The Most Satisfying Videos How would it be if crushed bullets
For more infomation >> The Most Satisfying Videos How would it be if crushed bullets - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
NIOH - Rusty boss fight, - Duration: 8:17.
Oh yes , a new try on
"Clap" lol
Damn.. Super saiyan Mode!
暗諷吳音寧?柯P開北農新總座兩條件:專業、願進議會 - Duration: 3:03.
SECRET!!! SHOOT QUOTA FREE XL 5 GB 5 DAYS - Duration: 2:08.
【副業】副業で10万円稼げる方法があります。今流行りの メルカリ が熱い!! - Duration: 5:18.
David Hallyday que de « mensonges », son avocat s'en prend à Laeticia au tribunal - Duration: 2:18.
T. Ramadan: Méditations, derrière et au-delà des barreaux - Duration: 7:07.
8 Surprisingly CHEAP things in France! - Duration: 9:27.
Salut YouTube how are you guys going I hope everyone out there is doing well.
As you guys can probably tell looking behind me
it's getting pretty wintery here in Paris it's in the middle of Sunday
afternoon right now and it's already very dark and very grey outside. Today I
wanted to have a chat about things that I've found surprisingly cheap in France
and of course I'm not talking about $2 Thai Street food cheap but as I'm living
in Paris in a big city and a very developed wealthy kind of expensive
country and compared to maybe London New York other big cities I've
been to I find this stuff incredibly cheap even in comparison to New Zealand actually.
So the first thing that I find pretty cheap very reasonable at least in
Paris and in France in general is the cost of transportation so public
transport. So in Paris we get around using the famous Navigo card and this
Navigo card will set you back 75 euros per month okay maybe it's quite a lot of
money compared to where you're from but we get unlimited transport on all metros
all buses from zones 1 to 5 of the city so we can get all the way out to the
airports using this card and don't have to buy extra expensive special tickets
to get to the airport which is really handy and if you're working for a
company in France they actually legally have to pay for half of this card for
you so I personally only pay around 35 euros per month for unlimited transport
all around the city. Then every big city seems to be really well equipped with
trams with buses sometimes with metro lines underground lines like in Lyon for
example so overall I find it's really well equipped also every major city has
a bike hire system or electric scooter hire system as well, super cheap, we're
talking like 19 euros per year for an annual subscription to this kind of
service obviously it's so much cheaper for me to live in Paris
to use public transportation then it would be to live in Wellington and on a
car and having to pay for the registration fees having to pay for the
petrol, repairs, maintenance, you name it. Now the next one is maybe a little bit
controversial and I'll tell you why in a little bit but I find the health care
incredibly cheap in France I don't think anyone can argue with that
of course it's controversial because most French people tell me yeah but we
pay for that and that's absolutely true we do. Personally I feel that we do pay
quite high taxes in France compared to what I'm used to
however look what you get for it basically the state Social Security
covers all emergency care most doctors dental visits all of that kind
of stuff you're usually reimbursed up to like 80-90% percent if not a 100%
in the majority of cases. Now in certain situations for example if you
need new reading glasses you may only get a certain amount of money to spend
you know you're reimbursed up to 200 euros or this kind of thing and if you
want more advantageous policies and if you would like to top that up and make
sure that you're covered up to 100% whenever you go to the doctor whenever
you go to the dentists that kind of thing
you take of course a private health insurance now I find this private health
insurance incredibly cheap it depends on which company you work for if you're
working because they do negotiate deals with the insurance providers but I
personally pay 25 euros per month for my private health insurance what this means
is that I have up to 600 euros to spend on new glasses and frames for example
I've never paid for a dentist a doctor if you get referred to specialists for
example dermatologists gynecologists this kind of thing fully reimbursed.
My partner on the other hand pays more like 45 euros per month because he's in
a different company so it does depend, or his mother who's retired she actually
pays 80 euros per month she's not working she's retired and she pays more
money than we do for her private health insurance however in the grand scheme of
things 80 euros per month I think is very very reasonable for
private health insurance and to know that no matter what happens to you
especially if you're an emergency situation if you get a long-term illness
this kind of thing you're so so well covered in France. The next thing I find
super cheap in France is a gym membership. So gyms here are very cheap compared to what I'm
personally used to. The kind of entry-level gym in Paris so you've got
sites all over Paris city centre is Neoness and we're talking about 25 euros
per month to both access the gym and go to all of the group fitness courses so
you know you've got like all of the Les Mills courses Body Pump you've got
boxing you've got Pilates you've got yoga you've got all of that kind of
thing for around 25 euros per month. In New Zealand would be paying about the
equivalent of probably almost yeah 15-20 euros per week for the same service.
The next one isn't really good for the planet but it's extremely cheap its
bottled water in France so you can literally get six big bottles
so maybe 1.5 litre bottles of water in a pack for 2.30 in the supermarket
you can buy bottled water big bottles like this you know 1.5-2 litres for 80 cents
it's incredibly cheap and I'm not sure why of course this isn't the case if you
buy it in for example a train station or a cafeteria you'll end up paying 2 3
euros for a bottle of water so always go to the supermarket but once you hit the
supermarket to get sparkling water, bottled water it's incredibly cheap.
Another thing that I find super cheap and this is probably you know just
completely normal all across Europe, but if I have any Australians New Zealanders
watching, it's phone and Internet. So to give you guys an idea we have a
landline phone from which I can make unlimited calls for free all across
France and the world to other landlines so I call New Zealand for free no problem
whatsoever plus our high-speed internet plus my mobile phone on which I get 15
gigabytes of data per month free calls, texts, unlimited whole
package, we pay about 40 euros per month - that is super cheap. In New
Zealand we haven't even figured out unlimited internet on cell phones yet we
just don't have the competition I think we've got a few companies that kind of
monopolize the whole industry and so they can basically charge what they want.
Another thing that is super cheap in France is the education so of course
sending your kids to school primary school high school is free I think
that's the same in most developed countries correct me if I'm wrong
however it's when you get to university where it gets interesting
so public universities we're talking like 400 to 600 euros per year to attend
university that's it and most of the time those fees include your social
security for students so again your health coverage and you've got some
enrollment fees that kind of stuff but it's not actually funding the education
itself which is why it's so cheap. In New Zealand the average university year
costs more around four or five thousand euros per year more like the UK so to
speak. The next thing that I find super cheap is the electricity because France
has so much nuclear electricity it definitely brings the price down
compared to what I'm used to in New Zealand they have 90 percent renewable
electricity sources so it's maybe you know better for the planet but we
definitely pay for it and in France I think you know given I'm in a
one-bedroom apartment in Paris so it's not the biggest possible space to heat
but our electricity bill averages around 40 to 50 euros per month when we were in
our small studio it was around 25 euros per month so there's both the
electricity itself and the fact that over here it's just a different
mentality when it comes to electricity it's extremely rare to come across a
tumble dryer in France for example tumble drying your clothes is generally
avoided, it if it's cold you put on more clothes, you don't
have the heat pump absolutely cranking and this kind of thing
so I think there is a mentality thing and the price of electricity which just
keeps the cost very very low. Another thing that's notoriously cheap in France
which kind of makes sense you know supply demand is the wine
apparently French wine is incredibly cheap I feel maybe like six euros per
bottle something like that for a good one and I'm seeing apparently and I
don't know what I'm talking about really because I don't actually drink alcohol
but all my friends and family who've visited like oh it's so cheap the
alcohol here so that's a bonus. So that's what I had on my list today for the
surprisingly cheap things in France if you guys want me to do a video on the
surprisingly expensive things in France I'm more than happy to do that as well
let me know if you'd be king for that video down below and if you haven't done
so already please think about giving this video a thumbs up and subscribing
to my channel if you aren't already I'd love to have you part of the
community I release new videos every single Wednesday so that's it for this
time guys I will see you guys next week in another instalment of Not Even
French and until then I'll say bisous and à bientôt!
Stigma-Rotary® Jet Tattoo Machine with Grip and Advanced Cartridge System - Duration: 1:04.
Visit for tattoo machines, tattoo inks, tattoo needles/cartridges, tattoo aftercare & more!
Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Calix - Duration: 5:35.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Eric Berry Injury: When Will Chiefs' Safety Return? | - Duration: 3:37.
Eric Berry Injury: When Will Chiefs' Safety Return? |
Could the Kansas City Chiefs get their Pro Bowl safety back at the perfect time? They just might.
Heading into the 2018 NFL season, the Chiefs weren't sure exactly when they would get Eric Berry back into action.
It's been well over a year from now when Berry went down with his heel injury during Week One of the 2017 season.
Now that the Chiefs are a few months into the 2018 season, Berry was still unable to play, or even practice up to this point.
Finally, though, the Chiefs received some excellent news.
As the team gets prepared to take on the Oakland Raiders for Week 13, Eric Berry is in attendance at the Chiefs' practice facility with the intent on practicing for the first time in a very long time.
Berry Back to Practice?.
All throughout the year, the Chiefs have been at the top of their game.
Although their defense is unquestionably the weakest side of the ball, they have still fared well with their high-powered offense to this point.
It's not a matter of if the Chiefs make the postseason.
It's a matter of when they do.
Therefore, Berry doesn't need to be rushed back into action.
Right now, the return of Berry is just another plus for the Chiefs, as they could use the extra helping hand in the secondary.
After allowing over 50 points during last week's matchup against the Los Angeles Rams, the Chiefs sure could use the extra manpower on the back end of the defense.
Getting Berry back soon not only means that they will have him for the playoff run, but it also means that he has a few weeks to whip back into game shape at the right time.
However, don't expect Berry to be a lock to play this Sunday though.
Since the Chiefs have been this patient with his return, there's no possible chance that they rush him back out onto the field after waiting this long.
He will prepare for the Week 13 matchup, but he is far from a lock to play.
If we were betting on it, Berry would probably return for Week 14 when he has close to two weeks of practice under his belt.
决战时刻即将到来 俄军警告北约少管闲事 美:再不走就一块收拾 - Duration: 4:49.
Seat Ibiza 1.6-16V 25 Edition II nette auto voor nog jaren rijplezier apk t/m oktober 2019 - Duration: 1:04.
マレーシアの首都クアラルンプール最古のモスク・マスジットジャメ【Masjid Jamek】/中文字幕 - Duration: 4:28.
Témoignage d'une participante au Bistrot Mémoire Rennais - Duration: 1:57.
8 Surprisingly CHEAP things in France! - Duration: 9:27.
Salut YouTube how are you guys going I hope everyone out there is doing well.
As you guys can probably tell looking behind me
it's getting pretty wintery here in Paris it's in the middle of Sunday
afternoon right now and it's already very dark and very grey outside. Today I
wanted to have a chat about things that I've found surprisingly cheap in France
and of course I'm not talking about $2 Thai Street food cheap but as I'm living
in Paris in a big city and a very developed wealthy kind of expensive
country and compared to maybe London New York other big cities I've
been to I find this stuff incredibly cheap even in comparison to New Zealand actually.
So the first thing that I find pretty cheap very reasonable at least in
Paris and in France in general is the cost of transportation so public
transport. So in Paris we get around using the famous Navigo card and this
Navigo card will set you back 75 euros per month okay maybe it's quite a lot of
money compared to where you're from but we get unlimited transport on all metros
all buses from zones 1 to 5 of the city so we can get all the way out to the
airports using this card and don't have to buy extra expensive special tickets
to get to the airport which is really handy and if you're working for a
company in France they actually legally have to pay for half of this card for
you so I personally only pay around 35 euros per month for unlimited transport
all around the city. Then every big city seems to be really well equipped with
trams with buses sometimes with metro lines underground lines like in Lyon for
example so overall I find it's really well equipped also every major city has
a bike hire system or electric scooter hire system as well, super cheap, we're
talking like 19 euros per year for an annual subscription to this kind of
service obviously it's so much cheaper for me to live in Paris
to use public transportation then it would be to live in Wellington and on a
car and having to pay for the registration fees having to pay for the
petrol, repairs, maintenance, you name it. Now the next one is maybe a little bit
controversial and I'll tell you why in a little bit but I find the health care
incredibly cheap in France I don't think anyone can argue with that
of course it's controversial because most French people tell me yeah but we
pay for that and that's absolutely true we do. Personally I feel that we do pay
quite high taxes in France compared to what I'm used to
however look what you get for it basically the state Social Security
covers all emergency care most doctors dental visits all of that kind
of stuff you're usually reimbursed up to like 80-90% percent if not a 100%
in the majority of cases. Now in certain situations for example if you
need new reading glasses you may only get a certain amount of money to spend
you know you're reimbursed up to 200 euros or this kind of thing and if you
want more advantageous policies and if you would like to top that up and make
sure that you're covered up to 100% whenever you go to the doctor whenever
you go to the dentists that kind of thing
you take of course a private health insurance now I find this private health
insurance incredibly cheap it depends on which company you work for if you're
working because they do negotiate deals with the insurance providers but I
personally pay 25 euros per month for my private health insurance what this means
is that I have up to 600 euros to spend on new glasses and frames for example
I've never paid for a dentist a doctor if you get referred to specialists for
example dermatologists gynecologists this kind of thing fully reimbursed.
My partner on the other hand pays more like 45 euros per month because he's in
a different company so it does depend, or his mother who's retired she actually
pays 80 euros per month she's not working she's retired and she pays more
money than we do for her private health insurance however in the grand scheme of
things 80 euros per month I think is very very reasonable for
private health insurance and to know that no matter what happens to you
especially if you're an emergency situation if you get a long-term illness
this kind of thing you're so so well covered in France. The next thing I find
super cheap in France is a gym membership. So gyms here are very cheap compared to what I'm
personally used to. The kind of entry-level gym in Paris so you've got
sites all over Paris city centre is Neoness and we're talking about 25 euros
per month to both access the gym and go to all of the group fitness courses so
you know you've got like all of the Les Mills courses Body Pump you've got
boxing you've got Pilates you've got yoga you've got all of that kind of
thing for around 25 euros per month. In New Zealand would be paying about the
equivalent of probably almost yeah 15-20 euros per week for the same service.
The next one isn't really good for the planet but it's extremely cheap its
bottled water in France so you can literally get six big bottles
so maybe 1.5 litre bottles of water in a pack for 2.30 in the supermarket
you can buy bottled water big bottles like this you know 1.5-2 litres for 80 cents
it's incredibly cheap and I'm not sure why of course this isn't the case if you
buy it in for example a train station or a cafeteria you'll end up paying 2 3
euros for a bottle of water so always go to the supermarket but once you hit the
supermarket to get sparkling water, bottled water it's incredibly cheap.
Another thing that I find super cheap and this is probably you know just
completely normal all across Europe, but if I have any Australians New Zealanders
watching, it's phone and Internet. So to give you guys an idea we have a
landline phone from which I can make unlimited calls for free all across
France and the world to other landlines so I call New Zealand for free no problem
whatsoever plus our high-speed internet plus my mobile phone on which I get 15
gigabytes of data per month free calls, texts, unlimited whole
package, we pay about 40 euros per month - that is super cheap. In New
Zealand we haven't even figured out unlimited internet on cell phones yet we
just don't have the competition I think we've got a few companies that kind of
monopolize the whole industry and so they can basically charge what they want.
Another thing that is super cheap in France is the education so of course
sending your kids to school primary school high school is free I think
that's the same in most developed countries correct me if I'm wrong
however it's when you get to university where it gets interesting
so public universities we're talking like 400 to 600 euros per year to attend
university that's it and most of the time those fees include your social
security for students so again your health coverage and you've got some
enrollment fees that kind of stuff but it's not actually funding the education
itself which is why it's so cheap. In New Zealand the average university year
costs more around four or five thousand euros per year more like the UK so to
speak. The next thing that I find super cheap is the electricity because France
has so much nuclear electricity it definitely brings the price down
compared to what I'm used to in New Zealand they have 90 percent renewable
electricity sources so it's maybe you know better for the planet but we
definitely pay for it and in France I think you know given I'm in a
one-bedroom apartment in Paris so it's not the biggest possible space to heat
but our electricity bill averages around 40 to 50 euros per month when we were in
our small studio it was around 25 euros per month so there's both the
electricity itself and the fact that over here it's just a different
mentality when it comes to electricity it's extremely rare to come across a
tumble dryer in France for example tumble drying your clothes is generally
avoided, it if it's cold you put on more clothes, you don't
have the heat pump absolutely cranking and this kind of thing
so I think there is a mentality thing and the price of electricity which just
keeps the cost very very low. Another thing that's notoriously cheap in France
which kind of makes sense you know supply demand is the wine
apparently French wine is incredibly cheap I feel maybe like six euros per
bottle something like that for a good one and I'm seeing apparently and I
don't know what I'm talking about really because I don't actually drink alcohol
but all my friends and family who've visited like oh it's so cheap the
alcohol here so that's a bonus. So that's what I had on my list today for the
surprisingly cheap things in France if you guys want me to do a video on the
surprisingly expensive things in France I'm more than happy to do that as well
let me know if you'd be king for that video down below and if you haven't done
so already please think about giving this video a thumbs up and subscribing
to my channel if you aren't already I'd love to have you part of the
community I release new videos every single Wednesday so that's it for this
time guys I will see you guys next week in another instalment of Not Even
French and until then I'll say bisous and à bientôt!
Intel 10-core processor Comet Lake released - Duration: 3:04.
hola! It is Ato. nice to meet you. Starting this fall, Intel and AMD
It looks pretty fun. If the expression was a little, please understand
wish. Anyway, I will speak in my expression.
That's right. Having difficulty in developing 10nm process
The Intel back door is amd 7nm process Successful launch of the zen2 architecture
Suggestive It's new.
It only follows the scenario of amd. If next month December 7nm zen2 architecture
Epic rome processor with embedded formula Will be released. Actually amd will be in 2019 ces
Even after 2019, I can not. This time, Intel's constipation
I think it's pretty serious. .
It will be a little longer ... But Intel just fingers
I do not think I could have watched it. So the sudden news
There is. The 10-core processor, Comet Lake
News. This is another kind of noise
There will be some people. Yes There is no gold.
For simplicity, Lake is a client product
Will be released. amd's rome enterprise Unlike what is released as a target
Be released for general consumers It is. Since the release of amd rome client
I'm going to release a product line. I can not avoid competition.
But this Comet Lake is a little worried There is a part that is.
Even though this news is still rumored Because there is no accurate information
We need to talk only about the leaked information. But
Can adopt double ring bus attachment method There is a theory. Of course,
Ring bus alone can handle 10 cores There is.
This story has flowed Cooling Efficiency in a Single Die Core Design
It seems to be. As you know, the 9th generation
In the case of i9-9900k, I'm having a hard time.
There are 8 core 16 threaded products The heat of 10-core products is quite severe
It can cause problems. Intel By adjusting this core clock
I can solve this problem, Anyway, the results need to be seen more
I think. Intel, however,
Kra card amd ryzen 3000 series Can I fight against
What do you think? This is the video here.
If the video was good, Thank you for your subscription.
Thank you for watching. It was Ato until now. Everyone is happy
Top 10 Best Batman Toys of All time ! - Duration: 8:22.
The Joker broke into the imagine at Wayne Manor Batcave use the bat signal to call Batman
The Joker's taking over not on my watch be quick Batman, so it's this
Whoa made it didn't Batman take that it's over Joker
Imaginext Wayne Manor Batcave comes as shown other toy sold separately
Now guard Gotham City with a punishing our honor set bat-signal blaster and combat utility belt with an arsenal of crime-fighting gear
Now you are Batman
blistering batarangs unleash an explosion of power
and with the power of your blazing bat-signal blaster fire of the night and
Are you ready?
It's Batman Forever armor set utility belt. We back some new blaster sold separately
Mr. Freeze is putting Gotham City on ice that won't stop the imaginext batbot extreme
Imaginext batbot extreme comes its show other toys sold separately
To be treated like
Bacon's so you can come to Burger King and get a Burger King big kids meal served your way with more great tasting food fun
And of course a cool toy ready for 21st century action
I think I can handle this Batman Beyond action toys are now at Burger King. Show me everything
You can collect eight toys and all one with every tasty burger. King big kids meal you buy
Build an adventure with bad news III create construct customized I built the Batmobile with Batman
C3 and the Batcave with the bat computer and the radar tower I built Batman secret elevator - so Joker the joke's on you
Batcave calling the Batmobile Batmobile fire up Joker down
Batcave and Gotham City are safe because you built this Batman adventure with
C3 new pac-man c3 construction Batcave Batmobile batwing each sold separately with everything you see here
Ready to battle in the Imaginext battle Batcave with awesome spinning and
Crashing action. It's the Joker vs. Batman
Who's next in the Imaginext battle Batcave comes it's shown other figure sold separately
Batman vs. Superman
It's the epic strike Batmobile Batman's ready to roll for tech Gotham City in the ultimate battle
vehicle built for speed up enough to conquer any cockpit
Tenon's are its Superman get ready for Heroes to collide
Explosive present damage the battle is our launch kryptonite missiles
Just missed Batman's in pursuit fire got us, but that doesn't stop Superman
It's the greatest superhero battle of all time epic strike Batmobile and figures each sold separately. You can collect them all
It's the biggest Imaginext Batcave ever you can turn the figures to raise the telescope lower the elevator
Launch the rocket and send the Batmobile to catch the Joker and
The bat-boat to chase the penguin then put the bad guys in jail
To the Batcave
That's next Batcave comes a show here other figures of vehicles sold separately
Batman The Brave and the bold
Gorilla Grodd attacks Batman Batman must get the transforming Batmobile and race into action
Watch out for the clip quick transform into fat jets with massive wingspan watch your missiles and take her ihla grande down
Transform back to Batmobile and send this giant gorilla back behind bars
Batman the braving the bull transforming Batmobile and action figures each sold separately
Who's got the firepower to face crime every time no question is Batman Forever the terrified to face strikes Gotham City
But still acre Robin rips in and the mighty flight of attacking Batman puts the fiendish face in his place
And in the sizzling Batmobile Batman White said I'm gonna drive for justice making two-face paid twice the price
justice wins
Even losses no
Figures and vehicles have sold separately batteries not included
More firepower than ever no question. It's Batman
Customs these ultimate battle as the Riddler's brain trap drains your brain
but night hunter dan sets his sights on crushing evil every time and
Hydrochloride and delivers his devastating left low and when that chance soars in the turbo batwing evil is busted from the sky and battered with
A closer surprise. Who's the ultimate answer to crime? No question
Figures and vehicles sold separately
man forever now Batman synergize with bioactive, Texas
power so when the Riddler's blowing minds from his idiocy don't isolate Batman deploys his ski sled as he slides into slammy who
With a different spin
No question, it's Batman Forever
personally sold separately
It's Batman Forever when the Riddler's blowing minds from his hideouts ice blade Batman's employs his ski sled to Slammy
Now the backbone becomes a two-in-one terror
Forlán to blast this vicious river no question. It's been forever figures in vehicle. It's also
What goes on inside Batman's head the Batman Forever micro playsets?
Face the mysterious Batcave with trap door and rapid launch Batmobile attack or reveal the explosive workings of the Riddler's Emily armored
I doubt the Batman Forever micro playsets each sold separately
Now enter the three dimensions of Batman and crush three times the crime in Batman Forever
attack wing Batman uncovers the solution for trapping the crime rate and night hunter Batman sets his sights on defending the darkness in legends of
Batman cyborg Batman has his eye on ending evil for all time
And from the animated series night star Batman makes criminals see stars and antifreeze Batman shields got them and freezes crime in its tracks
Batman Forever legends of Batman and the animated series crushed three times a crime with Batman because he told suffered a
Battle to make evil to another face with the Batman pray
Keep up with the dynamic to multiply them lady Tecna capes to plaster evil way down the drain and with legends of bad
Unleash more muscle and more power to fight crime throughout time
After a Crime Squad legends, there's no place for crime in the world of Batman
Sure laughs ooh, sure. Sure. Yeah
Let's Build Networking Business The Right Way | Yuyun - Duration: 0:51.
I'm Yuyun from FFG Indonesia.
Many people wants passive income,
by building network marketing business.
But in reality,
many people quit midway,
or experience failure.
They think that this business is hard,
not their field,
not suited for them,
and plenty of other excuses.
It's not that this business is hard,
but they fail,
from doing things they shouldn't be doing.
My friend, I will share in FFG TV's webinar,
on December 4th, 2018
at 7 PM Western Indonesia time.
Okay, wait for it! Goodbye!
[SORI] SoRi's First Solo Single "Touch" Photoshoot! EP2 - Duration: 4:45.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Moving on to the next outfit!
We're gonna go outside for this.
(2 Soris?)
(Outdoor shoot in progress!)
(Sori hops around the grass barefoot)
(Are you perhaps Heidi, Girl of the Alps?)
(I guess she just wants to hop around regardless of the shoot.)
(Jumping continues)
(Boasting her flexibility)
(Latex shoot will be next, Stay tuned!)
Abstract Painting Demonstration In Acrylics | Calix - Duration: 5:35.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Maurizio Costanzo rimprovera Tina Cipollari: 'A Uomini e Donne deve ridimensionarsi' - Duration: 11:11.
🔧THE LAST MOVIE - la FIN de full meca bikes and cars - Duration: 2:39.
Cats Festival 2018 REPORTAGE by MicioGatto - Duration: 4:53.
The Festival of Cats, practically the my world! It was really beautiful
see lots of cat lovers gathered together, many objects a
cat theme and also many cats of many breeders who came to the Festival
of cats. I was so happy to participate,
I also met a lot of you and this really made me so much
pleasure. I have already told you in another video of having known Barivel, the
the longest cat in the world, and now there I show a bit 'of images and of
reportage of what happened to Festival of cats
I recommend you write your thoughts, your comments below the video
and hello MiciGatti and MiceGatte!
CAS gestion PME - Duration: 1:41.
Kendji Girac chamboulé, sa déclaration surréaliste à une complice de Sophie Davant - Duration: 1:40.
Karine Ferri très émue, son gros coup de coeur pour ses enfants dévoilé - Duration: 1:28.
Vanessa Paradis au bord des larmes, sa pensée émue pour Samuel Benchetrit - Duration: 1:36.
Ellie Goulding - CLOSE TO ME (Acoustic Cover) - Duration: 2:08.
all right thank you so much for stopping by to check out this acoustic cover of
Ellie Goulding song close to me really loving this song right now if you do
enjoy this cover leave a big thumbs up on the video leave a comment down below
and even know what you're thinking I really want to hear from you guys if you
are brand new to my channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button and England
up on my joke of the day even though
even though everybody
I wanna be somebody
all right I hope you like that now the type of my joke of the day I why do
birds fly south for the winter
cuz it's too far to walk right down Oh Baloo single out now for the leaves
links in the description below go and check out all the leaves you haven't
already heard
Laura Smet et David Hallyday «dernière chance », leur manœuvre pour contrer le plan diabolique - Duration: 1:27.
Isabelle Adjani « cure de jouvence », elle parait 20 ans de moins - Duration: 1:47.
Flowers Rangoli | 8 to 2 Dots Colorful Rangoli [Rangavalli Designs] - Duration: 2:45.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Flowers Rangoli
8 to 2 Dots Colorful Rangoli
Rangavalli Designs
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
Mangalya Balam Telugu Movie Scene HD | Sobhan Babu | Jaya Sudha | Radhika | Suresh Production - Duration: 9:18.
François Bayrou invité de Conversations avec Anna Cabana - Duration: 0:36.
Lexus NX 300h AWD F Sport Line - Duration: 1:08.
ক্যামেরায় ধরা না পড়লে বিশ্বাস করতেন না এগুলো Top 6 Ghosts Caught On Camera DORSHOK_tv EP2 - Duration: 6:24.
Top 6 Ghosts Caught On Camera
Opel Astra 1.4 150pk Innovation Automaat + Navigatie + Camera + 17'' LMV - Duration: 1:10.
Flowers Rangoli | 8 to 2 Dots Colorful Rangoli [Rangavalli Designs] - Duration: 2:45.
Simple Rangoli Designs, Please Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos
Flowers Rangoli
8 to 2 Dots Colorful Rangoli
Rangavalli Designs
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
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