Right now with the software we have we're really limited in the capabilities we
can to expand what we can do with it. And with IPPS-A -- with it really being set up
to help -- we can expand in the future and capitalize on things that we're not
using now but we can use. You know, we look at the equipment we modernize on
almost a yearly basis. And then our personnel systems that have just been
lagging. And we need to bring that forward with modern technology, the use
of cell phones and computers. We need to step that up and grab that capability
here for the Army. Gaining efficiency and that real-time ability [to] process forms,
process actions, personnel actions and actually see where they're going, where
they're at, what's the status of it in the real time will make their job easier.
It will make the customer happier which makes them happier and more efficient.
For more infomation >> IPPS-A is the Future of the Army: CW5 Jonathan P. Koziol - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Interior lighting Tutorial with VRay for Maya New method without using subdivisions - MayaTubers - Duration: 34:31.
Tin Tức Mới Nhất 28/11 | Thời sự thế giới | LIÊN HIỆP QUỐC T.RỪNG P.HẠT NẶNG NGA vì "N.Ổ S.Ú.N.G" - Duration: 38:33.
Reptile S800 Sky Shadow & AMKOV S599 unboxing Banggood - RC GENERAL - RCTutos #270 - Duration: 6:31.
Hello everyone Welcome on RCTutos.fr
Today we receive a package from our partner Banggood
We receive several things, here a Reptile S800 Sky Shadow flying wing
We receive a picture camera, waterproof, double screen, 24MP
and here some small goodies, so let's start by this
here we have a tool to drill your bodyshells
7$, nice in black and gold
0 to 14mm diameter
next here a motor for our MJX Bugs 6 quadcopter
we crashed it , the motor is dead
it's interesting as the motor is 5 or 6 $
here for the Flysky FSi6 transmitter, we have some skins
5 dollars each, one in US flag and one in camo
we will share pictures on Facebook
here a picture camera AMKOV W599
it's waterproof, double screen
very nice, you can take your pictures while watching the front screen
24Mp, Zoom x16, 1080 HD
I used it at D1-10 NL this weekend, let's see some pictures
so you can judge picture quality in highest
with the camera you have a US plug
but you can charge in USB with a classical USB charger
you have a USB cable with
you have a bag and a manual
Next, the flying wing
it's a Reptile Sky Shadow V2 kit version
so without electronics but with a powerboard
to distribute voltage
we dont have in the kit but usually you have it with the kit
so we will send a message to banggood to see what they can do
here the assembly manual
it's basic, you glue it with UHU POR or epoxy resin
with it you need an ESC, 1 motor, 2 servos
and a Flight controller or a receiver
here the stickers sheet to stick on the wing, to differenciate up and down
and here the kit parts
It's a EPP foam, very very strong
you have the electronics box here with magnets glued on cover, so it will be strong
here you have a space for FPV camera and here for Sports camera
here you have a cover, you cut it in cameras shape and cover them
for a better protection
very very strong
very nice
here you have the package with power board, lipo plug, screws, and wood and carbon plates needed for assembly
here we have half wings
with the space for servos, protection plate, wires
you also have carbon rods
you have them in the kit to reinforce the wing
the second wing here
you can find some very intersting videos on youtube about the Reptile S800
they explain us for example to soften the junction here, it's too rigid
wingspan 820mm
here you have wings extremities
for a better stability
these parts with the round are to cut
and here some protections for carbon rods
you glue them here and here
next banggood order will be electronics for the wing
it's an assembly kit, you need to be patient, it's some work
and to watch some videos of assembly
you see the manual is very small
so I think I will put a flight controller inside, some are special for wings
that gives you a stabilized flight, so easy to handle
easier than in classical plane mode
the Reptile S800 is 44$
it's interesting, it's the cheaper on Banggood
you can have tons of fun with it, you can install FPV
camera, DVR to save your flights in video
so we will build it and show you in video
knowing that also the ZOHD nano talon we built recently
is ready to fly with FPV camera so we will show you videos of this soon
All the links will be in the video description and on our website
Thanks for watching See you soon
for men and women, incredibly good to deodorize your interior too - Duration: 5:51.
for men and women, incredibly good for deodorize your interior too
Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again
me pink moony, today I will want to talk to you
Clove but before entering the heart of the subject think to subscribe. , like
and comment, but think about the bell too notification
Cloves crumbled in the herbal tea give a powerful natural antiseptic
that can be applied to the sore regions skin.
It can also be used to calm the pain Dental.
Nowadays, with the discovery of eugenol, the
properties of cloves have been confirmed.
Thanks to their antiseptic properties, they are effective in treating some
viral diseases.
In tropical Asia, they are used to fight against malaria, cholera, tuberculosis,
Cloves (qronfel) relieve digestive disorders, such as flatulence
and colics. physical, the clove allows to fight against muscular pains.
In couple, it is aphrodisiac Their effectiveness is recognized to give tone to the man.
Clove also increases the influx blood and thus ensures better irrigation
organs . To brew in a cup hot water and drink
* Relieving a toothache To relieve yourself quickly, apply on
your tooth a few drops of essential oil of clove, using a cotton swab.
You can also chew on a nail whole clove.
In addition, because of its antibacterial action, it helps to have a fresh breath! Also,
it relieves heartburn.
*Asthma Clove is an effective remedy
for asthma.
A teaspoon of prepared decoction by boiling six cloves in 30
ml of water can be taken with three honey once a day as an expectorant.
* Calm cough If you start to cough, prepare a
soothing syrup by infusing a whole night cloves in honey.
The next morning, remove the cloves and take a spoon of the mixture.
* Deodorize your interior To get rid of an unpleasant odor
and stale, but also fight unpleasant odors in women, accentuate
the sensation of the female mucous membranes is sufficient to proceed as follows: you just need to
to get an orange or lemon and cloves!
Then plant the maximum amount of cloves in the bark of the fruit (without too much tightening
so that they do not fall when the orange will retract while drying).
Multiple volatile organic compounds present in the zest will be released
in the air.
You can replace the orange with a lemon if you prefer the smell.
This remedy is also effective against mites , for you ladies boil 20 gr
in two letters of water and try to sitz bath or take a shower with.
stimulates contractions, facilitates childbirth.
Experts remind that the essence Clove is an excellent cord dressing
umbilical: it is neither toxic nor irritating, and endowed with some analgesic power.
* Demanding her hair To gently shake her hair, put
a few cloves in a jar with a little water and let infuse 2 or 3 days.
Use this mixture last rinsing after your usual shampoo.
Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my
videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why
I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a
save many lives and make the world better.
Hello to all!
In this video I will tell about nutrition for health
I will share my experience.
I will show an approximate diet.
I will give a list of products with which you can go
to shop and buy yourself useful food.
Not so long ago, a couple of years ago, I got into the raw food sect,
where I practically did not eat protein, animal fats.
And you know, my hair is much faded.
I shot a video about the story your hair, look
and you will see it there.
And now, when I fully I eat, I have a good diet
balanced my hair have become much thicker skin
more beautiful and stronger nails.
What I understood, well, not only I, say all nutritionists
of the world.
Everything is very simple.
You need to eat enough protein fats, carbohydrates and trace elements.
We start with proteins.
Proteins for hair very important because hair
consists of about 80% of proteins.
Especially important animal proteins origin because
they are the most balanced.
An adult should use about 1.5-2
grams per kilogram of weight.
Now I will show you an approximate the amount of protein per day.
For example, in the morning we ate 2 large boiled eggs (13
c protein), ate lunch 150 grams of baked pink salmon
(40 grams of protein), ate snack 100 grams of curd (18 grams of protein),
had dinner on baked chicken breast weighing 150 grams (45 gr
It turns out 130 grams of protein.
For an adult weighing 65 kg is just perfect.
If you are not engaged sports, you have sedentary work,
you may have some less.
I try not to lower its protein is below 100.
A diet that I only which showed, of course,
excluding fats and carbohydrates.
Therefore, we move on.
Fats, of course, very much to us are needed.
I noticed when girls preparing for the competition
on dryers, fitness bikini.
Or just when they don't eat enough fat
they may have problems with hair.
They fall out, they have them very rare.
And, if you noticed, then many girls fitness bikini
hair is very thin like as if overdried.
Fat is necessary because that they are involved in crafting
collagen and keratin.
Adult needs use at least 1 gram
fat per 1 kg of weight.
Let's take an example diet.
For example, with morning eggs (10g fat in yolks), you
ate 40 grams of avocado (8 grams fat), in the afternoon in a pink salmon
there was 8 grams of fat, cottage cheese 1.5 grams of fat + you ate 20 grams
fat with nuts, chicken breast pulled on 5 gr
fat, you ate salad with her from 2 tsp. olive oil
(9 grams of fat).
It turns out about 62-65 gr fat
Again, by girl or A man of 65 kg is wonderful.
Remember that fats should enter the diet as
animal and vegetable origin.
I shot a video about how I have reduced my cholesterol.
It has just increased I use it illiterate
a large number of eggs.
Therefore, we share our vegetable and animal fats in a ratio
70 and 30%.
And let's talk about carbohydrates.
Of course, we need them too.
But give preference complex carbohydrates are
durum pasta cereal, whole grain bread
and so on.
Simple carbohydrates such as candy and other sweets can,
with excessive use, cause seborrhea,
dandruff and just itching, some unpleasant sensations, therefore
do not overdo it.
From your diet pay about 15-20% of these snacks
and they will not be deposited in fat and you will be healthy.
Now back to our diet.
For example, in the morning you are together with avocado and eggs ate 60
grams of bread (20 grams of carbohydrates) + banana weighing 100 grams (20 grams
carbohydrates), in the afternoon to the pink salmon cooked in dry form 60 gr
wholegrain pasta (45 grams of carbohydrates), snack
with curd ate 30 grams of honey and 1 apple weighing 200 grams (24
gr + 27 grams of carbohydrates).
In general, it turns out 160 grams carbohydrates per day.
It's good.
On this amount of carbohydrates even I lost weight.
If you are on maintenance, then you can safely turn on
fruit or else eat 2 pieces bread, it's all fit, you
will support your weight and be healthy.
Also for hair health essential trace elements.
iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium and iron.
Therefore, watch carefully for your diet and try
eat the most diverse and wholesome food.
I would also like to note the most useful products
for hair.
This is just the top.
There is a large concentration number of trace elements
We look and remember.
This is turkey, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, sesame, avocado,
fatty fish, spinach, eggs and dairy products.
It's just my favorite food.
I eat dairy every day I have fish products often.
Include at least something of these products and you will see
result in about half a year.
Of course, drink enough water.
I can't do it myself drink 2 liters per day but i
I drink about a liter, one and a half.
I think you know about the benefits of water.
List of products for healthy the diet I left in the description
to the video so go on and keep yourself.
If you do not know how to calculate its caloric content, protein,
fats, carbohydrates, then I left link to your Instagram, so
go and see.
Also I left one more link to another approximate
And, of course, subscribe.
Thank you for watching. this video, I think he
Did you like.
Write your feedback in the comments.
I also advise you to look cholesterol roller and
external care roller for hair.
Good day, bye, be beautiful eat right
and see you soon.
Nightcore - Out At Night (Clean Bandit feat. KYLE & Big Boi) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:06.
Lyrics on the screen
How to sync your VRBO and Airbnb calendars - Duration: 6:37.
Airbnb Host Tips (How to spend your money WISELY when getting started) - Duration: 5:21.
Toyota Auris 1.2T Aspiration - Duration: 1:07.
Tin Tức Mới Nhất 28/11 | Thời sự thế giới | LIÊN HIỆP QUỐC T.RỪNG P.HẠT NẶNG NGA vì "N.Ổ S.Ú.N.G" - Duration: 38:33.
Why I have coffee with people who send me hate mail | Özlem Cekic - Duration: 15:22.
My inbox is full of hate mails and personal abuse
and has been for years.
In 2010, I started answering those mails
and suggesting to the writer that we might meet for coffee and a chat.
I have had hundreds of encounters.
They have taught me something important that I want to share with you.
I was born in Turkey from Kurdish parents
and we moved to Denmark when I was a young child.
In 2007, I ran for a seat in the Danish parliament
as one of the first women with a minority background.
I was elected,
but I soon found out that not everyone was happy about it
as I had to quickly get used to finding hate messages in my inbox.
Those emails would begin with something like this:
"What's a raghead like you doing in our parliament?"
I never answered.
I'd just delete the emails.
I just thought that the senders and I had nothing in common.
They didn't understand me,
and I didn't understand them.
Then one day, one of my colleagues in the parliament said
that I should save the hate mails.
"When something happens to you, it will give the police a lead."
I noticed that she said, "When something happens" and not "if."
Sometimes hateful letters were also sent to my home address.
The more I became involved in public debate,
the more hate mail and threats I received.
After a while, I got a secret address
and I had to take extra precautions to protect my family.
Then in 2010, a Nazi began to harass me.
It was a man who had attacked Muslim women on the street.
Over time, it became much worse.
I was at the zoo with my children, and the phone was ringing constantly.
It was the Nazi.
I had the impression that he was close.
We headed home.
When we got back,
my son asked, "Why does he hate you so much, Mom,
when he doesn't even know you?"
"Some people are just stupid," I said.
And at the time, I actually thought that was a pretty clever answer.
And I suspect that that is the answer most of us would give.
The others --
they are stupid, brainwashed, ignorant.
We are the good guys and they are the bad guys, period.
Several weeks later I was at a friend's house,
and I was very upset and angry about all the hate and racism I had met.
It was he who suggested that I should call them up
and visit them.
"They will kill me," I said.
"They would never attack a member of the Danish Parliament," he said.
"And anyway, if they killed you, you would become a martyr."
"So it's pure win-win situation for you."
His advice was so unexpected,
when I got home,
I turned on my computer
and opened the folder where I had saved all the hate mail.
There were literally hundreds of them.
Emails that started with words like "terrorist,"
"rat," "whore."
I decided to contact the one who had sent me the most.
His name was Ingolf.
I decided to contact him just once so I could say at least I had tried.
To my surprise and shock,
he answered the phone.
I blurted out, "Hello, my name is Özlem. You have sent me so many hate mails.
You don't know me, I don't know you.
I was wondering if I could come around and we can drink a coffee together
and talk about it?"
There was silence on the line.
And then he said,
"I have to ask my wife."
The racist has a wife?
A couple of days later, we met at his house.
I will never forget when he opened his front door
and reached out to shake my hand.
I felt so disappointed.
because he looked nothing like I'd imagined.
I had expected a horrible person --
dirty, messy house.
It was not.
His house smelled of coffee
which was served from a coffee set identical to the one my parents used.
I ended up staying for two and a half hours.
And we had so many things in common.
Even our prejudices were alike.
Ingolf told me that when he waits for the bus
and the bus stops 10 meters away from him,
it was because the driver was a "raghead."
I recognized that feeling.
When I was young
and I waited for the bus
and it stopped 10 meters away from me,
I was sure that the driver was a racist.
When I got home,
I was very ambivalent about my experience.
On the one hand, I really liked Ingolf.
He was easy and pleasant to talk to,
but on the other hand,
I couldn't stand the idea of having so much in common
with someone who had such clearly racist views.
and painfully,
I came to realize
that I had been just as judgmental of those who had sent me hate mails
as they had been of me.
This was the beginning of what I call #dialoguecoffee.
Basically, I sit down for coffee
with people who have said the most terrible things to me
to try to understand why they hate people like me
when they don't even know me.
I have been doing this the last eight years.
The vast majority of people I approach agree to meet me.
Most of them are men,
but I have also met women.
I have made it a rule to always meet them in their house
to convey from the outset that I trust them.
I always bring food because when we eat together,
it is easier to find what we have in common
and make peace together.
Along the way, I have learned some valuable lessons.
The people who sent hate mails are workers,
husbands, wives,
parents like you and me.
I'm not saying that their behavior is acceptable,
but I have learned to distance myself from the hateful views
without distancing myself from the person who's expressing those views.
And I have discovered
that the people I visit are just as afraid of people they don't know
as I was afraid of them before I started inviting myself for coffee.
During these meetings, a specific theme keeps coming up.
It shows up regardless whether I'm talking to a humanist or a racist,
a man, a woman,
a Muslim or an atheist.
They all seem to think
that other people are to blame for the hate
and for the generalization of groups.
They all believe that other people have to stop demonizing.
They point at politicians, the media, their neighbor
or the bus driver who stops 10 meters away.
But when I asked, "What about you?
What can you do?",
the reply is usually,
"What can I do?
I have no influence.
I have no power."
I know that feeling.
For a large part of my life,
I also thought that I didn't have any power or influence --
even when I was a member of the Danish parliament.
But today I know the reality is different.
We all have power and influence where we are,
so we must never,
never underestimate our own potential.
The #dialoguecoffee meetings have taught me
that people of all political convictions can be caught demonizing
the others with different views.
I know what I'm talking about.
As a young child, I hated different population groups.
And at the time, my religious views were very extreme.
But my friendship with Turks, with Danes, with Jews and with racists
has vaccinated me against my own prejudices.
I grew up in a working-class family,
and on my journey I have met many people who have insisted on speaking to me.
They have changed my views.
They have formed me as a democratic citizen and a bridge builder.
If you want to prevent hate and violence,
we have to talk to as many people as possible
for as long as possible
while being as open as possible.
That can only be achieved through debate,
critical conversation
and insisting on dialogue that doesn't demonize people.
I'm going to ask you a question.
I invite you to think about it when you get home and in the coming days,
but you have to be honest with yourself.
It should be easy, no one else will know it.
The question is this ...
who do you demonize?
Do you think supporters of American President Trump are deplorables?
Or that those who voted for Turkish President Erdoğan are crazy Islamists?
Or that those who voted for Le Pen in France are stupid fascists?
Or perhaps you think that Americans who voted for Bernie Sanders
are immature hippies.
All those words have been used to vilify those groups.
Maybe at this point, do you think I am an idealist?
I want to give you a challenge.
Before the end of this year,
I challenge you to invite someone who you demonize --
someone who you disagree with politically and/or culturally
and don't think you have anything in common with.
I challenge you to invite someone like this to #dialoguecoffee.
Remember Ingolf?
Basically, I'm asking you to find an Ingolf in your life,
contact him or her
and suggest that you can meet for #dialoguecofee.
When you start at #dialoguecoffee, you have to remember this:
first, don't give up if the person refuses at first.
Sometimes it's taken me nearly one year to arrange a #dialoguecoffee meeting.
acknowledge the other person's courage.
It isn't just you who's brave.
The one who's inviting you into their home is just as brave.
don't judge during the conversation.
Make sure that most of the conversation focuses on what you have in common.
As I said, bring food.
And finally, remember to finish the conversation in a positive way
because you are going to meet again.
A bridge can't be built in one day.
We are living in a world where many people hold definitive and often extreme opinions
about the others
without knowing much about them.
We notice of course the prejudices on the other side than in our own bases.
And we ban them from our lives.
We delete the hate mails.
We hang out only with people who think like us
and talk about the others in a category of disdain.
We unfriend people on Facebook,
and when we meet people who are discriminating
or dehumanizing people or groups,
we don't insist on speaking with them to challenge their opinions.
That's how healthy democratic societies break down --
when we don't check the personal responsibility for the democracy.
We take the democracy for granted.
It is not.
Conversation is the most difficult thing in a democracy
and also the most important.
So here's my challenge.
Find your Ingolf.
Start a conversation.
Trenches have been dug between people, yes,
but we all have the ability to build the bridges that cross the trenches.
And let me end by quoting my friend,
Sergeot Uzan,
who lost his son, Dan Uzan, in a terror attack
on a Jewish synagogue in Copenhagen, 2015.
Sergio rejected any suggestion of revenge
and instead said this ...
"Evil can only be defeated by kindness between people.
Kindness demands courage."
Dear friends,
let's be courageous.
Thank you.
Jackie Chan homophobe: Sa fille s'est mariée avec sa petite amie - Duration: 9:38.
This Video Forces Jim Acosta To Eat His Words Over Migrants(VIDEO)!!! - Duration: 13:02.
This Video Forces Jim Acosta To Eat His Words Over Migrants
I think mr. president challenge you on on one of the statements that you made
in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms that here we go that well if
you know - president that this Caravan was an invasion as you know I consider
it to be as numerous president Caravan was not an invasion it's a it's a group
of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the u.s.
thank you for tan why did you why did you characterize it as such as I
considered an invasion you and I have a difference of it but do you think that
you demonized immigrants none as electron to try want them I want them to
come into the country but they have to come in Legally you know they have to
come and jib through a process I want it to be a process and I want people to
come in and we need the people your campaign your wait you know why we need
the paper because we have hundreds of companies moving in we need the people
your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls and so it for it but
they weren't act they're not gonna be doing they weren't active well no it's
true do you think they were actors I they weren't actors they didn't come
from Hollywood these were these were people this was an actual you know it
happened a few days ago and there are hundreds of miles away though there are
hundreds and hundreds of more no way that that's not an evasion honestly I
think you should let me run the country you run CNN or and if you did it well
your ratings let me ask you a question
what about the agents involved is anyone telling their stories well imagine if a
mass of humanity charged at you wanting to enter your home maybe come live with
you for a while throwing rocks and waving another country's flag well while
the agents themselves aren't able to speak out at the moment they are allowed
to talk with their representatives one joins us now to share what he's learned
Hector Garza is the National border patrol council president and is with us
tonight from San Antonio Hector what are the people on your team telling you on
the ground you just saw a report about what happened another a very emotional
woman who said they just started throwing tear gas canisters at us
that's not actually what happened but that's what she said what did they
encounter more laureates were actually under attack they were assaulted these
migrants were throwing rocks they were throwing glass bottles and they were
also throwing other debris that was in the area and as a matter of fact some of
our agents were hit on their head on their helmets with these rocks and there
was minor injuries there was also damage to government vehicles and their windows
were broken so this is an assault this is an invasion on our agents on the
country and our agents had to I respond with a very low level force which is the
the tear gas that was deployed now we have heard from everyone from Mexican
government officials to Guatemalan officials who've said from the beginning
that the use of women and children at the front of these lines whether they're
crossing the bridge into Mexico from Guate or breaking the border into
Guatemala from Honduras that this was done very deliberately with careful
planning and that unfortunately the children end up as casualties the ones
who aren't trafficked or end up as casualties and all this or injured or
traumatized but they want to blame Hector president Trump because I guess
the border should just be open and people should be able to come in a
hundred at a time and fill out a form and say I want to sign them well these
if these are people think that they're gonna do the same thing that they did on
the under Guatemala a border and then they're wrong our
agents are properly trained they're gonna be using reason before and
something that they're reporting to us is that these migrants were using these
children as human shields as they were launching rocks at our agents so they
had no regard for human life they did not care about the other migrants they
did not care about the kids and re just did a great job by using these tear gas
to be able to disperse the crowd now our agents could have been justified
to use a higher level of force but they're not the user they use a very low
level of force and they were successful they did a great job out there but
Hector what if the numbers increase what if they swell and well we're gonna have
to keep using the same the same strategy the good thing is that we have the
military and that's what President Tripp did for us we're gonna have we're gonna
have to deploy more resources to the to the area but it is gonna get out of
control and that's why Congress needs to act and we have to make sure that we do
build that wall so that we can avoid this type of confrontations because
people will end up getting hurt now again our agents are properly trained
and they're gonna do the best job that they that they can out there but again
these might these carbons they need to stop and we need to our job and also
Mexico has to do their job as well and helping us understand that they should
never have been trucked up to the border many of them were trucked up they should
never have been allowed to cross in New Mexico there's a series of things that
had to happen for this situation to result in the crisis that it is today
Hector thank you very much and please thank the Border Patrol for us they're
doing incredible work under very difficult circumstances and being
maligned by everyone from Hollywood actors and actresses who themselves how
many how many immigrants would they sponsor in their homes if they had to
and you know politicians and business types so we really thank you so much
joining me now with reaction is House Majority Whip Steve Scalise author of
the great new book back in the game along with Tom Holman former acting
director of ice and a fox news contributor congressman let's start with
you the House GOP only has 12 days left was I too harsh in my angle there on
where I'm laying Laura I think you laid out the landscape really well and
clearly this goes back to Barack Obama's presidency when he created the daca
problem without ever trying to solve it he said literally come to a
America illegally bring your kids here illegally he never tried to fix it they
never in fact when Pelosi had the house they had a supermajority in the Senate
they never tried to bring a bill to fix the problem they wanted a political
issue and so they never tried to fix it as you pointed out again President Trump
comes into office Chuck Schumer initially was willing to work with him
on a solution to daca that included funding for the wall then the radical
left went nuts in Schumer pulled that deal off the table we've tried to pass
bills through the house to solve the interior loophole problems that you've
cited so many times as well as funding the wall not one Democrat we've had two
different approaches on this so no matter where you are on this there was a
chance for you to vote to solve the problem not one Democrat voted for any
of those shut down the government right well we still have by the way in the
next two weeks the Department of Homeland Security's budget expires at
the end of November and this is gonna be one more battle that we're gonna have
and it's gonna happen in the next few weeks right here and here hearing a Tom
Joni Ernst was on one of the other shows last night or yesterday I watched it
last night Republican senator from Iowa was basically saying we can't shut down
this government for the wall we can't do these are the Republicans that we're
dealing with here I mean Steve Scalise has done a yeoman's work with everything
he's been through try to stand for the American people they're not many who
will you've seen this you and I sat here at this table Tom and you said to me
watch what happens it's gonna get worse and worse and worse and right now we
have 5,000 people a week crossing our border illegally separate from the
caravan look I've been at this game for 34 years and and unfortunately
everything I said is coming through and I tell you we had some great Republican
congressman take the bull by the horns you had McLaughlin that bill was a great
bill and other Republicans and some of the Republicans didn't support of course
no Democrats did but that fixed the problem it fixed of loopholes it fixed
all of the polls and gave some relief perfect bill and I said it many times
you show Laura I don't care for Republican Democrat there's no downside
on securing the border none but Paul Ryan is on his way out I like him
personally but he has never wanted to fund this wall I'm gonna say it everyone
Paul Ryan has never wanted to fund this wall he didn't want to deal with this
for a whole bunch of reasons he was never comfortable with the president's
immigration agenda I think that looking back that ended up really hurting the
Republicans if you don't have someone at the helm
who's championing what the president is doing and I don't think McConnell really
want to do it either I mean he talks a good game but I don't think either of
them really wanted to do it we were able to get a billion and a half dollars of
new funding for border wall in this year's budget obviously we want more the
president's asked for five billion dollars I'd like to see us get there
we've had a number of bills to try to solve that problem let me make this
point about the end-of-the-year funding for the Department of Homeland Security
when people talk about a government shutdown they try to use it in a
pejorative term to try to scare people over 70% of the United States government
is fully funded until the end of next year's fiscal year including the
Department of Defense which is critically important in the past you saw
Obama use our troops as hostages to try to say hey the troops won't get paid
unless you give me X Y or Z we have now fully funded the entire department
defense including given a pay raise to our troops that goes through September
30th of next year so now all we're talking about is an important part of
government but it's less than 30 percent including the Department of Homeland
Security that's where the wall funding comes in so there will no being a
widespread government shutdown it's all about funding Department of Homeland
Security in building the wall I have to have this in addition to the wall
funding ice needs funding for beds because if ice can't detain people
arrested at the border and this catch release again more for caravans won't
come there's no consequence to deterrence why would they stop detainees
Rodney Scott I know you know him I've interviewed him so many times including
down at the border in San Diego he said what we're seeing contrary to what all
of these bleeding-heart media types most of whom would not sponsor illegal
immigrants if they had to personally guarantee their economic independence
they would never do it but they talk a good emotional game when you see the
pictures the sad pictures of the people fleeing that but Rodney Scott knows this
sector better than anyone said this let's watch what I saw on the border
yesterday was not people walking up to Border Patrol agents and asking to claim
asylum they were chanting waving the honduran flag and throwing rocks at the
agents if they were truly asylum seekers they would have just walked up with her
hands up and surrendered and that did not take place and I know Rodney Skye is
a great American patriot I'll add this look
the Borg changes that sent the tear gas out centered on rock throwers they
didn't send that women and children of course you know the wind drifts and that
happens however you know I wanted to throw a shout out the NBC they did great
the story today I know what they did they interviewed that woman with a two
chillen that picture and she come on said that she was coming to country
language to join her husband was illegal in the country of Louisiana nothing
about fear and persecution so I hope that's Exhibit A and her
future political asylum cases exactly what I've said people are coming to get
a job or people come here to rejoin so it's a big lie well what I'm fine what
my trying to illustrate for people is that we actually need real reporters who
put aside whether they don't like Trump like Trump and they say this is how we
got here this real persecutions happening all over the world congressman
you know what's happening to people like hacia Bibi as a woman in Pakistan at
this point to Laura President Trump was very clear and saying there is a legal
way to come to America to seek asylum and there's an illegal way we're not
gonna let you just storm a border and climb a fence go to a port of entry and
state your case make your claim that's the way it's gonna help us I think
that's what I'm there but even the Tijuana mayor said they're getting
overridden with some of these people that are coming to attack law
enforcement officers not to seek asylum and by the way most of them pass through
at least one other country already how many laws they violate Tom how many laws
they vitae like before they get to San Ysidro on average several several the
the with anther country the enter country League first first first crimes
of misdemeanor however allow these people based on our intelligence have
been deported before so when they enter the country let's a felon yeah but one
thing I want to say though for the Nasser's and tier guys need to get this
out for those naysayers put on a uniform strap back on your hip get rocks thrown
at you and tell me there wasn't a better responses non-lethal law enforcement
response I was proper concerned they're being assaulted and where were they when
the Obama administration was using tear gas
oh yeah back in 2013 you have to disperse the crowd how do you disperse
the crowd but Rihanna calls it terrorism guys Rihanna's upset she doesn't have
security at her concerts all right let's let's let everybody through her concerts
anyone wants to go on stage with Rihanna not only can they go on stage but they
can get a hot meal at our house afterward I don't think
guys thanks so much thank you god bless you and God bless america
S onu stranu Jordana (Beyond Jordan) | OFFICIAL TRAILER #2 (Croatian subtitles) - Duration: 2:30.
8 Free Things You're Probably Paying For - Duration: 13:22.
Hey guys it's Chelsea from the financial diet and this week's video is brought to
you by RetailMeNot and this week we wanted to talk to you guys about the
things that you are probably paying for that you could be getting for free. So
much about saving money and spending smarter is about being creative with how
you get what you need and learning to rethink the way that you get things.
Simple swap outs or being a little bit more patient or even consuming a little
bit less than you think you need are extremely effective ways to save while
still living the life that you want. So let's get right into them with these
free things that you are probably paying for. Number one is network TV. 66% of
Americans are still paying for cable and of those who do have cable subscriptions
more than half also subscribed to at least one streaming service. Now there
are many reasons that people will still want to watch broadcast TV channels but
there's no reason to pay for a cable package to get network TV. If you're
mainly watching things like NBC, CBS, PBS, etc you can get these channels through
an antenna rather than having to pay for a whole cable subscription or a
broadcast TV service. Now obviously there is the one-time startup cost of actually
getting the antenna but you can get antennae that fit the job perfectly for
under 30 dollars on Amazon and it's a one-time cost rather than a recurring
one. Being able to tune into big television moments like award shows,
sporting events, etc is a great reason to want Network TV but you don't need to be
paying a monthly bill for it. Number two is custom tailoring. Now
something we've mentioned over and over on TFT is how important good tailoring
can be to having a great long-lasting professional wardrobe and to get use out
of items that you may have gotten secondhand or which maybe wouldn't
otherwise fit you because of a change in your body type. It's also a good way to
feel super confident in the clothes you're wearing because you know they fit
you like a glove but it's also something that a lot of us can avoid because we
think it's really expensive and/or a big hassle.
Now small tailoring jobs like say bringing up the hem on a skirt can be 10
to 15 bucks but when you talk about things like reshaping the shoulders or
bust of an outfit, you could easily be charged seventy bucks or more for single
tailoring jobs. But what many people don't realize is that there are tons of
stores which offer tailoring services for free when you buy your clothes
there. Stores like Nordstrom will offer free basic alterations on full price
items just make sure to bring your receipt or proof of purchase.
Lululemon provides free hemming on tops and pants and you don't even need to
bring your receipt and we provided a whole list in the description of
different stores that offer these free alteration services along with their
specific requirements. Just being slightly more strategic about how you
shop for things especially stuff like high quality workout gear and office
staples can mean getting that amazing tailored look without having to pay
extra for it. Number three is cloud storage. Now there are tons of cloud
storage services out there that can run anywhere from a few dollars to over 20
dollars every single month but what these services are selling you is
literally just a question of space and while many people think that they may
need to upgrade to those paying subscriptions for things like family
photos, videos, etc the average person would actually be perfectly suited to
many of the free cloud storage options out there for personal use. And there are
several awesome free and complimentary options for cloud storage. For example
anyone can set up a Google Drive account for free and have automatic access to 15
gigs of free storage and if you have an Amazon Prime account you have automatic
access to another five free gigs of storage which is actually something I
have access to and had no idea about. Now of course there are still plenty of
reasons why you would need to upgrade to more cloud storage availability but make
sure that you get to that point before you assume that you need it. Even things
like storing a lot of family photos you may be very well able to do on places
like Google Drive and Amazon. Number four is makeup samples. So I'm a huge devotee
of the makeup sample life. I travel quite a lot for work and personal reasons and
I have on my little makeup shelf what I refer to as my goody bag which is
essentially all of the samples I've accumulated that I kind of sift through
every time I'm traveling to take items I need with me everything from sunscreen
to face masks to lipsticks to highlighters. It's so convenient to have
these sample size, travel size little things of dry shampoo or whatever it
happens to be in addition to the fact that samples are a great way to test out
products particularly if you have, like me, problem skin and need to be
working through a product for at least a week before you know if it's right for
you. And you may think that you need to sign up for things like Birchbox or Ipsy
in order to get these free makeup samples but that is far from the truth.
You can get tons of products totally for free. So first you can get them simply by
signing up for loyalty or tester programs through things like specific
brands stores magazines or websites. You can also become a beauty tester where
whether at home or at a retail location you're provided with specific products
to test and honestly review. Sometimes you can even be paid for being part of
these programs. We'll link you guys in the description to a few great ways to sign
up for programs like this. Another really smart way to get a lot of awesome
freebies tailored to your needs is to shop for your makeup at a department
store. Not only do they often offer amazing freebies and giveaways with your
purchases but the retailer's themselves are actually way more empowered to give
away tons of product. I am a huge devotee of Estee Lauder products and I
specifically get my Estee Lauder products from a specific Macy's on a
specific floor of the store from the same specific woman. Every time I go
there I walk away, whether or not I have bought an item that day, with a treasure
trove of samples in amazing sizes that literally can last me up to a month and
almost literally every time I do buy a product I receive a gorgeous little
makeup bag with tons of samples and full sized products to try. Several of my
favorite lipsticks I literally got that way and a year later I'm still using
them. Department store cosmetics are perhaps one of the most untapped
resources by Millennials on getting awesome free shit. Number 5 is college
textbooks. So you may not know this but there are near endless resources online
for free downloadable PDF versions of literally thousands of college textbooks
currently in use. And while the PDF approach may not fulfill 100% of your
textbook needs for a given semester, students who followed this PDF method
reported up to 75% of their course needs met just through PDFs alone and you can
even print these PDFs and bind them if you prefer the print experience. We'll
link you guys in the description to a ton of different places where you can
find PDF versions of college textbooks online right now. There are also tons of
great websites and online groups where students donate their old textbooks,
partner up with buddies to share textbooks throughout the year, or
organize class-wide swaps. A little bit of coordination can mean that you and a
buddy have to buy only half the amount of books for a given semester.
And beyond that if you're looking to take university level courses for your
own education that's also something you can largely do for free now. Websites
like Coursera offer world-class university education for free and while
you can't necessarily seek a degree through these methods, they are immensely
valuable for learning a specific new skill or just sharpening your critical
thinking and cultural awareness. In short approaching a college education with as
much savvy, creativity, and frugality as possible ensures that you will get what
you need without spending a penny more than you need to. Number six
is everyday money stuff. So there is no real wrong way to manage your money, but
if the basic management of your money is costing you money every month you may
want to rethink how you're doing it. According to a 2018 moneyrates.com
survey the average maintenance fee for a checking account rose to $13.51
up from $12.83 the year before. This means that on average just having a
checking account would cost you over a hundred and sixty dollars every single
year. And most of us have probably never considered switching bank accounts
because it seems like such an inconvenience, but have you ever stopped
to think what led you to your current bank in the first place? Was it where
your parents banked or the one that happened to be located near your
apartment or your workplace or just what you happen to stumble upon first when
looking to put your money somewhere? Chances are you probably came to this
decision more through hazard than anything else and when it comes to how
you manage your money on a daily basis, it is super worth rethinking every
element of it and making sure that you're doing it for the right reasons.
And when it comes to eliminating or seriously reducing these fees, you have
things like fee free online banks as well as smaller bank chains and credit
unions which often have much lower fees. And for what it's worth credit union
members often incur way fewer fees in general. In a comprehensive panel study
of consumers detailed bank and credit union account statements researchers
Victor Sango and Jonathan Zinman found that credit union members incurred an
average of 72 dollars in total checking fees
whereas bank customers incurred an average of 183 dollars. Another thing
that many people don't realize you can get for free is your credit report.
You're actually entitled to one free credit report each year from the major
reporting bureaus, which means that unless you're
like applying for something specifically, there's no need to pay for that extra
check. So to avoid paying fees for your credit report, simply make sure to space
it out strategically so that you're checking from each of the bureaus once
every four months. Number seven is valuable household items
or furniture. So several of my most prized and versatile items in my home
happen to be things that I literally got from the street. One is a really nice and
originally super expensive leather couch that our rich neighbors were giving away because rich people are insane and another is a wooden kitchen cart that we
found walking home from a bar one night took home on the subway and proceeded to
sand clean and paint white. And those are just two of the big ones. There are also
several other super functional items that we've inherited secondhand or found
for free on Craigslist. But aside from the basics of Craigslist and things that
people leave on the corner when they're moving, there are tons of location
specific websites and Facebook groups where people simply giveaway or swap
household items. One great website is freecycle.org but there are also
Facebook groups like broke list which I'm a part of for my local area. And
these free secondhand items are especially useful when setting up a
first apartment or going through a big move but it does require on your end
just a little bit of vision. Chances are you're not going to get the item exactly
the way you would have wanted it if you had bought it at the store
but things like changing out handles painting, whitewashing, sanding, etc can
make a world of difference. You can also set up with a friend a buddy system for
furniture. Chances are over the years when you move to different apartments
your furniture needs just change. One funny example of this is a side table
that Loren myself and our managing editor Holly have all at various points
owned. It's been passed from one of us to the other as we moved and had different
furniture needs. I personally used it as a vanity table, Holly uses it currently
in her living room, Lauren had it as a nightstand table but basically we
realized that the same piece of furniture could be totally functional
for different people depending on the place that we happen to be living in. And
each of us also, it should be noted, painted at a different color. Challenging
yourself to find at least 40% of your household items through these methods
will shock you in terms of how much money you can save
and how much utility you can get out of it. Lastly number eight is a virtual
assistant slash personal helper. So while you may not be currently paying for a
virtual assistant, chances are that in your mind this is something that you
would have to pay for and in many ways you're right. But there are super helpful
and unique apps which when used in combination can act as a sort of
failsafe for your own brain and reminds you to do the things or do the things
for you that you're constantly forgetting about. One particularly great
program for this is called if this than that basically it allows you to link up
all the different services and devices that you may be using at any given time
and trigger things to happen when other things happen. So basically it could be
things like "every time X amount of time passes set up a dental appointment" or
"when my mom calls send me a reminder x time afterwards to call her back" or it
could be "set up an alert for me when things go on sale so I know to buy them
at that time" or it could be "set up a reminder to me when certain coupon codes
go live so that I know to use them." Setting this up in tandem with other
apps like a really robust Google Calendar and/or things like a great
coupon app will allow you to get the most value and remember to do the things
that you're constantly forgetting to do. It essentially provides you the virtual
assistant experience without actually having to pay for one because ultimately
the entire point of things like that is just to be an extra brain on top of our
brain that can remind the first brain to do what the first brain is supposed to
do. Even swapping out one area of spending in your life for something more
frugal or possibly even totally free can provide huge benefits over the course of
your entire life. It's so important we rethink things and make sure that we're
always getting the best deal possible and one way to make sure never to miss
out on that deal is to use a great coupon app like RetailMeNot which I am a
huge personal fan of. So as always guys thank you for watching and don't forget
to hit the subscribe button and to come back every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
for new and awesome videos.
The best friend we all wish we had | Wayne - Duration: 0:44.
(rock music)
- Principle Cole, I have to talk to you.
- Get out of here!
- Me and Wayne go way back.
He's in danger.
We need to help him.
You're the only adult that he listens to.
- I'm not about to take one
of my sixteen year old students on a road trip.
I don't know if you read the papers lately,
but it's not a popular thing to do.
(motorcycle revving)
(rock music)
- He's got us.
- Yes, he does.
(rock music)
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 *Budget Topper! Dynamic VVT-I Navi. Leder Pano.dak. - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A4 Sedan 1.8 TFSI Pro Line S (S-Line) Bi-Colour Leder, Navi, Xenon, ECC, LMV - Duration: 1:13.
Nightcore - Out At Night (Clean Bandit feat. KYLE & Big Boi) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:06.
Lyrics on the screen
Fantasy Football Start 'Em, Sit 'Em: Week 13 Predictions | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:29.
Fantasy Football Start 'Em, Sit 'Em: Week 13 Predictions | Heavy.com
Depending on your league format, you are likely either starting the fantasy playoffs or making your last postseason push during the regular season.
As always, we are here to help you with your most difficult start/sit lineup decisions for the NFL's Week 13.
The week gets off to a fast start with the Saints and Cowboys squaring off.
Not only does the matchup have major NFC playoff implications, but it features two offenses with several top fantasy players.
The Saints offense needs no introduction, but the Cowboys unit looks markedly different since the team traded for wide receiver Amari Cooper.
Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett discussed why Cooper has been so effective since arriving in Dallas.
"He's played four games for us now and he's really had a positive impact in each of them," Garrett said per NOLA.com.
"He's a very capable guy physically.
He's quick, he's fast, he's explosive, he's a very good route runner, he can make plays on all three levels of the defense.
Really like what he's done for us.".
Now that Cooper is on the Cowboys, the wide receiver has become a must-start.
There are plenty of other decisions that are not as easy.
Each week we look at a few games that are expected to be shootouts.
Sometimes, how we expect a game to play out can serve as a tiebreaker for our lineup decisions if two players are otherwise even.
The Bucs-Panthers Matchup Is Expected to Be the Highest Scoring Game of Week 13.
According to OddsShark, the Bucs and Panthers matchup has the highest point total of Week 13 at 56 points.
This may seem odd on the surface but there are a few contributing factors that put this game in shootout territory.
For Tampa Bay, the offense has started to look much better with Jameis Winston at quarterback.
The problem with the Bucs has never been the number of offensive weapons but the inconsistency at quarterback.
The Panthers rookie wide receiver D.J.
Moore has really emerged as a legit threat towards the second half of the season.
Christian McCaffrey is the most versatile running back in the NFL and is playing as well as anyone at the position right now.
There are five games with an over-under of 50 or more points.
As we mentioned earlier, the Saints-Cowboys game should feature plenty of offense and has a point total of 53.
The Rams-Lions have an over-under of 54.5 thanks to the Rams' high-powered offense coming to Detroit.
Kansas City and Oakland has an over-under of 55.5 points in an AFC West showdown.
Most of this has to do with the Chiefs ability to put up points against a bad Raiders defense.
Finally, Sunday's slate of games closes out with the Chargers taking on the Steelers in a Sunday Night Football matchup with a 51.5 point total.
Philip Rivers is playing as well as we have seen him at any point in his career.
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @JonDAdams with any fantasy lineup questions you may have.
Click the next arrow to see my fantasy football predictions for Week 13 in the latest edition of Start-Sit.
Best Gym Hip Hop Workout Songs and Music - Mix By Svet Fit Music - Duration: 28:43.
Svet Fit Music
You have all read the message of November 25 2018 ...
I will try here to explain to you what I understood ...
"It's a time of grace" Marie already said we do not understand grace
we have ... and above all we do not receive not completely the grace that Mary we
gives ... Indeed, it's as if we had a review to pass and normally we did not
no one helping us ... and here we have a teacher who helps us every day since
37 years old, and in addition this teacher warns us dangers and teaches us all day
... we only have one thing to do is apply messages ...
She asks us to pray and wonderful thing, she tells us that satan does not want
we do not pray ... because our prayers are so effective that they change the world ...
and Mary even once told us that our prayers were shaking hell ...
It reminds us that we are in a time waiting and that's a time or one
can receive donations, if we pray and if we apply the messages ... In a time
waiting, we do not receive: we wait ... we just receive the gifts Heaven wants
to give us ...
I understand that Mary asks us to pray for our families ... we all have
difficulties with our families and there .... Mary asks us to pray for our families ...
Of course, if she asks us to pray for our families, we have the opportunity to
receive graces for her ... do not miss this opportunity ...
Many doubt a lot ... and Mary says, "keep doing good,
fruits are juicy and sweet and a lot are affected by what you do ... "
So trust ....
16 miraculous pictures ...
The baby Jesus is crying ... And we did not not too used to see the child crying
Jesus ... I grouped 16 miraculous pictures ... and I present them here ...
The video is over ... then you can ... on the left see more videos ... or on the right ...
the last video ...
You found this video interesting and you do not want to miss the next ...
so subscribe you ... following ... the red arrow ...
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Cosmo LEER, NAVI, STOELVERWARMING, CRUISE - Duration: 1:09.
Bart Bergman- Handelsmissie naar Suriname - Duration: 1:24.
Le Cheat Meal en Musculation - Duration: 6:15.
Women'sCasio G-Shock White GMAS130 Step Tracker | GMAS130-7A Top 10 Things Watch Review - Duration: 5:06.
Comment dessiner "Les grands espaces", la leçon de dessin de Catherine Meurisse - Duration: 3:08.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 E-Tron PHEV S-LINE S-tronic ,Panodak, Navi, Xenon, Hleer - Duration: 1:11.
¿Cómo Entender a un Adolescente? Todo lo que Debes Conocer - Duration: 10:37.
You have all read the message of November 25 2018 ...
I will try here to explain to you what I understood ...
"It's a time of grace" Marie already said we do not understand grace
we have ... and above all we do not receive not completely the grace that Mary we
gives ... Indeed, it's as if we had a review to pass and normally we did not
no one helping us ... and here we have a teacher who helps us every day since
37 years old, and in addition this teacher warns us dangers and teaches us all day
... we only have one thing to do is apply messages ...
She asks us to pray and wonderful thing, she tells us that satan does not want
we do not pray ... because our prayers are so effective that they change the world ...
and Mary even once told us that our prayers were shaking hell ...
It reminds us that we are in a time waiting and that's a time or one
can receive donations, if we pray and if we apply the messages ... In a time
waiting, we do not receive: we wait ... we just receive the gifts Heaven wants
to give us ...
I understand that Mary asks us to pray for our families ... we all have
difficulties with our families and there .... Mary asks us to pray for our families ...
Of course, if she asks us to pray for our families, we have the opportunity to
receive graces for her ... do not miss this opportunity ...
Many doubt a lot ... and Mary says, "keep doing good,
fruits are juicy and sweet and a lot are affected by what you do ... "
So trust ....
16 miraculous pictures ...
The baby Jesus is crying ... And we did not not too used to see the child crying
Jesus ... I grouped 16 miraculous pictures ... and I present them here ...
The video is over ... then you can ... on the left see more videos ... or on the right ...
the last video ...
You found this video interesting and you do not want to miss the next ...
so subscribe you ... following ... the red arrow ...
Live In The D: Seasons of caring in the D - Duration: 3:57.
Le chêne (Quercus spp.), feuilles et écorce : fortes diarrhées, angines, problèmes de gencives. - Duration: 14:55.
Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.0 D-4D Panoramic - Duration: 0:58.
Mercedes-Benz X-Klasse X250 d 4-Matic POWER / Grijs kenteken / COMAND / 360 camera - Duration: 1:11.
Volvo V50 1.6D Edition I Xenon (bj 2006) - Duration: 1:07.
Volvo V70 2.4D MOMENTUM Leer Navi Stoelverw. 175PK! Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 1:09.
Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends - Duration: 10:32.
Welcome back everyone, today were going to Wales - a country which I have many happy
childhood memories in.
Through all my visits though, I had no idea there were so many creepy stories.
Its a country steeped in history, mountains, castles and an air of mystery - the perfect
recipe for some creepy stories.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Grim Prophecy[a].
In the village of Llangernyw stands the church of St Digain.
There, in the churchyard, lies a Yew tree thats said to be over 4000 years old.
Its life began around the time Stonehenge was completed - thats how old it is.
Within its old and twisted trunks, locals say a supernatural being lives called Agelystor.
According to legend, on Halloween every year, this being emerges to make grim prophecies
to those who will hear it.
In an ancient Welsh language, he slowly lists the names of the townsfolk who will die in
the coming year.
Theres a cautionary tale of why people should never scoff at this list.
Years ago, there was a local tailor in the town called Sio ap Robert.
In the pub one night, he told his friend he thought the list was nonsense and poured scorn
upon Agelystor.
His friends challenged him to go to the tree and prove his words.
He slammed his empty glass down and marched to the tree where he heard a deep voice reciting
the names of the soon to be dead.
Then, he heard his own.
In a panic he begged Angelyster to stop, telling him he wasnt ready to go yet - but sure enough,
within a year he was dead.
Now, many believe that a person will find their name on the list if they don't take
the story seriously …
Moving on now to number 9 we have The Hanging Judge[b].
Judge Jeffreys was a Welsh judge born in Wrexham who took charge of the Blood Assizes in the
17th century.
The gruesome trials involved thousands of people suspected of treason being burned alive
at the stake, hanged and beheaded.
Some still say he has the blood of many innocent people on his hands - and that these crimes
have left him tied to this Earth, unable to move on after his death.
In recent times, his story had become somewhat forgotten - but then, in December 2014 - a
British ghost hunter called Ian Alderton shared this picture taken in the Illchester Arms
in London.
He says it shows the ghoulish figure of Judge Jeggreys, still wearing his old powdered wig
- and staring right at the camera.
The Illchester Arms was known to be one of the Judges favourite places to drink.
The owner had allowed Ian to investigate the pub for ghosts after she kept hearing voices
in her bedroom upstairs.
- Mr Alderton said that she was so disturbed by the noises that at one point she hid under
her covers at which point she heard an old fashioned male voice say -Oy, you- … lets
hope she wasnt next in line for one of the Judges trials …
Next up at number 8 we have the Afanc[c].
In Welsh mythology, this lake monster was one of the most fearsome ever described.
Its depictions vary - some say it looked like a giant crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf
like creature.
One thing they all agree on though is that the Afanc is a demon.
The Afanc was said to attack and devour anyone who crossed its path.
There are many tales of individual encounters with the beast but one of the most notable
ones was put forth by folklore writer Edward Williams.
This legend says that many years ago, a large Afanc thrashed its body in its lake so much
that it drowned all the people of Britain except for two people who went on to be the
descendants of everyone in Britain.
Coming from Britain myself, hearing this feels like quite a close call.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Cadair Idris[d].
Its one of Snowdonias most picturesque mountains.
In ancient times, they say this was the throne of a mythical giant.
The area is steeped in legend.
One story says that the lake by the mountain is bottomless and home to a welsh water dragon
that once terrorised the people who lives there.
King Arthur himself is said to have been the one who banished it to the bottomless waters,
but not before dragging it up to the top of the mountain.
Perhaps the most creepy legend to survive over the centuries is the belief that you
should never sleep on the mountainside.
They say if you do that, you will wake up as one of 3 things - either youll go mad,
youll be a talented poet, or youll never wake up again.
I think even poets would fancy the odds on that …
Moving on to number 6 we have Sker House[e].
The ghosts of Sker house are legendary in its corner of Wales.
For 800 years, its seen so much violence and bloodshed that locals believe every inch of
the place is haunted.
One of the most famous stories revolves around a woman who lived there years ago called Elizabeth
She planned to run away with her lover, a young carpenter and harpist called Thomas
Evans of whom her Father did not approve of.
On the night of their getaway, they hired a coach and horses to help them escape.
When the coach arrived though, Williams dogs barked so furiously it woke the whole house.
Evan panicked and ran, leaving Elizabeth to face her Fathers wrath.
He locked her up in a room with blocked up windows and forced her to marry someone else
against her will, eventually dying of a broken heart 9 years later.
They say her spirit still haunts Sker house and is felt particularly strongly in the room
she was kept prisoner.
In 2002, its said that a film crew tried to film there during restoration work.
A high pitched noise emanated from the Great Hall and despite all efforts to trace the
source, none could be found.
A medium told them they had disturbed something evil - unable to work with the noise, they
packed and left as quickly as they could …
At the number 5 spot we have Canter Gwaelod[f].
This is the name of a legendary lost kingdom said to lie below the sea in Cardigan Bay.
The story goes that the land was extremely fertile but depended on steep embankments
to keep the sea at bay.
Special gates were periodically opened for agricultural purposes.
The King had left control of the gates to a local man who was always very trustworthy.
One night though, he had too much to drink and stumbled to his bed without closing the
flood gates.
When high tide came, the water poured in - in just a few hours the entire Kingdom was swallowed
by the sea - taking the many thousands who live there with it …
Next up at number 4 we have Devils Bridge[g].
Ceredigion is a Welsh county thats known as a hub of Welsh culture, attracting many tourists
to its scenic towns, castle and beaches.
However, in the 11th century, they say it attracted one visitor that nobody wants - the
devil himself.
The story goes that he went there after hearing about the stunning scenery and wanted to see
it for himself.
Down by the river, he saw a woman whos cow was stranded on the other side of the water.
He decided to help her - but for a price.
He told the woman that hed build a bridge for her in exchange for the soul of the first
living that crossed it.
He thought shed have to cross the bridge first, but when it was built, she threw a loaf of
bread over the bridge and her dog chased it.
He was so humiliated that he had been outsmarted, he left that very moment - not even stopping
to take the dogs soul.
These days, the towns people say the Devil has been too ashamed to return to Ceredigion
ever since then - but his bridge still remains …
Next up at number 3 we have The Traditional Dress Ghost[h].
In January 2012.
Paul Feehan took a trip to Abersoch in Wales.
He and his friend took some film while resting on a bench by a lake area.
It wasnt until they watched the video back that they saw something that didnt seem quite
They discovered that there had been a dark figure standing just a few metres behind them
the whole time.
The figure barely moves during the whole video.
This shocked paul as he was certain there was nobody else around at that time.
After doing some research, he was surprised to see that the figures appearance seemed
to match up eerily well with that of a woman in Welsh traditional folk dress.
As you can see from these pictures, if that really was a person - they would be very close,
close enough for them to easily spot.
This has led some people to believe that its the long dead spirit of a Welsh woman, still
wearing the clothes from her long gone era …
Moving on to number 2 we have Merlins Oak[i].
According to legend, Merlins Oak stood in the centre of Carmarthen - thats Merlin as
in THE Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time.
Locals say that Merlin told them that Carmarthen would drown if the Oak was ever removed.
With this curse, they say that a strange pointed notch appeared in the trunk of the tree that
looked like the face of Merlin himself.
For centuries, the locals remembered Merlins words.
Then, in the 1850s, it was poisoned by a local who objected to people holding meetings beneath
it but its trunk was preserved with iron railings.
Finally, in the 1970s, it was removed when someone set it on fire.
Then, Carmarthen suffered its worst floods in many years - some say the legend held up
and that Merlin fulfilled his promise to drown the place if his Oak was ever removed …
And finally at number 1 we have Llandaffs Ghosts[j].
Some ghost hunters travel long ways just to experience a single ghost - well, Llandaff
has not one, not two, three or four but 5 famous ghost stories - and they all date back
to roughly the same time.
The first is the story of a young boy who wore blue and drowned while playing on the
banks of the river Taff.
He is also said to be joined by the ghost of his mother, with onlookers reporting theyve
seen the figure of a lady wading through the river late at night.
They say she is forever looking for her son and trying to save him from the water.
Another ghost is that of Bella, a woman who committed suicide in the area over 100 years
ago - shes regularly seen along the Taff trail in the woods.
The spirit of another suicide victim, this time a man, is also said to haunt the graveyard
He has been known to give people a sharp poke while on the ghost tour and follow them as
they are guided through the area …
So weve done Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, I think its only Northern Ireland left now
in this corner of the world?
Lets go somewhere completely different perhaps for our next one?
Let me know, thanks for watching as always guys my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
Incredible Mandy (review) - Duration: 5:04.
Hey everyone its your boy blood wizard y.a back with another game review and the game
we have here is an adventure puzzle game known as incredible mandy
Incredible Mandy is an amazing puzzle adventure game developed by Dotoyou Games I hope I pronounced
the name correct and if not hope you forgive me a small 14-menn studio from China.
has worked on this beautiful game.
Experience a fantastic adventure across huge landscapes.
search for clues and solve the creative puzzles.
Use the sword in your hand and wisdom in your mind to challenge the overwhelmingly enemies.
The game is about Memories of the brother and the sister, all left deeply within their
Every dream brings out an untold secret.
infactThe journey is about salvation and redemption, in which the savior must venture into the
world of darkness.
Explore different levels each filled with dozens of puzzles.
Every puzzle is built on top of the unique environment settings in one level.
To solve the puzzles, you need to find out the things available in the game environment
to help you find the right way.
There're many treasure chests scattered over the entire game world, which is sometimes
difficult to find.but Once opened, you will earn precious pieces of memories.
Collect them and unveil the complete picture of a touching story and secrets of Mandy and
her older brother.
Some times you even get a health boost if you are lucky enough , so try as much as you
can to find out those chest Use your wisdom to stand against enemies . Don't
try to beat them by force.
Each enemy or boss has its weakness which is easy to spot, but knowing when and how
is the key to effectively overcome an enemy much stronger than you
To master this game, you'll need to master its magical light sword.
The world of the Incredible Mandy has its share of monsters crawling around, but the
sword is far more than a tool for fighting.
Your sword is the key to almost all of the game's platforming puzzles.
It triggers switches, opens up doors, and calls the hero's handy robot partner.
Coming to the the magical light sword You can plant it into the ground and generate
a new sword from mana.
Then, by hitting a sword planted into the ground with your bow or striking it with another
sword, it'll cause a small explosion.
By taking advantage of this mechanic, you can toggle switches and levels from far away,
After all The game's sword mechanic is what really defines the game.
It'll stimulate your creativity and challenge you to think outside-the-box.
In a number of cases, there's more than one possible solution to the game's puzzles–
and that's where this system shines.
If you are still doubtfull about the game and wanna give it a try ,fear not.
You can try a demo on steam, The game's introduction guides you gradually through
the core ideas one by one.
You'll be learning basic movement, how to interact with obstacles, and simple actions
with your sword.
Then, you'll learn to put it together and solve complex puzzles
Dotoyou Games brings its own very unique touch on the game The game's magic sword is a
definitely one-of-a-kind creative twist.
Plus, the game's theme about dreams also adds extra-levels of storytelling you're
not likely to find in your usual fantasy story.
The incredible mandy is now on pc but for the switch it is will get released soon since
I found this comment from dotoyou channel in youtube saying
The switch version will be a bit late but also more polished!
We'll test the water on PC and make sure everything is perfect on Switch!
Thanks for watching thumbs up if you enjoyed and subscribe for more reviews in the future
and don't forget to follow us on facebook page for infos about games and stuff related
to gaming , until then peace……
Alexa Johnson Gains Science Advocacy Skills in D.C. - Duration: 4:03.
Alexa Johnson: My advisor does a lot of research with the Department of Defense
and active duty military.
And that is what really drew me here.
I've always wanted to work with the military.
I originally wanted to join the military out of high school, but I had torn my ACL twice
and did physical therapy for three years.
So I figured that I would go to school to be a physical therapist
and join the military that way.
And then, when I realized when I could do the research behind it, and do it in the military,
that was my main draw that, I think, got me to the University of Kentucky.
The SMRI is a multidisciplinary research center that focuses on injury prevention, rehabilitation,
and performance.
Specifically, in athletics, active duty military, veterans, women's health, jockey, a wide array
of active populations.
And it is a collaboration between the College of Health Sciences, the College of Medicine,
UK Healthcare and UK Athletics.
And we do a lot of multidisciplinary research that really focuses on biomechanics or physiology,
neurobehavioral and neuro-cognitive things.
Kind of bring them all together in one space at the SMRI.
We were originally founded with the help of a Department of Defense grant.
Advocated for by our Kentucky congress members.
So, it was really great to be able to go to D.C. and meet with some of those staff members
and make the SMRI come alive to them and the projects that we've been working on from the
DOD grant that they really advocated for, for us to be as successful as we are.
I was drawn to the CASE workshop, I think, for the interest in policy and how that plays
a part in the research that I do now.
We listened to a variety of people who work in science policy now for the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, as well as people who are staff members for congress members.
We talked to people from NIH and NSF, and just kind of learned about what it means to
create science policy, how to create science policy, and the important things to really
advocate for the right things.
I think one of the important things that we also went through was kind of debunking some
myths about science; that people don't like science, or people hate science.
Which isn't necessarily true.
The last day we were there, we went to the Hill and meet with staff members of congress
members from Kentucky.
I think this trip was a valuable experience just to learn about the way that policy affects
federal funding and affects research.
As a graduate student, you learn a lot about how to do research and how to disseminate
research successfully, but you don't necessarily learn a lot about what happens on the back-end
in terms of applying for grants.
And I think that going to this workshop really gave me that insight.
That was really valuable.
Advocating for science is really important because it advances us as a country forward.
It advances healthcare forward, it advances some of the ways that we look at climate change.
So, if we continue to advocate for science, then I think our congress members continue
to realize that these things really are important for the success of us in Kentucky, for the
country, for the world in general.
I've about a year and a half left in my Ph.D., and my goal when I'm done is to either go
into a postdoc at some of these government-funded research labs and to be able to take this
policy forward and use that.
Additionally, the American Association for the Advancement of Science has a science and
technology fellowship.
It gives you the ability to work with different federal agencies, with congress members to
learn more about policy and how you can advocate for it, and write it, and be a part of it.
I'm kind of weighing my options between attacking a postdoc or a science and technology policy fellowship.
Trade Show Display - Custom - Trade Show Display - Duration: 1:04.
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To learn more about building your trade show display with us, call 800-789-9394 or visit
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Kaylynne Glover Gains Science Advocacy Skills in D.C. - Duration: 3:45.
Kaylynne Glover: I'm a born educator, I've always loved teaching.
And I've never felt my classroom was big enough.
And so the more I can understand human behavior, the more we can do a better job of improving
relationships with the public, and making sure that we're all working together to solve
our problems.
And so I just want the largest classroom I can get.
I started coming across the research that they had on what's called concealed fertility
and why humans, among some other primates, do not obviously display fertility.
And I thought that was fascinating.
So one of the things I study in addition to fertility, is sexually coercive behavior.
And I'm a multiple sexual assault survivor, and this is a really important subject to me.
I want to try to explain some of the patterns that we see.
For example, you have a higher rate of conception from rape than you do a one-night stand.
And that suggests some sort of biological factor.
And so, I'm trying to understand this more so that I can do a better job
of helping to prevent sexual assault.
And so that we, as a society, can better address these problems.
I worked at Arkansas State for five years as an advisor and an instructor.
And I had a lot of students coming to me who were struggling with the evolution they were
learning in their classes.
And, I created a lecture on science and religion that I started giving to my students outside
the classroom.
Entirely bonus opportunity.
Here, let's address some of these issues.
When science challenges us in ways we don't anticipate; how far do we go with artificial
intelligence, what does nanotechnology say about human society.
Where do we find these lines?
How can we better address these ideological problems that people face?
I love the intersection between science and society.
That's where I want to spend my life.
So, when this opportunity came up, I was like, that's me!
I've always wanted to do this kind of work, and this has catalyzed it in a way that could
not be possible otherwise.
We got to meet Judy Schneider, who is a specialist on congress for the Library of Congress, and
she trains all new congress members and staff.
And she's fantastic.
We got to meet with people from the White House Science and Technology Office.
We got to meet with representatives from NSF and NIH.
We got to learn about all the different ways that scientists can interact
in the federal government.
There's a misconception that people are antagonistic towards science, or are not supportive of
science and research, but, as we found out, that's not the case.
80 to 90 percent of all people support science and science research.
So there are actually other problems that come into play when it comes to science funding.
And those go back to those larger ideological type questions
You may disagree with somebody's politics, but they genuinely believe that they're doing
the right thing.
So, if you want to make progress, if you want to build allies, if you want to progress,
if you want to make society better, you always have to presume that they're doing the best they can.
And you need to meet them where they are
I wanted to be able to work with the public, but what else can I do other than write blogs?
Or, you know, create a Facebook page that advocates for science?
In my limited capacity, what else is there?
How can I get access?
This gave me access.
I got training in how to work with politicians.
I got training in how to work with staffers.
I can now make these connections that I need to be able to do better.
To be able to make effective change.
It gave me things I couldn't get otherwise and will undoubtedly change my life.
Already has, actually, in several ways.
2 Ingredient Lemon Drops Candy! Two Ingredient Takeover Holiday Recipes! - Duration: 2:31.
(engine revving)
(door creaking)
(techno dance music)
(robotic screeching)
- [Computer] Good morning, Alyssia.
Initializing two ingredient recipe-generation application.
- What've we got, today?
- [Computer] How do you feel about,
coffee and mayonnaise?
- I don't think so.
What about something more festive,
for the holidays?
- [Computer] As you wish.
Initiating holiday ingredient protocol.
(electronic music)
How about lemons and sugar?
- Now that's more like it!
Initialize recipe creation.
(modem screeching)
(upbeat guitar music)
Squeeze enough lemons to get
a cup of lemon juice.
The amount of lemons required
will obviously depend on
how big they are.
Add granulated sugar
and stir to dissolve.
Add the mixture to a pot,
over medium high heat,
and bring to a boil.
Continue to stir regularly
until the mixture is thick and syrupy.
This will take about 20-30 minutes
so be patient.
Test the mixture by dripping
a bit of it into cold water.
As it crystallizes and becomes brittle,
it's ready.
Grab a silicone mold and
transfer some of the lemon syrup
into the mold.
I use a syringe to help
with the process.
Make sure your mold is the size
of the candies you want,
and try to move quickly
as the syrup is going to
begin to harden into candy
the longer it sits.
Once your molds are filled,
allow to firm up in the fridge
until hardened.
Pop out, and enjoy.
These lemon drops are a sour hard candy
with an intense lemon flavor.
It's the same kind of so sour
it's hard to suck on,
but still so good flavor
that makes warheads fun to eat.
Give it a try.
I hope you enjoyed
another two ingredient takeover.
If you want more videos like this,
give this one a thumb's up.
Remember, I have a holiday recipes ebook
and you can get 10% off of it
or any other ebook or package
of your choice
using the code "TAKEOVER"
at checkout at mindovermunch.com/ebooks.
I also have a free one
and two ingredient recipes ebook
that you can download
in the description of this video.
Don't forget to subscribe
and hit the bell to be notified
of new videos, every week.
Have a safe and happy holiday season
and remember
it's all a matter of mind over munch.
for men and women, incredibly good to deodorize your interior too - Duration: 5:51.
for men and women, incredibly good for deodorize your interior too
Hello my loves, Welcome to my youtube channel, again
me pink moony, today I will want to talk to you
Clove but before entering the heart of the subject think to subscribe. , like
and comment, but think about the bell too notification
Cloves crumbled in the herbal tea give a powerful natural antiseptic
that can be applied to the sore regions skin.
It can also be used to calm the pain Dental.
Nowadays, with the discovery of eugenol, the
properties of cloves have been confirmed.
Thanks to their antiseptic properties, they are effective in treating some
viral diseases.
In tropical Asia, they are used to fight against malaria, cholera, tuberculosis,
Cloves (qronfel) relieve digestive disorders, such as flatulence
and colics. physical, the clove allows to fight against muscular pains.
In couple, it is aphrodisiac Their effectiveness is recognized to give tone to the man.
Clove also increases the influx blood and thus ensures better irrigation
organs . To brew in a cup hot water and drink
* Relieving a toothache To relieve yourself quickly, apply on
your tooth a few drops of essential oil of clove, using a cotton swab.
You can also chew on a nail whole clove.
In addition, because of its antibacterial action, it helps to have a fresh breath! Also,
it relieves heartburn.
*Asthma Clove is an effective remedy
for asthma.
A teaspoon of prepared decoction by boiling six cloves in 30
ml of water can be taken with three honey once a day as an expectorant.
* Calm cough If you start to cough, prepare a
soothing syrup by infusing a whole night cloves in honey.
The next morning, remove the cloves and take a spoon of the mixture.
* Deodorize your interior To get rid of an unpleasant odor
and stale, but also fight unpleasant odors in women, accentuate
the sensation of the female mucous membranes is sufficient to proceed as follows: you just need to
to get an orange or lemon and cloves!
Then plant the maximum amount of cloves in the bark of the fruit (without too much tightening
so that they do not fall when the orange will retract while drying).
Multiple volatile organic compounds present in the zest will be released
in the air.
You can replace the orange with a lemon if you prefer the smell.
This remedy is also effective against mites , for you ladies boil 20 gr
in two letters of water and try to sitz bath or take a shower with.
stimulates contractions, facilitates childbirth.
Experts remind that the essence Clove is an excellent cord dressing
umbilical: it is neither toxic nor irritating, and endowed with some analgesic power.
* Demanding her hair To gently shake her hair, put
a few cloves in a jar with a little water and let infuse 2 or 3 days.
Use this mixture last rinsing after your usual shampoo.
Thank you for watching this video until the end, as you know my
videos are easy simple fast, very accessible, for everyone, that's why
I invite you to share this for this touch a maximum of person it will help a
save many lives and make the world better.
Spent $1,000,000 on YouTube Ads - Duration: 6:07.
alright guys so today I've found a questionable channel it's called
comedian FK / comedy and they've seemed to spend almost million dollars on ads
cuz they're their content is bad they have 159 million views on a video how
does this happen anyway we're gonna be watching that video with 159 million
views cuz there's so many views it must be good right yes so today we're going
to be watching FK comedy and just they're really bad comedy videos but
they seem to pay a lot for ads you've probably seen all their videos before
and ad sir but we're gonna watch this
good afternoon glad that they use that really good sound effect of laughing at
the start because now I know oh my god this is funny haha who says I don't have
money and flag the rest of them like come on it's just two kids on the street
with their with no food and you don't have money you know fling Urist at the
faces aren't you I could see in your eyes me shut up my friend I saw the
money hanging out your pocket if gravity was real that would have fallen out but
obviously gravity's fake we live on a earth which is flat if you accused
somebody of having money you have to shut up mate
I mean I guess we don't live on a flat earth then because it's fallen cool he's
a bit too excited to earth steal some money well if that guy did not see his
money on the floor he's fucking dying man
I really do like the music they put in the background cuz I have to say I have
this on my phone and like jam out to it every day it's pretty mad when I go into
classes it's really boring I'll whip up my headphones listen to this Jam oh my
god it's amazing
that's to do editing right there I'm glad there they other than spending like
millions of dollars on advertising they also spent millions of dollars on
production what you doing mate you don't just start dancing and fling the rest of
them again if I was one of them and you flunk your wrist at me boy I'd come over
and beat your ass 13 minutes latter cuz it's not later its latter
it's looking for its money but I don't think the music fits the scene I know
it's a hungry children FK comedy episode 2 . funny videos vines
mic prank try not to laugh compilation but the music doesn't go with it
nicely good afternoon mercy good afternoon Wow he's talking
about French there isn't it what a great guy I lost money
yeah it's stop it just us the kids in here somehow got enough money to afford
food and like hella fun sir that you've lost money because they're definitely
gonna help you cuz earlier I'm pretty sure you said I don't have any money and
shot up
hey that is a politician simply put the report what the kids literally just
snitched on himself and now this guy with his half broken Gucci flip-flops is
a hanging some rubbish on the floor
I might need to call that number at the bottom cuz gosh damn it I need to I need
to book them for my birthday pie because imagine that literally be the litters
birthday party ever oh my god I need to do it I wonder how much they cost I bet
they're like on a tank with area guys if you did enjoy today's video make sure
you do leave a like if you're new around here subscribe notifications on to never
miss a video and if you're not following me on Twitter there's a link in the
description just go and click that follow me on to it and that would be
amazing hey guys thank you and good bye ha
Formation "Éduquer sans violence" - Duration: 2:33.
Women'sCasio G-Shock White GMAS130 Step Tracker | GMAS130-7A Top 10 Things Watch Review - Duration: 5:06.
Comment dessiner "Les grands espaces", la leçon de dessin de Catherine Meurisse - Duration: 3:08.
pareja prueba dulces japoneses!! ❤Scarlett Moon❤ - Duration: 8:43.
Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends - Duration: 10:32.
Welcome back everyone, today were going to Wales - a country which I have many happy
childhood memories in.
Through all my visits though, I had no idea there were so many creepy stories.
Its a country steeped in history, mountains, castles and an air of mystery - the perfect
recipe for some creepy stories.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Grim Prophecy[a].
In the village of Llangernyw stands the church of St Digain.
There, in the churchyard, lies a Yew tree thats said to be over 4000 years old.
Its life began around the time Stonehenge was completed - thats how old it is.
Within its old and twisted trunks, locals say a supernatural being lives called Agelystor.
According to legend, on Halloween every year, this being emerges to make grim prophecies
to those who will hear it.
In an ancient Welsh language, he slowly lists the names of the townsfolk who will die in
the coming year.
Theres a cautionary tale of why people should never scoff at this list.
Years ago, there was a local tailor in the town called Sio ap Robert.
In the pub one night, he told his friend he thought the list was nonsense and poured scorn
upon Agelystor.
His friends challenged him to go to the tree and prove his words.
He slammed his empty glass down and marched to the tree where he heard a deep voice reciting
the names of the soon to be dead.
Then, he heard his own.
In a panic he begged Angelyster to stop, telling him he wasnt ready to go yet - but sure enough,
within a year he was dead.
Now, many believe that a person will find their name on the list if they don't take
the story seriously …
Moving on now to number 9 we have The Hanging Judge[b].
Judge Jeffreys was a Welsh judge born in Wrexham who took charge of the Blood Assizes in the
17th century.
The gruesome trials involved thousands of people suspected of treason being burned alive
at the stake, hanged and beheaded.
Some still say he has the blood of many innocent people on his hands - and that these crimes
have left him tied to this Earth, unable to move on after his death.
In recent times, his story had become somewhat forgotten - but then, in December 2014 - a
British ghost hunter called Ian Alderton shared this picture taken in the Illchester Arms
in London.
He says it shows the ghoulish figure of Judge Jeggreys, still wearing his old powdered wig
- and staring right at the camera.
The Illchester Arms was known to be one of the Judges favourite places to drink.
The owner had allowed Ian to investigate the pub for ghosts after she kept hearing voices
in her bedroom upstairs.
- Mr Alderton said that she was so disturbed by the noises that at one point she hid under
her covers at which point she heard an old fashioned male voice say -Oy, you- … lets
hope she wasnt next in line for one of the Judges trials …
Next up at number 8 we have the Afanc[c].
In Welsh mythology, this lake monster was one of the most fearsome ever described.
Its depictions vary - some say it looked like a giant crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf
like creature.
One thing they all agree on though is that the Afanc is a demon.
The Afanc was said to attack and devour anyone who crossed its path.
There are many tales of individual encounters with the beast but one of the most notable
ones was put forth by folklore writer Edward Williams.
This legend says that many years ago, a large Afanc thrashed its body in its lake so much
that it drowned all the people of Britain except for two people who went on to be the
descendants of everyone in Britain.
Coming from Britain myself, hearing this feels like quite a close call.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Cadair Idris[d].
Its one of Snowdonias most picturesque mountains.
In ancient times, they say this was the throne of a mythical giant.
The area is steeped in legend.
One story says that the lake by the mountain is bottomless and home to a welsh water dragon
that once terrorised the people who lives there.
King Arthur himself is said to have been the one who banished it to the bottomless waters,
but not before dragging it up to the top of the mountain.
Perhaps the most creepy legend to survive over the centuries is the belief that you
should never sleep on the mountainside.
They say if you do that, you will wake up as one of 3 things - either youll go mad,
youll be a talented poet, or youll never wake up again.
I think even poets would fancy the odds on that …
Moving on to number 6 we have Sker House[e].
The ghosts of Sker house are legendary in its corner of Wales.
For 800 years, its seen so much violence and bloodshed that locals believe every inch of
the place is haunted.
One of the most famous stories revolves around a woman who lived there years ago called Elizabeth
She planned to run away with her lover, a young carpenter and harpist called Thomas
Evans of whom her Father did not approve of.
On the night of their getaway, they hired a coach and horses to help them escape.
When the coach arrived though, Williams dogs barked so furiously it woke the whole house.
Evan panicked and ran, leaving Elizabeth to face her Fathers wrath.
He locked her up in a room with blocked up windows and forced her to marry someone else
against her will, eventually dying of a broken heart 9 years later.
They say her spirit still haunts Sker house and is felt particularly strongly in the room
she was kept prisoner.
In 2002, its said that a film crew tried to film there during restoration work.
A high pitched noise emanated from the Great Hall and despite all efforts to trace the
source, none could be found.
A medium told them they had disturbed something evil - unable to work with the noise, they
packed and left as quickly as they could …
At the number 5 spot we have Canter Gwaelod[f].
This is the name of a legendary lost kingdom said to lie below the sea in Cardigan Bay.
The story goes that the land was extremely fertile but depended on steep embankments
to keep the sea at bay.
Special gates were periodically opened for agricultural purposes.
The King had left control of the gates to a local man who was always very trustworthy.
One night though, he had too much to drink and stumbled to his bed without closing the
flood gates.
When high tide came, the water poured in - in just a few hours the entire Kingdom was swallowed
by the sea - taking the many thousands who live there with it …
Next up at number 4 we have Devils Bridge[g].
Ceredigion is a Welsh county thats known as a hub of Welsh culture, attracting many tourists
to its scenic towns, castle and beaches.
However, in the 11th century, they say it attracted one visitor that nobody wants - the
devil himself.
The story goes that he went there after hearing about the stunning scenery and wanted to see
it for himself.
Down by the river, he saw a woman whos cow was stranded on the other side of the water.
He decided to help her - but for a price.
He told the woman that hed build a bridge for her in exchange for the soul of the first
living that crossed it.
He thought shed have to cross the bridge first, but when it was built, she threw a loaf of
bread over the bridge and her dog chased it.
He was so humiliated that he had been outsmarted, he left that very moment - not even stopping
to take the dogs soul.
These days, the towns people say the Devil has been too ashamed to return to Ceredigion
ever since then - but his bridge still remains …
Next up at number 3 we have The Traditional Dress Ghost[h].
In January 2012.
Paul Feehan took a trip to Abersoch in Wales.
He and his friend took some film while resting on a bench by a lake area.
It wasnt until they watched the video back that they saw something that didnt seem quite
They discovered that there had been a dark figure standing just a few metres behind them
the whole time.
The figure barely moves during the whole video.
This shocked paul as he was certain there was nobody else around at that time.
After doing some research, he was surprised to see that the figures appearance seemed
to match up eerily well with that of a woman in Welsh traditional folk dress.
As you can see from these pictures, if that really was a person - they would be very close,
close enough for them to easily spot.
This has led some people to believe that its the long dead spirit of a Welsh woman, still
wearing the clothes from her long gone era …
Moving on to number 2 we have Merlins Oak[i].
According to legend, Merlins Oak stood in the centre of Carmarthen - thats Merlin as
in THE Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time.
Locals say that Merlin told them that Carmarthen would drown if the Oak was ever removed.
With this curse, they say that a strange pointed notch appeared in the trunk of the tree that
looked like the face of Merlin himself.
For centuries, the locals remembered Merlins words.
Then, in the 1850s, it was poisoned by a local who objected to people holding meetings beneath
it but its trunk was preserved with iron railings.
Finally, in the 1970s, it was removed when someone set it on fire.
Then, Carmarthen suffered its worst floods in many years - some say the legend held up
and that Merlin fulfilled his promise to drown the place if his Oak was ever removed …
And finally at number 1 we have Llandaffs Ghosts[j].
Some ghost hunters travel long ways just to experience a single ghost - well, Llandaff
has not one, not two, three or four but 5 famous ghost stories - and they all date back
to roughly the same time.
The first is the story of a young boy who wore blue and drowned while playing on the
banks of the river Taff.
He is also said to be joined by the ghost of his mother, with onlookers reporting theyve
seen the figure of a lady wading through the river late at night.
They say she is forever looking for her son and trying to save him from the water.
Another ghost is that of Bella, a woman who committed suicide in the area over 100 years
ago - shes regularly seen along the Taff trail in the woods.
The spirit of another suicide victim, this time a man, is also said to haunt the graveyard
He has been known to give people a sharp poke while on the ghost tour and follow them as
they are guided through the area …
So weve done Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, I think its only Northern Ireland left now
in this corner of the world?
Lets go somewhere completely different perhaps for our next one?
Let me know, thanks for watching as always guys my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
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