hey what's up it's Scott and in today's Ask Scott video session we're gonna be
talking all about what is the most effective way to launch your product on
Amazon if you don't have an email list or if you don't have any audience what
is the best way it's a great question and that's what we're going to answer
here in this Ask Scott video session
alright cool so this question comes in from Seth and Seth asks it might have
already been answered but what do you do if you're launching your first product
and you don't have an email list what's the best launch strategy just aggressive
pay-per-click alright cool so Before we jump in let me just remind you if you
have a question that you want me to answer on an upcoming ask out video
session all you have to do drop it in the comments down below and I'll do my
best to answer it whether it's in the comments or maybe in an upcoming Ask Scott
video session alright so go ahead drop your question in the comments all right
here we go let's talk about launching your product without an email list
without an audience now if you don't have an audience if you don't have an
email list this is why you want to have one because I'm a huge fan of having
your own audience so you can leverage the audience to then boost your sales
whether you're launching a brand new product or you're just maybe ran out of
stock and you're relaunching a product that's why you want the leverage of an
email list or an audience alright so first I just want to say like if you
don't have your audience of your own yet you can always go out there and find
other people that have an audience that are building influence and then you can
go out there and you can ask them or send them your product and say hey I
just want your feedback on my product I know that you are a huge bass fisherman
and you have a great audience I would love for you to let me know what you
think and then they may just randomly show up on YouTube and do a video review
of your product ok send it to them without a big ask and what I mean by
that is don't say hey I want to send you this thing but if I send you this thing
will you will you go ahead and review my product will you go ahead and create a
video like none of that stuff it's very simple hey what's your address so I can
send you one of my stainless steel garlic press
I really would love your feedback on it that's it and then just get their
address and mail it to him like that's it all right if you do that to 10 15 or
20 or more different influencers you're going to get a few people that are gonna
say yes all right and the thing is is those few people can be massive when
you're doing a launch okay so that's one angle okay the other angle would be
building your own email list okay so if you haven't started that then you
definitely want to do that and I do have a free resource on that and I have a lot
of resources here on the YouTube channel but if you go to the amazing seller com
forward slash build list and I will actually link it up in the description
down below so this one here you can just click on it and you can go there if you
want to I'll also include some other resources at the end of this video for
building a list all right so that's another way that you want to
be doing it over time so this way here it's really easy for you to launch your
products but if you don't have that stuff or maybe it's like you know what
Scott I just want to launch my product I don't want to worry about that stuff
then yes using pay-per-click sponsored Product
Ads is the way to do it and the way to do it is you want a really really good
listing so you want to make sure that your listing is fully optimized before
you do any type of launch and what I mean by that is great images great title
great bullets great description and make sure the back end of your listing is
filled out with your keywords okay all of those things need to be done before
you ever drive any traffic to that listing all right good now that we got
that out of the way let's say that's all done and you feel really good about it
then what I would do is I would lower my price by twenty maybe thirty percent
from what my competition is selling and then I would start to run pay-per-click
but what I would do is I would go after the keywords that are longtail and what
I mean by that is something more direct that if they were to search for that
thing it would be my thing all right so a stainless steel garlic press boom if
they're looking for that and they see a stainless steel garlic press and mine's
a stainless steel garlic press there's a good chance it's going to sell okay it's
something that they want that they're searching for now a bad example would be
if they're just looking for a garlic press yes they could want mine but maybe
they want a long-handled garlic press or maybe they want a red-handled garlic
press or maybe they want a square head garlic press I don't know I'm making
things up but you see them saying it's too broad of just going after that one
thing you want to go a little bit more longtail okay and another bad example of
that is if you said okay I just want a cooking accessory if you had a cooking
accessory it might be a garlic press it might be a spatula it might be something
a whisk but it's not a garlic press right so we don't care that it gets a
lot of traffic we just care that it's very very specific to what they're
searching for and when they see it and they see our image and they see our
listing it's going to be like that's what I was looking for right if I'm
looking for okay a practice amp which I have right here and I did just buy that
if you're looking for a practice amp I'm gonna type in practice amp that means
that I'm looking for a practice amp that is small that will be able to be
traveled with or that you can move that it doesn't have to be this big huge
amplifier right so practice amp but again that might be too broad so then
what I looked for because I like the name Marshall Marshall practice amp okay
or small practice amp okay so that's getting better but it's still not as
specific as you would want to go now you could start there and then you can
expand if you want to but you want to always make sure that you are going out
there and finding keywords that people are searching for that when they see it
it's exactly what they're searching for especially in the beginning
so again long-handled stainless garlic press and start stainless steel garlic
press something like that okay maybe if you're going after a fishing lure
instead of it being a fishing lure it's going to be bass fishing lure weedless
okay and then if I have that thing and I'm searching for it it's the thing
right if I don't put weedless in there they might just find mine they're like I
wanted a weedless one okay then they're not gonna buy it okay so that's why we
want to make sure that our listing is fully optimized we want to want to make
sure that we're going after the right keywords okay the longtail keywords so
it's a better chance of us selling and then we
reduce our price during the launch all right
so hopefully that helped you and you can go out there and launch your products
any way that you want but I would use all of those ok together once you build
your list once you have an influencer that you've you've met with and that
you've started to create a relationship with and maybe you've got three or four
of those that would be wonderful and then I would do the pay-per-click as
well I would do it all okay but you got to
start somewhere all right guys so hey if you have any
questions drop them in the comments down below I'll do my best to answer them
either an upcoming video or in the comments and then the other thing is
subscribe to this channel this way here you get all of my new videos when I post
them you'll get notified and then this way here
you'll never be left behind and I can help you build your brand and your
business all right so go ahead subscribe alright guys that's it that's gonna wrap
it up as always take care and take action I'll see you soon
For more infomation >> What's The BEST Way to Launch My Product on Amazon TODAY? - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
ถ่ายทอดสดหวยฮานอย ในวันที่ 30/11/61(ตรวจหวยฮานอยวันนี้) - Duration: 51:58.
台北市長選舉纏鬥!館長道歉:對不起...我害柯P拿更少票 - Duration: 3:52.
Worst Case Scenario - Duration: 7:32.
柯P神預言!鄉民挖出「一年前專訪」:看好韓國瑜率領KMT - Duration: 5:34.
Banglalink New Series 014 [বাংলালিংক নিয়ে এলো ০১৪ পেতে পারেন ফ্রি তে ]Best Offer Free Internet Minit - Duration: 4:43.
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banglalink new series 014
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banglalink new series
S. Korea-Japan ties waver, after Seoul court's ruling over Japan's Mitsubishi - Duration: 2:35.
Seoul and Tokyo's ties appear to be at a crossroads.
The latest event to further sour bilateral relations: the nation's Supreme Court ruling
against Mitsubishi... for the forced labor of South Koreans during World War Two.
Cha Sang-mi provides an in-depth analysis of the situation.
A diplomatic spat looms over South Korea and Japan, after Seoul's Supreme Court on Thursday
ordered Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries... to compensate South Korean slave laborers
from the Japanese colonial era.
"I went to Japan because I was told I can study there.
But once I arrived, study was nowhere to be found; I was sent to work at a factory right
Some 30 young South Koreans were taken to Japan under false pretenses, only to find
themselves working in a military factory.
Despite the court victory,... some say this is just the beginning of a longer quest for
justice,... as there are thousands of other wartime victims who are still seeking closure.
Professer Joseph Yi says many South Koreans still feel that Japan can never be vindicated,...
while the government is looking to improve relations,... given the two country's intricate
economic ties.
"Many economic experts including those and the South Korean government are very concerned
about how anti-Japanese sentiment and breaking such treaties with Japan, not just 1965, but
also the recent 2015 comfort women agreement between Korea and Japan that no agreement
that finds with Korea will be accepted in the future because of its anti-Japanese sentiment."
Professor Sachio Nakato says while Japan is generally against the recent ruling against
Mitsubishi,... there is still some room for common understanding.
"In Japan, from right to the left, mainstream media and the mainstream scholars and even
the government think that Korea's response is considered as very much negatively in Japan.
There's no question about that.
At the same time, even though there are small voices (cut) There must be something that
Japan has to think about - it's not an issue about international law, it's more like
an issue of human rights."
Experts agree however,... that both goverments cannot continue to butt heads over their fraught
"The most rational thing is to seek compromise,... but it'll be hard for the two sides to find
one if they continue to harp their own opinions.
There have been ups and downs over the last 70 years, but they both need to be logical
if they're going to make progress."
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
'크림반도 갈등'… 러시아,첨단방공미사일 S-400 포대 추가 배치 - Duration: 3:20.
Audi A4 1.8 TFSI 170pk Automatic S edition | S-line | Navigatie - Duration: 1:05.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse S 350 d AMG Line | Prestige Plus | Pano.Dak | Rijassist | Comand - Duration: 1:09.
Ford S-Max 2.0-16V 7 persoons Nette Auto 1 Jaar APK - Duration: 1:12.
Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T S/S Dynamic Ed, BLIS, DAB, Lane assist, 360 camera, Navigatie, Climate- / Crui - Duration: 1:09.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Automaat! - Duration: 1:07.
#139 : Vive le Smartphone ! - Duration: 2:57.
South Korea offers example for North Korea in human development: UNDP official - Duration: 2:55.
Seoul is seen as a leading example of socio-economic development.
As inter-Korean ties improve,... some are optimistic its experience could advance human
development in the North.
To find out more our Oh Soo-young spoke to one of the leaders of the UN Development Programme.
As Seoul and Pyongyang get ready for their cross-border projects,... the South could
have much to offer the North in terms of making socioeconomic progress.
That's according to the United Nations Development Programme's Director of Advocacy, Ulrika Modeer.
In an interview with Arirang TV, the director said she hopes the UN will be able to expand
its engagement with North Korea on social development.
"The UN and UNDP being present in both countries also follow with great interest the positive
steps forward.
The hope of the world is to see peaceful development in the region but development that can also
bring human development to the people."
The UNDP is one of the six UN agencies working in North Korea, having established an office
there in 1979.
The organization aims to support the UN's strategic priorities for North Korea... by
filling gaps in nutrition, energy and disaster preparedness,... especially among women and
vulnerable people.
The director expressed optimism that South Korea could share its developmental experience,...
as cross-border ties improve.
"I am sure and convinced S. Korea has positive examples to bring... and the Sustainable Development
Goals has a heading that says: leave no one behind.
I also know there's an engagement in Korea in the important area of gender equality,
and this is something we would also like to bring to any development engagement that we
have as UNDP."
The director is currently in Seoul to discuss ways to deepen cooperation with South Korea's
foreign aid agency, KOICA, in order to share successful policies with other countries.
"The experience of Korea with regrd to forestation a very important area in these times of discussions
of climate change.
Governance, and anti-corruption, transparency we see can be exported to other parts of the
world in Asia but also African countries."
Relations between South Korea and the UNDP go back more than 50 years.
Starting in 1966, the UNDP provided the South with aid... as it recovered from years of
brutal colonial rule by Japan and the Korean War that followed.
Fast forward to 2010,... and S. Korea was the first aid recipient country to become
an official donor, and it's been expanding its foreign aid programs since.
The UNDP official hopes Seoul will continue promoting multilateral cooperation amid the
rise of nationalism and populism, which could hinder the UN's global development goals.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
J. Daval: pourquoi l'autopsie d'Alexia trouble ses proches - Duration: 6:57.
Luiz Felipe Pondé - As lendas da democracia: mitos inexistentes dos quais nos orgulhamos - Duration: 4:48.
There is a group of american authors, and Bartels and Achen are among them.
In 2016, they published a seminal work named Democracy for Realists,
in which they debate about what is called folk theory of democracy.
This theory, which can be freely translated to Portuguese
as "lendas da democracia" or "mitos", as some prefer to call it,
shows empirical studies that highlight the following aspects:
first, that people with a bigger repertoire
do not necessarily vote without ideology.
Those are their findings, right? They show it in the book.
It's just the opposite. Sometimes, a person with a bigger repertoire…
Political, sociological, philosophical repertoire,
they are likely to be much more radical.
Therefore, you are not impermeable to stances
that, let's say, are incompatible with the reality of facts
– let's not discuss whether facts do exist or not –,
let's not get into post-modern deliriums here, but…
People with a bigger repertoire do not necessarily vote
in a way that is dissociated of a certain ideological tribalism,
even though many people believe think so.
On the other hand, the idea that people debate politics
in order to reach a consensus and to produce a critical conscience is a fetish.
Usually, when you discuss serious politics, you do so
in order to annihilate other people's opinion.
And you want other people to understand that you are right.
So, the link between a bigger repertoire, openness and tolerance
may be one of the biggest fetishes – even inside universities,
which are not an open public space for debate; quite the contrary,
it's a space for debate, for non-debate.
That's another thing we know for sure, it does not happen only in Brazil, right?
Universities are a space much perched by all kinds of truculence,
among professors and among students. From an ideological point of view.
Another question is that normal, common human beings
who dedicate their lives to things like loving, burring relatives,
making inventories, divorcing, crashing their cars
and paying their insurance, paying their bills, right?
Usually, those people don't have time for politics.
They represent a huge amount of voters.
And this huge amount of voters usually acts by contamination;
they do not have strong bonds when it comes to opinions.
Those people constitute the big part of the population that is always migrating
from one candidate to the other, waiting for any news before making their decision.
And those are not the people who do actual research.
This is one of the great myths about politics.
That people research and form political consciousness.
Maybe that's one of the most powerful myths,
because it gives people a higher intellectual esteem,
but actually most people do not do any research at all,
not because they are unable, but simply because they don't have the time they need.
As a result, most of the population votes in a kind of random way,
especially when it comes to the Legislative Power.
Another very interesting detail about those behavior analysis
shows that the more involved with politics a person is,
the more intolerant he or she becomes.
The more entailed a person is to a certain position,
the more resistant he or she will be to other opinions,
when one would expect just the opposite.
We observe this phenomenon even among journalists, professors and intellectuals in general.
There's no guarantee that you will become more tolerant.
Thus, those elements are fundamental
when it comes to thinking a little bit about the meaning of cultural wars,
democracy and its discontents, identity crisis, identity obsessions.
It seems to me that, in the works of Mark Lilla, analyzing this obsession is an example
of how one can do a job, a political analysis that is a little bit more skeptical.
It's not a coincidence that he had so many trouble and was so attacked
due to this work, as usually
when someone acts a little bit skeptically in front of ideals,
it may seem that this person is against them, but that's not it.
Actually, you're trying to
get a little bit further from those ideals to build a reality.
Monica Bellucci en veut grave à Vincent Cassel, la confidence cash d'un proche - Duration: 1:30.
Thời Gian Tươi Đẹp Của Hai Chúng Ta Tập 1 | Phim Bộ Trung Quốc Hay Nhất - Duration: 43:10.
Today in Comic Book History - November 30th - Duration: 1:05.
Hey guys before you started make sure you click that subscribe button and you
don't ring that Bell you won't get any updates!!
CBN presents today in comic book industry for November the 30th. On the
stay way back in 1948 Moose Mason the jock of the Archie gang made his first
appearance in Jughead #.
On this day in 1982 the purifiers also known as
Stryker's Crusade made their first appearance in x-men God Loves, Man kills
also on this day in 1982 Roderick Kingsley, the original Hobgoblin made his
first appearance in Amazing spider-man number 238 and in the official
unofficial DC calendar today is the birthday of Dag Wentim, Stone Boy of the
Legion of Substitute Heroes!
That's all we have for today if you liked this
video make sure you press like below click subscribe if you don't ring that
Bell you want any updates see you tomorrow
手越祐也、"クラブW杯2018"番組キャスターに就任!テーマソングはNEWSの書き下ろし - Duration: 3:50.
El 'okupa' Sánchez ordena al PSOE prepararse para elecciones generales el superdomingo 26 de mayo - Duration: 4:13.
Be A Lifetime Learner PLUS Budget Video Lighting - s1e234 - Duration: 17:31.
Welcome to Episode 234… another total darkness episode. They're not even the
keys to the Acura. I don't know what I'm doing. Let's get going!
In this episode I want to explore an idea of lifetime learning, of continuing
to learn throughout your entire life. To… to… consider learning to be something
that ends when you graduate college or graduate high school… That's just wrong.
That that's going to ultimately lead to stagnation. It's going to ultimately lead
to being stuck in in a single place, and and I would argue that the healthiest
happiest people are the people who are lifetime learners, who follow their
curiosity from one learning experience to another throughout their life,
continuing to add to who they are and what they're able to do and things like
that. There's a lot of research that is suggesting that continuing to push
yourself into into old age and it is a way of keeping Alzheimer's from
developing that you are constantly creating new neural paths and new new
connections from old information to new information outpaces the degradation of
the neural pathways that seems to be a contributor to the Alzheimer symptoms so
lifetime learner be someone who learns and tries things and experiments so
let's see if you know these lights off and I got this headlamp thing it's all
these LEDs I know this awesome there there's your and now it's dark I've
already got the keys out of car turning off the lights
let's see if we can get in this would be the day that have extra bags
so I'm gonna shoot the tutorial video today I was gonna shoot it yesterday the
it's a Photoshop plug-in called portrait Pro I'm gonna shoot it this afternoon I
was goodbye I said I was gonna shoot it yesterday except I couldn't get the
license activated through the firewall so I had to go to my laptop home and
activate license and now I'm ready to go ready to shoot this thing alright we've
got to the door see if we can get in alright
Coffee time
I'm sure this is how all the AC and Peter and Maddy that's how they do it
I'm sure that that's how they carry all their alright we'll get this thing
started in just a second so I'm in I'm settled now I'm gonna make
coffee for me you may have noticed why am i like my coffee a certain
temperature and this fits too cold it's like and if it's too hot it's like ah so
this is kind of still in there those aren't really words you may have noticed
the disarray as I was coming in this is where I did I did the I dropped uh be
the BB this morning my eyes what in the Hat always I don't know who is that
talking about oh yeah the mess so that turned out to be B the BB filming that
that that turned out to be far more complicated in reality than in concept
the concept I thought this is easy I'm gonna roll some steel balls down a hot
wheel track first of all the BB is so small you can't really see it on the
camera at 24 frames you know for per second no BB mm couldn't see it so I
just started with the medium you know the little small ball bearing but just
getting them to all the the shotput resists so there's momentum the shotput
weighs four kilograms and the golf ball weighs about 44 grams big big difference
there so i had the chocolate had to be so perfectly balanced almost ready to
roll in order for the do the math if you're a
you know engineer or physicist or something anyway I haven't cleaned up
yet but I have students in this room today and they can move the desks back
like each each student can move one desk and done so that's be the baby I think
that is a cool concept the idea that one small act of kindness one small gesture
one small word of encouragement one small word of endorsement can begin a
domino effect that has a huge huge reaction be that thing in someone's life
say something nice to the manager say something nice to whomever be that be be
well where are we going today we're trying to be lifetime learners today
don't stop learning just just keep at it keep learning keep adding things even if
it's just learning a hobby and on and as you become older pick up a new hobby if
you're in the middle of a hobby if you're if you're making videos try
something different try moving your lights around try moving your microphone
try using a different camera inside your car while you're while you're driving
keep trying different things if you're a painter and you've been painting and in
watercolors for 20 years and you're a master at watercolors jump into a
different medium use acrylics or oils or something do something a little
different I really don't know what I'm talking about I should I should take an
art class at some point but I've seen them use those little metal thingies
like spatulas and there's a hand gesture that we will not know what that ever
we'll never know what that means I'm gonna I'm gonna do a rant now
I was gonna do a rant about something that I just learned about something I
learned about yesterday and it is so stupid but I'm afraid if I just rant
about it that the people who haven't heard about it will go home we'll the
try to it's a stupid thing someone is like stupid and then they go hey guess
what I just did and like what and then everybody else Jake followed lemmings
off the cliff lemmings jumping off the cliff into stupidity I'm not going to
tell you what it is I'm just going to tell you that I was so I was like I was
like facepalm I roll head bang that's how stupid this thing is it's like what
are you thinking and and after the first person did it why would other people do
it I can't even it's so I can't I'm just afraid to even mention what it is
because there's so many stupid people who would be like I've never heard of
that I'm gonna try it too it is just more evidence that the entire fabric of
society is on the brink of anarchy that that's all so there's there was my not
rant I'm sorry that was that was a not rant I don't know what that was but it
was random at least random at least alright be a lifetime learner be a
lifetime learner I'm gonna drink some coffee and kind of get ready get ready
for the day
I've had I've had a question - believe it or not over like how do you do your
lighting how do you do your how do you do your setup so I'm gonna take a real
quick video of my of my setup so we'll start the camera there's all kinds of
light so there's there's the camera on the the very cluttered and desk and then
I have a little desk lamp I'll turn the lights on to show you right back so I
have this desk lamp here and the desk lamp came it came in a this bag thing
that's my diffuser is the the bag that that came with with the desk lamp that
is a LED household LED bulb that is a clamp like like you would clamp on to a
shelf and that is a there's a JCPenney bag that's my diffuser it's also an LED
this one's 100 watt I don't that is I got that a little extra cable and I got
the mic the mic is just right there almost in frame sometimes it is in frame
because I'm not careful enough there there's the mic that's my that's my
setup in my classroom that is that's my photography area of where I do you know
photography club and that's my clutter area and so I put all my clutter that's
all photography junk and then that's junk mail and then boom this there it is
there it is in all its glory and then there's a shelf when I've got jumping
rocks by alright wow that that had to be so
all right I'm gonna follow up on the lighting thing just just kind of an
editorial here then this is also this will be your science lesson for for this
episode people be like I spent all this money on this big light thing I'm just
big and it's the big diffuser thing is a great idea and the really bright bulb
was a great idea that lights up that whole diffuser but in at the end of the
day photons go through the lens and strike the the sensor and where those
photons come from is not very important if they come from a seven dollar Walmart
LED bulb and shine through a piece of plastic wrap as a diffuser they are
still photons the the direction the diffuser changes the direction but it
does not change the frequency of the photon the photon is the photon is the
photon it has a energy level and that energy level is a color we perceive that
energy of the wavelength of the light it doesn't matter where it comes from if it
comes from the farthest star in the galaxy and it's still a photon it still
is traveling at the speed of light it still has a set energy level so the
point is that seven dollar bulb that I bought at Walgreens creates the same
energy as the 700 dollar lighting kit that someone may buy for their studio
now what is the advantage of the 700 are like he has remote controls and being
able to vary the brightness of the ball and having the mechanism of holding the
diffuser in place and the bigger the diffuser and the the more that the
softer the light becomes and the angles of the light all kind of becomes it
becomes like a parallel wave rather than a radial way there's a lot of reasons to
have really expensive lighting gear but at the end of the day photons go through
that lens and if they come from a seven dollar bulb
they're still photons you can't get it back on the desk do you have to spend a
lot of money to have a good light no just need to understand light that's why
we take science classes that's why we take physics this was a lot longer than
I thought it was going to be it's a good lesson one more quick thought on the
photons it doesn't matter where they come from but it does matter what color
temperature they are if you're if you know if you're in the video you know
we've got color temperature and that is basically a measure of the energy of the
photon and what we want is things that are natural daylight and LEDs come in
daylight color the or those sometimes we'll say 5,000 K or 5400 K so something
in that range if you're if you're buying bulbs the ones I bought from Walgreens
that said daylight bulb color temperature you're looking for is like
fifty five fifty four fifty to five thousand something something along there
to give you a nice daylight color there now now it doesn't matter if you get
fifty if you get something if you get a daylight color ball but doesn't matter
how much the bulb it's still a photon the wavelength is the same and in the
lens and on the sensor creates a pixel that's how it works
so $7.00 bulb
that's lamb it's flexible bends I spent way too long on this
I saw an interesting thing happened today this guy some person has acquired
my picture and has created an imposter Facebook account
my my actual facebook address is bill dot Snodgrass one not 756 756 not me I
reported this obvious imposter account to Facebook so not me emails my picture
anyway reminds me of the Instagram the Joe
Rossi incident which occurred while back on Instagram all right
lifetime learner you you've got a you got to keep learning things and let's
let your mind continue to expand let your mind continue to grow don't don't
just settle for what you already know or you'll be stagnant you won't you won't
grow you won't change and and with without change you know that's kind of a
scary prospect you're always doing things the way that you always used to
do things
and I could go into a big long technology and if you tried to still
make you know the old ways and blot all that stuff I will spare you that I hope
you enjoyed my long science lesson on light with photons and photon energy
hopefully if you're into photography or videography that would be something that
would be interesting to you so then once you understand how why it works then you
can use it to your advantage that should probably be enough for this episode be a
lifetime learner keep learning things keep trying things keep doing things
just don't don't give up and don't settle for the way things always have
been thank you for watching hope you enjoy this episode do all that stuff
with the likes and the clicks and all that things they'll love your comments I
love to interact with you down in the comments section that is all I have for
this one lunch time is almost over I got about five minutes and so I'll see you
Brigitte Marceau «rien ne va plus », face à la maladie de son père - Duration: 1:36.
How To Make $100 To $300 Per Post - Duration: 12:49.
Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time
with me here today. Today I have it up thing that you can do or if you're a
writer if you like writing if you enjoy writing it's a little bit different than
the things I've shown you in the past work they're a little bit more formal a
little bit more exacting there's a website that I'm going to show you where
you can make a hundred dollars per post okay and it's actually for an
entertainment website something that makes you laugh it's funny and if you
could do this you can make anywhere between a hundred dollars per post up to
three hundred dollars per post with a little experience okay now before we get
into that I want you to subscribe to my youtube channel click on a little Bell
notifications every time we make an upload you'll get to see it first and
remember if you want to learn how to generate income from home you want to
work from home you want to generate a passive income click the link below
watch the free videos how I got started its how thousands of other people got
started and listen I can't recommend anything any better than this
ok you get a business you get an education you get support out of the
wazoo from people who are six and seven-figure income earners they know
how to do this all you have to do is make an appointment with them and guess
what you get them for fifteen or twenty minutes of their time per day if you so
choose guys it doesn't get better than this that's all I can say listen if you
want to work from home if you want to generate that passive income hey hey
listen even if you don't want to generate passive income let's just say
you want to make full-time income let's just say you want part-time income let's
just say you want to air earn an extra few bucks a week this program shows you
how to do that watch the free video and get started and if you join the program
today and you finish your 15 steps of training which is stupid simple I'm
going to give you over two thousand dollars worth of free bonuses to help
assist you to get off to us quick and easy start in your own home-based
business lickety-split folks alright without any further ado I'm going to
show you how you can you know post one post generate one hour
and you can make 100 to 300 dollars for each one that you post and I'm gonna
show you the website right now the website is called
cracked cracked com I'm sure everyone at some point in time
has heard you know the magazine crack to the website cracked right everyone's
heard of it it's kind of satirical funny articles taking a little bit of a jovial
look as things are certain art or you know things in movies that maybe we
missed or didn't notice or about certain celebrities that you like that you
didn't know little tidbits about them some information if you know how to
write and you could post you know an article up maybe once twice maybe even
four times a month right you have the potential of making $400 a month if you
do it just once a week and the great thing about it is after you get
experience after you you know kind of hone your skills for what they're
looking for every article turns into $200 and if your article gets popular on
their website let's just say there's a ton of traffic going to your article or
your post they will give you a bonus of another hundred dollars and make it $300
per post that's how it works it's that simple and the great thing about it is
you could join today get into their classes you have to kind of go through a
series of you know lessons and how to do things how to submit things what they're
looking for which is small price to pay for getting paid $100 for an article I
mean come on I me this is easy they're not looking for experienced riders
they're just looking for people who are hungry eager creative and imaginative
and think outside the box a little bit as far as writing is concerned I mean
this is something that's really a phenomenal opportunity they want you you
can write and make stuff for cracked today came up with that name correct
it's kind of interesting I'm if you're funny smart creative person cracked is a
single best opportunity you will ever come across in your life no experience
necessary see no experience we will pay if it's
good you talk directly to the editors which is another phenomenal
thing that means you get feedback so regardless of even you you give them
something that you want them to post right let's just say we can't accept it
they will tell you why what you can do to improve whatever it is you're doing
or what you're focused on and presenting to them and then next time you you you
know give a post or submit a post or an article to them guess what you should
improve you should learn you should get better and it's almost like you're
getting on hints training if you're going to take the time to do this and a
company is willing to pay you $100 and give you legitimately good feedback in
return it's like going to school so even if they don't accept your post you're
learning that that's phenomenal folks I mean if you have a silly bone in your
body and you think you could you know put it on paper or write it out so
people can you know get a giggle or a laugh out of it check this out I would
encourage you to join and get this going here your work could be seen by millions
of people they need writers and artists and people can do a little bit of both
or people can do a little both take your pick hey hey I don't see why not
and that actually goes for artists to articles articles officers are great the
actual answers to six famously unsolved movies TV mystery see you have to think
of you know eyeball things that you know you may have heard of or did or no one
else knows about I can think of one friend that I have that he knows this
kind of stuff up you know like crazy he's he knows all these oddball things
about shows and TVs and actors and celebrities he would be primed for this
kind of work but you have to actually take the initiative sign up go through
the process a little bit and you can be making a nice little chunk of change if
not a good living doing this if you're really good and quick about right but I
want to get to the nitty-gritty of this I like this little we want you thing
that's pretty cool I want to get to the nitty-gritty of this and I want to show
you the actual facts I told you we could make but I want to show you the page of
it's on and I'm going to put all these links in the description below so you
just click on them and look at it yourself
um one right for crack you can start now and get paid see there was
I kind of skimmed through the article before let me see her I thought it was
right here at the top maybe it's not here it is what the heck happened what
happened I get booted or something what was that all about
I hate him I hate when websites do that to you um did I go too far yeah I guess
I did hold on yeah I was right there yep that's the harshest truth to be able
to work shop other day for you the hunter asking Jost I mean put okay when
we give you $100 for writing silly jokes basically a funny article or post then
we put then when you put a little effort a little more effort you get a raise
starting with your fifth article we pay you $200 so consider you know articles
one through four not just a trial period but a learning curve right so they're
willing to pay you $100 for your learning curve to learn how to be a
better writer to kind of hone what they're looking for for you to adapt to
it right and then after you get to a certain point you get to your fifth
article you get get paid up to $200 per article that's phenomenal now I've
talked to you in the past about writing articles before right where there's a
possibility like for text broker for example I put that I'll put that in the
card as well because that's another fantastic writing opportunity or to make
that kind of money on text broker you have to be like a five-star rating
writer on that website you've had to over it and for quite some time
this one you can make $200 per article now they don't tell you how big or the
poster article has to be but an educated guess would be probably anywhere between
500 to 1,000 words depending on what they're looking for for what kind of
posts are looking for what the techniques and style things that I've
shown you and the tools that are out there that I'm actually going to cover a
few more of those in a couple more videos ahead you could actually bang out
more than one article a week which would be
basically a full-time job and that's an to boot as you say here as I've told you
before and it's right here if your article is one of the top ten most
popular for the month you get paid another $100 for that article so think
about that if you get in the top 10 of articles for that month who knows how
many you can get on the top 10 for the month who knows but that's the extra pop
for each article that's phenomenal and you guys think about the million people
million person exposure that your names gonna get the other possibility of other
writing jobs gonna come to you if you actually start being consistent and you
know persistent consistent and persistent on doing this right that's
awesome do you guys understand the potential
that lies in doing something like this you have that funny bone that creative
spark you'll think outside the box and you like to write funny little things
for people guys this is this is a phenomenal
opportunity it's just another way to make money online that I wanted to show
you okay and I think you'd be a fool if you if you have that funny bone and you
like to write and you have a little bit of a comedic thing about you I'd say go
for it right go for it crack calm right for cracked I like I
said I'll put the links on the bottom there for you so you can look it over
read it for yourself but I'd say joining any of everything doesn't work out for
you try that you looked at it you investigated it what does it hurt to try
right easy money easy easy money it doesn't get easier than this folks
all right listen do me a favor I hope this helped you out it's just like I
said another opportunity for you to get a piece of the pie so you could work
from home and be your own boss whether you want to make a little money
part-time only full-time on your passive money click on the link below watch the
free video learn how I got started working from home and thousands of other
people started to do it as well and do me a favor click on the subscribe button
and the little Bell notification so every time I make an upload you'll get
to see it first and you'll be the first to see how you can make money online
with the videos that I present to you I really hope it helps you out I really
really really really do because I know what it's like to work in a job that you
not really found ever you feel like you could do more with you
and do more for yourself and you want to be independent you want to you know
depend on yourself and stop worrying about merit raises and bonuses and
annual raises that don't pay anything you know control your own destiny do it
for yourself right that's what I always say that's
always the best way I remember you could follow me on Twitter YouTube and
Instagram those are my favorite ones and remember to check out my website here of
quire lucam and check out the resources page right
the resources page has a lot of things on there for people who are starting out
working from home and want to work from home to help you get off to a quick and
easier start than someone who knows nothing about you know starting work
from home and I also wanted to point this out to you subscribe to my Acquire
Liberty Newsletter. I email generally every day with a little tidbit of info a
little post a little bit of an email my latest youtubes that I upload a whole
bunch of stuff that's valuable information for people to succeed
working from home if you do that today and you join the newsletter I'm gonna
give you this free ebook valued at almost $500 and what it is it teaches
you how to generate an email marketing business from home the keys to doing so
and how you can make money just sending emails out to people it's a legit thing
it does take work it does take effort but anything good in life actually does
right but I have it for you I can give it to you and I would encourage you join
my newsletter just for that reason alone all right guys listen that's all I have
for you today until next time what do I always say I say God Bless guys take
care and until next time bye now...
South Korea finally raised the interest rate! Prioritize financial stability over economic recovery! - Duration: 6:35.
South Korea finally raised the interest rate! Prioritize financial stability over economic recovery! (Translated by google.com)
The Bank of Korea raised the base rate from 1.5% to 1.75%.
There is concern about the negative impact on the Korean economy.
As the institution and experts anticipated, the Bank of Korea has raised the interest rate. So there is no surprise.
It seems that the Bank of Korea prioritized financial stability rather than economy. Still it is judged that the interest rate is still low as the Bank of Korea.
Also pointed out the increase in household debt as a reason for raising. It is an intention to hold down the increase by raising the interest rate.
The surge in real estate market is also supposed to be suppressed by interest rate hike.
One of the reasons for this time is that the interest rate difference between Korea and the US has been reversed due to repeated US interest rate hikes, and it has been largely spreading.
As the United States will continue to raise interest rates,
It is important for South Korea as not to expand interest rate differential any further because it will lower external risk.
However, there are not too many adverse effects on the Korean economy. It is concerned that consumption and investment will slow down.
We have already put cold water on where the economy of next year is expected to get even cooler.
It is predicted that the Bank of Korea will continue to raise interest rates next year.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2KHqWSh http://bit.ly/2KIPIRN http://bit.ly/2KJvQOH http://bit.ly/2KMETyo http://bit.ly/2KJwBav
Korean reaction
Although it is said that the economic crisis originated from China, Korea seems to be in a straight line somewhat damaged by itself.
Concentrate on the economy. We need to increase employment, to enable small and medium enterprises to grow and to turn the economy forward.
It is a fact that I missed the impression timing. If we did a preemptive response at least half a year ago it would not have been like this.
I am late but I am fortunate to raise the interest rate. Real estate has already increased sharply.
In the meantime, the side effects due to low interest rates disappear and we are going to normalize.
With this we can not truly boost the economy.
If taxes, interest rates, and prices all rise, do people say to the common people? I can not be a bad mouth ....
The whole world is raising interest rates by the United States, but Korea has slowed up due to economic situation.
Was the government also regulating lending?
If you raise the interest rate, the rich people with a lot of cash will get better and the people who have a lot of debt will get even harder?
If the household debt increased by more than 4 times over the last 10 years, if raising the interest rate would hurt economic growth it would have done so.
The debt bomb seems to crash soon.
Limited companies and debt households will be ruined regardless of whether interest rates are raised or not. Just a little late.
If the corporate debt burden increases with interest rate hikes, the employment rate will decline and that burden should hit the people you are not supposed to write comments right now.
Corporate debt is the best in history. And with fundamentals there is no intrusion of foreign capital even if there is interest differential.
At the time of the collapse of the securities market last October, the foreign-capital selling tendency was strong, but the exchange rate did not fluctuate.
There is fundamentals enough to invest in this country with evidence that money did not flow out.
Freezing interest rates is a logical choice until the signs of an economic recovery can be confirmed.
Meanwhile, a lot of money gathered in real estate. I have to make sure I go to a different place.
well done! Let's make the Republic of Korea to live right up all the time straight ahead !!
Economic downturn is due to the weight of assets focused on real estate, not due to interest rates.
The low interest rate rather thrilled it, so we have to raise interest rates further.
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2KPOKn7 http://bit.ly/2KLoMAX http://bit.ly/2KLoTwn
The idea of Japanese editors
I think that this rate hike is unavoidable, but I personally think that it was good even after seeing the situation after waiting for one month and raising the interest rate of the United States.
If the US raises the interest rate in December, the interest rate difference will be 1.0%, but it may have been good to see how much the impact is.
The Korean Bank concerned was more concerned about the rise in the household debt amount, but I think that it was okay for the government to say that the growth slowed down confidently.
Until six months ago, the government and the Bank of Korea should have thought that unless raising the interest rate, the economy will head for recovery.
And we thought that soaring real estate could be controlled by policy. So at that time you should have decided not to raise interest rates.
However, if you open the lid you can not hide outstandingly, the real estate price in the metropolitan area is uncontrollable,
As investment declined and the manufacturing industry became stagnant, the Korean economy continued to deteriorate with many problems.
I think that it was a difficult decision if raising the interest rate at that time.
However, I understand well that this should not be expected for the politics of the tiger of the sentence.
Either way it will be a hell, even if you raise it, hell. Just the kind of hell is different.
I think that the interest rate maintenance hell is better.
Because the minimum wage is raised by 10% in January to give further blow to the small and medium size.
From the Bank of Korea it seems that priority was given to the risk hedge at the time of crisis rather than such a fine thing, why now if it is the main reason? It will be said.
South Korea, which is in a difficult situation now, should mobilize not only interest rate policy but somehow to avoid further downturn in economy and employment.
I think that it will not be wise for that direction if it continues even the inter-Korean economic cooperation still ... · · ·
Thank you for your viewing.
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Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
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Heroes Among Us: World War II Vet Michael Camasso Recalls D-Day Jump - Duration: 1:31.
Monica Bellucci en veut grave à Vincent Cassel, la confidence cash d'un proche - Duration: 1:30.
#139 : Vive le Smartphone ! - Duration: 2:57.
Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 194 - Duration: 8:06.
In today's episode, we'll showing how overdrives work.
We'll also be telling you about how TO Mobile will be reaching new countries,
and congratulating the winners of the Clan Championship.
Hello tankers!
As we explained last week,
Viking is still preventing Overdrives from being released.
Our programmers are trying to resolve the issues as quickly as possible,
but in the meantime, here's what you can expect from Overdrives.
Let's start by looking at the overdrives one by one.
As you might already know, Wasp's Overdrive is a bomb.
The effect and damage from the explosion,
is similar to that from the meteorites we had in Astronauts day and UFO day.
The bomb explodes 5 seconds after being planted.
It's great for getting rid of enemies who are chasing you,
or clearing the way for a gold capture.
Unlike mines, if you plant a bomb, it will not disappear if you're destroyed.
Hornet's Overdrive ability marks remote enemies.
This makes it possible to predict the actions of your opponents,
making you even deadlier, especially when playing with a Railgun.
Indicators disappear as you approach the enemy.
At the same time, you can see the enemy health bar.
Hornet shares this effect with the whole team,
which makes the hull perfect for team-captain positions.
Additionally, when you activate Hornet's overdrive,
your turret ignores all resistances against it for the duration of the effect.
Now, you can have a laugh at your enemy's 50% protection.
Its power debuffs opponents within its area of effect,
stopping all active supplies and putting them in cooldown.
This is the perfect counter to a team of enemies
raiding your base with a full supply set.
The overdrive affects not only enemy supplies but also their overdrives.
So it can disable Wasp's bomb, Hornet's vision and so on.
Moreover, Hunter also de-energizes your enemy's engine,
stunning the tank and leaving it immobile for a brief time,
which is perfect for stopping an enemy from escaping with your flag.
Viking's overdrive increases the firing rate for the equipped turret,
which makes it great for clearing the enemy base
as your teammate moves in to steal the flag.
For turrets like Freeze, Firebird and Isida, where the firing rate cannot be increased,
the overdrive increases damage instead.
Magazine, area-of-effect, and overheating turrets
lose their disadvantage for the duration of the overdrive.
So, Freeze gets an infinite energy gauge,
Hammer gets a bottomless magazine, and so on.
Dictator's overdrive is simple.
It's the one we've had in the game up until now.
It provides a full set of supplies and health recovery,
and plants a mine from your tank, as well as from your teammates close by.
Only the visual effect will change.
Titan's overdrive plants a protective field generator when activated.
This field enhances the defence of all friendly tanks within its radius
AND REPAIRS everyone under the dome.
Of course, anyone who moves out of the area of effect, loses its protection.
And if you're sporting a 50% protection module AND sitting under a protective field,
your enemy's shots will do nothing more than tickle you.
And finally, Mammoth's Overdrive,
which makes you indestructible for the duration of the effect,
with the added benefit that anyone touching your tank, explodes.
Of course, with great power comes great… lack of speed.
Yes, you'll be tough and unbeatable, but also as slow as a tortoise.
The new overdrives will bring to the game
a level of variety that is difficult to compare with any other update.
This means that a mistake on our part could bring very painful consequences,
which is why everything needs to be tested a hundred times… and then some.
So some of you might be thinking,
Guys, we appreciate the enthusiasm, but no, Overdrives are still not ready for release.
As they say… the devil is in the detail.
As for challenges, we were planning to launch them in November
so that the first one would end in December.
But there's been a change of plans.
We've decided to push back the date,
so that the first challenge starts a little closer to the New Year.
That way, the holiday action will be included in the challenge.
TO mobile news.
The sale of Early access bundles has REALLY picked up speed,
and we've almost reached the finish line.
Once we reach 10 thousand sales,
the rewards will increase by 50 thousand crystals and 5 containers,
plus the special Photon paint,
which is currently only available by purchasing the bundle.
At the same time, Mobile Tanki is about to spread into new territories.
Next week, we're planning on releasing the mobile version
in the remaining European countries, with the exception of the CIS,
which includes the countries in this list.
This will be the penultimate step before TO Mobile gets a worldwide release.
eSports news.
The 11th Clan Championship will go down in history
as the tournament where the top places remained undecided till the very last minute.
Five clans fought tooth and turret for the coveted title:
WooDPeckers, Peppers, Penguins, Synergy and Eternity Advanced.
Eternity Advanced and current double champion clan Synergy
clashed violently in the Grand Final.
The confrontation lasted ten heated and intense rounds in five formats,
but in the end Eternity Advanced ripped the victory from Synergy
with a slim, one-point margin.
If you missed the livestream for the Grand Final,
you can find the link to the recording in the V-LOG's description,
as well as an article about the championship.
Alongside the Clan championship,
we also had the conclusion of the group stage for the SandStorm tournament.
The winners of each group will now meet in the Playoffs,
and the draw will be broadcast live this weekend.
Want a piece of the action?
Get your team together and start practicing.
Tournaments are always running!
Last week, you had to shoot a video on the theme "How Alterations help me".
Let's watch the best entry.
For next week, let's see some gold captures.
It's been a while since we've had that topic.
We're looking for beautiful, spectacular, NON-STAGED gold box captures.
So the theme is "how I caught the gold box".
Make sure your video is shot in a matchmaking battle,
and that you're wearing the Red paint.
That's all, folks!
Next week, instead of the V-LOG, we'll be having a livestream.
We'll be discussing the latest updates, the upcoming New Year's promotions,
and handing out promo codes.
See ya!
Last week, we were opening containers
and you had to guess what would drop from the final container.
The correct answer is D, the Prodigy 2.0 paint.
Here are the winners.
And here's the new question.
Homemade Snowmobile | Project 17 hp | Episode 4 - Duration: 4:49.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse S 350 d AMG Line | Prestige Plus | Pano.Dak | Rijassist | Comand - Duration: 1:09.
Make Them Hear Your Story | Felisha Legette-Jack - Duration: 5:10.
- I think that these young women,
if we really care about them as people,
they'll have role models that look like them.
Because they're gonna play four years for whomever
and then they get the opportunity to go in this world,
and they're not gonna find anybody that looks like them.
And they're gonna have to figure out how
to navigate at a different level.
I hope that they get encouraged
and understand ... the fight isn't easy. It's necessary.
- Oh, I was gonna play forever.
There was no way I was gonna do this coaching thing.
I think it's crazy. I thought my coaches were crazy.
And then something strange happened my senior year,
the year I was gonna be an All-American.
I went to catch a ball over my head and blew my knee out,
and I had to watch the game from the bench.
But when I watched it that year,
I knew that was something I was supposed
to at least try to do. And then when I graduated
that following year I had an opportunity to go overseas,
but I said, "I think this is what I'm supposed to do."
I became a high-school coach for a couple years,
and then I just jumped right into the fire.
I was an assistant coach for 13 years,
and I was O.K. being an assistant coach.
But I knew after my dad passed
that I wanted to have my son experience my mother.
The only two jobs that were open was Hofstra and Albany.
Hofstra called first.
We're gonna make Hofstra a Final Four team,
that was my mindset. And after four years
we were on our way, building that,
and that's when Indiana called me.
And I knew that I needed to go
to Indiana for a lot of reasons.
One was they didn't have a coach
for two years in a row, they had two different coaches.
I went there to win basketball games,
but I knew Indiana wasn't the most diverse place.
But I thought, my little crazy self,
that I was gonna be the one
that changed the way people saw people.
That was my whole motivation,
but there's certain things outside of it you just ...
my son hadn't seen an African-American kid in weeks.
If he doesn't come to the gym and see them
on his basketball team and the neighborhood I lived in,
there was never a person that looked like him.
After a while you get concerned.
I was O.K. at work, coming home I had my husband and son,
but my son needed to have that diversity
with people that kinda look like him.
That was a real struggle because my first three years
we were amazing at Indiana.
Those kids gravitated to me. I expressed myself to them.
I had a top-20 recruiting class at Indiana when I got fired.
But in retrospect, I needed to leave there.
Sometimes God steps in, and I'm a very faithful follower.
And when you think that you're supposed to be somewhere,
He steps in and takes you where you need to be.
And so I thought that I was ready to be out of the game
because that was so shocking.
I interviewed for a couple jobs,
and before I left those jobs,
I was already denied the opportunity.
And a young lady named Anucha Browne,
she saw my last year with Indiana,
so when I was out of the job for three months
she called me and said, "You know, we got this opening.
The people that we're interviewing don't seem like a fit.
I don't think you're gonna get the job,
but I think you should start interviewing
so you can be ready when your time comes again."
It was a simple thing like that.
Somebody saw me, believed in me enough,
gave my name to a guy that was hiring,
and I was able to get in front of him.
And by being in front of him, I got an opportunity.
It's that simple.
I just really want people that struggle,
who lost opportunities, to know
that there's people out there
that's fighting with them and for them.
If you can be you and be totally comfortable
being your authentic self, and be willing to lose your job,
keep your job, but never change who you are,
that's all you can do.
Good job, good job.
I wanna win, not just go, "We're No. 1
we're Buffalo." Yeah, we're Buffalo, we win,
but that's your moment to capture the audience
and tell your story. Who are you?
You're from Australia. You're from Rochester.
You're from a single parent. You're from a mother
that raised five kids.
You matter, your story matters,
but nobody cares, until you make them care.
You make a choice every day. When you know you're
the best person for the job and you say,
"I'm not gonna say anything until somebody asks me."
You made a choice to be second.
Be right, be wrong, raise your hand and speak.
Kota Srinivasa Rao Back To Back Scenes Full HD | Ganesh Telugu Full Movie | Suresh Productions - Duration: 17:36.
Michel Drucker, il va mouri.r, le diagnostic désespéré de son médecin -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:30.
Uomini e Donne: crisi d'ansia per Teresa, costretta a lasciare lo studio | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:02.
J. Daval: pourquoi l'autopsie d'Alexia trouble ses proches - Duration: 6:57.
My Cafe: Christmas Update Announcement! 2018.13 - Duration: 6:39.
Hey, Everyone, I'm Ola, and today we are going to play My Cafe: Recipes and stories.
In this video I'm so glad to announce Update 2018.13, which is
going to be all about Christmas and New Year's so let's go!
So this is it!
Christmas update is already here, and take a look at that! I see ski, and someone
has already gone into the cafe. The whole exterior is really beautiful, and we see
gifts, and everything is lit, all the trees are decorated, and we also have
beautiful benches. All in all, everything is covered with snow, which is also
really beautiful! So what is this update about? Actually, guys, a lot of things! So,
first of all, what you see right here is actually the new season. So let's click
on it, which means that during the three festivals you will be able to earn
trophies, and those trophies will grow your fir tree. When you gain 500 trophies
in the festival you will unlock the first level, and it means that the fir
tree will start giving you one diamond per day till the end of the season.
6000 trophies mean two gems per day, and 22,500 trophies mean free gems per day.
There will also be a premium Christmas tree, which you will be able to purchase,
but I will tell you about it in my next video. So far, the dates of the season are
December 7 till December 23. You will have this fir tree for 17 days, and
during all those days you will be able to get free gems per day.
this is not actually it, guys! Those of us who are at level 30 already, will be able to get to
level 31. Yes, guys, this has finally happened! And the end of the year is
celebrated with the new story, which gets us to the new level! This is going to be
a story about Felicia and Elsa, again. Wow, Elsa is becoming
really popular in My Cafe, and you will be able to dig into their
friendship, resolve their conflicts, and help the ladies with this. When you get
to level 31 you will definitely be able to finally purchase the Iceberg, but
actually even if you don't get to level 31, the Iceberg table for four and the
Iceberg menu have been moved to level 30, and now you will be
able to purchase them even now. Besides that, we already see that there is some
new style (and actually it's not the only one) take a look at that! Pink lightning!
And I want to show you a screenshot of a cafe to show you the example how it can
look like. Actually, it will look even nicer at level 31, 32, and 33.
I think ,so there is much more to strive for! The game is not ending, not at all!
And there will be new stories, and new levels, and new equipment! Yes, guys, new
equipment - maple syrup, is going to be available at level 31, but first of all,
let me finish with the interior. We will also have new styles in the French style
now: this is going to be a new Champagne style. Wow! This looks so wonderful! Just
take a look at that - the chairs look like they're cork holders for champagne. And,
in all, you could think that what could be more beautiful than opera at level 30?
But, no, we also have Champagne.
Another sub style which we are going to have is
an American retro: we will have Philadelphia! This is all checkered and
red. I think that some items and decorations for example, the cola cap, and
retro clock, and Yum Yum will definitely fit in there., also available at level 31
32, and 33. I will be able to show more of that and show you the prices on that in
my next video, so don't miss it! and right now let's go further. I have already told
you about the maple syrup, and actually it will bring new recipes, like maple
Americano, Maple milkshake, Forest Delight ice cream. Oh, I adore Maple syrup! Please,
write it to me in the comments, which recipes with maple syrup do you actually
like, or whether you like the maple syrup or not. So, we also have cakes, and
we will also have some special recipes with maple syrup, as well. Get to level 31
and you will be able to unlock all of that!
Definitely, this is a Christmas update
so let's go to the interior and to the simple items: we will have a lot
of decorations here, like mini Christmas tree, Christmas star flower... Actually, a
lot of that! So, you will be able to decorate your cafe for Christmas, I
think this is going to be really nice and beautiful. Let's
go to the township, though, and actually the whole Township is also decorated.
There will be snow, and even our characters' homes are decorated with
different Christmas items. and our leagues will be also decorated with the northern
lightning, and just take a look at those balloons! they're also covered in snow!
we have new equipment, we have new substyles... This is the beautiful loading screen, we
will also have something for everyone starting from level 7. And you are
probably waiting for a new car, and yes, it has arrived and we have a new
character: his name is Andy. Actually, quite handsome young man, though I don't
see his handsomeness through his beard. And actually his story is real is so
touching! He's looking for his father and we have to find his father among all our
customers. If you have any idea of who he can be, please write that in the comments.
So, to help him find his father, fulfill his orders and you will have 17 days to
do this. This is a little bit more than usual.
Andy arrives on December 5 till December 21, and the last day when you can meet
him is actually December 21. Then he will leave on January 6, and you have to
fulfill 30 of his orders, and he is going to give you some gifts: a gold gift,
in the end, and several bunches of gems.
He will also give you some more unique items,
but I will tell you about this in my next video, and so far this is it.
So this update is going to be huge, so it's going to be a lot of fun!
I really hope you will like this update, at least if you like this video, put your
thumbs up and subscribe to my channel, let's play together! Don't forget to click the bell
to get all the news about the game from my video.
I have also rewarded 5
best comments under my previous video, and the list of the winners is right
here: the pink gifts will be waiting for you in the game. If you also want a pink
gift, please leave your comment under this video on YouTube and tell me why you
are waiting for update 2018.13. I will be really glad to
read your answers, and I will also choose five best comments by next Friday, so
don't forget to leave your player ID: this is a combination of numbers in the
bottom right corner of the game settings. Till then, let's wait for the update, have
fun in the game and see you next time bye, bye!
VANCOUVER, Canada Travel Guide | Little Grey Box - Duration: 8:50.
Hey guys Phoebe here from Little Grey Box Now Matt and I are in beautiful
Vancouver uncovering a few of the best things to see, eat and do
now these tips are perfect for anybody who wants to experience Vancouver in the
summer but only has a couple of days and a very limited budget to do it
Let's go
Located at the north western edge of downtown Vancouver, Stanley Park has been
a designated green space for over a hundred and thirty years it's a really
It's a really popular spot for visitors and locals and it is easy to see why
you can visit beaches, wander trails lined with beautiful cedar, fir and hemlock trees
visit the Aquarium, check out the sea wall there are cafes, plenty of spots for
a picnic and of course you can hire a bike and whizz around
For the very best free views of Vancouver you want to head right here to the
High View Lookout at the Cypress Provincial Park. Now we have a hire car so we drove
up here super easily there's a parking lot you can just jump out spend some
time have a picnic and get a sense of the size and scope of Van City
As you can see the Capilano Suspension Bridge is a real favorite among tourists
I mean it's absolutely packed and I'm freaking out I've really bad social
anxiety and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to bring myself a get on there
cause it's a little bit claustrophobic so in addition to the suspension bridge
you can do a cliff walk and there are some cool tree top adventures too there's
plenty of food to eat a little bit of shopping you can do at the Trading Post
I just want to make this clear I'm not afraid of the heights
I'm afraid of the amount of people on here it's freaking me out
If you have shocking social anxiety
proceed with caution
if you're a normal functioning human enjoy yourself
We're in the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Garden and it is beautiful
If you love gardens like I do You wil love this one
Vancouver's Chinatown is one of the largest in the world and for those on a
budget it is the perfect place to explore on foot and take in a little bit
of local culture and history along the way Behind me is the Sam Key Building and it
is the narrowest building in the world I know what you're thinking Phoebe it's not
that narrow but I want you to take a look at the two different paint colors
that dark paint... that's the Sam Key Building
Now we've been walking around Gastown and Chinatown for a couple of hours now
and there are a few people on the street who might be homeless or a little bit down on their luck
if you aren't from a country that has those kinds of issues you may find it intimidating
but honestly, we've had no problems
as with any country, anywhere in the world
just be a safe traveller and keep your wits about you
You can't come to Vancouver without visiting it's oldest neighborhood, Gastown
Now this area grew from a single tavern founded by John "Gassy Jack" Deighton
way back in 1867 and is now grown into a charming, historic and quaint part of
beautiful Vancouver. There are lots of boutiques, shops, gret places to eat
and of course the iconic steam clock which you see behind me
walk around, dip into shops, grab a cheap bite to eat from somewhere like The Warehouse
where all food is $5.95 and experience Vancouver
You can't come to Canada without trying poutine
now Matt and I are both vegetarians so we're here at Mean Poutine
where the gravy is herbivore friendly
What the heck is poutine? If you've never seen or heard of it before it is a French Canadian classic
they take perfectly-cooked crunchy french fries
cover them in gravy, cheese curds
French onions and there are a whole bunch of other toppings you can try too
hot dog, look at those cheesecurds
oh that is so good
it's amazing
Traditional Canadian foods and delicious budget eats do not get any better
than these bad boys
You are staring right down the barrel of a box of Tim Bits, if you don't know what a Tim Bit is
look it comes from Tim Hortons, hence the name Tim and the bit, well...
they are essentially donut holes so just a little round, bite-sized
tasty morsels of donut and they are so good
Now this box of 10 cost me $2.29
absolute bargain
We're at the Granville Island Brewery on you guessed it, Granville Island
Now I saw this handle for maple cream ale, maple cream beer
all the way over in Calgary and I was like when I get to Granville Island I have to try it
I thought it would taste exactly like maple syrup, it doesn't
It tastes just like....
The Granville Island Public Market is perfect for anyone on a budget because
it has a wealth of food that you can try
Now this is the first time my deprived Australian eyes have ever laid themselves on perogies
My dad is Canadian, he has been talking about perogies since before I can remember
now what they are is yummy yummy dumplings filled with
all kinds of great things like meat, cheese, potato and onion
I'm really excited for this this feels like a big life moment
Is that seagull?
That's not a seagull...
It's a chicken
That's a chicken...an aggressive looking chicken
that thing is huge!
If you love great views you will love the Sea to Sky Gondola it's about a
45-minute drive from downtown Vancouver now the views up here are stunning
they're absolutely incredible there are loads of trails, food, you can bring your
own for a picnic one thing I will say obviously this isn't a super budget
option but if you are going to splash out on one experience this has to be it
so far, this is my favorite thing we've done
As the sun begins to set, I recommend coming right here to the Shannon Falls Provincial Park
where you will find the incredible Shannon Falls Now they are the third largest falls in British Columbia
the drive will take you around 35 to 40 minutes from downtown Vancouver
but if you've done the Sea to Sky Gondola it's 1 or 2 minutes down the road so you can easily pop in
When we were looking for someone to stay it was really hard for us because it's was peak
season it's super expensive so we went on Airbnb and.... yeah we stayed in
North Vancouver at the Airbnb for two nights and then we went to Walmart
bought all brand-new camping supplies and we headed out to a little campsite
called Porteau Cove near Squamish. It's $20 a night for a walk-in site at Porteau Cove
and the views are incredible, Porteau Cove is stunning you've got the cove, you can swim out the front
there are mountains in the background the sunsets are incredible
I love it
Thank you so much for watching you guys we hope you found this video helpful
if you don't already be sure to subscribe, join our travel fun family
and say hello in the comments below have a great weekend and we will see you next week
Love ya!
PRÉSENTATION 2.0 - Duration: 3:12.
Oyster Example - VERY EASY SUPER EXPRESSION - SUBTITLE - Duration: 20:25.
Poinsettia Christmas Card Ideas - Duration: 9:42.
Le message de Laura Smet aux fans de Johnny | News French - Duration: 6:40.
How To Wait (When You Really Want To Have Sex) #Boundaries - Duration: 6:51.
Hopefully, or if you're watching this video,
you already see the value in waiting to have sex until marriage or as I like to
say, find love before sex.
So in this video I'd like to talk about how to actually wait.
How can we set ourselves up for success? If we've made the decision to wait,
well, the first thing you must do if you plan
to be successful is set good boundaries upfront.
No boundaries equals no self esteem. The boundaries you keep are indicative
of how little or how much you respect yourself,
boundaries are your friend. The reason I say this is because good
intentions don't mean jack. It's only what we're actually able to do
that matters. The enemy doesn't give a shit about what
you tried to do. Let me share a story with you.
A few years ago, a female friend that I'd known for some
time and I reconnected.
She was going through something and I pulled her close to my group of friends
and immediately I started to see that she was making better decisions and was
being positively influenced by the group.
We had a level of comfort because we had known each other a long time and we had
come from similar backgrounds, so we began spending more time together
just as friends. There was some physical attraction there
on both sides, but I was praying about who to date next
and was really waiting for God to give me a green light on someone and up until
this point He hadn't said anything about this girl or anyone else;
although I was enjoying my time with her and we continued to grow closer.
We had never been physical in any way, not even held hands.
There were some minor flirting and I thought it was a dangerous situation,
so I talked to her about it, but we both pretended like that could
never happen because we were "such good friends".
I ignored the red flags and the next time that we spent together watching a
movie alone at my house, we wound up having sex.
It was a huge blow for me at the time. I had been abstinent for three years.
I was very outspoken on my stance on this subject.
I was on leadership at my church and I really just believed that I was stronger
than that. I had every intention of saving myself
for marriage, but once we started kissing,
I couldn't pull the emergency brake and stop it.
Things got out of control quickly and it almost ended our friendship and in
hindsight I see that I wanted the benefits of having a girlfriend without
the actual commitment and it was my fault because I hadn't set stronger
boundaries. In order to set your boundaries,
you have to know yourself and you have to be very honest with yourself about
what you can and can't do.
When it comes to dating. For some people,
their boundary might not be spending time alone together.
Others may not be able to even kiss or hold hands.
The main thing as the Bible says is to "know
thyself" and don't try to see how close you can
get to the fire without getting burned. Even my friends that don't believe that
Jesus was the son of God, will say that he was at least the the
most enlightened person that ever walked the earth.
And what did Jesus say about sin? He said,
"if your eye causes you to sin,
gouge it out." Think about that.
Can imagine gouging your own eye out? How painful that would be and how
extreme that sounds? So when I get friends,
asked me if it's okay to cuddle or, spend the night at each other's house
while they're dating. While there might not be anything
technically wrong with cuddling per se, I would ask is it worth it?
Because I understand that not cuddling someone you're dating sounds extreme,
but it's nowhere as extreme as gouging your own eye out.
I have many friends, girlfriends especially that miss that
aspect of a relationship and while cuddling may be innocent to them,
it's not always innocent to others, especially if that other person isn't
committed to waiting until marriage to have sex.
Spooning leads to forking! The old.
"I just wanted to be held"
may be true, but all that matters is what you're able
to do. Again,
intentions count for nothing. This is why I recommend before dating,
decide where your boundaries actually are.
Decide where your line is before ever putting yourself in a compromising
situation so you don't make a mistake. Trying to decide when you're already
horizontal is a bad idea. I won't lie,
keeping strong boundaries will cost you. Boundaries are like diets.
They're easy to set, but they're difficult to maintain.
They require discipline. I personally removed all obstacles from
a life that would prevent me from succeeding.
For example, the boundaries that I now keep
personally for the last three and a half years are I made a decision not to spend
time alone with women because I know it's dangerous for me given my past and
my weaknesses in that area. I might ride in a car or go to the
movies with a female, but I wouldn't have one at my house or
go to her house and watch a movie if it was just her and I.
another thing I did in order to pursue this path was I gave up drinking alcohol
several years ago and one of the primary reasons I did it was because when I
drank, I feel promiscuous and I used to
rationalize drinking because drinking in itself isn't wrong,
but it was causing me to make mistakes over and over again so it had to go.
I can't tell you how much more productive this one decision has made me
and it all stemmed from my desire to wait to have sex until marriage.
Again. I made all these decisions for selfish
reasons. I honestly believe that this is the best
strategy for finding true love and longterm happiness.
Plus, I didn't want to burn a friendship hurt
another person, damag the faith that other people have
placed on me and lose credibility, get stuck with the wrong person in
verbally or get an std, get someone pregnant.
Does that make sense? But hey,
those are my boundaries and I admit they are up pretty far,
but if I'm serious about having all the things I want most in life,
and if you are, then I suggest that you have to make
these certain sacrifices in order to put yourself in a position to succeed.
If you're just starting out, I will warn you,
it is lonely.
It is hard. You will be depressed at times.
It's an emotional rollercoaster. It's literally what I imagine going
through withdrawal to a substance must be like,
but on the other side of it, there's this beautiful freedom that
comes with it. The Bible says,
"no discipline feels pleasant at the time,
but painful. Later on,
however, it yields a harvest of righteousness and
peace for those who are trained by it." So be willing to go through it.
No one gets to their promised land without going through the wilderness.
The wilderness is uncomfortable. It's unfamiliar.
Sometimes it's flat out painful, but know,
there's something greater on the other side for you if you make the journey.
What's your vying for here isn't a small thing either.
This is the life you've always wanted and the person created for you just to
share it with. Focus on how good the prize is at the
end of the wait. Lastly,
I'd recommend seeking out a mentor who can give you good advice and
accountability in the area of your relationships.
Church is a good place to start and you'll find people there that share
these values and it won't cost you anything.
Having a good support system is crucial. Surround yourself with people headed in
the same direction or you'll never make it.
If you're looking for support and encouragement,
join the conversation in the Why Waiting Works Community on Facebook and until
next time, thank you.
Flashback Friday: Which Type of Protein Is Better for Our Kidneys? - Duration: 5:53.
Brigitte Macron en Argentine, un séjour surprenant qui la mettra dans ses états - Duration: 1:28.
F/GO Christmas Event- Main Quest (4th Night): Merry Christmas in the Labyrinth - Duration: 23:37.
Merry Early Christmas again, everyone!
I have a good news for y'all:
So I already cleared out all of the lottery lineups,
as you guys can see.
I already got my Crystallized Lore and all of the Dolls with the Exchange Ticket.
Apparently, I got lucky
and got a Doll, the Ticket, and the Lore
at the first try of each lineup.
That's why I finished the lottery in a very short amount of time.
So anyway, I will continue to get all of the items in the lottery
so I can get all of the EXP cards to level up my Servants.
New events coming in so fast that I can't level up my Servants fast enough...
Without further ado, let's enjoy our fourth night!
This fight is very unnecessary...
Just get to the presents already...
No need for Hyde this time.
Okay, let's get to part two!
I think I forgot something important...
Aw... dang it...
I forgot the watermark is still enabled...
This is why I don't like DU recorder that much.
I need to watch an ad every day in order to disable the watermark...
But I don't remember every day!!!
Awe... how sweet...
I love the music when Santa Island Mask comes out.
So that's it for this video, guys!
Thank you for watching!
Got three Log Breads there.
Anyway, thanks again.
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel for more F/GO contents.
And I don't think I will need to do anymore free quest spamming...
now I think about it...
Anyway, wish you the best, and I will see you guys in the next video!
J. Daval: pourquoi l'autopsie d'Alexia trouble ses proches - Duration: 6:57.
2004-2008 F150 Eibach Pro-Truck Sport Rear Shock for 0-1" Lift 2WD/4WD Review & Install - Duration: 4:14.
So the Eibach Pro-Truck Sport rear shock is made for stock to 1-inch lifted '04 to '08
F-150s and this is going to be probably the best upgraded shock available for under the
$100 mark.
Eibach is obviously a name that you've probably heard.
They are kind of the gold standard in the world of shocks and struts and overall suspension
components and off-road damping and it's safe to say that this will provide a huge upgrade
over those factory shocks, especially if those shocks are busted or leaking or overall, they're
not doing their job anymore.
Now, Eibach is obviously a name you've probably heard before, especially if you've shopped
around for suspension components and you've looked for upgrades for your truck.
And it's safe to say that the Pro-Truck Sport is no exception.
This is a physically bigger shock, it has bigger rods and pistons on it, has a nice
zinc coating on it, so it's safe to say that this is built to go off-road and handle a
lot more suspension travel than your factory setup.
And on the note of that factory setup, these actually cost about the same as stock replacements
from Ford so it's safe to say if your shocks are busted or leaking, you might as well go
with a good upgrade like this one.
This does install quite easily.
I'd actually give this a very simple one out of three wrenches on my difficulty meter.
You're simply removing two bolts and nuts, one at the top and one at the bottom of the
factory shock and you're reusing them when you install the new ones so there's no customer
hardware that you have to install besides the shock itself.
So again, if you want a good upgrade, you take your truck off-road, and you want to
get some better suspension travel and overall control when you do go off-road, go ahead
and take a look at the Eibach and without further ado, I'm actually going to show you
how to get this installed.
To install your new shocks, you'll need the following tools, standard drive ratchet, a
15-millimeter socket, and an 18-millimeter wrench.
An optional tool includes a cordless impact.
So removing your stock shock is pretty straightforward.
For that, you're going to need that 15-millimeter socket and that 18-millimeter wrench.
Now you can do this on the ground with your suspension under load.
You won't have any issues removing the shock that way, but since we do have our truck up
in the air, we are supporting our rear axle with a pole jack just to take a little bit
of pressure off the shock.
So now, we have our factory shock removed.
You guys can really see the big differences here between the original old and busted and
our new one here.
Clearly, this nice, zinc-coated, polished finish obviously stands out and if you were
curious, you could see that the new shock is physically larger than the factory shock.
Obviously, it has improved damping.
It has stronger pistons and rods inside and that's where you get that added capability
It's safe to say that this thing will be able to take a lot more travel, a lot more abuse
than the factory shock.
You won't have to worry about this thing busting out or leaking out and thus losing all that
Now throwing this shock on is the same exact process as the factory shock.
You're going to reuse those factory bolts and nuts and I'm also happy to say, on a side
note here, the mounting locations on the new shock do use rubber bushings like the factory
shock so you're not going to get any added noise, vibration, or harshness when you do
take this off-road.
Now, installing the Eibach shock is, as you would imagine, the same exact process as the
factory shock so we're actually going to reuse those nuts and bolts so let's go ahead and
throw our new one on, shall we?
So once you got one shock bolted up, you're going to do the same thing for the other side
and that will wrap up our very easy install.
That also wraps up my review of the Eibach Pro-Truck Sport rear shock fitting your '04
to '08 factory to 1-inch lifted F-150.
I'm Travis.
Thanks for watching and for all things F-150, keep it right here in americantrucks.com.
ถ่ายทอดสดหวยฮานอย ในวันที่ 30/11/61(ตรวจหวยฮานอยวันนี้) - Duration: 51:58.
1000 Subscribers - Duration: 8:38.
It is time to celebrate. My name is Zdenka Darula. I work as a photographer and I
just reached my first goal few days ago which is getting 1,000 subscribers. So
how did I get 1,000 subscribers organically? What are my thoughts and
Before I get to the rest of the video, I would like to thank all of you who did
subscribe to my channel. You are the one who pushed me through the challenges of
getting started on YouTube here and I wouldn't be here without of you. So thank
you very much.
What did it take? How long did it take? What are my suggestions? What
are my thoughts? What do I think?
Now before I get into all that, let me take
this off please. Why did I even start posting videos here in the first place?
Well this is better. Just chilling on a couch.
My hobby is figure skating. Yeah. Well some of you will be probably raising
your eyebrows right now and thinking.... Wait. What is she talking about? This is
photography channel. Yeah, I know. Just wait.
I hit 40 when I sign up for figure skating lessons and all I knew is how to
go forward, stop and a little bit of the forward crossovers.
And you know naturally I wanted to see my progress so I recorded myself with my
cell phone when I was by myself on ice. And I and I wanted to share with my
family. Mainly the overseas part, so I kept
uploading it on YouTube and I didn't do any of the search engine optimization
stuff no keywords and stuff like that. That came much much later. I simply
called the videos Adult figure skating progress one month, Adult figure
skating progress two months and so on. And out of nowhere
people started subscribing. It kind of made me laugh and a little bit
embarrassed too. I was thinking who is watching 40 year old how to learn how to
figure skate? And then I realized later that people were getting highly
motivated by this. They saw my videos, what I was able to learn in one year and
I'm able to jump and I'm able to spin.
And then I was deciding if I want to bring this figure-skating channel to the
next level, but I treasure my figure skating hobby. It's a hobby and I really
don't want it to become a job. And since I work as a photographer, it was only
natural for me to open up a photography and a videography channel. It is
something I'm truly passionate about and I can honestly just say I know it well.
So when you open up a channel, nobody knows about it yet. You are not gonna
get many views. And as bad as it sounds, it's actually a good thing because those
first few videos you will be making will be videos where you will be learning how
to make the video, put it together, upload it on YouTube and how to do all the
search engine optimization. And I actually still remember how
uncomfortable I felt when I was making my first few videos. I couldn't deliver
any of the lines. I had a paper sitting right underneath my camera and I had to
read every single word. I just could not deliver it. ....a former model with 16 years
of experience. I was represented by agencies such as Velocci, Next and
Elmer Olsen.... and now that I made over 40 videos I no longer feel that
uncomfortable. I actually feel pretty good. The more videos I'm making it feels
more natural and sometimes it actually feels like I'm chatting with you. This is
my treasure box. This is where I keep all my goodies when I do photo shoots and
it's time to put those things away. Well my biggest fear here on youtube was the
fact that English is my second language and the fact that I have an accent. I
have a Czech accent. I struggled with it during my acting years back in in the
past and I still remember every single time I went to the audition I heard
again please but no accent this time. And this is something I absolutely love
about YouTube. Nobody's asking you to do it all over again without an accent. You
can completely create your videos and you can work with whatever you've got.
So don't get frustrated that you don't have any subscribers yet. Focus on your
content and the value. If you're gonna give the viewer what he is looking for
she's looking for, they will want to watch more videos from you.
And once the subscribers start showing up, create your own little community. You
know read their comments, respond to them. Say hello. You know care about your
subscribers. And in that time I'm here on YouTube I've met so many cool people
here. I had so many amazing chats with them. It totally feels like we became
friends over this time, right? And you know I gotta say how many times do you
meet somebody on the street who has the same interest or their same hobby? Not
too much, right? How many times do you meet somebody who is a photographer or
videographer on the street. Not too many times. You know those comments people are
gonna be leaving for you will give you strength to continue.
That's exactly actually how I feel. Every time I see a comment and I'm like alright,
thank you. Let's quickly get on the next video and it's gonna be even better than
the last one. Back on the coach. I know. Well by doing all these
common-sense steps you will grow your organic base subscribers. Well there is
no shortcuts my friends. No shortcuts. So my message to you who is starting your
YouTube channel. Is brand new here. Focus on your content. Just keep creating keep
uploading. Don't look at the subscribers number. I know it's very hard. Every time
I get a new subscriber I'm like thank you thank you thank you please come
again. Yeah it's hard. Just don't look at the number, ignore it. Keep creating. Make
new videos all the time. And finally message to my subscribers. Thank you very
much one more time. You are all very special
to me. I promise I'll have these videos coming up more and more and they
will only get better for sure. And as always if you liked this video
please give me thumbs up and don't forget to hit the subscribe button. If
you have any questions or comments or simply want to say hello, just do so in
the comment section below and you know I'll read them and I would respond them.
So thanks so much again. And I'll see you next time. Cau. Ahoj........thank you.... You will be back.
Can you say that because you kind of sound German. I'll be back... I'll be back..... Zdenka
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