This commentary is still a work in progress, and not all battles are commentated right now.
These subtitles will be on screen for very little time. Pause the video to read them better.
After battle 50, almost every trainer uses sets 3 and 4 of each Pokemon in their roster.
The only common exceptions to this rule are legendary Pokemon and Kommo-o.
In this video, AI Pokemon will be referred to as [Species][Set Number]-[form], e.g. Muk3-Alola.
In the case of Pokemon with ambiguous sets, all possible sets will be listed instead of one number. e.g. Raikou123
I use Substitute here both to check its set and to bait a potential Z-move from set 4.
Set 4 has Thunderbolt, so setting Suicune up is not an option, and Tri Attack makes setting Salamence up risky.
Nevertheless, I go to Suicune anyway; this ensures Gliscor has a safe switch opportunity.
From here, it's a simple matter of PP stalling Tri Attack through repeated use of Substitutes.
As the Tree AI does not use PP Up, repeatedly switching or using Substitute-Protect to drain the opponent's PP becomes a very powerful and very common strategy.
Just make sure you either know the move's base PP in advance or have a lookup tool ready, and don't lose track while counting multiple moves.
Skip to 1:35 if you don't want to see me PP stalling Tri Attack in full.
At this point, Shadow Ball is the only move that can damage Gliscor.
The AI prefers using recovery moves when, at the start of the turn, they are below 60% of max health.
However, this is not top priority, as they will ignore restoring HP in order to secure a KO.
Occasionally they will also ignore Recovering to attempt to break a Substitute.
This makes the AI's behavior inconsistent, and so I always play it safe, at the expense of time and some of Gliscor's defensive PP.
Both Porygon2 sets have Ice Beam, and neither have Recover.
However, Substitute invalidates slower Pokemon.
I use Earthquake here, both to not stale Protect and conserve defensive PP.
Metagross4-Mega cannot OHKO Gliscor even with a crit Meteor Mash, and EQ is a 2HKO in return. Even if Metagross gets an attack boost and wins the 1v1, Suicune can finish it off.
Punk Guy Etta uses Pokemon with Intimidate.
However, abilities are randomized, so this Mawile ends up with Hyper Cutter instead.
Nothing much to see here, just PP stalling this Mawile completely dry.
Go to 5:56 to skip draining Play Rough and get to something else.
After Play Rough is depleted, Mawile3-Mega becomes prone to using both Sucker Punch and Swords Dance.
Used Toxic here to try and deplete Sucker Punch.
It has one more Sucker Punch here, but I decided it would be too risky to try and deplete Iron Head as well, and hoped for a favorable move.
Staraptor has 2 sets: A choice band set and a flying-z set.
Intimidate here is good, since that means it isn't Reckless.
That damage confirms the CB set.
Here I was trying to sac Gliscor to safely get Mence in. Not the brightest idea when this trainer has two threatening electrics that haven't been ruled out yet.
Anabel is seven times as rare as the other "special" trainers.
Nowadays I would go to Suicune on this Lucario and either set up 6 calm minds (set 4) or bring Mence back in and set up (set 3-mega).
Roosting here is risky because of possible Paralysis.
After the Paralysis proc, I wanted to sac Mence to get Gliscor in safely - these dances are intentional.
Now, I'll drain the remaining Body Slams since Crunch doesn't break my substitute.
Then I'll EQ it to death and ensure a sub for the last mon.
This happens at 10:29.
Body Slam actually has a 1/16 chance to not break Substitute, and that happened here.
Ace Trainer Tamah's roster contains Normal, Fairy, and Ground-typed Pokemon, as well as Rotom-Fan.
One of the Rotom-Fan sets has Choice Scarf, and is liable to Trick it before Mence has gone mega. This prevents me from going directly to Gliscor here.
Trying to get as much health back here before going to Gliscor. Having Thunder proc a para is pretty common here (21% chance if it uses the move)
Rotom cannot select a move that would damage Gliscor, so it switches out.
As Earthquake was used last turn and Rotom-Fan's ability makes it immune to the move, it can switch in.
Breeders use Pokemon specialized in Trick Room.
This Gigalith (set 4) is very unpredictable when it comes to boosting with Curse, and Toxicing it immediately becomes important.
My aggressiveness paid off here, allowing me to keep a Substitute up after finishing it off.
The AI uses Payback unpredictably, sometimes choosing it over more effective moves.
Waiting for a boom...
Efficient use of Custap Berry.
Yes, this set has Explosion. It used all of its other PP first.
...oops. I should have Protected here instead.
Klinklang3 is a Shift Gear set that prefers to use Giga Impact instead of its STAB move. Also it has volt switch for some reason.
Wanted to burn my sleep turns here, in case I needed Suicune against Klinklang3.
But I shouldn't, because Salamence sets up fully against this Muk.
... but past me decided to not even try and go for a sub.
Aether Employees are some of the few trainers that only use set 4 of any species.
Kangaskhan4 is a scary Mega set with Double-Edge and Sucker Punch.
Went for Icy Wind here to allow Gliscor to outspeed Kanga if things go wrong.
While Gliscor cannot touch Minior, set 4 is prone to exploding.
Noivern is very scary because it can have Infiltrator, nullifying a huge part of this team's defensive strategy.
However, this one didn't.
Veteran Xio uses Fairies. Among these, Sylveon uses sets 1, 3, and 4, while Florges uses sets 2, 3, and 4.
The Misty Seed is only used by set 1, which is annoying because it has Tail Whip, along with only 10 damaging PP.
As can be imagined, Suicune does not appreciate being at -2 defense against Mimikyu.
Especially not when Icy Wind misses.
Doing the math here, Mimikyu took 57 HP of recoil, leaving it with exactly 73 HP.
This Mimikyu cannot KO Salamence with +1 Play Rough and does not have Shadow Sneak.
It has to burn its Z-move to win the 1v1 against Salamence.
It also can't 2HKO Gliscor with +1 Play Rough.
This Mimikyu was checkmated.
However, I still play it safe and use Sub to ensure I don't lose to a single crit.
Now that Mimikyu has taken the slightest amount of recoil, Earthquake is a guaranteed KO.
Savir's roster consists primarily of Electric-, Steel-, and Psychic-types.
Similarly to Rotom-Fan, one of the Manectric sets is liable to Switcheroo its Choice Scarf immediately, making a Gliscor switch unsafe.
Before we move on, let me say that the next battle haunts me in my dreams.
Never before when using this team had I came so close to losing, and it's pretty apparent why.
Punk Girl Edda (not Etta) has a roster consisting mainly of Poison- and Dark-types.
This Rotom is liable to use Will-o-Wisp, so I can't go to Gliscor safely here.
Substitute is the only real play.
However, one of the sets also has Volt Switch...
...oh. Hope it's the mega set and just explodes into a sub.
... Oh, dear.
As you can imagine, an Ice-type that outspeeds Gliscor and has OHKO move access is the biggest possible threat to my team.
Moody is just the icing on the cake here.
Given my panic, I misplayed this battle. Giving Glalie3 free Moody boosts is the last thing you want to do.
At this point, Glalie has enough SpA boosts to make it use Frost Breath against Gliscor, enough Speed boosts to make Icy Wind an unviable choice, and enough Defense boosts to shrug off +2 Returns.
The only consolation is that it has -3 Accuracy.
Going straight for a Sub since I didn't want to chance it getting Accuracy boosts, and if it lands Frost Breath on Gliscor I pretty much lose regardless.
Time for the moment of truth...
And from here, Glalie is no longer a threat to my team.
Now it's time to fight back.
And with a last mon as favorable as this, the win is secured.
I went over this battle in the Vs. Recorder three times.
I actually won in all of my mock battles.
Make of that what you will.
(To skip to the end of this battle, go to 33:45).
In the first mock battle, Rotom wisped my Substitute turn 1, and Glalie did not receive a defense or evasion boost, so a +1 Mence beat it handily.
In the second mock battle, Rotom immediately Volt Switched out, as in the actual battle.
Glalie proceeded to get 2 Evasion boosts but no Special Attack.
I attempted to sacrifice Salamence by repeatedly attacking, but both of my Returns hit.
In the third mock battle, Rotom Volt Switched to Glalie, as in the actual match.
However, it immediately got a Defense drop and did not raise Speed or Evasion, so Salamence cleanly OHKO'd.
Veteran Ignacio uses set 3 and 4 legendaries.
Here, I attempted to stay in and wait out Taunt turns.
This isn't the best strategy, thanks to the numerous Levitators that Veterans are capable of switching in.
Here, I was taking the possibility of Gliscor eating a Specs Meteor for up to 95% of its health.
However, it turned out to be the Mega set, which Gliscor can Toxic stall.
Commentary has not yet been added to battles from this point forward.
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Are you the owner of the sheep?
I think they are coming from the farm there.
Yea, there jumped over there, yea they got a sheep fence there. they probably jumped over it over there.
I saw they went there on the road, to the bushes.
Then I will inform the farmer
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