This is Julie Hennrikus from Your Ladders with my #5ArtsThoughts. Now I started my career in box office, and love actually box office and
ticketing. So today is the first of several videos I'm goint to do about the art of ticketing and what you should look. But let's take an
overview. If you are planning performance and you need to ticket, what are the considerations you should take into place
#1, make sure your audience can get your tickets easily. This is really important. Also make sure they can access how to get tickets
easily. So put that on your posters, put that on your Facebook page, on your website, everywhere else that you have information but
make sure there aren't barriers so it's not difficult for audiences to get tickets. #2 consider all of your options. Are you restricted
to the box office system you can use because of the venue you are using? We'll talk about that next.
But, if you're selling them on your own there might be cheaper options out there but what value do they add to your overall project, what
value do they add to your ability to collect names and emails that are so valuable to your work?
So think about. Think about the charges. What can happen, how easy they are to access, how much of a service charge you'll pay v how
much your audience pays. All that should be factored in. But, again, don't necessarily look for the cheapest option it may not be best.
#3 Does the venue you're planning on using have its own ticketing system? If so, are you obligated to use them? What are the costs
How do people get tickets? How soon can you put them on sale?
Factor in all that into your decision-making because that should actually be factored into decisions about spaces as well. Is there a
marketing opportunity? Can you bring a poster in? Can your make sure that you're part of any information they send out? Those are all
valuable additions that sometimes come at a cost, so check on how much the costs are to you as a producer and to your audiences and
factor that in, certainly when pricing your tickets. #4
Make sure that your hold tickets back for tech, for press, for VIPs, for your company, for other folks. You may have a hit on your hands
that you didn't expect. So if you don't have tickets held back then you can't accommodate everybody who needs to be accomodated, and
can be really challenging. Also hold tickets for accessibilty, wheelchair access and things like that. You can always put tickets on sale
later, so you straggle them in, but be conservative at first. You never know if a tech table is going to need to be added
and you don't know what that's going to mean as far as the capacity of the house and how you're going to sell those tickets. And #5
Make sure you get tickets on sale as soon as possible. It's really helpful to meet with the box office manager if you are renting a venue, and
talk to the, tell them about your show. Give them info sheets. Give them as much information as you possibly can in writing so
that they can share it with the folks who are working on the phones or working at the windows. nd understand how they do tickets.
They may be willing to consign tickets, which is giving you a batch to sell on your own. If so, if you've got the capacity to do it, that's a great
option as well but make sure you are lined up and ready to go. Tickets should be on sale or available, and there's no harm in getting them
out onto the market as soon as possible. And then start doing a push two months, six weeks whenever, before your event. But if people hear
about your event and they wanted to get tickets, make sure that can. That's a valuable asset. As I said, I'm going to talking a lot
more about box office and ticketing throughtout these #5ArtsThoughts, but if you have an idea or a question you
want me to cover in these, please comment below. Also make sure that you are subscribed to this YouTube channel, like us on Facebook
and on Instagram, and that you've checked out Your Ladders, both the blog and the
classes we're offering. The whole goal is to help
artists, performing artist primarily, to get over the obstacles in their paths. so thanks so much for
listening to today's five arts thoughts. I'll see you next time.
For more infomation >> Ticketing - Duration: 4:27.-------------------------------------------
Ttop foods that gain weight for babies | Gain weight food for babies - Duration: 2:51.
top foods that gain weight for babies babies
sweet potatoes sweet potatoes are easy to boil and mash they are tasty
nutritious easy to digest and healthy they are also rich in vitamin A vitamin
C vitamin b6 copper phosphorus potassium and manganese the best vitamins for kids
to gain weight in weight
breast milk breast milk is the best source of weight gain for babies till
one year followed the w-h-o recommendation of breastfeeding your
baby exclusively for the first six months and frequently after that when
breastfeeding make sure you empty one breast completely before moving to the
next this is because the milk the baby gets at the beginning of the feeding is
the thinner for milk and the fat rich Hyndman comes after that
eggs this powerhouse of protein should be introduced to kids only after they
complete 12 months eggs are rich in saturated fats proteins vitamins and
minerals you can serve them as an omelet scrambled boiled egg rice or french
banana bananas are among the most popular first foods for babies for a
variety of reasons they are naturally sweet can be mashed without any
equipment and don't require cooking they're also an excellent travel food
for babies and kids being an energy dense fruit makes it ideal for helping
babies gain weight and it also provides dietary fiber potassium as well as other
minerals and vitamins
peas peas are among the most nutritious vegetables that can be introduced as
babies first solid food after crossing six months it is very high in dietary
fiber thiamine vitamin C and high in magnesium niacin phosphorus and vitamins
A b6 e six
ถ่ายทอดสดหวยฮานอย ในวันที่ 29-11-61 - Duration: 46:01.
《妖精的尾巴》Fairy Tail - 里出現過的龍大全!誰最強?|中文字幕cc| - 魔導少年 - 大劇焦點 😎😎😎😎 - Duration: 6:21.
Resultados En Vivo Sorteo Intermedio Miércoles 28 Noviembre 2018 Loteria Nacional de Panamá Numeros - Duration: 1:16.
Audi A4 1.8 TFSi 170 PK 6-Bak Avant S-Line - Duration: 1:05.
Audi A3 Limousine 1.4 TFSI CoD Ambition Pro Line S - Duration: 0:54.
Tesla Model S 60 Panoramadak Luchtvering Camera Stoelverwarming 85 Zondag a.s. open! - Duration: 0:56.
Dan The Man Stage 9? (and also other things) - Barry Vlog #2 - Duration: 7:26.
Yes hello there fans.
It's me.
Barry steak fries here
on the Internet.
It is great to be
with you. Doing my very
video blog vlog
as the kids
the kids call it.
Although since I'm Barry
maybe we should just call them
b-log because Barry
or a b.s. blog
for Barry Steak...
we'll keep workshopping them name there we
won't we fans. The important thing is I'm here
with ya I've been told to
just give this video
internet blog thing
a go.
Here we are.
As you can see the classic
jet pack machine
gun thing.
Now this is a great one.
It's got these things out here's where the bullets
come out. You can see this yellow bit up
and it's great. You strap it on
and off you go.
It's got these little wires.
Yeah did I mention this bit
for the bullets.
You know it's the original.
It's the best.
Looks really good.
And of course causes
a lot of unnecessary damage which can be good.
On the flip side it can also be
quite expensive to run given that
it fires 6000
rounds per minute
and it's louder than a Soviet
jet fighter taking off
directly from your face.
Alrighty fans well
the marketing folk.
Seem to be a good idea for us
to answer some questions
some inquiries from
the old Barry steak fries
fan club out there
but there's nothing else,
I love it's
keeping it real keeping it in touch
with the old fans the
common man out there
I'm not too good
to be in touch
with all of you guys so
let's just click on the old
should be able to find some.
Here we go we got some questions coming through
from the fans.
This first one is from bigpete2233.
Good name there. Thanks Big Pete Thanks
for watching.
Your question is will there be
a Dan
The Man stage nine?
Well that's a great question.
I can't really answer that
I'll be sure to tell Dad The Man.
You said hi.
Alright cheers Big Pete.
Let's go onto this one this one's brawler4eva505
asks Where's Stage 9?
Frowny... Frowny face is
that what a frowny face.
Is that how they do frowny face.
Question mark question mark.
So his where's Stage Nine.
Right. Well once again
their brawler4eva.
Not really my area.
I am Barry steak
Dan The man.
Thought he was too good
to do a video blog
but I am not
too good for it.
Or too busy so I'm here
and he's not.
So I can't answer that about.
Stage Nine
but thanks thanks for watching.
Next what
Margin99 Thitayanun .
Is that how you say that.
He writes. Will there be a Dan The Man Two.
Yep Don't
know. Next.
Melissa Munoz
stage 9 Dan the man O
dan the man 2.
That's not even a question.
That's not even a question. Who cares who cares
what dan the man is doing you're here
with Barry Steakfries.
Dan The Man's of walking around
the forest
and throwing stuff
Ninja stars boring.
Who cares. you're
with me Barry Steakfries.
I can have some Barry Steakfries
related questions maybe.
Where's the Da..
Where's the Dan.
I don't know.
I don't know! the Barry the
Barry is here. You could ask me questions about
jet packs
or about my upcoming
solo album.
Would you like fries
with that? The Barry Steak fries
Gonna have a bit of this.
or maybe a bit of this BARRY STEAKFRIES.
that's Just a little sample.
That's what you get.
If you hang out with me Barry.
Don't worry about Dan The Man
Anyway let's find another question this one here.
That's Dan That was about Dan.
are all these about Dan The Man?.
Is anyone?
Here we go.
Here we go Slayerkiller999.
Writes First
Alright my friends time for an exciting new segment
here on the Barry
Called let's play.
Where I start playing a computer
game and make comments on it.
That seems to be what the
kids are into for some reason so let's pick
a game out of the hat
and this one is
Jetpack Joyride.
All right let's go.
Strpping on in.
That nah that was that's alright that's just
a practice run.
Alright, here we go.
oops oop hahaha.
Little bit rusty little bit Rusty fans.
Don't worry Barry's on it.
alright Here we go. This is the one.
Come. what?
You're Not.
You're not supposed to touch the yellow
Think of the old version you're supposed to touch em.
I'm pretty sure normallyI'm really really
good at this obviously it's been a little
while 'cause I've been busy.
with my solo album.
Here we go this one.
Oh yeah.
Nah, hang on.
No no no this can't be the real.
Is this is the normal version?
I don't think this is the normal version I normally
need the really hard version because I'm so
good at this game.
Yeah there we go.
Sorry I got a really really high score
there but camera ran out
ha ha ran out of film
and won't be able to show you that one.
Thanks for thanks for watching me dominate
that game.
Carlos Ghosn : Un "parachute doré" versé par Renault ? - Duration: 3:54.
Pet Connection 11-29 - Duration: 0:48.
Toy Guns Box of Toys for Children Learn Colors with Toy Weapons - Duration: 7:07.
Toy Guns Box of Toys for Children Learn Colors with Toy Weapons
Automotive Direct Mail - IS IT DEAD? - Duration: 7:19.
oh you're thinking that Direct Mail is dead for your auto repair shop on this
video I'm going to prove to you that it isn't I'm gonna show you a legit way
that you can use this right away and I'm gonna give you a dirty little secret
that no one else will tell you so buckle up we're gonna start right now oh and by
the way put your wallet away cuz there's nothing to buy here! I'm Matthew Lee the car
count fixer thank you so much and welcome to car count hackers we're all
about growing your car count incoming profits so that you can change the
lifestyle of everyone you care about so are you ready to get started why am I
talking to you today about Direct Mail instead of Instagram ads or Facebook or
you know Adsense programs I'm talking to you about direct mail for three
important reasons number one it works when it's done right number two it's
targeted number three it's so cheap to get started there's absolutely no reason
why you don't jump into this today understand that virtually every day I
talk to repair shop owners who are asking me questions about how to get
more car count and how to get more profits in their repair shop and when we
get into talking about the number of customers they have they tell me numbers
that are virtually outrageous they tell me they have two thousand five thousand
ten thousand customers on file spoiler alert if you have five thousand
customers you wouldn't be watching this video but let's get back into direct
mail look I know that you've got two hundred five hundred even five thousand
customers on your database that's great but understand this ten percent of
America moves every month so you're looking at your customer list and you're
saying why don't I have enough car count so why don't we understand how to do
direct mail properly well let's start by developing your postcard first that's
the cheapest way to get started number one any piece of advertising has to have
a powerful headline and I've got an entire video I'll link up here about
headlines and how to use them to attract more customers secondly don't forget
some of the basics you want to have your return
address your postcard should always have a picture of you the shop owner include
your title underneath it and there should always be room for two or three
short testimonials about who you are on the back of that postcard you want to
have a kick-butt offer something that makes them stop in their tracks
pick up the phone and call you to book an appointment on top of that you can do
a whole bunch of other things if you take appointments on your website be
sure you include a link to your website where they can book an appointment so
can you see yourself putting this together so now let's jump into actually
creating a dirt-cheap postcard before I do all that I gotta inject a little
technical stuff here understand that according to USPS your postcard has to
be at least three and a half by five inches and no more than four and a
quarter by six inches long I know it's a little small but when you keep it down
to that size USPS first-class postage rate is thirty five cents at the time of
publishing so what can you get for thirty five cents I know virtually
nothing so now that you've got the elements for your postcard let's work on
the design so start with the design size that starts at eight and a half eleven
then divide that in half one way and then in half the other way now you've
got space for one two three four postcards so now you're gonna work on a
design that's four and a quarter by five and a half inches and that's gonna hit
the USPS first-class postage rate of only thirty five cents when you send
those postcards out with all the design elements that we talked about earlier in
this video you're gonna have a return address on that that means any one of
your customers that's moved you're gonna get that mail back what do you do when
you get the mail back simple you've got choice of one or two things number one
you can delete them off your list but before you do that pick up the phone and
call them contact that customer it could be that you just got the address
incomplete maybe they give you a street address and didn't include an apartment
number or a unit number so you want to pick up the phone and talk to that
customer before you just delete them off your list so what's the dirty little
secret we talked about earlier it's this if you follow my directions
use a headline on your postcard include a kick-butt offer and by the way if you
haven't already downloaded by one-page worksheet fill in the blanks on how to
develop your own kick butt offers you could do that and I'll leave a link in
the description notes below but do that and here's the second part that no one
else will tell you at 35 cents worth of postage you're going to check all the
addresses of every customer you can't fire up your car for 35 cents
and drive halfway across town see if mrs. Jones still lives there so doing it
by a simple postcard you're killing two birds with one stone you have an
opportunity for an advertising opportunity to generate work and get
your customer back into your shop secondly you're double-checking that
mrs. Jones still lives there and you're technically cleaning your list then when
you have a clean list you're going to be in a far better position to send out
targeted direct mail and no waste involved so I hope I've answered all
your questions with respect to design and doing this so once you've got all
those basics of the design done all you have to do is send this over to your
local print shop or even the office supply printing department and they'll
run these just be sure you tell them you want this run on what's called cover
stock it's a heavier material and it's adequate for postcard mailing but having
done that if you follow everything I've shown you here with respect to the offer
the headline and everything else you're doing two things number one you're
contacting your customers and giving them a kick-butt offer to generate car
count number two you're technically cleaning your list and while you're here
if you have any questions about this you can go ahead in the comments below and
leave me your questions whether it's respect to design or actual you know
doing this or if you want to talk to me personally there's a link below where
you can ask me any question and I'll give you a personal response after that
you want to go ahead and follow the link below to how to double your car count in
89 days it's a brand new free training course that you can register for now I'm
going to show you how to market your repair shop in any
I don't care who your competitor is I don't care whether it's a new car dealer
big box chain store or even a national chain of auto repair shops even the
mobile guys I'll show you how to actually get customers to refer you and
show you how to get customer reviews all the time build your business because
times are starting to change you need to get involved so go ahead and do that
in the mean time my name is Matthew Lee the car count fixer I can't wait to see
you on the next video better yet can't wait to see you on the
training course go ahead and smash that subscriber button and let's get started
talk to you soon take care
Kokosový olej - Mýty, pravdy a jeho účinky na zdravie | GymBeam | Ján Král - Duration: 7:43.
How to Make Fairy Princess Crowns for Dolls - TUTORIAL DIY - Duration: 19:56.
Hi I'm Traci Akierman the designer and creator behind KeLibu.
I make patterns for 14 to 20 inch dolls as well as videos like this one showing you how
to enhance your patterns and how to make cool accessories to go with your
outfits. If you haven't already subscribed, consider doing so and hit the
notification bell so you always know when I post a new content.
Today, we're going to be making these crowns fit for a fairy or a princess. Let's get creating!
Hi thanks for joining me today. So let's go over what we're going to need for
this project. The first thing you're going to need is wrapped wire. This is
sometimes called grapevine wire, sometimes wrapped wire, basically it's
about a 14 to 16 gauge wire on the inside that's had this natural raffia or
something similar wrapped around it. We're gonna be using that as the base
for our crown. Next thing you're going to need is some raffia or floral tape that
is in a complementary color to the wire so you can hide some of the things that
you're going to add to the crown. This is optional but today I'm going to be using
this leaf trim to wrap around my crown. So if you have something that you'd like
to use you can go ahead and do that, otherwise it looks great without it as well.
You need either some pearl or crystal picks which are basically just
wires with a pearl or a crystal on the end. Or you can make your own. I'm gonna
show you how to make your own because I couldn't find any in an appropriate size
near me, so I'm just going to use some little pearl glass seed beads and some
little insect charms that I found as well as some 32 gauge beading wire to
make the picks. And lastly you're going to need some sort of embellishment to
put on the front of your crown. I have some resin flowers here
that I'm going to be using today. You could use a bezel-set gem, anything like
that anything that you think goes with the theme of your crown. Next you're
gonna need a couple of tools ...let me move these things out of the way a bit. You're going to
need some wire cutters. You're going to need some pliers. I have jewelry pliers
here but you can use needle nose if you'd like. You're going to need a glue
gun ... and this is a low-temperature glue gun that I'm using because I find I can
manipulate the glue a little bit once I've added it without burning my fingers.
And some e6000 or Craft Goop glue is probably going to be your best bet for
gluing your charm on to the front. So you need to take your doll that you're going
to make the crown for and probably pull her hair back into a ponytail just to
keep it out of the way. Unwrap a good section of the wire from the coil.
Now with this crown, we want it to come sort of to about here on her head. It's not
going to wrap all the way around but of course the design is up to you. I'm just
going to be doing a double V today. So I'm actually extending it past the point
that I want it to reach when it's done because I'm going to double it back and
I'm going to bring it to the middle of her forehead. And then just using my
fingers, or you can use pliers, I'm going to make a V. Now that's sitting pretty
nice, what I'm gonna do with this end piece is bend it around like that in a U
because eventually I'm gonna bring this back around. I'm just gonna try and get this
as even as possible. So I'm making another bend here.
Bringing this around. I want my V to be in roughly the same
place as the top part. And now I'm gonna cut this off and then I'm gonna work with it.
After a bunch of fiddling around, you should end up with the shape that
you're pretty happy with. And then you need to take care of this joint so...
You've got this piece and this piece and you're going to overlap them like that.
So just take your glue gun run some glue along there hold the two pieces together
until the glue sets. And then for a little added security I'm going to take
a piece of raffia and just wrap it around there.
So starting on the on the inside, I'm gonna put some glue
and then start wrapping it around.
That's just gonna help keep that joint secure and hide it a little bit.
This is a really fiddly thing to do on camera but I'm giving it my best shot. The raffia
is gonna want to split on you. That's okay just force it into submission.
Okay I've come to the end of my piece so I'm just gonna put a dab of glue there.
Hold it down. Here's why I like the low-temperature
glue gun because I can actually press that raffia into the glue and it doesn't
burn my finger. Having said that though, please exercise caution because I don't
want you guys to burn yourselves. Okay so we've got the base for our crown.
We've got the end covered in raffia. If you're a fan of symmetry you might want
to wrap some raffia around that end too just to make them look even but by the
time you get done putting your embellishments on you're probably not going to notice that in much anyway.
Now we have to make our picks that I was
talking about earlier. So you need to cut about three or four inches of the thin
wire. put a bead on to the end of it, bring the bead to the middle and double
the wire. And then pinching the wire between your fingers really close to the
bead, just give the bead a couple of turns and then just keep twisting the
two pieces together so they become one. And you just need to make however many
of these you think you're gonna want to add to your fairy crown. So the process
for doing it for the little charms is the same.
I 'm just going to cut about three to four inches of wire off, get my little insect
threaded on to the wire, double it up,
pinch close to the end of the charm and twist.
So that one's ready to go. So you just need to make as many as you want to put
on to your fairy crown and then we'll go on to the next stage.
I've got my crown ready to go. I've got a bunch of picks made up. I've got my raffia and glue gun
within easy reach and I've got my trim. So this is a kind of a long piece of
trim, so I'm going to cut it down just to make it easier to weave in and out of
this. So I'm just going to measure it along the circumference of the top of
the crown and add a little extra.
And starting with a dab of glue on the inside edge, I'm going to affix the trim,
let it set, and just start winding it around my fairy crown.
Now how loose or tight you want to wind this is totally up to you.
I'm going to keep it sort of taut so that I don't have to do much in the way of
securing it apart from just wrapping it around here. But I am going to frequently
check to make sure that I like my leaf placement.
And that it's going to stay in place.
So ideally I'd like some of my leaves pointing up and some pointing down.
So I think what I'm going to do is actually secure it with a little bit of glue here.
Just put the tiniest little dab. That micro tip glue gun is really helpful for that.
So I'm gonna get that in place and then I'll keep winding.
And you just keep going like that until you have the trim placed where you want it, securing it with glue as needed.
I have secured my trim all the way around.
I have tried to get rid of most of the glue strings that come with using the
glue gun which are so annoying. And originally I was thinking I was going to
put this trim around the bottom as well but I think that might make it look too
busy so I'm just going to go ahead and leave it on the top only. My next step is
to figure out where do I want to add my picks. So the nice thing about these
being on wire is you can add them. If you don't like where you've placed them you
can move them around, though this thinner wire is a bit brittle so you need to be
careful not to manipulate it too much or it will want to break. You also need to
be careful not to stab yourself with it because it can go into your fingers
pretty easily since it's so small. So I'm going to go around and add... I've added one
little insect guy here. I think I'm going to take two of these together two of
these pearl beads
and let's see ...wrap them like that.
So I'm just placing them on to the base. Wrapping the wires around and around to secure them.
I've added all of my little picks.
And I'm pretty happy with the placement so if you wanted to, you could just leave it like
this if you don't mind the wire showing but I don't particularly like the way
that looks so I am going to go ahead and cut small sections of my raffia.
And using my trusty glue gun, starting from the inside, I am going to just wrap the
raffia around my base to cover up the silver wire bits. Now it's always best to
try and start it on the inside and end it on the inside. So I put a drop of glue
there, cut this off, and smooth it into place. And I've got one little straggler
there so I'm just gonna add another tiny dab of glue. Push it down. Hold it in place 'til it sets.
Get rid of the annoying glue strings and now I've covered up this
section and all that's showing is the little pick. So I'm going to go ahead and
do that all along this bottom wherever I have
wire wrapped. And then we'll proceed to the last step, which is fixing at the
front so that you can glue on whatever gem or adornment that you've chosen for the front of your crown.
I finished wrapping around the frame of
the crown everywhere that I've added a pick. And I'm ready to move on to the next
stage so, because I'm going to be placing my resin flower in the center here and I
want to glue it on with E6000 because I want to make sure that it
really sticks and hot glue is not going to do the trick.
What I'm going to do is wrap some raffia in between these two points to give an
additional bit for the flower to stick onto. So I'm just gonna cut a length of
raffia here. I've got a knot so I'm not sure exactly how much I'm gonna need
so I'm gonna cut a generous amount off - a couple of inches. I'm going to start from
the inside of the bottom point I put a dot of glue there. Secure the
raffia to the point give it a second to set up there and I want to make sure I
know... my flower is about an inch long so I just want to make sure that I'm
wrapping my raffia so that I've got about an inch of space in
between the two points when I'm done.
Now to secure this first thing I'm going to do is tack the end down.
Give that a minute to set.
Trim it and then I'm actually gonna go back and put some glue in
between the the two wraps to further strengthen it. So I'm just going to jam
my tip of my glue gun in between those two wraps of raffia. Squish them together.
Let that set.
And now I should have a pretty stable base. Oh I think I need
to do the same thing from the other side here. It didn't quite stick all the way through.
So it's gonna push those two sides together and pull some of the
excess glue strings off. Okay so now I've got a base on which to glue my resin flower.
I've got my tube of E6000 here and I've also used Craft Goop. It's a
little less smelly than the E6000 but I'm out right now so I'm gonna use this.
I also like to keep some tissue handy because once you open this up the glue
just keeps coming and coming and coming. So
I'm going to take this off. I'm going to smear a generous amount on this raffia bridge that I've built.
Wipe it off and get the cap on very quickly. And then I'm going to position my
resin flower in the center here.
Now it's gonna want to slip and slide around a bit at first so...
Kind of hold it in place for a little while until it sets.
So I'm going to go ahead and do that and then I'll be back to show you the finished crown on my doll when the glue is all set.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to make these
crowns today.If you did please give the video a thumbs up and share it with a friend.
I'd like to hear from you guys... what would you like to see me cover in
the future? Please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for watching. We'll see you next time.
Your bike is LYING to you - SPEEDOMETER ERROR - Duration: 4:57.
Hello everyone MotoHolic here and welcome to my channel today i'm gonna tell you
how your motorbike lies to you on daily basis
there are a few ways your motorbike could lie to you
today we are going to talk about one of them
it's called speedometer error. Speedometer error is when your
speedometer is not showing you the actual speed, generally it is slightly exaggerated.
Lately I've been hearing some chatter about some motorbikes that
are going at rather high speed and the guys even had videos to prove that and
everything. So before getting into an argument with them I wanted to find out for myself.
Is it the speedometer error?
Is it something that they have done to the speedometer? Is the video
doctored and it's edited somehow another? So I took one afternoon off, downloaded
the video and analyzed it. What I found out it was actually quite simple
the speedometer was showing hundred sixty kilometers per hour but the
motorbike was going at about 140-145. Then I thought to myself is it true?
Can a speedometer of a motorbike be so inaccurate? Wanting to find out the truth
for myself I set up my camera in such a way that it could see the speedometer of
my motorbike and the phone mounted next to it running a GPS speedometer app.
it's right here.
As you can see on the video here the speed difference between
the speedometer and the GPS app is close to 10%
why is that?
I went online and did some research. Actually according to the law the manufacturers are allowed for a
margin of error of 10% But these 10% cannot be showing you lower speed then
what you're actually going at, they have to show you higher speed than what
you're going. one might think what could cause speedometer error?
One of them is preset from the manufacturers, since they're allowed some leeway they'd
rather show you that you're going at a higher speed than you're actually going
so it's pretty much like programming in the ECU of your motorbike or the dashboard.
Now number two could be the wrong size
of the tires or tires over inflated or under inflated because
how your motorbike measures your speed is actually based on the rotation of you
wheels and it knows the radius of your wheel and it has
a formula, it does a calculation and per rotation your motorbike supposed to
cover a certain amount of ground. Now if you change the size of the wheel or
let's say if your tire is under inflated then the radius of your wheel is
smaller, then there you go - there is a little bit of an error, this especially
applies if you don't stick to the recommended tire size by the
manufacturer. Now there is a third factor that could cause speedometer error is
actually like a mechanical failure or mechanical glitch, this is applicable to
those motorbikes that are fitted with mechanical speedometer where the actual
cable operated by the cog-wheel from the front wheel. Now you guys know
that your motorbike speedometer is not showing you the actual speed that you're
traveling at, it is slightly exaggerated this gives you something to think about
when you go bragging about your top speed. Is it speedometer top speed or the
actual GPS top speed? Now that we are on this topic I really don't advise you
guys doing top speed tests on public roads. Find a track, go do it on
the track, or find some empty abandoned road where you are not going to
endanger yourself and endanger others.
All right guys that's all for today
thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel, press the little
bell so you get notified every time new videos come out, you can also follow me
on Instagram and Facebook - I'll leave links in the description below...
Ride safe and enjoy every moment of it!
How To Make BIG Money Doing This One Thing Online - Duration: 12:04.
Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time
here today. Today I want to show you where we can make some quick money and
there's actually a lot more people out there doing this then you actually
probably suspect and after you hear what it is
you'll get it but before we do that I want you to subscribe to our YouTube
channel click on the little Bell notifications so every time I make an
upload you'll get to see it first and remember if you're serious about working
from home if you want to make generating a full-time income from the comfort of
your house click that link below watch the free video that's how I got started
I saw thousands of other people got started working from home the comfort of
your home not a boss you know over your back busting your chops about silly
nonsense you can create and make your own wealth and income and create your
own freedom and time okay can't beat it I love it there's thousands of other
people out there doing the same thing I want you to have a piece of pie as well
click the link below get started and if you get started today I'm gonna give you
over two thousand dollars worth of free bonuses in association with that link
below alright guys so how do you further adieu I'm going to show you what a lot
of people are doing yeah it takes a little process of thought little
creativity but I've confidence in you I think you could do it and it has to do
with dr. dena domain options folks domain auctions now some of you may or
may not have heard of this before okay but a lot of people just buy up domain
names that aren't used and have a possibility or probability of being you
know websites they're going to be in high demand or use later good examples
of this are two that can come to the top of my mind here one was Facebook when
Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook he did not own the domain name Facebook
somebody else had purchased that domain before him they probably purchased it
for about you know about ten bucks ten dollars right and now guess what that
guy forgot for actually owning that domain before Mark Zuckerberg and Mark
Zuckerberg wanted it so bad guess what he paid for it he
at least a minimum of $250,000 I would say that's a great investment
for the gentleman who saw ahead of time he was looking into the future was
watching trends and what was gonna be famous and popular purchased a domain
name with the name Facebook on it and you know a couple years later a couple
months later he made 250 grand doing it the second example was dodge I remember
years ago had to be in the late 90s I went to go to like you know dodge calm
and somebody owned dodge calm so to go to the Dodge dealerships you know like
you'd go to or Mazda calm or you know any of these got Honda calm
whatever and it was like dodge dot and I was like what in the world
why don't they own dodge calm and that was obviously relatively early in the
whole domain website thing late 90s right but then about early 2000s mid
2000s I went to go because I like trucks trucks are my thing that's I've always
wanted truck since I was a little kid I just liked trucks right so I wanted to
go to dodge calm I want to look at trucks I want to see what's new out
there and saying I saw what the Dodge and you know I said oh yeah it's gonna
be at a weird website now I typed in dodge comm guess what it was actually
dodge this time it wasn't some long weird address that they had a concoct
right it was just dodge calm well it doesn't take a brainiac to figure out
that dodge paid a lot of money to whoever owned that domain name right
because you want something simple effective and something that you know is
recognizable for your brand like for me I own acquired Liberty comm I own my
name John Cabot right I own everything connected to acquire Liberty comm I
picked it up now so I don't have to worry about it in the future the things
that are important anyway so that's something that you have to think about
if you want to get into domain auctions right now keep this in mind it takes it
a certain amount of paying attention to trends see what's coming up see what's
you know is getting popular and if you go into trends like do a Google Trends
thing and you kind of get idea what's hot what's popular you can use that to
utilize your rathe process as far as thinking okay
what are some you know websites or things that might be popular six months
one year down the line because this isn't something you're going to take
your time you know doing and spending you know
precious time on it and getting an immediate reward on it no and in fact
it's probably about 50/50 if you're lucky that you're gonna make a big
profit on something like you know hypothetically speaking like a Facebook
that's probably not gonna happen we own all that true but it's a perfect example
of what could happen if you use your noggin ahead of time and set this up
properly so look it I just want to review some of these here with you look
at fine find me pot we all know that I read these before Ian but we all know
how you know pots becoming legal in you know the United States all the states
across the country and this that and other thing and you know it's becoming a
popular thing now so someone who was thinking ahead of time say maybe a year
or two ago about you know pot becoming popular in Colorado California
Washington and I you have all these pot places you know popping up everywhere
where people want to find pot in your local area well guess what you know you
could you could start coming up with names in your mind you're checking out
things that are trending or possible names for pot stores and you're a
hometown aware right you can actually get a lot of websites or domain names
but eventually someone might want and you don't know I mean you can hit the
jackpot and someone's gonna pay you a ton of money for something you pay 10
bucks for even if you pay 10 dollars for a domain somebody and you put it up for
sale as you say now 999 dollars that actually might that actually might make
some sense if say you want to start a search engine for your local pot store
find me pot comm becomes your pot search engine right this guy's a scam 999
dollars for it if someone wants to make create a search engine for that that's
the perfect website for that that guy might actually make that a thousand
dollars right army women us this guy's asking for $5,000 now I don't know how
they would come up with five and dollars but I'm sure he came up with
$5,000 probably doing a lot of analytical work checking out trends and
knowing that something was happening behind the scenes that isn't well known
yet that maybe you know the Army's creating a website or women in the army
are creating it thinking about creating websites specifically for them to help
them with maybe who knows you know you know PTSD or post-traumatic stress
whatever the case may be okay you don't know you got to do the digging you got
to do the research for this but this can be extremely lucrative and one-time shot
now I'm saying like a lot of these aren't gonna hit like you do this you
could do all this work and you could do you know let's just say you do ten you
might even get only four that hits where someone's gonna want your domain but
it's still worth it $10 investment some of your time you could even you know
make nine times one money make it like sale solve for ninety bucks right you
made $90 out of you know 100 or you can double a triple it quadruple it who
knows this guy find me pot comm who knows how long this chip this guy's on
this website right but you know really pay 10 to 12 dollars for it and he's
asking you know basically $1,000 for it now
if he gets somebody to buy that I think that was time well I'm well invested
don't you I mean that does not hurt at all what else we got here one intention
dot-com virtual realities calm $50,000 what in the world there's something
going on with this one because you can't just put a $50,000 and pray that
someone's gonna need it that bad there's something going on with virtual reality
doc reality's calm that could be like a possible website you know we're doing
all these virtual reality games people have all these things if you watch them
on YouTube they're saying you watch through use of them and people are blown
away by virtual reality now you're actually in this thing with the you know
the thing on your face and I stays there and they're saying more and more you
actually feel like you're actually in this game you're actually in this
situation and the people next you were wearing the masks too and you actually
feel like you're there it's like a totally different thing now I like
crappy virtual reality like from a couple years ago but they're
actually saying it's so mind-blowing ly crazy you know
so somebody thought of that and I said virtuality calm who knows virtual
reality's calm maybe the guy's gonna sell different you know it's possibly
for someone who wants that they're gonna solve virtual reality you know equipment
technology certain places where you can play virtuality games locally in your
area you don't know but there's been research that's obviously done on this
this guy feels comfortable asking for $50,000 for that website that's huge and
now here you're getting into like a little bit more realistic stuff like you
know not like crazy stuff like $50,000 I mean hey if you could if you could do
that and think that far ahead and and get that something like that set up for
yourself more power to you but here's some other ones that are what one mile
com see some of these online offers online AFRICOM actually looks pretty
good $5,000 and crypto business comm that's that's gonna be a good one
because crypto businesses and Bitcoin and everything are exploding now so
someone's probably gonna come along and buy that for seven grand yeah estimated
value look at this what was it work ago
estimated value seven thousand two hundred fifty-four probably gonna suffer
on 895 still $10 investment folks really it's easy figure out how to do this do
some more investigation but I'm telling you folks if you get to be a master at
this kind of thing you take the time in the effort you can make out like a
bandit doing this stuff all right guys that's all I have for you and I hope
this video helped you out just another way or you can make money online you can
make a little money or you can into making a lot of money it depends on how
much effort you want to put into this but I'm just here to give you the
options so you can just get a little bit more of that piece of pie that's out
there online so you can work from home be your own boss whether it be a little
money part-time money full-time on the or passive income
I would actually constitute this as passive income spend ten bucks make a
thousand or you know whatever they can't even has a hundred bucks you know you're
making $90 out of a hundred because you spend $10 on a domain nice nice
investment I'd say and guess what you did
while the bus you know hanging over your back having to get up 7 o'clock in the
morning or you know be at work at 7 o'clock in the morning order the case
maybe great freedom time freedom all right guys listen do me a favor
subscribe to the YouTube channel click on a little Bell notifications every
time we make an upload you'll get to see it first
and if you do me a favor like the video leave a comment below let me know if it
helped you out that'd be greatly appreciated and you could follow me on
my website Acquire Liberty dot com you can follow me on Twitter Instagram and of
course now here on YouTube alright and if you'd be so kind check out my website
right here and if you're serious about working from home I have a whole bunch
of resources here that help people get started quickly and easily so guys
that's all I have for today until next time what do we say I say God Bless guys
take care until next time bye now...
Adrien Vives répond aux rumeurs de bébé avec Claire ! - Duration: 3:58.
ভুল করেও যাদের আদা খাওয়া উচিত নয় | NEVER USE GINGER IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS - Duration: 2:59.
Marie Toussaint : "la dégradation de l'environnement touche d'abord les plus pauvres" - Duration: 0:36.
Pyramid Mountain - A Video Diary: Part 3 (Seizure II) - Duration: 2:54.
Neordic goes Urban Jungle - Duration: 0:33.
Véronique Sanson : Exténuée par un traitement trop lourd ! - Duration: 4:07.
Emmanuel Macron: Après le carburant, une hausse de l'électricité? - Duration: 3:54.
Les révélations de l'enquête sur Carlos Ghosn - Duration: 4:52.
Brad Pitt « seul pour Noël », un coup bas d'Angelina Jolie le prive de ses enfants - Duration: 1:35.
Michael Schumacher dans un état très préoccupant, la mise au point cash d'un intime - Duration: 1:35.
David Hallyday « un coup fatal», contre Laeticia, une déclaration lourde de sens de Johnny - Duration: 2:14.
Laura Smet bientôt mariée, un enterrement de sa vie de jeune fille très luxueux - Duration: 1:25.
What is going on?! Nintendo Creators Program Ending + Pokemon Lets Go & ACPC Update |Eeveeemmy| - Duration: 14:10.
Hi Everyone!
It's Eevee!
And welcome back to my channel Eeveeemmy.
I just thought we would have a bit of a chat today. If I can get it out there.
About what's been going on, some little opinions on the new Pokemon game,
and the Animal Crossing (Pocket Camp) Update.
And Nintendo America's Big announcement today!
I'm pretty excited because it seems like a lot of good things are happening...
in the Nintendo world right now. So I am pretty excited.
But ummm, on more of a personal note first... You might notice I am
seeming a lot more well right now. I'm currently feeling pretty well at the moment.
If you watch my vlog channel you may have seen I have been out and about.
I have been walking again. If you didn't know I have been in and out of a wheelchair this year.
So I have been able to walk around the house for a lot of the year but
for some points I was in bed on bed-rest and stuff like that.
We don't fully know what was wrong with me.
Or if there is still something still not okay with me.
But I will let you all know if I do go back into the sickness again.
Umm if not, at the moment I'm going to be trying to upload more content on this channel.
And also doing more streaming on my Twitch channel. I'm hoping
that I can be well enough long enough to have a schedule of when I am going to stream.
That what I want to do, to have set days and time I stream on Twitch.
I'm also going to try and live stream more from my vlog channel,
and possibly livestream on this channel a little bit. I mainly want to do my
gameplay kind of ones on Twitch because I find that from streaming online on
different like channel kind of things I find that Twitch is the easiest and the
best kind of one and I do really like the emotes and stuff which I know YouTube
should be getting a bit better but I'm still kind of like team Twitch on that
front at the moment. But I am starting to upload my Pokemon Let's Go Eevee
gameplay videos on my vlog channel and if the first one is up by the time this
one is I will link it down below but if not it is just on my vlog channel which is linked below. I keep moving my
hands because I'm excited. But a couple of hours ago Nintendo America
which as an Australian I follow the Europe ones the UK ones any of the
Nintendo accounts that are written in English and some and the ones in
Japanese I follow on Twitter because I like to see what kind of things are
coming out. What dates they're are coming out, and different things. And then Nintendo
Australia where I'm from Australia or New Zealand one. I'm from Australia.
Tends to be a couple of hours behind on updating things but Nintendo America
announced a couple of hours ago that it was getting rid of its
Nintendo Partner Creators Program. Which if you don't know that was like a program that
was mainly focused around American content creators and Japanese content creators.
There were a couple of other countries in there I can't think of them
off the top of my head. But those content creators were allowed to upload
and monetize Nintendo gameplay and commentary based videos. While the rest of
us just get flagged for copyright claim and then Nintendo makes all the money.
But Nintendo had this program where they would give the creators some of the
money if they lived in those regions and were applicable to the actual program.
But being an Australian like myself if something was copyright claimed
by Nintendo there was nothing I could do about it because I wasn't able
to join the program because I didn't live in one of the countries that it serviced.
So, yeah they announced that they weren't doing that anymore as of
December that that program is gonna be closed and some people were like
oh my goodness. What are we gonna do? And then a lot of people were
like wait this is probably a good thing. Does that mean Nintendo is catching up
on the rest of the gaming world? Are we gonna see being able to make Nintendo
based videos without you know fair use Nintendo videos without the fear of
getting copyright claims? And that's exactly what happened.
Nintendo announced that you can now make gameplay and commentary based videos
with their IPs and you could even make reaction videos to their directs
and trailers and stuff. Which those things were all banned before.
But that's pretty cool, I'm pretty excited about that. Like I said Nintendo's a
little bit far behind on that but I'm excited that it's still happening nonetheless.
So I'm less fearful of uploading things and stuff like that and we will
be able to do Nintendo Direct reaction videos together and stuff which is
really cool. I'll be able to record my first impressions when
trailers come out and stuff so that you can see the side by side reactions of
myself and the trailer together instead of me trying to vaguely describe
what's going on. Which is a little bit difficult because like I said I ramble
and my brain is a little bit scattered on that front. But yeah that is really,
really exciting. So if you would like to see gameplay videos
and stuff or like a more review kind of things come back on this channel let me know.
I do prefer doing streams to making gameplay videos only because
gameplay videos require so much more, like they require lots of editing, they
require like lots and lots of effort comparatively. But if it is something
that you guys really, like really, really want I could I could look back into
doing that kind of thing, or even if I just edit down some of my streams to make
them into the gameplay videos for all of you. But yeah, so that's the first
thing that I've been like thinking about and excited about cause that's literally
the freshest thing on my mind.
The second thing. I got Let's Go Pikachu now as well.
So I have been playing Let's Go Eevee on my Twitch stream.
Excuse me you little cutie.
And currently I have seven gym badges.
And then we also need to fight Giovanni and then we haven't been to the power plant yet.
Which I don't want to do the Powerplant.
I'm just taking this like kind of chill
like doing some like side things and stuff like that and then we'll do some
shiny hunting and stuff soon. Probably after we finish the Dex and then I've
been playing Let's Go Pikachu on my own. I was playing another Let's Go Eevee game.
So I had a save before this one and then I restarted it.
But I've caught 47 Pokemon on this one already and have three badges.
I think I only just did the third one. Yeah I did. So this is my other one.
But because like I said like I say all the time like I'm forgetful and I'm a bit
scattered in my brain so playing two Let's Go Eevee games at the same time
I was like - wait did I do that in my stream game? Or did I do that when I
was playing it just by myself? So I was forgetting what was
happening between the two. So I got Let's Go Pikachu earlier than I
thought I would. I didn't think I was gonna get it until like some time like
mid to late December kind of thing. But I got it and I'm really happy that I did
because now I'm not confused as to what I am doing or where I was up to, or which
games has the shinies that I've caught and stuff. But yeah really, really
enjoying them. There are as other people have pointed out, there are some like
bugs in this game. Like the joycons and the motion for catching Pokemon
is not that great. They did do a controller update but I feel like it made
everything worse. It's just gotten way worse for me. Sometimes when you
are throwing it to the left the ball will go to the right.
And then when you're like okay I guess I'll throw it the other way so it like fixes
it and then it decides to go to the right way that's being a little bit
frustrating. But other than that in Viridian Forest is like a patch where
everything kind of slows down only when I'm in handheld mode though. I don't think
it happened when I'm like playing docked on the TV. But it just does not.
It's not quite right. The frames just dropped. But I haven't
really seen anywhere else in the game it seems to just be in
Viridian Forest. I think it's because of the sheer volume of how many Pokémon
spawn in Viridian Forest. Like there's a lot. But yeah I'm really enjoying them.
I'm also really enjoying using the Pokeball Plus.
It's been really, really handy. It gets dirty so, so quickly on the white,
bottom part. But you can kind of like rub it off with some stuff. I'm a little bit
scared to use like wet wipes and that but I'm sure they'll be fine.
But currently I think I have Pikachu in here. Yeah so it lights up like a different
colour depending on which...
*Sad Pikachu*
Why are you sad?
Depending which Pokemon you have in there.
So I had like a Magikarp in there and it was orange.
*Happy Pikachu*
There we go!
*Very happy Pikachu*
Oh what a good girl. But yeah I find that this is better motion control than the joycons
playing with it. But I have to keep swapping between what I'm using so I
don't damage my wrists again. But yeah this is been really good for like
playing Pokemon Go as well because if you have the Pokemon in it from your
Let's Go game as a companion it automatically spins Pokestops
for you and it connects and works way faster than the Pokemon Go Plus.
The wrist band one, which I have no idea where it is because i just put it
somewhere after I started using this and I don't know but this seems to work way
better, connects way better and it's just a better experience. Also the XP that you
get for the Pokemon that you carry in there is great.
A Pokemon is for a stroll. Would you like to bring it back? Yes.
So I haven't really done much this time but this is what happens when you have the Plus.
Like the ball plus, and you bring them back. It goes got this amount of experience.
This is nothing cause I've only caught like a couple of Pokemon with it
and I haven't gone on a walk. But you get experience for whatever Pokemon you have in there.
Which is awesome. So yeah I worked hard in Pokemon Go - 55 points.
Helped in Pokemon Go - five points. Walked together, played, and then you get some berries and stuff.
That is the worst one that I've done so far.
It feels a bit OP and a little bit cheeky. But like it's it's great.
The last thing I want to talk about is the new update to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp.
People still ask me if I'm still playing it. I haven't made any
gameplay video of it in a long time because the way I was doing it was
plugging in my iPhone to my Mac because you can record it easily there and then
record your voice doing that. But I went back to having this Samsung so I have
to record it on my phone separately. And then record my voice over
separately and then figuring out what exactly where I stopped recording it
because the microphone I don't want to use the microphone on my phone
cause I don't like, I don't know it's fine but like I feel like when I'm
clicking the screen and stuff it like picks up all that and I don't like that.
So I haven't done that in a while but I might do some Pocket Camp videos if you
lovely people would like to see it. But yeah they just updated so that you
can have like a cabin in the game as well so now you have kind of like a
house, and you can have villagers in there as well. So you can have villagers in your
camp. You can have villagers in your cabin. So you can have like twice as many
villagers just hanging out with you at any point in time. I found that the
like it was dropping frames and not coping very well but it's only just come back out.
I think they're gonna have to do a patch because yet again it's not
like super polished kind of thing. But it's really cute and there's a new
cookie which is like a Christmas holiday, winter themed one which is with Fauna.
And I got a tiny little Christmas tree which is really, really cute.
I wish it was like a big Christmas tree but I'm totally cool with that.
It's all good. But yeah it's really exciting. Lots of things
happening at once. I'm feeling better, I'm more mobile, I'm more active, Pokemon Let's Go
Eevee and Pikachu is really fun, even with its problems. And Pokeball Plus is
really good, and Nintendo's new approach, well yeah Nintendo's new
approach it's not really a new approach in general. For creators and
content and stuff. It's really good. I'm really happy with that. So I'm super
excited by all that. But that was just a little update from me and what's going on.
With my Nintendoness.
But I hope you're all well.
Yet again my name is Eevee. I am an Australian. My vlog Channel and
everything will be linked below and I'll see you all soon. Bye
Hell yeah!
This is sick. We're just staring at it. I wish I could screenshot this.
This is the best thing ever. Look at how intensely Eevee and I are just staring.
This is so great.
Oh my god.
(Joel: He's not even doing anything.)
This game is *beep* brilliant!
Véronique Sanson : Exténuée par un traitement trop lourd ! - Duration: 4:07.
Kate Middleton «grosse dispute » avec Meghan Markle, elle fond en larmes -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:32.
Learning Alphabets | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Learning Videos For Children by KIds Tv - Duration: 1:06:01.
I'm Bob the train
Do you wanna go on an Alphabet ride with me
Wasn't that fun let's start from Zz this time
Z and Y and X and W
V and U and T and S
R and Q and P and O
N and M and L
I and H and G and F
C and B and A
One more time starting from A let's all sing together now
A and B and C and D
E and F and G and H
J and K and L and M
N and O and P and Q
S and T and U and V
X and Y and Z
Did you enjoy the alphabet with Bob the train
See you again next time
Michael Jackson : Roi de la pop et du pop art ! - Duration: 2:20.
Marie Toussaint : "la dégradation de l'environnement touche d'abord les plus pauvres" - Duration: 0:36.
Emmanuel Macron: Après le carburant, une hausse de l'électricité? - Duration: 3:54.
Neordic goes Urban Jungle - Duration: 0:33.
Heather Locklear frise la folie, cette terrible maladie dont elle souffre -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:09.
YouTube Starter Kit | 유튜브 입문자용 필수장비 5개 - Duration: 6:24.
hello youtube welcome to JuwonFilmSchool!
I am Yong D
today I'm going to introduce five essential equipment for YouTube beginners
some people say gear doesn't matter but I believe finding the right equipment is
a crucial part in YouTube filmmaking if you have no idea where to start from
don't worry about it I'll be with you
one camera
if you are a beginner filmmaker I recommend you that you start shooting
with your smartphone camera
yes I know you've already heard a lot about it but
I'm not saying that you've got to start with whatever you have
the reason why I recommend you a smartphone is
because it makes things look way better than
they actually are
it'll make you feel good and encourage you to continue shooting
in fact smartphone is taking care of focus, exposure, ISO, shutter speed
as well as white balance, basically everything instead of you
and it does it automatically
that's why smartphone videos look always good
in the long term it will hinder you from learning all those camera basics
if you stick with a smartphone camera for too long
but in the beginning of YouTube career
I believe that you'd better concentrate
on a subject and a story rather than camera techniques
even if you start working with smartphone you need to decide two things
one resolution
two frame rate
the default frame rate for the smartphone is 30 frames per second
and some smartphones have 60P option for slow motion I talked about how to
create a slow-motion effect with a smartphone if you're interested in that
subject please check out the link below my advice is that you start shooting
with 1080p which is 1920 by 1080 and 30 frames per second if you want to try 4k
resolution it won't hurt you but I don't recommend you do that there is a couple
of reasons why I'm against it especially for the beginners if you want to know
why please check out my 4k explanation video it is super easy at some point you
might want to try those film look with your smart phone if you want to do that
you need to have a 24 frames per second option
but smartphones don't have it in order to do that you need to download a
third-party application I'll cover this topic in another video ok let's move on
to the next equipment
2. smartphone gimbal
you might be surprised to hear me saying
that you need a gimbal I said you don't need to buy a camera but I strongly
suggest you that you try a smartphone gimbal I'll tell you why when you're
filming something with your smartphone camera you're basically holding the eyes
of the audience smartphones are very light and therefore difficult to
stabilize if you start moving around with your phone you will end up making
shaky footages whenever you start moving if you continue making shaky videos your
audience will eventually leave your channel learn different camera movement
with the gimbal apart from panning and tilting gimbal allows you to boom dolly
and even extreme low angle shot - I think gimbal is one of the greatest
inventions of the century if your channel only requires the fixed shot, however,
you won't need a gimbal in that case you'd better buy a small tripod
number three and four a small external microphone and a lavalier microphone
audio is as important as visual but beginner filmmakers tend not to take
care of audio as much as video as long as you stay very close to your
smartphone while shooting it will sound alright but once you start moving around
and try different shot size such as medium shot or full shot you will start
introducing a lot of noise in your audio signal why don't you check out those big
youtube channels which have millions of subscribers what do they have all in
common they have crystal-clear audio as well as perfect video you can start
recording your audio with a simple external microphone this zoom h1
microphone is very light and easy to use to tell you the truth this one sound as
good as this boom microphone if you're planning to do outdoor shot I recommend
that you have lavalier microphone this one is RODE smart Lav+ microphone
you can connect this microphone to your smartphone too but
in that case you will need a camera now it's time to introduce the last equipment
5 LED light pad
9 out of 10 times
indoor lights are coming from above it is top light do you know when top light
are being used in noir films like gangster movies
I know it was an extreme case that I just wanted to show you the best
example of top light
light from the above cast shadow on your face I suggest
that you use front light this portable light source not only gives you a nice
front light but also gives you an opportunity to try different lighting
techniques when you're new to filmmaking buying an extra light source and being
able to use it is way much better choice then upgrading your camera and not
knowing how to handle the light when I first started making videos I spent too
much time wandering around different cameras I thought my video wasn't good
enough because I didn't have an expensive camera which is so not true
and I learned a lot from making those stupid mistakes even if you buy all
these five equipment they won't be as expensive as point-and-shoot camera
once you learn how to use them properly however your video will be significantly
improved other people might have different opinions and the final
decision is yours to make but please keep one thing in your mind gear does
matter you have to be able to choose the right gear for you and then you need to
learn how to get the best out of them thank you for watching guys I'll see you
in the next episode if you liked it please hit like and don't forget to
subscribe to JuwonFilmSchool
Trailer LORD OF ILLUSIONS - Duration: 2:26.
Mélenchon sera sur les Champs-Elysées samedi - Duration: 2:34.
アロー・ブラック主演『アメリカン・ミュージック・ジャーニ』がIMAX3D版での上映が決定 - Duration: 3:05.
Restauration des plans-relief de Tournai et Ath au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille - Duration: 1:46.
Venkatesh & Brahmanandam Back To Back Comedy Scenes | Cooli No1 Telugu Movie HD | Suresh Productions - Duration: 11:33.
Ovarian Cancer: Past, Present, Future - Duration: 2:43.
"September 2011 I was diagnosed."
"In 1977 I was diagnosed with pressure in my abdomen."
Diagnosed with Ovarian cancer 34 years apart, but their stories resonate deeply with each
"I was experiencing abdominal pain and pressure."
"And I said what?
Because I had no idea what an oncologist was."
"I was like what?
I had never heard of ovarian cancer before.
I knew nothing about it."
Lisa Kane and Debbie First brought together by not just a diagnosis, but by their desire
to help other women.
Lisa's speaking out at the Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers Executive Council
"Beyond Boston" Luncheon – Debbie's a member of the Executive Council, an organization
dedicated to eradicating women's cancers through fundraising, education, and advocacy.
"It's exciting to think back, forward and think what will it be in 5 years?"
Both women with similar stories to start, but their journeys reflect amazing progress.
Debbie says treatment options barely existed – Lisa says the opposite.
"Even what she suggested in 2018 is different than what she suggested in 2011."
"It's still a scary diagnosis and we can't take that away but I try to talk to individuals
when they come in and talk to them about how much more we have today to offer them than
we did in the past."
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Dr. Susana Campos is Lisa's oncologist.
She says there's a real need for an accurate ovarian cancer screening tool to catch the
disease earlier, but she also says there's hope in treatment.
"The most exciting thing is we know one drug works, we know another drug works.
What if you put the two drugs together?"
Progress made possible by research and women coming together with doctors at events like
this luncheon to speak openly and publicly about the progress that's been made and
work that still needs to be done.
"Patients with ovarian cancer are seeing a tomorrow and that is the message that we like
to get through."
"I just feel like I'm in such a great place that the science and the knowledge is here."
To date executive council members have raised more than 18-million dollars to fund research
in women's cancers at Dana-Farber's Susan F. Smith Center.
The "Beyond Boston" fundraising goal is a quarter of a million dollars.
For Dana-Farber News, I'm Victoria Warren.
[EN] Almond Mhencha / محنشة باللوز - CookingWithAlia - Episode 693 - Duration: 2:29.
Today we are making a staple Moroccan sweet called Mhencha
which literally means "coiled like a snake" due to its unique shape.
First, let's cut the warka.
Fold the large circular warka sheets into two to get a semi-circle.
Cut the uneven edges.
Now cut the folded side of the warka to split the warka into two batches.
On your workstation, line up 4 individual warka sheets, with their edges overlapping
Generously brush the entire surface of warka with melted butter.
Roll the almond paste into a log about the thickness of your thumb
and place it on the warka edge closest to you
Keep adding the almond paste logs along the edges of the 4 warka sheets.
Fold the side edges of the 4 warka sheets over the almond paste log
and roll the warka along with the almond paste as if you were rolling a carpet
Now take one of the edges and roll it up to form a snug coil
At the end, you should have the shape of a coiled snake.
Brush the tip of the roll with the egg so it sticks to the coil
Place the mhencha in a baking pan covered with parchment paper
and bake in a preheated oven to 400 F / 200 C for 15 minutes
or until the roll get a beautiful golden color
As soon as you remove the mhencha from the oven drizzle it with honey.
Decorate with toasted slivered almonds.
Let the mhencha cool down completely before serving.
Bon appetit!
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