Can you hear the difference between the words:
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence
accurately, like this?
Today we are going to work on so-called R-blends and L-blends
R-blends and L-blends are words that begin with a consonant
followed by the /R/ or /L/ sound.
Examples of R-blends are:
Examples of L-blends are:
There are four typical errors that Vietnamese people make with
R-blends and L-blends when speaking English:
First of all, the biggest problem is that
many times Vietnamese people don't say the consonant sound before the /R/ and the /L/
or they just say them very weakly.
So they will say "rank" instead of "prank",
"lay" instead of "play", "ring" instead of "bring",
"loom" instead of "bloom", "rove" instead of "drove",
"rhyme" instead of "crime", "row" instead of "grow",
"low" instead of "glow", and so on.
The second problem is that
people often forget to vibrate their vocal chords
when they want to say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds before the /R/ and the /L/,
so they will say "try" instead of "dry", "class" instead of "glass",
"crow" instead of "grow", and "plush" instead of "blush".
The third error is when people confuse the /p/ and /f/ sounds
at the beginning of an R-blend or L-blend word.
So they confuse "fry" with "pry", and "fly" with "ply".
The fourth typical mistake is that very often
the "tr" consonants at the beginning of words (such as in "travel" or "try")
are pronounced as /tʃ/ in Vietnamese English.
This results in the confusion of "trip" with "chip" or "true" with "chew".
In this video
We will learn how to say R-blends and L-blends well
We will practice saying R-blend and L-blend words
and sentences with such words
and we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
There are two reasons why Vietnamese people don't say
R-blends and L-blends well with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds:
The first, more general reason is that in the Vietnamese language
there is always a vowel after a consonant,
but in English we have a lot of words where consonants come one after the other
without a single vowel between them
like in the word "stress", which begins with 3 consonants.
So to a Vietnamese speaker it feels strange
to say two or more consonants together,
and they simply say only one and forget the other.
The second, more specific reason is that the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds
in Vietnamese are quite weak,
but in English we put a lot of power into these sounds at the beginning of words,
and we say them with a big puff of air.
We actually put a /h/ sound after the /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds
when we begin a word with these sounds.
So we say "t(h)ea", "p(h)ie" and "k(h)ey".
We covered the /t/ and /k/ sounds in Episode 11,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce these sounds,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
The /p/ sound was discussed in Episode 10,
so make sure you watch that video as well
if you feel that your /p/ sounds are not good.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /p/, /t/ or /k/,
you have to say the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong,
with a lot of air, before you say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /p/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /k/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends starting with a strong /t/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a strong,
aspirated /t/, /k/ and /p/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you use a short /h/ sound to make the /t/, /k/ and /p/ stronger.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Be careful not to say a /tʃ/ sound instead of the /tr/.
I know that in Vietnamese dialects people pronounce the "TR" as /tʃ/,
for example in the words "trang" or "trung", but in English this is not correct.
Say the English /tr/ as /t(h)r/.
However, sometimes you can hear native English speakers
saying the /tr/ something like /tʃr/, such as /tʃraɪ/, /tʃrӕvl/ or /tʃrʌst/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, as this pronunciation is also acceptable.
But always remember that there is also an /r/ sound after the /tʃ/.
If you feel that your /p/, /t/ or /k/ sound is not strong enough,
then make the /h/ sound between the first consonant
and the /R/ and /L/ sound a little longer.
So practice saying the words like /phhress/, /phhrɑbləm/,
/phhleɪ/, /phhli:z/, /khhrӕb/, /khhrɑs/, /khhlu:/, /khhlʌb/, /thhrɑɪ/, /thhrӕvəl/,
and when you can say them like this, then reduce the /h/ to a normal length:
/phress/, /phrɑbləm/, /phleɪ/, /phli:z/, /khrӕb/, /khrɑs/, /khlu:/, /khlʌb/, /thrɑɪ/, /thrӕvəl/.
To test the power of your /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
put your hand in front of your mouth when you say the words,
and you should feel a lot of air hitting your palm.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Pause now.
The main reason why Vietnamese people don't say R-blends and L-blends
well with the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds is that,
as we mentioned it before,
a word with two or more consonants together
(without any vowel between them)
sounds strange to a Vietnamese ear,
so people usually choose to pronounce only one of the consonants.
In addition, in some Vietnamese dialects the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
are not very strongly vibrated and they sound more like /p/, /t/ and /k/.
But in English the vibration in the throat is quite powerful
when we say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
especially at the beginning of words.
The /b/ is the vibrated pair of the /p/,
the /d/ is the vibrated pair of the /t/ and the /g/ is the pair of the /k/.
So we make the /b/ the same way as the /p/,
the only difference is that we vibrate the vocal chords when we say the /b/,
while in the /p/ sound there is no vibration.
And the same is true for the /d/ - /t/ pair and the /g/ - /k/ pair.
The other important difference between voiced
and unvoiced sounds is that the voiced (vibrated)
sounds need less air than non-vibrated sounds.
You can visualize this by imagining
that the vibration replaces some of the air power,
so the /b/, /d/ and /g/ are less powerful than their /p/,
/t/ and /k/ pairs,
but the vibration in the /b/, /d/ and /g/ helps us to distinguish them.
You can test this difference in air power
by putting your hand in front of your mouth
and saying first the /p/ and then the /b/ sound.
You will feel a lot more air coming out of your mouth
with the /p/ sound. /p/ - /p/ - /b/ - /b/.
In fact, if you put too much air into the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
then you will lose some of the vibration,
because it is very hard to vibrate your throat
AND blow out a lot of air, at the same time.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend
words starting with the /b/, /d/ or /g/,
you don't have to say these sounds with so much air as with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
BUT you do have to vibrate your vocal chords in your throat quite hard.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /b/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /g/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends with a /d/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a /d/, /g/ and /b/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Sometimes you can hear native English speakers saying /dr/ something like /dʒr/,
such as /dʒraɪ/, /dʒrɑp/ or /dʒri:m/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, this is also correct,
but always remember that both the /dʒ/ and the /r/ sound have to be pronounced,
you cannot drop either of them.
If you feel that you cannot vibrate the /b/, /d/ or /g/ sounds strong enough,
then here is a useful tip:
Try saying these sounds as quietly as you can,
with only minimal air.
This way, you can reduce the air power to almost zero,
so you can focus on the vibration.
Now practice saying first the sounds, then the words, very softly,
like "b", "brother", "b", "blow",
"g", "grab", "g", "glue", "d", "dry"
And when you can say them like this, then increase the volume back to a normal level.
This is also a great test to check if you can vibrate the sounds strong enough.
Another way to test your /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
is to put your hand on your throat when you say the words,
and you should feel quite a lot of vibration.
And the vibration should be the same strength, whether you say the words loudly or softly.
Pause now.
Quite a lot of Vietnamese speakers of English have problems with the /f/ sound
and they often confuse it with the /p/ sound.
The main difference between the /f/ and the /p/ is in the lip position:
for the /f/ sound the upper teeth touch the lower lip,
while in the /p/ sound the upper lip touches the lower lip.
/f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/.
The other difference is in length:
the /f/ sound can be long: /fffff/
while the /p/ sound can only be short and explosive: /p/ - /p/ - /p/.
We learned about the /f/ sound in Episode 10,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce it,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /f/ sound,
first you have to touch your upper teeth to your lower lip
to produce the correct /f/ sound before you can say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a /f/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a soft /f/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you say the correct /f/ sound and not the /p/ sound
or a mix of the two sounds.
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are not good enough,
then start saying the words with a long /f/ sound,
adjust your upper teeth and lower lips to the correct position,
and then continue the word with the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffrom", "fffffree", "fffffly", "ffffflow"
and when you can say the words like this,
then reduce the /f/ to a normal length: "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are still not OK,
then try putting a /h/ sound between the /f/ and the /R/ and /L/ sound.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffhhrom", "fffffhhree", "fffffhhly", "fffffhhlow"
and when you can say the words like this,
take out the /h/ sound and say the words normally,
like "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
Adding a "h" sound between consonants usually helps people
connect these consonants easier.
Pause now.
Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words
is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,
so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.
Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:
1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds
strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;
2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:
In the next set of words,
listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:
In the final set of words,
listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:
saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,
and adding a puff of air after them;
vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;
distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;
and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to recognize the R-blend and L-blend words.
You will hear 4 words
and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word:
if you hear a voiced sound (so a vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the left, and
and if you hear an unvoiced sound (so a non-vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
we're going to the left
we're going to the right
we're going to the right
we're going to the left
And we are in Cleveland.
By the way, can you hear the L-blend with the /k/ sound
at the beginning of "CLeveland"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do 2 rounds with new rules:
if you hear a consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like the /k/ in "class"),
then you have to turn to the left,
and if you don't hear any consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like in "lass"),
then you have to turn to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
To finish this game, let's do 2 rounds with the /tr/ and the /tʃ/ sounds:
/tr/ is to the left and /tʃ/ is to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
In the second activity,
we will test your ability to hear the different
consonant sounds at the beginning of R-blends and L-blends.
You can see 10 numbers on the screen,
from 1 to 0, like on a phone dialing screen.
Each number is represented by a word,
so there are a total of 10 different words on the screen.
These words all end in the /u:/ vowel
but they all begin with different consonant sounds.
Number 1 is "CRew"
Number 2 is "GRew"
Number 3 is "BRew"
Number 4 is "BLue"
Number 5 is "CLue"
Number 6 is "GLue"
Number 7 is "TRue"
Number 8 is "CHew"
Number 9 is "DRew"
Number 0 is "Rue"
I'm going to dictate you a phone number using these words.
Your job is to write down the correct phone number.
Let's do an example:
First number is "brew / brew"
-> number 3
Next number is "blue / blue"
-> number 4
Next is "glue / glue"
-> this is number 6
Next is "true / true"
-> number 7
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "glue / glue"
-> number 6
Next is "crew / crew"
-> number 1
and the last one is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
So the phone number was
346 725 2615.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice and slowly.
Are you ready?
What is the phone number?
Write it in the comments.
In the second set of words I will still say each word slowly but only once.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the third set of words,
I will say each word once but a little faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the fourth set of words
I will say each word once and even faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
This third activity will improve and test your ability to distinguish
the initial consonants in R-blends and L-blends in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen, where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1
The options are "pride" and "bride"
Number 2
The options are "try" and "dry"
Number 3
The options are "train" and "drain"
Number 4
The options are "traced" and "chased"
Number 5
The options are "trip" and "chip"
Number 6
The options are "classes" and "glasses"
Number 7
The options are "lamb" and "clam"
Which words were said?
Write them in a comment.
The fourth and final activity will improve your ability to say
the R-blends and L-blends accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences,
listen to me saying them and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now.
Number 2:
Pause now.
Number 3:
Pause now.
Number 4:
Pause now.
Number 5:
Pause now.
Number 6:
Pause now.
Number 7:
Pause now.
Number 8:
Pause now.
Number 9:
Pause now.
For more infomation >> Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46.-------------------------------------------
Máy Chiếu Mini - Siêu Tiện Lợi - L-MIX - Duration: 5:26.
comedy nerf movies
N. Korean soldier defected to South Korea early Saturday: S. Korean military - Duration: 0:31.
A North Korean soldier has defected to South Korea, crossing the Military Demarcation Line
in the Demilitarized Zone.
Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff says the soldier was spotted by the South's military surveillance
equipment at around eight AM, Korea time.
The soldier is in good health and the relevant authorities are investigating how and why
he fled.
This comes as the two Koreas are in the process of reducing tensions at the border by removing
20 front-line guard posts and land mines.
Christmas Special - Sangeeta´s Kreations - Duration: 2:41.
Namaste friends welcome to my channel Sangeeta´s Kreations and this is Sangeeta
Christmas is approaching and like Santa there is lot for us to do. there is
no better time to start planning for all the crafts. I wanted to do something
different I have been busy collecting gathering all the handmade gift ideas
especially for you and your kids and and if you're looking to avoid something
spending lot of money then you are on the right track I am coming up with very
beautiful easy simple DIY art projects that only requires few materials and you
will create a beautiful masterpiece
this Christmas crafts idea that will add extra festive to your home
I'll be posting five diy per week ,yes my friends 5 DIY for me isn't it great
this is really a special Christmas season for us so get the spirit with our
unique and easy Christmas crafts ideas for this subscribe my channel if you
haven't so you don't miss any of my videos and hit the bell button for
notifications give like share comment below what you want to know and what you
want to learn see you soon till then Namaste!!!
Audi A5 Cabriolet 2.0 TFSI MHEV 190pk s-tronic Sport Pro Line S - Duration: 0:45.
🇲🇽Puerto Vallarta SHOCKED Me!!🇲🇽 (It really didn't) | **Traduccion en Español** | MEXICO TRAVEL - Duration: 10:23.
hola buenas tardes and welcome back to Mexico can you guess where I am
yeah I think it's pretty obvious Puerto Vallarta yes first I want to apologise I
have been monumentally sick for the last three weeks just to point out this is
nothing to do with Mexican food Ihave an iron stomach when it comes to tacos
now basically it was a bad fever and finally today I feel well enough to
come out and have a look around this blue sky sea gorgeous area I want to
point out a few things in this video because you might be expecting me to say
that I absolutely hate this place I'm going to talk about my opinion of this
place as we go along in this video but first let's have a look around
right I'm on the Malecon which is roughly translated to boardwalk you
might remember that word from when I was in Havana in Cuba and yeah this place
this...... I'm on the malecon which is roughly .... and I'm gonna say
something you know is Puerto Vallarta my favorite place in Mexico do I love
PUERTO VALLARTA no and no however I don't hate it I
don't dislike it one of the things that has developed in me is I have become
more accepting of tourist areas because I go to cities I go to per blow my heat
goes I go to a lot of places a tourist and it wouldn't necessarily go to you
but I'm I think more appreciative of that tourist aspect because not everyone
can do what I'm doing right now in terms of traveling full time long term I think
because of that fact I recognize that a lot more now I don't get angry and you
know yeah there's a little bit you know he's not as bad as it was I don't
particularly like tourist places my appreciate that if you're particularly an
American coming to Mexico going away for a holiday this is an
ideal location you've got alcohol you've got Mexican
food tex-mex food as well you've got beaches what more do you want right the
food along the malecon is understandably expensive okay and from my
experience does that expense translate into exceptional taste etc not really
and you know for someone that's been in Mexico for a while like me
you'll want 15 peso tacos which is exactly where we're going now right it wouldn't
be my final week in Mexico without a trip to that place pinatas tacos I'm so
hungry let's go we're eating and I gotta have my favorite thing literally in the
entire everywhere in Mexico pinatas tacos let's go
okay doesn't take me long to look at them menu I know I'm having sure it's so
15 pesos bingo can i get 2 tacos with chorizo please
no onion, coriander no problem. okay this place is really cool
over myself like somewhere in Mexico Singh we can just get cheap Taggart got
all this artwork for sale around the walls which is cool you've got all these
guns over there you've got these tequila bottles or different shapes like
guns and skulls day of the dead remember this is Jalisco
the home of tequila and beer for a dollar so if you are on the cheap I mean
and you're looking for a quick drink and some tacos
and my tacos are here with salsa of course and you're gonna be proud of me
because look what I'm doing salsa goes inside the taco not on the
top if you remember from my video in tlaquepaque where I put it on the top
there was chaos when I did that I've gotta say this food is literally my
favorite comedies for free to us in Mexico it's amazing that sure it so is
someone else it's nothing like you know what you get in a supermarket look at
these tacos
beautiful. I've gotta say, apparently cilantro is coriander and I'm amazed by the amount of
people that don't like coriander it's amazing it's one of my favorite things
this is epic
well that was immense and you notice that I'm not prattling on about food for
10 minutes I'm just eating it short and sharp bish bash Bosh chuck it down my gob
and out of there because you know I don't know anything about food let's face it
if it's got meat if it's got bread if it's got cheese and it's a bit spicy happy days
that's all i care about and let's face it that's all you want to know as well is
it good is it nice yes it was anyway I've come to this like
square now and there's a church up there I'm excited because you know how I feel
about Mexican churches and cathedrals let's go have a look right now I'm doing
that TV program Instagram superzoom Derr Derr Derr Derr Derr
you know what I mean oh the church looks pretty bricks Bell clock up the top and
the top it looks interesting wonderful cross is lovely and look spectacular
inside let's go have a look
Our Lady of Guadalupe I'm walking this way because it's the only way that
there's good lighting if you want to watch a channel that lies to the
audience and is totally fake this isn't the one for you i'm going to be totally honest that
place wasn't all that in comparison to other churches and cathedrals I've been
before this one wasn't particularly grand or exquisite maybe I'm being a
snob a church and Cathedral snob do I care no but still if you're in Mexico
for a short time you want to see what Mexican church looks like that's your
one on another notes completely unrelated subject I'm feeling a bit
bonkers at the momenand largely because I've been locked in a room for three
weeks coughing my left lung up possibly my right lung but the point is shit
happens especially when traveling believe me I know but it's not gonna be
positive about it there's no point being negative or moaning which I'm doing
right now irony but I've just come up a bit further closer to los Muertos pier
which is by the way where you got a lot of boats to different places like Yelapa
and slap me around the face and call me
Jose there's a place there the 300 pesos for a burger just to highlight the
difference in prices you can come closer to the beach and I've had an interesting
conversation with a guy about their offering to get me a Mexican boyfriend
and some crack no thanks hun if I wanted a Mexican
boyfriend I could get one myself
speaking of Mexican boyfriend's I've walked into an area where there's a lot
of old men looking at my penis this means that I'm in the gay area yes it is
very popular in terms of an area for gay men in particular they used to be one of
them so I will not be exploring that
right I've walked back to here I'm staying now near the beach and you know
what I was gonna go to Zona Romantica which I've decided about
another video now it's getting windier let's get away from the wind yes I hope
you've enjoyed having a little look around the malecon area I know you think
of Puerto Vallarta in the comments and you know I would love to hear your
opinions are they like mine do you love this place or do you hate it it's a bit
like Marmite in mind so thanks for watching and see you in next video
警察局長竟拍到「外星金屬人!」 有字幕 - Duration: 10:02.
Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra Batarya Değişimi #sonyxperiaxa1ultra - Duration: 2:01.
How to replace the Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra battery
You can watch it via video.
"Sony Xperia XA1 Ultra battery replacement"
successfully done.
Celebrating Turkish Republic Day and another digital DISASTER - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.045) - Duration: 14:22.
Well this is certainly not the video we expected to bring you this week but
sometimes s#$% happens! As we mentioned in last week's video we've discovered that
we have a major audio issue with the Sony camera and when we came to review
the footage that we were going to put into this week's video we noticed that
the audio was even worse than it had been and basically it rendered most of
our footage unusable in an audio sense. We were quite happy to use the video
footage and do voiceovers to lay over the top but just as we were about to
begin editing the video earlier this week the hard drive where all the raw footage
is stored decided to have a nervous breakdown and we lost all of the footage
All of the footage Well not everything because I was
working on one little segment and that was of the Turkish Republic Day
celebrations so we've still got that. Yeah so we will bring you that in this week's
episode it is very good it's a lot of fun we had a great time but just to
bring you up to date to where we are we arrived into the bay where Kaş marina
is maybe three weeks ago, four weeks ago? Yeah. Ssomething like that and we've been there
for a while. We had a couple of things fixed on the boat and I'll show you the
end results, I obviously can't show you the fixing but I'll show you the end result
of the fixing and now we've actually moved around the headland to Kaş harbour
in the old town it's very nice. We're in a temporary berth just near the entrance
to the harbour and I think next week sometime we're going to be moving
further into the harbour to a stern to berth for pretty much the
winter months. Yep and it'll have lazy lines and it'll be a lot more sheltered. Yes it will
All is not lost! Kaş itself is a beautiful town seeped in history. It's
part - a major part of the Lycian Way and there are tombs everywhere and these
tombs date back to 200 years 300 years BC and also an amphitheatre and an old
Hellenistic temple, oh yes ruins, yeah yeah really it's a really
interesting little place and it's got some beautiful quaint very picturesque
streets. And the people are very nice and friendly and helpful too which is what
we've found all throughout Turkey so far wherever we've been. Anyway join us as we
celebrate Turkish Republic day
Today is the 29th of October and that's a very special date here in Turkey
because in 1923 on the 29th of October Turkey won the war of independence
against the Ottoman Empire and their leader at the time Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
was the first president of the newly formed Republic of Turkey and tonight
everybody in Kaş town and ourselves are gonna paint the town red. It's gonna be a
lot of fun!
Here we are waiting for the big red flag.
I think there might be a bit more than just a big red flag. We're expecting the
parade to come down the street and once it passes
buy and gets to the port area then the festivities can officially begin.
Yes looking forward to that. Lots of
beer drinking or actually we're going to be drinking rakı, rakı - my new favorite drink
It's like er ouzo. It's like ouzo but smoother. Yes I think it is
And now we must go and eat drink and be merry
Sounds like a plan hey Phil? Sounds like a plan!
Well here we are at the restaurant of our choice
for tonight on Turkish Republic Day it's called Çınarlar and there's a
whole load of boaties with us and we've just been sort of like served a mezze
plate of various dips and things that you just break off a bit of bread throw it
in and eat your heart's content. We're main main coursing with a seafood
platter to share. But this is looking pretty good.
I died and went to heaven! Food heaven.
So we're just having a small small seafood platter between us. Yum!
Wow look at that!
Oh yeah that's gonna keep us busy. That's amazing isn't it? Enjoy!
Bring them back let 'em play
I think the waiter got outvoted there somehow
So how good was that? It was a great night out. Before we show you around
Kaş town we're just stopping for a light lunch our favorite doner durum
joint where the guy has one big hunk of meat and he opens his doors and he cooks his
meat and he sells his meat in this form and other forms and then when it's sold out
that's it - days over - closes the doors and goes home. These are fantastic. The best!
especially with the little chillies that Aannsha's fallen in love with YUM
Yirmi yedi? (27TL?)
Just behind me is where A B Sea is currently tied up alongside in the harbour - she
looks quite small compared to some of the big gullets that she's berthing with
um but later on as we mentioned we're gonna be moving on to this side and
we'll be coming stern to once some more of these DayTripper boats get taken out
for the winter where they will have maintenance and all the usual bits and
pieces that you need to do to a wooden boat, done
Here's probably one of the better examples of the tombs that are dotted
along the Lyceum Way.This tomb here is massive, fairly well-preserved and it
dates back to the 4th century BC so 2400 years old. It's in pretty good nick for its age
And this tomb is just one of many hundreds and hundreds that are dotted all around
this area. It's just so fascinating and we're going to learn a lot more about it
when we have a look at the amphitheatre and the Hellenistic temple.
To be honest
I wasn't really that upset at losing all the footage from the hard drive
There was one segment however that we filmed that I was really really looking
forward to bringing you. It was a bit where I went to get a haircut and a
shave and a massage and an ear wax at a
Turkish barber shop. But it was so good I'm looking forward to growing my beard
again and then going back and doing it all again because I really think it's
something that you'll find pretty good and I want to share it with you so
that's coming up in another video in a couple of weeks time.
Next week on sailing A B Sea we check out the ancient amphitheatre and the ruins
of a Hellenistic temple and we show you some of the to-do lists jobs that we've
already completed. If you've enjoyed this video do give us a thumbs up and
subscribe and ding that bell if you want to be notified of future videos
零基础大师班第二集-俯瞰东京 暗夜之瞳-A7R3 Overlooks Tokyo's Dark Nights-A7R3 - Duration: 4:49.
五位被閨蜜「橫刀奪愛」的女星,圖一冰釋前嫌,圖五已去世好多年! - CN TV Today - Duration: 7:25.
Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46.
Can you hear the difference between the words:
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence
accurately, like this?
Today we are going to work on so-called R-blends and L-blends
R-blends and L-blends are words that begin with a consonant
followed by the /R/ or /L/ sound.
Examples of R-blends are:
Examples of L-blends are:
There are four typical errors that Vietnamese people make with
R-blends and L-blends when speaking English:
First of all, the biggest problem is that
many times Vietnamese people don't say the consonant sound before the /R/ and the /L/
or they just say them very weakly.
So they will say "rank" instead of "prank",
"lay" instead of "play", "ring" instead of "bring",
"loom" instead of "bloom", "rove" instead of "drove",
"rhyme" instead of "crime", "row" instead of "grow",
"low" instead of "glow", and so on.
The second problem is that
people often forget to vibrate their vocal chords
when they want to say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds before the /R/ and the /L/,
so they will say "try" instead of "dry", "class" instead of "glass",
"crow" instead of "grow", and "plush" instead of "blush".
The third error is when people confuse the /p/ and /f/ sounds
at the beginning of an R-blend or L-blend word.
So they confuse "fry" with "pry", and "fly" with "ply".
The fourth typical mistake is that very often
the "tr" consonants at the beginning of words (such as in "travel" or "try")
are pronounced as /tʃ/ in Vietnamese English.
This results in the confusion of "trip" with "chip" or "true" with "chew".
In this video
We will learn how to say R-blends and L-blends well
We will practice saying R-blend and L-blend words
and sentences with such words
and we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
There are two reasons why Vietnamese people don't say
R-blends and L-blends well with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds:
The first, more general reason is that in the Vietnamese language
there is always a vowel after a consonant,
but in English we have a lot of words where consonants come one after the other
without a single vowel between them
like in the word "stress", which begins with 3 consonants.
So to a Vietnamese speaker it feels strange
to say two or more consonants together,
and they simply say only one and forget the other.
The second, more specific reason is that the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds
in Vietnamese are quite weak,
but in English we put a lot of power into these sounds at the beginning of words,
and we say them with a big puff of air.
We actually put a /h/ sound after the /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds
when we begin a word with these sounds.
So we say "t(h)ea", "p(h)ie" and "k(h)ey".
We covered the /t/ and /k/ sounds in Episode 11,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce these sounds,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
The /p/ sound was discussed in Episode 10,
so make sure you watch that video as well
if you feel that your /p/ sounds are not good.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /p/, /t/ or /k/,
you have to say the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong,
with a lot of air, before you say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /p/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /k/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends starting with a strong /t/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a strong,
aspirated /t/, /k/ and /p/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you use a short /h/ sound to make the /t/, /k/ and /p/ stronger.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Be careful not to say a /tʃ/ sound instead of the /tr/.
I know that in Vietnamese dialects people pronounce the "TR" as /tʃ/,
for example in the words "trang" or "trung", but in English this is not correct.
Say the English /tr/ as /t(h)r/.
However, sometimes you can hear native English speakers
saying the /tr/ something like /tʃr/, such as /tʃraɪ/, /tʃrӕvl/ or /tʃrʌst/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, as this pronunciation is also acceptable.
But always remember that there is also an /r/ sound after the /tʃ/.
If you feel that your /p/, /t/ or /k/ sound is not strong enough,
then make the /h/ sound between the first consonant
and the /R/ and /L/ sound a little longer.
So practice saying the words like /phhress/, /phhrɑbləm/,
/phhleɪ/, /phhli:z/, /khhrӕb/, /khhrɑs/, /khhlu:/, /khhlʌb/, /thhrɑɪ/, /thhrӕvəl/,
and when you can say them like this, then reduce the /h/ to a normal length:
/phress/, /phrɑbləm/, /phleɪ/, /phli:z/, /khrӕb/, /khrɑs/, /khlu:/, /khlʌb/, /thrɑɪ/, /thrӕvəl/.
To test the power of your /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
put your hand in front of your mouth when you say the words,
and you should feel a lot of air hitting your palm.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Pause now.
The main reason why Vietnamese people don't say R-blends and L-blends
well with the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds is that,
as we mentioned it before,
a word with two or more consonants together
(without any vowel between them)
sounds strange to a Vietnamese ear,
so people usually choose to pronounce only one of the consonants.
In addition, in some Vietnamese dialects the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
are not very strongly vibrated and they sound more like /p/, /t/ and /k/.
But in English the vibration in the throat is quite powerful
when we say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
especially at the beginning of words.
The /b/ is the vibrated pair of the /p/,
the /d/ is the vibrated pair of the /t/ and the /g/ is the pair of the /k/.
So we make the /b/ the same way as the /p/,
the only difference is that we vibrate the vocal chords when we say the /b/,
while in the /p/ sound there is no vibration.
And the same is true for the /d/ - /t/ pair and the /g/ - /k/ pair.
The other important difference between voiced
and unvoiced sounds is that the voiced (vibrated)
sounds need less air than non-vibrated sounds.
You can visualize this by imagining
that the vibration replaces some of the air power,
so the /b/, /d/ and /g/ are less powerful than their /p/,
/t/ and /k/ pairs,
but the vibration in the /b/, /d/ and /g/ helps us to distinguish them.
You can test this difference in air power
by putting your hand in front of your mouth
and saying first the /p/ and then the /b/ sound.
You will feel a lot more air coming out of your mouth
with the /p/ sound. /p/ - /p/ - /b/ - /b/.
In fact, if you put too much air into the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
then you will lose some of the vibration,
because it is very hard to vibrate your throat
AND blow out a lot of air, at the same time.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend
words starting with the /b/, /d/ or /g/,
you don't have to say these sounds with so much air as with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
BUT you do have to vibrate your vocal chords in your throat quite hard.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /b/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /g/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends with a /d/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a /d/, /g/ and /b/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Sometimes you can hear native English speakers saying /dr/ something like /dʒr/,
such as /dʒraɪ/, /dʒrɑp/ or /dʒri:m/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, this is also correct,
but always remember that both the /dʒ/ and the /r/ sound have to be pronounced,
you cannot drop either of them.
If you feel that you cannot vibrate the /b/, /d/ or /g/ sounds strong enough,
then here is a useful tip:
Try saying these sounds as quietly as you can,
with only minimal air.
This way, you can reduce the air power to almost zero,
so you can focus on the vibration.
Now practice saying first the sounds, then the words, very softly,
like "b", "brother", "b", "blow",
"g", "grab", "g", "glue", "d", "dry"
And when you can say them like this, then increase the volume back to a normal level.
This is also a great test to check if you can vibrate the sounds strong enough.
Another way to test your /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
is to put your hand on your throat when you say the words,
and you should feel quite a lot of vibration.
And the vibration should be the same strength, whether you say the words loudly or softly.
Pause now.
Quite a lot of Vietnamese speakers of English have problems with the /f/ sound
and they often confuse it with the /p/ sound.
The main difference between the /f/ and the /p/ is in the lip position:
for the /f/ sound the upper teeth touch the lower lip,
while in the /p/ sound the upper lip touches the lower lip.
/f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/.
The other difference is in length:
the /f/ sound can be long: /fffff/
while the /p/ sound can only be short and explosive: /p/ - /p/ - /p/.
We learned about the /f/ sound in Episode 10,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce it,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /f/ sound,
first you have to touch your upper teeth to your lower lip
to produce the correct /f/ sound before you can say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a /f/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a soft /f/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you say the correct /f/ sound and not the /p/ sound
or a mix of the two sounds.
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are not good enough,
then start saying the words with a long /f/ sound,
adjust your upper teeth and lower lips to the correct position,
and then continue the word with the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffrom", "fffffree", "fffffly", "ffffflow"
and when you can say the words like this,
then reduce the /f/ to a normal length: "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are still not OK,
then try putting a /h/ sound between the /f/ and the /R/ and /L/ sound.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffhhrom", "fffffhhree", "fffffhhly", "fffffhhlow"
and when you can say the words like this,
take out the /h/ sound and say the words normally,
like "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
Adding a "h" sound between consonants usually helps people
connect these consonants easier.
Pause now.
Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words
is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,
so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.
Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:
1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds
strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;
2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:
In the next set of words,
listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:
In the final set of words,
listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:
saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,
and adding a puff of air after them;
vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;
distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;
and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to recognize the R-blend and L-blend words.
You will hear 4 words
and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word:
if you hear a voiced sound (so a vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the left, and
and if you hear an unvoiced sound (so a non-vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
we're going to the left
we're going to the right
we're going to the right
we're going to the left
And we are in Cleveland.
By the way, can you hear the L-blend with the /k/ sound
at the beginning of "CLeveland"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do 2 rounds with new rules:
if you hear a consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like the /k/ in "class"),
then you have to turn to the left,
and if you don't hear any consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like in "lass"),
then you have to turn to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
To finish this game, let's do 2 rounds with the /tr/ and the /tʃ/ sounds:
/tr/ is to the left and /tʃ/ is to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
In the second activity,
we will test your ability to hear the different
consonant sounds at the beginning of R-blends and L-blends.
You can see 10 numbers on the screen,
from 1 to 0, like on a phone dialing screen.
Each number is represented by a word,
so there are a total of 10 different words on the screen.
These words all end in the /u:/ vowel
but they all begin with different consonant sounds.
Number 1 is "CRew"
Number 2 is "GRew"
Number 3 is "BRew"
Number 4 is "BLue"
Number 5 is "CLue"
Number 6 is "GLue"
Number 7 is "TRue"
Number 8 is "CHew"
Number 9 is "DRew"
Number 0 is "Rue"
I'm going to dictate you a phone number using these words.
Your job is to write down the correct phone number.
Let's do an example:
First number is "brew / brew"
-> number 3
Next number is "blue / blue"
-> number 4
Next is "glue / glue"
-> this is number 6
Next is "true / true"
-> number 7
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "glue / glue"
-> number 6
Next is "crew / crew"
-> number 1
and the last one is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
So the phone number was
346 725 2615.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice and slowly.
Are you ready?
What is the phone number?
Write it in the comments.
In the second set of words I will still say each word slowly but only once.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the third set of words,
I will say each word once but a little faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the fourth set of words
I will say each word once and even faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
This third activity will improve and test your ability to distinguish
the initial consonants in R-blends and L-blends in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen, where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1
The options are "pride" and "bride"
Number 2
The options are "try" and "dry"
Number 3
The options are "train" and "drain"
Number 4
The options are "traced" and "chased"
Number 5
The options are "trip" and "chip"
Number 6
The options are "classes" and "glasses"
Number 7
The options are "lamb" and "clam"
Which words were said?
Write them in a comment.
The fourth and final activity will improve your ability to say
the R-blends and L-blends accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences,
listen to me saying them and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now.
Number 2:
Pause now.
Number 3:
Pause now.
Number 4:
Pause now.
Number 5:
Pause now.
Number 6:
Pause now.
Number 7:
Pause now.
Number 8:
Pause now.
Number 9:
Pause now.
PSAがEVだけのカーシェア、三菱 i-MiEV ベースの550台を配備…アプリで利用 - Duration: 2:08.
90年代にドップリ浸かりたくなる! メルセデス・ベンツ Sクラス, 最高級オーディオ機器 - Duration: 7:34.
D-36 - Duration: 1:08.
Mangalya Balam Full HD Telugu Movie Scene | Sobhan Babu | JayaSudha | Radhika | Suresh Production - Duration: 7:14.
Christopher Biggins claims he knows where he'd 'kill and bury' I'm A Celeb star - Duration: 4:00.
Christopher Biggins claims he knows where he'd 'kill and bury' I'm A Celeb star
The former I'm A Celeb champ appeared on Loose Women today and ruffled a few feathers – as you'd expect.
Today's Loose Women was hosted by Kaye Adams, 55, Linda Robson, 60, Janet Street Porter, 71, and Stacey Solomon, 29.
Christopher Biggins, 69, said: "There are four people to have gone in the jungle here and only two to be king or queen.
You didn't win did you Linda or Janet?" He won the show way back in 2007, while Stacey was the queen of the 2010 series.
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"If I was in the jungle, I'd have known where I'd have killed and buried her" Christopher Biggins Janet, who appeared in the 2004 series, mentioned that this series everyone was getting on so well.
Christopher responded: "I had the awful Janice Dickinson – that awful American model who was vile, 'Oh man!'" He then mentioned Gillian McKeith, who was eliminated fifth the same year that Stacey won.
Christopher said: "If I was in the jungle, I'd have known where I'd have killed and buried her.".
Kaye tried to make him be quiet, saying he was just joking – but it sounds like he was fairly serious.
He continued: "I'm not saying it in jest – she didn't do anything for her fellow contestants." Speaking on who might annoy him this year, he said: "John Barrowman might, but they're all being very nice.
"Also Noel Edmonds.
They all know the programme now and think they need to be nice to win.".
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Biggins is known for being controversial, as he was removed from Celebrity Big Brother for a handful of offensive statements.
During the 2016 series, he was removed on day 9 after making antisemitic and biphobic comments, blaming bisexual people for the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Loose Women airs weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV.
Trump sees "good signs" of reaching deal with China, ahead of his dinner with Xi - Duration: 1:31.
Hopes are rising that the United States and China might be able to resolve their deep
differences over trade.
Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping will meet in the next 24 hours or so for talks
that could potentially bring an end to their trade war.
Cha Sang-mi reports.
President Trump hinted he was positive about the prospect of reaching a ceasefire in his
administration's trade war with China when he has dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping
on Saturday evening, local time.
"There are some good signs.
We'll see what happens."
Speaking to reporters covering the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires on Friday,...
President Trump said officials from both countries have been laying the groundwork for a possible
"We've already spoken very hard.
If we could make a deal, that would be good.
I think we'd like to and we'll see.
But we'll be meeting with President Xi in a little while, and for the most part tomorrow
would be our big meeting."
This comes after U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Trump and Xi would agree on a "framework"
for further talks to resolve trade tensions.
Financial markets celebrated the potential outcome, with U.S. stocks jumping on Friday
and Chinese equities-trackers ETF and FXI performing much better than recent weeks.
Yet investors say a desirable "deal" for markets would be where all further tariffs are put
on hold and the two largest economies in the world sit down to negotiate an agreement.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
My only option was to not respect go against the law! 😏 - Duration: 34:34.
Day 18 ...
It is 7:33 am, I have just wake up.
This is the first time I sleep all night long until that time.
Normally the sun wakes me around 4am.
But now I have to woke up.
Normally I get up around 7am and get ready, but there I am half an hour later.
It does not matter, it does not matter.
I still have a lot of roads to ride today so ...
We have to go.
I eat a bit and we go.
You have probably heard of the expression '' tan like an inhabiting ''. In fact you probably dont because it's a french Canadian expression. :) Hello Jan from the Netherland BTW :)
I use another tanning technique.
I tan like a cyclist.
The tanning technique for cyclists consists to tan only from
where the bike shorts stop to the socks.
Right there.
Now I am watching the journey that I'm going to do today.
It should be a lot better than yesterday, still a lot of elevation.
Strava tells me 1600M elevation, but ...
I doubt.
Well I leave from here.
I am at the small point there and my path is the Red line...
And if we look down with the vertical drop.
At the moment I am at 800 meters in elevation and I will go up to 1250 meters.
With some up and down.
And from km 53 I will go down for 35km up to 28 meters in elevation.
I will be at the level of a river.
Then I'm going up a little bit here and thats will be the finish line of the day.
So about 120km for today.
With a small climb on 53km and after I go down for 35km.
It should not be so bad.
But then I really need to go because it is 9 o'clock.
Well, 9:30h, it's really time for me to leave, I think it's the morning that I will have
left the later and that will not be my smallest day.
This is where I slept, super cool place.
It's a...
I think he told me it was a house of ...
In the old days it was rich people's house with servants and everything and
the section that serves as a hotel today was the servants place.
Yeah, anyway so let's go because the sunset is late, but it still set anyway.
So if I want to come to a place with an open reception well I would have to go.
Finally my slight rise is not so light, but it's so much better than yesterday, but ...
I'm in one of the most relaxed part I cycled since this morning and it still climby.
But it's beautiful, oh yes it's beautiful.
It is really beautiful!
It is quite special the change of relief.
I want to say...
10km ago, I was down there, it looked more like a type of fjord with the very quiet river, the big mountains.
There I go up and ...
A train.
There I go up and I arrive in regions like this here, it's like being in the Far North.
In fact it is true that we are still quite high on the map.
There I start to be high also in elevation, but hey not so much, I'm about at 900m,
maybe 1000.
I must also talk about one thing.
The Norwegians driving from the beginning it is exemplary.
I have never ever felt in danger here.
There is a single car that has passed close and it had a Austria license plate.
People are waiting behind me, even the big trucks, they wait for it to be there
more cars on the other side and after that they change lanes completely and
there they are slowly passing by.
It's incredible.
It's like in Japan, it's the same as in Japan.
I doubted a bit of my route when I decided to go through the land
to go from Oslo to Bergen.
Because I could have too, ride all the coast and stay on the edge of the sea, but ...
But here I do not doubt it is ...
In factI do not doubt anymore, it was a great idea.
Of course it's a lot of hills, but it does not matter.
It's really the worst roads that are the most beautiful.
That's the kind of sign I do not like to see, I do not understand.
That said, close due to landslide.
And there is a little sign that says no bike.
And there is a bike.
Closed due to landslide.
It's because I do not really have a choice to go through there.
There is no other way.
So, I'll go there.
I do not understand.
I do not understand.
I hope I will not understand.
Ahhh !!!, Looks like I'm in a tourist spot.
There are plenty of Chinese who will come take pictures.
The other thing I notice here is that all along the way, they were installing poles like this.
That's made to put a camera on so that when we go cycling we can film ourselves.
It's cool huh!
No, I think it's more for the snow.
In winter here there must be a lot of snow.
It must be so driving people can still know where the road is.
'' She speaks Chinese ''
'' They speak Chinese ''
'' I'm making internationally recognizable sound ''
They speak Chinese.
-Thank you.
Ah, the Chinese and there photos.
Hey !!!! Hey !!
Phew, it's really colder here.
It is not for nothing that there is snow, but I think with that melting snow
the water is really cold, it gives off an incredible coldness.
The sun is as strong as usual, but just because it's cool, I'm really good.
Ah! Wow!
My drone is supposedly always defective, but I think I'll try it anyway in case it works.
No, but it's beautiful it's incredible.
I do not know if it's blue, but I see the water blue.
But a colorblind blue.
It's sick.
It is so much beautiful.
It's crazy, I feel like I'm in the North Pole.
We are in May, we are in May, but almost in June.
It's cool, there's a lot of snow and yesterday It was deadly hot, hot.
And I think it's still a day like that where was I yesterday.
It must be completely crazy in the Big Northern Norway.
At the moment I am at 1250M in altitude so I should have finished getting up, if
I well remember there was a section that was a little flat and after that it goes down for 35km.
If the road is not blocked, of course.
I hope because the sign I saw earlier, I have the impression that it did say no bike
nor pedestrians, but only when the barrier is closed.
That does mean nobody, because he there was a landslide.
I hope.
It can not be blocked because that it is the only road that continues
until Ulvik and all cars pass.
They would have put a clearer display, I think.
I hope.
Ah it's crazy the temperature, the sun is hot, there are drafts of hot air but
I am in a cooler.
So it's hot, it's cold, it's hot, it's cold.
Phew !!
There I was good, now it's cold.
It's crazy!
It's crazy the landscape.
I did not expect that much from Norway.
I mean that when we look at Norway pictures we see Fjord, and one in
particular, or two and that's what we see.
That's why I like visiting a country by moving a little bit anywhere on
bike, randomly, we come across place like that we had no idea that
it could look like that and it's really beautiful.
I mean, yes I would like that too see where they take
the super photo, but there is no organized trip bringing here I think.
It's crazy.
I am still stuck with foot problems.
There he just let me go.
It had been a few days since he started to have problem, but here it's dead.
It's dead he does not hold the bike anymore.
So I have to find something to lay it on.
Well that's it, it's here that it starts 35km downhill.
I am at 1300 meters according to my watch and I'm going down pretty well to 0.
Haha !! Fortunate? Yes
Lucky yes, but I drooled so much the last days to climb up here.
In fact I left from 0 to go here.
So I deserve it.
I really deserve it.
But before going back down, a little beef Jerky with cachous looking at the landscape
in the sun and there it is not even cold.
It will be really nice to go down.
It's truly pleasent.
No physical effort, a lot of wind by con.
There is a lot of wind, and of course the wind direction is my face.
It goes down a little less quickly.
There is a little cold, but it's going to be less and less worse by going down.
I think I have more wind because I am high and then it is certain it is colder up.
Ah ah ah ah!!!! It's crazy, it's the most beautiful descent of my life.
It's sick!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
I think that's what the sign meant earlier.
There is a tunnel that has a peculiarity to go down in the earth,
in the mountain and there is the way there and that seam to be the one that is closed.
It says about one kilometer, 200M ago.
If I go down 800M, it's possible that it might be closed.
I can try it, otherwise I go back there and I do not care about the sign.
-Are you gonna bike down?
I do not know.
Do you know if it's closed?
-It is closed
It's closed.
- But, it is not... It is many stones and everything
-And further down a part of the road is gone.
So my way is the tunnel.
-Yes that's not better.
-Thats less safe if you prefer it.
-So I would go down, but slowly OK.
Yes OK.
Be careful! Goodbye!
I thought it was going to go faster the part I was going down, but finally ...
I think it's going to had be as long.
Because it's not that it's really beautiful there, but ...
And it's like that on both sides wow!
That one I had not see it coming.
But that's because I do not really have the choice there is no other way.
There is no other way.
So I do not have a choice.
Well I just saw that there may be a solution here it's just not clear
and I do not know what that means.
I hope it will go back on my way.
But that, I know what it means.
It is a very very beautiful road by cons.
Very very beautiful.
I just do not know if it's going back to my route.
Well, well, in the tunnel, my path is closed here.
I have just traveled two kilometers so far so I will redo 2km it will be 4km
and I'm finally going to take the tunnel that is forbidden to bike.
At least I'm going to have tried, there's no other choice.
There is no other choice.
It's done, I crossed it.
Completely stupid, right there, this is the road that I took earlier that ended there, but it is barred.
That means they have planned a way for pedestrians and cyclists, but there it is closed.
So how are we supposed to do it?
Well, as I just did.
It's a 2.5km tunnel, let's say the first kilometer there was no one passing.
There was not so much traffic, but at one point I have a big truck that have
arrived behind me and he slowed down to my speed at least 30M behind me.
Just to not give any pressure, to to slow down the traffic, for my safety and
he followed me like that until the end of the tunnel.
The Norwegians are an exemplary people on the road.
I must say that when I put every chance on my side I turned on all
my lights and I was very visible.
It is certain that a cyclist who pass there without lights it is not brilliant.
First convenience store I see since this morning, so I stopped to eat something
and again well the only choice is hot dog and burgers.
So since it's the only thing I see since this morning and that it my be
like that for a while, I took a hot dog.
That one the sausage is rolled up with bacon.
It's pretty piggy.
It tastes the hot dog.
It's just 49 crowns.
I am like in a village.
I still have 32km ride.
I think I will do it.
I could probably stop here but I think I will ride it.
It would be a good time to stop too.
I do not know if I see something in the way I will maybe stop by because
I think that tomorrow I had 152km to ride to get to Bergen but I'm going
to do them in two days.
So it could also be divisible.
At first my plan when I decided to make a second bike trip was to cross the United Kingdoms.
But my girlfriend forbade me because she would like us to see Scotland together.
So I thought I would go to Norway.
And looking at the map I thought there were many, many regions that ...
Thank you!
There are many regions that are huge with nothing, I mean without a village in between.
So thinking about Japan, in the Japanese alps while I was so lonely
alone with nobody and that scared me a bit.
So I told myself that I was going to come make that journey, and
that if I felt it well, I could come back another time, do Norway, all of it.
And when I see the landscape here I really want to do it.
I really want to do it it's so, so beautiful.
We can say that I kept the dessert for the end.
That's the easy way I could have take to save a good detour, it's
a tunnel of almost 8km and he goes where am I going to go tomorrow?
But I have to do the outline is a detour of about 30km.
But it does not matter it will be super nice.
I'm going tonight to Ulvik.
Let's go. it's over there.
It's being close, that's Ulvik.
This is where I hope to spend the night.
Aye aye aye, I found a place to sleep.
The most expensive since the beginning, 790 crowns.
It's not so bad the first thing that he proposed to me it was 1300 crowns
when I asked him the cheapest he had.
And I knew he had something cheaper because I had seen it on Booking,
that's why I came here.
And finally it's small cabins on the other side there.
As long I have a bed and wi-fi, it's fine.
But it's expensive to sleep.
But before I'm going to do a detour to the convenience store, it may be closed,
but I will still try.
I'd like that to pick up something to eat.
No, no luck, it's closed.
It is still 21:30.
When I talk like that it does not seem because it's clear, but I still have one
fruit salad and granola bars.
Ah, it's sick, everything is closed.
And I'm not hungry enough to... Well at the hotel it was crazy.
Their meal was something like 350 to 400 crowns.
It's stupid.
Fruit salad.
Good! It's ok, I have a bed, I have wi-fi.
I always said that the moar expensive rooms that I had sleep in were the least luxurious.
It's ok, but it's the most expensive I paid and it is by far the least cool.
It is all I have.
Last night for 3/4 of the price I had shower in the room, I had a super comfortable bed.
It's ok, but it's warm!
But at least there is air conditioning that I just plugged in.
I guess it'll cool down at one point given, the sun to plumb on it
all day and there it is hot.
Ah and I just found the problem with my bicycle.
Foot in fact.
That's what's broken here.
The little guy here.
There is a small piece of plastic that clip, which makes the foot longer or shorter.
And there, as there is a small piece of plastic which is broken well it does not work anymore.
So I'm going to put on some electrical tape and it's going to solve the problem.
We fix everything with tape.
Okay, so that's what it is.
I will see where I am going tomorrow.
I still have about 150km to go before arriving in Bergen, and there is a lot of elevation if
I'm not mistaken then I think I I'll divide it in two.
I'm going to look at the map where is it I can find myself an affordable place to
sleep and I'll stop there tomorrow.
I'm going to ride more slowly because it's really beautiful here it's amazing.
Okay, so see you tomorrow!
Good night!
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Gareth Bale's agent Jonathan Barnett has hinted his client could be open to a future transfer to Italy amid speculation over his situation at Real Madrid
The Wales international has endured another difficult season at the Bernabeu, failing to make the most of Cristiano Ronaldo's departure to Juventus in the summer
MORE: Video: Gareth Bale produces composed finish to give Real Madrid the lead at Roma In truth, Bale has never really reproduced the best form that saw him become one of the most sought-after talents in world football in his time with Tottenham in the Premier League
It would be unsurprising, therefore, if Bale ended up making the move back to England, with Don Balon recently linking the 29-year-old as a target for Manchester United
The Red Devils could really do with a player of his calibre after the struggles of Alexis Sanchez since his January move from Arsenal, while youngsters Anthony Martial and Marcus Rashford have also failed to really live up to expectations and perform on a consistent basis
Gareth Bale transfer to Italy not ruled out amid Manchester United links More Stories / Latest News Chelsea dealt transfer blow as Serie A target rules out Stamford Bridge switch November 30, 2018 18:51 Barcelona set for transfer battle with Real Madrid for €40m La Liga starlet November 30, 2018 18:24 Lethal former Barcelona and Spain duo set to reunite in Japan November 30, 2018 17:57 If Bale could get back to anything close to his best form for Spurs, he'd be a fine signing for United
However, his agent seems open to Bale making the move to Italy in the future, even if he didn't give too much away regarding the Welshman's situation
'Could he play in Italy? At the moment he's happy in Madrid, if I think about the future, nothing is impossible,' Barnett told Tuttosport, as translated by the English edition of Sport
Balete Tree @ Baler, Aurora - Duration: 6:10.
Hi guys, Rogelyn here again
here I am in Baler province.
After our 12 hour trip
we arrived.
I did not upload a video before leaving
because, I'm really haggard.
So yun, so haggard.
so for today's vlog, we travel and the first
first we are going to be
the Balete tree.
That's it, we're here in the Balete tree
in Baler Aurora
and this Balete is
the largest Balete in the whole of Asia.
So there, we can go around.
Let's go.
Where are we sis?
This is about Baler Balete tree.
There, about the Balete tree
It says here the biggest Balete tree in Asia.
It is 600 years old.
The Balete tree is very old already.
It's not good.
It's tiring.
It's hard to be Vlogger.
To everyone out there who want to Vlog.
Don't go ahead. It's tiring.
The time is expensive.
You can go inside Balete tree
because it is really big.
Those who live here said.
The size of the Balete tree
you know, you can fit 16 people.
That is how big it is.
and then you can go inside.
We go in?
This is not the first time I've been here.
Actually many times.
Because this is our province.
We're always here.
Oh no, this actually my Sister-in law's province.
But its almost like that.
Let it like that.
Annoying ah...
Where is the entrance?
It's dark.
There are so many people here
because this is a great place.
Its really big and tall.
Oh, there's an entrance fee!
Are we going to go in?
So there, we will go inside Balete tree, guys.
And there's an entrance fee. So we will pay.
The entrance fee is only 10 pesos.
So the going inside here is
so difficult.
Ouch! It hurts!
So there.
We will go inside of
This is really big, guys!
Look around, sis!
As you can see here...
It's large, you can get inside.
Where is the exit?
Let's exit, guys!
Let's go to the exit.
Because we saw it already.
Its really big and tall.
Look around, sis.
Lets go, here's the exit.
That's it.
We will just pass.
This is slightly difficult
it's needed.
This here.
You have to be sexy for you to be able to go out.
Yeah. So we are out now.
That's it.
For 10 pesos you will just pass trough.
That's how people are today.
That's exactly what they are.
For 10 pesos you will just go inside.
This is MJ.
He also wants to have a channel
and he wants to take it, i'm annoyed, let's not focus here.
Let's go here.
My sis.
And this is
Mr. Chow.
Mr. Chow.
Let's go here.
Here is the end of our tour at the Balete tree.
We will go to more places
and see you on our next stop!
Judge REJECTS Trump claim he cant be sued because hes president, after charity funds on campaign D - Duration: 6:41.
Judge REJECTS Trump claim he cant be sued because hes president, after charity funds on campaign D
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A New York state judge rejected President Donald Trumps request to dismiss a lawsuit after hed earlier claimed that under the US Constitution he cant be sued because he was the leader of the United States.
Justice Saliann Scarpulla of the state supreme court in Manhattan on Friday rebuked a motion from his lawyer Alan Futerfas that accused the states Attorney General Barbara Underwood, a Democrat, of pervasive bias for suing.
After a 21 month probe, Underwood came to the conclusion POTUS had been misusing funding of the Donald J. Trump Foundation to help his 2016 presidential campaign and his various businesses.
New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued Trump and his adult children Donald Jr, Eric and Ivanka June 14 for misusing Donald J. Trump Foundation funds
Underwood said in the filing the Trumps used the charity to advance his 2016 campaign
Claims against Trump and his adult children Donald Jr, Eric and Ivanka from the original filing on June 14 include breach of fiduciary duty, improper self dealing, and misuse of assets belonging to the Foundation.
By suing, the attorney aims to recover dollar 2.8million that Trump is said to have raised for military veterans at an event in Iowa in 2016 but gave his campaign control over.
Its also believed dollar 100,000 from the charity may have been used to settle a dispute involving Trumps Mar a Lago resort in Florida, and dollar 10,000 for a portrait of Trump that was later hung at one of his golf clubs.
Underwoods spokesperson Amy Spitalnick tweeted that the lawsuit showed how the Trump Foundation functioned as a personal piggy bank to serve Trumps business political interests.
Trump faces many investigations, and many lawsuits by Democratic led or Democratic leaning states including New York.
Its also believed dollar 100,000 from the charity may have been used to settle a dispute involving Trumps Mar a Lago resort in Florida pictured
Dispute involves a dollar 10,000 for a portrait of Trump that was later hung at one of his golf clubs
Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos is one of at least a dozen women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct. Trump denied he forced himself on her in 2007.
In accordance with Clinton V. Jones and Zervos V. Trump, I find that I have jurisdiction over Mr. Trump and deny Respondents motion to dismiss the petition against him on jurisdictional grounds, she wrote.
The judge denied Trumps request for discovery of evidence from the other party in the case.
The AG seeks to dissolve the foundation and ban the Trumps from leadership roles at charities due to extensive unlawful political coordination between the foundation and campaign.
The White House was not immediately available for comment, Reuters reported.
However Alan Futerfas, a lawyer for the defendants, said the decision meant only that the case would go forward.
Justice Saliann Scarpulla right said the US Constitution did not immunize Trump and threw out a motion to dismiss the case from Underwood left
Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos case against Trump recently advanced
As we have maintained throughout, all of the money raised by the Foundation went to charitable causes to assist those most in need. As a result, we remain confident in the ultimate outcome of these proceedings, Futerfas said in an email.
In her 27 page decision, Scarpulla called New Yorks lawsuit replete with allegations that foundation funds were misused, including at Trumps direction.
She also said the state sufficiently alleged that Trumps actions were willful and intentional, citing allegations that he and his campaign arranged for the foundation to cut checks, helping generate vote getting publicity that Mr Trump would have otherwise paid for himself.
The defendants have been trying to dissolve the foundation, and for this reason Scarpulla refused to issue an injunction barring the Trumps from running it.
Underwood welcomed Scarpullas decision.
The Trump Foundation functioned as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr Trumps business and political interests, Underwood said in a statement. There are rules that govern private foundations and we intend to enforce them.
Trump used Twitter to call Underwoods lawsuit a concoction by sleazy New York Democrats
POTUS pledged not to settle when he posted the tweets in June
He had used Twitter to call Underwoods lawsuit a concoction by sleazy New York Democrats, and pledged not to settle.
Trump tweeted in June: The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced and run out of town A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in dollar 18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, dollar 19,200,000. I wont settle this case!..
...Schneiderman, who ran the Clinton campaign in New York, never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case, which lingered in their office for almost 2 years. Now he resigned his office in disgrace, and his disciples brought it when we would not settle.
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Bài #12 (full length): Âm /R/ & /L/ hòa âm - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 59:46.
Can you hear the difference between the words:
Can you say these words accurately?
Can you say the sentence
accurately, like this?
Today we are going to work on so-called R-blends and L-blends
R-blends and L-blends are words that begin with a consonant
followed by the /R/ or /L/ sound.
Examples of R-blends are:
Examples of L-blends are:
There are four typical errors that Vietnamese people make with
R-blends and L-blends when speaking English:
First of all, the biggest problem is that
many times Vietnamese people don't say the consonant sound before the /R/ and the /L/
or they just say them very weakly.
So they will say "rank" instead of "prank",
"lay" instead of "play", "ring" instead of "bring",
"loom" instead of "bloom", "rove" instead of "drove",
"rhyme" instead of "crime", "row" instead of "grow",
"low" instead of "glow", and so on.
The second problem is that
people often forget to vibrate their vocal chords
when they want to say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds before the /R/ and the /L/,
so they will say "try" instead of "dry", "class" instead of "glass",
"crow" instead of "grow", and "plush" instead of "blush".
The third error is when people confuse the /p/ and /f/ sounds
at the beginning of an R-blend or L-blend word.
So they confuse "fry" with "pry", and "fly" with "ply".
The fourth typical mistake is that very often
the "tr" consonants at the beginning of words (such as in "travel" or "try")
are pronounced as /tʃ/ in Vietnamese English.
This results in the confusion of "trip" with "chip" or "true" with "chew".
In this video
We will learn how to say R-blends and L-blends well
We will practice saying R-blend and L-blend words
and sentences with such words
and we will test your newly acquired skills.
So, let's correct these mistakes and start SPEAKING accurate English.
Are you with me?
Let's go!
There are two reasons why Vietnamese people don't say
R-blends and L-blends well with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds:
The first, more general reason is that in the Vietnamese language
there is always a vowel after a consonant,
but in English we have a lot of words where consonants come one after the other
without a single vowel between them
like in the word "stress", which begins with 3 consonants.
So to a Vietnamese speaker it feels strange
to say two or more consonants together,
and they simply say only one and forget the other.
The second, more specific reason is that the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds
in Vietnamese are quite weak,
but in English we put a lot of power into these sounds at the beginning of words,
and we say them with a big puff of air.
We actually put a /h/ sound after the /p/, /t/, and /k/ sounds
when we begin a word with these sounds.
So we say "t(h)ea", "p(h)ie" and "k(h)ey".
We covered the /t/ and /k/ sounds in Episode 11,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce these sounds,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
The /p/ sound was discussed in Episode 10,
so make sure you watch that video as well
if you feel that your /p/ sounds are not good.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /p/, /t/ or /k/,
you have to say the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong,
with a lot of air, before you say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /p/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a strong /k/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends starting with a strong /t/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a strong,
aspirated /t/, /k/ and /p/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you use a short /h/ sound to make the /t/, /k/ and /p/ stronger.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Be careful not to say a /tʃ/ sound instead of the /tr/.
I know that in Vietnamese dialects people pronounce the "TR" as /tʃ/,
for example in the words "trang" or "trung", but in English this is not correct.
Say the English /tr/ as /t(h)r/.
However, sometimes you can hear native English speakers
saying the /tr/ something like /tʃr/, such as /tʃraɪ/, /tʃrӕvl/ or /tʃrʌst/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, as this pronunciation is also acceptable.
But always remember that there is also an /r/ sound after the /tʃ/.
If you feel that your /p/, /t/ or /k/ sound is not strong enough,
then make the /h/ sound between the first consonant
and the /R/ and /L/ sound a little longer.
So practice saying the words like /phhress/, /phhrɑbləm/,
/phhleɪ/, /phhli:z/, /khhrӕb/, /khhrɑs/, /khhlu:/, /khhlʌb/, /thhrɑɪ/, /thhrӕvəl/,
and when you can say them like this, then reduce the /h/ to a normal length:
/phress/, /phrɑbləm/, /phleɪ/, /phli:z/, /khrӕb/, /khrɑs/, /khlu:/, /khlʌb/, /thrɑɪ/, /thrӕvəl/.
To test the power of your /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
put your hand in front of your mouth when you say the words,
and you should feel a lot of air hitting your palm.
/th/ - /th/ - /kh/ - /kh/ - /ph/ - /ph/
Pause now.
The main reason why Vietnamese people don't say R-blends and L-blends
well with the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds is that,
as we mentioned it before,
a word with two or more consonants together
(without any vowel between them)
sounds strange to a Vietnamese ear,
so people usually choose to pronounce only one of the consonants.
In addition, in some Vietnamese dialects the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
are not very strongly vibrated and they sound more like /p/, /t/ and /k/.
But in English the vibration in the throat is quite powerful
when we say the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
especially at the beginning of words.
The /b/ is the vibrated pair of the /p/,
the /d/ is the vibrated pair of the /t/ and the /g/ is the pair of the /k/.
So we make the /b/ the same way as the /p/,
the only difference is that we vibrate the vocal chords when we say the /b/,
while in the /p/ sound there is no vibration.
And the same is true for the /d/ - /t/ pair and the /g/ - /k/ pair.
The other important difference between voiced
and unvoiced sounds is that the voiced (vibrated)
sounds need less air than non-vibrated sounds.
You can visualize this by imagining
that the vibration replaces some of the air power,
so the /b/, /d/ and /g/ are less powerful than their /p/,
/t/ and /k/ pairs,
but the vibration in the /b/, /d/ and /g/ helps us to distinguish them.
You can test this difference in air power
by putting your hand in front of your mouth
and saying first the /p/ and then the /b/ sound.
You will feel a lot more air coming out of your mouth
with the /p/ sound. /p/ - /p/ - /b/ - /b/.
In fact, if you put too much air into the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds,
then you will lose some of the vibration,
because it is very hard to vibrate your throat
AND blow out a lot of air, at the same time.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend
words starting with the /b/, /d/ or /g/,
you don't have to say these sounds with so much air as with the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds,
BUT you do have to vibrate your vocal chords in your throat quite hard.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /b/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends with a /g/ sound:
Here are some examples of R-blends with a /d/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a /d/, /g/ and /b/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Sometimes you can hear native English speakers saying /dr/ something like /dʒr/,
such as /dʒraɪ/, /dʒrɑp/ or /dʒri:m/.
Don't be surprised if you hear this, this is also correct,
but always remember that both the /dʒ/ and the /r/ sound have to be pronounced,
you cannot drop either of them.
If you feel that you cannot vibrate the /b/, /d/ or /g/ sounds strong enough,
then here is a useful tip:
Try saying these sounds as quietly as you can,
with only minimal air.
This way, you can reduce the air power to almost zero,
so you can focus on the vibration.
Now practice saying first the sounds, then the words, very softly,
like "b", "brother", "b", "blow",
"g", "grab", "g", "glue", "d", "dry"
And when you can say them like this, then increase the volume back to a normal level.
This is also a great test to check if you can vibrate the sounds strong enough.
Another way to test your /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds
is to put your hand on your throat when you say the words,
and you should feel quite a lot of vibration.
And the vibration should be the same strength, whether you say the words loudly or softly.
Pause now.
Quite a lot of Vietnamese speakers of English have problems with the /f/ sound
and they often confuse it with the /p/ sound.
The main difference between the /f/ and the /p/ is in the lip position:
for the /f/ sound the upper teeth touch the lower lip,
while in the /p/ sound the upper lip touches the lower lip.
/f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/ - /f/ - /p/.
The other difference is in length:
the /f/ sound can be long: /fffff/
while the /p/ sound can only be short and explosive: /p/ - /p/ - /p/.
We learned about the /f/ sound in Episode 10,
so if you need any help on how to pronounce it,
you can find the detailed instructions in that video lesson.
So, when you want to say R-blend and L-blend words starting with the /f/ sound,
first you have to touch your upper teeth to your lower lip
to produce the correct /f/ sound before you can say the /R/ and /L/ sound.
Here are some examples of R-blends and L-blends
starting with a /f/ sound:
Pause this video and practice saying these words with a soft /f/ sound,
followed by the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
Make sure that you say the correct /f/ sound and not the /p/ sound
or a mix of the two sounds.
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are not good enough,
then start saying the words with a long /f/ sound,
adjust your upper teeth and lower lips to the correct position,
and then continue the word with the /R/ and /L/ sounds.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffrom", "fffffree", "fffffly", "ffffflow"
and when you can say the words like this,
then reduce the /f/ to a normal length: "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
If you feel that your /fr-/ or /fl-/ sounds are still not OK,
then try putting a /h/ sound between the /f/ and the /R/ and /L/ sound.
So practice saying the words like
"fffffhhrom", "fffffhhree", "fffffhhly", "fffffhhlow"
and when you can say the words like this,
take out the /h/ sound and say the words normally,
like "from", "free", "fly", "flow".
Adding a "h" sound between consonants usually helps people
connect these consonants easier.
Pause now.
Saying more than one consonant at the beginning of English words
is quite challenging for Vietnamese people,
so let's look at some minimal pairs and practice saying R-blends and L-blends correctly.
Watch and listen to me saying these minimal pairs and focus on the differences.
In the first few sets of words, focus on the following:
1. I say the /p/, k/ and /t/ sounds
strong at the beginning of words, and I add a puff of air after them;
2. I vibrate the /b/, /g/ and /d/ sounds quite hard
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /p/ and voiced /b/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /k/ and the voiced /g/ sounds:
Here are some minimal pairs with the unvoiced /t/ and the voiced /d/ sounds:
In the next set of words,
listen how the /tr/ sound is different from the /tʃ/ sound:
In the final set of words,
listen how I can say the soft /f/ sound longer than the explosive /p/ sound.
Pause this video and practice saying these minimal pairs and focus on:
saying the /p/, /t/ and /k/ sounds strong at the beginning of words,
and adding a puff of air after them;
vibrating your throat at the /b/, /d/ and /g/ sounds;
distinguishing the /tr/ from the /tʃ/ sound;
and distinguishing the soft /f/ sound from the explosive /p/ sound;
Pause now.
In the first activity,
we will test your ability to recognize the R-blend and L-blend words.
You will hear 4 words
and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word:
if you hear a voiced sound (so a vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the left, and
and if you hear an unvoiced sound (so a non-vibrated sound)
before the /R/ or the /L/, then you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
we're going to the left
we're going to the right
we're going to the right
we're going to the left
And we are in Cleveland.
By the way, can you hear the L-blend with the /k/ sound
at the beginning of "CLeveland"?
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the city in the comments.
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Let's do 2 rounds with new rules:
if you hear a consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like the /k/ in "class"),
then you have to turn to the left,
and if you don't hear any consonant before the /R/ or the /L/ (like in "lass"),
then you have to turn to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
To finish this game, let's do 2 rounds with the /tr/ and the /tʃ/ sounds:
/tr/ is to the left and /tʃ/ is to the right.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the second set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
In the second activity,
we will test your ability to hear the different
consonant sounds at the beginning of R-blends and L-blends.
You can see 10 numbers on the screen,
from 1 to 0, like on a phone dialing screen.
Each number is represented by a word,
so there are a total of 10 different words on the screen.
These words all end in the /u:/ vowel
but they all begin with different consonant sounds.
Number 1 is "CRew"
Number 2 is "GRew"
Number 3 is "BRew"
Number 4 is "BLue"
Number 5 is "CLue"
Number 6 is "GLue"
Number 7 is "TRue"
Number 8 is "CHew"
Number 9 is "DRew"
Number 0 is "Rue"
I'm going to dictate you a phone number using these words.
Your job is to write down the correct phone number.
Let's do an example:
First number is "brew / brew"
-> number 3
Next number is "blue / blue"
-> number 4
Next is "glue / glue"
-> this is number 6
Next is "true / true"
-> number 7
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
Next is "grew / grew"
-> number 2
Next is "glue / glue"
-> number 6
Next is "crew / crew"
-> number 1
and the last one is "clue / clue"
-> number 5
So the phone number was
346 725 2615.
In the first set of words I will say each word twice and slowly.
Are you ready?
What is the phone number?
Write it in the comments.
In the second set of words I will still say each word slowly but only once.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the third set of words,
I will say each word once but a little faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
In the fourth set of words
I will say each word once and even faster.
Are you ready?
Write the phone number in the comments.
This third activity will improve and test your ability to distinguish
the initial consonants in R-blends and L-blends in sentences.
You will see a sentence on the screen, where one word has two options.
You will hear the sentence with one of the words being said.
Your job is to choose which word was used in the sentence.
Number 1
The options are "pride" and "bride"
Number 2
The options are "try" and "dry"
Number 3
The options are "train" and "drain"
Number 4
The options are "traced" and "chased"
Number 5
The options are "trip" and "chip"
Number 6
The options are "classes" and "glasses"
Number 7
The options are "lamb" and "clam"
Which words were said?
Write them in a comment.
The fourth and final activity will improve your ability to say
the R-blends and L-blends accurately in sentences.
Look at the sentences,
listen to me saying them and then pause the video after each sentence and practice.
Focus on saying the sentences accurately and slowly first.
Only say a sentence faster if you can say it accurately at a lower speed.
Here are the sentences:
Number 1:
Pause now.
Number 2:
Pause now.
Number 3:
Pause now.
Number 4:
Pause now.
Number 5:
Pause now.
Number 6:
Pause now.
Number 7:
Pause now.
Number 8:
Pause now.
Number 9:
Pause now.
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