless torso.
That priest carried them in his arms and plunged them into a pool
to bathe them, one by one.
A torso with a head, he bathed with them.
What is that?
If a person does it for me, and we are a thousand to help,
we can lean on each other, help.
As my great friend from Colombia, Papá Jaime, says...
he saved children from the gutters and they called him Papá Jaime.
He saved them from that life, that education, he does an impressive job.
Small acts, acts of love, make a great impact.
If you do small acts of love, you'll pass this along to others
who will do small acts of love and in the end we'll all be infected.
We have to forget our problems, which aren't problems.
I remember this friend in his deathbed, Javier Manzanilla,
how he used to say: "I wish I had your problems.
To think about a life ahead only to complain
of the things you complain of".
He said that to her visitors.
"I wished I had your problems". And you realize they're nothing.
You are beside people who're waiting to exhale their last breath,
and it's nothing, we have so much to be grateful for, so much to share,
so much to feel, and when I put myself in a place to think about
those people in DF, at the moment when the earth was shaking
and buildings were collapsing around.
What did they feel? It was the end of their world.
We all fear the end of the world. That was it for them.
You know how we can change those situations?
If in your city you are safe, help those people who aren't as safe
and comfortable as you are.
Help them. When you help others unconditionally
what you're doing is creating a frequency of unconditional love
that permeates your surroundings, your land, your town, city, your country.
The protection is there, you vibrate in unconditional love.
Nothing will happen in that area because they're working on love.
Don't sit down and say "poor little things, lucky me I am not them,
nothing's wrong with me.
Poor people in Oaxaca, look at the news, what a disaster".
No. Ask what you can do.
Same as the other day at the reset when I as signing books,
Juan Carlos showed up, a guy who told us he was going to Oaxaca on Wednesday,
from León, 22 hours by truck to bring food, first-aid materials,
shoes, tarpaulins, whatever we think of.
Toilet pater, hygienic and cleaning products to take to those people
because he's been there and seen desperation in people's eyes.
To sleep in a small platform under a canvass,
amidst rain and mud.
And what comes next, epidemic.
You want to be there?
When we talked to him, I said:
"Let me record this, let's make a call and share this widely".
And the team who were with me at the moment they said:
"We are going with you, Juan Carlos, We're coming. What do you need?"
With the money we collected in the course we'll buy tents,
fill up a truck, bring them what they need.
We'll use the money from what the students voluntarily gave us;
little by little it's quite an amount
and the expenses for the event were covered. With will.
There's a surplus, so we'll turn it into material things,
whatever people need.
That guy looked like, "really? I so appreciate this chance!
-Listen, my mouth is big when it comes to asking, so let's make the most
of us being together, this is no coincidence".
I uploaded a couple of clips yesterday, of our little talk,
3 or 4 minutes uploaded to YouTube and shared.
What does it take? Look at home, toilet paper, sanitary napkins,
easy-open cans, teeth brushes and paste, combs,
boots, raincoats, a shovel.
Imagine yourself in that situation.
Things you could be missing,
a little from each makes a huge amount.
And give quality of life to people who are trying to survive.
We have the chance now.
If not, the universe and its laws...
The plan for the species, the collective awakening:
we've reached a point where the cycle ends.
The flock is being gathered and taken home.
But, how do we get home?
We can choose love, suffering, fear.
I choose love.
If we're masters of our fate you can choose to go through love
or through fear and suffering.
We're still on time to change everything.
To get home victorious and hugging.
Or we could create the need for Mother Earth to say:
"Ok, you pay no attention, this is what's coming".
She is evolving with us, she's our aircraft
transporting us, has to undergo her process, no matter what.
Remember, circumstances don't matter
but what you are in them.
You can be inside the eye of a hurricane and yet not feel the hurricane.
You can be flying in the hurricane, suffering, shouting.
Where's your hurricane, your centre, peace, quietness, tranquility,
you're in the centre of your own hurricane.
Chaos is when you're not centered.
You can live your tsunami or your eye of the hurricane.
Where do you choose to be?
Whatever is going on out there shouldn't matter to you,
because if you're in peace you'll know what to do.
If something happened, and earthquake or a tsunami,
you'll be prepared, have mental clarity to receive from your self
a connection with your cosmic family, with yourself so you'll be directed
and instructed where to go, everyone to follow and you won't know why.
You'll be followed, you'll be a lighthouse, a person with fortitude,
mental clarity, fearless, and they'll follow you to a safe place.
You won't know why.
How the help you need to lead them will reach you.
We're surrounded by angels.
If you can't recognize it...
Never mind, you'll later wonder: Where did they come out of nowhere?
How could it be?
See, I just needed that thing. A person showed up and said:
"I'll help you, go with you. Take this".
You turn round and say:
"Where did they go?"
We are not alone. Never have been alone.
First, we have each other, which is what matters.
We keep ourselves company in this great adventure of humankind.
They always wink an eye.
I had a great and wonderful wink.
In Madrid, not long ago, I was invited to this event,
Being One, and I wasn't even on the programme
because I was teaching the zen course.
But I really wanted to meet Neal Donald Walsch, he was my beginning.
"Conversations with God", that madness when I got his books.
This man talks of things that make sense to me.
He was there and the organizer asked me: "Would you like to be on stage with him?"
I almost fainted with joy.
"Yes, yes! Great, fantastic, yes".
When I saw him...
Felt him like a father, he looks very much like mine.
When I was onstage with him and we talked,
"talked with God", had a conversation together,
he said something that triggered a: "wow, what did you just say?"
He said there was an urgency to wake up humanity to love.
"Oh, what a coincidence, I've just written a book titled
"Wake up, humans", which is a message of love to humankind".
He looks at me and says:
"You are one of us.
-What? -Suzanne, I've just written and published a book titled
"Awaken the species".
I know. Found out on Facebook a week ago, called my dad
and told him to send the book, to go to a library
(it was in English and he was in Ireland) and surely the book is flying
on a plane over us right now".
It arrived the next day or a couple later.
In that moment we both had that wow, we had both written
a book of a similar content with a similar title.
"Wake up, humans" and "Awaken the species".
I felt profound admiration for him, his humbleness, how he acts...
He is seventy something and I felt that moment
was something magical we both shared as magic from the universe.
Therefore, when a message needs to be conveyed to humankind,
it's not only one person who will receive it,
but various people from various place in the planet will receive the message
so it has more credibility. Not simply a crazy town girl
from Ireland who talks nonsense; but it adds importance
that another person receives the same at the same time, the message isn't mine.
The message came from the mouth of a 15-year-old with a record
of pushes and slaps and visions from her self
to convey and share.
The day she stands up to take the mic away from me, to speak for herself,
I will humbly withdraw from onstage and listen to her,
so what she needs to communicate comes up, whatever that is.
Age does not exist. Time does not exist.
We are in an eternal present.
Everything, everything that goes on is in the programme.
What needs to happen will happen.
You just choose how to live that process.
Isn't it clear to you how to live that process?
You go up a mountain with your backpack. Peace.
If you need a took, it's also there.
Zen course have nothing to do with any religion.
It's a concept of consciousness, of awareness.
Know yourself, who you are, where you're coming from,
where you're going and why we are together.
It's a teaching from Atlantis, from when we were there.
We're remembering who we are.
The re-emergence of Atlantis is coming, what's below will be above.
What's above will be below.
We, many among us, were there in Atlantis.
Some also in Lemuria, others in the merge of Atlantis
and Lemuria and we remember.
That's why it's so important to remember our true power,
from a humble place, no ambition or ego.
We need to remember now.
Our siblings call us, saying: "Come on! We need you awakened".
They always tell me:
"Suzanne, if you need help, ask. Ask, there're many of us listening".
The day I started... Richard Gere is not here yet.
But he will be.
He's living in Madrid, he's closer, I had a vision
of a zen course where he will be.
The day he's by my side I'll publish the picture on Facebook.
And I'll wink.
"She's crazy, meeting Richard Gere", said my parents and siblings.
"Crazy girl, who do you think you are? Richard Gere.
You're just an Irish town girl, from a town with 20,000 inhabitants,
half of them cows".
My message always is: "If I can, you can.
Here we are, there's a cosmic pre-agreement.
Before we came here we'd agreed to have this interchange
and all this has already happened.
We're watching this on a screen from the future.
Watching all this, all has happened.
"I was in the fourth row".
Are we ready for the big quantum leap?
Let's bring the old spirituality down to Earth again.
In terms easy to grasp, amenable, playful,
deliciously spiritual, at the reach of anyone.
Simply base spirituality on those acts of love.
Be truthful, love oneself. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Have fun, play more, eat more chocolate, or mole.
Less fries.
Know when it's enough, have your body prepared for the changes.
It's worthless to be overweight.
Be healthy.
You need to survive the process so your physical body
can come along in that process.
It's a wonderful moment to be alive.
I'd like to give you a collective reset, if you allow me.
Just five minutes, but we need to arrange it.
-"Tired? -Pleased.
-Come on, an applause.
This is a great chance to see and be close
to the guests that engineer José Luis Rueda has invited.
We will give you a present on behalf of Circac.
An applause. And we continue.
Good vibe and all that.
For more infomation >> Be happy and let the COSMIC LAW work. Everything is changing- Suzanne Powell - Zen presentations - Duration: 1:47:22.-------------------------------------------
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Jordie Benn rates famous beards - Duration: 2:52.
Hi I'm Jordie Benn, and I'm here to evaluate some popular beards around the world.
We'll get started with...
this perfect human being right here.
Brent Burns.
Definitely with the hair -- I know it's not a part of... a part of the beard -- but...
he's got a little man bun going on.
I respect the man bun for a... for a man his size.
The beard is... is a little out of whack, but that's definitely his style.
It goes along with his teeth, and there's not too many left.
I definitely, if I had to evaluate this...
I'd definitely give it an A+.
Next one is Chewbacca, I believe.
Great beard for cold weather.
It'd do well here in... in Montreal, when the winter comes.
As you can see it's...
kind of sticking to his... to his face.
He definitely could use a trim a little bit, it's...
The beard's kind of into the cheeks and the forehead.
You want to stay away from that when growing a beard.
There's always a fine line with too much hair.
I'll give this one...
I'll give this one a hard A.
Just because it's...
That's just his style, and he rocks it.
Next one...
Drake, we can just get rid of this one, I'm not a big fan of his.
That's definitely a C-.
Next one is Santa Claus. I mean what can you say he gives everybody presents at Christmas.
He's one of the best guys going.
He could probably dye it a bit, but you know... you...
It's Santa Claus and it's... he's an... that's an iconic beard, so you can't...
You don't want to touch that. The mustache is unbelievable, how it goes into the beard.
I wish I could have that. That's actually quite nice.
But A+ for Santa Claus.
A little long, a little grey, but I guess he's a little bit older.
I mean, I'm pulling out grey hairs already, so...
You know, his life is probably pretty stressful.
I mean it's a wizard beard, and he's a wizard, so...
Definitely give it an A, but...
if it was me, I'd... I'd definitely cut it a little bit.
Forrest Gump.
I mean, the hair is a little long.
The beard is good.
If he were to play hockey, I think some people would pull on that. It's a little long, just like Gandalf.
Altogether, probably a...
Probably a good A+.
What's... I forget this guy's name, but he paints art.
He's a painter.
I mean, the fro is a bit much, but...
The beard is good, so we'll give him a...
We'll give him a B+.
His paintings though, definitely an A+.
This is my twin.
This is my idol right here.
He inspired me to grow the beard.
The... the mustache is unbelievable.
This is who I want to look like when I get a little older.
World AIDS Day PSA | RENT - Duration: 0:28.
"The Passionate Shepherd" by C. Marlowe (read by Tom Hiddleston) - Duration: 1:26.
Boardwalk Holiday Ice - Duration: 1:18.
The ice skating was really fun.
Ice skating in Santa Cruz by the beach, you know the waves crashing, it was just beautiful, it was magical.
I really loved the ice skating and playing all the games.
And all the decorations are actually really cool to see as well.
And the snow. Yea, and the snow. The snow.
Best part too. Nice touch with the snow.
I really like how they set up the arts and crafts.
We had a great time on the Carousel; the kids really loved it.
It's really nice with the Christmas music and sitting with your family by the fire pit.
I liked the s'mores and the hot chocolate, the food, I really love the food here.
It was really great fun for the family, we enjoyed hot chocolate, movies, it was incredible.
It's pretty beautiful and it's pretty festive feeling and it just really puts you in the spirit for the holidays.
I think it was a super great way to make another memory during the holidays.
The snow and the hot chocolate, the s'mores, rides, and then the ice skating to top it all off.
How to use Leovet Hoof Lab Hoof Grease - Duration: 1:32.
your favorite hoof care absorb this quickly and deeply.
This is the Leovet Hoof Lab Hoof Grease
with laurel and eucalyptus.
For a smart price because of this creamy
it's very easy to apply and it's absorbed very quickly.
This product is very environmentally friendly.
You also have this eco stamp because it does not contain
any mineral oils or parabens.
You can apply this product to the whole hoof.
It's very easy to brush on.
And it gives a nice long lasting shine.
🎤 Psalm 15 Song with Lyrics - Duration: 2:56.
1 O Lord, who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy hill?
2 Those who walk blamelessly, and do what is right, and speak the truth from their heart;
3a who do not slander with their tongue, and do no evil to their friends,
5b Those who do these things shall never be moved.
3b nor take up a reproach against their neighbours;
4 in whose eyes the wicked are despised, but who honour those who fear the Lord; who stand by their oath even to their hurt;
5b Those who do these things shall never be moved.
5 who do not lend money at interest, and do not take a bribe against the innocent. Those who do these things shall never be moved.
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Breik - Rap N' Rolla [Prod. Kerse Beats] - Duration: 3:30.
Opel Meriva 1.4 Edition "VERKOCHT" - Duration: 0:53.
How to use Leovet Hoof Lab Hoof Oil - Duration: 1:48.
your favorite hoof care absorb this quickly and deeply.
This is the Leovet Hoof Lab Hoof Oil.
It contains a lot of pure plant oils for example avocado,
jojoba or calendula.
It keeps the hoof nice and shiny and it's very easy to apply
with this integrated brush.
And after using you can close it and it stays all clean.
This product you can apply to the whole hoof
and with this integrated brush it's very easy.
You already can see that it matches
the hoof very nicely and giving a long last shine.
You can apply this product to the entire hoof
also to the sole and the frog.
This product is suitable for both
barefoot and shoed horses alike.
Peugeot 308 1.6 VTi XS "VERKOCHT" - Duration: 1:02.
Citroën DS4 PURETECH 130PK S&S Business NAVI/BT/ECC - Duration: 1:14.
VW Passat Variant - Duration: 0:54.
Citroën C3 Aircross 1.2 Puretech 110pk S&S Automaat SHINE | Navi | Bluetooth carkit en audio | Elek - Duration: 1:08.
Audi A3 - Duration: 0:41.
VW Tiguan - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A3 - Duration: 0:42.
Audi A3 - Duration: 0:42.
Google Drive - How To Check File Size Before Downloading The File - Duration: 1:10.
When we are downloading a file from Google Drive we usually don't see the file size.
Here I am downloading a file.
And we can see our browser is not showing the file size.
But when we download file from other sources lets say this one.
In this case we see full file size is given followed by a front slash.
But for Google Drive files we don't see anything like this.
This is because Google servers don't provide file details to our browsers.
Well if you want to check file size before downloading from Google drive. To do this you can click
on this three dots menu.
Then click on details.
Now we see Google drive provides even more information rather than just file size.
We can see type of the file.
Then size, modification and creation date, share type.
And if the owner provides we can even see the custom description about the file.
So from next time when you will download something from Google drive you don't need to be worried
about the size of the file.
Because you can check it beforehand of the download command.
Guys if you liked my video please hit the like button and support me by subscribing my channel.
Thanks for watching.
Take care.
BMW 3 Serie Touring 2.0D SPORT AUTOMAAT | XENON | SPORT.INTR | NAVI | VERKOCHT - Duration: 1:13.
Volvo V50 2.0D Kinetic - Duration: 1:12.
Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-tra - Duration: 0:34.
Toyota ProAce Worker 2.0 D-4D 177pk Dubbele Cabine, DC, Automaat, Proffesional ex BT - Duration: 1:08.
Volvo S80 2.0D Momentum RTI NAVIGATIE/PARK ASSIST/18"ALU./NL AUTO/127DKM!! - Duration: 1:07.
Kia cee'd SW 1.6 CRDi/136pk BNS GT-Line Navi+Camera Pano-dak Xenon Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:57.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Coupé Business Solution - Duration: 0:49.
Volkswagen Transporter BESTEL 2.5 D 96KW AIRCO / CRUISE - Duration: 1:08.
#VeteranoftheDay: Marcella Ryan LeBeau - Duration: 0:42.
LeBeau: My name is Marcella Ryan LeBeau.
I'm a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe ; Two Kettle Band.
I was a nurse in World War Two.
I served in a surgical ward in Liege, Belgium in a
1,000-bed tent hospital and we were
right near the front lines during the Battle of the Bulge.
We were busy all the time; night and day.
It has been one of the greatest honors and privileges in my life, to have been there,
to do what I was capable of doing.
And to help in that way.
Pet of the Week: Dobby - Duration: 1:58.
QUEER LIT READATHON TBR [cc] - Duration: 5:32.
finally excuse to break these out again. I'm excited
hey what's up guys it's steph and
today we are here to talk about queer lit read-a-thon TBR cuz I'm not busy
enough without toppling a read-a-thon on top of it did that wording make sense
I don't know I'm kind of sick and I don't know how words work at the moment
but it is time earlier in the year we did the queer lit readathon that was fun and another is
another part of it and we're doing it and I wrote a little bingo board on this
I was supposed to bring a pen to mark things out but I didn't bring it and I
don't know where one is so I had a bit that I was gonna do but that's out of
the window now fun
so I chose three books for the queer lit readathon this
year or this time around and mostly because I just didn't know what to read
I couldn't leave my house with the group book because the library loans for both
ebooks and audiobooks are very very pushed back there's no way I
was gonna be able get one in time there's like nine holds for one copy
so it's not happening for this one but I will be going through the other books
that I have and I'll be telling you guys about them and showing you what little
bingo boards I'm gonna be filling out so first up I have my brothers husband by
Oh pronouncing names Gengoroh Tagame and this one is about a Japanese family and
like it's just one day this random Canadian comes to their home and says
hey I was your brother's husband and he since passed away and I want to know
about his background and where he's from and so so it's it's very like what at
first they do accept him in and they're supposed to like learn more about each
other and learn about about the brother learn more about family in Japan all that
kind of stuff it's um hits a lot of points on this one it's a graphic novel
as well so I'm really excited this is one I tried to read last time but the
loan was not here or I might have had it and didn't get around to it I'm not sure
but I have been wanting to read this so this is a good excuse to read it this
one hits a five-star prediction because honestly I love graphic novels like this
like with the whole like surprise I'm like your family member's
significant other like I love that kind of trope and so is that a trope
let's just call a trope so that's going for five star prediction we're going
with a new author because I don't think I've read anything about this author
before so it's definitely a new to me author so check a check graphic novel
check a check there was something else on here where did it go
I had like another oh it was translated this one is translated from Japanese so
check a check that I don't even which ones I hit one two three yeah and yet so
if that little triangles kind of for bingo boards I'd be so set already why
do I keep making videos when I'm sick why does sickness choose a strike right when
I'm gonna film like it's not helpful at all man next up I got the secret love of
geek girls this one um I read for the last queer lit readathon or one of the queer
readathons I did earlier cuz I've done two this year um I read the secret loves of geeks
and now I'm gonna be reading secret loves of geek girls which came first secret loves of geeks was
okay I was really excited about it because there was some artists in there that was
really excited to read and now I'm checking this one out because secret
loves geek girls and there's always like queer aspect to it so hell yeah
it's another graphic novel sort of re telling so it's got a bunch of little
anthologies all on the kind of style of graphic novels and all that fun stuff so
it's really hittin' the graphic novels time around and I finally have all we can do
is wait by -where did it go- Richard Lawson this one is about a bridge collapsing is
from multiple perspectives including this brother and sister one or the
brother is keeping something secret one or this guy's girlfriend was on the
bridge when it collapsed riding a bicycle there was one where someone's
best friend was I believe was on a bus when the bridge collapsed like that was on
the bridge so it's like all they can do is like wait and figure out what's happening
they're in the hospital they're like they're not hearing any update it's like
stressful and I'm here for the emotional pain and scarring let- give it to me
I'm ready for it this may or may not be a spoiler but I
looked into it one of the main storylines does revolve around a
queer character so I'm excited for that let's get some sadness in there
I'm ready for it I don't have enough of it in my life already and yeah that is
my TBR for the queer lit read-a-thon as of right now I have three books I don't
want to overdo it because it's going on for a week and my reading hasn't been
the best because NaNoWriMo has been going on so I've been focusing on the
words got maybe halfway through it from the point that I'm filming this video
maybe halfway NaNoWriMo it hasn't been good try to finish When Dimple Met Rihsi
before the fifth because that's when I have to return the library book and then
I have to one get through these books and they're all on library loan right
now on my Kindle so I want to make sure I get those done I really want to read
them I want to get my book count up I almost said word count again this being
sick all the words my brain are muddled as Frick definitely didn't hit all the
little checks on the bingo board but that's okay we hit some of them and I'm
just excited to have like a set time dedicated to just a group of queer books
like yes I'm ready for it give it to me I'm excited and that's all I've got for
you guys today I hope you have a lovely day / night and I'll see you later
The Final Trials Part 1!| Let's Play: Overcooked pt. 7 - Duration: 15:45.
Hyundai Tucson - Duration: 0:53.
🎤 Psalm 15 Song with Lyrics - Duration: 2:56.
1 O Lord, who may abide in your tent? Who may dwell on your holy hill?
2 Those who walk blamelessly, and do what is right, and speak the truth from their heart;
3a who do not slander with their tongue, and do no evil to their friends,
5b Those who do these things shall never be moved.
3b nor take up a reproach against their neighbours;
4 in whose eyes the wicked are despised, but who honour those who fear the Lord; who stand by their oath even to their hurt;
5b Those who do these things shall never be moved.
5 who do not lend money at interest, and do not take a bribe against the innocent. Those who do these things shall never be moved.
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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