Before we begin.. subscribe below
Oh my god... oh my god look. look!
oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...
don't do that
Hi it's ya boy Pio. We Excess on BET. I'm bout to see the city
Pio, What's up. What's up, I'm Jason. What is this?
We are at Flynyon and we're doors off.
Helicopter Company we've been in business for about five years.
We're in New York. We also have Vegas Miami L.A.
and San Francisco all five cities all doors off.
That's kind of what separates us from everyone else.
Every competitor inside New York right now
is allowed to fly over the water.
We're the only ones allowed to fly over to City.
How did it begin?
So our CEO Pat day.
He was going over to city one day with his camera
and thought the door was getting in the way with the reflection.
So he stuck open the door stuck his feet out
and made the first ever shoe selfie.
People want to do this. People need to do this.
That's why FlyNyon was born.
How many flights do you do?
We do about 40 to 50 flights a day.
So the flight is about 300 to 500 dollars per person.
A lot of money. It's honestly an incredible sight
to see. Doors off, feet out
and everything city right under your feet. of course.
Anytime Pio. You're welcome any time.
Each passenger will be given personal flotation device
to unbuckle any of the seat belts.
You must lift the release Slash to form a 90 degree angle
There you go. Let's go!
Ready to go with 3 + 2 company
oh my god
Oh my god. wait wait wait
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Oh my god. Oh shit Oh shit.
No. Don't touch me
Oh my god. I don't wanna look down
Yeah Beautiful, Beautiful Beautiful!
How much this helicopter?
1.5 million Oh okay, nice nice.
my friend, do people party in the Helicopter?
All the time.
oh they drink, they do everything? yup.
Oh okay, nice nice
Do people (bleep) in the helicopter?
Guys you can put your feet out if you want
Oy, where you going with my helicopter, mother (bleep)
where you going with my Helicopter? That's mine!
If you like what you saw subscribe below
For more infomation >> Pio's $500 Doors Off Helicopter Ride Over NYC for a Sneaker Selfie on FlyNYON | Excess w/ Pio - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
How Facing Your Fears Can Help You Conquer Them - Duration: 5:22.
You may have heard that facing your fears is the best way to conquer them.
As it turns out, this is actually pretty scientific advice, and is the basis for a technique called exposure therapy.
This kind of therapy has been used in some form or another since the 1950s, and it's designed to help people overcome intense fears and anxieties by exposing them to whatever they're afraid of.
And while that might sound totally counterintuitive, it's all based on some pretty basic and well-tested psychology.
In general, there's nothing wrong with being afraid.
After all, fear is a big part of what's kept humans around for so long.
But people with conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias experience extreme levels of fear that make it difficult to live their lives.
Exposure therapy is designed to help people overcome those kinds of debilitating fear.
And it's centered on the idea that fears can be learned and unlearned.
This is related to a concept in psychology called conditioning—specifically, Classical or Pavlovian conditioning.
It was named after famous experiments done by Ivan Pavlov in the 1890s, and it involves a stimulus becoming associated with a specific outcome.
In Pavlov's experiments, dogs learned that whenever someone rang a bell, they got food.
So they came to associate the bell with food, and developed a positive reaction to it.
In that case, they salivated in anticipation of being fed.
Other experiments showed that this type of conditioning can be true for negative stimuli, too.
Like, if someone is bitten by a dog, they might associate dogs with pain and fear and develop a phobia of them.
These results have been duplicated in tons of experiments over the years, but what's most important for exposure therapy is that these associations can also be extinguished, or unlearned, through conditioning.
So if someone with a phobia of dogs had repeated exposure to the animals without being bitten, their link between dogs and pain would likely disappear.
This process is the same no matter where the association comes from, too.
So no matter where someone learned to fear something, facing their fear in a controlled environment can still help them extinguish it.
And that's a big part of what exposure therapy is based on: controlled, safe, fear extinguishing.
It's about either teaching someone to overcome a fear, or to manage and process their anxieties in a more helpful way.
There are a few different types of this therapy, and the exposure part can take several forms.
For one, a fear can either be imagined or experienced in vivo, meaning in real life.
Some fears, like fear of spiders, are safe for in vivo exposure.
Others, like the fear of combat that some veterans experience, typically aren't safe and practical to repeat in real life, so these rely on imagined or even virtual reality exposure.
There are also different strategies for how much and how fast to expose patients to their fears.
Most exposure therapy involves what's called graded exposure—or starting small and gradually ramping up.
Often, it begins with imagined exposures and advances to in vivo.
For example, a therapist might guide a patient in thinking about a spider, and in performing relaxation techniques like slow breathing to manage their fear response.
Then, when the imaginary spider doesn't cause fear anymore, the patient will look at a real spider behind glass.
Eventually, they might move to looking at the spider without glass, and potentially to even touching and holding it.
Another technique is called flooding.
Unlike graded exposure, it involves facing the most feared scenario all at once.
While this is much scarier for the patient at first, if performed correctly, it also results in them realizing they don't need to respond to their fears in such an extreme way.
However, because this is more difficult for both the patient and the psychologist, graded exposure therapy is used most often.
Of course, like all types of therapies, exposure therapy isn't equally helpful for everyone.
And in some cases with phobias and PTSD, it's even been reported to make fears worse.
Scientists speculate that this might happen if the therapy isn't performed correctly, or for long enough.
Also, in general, it's especially difficult to treat social anxiety with exposure therapy—although it has helped plenty of people.
It isn't clear why it's harder, but it could be because social interactions happen every day.
This means it's more difficult to isolate and control the severity of interactions, which is necessary for patients to process their fears.
Overall, though, exposure therapy is highly effective, and this has been shown by numerous studies.
Like, one 2010 meta-analysis of 13 different studies examining 675 total patients with PTSD found that 86% showed significant improvement after exposure therapy.
And a 2007 meta-analysis of 300 patients across 21 studies reported similar success in treating specific phobias.
While it's most commonly used to treat PTSD and phobias, exposure therapy has also been shown to effectively treat panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.
Research is even showing that virtual reality therapy is just as effective as in vivo exposure.
Which could be a big deal for people who can't safely face their fears in real life.
Now, this doesn't mean you should rush out to the woods and find a spider to expose your arachnophobic friend to.
Like other kinds of therapy, exposure therapy is meant to be done by a trained professional in a controlled environment.
But if your friend wants to learn more about how it works? Hey, maybe you could show them this video.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!
If you'd like to learn more about fear, you can watch our episode on what might be humanity's deepest, darkest fear.
No Arrests in Triple Murders - Duration: 1:48.
Frankfurt 4-0 Marsella - GOLES Y RESUMEN - Grupo H - UEFA Europa League - Duration: 1:33.
Wright Museum concern - Duration: 2:39.
Sloughi: The Moroccan Sighthound faster than the wind ! - Duration: 2:55.
They say a Sloughi is distinguished by 3 features:
Qalqula (Glabella skull bone),
Badra (Torso) and Kaff (Paw)
The Qalqula is this bone here that resembles a valley !
because when it is running for long distances
Air passes through the Qalqula and cool off its heart !
Rendering it endurant in long distances !
Here, there is a sort of a bone (fore-arm) as you see,
it helps it defending against jackals or to attack its prey before holding it with its maw
Slim and robust the slooghi can reach peak speeds of 55 km/h over 300 meter distances
The slow Ghia is also known to be a proud dog with a sensitive character
He is intelligent and a loyal companion to his owner and family
The Moroccan Sighthound (Sloughi) is known for its sensivity
A Passionate raiser must treat it like a son !
For example, I have this female one and 3 others..
I don't eat until I make sure they do !!
Sloughi also is sensitive toward temper, it hates being yelled at !
If you did, it gets angry and depressed and may leave its master !
that if you beat it or yelled at it..
凤姐拿特朗普当男神,但自己却要被遣返回来了 - Duration: 12:53.
Standard Lieja 1-0 Sevilla - GOL Y RESUMEN - Grupo J - UEFA Europa League - Duration: 2:23.
Galaxy J - Trapstar - Duration: 4:20.
The Truth About the New Corolla Hatchback, It's Really a Toyota Matrix - Duration: 5:03.
rub up your engines, 1997 Scotty I'm looking at an 09 automatic matrix
with 48,000 original miles for $10,000m the car is very solid but it needs recalls
done is this a good purchase, okay well it's 10 years old and they want 10
grand that's expensive, but the problem is you know they don't make the matrix
anymore and I got one and that's an excellent vehicle, so you're gonna be a
hard time finding one that's only got 48,000 miles on it that's 10 years old
so, the recall is just a bunch of nonsense it's the airbag crap and who
cares about that, you can take it in if you want and they have to put new
airbags in for free that's the law, but realize here's the funny thing they
stopped making the matrixs which I'm really laughing at now cuz, I thought why
did Toyota stop making a matrixs people love them they were great cars, well
it was just a decision that they said they wanted to drop the car from their
line, it's basically a toyota corolla frame and engine and transmission
anyways right, so now I noticed this year now they came out with the Corolla
hatchback, it's a matrix look at it, it looks almost exactly the same they're
just bringing it back and call it a Corolla hatchback instead of calling it
a matrix you know, I mean it's kind of silly that they stopped making them and
now they're basically making the same vehicle only they calling it a Corolla
hatchback, they're great cars I don't know why they decided not to make them
but, now they are making them and just call them Corolla
hatchbacks, wolf says Scotty what are your thoughts on a 93 Skyline GTR I'm thinking about
getting one as a weekend car thanks, well those were fun cars to drive that's old
enough a 93 that was before Renault and Nissan merge, that's when Nissan was
still making really reliable cars, a lot of guys turn those things into drifter
cars, they can really zip around they're solid made, but here's the thing, a
lot of guys use them as drifter cars and race around in them, you might buy one it
might be completely worn out and be a pile of junk and you're gonna put a
fortune into it, so if you are gonna buy that car find a guy like me a serious
mechanic who know his stuff, to go check that thing out, to see what kind of shape
it's in before you throw your money out, because for example say it's a young kid
who's selling it, don't buy it they all rag the heck out of them
you don't want to do that, Damien rink says Scotty I'm thinking about
importing an 03-05 Mercury Grand Marquis to the Netherlands it'll be my
weekend car, won't drive it much, what's your opinion and reliability on the air
suspension, well air suspension systems are just a pain in the butt, but they
ride really nice and you can always fix them on those, it's still a Ford product
now realize that here in the United States the Grand Marquis are known
as grandma and grandpa cars, so if your grandpa or grandma and you want to go with
the flow go right out get one you know I mean what the heck, and if it's a kind of
a cool car maybe in the Netherlands people don't drive many of those,
go right ahead they can last quite some time you know, they're solid built cars
most of them got that big old v8 engine on them they'll run a long time and
you say you won't drive it much you won't care about gas mileage, I know I
met people in England that had big old American sixties muscle cars and they
drove them on the weekend to car shows and stuff they didn't care about the gas
mileage so, the orange says hey Scotty I'm thinking about buying the last
generation Pontiac Grand Prix GTP what's your thought on them, don't buy one
unless it's gonna be a weekend toy like the previous guy was only getting a Grand
Marquis and sent it to the Netherlands and only drive it a little bit one of
the reasons Pontiac went extinct was because of those last generations they
had so many problems, I would never buy any of the front wheel drive Pontiac
vehicles, they were mainly all garbage I got a laugh cuz you remember right
before they went extinct they used, Matt Dillon to do all those voiceovers on
their advertisements and then they went out of business entirely you know, maybe he's
bad karma I don't know, Bryan Bissett says what are your thoughts on an 03 Mustang v6
okay Mustangs I'm a fan of the v8 engines, the v8 engines are the ones that
I really like, I like the v8 engines, I'm not really a fan of the v6 s because
they're kind of underpowered and they don't last as long as the v8, but if
you're not a racer and you just want to pedal around, I have quite a few
customers that are older customers and they like the look of the Mustang but
they're not racers, they never go over the speed limit, if the speed limit is 75
they go 75 and a v6 engine is perfectly fine for that
you know, plus if you're gonna buy a used one, the v6 ones are much lower prices
than the v8s and also since it's the v6, the guys aren't generally as much racier
the v8s most guys race them around, the v6 the people that buy them generally don't
race as much, so you can get a car that probably is n't worn out, so if you never
want to miss another one of my new car repair, videos remember to ring that Bell!
[字]松任谷由実 / グレイス・スリックの肖像 1981 - Duration: 4:26.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 move up! BlueMotion NAVI AIRCO ELEK PAKKET - Duration: 1:12.
J&B International begins cleanup efforts - Duration: 1:41.
从圣贤的角度来解析郭德纲语录——你会发现老郭的境界其实很高 - Duration: 8:30.
Pio's $500 Doors Off Helicopter Ride Over NYC for a Sneaker Selfie on FlyNYON | Excess w/ Pio - Duration: 5:34.
Before we begin.. subscribe below
Oh my god... oh my god look. look!
oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...oh my god...
don't do that
Hi it's ya boy Pio. We Excess on BET. I'm bout to see the city
Pio, What's up. What's up, I'm Jason. What is this?
We are at Flynyon and we're doors off.
Helicopter Company we've been in business for about five years.
We're in New York. We also have Vegas Miami L.A.
and San Francisco all five cities all doors off.
That's kind of what separates us from everyone else.
Every competitor inside New York right now
is allowed to fly over the water.
We're the only ones allowed to fly over to City.
How did it begin?
So our CEO Pat day.
He was going over to city one day with his camera
and thought the door was getting in the way with the reflection.
So he stuck open the door stuck his feet out
and made the first ever shoe selfie.
People want to do this. People need to do this.
That's why FlyNyon was born.
How many flights do you do?
We do about 40 to 50 flights a day.
So the flight is about 300 to 500 dollars per person.
A lot of money. It's honestly an incredible sight
to see. Doors off, feet out
and everything city right under your feet. of course.
Anytime Pio. You're welcome any time.
Each passenger will be given personal flotation device
to unbuckle any of the seat belts.
You must lift the release Slash to form a 90 degree angle
There you go. Let's go!
Ready to go with 3 + 2 company
oh my god
Oh my god. wait wait wait
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.
Oh my god. Oh shit Oh shit.
No. Don't touch me
Oh my god. I don't wanna look down
Yeah Beautiful, Beautiful Beautiful!
How much this helicopter?
1.5 million Oh okay, nice nice.
my friend, do people party in the Helicopter?
All the time.
oh they drink, they do everything? yup.
Oh okay, nice nice
Do people (bleep) in the helicopter?
Guys you can put your feet out if you want
Oy, where you going with my helicopter, mother (bleep)
where you going with my Helicopter? That's mine!
If you like what you saw subscribe below
Magic Potion That Gets Dogs to Stop Barking | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:25.
(Endless barking)
(How to stop them in 3 seconds)
(This will do the trick)
(A magic potion)
(It was actually a pig potion?)
Androstenone is a pheromone found in the saliva of male pigs
When dogs smell it,
They stop barking immediately
(Collects saliva aka androstenone)
(an ample amount)
We used a healthy, male pig's saliva
By removing impurities and only extracting active ingredients
(Will it work?)
(Barking because it hates tails)
(spray, spray)
(calm as ever)
(welcome.. or not..)
(imma spray you with that magic potion)
(total transformation)
(They're so pretty)
(at least he's wearing a helmet lol)
(dem fangs tho)
(different dog, same result)
(in the mood for netflix and chill)
(Finally gets a checkup, now that it's calm)
Calm | Angry | After spraying
You're making the dog feel safer
(Do they sell this potion in stores?)
Renault Scénic 1.6 16V,bj.2006,grijs metallic,1e eigenaar,climate control,NAP uitdraai met 191131 k - Duration: 1:08.
Bankroll Mafia - Jbo Escobar Feat. YoungQueenz (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:12.
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
HK Mafia
HK Mafia
GZ Mafia
GZ Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Think what im gonna give you snakes
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
HK Mafia
HK Mafia
GZ Mafia
GZ Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll mafia bish you know ma dick is thick
I hit'em up with a click
Then I pull up with the stick
I see the homies move bricks
like I be watching a flick
Yeh he Keep it all on the lit
I said keep all on the lit
Escobar up on this bish
Mothafuckas tryna get it get it catch you with it with it like
Goldilocks up on my neck mothafuckas come and get it get it like
Bish aint it this what you came for
Bish why you lookin like a rainbow
Im the devil with a halo
Guangzhou mafia the stigma
Escobar, Escobar, Escobar, Escobar, Escobar, waiting for drops
Bankroll, Bankroll, Bankroll, Bankroll, Bankroll, we don't stop
Im on the grind 365 putting in work for the line
Putting in work for the time
Putting in work for the grind
Fuck im taking whats mine
Bish telling me u deserve it
You do the math I reserve it
If u a snitch u get burn bish
Ma shit on point I am focus.
I seen a lot of the hate looking at me like a fake
I take the food on ya plate
All day im chasing the racks
All day im chasing the banks
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
HK Mafia
HK Mafia
GZ Mafia
GZ Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Mafia mafia 所有嘢五星你以為係GTA 貨如輪轉好似衝鋒槍彈匣
歌詞係禁藥你要搵DEA Wu yeah
翡翠flex on you young Ozma bless your crew
Feel like Pablo Escobar
New choppa banging
Why you tripping? 係物競天擇適者生存boy
不鳴則已 shit now we making noise
Bankroll Bankroll Mafia
Skr skr skr Kart mario
Fuck with the gang 你被斷五指
Bankroll, Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll, Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
HK Mafia
HK Mafia
GZ Mafia
GZ Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
HK Mafia
HK Mafia
GZ Mafia
GZ Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
Bankroll Mafia
[Official Audio] 인디고(Indigo) - 여름아!부탁해(Please Summer!) - Duration: 4:08.
[FREE] Juice Wrld Type Beat • Lil Skies Type Beat • Future Type Beat "Leaving" | Prod. Ca$hmere - Duration: 2:37.
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