Holidays, holidays…
The time of celebratory indulgences with a hint of dread about losing all of your hard-earned
fitness gainz.
Although typically this is the time of the year where we set aside our meal preps and
macro calculators to instead, enjoy time with our families, it doesn't mean that we should
just forget all about our delicate goals.
There are still a number of things we can do that might help us stay the course without
entirely ruining our festive feasts.
And grandma will thank you for it after serving you a fourth and fifth scoop of her famous
mash potatoes.
Here are three tips you should consider to help you keep some of the weight off during
the holidays.
Number 1, Finish your proteins first.
Your lean meats, your nuts, your eggs, and even your beans.
These are the things to eat first along with your greens.
Most of us, instead, tend to immediately go for the delicious carby goodness.
However, doing so, might actually lead us to eating much more than had we eaten our
proteins first.
Proteins are the most satiating, or filling food out of the three primary macronutrients
of proteins, fats, and carbs.
Time and again we have seen that people naturally eat less and gain less fat when consuming
more protein.
The lower fat gain might be attributed to protein's higher cost of energy to break
down in our bodies.
Plus, protein is less likely to be metabolized for energy, where carbs in the form of glucose
and fats in the form of fatty acids have much higher priority.
This means less protein converted into fat.
Of course, protein is also imperative to muscle protein synthesis, aka help you with your
muscle gains.
Get your proteins first, and honestly, not just for the holidays, but preferably all
of your meals if you have a fat or weight loss goal.
This doesn't mean you can't enjoy all of the other fatty and carby dishes.
You certainly still can, just eat your protein first and maybe you'll be satisfied enough
with a smaller portion of the other dishes.
Number 2, Offer to Cook.
It's time to show off the cooking skills you've accumulated from all the hard work
on meal prepping.
No doubt you'll get a big fat kiss from your parents for even offering to help, but
also, just like your meal preps, you're able to control the ingredients that go into
the dishes.
Like… adding more protein, *wink wink.* Or less sugar, less oil, etcetera.
Whatever it may be, this control means you can tailor a dish to be friendlier to yours
and probably all of your family members' goals.
Sure, you wouldn't want to change the recipes too much where the dish becomes too bland,
or else this would be the last holiday dinner you'll be cooking.
But, at least knowing what IS going into your dish is better than not.
You'll be better equipped to plan around it.
And let's not forgot all the calories you will be burning in the kitchen.
Cooking, especially for a big family, is no easy feat.
So, get the oven heated and try not to burn the food as much as you're going to burn
them calories.
Number 3, Plan Ahead This one is probably the best advice you can
have to keep yourself from turning into jolly old Saint Nick himself.
If you don't want to even THINK about changing any part of your holiday feasting, then it's
best that you plan ahead.
In this case, every big, festive eating day should be treated just like a cheat day.
Like any cheat day, sticking to a calorie deficit during this time would prove useful
in order to mitigate all the damage you're going to do.
That means getting consistent exercise for as many days as possible and making sure your
nutrition is in peak shape.
The more days you can plan ahead, the better.
For example, if you think you're going to eat around 5,000 calories during the holiday,
3 weeks of a 240-calorie daily deficit is better 1 week of 715 daily calories.
And it doesn't have to be days before the holiday, but also days after.
A very strong exercise session the day of your feasting is also a good idea so that
you can take advantage of all the extra nutrients to feed your hungry muscles.
And the thing is, you probably already KNOW that you SHOULD plan ahead before even watching
this video.
Now that you've actually heard someone else tell you this, hopefully you will follow through
just as you will follow through in downing all four different slices of pie…
And there you have it.
Three tips to get you staying on the right track during these wonderful holidays.
If you found these tips useful, then please give the video a thumbs up and share it with
your holiday-loving friends.
Subscribe for more fitness videos.
As always, thank you for watching, Happy Holidays and GET YOUR PROTEIN!
For more infomation >> 3 Tips to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays - Duration: 4:14.-------------------------------------------
New Fingerlings HUGS Are Here
Warframe - My Back-shooting + Slowmotion Bolto - Duration: 3:22.
What you want me to do
Kill him!
you don't have to do that
it's time to end it all
Wait !!
Luke! I am your daddy
NOO w.. ... . are you serious
It´s too late
Wendy Carr, Amigos Taqueria y Tequila Owner: 5 Fast Facts | - Duration: 10:38.
Wendy Carr, Amigos Taqueria y Tequila Owner: 5 Fast Facts |
Wendy Carr is the owner of a Mexican restaurant in Rhode Island facing criticism over a shirt logo that advocated for the removal of President Donald Trump.
Staffers at Amigos Taqueria y Tequila in Westerly wore shirts on Election Day with the numbers "86 45" printed on the back.
The restaurant was also selling the shirts to customers.
Carr told the local newspaper the Westerly Sun that the number 86 is a restaurant term.
It's used to reference the fact that a particular food item is out of stock or needs to be thrown out.
"It's restaurant language … in this case it means impeach." The number 45 was a reference to President Trump.
But critics, including a Rhode Island state senator, accuse the restaurant and its owner of advocating for violence against the 45th president.
Here's what you need to know.
Wendy Carr Said The Shirts Were Sold to Raise Money for Democratic Political Candidates & Stresses That 86 is Restaurant Slang.
Wendy Carr explained that the restaurant sold the "86 45" shirts last year to raise money for Democratic political candidates across the country.
She told WJAR-TV that the shirts were a major success and sold out.
"We wore the T-shirt's collectively on election night in order to celebrate our right to vote in hopes of flipping red seats to blue.".
The Amigos Taqueria y Tequila website has been temporarily changed to a single landing page explaining the t-shirts and the number 86.
Carr pointed out that she did not design these shirts or invent the term "86 45." Multiple versions are currently sold on Amazon and
Zazzle also sells bumper stickers and hats with the "86 45" logo.
The first part of her statement reads:.
"On Election Night 11-6-18 our staff wore t-shirts in support of political candidates who would be in favor of impeaching the President of the United States.
It was a political statement made on a political night with the excitement of exercising our right to vote to advocate change.
The shirts stated '86 45′, a popular statement that is used on t-shirts and bumper stickers meaning 'to remove the 45th President from office by impeachment'.
It cleverly uses the common restaurant lingo '86' which is cited as "American slang for getting rid of something, ejecting someone, or refusing service" by Wikipedia, Google and numerous other credible sources.
We did not invent this saying, and you can find similar shirts that say '86 45′ or '86 44′ on and
The accompanying social media post on the Amigos page clearly stated IMPEACH.".
Rhode Island State Senator Elaine Morgan Accuses the Restaurant of Advocating Murder & Calls for a Boycott Against Amigos Taqueria y Tequila.
Rhode Island State Senator Elaine Morgan disagreed that the "86 45" logo implies impeachment.
She accused the restaurant of advocating for murder.
According to the Westerly Sun, Morgan called for the community to boycott Amigos Taqueria y Tequila through her personal Facebook page (those posts are available only to her friends).
Morgan also sent an emailed statement to NBC10.
It reads, "To '86' or 'Deep 6' a person means to murder them.
Calling for the murder of anyone is wrong.
Calling for the murder of our president is not only wrong but also treasonous.
The right thing to do for any responsible citizen would be to call attention to and try to put a stop to this blatant incitement of violence.".
Morgan also wrote on her official Facebook page that she "also worked in the restaurant industry never heard this used." Morgan shared a post from a woman who says she worked as a chef for nine years and had never heard the term "86" used to describe food.
Multiple critics jumped on the post, however, arguing that they had worked in restaurants where "86" was a common term.
One poster commented that the term was also used in the military, when describing the scuttling of a ship.
Wendy Carr: The Senator 'Made Slanderous Claims' & Made Up a 'Malicious Story'.
As mentioned above, the Amigos Taqueria y Tequila website has been temporarily changed to include a statement from owner Wendy Carr.
It also includes an explanation of the term "86" as restaurant lingo and a screenshot from Amazon, which sells multiple versions of the shirt.
Carr wrote that she had never intended to imply violence or murder.
She accused Senator Morgan of making up lies about her establishment, and pointed out that Morgan had never spoken to Carr about the T-shirts before posting about it online.
"Rhode Island District 34 State Senator Elaine Morgan, then decided to recklessly misrepresent our t-shirts without ever having any communication with us whatsoever to inquire about the meaning.
She then made slanderous claims via Facebook, using our photo, that we were promoting violence or murder.
Violence or murder was never implied by anyone at our restaurant, ever.
The only person to imply violence was Rhode Island District 34 State Senator Elaine Morgan and those who have since shared and built upon the momentum she created through her social media post.
It has now been shared and commented upon by people across the country who have never been to our restaurant.".
In her online statement, Carr has also called for people of differing political views to have more respect for each other.
"I am not ashamed of my political views and feel political dialogues are important.
Violence or advocating violence is NEVER acceptable.
People can agree, disagree, but most importantly I believe they should listen to one another, respect each other, and commit to TRUTHFUL dialogue.
Our political differences are not more important than our humanity.
I am deeply troubled that as an elected state official, Elaine Morgan, would make up a malicious story about Amigos and call for a boycott of a local business solely because I, the owner, have a different political view than herself.
I apologize to everyone that was led to believe her lie and hope that this explanation clears up any misunderstanding of our intent.".
The Shirts & the State Senator's Response Prompted Angry Reactions on Social Media, On Both Sides of the Argument.
As referenced above, the "86 45" design has been sold online for years on major sites including Amazon.
Wendy Carr explained that she has had meaningful and respectful conversations with customers who do not like the idea of calling for President Trump's removal, and that they were able to share their political ideas.
But after Senator Morgan addressed it on social media, and accused the restaurant of advocating for the murder of President Trump, the debate went viral.
People on both sides of the argument took to social media to express their views.
One commenter who responded to a post by Senator Morgan, Steve Walker, came to the restaurant's defense even though he personally does not like the T-shirts or the logo.
"I've been in restaurants for 30+ years and I've never heard the term '86' used in the context of murder.
🎵NiT Prince🎵 N os T o P 🚀 : 1 👾🎻🎭 🔕#មិនមែនលំលំយកតាលុយទេ ∆ Trov Ka Kom Lang Jit ( TuCMG ) - Duration: 6:36.
Alcool, drogue... Véronique Sanson parle de sa descente aux enfers- NT - Duration: 3:09.
Virsac: l'arrivée de Castaner en hélicoptère à un péage de gilets jaunes pointée du doigt - Duration: 3:10.
GILETS JAUNES - Au 13e jour d'existence du mouvement des gilets jaunes en France, Christophe Castaner s'est rendu ce jeudi 29 novembre au péage de Virsac en Gironde, lieu emblématique de la contestation où la situation a été particulièrement tendue ces derniers jours
Le ministre de l'Intérieur n'est pas arrivé par la route mais par les airs, par hélicoptère, comme on peut le voir sur ces images publiées par Sud Ouest
Un choix de transport critiqué par de nombreux internautes sur les réseaux sociaux, comme on peut le lire ci-dessous, alors que le débat sur la transition écologique trouve un écho important dans l'opinion publique ces derniers jours
#Castaner de rien, n'en rate pas une! Prendre l'air, en hélicoptère, en aquitaine sans doute pour expliquer aux #GiletsJaunes ce qu'est le coût de la transition énergétique/écologique et pourquoi les taxes augmentent à ce sujet! @EPhilippePM éduquez le SVP ! #gouvernement — Justin Mot (@justin_mot) 29 novembre 2018 Belle empreinte carbone pour Monsieur Castaner et son hélicoptère au péage de Virsac
Encore et toujours du mépris pour les #GiletsJaunes, c'est bête mais pourquoi nous ne possédons pas tous un hélicoptère pour parcourir 25 kilomètres ( distance Bordeaux Virsac)
— landaise furieuse (@landaisfurieux) 29 novembre 2018 Il est électrique au moins son hélicoptère ? Il fait tabasser du monde au nom de l'écologie et il arrive en hélicoptère
#castaner#GiletsJaunes — Philippe Bayle (@zagreus64) 29 novembre 2018 Et il a pris un hélicoptère pour y allez bravo pour la transition énergétique Mr castaner
C est faites ce que je dis mais ne faites pas ce que je fais . Bravo pour l exemple qui pourtant vient du haut normalement — Girard Andree (@dd_cie) 29 novembre 2018 L'hélicoptère c'est pas très écolo et surtout ca coûte un "pognon de dingue"
Monsieur Castaner devrait pourtant montrer l'exemple, non ? — Le mec de la Joconde (@Alexandre83530) 29 novembre 2018 Castaner qui arrive sur un péage bloqué par les gilets jaunes en hélico, question com', ça tient du génie — Count_Five (@Count_Five) 29 novembre 2018 Sur place, Christophe Castaner est venu remercier les gendarmes pour avoir assuré la sécurité des manifestants sur le péage, malgré les dégradations commises
Il a aussi apporté son soutien au personnel autoroutier. Toujours en hélicoptère, le ministre s'est ensuite rendu à la direction zonale des CRS de Cenon à 80 km au sud de Virsac
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
Republican Senators TURN On Trump - Duration: 9:54.
Орхидея в полусфере-ёлочная игрушка🎄❄🎅 Мастер-класс - Duration: 30:42.
Creative studio of Valeria radak "Magic World of Handmade Art"
Hello everyone, Valeria with you, welcome to my magical world of creativity!
We will make an unusual Christmas tree toy.
Inside the hemisphere I placed a miniature orchid.
Materials: transparent hemisphere,
cardboard is plain and decorative,
candle or iron foamiran
wire, acrylic paints, acrylic varnish,
sponge, brushes for paints and varnishes, ribbons and stones (rhinestones), rhinestones,
a small lid for mini pots, a thermal gun (or other glue),
any little things to complement the composition,
snow paste (link to a master class for making paste, in the description under the video), glitter.
Getting Started:
I had a whole sphere, but half accidentally broke
the second half remained a little cracked, I felt sorry for throwing it away and I decided to make a toy.
On the foamiran we make a drawing of flower petals-schemes on the Internet.
Inside we glue the plastic (thick film)
On the back side you can also stick cardboard
but I decided to simulate the boards,
like it's a wooden house.
We cover with acrylic varnish:
Paint the workpiece from the inside.
I painted the same from the outside to mask the crack in the bottom of the workpiece.
it is not necessary to glue the inside part, it will not be visible,
but I decided to stick raffia
You can also stick sisal.
on the window you can glue the lace in the form of curtains.
Further, if desired: you can leave it this way or fill it with a small decor.
We cover with boronzoy:
We put nacre:
Glue strass tape:
Next, apply snow paste (link in the description below the video)
as well as a hint appears in the upper right corner of the screen:
After hardening, the paste is coated with acrylic lacquer with glitter imitating snow.
In this work, I wanted to add an unusual New Year miracle:
for this, inside I have placed my favorite orchid flower.
I would be glad if you like my idea!
I wish you all creative inspiration and all the most magical and beautiful !!
See you again!
Alcool, drogue... Véronique Sanson parle de sa descente aux enfers- NT - Duration: 3:09.
Join the Discord/ Pet Simulator (Roblox Gameplay) - Duration: 3:23.
🎵NiT Prince🎵 N os T o P 🚀 : 1 👾🎻🎭 🔕#មិនមែនលំលំយកតាលុយទេ ∆ Trov Ka Kom Lang Jit ( TuCMG ) - Duration: 6:36.
Virsac: l'arrivée de Castaner en hélicoptère à un péage de gilets jaunes pointée du doigt - Duration: 3:10.
GILETS JAUNES - Au 13e jour d'existence du mouvement des gilets jaunes en France, Christophe Castaner s'est rendu ce jeudi 29 novembre au péage de Virsac en Gironde, lieu emblématique de la contestation où la situation a été particulièrement tendue ces derniers jours
Le ministre de l'Intérieur n'est pas arrivé par la route mais par les airs, par hélicoptère, comme on peut le voir sur ces images publiées par Sud Ouest
Un choix de transport critiqué par de nombreux internautes sur les réseaux sociaux, comme on peut le lire ci-dessous, alors que le débat sur la transition écologique trouve un écho important dans l'opinion publique ces derniers jours
#Castaner de rien, n'en rate pas une! Prendre l'air, en hélicoptère, en aquitaine sans doute pour expliquer aux #GiletsJaunes ce qu'est le coût de la transition énergétique/écologique et pourquoi les taxes augmentent à ce sujet! @EPhilippePM éduquez le SVP ! #gouvernement — Justin Mot (@justin_mot) 29 novembre 2018 Belle empreinte carbone pour Monsieur Castaner et son hélicoptère au péage de Virsac
Encore et toujours du mépris pour les #GiletsJaunes, c'est bête mais pourquoi nous ne possédons pas tous un hélicoptère pour parcourir 25 kilomètres ( distance Bordeaux Virsac)
— landaise furieuse (@landaisfurieux) 29 novembre 2018 Il est électrique au moins son hélicoptère ? Il fait tabasser du monde au nom de l'écologie et il arrive en hélicoptère
#castaner#GiletsJaunes — Philippe Bayle (@zagreus64) 29 novembre 2018 Et il a pris un hélicoptère pour y allez bravo pour la transition énergétique Mr castaner
C est faites ce que je dis mais ne faites pas ce que je fais . Bravo pour l exemple qui pourtant vient du haut normalement — Girard Andree (@dd_cie) 29 novembre 2018 L'hélicoptère c'est pas très écolo et surtout ca coûte un "pognon de dingue"
Monsieur Castaner devrait pourtant montrer l'exemple, non ? — Le mec de la Joconde (@Alexandre83530) 29 novembre 2018 Castaner qui arrive sur un péage bloqué par les gilets jaunes en hélico, question com', ça tient du génie — Count_Five (@Count_Five) 29 novembre 2018 Sur place, Christophe Castaner est venu remercier les gendarmes pour avoir assuré la sécurité des manifestants sur le péage, malgré les dégradations commises
Il a aussi apporté son soutien au personnel autoroutier. Toujours en hélicoptère, le ministre s'est ensuite rendu à la direction zonale des CRS de Cenon à 80 km au sud de Virsac
À voir également sur Le HuffPost:
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