I know a few celebrities I want to meet, a few of my favourite musicians - Ive got a
mental list but one person who is not on there - is the devil.
Wether or not you believe in the devil, there are many people throught history that not
only believe in the devil - they claim theyve met him - and have sometimes done dark deals
that have become the stuff of legend.
Here are 10 of the most famous.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Illusionist[a].
This is said to be a true story from Juarez in Mexico of when the devil appeared to a
It happened in 1942 and was later told by his son before spreading around the world.
On a summers day the man went to see the circus in town with his father and brother.
The shows werent very interesting that year but they met two girls and went off to hear
some live music.
Suddenly, they were stopped by a shrot man in a dinner jacket.
He claimed he was the greatest illusionist in the world but that the circus turned him
down because his act was so frightening - the owner accused him of being the devil.
This got the man and his brothers attention, the stranger said they could see the trick
at his home.
They followed the stranger back and sat on the sofa in his trailer.
The stranger extended his arm and began running his left hand over his gloved right hand,
all while chanting in a strange tongue.
He asked if they were ready - they said yes - he pulled off the glove - everyone screamed.
To their horror, the hand was now a skeleton hand, still wiggling its fingers.
The mans brother got up to take a closer look, the stranger grabbed the top of his head with
his bony hand and said now he was really going to show them something.
They all ran and screamed.
The man stopped and looked back - the stranger was standing on the top of the steps and laughing
at them.
On the ground was a wooden plank with long nails pointing up, the stranger jumped off
the step and landed right on a nail - blood poured out - but he continued to laugh.
The man just stared at him, transfixed, until his brother grabbed him and they both ran.
They knew it was the devil, they felt it was the devil - and they said it was a day they
can never forget …
Next up at number 9 we have Robert Johnson[b].
He is one of the most legendary blues musician of all time whos music went on to influence
other musicians for generations.
Aside from his music - folks will tell you another story about Robert Johnson - that
he met the devil.
They say that one day Robert was walking down the highway on a cool October night when he
came to a crossroads.
A tall man was sitting there on a log by the side of the road.
He said he knew Robert and asked him if we wanted to play the guitar like nobody every
played it before, to be the king of the delta blues.
He said he wanted that - the devil warned him though that although his music will enchant
the crowds, his soul would now belong to him -This is not just any crossroads- the devil
said -I put this X here for a reason, and I been waiting on you- … then, the devil
possessed him - Roberts eyes rolled upwards in their sockets, the moon pierced his eyes,
then he looked at the man straight in the eyes and said -Step back, Devilman, Im going
to Rosedale, I am the Blues- … whether or not you believe the story, Robert Johnson
was an incredible blues musician - I was listening to him as I wrote this script - and he also
died under mysterious circumstances involving poison when he was 27 which historians are
still trying to fully understand …
Moving on to number 8 we have St Dunstan[c].
He was a 1-th century hermit who lived in Glastonbury in England.
One day, a mysterious stranger approached him and asked that St Dunstan used his skill
in smithing to make a chalice for him.
Dunstan agreed and set to work - as he worked though, he saw the stranger change form - from
man to woman, from woman to child, flowing from one to the next.
Dunstan realised this was the Devil but tried to act as if he hadnt noticed.
Then, when the chance presented itself, he grabbed a pair of red hot tongs from the fire
and pierced them into the strangers nostrils, causing the devil to cry out in pain and flee.
A while later, the Devil returned again - this time as a vagrant street performer playing
the harm.
Dunstan grabbed him by the leg and began shoo-ing him - then he nailed a horseshoe to his cloven
The devil screamed in agony and agreed to be released on the condition that he never
approached a house with a horseshoe hanging over the doorway, giving birth to the legend
that horseshoes are lucky and even keep the devil at bay …
Moving on to number 7 we have The Devils Violinist[d].
Thats the name given to Niccolo Paganini - some say he was the greatest violinist who ever
He was a child prodigy in Genoa, Italy who struggled to find a teacher that he couldn't
By the age of 15 he was touring solo but within a year he had a breakdown and succumbed to
He didnt reappear until the age of 22 but this time, he was somehow better than ever.
They say he was able to play 3 octaves across four strings in a hand span - you don't have
to know what that means - but its thought to be nearly impossible even by todays standards.
He was a striking sight in his performances - very tall and thin, with hollow cheeks,
very long fingers, pale skin and flaming eyes with thin lips that held a sardonic smile.
To top it off he often wore all black for performances.
Soon, rumours began to circulate that his violin was the devils instrument - that Paganini
had made a deal with him.
Some said they saw the devil help paganini play, others once said they saw lightning
bolt hit the end of his bow during a performance.
When he died, he turned down his last rites from a priest - the official account is that
he did this because he thought he wasnt going to die - but others say it was because he
feared the blessing of a priest …
Coming in at number 6 now we have The Richest[e].
This is the story of Jonathon Moulton.
He was an American general who helped the US win the revolutionary war - he's also known
for trying to trick the devil.
Despite being very rich, Moulton wanted more.
One night, sitting in front of his fireplace, Moulton said out loud that hed sell his sole
to the devil to be the richest man in the province.
Not one to miss out on the offer of a soul, the Devil appeared and said that he would
make the deal and fill Moultons boots with gold coins every month.
For a while Moulton enjoyed finding the gold in his boots every month - but soon he wanted
more and hatched a cunning plan.
He cut the bottom of his boots and put them on the chimney.
The devil filled up the boots but eventually noticed the shoes never filled.
The coins were tumbling down the chimney were Moulton was practically swimming in them.
As revenge, the devil took back all the gold hed ever given Moulton, burned down his house
and kept his soul in hell for eternity.
Legend says that years after his death, Moultons grave was opened and instead of a skeleton,
they found a coffin filled with gold …
Next up at number 5 we have Saint Pio[f].
We talked about Saint Duncan earlier but he wasnt the only saint who claimed to have a
run in with the devil.
Pio was known for his frequent and often violent battles with the devil.
On one occasion, a local Friar found him lying bloodied and bruised in his room.
When Pio came round, he said that he had been attacked by either Satan or one of his demons
which had left him with 3 broken ribs.
On one night in 1906, Pio heard footsteps coming from the next room which he thought
was his friend - Friar Anastasio.
He went to the window and tried to call out to invite him in for a chat - he found that
hsi voice had gone though, he couldn't speak.
Then, he noticed a large black hound sitting menacingly on a nearby window ledge.
In his account of what happened, Pio said -I saw the big dog enter through the window
and there was smoke coming from his mouth.
I fell on the bed and I heard a voice from the dog that said, 'him it is, it is him.'
While I was still on the bed, the animal jumped to the ledge of the window, then to the roof
and disappeared.- … his colleagues believed that the devil was targetting him because
of all the exorcisms that Pio had performed.
They said that on many occasions, before leaving the body of a possessed man, they would hear
the devil shout -Padre Pio, you give us more trouble than Saint Michael - do not steal
the bodies from us and we will not bother you-
Next up at number 4 we have Johann Georg Faust[g].
A 1587 booked titled -Historia and Tale of Doctor Johannes Faustus- tells the story of
Johannes Faustus who allegedly met with the devil.
According to the book, he was a German scholar who, quote, loved what ought not to be loved.
It says that he craved nothing more than forbidden knowledge.
One day, Johannes traveled to a crossroads in a forest and summoned the devil.
He stood inside a protective circle and performed an ancient and unholy ritual.
Soon, lightning came crashing down and the entire forest was destroyed.
Demons emerged in 3 forms, first as a dragon, then as a man made of fire, then as an old
After hours of conversation, Faust agreed to trade his soul so that his every question
would be answered for 24 years.
He told himself that things would be fine because in his words the devil -might not
be so black as they use to paint him, nor hell so hot as the people say- … well, the
story ends by saying that he was wrong - and people were right.
It claims that when Johannes died, his soul went straight to hell where he spent an eternity
of torture, wishing for death, but finding that even death had forsaken him …
Moving on to number 3 we have The Signed Pact[h].
Father Urbain Grandier was a French Catholic priest who, in 1632, was accused by a local
group of nuns that he had bewitched them and sent demons to commit evil and impudent acts
with them.
Investigations into Urbain reached a new level with the discovery of what people claimed
to be a physical contract written on paper - between Urbain and the devil.
The contract was said to even be signed by Urbain, the devil and a number of demons.
It read -We, the influential Lucifer, the young Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi,
and Astaroth, together with others, have today accepted the covenant pact of Urbain Grandier,
who is ours.
And him do we promise the love of women, the flower of virgins, the respect of monarchs,
honors, lusts and powers.- … well, whatever you think about all that, the local court
found him guilty and sent him to burn at the stake …
Moving on to number 2 now we have St Gemma Galgani[i].
In her diaries, she wrote that she believed the Devil himself was waging a personal war
against her The demon came before me as a giant of great height and kept saying to me
"For thee there is no more hope of salvation.
Thou are in my hands!".
I replied that God is merciful and therefore I fear nothing.
Then, giving me a hard blow on the head in a rage he said "accursed be you!" and
then he disappeared.
I then went to my room to rest, and there I found him.
He began again to strike me with a knotted rope, and wanted me to listen to him while
he suggested wickedness.
I said no, and he struck me even harder, knocking my head violently against the ground.
At a certain point, it came to my mind to invoke Jesus' Father "Eternal Father,
through the most precious blood of Jesus, free me!"
I then don't quite know what happened.
That contemptible beast dragged me from my bed and threw me, hitting my head against
the floor with such force that it pains me still.
I became senseless and remained lying there until I came to myself a long time afterwards.
Jesus be thanked!- from the look of her diary, it wasnt her first encounter and it certainly
wasnt her last …
And finally at number 1 we have Pope Sylvester the 2nd[j].
If you had to pick one person who isnt in league with the devil, you may pick the pope
- but back in the 10th century, people thought the first French pope was a master of the
dark arts and had soul his sole to the devil.
He was undoubtedly a genius, known for his work in mechanics, mathematics, astronomy,
clocks, organs, introducing Arabic numerals to western europe as well as natural science,
music, philosophy and theology.
That was a lot for one person - especially back then.
After he died, rumours began to circulate that Sylvester had made a deal with the devil
- that the devil had given him his intelligence and wisdom in return for his soul.
This was a terrifying prospect for Catholics at the time - the thought that their leader,
Gods representative on Earth - had been meeting and dealing with the devil in secret.
In recent years, experts agree that he likely got his skills and knowledge from regular
meetings with scholars from all over the known world - and not from some dark dealings - what
do you think?
And what do you think about all of that?
Im not sure if I want to even ask this question but does anyone have any similar stories?
I don't know if this is going to become a series - I hope were not doing a part 20 of
this in the future.
Let me know though, you guys are in charge.
Thanks for watching as always, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next
For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters - Duration: 13:20.-------------------------------------------
British Royal Family forgive Prince Charles divorce Lady Diana 20 years ago - Duration: 13:20.
British royal family forgive Prince Charles divorce Lady Diana 20 years ago
The monarchy in the United Kingdom
Is in the 90s in the wavering
Marital problems
Divorce and the fatal accident Prince
Does Diana's move the Royals Into the sideline
Doc but time heals wounds
Prince Charles regains his reputation despite is Camila
Prince Charles Smiles mildly
Whenever he appears in public
As does wife Camilla
Got the British heir-to-the-throne
Is now 67
His hair has become a little shabby
Camilla is 69 even she is not aging
That hardly anyone would argue
That they are two exceptionally good-looking people
But as a couple
They look relaxed easy-going
They look as if they have arrived at Hard Times have left them behind
Dr2 are currently vacationing
Probably in Scott
But the palace does not want to reveal that
Does Charles think back to the Dark Ages
His marital drama with Princess Diana
And plunge the British Monarchy into one of the worst modern crisis
Died on August 28th
The dream couple was divorced that huge disaster was yet to come
Looking back
The marriage war was ugly
Brutal and rather tasteless at the time thanks to the British yellow press it became a global media event
. they were Frank interviews about adultery with a riding instructor
Intercepted phone calls
Camila gate was the speech of a year-long secret affair of the heir to the throne
Doctor question of the Cross these days was
Can someone become king
She was the third in marriage
It'll legendary television interview in late 1995
Lady died
More breathy than
Unspoken said about Camila
She was the third in the marriage
And it got a little tight
. but it was not just Camilla parker-bowles
The princess youthful and enduring love
The whole Palace took the Young
Beautiful Guyana in the criticism
Cold week
Self centered and heartless was the Royal House the sentence was to last a long time
But Diana then 34
Put it on top cleverly bringing her two boys into the game
William and Harry
Then 13 + 11
Age when boys are still wearing shorts
. and yet the question suddenly Rose in the room
If the boys were not the better King's than the father
Da da da
The marriage crisis
Have become the crisis of the monarchy
That Queen Elizabeth
The second so far The Spectator of the drama
Became active it was she who advised the sun to divorce
Got the marriage last
Did 15 years
With increasing skepticism
Even reject
The British met their monarch
Got already in 1997
Before the tragic accidental death of Diana on the streets of Paris
According to a survey by The Guardian
Held only 48% of the monarchy
Brenda Spencer
10 years earlier
It has been 77%
Charles is becoming more popular
But it should get worse
In retrospect
Marital class
Rose Warfare and divorce appear more as a Prelude
The true drama
It's late August 1997
It's Dark Night in Paris
The beautiful Diana and the Playboy Dodi al-fayed are racing away from the Papa Razzi
Got the car accelerates faster and faster with the couple
The Papa Razzi hunt behind on motorcycle
The ride becomes a death ride
The death of the princess
Shakes the British
Got the whole world is watching the Sea of flowers growing in front
The Buckingham Palace
Got the British were people who tend to hide feelings not anymore
The people it loves the queen of hearts
Janome the queen
Charles in the Royal has remained terribly stiff and wordless
As if they were none of the files in front of the palace
The British are horrified half the world is appalled
Jolly Royal house that is cold callous one does not want
But any more than a divorced
And today
Time Heals all wounds
It is the common opinion
Better mistress could not become a queen anymore than a wild Thief would become a game warden
The telegraph that's in those dark years
Such sounds no longer exist
Josh Charles
The Eternal heir to the throne
Has long since recovered from the negative image of his time married his childhood sweetheart
And the British
Accepted it
In the popularity scale
Although the Prince of Wales ranks behind his son William
. what the voices
But he should renounce the throne
Silencing more and more
Dr. Miller would be a charleses side when he became king
. however
She would probably not be called King consort
The palace signaled in advance
But only Prince consort
Princess Diana's friend on their last conversation
Her passion for Dodie and how dance helped her through hellish divorce
Choreographer Derek Deane
Who bonded with Diana over a shared love of ballet
As spoken of the remarkable change in her after she divorced Prince Charles
Dance Maestro Derrick Dean stared across the table at his glamorous lunch companion and instantly knew this was a woman who
Had changed forever
Carefree and relax
Princess Diana had just finalized her divorce from Prince Charles
And there was no wiping the smile from her face
As she sat in a restaurant in central London she excitedly shared her plans for the future
It is a moment that Derek will never forget
But it's also one that will forever be bittersweet
A new Diana was born
Says Derek
One free of pain and sorrow
She now had a future
Or so she thought
A year on from that lunch on August 28th
1996 Diana was gone
20 years on
Derek still struggles to accept his beloved friend is dead
A dancing choreographer in X director of the English national ballet
Became one of Diana's closest friends
Due to her love of ballet
She headed straight to the English national ballet performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Albert Hall on the day she divorced
After the performance Diana
And Derek enjoyed lunch
Derek says
There was no more drama
She had lost a lot of the burden that weighed her down
Derek's recollection is just one of a series of remarkable memories that he reveals today
In a moving interview he also tells of the last conversation he had with Diana shortly before her fateful trip to pair
He tells how she described the period with Dodi fade is her Summer of Love
Derek also revealed she turned to dance to get through her hellish marriage to Charles
And he tells how the heartbroken Royal would constantly cry during her honeymoon because she knew Charles was in love with Camilla
Who went on to become his second wife
Reminiscing about their celebratory lunch
Derek says
On the day her divorce was made official
Diana visited one of our shows
Which really shows the connection she felt to our art and how it come to her
After the performance we done
Like always
She appeared strong
Never complained
No More Drama
She had lost the burden that weighed her down in a new Diana was born
Free of pain and sorrow
It was clear all this had made her stronger
She now had a future
Or so she thought
It took 5 minutes and cost just 20 pounds for Diana and Charles to legally divorce in a dingy london-based
Smith office
6 weeks earlier Diana had been in floods of Tears as the first stage of her divorce was granted
During her lunch with Derek she was still wearing her wedding ring
But Derek observed how the princess transformed from a mousy little girl to a swan with confidence
He explains
Her divorce really changed her
She became more confident
A true change from the woman that got to know 6 years before
Right after her engagement to Charles
We met after a performance at the Royal Opera House
She was so quiet
A mousy little girl excrutiatingly shy and very insecure
I got to know a very different Diana when she became a patron of my English national ballet
We share the same sense of humor and could really make each other laugh
She trusted me and could be herself with us
To us
The team
The dancer she wasn't a princess
She was just Diana
She didn't have an attitude
She didn't do protocol
She was open kind and friendly to everyone
She also love to come to our rehearsals and I never knew her, then when she immersed into our world
She was a rock to me in my work
She was so interested in supportive of my creative process and ideas
The older she got the less of a quiet insecure little duck she became
She grew into a swan with confidence and I admired her for that
Having that strength and courage when her life was so tough at that time
Following her divorce
Diana went on to find love with Dodi
The son of business tycoon Mohamed Al faid
And Derek Delights and how happy his close friend had become as she enjoy the Summer of Love
Shortly before she died she visited my staging of the biggest Swan Lake in the Royal Albert Hall
Not knowing it was the last Valley she would ever see
She was very positive about the rest of her life
She knew what her mission was doing charity work in helping bring peace
She was dating Dodi and he was good for her
He protected her
It was a Summer Romance
I knew he would never be her new husband
But they had a wonderful time
She enjoyed his company and she felt safe
Derek continues
This was the last time I saw her
We had plans to meet again but it wasn't to be
She was going on holiday to the south of France to celebrate son love and freedom
She went to St tropez in August
I'm there too and we plan to meet up
But the princess left for Paris telling Derek
I'll See You in September at your next premiere
I'm looking forward to it
Derek says
Those words never stop haunting me
On August 31st 1997
And OT
Were fatally injured in a car crash in the Pont de l'alma tunnel in Paris
Derek says
When we heard we were all in shock and I Cry
Reminiscing on their shared love of ballet
He reveals how Diana turn to dance to get through her hellish marriage
The heartbroken Royal confided in him about how she would constantly cry during her honeymoon because she knew of Charles is
Feelings for another woman
Derek says
She should have never married Charles
Marriage was hellish
It was one dramatic moment after the other
It was just a hurricane of grief because Diana realized that the real love of her husband's life was Camila
She said
I cried all through my honeymoon
I was so tired because of all the bad things around me
During that time full of depressions in tears she got thin
They could see her bones
The doctors just gave her pills instead of really taking care of her
All everyone wanted was a quick fix
It was Diana herself who took charge of her recovery and confronted Camilla
Camilla said something like
What are you so worried about
Everyone adores you
You're on a pedestal
You got everything you want
To which Diana said
But you've got my husband
Soon after that they divorced in for her that was such a release
Last month Channel 4 screen the documentary
In her own words in which the princess
Films privately by her voice coach in 1992 and 1993
Describe the devastation in misery caused by her husband and his married mistress conducting their adulterous Affair behind her
Since then Apple has revealed that more than two-thirds of the British people are opposed to Camilla becoming Queen
Now Derek is restaging Swan Lake in the ornate Royal Theater care in Amsterdam
It is the same version he staged in the year Diana died in the last Valley she ever saw
Derek has dedicated the performance to her
He says
With her hectic life and being the most famous woman in the world at that time
Ballet was a true escape for Diana
With us she stepped into a world of beauty
Valley lifted for mentally
After the show's she would always talk to the dancers and we would have dinner together
She always told me everything
He adds
I miss her Aura and her smile
When she entered a room it was as if a light went on
I miss her loving
Caring nature that was so evident when she talked
The Rhode Show - Start of Show - 11/30/18 - Duration: 1:01.
PUBG Console: QBZ/M16 Combo - 16 Kill Stream Highlights - Duration: 7:24.
there you go all right we're gonna hot drop right off the bat here into boot
camp we got one other guy heading to this warehouse I'm actually going to go
to this house then if he's gonna hit the warehouse just got a sound sir for the
qbz which is interesting
see this guy comes this way nice hit him right in the head
urban freestyle taken out right away looks like we got a guy over yonder by
these crates here he definitely gonna have an advantage over me not if he
plays like that that's fantastic I'm gonna take this
energy drink and kinda check my back I'm like that guy was doing he wasn't
checking his back at all oh and we got another guy right right here I'm trying
to pace my shots a little bit nice I'm already at three kills here at boot camp
pretty nice hot drop so far Jacob Vance what's going on man hope you
guys all had a good Thanksgiving let me know if you guys got any plans or had a
good day yesterday or maybe you had a bad day sometimes Thanksgiving is back
I need a helmet dude I need a helmet real bad
oh wow holy crab you see how much help I have right now this is insane there's so
many people up on me that guy less the potato really really hard the beginning
of this game is crazy if you come up at me dude I'm gonna have to shoot at you I
don't want to get in trouble for teaming or anything that stuff it's just part of
the thing here man warning shots will have to get fired I'm sorry oh my god
kiya the drone I'm getting shot at now from another angle here sorry buddy but
like I said I gotta take shots hoping that guys just there
maybe I'll get him with this
got him behind the wall I heard him somewhere over here alright
so feel like I'm on this side of the map a lot cuz I've been dropping bootcamp a
lot recently oh wow we got a guy right here Wow
and a shot went flying what's scary about those shots is that could have
been my head that's why you just got to stay on the move
check your back as the circle comes in especially if you're just moving in last
last minute with a circle make sure you're checking your back no one else
will all right the push continues I thought I saw a guy by the tree there
but I'm not sure I got 30 seconds well 25 realistically til the next circle
moves wow this is gonna be hot at quarry all right I'm gonna run this way I don't
want to get involved over there there's definitely people over there I don't
want to get involved in that so I'm gonna play on the outside here and kind
of rotate positions and we got a guy right here is probably gonna try to put
some shots on me I'm gonna wait I just don't think there's a point got him got
him got him you got to really tap the trigger on those shots man in those
situations getting better at handling that normally I would just hold down
pull auto and just get rekt
got him this guy's like I don't know if he knows exactly what's going on
got him 12 kills baby let's go nine people left
got him Deadshot crate landed here
this guy's gonna have to move in because of the circle that was probably a little
too does a bad grenade throw got him 14 kills we got five people left first game
of the day someone just got taken out over there circles by me so 15 kills
it's just that guy left over here
could've swore I just heard until my left but I think that's just the
doubling and the audio is messing with me right now cuz I thought could it's
where this guy was over here
that creates coming in really close
we're at 15 kills
I'm going to met up real fast and throw Molotov
switch positions on him 16 kills baby let's go that might be a record for me
that was probably one of the best games I've ever had so first game of the day
post Thanksgiving mm-hmm winner winner chicken dinner baby very nice ain't no
thing but a chicken wing that was crazy that was honestly the best probably one
of the best games I've ever had I might have had an 18 solo-kill game before but
if not I think that was the best one let's go
Volkswagen Passat Variant GTE | 15%| Highline | 1.4 TSI | 218PK | incl BTW - Duration: 0:55.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Sol | Winterset LM | Airco | Nieuwe APK | - Duration: 1:06.
Seat Ibiza New 1.0 EcoTSI 95pk Style | Navi | Stoelverwarming | - Duration: 1:08.
Volkswagen Golf 1.2 TSI 125pk 5drs Trend Edition Navi 17 inch Trekhaak - Duration: 1:07.
Kia Rio 1.0 TGDI GT-Line | Camera | Cruise | GT interieur | Navi | 17" LM | Keyless | - Duration: 1:14.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT ComfortLine Navigator | Airco | 7 jaar garantie | Navi | Camera | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:05.
Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters - Duration: 13:20.
I know a few celebrities I want to meet, a few of my favourite musicians - Ive got a
mental list but one person who is not on there - is the devil.
Wether or not you believe in the devil, there are many people throught history that not
only believe in the devil - they claim theyve met him - and have sometimes done dark deals
that have become the stuff of legend.
Here are 10 of the most famous.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Illusionist[a].
This is said to be a true story from Juarez in Mexico of when the devil appeared to a
It happened in 1942 and was later told by his son before spreading around the world.
On a summers day the man went to see the circus in town with his father and brother.
The shows werent very interesting that year but they met two girls and went off to hear
some live music.
Suddenly, they were stopped by a shrot man in a dinner jacket.
He claimed he was the greatest illusionist in the world but that the circus turned him
down because his act was so frightening - the owner accused him of being the devil.
This got the man and his brothers attention, the stranger said they could see the trick
at his home.
They followed the stranger back and sat on the sofa in his trailer.
The stranger extended his arm and began running his left hand over his gloved right hand,
all while chanting in a strange tongue.
He asked if they were ready - they said yes - he pulled off the glove - everyone screamed.
To their horror, the hand was now a skeleton hand, still wiggling its fingers.
The mans brother got up to take a closer look, the stranger grabbed the top of his head with
his bony hand and said now he was really going to show them something.
They all ran and screamed.
The man stopped and looked back - the stranger was standing on the top of the steps and laughing
at them.
On the ground was a wooden plank with long nails pointing up, the stranger jumped off
the step and landed right on a nail - blood poured out - but he continued to laugh.
The man just stared at him, transfixed, until his brother grabbed him and they both ran.
They knew it was the devil, they felt it was the devil - and they said it was a day they
can never forget …
Next up at number 9 we have Robert Johnson[b].
He is one of the most legendary blues musician of all time whos music went on to influence
other musicians for generations.
Aside from his music - folks will tell you another story about Robert Johnson - that
he met the devil.
They say that one day Robert was walking down the highway on a cool October night when he
came to a crossroads.
A tall man was sitting there on a log by the side of the road.
He said he knew Robert and asked him if we wanted to play the guitar like nobody every
played it before, to be the king of the delta blues.
He said he wanted that - the devil warned him though that although his music will enchant
the crowds, his soul would now belong to him -This is not just any crossroads- the devil
said -I put this X here for a reason, and I been waiting on you- … then, the devil
possessed him - Roberts eyes rolled upwards in their sockets, the moon pierced his eyes,
then he looked at the man straight in the eyes and said -Step back, Devilman, Im going
to Rosedale, I am the Blues- … whether or not you believe the story, Robert Johnson
was an incredible blues musician - I was listening to him as I wrote this script - and he also
died under mysterious circumstances involving poison when he was 27 which historians are
still trying to fully understand …
Moving on to number 8 we have St Dunstan[c].
He was a 1-th century hermit who lived in Glastonbury in England.
One day, a mysterious stranger approached him and asked that St Dunstan used his skill
in smithing to make a chalice for him.
Dunstan agreed and set to work - as he worked though, he saw the stranger change form - from
man to woman, from woman to child, flowing from one to the next.
Dunstan realised this was the Devil but tried to act as if he hadnt noticed.
Then, when the chance presented itself, he grabbed a pair of red hot tongs from the fire
and pierced them into the strangers nostrils, causing the devil to cry out in pain and flee.
A while later, the Devil returned again - this time as a vagrant street performer playing
the harm.
Dunstan grabbed him by the leg and began shoo-ing him - then he nailed a horseshoe to his cloven
The devil screamed in agony and agreed to be released on the condition that he never
approached a house with a horseshoe hanging over the doorway, giving birth to the legend
that horseshoes are lucky and even keep the devil at bay …
Moving on to number 7 we have The Devils Violinist[d].
Thats the name given to Niccolo Paganini - some say he was the greatest violinist who ever
He was a child prodigy in Genoa, Italy who struggled to find a teacher that he couldn't
By the age of 15 he was touring solo but within a year he had a breakdown and succumbed to
He didnt reappear until the age of 22 but this time, he was somehow better than ever.
They say he was able to play 3 octaves across four strings in a hand span - you don't have
to know what that means - but its thought to be nearly impossible even by todays standards.
He was a striking sight in his performances - very tall and thin, with hollow cheeks,
very long fingers, pale skin and flaming eyes with thin lips that held a sardonic smile.
To top it off he often wore all black for performances.
Soon, rumours began to circulate that his violin was the devils instrument - that Paganini
had made a deal with him.
Some said they saw the devil help paganini play, others once said they saw lightning
bolt hit the end of his bow during a performance.
When he died, he turned down his last rites from a priest - the official account is that
he did this because he thought he wasnt going to die - but others say it was because he
feared the blessing of a priest …
Coming in at number 6 now we have The Richest[e].
This is the story of Jonathon Moulton.
He was an American general who helped the US win the revolutionary war - he's also known
for trying to trick the devil.
Despite being very rich, Moulton wanted more.
One night, sitting in front of his fireplace, Moulton said out loud that hed sell his sole
to the devil to be the richest man in the province.
Not one to miss out on the offer of a soul, the Devil appeared and said that he would
make the deal and fill Moultons boots with gold coins every month.
For a while Moulton enjoyed finding the gold in his boots every month - but soon he wanted
more and hatched a cunning plan.
He cut the bottom of his boots and put them on the chimney.
The devil filled up the boots but eventually noticed the shoes never filled.
The coins were tumbling down the chimney were Moulton was practically swimming in them.
As revenge, the devil took back all the gold hed ever given Moulton, burned down his house
and kept his soul in hell for eternity.
Legend says that years after his death, Moultons grave was opened and instead of a skeleton,
they found a coffin filled with gold …
Next up at number 5 we have Saint Pio[f].
We talked about Saint Duncan earlier but he wasnt the only saint who claimed to have a
run in with the devil.
Pio was known for his frequent and often violent battles with the devil.
On one occasion, a local Friar found him lying bloodied and bruised in his room.
When Pio came round, he said that he had been attacked by either Satan or one of his demons
which had left him with 3 broken ribs.
On one night in 1906, Pio heard footsteps coming from the next room which he thought
was his friend - Friar Anastasio.
He went to the window and tried to call out to invite him in for a chat - he found that
hsi voice had gone though, he couldn't speak.
Then, he noticed a large black hound sitting menacingly on a nearby window ledge.
In his account of what happened, Pio said -I saw the big dog enter through the window
and there was smoke coming from his mouth.
I fell on the bed and I heard a voice from the dog that said, 'him it is, it is him.'
While I was still on the bed, the animal jumped to the ledge of the window, then to the roof
and disappeared.- … his colleagues believed that the devil was targetting him because
of all the exorcisms that Pio had performed.
They said that on many occasions, before leaving the body of a possessed man, they would hear
the devil shout -Padre Pio, you give us more trouble than Saint Michael - do not steal
the bodies from us and we will not bother you-
Next up at number 4 we have Johann Georg Faust[g].
A 1587 booked titled -Historia and Tale of Doctor Johannes Faustus- tells the story of
Johannes Faustus who allegedly met with the devil.
According to the book, he was a German scholar who, quote, loved what ought not to be loved.
It says that he craved nothing more than forbidden knowledge.
One day, Johannes traveled to a crossroads in a forest and summoned the devil.
He stood inside a protective circle and performed an ancient and unholy ritual.
Soon, lightning came crashing down and the entire forest was destroyed.
Demons emerged in 3 forms, first as a dragon, then as a man made of fire, then as an old
After hours of conversation, Faust agreed to trade his soul so that his every question
would be answered for 24 years.
He told himself that things would be fine because in his words the devil -might not
be so black as they use to paint him, nor hell so hot as the people say- … well, the
story ends by saying that he was wrong - and people were right.
It claims that when Johannes died, his soul went straight to hell where he spent an eternity
of torture, wishing for death, but finding that even death had forsaken him …
Moving on to number 3 we have The Signed Pact[h].
Father Urbain Grandier was a French Catholic priest who, in 1632, was accused by a local
group of nuns that he had bewitched them and sent demons to commit evil and impudent acts
with them.
Investigations into Urbain reached a new level with the discovery of what people claimed
to be a physical contract written on paper - between Urbain and the devil.
The contract was said to even be signed by Urbain, the devil and a number of demons.
It read -We, the influential Lucifer, the young Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi,
and Astaroth, together with others, have today accepted the covenant pact of Urbain Grandier,
who is ours.
And him do we promise the love of women, the flower of virgins, the respect of monarchs,
honors, lusts and powers.- … well, whatever you think about all that, the local court
found him guilty and sent him to burn at the stake …
Moving on to number 2 now we have St Gemma Galgani[i].
In her diaries, she wrote that she believed the Devil himself was waging a personal war
against her The demon came before me as a giant of great height and kept saying to me
"For thee there is no more hope of salvation.
Thou are in my hands!".
I replied that God is merciful and therefore I fear nothing.
Then, giving me a hard blow on the head in a rage he said "accursed be you!" and
then he disappeared.
I then went to my room to rest, and there I found him.
He began again to strike me with a knotted rope, and wanted me to listen to him while
he suggested wickedness.
I said no, and he struck me even harder, knocking my head violently against the ground.
At a certain point, it came to my mind to invoke Jesus' Father "Eternal Father,
through the most precious blood of Jesus, free me!"
I then don't quite know what happened.
That contemptible beast dragged me from my bed and threw me, hitting my head against
the floor with such force that it pains me still.
I became senseless and remained lying there until I came to myself a long time afterwards.
Jesus be thanked!- from the look of her diary, it wasnt her first encounter and it certainly
wasnt her last …
And finally at number 1 we have Pope Sylvester the 2nd[j].
If you had to pick one person who isnt in league with the devil, you may pick the pope
- but back in the 10th century, people thought the first French pope was a master of the
dark arts and had soul his sole to the devil.
He was undoubtedly a genius, known for his work in mechanics, mathematics, astronomy,
clocks, organs, introducing Arabic numerals to western europe as well as natural science,
music, philosophy and theology.
That was a lot for one person - especially back then.
After he died, rumours began to circulate that Sylvester had made a deal with the devil
- that the devil had given him his intelligence and wisdom in return for his soul.
This was a terrifying prospect for Catholics at the time - the thought that their leader,
Gods representative on Earth - had been meeting and dealing with the devil in secret.
In recent years, experts agree that he likely got his skills and knowledge from regular
meetings with scholars from all over the known world - and not from some dark dealings - what
do you think?
And what do you think about all of that?
Im not sure if I want to even ask this question but does anyone have any similar stories?
I don't know if this is going to become a series - I hope were not doing a part 20 of
this in the future.
Let me know though, you guys are in charge.
Thanks for watching as always, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next
2 Ingredient Nutella Hot Chocolate! Two Ingredient Takeover Holiday Recipes! - Duration: 2:16.
(futuristic techno music)
- [Female Computer Voice] Good morning, Alyssia.
Initializing two-ingredient recipe generation application.
- What have we got today?
- [Computer] How do you feel about
ranch dressing and cayenne pepper?
- I don't think so.
What about something more festive for the holidays?
- [Computer] As you wish.
Initiating holiday ingredient protocol.
How about Nutella and almond milk?
- Now that's more like it!
Initialize recipe creation!
(upbeat music)
This one is a little too easy.
Start by heating your milk in a sauce pan
over medium heat until simmering.
You could use any milk you prefer.
Try not to let it boil over.
Once it's reached a simmer, add Nutella and whisk.
Make sure it is completely dissolved and integrated.
The heat will help.
Once creamy and combined, serve and enjoy.
I love hot chocolate with marshmallows on top.
Of course, I think we saved
the best for last in this mini series.
Holy moly, this is my favorite hot chocolate
I have ever had.
So much flavor, so sweet and simple.
I don't think I could have it any other way ever again.
What's your favorite hot chocolate topping?
I hope you enjoyed another two-ingredient takeover
in this holiday mini series.
If you want more videos like this,
give this video a thumbs up.
Remember, I have a holiday recipes e-book.
You can get 10% off of it or any e-book or package
of your choice using the code "takeover" at checkout
at mindovermunch.com/ebooks.
I also have a free one and two-ingredient recipes e-book
that you can download in the description of the video.
Don't forget to subscribe
and hit the bell to be notified of new videos
every single week.
Have a safe and happy holidays season
and remember, it's all a matter of mind over munch.
Was für eine Ehre: Helene Fischer auf deutschem Vogue-Cover! - Duration: 4:55.
Mega Man ZX Review - Duration: 21:47.
The Mega Man Zero Series did an excellent job elevating the mechanics from the Mega
Man X games all the while crafting an experience that stood on it's own.
Zero 1 has its ups and downs, Zero 2 was a very solid improvement and Zero 3 perfected
Zero 4 stumbled a bit, but still came out a good game.
So at the end of the day, Inti Creates really proved themselves as capable Mega Man side
scrolling developers.
The Game Boy Advance's lifespan was up, and Nintendo released the DS.
So Inti Creates was brought back for the follow up to Zero 4, but Zero 4 ended with all the
Maverick, elf, human vs machine conflicts resolved as Zero was dead, and Ciel promised
to finally make that utopia that Dr. Light had envisioned hundreds of years prior.
So it couldn't directly be Zero 5, but a game that evolved the gameplay for the new
console, and took place 200 years after Zero 4 in the new Mega Man series, Mega Man ZX!
You see, of all the Mega Man franchises in the main timeline, this one is where I have
the least experience.
I had played all the classics, but then LPed them all in 2016, I couldn't tell you how
many times I've played the X series since it is a scary number.
The Zero series a respectable amount of times and just reviewed them.
Then there's Legends, I've played both games twice.
But here with ZX and ZX Advent, I've only played both games once before this as I said
in Zero 1.
I got my copies back in 2015 alongside the Zero Collection, but the more non linear structure
of ZX had alienated me from the get go.
Because yes, Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent are both Metroidvania's mixed with Mega Man
X elements.
This seems like the obvious choice to me since X1 was trying to open the game up with all
the power ups, and Zero 1 had integrated a degree of interconnectivity between areas,
but ZX is taking that to the logical extreme.
So let's see how Mega Man ZX turned out by starting with the plot.
Right off the bat, it is important to note how Mega Man ZX, much like Pokemon, has two
playthroughs one where you play as the boy, Vent, and the girl, Aile.
There is very minimal difference between the two playthroughs since they play the exact
Aile crawls through tight spaces faster than Vent, and the dialogue is slightly altered
to reflect Aile's softer, more inquisitive personality over Vent's, but the arc of
the story is pretty much identical.
The story of the two playthroughs takes a different turn in ZX Advent, but we can discuss
that then.
At the start of the game, you work for Giro Express, a delivery company with your boss,
Giro, a male who...100% doesn't look the part.
In this painstaking, 10 minute long cutscene that is indeed unskippable, we learn that
Vent/Aile's mother had died in a maverick raid on an amusement park 10 years ago, turning
them into orphans now being looked after by Giro.
In between the Zero and ZX games, energy has indeed been brought back as the Mega Man world
looks like an evolved version of the one we saw in the X Series as opposed to being the
hellscape we saw in the Zero Series with constant reminder of the renewable energy source provided
by Slither Inc. and it's CEO Serpent, in the background of most areas.
No better example than the X1 intro stage being once again playable, usually this is
done to cut costs or pander to nostalgia, but this time around it shows how far the
Mega Man world has come since then.
Giro Express is transporting a valuable package until Mavericks arrive to take it by force.
You go over the cliff, and meet Prairie, who was the one you were delivering this package
The package is Biometal X.
What is a biometal?
In all seriousness, biometal's are basically AI's that have the intelligence of specific
people and you can MegaMerge with these biometals to possess all of that person's physical
All the while having the AI of that person speak with you.
This is backed up by mavericks showing up on the scene as Model X joins with Ventile
to stop it.
With Model X's only justification after the fact being...well you needed help to save
these people and...I gave it to you, what more reason do I need?
Which is very in character for Mega Man X.
With all the other BioMetals being in character to who they are supposed to be as well.
Prairie is the leader of the Guardians, the organization formed in the wake of the Resistance
as they saved the world post Zero 4.
Mavericks are still an issue, which the guardians protect against.
Giro was also in possession of Model Z which as you can imagine, bestows him the power
of Zero as Ventile and Giro help out the Guardians with a maverick raid near slither inc.
But then it is revealed that Serpent is the villain alongside his guardians, Prometheus
and Pandora, he is causing the maverick raids so that he can find and unlock the power of
Mega Man Model W and do whatever he wishes.
Which means Serpent was indirectly responsible for the death of Ventile's mother.
He also is amassing a wide collection of cyber elves to use them as energy which is terrible,
but what's worse is that he is rounding people up to turn them into cyber elves which
is even worse, but anyway, Giro dies in this encounter and gives VentAile Model Z, it merges
with Model X to create...model ZX, a combination of X and Zero's power.
To stop Serpent and Model W, we will need to find the other biometals with the spirits
of the guardians from the Zero games, Harpuia, Fefnir, Leviathan, and Phantom.
We also learn that Prairie's sister was once the leader of the guardians, her sister being...Ciel
from MMZ!
Prairie is Alouette, just older and with a name change.
Ciel is the one who developed the biometal technology as you might have expected.
In one of the few instances of divergent storytelling, in Vent's playthrough, he learns about Dr.
Weil and Ragnarock and how the events of Zero 4 lead into this game, and in Aile's playthrough,
she learns about the research at Slither Inc. on Model W that turned Serpent into the villain
he is now as he was the one most interested in researching the subject.
Not a big deal, but good for replay value.
In the climax, it seems that Prometheus and Pandora don't actually care about Serpent
at all and just want Model W to wreck havoc.
Not something we can talk about in this game as these two will have more to do in ZX Advent.
But regardless, Ventile stops Serpent and Model W, saves the day and joins the Guardians
full time.
That's about it.
I don't find this story particularly interesting since I just told you all the noteworthy things
that happen in it and while the follow ups to MMZ are interesting, the biometals are
a really neat idea since technology in the MM world has come that far.
I said in Zero 4 that the death of Zero and the destruction of Neo Arcadia was a big advancement
in the relationship between Humans and reploids, and now 200 years later, humans are merging
with Reploid DNA to the point where barely anyone acknowledges the distinction between
the two.
It is also funny to think again, how Dr. Light created Mega Man to fight against Wily the
one time in Mega Man 1.
But now Mega Man is like a lineage with each biometal being a Mega Man in it's own right.
But beyond that, this game has a lot of dialogue and I don't find it to be very interesting.
Especially the boss dialogue as they spout on about how Serpent's rule is the way to
go, Ventile potentially having been destined to join with Model X and how they are setting
back Serpent's vision of progress by stopping him.
I mean, ever since Sigma and the Mavericks in X1, we have gotten a face full of this
rhetoric in every game, in fact this is exactly what the eight warriors in Zero 4 were saying
about Dr. Weil.
I mean...can we talk about something new, if these bosses are going to have something
to say?
On the whole the story just feels like it is going through the mega man motions.
Nothing as laughable as the PS2 X titles, but still, it just goes in one ear and out
the other leaving me pretty bored while watching the story play out even if it is good on paper.
Each Mega Man Zero game was a step up from the last in the visual department and Mega
Man ZX is on a whole new console, and they did not disappoint.
The various foregrounds and backgrounds not only have the wide selection of colors, but
they also feel far more detailed, especially in the mountainous areas.
They also have small details moving in the background like flickering lights and other
machines and while that is extremely primitive now, I just think it is cool how Inti Creates
tried their best with the hardware they were given to improve their work when a game like
Zero 4 would totally cut it as far as early DS standards were concerned.
Another great thing with the console shift is that we have all new sprites to look at.
Z Saber slashing, firing pellets with the X Buster has never felt and looked so smooth
before and it looks great.
The Biometals for the guardians as well animate very smoothly as they function exactly how
you'd expect them to in the Zero series.
Bosses have seen an increase in movement as well as they come in all sorts of varieties
and all animate smoothly.
The soundtrack in Zero 4 was soul crushing to listen to since it was composed incredibly
well, but then on GBA just sounded...wrong.
Mega Man ZX is here to rectify the mistakes made in the last game with easily the best
Soundtrack this marathon has seen yet.
With scenery this varied, this soundtrack followed suit fitting the different atmospheres
of say...the grasslands, the Guardian HQ, the city, the mountains, the lake and so on.
With a respectable length before looping.
I mean, why prattle on when you can listen….of course, it doesn't sound as good as it could
have since it is limited by the hardware of the DS, but I think the composers did an admirable
job with what they were given.
I am now really curious to see how I will feel about ZX Advent's soundtrack since
I have only played that game once, and that was two years ago.
Now anyway, let's talk about the gameplay.
If it's not broke, then don't fix it.
This applies quite well to Mega Man ZX since despite being the new series, the core mechanics
are identical to the Zero games.
The Zero games were some of the most fluid MMX styled games ever made, so I am not upset
by this at all.
The DS has four face buttons as opposed to the two on the GBA, and so you can map commands
to those buttons as well if you so feel the need.
the same three types of control are back when it comes to switching weapons, I am a type
C fan myself if you recall the last four reviews.
But yeah, Model Z is just Zero's personality and body and so it makes sense that it plays
just like him.
There is no star system so the Z Saber and Buster have all their abilities at default
and also the Z Buster has returned to it's original properties from Zero 1 to Zero 3.
Before Model X and Model Z merge, you play with only Model X and this was a such a rush
of nostalgia as this is basically X from X2, we can dash, wall jump, and use the X2 arm
parts for a double charge shot.
You lose access to X after becoming Model ZX, but the ZX buster carries all the properties
that the X buster had anyway, so that is not a big lose.
As Model ZX you don't acquire any extra weapons either, yeah There is no shield boomerang,
no rod, and no zero knuckle it is just the bare essentials which I don't mind because
of the biometals.
When it comes to increasing the variety in the combat, the four extra biometals completely
mop the floor with any of the extra weapons in the Zero Series, and that includes the
Recoil Rod.
Instead of just giving you a different style of attack, the biometals that allow you turn
into the guardians, Model H, Model F, Model L, and Model P that just flat out change the
gameplay style itself.
They all have the same basic controls, dash, wall jump and so on.
But the extra abilities they do have is where it makes the most impact.
Model H utilizes Harpuia's two sabers to great effect, they may only be used for one
swing at a time, but switching between the two is fast and while you use one, the other
one will build up energy for the charge shot, so just hit the R button and release that
electric sphere of destruction that stuns enemies.
On the bottom screen, Model H will display the health bar of the enemy you are currently
fighting which can be quick if your enemy is weak to electricity, but can still be handy
nonetheless for mini bosses.
But the best part, bar none is Model H's glide and ability to dash vertically and horizontally
in the air greatly extending your jump time.
For that reason alone, Model H was always one of my top picks.
Model F allows you to shoot an infinite amount of fireballs from either gun and use a charged
fist attack to break certain obstacles which wouldn't be anything too special if not
for the customization you get on the bottom screen as you can determine the arc of the
fireballs with each arm.
You can also shoot upwards while standing still which is not something I always think
to do, but it comes in handy.
I don't use Model F too often, but it is still really good.
Model L can only do a tiny slash attack on the ground, but underwater you can swim and
dash freely and do a spinning slash attack with phenomenal range that wrecks bosses.
All three of these forms have the elemental chips from Z1 to Z3 which means the simple
but effective weakness chain returns without a hassle, just how I like it.
But there is also Model P which is...fine but it is my least favorite.
You can infinitely throw ninja stars and latch on ceilings which are good abilities, the
bottom screen also displays power ups in the near vicinity, but similar to X2's head
parts you'd have to think of that while playing the game, and I just don't since
the other four biometals offer me to for platforming, offense and defense.
E Crystals are back and you use these at the Guardian HQ to increase the weapon energy
meter for the four guardian biometals which I like!
They are frequently dropped by enemies too, so you will never be starved for them like
in Zero 1 or 4.
But back on subject, Model P not being great isn't a huge sin though since all in all,
these five forms just make the game so varied in what you do which is a massive plus in
any game.
Without coming at the cost of anything else like the Zero Knuckle did in Zero 4.
So in ZX, you are pretty well equipped for the world at large, but how is that world?
Well, Mega Man Zero 1 had tried to make a more interconnected over world between missions,
but this was easily ignored since I just went to mission menu.
Zero 2 - Zero 4 had just gone back to the normal Mega Man menu, albeit segmented for
Zero 2 and Zero 3.
Inti Creates decided to expand upon their idea from Zero 1 and make ZX a full metroidvania.
I was about to explain what that was...but I feel like you don't need me to say it.
If you are curious though, I have dabbled in a couple of Metroid games, only having
beaten Zero Mission, AM2R and Super Metroid.
For a lot of people, Metroidvania games offer such a unique appeal with the tightly designed,
interconnected overworld that you gradually come to know and explore the depths of as
you alone travel through this space gaining more and more powers to tackle the unknown
hordes of enemies awaiting.
Games like this kind of stress me out since with each and every diverging pathway, I feel
like I either did something right or made some huge mistake.
Because of that, I can say comfortably that I like these games, if I know the general
area of where I am going.
I don't want a diagram drawn for me as it gets explained in painstaking detail, just
as long as I know what good progress is vs progress completely off the main path if that
makes any sense.
Honestly, growing your strength, exploring areas and becoming familiar with them was
a core part of my love for the X Series back in 2015, just at a more bitesize scale which
is definitely to my liking as opposed to a big map.
Anyway, as a metroidvania, Mega Man ZX falls flat on it's face.
The map in the pause menu is pretty unhelpful since it only expands when you go to a new
location rather than having a map room or something like that.
Which by the way, why are the in between rooms that save and transport, and some that just
That's so stupid.
Anyway, ZX has several missions to accomplish and the game will tell you which area it is
in like Area K or Area M, but getting there is entirely up to you since there is little
rhyme or reason for location placement since Area M is at the very back of Area A with
other examples found throughout.
But if the thrill of the hunt is something you care about, then that's fine, you have
every right to enjoy that.
I personally don't so onto the internet I go.
When you finally reach your destination, how is the level design?
mmmmmm….I am not sure how to put this.
The level design is very functional with many moments I really like.
Take the water area with Model L, it is great to time your swimming to the rising and lowering
water with spikes underneath and above.
But other times, it is standard MMX fare as you slash at enemies, but at it's worst
it is kind of annoying with enemies littered over the screen as I am trying to time my
jumps, or enemies flying in from off screen which is something Inti Creates is a really
big fan of, and with the lesser screen space on the DS, this can become death by a thousand
paper clips.
Overall I don't have much to say about the level design or item placement since it is
just so...eh for me.
This is how I feel about ZX in a lot of ways.
So much going for it, but at the same time, it just kind of feels...eh.
But before I continue talking about that, there are some aspects of ZX that I just think
were flat out terrible as opposed to just kind of...there.
Starting with...lives.
Yeah I complained heavily about Retry Chips in Mega Man Zero 1, praised the lives being
back in Zero 2, and now I am advocating for them to just be out of the series in general.
With level based game, losing all your lives means starting the stage again, I find this
to be pretty archaic nowadays, but they had a simple function in the olden days of platforming.
Lives have no place in a metroidvania and even I can tell you that after having beaten
You only get two lives at default and these are extremely easy to lose since there are
a lot of spikes and pits in ZX.
Combined with the enemies flying in from off screen discussion from earlier and I am upset.
Imagine this, you reach the end of a mission, and you die from some garbage you couldn't
see coming, you have lost all your arbitrary lives, and now you must either A. Reload the
save file, so here is hoping that you found a save room pretty close by to the mission
start point, because if not you can just start the mission over again, which was like six
areas ago, backtrack through the entire map you just found your way through before to
get another chance to do the mission again?
See, this is pointless padding and tedium which turns me off completely to the whole
idea of big open spaces where I don't know where exactly I am supposed to be going since
it is possible to just lose my lives and go back, or just barely find the mission and
die right away meaning you doing that whole commute over again.
I mean, practice makes perfect, but I just...don't care.
This sort of gameplay just does not interest me in the slightest making me really not interested
in playing it, because by the end of ZX I was really worn out.
Another reason for that was the returning Sub tanks.
I got all the health expansions which definitely helped out, but with the two sub tanks I had,
I was never not in a position where I needed to fill them up because of high damage output
from enemies.
Sub Tanks are a subject I am very mixed on, I feel like there are good ways and bad ways
to handle them.
In theory I like them since they serve as a permanent option for obtaining health.
However at their worst this can really drag out the pace of the game.
In X1 - X3, debatably 4, I always felt comfortable with Sub Tanks since X1 had numerous spots
to quickly fill them up, X2 had given us the silk shot instant charge method, X3 had frost
shield making all enemies instantly drop health.
X4 had the spot in Frost Walrus' stage where you can grab a few health ups, but you'd
need like 4 visits to actually fill them.
X4 was the game where the final boss and boss rush were in the same stage too which certainly
didn't help matters much.
X5 didn't have a grind spot which made the game even more tedious, and X6 dropped health
like Candy, I didn't mind sub tanks in the Zero series and so on.
See what I am getting at here?
The ease of access to health makes or breaks the sub tank.
At best, it is better than E Tanks for the permanent availability, and as worst it is
way worse than E Tanks as we stand here hitting enemies for several….minutes.
Yeah, the drop rate has really not seen an increase since Zero 4 and it just makes sub
tanks a really dull part of the game.
Honestly, I don't have much to say about the bosses, they are all have numerous attacks
up their sleeve which keeps you on your toes even with their weakness.
I mean, I got my ass kicked six ways to sunday.
But in hindsight, I really appreciate how the bosses don't have that classic spark
mandrill BS that I have hated in so many Mega Man games!
To the point where now, I think this set of bosses is really well done!
However the only reason they left a sour taste in my mouth was because of the damn lives,
getting a game over, of course means all the things I said a few moments ago, which can
really piss me off...when the boss was about to die and I now have to do it all over again...and
since I suck at transitions, let's talk about the secret in Area N. It's a pretty
easy platforming section to make it through, until you reach the boss door and you find...Omega
from Zero 3?!?
Back and ready for action.
He has absolutely no reason to be here, but as a secret boss fight, he does not disappoint.
Omega was such an easy and underwhelming boss fight in Zero 3, and ZX rectified that mistake
by giving Omega all the same abilities as Zero 3, but with even higher damage output
and less damage input meaning that you can't completely ruin the fight with the 1000 Slash.
Defeating Omega in ZX feels like an accomplishment, how it should have felt at the end of Zero
3 and you are rewarded handsomely with Model O, a fully playable Omega with unlimited attack
Have fun playing god...and just for old time's sake, let's listen to that cannonball remix
one more time!
Have I mentioned that boss rushes suck?
I have?
Well, have I also mentioned that boss rushes in the same stage as the final boss suck?
I have?
Is this funny yet?
I mean really though, I have nothing left to say about this since I have complained
about it in 11 Mega Man games, and this game brings that number up to 12.
Take it away Omega...the final boss with serpent is pretty easy too, only made tense by the
punishment of doing the crappy boss rush again.
But, what more can I say?
Let's wrap this up.
Mega Man ZX is a game I had only finished once in 2016 and since I have barely thought
about it.
Despite that, Mega Man ZX didn't surprise me in the slightest.
I mean, the levels are okay...if a little generic and quickly forgotten.
The story is decent, but something I am probably going to forget about once I am done with
this video.
I really loved the Biometals, and I really hated the open world and lives system.
Not so much that ZX is some kind of bad game, no.
I liked it, and I think if you like MMX and especially MMZ, you will probably like ZX.
But for a game that did so much new in the mega man formula, I oddly found the game to
be going through the motions at the exact same time.
Games like this are the ones I have the least to say about in the conclusion since I feel
like the review pretty much speaks for itself at that point.
Don't think I don't like ZX since it does have a quality story, a charming cast of characters
and appealing visuals, good soundtrack, same great controls, and if we are looking at this
game from a neutral quality standpoint, it is definitely still better than Zero 1, and
probably Zero 4 even, but it is just not the kind of game that screams from the shelf to
be played again if that makes any sense, in short, a one and done.
But before I drag out the video by saying the same thing over and over, I will say this,
Next up is the finale of the MMZ retrospective with Mega Man ZX Advent for the Nintendo DS!
Beyond ending with a cliffhanger, how did Inti Creates final Mega Man game in this style
Well, find out next week in the conclusion as I review...Mega Man...ZX Advent.
Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters - Duration: 13:20.
I know a few celebrities I want to meet, a few of my favourite musicians - Ive got a
mental list but one person who is not on there - is the devil.
Wether or not you believe in the devil, there are many people throught history that not
only believe in the devil - they claim theyve met him - and have sometimes done dark deals
that have become the stuff of legend.
Here are 10 of the most famous.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Real Life Devil Encounters.
Starting off at number 10 we have The Illusionist[a].
This is said to be a true story from Juarez in Mexico of when the devil appeared to a
It happened in 1942 and was later told by his son before spreading around the world.
On a summers day the man went to see the circus in town with his father and brother.
The shows werent very interesting that year but they met two girls and went off to hear
some live music.
Suddenly, they were stopped by a shrot man in a dinner jacket.
He claimed he was the greatest illusionist in the world but that the circus turned him
down because his act was so frightening - the owner accused him of being the devil.
This got the man and his brothers attention, the stranger said they could see the trick
at his home.
They followed the stranger back and sat on the sofa in his trailer.
The stranger extended his arm and began running his left hand over his gloved right hand,
all while chanting in a strange tongue.
He asked if they were ready - they said yes - he pulled off the glove - everyone screamed.
To their horror, the hand was now a skeleton hand, still wiggling its fingers.
The mans brother got up to take a closer look, the stranger grabbed the top of his head with
his bony hand and said now he was really going to show them something.
They all ran and screamed.
The man stopped and looked back - the stranger was standing on the top of the steps and laughing
at them.
On the ground was a wooden plank with long nails pointing up, the stranger jumped off
the step and landed right on a nail - blood poured out - but he continued to laugh.
The man just stared at him, transfixed, until his brother grabbed him and they both ran.
They knew it was the devil, they felt it was the devil - and they said it was a day they
can never forget …
Next up at number 9 we have Robert Johnson[b].
He is one of the most legendary blues musician of all time whos music went on to influence
other musicians for generations.
Aside from his music - folks will tell you another story about Robert Johnson - that
he met the devil.
They say that one day Robert was walking down the highway on a cool October night when he
came to a crossroads.
A tall man was sitting there on a log by the side of the road.
He said he knew Robert and asked him if we wanted to play the guitar like nobody every
played it before, to be the king of the delta blues.
He said he wanted that - the devil warned him though that although his music will enchant
the crowds, his soul would now belong to him -This is not just any crossroads- the devil
said -I put this X here for a reason, and I been waiting on you- … then, the devil
possessed him - Roberts eyes rolled upwards in their sockets, the moon pierced his eyes,
then he looked at the man straight in the eyes and said -Step back, Devilman, Im going
to Rosedale, I am the Blues- … whether or not you believe the story, Robert Johnson
was an incredible blues musician - I was listening to him as I wrote this script - and he also
died under mysterious circumstances involving poison when he was 27 which historians are
still trying to fully understand …
Moving on to number 8 we have St Dunstan[c].
He was a 1-th century hermit who lived in Glastonbury in England.
One day, a mysterious stranger approached him and asked that St Dunstan used his skill
in smithing to make a chalice for him.
Dunstan agreed and set to work - as he worked though, he saw the stranger change form - from
man to woman, from woman to child, flowing from one to the next.
Dunstan realised this was the Devil but tried to act as if he hadnt noticed.
Then, when the chance presented itself, he grabbed a pair of red hot tongs from the fire
and pierced them into the strangers nostrils, causing the devil to cry out in pain and flee.
A while later, the Devil returned again - this time as a vagrant street performer playing
the harm.
Dunstan grabbed him by the leg and began shoo-ing him - then he nailed a horseshoe to his cloven
The devil screamed in agony and agreed to be released on the condition that he never
approached a house with a horseshoe hanging over the doorway, giving birth to the legend
that horseshoes are lucky and even keep the devil at bay …
Moving on to number 7 we have The Devils Violinist[d].
Thats the name given to Niccolo Paganini - some say he was the greatest violinist who ever
He was a child prodigy in Genoa, Italy who struggled to find a teacher that he couldn't
By the age of 15 he was touring solo but within a year he had a breakdown and succumbed to
He didnt reappear until the age of 22 but this time, he was somehow better than ever.
They say he was able to play 3 octaves across four strings in a hand span - you don't have
to know what that means - but its thought to be nearly impossible even by todays standards.
He was a striking sight in his performances - very tall and thin, with hollow cheeks,
very long fingers, pale skin and flaming eyes with thin lips that held a sardonic smile.
To top it off he often wore all black for performances.
Soon, rumours began to circulate that his violin was the devils instrument - that Paganini
had made a deal with him.
Some said they saw the devil help paganini play, others once said they saw lightning
bolt hit the end of his bow during a performance.
When he died, he turned down his last rites from a priest - the official account is that
he did this because he thought he wasnt going to die - but others say it was because he
feared the blessing of a priest …
Coming in at number 6 now we have The Richest[e].
This is the story of Jonathon Moulton.
He was an American general who helped the US win the revolutionary war - he's also known
for trying to trick the devil.
Despite being very rich, Moulton wanted more.
One night, sitting in front of his fireplace, Moulton said out loud that hed sell his sole
to the devil to be the richest man in the province.
Not one to miss out on the offer of a soul, the Devil appeared and said that he would
make the deal and fill Moultons boots with gold coins every month.
For a while Moulton enjoyed finding the gold in his boots every month - but soon he wanted
more and hatched a cunning plan.
He cut the bottom of his boots and put them on the chimney.
The devil filled up the boots but eventually noticed the shoes never filled.
The coins were tumbling down the chimney were Moulton was practically swimming in them.
As revenge, the devil took back all the gold hed ever given Moulton, burned down his house
and kept his soul in hell for eternity.
Legend says that years after his death, Moultons grave was opened and instead of a skeleton,
they found a coffin filled with gold …
Next up at number 5 we have Saint Pio[f].
We talked about Saint Duncan earlier but he wasnt the only saint who claimed to have a
run in with the devil.
Pio was known for his frequent and often violent battles with the devil.
On one occasion, a local Friar found him lying bloodied and bruised in his room.
When Pio came round, he said that he had been attacked by either Satan or one of his demons
which had left him with 3 broken ribs.
On one night in 1906, Pio heard footsteps coming from the next room which he thought
was his friend - Friar Anastasio.
He went to the window and tried to call out to invite him in for a chat - he found that
hsi voice had gone though, he couldn't speak.
Then, he noticed a large black hound sitting menacingly on a nearby window ledge.
In his account of what happened, Pio said -I saw the big dog enter through the window
and there was smoke coming from his mouth.
I fell on the bed and I heard a voice from the dog that said, 'him it is, it is him.'
While I was still on the bed, the animal jumped to the ledge of the window, then to the roof
and disappeared.- … his colleagues believed that the devil was targetting him because
of all the exorcisms that Pio had performed.
They said that on many occasions, before leaving the body of a possessed man, they would hear
the devil shout -Padre Pio, you give us more trouble than Saint Michael - do not steal
the bodies from us and we will not bother you-
Next up at number 4 we have Johann Georg Faust[g].
A 1587 booked titled -Historia and Tale of Doctor Johannes Faustus- tells the story of
Johannes Faustus who allegedly met with the devil.
According to the book, he was a German scholar who, quote, loved what ought not to be loved.
It says that he craved nothing more than forbidden knowledge.
One day, Johannes traveled to a crossroads in a forest and summoned the devil.
He stood inside a protective circle and performed an ancient and unholy ritual.
Soon, lightning came crashing down and the entire forest was destroyed.
Demons emerged in 3 forms, first as a dragon, then as a man made of fire, then as an old
After hours of conversation, Faust agreed to trade his soul so that his every question
would be answered for 24 years.
He told himself that things would be fine because in his words the devil -might not
be so black as they use to paint him, nor hell so hot as the people say- … well, the
story ends by saying that he was wrong - and people were right.
It claims that when Johannes died, his soul went straight to hell where he spent an eternity
of torture, wishing for death, but finding that even death had forsaken him …
Moving on to number 3 we have The Signed Pact[h].
Father Urbain Grandier was a French Catholic priest who, in 1632, was accused by a local
group of nuns that he had bewitched them and sent demons to commit evil and impudent acts
with them.
Investigations into Urbain reached a new level with the discovery of what people claimed
to be a physical contract written on paper - between Urbain and the devil.
The contract was said to even be signed by Urbain, the devil and a number of demons.
It read -We, the influential Lucifer, the young Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Elimi,
and Astaroth, together with others, have today accepted the covenant pact of Urbain Grandier,
who is ours.
And him do we promise the love of women, the flower of virgins, the respect of monarchs,
honors, lusts and powers.- … well, whatever you think about all that, the local court
found him guilty and sent him to burn at the stake …
Moving on to number 2 now we have St Gemma Galgani[i].
In her diaries, she wrote that she believed the Devil himself was waging a personal war
against her The demon came before me as a giant of great height and kept saying to me
"For thee there is no more hope of salvation.
Thou are in my hands!".
I replied that God is merciful and therefore I fear nothing.
Then, giving me a hard blow on the head in a rage he said "accursed be you!" and
then he disappeared.
I then went to my room to rest, and there I found him.
He began again to strike me with a knotted rope, and wanted me to listen to him while
he suggested wickedness.
I said no, and he struck me even harder, knocking my head violently against the ground.
At a certain point, it came to my mind to invoke Jesus' Father "Eternal Father,
through the most precious blood of Jesus, free me!"
I then don't quite know what happened.
That contemptible beast dragged me from my bed and threw me, hitting my head against
the floor with such force that it pains me still.
I became senseless and remained lying there until I came to myself a long time afterwards.
Jesus be thanked!- from the look of her diary, it wasnt her first encounter and it certainly
wasnt her last …
And finally at number 1 we have Pope Sylvester the 2nd[j].
If you had to pick one person who isnt in league with the devil, you may pick the pope
- but back in the 10th century, people thought the first French pope was a master of the
dark arts and had soul his sole to the devil.
He was undoubtedly a genius, known for his work in mechanics, mathematics, astronomy,
clocks, organs, introducing Arabic numerals to western europe as well as natural science,
music, philosophy and theology.
That was a lot for one person - especially back then.
After he died, rumours began to circulate that Sylvester had made a deal with the devil
- that the devil had given him his intelligence and wisdom in return for his soul.
This was a terrifying prospect for Catholics at the time - the thought that their leader,
Gods representative on Earth - had been meeting and dealing with the devil in secret.
In recent years, experts agree that he likely got his skills and knowledge from regular
meetings with scholars from all over the known world - and not from some dark dealings - what
do you think?
And what do you think about all of that?
Im not sure if I want to even ask this question but does anyone have any similar stories?
I don't know if this is going to become a series - I hope were not doing a part 20 of
this in the future.
Let me know though, you guys are in charge.
Thanks for watching as always, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in the next
Motorcycles Drift Fighters Drone FPV GoPro HERO 7 - Duration: 1:52.
var circuit
2.4 km
Suzuki Swift 1.2 Exclusive EASSS Slechts 56000 km! Key-less entry, cruise control - Duration: 1:12.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 200-500 E230 32 JAAR JONG AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:51.
Public transportation - Duration: 6:43.
Good morning everybody. Today I'm gonna be talking about public transportation
But mainly the 6 things I really don't appriciate
in public transportation
So 1st, there are some people,
you probable already had this experience, who love to
Stare at you, when you're in the Subway
in the train, the bus or where ever
So you're sitting in front of someone and this person is like that
So of course when I see someone staring at me like that
I'm usually like...
Because, I mean
I don't really get it
So then what I normally do
Because this kind of situation pisses me of, a lot!
I mean why are you looking at me You don't have the right to stare at me
if I'm not willing!
So what I usually do, is that I leave them 3 chances
I look
First look means, I have identified you
you better stop that real soon
because this situation is really awkward. Second look
This one means : I want to check if you understood the first look
If it still goes on, I found a way to solve that problem
So that's what I mainly do
And that always works
I have to admit, after it, I always feel like
So who won B****
So second thing that I really don't like in Subways, busses...etc
You know, you always got those rods to hold yourself and
not fall and die
There are people who tend to,
So all this beautiful rod is empty, your hand is here
that person chose to put his hand here
so of course I look at that person
to see what's the intention of that move
at least if I see something like...
Ok, then I get it and I find my way out of that situation
But the problem is that usually
those people don't give a damn about you
They just want a manual contact
without specially wanting to go further
So what I usually do is
I move my hand away, like if nothing happend
but check this,
this dude
put his hand back
I mean, I say "this dude" but it can also be a girl,
no judgment here
So what I do in that case is
I sacrifice myself...
Even if
I mean, we don't know eachother
Don't touch me!
This is my body and my property, I am not willing to share that with you
You know, when you get in a super crowded subway or bus
so you got a find a small spot
one square millimetre to park your body
So some people, usually the ones
that get in last minute, choose
that the best place to stand is exactly
right here
Right here!
there is a direct eye contact
so I end up like that
this is super awkward
We don't know eachother
There is a safety distance you gotta respect
It's in the ''humanism code''
He actually had the choice to give me his profile,
His back.... but no
those people have a confidence
excessive, which give them the power to have no struggle
being that close to you
even looks you in the eye
You also have the ''selfish'' category
so there is one rod in that space
and this person decides that this rode which has been made
to be manualy grabed
their property
they even stand like that
even if there's a hand there
they don't give a damn
they would break your fingers just to have
100% of stability
While you're risking your life beside them
It's not your mom's rod
also not your mom's subway
So the rest of us find ourselves like that
While you're there looking fine
other situation, you're holding the rob
and that person leans on your hand
so you try to play it tough and not let go
and you get out like that
there's also the ''shameless'' category
So those are usually the same ones
that stand right in front of your face, or here, here
but most important they need to have a panoramic view of your face
and those ones usually choose, either to be sick
or to have something stuck in their throat
but they cough
open mouth on every face
so you're here
they are here
Are even, the tall ones
no problem with tall people, I mean, it's even hot
so the talls ones
tend to sneeze without their hands
awesome! All the small people like me
find ourselves with your bacterias and boogers on our head
and last, this is something I hate but can't forbid people
But people please
don't eat your kebab in the subway
or the bus... or the train
or any close space without windows
because your force us all to smell your
Your shitty meat, onions
So we get in with nothing in our hand and go out smelling like kebab
I mean just wait a little and eat it outside
Really please
That's it for me
I hope you enjoyed this video
And if so, don't forget to put a thomb's up!
Up, and not down if possible even tho I respect it
You can share this video with your friends
Family, neighbours, pets...
And I hope this video makes you feel less lonely
when you have to face those situations
Pssst... don't forget to subscribe...
Volvo V70 2.0 Kinetic NAVI TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:05.
Nephrology: Henry Jean, MD - Duration: 1:49.
Medicine was always like my call like since I was young.
I've experienced-- I have experience with a lot of sick people in my family, like my grandfather.
He has asthma. He has renal failure and he died from it. I was at the hospital
when he died and I think that's kind of actually shaped my view of medicine
and actually since that day I decided I was going to be a doctor to help people
with their health and stuff like that.
I want the patient know that if they come to me,
I will be one of the nicest doctors they will meet in their life
and I will make sure that I will take good care of them by applying the
latest knowledge and-- and also make sure that the care they will receive from me
is based on on all the latest research and what is best in the field of medicine now.
2# Le main à main - Alivarts - Duration: 3:01.
Grand Prix of America and Canada | Complete playmobil movie - Duration: 19:58.
Mom, I'm bored, could I go surfing? Come on, please
Ok but pay attention to the current
thanks Mom
The surf is too good
thin a huge wave
Thank you dolphin
help help me
Watch a surfer just dropped
let's get it back
finally returned
What is going on
but it's Marc's helicopter but it's Yoann
hello Marc what happened?
I fell in surf because of a big wave
and a dolphin saved me
Marc came to save me with his helicopter
yes he was lucky that we were there at the right time
Yoann's aunt is next I'm going call her to pick her up
I'll go back and see you tomorrow.
the great race madam reg
thank you Marc and see you tomorrow
goodbye and thank you Marc
hello tata and thank you for picking me up
goodbye Madam Reg and good luck for tomorrow
bravo the kids you had your gallop
Too cool we managed our competition gallop
Thank you Madam Reg and have a good race
It is true that tomorrow there is the big race
Bob think about preparing my horse
you are running madam Reg?
Of course the first prize is a trip to New York and I dream of going to New York
go a new day begins let's look at the number of registrations on
the computer what 10 entries but the race is going to be terrible bob you
you report ten entries Yes indeed
the race is going to be very difficult
That's Madame Reg your horse is ready
Perfect, thank you Bob
Go Cheyenne, today is a great day for us.
This is Oceane, your horse is ready.
Forward for the race
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and children
Who wants sweets ice cream
Today is the big day.
The great race of the equestrian center
Will finally start
We remind you
That the winner
Win a trip to New York
We are in the presence of ten riders
Mrs. Reg participates in the race.
Go Madam Reg
We remind you that the race will be monitored by
Marc's helicopter and his pilot
The best riders in the whole valley are present
Attention to departure
All competitors stand by
three two one
Watch the riders are there
Yes they are there but
What is this horse alone?
It's Madame Reg's horse
Let's go looking for Madame Reg
The riders arrive
First Oceane
Followed by Constance and Tessa
The first prize is for Océane
But where is Madame Reg?
Madam Reg has not arrived yet
Provided that nothing bad happens to Madame Reg
Look there, it looks like Madame Reg
Let's go
we recover it
good news friends
Madame Reg was found
She arrives by helicopter with Marc and his pilot
And you know what friends
Oceane decided to offer her trip to New York to Madame Reg
It's awesome
Look Madam Reg is here
It's awesome
Océane thank you, thank you friends this is the happiest day of my life
I like You
Check flight OK check gasoline OK, it's good we can take off
I call the airport to start boarding
Allo control tower
Yes control tower I'm listening
we are the flight for New York
we are ready for boarding ok I have the airport
Your attention please boarding for the New York flight will begin
It's my flight
Let's go to the USA
We are ready for takeoff
Green light for take off Bon voyage
how beautiful it is super beautiful to be in the air
ladies and gentlemen here the captain
we will arrive in New York at 8 am
at 8 am perfect I can start my visit to New York
I wish you a pleasant flight on our company
oh sure it's a great trip
new york in sight are we going to land
in new york finally
taxi taxi
can you drive me to Times Square
hello Madam Reg well on come
thank you so much
we arrived Madam Reg
thank you so much
Times Square is huge and beautiful
That New York is beautiful I love this city
Too beautiful the Empire state building I want to go up
Go go
this view is amazing you can see everything Manhattan
Statue of Liberty
it's fantastic
And the Brooklyn Bridge
Go Madam Reg the trip continues Now go to Canada and drive
Canada by car?
But it's great
what is this green here
I love American radio
first stop on Georges Lake
The steam boat is too good
you hear me
Now head for the Montmorency Falls
my God it's impressive
canada my god it's beautiful
today we will meet the Whales
motorcycles in addition to Harley Davidson it is too beautiful
go go to Tadoussac the kingdom the whales
a whale yeah awesome
and that's the end of the movie you liked I hope
Madam Reg it was great
I do not regret giving us this price
Oceane it was great 1000 thank you
Madam Reg, it was a pleasure for me
See you soon friends and ...
And here's Mrs. Reg meets her friends
after traveling thousands of miles between the US and CANADA
she goes back to her equestrian center
full of beautiful images in his heart
soon winter is coming and certainly with new adventures
to be continued
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