Hello. I'm Gill at engVid, and today we have a lesson especially for people who already
know a bit about music, but would like to know what the English words are for some of
the terminology in music. So, this is just a brief summary of some of the main aspects
of music, and to do with the way it's written, called notation; and things connected with
the theory of music; and all the technical... Well, not all the technical things; some of
the technical things connected with it. So... So that you can talk about music with people
in English. Okay? If you don't know anything about music, I hope it will also be an introduction
to some of the ideas and some of the words connected with music, and you can find other
websites to find out more. So, let's have a look.
So, music vocabulary in English. The names of the notes are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. So,
that would give you an octave. "Octave." Well, up to the next A, that is. A to A would be
an octave. Okay? So, if you're looking at a piano keyboard, for example, those are the
notes on there; the white notes. So, we have, on the piano keyboard, if you're thinking
of music in that way, you've got the white notes and the black notes. Okay. White notes
are these letters; the black notes are the flats and sharps. Okay. So, if you know about
music already, you know what I mean. If you don't know, there are lots of sites on the
internet to find out more, if you want to do that after this lesson. Okay.
So, a flat, that's the symbol for flat, as you know, because the musical notation is
a universal notation, so it's used all over the world. So, you will know the symbols,
I'm sure, but you may not know the English words for them. So, the flat; that's a flat.
The sharp; that's a sharp. And the natural, if you need to cancel out a flat or a sharp
- that's the natural. The symbol is called "natural", there. Okay. Right.
So, then, coming down to the way the music is written, the five lines that it's written
on - that's called a "stave" in English. Okay. So, I've written a couple of examples, here,
with some of the words describing what's... What's there. So, this stave of five lines
has some notes on it, so they're notes. These are the notes. This is called the treble clef-"treble
clef"-which rests on the G, so it shows you that that line is G. Treble clef. And this
one is called the bass clef, which rests on the F. So, you know that line is the F. Okay.
So, what I've done, I've shown a time signature, here, 4:4; four beats in the bar, so the bar...
That's a bar. Up to the bar line. Okay. And with the bass clef stave, I've shown 3:4 time
signature. 3:4. Three beats in the bar. Okay? So, we call it 3:4; 4:4.Okay?
And there's also the key signature, there, for the key. So, that's the key signature,
as you know for G major. Or it could be what's called the relative minor; would be E minor
with the same key signature. E minor. Okay, so that's called a key signature, just like
this is called a time signature. Key signature, one sharp, G major or E minor.
This one, I've given it a key signature for F major with one flat. So, the relative minor
for that, again, would be D... D minor. So, that could be the key signature for something
in D minor or an F major, of course. Okay. Right. So, that's covering the key signatures
and the time signatures, the treble clef, the bass clef, the notes.
Then the spaces between the notes are called intervals in English. So, the interval could
be a small interval, like a tone or a semi-tone, or a larger interval. I haven't written them
down, but a third, a fifth, an octave. We've got octave, there. So, G to F sharp, of course,
is a semi-tone; the smallest you can get. Well, yeah. I know in modern music you can
get even less than that, but that's getting too... Too technical for me. So, the smallest
interval I can recognize is a semi-tone; G to F sharp, back to G again. Semi-tones. And
then G to A, a tone, a whole tone... So, you call that a whole... Whole tone. Okay? And
then you'd say a third, a major third, a minor third, a fifth, etc. Okay?
So, just to explain this one: "Beats in the bar" means the number of beats. Four, four,
one, two, three, four beats in the bar. This is a bar line. Okay? This one has three beats
in the bar; one, two, three. And here's another bar line. Okay.
Now, then, what else have we got here? So then we move on to note values; the lengths
of the notes - short and long. You'll be, I don't know, pleased or not pleased to know
that there are different terms used in America from Britain; we have different words. Possibly
also it's to do with whether the music is popular or classical as well, but I'll give
you both of these so that you've got both.
So, this one without a stick on it, a white note without a stick is called a whole note
in America, but it's called a semibreve in British music. Okay. In the U.K. This one,
the white note with a stick - half... Half the length of that one is a half note. So,
that's a whole note; so this one is half the length, so it's logical that the American
system calls it a half note because it's half the length of the one, there. So, a half note.
But in British music, it's called a minim. So, I can understand these are less obvious,
the British system, than the American one. But if you've learnt it this one... If you've
learnt this one, then it's... It seems normal. But anyway.
So, whole note, half note, semibreve, minim. And then this black note with a stick on - half
the length again of that one, so logically, in the American terminology, it's a quarter
note, and it especially makes sense here, because you have four of them in one bar,
so they are each a quarter of the bar. They add up to the whole bar. So, in that bar you
would either have one whole note or you would have two half notes, or you would have four
quarter notes, which is what I've got there. Okay. So, a quarter note in American is called
a crotchet in the British system. Okay. So, not very obvious.
So, then going... Going on. As these notes are half the value each time as the one that
went before - half of a quarter note is an eighth note, so it's a black note with a stick
and a little tail on it to show that it... What its value is. Very short by this stage.
And in the British system, we call that a quaver. Okay. So... And there are lots of
other notes, but I've just put the main ones here.
So, again, the note which is half the value of that one is a black note with a stick and
two little tails, and in American language, it's called a sixteenth note because it's
half the value of that one; but in the British system, we call it a semiquaver. That's a
quaver. At least there's a bit of logic, here. "Semi" meaning half. Semiquaver is half the
value, half the length of the quaver. So, those are the names for the note values; the
lengths of the notes. Okay.
And then, finally, just to finish with the general terms that are used for the music,
what you might call the elements; different elements. We use the word "tempo", which is
an Italian name, meaning the speed of the music - whether it's fast or slow, or somewhere
in between. There are a lot of Italian terms in music because music from Italy was such
a strong influence in the early days and it's still there now. So, things like allegro,
allegretto, crescendo, diminuendo are all Italian words, which musicians understand,
even though they're not in their own language. So, tempo, meaning speed. How fast or slow
is the music?
Volume or dynamics is to do with how loud or soft it is; the volume - the dynamics.
Is it loud or soft, or average, in between again? Another element, of course very important,
is the melody or tune. The tune... Word "tune" is a more popular word that everybody uses.
They say: "That's a lovely tune. What's that?" But the more technical musical word for it
is "melody". Okay.
And then there's harmony - when all the notes are sounding together. But if... If the notes
are sounding together but they're not very harmonious-meaning they don't sound so good-it
may be deliberate on the part of the composer. It can be called dissonance. "Dissonance"
meaning... Another word for that also is a clash or: "It's clashing. That music, it's
clashing. The instruments are clashing. It doesn't sound right together." Or it may just
be very modern music which has been written that way deliberately. So, there we are. So,
there is harmony but it can be dissonance if the notes being played all at the same
time don't seem to go together to your own ears. Okay.
Timbre. I was talking about Italian words, but this is actually a French word. Timbre
is to do with the sort of sound quality of what you're hearing. Especially when you recognize
a particular instrument, if you recognize an oboe, or you recognize a flute or a violin,
or you recognize just the speaking voice of a friend on a phone - it's because of the
timbre; the sort of sound quality. The characteristic sound of that particular person's voice or
musical instrument, you say: "Ah-ha. I know what that is. That's a saxophone." or "That's
a cello", or whatever; you recognize the sound of the instrument. So, that's timbre.
Rhythm is fairly obvious. These time signatures are the rhythm, but of course also you can
have rhythm that' eithers fairly regular or it may be rhythm that's quite irregular. So,
that's just an overall term for the way the notes are played in time. Okay.
And, finally, texture, it's... It's a word that's associated with cloth. If something's
a thick texture or a thin texture... This cloth is fairly thick; this is a bit thinner.
So, it's to do with what... What sounds are all being played at the same time. If you
have a thin texture, you may only have two instruments playing. If you have a thick texture,
it may be a whole big symphony orchestra who are playing with lots and lots of instruments,
all playing lots and lots of different notes. So, the texture is either thin or thick, and
it will vary probably during the course of a piece of music just for the sake of variety.
Okay, so I hope that's been a useful overview and introduced you... If you are a musician,
introduced you to the English words for things. If you're not a musician, introduced you to
something technical about music, which you can then follow up and find other sites to
tell you more. So, I hope it's been useful. So, if you'd like to go to the website, www.engvid.com,
there's a quiz there to test you on this. And so, thank you for watching and see you
again soon. Bye for now.
For more infomation >> Learn the VOCABULARY of MUSIC - Duration: 17:13.-------------------------------------------
ทอดมันหัวปลีวิธีทำพร้อมสูตรน้ำจิ้มอร่อยเก็บได้นาน Fried banana blossom | happytaste - Duration: 5:09.
Sawasdee ka my friends. Today I' m gonna show how to make fried banana blossom
benefits of banana blossom
treatment of gastritis
low calories help for diet
help against sadness
reduce blood sugar
lime juice to soak banana blossom keep from turning dark
remove the purple shell use only white
remove core and small flower
minced pork 200 g
red chilli paste 2 tbsp
sugar 1 tsp
fish sauce 1 tbsp
2 eggs , kaffir lime leaf
flour 3 tbsp
medium hot oil
fried until golden brown
water 1 cup, brown sugar 5 tbsp
salt 1 tsp
vinegar 3 tbsp , chilli sauce 3 tbsp
then boiling add pound red chilli
stir until thick
add rosted peanut and cucumber
fried banana blossom and dipping sauce very delicious
see you next vedio.Please subscribe thank you Sawasdee ka.
Opel Combo 1.6 CDTi 100pk L1H1 Innovation - NIEUWSTE MODEL - Duration: 1:07.
[AIC 2018] - Vietnam (OCS) with THAILAND (BZ) 1st - Duration: 16:44.
"Un gran día en Buenos Aires": el video de Donald Trump sobre su rol en la primera jornada del G20 - Duration: 6:54.
El presidente Donald Trump impuso su sello a la cumbre del G20, que se celebra en Buenos Aires en un ambiente crispado por el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania y la "guerra comercial" entre Estados Unidos y China
"Gran día en Buenos Aires, Argentina. ¡Gracias!", celebró el mandatario estadounidense en su cuenta de Twitter junto a un video que resumió su jornada de reuniones con otros líderes y firma de acuerdos durante la cumbre
Great day at the #G20Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thank you! pic.twitter
com/4IHvUdOygc — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 1 de diciembre de 2018 Nada hace pensar que habrá un consenso en el foro que reúne hasta el sábado a las 20 economías más potentes y emergentes del planeta y que tiene entre sus polémicos invitados al presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, al chino Xi Jinping y al príncipe heredero saudita Mohammed bin Salmán
Luego de que Trump anulara la cita que ambos habían fijado, Putin mostró su espíritu combativo al denunciar las "prácticas viciosas" de las "sanciones unilaterales" y del proteccionismo comercial
En uno de los pocos momentos de concordia, Estados Unidos, México y Canadá firmaron un nuevo tratado de libre comercio tras meses de tensión, idas y venidas
Bautizado T-MEC por los mexicanos, el pacto reemplaza al TLCAN que regía el comercio entre estos tres países desde 1994 y que fue derribado por Trump
Estados Unidos, México y Canadá firmaron su nuevo acuerdo de libre comercio conocido como T-MEC (Télam) Los principales líderes mundiales también dieron la bienvenida al príncipe heredero saudita de 33 años evitando aislarlo en este viaje, el primero que realiza desde que el periodista Jamal Khashoggi fue asesinado en el consulado de Riad en Estambul
Trump-Xi La reunión del sábado entre Trump y su homólogo chino será el punto cúlmine del primer G20 en América del Sur
Gobiernos, mercados y empresas estarán pendientes de los resultados de este encuentro
El mandatario estadounidense dijo ver "buenas señales" en las relaciones comerciales entre ambos países
Pero también se mostró reticente a un acuerdo en las últimas horas. "Creo que estamos muy cerca de hacer algo con China pero no sé si quiero hacerlo", dijo Trump antes de iniciar su viaje
Donald Trump y Mauricio Macri (Manuel Cortina) Al exigir que Pekín ponga fin a prácticas comerciales, Trump impuso aranceles que alcanzaron 300
000 millones de dólares, incluyendo 250.000 millones de dólares sobre productos chinos, y afectaron a importaciones de acero y aluminio de otros países
Y China no tardó en reaccionar con medidas recíprocas, lo que ha avivado la "guerra comercial" que los analistas temen pueda golpear la economía mundial
La próxima batería de aumentos está prevista para el primero de enero, cuando los aranceles de Estados Unidos a importaciones chinas por unos 200
000 millones de dólares podrían subir de 10% a 25% si los dos gigantes no llegan a un acuerdo
Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin, se saludaron en un pasillo del centro Costa Salguero de Buenos Aires No a Putin Apenas antes de dejar Washington, Trump canceló su cita prevista en Argentina con su par ruso debido al conflicto con Ucrania
Las tensiones entre Kiev y Moscú alcanzaron su punto álgido estos días luego de que Rusia apresara a tres navíos militares ucranianos frente a las costas de Crimea
A continuación, el presidente ucraniano Petro Poroshenko alertó contra "la amenaza de una guerra total" con Rusia
La anulación del encuentro ocurre en medio de la controversia en Estados Unidos por nuevas revelaciones en la investigación sobre una presunta injerencia de Rusia en la campaña presidencial estadounidense de 2016
El presidente estadounidense reiteró su inocencia en relación a un acuerdo inmobiliario con Moscú que ha formado parte de la investigación
"Caza de brujas", tuiteó. La foto de familia del G20 Trump deberá también medir fuerzas con el presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, quien pretende incluir en los primeros puntos de la agenda del G20 el calentamiento global, antes de la conferencia climática COP24 del 2 de diciembre en Polonia
Pero el presidente estadounidense, quien no se cansa de poner en duda el cambio climático, retiró a su país de los acuerdos ambientales de París en junio de 2017, poco después de llegar a la Casa Blanca
En ese contexto, será difícil que este G20 cumpla la promesa que hizo en su primera cumbre diez años atrás: el multilateralismo para asegurar la "prosperidad" en el mundo
Por Mauricio Rabuffetti y Maria Lorente (AFP) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: El saludo y breve diálogo de Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin en un pasillo del G20 Trump reiteró al premier de Japón su convicción de mantener la presión sobre Corea del Norte Donald Trump faltó al "retiro", la reunión privada del G20 Trump dijo que percibe "buenas señales" para resolver la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China Macri y Trump hablaron de la "actividad económica depredadora" de China
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WATCH: Kareem Hunt Kicks Abigail Ottinger in February 2018 | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:23.
WATCH: Kareem Hunt Kicks Abigail Ottinger in February 2018 | Heavy.com
Kareem Hunt can be seen kicking a 19-year-old woman while she's on the floor of a Cleveland hotel in February 2018.
Hunt has played every game for the Kansas City Chiefs so far this season.
The video, which was first obtained by TMZ, was uploaded on November 30.
It shows Hunt and the woman arguing at around 3 a.m.
inside of the Metropolitan Hotel.
Hunt can be seen shoving the woman, but when she hits him back, he shoves his friend into her.
After that, as the woman crouches on the floor, Hunt kicks her.
Chiefs beat writer Nate Taylor reports that the team is working on a statement regarding Hunt.
The woman had earlier been named as Abigail Ottinger.
The incident occurred at the downtown hotel on February 10, reported Cleveland.com, at the time.
Abigail Ottinger, 19, told officers that Hunt "shoved and pushed" outside of what Cleveland.com calls Hunt's "hotel apartment." Although another woman who was with the party, says that Ottinger assaulted her.
The website says that there were two police reports, one says Ottinger is a victim, another has her as the aggressor.
No arrests have been made in the case.
The website also said at the time that Ottinger was a Kent State University who says she was on a party bus with a friend, Hunt and his entourage.
At the end of the night, Ottinger went back to Hunt's hotel.
TMZ reported in February 2018 that Ottinger was asked to leave the hotel by another man in Hunt's party.
After refusing to leave, the gossip site says that Ottinger "began calling him and Hunt the N-word and specifically she stated, "F*** you n*****.
You ain't s***." That report also says that Ottinger punched one of Hunt's female friends who had been trying to cool down the altercation.
The TMZ report includes Ottinger's account which says that she was asked to leave the party because she didn't want to hook-up with one of Hunt's friends.
Ottinger says she couldn't afford to get home to Kent State so she sat outside the hotel.
That's when Hunt came outside and "shoved and pushed" her in an attempt to get her to leave.
In June 2018, TMZ reported that Hunt had been involved in a fight with a man at the Bay Lodging Resort in Put-in-Bay, Ohio.
The report makes the even seem minor with the victim not even seeking medical attention nor wanting to press charges.
READ NEXT: Michigan School Teachers Admit to Being Porn Stars on the Side.
Nets Guard Called 'KD Burner Account' After Kevin Durant Praise | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:27.
Nets Guard Called 'KD Burner Account' After Kevin Durant Praise | Heavy.com
Sometimes, even the valiant effort from one NBA player to show love to another can lead to things going off the rails.
Brooklyn Nets guard Spencer Dinwiddie found that out first hand on Thursday night.
During the Golden State Warriors' eventual overtime loss to the Toronto Raptors, Dinwiddie, like all NBA fans were left in awe by Kevin Durant's play.
Specifically, when Durant drained a wild fadeaway 3-pointer to send the game against the Raptors to overtime, Dinwiddie couldn't contain himself.
He posted on Twitter: 'Holy sh**.
KD a bad dude.".
Following Dinwiddie's reaction to the play, it seems he received some jokes on Twitter for being a fake account, or specifically a "KD burner account.
" Shortly after, the Nets guard had to follow up on his original tweet by confirming that he most definitely was not a burner account.
Obviously, fans were likely just giving Dinwiddie a hard time, but it was pretty good for whoever first dropped the joke.
Kevin Durant's Huge Night vs. Raptors.
Although the 131-128 overtime loss for the Warriors snapped a three-game winning streak, there was still reason for optimism.
Golden State was without both Stephen Curry and Draymond Green while facing one of the NBA's top teams.
Toronto has compiled a 19-4 record this season and hold a 10-2 home record as well.
Durant still put the team on his back when it mattered most, pouring in 51 points on 18-31 shooting with 11 rebounds and six assists.
Even with the high volume of shot attempts and Kawhi Leonard's defense, Durant only turned the ball over once in 43 minutes.
Although it may not have been enough to get a win here, it goes without saying the Warriors likely won't need this level of production from the star once Curry and Green return.
READ NEXT: Draymond Green Sounds off on Kevin Durant After Loss to Raptors.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 Coupé Automaat Business Solution AMG Night - Duration: 0:56.
"Un gran día en Buenos Aires": el video de Donald Trump sobre su rol en la primera jornada del G20 - Duration: 6:54.
El presidente Donald Trump impuso su sello a la cumbre del G20, que se celebra en Buenos Aires en un ambiente crispado por el conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania y la "guerra comercial" entre Estados Unidos y China
"Gran día en Buenos Aires, Argentina. ¡Gracias!", celebró el mandatario estadounidense en su cuenta de Twitter junto a un video que resumió su jornada de reuniones con otros líderes y firma de acuerdos durante la cumbre
Great day at the #G20Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thank you! pic.twitter
com/4IHvUdOygc — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 1 de diciembre de 2018 Nada hace pensar que habrá un consenso en el foro que reúne hasta el sábado a las 20 economías más potentes y emergentes del planeta y que tiene entre sus polémicos invitados al presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, al chino Xi Jinping y al príncipe heredero saudita Mohammed bin Salmán
Luego de que Trump anulara la cita que ambos habían fijado, Putin mostró su espíritu combativo al denunciar las "prácticas viciosas" de las "sanciones unilaterales" y del proteccionismo comercial
En uno de los pocos momentos de concordia, Estados Unidos, México y Canadá firmaron un nuevo tratado de libre comercio tras meses de tensión, idas y venidas
Bautizado T-MEC por los mexicanos, el pacto reemplaza al TLCAN que regía el comercio entre estos tres países desde 1994 y que fue derribado por Trump
Estados Unidos, México y Canadá firmaron su nuevo acuerdo de libre comercio conocido como T-MEC (Télam) Los principales líderes mundiales también dieron la bienvenida al príncipe heredero saudita de 33 años evitando aislarlo en este viaje, el primero que realiza desde que el periodista Jamal Khashoggi fue asesinado en el consulado de Riad en Estambul
Trump-Xi La reunión del sábado entre Trump y su homólogo chino será el punto cúlmine del primer G20 en América del Sur
Gobiernos, mercados y empresas estarán pendientes de los resultados de este encuentro
El mandatario estadounidense dijo ver "buenas señales" en las relaciones comerciales entre ambos países
Pero también se mostró reticente a un acuerdo en las últimas horas. "Creo que estamos muy cerca de hacer algo con China pero no sé si quiero hacerlo", dijo Trump antes de iniciar su viaje
Donald Trump y Mauricio Macri (Manuel Cortina) Al exigir que Pekín ponga fin a prácticas comerciales, Trump impuso aranceles que alcanzaron 300
000 millones de dólares, incluyendo 250.000 millones de dólares sobre productos chinos, y afectaron a importaciones de acero y aluminio de otros países
Y China no tardó en reaccionar con medidas recíprocas, lo que ha avivado la "guerra comercial" que los analistas temen pueda golpear la economía mundial
La próxima batería de aumentos está prevista para el primero de enero, cuando los aranceles de Estados Unidos a importaciones chinas por unos 200
000 millones de dólares podrían subir de 10% a 25% si los dos gigantes no llegan a un acuerdo
Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin, se saludaron en un pasillo del centro Costa Salguero de Buenos Aires No a Putin Apenas antes de dejar Washington, Trump canceló su cita prevista en Argentina con su par ruso debido al conflicto con Ucrania
Las tensiones entre Kiev y Moscú alcanzaron su punto álgido estos días luego de que Rusia apresara a tres navíos militares ucranianos frente a las costas de Crimea
A continuación, el presidente ucraniano Petro Poroshenko alertó contra "la amenaza de una guerra total" con Rusia
La anulación del encuentro ocurre en medio de la controversia en Estados Unidos por nuevas revelaciones en la investigación sobre una presunta injerencia de Rusia en la campaña presidencial estadounidense de 2016
El presidente estadounidense reiteró su inocencia en relación a un acuerdo inmobiliario con Moscú que ha formado parte de la investigación
"Caza de brujas", tuiteó. La foto de familia del G20 Trump deberá también medir fuerzas con el presidente de Francia, Emmanuel Macron, quien pretende incluir en los primeros puntos de la agenda del G20 el calentamiento global, antes de la conferencia climática COP24 del 2 de diciembre en Polonia
Pero el presidente estadounidense, quien no se cansa de poner en duda el cambio climático, retiró a su país de los acuerdos ambientales de París en junio de 2017, poco después de llegar a la Casa Blanca
En ese contexto, será difícil que este G20 cumpla la promesa que hizo en su primera cumbre diez años atrás: el multilateralismo para asegurar la "prosperidad" en el mundo
Por Mauricio Rabuffetti y Maria Lorente (AFP) MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: El saludo y breve diálogo de Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin en un pasillo del G20 Trump reiteró al premier de Japón su convicción de mantener la presión sobre Corea del Norte Donald Trump faltó al "retiro", la reunión privada del G20 Trump dijo que percibe "buenas señales" para resolver la guerra comercial entre EEUU y China Macri y Trump hablaron de la "actividad económica depredadora" de China
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