The Satisfying Videos Relaxation You Should Only Watch and Never Try
For more infomation >> The Satisfying Videos Relaxation You Should Only Watch and Never Try - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
How to Print Large Designs using Regular Printer with Adobe Illustrator CC - Duration: 4:13.
Hello World, In this video, You will learn how to print Large Artwork with regular A4
Printer & with help of Illustrator!
Here I have a landscape oriented artwork which I want to print in large size.
But my printer supports only A4 Papers!
There is a way to get it done.
The method is one type of Life-Hack; so you don't want to do that in your commercial projects.
You should use this method to print Posters and other designs for your personal use only.
Before we start, temporary hide all the unwanted items.
Go to File >
Here we can see the thumbnail preview of the final print layout.
From here you can use previously saved setting presets.
Here you can choose the Printer.
I don't have my printer attached so I will select PDF option.
You should still select the PDF option even if you have a printer connected.
Inspect the output PDF and then go for Printing.
here set how many copies you want.
Select the artboard from here.
in case of multiple artboards, Define the Range or a particular number.
Here you set the Paper Size.
I will select 'A4'.
Turn of Auto-Rotate option.
Select "Visible & Printable Layers".
From "Scaling" dropdown options; Select "Tile Full Pages".
If your printer supports Full Bleed Printing then you can select "Tile Imageable Areas".
But mine doesn't support so I'll choose "Tile Full Pages".
You can see the artwork has divided into four A4 size Pages.
This placement alignment depends on the artwork and your preference.
Corner placement will save some scissor work.
I will just keep it centered.
Please "Do Not Drag the Mouse" inside thumbnail area.
that will change the placement settings.
This Overlap feature is much useful for this printing method.
It gives us extra space at the Edges of the adjacent pages.
So we can easily stick them together without losing the artwork.
Let me show you what that is:
Suppose these are four a4 size pages.
If you set overlap to 0 then you will have to join the printed pages Edge to Edge.
but setting overlap value larger than 0 will give us some extra space with "repeated printing".
I will show you an example at the end.
So I will set it to 0.25 inch.
Change the orientation as you want.
But also notice that it will require more or fewer pages depending on placement.
Define the Tile Range if you want to print only Page 2 & 3. or Page no 2 to 4.
You can scale up or down the artwork.
The unit is Percentage.
When you click on "Done", It won't start Printing or Export PDF.
It only saves the setting in the document.
so you can change it later.
Before printing, check the other options related to printing.
To Print or export the PDF, Click on "Print" button.
It will ask to choose a folder location for the PDF.
Here I've opened the exported PDF into Adobe Reader's Side by Side view.
Letter 'e' & 'a' from page one and two indicate that overlapping has done well as we set.
Now join them and hang it on your wall.
That was it for the day.
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the Channel for more videos.
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Thank You for watching :)
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Ma quale furto d'anima. In quel capolavoro di romanzo dell'etnologia che è Tristi tropici, Claude Lévi-Strauss (oggi compirebbe 110 anni) si fa beffe di un luogo comune antropologico, quello per cui i "selvaggi" e i "primitivi" fuggirebbero di fronte all'obiettivo della macchina fotografica per il terrore, appunto, che rubi loro il segreto più intimo dell'identità umana
Con lui, i suoi amati Caduvei si comportarono ben diversamente. "Avevano perfezionato il sistema: non solo essi esigevano di essere pagati per lasciarsi fotografare, ma mi obbligavano a fotografarli perché io li pagassi"
Al punto che, saggio amministratore del bene limitato delle sue pellicole, il giovane Claude fingeva soltanto di scattare - e sborsava "qualche milreis"
Ma fu proprio durante una di quelle piccole recite che una donna Caduveo gli fece forse cambiare idea sulla fotografia
E attraverso di lui, la fa cambiare anche a noi, spettatori-sprezzatori della alluvione di immagini della Rete
LE LETTERE/ "Io, Lévi-Strauss, confuso con i jeans" Figlio e nipote di pittori, il padre dell'antropologia strutturale aveva, in verità, un debole per la fotografia
L'aveva praticata come hobby da ragazzino, e aveva con sé una buona fotocamera, una Leica quando, nel 1935, si ritrovò in Brasile per l'inizio della sua luminosa carriera
Per la verità, la usava come un turista. Fotografava architetture e paesaggi. Come tutti i turisti, era circondato da ragazzini urlanti "tira o retrato! Tira o retrato!", che lui accontentava parsimoniosamente (salvo essere arrestato, una volta, a Bahia, per "atto ostile al Brasile", da poliziotti indignati per il suo tentativo di "accreditare in Europa la leggenda che esistono brasiliani dalla pelle nera e che i monelli di Bahia vanno a piedi nudi")
Nel suo lavoro di ricerca sul campo, a differenza di altri grandi etnologi, Lévi-Strauss si servì malvolentieri della fotografia, anche solo come blocco d'appunti visuale
"Non ho mai attribuito molta importanza alla fotografia. Ho fotografato perché si doveva, ma sempre con la sensazione che fosse una perdita di tempo", confessò nel 2005 quando il Centre Pompidou gli dedicò una mostra
Le fotografie, insisteva, "non sono una parte delle mie esperienze, ne sono soltanto gli indizi", e anzi, "quando si ha l'occhio dietro l'obiettivo di una macchina da presa non si vede quello che succede e si capisce ancora meno", e dunque "rivedendole, quelle fotografie suscitano in me l'impressione di un vuoto, di un'assenza di ciò che l'obiettivo è sostanzialmente incapace di cogliere"
Insomma, anche Lévi-Strauss sembrerebbe allinearsi a quell'atteggiamento di estremo sospetto verso la fotografia che accomuna il pensiero critico francese del Novecento (nel paese che paradossalmente la fotografia la inventò e la regalò al mondo
). Come Barthes, come Sartre, come Bourdieu, come Baudrillard. Aggiungendovi un suo specifico accento sui misfatti che la fotocamera ha perpetrato ai danni di quella "povera selvaggina presa al laccio della civiltà meccanizzata, indigeni della foresta amazzonica, tenere e impotenti vittime", per colpa di chi "brandisce davanti a un pubblico avido gli album di foto a colori al posto delle vostre maschere ormai distrutte" per "saziare delle vostre ombre il cannibalismo nostalgico di una storia dalla quale siete già stati sopraffatti"
L'atto d'accusa contro l'imperialismo dello sguardo, del resto, è noto e fondato
Già negli anni Cinquanta, quando scrive queste cose, "L'Amazzonia, il Tibet e l'Africa invadono le vetrine sotto forma di libri di viaggio, resoconti di spedizioni e album di fotografie, dove la preoccupazione dell'effetto è troppo preponderante perché il lettore possa valutare la testimonianza che gli è offerta"
Non poteva dare un giudizio diverso chi scelse per quel suo libro celeberrimo un incipit folgorante: "Odio i viaggi e gli esploratori"
Eppure Tristi tropici, uscito nel 1955 e vincitore del premio Goncourt, è un libro illustrato con fotografie
Proprio le sue, quelle che Lévi-Strauss prese con la Leica e la Voigtländer tra i Nambikwara dell'Amazzonia
Quel sedicesimo illustrato fu, a quanto pare, una perentoria richiesta dell'editore: la collana in cui apparve lo prevedeva
Poi però, quarant'anni dopo, nel 1994, uscì il suo Saudades do Brasil che è un libro fotografico a tutti gli effetti
L'INTERVISTA NEL 1993/ Lévi-Strauss: "Lavoro ascoltando musica, mi ispira una vitale euforia" Dire che nel frattempo Lévi-Strauss avesse cambiato idea sulla fotografia è azzardato
Tuttavia, il suo religioso rispetto per il dato raccolto sul campo dovette farlo riflettere
È bello pensare che sia accaduto quando una donna Caduveo gli si presentò davanti, "particolarmente agghindata", chiedendogli di fotografarla (a pagamento)
"Sarei stato un pessimo etnografo resistendo a queste manovre, o anche considerandole come una prova di decadenza o di mercantilismo
Sotto una trasposizione di forma, riapparivano i tratti specifici della società indigena: indipendenza e autorità delle donne di alto lignaggio, ostentazione davanti allo straniero, e rivendicazione dell'omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune"
Lévi-Strauss: "La famiglia tradizionale? E' un'eccezione" La differenza fra un intellettuale superbo e cieco e un pensatore profondo è tutta qui
Lévi-Strauss si fa mettere in discussione da quel che si trova davanti. Non si permette di liquidare un oggetto culturale, la fotografia, sulla base della sua apparente irritante banalità
Sa che i riti sociali evolvono, anche molto in fretta, specialmente quando avvengono improvvise contaminazioni culturali
Intuisce che la fotografia, strumento dell'uomo bianco, entra improvvisamente nel circuito dello scambio simbolico di una piccola società tribale che la assorbe, la metabolizza, la mette al suo servizio
Capisce che la fotografia, come tutti i materiali a disposizione delle relazioni umane, non è un oggetto, ma una funzione sociale
Cambia e si adatta ai contesti, agli impieghi, alle culture che attraversa. Bene, è quello che testardamente continuano a non capire molti intellettuali sussiegosi quando liquidano con una smorfia di disgusto la fotografia condivisa, i selfie, le fotine da social, la mania Instagram
Incapaci di leggere dietro queste nuove forme relazionali l'incarnazione di "tratti specifici" della società moderna forse non così distanti dai bisogni inconsapevoli della donna Caduveo: riconoscimento sociale dell'individuo (il fotografante), ostentazione del sé nei confronti degli sconosciuti (i follower), richiesta di omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune (i like
). . I frettolosi sprezzatori della fotografia condivisa, così ansiosi di espellerla dal campo del legittimo e perfino dell'etico, rileggano almeno questa aurea raccomandazione, semplice e cristallina, del grande etnologo: "Per ogni forma di pensiero e di attività umane non si possono porre problemi di natura o di origine prima di avere analizzato e identificato i fenomeni, e scoperto in quale misura le relazioni che li uniscono bastino a spiegarli"
Geek Squad Same Day Screen Repair
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Audi TT Roadster 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S Automaat * 10.340 Km * Bang Olufsen Soundsystem * Navi * - Duration: 1:08.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 CDI BLUETEC PRESTIGE PLUS * 53.539 Km * Vol Opties * - Duration: 1:07.
My Home (Eugene`s Song) - 사비나앤드론즈 - Duration: 4:20.
Audi A3 1.4 TFSI Ambition Pro Line plus S-line Xenon/Led Leder/Alcantara - Duration: 0:55.
Audi A5 Coupé 3.2 FSI Pro Line S line Navi Xenon 18" Leer 265PK! - Duration: 0:47.
Nautic 2018: Les bateaux traversent Paris - Bretagne Télé - Duration: 1:41.
A. Daval : trois substances médicamenteuses retrouvées dans le corps de la victime - Duration: 4:10.
GSMF Winter Camp, Skiing (02-2018, Korea #19) - Duration: 3:32.
Ceny nieruchomości i ceny energii w #ZapytajBankiera | - Duration: 7:12.
Beaded harness for beginners. How to start knitting? Where to buy beads? - Duration: 18:52.
Ruta por el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Andújar. Jaén - Duration: 1:36.
아동수당 '만 9세 미만'까지…출산장려금 250만원 지급 - Duration: 4:15.
Peugeot 2008 1.2 PureTech 110pk S&S Allure - Duration: 1:09.
AWAKENING SONG 🙌💖 THIS IS MY LIFE 🌈💫 in Akustik Version 🎤🎸 - Duration: 2:42.
If you listen to your inner voice
you don´t have a choice
Hey, my darling are you falling?
You´re getting deeper to the ground, no doubt,
this is the way you've lost your crown, way down
and all around you there's a crowd
they start to wound you while you shout:
You've got to listen to this sound!
This is my life
You've got the chance right in your hands.
This is my time
No time to wait, don't hesitate.
I will survive
If you're trying to believe in
what you're loving you're receiving.
Listen to this sound!
Don't stop moving, keep the grooving,
open your mind, don't care about fools and rules,
'cause they are blind to feel the flow to go.
It's time to fight, show what you know,
you've got the right to reach the goal.
Listen to this sound!
This is my life
You've got the chance right in your hands.
This is my time
No time to wait, don't hesitate.
I will survive
If you're trying to believe in
what you're loving you're receiving.
Listen to this sound!
Wake up in the morning, new wind blowing,
taking your chance is in the air out there.
Now you're awake, don't be afraid, my mate.
It's not to late to play the game,
create your fate, don't be the same.
Listen to this sound!
This is my life
You've got the chance right in your hands.
This is my time
No time to wait, don't hesitate.
I will survive
If you're trying to believe in
what you're loving you're receiving.
Listen to this sound!
This is my life
You've got the chance right in your hands.
This is my time
No time to wait, don't hesitate.
I will survive
If you're trying to believe in
what you're loving you're receiving.
Listen to this sound!
Palma del Río. Finca Rural La Casa Tierra, cata organoléptica. Córdoba - Duration: 3:04.
Dies Irae 〜AA〜 Pantheon Prologue Part 3 [English Translated] - Duration: 19:48.
Satanel: "Limits was clear, it would be a matter of talking about spitting out, I do not feel like going out for bad things."
Satanel: "The first generation is surrounded, so it is this kind of thing"
Satanel: "There is no meaning as to how much we will be killed on this occasion. Another person holds the life and death abilities. "
Satanel: "Because we are not here by ourselves, we can not even disappear by ourselves"
Satanel: "So wasteful, it is a waste effort, isn't it? "
The correct answer. The hasty discussion save it.
I am weak against Morning Star, but I thought it would not be reliable at such times.
Shinga's smiling unchanged.
Satanel: "I will accept it if it is affirmative, I do not know if it is your personality, or because of commandment or bullying, but it seems to be only a roundabout attitude anyway"
Satanel: "If so, there is no choice but to draw it, and Muzan cooperation is indispensable for that."
Satanel: "I would like to ask an interpreter,"
Satanel: "How, father"
Muzan told me to leak out a bitter smile. Even a man like this battle fighting gangster seems sweet to Morning Star.
Gods with periods next to each other are insolvent enemies, but not always are having a bad luck.
Like Morning Star for Muzan. Like Tasogare for Mercury. There are cases in which Throne was handed over because I thought it desirable.
Muzan dislikes Shinga , but it seems that I was motivated to respond because it is a fact that I know this stingy idiot woman well.
Muzan: "Preciousness is one of the laws that was in the era of Shinga, that is, it was a rule when I was a man"
Muzan: "In fact the word is as it is, we contraindicate ourselves and swear in our hearts to comply."
Muzan: "The greater the degree of inconvenience that it brings, the better it is to get strong power."
Muzan: "If good, if bad, done something wrong means you understood it."
Marie: "Somehow, but such as?"
Shinga: "Yeah, there was a guy who decided not to listen to enemy attacks absolutely, given plain places."
Shinga: "I promised to take it as unprotected as it is, no matter how powerful or catastrophic it is."
Shinga: "Of course it hurts and I am afraid, but what is the result of that thing?"
It was Golden who responded to Shinga who began to speak about whether his mouth was stiff or light, not even asked for myself.
Reinhard: "Is not immortality?"
Shinga: "Yes, immortality is not your proprietary"
Shinga: "The immortality of the guy who set the precepts is the best performance throughout all the times. Of course, as a person, it is on the question."
Reinhard: "My claws and fangs are also enemies ? Well that's an interesting story."
Reinhard: "If you have the opportunity you want to compete by all means ... ... Is that your descipline of your's, Muzan?"
Muzan: "No, I do not care about myself and that person"
Muzan: "In any case, Shinga's discipline are such, it will be understood that it is Limits to the law because her body is something that sets laws."
Mercurius: "Surely"
Mercury is the typical person who is self-action in his own laws. It was a short reply, but self-laughing surfaced there.
Mercurius: "In other words, Shinga's precepts should not talk about the core.
Muzan: "I do not understand, as far as I know, this woman always looks like this, I can not see what it means"
Muzan: "It may just be interesting or it may be troublesome"
Muzan: "If you want to break your mouth forcibly, do not stop and do it"
Muzan: "Absurdity leads directly to death, and you can also verify the theory of Morning Star with that."
Setsuna: "It's true ......... and this truth come to a settlement."
Setsuna: "But, nice, I understand it what I know"
As I gave up I breathed a sigh and summarized it was Setsuna. As For him I want him to be a leader.
Setsuna: "Until just a while ago, Naraka did heard the voice of that guy, you will be the same."
Setsuna: "To be honest, it is meaningless to say, but not all of them are all. There was also a part that was not heard."
Setsuna: "He said that eight people are not enough yet"
Setsuna: "I want two more people"
Marie: "Yeah, so please wait until then"
Territory tilts her head like a thought. Following the words of Setsuna, she continues.
Marie: "That means I want ten people, I think that means that that person gathered us."
Setsuna: "I agree, and I am not ready yet."
Marie: "I do not feel like waiting for the picture to grow quietly?"
Setsuna: "Oh well, I do not think that Naraka's purpose is decent"
Setsuna: "Anyway, whats your men's combination?"
Eight people are still insufficient to gather the gods. I agree much that such a plan is not alot much.
Basically, there is nothing good to follow.
Do not wait until there is convenience.
That's why I am--
Setsuna: "Shinga, I want to ask you. If precepts get caught in a guy."
Setsuna: "You know Naraka?"
Shinga: "Oh, very well"
Setsuna: "Who is he?"
Shinga: "I can not say that"
Setsuna: "What's his plan?"
Shinga: "I can not say it"
Setsuna: "Have he decided everything from the beginning?"
Shinga: "That's all"
Setsuna: "Even our whole era?"
Shinga: "Did you say so?"
At that time, everyone except Tasogare was angry with Shinga with each Kamui/Might of Heaven.
It was only Setsuna and the Muzan appeared in the expression, but the other guys are definitely angry. Even if the person himself did not realize, my eyes who know their history can not be deviated.
In fact, it was certain that the masses of the universes scale were not all, and they felt like being torrent. If I was the one who received the direct hit, it would have been smashed.
But I do not sympathize with Shinga. I dislike her and it is natural for them to get angry in the first place.
It is said that someone who is fine is tocertaining that your life was a farce.
There are guys who careless can not say Mercury or Morning Star, but I will do that.
if God is arrogant. I hate being licked the most.
Shinga: "Do not give me a nice look like you guys look with these hot eyes."
But even though Shinga is laughing coolly. I guess that's stupid than saying a chest. She is such a personality person.
It is kind of bare and a type that thinks about a natural men which id everything who fall in love with himself.
That's why it's strange to say, but to Tasogare, the only woman, Shinga turned a different eye to quality.
Shinga: "You are really cute, the fifth generation. Do not get angry with me at all?"
Marie: "If you mean not angry, I am angry, luck and I, everyone's life is not a toy."
Marie: "But are you still on the discussion?"
Marie: "Do not get angry to resolve it"
Shinga: "Ha ha ha"
How should it be expressed. Even myself who knew Shinga well, it was a smile that could not be read a bit.
It sounds like a shit, envy like crying, angry.
Shinga: "How nice, it's wonderful, so this is The True 5th generation of the heavens"
Shinga: "I do not say such a thing too much, but I am a good woman, you will be saved because I am there.
Shinga: "And, Setsuna, is your princess saying like this?"
Setsuna: "I know it"
Were you poisoned, Setsuna shaking head like sighing. The other people seemed to be interested in continuing to talk for a while despite the difference in standard.
Though,There will be one word to ask. It seems that Setsuna planned already.
Setsuna: "This is the last, Shinga. Answer."
Setsuna: "Are you an enemy of Naraka? Or an ally?"
To that question, Shinga closed her eyes for a while ... ...
I spent a word to summarize the history of Shinza across six generations as to how much feelings she hide.
Shinga: "He is an enemy, I and he are compatible."
Shinga: "Therefore I want you to lend me your power"
Shinga: "I request you"
Setsuna: "I understand"
Instant answer. It was a return without a momentary hesitation.
Reinhard: "Do not you know early, Does you know the word of examination?"
Golden who tells you to tease also finds motivation. Mercury laughing next to him.
Setsuna: "If you can fight a guy who is likely to be strong, that would be fine, Reinhard and Mercury, you are ..."
Marie: "You will be going out, Kariosuto"
Mercurius: "Oh, if you say that then I will, there is no choice, let's cooperate as much as you can"
Marie: "Hmmm, Thank you."
Muzan and Morning Star remain silent, but at least not against it. I was too embarrassed, I was confused.
I know that Golden love fighting, and Tasogare asks me this, Mercury knows too
Tasogare is basically a good person, She is a type that does not refuse if it is not much.
But what about Setsuna?
This man who promised cooperation at the first place should have been more eccentric.
I thought that I want you to be a leader, but I know that it is not Not no weird idiot, so if you turn the back, you are a tough guy. He was expecting that he would not be abandoned.
But why?
My problem, but it quickly melting away.
Shinga: "Did you see the mess in Hajun, your summary judgment?"
Setsuna: "That's right."
Voice of Setsuna who is offended. At the same time, the consciousness of everyone concentrates on one point in the field.
I ... ... Good, surely, everyone else did not intend to turn my eyes on Throne.
There was a deadly poison universe swirling with a black pulsating muddy while seething.
Hajun ...... The man who was the god of the sixth generation continues to mutter Mantra of different dimension as a fellow in a mandala like a fetus composed of curse and faithful while watching the void.
You do not admit anyone other than yourself to the universe. Common Tengu Dou possessed by crazy narcissism called Metsujin Messo is still the ultimate of violence unchanged. I do not get used to anyone.
It is just out of being recognized only in existence in this guy. The moment when I thought that there was another person who is not me, I start cleaning up with the strongest violence of the past.
Actually, it is out of the standard which killed Tasogare, Setsuna, Golden and Mercury together.
I decide male and female with enemies - I do not even understand the premise of such a game because it is Hajun, even if it is seen from the infinite number of Muzan, the arena is different. It is not comparable.
Shinga: "You are dangerous ... This guy is really a problem child, it was nearly all I could do for you."
Shinga: "I will thank you for that, Setsuna. I often give up to end Dark."
Setsuna: "I do not remember being touched by you. It's about my circumstances and the nature."
Setsuna: "And Shinga, what on heck are you watching?"
Yes, it is there that is unusual. Being surrounded by this other person, that Hajun does not start Tengu Dou.
Setsuna: "We have not put our consideration in eyes, I have not even noticed it, it is a stupid story, but it seems that it is quite seemingly that it is such a thing"
Setsuna: "In other words, there are others who want to crush and are not tolerable"
Shinga: "I know I can not find him, and I can not get it."
Shinga: "Well, sort of like that"
Satanel: "Indeed"
It was Morning Star where I landed there. Continue to solve mathematical expressions with intonation like mumbling.
Satanel: "The dangerous little boy has already sensed Naraka, which is like a state where the bait is suspended from the nose."
Satanel: "How seven people are huge ... or possibly even more heterogeneous, it seems like they exist like that."
Satanel: "Is that why you quickly responded to Shinga's request?"
Setsuna: "Because the credibility of the story has increased, I've already experienced what the person's nose is good for."
Setsuna: "There is no doubt that there is a risk of anywhere. And the state of Hajun proves that the war is different from him"
Satanel: "Is it the same as he is trying to use us?"
Setsuna: "It is certain, but I think the man who lowered his head towards the face thats seems better"
Setsuna: "That's humanity."
Satanel: "Hmmmm"
It was a bitter smile Setsuna, but unfortunately there is no such subtlety in Morning Star and I can not make myself understood.
But He was looking interesting. For him it is evil to be ignorant. I try to solve what I do not know.
Satanel: "What do you want, Muzan. I began to think that it might be good to go. "
Satanel: "I want to know how the times that followed after me are to be known, once again I got off from The Throne, the idea is a thought ... ...."
Satanel: "Being here in this way, doing nothing is too much a matter."
Satanel: "It's a sin, if he speaks to himself, My sex can not match with him"
Muzan taking a stab at arousing his interest so he will not say anything as usual.
The nature and the way of the space are shaped to be left to him, and eyes other than Hajun are directed to the second generation god.
The silence as crushed, but at the very next moment--
Hajun: "Who the hell are you?"
Kouha: "------tsu"
Hajun noticed one. and it's Muzan.
Gigantly, the third one moved--
Dont wish, if Tengu Dou started here--
Setsuna: "....Hey"
The roaring big acoustics was exactly the opening and closing of heaven and earth. Kamui can play like this crushing the space, but it disappears for a moment in a while ......
I had no reverberation and I did not know what happened, but if you noticed Muzan had his right arm crushed, Hajun left his little finger disappeared.
And it will immediately restore to Throne. I can not see any other traces of destruction.
Setsuna: "You, what do you mean?" No, how did you slash Hajun?
Muzan: "That's a line here, I'm young. You, how did you stop that?"
Muzan: "... Oh, yeah, I do not have to say, I see."
Muzan laughed while looking at the right arm that went back. Too extraordinarily fun, dangerously ferocious.
Muzan: "Did you stop the time, you are good at defending?"
Setsuna: "You are the other way, I did not think there was anyone who could hurt Hajun from the front."
Marie: "Uh ... well, what does that mean?"
Reinhard: "That way personage got a fight first, I told Hajun who is crazy with Naraka to look at me."
Reinhard: "That alone is not a common thing. Hajun forced his existence into the area beyond the heterogeneity that he perceived, and forced it to face."
I guess it is, but it certainly seems to be true if you are told.
Reinhard: "As a matter of course, examples are activated. Matsujin Messo Maybe"
Reinhard: "He prevented it. Literally Setsuna, stop time. "
Setsuna: "I did not go to perfection,"
Setsuna: "These injuries are the result of my failure to stop"
So I finally understood.
Muzan and Hajun would have met each other before Setsuna had to stop the time.
Even in the long Shinza history, these two people who were prominent in killing outstandingly.
It was about Setsuna that intervened, and Golden after that I was able to perceive it.
Reinhard: "A clash is not just a single match. A thousand, or ten thousand or even more"
Reinhard: "Anyway, because Muzan got a contradiction, Hajun lost sight of the target when time start moving again."
Mercurius: "Thanks to that, now it was restored, I went back to Naraka"
Mercurius: "oh dear, do not bear this, it's not about thinning ice."
Marie: "Really, why did you do such a thing?"
Satanel: "Muzan, answer me"
If you make a mistake one step, it is a greatest. Rather it can be said that it was a miracle that led to this degree.
I thought that it was not a joke nowadays, and truly Tasogare also has a tone of insight.
Nevertheless, Muzan was attitude of where the wind blows.
Muzan: "What, I just tried it a little bit,"
Marie: "What do you test?"
Muzan: "I would have told you first, about the powers of our live and death."
Muzan: "Can you truly kill or be killed, you can not bear with inference alone?"
Muzan: "Well, I needed it in my way, I knew most of it."
Muzan: "This arm has healed by itself"
Muzan: "We are certainly like someone's piece.
For that alone ... ... ... No, it will be important, but after all Muzan is a dangerous person.
Since that time I know, it has not changed to basic.
This smile is like a mask. In the same way as before, the bad luck of anger and grudge rooted in the soul.
Muzan: "Besides, I do not care for that giggle because I want to destroy the layers and I have never been ignored."
Muzan: "Do not make such a scary face, it's young, it's a result, but I got other useful information"
Setsuna: "What are you talking about?"
In contrast to Setsuna, who looks discomfortfully, Muzan points to Hajun in a pleasant tune.
Muzan: "Hajun(He) knows Naraka's standard, Therefore I ignored it, but I was able to turn around."
Muzan: "And you stopped us even though you can not say it perfect"
Muzan: "In other words, we could measure each other's strength."
Marie: that's. . . . 208 00:17:07 --> 00:17:09,400 How much is he different from me? Muzan's interest in it means a fact.
Marie: "Do you lend me your strength?"
Muzan: "I do not say that we will hold hands. I have never had any friends and I have never thought of having it."
Muzan: "But I will just do the same as before."
Muzan: "There are enemies and enemies of enemies."
Shinga: "If so, do not worry about it, I wish you could give priority to it."
Both Hajun and Muzan are dangerous to be exceeded.
But for the time being, it's not an enemy. It seems that such consent was made.
Shinga: "Let's finish taking care of the eyes first, after that we will think about what we will do after that."
Shinga: "It is reasonable as a drop-off, if you are still proud of your life, fight to prove it"
Shinga: "You are responsible for your sins, let's make things understand that carving is not a farce."
Shinga: "Of course, me too .... there are things that can not be handed over"
As I said, Shinga turned her eyes on others. I have not seen any of the others yet, so it is natural for everyone to quit. 220 00:18:21,400 --> 00:18:24: However, the first generation who haven't read the situation, there is no appearance that I care.
At that time, the feeling of refusal close to reflex was raised among me. Is this the reason for saying that?
Shinga: "As you can see, we are captured here, but there are ways to move before Naraka is ready"
Shinga: "Let me explain that. But before that, there are those who want to introduce"
Shinga: "This guy is Kouha, my --"
Stop -- Do not let it go beyond that point.
Kouha: "Do not express me w`th that word"
I gave a loud voice, but still nobody noticed me. There are thick barrier between the actors and the audience.
So shout. Go ahead. So that you can hear it. To be visible.
Do not let me tell you about me from Shinga's frolic mouth.
I am his older sister, that is the only truth--
I want to protect you, shut up. Shut up ...
Kouha: "Keep silent!"
A focused line of sight. My scream may have been a certain kind of production.
I was the audience for the first time so far, Now I have went up to the stage for the first time.
I can not get out any more. I do not feel like getting down. Then I just start with all my strength.
Kouha: "I will speak for the rest, it will be long, but I will not tell a lie."
Kouha: "Listen, you guys ......"
It's not a toy. We have our life.
I want to prove it, so I have to deepen mutual understanding here.
Histroy of Shinza to settle Panthe.......on of army for the sake of our own (Generation)
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Business Solution Limited - Duration: 0:44.
Charlène et Albert de Monaco « rassurés », ce contretemps qui a failli gâcher la fête - Duration: 1:25.
[SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP3 - Duration: 4:14.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Here comes the main outfit for the current photoshoot!
Latex outfit designed by Atsuko Kudo
The color's very bright red,
and this particular cup is called the 50's cup.
(incomprehensible, sorry.)
(Lip-syncing on top of "Havana")
(Why was onion brought up all the sudden?)
(A-ha, her fishnet stockings look like the sack that comes with onions...)
(Keeps on touching the stockings..)
(in Japanese) this is a really difficult outfit to pull off.
(From top to bottom, a bright red ensemble.)
(A monitoring in progress...)
(This time, sitting down on a sofa.)
(The next episode will also feature the latex outfit, stay tuned!!!)
International day of elimination of violence against women - Duration: 1:29.
Brigitte Macron « angoissée », elle a peur pour son mari - Duration: 1:28.
Delivering Belgian Beer with the Tern GSD - Duration: 2:39.
So my name is Florian Janssen.
I'm a Belgian.
And I came to Taiwan to import Belgian beer and distribute here in Taiwan.
Our company is Bilishi You Xian Gong Si.
So Bilishi Company Limited.
Bilishi, basically in PinYin, means Belgium.
That's pretty easy because we are both Belgian
and we are focused on Belgian products.
The 'shi' exactly is the one of happiness actually.
So, we are basically the happy Belgians.
How we used to deliver beers, we basically had two ways.
First, is to use a logistic company here in Taiwan.
But as I mentioned, I actually like to deliver myself.
I have a motorcycle.
On which, I have a box on the back.
I can also use a scooter.
But both of either the scooter or the motorcycle
are basically only can fit only two boxes at a time.
And that's how I came up with my new way of delivering.
Being able to deliver bicycle riding.
With the GSD, I can fit easily three boxes of beer.
So that's already more than I could fit either on my scooter or on my motorcycle.
If I use the bike, compared to using the scooter or the motorcycle,
I don't see a sacrifice.
I actually think I am gaining a lot of things.
I'm getting exercise. Stay in good shape.
Second of all, it allows me not to pay more taxes.
I have a bike. I don't have to pay taxes, any road taxes to pay.
I don't have any gasoline to pay.
The great thing with the GSD, as we move around the whole island,
is that we can fit it in our car.
And, from there you can just deliver the last mile
and do the main roads with the car.
So what I love about the GSD
is its way that you can really be flexible.
You could think maybe about the time.
But once again, it brings back the reality of traffic
of city congestion, even in motorcycle, even in scooter
and also the parking space.
A bicycle can park basically anywhere
very easily, without bothering anyone.
I do believe that everyone has its role to play in any level,
starting from your own person.
So if we can reduce the amount of goods transported by road,
bring it still on the road, but through bikes,
a cleaner way of moving it.
I do believe that it will change the world in the end.
Мы веном 1,099,511,627,776 Раз! - Duration: 2:33.
[Behind] Rainz (레인즈) - Backstage (백스테이지) - Duration: 1:18.
Rainz, back with strong masculine power
Camera rehearsal for 'Turn It Up'
Kiwon is warming up by dancing
I love you. Power of K. 大好きだよ
Rainz's powerful performance is coming soon!
三菱・新型「デリカD:5 URBAN GEAR」見てきた。想像以上にド派手でダイナミック、競合ミニバンを猛追する究極の高級オフロードミニバン - Duration: 7:24.
Laura Smet « une haine tenace » contre Laeticia Hallyday, elle lui a gâché ces derniers moments - Duration: 1:27.
Il 28 novembre 1908 nasceva a Bruxelles il padre dell'antropologia strutturale. Diffidente nei confr - Duration: 9:02.
Ma quale furto d'anima. In quel capolavoro di romanzo dell'etnologia che è Tristi tropici, Claude Lévi-Strauss (oggi compirebbe 110 anni) si fa beffe di un luogo comune antropologico, quello per cui i "selvaggi" e i "primitivi" fuggirebbero di fronte all'obiettivo della macchina fotografica per il terrore, appunto, che rubi loro il segreto più intimo dell'identità umana
Con lui, i suoi amati Caduvei si comportarono ben diversamente. "Avevano perfezionato il sistema: non solo essi esigevano di essere pagati per lasciarsi fotografare, ma mi obbligavano a fotografarli perché io li pagassi"
Al punto che, saggio amministratore del bene limitato delle sue pellicole, il giovane Claude fingeva soltanto di scattare - e sborsava "qualche milreis"
Ma fu proprio durante una di quelle piccole recite che una donna Caduveo gli fece forse cambiare idea sulla fotografia
E attraverso di lui, la fa cambiare anche a noi, spettatori-sprezzatori della alluvione di immagini della Rete
LE LETTERE/ "Io, Lévi-Strauss, confuso con i jeans" Figlio e nipote di pittori, il padre dell'antropologia strutturale aveva, in verità, un debole per la fotografia
L'aveva praticata come hobby da ragazzino, e aveva con sé una buona fotocamera, una Leica quando, nel 1935, si ritrovò in Brasile per l'inizio della sua luminosa carriera
Per la verità, la usava come un turista. Fotografava architetture e paesaggi. Come tutti i turisti, era circondato da ragazzini urlanti "tira o retrato! Tira o retrato!", che lui accontentava parsimoniosamente (salvo essere arrestato, una volta, a Bahia, per "atto ostile al Brasile", da poliziotti indignati per il suo tentativo di "accreditare in Europa la leggenda che esistono brasiliani dalla pelle nera e che i monelli di Bahia vanno a piedi nudi")
Nel suo lavoro di ricerca sul campo, a differenza di altri grandi etnologi, Lévi-Strauss si servì malvolentieri della fotografia, anche solo come blocco d'appunti visuale
"Non ho mai attribuito molta importanza alla fotografia. Ho fotografato perché si doveva, ma sempre con la sensazione che fosse una perdita di tempo", confessò nel 2005 quando il Centre Pompidou gli dedicò una mostra
Le fotografie, insisteva, "non sono una parte delle mie esperienze, ne sono soltanto gli indizi", e anzi, "quando si ha l'occhio dietro l'obiettivo di una macchina da presa non si vede quello che succede e si capisce ancora meno", e dunque "rivedendole, quelle fotografie suscitano in me l'impressione di un vuoto, di un'assenza di ciò che l'obiettivo è sostanzialmente incapace di cogliere"
Insomma, anche Lévi-Strauss sembrerebbe allinearsi a quell'atteggiamento di estremo sospetto verso la fotografia che accomuna il pensiero critico francese del Novecento (nel paese che paradossalmente la fotografia la inventò e la regalò al mondo
). Come Barthes, come Sartre, come Bourdieu, come Baudrillard. Aggiungendovi un suo specifico accento sui misfatti che la fotocamera ha perpetrato ai danni di quella "povera selvaggina presa al laccio della civiltà meccanizzata, indigeni della foresta amazzonica, tenere e impotenti vittime", per colpa di chi "brandisce davanti a un pubblico avido gli album di foto a colori al posto delle vostre maschere ormai distrutte" per "saziare delle vostre ombre il cannibalismo nostalgico di una storia dalla quale siete già stati sopraffatti"
L'atto d'accusa contro l'imperialismo dello sguardo, del resto, è noto e fondato
Già negli anni Cinquanta, quando scrive queste cose, "L'Amazzonia, il Tibet e l'Africa invadono le vetrine sotto forma di libri di viaggio, resoconti di spedizioni e album di fotografie, dove la preoccupazione dell'effetto è troppo preponderante perché il lettore possa valutare la testimonianza che gli è offerta"
Non poteva dare un giudizio diverso chi scelse per quel suo libro celeberrimo un incipit folgorante: "Odio i viaggi e gli esploratori"
Eppure Tristi tropici, uscito nel 1955 e vincitore del premio Goncourt, è un libro illustrato con fotografie
Proprio le sue, quelle che Lévi-Strauss prese con la Leica e la Voigtländer tra i Nambikwara dell'Amazzonia
Quel sedicesimo illustrato fu, a quanto pare, una perentoria richiesta dell'editore: la collana in cui apparve lo prevedeva
Poi però, quarant'anni dopo, nel 1994, uscì il suo Saudades do Brasil che è un libro fotografico a tutti gli effetti
L'INTERVISTA NEL 1993/ Lévi-Strauss: "Lavoro ascoltando musica, mi ispira una vitale euforia" Dire che nel frattempo Lévi-Strauss avesse cambiato idea sulla fotografia è azzardato
Tuttavia, il suo religioso rispetto per il dato raccolto sul campo dovette farlo riflettere
È bello pensare che sia accaduto quando una donna Caduveo gli si presentò davanti, "particolarmente agghindata", chiedendogli di fotografarla (a pagamento)
"Sarei stato un pessimo etnografo resistendo a queste manovre, o anche considerandole come una prova di decadenza o di mercantilismo
Sotto una trasposizione di forma, riapparivano i tratti specifici della società indigena: indipendenza e autorità delle donne di alto lignaggio, ostentazione davanti allo straniero, e rivendicazione dell'omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune"
Lévi-Strauss: "La famiglia tradizionale? E' un'eccezione" La differenza fra un intellettuale superbo e cieco e un pensatore profondo è tutta qui
Lévi-Strauss si fa mettere in discussione da quel che si trova davanti. Non si permette di liquidare un oggetto culturale, la fotografia, sulla base della sua apparente irritante banalità
Sa che i riti sociali evolvono, anche molto in fretta, specialmente quando avvengono improvvise contaminazioni culturali
Intuisce che la fotografia, strumento dell'uomo bianco, entra improvvisamente nel circuito dello scambio simbolico di una piccola società tribale che la assorbe, la metabolizza, la mette al suo servizio
Capisce che la fotografia, come tutti i materiali a disposizione delle relazioni umane, non è un oggetto, ma una funzione sociale
Cambia e si adatta ai contesti, agli impieghi, alle culture che attraversa. Bene, è quello che testardamente continuano a non capire molti intellettuali sussiegosi quando liquidano con una smorfia di disgusto la fotografia condivisa, i selfie, le fotine da social, la mania Instagram
Incapaci di leggere dietro queste nuove forme relazionali l'incarnazione di "tratti specifici" della società moderna forse non così distanti dai bisogni inconsapevoli della donna Caduveo: riconoscimento sociale dell'individuo (il fotografante), ostentazione del sé nei confronti degli sconosciuti (i follower), richiesta di omaggio da parte dell'uomo comune (i like
). . I frettolosi sprezzatori della fotografia condivisa, così ansiosi di espellerla dal campo del legittimo e perfino dell'etico, rileggano almeno questa aurea raccomandazione, semplice e cristallina, del grande etnologo: "Per ogni forma di pensiero e di attività umane non si possono porre problemi di natura o di origine prima di avere analizzato e identificato i fenomeni, e scoperto in quale misura le relazioni che li uniscono bastino a spiegarli"
Muggulu Simple Designs Latest | 7 to 4 Dot Kolam [Sankranthi Muggulu] - Duration: 3:03.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Muggulu Simple Designs Latest
7 to 4 Dot Kolam
Sankranthi Muggulu
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
Ep. 009 - O Sol de Assis - Recontando Francisco - Contexto Historico e social da época de Francisco - Duration: 9:53.
See You Again (폴 워커 추모 엔딩곡) - Charlie Puth,Wiz Khalifa - Duration: 3:50.
Muggulu Simple Designs Latest | 7 to 4 Dot Kolam [Sankranthi Muggulu] - Duration: 3:03.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Muggulu Simple Designs Latest
7 to 4 Dot Kolam
Sankranthi Muggulu
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
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