Welcome back everyone, today were going to Wales - a country which I have many happy
childhood memories in.
Through all my visits though, I had no idea there were so many creepy stories.
Its a country steeped in history, mountains, castles and an air of mystery - the perfect
recipe for some creepy stories.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Grim Prophecy[a].
In the village of Llangernyw stands the church of St Digain.
There, in the churchyard, lies a Yew tree thats said to be over 4000 years old.
Its life began around the time Stonehenge was completed - thats how old it is.
Within its old and twisted trunks, locals say a supernatural being lives called Agelystor.
According to legend, on Halloween every year, this being emerges to make grim prophecies
to those who will hear it.
In an ancient Welsh language, he slowly lists the names of the townsfolk who will die in
the coming year.
Theres a cautionary tale of why people should never scoff at this list.
Years ago, there was a local tailor in the town called Sio ap Robert.
In the pub one night, he told his friend he thought the list was nonsense and poured scorn
upon Agelystor.
His friends challenged him to go to the tree and prove his words.
He slammed his empty glass down and marched to the tree where he heard a deep voice reciting
the names of the soon to be dead.
Then, he heard his own.
In a panic he begged Angelyster to stop, telling him he wasnt ready to go yet - but sure enough,
within a year he was dead.
Now, many believe that a person will find their name on the list if they don't take
the story seriously …
Moving on now to number 9 we have The Hanging Judge[b].
Judge Jeffreys was a Welsh judge born in Wrexham who took charge of the Blood Assizes in the
17th century.
The gruesome trials involved thousands of people suspected of treason being burned alive
at the stake, hanged and beheaded.
Some still say he has the blood of many innocent people on his hands - and that these crimes
have left him tied to this Earth, unable to move on after his death.
In recent times, his story had become somewhat forgotten - but then, in December 2014 - a
British ghost hunter called Ian Alderton shared this picture taken in the Illchester Arms
in London.
He says it shows the ghoulish figure of Judge Jeggreys, still wearing his old powdered wig
- and staring right at the camera.
The Illchester Arms was known to be one of the Judges favourite places to drink.
The owner had allowed Ian to investigate the pub for ghosts after she kept hearing voices
in her bedroom upstairs.
- Mr Alderton said that she was so disturbed by the noises that at one point she hid under
her covers at which point she heard an old fashioned male voice say -Oy, you- … lets
hope she wasnt next in line for one of the Judges trials …
Next up at number 8 we have the Afanc[c].
In Welsh mythology, this lake monster was one of the most fearsome ever described.
Its depictions vary - some say it looked like a giant crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf
like creature.
One thing they all agree on though is that the Afanc is a demon.
The Afanc was said to attack and devour anyone who crossed its path.
There are many tales of individual encounters with the beast but one of the most notable
ones was put forth by folklore writer Edward Williams.
This legend says that many years ago, a large Afanc thrashed its body in its lake so much
that it drowned all the people of Britain except for two people who went on to be the
descendants of everyone in Britain.
Coming from Britain myself, hearing this feels like quite a close call.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Cadair Idris[d].
Its one of Snowdonias most picturesque mountains.
In ancient times, they say this was the throne of a mythical giant.
The area is steeped in legend.
One story says that the lake by the mountain is bottomless and home to a welsh water dragon
that once terrorised the people who lives there.
King Arthur himself is said to have been the one who banished it to the bottomless waters,
but not before dragging it up to the top of the mountain.
Perhaps the most creepy legend to survive over the centuries is the belief that you
should never sleep on the mountainside.
They say if you do that, you will wake up as one of 3 things - either youll go mad,
youll be a talented poet, or youll never wake up again.
I think even poets would fancy the odds on that …
Moving on to number 6 we have Sker House[e].
The ghosts of Sker house are legendary in its corner of Wales.
For 800 years, its seen so much violence and bloodshed that locals believe every inch of
the place is haunted.
One of the most famous stories revolves around a woman who lived there years ago called Elizabeth
She planned to run away with her lover, a young carpenter and harpist called Thomas
Evans of whom her Father did not approve of.
On the night of their getaway, they hired a coach and horses to help them escape.
When the coach arrived though, Williams dogs barked so furiously it woke the whole house.
Evan panicked and ran, leaving Elizabeth to face her Fathers wrath.
He locked her up in a room with blocked up windows and forced her to marry someone else
against her will, eventually dying of a broken heart 9 years later.
They say her spirit still haunts Sker house and is felt particularly strongly in the room
she was kept prisoner.
In 2002, its said that a film crew tried to film there during restoration work.
A high pitched noise emanated from the Great Hall and despite all efforts to trace the
source, none could be found.
A medium told them they had disturbed something evil - unable to work with the noise, they
packed and left as quickly as they could …
At the number 5 spot we have Canter Gwaelod[f].
This is the name of a legendary lost kingdom said to lie below the sea in Cardigan Bay.
The story goes that the land was extremely fertile but depended on steep embankments
to keep the sea at bay.
Special gates were periodically opened for agricultural purposes.
The King had left control of the gates to a local man who was always very trustworthy.
One night though, he had too much to drink and stumbled to his bed without closing the
flood gates.
When high tide came, the water poured in - in just a few hours the entire Kingdom was swallowed
by the sea - taking the many thousands who live there with it …
Next up at number 4 we have Devils Bridge[g].
Ceredigion is a Welsh county thats known as a hub of Welsh culture, attracting many tourists
to its scenic towns, castle and beaches.
However, in the 11th century, they say it attracted one visitor that nobody wants - the
devil himself.
The story goes that he went there after hearing about the stunning scenery and wanted to see
it for himself.
Down by the river, he saw a woman whos cow was stranded on the other side of the water.
He decided to help her - but for a price.
He told the woman that hed build a bridge for her in exchange for the soul of the first
living that crossed it.
He thought shed have to cross the bridge first, but when it was built, she threw a loaf of
bread over the bridge and her dog chased it.
He was so humiliated that he had been outsmarted, he left that very moment - not even stopping
to take the dogs soul.
These days, the towns people say the Devil has been too ashamed to return to Ceredigion
ever since then - but his bridge still remains …
Next up at number 3 we have The Traditional Dress Ghost[h].
In January 2012.
Paul Feehan took a trip to Abersoch in Wales.
He and his friend took some film while resting on a bench by a lake area.
It wasnt until they watched the video back that they saw something that didnt seem quite
They discovered that there had been a dark figure standing just a few metres behind them
the whole time.
The figure barely moves during the whole video.
This shocked paul as he was certain there was nobody else around at that time.
After doing some research, he was surprised to see that the figures appearance seemed
to match up eerily well with that of a woman in Welsh traditional folk dress.
As you can see from these pictures, if that really was a person - they would be very close,
close enough for them to easily spot.
This has led some people to believe that its the long dead spirit of a Welsh woman, still
wearing the clothes from her long gone era …
Moving on to number 2 we have Merlins Oak[i].
According to legend, Merlins Oak stood in the centre of Carmarthen - thats Merlin as
in THE Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time.
Locals say that Merlin told them that Carmarthen would drown if the Oak was ever removed.
With this curse, they say that a strange pointed notch appeared in the trunk of the tree that
looked like the face of Merlin himself.
For centuries, the locals remembered Merlins words.
Then, in the 1850s, it was poisoned by a local who objected to people holding meetings beneath
it but its trunk was preserved with iron railings.
Finally, in the 1970s, it was removed when someone set it on fire.
Then, Carmarthen suffered its worst floods in many years - some say the legend held up
and that Merlin fulfilled his promise to drown the place if his Oak was ever removed …
And finally at number 1 we have Llandaffs Ghosts[j].
Some ghost hunters travel long ways just to experience a single ghost - well, Llandaff
has not one, not two, three or four but 5 famous ghost stories - and they all date back
to roughly the same time.
The first is the story of a young boy who wore blue and drowned while playing on the
banks of the river Taff.
He is also said to be joined by the ghost of his mother, with onlookers reporting theyve
seen the figure of a lady wading through the river late at night.
They say she is forever looking for her son and trying to save him from the water.
Another ghost is that of Bella, a woman who committed suicide in the area over 100 years
ago - shes regularly seen along the Taff trail in the woods.
The spirit of another suicide victim, this time a man, is also said to haunt the graveyard
He has been known to give people a sharp poke while on the ghost tour and follow them as
they are guided through the area …
So weve done Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, I think its only Northern Ireland left now
in this corner of the world?
Lets go somewhere completely different perhaps for our next one?
Let me know, thanks for watching as always guys my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
For more infomation >> Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends - Duration: 10:32.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Rustic San Juan Tiny House by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses - Duration: 3:29.
Amazing Rustic San Juan Tiny House by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses
Susan G. Komen Expands Statewide - Duration: 3:49.
Jeep Wrangler - Duration: 0:50.
Making Snape's Mini Potion Cabinet 🔮 - Duration: 6:30.
hello I'm in a different environment today an alternate universe if you will
with foliage if you've made it this far forth game thank you for being here
you've reached a boss level you may even hear the cars outside
since I'm next to a road Oh someone gave me very strong eye contact out my window
literally the street is right there hello anyway today I am making a potions
cabinet or a curiosity cabinet I'm not sure what I'm going to call this video
yet we'll see it's a collection of old vintage trinkets bits and bobs and it's
based on partly imagination and also like old alchemists and Apothic Reis
cabinets that you'd have in the Victorian times I want to say maybe
medieval I definitely should have looked at some facts before I started talking
but mostly based on a fantasy that I've seen such as Harry Potter in fact it's
kind of like a miniature version of what Snape's potions cabinet would look like
potions I can't do sleep Potter no I've had this idea in my head for a while and
it's taken me a couple of months of searching through vintage stores and
secondhand stores in Brighton where it is some of the things that you find in
there is weird weird definitely haunted vibes in a lot of these shops especially
snoopers paradise which is like this big secondhand store where they have so much
drops and old vintage things and forgotten objects that people have left
and old books postcards photos everything like old antiques old cameras
cases I love just rifling through and seeing what I can find
it's kind of like looking through people's old forgotten memories things
that they've left behind I think there's so much beauty in old sometimes broken
stuff I want to know why it's like that imperfection is so much more interesting
than perfect new stuff to me because it tells a story and
would be really boring without stories okay let me show you how I put together
my potions cabinet of curiosity first I started off with this miniature
wardrobe that I found online and I wanted to add my own tiny shells into
the inside of the Wardrobe so using these tiny bits of wood and
some super glue I just cut them down to size and then filed them down so they
were nice and smooth and glued them to the inside of the doors when you're
using super glue make sure you hold it against to the other surface until it's
dry it takes longer to dry than hot glue but it's a lot neater and doesn't
splurge everywhere I repeated this process three times to make three little
shells because I wanted to fit some different sized objects on there and
then I had to paint the cheaper white wood to match the rest of the wardrobe
so I used acrylic paint to do this once they were all painted the same color
would I just let this dry and I got some little glass domes ISA from eBay and I
wanted to sculpt some little things to go inside them for example I scoped a
tiny mushroom to go in one and then my grandma had a whole box full of old
trinkets and pieces of jewelry that I thought would look really nice in the
cabinet including these amazing tiny little books and in the gold one was a
whole ribbon of pictures of Queen Elizabeth I think it was and then in the
silver one the silver one was my favorite the silver one had pictures of
Paris like tourist pictures of Paris which all folded up neatly and I thought
these would look really nice in the cabinet I spent a while looking for some
rocks and different kind of gems that would look nice in the cabinet too I
think this one is called bloodstone I'm not 100% sure feel free to correct me
also found a tiny key who knows what that once opened as well as this
beautiful silver pendant which actually opened I'm not sure exactly what it
holds maybe medicine tiny skulls I filled one
of my domes with skulls I'm aware that this is not a hundred percent accurate
scale obviously they would be tiny humans if they were real skulls I tried
to find some authentic little jars the only actual vintage one I could find was
this perfume one that still had perfume in from however many
to go very potent a bit too potent I also got these tiny bottles from eBay as
well with miniature labels to stick on to them once I stuck the tongue of Toad
one onto the bottle I actually sculpted a tiny toads tongue to go inside also
made some little eyeballs and there was a label that said human eyeballs so I
put that on a jar and filled my jar with eyes was slightly concerned as to how
and why these human eyeballs were collected but try not to dwell on
thoughts such as those the larger jars and bottles actually looked best on top
of the cabinet and then I painted my mushroom to go inside the dome and that
fit really perfectly on the tiny shelf that I made on the inside door also made
a little cockroach for another dome I sculpted this in fimo clay painted it in
acrylics and then it just about fit into the other glass dome that I had
literally the legs nearly broke off as I was pushing it in but it fit once I
painted the toads time you couldn't really see it inside the bottle but we
all know it's there so it's fine place this big old key on the bottom
shelf I tried to spread out all the metal objects so there wasn't a load of
silver together so I put them all on different shelves attempted to fill this
tiny bottle of glitter mist but it looked nice with a little label on it
also found a miniature clock in my grandmother's box and a large chunk of
amethyst and then of course a little label for my cockroach some tiny gems to
finish it off and it was complete
comment if you have any cool ideas about the objects like where did they come
from what is the real necklace meant to hold what does the key unlock how does
one collect eyeballs if it was Snape did he murder some people that's a bit doc
hopefully it was a young fresh Snape that wouldn't murder anybody
they were just eyeballs from dead people oh my gosh this is getting worse anyway
Benefits of giving back - Duration: 3:43.
Women'sCasio G-Shock White GMAS130 Step Tracker | GMAS130-7A Top 10 Things Watch Review - Duration: 5:06.
Cómo cambiar la pantalla rota del iPhone XS - Duration: 2:58.
Salemi e Monte, la mamma di Giulia entra in casa ed è subito lite tra i due | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:22.
Hello to all!
In this video I will tell about nutrition for health
I will share my experience.
I will show an approximate diet.
I will give a list of products with which you can go
to shop and buy yourself useful food.
Not so long ago, a couple of years ago, I got into the raw food sect,
where I practically did not eat protein, animal fats.
And you know, my hair is much faded.
I shot a video about the story your hair, look
and you will see it there.
And now, when I fully I eat, I have a good diet
balanced my hair have become much thicker skin
more beautiful and stronger nails.
What I understood, well, not only I, say all nutritionists
of the world.
Everything is very simple.
You need to eat enough protein fats, carbohydrates and trace elements.
We start with proteins.
Proteins for hair very important because hair
consists of about 80% of proteins.
Especially important animal proteins origin because
they are the most balanced.
An adult should use about 1.5-2
grams per kilogram of weight.
Now I will show you an approximate the amount of protein per day.
For example, in the morning we ate 2 large boiled eggs (13
c protein), ate lunch 150 grams of baked pink salmon
(40 grams of protein), ate snack 100 grams of curd (18 grams of protein),
had dinner on baked chicken breast weighing 150 grams (45 gr
It turns out 130 grams of protein.
For an adult weighing 65 kg is just perfect.
If you are not engaged sports, you have sedentary work,
you may have some less.
I try not to lower its protein is below 100.
A diet that I only which showed, of course,
excluding fats and carbohydrates.
Therefore, we move on.
Fats, of course, very much to us are needed.
I noticed when girls preparing for the competition
on dryers, fitness bikini.
Or just when they don't eat enough fat
they may have problems with hair.
They fall out, they have them very rare.
And, if you noticed, then many girls fitness bikini
hair is very thin like as if overdried.
Fat is necessary because that they are involved in crafting
collagen and keratin.
Adult needs use at least 1 gram
fat per 1 kg of weight.
Let's take an example diet.
For example, with morning eggs (10g fat in yolks), you
ate 40 grams of avocado (8 grams fat), in the afternoon in a pink salmon
there was 8 grams of fat, cottage cheese 1.5 grams of fat + you ate 20 grams
fat with nuts, chicken breast pulled on 5 gr
fat, you ate salad with her from 2 tsp. olive oil
(9 grams of fat).
It turns out about 62-65 gr fat
Again, by girl or A man of 65 kg is wonderful.
Remember that fats should enter the diet as
animal and vegetable origin.
I shot a video about how I have reduced my cholesterol.
It has just increased I use it illiterate
a large number of eggs.
Therefore, we share our vegetable and animal fats in a ratio
70 and 30%.
And let's talk about carbohydrates.
Of course, we need them too.
But give preference complex carbohydrates are
durum pasta cereal, whole grain bread
and so on.
Simple carbohydrates such as candy and other sweets can,
with excessive use, cause seborrhea,
dandruff and just itching, some unpleasant sensations, therefore
do not overdo it.
From your diet pay about 15-20% of these snacks
and they will not be deposited in fat and you will be healthy.
Now back to our diet.
For example, in the morning you are together with avocado and eggs ate 60
grams of bread (20 grams of carbohydrates) + banana weighing 100 grams (20 grams
carbohydrates), in the afternoon to the pink salmon cooked in dry form 60 gr
wholegrain pasta (45 grams of carbohydrates), snack
with curd ate 30 grams of honey and 1 apple weighing 200 grams (24
gr + 27 grams of carbohydrates).
In general, it turns out 160 grams carbohydrates per day.
It's good.
On this amount of carbohydrates even I lost weight.
If you are on maintenance, then you can safely turn on
fruit or else eat 2 pieces bread, it's all fit, you
will support your weight and be healthy.
Also for hair health essential trace elements.
iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium and iron.
Therefore, watch carefully for your diet and try
eat the most diverse and wholesome food.
I would also like to note the most useful products
for hair.
This is just the top.
There is a large concentration number of trace elements
We look and remember.
This is turkey, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, sesame, avocado,
fatty fish, spinach, eggs and dairy products.
It's just my favorite food.
I eat dairy every day I have fish products often.
Include at least something of these products and you will see
result in about half a year.
Of course, drink enough water.
I can't do it myself drink 2 liters per day but i
I drink about a liter, one and a half.
I think you know about the benefits of water.
List of products for healthy the diet I left in the description
to the video so go on and keep yourself.
If you do not know how to calculate its caloric content, protein,
fats, carbohydrates, then I left link to your Instagram, so
go and see.
Also I left one more link to another approximate
And, of course, subscribe.
Thank you for watching. this video, I think he
Did you like.
Write your feedback in the comments.
I also advise you to look cholesterol roller and
external care roller for hair.
Good day, bye, be beautiful eat right
and see you soon.
U&D, Teresa Langella e Luca abbracciati al concerto di Irama | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.
Volkswagen Transporter | 102PK | L2H1 | Highline | Navi | Multistuur - Duration: 1:05.
Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO 88KW COSMO AUT Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:07.
Cách Tạo Vân Sơn Giả Gỗ Trên Trần Cầu Thang Xi Măng, Thôn Quê Son Doong Đồng Hới Quảng Bình !!! - Duration: 10:37.
Volkswagen up! GP Beats 1.0 44 kW / 60 pk Hatchback 5 versn. Han - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO BLITZ Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Zafira Tourer 1.4T ECO 103KW 7 Pers.COSMO - Duration: 1:12.
Opel Mokka 1.4T 140PK INNOVATION Nav. Opel On-Star - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO 120 PK COSMO AUT Nav. On-Star - Duration: 0:53.
Kia Sportage 1.6 GDI 132PK FIRST EDITION Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:08.
[VIETSUB] This Is Home - Cover by Mjjeje H - Duration: 1:55.
Often I am upset
that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
I'll cut my hair
To make you stare
I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now and this place
Has too many colors enough to drive all of us insane
Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead
Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
My eyes went dark
I don't know where
My pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
Mercedes-Benz SLC 200 AMG Panoramadak 18 Inch LMV AMG Panoramadak H/K Stoelverw. FULL! Zondag a.s. o - Duration: 0:53.
Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends - Duration: 10:32.
Welcome back everyone, today were going to Wales - a country which I have many happy
childhood memories in.
Through all my visits though, I had no idea there were so many creepy stories.
Its a country steeped in history, mountains, castles and an air of mystery - the perfect
recipe for some creepy stories.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Grim Prophecy[a].
In the village of Llangernyw stands the church of St Digain.
There, in the churchyard, lies a Yew tree thats said to be over 4000 years old.
Its life began around the time Stonehenge was completed - thats how old it is.
Within its old and twisted trunks, locals say a supernatural being lives called Agelystor.
According to legend, on Halloween every year, this being emerges to make grim prophecies
to those who will hear it.
In an ancient Welsh language, he slowly lists the names of the townsfolk who will die in
the coming year.
Theres a cautionary tale of why people should never scoff at this list.
Years ago, there was a local tailor in the town called Sio ap Robert.
In the pub one night, he told his friend he thought the list was nonsense and poured scorn
upon Agelystor.
His friends challenged him to go to the tree and prove his words.
He slammed his empty glass down and marched to the tree where he heard a deep voice reciting
the names of the soon to be dead.
Then, he heard his own.
In a panic he begged Angelyster to stop, telling him he wasnt ready to go yet - but sure enough,
within a year he was dead.
Now, many believe that a person will find their name on the list if they don't take
the story seriously …
Moving on now to number 9 we have The Hanging Judge[b].
Judge Jeffreys was a Welsh judge born in Wrexham who took charge of the Blood Assizes in the
17th century.
The gruesome trials involved thousands of people suspected of treason being burned alive
at the stake, hanged and beheaded.
Some still say he has the blood of many innocent people on his hands - and that these crimes
have left him tied to this Earth, unable to move on after his death.
In recent times, his story had become somewhat forgotten - but then, in December 2014 - a
British ghost hunter called Ian Alderton shared this picture taken in the Illchester Arms
in London.
He says it shows the ghoulish figure of Judge Jeggreys, still wearing his old powdered wig
- and staring right at the camera.
The Illchester Arms was known to be one of the Judges favourite places to drink.
The owner had allowed Ian to investigate the pub for ghosts after she kept hearing voices
in her bedroom upstairs.
- Mr Alderton said that she was so disturbed by the noises that at one point she hid under
her covers at which point she heard an old fashioned male voice say -Oy, you- … lets
hope she wasnt next in line for one of the Judges trials …
Next up at number 8 we have the Afanc[c].
In Welsh mythology, this lake monster was one of the most fearsome ever described.
Its depictions vary - some say it looked like a giant crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf
like creature.
One thing they all agree on though is that the Afanc is a demon.
The Afanc was said to attack and devour anyone who crossed its path.
There are many tales of individual encounters with the beast but one of the most notable
ones was put forth by folklore writer Edward Williams.
This legend says that many years ago, a large Afanc thrashed its body in its lake so much
that it drowned all the people of Britain except for two people who went on to be the
descendants of everyone in Britain.
Coming from Britain myself, hearing this feels like quite a close call.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Cadair Idris[d].
Its one of Snowdonias most picturesque mountains.
In ancient times, they say this was the throne of a mythical giant.
The area is steeped in legend.
One story says that the lake by the mountain is bottomless and home to a welsh water dragon
that once terrorised the people who lives there.
King Arthur himself is said to have been the one who banished it to the bottomless waters,
but not before dragging it up to the top of the mountain.
Perhaps the most creepy legend to survive over the centuries is the belief that you
should never sleep on the mountainside.
They say if you do that, you will wake up as one of 3 things - either youll go mad,
youll be a talented poet, or youll never wake up again.
I think even poets would fancy the odds on that …
Moving on to number 6 we have Sker House[e].
The ghosts of Sker house are legendary in its corner of Wales.
For 800 years, its seen so much violence and bloodshed that locals believe every inch of
the place is haunted.
One of the most famous stories revolves around a woman who lived there years ago called Elizabeth
She planned to run away with her lover, a young carpenter and harpist called Thomas
Evans of whom her Father did not approve of.
On the night of their getaway, they hired a coach and horses to help them escape.
When the coach arrived though, Williams dogs barked so furiously it woke the whole house.
Evan panicked and ran, leaving Elizabeth to face her Fathers wrath.
He locked her up in a room with blocked up windows and forced her to marry someone else
against her will, eventually dying of a broken heart 9 years later.
They say her spirit still haunts Sker house and is felt particularly strongly in the room
she was kept prisoner.
In 2002, its said that a film crew tried to film there during restoration work.
A high pitched noise emanated from the Great Hall and despite all efforts to trace the
source, none could be found.
A medium told them they had disturbed something evil - unable to work with the noise, they
packed and left as quickly as they could …
At the number 5 spot we have Canter Gwaelod[f].
This is the name of a legendary lost kingdom said to lie below the sea in Cardigan Bay.
The story goes that the land was extremely fertile but depended on steep embankments
to keep the sea at bay.
Special gates were periodically opened for agricultural purposes.
The King had left control of the gates to a local man who was always very trustworthy.
One night though, he had too much to drink and stumbled to his bed without closing the
flood gates.
When high tide came, the water poured in - in just a few hours the entire Kingdom was swallowed
by the sea - taking the many thousands who live there with it …
Next up at number 4 we have Devils Bridge[g].
Ceredigion is a Welsh county thats known as a hub of Welsh culture, attracting many tourists
to its scenic towns, castle and beaches.
However, in the 11th century, they say it attracted one visitor that nobody wants - the
devil himself.
The story goes that he went there after hearing about the stunning scenery and wanted to see
it for himself.
Down by the river, he saw a woman whos cow was stranded on the other side of the water.
He decided to help her - but for a price.
He told the woman that hed build a bridge for her in exchange for the soul of the first
living that crossed it.
He thought shed have to cross the bridge first, but when it was built, she threw a loaf of
bread over the bridge and her dog chased it.
He was so humiliated that he had been outsmarted, he left that very moment - not even stopping
to take the dogs soul.
These days, the towns people say the Devil has been too ashamed to return to Ceredigion
ever since then - but his bridge still remains …
Next up at number 3 we have The Traditional Dress Ghost[h].
In January 2012.
Paul Feehan took a trip to Abersoch in Wales.
He and his friend took some film while resting on a bench by a lake area.
It wasnt until they watched the video back that they saw something that didnt seem quite
They discovered that there had been a dark figure standing just a few metres behind them
the whole time.
The figure barely moves during the whole video.
This shocked paul as he was certain there was nobody else around at that time.
After doing some research, he was surprised to see that the figures appearance seemed
to match up eerily well with that of a woman in Welsh traditional folk dress.
As you can see from these pictures, if that really was a person - they would be very close,
close enough for them to easily spot.
This has led some people to believe that its the long dead spirit of a Welsh woman, still
wearing the clothes from her long gone era …
Moving on to number 2 we have Merlins Oak[i].
According to legend, Merlins Oak stood in the centre of Carmarthen - thats Merlin as
in THE Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time.
Locals say that Merlin told them that Carmarthen would drown if the Oak was ever removed.
With this curse, they say that a strange pointed notch appeared in the trunk of the tree that
looked like the face of Merlin himself.
For centuries, the locals remembered Merlins words.
Then, in the 1850s, it was poisoned by a local who objected to people holding meetings beneath
it but its trunk was preserved with iron railings.
Finally, in the 1970s, it was removed when someone set it on fire.
Then, Carmarthen suffered its worst floods in many years - some say the legend held up
and that Merlin fulfilled his promise to drown the place if his Oak was ever removed …
And finally at number 1 we have Llandaffs Ghosts[j].
Some ghost hunters travel long ways just to experience a single ghost - well, Llandaff
has not one, not two, three or four but 5 famous ghost stories - and they all date back
to roughly the same time.
The first is the story of a young boy who wore blue and drowned while playing on the
banks of the river Taff.
He is also said to be joined by the ghost of his mother, with onlookers reporting theyve
seen the figure of a lady wading through the river late at night.
They say she is forever looking for her son and trying to save him from the water.
Another ghost is that of Bella, a woman who committed suicide in the area over 100 years
ago - shes regularly seen along the Taff trail in the woods.
The spirit of another suicide victim, this time a man, is also said to haunt the graveyard
He has been known to give people a sharp poke while on the ghost tour and follow them as
they are guided through the area …
So weve done Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, I think its only Northern Ireland left now
in this corner of the world?
Lets go somewhere completely different perhaps for our next one?
Let me know, thanks for watching as always guys my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
2 Ingredient Lemon Drops Candy! Two Ingredient Takeover Holiday Recipes! - Duration: 2:31.
(engine revving)
(door creaking)
(techno dance music)
(robotic screeching)
- [Computer] Good morning, Alyssia.
Initializing two ingredient recipe-generation application.
- What've we got, today?
- [Computer] How do you feel about,
coffee and mayonnaise?
- I don't think so.
What about something more festive,
for the holidays?
- [Computer] As you wish.
Initiating holiday ingredient protocol.
(electronic music)
How about lemons and sugar?
- Now that's more like it!
Initialize recipe creation.
(modem screeching)
(upbeat guitar music)
Squeeze enough lemons to get
a cup of lemon juice.
The amount of lemons required
will obviously depend on
how big they are.
Add granulated sugar
and stir to dissolve.
Add the mixture to a pot,
over medium high heat,
and bring to a boil.
Continue to stir regularly
until the mixture is thick and syrupy.
This will take about 20-30 minutes
so be patient.
Test the mixture by dripping
a bit of it into cold water.
As it crystallizes and becomes brittle,
it's ready.
Grab a silicone mold and
transfer some of the lemon syrup
into the mold.
I use a syringe to help
with the process.
Make sure your mold is the size
of the candies you want,
and try to move quickly
as the syrup is going to
begin to harden into candy
the longer it sits.
Once your molds are filled,
allow to firm up in the fridge
until hardened.
Pop out, and enjoy.
These lemon drops are a sour hard candy
with an intense lemon flavor.
It's the same kind of so sour
it's hard to suck on,
but still so good flavor
that makes warheads fun to eat.
Give it a try.
I hope you enjoyed
another two ingredient takeover.
If you want more videos like this,
give this one a thumb's up.
Remember, I have a holiday recipes ebook
and you can get 10% off of it
or any other ebook or package
of your choice
using the code "TAKEOVER"
at checkout at mindovermunch.com/ebooks.
I also have a free one
and two ingredient recipes ebook
that you can download
in the description of this video.
Don't forget to subscribe
and hit the bell to be notified
of new videos, every week.
Have a safe and happy holiday season
and remember
it's all a matter of mind over munch.
7 things spotted ahead of Manchester United vs Young Boys #mufc - Duration: 4:19.
7 things spotted ahead of Man United vs Young Boys
A win for Jose Mourinho's side at Old Trafford on Tuesday night could see them progress into
the last-16.
Manchester United have the chance to progress out of Group H, if they beat Young Boys in
the Champions League on Tuesday.
If Juventus beat Valencia and the Red Devils secure all three points against the Swiss
side then they will be guaranteed at least second.
The tie will take place at Old Trafford, just three days after ground hosted the side's
dismal draw against Crystal Palace.
Jose Mourinho's men trained for the clash on Monday but Victor Lindelof, Marcos Rojo
and Matteo Darmian were all missing.
However, Paul Pogba, Diogo Dalot and Romelu Lukaku all took part as the sun set in Manchester.
Here's what we learnt.
1.Time to dig deep.
It's not going so well for United in the Premier League, but a win over Juventus last time
out in Europe has put them in a commanding position in Europe.
Progression into the last-16 would certainly ease the pressure on Mourinho plus provide
his side with a much needed morale boost.
But Young Boys have shown they're capable of surprise results by drawing with Valencia
back in October.
A chance for Grant?
David De Gea has played a lot of football so far this season, and Young Boys could present
Mourinho with the perfect fixture to provide him with a rest.
Lee Grant has only played one game for United since securing his summer move, that coming
in the Carabao Cup defeat to Derby.
The shot-stopper will no doubt jump at the chance for some game time.
What struggles?
Despite the defeat to Manchester City and the draw with Crystal Palace, United's players
and manager seemed in high spirits during Monday's training session.
Most players worked out with a smile while even Mourinho looked in a good mood.
If the players have been affected by their recent run of results, they don't look it.
Who's that?!
Mourinho is in need for a player to step up.
United missed that spark against City, and their lack of attacking threat against Palace
was troubling.
Has Mourinho found what he's looking for in training?
United fans will hope so.
It's Dalot time.
Diogo Dalot has had a tough start to his Old Trafford career.
The Portuguese right-back has twice been injured, and has only featured in two games for United.
Now back in training the teenager could return to the fold against Young Boys.
United fans will no doubt be desperate to see more of the young defender.
Not letting the haters put him down.
One of Pogba's biggest criticisms is that he showboats far too much.
To an extent, the comments are worthy.
There's no doubt that when he gets the ball down, and plays the simple stuff he is very
very good.
But the Frenchman isn't letting the haters affect him, and continues to show off his
impressive skills in training.
Reports over Alexis Sanchez's future looked pretty bleak last month, with the forward
apparently adamant on leaving.
However, Mourinho shut down those rumours last week.
"I don't think so, because he never told me that he wants to leave, or isn't happy
to stay," said the United boss.
"Like the team.
He's improving, like the team is improving, and when he plays he's giving us his personality,
his desire to play and to produce for the team."
Can the Chilean finally turn things round at Old Trafford?
Manchester United are looking into signing Borussia Dortmund star Axel Witsel.
The Belgian midfielder has shone for Lucien Favre's side to top the Bundesliga, and capitalise
on Bayern Munich's shocking start.
And now Jose Mourinho wants to return for Witsel, report ESPN, after opting for Fred,
for £52m, instead last summer.
That left Witsel free to join Dortmund for £18m from Tianjin Quanjian, but Mourinho
has struggled to find the right balance in midfield, and could now return for the 29-year-old.
Given Dortmund's excellent position to grab the Bundesliga title this season, after six
consecutive titles for Bayern, United would surely need to offer a huge profit to convince
the Germans to sell.
مقلب الخيانة في حبيبتي قلت لها خنتك مع فتاة أخرى | صارت تبكي - Duration: 8:26.
Allah and I mean since kissing man and telephones or smoking or drinking
I said yourself
all my second pack American gentlemen
thank you so runs out of faith well show me I read there see
I can type in there come back with me
good way Michael Chiklis show our that led Frank could you believe was a
chicken skin Amelia chicken let's break
ecology Farrakhan a like a sausage but as you must have come on clowns are a
lot of videos you didn't solve Polly she has Brandon Instagram does not rotate
Amana and the O cannot accomplish their purpose you must have home or channel
your husband say
Wizards' Bradley Beal Calls Trade Rumors 'Nonsense' | Heavy.com - Duration: 2:34.
Wizards' Bradley Beal Calls Trade Rumors 'Nonsense' | Heavy.com
The Washington Wizards have been on and off this season, but many don't expect them to be reaching the NBA playoffs anytime soon with how the Eastern Conference playoff picture looks early on.
Therefore, the Wizards have made it known that they are ready and willing to trade any of their big named stars as long as the price is right.
Naturally, teams have been reaching out to the Wizards for their big names like John Wall and Bradley Beal.
As those two stars could be a tremendous bonus to a team that is ready to compete for a championship now, that's who teams want to inquire about.
Not to mention, all of the behind the scenes issues that have gone down recently in the past has been brought to the light, so the Wizards may desperately need to make a change sooner than later.
Rumor has it that Bradley Beal is the player that is receiving the most calls from around the league, and apparently, he desires a trade as well.
Obviously, many fans bought into that that rumor, but it turns out that Beal is going to stay true to Washington as long as he is on the court with his Wizards' teammates rocking the uniform.
To confirm that Beal is not seeking out a trade, his agent, Mark Bartelstein denied all reports of Beal wanting out.
To double-down on his agent's statement, Beal addressed the topic shortly after the Wizards win on Monday.
Bradley Beal Addresses the Rumors.
Bradley Beal sets the record straight about the rumors he wants out of Washington.
Toyota Auris 1.2T Aspiration - Duration: 1:07.
J and J's Fashion of Roanoke - Duration: 4:01.
Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends - Duration: 10:32.
Welcome back everyone, today were going to Wales - a country which I have many happy
childhood memories in.
Through all my visits though, I had no idea there were so many creepy stories.
Its a country steeped in history, mountains, castles and an air of mystery - the perfect
recipe for some creepy stories.
My name is Danny Burke and this is the Top 10 Scary Welsh Urban Legends …
Starting off at number 10 we have The Grim Prophecy[a].
In the village of Llangernyw stands the church of St Digain.
There, in the churchyard, lies a Yew tree thats said to be over 4000 years old.
Its life began around the time Stonehenge was completed - thats how old it is.
Within its old and twisted trunks, locals say a supernatural being lives called Agelystor.
According to legend, on Halloween every year, this being emerges to make grim prophecies
to those who will hear it.
In an ancient Welsh language, he slowly lists the names of the townsfolk who will die in
the coming year.
Theres a cautionary tale of why people should never scoff at this list.
Years ago, there was a local tailor in the town called Sio ap Robert.
In the pub one night, he told his friend he thought the list was nonsense and poured scorn
upon Agelystor.
His friends challenged him to go to the tree and prove his words.
He slammed his empty glass down and marched to the tree where he heard a deep voice reciting
the names of the soon to be dead.
Then, he heard his own.
In a panic he begged Angelyster to stop, telling him he wasnt ready to go yet - but sure enough,
within a year he was dead.
Now, many believe that a person will find their name on the list if they don't take
the story seriously …
Moving on now to number 9 we have The Hanging Judge[b].
Judge Jeffreys was a Welsh judge born in Wrexham who took charge of the Blood Assizes in the
17th century.
The gruesome trials involved thousands of people suspected of treason being burned alive
at the stake, hanged and beheaded.
Some still say he has the blood of many innocent people on his hands - and that these crimes
have left him tied to this Earth, unable to move on after his death.
In recent times, his story had become somewhat forgotten - but then, in December 2014 - a
British ghost hunter called Ian Alderton shared this picture taken in the Illchester Arms
in London.
He says it shows the ghoulish figure of Judge Jeggreys, still wearing his old powdered wig
- and staring right at the camera.
The Illchester Arms was known to be one of the Judges favourite places to drink.
The owner had allowed Ian to investigate the pub for ghosts after she kept hearing voices
in her bedroom upstairs.
- Mr Alderton said that she was so disturbed by the noises that at one point she hid under
her covers at which point she heard an old fashioned male voice say -Oy, you- … lets
hope she wasnt next in line for one of the Judges trials …
Next up at number 8 we have the Afanc[c].
In Welsh mythology, this lake monster was one of the most fearsome ever described.
Its depictions vary - some say it looked like a giant crocodile, a beaver or even a dwarf
like creature.
One thing they all agree on though is that the Afanc is a demon.
The Afanc was said to attack and devour anyone who crossed its path.
There are many tales of individual encounters with the beast but one of the most notable
ones was put forth by folklore writer Edward Williams.
This legend says that many years ago, a large Afanc thrashed its body in its lake so much
that it drowned all the people of Britain except for two people who went on to be the
descendants of everyone in Britain.
Coming from Britain myself, hearing this feels like quite a close call.
Moving on to number 7 now we have Cadair Idris[d].
Its one of Snowdonias most picturesque mountains.
In ancient times, they say this was the throne of a mythical giant.
The area is steeped in legend.
One story says that the lake by the mountain is bottomless and home to a welsh water dragon
that once terrorised the people who lives there.
King Arthur himself is said to have been the one who banished it to the bottomless waters,
but not before dragging it up to the top of the mountain.
Perhaps the most creepy legend to survive over the centuries is the belief that you
should never sleep on the mountainside.
They say if you do that, you will wake up as one of 3 things - either youll go mad,
youll be a talented poet, or youll never wake up again.
I think even poets would fancy the odds on that …
Moving on to number 6 we have Sker House[e].
The ghosts of Sker house are legendary in its corner of Wales.
For 800 years, its seen so much violence and bloodshed that locals believe every inch of
the place is haunted.
One of the most famous stories revolves around a woman who lived there years ago called Elizabeth
She planned to run away with her lover, a young carpenter and harpist called Thomas
Evans of whom her Father did not approve of.
On the night of their getaway, they hired a coach and horses to help them escape.
When the coach arrived though, Williams dogs barked so furiously it woke the whole house.
Evan panicked and ran, leaving Elizabeth to face her Fathers wrath.
He locked her up in a room with blocked up windows and forced her to marry someone else
against her will, eventually dying of a broken heart 9 years later.
They say her spirit still haunts Sker house and is felt particularly strongly in the room
she was kept prisoner.
In 2002, its said that a film crew tried to film there during restoration work.
A high pitched noise emanated from the Great Hall and despite all efforts to trace the
source, none could be found.
A medium told them they had disturbed something evil - unable to work with the noise, they
packed and left as quickly as they could …
At the number 5 spot we have Canter Gwaelod[f].
This is the name of a legendary lost kingdom said to lie below the sea in Cardigan Bay.
The story goes that the land was extremely fertile but depended on steep embankments
to keep the sea at bay.
Special gates were periodically opened for agricultural purposes.
The King had left control of the gates to a local man who was always very trustworthy.
One night though, he had too much to drink and stumbled to his bed without closing the
flood gates.
When high tide came, the water poured in - in just a few hours the entire Kingdom was swallowed
by the sea - taking the many thousands who live there with it …
Next up at number 4 we have Devils Bridge[g].
Ceredigion is a Welsh county thats known as a hub of Welsh culture, attracting many tourists
to its scenic towns, castle and beaches.
However, in the 11th century, they say it attracted one visitor that nobody wants - the
devil himself.
The story goes that he went there after hearing about the stunning scenery and wanted to see
it for himself.
Down by the river, he saw a woman whos cow was stranded on the other side of the water.
He decided to help her - but for a price.
He told the woman that hed build a bridge for her in exchange for the soul of the first
living that crossed it.
He thought shed have to cross the bridge first, but when it was built, she threw a loaf of
bread over the bridge and her dog chased it.
He was so humiliated that he had been outsmarted, he left that very moment - not even stopping
to take the dogs soul.
These days, the towns people say the Devil has been too ashamed to return to Ceredigion
ever since then - but his bridge still remains …
Next up at number 3 we have The Traditional Dress Ghost[h].
In January 2012.
Paul Feehan took a trip to Abersoch in Wales.
He and his friend took some film while resting on a bench by a lake area.
It wasnt until they watched the video back that they saw something that didnt seem quite
They discovered that there had been a dark figure standing just a few metres behind them
the whole time.
The figure barely moves during the whole video.
This shocked paul as he was certain there was nobody else around at that time.
After doing some research, he was surprised to see that the figures appearance seemed
to match up eerily well with that of a woman in Welsh traditional folk dress.
As you can see from these pictures, if that really was a person - they would be very close,
close enough for them to easily spot.
This has led some people to believe that its the long dead spirit of a Welsh woman, still
wearing the clothes from her long gone era …
Moving on to number 2 we have Merlins Oak[i].
According to legend, Merlins Oak stood in the centre of Carmarthen - thats Merlin as
in THE Merlin, one of the most famous wizards of all time.
Locals say that Merlin told them that Carmarthen would drown if the Oak was ever removed.
With this curse, they say that a strange pointed notch appeared in the trunk of the tree that
looked like the face of Merlin himself.
For centuries, the locals remembered Merlins words.
Then, in the 1850s, it was poisoned by a local who objected to people holding meetings beneath
it but its trunk was preserved with iron railings.
Finally, in the 1970s, it was removed when someone set it on fire.
Then, Carmarthen suffered its worst floods in many years - some say the legend held up
and that Merlin fulfilled his promise to drown the place if his Oak was ever removed …
And finally at number 1 we have Llandaffs Ghosts[j].
Some ghost hunters travel long ways just to experience a single ghost - well, Llandaff
has not one, not two, three or four but 5 famous ghost stories - and they all date back
to roughly the same time.
The first is the story of a young boy who wore blue and drowned while playing on the
banks of the river Taff.
He is also said to be joined by the ghost of his mother, with onlookers reporting theyve
seen the figure of a lady wading through the river late at night.
They say she is forever looking for her son and trying to save him from the water.
Another ghost is that of Bella, a woman who committed suicide in the area over 100 years
ago - shes regularly seen along the Taff trail in the woods.
The spirit of another suicide victim, this time a man, is also said to haunt the graveyard
He has been known to give people a sharp poke while on the ghost tour and follow them as
they are guided through the area …
So weve done Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, I think its only Northern Ireland left now
in this corner of the world?
Lets go somewhere completely different perhaps for our next one?
Let me know, thanks for watching as always guys my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you
all in the next video!
How to Banish Writer's Block - Duration: 13:02.
Pyrography Art Caribbean Crab wood burning art by Brenda - Duration: 7:58.
Hi. Welcome to Pyrography Made Easy.
I'm Brenda.
This episode is going to feature the Caribbean Crab that I did.
I hope you enjoy it.
Well I hope you enjoyed the video.
The crab was burned on basswood and it took 12 1/4 hours to create it.
I use a Colwood Super Pro II
and my website: Pyrography Made Easy
has all sorts of written tutorials, blogs, and patterns that you can download.
Well thank you again for watching my video and please subscribe.
Unboxing Smartfooding and Canapés Mini-Recipe | Veganamente - Duration: 6:20.
Hi, I'm Raquel and today in Veganamente not bringing you any recipe !!
This is a special video to let you know an online store, in which I buy many products, called Smartfooding
Watch the video, because at a certain moment I will provide you
a patronage code, so you can access a very interesting discount.
It is a shop formed by a group of girls and boys who, in their great majority, have some kind of intolerance or carry some kind of special diet.
They, like me and many of you who follow me, we find the difficulty of getting certain types of products
and if we get them they are expensive and many times their quality is not very good.
That's why Smartfooding is a very good option, because it has healthy products
for all kinds of intolerances and vegan products at very affordable prices.
Here I have the package this week
and I'm going to take advantage
to show you a small sample of their products.
Here we have the purchase order and from behind comes a discount offer.
It is quite protected so that nothing is broken, and now we are going to see what is inside the box.
Sunflower oil, from organic farming, unrefined.
These are cocoa nibs that are 100% organic and vegan. They are very good to put in shakes, desserts biscuits, etc ...
Modena balsamic cream with white truffle, perfect for dressing salads and a lot of dishes.
Kombucha drink with pineapple and peach, vegan.
A box of infusion, with a mixture of spices and herbs for this Christmas that is delicious.
Hemp seeds, gluten free and without added sugars.
You already know that it is super important for a vegan diet
because it has a lot of protein, so we may be missing.
A tablet of white chocolate, with the richness that is also clear, is vegan and has no gluten.
A nougat tablet, now for Christmas, is super good, crispy and sesame, vegan, gluten-free and sugar refined cane.
Some cookies, delicious, chocolate, well, no chocolate, double chocolate and banana! Vegan and gluten free.
Eggplant pate, gluten free, vegan ... Of course, all the products you bought are vegan,
Of course, but it also does not have gluten. A terrific aubergine pate !!
And finally, a delicious, I'm willing to try! a delicious raspberry jam, organic farming,
sweetened with concentrated apple juice, gluten-free and also vegan.
This is a small sample of the products they have,
but when you enter your store smartfooding.com you can see that there is a very large variety
For all kinds of intolerances, for people who simply want to take care of themselves, for the example they want to take sugar
or for people who lead a vegan life, as in my case. So there you have a huge variety of products.
In addition, you can get them at very affordable prices, simply by becoming Smartfooding club,
for this you only have to pay an annual subscription of 49€, being the first free trial month.
If at the end of the year you have not bought enough to use the discount, you will be given money back.
And now comes the good, an exclusive advantage for you who follow me !!
Simply, using the patronage code that will be coming out right here,
You can get a 20% discount on your first purchase over 30€!
Now a mini-recipe, well, more than a mini-recipe, is a presentation suggestion.
When you have some special food or guests, and you want to put some appetizers with pates or cheeses,
an alternative, very healthy, to bread, is to use potato.
I cut a few slices of potato, a little chubby,
Fry them well, in hot oil until they are golden brown, they get quite consistent,
and instead of using the typical slices of bread, we spread the cheese or the pate over them, or what we prefer, and they remain super rich and super healthy.
I am putting the eggplant paté that has come to the Smartfooding box and that is delicious!
I hope this video is useful, that's why I've done it!
And nothing more for today!! I remind you that next Thursday is recipe day, do not miss the date! See you. Bye!!
Peugeot Expert 229 2.0 HDI L1H1 AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:10.
Sa famille a mis en garde contre le virus - Duration: 5:46.
Volvo V40 1.6 D2 R-Design | LEDER/ALCANTARA | NAVI | LM VELGEN | Dealeronderhouden - Duration: 1:03.
Peugeot 307 Break 1.4-16V XS AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:09.
Opel Meriva 1.4 TURBO 88KW COSMO AUT Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:07.
Проверь свои отношения! 5 признаков того, что мужчина тебя ценит - Duration: 8:50.
Outlander | 'They Mean You No Harm' Ep. 5 Preview | Season 4 - Duration: 0:46.
Did the driver wait for her or see where she went?
The log only says it was a one-way fare
to Craigh na Dun.
I have a daughter.
She lives far away.
-What is it? -Savages.
They steal our water for their horses.
They mean you no harm.
Water belongs to no one.
But he doesn't see it that way.
-I will shoot! <i>-No!</i>
Amazing Rustic San Juan Tiny House by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses - Duration: 3:29.
Amazing Rustic San Juan Tiny House by Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses
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