Mix Cremsucre with Liquid Glucose and water.
Caramelize at 190ºC.
Remove from heat and add butter, stirring well until well dissolved.
Spread caramel on a silicone mat to let it crystallize.
Once cold and well crystallized, crush caramel with a food processor until a fine powder is obtained.
Sprinkle the obtained powder using a fine sieve on a silicone mat creating a thin layer.
Bake 2-3 minutes at 200ºC to caramelize creating an irregular and organic texture.
Remove from oven and sprinkle while hot the coconut and lemongrass coating on top, to adhere better the powder.
Let cool and cut irregular pieces to use.
For more infomation >> Coconut and lemongrass caramel - Cremsucre · Liquid Glucose - Technological Sugars - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Remembering Sgt. Eric Emond - Duration: 1:14.
Buồn Không Em - Đừng Như Thói Quen | 20 Ca Khúc Khiến Bạn Chạm Đáy Nỗi Đau Và Nhớ 2018 - Duration: 1:37:03.
Hearthstone Funny Plays 230 - Duration: 12:06.
(Amazing sound effects)
from here
play vilespine here
and we ok
ughm... without vilespine... fine
so we play this
what? he attacked...
he's got no minions?!
he's got 16 cards in his deck and no any minion?!
yeah, this hand is not good
ah, Kathrena...
oh that's dirty
Eeny Meeny Miny Moe | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Cartoon Videos By Kids Baby Club - Duration: 19:05.
Lets do the eeny, meeny
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a lion by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch an elephant by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a Zebra by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Gorgeous Absolutely Stunning ELIZABETH Tiny Homes Has Absolutely Everything - Duration: 2:54.
Gorgeous Absolutely Stunning ELIZABETH Tiny Homes Has Absolutely Everything
Grande Fratello Vip: sfuriata di Walter Nudo, tensione con Andrea Mainardi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.
Lib Tech T Rice Pro HP C2 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.
Hi my name is Didi and I represent Lib Tech snowboard here in Austria.
Lib Tech belongs to Mervin Manufacturing, a USA based snowboard factory,
which is the most eco-friendly in the world. We do not use any poisonous materials,
poisonous glue or layering. We only use sustainable wood,
for example we only use recycled sidewalls made from our own boards as well as bio-bean top sheets.
We do all of this for the sustainability, for the nature, for our kids.
I am pleased to present to you today, our Travis Rice
Horsepower Pro. Horsepower means that we do not use fiberglass,
but instead we use basalt, a volcanic, eco-friendly material.
This makes the board lighter, we use less material,
it becomes easier to turn, easier to ride and gives
us more fun when riding. It has a classic hybrid shape,
a rocker between the bindings to ensure easier turns, playfulness
and fun when riding the slopes. We have an easy camber in the front and back
so you can achieve control at big speeds if you wish to ride agressively.
This snowboard has a blunt shape nose, but in the longer version from 160 further
it becomes pointy which is just an aesthetic feature. This is the freestyle oriented
version, mostly allmountain freestyle and the other version is allmountain freeride oriented.
Travis Rice is one of the most known snowboarders, known from
films such as Art of Flight, The Fourth Phase. A true hero and we are glad he is riding for us.
He has many snowboard in our range, check them out and ride the lines from Travis!
Uomini e Donne, Andrea Del Corso insulta Maria De Filippi e il programma: 'E' trash… | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:02.
Škoda Rapid Spaceback Space back Drive - Duration: 0:40.
Thanh Niên Nấu Ăn Dở Làm Món Cá Chép Om Dưa Và Cái Kết Bất Ngờ | Phạm Văn auto - Duration: 15:46.
Opel Corsa 1.2 BI-FUEL Design Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:06.
Привет, зима С наступающим Новым 2019 годом Proshow Producer - Duration: 2:33.
Uomini e donne: oggi nuova registrazione, Luigi ritorna da Irene | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:28.
Škoda Karoq 1.0 TSI Greentech 115pk - Duration: 0:49.
Theodore Gericault - la zattera della Medusa - Duration: 3:26.
Škoda Superb 1.4 TSI 125pk Greentech Active - Duration: 1:05.
Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:07.
Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk DSG Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:05.
Škoda Rapid Spaceback 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive + Tech pakket - Duration: 1:07.
Spray Sealant - How to Apply Correctly to Your Car
The "M-Cave" Found by Kenny Veach - Duration: 7:33.
Kenny Veach posted a comment on Youtube, claiming to have found a mysterious cave in Nevada.
Visitors replying to his comment were soon demanding evidence.
In exploring a desert like the face of the moon, Kenny was fond of pushing his endurance
to the limit.
Was it this personality trait that led to his disappearance, or did he succeed in finding
the M-Cave, and lose himself, within the bowels of the earth.
On June 30, 2014, Kenny Veach saw a YouTube video featuring Paul H. Utz, the son of an
Area 51 Technician.
Paul claimed that his father was involved in testing a revolutionary organic energy
source, in the Nevada desert.
The organic matrix of the power plant was suspected of being alive, and intelligent.
Veteran hiker Kenny Veach considered that desert his home turf.
Kenny left a reply which said, this revelation meant nothing, compared with a discovery he
had made himself, while hiking in the vicinity of Nellis Air Force Base.
He said he found a hidden cave.
It's entrance was shaped like a perfect capital letter "M".
As he approached it, he recounted, his whole body began to vibrate.
The closer he got to the entrance, the stronger the vibration became.
Because he was armed only with a survival knife, he thought it best not to enter the
Kenny Veach was 46 years old, and ruggedly handsome, however he was unprepared for the
backlash in the YouTube comment section.
He was accused of being a liar.
He decided to provide the only proof respected on YouTube... a video of the mystery cave.
Equipped with a camera and a small firearm, he returned to the canyon.
He saw plenty of wildlife, but failed to re-locate the cave.
The last comment ever posted on YouTube by Kenny Veach was to announce his impending
third hike, into the canyon.
He invited people to join him.
Nobody did.
He has been missing since November 10, 2014.
Volunteers searched for him in the Sheep Mountains, where his cell phone was found, sitting on
a rock, near the site of an old mine.
While no tracks were found leading away from the site, there was also no trace of him inside
the mine.
Kenny Veach was an extreme hiker.
He refused to carry a GPS tracker, or even a simple compass.
To test his endurance, he would bring less food and water, than he would need.
The wilderness would often lead him on such long hikes, that his toes would turn black
and blue.
One might call Kenny a "high-risk hiker", who ran out of luck.
To others, his long experience, meant he could only have been the victim of foul play.
Perhaps he crossed paths with armed smugglers.
Kenny was rumored to have had financial problems.
He uploaded one video trying sell his inventions, and another trying to sell his house.
One theory holds that he left his phone behind intentionally, walking out of the desert,
to assume a new identity.
But according to his family, he would never abandon his adult daughter.
His girlfriend Shery has been quoted online, as saying that, although Kenny was full of
life and seemed optimistic, he may have suffered from depression.
She believed he might have been avoiding, taking his medication.
Reportedly Kenny's father checked out, when Kenny was 20 years old.
He told Shery, if he ever decided to go that way himself, no one would ever find evidence
of his remains.
But there is another possibility... that Kenny found the mystery cave.
He bravely entered its dark interior.
And then the presence, which had initially warned him away, made itself known to Kenny
Veach, ensuring that never again, would he see the light of day.
토익 공부법 컨설팅 - 독해속도가 느리다면? 종로 ybm 두남자 토익 영준쌤이 전해드립니다! - Duration: 9:04.
鈴鹿 チャレクラ 練習走行 2分22秒781 Lotus Elise Type-R - Duration: 3:53.
하하와 김종민, 운명을 가른 결정적 차이. - Duration: 12:03.
Mélangeurs poudre/liquid Flashblend - Duration: 0:29.
Защита двигателя Ниссан Примера Р10 / Защита картера Nissan Primera P10 / Tuning / Тюнинг запчасти - Duration: 0:43.
Draw and color letter J with Rio kids🎨Learn simple alphabet💖Rio Kids - Duration: 4:49.
Wellcome to Rio Kids
Hello friends today, we learn to draw up coloring the letters J and the jackfruit let's start drawing
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child takes the nurse
Heigh, ho the derry-o the child takes the nurse
It takes the cow the nurse takes the cow
Heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow the cow takes the dog the cow takes the dog
Hi-ho the derry-o the cow takes the dog
Dog takes the cat the dog takes the cat
hi-ho, the derry-o the dog takes the cat the cat takes the mouse the cat takes the mouse I
Know the derry-o the cat takes the mouse
Takes the cheese the mouse takes the cheese
I know the derry-o the mouse takes the cheese the cheese stands alone the cheese stands alone
Heigh-ho the derry-o the cheese stands alone
The cheese stands alone
In the Dell the farmer in the Dell
Hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell. The farmer takes the wife the farmer takes the wife. I
Know the derry-o the farmer takes the wife
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child takes the nurse
I know the derry-o the child takes the nurse
Takes the cow the nurse takes the cow
Heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow the cow takes the dog the cow takes the dog
Hi-ho the derry-o the cow takes the dog
Dog takes the cat the dog takes the cat
hi-ho, the derry-o the dog takes the cat the cat takes the mouse the cat takes the Mary I
Know the derry-o the cat takes the mouse
Really mouse takes the cheese the mouse takes the cheese
Hi-ho the derry-o the mouse takes the cheese the cheese stands alone the cheese stands alone
Heigh-ho the derry-o the cheese stands alone
The cheese stands alone
In the Dell the farmer in the Dell
Hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell. The farmer takes the wife the farmer takes the wife
Heigh, ho the derry-o the farmer takes the wife
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child
Heigh ho the derry-o the child takes
The Ghost of Chillingham Castle! Cartoons for Children by The Adventures of Annie and Ben! - Duration: 7:50.
Annie Ben and Mango
You never know where they're gonna go!
Don't get scared, guys.
This is the North of England and --
-- we're going to visit Chillingham Castle
So. We've been to castles before. Castles are fun.
But Chillingham Castle is the MOST HAUNTED CASTLE IN THE WORLD!!!
That's not me, Annie.
Guys we've had parties with vampires and werewolves.
Oh! nobody's here
The sign says they don't have guided tours after six at night.
The best time to visit a haunted castle is at night.
Let's look around on our own, okay?
Poor Mango. Don't be scared. I'll hold your hand, okay?
People have lived here since the year 1248.
WOW! That's 5600 in dog years!
What's so special about the pink room, Annie?
I'm welcoming you to my home.
I speak a lot of languages -- but "ghost" isn't one of them.
Why would I do that -- you're my guests.
Hi, we're Annie, Ben and Mango.
Can't really shake hands, you know.
can't really shake hands you know okay pleased to meet you anyway and now that
you're here I must show you around oh I've waited so long for this ghost
tour of chillin in Castle it doesn't get any better than this
plaster King Edward the third himself walked this way in 1344 he walked what
way this way like a king hey Thomas tells great bad jokes
oh sorry just pull down on that torch
secret passageway how cool quickly quickly
I'm only here during the night and we have so much to see it's starting here I
can't see where we're fun I do so hope you're having fun this might be the best
time I've ever had in a haunted castle I'm delighted
we're all eat on it welcome to the great hole yeah great it was here in the
balcony that the minstrels played during a great banquet
look at big this tapestry depicts the Battle of on demand in 1898 a tapestry
of the Rodney's hang on a wall this one is like a giant photograph from over a
hundred years ago and do you know why they hung the rugs on the wall well why
to keep the cold air out
ah Thomas this is absolutely the best tour we've ever taken anywhere ever yeah
alas not everyone is as understanding as you three they all run away they stop
the tour tonight because of me well have you ever tried saying hello welcome
instead of why didn't I think of that you all right of course
oh hello welcome hello there welcome welcome looks like we're too late
folks keep practicing Thomas I have an idea
we'll have to come back in the daytime no no come on in we're having a very
special night tour with a celebrity and then you wait right there I'll be with
you shortly I'll meet you in the Great Hall this is perfect and the tour guide
said he'll bring another tour tomorrow night that's great Thomas
I want you to have this as my thanks but more you've done I've had it for 600
years good fruit it plays itself Oh Thank You Thomas I wish we had something
to give you you have you've given me a whole new life you're going to love the
tapestry I'm so glad we could help Thomas yeah I was worried for a while I
didn't think Thomas had a ghost of a chance
Oh, Ben, I didn't mean to scare you.
[INDO SUB] BANGTAN BOMB 181129 Suga is eating snack - Duration: 1:39.
最新轰动【沙菲益被指收950万案件最新进展】这次有好戏看了! - Duration: 10:06.
上诉庭三司今 天批准
资深律师沙菲 宜(Muh ammad Shaf ee Ab dulla h)介入公 正党主席安 华提呈的上 诉案。
安华早前以 沙菲宜收取 前首相纳吉 950万令 吉为由
寻求撤销肛交 案判决。
惟此申请被驳 回
安华遂上诉至 上诉庭。
法官威农(V ernon Ong) 为首的三司 不允许
沙菲宜剔除总 检察署特别 行动队官员 西蒂拉哈悠 (Siti Raha yu Mo hd Mu mazai ni)提呈 的宣誓书
或者交叉盘问 西蒂拉哈悠 。
他们一致同意 赋予沙菲宜 准令介入案 件
因为安华申诉 的要点是沙 菲宜收取了 950万令 吉
而此事影响到 沙菲宜的法 律权益。
沙菲宜在(安 华的)蒐证 申请案中被 列为是其中 一名当事人
而他更曾出席 高庭的两次 审讯。
" 检察署没 有反对介入 威农没有 指示任何一 方支付堂费 。
另外两名承审 法官为林恬 璇(Mar y Lim
译音)和哈斯 纳( Ha snah Moham ed Ha shim) 。
沙菲宜的代 表律师为哈 温德吉星( Havin derji t Sin gh)和莎 拉阿比施甘 (Sara h Abi shega m )。
安华的代表律 师哥巴斯里 南(Gop al Sr i Ram )和里拉( J Lee la )则 抗议
沙菲宜介入此 案。
高级联邦律 师阿玛吉星 (Amar jeet Singh )、
陆意清(Al ice L oke)和 苏查娜阿丹 (Suza na At an)不反 对沙菲宜介 入案件
唯反对删除西 蒂拉哈悠的 宣誓书。
随着今天的 最新进展
上诉庭接下来 将择日聆审 安华的上诉 。
宣誓书证实 纳吉付款 沙菲宜获得 总检察署特 聘为肛交案 的检控官
但在2017 年6月被揭 透过纳吉个 人账户
拿到SRC公 司的950 万令吉资金 。
安华向吉隆坡 高庭入禀原 诉传票
寻求撤销肛交 案的判决
因为遭到不公 平审讯及被 剥夺联邦宪 法第5条文 赋予的权利 。
他把政府列为 唯一答辩人 。
惟高庭驳回 该项申请
安华之后指示 律师向上诉 庭提出上诉 。
今年6月2 9日
西蒂拉哈悠在 一份宣誓书 中证实
纳吉曾先后在 2013年 9月11日 和2014 年2月14 日开支票
支付950万 令吉给沙菲 宜。
沙菲宜因收取 纳吉的95 0万令吉被 控两条洗钱 罪
以及两条报假 税罪
惟他一概不认 罪。
而哥巴斯里南 则被总检察 署委任为主 控官
负责提控沙菲 宜。
? 上诉庭三 司今天批准
资深律师沙菲 宜(Muh ammad Shaf ee Ab dulla h)介入公 正党主席安 华提呈的上 诉案。
安华早前以 沙菲宜收取 前首相纳吉 950万令 吉为由
寻求撤销肛交 案判决。
惟此申请被驳 回
安华遂上诉至 上诉庭。
法官威农(V ernon Ong) 为首的三司 不允许
沙菲宜剔除总 检察署特别 行动队官员 西蒂拉哈悠 (Siti Raha yu Mo hd Mu mazai ni)提呈 的宣誓书
或者交叉盘问 西蒂拉哈悠 。
他们一致同意 赋予沙菲宜 准令介入案 件
因为安华申诉 的要点是沙 菲宜收取了 950万令 吉
而此事影响到 沙菲宜的法 律权益。
沙菲宜在(安 华的)蒐证 申请案中被 列为是其中 一名当事人
而他更曾出席 高庭的两次 审讯。
" 检察署没 有反对介入 威农没有 指示任何一 方支付堂费 。
另外两名承审 法官为林恬 璇(Mar y Lim
译音)和哈斯 纳( Ha snah Moham ed Ha shim) 。
沙菲宜的代 表律师为哈 温德吉星( Havin derji t Sin gh)和莎 拉阿比施甘 (Sara h Abi shega m )。
安华的代表律 师哥巴斯里 南(Gop al Sr i Ram )和里拉( J Lee la )则 抗议
沙菲宜介入此 案。
高级联邦律 师阿玛吉星 (Amar jeet Singh )、
陆意清(Al ice L oke)和 苏查娜阿丹 (Suza na At an)不反 对沙菲宜介 入案件
唯反对删除西 蒂拉哈悠的 宣誓书。
随着今天的 最新进展
上诉庭接下来 将择日聆审 安华的上诉 。
宣誓书证实 纳吉付款 沙菲宜获得 总检察署特 聘为肛交案 的检控官
但在2017 年6月被揭 透过纳吉个 人账户
拿到SRC公 司的950 万令吉资金 。
安华向吉隆坡 高庭入禀原 诉传票
寻求撤销肛交 案的判决
因为遭到不公 平审讯及被 剥夺联邦宪 法第5条文 赋予的权利 。
他把政府列为 唯一答辩人 。
惟高庭驳回 该项申请
安华之后指示 律师向上诉 庭提出上诉 。
今年6月2 9日
西蒂拉哈悠在 一份宣誓书 中证实
纳吉曾先后在 2013年 9月11日 和2014 年2月14 日开支票
支付950万 令吉给沙菲 宜。
沙菲宜因收取 纳吉的95 0万令吉被 控两条洗钱 罪
以及两条报假 税罪
惟他一概不认 罪。
而哥巴斯里南 则被总检察 署委任为主 控官
负责提控沙菲 宜。
? 上诉庭三 司今天批准
资深律师沙菲 宜(Muh ammad Shaf ee Ab dulla h)介入公 正党主席安 华提呈的上 诉案。
安华早前以 沙菲宜收取 前首相纳吉 950万令 吉为由
寻求撤销肛交 案判决。
惟此申请被驳 回
安华遂上诉至 上诉庭。
法官威农(V ernon Ong) 为首的三司 不允许
沙菲宜剔除总 检察署特别 行动队官员 西蒂拉哈悠 (Siti Raha yu Mo hd Mu mazai ni)提呈 的宣誓书
或者交叉盘问 西蒂拉哈悠 。
他们一致同意 赋予沙菲宜 准令介入案 件
因为安华申诉 的要点是沙 菲宜收取了 950万令 吉
而此事影响到 沙菲宜的法 律权益。
沙菲宜在(安 华的)蒐证 申请案中被 列为是其中 一名当事人
而他更曾出席 高庭的两次 审讯。
" 检察署没 有反对介入 威农没有 指示任何一 方支付堂费 。
另外两名承审 法官为林恬 璇(Mar y Lim
译音)和哈斯 纳( Ha snah Moham ed Ha shim) 。
沙菲宜的代 表律师为哈 温德吉星( Havin derji t Sin gh)和莎 拉阿比施甘 (Sara h Abi shega m )。
安华的代表律 师哥巴斯里 南(Gop al Sr i Ram )和里拉( J Lee la )则 抗议
沙菲宜介入此 案。
高级联邦律 师阿玛吉星 (Amar jeet Singh )、
陆意清(Al ice L oke)和 苏查娜阿丹 (Suza na At an)不反 对沙菲宜介 入案件
唯反对删除西 蒂拉哈悠的 宣誓书。
随着今天的 最新进展
上诉庭接下来 将择日聆审 安华的上诉 。
宣誓书证实 纳吉付款 沙菲宜获得 总检察署特 聘为肛交案 的检控官
但在2017 年6月被揭 透过纳吉个 人账户
拿到SRC公 司的950 万令吉资金 。
安华向吉隆坡 高庭入禀原 诉传票
寻求撤销肛交 案的判决
因为遭到不公 平审讯及被 剥夺联邦宪 法第5条文 赋予的权利 。
他把政府列为 唯一答辩人 。
惟高庭驳回 该项申请
安华之后指示 律师向上诉 庭提出上诉 。
今年6月2 9日
西蒂拉哈悠在 一份宣誓书 中证实
纳吉曾先后在 2013年 9月11日 和2014 年2月14 日开支票
支付950万 令吉给沙菲 宜。
沙菲宜因收取 纳吉的95 0万令吉被 控两条洗钱 罪
以及两条报假 税罪
惟他一概不认 罪。
而哥巴斯里南 则被总检察 署委任为主 控官
负责提控沙菲 宜。
? 上诉庭三 司今天批准
资深律师沙菲 宜(Muh ammad Shaf ee Ab dulla h)介入公 正党主席安 华提呈的上 诉案。
安华早前以 沙菲宜收取 前首相纳吉 950万令 吉为由
寻求撤销肛交 案判决。
惟此申请被驳 回
安华遂上诉至 上诉庭。
法官威农(V ernon Ong) 为首的三司 不允许
沙菲宜剔除总 检察署特别 行动队官员 西蒂拉哈悠 (Siti Raha yu Mo hd Mu mazai ni)提呈 的宣誓书
或者交叉盘问 西蒂拉哈悠 。
他们一致同意 赋予沙菲宜 准令介入案 件
因为安华申诉 的要点是沙 菲宜收取了 950万令 吉
而此事影响到 沙菲宜的法 律权益。
沙菲宜在(安 华的)蒐证 申请案中被 列为是其中 一名当事人
而他更曾出席 高庭的两次 审讯。
" 检察署没 有反对介入 威农没有 指示任何一 方支付堂费 。
另外两名承审 法官为林恬 璇(Mar y Lim
译音)和哈斯 纳( Ha snah Moham ed Ha shim) 。
沙菲宜的代 表律师为哈 温德吉星( Havin derji t Sin gh)和莎 拉阿比施甘 (Sara h Abi shega m )。
安华的代表律 师哥巴斯里 南(Gop al Sr i Ram )和里拉( J Lee la )则 抗议
沙菲宜介入此 案。
Changer de vie ? Rendez-vous dans 10 ans - Duration: 3:30.
SHINee、一夜限りのファンイベントからダイジェスト映像を解禁 - Duration: 2:35.
Gov't to increase incentives for firms bringing operations back to S. Korea: Prime Minister - Duration: 0:36.
increase incentives avoid South Korean companies that bring their overseas
operations back home part of a bid to help the local economy and create more
jobs according to Prime Minister Nguyen the
government will lower the criteria for onshore companies under the new measures
firms that relocate 25% instead of the previous 50 percent of their offshore
operations back to the nation will be eligible for tax cuts and subsidies
since 2013 and the government has provided benefits for small and
mid-sized manufacturers these new measures will cover big companies and IT
service providers as well
One in 5 married women in Korea have experienced career disruption - Duration: 0:38.
staying here Indonesia and data by statistics Korea shows one in five
married women experience disruptions to their career the number of women between
the ages of 15 and 50 15 and 54 who quit their jobs due to reasons like marriage
and childbirth hit one point eight four million in april and on your hike of
0.8% it's the first time in four years that the number of women experiencing a
career break increase over a third of them pointed out marriage as the main
reason for quitting their job this was followed by child rearing childbirth and
education almost half of the women whose careers were disrupted were in their 30s
Bad air quality lasts into the weekend _ 112918 - Duration: 1:38.
hello Michelle Park here with the latest weather update find us as accumulating
and yellow dust continues to make its way across the nation and more yellow
dust is forecast to hit the southern regions overnight so expect to see more
air pollution until tomorrow and by Friday afternoon the nation will escape
from the cloudy skies like today and Beijing and Tokyo will be sunny as well
with daily high similar to the southern regions of the peninsula and going over
to our readings for tomorrow's world begin the morning below freezing at
minus two degrees Celsius Daegu and Gyeongju are also expecting a cold
morning at zero degrees Celsius now into the afternoon so will top out to 8
degrees while Gyeongju Busan and Jeju will get up to the teens and we can look
forward to a milder weather throughout the weekend and by next week rainfall
will bring relief to the dry weather and also the dusty air I'll leave you with
the weather conditions around the world
Samsung Electronics is world's fourth largest R&D spender: Report - Duration: 1:18.
a new report by PricewaterhouseCoopers shows only three other companies in the
world that spend more on research and development than Samsung Electronics the
tech Titan was also the only South Korean company to be named a high-level
innovator by the global auditor chase young zooms in on the ranking according
to report lists by accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Samsung
Electronics is the fourth largest rnd spender among a thousand global
companies as 2018 global innovation report ranks company's R&D investment as
a percentage of sales for year from last July to June this year
Samsung Electronics invested a total of fifteen point three billion u.s. dollars
during that period there is almost 7% of the tech firms revenue and an on-year
increase of 6.8% Amazon topped the list with R&D spending of twenty two point
six billion dollars or twelve point seven percent of its revenue of more
than 40 percent on Eire the u.s. ecommerce giant was followed by Google's
parent company alphabet and German automaker Volkswagen in the same
PricewaterhouseCoopers report Samsung Electronics was ranked 6 in a list of
high-level global innovators Apple Amazon and alpha 2 the top three for the
second consecutive year Chesham adren news
Nat'l Assembly passes some 60 pending bills, including bills on drunk driving at plenary session - Duration: 1:38.
just over a week with just a week to go before the National Assembly concludes
his regular session this year another plenary session was held today with
members passing some 60 pending bills including a legislation to toughen
punishment for drunk driving Kim Morgan has two highlights from that session
after weeks of discussions rival parties agreed to pass some 60 pending bills at
a plenary session on Thursday they include two revised bills that have been
named the unit Apple Act named after a soldier who died earlier this month
after being hit by a drunk driver in the southern city of Busan the revised
bill's calls for a lengthier prison term for those who caused death while driving
under the influence of alcohol the current minimum sentence is one year
which will be raised to at least three years and up to life imprisonment in
cases where the drunk driver causes injuries prison terms will range from
one year to 15 years compared to the present law which carries a maximum
sentence of 10 years with no minimum limit
another key bill passed during Thursday's session was he revised law to
tackle the increasing problem of revenge porn cases the bill will now punish
people who not only film such videos illegally but also those who distribute
them without the victims consent even if he or she agreed to its filming aside
from this bills on improving working conditions for part-time lecturers at
universities was also passed with a new law guaranteeing their contract to last
at least one year these latest developments came as part of bipartisan
efforts to pass as many bills before the regular session ends on December 9th kim
mok-yeon arirang news
S. Korea's defense ministry aims to revamp its military medical systems and hospitals - Duration: 0:44.
south korea's defense ministry is looking to revamp his military medical
system and its military hospitals according to a military source the new
plan involves closer coordination with hospitals and medical experts from the
private sector when it comes to treating soldiers military hospitals will focus
on minor ailments and external injuries while more serious cases will be sent to
local private hospitals which will be designated by region there are also
plans to hire 1,100 more medical staff such as nurses and radiologists and
deploy eight more medical helicopters by the year 2020 the defense ministry will
host a discussion seminar on the changes next Wednesday to gather the opinions of
medical and military experts before making those plans official
S. Korea's Financial Supervisory Service holds international symposium to vitalize fintech industry - Duration: 2:27.
FinTech refers to new technology that aims to improve the delivery and use of
financial services according to a report from Ernst & Young around 30 percent of
those surveyed here in the nation claims to use such services regularly but
that's less than half the usage rate in China the further vitalized the industry
Korea's financial regulator held an international symposium Houdini shares
with us what was discussed as soon as a person stands in front of the camera an
AI base cognitive services system analyzes ones age sex and even his or
current mood the system is currently on trial in banks in India and Singapore
which helps identify customers including high net worth individuals all these are
being put together and being implemented by banks to support their customers
better and service their customers betas this interactive booth is part of an
international symposium prepared by the Financial Supervisory Service on
Thursday a total of 19 organizations including
financial companies and research institutes around the world took part in
the event to discuss changes in the way financial services are created and
delivered to consumers Korean participants had a chance to learn from
global tech giants like Google Amazon and Microsoft and their experience in
innovations made possible by artificial intelligence big data and cloud
solutions speakers from around the world also shared their insights about Korea's
FinTech industry financial services industry globally is on the cusp of a
major transformation and so now is the right time for financial services
companies in Korea to start investing in technologies like cloud and artificial
intelligence to provide transformation within their businesses compared to
other countries like the US or China South Korea's French tech industry is
lagging behind however the Financial Regulator is
hopeful that Korea still has the potential to lead the industry Korea has
a high the highest smartphone internet penetration ratios and Korea also has a
high literacy digital literacy ratios and people's are very eager to adopt new
technology in their financial behavior Korea's financial regulator says it aims
to create a fin tech friendly supervisory environment
in the future such as introducing more firms to its designated agent system
which refers to financial companies outsourcing their core functions to a
FinTech innovator Carini Arirang news
National Assembly likely to miss legal deadline to pass 2019 budget plan - Duration: 2:24.
the clock is ticking we're only three days away from the legal deadline to
pass the 2019 budget of a marathon deliberations are underway it seems
unlikely rival parties will see eye to eye in time Kim Minji has the latest
from Parliament prospects appear dim for the National Assembly to pass a 2019
budget plan by the legal deadline of December 2nd or this Sunday the
Parliament Budget Committee has until Friday to finish its deliberations or
the proposal will be automatically referred to a plenary meeting in its
original form the next day unless parties agree otherwise on Wednesday a
subcommittee did get back to making cuts and additions to the roughly four
hundred and twenty billion u.s. dollar spending plan but they've still got a
long way to go having started to review a week late not to mention the days of
standoff along the way tense negotiations are expected during
marathon deliberations especially in disputed areas such as the budget for
job creation and inter-korean projects it appears inevitable that they'll have
to deliberate among a smaller group of lawmakers consisting of a representative
from each party something that's long being criticized as insufficient and
hasty the ruling Democratic Party has called for all-out efforts from all
parties so that the bill can be passed by the legal deadline we've been
criticized long enough for inadequate and hasty reviews of the budget this
must not happen again I want to stress that the budget plan must be passed by
the legal deadline however the main opposition Liberty Korea party has been
taking aim at the ruling party on the government for an expected shortfall in
tax revenue saying that the government failed to draw up the spending plan
properly in the first place a full trillion won shortfall in tax revenue is
a serious miscalculation whether it's a mistake or not the government can't just
demand that Parliament review this even if we reach an agreement the ruling
party should clearly note that this is not good enough for now the plan is for
the subcommittee to finish reviewing major areas of the budget by Friday
midnight and from there the representatives of each party on the
budget committee will fine-tune the details and contested areas the rival
parties are aiming to have the bill ready for a vote by
December 3rd but it could be later depending on how the negotiations go
this weekend Kim Minji Arirang news
S. Korea Supreme Court orders Mitsubishi to compensate Koreans for WWII forced labor - Duration: 2:59.
the Koreans forced to work for Japanese firm and during World War two have
finally won in two separate court cases the South Korean Supreme Court has
ordered the company to pay almost two dozen victims for the unpaid work they
did decades ago Japan responded with anger
Lee Jiwon tells us more after an 18-year legal battle the Supreme Court decided
on Thursday in the first case to uphold a lower court ruling ordering Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries to compensate 823 plaintiffs for unpaid work at Mitsubishi
factories back in 1944 the court ordered the firm to pay around 71 thousand US
dollars to each of them or in case her deceased their relatives the supreme
court reasoned that the 1965 agreement under which Japan paid South Korea 500
million u.s. dollars to normalize their diplomatic relations did not terminate
the right of individuals to seek reparations in the second ruling the
court ordered Mitsubishi to compensate for elderly woman at a relative of a
plaintiff for his thigh the plaintiffs first sued Mitsubishi back in 1999 in
Japan for making them work without pay at a Mitsubishi aircraft plant in Nagoya
in 1944 after losing their lawsuit in Japan in 2008 the plaintiffs filed
another one in Korea in 2012 the Japanese firm has continuously appealed
but Seoul Supreme Court on Thursday upheld previous rulings that it is
inhumane and illegal to force teenage girls to work at ammunition plant the
ruling comes about a month after the top court upheld a 2013 ruling that ordered
a Japanese steel maker to pay each of four Korean plaintiffs for unpaid work
during World War two the case and the latest one have deepened the divide
between the two countries the Japanese government has once again strongly
protested Tokyo's foreign ministry summoned the South Korean ambassador to
register its objections and its foreign minister taro kono released a statement
saying the ruling is unacceptable and goes against the 1965 agreement
coño also strongly urged the South Korean government to take appropriate
steps or Japan do all it can including an international trial to defend what
economic activities he said were legal Mitsubishi said that it deeply regrets
the ruling and that it will talk with the Japanese government to formulate a
response South Korea's foreign ministry said it respects the court's ruling it
urged Japan to stop overreacting and summon the Japanese ambassador to object
to Tokyo strong words the ministry also said it will continue discussions within
the government about a response to the recent forced labor rulings it'll also
work to heal the wounds of the victims while at the same time striving to forge
a future-oriented relationship with Japan Jiwon Arirang news
S. Korea gets ready for world's first 5G service - Duration: 0:37.
south korea long regarded as an IT powerhouse will launch fifth-generation
network service next month the country's three largest telecom companies will
begin commercializing 5g services in metropolitan areas including a Seoul
from Saturday it is said to be the world's first commercial adoption of 5g
services following Katie's trial showcased during the 2018 Pyeongchang
Winter Olympics held in February South Korea's largest mobile carrier sk
telecom announced it will first prioritize corporate customers in the
manufacturing industry the service is expected to become available to the
wider public early next year
South Korea to prepare to hold ground-breaking ceremony within this year - Duration: 0:43.
the two Koreas will go ahead and prepare to hold the groundbreaking ceremony for
a project to connect their railways and roads that's coming from salsa
unification ministry which pointed out there's not much time left but expressed
confidence the ceremony can take place within this year the ministry stressed
this is a crucial opportunity to achieve the government's goal of creating an
economic belt with young young and to become a key logistics hub in East Asia
the two sides are starting long overdue joint inspections of railways up north
tomorrow thanks to sanctions waiver granted by Washington and the UN over
the next two and a half weeks an inter Korean research team will conduct tests
using train cars on the western and county line and the eastern tongue
iPhone 8 Plus Rear Camera Replacement #iphone8plus - Duration: 9:47.
How to change iPhone 8 Plus rear camera
You can watch through this video.
iPhone 8 Plus rear camera replacement
successfully done.
Weekly Idol Episode 383 (Eng Sub) - EXID - Duration: 51:16.
Before watching don't forget to click subscribe to K-POPIN
- Hey! - Aye!
Weekly, Weekly Idol!
Weekly I... Weekly Weekly Idol!
- Whether it's here... - Or there...
- In the end... - Weekly Idol!
Let's have a great time today.
- Thank you! - Thank you!
We've started with the theme song that Bang Chan presented.
Bang Chan is very busy these days.
But he mastered the song and sent it to us.
And that, in .wav format, too.
- What? - What?
You made it so we we have to use it.
We have something else to celebrate for.
Our MC, Shin Young's Celeb Five...
- made a comeback! - Wow!
Celeb Five's "Shutter", cue the music!
I see this for the first time.
(I'm in a girl group.)
(Sharp dance moves)
Ah, that's gorgeous!
(Here goes Celeb Five!)
(Oh, yeah!)
(Dance Class, unheard of)
Thank you!
(Clapping automatically at her moves)
Time to meet this Idol of this Week.
It's been seven years since they made a debut,
and now they've come back in two years.
(I love you EXID!)
(Welcome to Weekly Idol!)
(EXID made a comeback as a team in two years.)
♪ La La La la la ♪
- Whoz that girl EXID! - Hello, we are EXID!
Red looks really good on you.
- Yes, indeed. - Thank you.
That red is very bright.
Our backdrop color is white.
It has a vivid contrast.
- Must be very noticeable. - Very vivid.
Very striking.
Celeb Five is also in red.
- Our clothes are also in red. - It's overlapped.
- Overlapped. - Very so.
You guys decide who will change the color later.
Hi, I'm EXID's charismatic rapper, LE.
This is the charismatic rapper LE.
What is this?
What was that?
(Why did I do that?)
(Blanking out)
- Hani used to be a rapper. - Rapper!
Hi, I'm fresh and cheerful. I'm Hye Lin.
- No no no. - You're not fresh and cheerful!
I heard of it for the first time.
What's it, then?
- You're this... - I don't remember.
I'm the bouncy ball that may bounce back to anywhere.
- Bouncy ball! - Ah!
Please edit it out. I'll try it again.
I'm the bouncy ball that may bounce back to anywhere.
- Bouncy ball! - You're the bouncy ball.
Hi, I'm EXID's...
(Hani got tongue-tied.)
This EXID's...
- EXID's... - EXID?
Hi, I'm EXID's brain, Hani.
- Ah! - Brain?
What do you mean by brain?
I'm the strategist of our team.
You're the strategist.
Simply put, she's good at Chinese and English.
That's why she's called "brain".
But it's burdensome.
So I changed it.
What did you change it to?
I changed it to "Hi, I'm EXID's rose, Hani."
But I say "Hi, I'm an EXID's mid position, Hani." nowadays.
That's much simpler.
That's good.
Hi, I'm EXID's bright future, the youngest one, Jeonghwa.
- Bright future. - Bright future.
That's very good.
Hi, I'm EXID's soulful main vocalist, Solji.
Very good!
- Is this a rhyme? - Why?
Soulful Solji...
Yes, I still remember it.
That was epic.
Considering the group made a comeback altogether in two years,
we're very excited to have you here.
The title song is "I Love you".
It's techno music.
The lyrics go like, "I love you this much."
(Good listener, good reaction)
It's a very sweet song that we haven't tried yet.
Songs thus far were a bit tough.
Yes, like "I'll kill you."
Or like "I'll get rid of you."
But now songs are a bit sweet.
(Much sweetness added to the song)
We briefly talked about your fashion earlier.
What's the concept of your fashion?
Fashion concept.
(Fashion concept)
Are you Siri?
Aren't you Siri?
Hello Siri, tell us about fashion concept.
Fashion concept.
(So funny)
Wait a second.
Jung Hwa, tell me about fashion concept.
Fashion concept.
Yes, we didn't expose...
our legs or arms for the first time.
We had a minimum exposure.
But we also wanted to show you,
EXID's sexy style still stays.
Any changes in your music style?
We have only one style.
- Girl crush. - Ah, no changes.
But like our fashion,
like ripe kimchi...
Why do you mention ripe kimchi here?
Is your fashion style ripe kimchi concept?
Ripe kimchi,
ripe kimchi group.
(Just like kimchi stew)
Like ripe kimchi.
Kimchi red.
Yes, kimchi red,
red color.
LE was the EXID's temp leader.
Yes, yes.
I felt that Solji as a leader,
must be difficult.
I also thought that...
we really don't listen to the leader.
I know how it feels.
So now,
we prepared the leader comeback ceremony.
(Welcoming the leader)
Now LE will deliver...
the leader ribbon and the oath.
- Thank you for your hard work. - Thank you.
EXID's leader,
Solji comes back as her original position, the leader.
LE returns to Solji the position as the leader.
- Solji doesn't look happy though. - Solji got emotional.
You don't really have to give it back.
What do you mean?
Looks cute.
As we came back with the new song, "I Love you,"
I, Heo Solji, received back,
from temp leader, Ahn Hyo Jin,
the right and privilege of a leader.
For the future of EXID and,
the happiness of LEGGO,
I promise to take care of my health...
and will focus on EXID's activities.
I'll take an oath at Weekly Idol.
(Welcoming the leader)
I came back as a leader again.
I'll do my best.
(Welcome comeback leader)
Look at this.
Hani made a new dance.
(Beagle-like idols, EXID)
This is EXID's true color.
Photo time with the leader...
photo time,
like the way Solji wants.
One, two, three!
(Girl crush EXID forever)
Snake Run!
We are celebrating EXID's comeback in two years.
As a warm-up, we're going to start this game.
For your understanding, let's watch the clip.
- Challenge! - Challenge!
(Monsta X doing their best.)
Just push!
You have to walk without dropping the tissue box.
- We are good at this. - Are you?
- Look at the tricks. - Why are they so slow?
Especially the first person and the last person.
No, no, no.
The first one walks like this and the last one walks like that.
They'are leaning back...
Right and left.
That looks very slow.
I think we are good at this.
Are we?
- We can finish it in 20 seconds. - Really?
Within 20 seconds?
If you succeed...
(If you succeed...)
there is a gift.
Are you ready?
Okay, please move to that side.
- Let's have a quick meeting. - Are we going to line in age order?
No, no, no.
You're next to...
No, you're...
No, you're the first...
(Passionately working on the game plan)
(Deciding the order)
(Doing a rehearsal)
Rock paper scissors!
In the end, they do rock paper scissors!
No, no, no.
I'm going to be the first.
- Then we'll follow you - I'm the first.
(What have we done so far?)
Good. It looks good.
Put your hands down a bit.
Put your hands here.
Okay, okay.
At the word of command.
Let's go with right foot, right foot, and right foot.
- Right foot. - Left foot.
Left foot, left foot, left foot.
(Right foot) (Left foot)
Left foot, left foot.
Everyone's saying "left foot,"
except for Jeonghwa
Which one goes first, right or left?
- Left foot. - Right foot!
Let's start.
- Get ready. - Let's start!
Go! Wait a second!
- Go! - Hold on!
Right foot, right foot.
Right foot, right foot.
- Right foot, right foot - No touching!
Right foot, right foot.
Too fast!
Too fast! Too fast!
(Too fast!)
(Most likely to fail...)
- Again. - Do it again.
- You dropped the tissue box. - Start over!
- Let's do this way. - Start over.
(Calm down.)
Put it here right below.
21 seconds left.
Let's start!
Let's start!
Right foot, right foot.
- Right foot. - Too fast!
Right foot, right foot.
Right foot, right foot.
- Right foot. - Slowly, slowly.
(Can someone help me?)
Right foot, right foot.
(Why are you clapping...)
Time out!
Time's up.
Time out.
- Why failed? - Time out.
I'm sorry but...
why did you guys have a meeting so long if you failed like this?
Okay, let's do it again.
I think I can finish it in 20 seconds.
Solji said...
"We can finish in 20 seconds."
- That's what she said. - We'd like to succeed.
Did we pass 40 seconds?
A way over...
(Changing the game plan)
In small steps...
I think it'll be faster this way.
Let's try that.
I think we can finish in 20 seconds.
- Here we go! - Start!
(Second round of Snake Run)
Good, good! We're good!
(The EXID train is pressing forward.)
(They manage to get to the finishing line.)
(Box falls out.)
(Time's up!)
Time's up!
Time's up!
You were almost done.
Hani's box fell down.
It was Hani's box that fell down.
You tried so hard to win.
Your thighs...
She went in small steps.
- Hani... - Girls have a disadvantage.
- Weki Meki has done this, too. - No...
Well, we can't hold this higher.
You can hold it here.
Put it on your chest!
I'm tired...
On our chest?
This is your final chance.
Are you ready?
Tell us when you're ready.
We're good at these kinds of things...
I think we can finish this in 20 seconds.
- Here we go! - Go!
- Here we go! - Go!
(Third try on Snake Run)
Good, good!
Good, good, really good!
Good, good!
Good, good, really good!
But you should go faster!
30 seconds...
(Their cornering is more stable now.)
I think they're going to get this!
Go, go!
Faster, faster!
(They slow down.)
You don't have time, hurry!
You have 20 seconds left!
Push, push!
You have 20 seconds left!
Push, push, push!
You have 15 seconds left!
It's falling!
(It's falling...?)
(Saying no for 508 times)
(Final spurt)
(Snake Run, finally finished?)
Go, go, go!
- Success! - Success!
(Feeling on top of the world)
- 33... - 35 seconds!
(We are EXID!)
(We did this...)
Ah... wait!
Jeonghwa cheated!
Jeonghwa cheated!
(Denies it first)
No, no, no, no!
(We trust you, Jeonghwa...)
(The staff claims that Jeonghwa's arms touched the box.)
No, no, no, no!
No! It was here!
He... Here!
(So we will review the video.)
I have no memory...
(Shooting is suspended for video reviewing.)
They're going to stop shooting for a moment.
This is the first time.
Show us the video.
(It wasn't me!)
(Their third round)
We can do it!
Jeonghwa is okay here.
Here, Jeonghwa...
That is!
- Wait! - Wait, stop!
Stop! Stop!
That's cheating!
Kim Shin Young?
Right now...
LE said, "They caught you."
They caught you!
what scares me the most is...
this is what happened.
When we yelled 'success'...
Jeonghwa's face was so happy.
That's the scary part.
(Yay, I didn't get caught!)
(Happiest person)
She was too...
she's the youngest of our team.
(EXID fails at Snake Run, due to Jeonghwa's cheating.)
This was a teamwork test.
To be honest,
our teamwork is not that good.
We're not good at this.
I think we were overestimated ourselves.
We didn't know we were this bad...
but our teamwork is really bad.
This was for warming up.
The teamwork test, Snake Run...
it was a failure!
So disappointed.
Weekly Idol prepared this for EXID.
A special segment just for EXID!
With the god of variety shows, the truth detector!
L.I.E. Talk, Tell me...
Yes or No!
♪ L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E eh eh ♪
♪ L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E ♪
♪ Eh eh ♪
Let's start with Hani.
Come here, please.
Come here.
There are cowards in the music industry...
A scaredy-cat!
She is one of the top five scaredy-cats in the industry.
what scares you the most right now?
is this on the strongest mode?
Place your hand on this.
Place your hand on this.
We have to boot it with your hand on.
Trust us!
I'm really...
I'm so... really...
Just do it.
You just have to be honest.
Just be honest.
You have to place your hand on it.
I'm sweating.
(It's time to talk.)
Well, now...
This is the first question.
Is EXID popular because of me?
Yes or no!
That's a good question.
- Yes? - Yes!
She answered immediately, so I think it'll be true.
(Hani's close-up footage allowed them to climb up the charts.)
(Nervous about getting a electric shock)
(What are Hani's true feelings?)
She must be nervous...
(It's not true?)
(I'm done...)
She's modest!
Why did you lie?
The group is popular because of other members.
What I'm shocked about is...
I'm more shocked because of Yoo Se Yoon.
I didn't want the electricity to run through me.
(Yoo Se Yoon ran away because he didn't want an electric shock.)
(His reaction is bigger than Hani's.)
(So sorry)
- Well, Hani... - Yes?
Your true feelings... It wasn't that, was it?
Well... I think we became popular because everyone tried hard.
- I think you're lying! - You said it so dryly.
What do all of you think, to be honest?
- We think it's true. - A signal flare...
I was like the signal flare, the members did so well after that.
We all tried hard.
I think I just took the role of the signal flare.
That's why I said yes.
- It must have been mistaken. - Yes...
Well, Hani's first answer...
turned out to be false.
Let's go on to the next question.
I have to boot this once, right?
- Yes? - Of course...
- Nope, it's not. - Take your hand off!
- Take your hand off! - It's not...
Hand, hand, hand...
Where is it, where is it?
Hand, hand, hand...
Put it on, put it on, put it on...
It's looking for a hand.
This is the second question.
Am I scared of the phone gallery on LE's phone?
Yes or no!
I'm not the only one who's scared.
- The phone gallery? - The pictures...
(The members look flustered as well.)
(She can't have... handed them over?)
(What will it be...)
Scared about the phone gallery...
I think it'll be right this time.
(Feels the same way)
Are you scared?
You are scared.
You are scared about the photos.
Why can't you hold your head up?
Did you give them something?
- No, no... - Did you give them something?
- What is this? - Who is that?
Is that Hani?
- What is this? - Who is that?
Is that Hani?
Who is that?
That's Hani?
She is easy on me.
- It's cute. - This picture...
What is this one like, compared to the other photos?
- This is really just... - It's nothing!
Which among three levels?
This is something we can post on our SNS!
Out of ten points...
I'll give this a two.
Two points out of ten...
What is this?
Who is this?
I've never seen this before.
Are you worried?
Who is this?
- Her. - Hye Lin!
It's me?
Your snot is moving from the right to the left?
I went easy on them.
- You did. - Thank you.
If this is nothing, what pictures do you have?
Can you just tell us instead?
- What should I say... - What's the best photo?
I'm not sure this should be broadcasted...
It's almost trash?
(Understands at once)
Really, I...
Once LE loses her phone...
we are done.
When I say...
I lost my phone.
- It's a mess. - They have to look for my phone.
Everyone looks for it.
The next one is the youngest among five.
Jeonghwa, please come forward.
Is she honest?
She is always frank about everything.
- She tells the truth? - Yes.
But during the Snake Run...
she already...
She is now the icon of lying.
(A few moments ago)
Jeonghwa cheated!
She was touching the box with her hand!
(Now she is the liar of EXID.)
Tell us the facts here only.
According to Jeonghwa,
who are the top three visuals of this team?
Top three?
- Hani. - Hani!
- Okay, that's it! - No, I can say more!
Tell us!
I can say it!
I can say it!
(Only Hani is happy)
To be honest, EXID...
The real visual is me!
Yes or no!
- No! - No!
You! You! You!
Nope, not yet...
I can feel the electricity already!
That's just your imagination.
I feel some tingling...
You're already...
That's just your imagination.
It doesn't work that way.
- That's not it! - That's so obvious, though.
Come on, believe me!
Yes or no!
(Determining whether it's the truth or a lie.)
This feels really weird.
It's just a vibration.
- It's just a vibration. - Please don't cry.
She said no.
- Her hand is sweaty. - The electricity really hurts.
This is scary!
It was a lie.
She thinks she's visually the real deal in EXID.
(An action of lies)
Next question: I've once pretended to be listening...
to what a member was saying to me.
Wait a minute. For this...
I'd need to know the real purpose of this question.
You guys are talking and making eye contact...
but you're thinking about something else.
But you're still pretending to be focused.
You're replying, like "I agree with you sister."
Have you pretended like that before?
Have I pretended like that before?
She's very expressive in her reactions.
So I'm very curious too.
If those moments were fake...
or real.
I'm very curious.
I'm certain that Jeonghwa...
has never done that before.
What is it? Yes or no?
I have never pretended. No.
Let's see.
(Heart throbbing)
Will Jeonghwa's result end up with a yes or no?
Hani states with certainty...
(There's no way that our Jeonghwa would have... )
that there's no way that she would have ever pretended.
(It's a lie!)
(It's clear that it's a lie.)
I see that you have pretended before.
You were pretending to listen.
This answer was also a lie.
She's a two-time liar.
She's the top liar right now.
What's going on, Jeonghwa?
- Please explain. - Honestly...
this is so unfair.
I've treated every single situation...
with truth and with all of my heart.
Why is it that every time I touch it...
it comes up as a lie?
Techno is trendy these days so the song has that techno sound.
The song's lyrics are saying that "I love you this much."
I love you.
I love you.
Our Jeonghwa...
has been revealed to be a two-time liar.
Next up is EXID's...
leader who has finally returned.
(The leader, Solji makes a comeback!)
It's been a while since you've joined your teammates.
- Yes. - You must feel great.
- Is that a question? - Yes.
- You must feel great. - Me?
she's already frightened.
- That's not it! - She's worried inside...
like, "What do I do?"
Yes or no? Yes?
- I love this. - Don't you just love this?
Please place your hand onto the detector.
Solji, are you ready?
My EXID sisters are unwieldy.
Yes or no?
- Yes? - Let's continue right away.
Let's listen to what she has to say afterwards.
- She says you guys are unwieldy. - I'd feel the same way.
I'm scared.
How will the results be?
(I see... )
That was rather an odd reaction.
I mean you!
You're not saying the opposite, right?
I'm serious. You guys are too much for me.
You guys are too much for me.
It's the truth.
Is this some morning soap opera? "It's the truth!"
"You guys are too much for me!"
"Too much!"
Are you nervous?
This seat is making me a bit nervous.
LE looks fearless though.
- She's very timid. - Is she?
While being the temporary leader of EXID...
I was very happy. Yes or no!
That was fast.
(She identifies with this.)
Let's hear what she has to say.
- It was so hard. - Was it that hard?
How long did it take for you to say let it go?
You were happy!
She was happy!
(BGM playing along with the stream of consciousness)
She was happy.
I guess I was happy subconsciously.
Then would you like to stay as the leader?
Then would you like to stay as the leader?
Please don't say that.
- Please don't say that. - Don't be like that!
- Can I ask a question? - Yes.
- It's an additional question. - Yes, of course.
Who are you to add an additional question?
Who are you to add an additional question?
(Wrath brought by the terrifying detector)
Who are you?
Don't drag this segment any longer.
When were you most happy while being the leader?
There was no moment when I was happy.
It was probably always hard.
- Always hard. - Seeing the look in LE's face...
it just makes the members want to joke around.
- She's actually very cute. - That's true.
She's so cute!
The way that LE gets embarrassed is cute.
It really makes you want to joke around with her...
and tease her.
Don't make fun of me with the excuse that I look cute.
How cute!
When she shows that kind of reaction...
- Of course. - that's when we take a revenge.
You're slowly taking a revenge on her.
Let's move onto the next part.
It's LE's last question.
She might hit you after the show. The truth has been revealed.
- What is this? - Honestly...
I enjoy spanking the other members' behinds.
- Of course. - Yes or no!
Do you like it?
Do you like it? I see.
She says yes. Let's find out using the detector.
Spanking butts.
In the choreography?
I see.
(She's telling the truth.)
All of her answers came out to be true.
But then why?
(Why did all my answers come out as lies?)
When we were promoting "Up & Down",
Solji and Hani were shaking their behinds in front of me.
So I just slapped them just for fun.
But it was so fun.
There came a point when if she didn't hit me on the butt...
What are you saying?
That's not what I mean.
What do you mean?
It's basically a form of high five.
So when she didn't spank me on the butt one day...
I'd get a little upset.
Let's check it out for once.
Let's watch a simulation.
(Up & Down, LE, Hani touch(?) version.)
(Like this)
- Like this. - I see, like that.
I'm satisfied.
(Hani is satisfied.)
Hani's fine.
We just saw the expression on Hani's face.
After seeing her expression I think I understand.
Were you satisfied?
I can imagine when she'd think "Why isn't she hitting me today?"
I'd start worrying that she's not feeling okay today...
- or she's not in a good mood. - That's what the touch meant.
You start worrying, you know?
You know the difference between when there's one and when there isn't.
You can tell the difference.
LE enjoys everything.
That's it for now.
I'm satisfied with my label.
Yes or no?
The answer is?
This is a tough question.
- This question's a bit weird. - This is tough.
This is a tough question.
I think...
I think there's something fishy.
The manager is watching in the front.
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
It's because...
it's normal to be dissatisfied towards even family members.
Of course.
You have to feel dissatisfaction to understand what satisfaction is.
Just saying that you're in good terms with your company is a lie.
(She tells the truth.)
- Correct. - That was accurate.
It was not a lie.
No, it wasn't.
What's wrong?
In all honesty, we have a lot of talents.
They're all different from one another.
While being on the scene for seven years...
there are things that we haven't been able to showcase.
- Your individual talents. - That's right.
I'm dissatisfied, BANANA!
- I agree. - I agree.
I agree!
Now that we're on this topic, if the other members...
have any problems with the company, please speak up.
I'm most dissatisfied about the fact that...
Of course, anyone can make mistakes.
Anyone can make mistakes.
Of course.
They can make mistakes.
- We all make mistakes. - Of course.
But he doesn't apologize.
If he doesn't apologize, that's when the frustration piles up.
I'm fine with mistakes.
I'm fine with not apologizing.
But then why do you repeat the same mistake?
But then why do you repeat the same mistake?
(Nice job, Hani!)
Repeated mistakes.
(It's getting unbearable for this one person.)
(They're really enjoying this.)
Repeating mistakes, nonexistent apologies.
- That might have been too much. - That's enough.
(She starts feeling sorry as she sees his face.)
- The frustrations go away... - Thank you.
because we're one family.
Lastly, let's turn to our icon of the truth!
Let's hear what she has to say.
The truth has been revealed. What more is there to do?
Whatever the reason...
if it was due to the sweat in my palms...
or because I just had a lot in my head...
I accept the title of the Two-time Liar that I received.
But, I say to you guys...
that I participated in this game with honesty.
- With honesty... - That was your truth.
Wait, hold up!
Jeonghwa, let's try it once more.
Please come up front once more.
Say that you said everything with honesty.
It might not vibrate this time.
- Really? - Yes.
I said that with real honesty.
I think the vibrations just come because her hands are sweaty.
The sweat just goes to the batteries.
- Is this it? - Yes.
Put your hand on it.
- Your hand on it. - Alright.
We're not going to ask you to state a reason.
We're only seeing the results.
The reason why the results came out as 'lies' is because of my sweat.
I'm normally honest.
I'm normally honest.
- Yes? - Yes.
Let's see.
(Let's see.)
I'm normally honest.
(Heart trembling)
I think I'm visually the real deal in EXID.
- No! - No.
I have never pretended. No.
(It's all due to my perspiration.)
(The humiliation of being unrightfully called a liar)
Believe me!
(It's time to check these misunderstandings!)
(The button has been pressed.)
I'm normally honest.
Just endure this and we're through.
(They hold their breath watching to verify Jeonghwa's truth.)
I'm normally honest.
(And the results?)
(Triple lie confirmed)
- What happened? - What's the matter?
There's no way we can help you now.
It's finally over!
I'm sorry but there's no way we can help you anymore.
Have you seen this?
You basically fell for it!
(Remember this day when god gave Jeonghwa a touch of entertainment.)
The time that you've all been waiting for...
is here.
The signature part on Weekly Idol,
Roller Coaster Dance Challenge!
(Roller Coaster Dance Challenge)
(All set)
So EXID are afraid of...
Double Speed Dance Challenge.
- Yes. - Yes.
- But... - But,
Roller Coaster Dance Challenge is harder.
- Yes. - Harder.
Back then, we failed.
- We failed. - failed.
- You did. - You failed and...
(Memories of failure)
(Huge mess)
Ping! Fail!
Ping! Fail!
- Why! Why! - Hani!
Actually Shin Young...
- watched your video. - I saw the choreography video.
- Oh. - She watched it again and again.
- Ah... - Trying to catch you out.
EXID's Roller Coaster Dance!
I Love You.
Cue the music!
"I Love You"
(A modest start)
(No problem with fast changes)
<font color="#F1E6B2">[Kocowa Ver] E383 Weekly Idol</font> <font color="#E06287">"EXID"</font> <font color="#7474C1">-♥ Ruo Xi ♥-</font>
(Sticky Hani after a long time)
(Letting out sexiness)
(Telltale loophole DNA...)
(Ahn LE, you're an artpiece.)
(Rap god's deadly swag)
Why why why.
Jeonghwa's beat. Jeonghwa's beat.
(It's unfair, your honor.)
- Jeonghwa's beat. - Huh?
Jeonghwa's beat was...
It's a really bad day...
for Jeonghwa.
She's a rookie in the entertainment industry.
- Be honest. What did you do? - It's a bad day.
Why? What's wrong.
Ho.. Hone...
Honest? Really?
(Truth spoken by EXID dance god?)
(I believe you Park Jeonghwa..)
I had a little twist but...
I had a little twist but...
You had a twist.
- See? - Just a little!
- You can't shake! - It should be solid.
I was like "3 bottles of Dom 88..."
I tried but...
I slightly went...
- like this. - Yes the horse hoof!
It shouldn't be there.
You were doing horse hoof moves.
(Main dancer's heel moment. gif)
(Main dancer's heel moment. gif)
Horse hoof, horse hoof.
- Wow, hawk eyes. - It's really hard.
- Hawk eyes, hawk eyes. - Wow...
- How did you see that one? - Actually...
What are you doing?
- Um... - Just hit it here. Like this.
Wait a second.
I was losing balance somehow.
You got a new shoe?
- Wow. - A new shoe will come.
A new shoe while chatting.
- It's too fast. - You have shoes ready.
Your company works really well.
Ready unnecessarily?
Only in times like this.
- It's of different color. - The color is different.
So with this...
not that neat.
(Black..? Only half ready)
I thought they had red ones.
So this one...
Roller Coaster Dance Challenge!
It's a fail for now...
you want another chance? Or...
One more time.
- I mean we were sad. - I think it's too hard.
We are so sad.
- Sad? - But...
You have to see the end of it.
They have to.
But can you?
Of course.
- We will try hard! - We can do it.
- Will you try hard? - Yes.
We will.
- My eyes are dry. - When you blink...
can you blink more slowly?
Close your eyes slowly...
- and open them slowly. - Like this?
I will turn her like this.
(Owl ver. ready)
Don't turn me around.
- Like an owl. - Well then,...
we will give you another chance.
But you know... mutually,
- we should get something in return. - Give and take.
So charms, LE has no right to refuse it,
Le has no right to refuse it.
- Okay you have the rights. - You can have that.
Do as you please.
I mean that goes without saying.
- It is. - Okay okay.
- Of course. - Okay.
Did you see the video "Be Mine"?
- I didn't. - I did!
I did!
I can't do that.
You have no rights to refuse this.
(Fear of "Be Mine", knowing what it is)
- Then you should have... - Hey!
Charms? or our song?
LE and "I Love You"...
- Okay let's go. - We're set.
- Okay let's go. - We're set.
- Let's go! - I got it.
We will hang a swing here.
- I saw that. - We will have a swing ready. So...
- LE's right to refuse is ours... - What's so hard about it!?
Watch out for this part with the chin here.
- Charms! - There's no reason to get it wrong.
I'll beat up the one who gets it wrong.
Indian Bop!
Indian Bop is what she said.
EXID's "I Love You" Roller Coaster Dance Challenge!
With LE's rights, we try again.
Cue the music!
("I Love You")
(Start with fast section)
(A more stickier version)
(This is easy now.)
(Jung Hwa now realxed)
(Hye Lin doesn't know anything.)
- Hye Lin! - That was dangerous.
- Dangerous. - Hye Lin!!
(Leader knocked out from changes)
(Three hearts for EXID fans)
(I Love You)
(LEGGO likes this video)
That was a little bit fast Hani!
- Oh! - Hani was a bit fast.
- Just pass that one. - Oh oh.
She was fast!
(The end is near.)
(Finished perfectly)
Roller Coaster Dance Challenge.
(EXID Successes Roller Coaster)
(They are good at dancing...)
- Yes! - Fighting!
- Okay! - Okay!
(Fighting with saying anything)
- They didn't make any big mistakes. - Right.
- Ha! - So that was EXID's...
Roller Coaster Dance Challenge.
How was it after trying it?
- Solji was like... - How was it?
It was my first time trying this.
It's a whole new level from...
Double Speed Dance Challenge.
It's so difficult.
(It's a whole new level)
(Weekly Idol)
- Random Play Dance! - Dance!
Random Play Dance!
(Finished changing clothes)
It's the seventh year of since their debut.
They have so many good songs.
Because they have good songs,
I hope it goes well.
And when you succeed this...
so, everyone...
- It looks luxurious. - Wait. This is...
(Gift preview)
- That's enough. - Aww...
- Aw... - Ah...
I should try really hard.
Show us your true reactions.
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!
That was good.
- Good. - Good.
We will give it to you if you succeed.
- Okay. - Which song...
We can do it right?
Act like you're right when wrong.
I'm sorry but...
what is it that you said?
Something like act you're right.
Too easy.
Let's go Indian Bop.
Or how about spanking.
Random Play Dance Challenge.
Cue the music!
(EXID Random Play Dance START!)
("I Love You")
(The choreography for our new song is so easy.)
(100% Confident)
(Dance moves buffering quickly)
(Complete version of DDD)
(Here comes the Heo leader)
- Hit me! - Hit me!
(Hit me!)
- Hit me! - Hit me!
(Jung Hwa again...)
Hot Pink Hot.
(You will get distracted.)
("Every night")
(Song from six years ago)
She reads our countenance.
(That was smooth..)
("Night Rather Than Day")
Move there.
(Recess for Solji)
LE, you can't cheat!
(LE, you can't cheat!)
...at night.
(Good job sisters)
Come on!
("Up & Down")
(Missing children dancing everywhere)
Shaky shaky.. fail!
Who is it!
I counted two seconds.
You have two seconds...
to find your position back.
So... Hani!
What will you do with her movement.
- It's me again? - Yes and...
What will you do...
(Proud to report)
(Me... me?)
You cheated.
Stick out your butts.
You got Night Rather Than Day wrong.
I saw that!
(You got that wrong!)
(If she got everything right, she wouldn't be Seo Hye Lin.)
You need a spanking.
You need a spanking.
Come here.
Wow, really?
Didn't your hand hurt?
(All's fine in the EXID world.)
She really went for it.
It's really tight.
She says it's tight.
Okay, good.
We'll give you one more chance.
The last one, for sure.
- Really, the last chance. - Yes, let's do our best.
I think the only problem is,
The person jumping up and down right now.
The person jumping up and down right now.
Okay, let's start.
Okay, try it.
All five of you are doing something different.
Random Play Dance Challenge. Cue the music!
It's playing.
(Ah Yeah)
♪ Do what you want, that's what makes me comfortable ♪
(So easy)
(Proud to be EXID)
(Talent granted by god)
Ah yeah.
Ah yeah.
♪ Oh baby, honey ♪
One, two.
One, two, three, four.
That's right.
(EXID's 'King-god-general' hearts)
(L.I.E., EXID)
♪ Ba baba bam ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪
♪ Hanging out ♪
♪ L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E L.I.E eh eh ♪
♪ Fail, fail, fail ♪
I tried to let a few things slide.
Too much.
Why are you so confident?
I am supposed to be here at verse one.
No, she and I are here.
Everybody, this is the hook of L.I.E.
Now, let's stand in the hook position of verse one.
I am here at verse one.
LE is here?
LE is here?
- Hey! - No, I'm supposed to be here.
♪ Daradara dan dan ♪
♪ I know. I know. The more I think about you ♪
We're supposed to rotate here, right?
Yes, but this is first.
I'm sorry.
I knew it.
I knew it.
See? Blaming me!
Now we get it.
Everyone's saying, "I'm wrong!".
I am not wrong!
Yes, next to me.
Yes, you're supposed to come to the front to rap.
So you got it wrong.
- Wow. - You got it wrong.
She got it wrong.
Ahn LE!
Ahn LE.
What a nerve!
Since LE made a mistake,
We'll go on with the remix version of "Be Mine."
Let's go!
The Random Play Dance Challenge,
you have failed.
Now it's time for the screen capture time on Weekly Idol, "Be Mine."
Be mine.
(Shoulder dancing)
This is really,
this part gets a lot of attention.
For the person doing it, it's a worrying and anxious moment.
That's right.
I am really excited.
What I am worried about the most is,
Chic LE.
But LE has a lot of winsomeness in our group.
She has a lot of it.
The winsomeness...
Oh, what should I do.
They make you cringe.
I don't have that many cutesy friends.
I don't make friends with them.
I know it's hard for you.
But it's for your fans.
- Yes. - They love it.
So the first player is,
making a comeback in two years,
our leader,
It's better to go first.
Solji has a lot of winsomeness.
Okay, Solji.
(Heo Solji's cuteness level has gone up by 10%.)
It's come! It's come!
She's put it on!
Let's go!
It's come! It's come!
(Embarrassed by the leader)
♪ Can I call you 'hey'?" ♪
♪ Can I call you "mine?" ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ That only us two can share ♪
♪ Choco! ♪
♪ Mong! ♪
♪ Starting from today ♪
♪ Be mine instead of saying 'hey' ♪
♪ Be mine ♪
- Okay! - That was great.
More pressure if you do it later!
- Great start. - It's like someone's squeezing her.
Extracting for winsomeness.
(Suspicious movement)
Block the passage.
I knew it.
I knew it.
This time,
♪ Come, LE! Come here! ♪
♪ Come, LE! Come here! ♪
Let's go, LE!
♪ Come, LE! ♪
♪ Come, LE! ♪
♪ Come, LE! Come here! ♪
♪ Come, LE! Come here! Come, LE! ♪
(Ahn LE at the center of the stage)
This is going to be fun.
Finally, it's time for her.
Why do you do this to me?
You really have to do it.
Or it won't count.
LE's "Be Mine"
Cute version, cute.
You can do it.
EXID members, do you want it?
Yes, we do!
- Music, cue! - Until everyone's satisfied.
("Be Mine" ver. Ahn LE)
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
♪ Can I call you 'mine'? ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ That only us two can share ♪
Her pronunciation is too on point.
♪ Winsomness ♪
♪ LE! LE! ♪
(Common_7-year_friendship. mov)
I know that she can get it up a little higher.
Also, the shoulders.
I need you to do this move.
Why me...
Okay, let's go!
"Be Mine", cut the music!
(LE's shoulders are moving.)
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
♪ Can I call you 'mine'? ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ Honey ♪
♪ Sweetheart ♪
♪ From today, be mine ♪ ♪ instead of 'hey' ♪
♪ Be mine ♪
Great job.
That was so cute.
She's really cute.
You did great!
It was perfect.
Help her up.
Take my hand.
Okay, great work.
She's back.
First and foremost,
that was awesome.
"Be Mine," since you failed the Random Play Dance Challenge.
We have another one.
"Be Mine," sexy version.
From two of you.
LE, LE, you're up.
Since you made the mistake,
a sexy version should be easy.
A sexy version should be easy.
Rock, paper...
No, LE, you choose the other member.
Should I choose?
Yes, you can choose.
The person I hug is doing this with me.
You know, right?
(The glove madam making eye contact)
The glove madam is also giving her heart.
Haha, that glove heart is strong.
The glove is what makes it work.
- I think it's your turn. - Be quiet.
Please choose.
There's one person who kept making mistakes today.
It's Jeonghwa's day today.
The cute person should do the sexy version.
The cute one, the one with winsomeness.
The cute one, the one with winsomeness.
Really? Me?
(Ahn Hee Yeon selected for a "Be Mine" sexy version.)
- Great. I feel great. - Why is it always me?
Thanks, Hani.
You're the sexy of our team.
That's right.
Sexy music.
(Quickly accepted)
Hani and,
- LE. - I'm last again.
You are in charge of the finish line.
"Be Mine" sexy version.
Hani is going to crush it.
Music, cue!
Sexy Hani ver. "Be Mine."
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
Wait, wait.
Balance yourself.
- Balance yourself. - We need a mattress.
We'll give you a mattress.
(She's not drunk.)
I thought she was trying to dance Horang Nabi.
Should I sing it for you?
Yes. Sing!
Sing, sing.
Music, cue!
(You have to save this, everyone.)
(Sexy Hani ver. "Be Mine" Feat. Heo Me Bo)
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
♪ Can I call you 'mine'? ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ That only us two can share ♪
♪ Chu ♪
♪ Ang ♪
♪ Starting from today ♪
♪ Be mine instead of 'hey' ♪
(Be Hani's from today)
♪ Be mine ♪
As expected.
Great work, great work.
Now this time...
- Hye Lin will sing. - Great.
Great. What do you want the endearments to be?
I don't care.
(I don't care.)
Don't give up.
There's no such thing as giving up.
Let's do Ooh and Cutie.
Ooh and Cutie.
Here's one person who cannot smile.
- Yes. - Be really sexy.
(LEGGOs, you won't be able to see this again)
♪ Can I call you 'hey'? ♪
♪ Can I call you 'mine'? ♪
♪ We need a term of endearment ♪
♪ That only us two can share ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Cutie ♪
♪ Starting from today, ♪ ♪ be mine instead of 'hey' ♪
♪ Starting from today, ♪ ♪ be mine instead of 'hey' ♪
You do it so well.
You are good at being sexy!
Hye Lin's pleased with herself.
She's pleased with herself.
I thought it was the Lord of the Rings.
What, haha, really.
(Today's last present)
♪ Thank you. Thank you so much ♪
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Take one each.
I have an experience waiting tables.
- I won't let them fall. - Thank you.
These are beautiful.
Thank you.
Try it, everyone.
Everyone's is a little different.
LE, you look cool.
You have charisma.
I feel like I should go on a trip.
- Let's go! - We'll just take one picture.
One, two, three.
Okay! It's finished.
So now, we've spent the time,
with the girl crush, EXID, having come back in two years.
So how was it?
Yes, Hani.
- First... - With our sunglasses on?
(Do we do this with sunglasses on?)
Yes, it's fine with us.
Last time we made a comeback as four.
I am happy to be back...
with our leader.
For making LE's "Be Mine" video,
Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you to LE, too.
I hope you tol come back to Weekly Idol.
Let's say goodbye.
Let's wrap it up.
- Whether it's here... Or there... - In the end...
Weekly Idol!
♪ Love you ♪
♪ I Love you ♪
♪ Love you ♪
♪ Love you ♪
♪ I Love you like ♪
Hello, Lovelinus!
We're back as lovely winter goddesses.
Lovelyz is coming to Weekly Idol.
From the "Be Mine" song that will get your heart beating,
to the physicality competition among the Lovelyz members.
If you want to see a different side of Lovelyz,
December 5th, Wednesday!
5 pm! Weekly Idol!
Please come see us!
(Please come see Lovelyz)
("I Love You" by EXID)
Kirstjen Nielsen agrees migrants ARE using children as human shields - Duration: 9:06.
Kirstjen Nielsen agrees migrants ARE using children as human shields
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said late Monday night that some migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border have been using women and children as human shields in clashes with federal agents, confirming what U.S. Border Patrol officers and their labor union claimed hours earlier.
And she said hundreds of convicted criminals including rapists and child abusers are known to be among the predominantly male convoy of Central Americans who have set up camp in Tijuana, waiting to cross into California.
It appears in some cases that the limited number of women and children in the caravan are being used by the organizers as "human shields" when they confront law enforcement, Nielsen said in a statement posted on Facebook.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday evening in Mississippi that some of the adults trying to cross the border illegally arent related to the children who accompany them. He called them grabbers.
Nielsen also increased DHSs count of known convicts in the organized caravan, saying: This is serious.
[A]t this point we have confirmed that there are over 600 convicted criminals traveling with the caravan flow, she said. This includes individuals known to law enforcement for assault, battery, drug crimes, burglary, rape, child abuse and more.
Most media coverage about the caravan has emphasized some migrants claims that they are fleeing violence in Honduras, Guatemala and El Slavador, and plan to seek asylum status in the United States.
But President Trumps top Homeland Security official said only a tiny proportion of them, about 10 per cent, will pass muster.
Most of these migrants are seeking jobs or to join family who are already in the U.S. They have all refused multiple opportunities to seek protection in Mexico or with the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, she said.
But the result of simmering tensions and uncertain futures has driven some to entirely predictable violence against the uniformed border agents whose job is to keep them on the Mexican side of border fences, according to Nielsen.
I refuse to believe that anyone honestly maintains that attacking law enforcement with rocks and projectiles is acceptable. It is shocking that I have to explain this, but officers can be seriously or fatally injured in such attacks. Self-defense isn't debatable for most law-abiding Americans, she said.
Nielsens statement came hours after the top U.S. Border Patrol agent in the San Diego region, and the leader of the agents union, both warned about human shield tactics among caravan migrants as they hurled rocks and debris at officers.
Several agents were actually struck by rocks, Chief Patrol Agent Rodney Scott said in a CNN interview.
What we saw over and over yesterday was that the group – the caravan, as we call them – would push women and children to the front, and then begin, basically, rocking our agents, he claimed.
Scott said three Border Patrol agents and several vehicles were struck. Agents responded with rubber bullets and canisters of pepper spray.
In an afternoon Fox News interview, National Border Patrol Council president Brandon Judd backed up Scotts view that migrant men are using women and children as shields while they hurled projectiles at uniformed agents.
The way these people rushed the border was absolutely monstrous, Judd said.
They pushed women and children up front. And then behind those women and children, they started throwing rocks, cement bricks, they started throwing bottles at our Border Patrol agents, he recalled.
Carla Provost, the chief of U.S. Border Patrol, said in a Fox News Channel interview that a large group of migrants were throwing rocks and bottles at my men and women, putting them in harms way as well as other members of the caravan.
President Trump said hours later during a political rally in Tupelo, Mississippi that his administration will continue to take a hard line on migrants who try to fight or harm border guards.
We will not tolerate any form of assault or attack upon our border agents, like happened yesterday, he said, or any attempt to destroy federal property, overrun federal authorities or bring chaos and violence to American soil.
And if you look at whats happening along the border, you see whats happening. The mayor of Tijuana, he said, these are tough people. These people fight when you talk to them. These are tough people.
Scott claimed also on Monday that most of the migrants now waiting in Tijuana wont qualify for asylum in the U.S. because theyre job-seekers, not legitimate refugees.
An estimated 7,000 migrants have traveled 2,000 miles through the length of Mexico from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. The Trump administration is defending the southern California border and insisting Mexico deport anyone trying to sneak across.
Media reports have described the migrants as refugees seeking escape from repressive regimes and drug cartels. But Scott said on CNN that I do not believe that is true.
The vast majority of those, from what we call the northern triangle, they are economic migrants. They dont meet the qualifications to get asylum here, he said.
Scott acknowledged that they can still apply. But the Department of Homeland Security is processing only about 100 asylum applications per day.
Applicants have to persuade an interviewer that they have a credible fear of harm if they return to their homelands.
The Refugee Act of 1980 lays out other criteria: They must have experienced persecution – or have a reasonable expectation of persecution – on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.
They are also expected to request asylum from federal agents when they reach U.S. soil, whether they arrive by land, air or sea.
As a group of hundreds of caravan migrants stormed border fences on Sunday, dozens made it through. Scott said they evaded Border Patrol.
What I saw on the border yesterday was not people walking up to Border Patrol agents and asking to claim asylum, he said.
Agents arrested 42 border-jumpers, including some in a group who passed 10 or 15 marked Border Patrol units that were walking along the fence.
They were chanting, waving a Honduran flag, and throwing rocks at the agents, Scott said.
If they were truly asylum seekers, they would have just walked up with their hands up and surrendered. And that did not take place.
President Donald Trump has expressed doubts about the migrants motives, underscoring on social media that people who claim to be fleeing their home countries are waving those nations flags at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Isn't it ironic that large Caravans of people are marching to our border wanting U.S.A. asylum because they are fearful of being in their country - yet they are proudly waving their country's flag, he tweeted ten days ago.
Can this be possible? Yes, because it is all a BIG CON, and the American taxpayer is paying for it!
Trump threatened to permanently close the U.S. border with Mexico on Monday, saying hell take the drastic action if caravan members are not deported back to their Central American homelands.
Border Patrol officers fired tear gas canisters and rubber bullets at a group of migrants Sunday, including families with young children, as hundreds tried to storm the border.
Scott told CNN that when the migrants approached border fences, they immediately started throwing rocks and debris at our agents, taunting our agents.
And once our agents were assaulted and the numbers started growing – you know we had two or three agents at a time facing hundreds of people at a time – they deployed tear gas to protect themselves and protect the border.
Carla Provost, the chief of U.S. Border Patrol, told the Fox news Channel that our agents were being assaulted. A large group approached the area and they were throwing rocks and bottles at my men and women, putting them in harms way as well as other members of the caravan.
The confrontation produced chaos and new dangers that prompted U.S. officials to close the crossing between Tijuana and San Diego, stopping everyone in their tracks – including thousands travelling legally between the U.S. and Mexico.
The border reopened Monday morning, but Trump tweeted a stern warning to Mexico: Deport the migrants, a horde that includes stone cold criminals, or see the economically critical crossing sealed permanently.
He called for Congress to fund his border wall with Mexico at a time when congressional Democrats are counting down the final weeks before they take over the House of Representatives.
Mexico should move the flag waving Migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals, back to their countries. Do it by plane, do it by bus, do it anyway you want, but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A., Trump tweeted. We will close the Border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the WALL!
The presidents ultimatum played on TV screens worldwide Monday morning, alongside images of children screaming and coughing in Sundays mayhem at the San Ysidro Port of Entry as Border Patrol officers tried to push the surging mass of people back.
Skin AEC Tắm Trắng Bật Tone Sau Lần Sử Dụng Đầu Tiên Hotline 0868.383835 - Duration: 6:56.
Draw and color letter J with Rio kids🎨Learn simple alphabet💖Rio Kids - Duration: 4:49.
Wellcome to Rio Kids
Hello friends today, we learn to draw up coloring the letters J and the jackfruit let's start drawing
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child takes the nurse
Heigh, ho the derry-o the child takes the nurse
It takes the cow the nurse takes the cow
Heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow the cow takes the dog the cow takes the dog
Hi-ho the derry-o the cow takes the dog
Dog takes the cat the dog takes the cat
hi-ho, the derry-o the dog takes the cat the cat takes the mouse the cat takes the mouse I
Know the derry-o the cat takes the mouse
Takes the cheese the mouse takes the cheese
I know the derry-o the mouse takes the cheese the cheese stands alone the cheese stands alone
Heigh-ho the derry-o the cheese stands alone
The cheese stands alone
In the Dell the farmer in the Dell
Hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell. The farmer takes the wife the farmer takes the wife. I
Know the derry-o the farmer takes the wife
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child takes the nurse
I know the derry-o the child takes the nurse
Takes the cow the nurse takes the cow
Heigh-ho the derry-o the nurse takes the cow the cow takes the dog the cow takes the dog
Hi-ho the derry-o the cow takes the dog
Dog takes the cat the dog takes the cat
hi-ho, the derry-o the dog takes the cat the cat takes the mouse the cat takes the Mary I
Know the derry-o the cat takes the mouse
Really mouse takes the cheese the mouse takes the cheese
Hi-ho the derry-o the mouse takes the cheese the cheese stands alone the cheese stands alone
Heigh-ho the derry-o the cheese stands alone
The cheese stands alone
In the Dell the farmer in the Dell
Hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell. The farmer takes the wife the farmer takes the wife
Heigh, ho the derry-o the farmer takes the wife
Wife takes the child the wife takes the child
Heigh, ho the derry-o the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child
Heigh ho the derry-o the child takes
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