Meagan markle's palace diaries revealed the Royals are in crisis mode
It was recently revealed that three of their closest aides
Mysteriously quit in the last six months which was followed by reports last week that Meghan is making Palace staff feel
Uncomfortable by bombarding them with texts and demanding they start their day at 5:00 a.m
And now royal insiders tell new idea how Meghan and Harry who have just celebrated their six-month wedding
Anniversary have been thrown into further turmoil after finding out
There's a leak within their team who is preparing to expose the Duchess's palace Diaries which contain a stream of potentially explosive
Secrets that could cause crisis for the entire family
Megan's been penning a diary ever since she moved to the UK and it's full of bombshells
Which could destroy the Royals a well-placed palace source reveals?
It contains her most personal thoughts her feelings about each family member including who she dislikes how she's dealt with
conflict royal showdowns
Which have never been revealed?
rose during the wedding planning process her struggles settling into royal life and even doubts about
Whether she could handle the pressure and who gave her the hardest time behind the scenes
according to The Insider
Meghan's always had a passion for writing and since having to give up her famous blog the tig upon meeting Harry
she's used her diary instead as her outlet and often jokes how it acts as her therapist and
While she and Harry are preparing to spend their first Christmas together as a married couple
Alongside Megan's mother Doria who's been extended a special invitation from the Queen?
It is understood the pregnant Duchess
37 his petrified their festive plans may be quashed by the revelation set to be released and that Harry will be angry
sources say the couple had a blazing row which led the prince to leave his wife at home and jet to Zambia alone for his
two-day tour of the African country new ideas insider tells how Prince Harry
34 is furious with his wife for not only penning such intimate details about their
Relationship but being so careless as to leave it lying around for staff to get their hands on Harry's fuming
She's humiliated. And when all he's done is tried to protect her
He's now dealing with the stress and anxiety of this on top of her already stressful family drama
And he told her he needed some time out hence his decision to go alone
Now Megan's panicking about how much he could lose
The former Hollywood actress is also said to be worried about the potential fallout between her and her royal sister-in-law Kate
36 Megan's riddled with anxiety over what could come out about Kate says the source
She's written some often damning things about her as she had a frosty reception from her at first despite now being the best of friends
Megan also details intimate conversations
She and Kate have had which could potentially cause problems between her and William and says the magnitude of her secrets being revealed
Could be catastrophic
Last week royal sources told no idea how Prince Charles's 70th birthday
Celebrations were thrown into chaos following a royal showdown with Troublesome Camilla at the center of the drama
But now it seems Megan has taken her place in the firing line and has sent the Queen into a state of panic
She's urged them to find out the leak immediately and ensure they're slapped with a gagging order to stop what could be a full-blown
Crisis for the family the source says adding Megan's cause more drama for the family than most members doing a lifetime
What do you think about this? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and don't
Forget like and share the video with everyone if you feel this video is useful
Kate and William support the troops
Couple will throw a Christmas party for children of military personnel to honor those spending the festive season away from home
With Christmas fast approaching the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are set to throw their support behind
Military personnel who will be spending the festive season away from their families
the royal couple will complete two engagements during the first week of December including
A Christmas party for families and children of personnel from RAF Coningsby and RAF Marham who are serving in Cyprus
Kensington Palace said the couple want to acknowledge and honor the fact that
7,500 military personnel are deployed overseas or away from home on exercises and may miss out on time with their families over the festive period
Wednesday 5th December the couple will fly to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to meet with personnel
families and members of the local community the
Royal family has always
Maintained close links with the Armed Forces and both William and his brother Harry have previously served with the latter
completing 10 years in the British Army
Prince William trained at Sandhurst military academy and when he graduated in December
2006 he was commissioned into the Blues and Royals a regiment of the Household Cavalry
two years later
he received his RAF wings from his father the Prince of Wales and
Transferred from the Army to the RAF and made Flight Lieutenant Wales two years later in
2010 he joined the RAF search and rescue force in
2012 he was deployed for a tour in the Falkland Islands 30 years after Britain fought a war with Argentina
To reclaim them his active service with the Air Force came to an end in
2013 and he joined the East Anglian Air Ambulance in
2015 in
addition to their royal duties
Christmas will be a busy time for the couple who will be enjoying their first as a family of five
After Kate gave birth to their third child Prince Lewis in April
The couple last year spent Christmas at sauntering ham with the Queen and members of the royal family
However, it's not yet clear if they will follow suit for
in an interview on German TV channel
white Hoyt earlier this month
Kate's brother James said he was looking forward to a family Christmas that will give the Middletons a chance to regroup
His comments suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
May once again skip Christmas at Sundering ham with with Queen in favor of spending 25th December at the Middleton home in berkshire
Describing the warm reception guests can expect to receive at michael and carol's
4.7 million pounds mansion in buckle berry berkshire. James
31 said I welcome people into our family home. I want it to feel like it's their home
There will be turkey champagne and some wine for me. It's all about family. It's one where we can regroup in
2016 William and Kate broke with tradition by spending the festive season with the Middleton's rather than joining the Queen. It's on during ham
At the time experts said the decision was made to put the needs of George and Charlotte who were than three and 18 months?
First and give them a more relaxed experience rather than the formality of Sandringham
The princess of playing it safe
Meghan's most worn colors have been beige and maybe since her engagement to Prince Harry twelve months ago
Megan's favorite colors to wear over the past 12 months have been beige on Navy the Duchess of Sussex
37 has worn both colors 17 times each since her engagement to Prince
Harry was announced she has stocked
Predominantly two neutral colors since joining the royal family with both black and white following in third and fourth place comes to her favorite shades
Meanwhile, megan has also stepped out in a number of blue khaki and ensembles according to statistics compiled by The Telegraph Stella
Magazine the Duchess began wearing beige soon after her engagement with Prince Harry was announced last November
Including the coat by Sendler that she wore at her first Christmas Day church service at Sandringham
She also done the war an oatmeal coat by Canadian brand Smythe for her engagement in Brixton in January
Since the royal wedding in May she has also worn neutral dresses at various official engagements including at a young leaders event with the Queen
most recently the Duchess wore two different beige trench coats by
Australian designer Martin grant and Burberry designer during her tour down under
celebrity stylist Rochelle white told female
I feel that Megan knows what works for her and knows what colors work well for her and her skin tone
beige is a neutral colour and goes with most color palettes styles and looks
This is a colour Megan wears well and most likely ones that she feels comfortable in it works
Well at most of the events that she attends as well as well as being adaptable to the changing seasons
Megan's penchant for navy became the most obvious during her first major overseas trip when she wore a dark blue outfits over the course of
The 16-day tour she opted for two navy ensembles for her final day of the tour in New Zealand
Stepping out in a Stella McCartney dress and a bespoke jumper and pleated skirt by Givenchy
prior to the Royal tour
Megan also wore a navy coat by Givenchy to Princess Eugenie's wedding in May as well as dark blue coats on two of her first
engagements with Harry ahead of her wedding in May
Experts previously told female choice of navy on the royal tour may have been to help her communicate or professionalism while remaining approachable
Karen Haller the UK's leading applied color psychology
Specialist told female when it comes to the psychology of color blue relates to the mind
darker blues relate to trust logic and knowledge
It communicates duty and professionalism and given its a more approachable color than black
Maybe why she wore this view often on her recent? 16-day Royal Tour Down Under
She added
Subconsciously wearing darker blues might suggest that this being her first major royal tour. She wanted to maintain her focus and concentration
During her royal duties
For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's palace diaries revealed: The Royals are in Crisis mode! - Duration: 10:34.-------------------------------------------
has it all Couple Turn Old Shuttle Bus into their Rolling Tiny Home - Duration: 2:34.
has it all Couple Turn Old Shuttle Bus into their Rolling Tiny Home
Poliquin requests recount of 2nd District results - Duration: 0:32.
Jingle Bells Remix - Best Christmas Songs Playlist 2018 - Merry Christmas Remix Dj - Duration: 1:41:06.
Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!
Amazing Rustic Sipsey Park Model from Alabama Custom Cabins - Duration: 3:58.
Amazing Rustic Sipsey Park Model from Alabama Custom Cabins
If Your Car Exhaust Smoke Looks Like This, You Have a Serious Problem - Duration: 5:27.
rev up your engines, James Wilson, I need help my Toyota Matrix when I gas
it up for five minutes it smokes dark blue, ok dark blue is a combination of
burning oil and burning metal, and it means your engines worn, you can't really
fix it without rebuilding the engine, you could when you change your oil, use
Castrol GTX like I do, then go and put in one quart of lucas oil treatment it's
thick stuff, a lot of times it'll slow it down, now as long as it doesn't burn too
much it isn't going to hurt anything, other than you're gonna have to change
the spark plugs more often, to fix it you'd have to really rebuild the engine
because the blue means the piston rings are wearing, the valves are wearing
you got serious things wearing, but I've seen people still drive them years that
way before something really goes wrong, captain troller says what do you
thinking a Jaguar XF 2012m well Jaguars are beautiful looking cars
they're fun to drive when they actually runm but in the long run they're endless
money pits or beautiful lawn ornaments you could park on your front lawn
realize that Jaguar has been bought and sold, Ford owned them a while back and
they lost a shirt on the deal and now Tata that Indian company that from what
I've read aren't even popular in India, now owns Jaguar and they make the
Jaguars, they're beautiful looking cars but the quality in them, I would definitely
never buy one and I wouldn't want to sell one to my worst enemy, they just had
problems that's what those things are, fly on biases says question, why were
the eighties Japanese carbs so horrible, the main reason they were
horrible was because they had to meet all these pollution standards that the
American government made for them, now the really old ones were perfectly fine
but they had to make carburetors that would meet pollution standards so they
had a lot of computer control stuck on them and a lot of really crazy stuff and
so they became very hard to fix, now back then the average mechanic we didn't have
computers like this that would interface with those carburetors even though they
were computer controlled, we had to learn how to test them using scopes and
ohm meters and stuff it was a royal pain in the butt, we used to do back then
because back then they didn't inspect cars for emissions here in Texas, we would
just take those carburetors off and we throw them away and we
would bolt on Weber Italian racing carburetors, because we could get a conversion kit back
then for 150 bucks put them on they ran better
they actually got better gas mileage and they had more power, that's what we used
to do with them all the time putting on Weber Italian racing cabs, Gibbon
says I have a 99 Honda Civic EX with an automatic transmission 80,000 miles what
do you think about the aftermarket atf radiator thanks, cheers from cancun mexico
I went there and it almost killed me, I went in the water,
cut my foot, and almost died of bacteria, I do
not have fond memories of Cancun, those transmissions are relatively weak
transmissions but their little engines, so if you're gonna put an automatic
transmission radiator on it, it's not that bad of an idea, it can make it run a
little bit cooler you're in cancun when I was there it was 102 in the shade, so
that would be a good idea if I were you I would put one on that vehicle, it can
make the transmission last longer because it's heat that breaks down
automatic transmissions and Honda's are notorious or having problems, and one
thing if you do put it in, make sure you always use Honda automatic
transmission fluid they're very particular on their cars, Natalie says
help dangerous winter's coming, I got an 01 5.9 v8 durango 4x4 the
rear brakes lock up when it drive slow, the ABS kicks in almost causing a crash
please help, new parts installed already thanks, okay that's an older vehicle it's
18 years old, the ABS system on it is a relatively basic ABS system, to work on an
ABS system, you can't do anything without a high-level scan tool, I've got a video
you can watch on YouTube, fixing ABS brake problems on your car, you'll need a
scan tool like this this is a new x4 3-1 and I got from launch technology and it
works quite well on ABS brake systems, you can see if the sensors going out if
the modulator is going out, you got a problem with ABS system and you're not
gonna be able to figure out without a scan tool like that, even if you're not
gonna fix it yourself, you got to get the data to even look at it, so have a guy I
find a guy like me and hook it up see what he says and go from there, it might be
as simple as you just need a wheel speed sensor, Cali dude says I have a 1968
Ranchero, the left rear turn signal doesn't work when it's selected works
with emergency flashes brakes and lights, it just won't flash once selected, if the
left front turn signals flashing, then it's not the flasher because
the flasher operates them both, if they both don't flash, then put a new flasher in
and you need a new turn signal flasher, if you find the only thing not working is the
left rear one, you have a wiring short somewhere between the turn signal lever
and the back and often it will be a ground wire problem or check it with the
socket and the wiring going to it, that old they usually get corrosion, but do
check the grounds first cuz an old vehicle like that often the grounds just
go bad and when the grounds go bad wacky stuff can happen, check the ground if
you find a bulb is just not grounded right, heck all you gotta do is take ground
wire, bolt it to the body back there and then run the other to the ground wire on
the socket and that will fix your problem, you don't have to rewire the
whole vehicle for something like that, so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
1: Introduction - Duration: 1:55.
浦和平川忠亮が現役引退を発表「すべての方に感謝.!浦和MF平川忠亮 - Duration: 5:46.
Rocky Mountain College volleyball happy with NAIA Nationals drawoo - Duration: 0:59.
[성동구민 씨엘씨] 7화 - Duration: 20:42.
[A day-out in the amusement park that blew off all the stress from busy schedule]
[CLC members shouted and laughed to their hearts' content]
[We have made yet another precious memory here]
[Sets off for our next destination~]
[What's this song coming out from the car?]
I like this song~ -What's this??
[It is no other than 'Yaya', one of CLC's songs]
['Yaya' is the first song with Elkie and Eunbin in the group] It's my first song!
Ah! you're right! The first one you recorded
[Elkie and Eunbin joined CLC in 2016]
[The twinkling and shining 7 girls as One CLC]
[Elkie is lost in old memories] You took me there to introduce me for the first time
[I even remember what I was wearing then]
So this was the first Korean song you recorded, right? [Although it was her first recording in Korean, there was no sign of awkwardness thanks to her hard work]
[Car No.2 is also recollecting some old memories] We never wore gloves before
Yes, we did~ 'Black Dress' -Ah!! Those leather ones
They came up to here!! Lol
Because my hands are too big!
[The gloves were too small during <BLACK DRESS> promotion]
We are.. the rough ones lol [The three musketeers in charge of CLC's girl crush]
Yujin or Elkie would have pulled it off..
But we just did this with those gloves (Tossing)
[Now they are laughing, but then it was a quite dizzying experience on stage]
We would throw them to elsewhere, like on others' heads
So when I tried to take them off, I had to gather my fingers
Like this
[CLC has made so many memories for last four years] They would usually expect this, but we were like..
We would have just dropped them already lol
[Idols in their fourth year already…]
[Success… Fame…]
[Success… Fame… Chart entry…]
[They might have some regrets…]
At first, it was kind of upsetting
What should we do? Can we do it?
We should do it, but can we make it?
But from time to time, in the midst of those distressing thoughts,
We would think, 'We could do it well, why not? Let's work hard!'
A lot of people think highly of our trying hard
There are people cheering for us
There are people working hard for us
So.. feeling down in those situations..
Is what we always think we must not do
We have a strong belief that we will do well at some point
Rather than going up and falling down in a steep slope,
We think it's more meaningful to take slow but steady steps.
We think, it will be our turn soon!
If we come out this time, we will have more chances this time
We want to show people 'CLC is this kind of team'
We want to show people 'CLC is this kind of team'
[Episode 7 TO THE SKY! CLC]
[One cool summer day with a momentary break from heat wave]
[A giddy height making you dizzy just from looking!]
[People gliding freely in the sky]
[CLC members' Vacation Choice No.1 – Paragliding]
I want to do that!
The very place they've dreamed of since they moved in
[Finally, they are standing at the paragliding site]
I really really want to do that!
Something we always talk about.. paragliding.
We really want to try that
But.. I have acrophobia
I still want to see that nature and feel that freedom up in the air
[Will Seungyeon overcome her acrophobia?] I don't know I could be too scared or too excited…
I might even cry..
But I really want to try it
[CLC members putting on the equipment with excitement]
[She is pretty no matter what she wears~]
[Honestly I regret mentioning this.. I'm too scared T-T]
Let's shout 'Fighting'* (*Korean way of chanting slogan to cheer up) [Let's go for it with a cheering slogan]
(Leader's choice) [CLC, Let's Fly!]
[Member 4 getting ready to fly with their new wings]
I am not confident… -Wow.. I have seen it
[The gauge of cowardice rising up] What if you get caught in a tree branch..?
Has there been any accident here by any chance..?
Won't we have to find out..?
She has been checking the number of probability lol [There's no need to worry…]
[Who's going for the first START?]
[Elkie sets off] What can I do~ I will go first
[Elkie, fighting!]
[I am scared I might not be able to run T-T]
[Give me power! Power up!!]
[Ready to be the first one to encounter the sky]
[Countdown!] I am going!
[Run Elkie!]
Wow! She's running so well!!
[Elkie is Flying!!]
[Elkie T-T]
Wow, Look at that! -She's great
It looks fun!! (Thrill Mania Leader Jang is excited just to see it)
(Touched, Impressed)
It's the sky! It's the heaven! Wow~~
When I looked down from up above,
Wow~ It looks great!!!
I wanted to go further, but not lower
I wanted to fly in the air [She wanted to stay in the sky]
It was a healing experience!
[A sight to melt away all the stress she had]
Hello~ (She is showing off her loud voice as well)
Who's next?
[The next one to go is Choi Rabbit] Wow, really.. I didn't think I was going to do this
I am doing all kinds of new things today
How do you feel now?
I am trembling T-T Why am I trembling?
I am not usually like this
I have no energy to hold this (She is about to lose the camera with her shaking hands)
[She just needs to do as she practiced!] We practiced this before, right? As you practiced, run softly~
Do I have to continue to run in the sky? (She is just smiling, unable to answer)
[Now that she is about to jump, she's scared…]
I really like this kind of things…
[Seungyeon hates it so much]
So when I ask her, do you want to try it once? She says NEVER! I will never go! [She made so much fun of Seungyeon for being so scared]
I want her to try this through this chance
Because I think, if you experience something scary once,
The next time you encounter it, you can be okay with it
[I am okay, but only for Seungyeon] So in my opinion.. everyone needs some intimidating experience as well
Sorry, Seungyeon
Ready~ -Wait, wait!
[You said everyone needs some intimidating experience]
(What should I do)
She's not that heavy, you can just carry her!
[Yeeun's joke made Yujin feel a little easier]
Yujin, you can do it
[Holding her heart together, Yujin clenches her fist]
Fighting!! (Unanimously) [CLC members cheering for Yujin]
Uh.. I am crying T-T
Are you crying? Yes…. [She is a little touched by the members' encouragement]
Yujin, go for it!!!
CLC, Let's Fly!
[Will Yujin be able to fly?]
[One Two Three]
(She is running!)
[Yujin's flying too!]
(There there~ Good Job Yujin~)
Why was I so scared of this?
[A great view coming at one glance]
[That cool breeze.. the sky, and me] The things I felt at that moment
I didn't have to think anything
And felt.. ah, I am so comfortable! I am so happy!
(The instructor could be a camera director)
We are landing now~~ [Choi Rabbit succeeds in landing safely]
[The eldest unnie, Seunghee STANDBY]
(Nervous a bit?)
[How would Seungyeon's first flight turn out to be?]
One two three! Run! [Running without any hesitation]
[The Highest Speed So Far!]
(The eldest fading away into the distance in no time)
I was really scared before running,
But seeing Yujin being so scared right before me
the others were starting to be afraid to jump, and I thought
Ah! I shouldn't be scared here…. [I should jump well for the others…]
[Born to be the eldest]
I thought it was like virtual reality
It didn't feel real! [A dreamy experience just like virtual reality]
[Sorn is full of composure!]
(verified by Leader Jang) [Sorn will definitely jump well] Sorn will jump easily
One Two Three, Run!
[Just as expected, she ran off without hesitation!]
[Angel Sorn left the earth to enjoy the sky]
Oh!!! So cute! [Sorn leaps off in a baby-like cute way]
Why is she so slow? [At such slower speed in comparison to Seunghee]
[Sorn's slow running speed is disclosed] Hey, she runs so slowly lol She runs like this!
[Why do you have to be imitating it T-T]
We are turning back~
[We are turning back?]
[The instructor spins the parachute around]
[Oh my god!]
(Can't tell if she's screaming out of fear or excitement)
Look at that!
[Sorn's on that parachute???]
The instructor asked her, do you want some fun?
Wow.. look at that
It was scarier than I thought
At first I thought [How am I going to run from here to there?]
The instructor who jumped with me told me
[I will make you feel like being on a roller coaster!]
I said, no no~ but as soon as I said that
He started spinning around and around! [She was scared by the instructor's performance]
[So I was a bit scared then…]
[Yujin, Sorn, Seunghee, and Elkie succeeded in flying!]
[Three members are left at top of the mountain]
[They are getting ready for paragliding!]
This is just great
Are they all of the same size?
They're a bit different [She wants to pull off every single costume well]
[Safety equipment should be checked thoroughly]
Turn your head up!
How do you feel now?
[I feel okay now, but I will get nervous once I get there, right?]
This is more intimidating than I thought
[Even fearless Seungyeon is nervous right now]
I am a bit scared.. (Am I trembling now…?)
[They are ready!]
(Round 2) [The first member to go, Leader Seungyeon]
Seungyeon, fighting!
[Eunbin can't hide her anxiety]
[Seungyeon is bright from the beginning to the end]
[Right about to fly off!]
[She's running! Running! Running!]
[She flew off!] (Screeeaams)
[She pulled it off!]
She's just so consistent
She always makes that sound [Her excitement can be seen even from far distance]
It was scarier than I thought when I began running!
When the nature showed up before me, it was just astounding!
[Feeling like being healed]
[The flight continues with a green mountain in the background]
[The landscape unseen anywhere else is right before her eyes]
We are coming~ -Okay~
[Seungyeon is consistent even in her landing as well]
Thank you for the flight
Thank you for jumping well
You are so good!
It was better than I expected
I wasn't scared at all even when I jumped
[Seung is over her acrophobia]
It was funny, because I am afraid of height
[I have been nervous the whole day]
[Checking the safety equipment for the last time] It's okay, even Seungyeon jumped
(failed to cheer her up) [Seungyeon's good at this kind of things!]
[Dark clouds are rolling in…]
[They should hurry before the weather gets worse] Should we go?
One Two Three
[One, Two, Run!]
Faster! Run! Run!
[Eunbin jumps off powerfully]
[Eunbin Flies Off]
[Now the only one left is.. officially the weakest, Yeeun!]
What should I do? I feel like dying T-T
Actually, I didn't want to jump the last
I don't know if it was any other member.. but
(the one to go) before me was Eunbin
And I couldn't leave Eunbin alone there
So.. I told her
(go before me~)
I was so scared
[Whether the members are there or not made a huge difference]
(Come this way~)
[Yeeun prepares to run downhill too]
[Her nervous expression cannot be hidden]
(I have such a big mouth…)
[Why did I say I would try this!!!]
No, it will be fun…
[Now all the preparation is over!]
(You can do it! You can do it!) One Two Three!
She's running! She's running!
[She made it!]
[Flying toward the other members along the mountain side!]
This was my first time trying (paragliding)
When I was in the air, I didn't feel anything
I wasn't scared.. but
[the running part was scarier than I thought]
Because it seemed like falling from a cliff
So I felt like I was going to fall off after running
And I was scared of that feeling of walking into the air
[But when I actually did it, I felt pretty okay, so it was funny]
I think I could do it again…
Rides at the amusement park move even when I think 'This doesn't feel right..'
But bungee jumping or paragliding can be done
Only if I start moving
So, I thought. If I can't run, and can't fly, what will happen
[What if I just fall off from there?]
I started thinking a whole lot of things
So.. I stopped while running
[It was a bit scary T-T]
After I went paragliding, I told the people around me
You should definitely try it!
[Seunghee became a paragliding missionary] You should definitely try paragliding
It was so much fun
[Let's put on new shoes and run
Step on pedal toward the dream
Run to the sky
Even when you are out of breath
Cheer up I am here next to you]
We were told, 'This depends on the condition of wind, the nature' [Like paragliding where you have to wait for a good wind]
It's not important how I feel at that time
Not running hurriedly at the exact fixed time,
if we rush, there could be some lacking points [We wait for our wind without hurrying]
there could be situations where we cannot do our best
More than anything, we want to show you [In order not to miss that wind
the most of what we have when we can at once In order to soar up higher]
[Trust each other, trust myself]
[We continue to run today as well]
[CLC's wind is blowing in]
[Look forward to the seven girls flying high up in the sky]
[We wish the members would keep this precious memory of healing time for a long time…]
[The last trip of today – Glamping]
[Of course, one can't talk about glamping without barbecue!]
[We played hard, so let's eat hard!]
[CLC's hidden entertainment talent starts to explode!]
They said we were going to make our comeback in January
[The stories they were not able to talk about so far]
[Please look forward to episode 8 of Seongdong-gu Resident CLC, as well!]
[성동구민 씨엘씨] 8화 - Duration: 20:26.
[Let's put on new shoes and run
Step on pedal toward dream
Run to the sky
Even when you're out of breath
Cheer up I'm here next to you]
(They know how to shop) [First they grab a cart..]
Fruits? [Let's just buy what we need ]
[There are so many things they want to buy..]
Onions, onions! The onions we are going to eat [First vegetable?]
Can we buy kimchi? [Seven members have different tastes!]
Radish ssam!* (vegetable for wrapping meat) [Seven members have different tastes!]
We need some hot peppers [Seven members have different tastes!]
[The chosen vegetables are onions, radish ssam, kimchi]
[How much are these?
2,500 KRW They calculate the total price while they choose items!]
[What is Jang calculator looking at?] (Sharp, eager eyes)
I want to try this [She's looking at side dishes lol]
[Can we try garlic sticks?] [She's looking at side dishes lol]
Are these better then? [She chooses samples to try carefully!]
We will try these then [She chooses samples to try carefully!]
[Should we buy some of these?]
Sure, sure!
How much is this for 100g? [She continues shopping, checking the prices meticulously]
Even for the same product, The price, the amount, or the weight could be different,
so I thought comparing them before buying them was better
[I want to try the sample too!]
[glides into the mouth~]
Can we have 200g of these? [Shopping under the supervision of Jang Calculator]
[Shopping under the supervision of Jang Calculator]
[They purchased 200g of garlic sticks!]
[Side dishes are safely put into the cart, as well]
Should we pay now? Right, let's go let's go! [Should we go to pay for them?]
[Let's go pay!]
Everyone, is there anything we are missing?
[The items they shopped go on to the cashier]
[Barcode sound ringing endle ssly…]
[Checking the price with hawk's eyes…]
The members sometimes buy things they want to have at that moment
Or.. things we are not sure whether we are going to eat or not]
But if we buy one thing for each, since there are seven of us, it turns into seven..
Hello~ [Today's highlight.. Meat!]
[Beautiful sight of meat that captivated CLC members' hearts]
First then.. Let's buy pork neck and pork belly [Their mukbang instinct is back in front of meat]
Then.. how much pork belly should we buy? (Important matter) [How much should we buy?]
Or should we mix different parts in 600g? (CLC unsealed) [Let's start saving from tomorrow and eat today~]
[Rich SWAG] We went there in wealth, right? Because we did so well in the amusement park
[CLC members go around the market]
Fruit, Cold noodle, Raw fish, Fried chicken [Enjoying the joy of squandering today]
[Spending was easy.. and fast]
[The last destination for today – Glamping]
['C' glamping site in Yongin]
I'll put the snacks separately Okay~ [CLC members are busy preparing for dinner]
Oh~ Everyone!
Pork neck! No~ [Seungyeon makes happy scream at pork neck]
Pork neck!
[Sorn is busy behind Seungyeon who's intoxicated(?) with pork neck]
Unnie are you going to make cuts? okay! [Discussing division of labor]
Hold on, I need this.. lettuce They are okay, let's not peel these [Sorn : Quietly preparing dinner]
I will grill them~ [The leader will grill the meat~]
Are you going to grill them? Yes~
The meat should be grilled well~ [Don't make it burn! The meat should be grilled properly]
[So.. Seungyeon is in charge of grilling]
Will you help set the table? [The other members are in charge of setting the table]
Could you hand me some plates? [Perfect division of labor]
Now.. let's go let's go let's go let's go! [The meat is coming x 6]
[The meat has entered onto the grill!]
[The essence of camp fire is fire and meat!]
Did we get sausages? [What is this beautiful sight on the gill?] (Sausages are added too)
Yes, I bought them [What is this beautiful sight on the gill?] (Sausages are added too)
Well done! [What is this beautiful sight on the gill?] (Sausages are added too)
I wanted to eat them [What is this beautiful sight on the gill?] (Sausages are added too)
My eyes hurt so much [That's a lot of work for the leader]
Are there any glasses?
[Seungyeon is struggling with fire]
You could use goggles
Hey, eat up first [Seunghee mom volunteers a helper and sits next to Seungyeon]
Who wants a drumstick?? [Who will get the honor of taking the drumstick!]
Me!! (Not an early bird) [A well hearing bird catches a drumstick]
Give me anything!
Fried chicken! We bought some fried chicken from the market
It was so delicious, It was hot.. and… [Elkie liked hot chicken so much]
Like this, I like grabbing with my hands and eating it [Of course, drumsticks should be chewed with bare hands]
So I liked it so much [Of course, drumsticks should be chewed with bare hands]
[The meat is golden brown.. is it being grilled with fire?!]
Save me~~
Are you okay? [Too much fire even threatens camera]
[Leader Jang makes a retreat now]
Unnie, I think we should grill this in one place After it's done there, (let's grill them in one spot)
[In this chaos, Seunghee mom grills the meat without a stir]
[Blessing for CLC, cool eldest unnie and leader unnie] Our eldest unnie and leader unnie.. are so cool
[The younger members know how to handle(?) unnies]
[They even go further to…] Mom, dad~
I think.. I am.. good at grilling meat!
And.. when I grill meat.. they usually wrap the meat in vegetable for me, I find it more delicious
We don't have any fixed roles, but..
I like seeing other members eating, so I did it [She really is a CLC mom by this time]
Unnies have such good personalities,
So even when they feel tired, they won't say it
So.. we can rely on them a lot
Plate plate!, Hand me a plate [Papa Leader Jang grills meat though a little afraid of fire]
To Seunghee~ [Seunghee mom turns meat over in silence]
Everyone, eat the meat first [The meat has entered the plate]
Wow~ [EVERYONE with a happy glow]
Everyone, let's gather up first [First they gather to the table]
Okay, let me try a bite first~
[WONDERFUL~ after a gulp]
Thank you for the food!
[Choi Rabbit takes care of Seunghee mom]
[It is impossible to interpret because they are busy eating But this is the part where everyone says it's so 'delicious']
There's Bini delivery! [There's Bini delivery that makes a perfect ssam]
Of course, we usually like meat, But the meat we ate there was just.. different
The smell.. the taste.. everything together.. [Of course, outdoor barbecue is always right]
I think it's more delicious there
[Should we make a toast with these?]
[Great job Seunghee for grilling mushroom and onions]
We worked hard today, and in the future.. [A toasting comment with soda]
We will do well [A toasting comment with soda]
This is so.. sound! [Toast with soda that has never been and will never be seen elsewhere]
Everyone! Enjoy your meal!
CLC~ Uh uh uh uh!
[Let's give ourselves sweet soda for working hard today!]
Let's do that What? [Eating a hot pepper if you lose Rock, Scissors, Paper]
Or, unnie, let's do that! [A sudden game time?]
[The loser from Rock, Scissors, Paper should eat whatever ssam the winner makes]
Okay! That sounds good
[Are you ready to eat Aloe ssam by Eunbin?]
I really want to win this, I will do my best [Ssam making stimulates their drive to win]
Everyone! One hand in the air!
[Round 1 of Ssam battle!]
No betting, no winning, Rock, Scissors, Paper!
(Sorn, Seunghee, Elkie, Seungyeon – Scissors Yeeun, Eunbin, Yujin – Paper)
No betting, no winning, Rock, Scissors, Paper! [Somebody has to lose in this game]
Rock, Scissors, Paper! [Who is the final person to eat the ssam?!]
[Yeeun gets to eat the gracious ssam!]
Then.. who is the winner? [Who is the person to make the first ssam for Yeeun?]
Rock, Scissors, Paper!
[Sorn, Seunghee – Rock Elkie, Seungyeon – Paper]
[The battle between Seunghee and Sorn]
[Why is she so surprised lol]
[Round 1 – Seunghee mom makes a ssam for Yeeun!]
[What's this whole cucumber on a sesame leaf?!]
There are many sesame leaves here! Oh my god, it's a cucumber ssam! [One to recommend sesame leaves & One to react to it]
[She puts down the cucumber, and it goes to Sorn]
(The meat has entered the sesame leaf)
[This is the end of my mercy]
She puts a whole hot pepper
[She puts the sauce just in case it might be bland]
[That's how the first ssam was completed]
Pepper, two pieces of meat, and garlic stick and sesame leaf
It sounds delicious [Now that it's done, it doesn't sound so bad]
I am going to play until I make someone eat this [Sounds delicious??????!!!!!!!!!]
[Her cold-hearted announcement]
[It looks spicy even from the sight]
Let's play it two more times Um! Um~ um um um~ um, um, um, um! (Rock, Scissors, Paper~!)
[Round 2 of Ssam battle!]
[Sorn, Seunghee, Yeeun, Eunbin – Rock Yujin, Elkie, Seungyeon – Paper]
I am so bad at this!
[Proceeds rapidly] Rock, Scissors, Paper!
[Sorn, Yeeun – Rock Seunghee, Eunbin – Scissors]
[Seunghee and Eunbin lose] (The joy of surviving)
[Eunbin took Seunghee off her guard]
It's Seunghee!
[Who is the person to present Seunghee a ssam?]
She has a blocked nose, make it gone! [Sorn thinks very much of Seunghee]
[A scene of violence] My throat is swollen!
[The winner is not decided yet] Rock, Scissors, Paper!
Unnie! It's Seungyeon!! [Seungyeon wins!]
The love of leader! Show us! [Mom & Dad 10 minutes ago.. now they meet again as foes]
[Seunghee sensed something ominous coming]
[But.. the game is already over!]
Seasoned green onion is good, seasoned green onion
Put some chicken! Okay okay okay~
[She refuses to look at the process]
Oh~ good, good, good! Don't look! [But she turns back and her eyes widen]
Since she likes cold noodle [A true friendship considering Seunghee's taste]
[And… Sikhye?*] (*Sweet rice drink)
She gave me one whole pepper!
[The younger ones are so excited]
You gave her pain!* (whole pepper and pain sound a like in Korean, Gotong and Gochu-tong)
She gave her pain!
[What are you doing on the floor?]
[Look elsewhere, I feel shy~]
Of course, don't pick up things from the floor
[Everyone has the same mind, same heart]
[Even for today, CLC shows a great teamwork together!] Unnie, you shouldn't look
[With the entrance of sause, one ssam is complete] The sauce ends it!
[I was going to put some raw meat, but I stopped myself!]
Ah~~ (Eyes full of fear)
[The uneasy smell on the tip of her nose!]
[Such Fun]
What's wrong with the smell? -Wait..
What if I lose my voice after eating this?
[A smell that brings the fear of losing voice] No no no~ There's nothing like that
What? Why??
[She takes in a deep breath and eats the ssam]
[Seungyeon's a bit dangerous now…]
[I'm sure it's delicious, Sikhye chicken]
Every time we do something, it starts off as a light game, [Introduction – Development – Turn – Game]
But then we all end up risking our lives on the game [Introduction – Development – Turn – Game]
[The last round!]
(So excited)
No betting, no winning, Rock, Scissors, Paper!
You didn't put any!
She did!
[You're senseless..] No betting, no winning, Rock, Scissors, Paper!
[Rapid development]
(Seungyeon – Scissors The others – Paper]
[Win - Seungyeon Lose - The others]
[Seungyeon cleans the game as a sole winner!] Eh?
[Again, they show their teamwork as a team]
[The winner should eat in one round ]
(Sudden shift in facial expression)
Hey~ that's not right, let's not do that (She even stutters out of panic)
[Chaos] It was unanimous!
I'm not eating, I'm not eating, I am not going to eat it!!
[What's up with this unnie..]
Listen to me for a second!
[We didn't decide who's going to eat]
Ah, don't do that really -You should all back me up here
[Let's play a fair game]
(So funny)
If you were the only one who one.. -Be quiet!!!! [controls Yujin who's trying to persuade her with a single shout]
Unnie~ quickly!
Let's do the rock, scissors, paper!
[How many peppers are there?!] Do it now!! Rock, Scissors, Paper!!
It's going to kill someone!
Okay, then one more time! [Dramatic deal made….. is never!]
What? What one more time
[Democracy is all by majority] Let's do it over from the beginning!
[No betting, Penalty!] Rock, Scissors, Paper!
[Round 3 of Ssam battle (again)!]
[The game goes back to the starting point] (so unfair)
[Who's the winner of round 3?]
[Sorn, Yeeun, Eunbin, Elkie, Seungyeon – Rock Seunghee, Yujin – Paper]
[Win - Seunghee, Yujin Lose - Sorn, Yeeun, Eunbin, Elkie, Seungyeon]
(Trying to nullify the game)
(Rock -> Scissors) [She manipulates the game to a draw – Failure!]
[Hey.. Aren't you doing too much..?]
If I lose this game, I will really… [I can't lose this game…]
[Game starts again!]
(Sorn, Elkie, Seungyeon – Paper Yeeun, Eunbin – Scissors)
[Win - Yeeun, Eunbin Lose - Sorn, Elkie, Seungyeon]
Pray for me~ [Cold.. I feel my heart broken]
[Who's going to smile at last?!]
[Sorn, Elkie – Paper Seungyeon – Rock]
(Endless laughter)
[God, wherefore are thou forsaken Seungyeon!]
[Her mind is shattered in front of cold battle]
This was so real..
Who won? -You two should do it again
[The one to make the ssam for her is… Yujin -> Seunghee!]
[Good things should be conceded to unnie]
[What is she doing!]
[You cheaters!]
[At the end, Choi Rabbit is making the ssam]
She really lost this game
[I was going to give in if she wins this time..]
[Masters are working hard to produce a perfect ssam]
[They really corner me like this…]
[What about you!]
[Hitting her with fact hard]
Why are you all into this together? [Close cooperation]
[Why are they all working together?]
[You have 10 seconds left]
We are going to put in bones
[Unnie.. Two peppers are just… wrong]
I am going to eat it~ [Unnie will make it delicious~]
[Seungyeon can't eat spicy food More than one pepper is a lethal dose to her]
[A Final deal to 'put one hot pepper'] Okay~ I will put one
(Why is she now..?) [Elkie I trusted you…]
[CLC members look more excited than at the amusement park + paragliding]
We just put four~ [Hahahahahahaha…]
[Don't put in cold noodle!!]
[Seungyeon exploded at their too much creativity]
[Seungyeon's ssam tasting party] My stomach feels weird now, really
We took out peppers -What's in it?
[In one gulp]
[Refuses to chew]
Isn't it good?
Honestly, isn't it good? There's nothing inside
Haaaaa… (deep sigh), I didn't like the texture
the noodle was swollen.. so… it wasn't good at all..
[A smirk]
['I should be a good person']
[What went around came around...]
(The scariest words) ["What should we do now?"]
Should we play a friendly game? [A friendly game.. Is there such a thing…?]
(Choi Rabbit's suggestion) ['Dance Santa Maria'(?)]
What's that?
('Dance Santa Maria' game) [Look closely at the person before you, do what she did and suggest another movement You should repeat the movements from the first person in correct order]
[A huge fun guaranteed] Will you be okay?
What could be the penalty for this?
[The loser has to eat a pepper!]
[Dance Santa Maria~]
[How do we dance~?]
[What are you doing?]
[Dance like this~]
[Endless laughter]
[An extreme shoulder movement is the point]
[The game continues to second and third movement without any problem]
[Eunbin succeeds too!]
[Yeeun's challenge START!]
You're next! -Could you do the singing part? [She's not confident]
[Dance like this~]
[Seunghee lost!]
['My brain is not working properly']
[Eat like this~]
[Would you like to try?]
[A hot pepper hit her throat hard] Did it stab your throat?
[This game.. is harder than we thought]
Don't make too hard movements
Let's not stand up
[Alarm for hotness]
[One more round of 'Dance Santa Maria'?]
[Another round of music echoing around the glamping site]
[Dance like this]
You're next -Continue~
[Sorn's strategy ; Use nose muscles – advanced technique]
Try it!
[Seungyeon's strategy ; use tongue in a silly way]
[Fourth – Elkie's turn!]
Don't move your eyebrows! [She shouldn't have sat next to strict Seungyeon]
[She tries hard to move her small face, but she fails!]
[Everyone Joyful~ except for Yujin]
[She immunes herself with a cucumber]
This is crazy! This is fun!
[Rabbit disappointed]
[Can you just make a ssam for me instead?]
[You took the bait]
[Just one pepper wrapped in a sesame leaf!]
[It looked cold hearted in the beginning…But a dramatic negotiation was made at the end]
[Everyone's so funny today!]
[Complex.. Depressed]
Ah… unnie We are so mean..
This is so funny
You bad people…
[That's how Choi Rabbit ate the ssam,
[That's how Choi Rabbit ate the ssam, almost exploded out of anger.
[That's how Choi Rabbit ate the ssam, almost exploded out of anger. And the night goes on]
ఈ బొట్టు నుదుట పెట్టుకుంటే ఎవరైనా మీ వశం అవ్వాలంటే, Vashikaran Thilakam Telugu, Vashikaran Thilakam - Duration: 5:16.
సింహద్వారం పైన ఈ బొమ్మ ను ఉంచి పూజిస్తే ఆ ఇంట లక్ష్మీదేవి తాండవిస్తుంది | Goddess Lakshmi | Lakshmi - Duration: 4:16.
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