Lolololololololololol don't tell nobody about the captions OK;)
Can I die?
YEAH R U joking cuz u have to be itI'm literary POSTING and editing this vid at 1:29 AM and I still not sleeppy...
For more infomation >> Are You Crazy | Meme | Gacha life - Duration: 0:23.-------------------------------------------
핫이슈 l 집사부일체 손예진 본명 나이 생일 노출 사업 남친 정해인 리즈시절 인스타 - Duration: 7:18.
Geek Squad Same Day Screen Repair
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 Exclusive Limited AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:06.
Audi A5 Cabriolet 2.0 TFSI MHEV Sport S Line Edition, automaat, navi, led Nieuwprijs € 71.000,= - Duration: 1:13.
Audi TT Roadster 1.8 TFSI PRO LINE S Automaat * 10.340 Km * Bang Olufsen Soundsystem * Navi * - Duration: 1:08.
俄军S300导弹首战告捷!击落一架以色列战机, - Duration: 10:23.
据俄罗斯卫星 网11月3 0日报道
叙利亚空军宣 布
在29日当地 时间的晚上
以色列空军在 叙利亚发动 了新一轮空 袭
这意味着在两 个多月的沉 默之后
以色列军方终 于无法遏制 自己
并重新开始对 叙利亚的空 袭。
以色列部队派 遣了大量的 战机在许多 方向侵入叙 利亚领空
袭击了大马士 革南部的库 奈特拉南部 以及与黎巴 嫩边界沿线 的首都大马 士革
以色列的空袭 击中了叙利 亚的军事基 地和武器库
以及伊朗的军 事存在。
叙利亚没有像 在这次空袭 中那样盲目 地受到袭击 。
叙利亚军方宣 布
该国的S-3 00防空导 弹首战告捷
并成功地击落 了一架以色 列战机和4 枚巡航导弹 。
还迫使以色列 战机远离叙 利亚领空。
叙利 亚军方说
以色列的空袭 有''未能 达到任何目 的''
S-300防 空系统在空 袭中播发挥 ''重要作 用''
并释放了拦截 以色列战机 的视频镜头 。
以色列军方发 现叙利亚防 空导弹的碎 片落在被占 领的戈兰高 地
但如果它是叙 利亚的导弹 残骸的一部 分
以色列军方对 此进行了详 细的调查并 不清楚。
为了防止可能 的叙利亚报 复
许多以色列军 队聚集在戈 兰高地
以监测和保卫 边境地区。
据报 道
以色列对叙利 亚发动了数 百次空袭。
自9月17日 以来
在击落IR- 20侦察机 后
以色列空袭的 速度有所减 缓。
以色列对叙利 亚的第一次 空袭也是叙 利亚军队刚 刚从俄罗斯 获得的S- 300防空 导弹的第一 个实际战斗 。
如果叙利亚军 队击落以色 列战机的消 息属实
S-300导 弹的出色表 现成功地逆 转了叙利亚 和以色列的 进攻和防御 能力
并将使以色列 的空袭在未 来更加谨慎 。
俄罗斯军方还 说
在获取S-3 00导弹后
叙利亚的防空 能力飙升
以色列的空袭 不再局限于 口头警告
而是有能力果 断进行拦截 。
以色 列军事专家 指责莫斯科 向叙利亚供 应S-30 0''局势 升级
''等区域防 空导弹系统
以色列有权对 叙利亚境内 的伊朗军事 目标发动空 袭。
这是''以色 列保卫国家 的天然权利
但俄罗斯的军 事专家反驳 说
以色列不公开 和频繁的空 袭对主权国 家是严重违 反国际法的 行为。
在以色列的要 求下
莫斯科没有向 叙利亚提供 先进的防空 系统
但在未来的' '情况将非 常不同'' 中
以色列将发现 其在中东的 ''自由飞 行''将受 到严重限制 。
如果我们不明 确地听劝阻 的话
我们会遭受更 多和更多的 伤害。
俄罗斯卫星通 讯社报道称
尽管土耳其在 去年12月 就已经确定 了S-40 0的购买合 同
但是美国等西 方国家仍然 是不死心的 。
据悉美国仍然 在试图说服 土耳其放弃 购买S-4 00
和此前的非常 强硬态度不 同
此次美国的劝 说是相当温 柔的
美国称将会为 土耳其寻找 更"合适" 一款防空导 弹
并声称这将会 是一个双赢 的局面。
土耳 其购买新型 防空导弹的 历程是非常 漫长艰辛的
土耳其于20 13年开始 计划购买防 空导弹的
欧洲等都派出 导弹参加竞 选。
在实际试射的 过程中
中国的红旗- 9以9发全 中的满分成 绩力压其他 防空导弹获 得第一名
土耳其方面也 对红旗-9 的性能和价 格都感到非 常满意
特别是中国还 可以提供红 旗-9全部 生产技术
就更让土耳其 心动了。
于是在201 3年9月
中国精密机械 进出口公司 的红旗-9 导弹一举中 标。
北约方面对于 土耳其要装 备中国装备 感到非常不 满
提出来严重抗 议。
认为这会导致 北约军事泄 密。
土耳其只能是 推倒从来
重新选择防空 导弹。
时间 到了201 5年
由于俄罗斯战 机被击落的 事件
俄罗斯和土耳 其关系骤然 紧张
土耳其更是加 快了防空导 弹的选型。
但后来局势的 发展显然是 远远超出了 大家的想象 。
土耳其国内突 发政治事件
由于多方面的 原因
土耳其和俄罗 斯关系竟然 开始和好如 初
而且关系较以 往还更加紧 密
甚至紧密到土 耳其看上了 俄罗斯的S -400。
令人哭笑不得 的是
当初土耳其选 择采购新防 空导弹就是 为了对抗俄 罗斯战机。
如果美国 能够成功说 服土耳其放 弃购买S- 400
那么美国能够 提供给土耳 其就只有" 爱国者"P AC-2防 空导弹了。
需要注意 到的是
美国"爱国者 "PAC- 2导弹的多 项性能都是 远不及S- 400。
例如"爱国者 "PAC- 2导弹的最 大射程为1 60公里
而S-400 的40N6 导弹最大拦 截距离达到 了400公 里。
S-400可 以发射不同 射程的导弹
具有很强的综 合防空拦截 能力。
S-400装 备了C波段 91N6搜 索雷达
它的最大探测 距离达到了 600千米
综合性能颇为 先进。
同样要先进于 "爱国者" PAC-2 导弹的雷达 。
综上 所述
"爱国者"P AC-2导 弹的多项性 能是不及S -400的 。
不过只不是因 为美国在防 空反导方面 的技术实力 不及俄罗斯
而是因为由于 作战需求不 同
美军并不需要 S-400 此类防空装 备。
投入技术资金 更多的是反 导拦截领域
美国需要的萨 德、
标准-3等反 导拦截系统 。
但对于土 耳其来说
"爱国者"P AC-2导 弹只能算是 勉强符合作 战需求
S-400则 是一款超出 土耳其要求 的防空导弹 。
从作战角度来 说
土耳其的最佳 选择显然是 S-400 。
现在 距离俄罗斯 向土耳其交 付S-40 0还有大约 一年的时间
一年内可以发 生很多意想 不到的变化
美国还可以做 出很多"努 力"。
鉴于土耳其面 临特殊局势 环境
明年10月份 土耳其能否 顺利接收S -400的 确是存在很 大的变数的 。
土耳其购买新 防空导弹的 "长征"
还远没有结束 呢!這幾年 來
中國的發展速 度有多快這 一點各國有 目共睹
在快速進步的 同時中國也 漸漸得到了 世界各國的 肯定
如今的中國無 論是在哪一 領域
實力都是不可 小覷的
而中國也成功 躋身進世界 強國之列
成為各國眼中 當之無愧的 軍事強國
如今也無法忽 視中國的發 展
而中國的快速 進步同時也 給很多國家 都帶來了無 法忽視的壓 力。
尤其在 五代戰機以 及國產航母 問世以後
在國際上都引 起了極大的 轟動
更使得各國對 我國刮目相 看
如今中國不僅 可以完全自 主研製航母
而且還成為了 繼美國之後 世界第二航 母大國
如今隨著中國 在航母領域 的技術越來 越成熟
中國航母的發 展也正在穩 步提升
在雙航母同時 開建的同時
中國還同時對 遼寧艦進行 了大修和改 進。
就在近 日
中國首艘國產 航母002 成功完成了 第三次海試
002航母第 三次海試的 完成意味著 這艘航母距 離服役又近 了一大步
而且第三次海 試距離上一 次只有兩個 月左右的時 間
002航母很 快就可以交 付海軍。
而與遼寧艦不 同的是
002航母的 設計更接近 西方的小巧
這樣就可以讓 飛行甲板有 更多的空間 。
不過在 艦載機起飛 這一模式上
002航母還 是比較保守 的
仍然繼承了和 遼寧艦一樣 的起飛方式 。
所以對於我國 來說
對於平直甲板 航母的期待 仍然是在0 03型航母 上
003型航母 所在的船廠 曝光了一些 照片
在照片中就有 一個干船塢
出現了三大分 段
有人猜測這可 能就是00 3型航母的 總段。
而這一 消息也讓我 國軍迷很是 興奮
畢竟這種建造 方式是非常 先進的
也可以大大提 升建造效率
使得003航 母的建造進 入快車道。
從此次曝光0 03航母的 總段來看
這艘航母所可 以攜帶的艦 載機數量至 少可以達到 60架
所以其綜合戰 鬥力也會比 遼寧艦要強 很多
這也將是00 3型航母的 一個重大提 升。
地球7成以上 都被水所覆 蓋
誰就控制了世 界貿易
這是西方海權 論的核心
美軍以此為基 礎
建立了世界第 一的海軍
並在海外建立 了眾多的軍 事基地
將戰爭推向國 門之外! 在未來的 這場博弈中
中國要想維護 自己的海洋 權益
必須擁有建造 航母的能力 和養得起數 艘航母艦隊 的實力! 瓦良格是 中國從烏克 蘭購買的一 艘破舊航母
當時完工不到 7成
儘管在水裡泡 了很久
中國也是如獲 至寶
在對其復原改 造的過程中
積累下了大量 的造航母經 驗
為後續中國造 出更好更先 進的國產航 母打下了基 礎;
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross 老爹仙台出任務 - Duration: 13:34.
Plus belle la vie : Le sosie de Victoire débarque, Théo tabassé (SPOILERS) - Duration: 2:38.
五位被閨蜜「橫刀奪愛」的女星,圖一冰釋前嫌,圖五已去世好多年! - 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 9:04.
Histoire secrète : Des tensions entre Emmanuel Macron et Premier ministre Édouard Philippe ? - Duration: 2:34.
Une rentrée scolaire GILETS JAUNES, paroles d'élèves - Vlog 79 - Duration: 6:48.
Hello guys....
...welcome back to my channel!
After two weeks without classes,
this was NOT a normal back to school day
Allow the pupils to tell you about it:
In the English class, we are vlogging!
At first, they tried to be polite.
Instead of working, we played...
BUT we still worked...
...a little!
However, others were ready to say what they really feel.
Eva, what do you think about 'today'?
There is nothing to do!
Are you delighted to be here?
I wish I was home.
but she was not the only one to wish be elsewhere.
Some hide.
I'm looking for Ophélie...!
Where is she?!
This is the place where I can hide from Mister Olot.
what do you think about today?
It's strange.
There are not a lot of pupils in the school.
And we waited...
and waited
This is empty!
What time does your bus arrive?
There are no buses!
No comment!
Let's talk to...Maëlle.
Are you okay?
I want to sleep.
She always wants to sleep.
I'm exhausted!
Chaïma, what about you?
I have no inspiration!
Are you ready to work?
Ask me the question on Monday.
Even the classroom was surprisingly different.
Did you lose?
Just a little, just a little.
And last but not least,
I saw more teachers...
This is the end of our video.
Thanks for watching.
And on that note, we'll see you...
"We've already said this part."
Décès de l'ancien président américain G. Bush à 94 ans - Duration: 1:46.
Meghan Markle : pourquoi elle est déjà comparée à la scandaleuse Sarah Ferguson - Duration: 8:03.
Sidaction 2018: "Le silence allait encore plus nous tuer" - Duration: 3:10.
SIDACTION 2018 - Trente-quatre ans après son engagement, il est toujours là. Fred, qui se définit lui même en tant "qu'activiste sida", s'est d'abord engagé auprès d'Actup avant de rejoindre Aides où il soutient les groupes de population les plus fragiles face à l'épidémie
Il a raconté au HuffPost pourquoi il s'était engagé il y a plus de 30 ans et les raisons qui le poussent à continuer de combattre la maladie
Le militant s'est souvenu de l'hécatombe causée par le virus pendant entre les années 80 et 90 et nous a expliqué ce qui a changé en 30 ans
"Il y avait une peur monumentale, la peur de perdre des gens, la peur d'être contaminé
Mais on ne peut pas en vouloir aux gens d'avoir eu peur véritablement à une époque
Je regrette d'ailleurs aujourd'hui, peut-être pas qu'ils n'aient pas peur mais qu'ils ne soient pas plus conscients que le sida existe toujours et qu'on peut toujours se contaminer", a t-il souligné
Il a également précisé que si on ne meurt plus du sida, lorsque l'on est dépisté assez tôt et que l'on a un traitement adéquat, il existe toujours des lacunes importantes en matières de prévention, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo en tête d'article
Selon lui, ceux qui sont le plus touchés par ce manque d'information sont les homosexuels mais aussi les jeunes
"On ne va pas prévenir suffisamment tôt avec un discours juste sur les risques potentiels ou éventuels d'une sexualité qui n'est pas maîtrisée", a-t-il développé
En 34 ans de lutte contre la maladie, Fred a vu les traitements s'améliorer et la liste des effets secondaires se raccourcir, mais il déplore que les associations et les militants aient encore à lutter contre des problèmes de discriminations: "Ce qui est assez effrayant, c'est de voir qu'aujourd'hui, la sérophobie, l'exclusion, la stigmatisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH est toujours aussi présente et elle est parfois même reproduite par les groupes, qui sont les plus vulnérables
Je pense aux gays." Alors aujourd'hui plus que jamais, le militant pense qu'il reste important de s'engager, non seulement pour continuer à faire de la prévention mais aussi pour lutter contre les diverses formes de discrimination qu'engendre la maladie
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
Emmanuel Macron : cette guerre qu'il a secrètement orchestrée depuis des années - Duration: 8:20.
Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Design Sport | LM Velgen | Climate Control | Safety Sense | - Duration: 0:41.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI BUSINESS+ * Airco * 5 Drs * NIEUWSTAAT * - Duration: 1:07.
Une rentrée scolaire GILETS JAUNES, paroles d'élèves - Vlog 79 - Duration: 6:48.
Hello guys....
...welcome back to my channel!
After two weeks without classes,
this was NOT a normal back to school day
Allow the pupils to tell you about it:
In the English class, we are vlogging!
At first, they tried to be polite.
Instead of working, we played...
BUT we still worked...
...a little!
However, others were ready to say what they really feel.
Eva, what do you think about 'today'?
There is nothing to do!
Are you delighted to be here?
I wish I was home.
but she was not the only one to wish be elsewhere.
Some hide.
I'm looking for Ophélie...!
Where is she?!
This is the place where I can hide from Mister Olot.
what do you think about today?
It's strange.
There are not a lot of pupils in the school.
And we waited...
and waited
This is empty!
What time does your bus arrive?
There are no buses!
No comment!
Let's talk to...Maëlle.
Are you okay?
I want to sleep.
She always wants to sleep.
I'm exhausted!
Chaïma, what about you?
I have no inspiration!
Are you ready to work?
Ask me the question on Monday.
Even the classroom was surprisingly different.
Did you lose?
Just a little, just a little.
And last but not least,
I saw more teachers...
This is the end of our video.
Thanks for watching.
And on that note, we'll see you...
"We've already said this part."
Bret Baier: History will smile on President George H.W. Bush - Duration: 3:41.
BMW X1 1.6D sDrive Executive Bi-Xenon Navi Pdc-v/a 80dkm! - Duration: 1:11.
Volvo S80 2.0D Momentum RTI NAVIGATIE/PARK ASSIST/18"ALU./NL AUTO/127DKM!! - Duration: 1:07.
Emmanuel Macron : cette guerre qu'il a secrètement orchestrée depuis des années - Duration: 8:20.
Histoire secrète : Des tensions entre Emmanuel Macron et Premier ministre Édouard Philippe ? - Duration: 2:34.
Cooli No1 Telugu Movie Full HD Comedy Scene || Venkatesh || Mohan Babu || Suresh Production - Duration: 6:29.
Jingle Bells | + More Christmas Songs 2018 | Bob the Train - Kids TV - Duration: 27:46.
Don't you wanna dance the jingle bells with Bob the train
Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh
Or the fields we go laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride.
And soon miss fanny bright was seated by side
The horse was lean and lank Misfortune seemed his lot
He got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Now the ground is white go it while you're young
Take the girls tonight and sing this sleighing song
Just get a bobtailed bay two forty as his speed..
Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack, you'll take the lead
Oh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
Hey jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh
That was fun!
Let's do it again soon..
Merry Christmas
We Wish You Merry a Merry Christmas | Nursery Rhymes for Babies by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:23.
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year
Good tidings we bring to you and your kids
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
So bring us chocolate pudding, So bring us chocolate pudding
So bring us chocolate pudding and the cup of good cheese
We won't go until we get some, We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some So bring it right here
We wish you a merry Christmas...
We wish you a merry Christmas..
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy Happy New Year
And a Happy Happy New Year
And a Happy Happy New Year
a MESSAGE from Toyataro about the New Galactic Patrol Prisoner ARC - Duration: 3:48.
Décès de l'ancien président américain G. Bush à 94 ans - Duration: 1:46.
Are You Crazy | Meme | Gacha life - Duration: 0:23.
Lolololololololololol don't tell nobody about the captions OK;)
Can I die?
YEAH R U joking cuz u have to be itI'm literary POSTING and editing this vid at 1:29 AM and I still not sleeppy...
HOW TO DRAW KAKAO FRIENDS | Best Kakao Friends Characters Drawings | BLABLA ART - Duration: 29:25.
How to draw Kakao Friends
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
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Sidaction 2018: "Le silence allait encore plus nous tuer" - Duration: 3:10.
SIDACTION 2018 - Trente-quatre ans après son engagement, il est toujours là. Fred, qui se définit lui même en tant "qu'activiste sida", s'est d'abord engagé auprès d'Actup avant de rejoindre Aides où il soutient les groupes de population les plus fragiles face à l'épidémie
Il a raconté au HuffPost pourquoi il s'était engagé il y a plus de 30 ans et les raisons qui le poussent à continuer de combattre la maladie
Le militant s'est souvenu de l'hécatombe causée par le virus pendant entre les années 80 et 90 et nous a expliqué ce qui a changé en 30 ans
"Il y avait une peur monumentale, la peur de perdre des gens, la peur d'être contaminé
Mais on ne peut pas en vouloir aux gens d'avoir eu peur véritablement à une époque
Je regrette d'ailleurs aujourd'hui, peut-être pas qu'ils n'aient pas peur mais qu'ils ne soient pas plus conscients que le sida existe toujours et qu'on peut toujours se contaminer", a t-il souligné
Il a également précisé que si on ne meurt plus du sida, lorsque l'on est dépisté assez tôt et que l'on a un traitement adéquat, il existe toujours des lacunes importantes en matières de prévention, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo en tête d'article
Selon lui, ceux qui sont le plus touchés par ce manque d'information sont les homosexuels mais aussi les jeunes
"On ne va pas prévenir suffisamment tôt avec un discours juste sur les risques potentiels ou éventuels d'une sexualité qui n'est pas maîtrisée", a-t-il développé
En 34 ans de lutte contre la maladie, Fred a vu les traitements s'améliorer et la liste des effets secondaires se raccourcir, mais il déplore que les associations et les militants aient encore à lutter contre des problèmes de discriminations: "Ce qui est assez effrayant, c'est de voir qu'aujourd'hui, la sérophobie, l'exclusion, la stigmatisation des personnes vivant avec le VIH est toujours aussi présente et elle est parfois même reproduite par les groupes, qui sont les plus vulnérables
Je pense aux gays." Alors aujourd'hui plus que jamais, le militant pense qu'il reste important de s'engager, non seulement pour continuer à faire de la prévention mais aussi pour lutter contre les diverses formes de discrimination qu'engendre la maladie
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
[FuOkin' UTS] To be kicked out of University of Technology, Sydney gopro - Duration: 4:56.
today is
the best day in Sydney
I find there is a university which is open 24 hours
I can stay here tonight
so cool
the best thing here is to be warm
I have to have student ID to enter this building
I followed someone to enter!
it is so warm!
it is so cold outside
I can edit my video tonight
just now,
I asked a student
can I stay here till the morning?
then, he said
yes you can but there is security guard
I have to care about it
I can pretend to know nothing here
I will do my best to stay here!
and it is not so bad to sneak into a university and use PC
what will happen? I do not know
this is my dinner tonight
this milk took just 1 dollar
this is 575g
less than 2 dollar
it is so nice
some time
my friends say it is good item
when I buy something
because I do not use money often
so, If I use money to something
it must be good
my friends think so
it is funny
it tastes so so
they took 3 dollar
and they last for 1 ~ 2 days
ingredients is good enough
anyway, it is lucky day because I don't have to sleep outside
it was so cold yesterday
I went DAISO JAPAN in Australia
i will make a video about that
i am so sleepy
Because I sleep in a road everyday
hard mattress is good for me
I sleep on the floor in my house
sleeping on a road with my big baggage in foreign country is difficult
a little
party animals came in
people make me awake
cars do that as well
I can say
university is safe
anyway is is possible for security to come to me?
why does it happen?
in my university
it does not happen
I do not have to show my ID
i do not know in foreign country
i will check it out
I will go to a library for free
and I make some video about flower gulden
and Opera House in Sydney
if it is sunny
Hi, how are you?
Do you have student ID?
do you have student ID?
No I am not student here
get out
I am....
no questions no excuse
get out
why are you here?
get out anyway
I was kicked out
I have to sleep
here good night
O co chodzi w #saveyourinternet? - Duration: 5:31.
Toby Alderweireld 'would be a FOOL' to join Man Utd for one reason - Tottenham EXCLUSIVE - Duration: 4:25.
That's according to Spurs hero Micky Hazard who has urged the 29-year-old to stay put
The talented centre-back was heavily linked with move to Old Trafford in the summer
Red Devils chief Jose Mourinho was desperate to bolster his back line and Alderweireld had been earmarked
The Portuguese might still be tempted to test Tottenham's resolve in the New Year
Hazard, however, says leaving the capital would be a huge mistake given the two side's current trajectory and differing styles of play
Spurs are currently third in the table, nine points ahead of United. "I think Toby's a brilliant player and he loves Tottenham," Hazard exclusively told Express Sport
"If he were to leave Tottenham and join Manchester United with the way the two sides are playing at the moment, at this moment in time - and how they have been for the last few years - then he'd be a fool
" Mauricio Pochettino didn't make a single signing over the summer. It was the first time a team hadn't made any acquisitions since the transfer window was first introduced in 2003
The Argentine could bolster his ranks in the New Year but Hazard insists he won't panic buy
"He's got a tremendous squad," added Hazard who won the UEFA Cup with Tottenham in 1984
"What I would say about Pochettino is that he won't sign footballers that don't make us better
"My motto is don't sign players to sit on your bench. They can gradually bring the standard down
"Sign players that will get a place in the 1st XI that will then relegate the current 1st XI player to the bench
"That naturally then makes the squad a lot stronger. "What I love about Pochettino is he doesn't rush in
If he can't find his target - or get them - then he won't rush in and buy stupidly
"He will wait until he gets his target and I love that about the guy. "I'm a great believer in not signing players for the sake of it
They need to be right." Despite Spurs' lack of activity in the transfer market, Pochettino's men appear to be hitting top gear
They battered Chelsea 3-1 last weekend and edged past Inter Milan 1-0 in the Champions League on Wednesday
Ahead of the north London derby tomorrow, Hazard says Spurs' impressive form is a testament to Pochettino's management skills
"Where Pochettino has been brilliant is he's rotated the lads incredibly well," Hazard explained
"It's not affected results and has allowed some of the lads who might have been jaded after the summer to get their energy and legs back
"Now we're looking a very good side again. At times [this season], we've been picked up points but haven't been at our best
"I have no worries about the north London derby on Sunday. "Remember, Arsenal will have played on Thursday
They might be the side that encounter more fatigue."
Opposites Song | Luke And Lily Nursery Rhymes | Kindergarten Cartoons For Children - Duration: 1:19.
Lets meet the Opposite Words
海贼王:锁住路飞?雷利霸气的解锁方式再次登场 - Duration: 6:00.
Julie Zenatti évoque les rivalités dans les coulisses des Enfoirés - Duration: 7:35.
F/GO Christmas Event- Main Quest (5th Night): When You Wish Upon a Star, Again - Duration: 11:32.
Okay, welcome back to another F/GO video!
It seems like a new free quest is out for more Stockings.
But we don't need any more Stockings for right now...
But before clearing it, let's get right into night five, shall we?
I see what's going on now...
Chaldea's plot is so easy to uncover...
How nice of Chaldea to help Santa Lily :)
Oh yeah, by the way, if you guys haven't notice yet:
Altria Lily is actually max ascended!
I ascended her yesterday when I acquired so many items during the lottery.
So congrats for Altria Lily!
I don't know who designs Leonidas, but...
He looks ugly as hell...
I see how they referred to the 300 movie,
but this is ridiculous...
And that's it for this video, guys.
Thank you for watching!
I think we still have to watch the cutscene...
I love how they show Santa Lily's progress to become a proper Santa.
How inspiring...
Anyway, thanks again for watching!
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel for more F/GO contents!
I used a lot of EXP cards yesterday for most of my Servants...
Some of them eat too much...
Anyway, two more nights to go!
And until then, I'll see you guys in the next video!
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №141. Спорядження ССО. DARPA [ENG SUB] - Duration: 16:03.
Anton Douhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us:,
War technologies
On 30 days announced warning regime at 10 oblasts of Ukraine. Army in full warfare readiness. NatGuard, to her, partially sub-ordering, and enterprises of MIC works in special regime
From release you will know
What happened with our vessels near Kerch?
Will live near Multicam in FSO Ukraine?
Which Russian boat burns in this week?
By what might wrestle with kinesia?
And what project realize DARPA?
Forces for special operations – elite of Ukrainian army and have privileges about equipping and arming. For them even mighty to buy element of equipment from best world brands
By this statement Minister of defense Stephan Poltorak order to share additional costs. How this realized – research our journalist Gennadiy Salivon
For special operations forces by main agency of evolve and material supply and FSO presenters were chosen more than 30 elements of form and equipment. Apart of fatherlands developments, bought Austrian winter complete Karintia, shoes Lova, Switzerland knifes Victorinox
All that enters Battle One and Battle Special set in summer, demi-season and winter variants. Half year ago, ends their sub-research exploitations
Among complainings,that arrive from parts – too elastic pants belt, on him badly holds holster, sub-helmets ask to make a bit deeper, and winter gloves a bit softier
There and other wishes computed. Before March of the next year will brought changes in technical task and for month long they must be approved
Sone elements of sub-research models of equipments our filming group saw under time of training jumps in of FSO parts
Stuff rucksack, which giving out. Enough handy, but color Coyote not responsible at area where are we working. But perform his role in all actions. Here section where located helmet of fighter
On it staff equipment, pouch on 2 magazines, drop bag. In popular called trasher. Holster enough not bad. Goes under any pistol, that are stand at us on arms. And safety on pistol
When choose colors of sub-research equipment, thou in FSO name Multicam and Coyote. On him complain fighters. On operation give advantage to multic, which buy for own cost
We have no might to provide government purchases of Multicam camouflage. He is patented. Now in Ukraine developed own camouflage for FSO
He would be alike to multicam's. Such already done few countries. Forexample, Poland and Georgia
As in descendant-storm armies, so in sub-sections of Forces for Special Operations tested lighter weight helmets
Helmet Tor-D, with her also make jumps, perform all battle tasks, but weight a bit big. Also some time appears problems with namely attachments. They broke
Helmet TOR-D not staff's. Now developing two types of new helmets. Full-size and light for some sub-sections. In their part, FSO
From recognizable reasons special assignments give advantage not to full-size armor-vests, but plate-carriers
Plate-carrier comfy, but exists what to work over on. Will be not bad to think forward about fast drop away system, because fighter can not wear it off dis-noisily
If exists system of fast drop, or furniture, with help of which might wear of dis-noisily, it would be good
Specific of Forces for special operations in whole world such, that many tasks they do in night. In this time valuable not only in right term see target, but accurately and fast dis-harm it
Sure in it help collimators. But exist other effective devices
This target-indicator has few regimes of work, infra-red flash-light, namely target-indicator, but all rays seen only through night vision devices
Fans of TV-series about American special-assignments, knows that they work with NVDs on 4 objective lens. Have such also our FSOs. They already succeed in testing them and mark
Nearly get device GPNVG-18, for spotting and firing in night. Came on replacing for PVS-14, enough effective, increased view field, better image acuity. Already pass battle roll-over in zone of OUF
These not all, that in property of FSO Ukraine. About some devices can not told. Additionally equipping of Forces special operations for, with modern devices, technique and arms remains
President Petro Poroshenko declared, that from scouting and satellite clips, from September amount if Russian tanks in line of our border increased in three times
APCs, missile systems, helicopters, airplanes also increased. So danger of intrusion growth. With this begin digest of news from gunsmiths sphere of the seen world
25 of November under time of by plan crossing from Odes to Mariupol small armored cutters Berdiansk and Nikopol, and also raid-tug Iani Kapu know aggression from Russian borderers
After rams and shots with missiles form Su-30 and Ka-52, Ukrainian marines were captured and arrested. Because of it Trump cancel meeting with Putin
To commanders of Harkiv and Odesa apart aerial squadrons of Government at-border service was given two helicopters by one to each Mi-8
By words of chief of MIA, it is crossing variant before that moment, when would be given purchased helicopters Airbus
Infantry of rayon providing OUF using new tactic of exploitation of IFV in quality of self-propelled cannon
Caliber of «beha», which, with moving back heavy armament, became basic fire power, allow to bring enough serious injury
Idea proposed by artillerists. Calculations make with help of tablets and special soft
In first for years of independence military parts field'jaeger-post connection of Armored Forces get new special automobiles. On replacement of too old UAZ-3151, UAZ-452, GAZ-66 arrive micro-buses Ford
Their equipment developed and produces by fatherland science-production union, that on Kyiv's oblast
In this week on basis of Central science-research institute of arms and warrior's technique provide awarding 50 winners of All-army contest «Best invention the year»
Cups and diplomas at 15 nominations get presenters of 17 military parts and 7 enterprises and institutes of MIC. In common for participation in contests were given 181 declaration
26-29 of November in Pakistan pass ten expo of production with military assignment and devices for providing counter-terrorists operations Ideas-2018
In it their production present 552 companies from 51 governs. Among them the Ukraine, which also discuss common production of high precision missiles and tank Al-Halid-1
Young American inventor Sam Owen from firm Otolis Labs presented device for warriors to wrestle kinesia. Device show himself as box, that attach to hind-head
Under time of work she a bit vibrating, giving to brain many controversy information, among which he filters only what needs. So problem voids
Israel company Elbit Systems present their new development for searching of target, tracking it and fire influence. Passive system Hettronix don't use laser and works on range from 5 to 10 kilometers
Light her version weights 5 kilograms, heavy – 20. Might of new on demonstrated on border with sector
23 Of November on Mexican Navy shipyard in state Oakhaka release on water main frigate of project Damen Gigma 10514 with price 337 million euro
And commandment of Navy Brazil move out from part aircraft-carrier San-Paulu. From 1963 he served in France, and 18 years ago was sold to here. For time of service in Brazil in sea he was for 206 days
In Saint-Petersburg on Admiralteiski shipyards inflamed ice-cracker Victor Chernomyrdin, which now builds. On ship burn over cables, equipment and skin
That time 4 Turkey warriors died in result of falling helicopter in one of inhabitant areas of Istanbul
And AF Czech lost Mi-24, which fall under time of fly up on base near Namesht-nad-Oslavou
In German Dunauwerte AF Serbia give one among nine ordered light many-purpose Airbus-Helicopters H-145М
On enterprise of corporation Subaru in Utsunomia begin on-ground tests of first prototype helicopter UHX
Btw on base of Japan AF Misava end deploying of ten fighters F-35. And more two such models of 5th generation get Israel's aviators
AF Australia provide tech-review of airplanes C-17A with help of Chinese mini-UAV DJI
Egypt buy party of 32 Chinese strike drones Wing Lung ID
Japan sign contract on purchasing American reconnaissance RQ-4-B Global Hawk
That time DARPA demonstrate pre-programmed drones, that able to make task autonomous, even after lost of connection with operator
In March in Highest Council gen-director of «UkrOboronPorm» declare, that at KPI will create Main agency of leading researches and developments GARPA
She may evolve technologies in defense industry in Ukraine. Known that namely idea and partially name borrowed at American agency DARPA. Namely about techno-giant further will go talk…
She put hand to creating ancestor of internet Arpanet, exo-skeleton XOS, robotic system Big Dog, unmanned anti-boat ship ACTUV, many-purpose UV MQ-1 Predator
And it is just projects of agency, bout we told in program. In whole them hundreds: successful and not too, realized and in stage of development
Agency of leading defense research projects DARPA property of USA Defense Ministry and responsible for developing new technologies for army. Created in February 1958 in response to launching by Soviet Union first artificial moon of Earth
But after founding NASA agency lost most of the space projects. From creation and until 1972th, and also in 93-96 years carry name ARPA. To structure of agency now enters 6 basic sub-sections
And it is near 240 co-workers, among which 100 – management. If on tie of founding, budget DARPA consist 520 mln dollars, thou now – almost 3 billions
One among ways of searching for developers and projects became providing by agency contests with much reward. Forexample, competition of unmanned automobile-robots FDARPA Grand Challenge in March 2004 has prize fond in million dollars
Even among 15 teams obligate track in 230 kilometers did not pass any. Smaller from it starts only 8 prototypes, and record-man pass only 11,8 kilometers. With years results improved, even tasks also became more complicated
In 2012-15 years provided also contest DARPA Robotix Challenge, directed on development half-automatic on-ground robots. Then for 3,5 million wrests 25 companies from USA, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong
One more competition became DARPA Spectrum for demonstration of radio-protocols, which might use sure channel of connection at presence of other dynamic users and signals, what over-harm working
When you have actually complicated problem, which necessary to solve, exists actually many ways to solve it. It is most-most demonstrated under time of similar contests, thanks to various, often not ordinary thinking of participants
Describe programs of DARPDA might for very long, thou we will tell about demonstrative among those, what might enforce American army of future. Begin with most simpliest and remind project of 2014 year – helmet of virtual reality ULTRA-Vis, what has connection to local area
Device allow to be in course of situation on battle-field and even watch over video from cameras of brothers and technique
Bring fighter might to run for an hour 25 km, in frames of program 4MM means «Mile for 4 minutes» University of Arizona created wearing jet-pack. Now Jetpack, what weights 4,4 kg, improving and might be combined with exo-skeleton
I, after worn our invention, even compete with golf-car and by round with him. 4MM and I was faster than car. Device actually helps pass a mile for 4 minutes
High-precision safe sniper rifle EXACTO, what shoots with intellectual ammo also won't be too much for army of USA. So decide in DARPA and in October 2008 order in Lockheed Martin and Teledyne Scientific and Imagine project with price over 25 million dollars
Arm must be served over by snipers pair and shoot from great range. And to own-selves protect from the enemy bullet, DARP evolve project of battle machines of future Ground X-Vehicle Technology
Developers look to decrease size, weight, crew of transporter on 50%, increase speed twice and supply access for machine to 95% of land
GXV-T should have less armor, 360 degree of view thanks to virtual window and maximum systems for warnings before danger. And for reconnaissance DADRPA also order creating unmanned assistants from flora and fauna
Developers from three universities on order from DARPA created robot, what imitates move of worm and can go through fractures. MechWorm from nickel and titan wires able to live after strong hit over body and even explosion. Also agency finance development of robots calibri and cheetah
To Transport DARPA always share a lot of attention, so cargo unmanned AREC might call one among examples. He designed to transport military cargos, as helicopter with speed of airplane
To wrest hegemony of many-purpose unmanneds with long service term, agency provided program Gremlins. She provides launching from bomber or transporter great amount of drones with divided between theirselves tasks on range up to one thousand kilometers
Expected service term pf «gremlins» near 20 uses, what economically more profitable. But highest treasure in army is human and over her saving in battle agency do not stop thinking
We work over program "Biostas", what may allow to organism of fighter actively counter-force changes in surrounding condition
Tale goes about of slowing metabolism processes, means "biological time" in organism of injured fighter until that moment, when him give the medical help. It is significantly rise chances on surviving
In February ex-director of DARPA Anthony Teter assigned as member of Watching council at governconcern «UkrOboronProm»
Namely him one among those, who add his hand to creating fatherlands agency GARPA, as institution, where talented Ukrainians came with their ideas. So will look forward on significant technological growth of Ukrainian army
Next time you will know about armored-cutter Centaur and automate Fort-250. And on today that's all. This and previous releases search on site of 24th channel and YouTube of Military TV of Ukraine. Safeguard the Ukraine!
Brittany Johnson-Webster: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 5:54.
Brittany Johnson-Webster: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
KDSK The mother of Brittany Johnson-Webster faked her death, held memorial service.
Brittany Johnson-Webster revealed she is very much alive after her mother faked her car crash death and held a memorial service for her in Ferguson, KDSK reported.
"Brittany finished her story on October 27, 2018.
She was called to meet all the loving animal babies on the other side of the rainbow," her obituary said.
She told the outlet that she was "stunned.".
Brittany, who lives three hours away from Ferguson and was raised by her grandparents, said her mother was motivated by greed.
Here's what you need to know:.
Brittany Johnson-Webster's Mother Claimed She Died in a Car Crash.
Johnson-Webster said she found out from her aunt that a "celebration" of her life was being held at a funeral home three hours away from where she lived.
"She claimed I died in a car accident and the next day someone had pulled out in front of me and I slammed on my brake and spun out three times, and all I could think was I'm going to die, my mom's speaking my death into existence," Johnson-Webster told KDSK.
"I was kind of stunned.
It was a whole rush of emotions," she added.
A Memorial for Brittany Johnson-Webster Was Held in Ferguson.
Johnson-Webster's mother claimed that her daughter was killed in a car crash on October 27 and accepted donations for a memorial service.
The memorial service was held at Ferguson Heights Church of Christ on November 10, KDSK reports.
The service included a solo, remarks, and a repass.
The church said they had no idea it was all a scam.
"They had pictures of me blown up into posters that said rest in peace Brittany, and my aunt eventually had obtained one of the obituaries and sent pictures of it," Johnson-Webster told the station.
"Brittany finished her story on October 27, 2018.
She was called to meet all the loving animal babies on the other side of the rainbow," the obituary said.
Brittany Johnson-Webster's Mom Raised Money for The 'Funeral'.
Johnson-Webster alleged that her mother was motivated by greed and collected donations for the memorial service.
"I apologize for her actions.
It's messed up, but she ended up scamming you guys out of some money, you know just trying to make you feel bad," she said.
Brittany Johnson-Webster's Brother Died.
Johnson-Webster said she was most angry because her brother had died.
"My brother actually died and here my mom is faking my death.
You know I was upset, I was angry, but more than anything, I was sad," she said.
Brittany said she is estranged from her mother and was raised by her grandparents.
Brittany Johnson-Webster Says She's Worried For Her Mom.
Johnson-Webster said her mother has a history of drug abuse and believes she came up with the story to scam people out of money.
She said she sent her mom a message after learning what she had done.
"'What's wrong with you? You faked my death.
' But she hasn't even looked at the message or anything," she said.
"She said after all of this what scares her the most is that she has no idea where her mother is.
She said she fears for her safety and is asking anyone who may know where she is to contact Ferguson police," KDSK reported.
READ NEXT: Paul Caneiro: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know.
Tea For The Queen? | 💛 #MindfulChristmasChallenge Day 1 - Duration: 2:14.
Good morning everyone welcome to the first day of my mindful
Christmas challenge if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the
video in the description box below where I explain everything about the challenge
today is day one and I'll be sharing with you what challenge we will all be
doing today so are you ready the challenge for today is to really enjoy a
nice hot drink and I mean enjoy it to the max don't just do it on autopilot
like grab the first mug you see and put the teabag in and put the milk and drink
it with your tea whilst doing a million different things I really want you to
enjoy that moment so pick your favorite mug even if it's in the wash going to
get out grab your favorite mug and share with me when you're sharing this moment
why you chose that mug and why is it so special to you prepare that tea like
you're making tea for the Queen because you are the queen today are you gonna
have a biscuit with it which biscuit are you having and if you find your mind
wandering to different things then bring your mind back to the moment and
remember that all that moment needs is that nice warm cup of tea coffee or
whatever you drinking simple as that choose the best moment in your day if it
means that you have to wait until your baby naps or when the children are in
school or when you have five minutes to yourself and everyone is in bed whatever
that moment is choose that moment and have your really lovely cuppa so don't
forget to share your moment with me on instagram using the hashtag mindful
Christmas challenge and I will be looking at the hashtag and seeing what
you guys are doing I will be posting my lovely couple moments later on in the
day so please do check out my Instagram page if you're not following me there
and yeah I will see you guys tomorrow bye
Myth : Men don't get Anorexia Nervosa - Duration: 3:22.
Hello everybody
Welcome to our YouTube channel
Don't forget to like and subscribe,
so that you have your voice out here
I have a very interesting myth to share to you.
You will be wondering after watching our trailer, what are these people going to share with us?
Is it some kind of educational video? Yes
Trust me, it will be fun filled journey!
So.... let us go to myth number one
Anorexia nervosa is only affected by female (myth)
I have been hearing and looking through some the comments in youtube
and other social media sites
that anorexia nervosa only affects female,
but studies have actually show otherwiese.
Anorexia nervosa is considred to be a disease which very much "feminine".
But proofs form recent studies by a lot of researchers shown that,
actually it is affecting a lot male and we need to tackle this issue.
Get ready, join me for the fun field ride
Anorexia nervosa is often associated with women,
but studies have shown that it is almost prevalent among all gender in our society.
But, by how much you ask me?
Let me tell you, for every 3 female suffering from anorexia nervosa,
there is 1 male.
Which is about 15 to 30 % of the entire percentage.
That is a lot of percentage if you ask me.
University of Sydney have conducted a research on male anorexia
and they found that male are actually suffering from anorexia nervosa having the belief that
they are the less of a man compared to female who having anorexia nervosa disorder.
I beleieve that it is actually a very big concern and we all have to find
a way help each other out to tackle this issue.
A scholar named Greenburg and Scheon (2008)
found that male anorexia is actually, understudied, underreported, and of course overlooked.
Alright, guys,
now we have for the conclusion of my myth which is male does not get anorexia nervosa.
We have found that there are actually supporting that male do get anorexia nervosa.
But the knowledge about this very limited.
So we do need further studies,
studies with diagnosed male participants since male are harder to diagnose due to the stigma.
So we need to bring them back to the daylight and
give them support so that we can treat this disease accordingly.
So, that 'all for my myth and
hope you enjoyed
and please don't forget to like and subscribe.
Thank you very much from me!
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