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O que é o PNA? - Duration: 16:23.-------------------------------------------
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 Sport 4WD Warrior leer clima lmv 4x4 schuif dak 2x nw apk - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
ボンゴを良い物に変えました LP Galaxy ギャラクシー LP LP794X - Duration: 7:19.-------------------------------------------
海贼王:吃了透明果实的希留被见闻色霸气天克?两位七武海沉默了 - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo Comfortline 1.0 75PK R-Line Heron Edition - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Polo New 1.0 75PK Comfortline R-Line Heron Edition - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Learning Inside Our Mother´s Womb - Duration: 8:32.Everything starts the day your mum's egg meets your dad's sperm.
Four weeks later your little brain begins to form. Epidemiologist David
Barker says, that whilst developing inside our mother, we are receiving
postcards from the outside world. These postcards tell us if this world is
dangerous or safe, if food is plentiful or scarce. Knowing nothing else, we learn
from those messages. Let's watch what we experience and learn inside the womb
from the fetus perspective. Month 1: only 24 hours alive every bit of genetic
information is already present in a single cell: from our hair color to our
talent as a future pianist. Then we divide ourselves again and again. After
around a week we travel from the ovaries to the uterus where we then undergo the
great divide - splitting into two, half of which will become us while the other
half forms the placenta which brings us food and oxygen and carries away waste.
By week four we have developed into a small being that is growing at a rate of
1 million cells per second. Our spinal cord, heart and brain are now clearly
visible, even if we adjust the size of a poppyseed. Month 2: at about week four to
five our heart starts to beat and we are now ten thousand times bigger than we
were at conception. This is a crucial point in our neurological development as
our brain grows at a rate of around a hundred thousand cells each minute. If
our mother consumes alcohol and drugs or experiences extreme stress or trauma our
tiny brain can get damaged. This can lead to maths problems at school or even
schizophrenia some forty years later. If our mum stays healthy and can relax our
brain can develop to its full potential. We are now the size of a raspberry.
Month 3: at the beginning of month three we start to react to stimuli. Our
sense of smell is developing and exposure to toxins can make us cringe.
Our brain is continuing to grow very fast our Ears start forming and we can
soon hear our mum's heartbeat and voice speak. Still small enough we have plenty
of space to move inside the belly. Our mother's womb becomes our sensory
playground we learn to move our arms, stretch our fingers, smile or suck our
thumb. 75% of us are now showing a preference to use the right hand we are
now around the size of a lemon. Month 4: our head makes up about half our total
size. We learn to kick, pee and how to swallow. Our taste buds are developing. If
our mother eats a wide variety of things we learn to appreciate different tastes
and become less fussy eaters later in life. If we receive inadequate or poor
nutrients we adapt our physiology to sustain our development. This process is
also called fetal programming. Some researchers have found that this can
result in health problems such as obesity, heart conditions and diabetes
later in life. We are now around the size of a big tomato. Month 5: while earlier
our mums voice sounded muffled now it is starting to become clear. We are also
experiencing a big growth spurt and we start the development of our teeth and
our first real hair, fingernails, eyebrows and eyelashes. We are becoming more
active each day and enjoying flexing our tiny muscles. As we wriggle, kick and turn
our mother will start to feel as moving. If she responds we learned that for
every action there is a reaction. We are now around the size of a dragon fruit.
During this sixth month a major mark of brain development occurs. Our brains
cerebral cortex splits into two hemispheres. But it's also an exciting
month for our eyes which open for the first time. Even though we see only blurs
we start to respond to light. Some say it's good if our mum now takes us into
the sun. We are now starting to make simple facial expressions such as
forming a grin. We probably learn to communicate for the time when we are
born when we want to show our feelings. We are now around the size of a small
cauliflower. Month 7: we begin to develop regular intervals for sleeping and being
awake. The hair on our head is now clearly visible and our milk teeth have
formed under our gums. When we hear our mum speak we may respond with an
increased heartbeat and movement. Some researchers claim that we now begin to
learn language from hearing the voices from outside because once born we seem
to show a preference for our dads and mums native language. If we were to be
born now we would have a 90% chance of survival and arrived the size of a
pineapple. Month 8 we are now behaving like a newborn. Our brain is functional
and our nervous system ready. Our lungs are almost fully formed and we are
practicing breathing by inhaling and the amniotic fluid. Ee now spend almost all of
our time as sleep, maybe dreaming about our near future. In preparation for birth
most of us will have now turned upside down. To get through that tiny hole at
the end of the tunnel our bones and skull are still extremely flexible. Only
the immune system is still in its infancy.
It will take many months after birth until our internal body guards can fully
protect our health. We are now around the size of a melon.
Month 9: in the last month we keep practicing our motor skills and kicks.
When our mum laughs eat sweets or drinks an ice tea we might respond by bouncing
up and down. If we could already understand research papers we would now
hope that our mum can bring us to the world through natural birth which
protects us through a stronger immune system for life. The puzzle of what is
nurture and what is nature is now well underway and already shows a first image
of our character. The most important missing piece will be added in our early
childhood. At the end of the nine months we are around the size of a jackfruit.
After many hours of hard labour we will be welcomed into this world. Some
will then be instantly taken away for various checkup procedures and bathing.
But if we are lucky we will first spend some time with our mum. If placed on her
belly we will instinctively crawl to her
breast and then show us sucking skills. This makes us happy, full and feel safe.
The foundation for all future learning
Millions of students from all around the globe have watched our Sprouts videos,
for better learning thousands of teachers play them in their classrooms,
to start projects volunteers on YouTube have translated them to over 25
languages - our mission is to promote learning by doing in classrooms around
the world. If you are a great explainer and a passionate teacher and you want to
help us develop outstanding content contact us! To support our channel with a
donation visit patreon.com/sprouts
2018-11-28: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
S. Korean childbirths continue to decline in September - Duration: 2:08.for years chronically low birth weight has been an issue South Korea is unable
to resolve if recent data is any indication the country could see its
annual fertility rate drop even further in the near future
one junk - the full story the number of newborns in South Korea fell again in
September yet another sign of the country's chronically low birth rate
according to data released by statistics Korea on Wednesday the number of
newborns for that month was the lowest for any September since the agency
started compiling related data on a monthly basis the number of childbirth
per months has been decreasing on-year every month since December 2015 in
September about 26 thousand babies were born down 13.3% from a year earlier and
24% lower compared to 2016 the number of babies born during the third quarter
fell to some 80 thousand down ten point three percent from a year earlier
marking the lowest third quarter tally since 1981 on a yearly basis despite
concerted efforts to tackle the issue the number of newborns dropped to a
record low last year it totaled less than 360,000 down eleven point nine
percent from 2016 experts are already concerned about this year's overall
number the total fertility rate or the number of babies that a woman is
projected to have during her lifetime has been gradually decreasing in every
quarter of this year considering that the fourth quarter of the year tends to
mark the lowest figure of all experts say it is highly likely that the total
fertility rate for the country could fall below one for the year 2018 the
expected figure is depressing as it not only suggests that there are quite a lot
of women who do not have a baby but it will also bring a serious concerns in
terms of economic growth potential in the country reducing the size of the
workforce and driving up welfare costs to support a rapidly aging population
1john arirang news
S. Korea successfully test-launched locally developed rocket - Duration: 0:33.we begin with Korea's successful test launch of an indigenous rocket engine
that was carried out this afternoon according to the Ministry of Science and
ICT and the Korea aerospace research institute the engine fully combusted for
151 seconds 11 seconds longer than what the team considers a successful run the
rocket flew for about 10 minutes the engine which is nearly 26 meters high 3
meters wide and weighs in at 52 tons was launched at 4 p.m. local time from the
narrow space center in Cahoon chalindo province
S. Korea to deliver 50 tons of pest control chemicals to N. Korea on Thursday - Duration: 0:36.South Korea will deliver 50 tonnes of pest control chemicals to North Korea's
border town of Kaesong tomorrow via the land route heading north will be 15
people including forestry experts and officials from the South's Forest
Service they'll deliver the items in the morning and in the afternoon look around
the nearby pine forest and with officials from Pyongyang discussed ways
to work together Seoul says the chemicals to be sent tomorrow are not
restricted by the UN sanctions and the delivery is to prevent force damage from
spreading back in August 8th korea sent officials
to nords Mount Kumgang asan for a joint check on local forests
PM Lee hails S. Korea's game industry for contributions to job creation - Duration: 0:41.videogames are look to help create jobs for young professionals here in South
Korea which is why today's sauce Prime Minister invited game industry leaders
to lunch at his office to encourage and thank them for their contributions to
job creation you know again hailed the sectors creativity and skills as well as
efforts to spread outstanding gaming content or around the world the local
gaming industry maintained an average annual growth rate of eight point seven
percent over the past 10 years games account for some 3.3 billion u.s.
dollars worth of exports or 55% of all outbound shipments from South Korea's
content industry which includes publishing advertising and music
"러, 첨단방공미사일 크림반도에 추가배치"..우크라와 대립 와중 | korean army - Duration: 7:48.-------------------------------------------
막내VIEW 2화 : 형들의 외출 준비 - Duration: 7:12.I'm waiting for YONGSEUNG to finish his shower.
How has he been doing this? Seriously?
I'm so tired.
YONGSEUNG goes to school really early.
You're out.
What are you doing?
I'm taking MAKNAE's VIEW.
Oh, the perspective of the youngest?
Right, you're doing that.
There's no way but to be a diligent man.
If I knew you were shooting, I would've...
Can I do this on camera?
You're watching YONGSEUNG who just got out of the shower.
How sexy.
I'm going to dry my hair.
Yeah, this is it. His school uniform.
I've been waiting for this moment.
It's so cold these days.
Right. Aren't you going to be cold? Only with the uniform?
I think your hair's going to freeze.
That's why you need to dry your hair.
Right. Right.
Yesterday, DONGHEON was like, 'it must be so hard',
'it must be so hard going to school'.
Well, if you're used to it...
You look good in yellow.
Oh, really? Thank you.
Seems like a businessman
I can't be in this camera.
You're not going to be in it?
You are not going to be in your shooting?
And yes, the sunblock!
You need to apply the sunblock to prevent skin aging.
So, YONGSEUNG prepares like this when he goes out.
I woke up early to show you guys this.
Do something for my effort.
You should've told me about this before.
I didn't know it'd be so real.
I'm a bit swollen in the morning.
No, you're good. You look fine.
Now he's ready to go out.
Okay, let's go.
This is the first time to be sent off, isn't it?
It is. How touching.
When I'm out you'll...
Go back to sleep right away.
Yes, sleep some more.
After I'm gone, YEONHO's alarm will go off soon.
You know...
I could shoot my way to the school.
It'd be fun to upload on our account.
Sounds fun.
I'm looking forward to it. YONGSEUNG's TV.
He's out.
What are you doing?
Getting ready for work?
Let me introduce my commute items.
Commute items? Interesting. Fans' would love it.
There's not much lol.
Put the wallet in the bag.
Look at my hands.
His hands are pretty. YOENHO's hands.
Earphone. Wireless earphone.
What else?
My vest!
Yeah, you like vests.
This is a must-have item.
Isn't it too cold for that?
If you layer with others, it's very warm.
I'm going to layer it with KANGMIN's wool jacket.
Right. That's a rare item.
I'm going to wear his wool jacket.
And I need to pack my bag, right?
What do I have in my bag... Nope.
Let's go!
It's only me, isn't it? I'm the only one who introduces commute items.
Yes, certainly.
Let's go!
Bye! He's going for work.
MINCHAN is drying his hair.
He has become fresh and dry.
It's not finished yet.
Need more drying?
Everyone's up.
Zombies are waking up one by one.
The second one.
Are you allowed to shoot like this?
Should I ask for permission?
My face is puffy.
Anyways, KANGMIN TV is all about being real no matter how bad people's looks are.
Don't blame me.
Can you hear this all?
I was wondering about that too.
GYEHYEON who knows about broadcasting.
W. K. B.
You'll be loved.
KANGMIN TV loves you a lot.
My hair doesn't get dry fast. So, I don't use the dryer.
My hair became very tidy, didn't it?
It's completed.
Let's go!
We're off to work.
Now we're off to practice.
Let's go. Bye!
The world from the perspective of KANGMIN.
Yeah! Let's try that?
Then DONGHEON's back looks very wide.
Look at his back!
Let's go! Bye-bye.
Hey, can you help me promote MAKNAE's VIEW?
Promoting for KANGMIN's View.
Please give lots of love to MAKNAE's VIEW!
See you.
Can you help me promote KANGMIN's Camera?
Please show a lot of support for the youngest in our group.
And thank you so much for your love and support.
Keep watching, it's going to get better.
It's fun!
Are you sure?
It's a blast!
Are you sure?
Yes, it's a blast.
Introduktion til id connect A/S - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 Cabriolet 1.8 TFSI Aut. S-Line Navi Xenon Unieke KM - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
G 20: La rencontre entre Trump et Poutine annulée? - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
★ Девушка с синдромом оборотня впервые состригла волосы с лица. Потому что выходит замуж! - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
Neo's Resurrection / "He is The One" Scene | The Matrix (1999) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:49.It can't be.
Check him.
He's gone.
Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.
I'm not afraid anymore.
The Oracle told me...
...I'd fall in love, and that the man I loved would be the One.
So you see...
...you can't be dead.
You can't be...
...because I love you.
You hear me?
I love you.
Now, get up.
He is the One.
Mazda 2 1.5 Skyactiv-G S | Airco | - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
The act of headache is good | Islam Is Awesome | Islam Is Awesome - Duration: 3:04.
Emmanuel Macron joue la montre face aux gilets jaunes - Duration: 8:51.-------------------------------------------
ポルシェ 911 新型、「カレラ S / 4S」は450馬力に - Duration: 7:28.-------------------------------------------
Narození dítěte vám změní život, říká Martin Chodúr - Duration: 11:13.-------------------------------------------
Gardening calendar - for now only in Slovene! - Vrt Obilja EP23 - Duration: 5:07.GARDENING CALENDAR 2019 IS AVAILABLE ONLY IN SLOVENE LANGUAGE!
When gardening, we always wonder,
when that ideal moment for sowing a particular vegetable is.
This is most important in the summer,
when we plant vegetables for autumn and winter crops,
not to leave the garden empty.
To know when to sow lamb's lettuce and Brussels sprouts,
we usually check on the internet,
we act on a hunch
or even forget to sow it, which is a pity.
For many years now we have been making notes,
when a particular vegetable was planted.
Now, together with Aljaž and designer Marjan,
we have combined this knowledge into a beautiful wall gardening calendar,
available to all gardeners in Slovenia.
The calendar is based on the information
from the biodynamic calendar by Maria Thun,
and it shows ideal days for sowing fruit vegetables, root vegetables, flowering plants and leaf vegetables.
Periods appropriate for transplanting plants are also marked.
The hours of transition indicate the beginning of a new period,
one hour during the transit is not appropriate for working with plants,
which is indicated with a white space.
At this stage, however, we have upgraded the information on the calendar.
For each vegetable, we have marked
its ideal day for sowing for seedlings cultivation
with bright text
or when to sow or transplant directly on the bed with dark text.
Thus we have written exact dates for 44
most common vegetables on the calendar.
If we turn the calendar on March,
we can see that March 26th is an ideal day for sowing basil for seedlings cultivation,
it is written in light green colour.
On the same day, it is also an ideal day for sowing or transplanting
spinach, Swiss chard, leek, parsley, lettuce, kohlrabi,
cauliflower, cabbage and head kale on the bed,
which are all written in dark green colour.
The greatest peculiarity of the calendar
is the last page with the yearly vegetable diagram.
We can unfold the page so it is visible throughout the year under the calendar.
Year is divided with little circles into months,
months are divided into thirds
and the colour of each circle shows
what can be done with the plant in that third of the month.
The numbers in the circles are the ideal days
that we have seen in a monthly view.
Cauliflower is sown in the beginning or in the middle of February,
which is marked with light green colour.
In 2019 the best day for this will be on February 18th.
Towards the end of the month we prick cauliflower seedlings,
which is marked with darker colour.
Then the seedling grows, which is marked with grey colour.
In the last part of March or at the beginning of April,
seedlings are transplanted on the bed,
which is marked with dark green colour.
In the upcoming season the best day to do this will be on March 26th.
Then, again, the growth period follows
and orange colour indicates the period
when we will have crops.
In front of all the listed vegetables there are icons.
When we see the seed icon,
it means that the seeds of the plants are sown directly on the bed.
When we have a full or black icon of a pot with a plant,
it means that we grow those plants from seedlings.
Empty or white pot with a plant
indicates that besides direct sowing,
the plant can be grown from seedlings,
although this is not the most common practice.
Number 1 means early or first sowing,
number 2 means second or last sowing in that year.
Letter P indicates
that sowing between the first and the second period
can be repeated at intervals,
e.g. every three weeks we repeat the sowing of kohlrabi or Florence fennel.
There is a space for your notes next to the diagram.
We have also left a lot of empty lines
for special varieties or vegetables that will grow in your garden.
On the last page, as a supplement,
our practical garden plan of Garden of Abundance for the year 2019 is
which serves especially as a planning and rotation aid on your garden.
Today, we went through the calendar quite in detail
so we could present all of its features.
It is printed on a hundred per cent recycled paper
and for each sold calendar we will plant five trees
within the framework of the Five Tree project.
The first 250 calendars have already been ordered in the first week
and the first responses are great.
We all can hardly wait to start gardening
using this gardening calendar in the next season.
Join us and order it on a link below.
Thanks for the support,
thanks also for watching our gardening videos,
and see you next season!
DA TITCHA - Punchline - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
[Tuto] Envoyer les identifiants d'un collaborateur - Duration: 1:02.Hello, I'm Joris and I am going to explain how to
send access email to your employees.
It is very simple, all you need to do is go
to general settings, open "employee and users"
then select the employee you want to send access email to.
You can select them manually or click on "actions"
and click on "select all the elements"
And then click on "Send access email"
Your employees will receive an email with the link of the software.
and also, the IDs to log in, which is own email address.
To log in, click on the link you received in your inbox,
you get on the platform, enter your password
by respecting the stated security rules,
then confirm your password.
You have now access to your account.
I hope this video could have helped you
and I wish you a pleasant day with Eurécia.
Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Automaat Style | Advantage - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse 350 D Aut. AMG Grijs Kenteken Distronic Dak Comand Leer Xenon - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
[Tuto] Comment créer la fiche d'un utilisateur - Duration: 1:57.Hello, we meet today
to explain how to create an employee.
To do this, go to your Admin Area, general settings
and click on "new" in "Employee and Users"
You have the possibility to create a new employee
From an existing user
with the same characteristics.
Elements related to the different profiles will be duplicated in the new record.
The second possibility is to create from an empty user record.
Whatever you choose the wizard of creation will guide you step by step.
In step 1, you need to select the modules you want to activate
for this new employee
and proceed to step 2 by clicking on "next".
In this step you must define the user profile, the workshift, the Staff leave/absence profile.
and the expense report profile according to the subscribed modules.
Step 3 allows you to finalize the creation.
The email address will also be used as a login ID.
It can only be assigned to one person.
If your employee does not have a professional e-mail,
you must enter a fictive email and a password so that the employee can connect to Eurécia.
Once all the information has been filled in,
remember to click on "save" to register your employee's file.
Your employee is now created in Eurécia.
If you have the Leave & Absences module,
be aware that when you create a employee, the leave counters
are automatically created during the night.
If you can't wait until then,
don't panic, you can create the counters manually.
We hope that this video has been useful
and we wish you a pleasant day with Eurécia.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 250 D AMG Aut. Pano Distronic Comand Nw.Pr. € 82.229 - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Sivayya Telugu Movie Scene HD | Rajasekhar | Sanghavi | Suresh Production - Duration: 3:51.-------------------------------------------
Learning Inside Our Mother´s Womb - Duration: 8:32.Everything starts the day your mum's egg meets your dad's sperm.
Four weeks later your little brain begins to form. Epidemiologist David
Barker says, that whilst developing inside our mother, we are receiving
postcards from the outside world. These postcards tell us if this world is
dangerous or safe, if food is plentiful or scarce. Knowing nothing else, we learn
from those messages. Let's watch what we experience and learn inside the womb
from the fetus perspective. Month 1: only 24 hours alive every bit of genetic
information is already present in a single cell: from our hair color to our
talent as a future pianist. Then we divide ourselves again and again. After
around a week we travel from the ovaries to the uterus where we then undergo the
great divide - splitting into two, half of which will become us while the other
half forms the placenta which brings us food and oxygen and carries away waste.
By week four we have developed into a small being that is growing at a rate of
1 million cells per second. Our spinal cord, heart and brain are now clearly
visible, even if we adjust the size of a poppyseed. Month 2: at about week four to
five our heart starts to beat and we are now ten thousand times bigger than we
were at conception. This is a crucial point in our neurological development as
our brain grows at a rate of around a hundred thousand cells each minute. If
our mother consumes alcohol and drugs or experiences extreme stress or trauma our
tiny brain can get damaged. This can lead to maths problems at school or even
schizophrenia some forty years later. If our mum stays healthy and can relax our
brain can develop to its full potential. We are now the size of a raspberry.
Month 3: at the beginning of month three we start to react to stimuli. Our
sense of smell is developing and exposure to toxins can make us cringe.
Our brain is continuing to grow very fast our Ears start forming and we can
soon hear our mum's heartbeat and voice speak. Still small enough we have plenty
of space to move inside the belly. Our mother's womb becomes our sensory
playground we learn to move our arms, stretch our fingers, smile or suck our
thumb. 75% of us are now showing a preference to use the right hand we are
now around the size of a lemon. Month 4: our head makes up about half our total
size. We learn to kick, pee and how to swallow. Our taste buds are developing. If
our mother eats a wide variety of things we learn to appreciate different tastes
and become less fussy eaters later in life. If we receive inadequate or poor
nutrients we adapt our physiology to sustain our development. This process is
also called fetal programming. Some researchers have found that this can
result in health problems such as obesity, heart conditions and diabetes
later in life. We are now around the size of a big tomato. Month 5: while earlier
our mums voice sounded muffled now it is starting to become clear. We are also
experiencing a big growth spurt and we start the development of our teeth and
our first real hair, fingernails, eyebrows and eyelashes. We are becoming more
active each day and enjoying flexing our tiny muscles. As we wriggle, kick and turn
our mother will start to feel as moving. If she responds we learned that for
every action there is a reaction. We are now around the size of a dragon fruit.
During this sixth month a major mark of brain development occurs. Our brains
cerebral cortex splits into two hemispheres. But it's also an exciting
month for our eyes which open for the first time. Even though we see only blurs
we start to respond to light. Some say it's good if our mum now takes us into
the sun. We are now starting to make simple facial expressions such as
forming a grin. We probably learn to communicate for the time when we are
born when we want to show our feelings. We are now around the size of a small
cauliflower. Month 7: we begin to develop regular intervals for sleeping and being
awake. The hair on our head is now clearly visible and our milk teeth have
formed under our gums. When we hear our mum speak we may respond with an
increased heartbeat and movement. Some researchers claim that we now begin to
learn language from hearing the voices from outside because once born we seem
to show a preference for our dads and mums native language. If we were to be
born now we would have a 90% chance of survival and arrived the size of a
pineapple. Month 8 we are now behaving like a newborn. Our brain is functional
and our nervous system ready. Our lungs are almost fully formed and we are
practicing breathing by inhaling and the amniotic fluid. Ee now spend almost all of
our time as sleep, maybe dreaming about our near future. In preparation for birth
most of us will have now turned upside down. To get through that tiny hole at
the end of the tunnel our bones and skull are still extremely flexible. Only
the immune system is still in its infancy.
It will take many months after birth until our internal body guards can fully
protect our health. We are now around the size of a melon.
Month 9: in the last month we keep practicing our motor skills and kicks.
When our mum laughs eat sweets or drinks an ice tea we might respond by bouncing
up and down. If we could already understand research papers we would now
hope that our mum can bring us to the world through natural birth which
protects us through a stronger immune system for life. The puzzle of what is
nurture and what is nature is now well underway and already shows a first image
of our character. The most important missing piece will be added in our early
childhood. At the end of the nine months we are around the size of a jackfruit.
After many hours of hard labour we will be welcomed into this world. Some
will then be instantly taken away for various checkup procedures and bathing.
But if we are lucky we will first spend some time with our mum. If placed on her
belly we will instinctively crawl to her
breast and then show us sucking skills. This makes us happy, full and feel safe.
The foundation for all future learning
Millions of students from all around the globe have watched our Sprouts videos,
for better learning thousands of teachers play them in their classrooms,
to start projects volunteers on YouTube have translated them to over 25
languages - our mission is to promote learning by doing in classrooms around
the world. If you are a great explainer and a passionate teacher and you want to
help us develop outstanding content contact us! To support our channel with a
donation visit patreon.com/sprouts
[FREE] Soulja Boy x Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 - "Draco" ( prod. HittahBeats ) - Duration: 3:56.[FREE] Soulja Boy x Lil Baby Type Beat 2018 - "Draco" ( prod. HittahBeats )
QLIMAX 2018 - AFTERVLOG #155 - Duration: 24:09.Hi
Welcome to a new video
I'm in the car
I go to Hair Elements in Best
There they are going to do my hair
because tonight we got something super nice on the planning
It's November 24th and
we go to Qlimax tonight
Imara is partying at Winterpark
Unfortunately she's not with me today but
next week we will be together again
and yes I'm super excited for tonight!
There will be a video online very soon
of Imara and me
because we filmed something
because we have 5000 subscribers
and we want to celebrate that with you
and that's why we made a super fun video
and it will be online very soon
I'm home
and look at my hair
So beautiful
it's a little blue purple
And I'm super happy with it
Above it's my own color
I've just been to Hair Elements
and I borrowed this hairpiece of them
So I don't have to do my hair tonight
Only make-up and an other outfit
And then I'm ready
It's been 3 o'clock
Only have to do my nails
I think this is totally not interesting for the men who are watching because
they are only interested to the party but
I put a link in my description of Hair Elements
So you can check them out
So beautiful
I'm super happy!
I'm home and I have my nails done and their so cool
Matches perfect with my hair
Now I put some make-up on it
Outfit change and then
then Kevin will be here to cook some diner for us
maybe you know him of the Ace Of Spades video
And then it's time to party
Here we are again
Pastaa time
I will do my trick today
That goes wrong
Very good
We will eat the same dinner as the last time
We're in and we got a little present of Q-Dance
Let's see what's inside
What's this?
It's a pin!
That's nice
Thank you Q-Dance
We're here
The opening starts now but
unfortunately we're not inside yet
But we are here!
Hi guys!
Look whose here with me
Hi guys
Let's speak Italian
I'm sure the people don't understand what we're talking about
Just kidding
I don't understand a word of it
Guys this girl
She's making great vlogs
I'm following her since the beginning
follow her!
Qlimax was awesome!
I didn't film my self much because the stage was so cool
It was changing all the time
When we came the stage was a face
And then it separated from each other
With all different colors and
the lasers were also super nice
The sound was in the front better then in the back
so we went to the front later
So I think you will hear that on my camera
that it don't record the bass
First we stood in the back
but then somebody was spraying pepper spray
so that was a less fun moment but
we didn't feel bad or something
and it was for a short time and
then we went tot the front
The best sets were of B-Freqz and Dr.Peacock
They we're closing Qlimax
The atmosphere was really good
We walked around a couple of times and
spoke to a few people
also Sebastian of Clockartz
Fun to meet him again!
Qlimax has the best experience of all the parties
Last year was also super nice and this year
I'm still enjoying that day
Next Saturday Imara and I will go to Live For This of Warface
And I'm also very excited for that party. It has also a very nice line-up
So let me know if you are going!
And I'm very curious what you think of Qlimax
So I'm closing the video now
Don't forget to like and subscribe of course
and don't forget to follow our Instagram
See you next week at The Aftervlog!
10 SPLATOON GIFT IDEAS - Duration: 9:33.Christmas time is coming, and I thought it could be great
to talk about Splatoon merchandising again, it may help you
find a gift to a close friend or relative who loves Splatoon.
So here's a ten-gift list you may
offer to any Splatoon fan.
There are different prices, and different types of gifts.
Some are official Nintendo products,
and some others are fan made.
Of course, this list is very personal, I chose the things I think
are relevant.
Someone else may have a different opinion, so feel free
to comment about it and share with us other Splatoon stuff you may have found
that I wouldn't talk about in this video.
It is a good way for you to help one another.
So let's go! First, let's begin with the basics, and by basics, I mean, litteraly,
the basics!
You may or may not know, but many Splatoon 2 fans don't own the whole
package to enjoy this game: some don't have a Nintendo Switch, some don't have
the game, some don't have the Octo Expansion, and some don't have the Nintendo Switch Online
subscription yet.
So, if you have any close friend or relative who is a Splatoon fan and one of these
four features is not in his hands yet, the Switch, the Octo Expansion, the game or the Online subscription,
well it is a good way to begin with because you can offer them
a chance to improve their gameplay, and without it, you can't play Splatoon, or at least
not properly.
I know that a lot of kids still don't have the Nintendo Switch Online subscription yet
so Christmas is a great opportunity for you to make them happy, it is only 20€,
and the kids will be able to play the Nintendo games online for a year.
So, in my opinion, it is the most essential gift to make to those who couldn't subscribe.
The Octo Expansion also brings some brand new gameplay experiences.
Same as the Nintendo Switch Online, it is only 20€.
And believe me, it is worth its price.
The second gift you can make is a Splatoon cap.
I really enjoy caps, i'm putting one on in all my videos now,
and I try to buy the Splatoon caps I really like,
I found three that are quite beautiful.
You may have seen them already on my head during a video or a live session.
But I'm gonna show them again and of course I'm giving you all the links
in the description section so you can buy all the products I'm presenting you.
For your information, some of these objects can be found in France,
and some others have to be imported, most of the time on ebay, but
on other websites as well.
It is safe, you know, I have ordered many objects on them myself,
Everything went perfectly with these orders. It is sometimes longer than expected,
and this is why I am doing this video in November and not in December.
So, the caps! There are three or four caps I saw on the internet which look really good
to me.
First, there is this one: it is the very first I bought, and it is really simple
but quite cool, but not my favourite.
The second one has the same style as the first one, but this time this is a snapback style,
the first was more Splatoon 1, and now this is
more Splatoon 2, and it is a new brand in Splatoon 2 actually,
and this cap is the one the main inkling is wearing on the game cover,
it is quite cool and well-ventilated, it one of my favourite
Splatoon 2 caps.
And the last one: there it is, with the Space Inkvader. I'm wearing it a lot,
it is one of my favourite as well!
The third gift you can offer to your relatives who are Splatoon fans,
is obviously the official Splatoon manga books.
There are four books already published as I speak, the fourth one got released
not long ago, actually.
It is meant to be read by young people, because the story is quite childish,
but a lot of hardcore Splatoon fans, whatever their age,
enjoy buying those things, I guess.
We are following a team which is trying to make a name in the world of Inkopolis
through many turf wars, and up till now, there are only
four books available in France, but they are being translated by Soleil Manga,
so there will be more in the future, and for now, I think you can find
a pack containing the first three books, so you can buy them all three at once,
and you can find them easily, on the French internet,
or in any big bookstore, you'll find them really easily and this is cool gift
that Splatoon players who don't own them already will enjoy.
let's move on and see the fourth idea: Splatoon amiibos
There are plenty of amiibos, obviously, and you can see almost all of them here
on my shelves, but you have to keep in mind the last three ones released,
in addition to their cute Octoling features, they enable you
to unlock some gears that went viral within the game, especially the octopus one,
you can buy them as a three-amiibo pack, but others can be bought one by one,
if you don't want these three ones.
Of course, these ideas are not groundbreaking, but a lot of people
don't own these amiibos yet, when you are a grown-up
and you have enough money, you can buy anything you want,
but there are a lot of kids who don't own all these objects I'm talking about,
and many parents don't know that such objects exist, so, to me, it is essential
to give you some ideas that seem really simple or basic.
But, honestly, even though amiibos are not essential in Splatoon 2 for you to enjoy
the game, these last ones are really cool and bring you some really funny gears.
These features are mostly skins and it brings you nothing in terms o gameplay,
but it is cool.
Now, if you see that the person you want to makea gift to is carrying
their Switch in their hands, well you can find
some Splatoon carrying cases.
There are many references, I have three different cases,
some are quite plain, and others not, and either way, they have the designs and logos
of the game, which is nice, and it enables you to keep your Switch
safe from any potential bumps when your carrying it,
As we speak about it, I'm giving away one carrying case in this video: the one other here.
Inside, there is: this case, some little grips to put on your joucon sticks,
just like that, Splatoon themed.
A little case such as this one in which you can put your games,
and a new joycon grip Splatoon themed again, this is a good gift
to offer so I'm giving you a chance to win one in this video. To have a chance, it's very simple:
write a comment in the commentary section of this video and I'll draw one randomly,
feel free to come back and see under this video if you won,
I'll answer to the winning comment,
and then I'll ship it to you, right at home, so good luck!
Let's talk about clothes again, but this time, we'll talk about t-shirts because
there are many Splatoon references.
There are not that much official t-shirts, at least in France.
But non-official t-shirts can be found very easily: many people reproduced
some of the t-shirts seen in the game
and you can find them online.
I have, myself, an online store where you can buy t-shirts, in case you didn't know.
Many possibilites for you, so; I can't show you everything
but I'm giving you all the links you'll need in the description section,
You have plenty of references, and if you buy one on my site, it would help me a lot,
just so you know.
Seventh and eighth ideas are quite similar, because it is both
Splatoon plushes and pillows.
You can see all around me, there are pillows here, on my left, and plushes
hanging on my lamp, there.
As for plushes in France, you can find squid plushes very easily,
just like that, they are quite small, not really expensive, and pretty cool
If importing from outside Europe doesn't scare you, well, you can also buy
Judd and Lil'Judd plushes quite easily.
Other Splatoon characters can be found, such as the Squid Sisters
or inkling boys and girls as well.
As for pillows, well you can find some big ones such as these Squid ones
but also Judd and Lil'Judd pillows.
Honestly, i found them really great, they are really soft and fluffy,
they are really great to handle.
Please note that the prices can change a lot from one site to another,
because they depend on the color of the squid you want, because some are more
difficult to find than others, so the prices change.
Some are really expensive, and others really affordable,
I sharing all the links in the description so you can make
your choice.
Idea number 9: books again, but this time,
Splatoon artbooks.
There is one about Splatoon which is about to get released in French, in November,
so you can put your hands on it, and a second one about Splatoon 2,
but for now it Japanese only, so you'd better wait for a translation
to come later, I think; and these two books are big and you can see some
interesting facts and artworks about the game, conception
are any small details about the characters, and they are really nice,
I think it is a gift any Splatoon lover would like to have.
Last idea: I already told you about it on my channel,
Splatoon weapon replicas, just like these ones, here.
As I told you, an online shop is printing some replicas,
many references, and they are really cool, beautifuly crafted,
that's really awesome, and it's really good for any cosplayer who loves going to conventions,
and for collectors as well.
Of course, the prices are higher than everything I told you about,
it is more expensive, but these are rare objects,
and the range of weapons is good, I think this gift
is perfect for any Splatoon fan for sure.
There are already a lot of objects,
but you can also find a lot more, and in order to help you in your quest,
I created a website called www.splatoongoodies.com and it references
many objects and merchandising about Splatoon, mainly official products,
Nintendo, and others.
I'm sharing Amazon, Fnac or ebay links
and you can buy these Splatoon objects on those websites.
Almost all the objects I told you about are listed on this site
but you can also find others which may interest you,
I'm trying to put on it only French objects or objects really easy to import.
The displayed prices are the prices you can find on the selling websites,
but some time you may find a little
difference if they are not updated.
Anyway, if you are interested in one objects on this site, feel free to click
in order to see all the information about it on the seller's website.
So, in addition to those ten ideas, if you want more, feel free to check this site:
www.splatoongoodies.com , I'm giving you the link in description, feel free
to tell us what you thought of this video, and these ideas.
Don't forget to comment if you want to enter the contest, to like the video if you
enjoyed it, if it helped you in your quest for the perfect Splatoon gift.
I hope it did, see you soon in a next
DA TITCHA - Punchline - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
Pressure mounts as N. Korea, U.S. yet to schedule stalled talks - Duration: 2:30.Working-level talks between Pyeongyang and Washington may not happen.
According to a U.S. official, the North has not responded to proposals to reschedule other,
high-level talks that need to happen first... but have been postponed.
Top American officials seem to believe that the regime needs to make an effort before
the "window of opportunity" closes.
Lee Ji-won tells us more.
Talks between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his North Korean counterpart have been
postponed already, and now working-level talks between the two sides seem to be falling apart
Radio Free Asia reported Tuesday that, according to a former senior U.S. official, Washington's
special representative for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, was going to attend working-level
talks with North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister, Choe Son-hui, in mid-December.
The former official said that Biegun had even cleared out his schedule the second week of
December for that meeting... amid hopes that the high-level talks between Secretary Pompeo
and his North Korean counterpart would be rescheduled to sometime in late November.
There were reports that the U.S. had proposed holding the high-level talks toward the end
of November but never heard back from Pyeongyang.
And according to the former official, there is no meeting scheduled with the North as
of now... and unless the situation changes, it'd be hard for the working-level meeting
to take place in December.
Observers say that the North and the U.S. are in a tug-of-war over the lifting of sanctions
and over concrete steps toward denuclearization,... but that they need to make sure they don't
lose the momentum for dialogue.
The Seoul-based paper JoongAng Ilbo reported Wednesday... that in a meeting with his South
Korean counterpart earlier this month,... Biegun said... the "window of opportunity"
for the nuclear talks is closing... if the North continues to be ambiguous, referring
to Pyeongyang's silence about rescheduling the high-level talks.
Citing a U.S. official, the paper reported that Biegun also said... that because of growing
pressure on those in the U.S. who want dialogue with the North, and with the Democrats taking
over the lower house of Congress, the Trump administration cannot sit idly by.
The administration has been emphasizing how there is no timeframe for North Korea's denuclearization,
but watchers say Biegun seems to hint that dragging out the negotiations won't do any
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Elles sont l'Occitanie - Salomé Géraud - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Here we go Loopty Loo | Car Cartoons For Children | Kids Videos by Speedies - Duration: 15:34.Here We Go Loopty Loo
2a_ Sessió_ ''L'amor romantic''_Parlem de gèneres, sexes i altres invents humans... - Duration: 1:43.-------------------------------------------
Kostyra: "Każdy bokser ma plan, dopóki nie dostanie w ryj" - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Lezing | Gods Woord 'Wat het betekent om een echt mens te zijn' - Duration: 20:37.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Galaxy S8+ Screen Replacement #samsunggalaxys8plus - Duration: 16:22.How to change Samsung Galaxy S8 + screen
You can watch through this video.
Samsun Galaxy S8 Plus screen replacement
successfully done.
Differences Are Everywhere | Pepee Cartoons For Children | Shows For Kids by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 11:10.Pepee Cartoons Differences Are Everything.
VWゴルフの影に隠れた名車!! 軽くて速くて楽しいオペル・カデットDって知ってる? - Duration: 10:10.-------------------------------------------
QLIMAX 2018 - AFTERVLOG #155 - Duration: 24:09.Hi
Welcome to a new video
I'm in the car
I go to Hair Elements in Best
There they are going to do my hair
because tonight we got something super nice on the planning
It's November 24th and
we go to Qlimax tonight
Imara is partying at Winterpark
Unfortunately she's not with me today but
next week we will be together again
and yes I'm super excited for tonight!
There will be a video online very soon
of Imara and me
because we filmed something
because we have 5000 subscribers
and we want to celebrate that with you
and that's why we made a super fun video
and it will be online very soon
I'm home
and look at my hair
So beautiful
it's a little blue purple
And I'm super happy with it
Above it's my own color
I've just been to Hair Elements
and I borrowed this hairpiece of them
So I don't have to do my hair tonight
Only make-up and an other outfit
And then I'm ready
It's been 3 o'clock
Only have to do my nails
I think this is totally not interesting for the men who are watching because
they are only interested to the party but
I put a link in my description of Hair Elements
So you can check them out
So beautiful
I'm super happy!
I'm home and I have my nails done and their so cool
Matches perfect with my hair
Now I put some make-up on it
Outfit change and then
then Kevin will be here to cook some diner for us
maybe you know him of the Ace Of Spades video
And then it's time to party
Here we are again
Pastaa time
I will do my trick today
That goes wrong
Very good
We will eat the same dinner as the last time
We're in and we got a little present of Q-Dance
Let's see what's inside
What's this?
It's a pin!
That's nice
Thank you Q-Dance
We're here
The opening starts now but
unfortunately we're not inside yet
But we are here!
Hi guys!
Look whose here with me
Hi guys
Let's speak Italian
I'm sure the people don't understand what we're talking about
Just kidding
I don't understand a word of it
Guys this girl
She's making great vlogs
I'm following her since the beginning
follow her!
Qlimax was awesome!
I didn't film my self much because the stage was so cool
It was changing all the time
When we came the stage was a face
And then it separated from each other
With all different colors and
the lasers were also super nice
The sound was in the front better then in the back
so we went to the front later
So I think you will hear that on my camera
that it don't record the bass
First we stood in the back
but then somebody was spraying pepper spray
so that was a less fun moment but
we didn't feel bad or something
and it was for a short time and
then we went tot the front
The best sets were of B-Freqz and Dr.Peacock
They we're closing Qlimax
The atmosphere was really good
We walked around a couple of times and
spoke to a few people
also Sebastian of Clockartz
Fun to meet him again!
Qlimax has the best experience of all the parties
Last year was also super nice and this year
I'm still enjoying that day
Next Saturday Imara and I will go to Live For This of Warface
And I'm also very excited for that party. It has also a very nice line-up
So let me know if you are going!
And I'm very curious what you think of Qlimax
So I'm closing the video now
Don't forget to like and subscribe of course
and don't forget to follow our Instagram
See you next week at The Aftervlog!
Scratch: learn to program creating stories and games - Duration: 3:50.
Hi everyone!
Now we are going to look at what Scratch is
and how it works.
Scratch is a programming language that allows you to create
interactive stories, animations, games.
Made for 8 to 16 year-olds specifically, it also available for other age groups.
In the Scratch homepage, at the top, we can find the menu.
We have the "Create" button that allows us to begin our projects;
"Explore" that allows us to see projects created by other users;
"Tips" that gives us help on how to use the app;
"Join Scratch", which you need to click on to register;
and "Sign in" for the log in.
Let's log in the app so that we can also share our projects.
Otherwise, by clicking on "Create",
we can create and view projects,
but not share them.
In "My Profile" you can find "My Things".
By clicking on it, we can view projects we have saved
and also the ones we have shared with other users.
I have already created a project I haven't shared yet.
By clicking on "Look Inside",
we can see what we can do with Scratch.
Here is a project that I created.
At the top we can give it a title,
I called mine "The Colour Changing Dragon".
Here I chose a Sprite (a character),
you can also modify your Sprite;
you can use an exising Sprite,
or you can choose an image from your gallery,
use your webcam to take a photo
or you can create a new one.
You can also modify your background.
At the bottom, just like for the Sprite,
there's a menu.
Here, as you can see, you can choose between different types of
Movements, Aspects, Sounds, Situations, Controls, etcetera
to move your Sprite within the scene.
I chose this sequence of actions to move my Sprite
so that, everytime I press the spacebar,
the Sprite will move in a different way and change colour.
If I want to share my project with other users,
all I have to do is clicking on "Share".
That was an example of how to use Scratch.
Have fun creating!
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