The Scorpion G is a premium German tier 8 tank destroyer weight the SU 130 PM is
a Russian tier 10 tank destroyer the su 130 PM is a premium Russian tier 8 tank
destroyer you will be able to get this vehicle for free if you manage to
complete a marathon that will take place November 30th to December 10th you have
to complete 10 different stages you can complete these stages by doing missions
in tier 10 tanks or by gathering base experience in tier 6 to tier 10 tanks
every stage will give you rewards but only the last stage will give you the su
130 p.m. the su 130 p.m. is extremely similar to the already popular scorpion
G we will not go into any extreme details but we will compare these two
vehicles the Scorpion G has slightly better mobility and survivability the
Scorpion has higher penetration with standard shells but the su 130 p.m. has
more penetration with its premium rounds however the Russian has heat rounds as
its premium rounds while the German has APCR because of the low profile of the
Russian it's harder to hit and also has a far better concealment rating than the
German the Russian has higher alpha damage of 520 because of its 130
millimeter gun compared to the German 128 millimeter gun with 490 alpha they
do have almost the exact same damage per minute the Scorpion G also has a fully
rotatable turret while the su 130 PM hasn't making the Scorpion G somewhat
more flexible in more situations after playing both of these machines we can
say that they perform pretty much the same and if you like the Scorpion G you
will also like the su 130 p.m. if you can put in the time and effort to earn
this tank for free or at a discount you definitely should now let's watch had
Vinnie 20 ins watch get rekt by +2 matchmaking
this video is sponsored by gold for tax download the app from the Google Play
Store today in start earning free gold and premium tanks use our invite code
for a starting bonus check the video description and pin comment for more
information swatch fluid cyka blyat let's bring some balance of course we
can Paris Stalin why do you do this to us I am NOT
very excited for this game oh hello su
you know nice this map is the greatest in terms of gameplay oh you know the
heavy tank well that sucks here here is a bush stay here wait wait
oh nice I don't like these Coppola muskie yet
when you fire ok and now try this this time oh you did it scream loud enough
this time I'm gonna do it right
I told you swatch the power yet hello hello shit barn hello object night 1895
were pleasant surprise yeah stay there host acknowledged tracking shot repair
the gun because I'm sure we'll be able to me missus good this map we tank
destroyers so what she actually did top damage Liat o swatch how original
it's another chair ten game of justice come on swatch let's let's camp I do
oh hello that's juicy bring some balance
tank destroyer gameplay people doesn't get more exciting than this well it
could be playing a killer I guess we could that would be extremely exciting
track okay fine well you can always penetrate to leave a little plate so not
support it oh hello cool bra yet damage I like damage oh boy damage swatch is
Tinky's very balanced yes okay histories phobias can apply in fire straight
through the upper plate bitch out of a tree now oh nice this h is epic hmm
man commit my boy coming get delict leopard pj such yarn over powered
vehicle get balanced oh why did I reload oh damn it well I got the assist for it
so oh hello su please stand still please don't do what Nick Oh what what there
was an ace that would be very very nice oh hello scorpion gee just like you oh I
guess the blind shot it for 816 feels of use and again Oh need some moist side
scrape oh no Borsig Oh object nope
rip rip that shell oh hi Soares oh hi nice nice nice bitch hello TTP high
explosive well spent for sick for see today I'm sorry you never know what
happens in World of Tanks in common is drug oh god here comes another could
have a tank all nice watch okay relive that shit with a camera okay man Oh fire
up and I lost there we go my driver is back up with it did he fire yeah whoa Oh
God BK's come down and artillery again and TV people come supply me I mean I
got stunned I healed my stun and immediately I got stunned again like
where is that fun yeah yeah you're not gonna be able to play this game because
then we shall near your tank also deadly fire water damage and killed off you
crew we're top to swash with that terrible damage I love that shit oh
hello sir
no damage we stand still and let me kill you Oh got him I wasn't spotted even
though I fight to a bush oh yeah my lines followed that snapshot though
gaming okay I'm gonna get some revenge when dispatch at then that shall went
were aimed at thank you this object this price I mean where do you where do I pen
this thing there we go you can't on there goes off my crew rip
screw you hate that tank huh oh god yeah I have three artillery
pieces oh here comes a bedsheet hey hey I'm supporting now I'll just gonna wreck
me they're gonna like me so hard oh okay I'm gonna round him without that driver
I'll never mind artillery please be kind and don't shoot the new tank
oh shut that guy very good no artillery don't finish me off please be kind Smith
in Vice I missed you okay no shukru I mean look I can't even turn is the
driver while stands like stuck not trying at all I don't need it to have
helped the left bird seriously though like what were you thinking or versing
down the slope Susy matrons Lisa shortener is this even
gonna help that type of five minutes like crammed himself into the corner up
there or maybe they're very balanced
will get me free not a tier 10 game I'm begging you like two nine is fine till
nine is fine oh thank you we're gaming Oh
scorpion meet your superior you wanna start a high explosive spam
oh there we go Oh set them on fire as well nice burn bitch fire extinguishers
are really expensive boy you got to ask of a nice three what
is he doing I don't know idea like King nine oh nine nine nine this high
explosive is surprisingly effective it's very good
yeah it's pretty good Asher for conquer high explosives ah
I mean 2/3 is like the same damage you get with a 90 millimeter gun we just
need to hit him somewhere no ice three in the open high explosives
loaded ah I mean 250 deaths that's a lot of damage
just for hitting them and splashing them Oh world of turns
Oh God ah nice I wasn't spotted that camouflage oh love
it let's carry this game by camping really hard in the bush nice no that
wasn't you I'm disappointed Oh patent
oh hi Sarah nice how did I even heat that really swatch run a mission we can
go all the way are on the map and cap mm-hmm it's gonna be glorious it's gonna
be awesome it's gonna be epic don't get blind shot
at nothin I don't want damage okay it was weird and good games watch my
scary yeah there's seven tanks Oh God oh nice
how did you miss what there was such a clean shot see 2029 oh no oh oh damage
I'm gonna go kill this for you gimme nice
oh here he comes Oh what explosive never hence in this bloody game but this
explosive or new problem a good-looking hope your bloody crew and knockout
you've gone along with 700 damage God hello cannon screw you
627 but my loader is dead because artillery so yeah this is not gonna work
but artillery is gonna keep me anyway so might as well get along with it huh
come here shoot it first adrenaline rush I've got the nine point nine seconds
even I miss the broadside of foot tweak t28 like me
okay Tony's behind me
sanitarium the uterus c'mon man Oh be it which carry the games watch
that's a printer an ace Oh God
he had a great game some juices scorpion G yeah what was he doing why is this a
career I don't know just he's so triggered for that light tank yeah he's
just gone for the light tank one idiot only come he ignored me he ignored you
he was like come here like dang hello spaghetti come on
nice that was that was very nice watch
tsukada top speed the rule it were a aim please yes one more how about a little
more damage object nice
fantastic zero damage there we go you're getting to rush burn i7 riffs watch have
fun with lost too much making balance
why isn't the Hilary blind firing I've been standing here the entire game and
luck actually surprised oh hello Oh God well in this case ladies and gentlemen
artillery prevented me thank camping thanks for watching let us know in the
comments what you think of this machine do you think it seems too good or do you
think that wargaming has made a balanced russki tank good luck in the marathon
tankers see you in the next video
For more infomation >> Skorpion G + Russian Bias = SU-130PM - Duration: 16:33.-------------------------------------------
G-IDLE - HANN @AAA 2018 - Duration: 3:28.
Do you remember remember what you said
you start talking to me
as if you would give me anything
don't chu remember what you said
then you changed as if you took a pill
cast blue, my blurred vision
is it true? you won't regret it?
yesterday your my boo
lonely life
i like it
i swallowed water, i got cold
i want you to be ruined
i won't hold you
yesterday your my boo
lonely life , good bye
you look at me with cold eyes
you see me and turn as if you didn't know me
i just stand here vacantly
G 20: La rencontre entre Trump et Poutine annulée? - Duration: 4:08.
Phần 6: Gia đình 7 người nhặt ve chai hoàn tất thủ tục xin làm lại hộ khẩu - Duration: 1:01:57.
Uomini e Donne, puntata di oggi 28 novembre: Rocco sceglie Gemma, Tina furiosa | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:34.
Here we go Loopty Loo | Car Cartoons For Children | Kids Videos by Speedies - Duration: 15:34.
Here We Go Loopty Loo
El cascarero y la miel de Álora. Málaga - Duration: 1:48.
Škoda Superb Combi 1.6 TDI 120pk Greentech Ambition Business - Duration: 1:09.
Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Drive - Duration: 1:10.
Volkswagen Golf 1.0 TSI 110pk HIGHLINE | NAVI | LED - Duration: 1:03.
Volkswagen Transporter DC 2.0 TDI 150PK COMFORTLINE 6PERS. - Duration: 1:02.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 1:05.
Opel Insignia Business+ 1.6 CDTI 136PK SPORTS TOURER - Duration: 0:55.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 0:49.
Incredibly Popular Vista Boho Tiny House - Duration: 3:19.
Incredibly Popular Vista Boho Tiny House
November Favourites (cc) - Duration: 11:16.
Okay, Hi guys how you doing? Are you good?
Okay, it's the run-up to Christmas I have a headache already.
Welcome to November favorites, because apparently this is now a thing that I am doing.
So welcome to things that I enjoyed in November.....
First things first, okay when you're watching this is probably the end of November, beginning of December.
So we're getting into Christmas, don't blame me.
I have sisters-in-law, we all sort of ended up buying this chap.
Just a normal Santa you would think...Nothing Special.....
I like big butts and I can not lie You other brothers can't deny
When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, And a round thing in your face. You get sprung
Wanna pull up tough Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya And take your picture
Baby got back!
I don;t think that needs explination do you?
Moving onnnnnn *explodes into giggles*
You get online, you start talking to your sisters, and that happens....
Okay, so we're moving on!
Moving on to the books, I have 3 books this month.
Because lots of authors released books that were brilliant.
Starting with. What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera.
If you have watched my channel before, you will know that i flipin love Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda' by Becky Albertalli
I also love all of Adam Silvera's books, which are around here somewhere????
Why can't I find them when I'm looking for them? Anyway I love them both.
They teamed up and wrote the cutest, most adorable, little gay love story I have ever read in my life.
I mean, I thought Simon was cute, but this tops Simon.
This is all of Adam's cuteness, and all of Becky's cuteness put into one book.
I am suddenly blanking as to which one of these is Ben and which one is Arthur?
Maybe the other way round? I don't know.
It's 2 guys, they meet in a post office in New York.
They get crushes on each other. and they try to find each other because they don't swap names.
It's the kind of, is that him? Is that maybe him?
Well he was wearing this t-shirt so maybe he works here?
Maybe I should put up a sign, maybe I should go on Craigslist? Maybe you should do this?
And somehow they go down the road of trying to find each other. Both unaware that they're trying to find each other.
It's just, I want this made into a film. This is a rom-com in the making.
Stop beeping at me! Mmmmmm
Mother I love you but I'm trying to record things.
what was I saying??? I'm gonna have to go back and watch because I've forgotten what, completely what I was saying.
It unfortunately is not on audible, if you live in the UK. If you live in America no problem.
You can go and listen to this and have a wonderful old time.
If you live in England..... don't get me started. I emailed audible I had a row, they gave me a free credit.
But at the same time, they did not give me this book. Which is what I want. It's not licensed in the UK!
But at least I did, I do have the copy. It was difficult to read because I'm not good at print reading anymore.
But it's just.......
We have a theme of all the gay. Basically this year I am trying to read, not exclusively LGBTQ content.
But it does seem to be going that way, and I finally.
Thanks to Kickstarter, and the lovely Alice Osman, have a copy.
A physical hard copy of Heartstopper. Which is a webcomic that is written by Alice Osman.
Who also wrote Radio Silence, and a bunch of other books.
This is Charlie, and this is Nick, they have been in her other books, and now they have a webcomic.
That is made into a book of their very own.
You have all the cuteness, with the fluffy and the scrunching of the hair.
So basically, they're 2 mates in high school. Charlie's out as gay,
Nick is confused, and is slowly getting feelings for Charlie. He's maybe discovering that he is bisexual.
Just so cute! It is still going on as a webcomic, This is just part one of the actual physical copies,
I will link it down below, and hopefully volume 2 will come out soon. Because I just I want to squish it.
The love I have for this is adorable.
Book related, last but not least, I have to mention Hank Green's debut novel.
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing
Which I listened to on audible, the audiobook actually came out the same day as the book.
*Head Blown*
Hank's writing, it's fast paced, it's all-inclusive, it's funny as hell.
It is self-deprecating, the characters are so self-deprecating and you can relate to them so much.
It's difficult to tell you the story without giving it massively away.
There is a girl named April May, and she has come across an remarkable thing, on the streets of New York.
Through this she makes youtube videos about it, and she started blogging about it.
She gets tied up in this massive, worldwide conspiracy that is going on.
It is about identity online, it's about who you become when you become, slightly. If not completely internet famous.
All the things that go on your brain, to feed that, and to feed the ego.
To feed everything that makes you want to be bigger and more famous. But you didn't really want to in the first place.
But you don't know how you got to that.
There's all of these themes inside this big, worldwide conspiracy sort of thing, that is going on.
It's also greatly appealing to me because it is queer content. April May is Queer.
I loved this book and I don't want to say too much about it.
Because I think it's should stay a mystery for those who are reading it for the first time.
But it is truly A Remarkable Thing.
Moving away from the books, we have a thing that I did.
So it was my friend's birthday, and we went to paint pottery.
Now most people, when pottery painting. Would paint a plate, or a bowl, or a mug, or something.
No I went for a clock, and and and I did this to it.
Welcome to the rainbow clock, that says 'Hang on, Let me overthink this'
Because that is what I do with time.
If I need to be somewhere at a certain time. I think 'well I better leave 20 minutes,
it may take me 20 minutes to get there'
But then 'What if I hit traffic?' so that's another 10 minutes.
'What if I'm not very well, or can't park?' That's another..... I leave an hour before I have to be anywhere.
And I overthink everything!!!
I just, it was just, it was just really nice afternoon. I just had a great time.
As somebody who can't do lots when I'm outside, and I have massive anxiety when I go outside.
Because people and there's noise. Just sat there painting pottery.
It was a kind of quiet outlet, I didn't get too nervous, because I was too busy concentrating on the pottery.
Then we have, sort of TV, technically not TV it's Facebook TV.
Go with me......
There is a thing called The Red Table Talks.
Which I've mentioned in a previous video, it is run by Jada Pinkett Smith, the actress.
Also her dughter, Willow Smith is there. The singer/actress/ model I think.
And also Jada's mum, Willows Grandmother, who they call Gammy.
it is 3 generations of women, who sit round the table, and have open discussions.
About race, domestic abuse, about marriage.
Because they bring in Jada's husband, Will Smith, at one point.
They had one about Parenthood, where they have. Will has a previous partner.
and they talked to her about bringing the children together.
It was truly, truly interesting and wonderful, and I love the dynamic of having 3 generations.
I wish there were 3 generations of my family, where we could all sit and get together.
But unfortunately there aren't.
But I think it's important for the older to talk to the younger, to learn.
We don't do that anymore I don't think.
The discussions that they're having, are so open and so diverse. That I'm learning a lot.
They bring in other guests as well, and they have immense amount of compassion, for what they need to say.
and I am really really enjoying it. I will link it down below.
I'm learning a lot that I didn't know, and I just, I wish that more families could do this. I really do.
I wish that my family could do this.
Then, last but not least. I left the house again this month.
Completely unexpected, literally two days before going.
Bought tickets to go and see a play called A Beautiful Thing by Jonathan Harvey.
Which I knew as a film from I think 1995. About 2 boys living in a coucil estate.
They live next door to each other, they both come from.
One comes from an abusive of family, the other one comes from a very loving, but difficult family.
It's the story of how they are friends and their friendship, maybe grows into something stronger.
Trying to navigate being gay, or being bisexual or sexuality in the early nineties.
So, originally a play made in 1993. Then made into a film.
This is back to the play version. A touring company put it on in The Tobacco Factory in Bristol.
Which is a little, kind of independent theater and it blew me away.
I think also because the staging of it.
In the Tobacco Factory, all the seating is around in the circle.
And the stage is in the middle. The actors kind of walk passing by you,
and right in front of you. To be able to move around the space.
So you're really, really up close, and you can see the emotion. it's very, very intense.
I can relate to it in many, many ways. As a teenager who was Queer, didn't really know what to do with that.
Having friendships that you kind of looked at now, and you think.
I kind of wanted to be with that person, but I didn't know how to say that.
So it was just really close friends with them.
The knife edge of being Queer in the early 90s.
Of will your parents accert you, will they not accept you? They could chuck me out.
Your whole life could disappear, by saying a couple of words.
Again this friendship of, 'If I say the wrong thing, and they don't feel the way I feel, this could.....
This could blow up out of proportion.
Costumes were brilliant, the early 90s was such an odd choice in fashion.
The Shellsuits and the baggy t-shirts with a little lycra bicycle shorts.
It was a very strange fashion time.........washed denim.
But it was, it was a brilliant play and I'm really really freaking glad I went to see it.
I'm not sure if it is still touring?
If it is, I will link it down below.
If not, go and see the film because it's also fantastic.
This is the time I grew up in, so yeah I'm really really grateful to my friend for taking me,
and telling me about it. Because I didn't know it was on
I'm very grateful.
That is all my things in November. That was a lot of things.
I went on for quite a while. I hope you enjoyed putting up with that.
Don't know if there'll be one in December.
Because I probably just be hungover from Christmas.
But for now........
I don't know what that is?
Take care, happy festive season to come.
There may or may not be, a festive series that is gonna happen again.
I don't know, we'll see how far I get with this.
okay, byeeeeee
"Oh, baby I wanna get with ya And take your picture.
Baby got Back!.......that never gets old.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 0:43.
Volkswagen Touran Highline Business R 1.4 TSI 150PK 7-DSG - Duration: 1:10.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 1:05.
Fiat Tipo - Duration: 1:05.
All New Episodes Of Full Frontal Returning To TBS
Fetus University: Learning Before Being Born - Duration: 8:32.
Everything starts the day your mum's egg meets your dad's sperm.
Four weeks later your little brain begins to form. Epidemiologist David
Barker says, that whilst developing inside our mother, we are receiving
postcards from the outside world. These postcards tell us if this world is
dangerous or safe, if food is plentiful or scarce. Knowing nothing else, we learn
from those messages. Let's watch what we experience and learn inside the womb
from the fetus perspective. Month 1: only 24 hours alive every bit of genetic
information is already present in a single cell: from our hair color to our
talent as a future pianist. Then we divide ourselves again and again. After
around a week we travel from the ovaries to the uterus where we then undergo the
great divide - splitting into two, half of which will become us while the other
half forms the placenta which brings us food and oxygen and carries away waste.
By week four we have developed into a small being that is growing at a rate of
1 million cells per second. Our spinal cord, heart and brain are now clearly
visible, even if we adjust the size of a poppyseed. Month 2: at about week four to
five our heart starts to beat and we are now ten thousand times bigger than we
were at conception. This is a crucial point in our neurological development as
our brain grows at a rate of around a hundred thousand cells each minute. If
our mother consumes alcohol and drugs or experiences extreme stress or trauma our
tiny brain can get damaged. This can lead to maths problems at school or even
schizophrenia some forty years later. If our mum stays healthy and can relax our
brain can develop to its full potential. We are now the size of a raspberry.
Month 3: at the beginning of month three we start to react to stimuli. Our
sense of smell is developing and exposure to toxins can make us cringe.
Our brain is continuing to grow very fast our Ears start forming and we can
soon hear our mum's heartbeat and voice speak. Still small enough we have plenty
of space to move inside the belly. Our mother's womb becomes our sensory
playground we learn to move our arms, stretch our fingers, smile or suck our
thumb. 75% of us are now showing a preference to use the right hand we are
now around the size of a lemon. Month 4: our head makes up about half our total
size. We learn to kick, pee and how to swallow. Our taste buds are developing. If
our mother eats a wide variety of things we learn to appreciate different tastes
and become less fussy eaters later in life. If we receive inadequate or poor
nutrients we adapt our physiology to sustain our development. This process is
also called fetal programming. Some researchers have found that this can
result in health problems such as obesity, heart conditions and diabetes
later in life. We are now around the size of a big tomato. Month 5: while earlier
our mums voice sounded muffled now it is starting to become clear. We are also
experiencing a big growth spurt and we start the development of our teeth and
our first real hair, fingernails, eyebrows and eyelashes. We are becoming more
active each day and enjoying flexing our tiny muscles. As we wriggle, kick and turn
our mother will start to feel as moving. If she responds we learned that for
every action there is a reaction. We are now around the size of a dragon fruit.
During this sixth month a major mark of brain development occurs. Our brains
cerebral cortex splits into two hemispheres. But it's also an exciting
month for our eyes which open for the first time. Even though we see only blurs
we start to respond to light. Some say it's good if our mum now takes us into
the sun. We are now starting to make simple facial expressions such as
forming a grin. We probably learn to communicate for the time when we are
born when we want to show our feelings. We are now around the size of a small
cauliflower. Month 7: we begin to develop regular intervals for sleeping and being
awake. The hair on our head is now clearly visible and our milk teeth have
formed under our gums. When we hear our mum speak we may respond with an
increased heartbeat and movement. Some researchers claim that we now begin to
learn language from hearing the voices from outside because once born we seem
to show a preference for our dads and mums native language. If we were to be
born now we would have a 90% chance of survival and arrived the size of a
pineapple. Month 8 we are now behaving like a newborn. Our brain is functional
and our nervous system ready. Our lungs are almost fully formed and we are
practicing breathing by inhaling and the amniotic fluid. Ee now spend almost all of
our time as sleep, maybe dreaming about our near future. In preparation for birth
most of us will have now turned upside down. To get through that tiny hole at
the end of the tunnel our bones and skull are still extremely flexible. Only
the immune system is still in its infancy.
It will take many months after birth until our internal body guards can fully
protect our health. We are now around the size of a melon.
Month 9: in the last month we keep practicing our motor skills and kicks.
When our mum laughs eat sweets or drinks an ice tea we might respond by bouncing
up and down. If we could already understand research papers we would now
hope that our mum can bring us to the world through natural birth which
protects us through a stronger immune system for life. The puzzle of what is
nurture and what is nature is now well underway and already shows a first image
of our character. The most important missing piece will be added in our early
childhood. At the end of the nine months we are around the size of a jackfruit.
After many hours of hard labour we will be welcomed into this world. Some
will then be instantly taken away for various checkup procedures and bathing.
But if we are lucky we will first spend some time with our mum. If placed on her
belly we will instinctively crawl to her
breast and then show us sucking skills. This makes us happy, full and feel safe.
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Dewi Perssik Risih Sama Kebohongan Meldi, Netizen Ramai-ramai Ungkap Wajah Rosa Meldianti Jaman Dulu - Duration: 5:16.
НЕВЕРОЯТНЫЙ ГОРОСКОП НА 2019 ГОД ПО ЗНАКАМ ЗОДИАКА. Кому Повезет в 2019 году, а для Кого 2019 год - Duration: 10:38.
PŚ Lillehammer 28.11.1998 - relacja z zawodów (j. niemiecki/polskie napisy) - Duration: 0:33.
Fetus University: Learning Before Being Born - Duration: 8:32.
Everything starts the day your mum's egg meets your dad's sperm.
Four weeks later your little brain begins to form. Epidemiologist David
Barker says, that whilst developing inside our mother, we are receiving
postcards from the outside world. These postcards tell us if this world is
dangerous or safe, if food is plentiful or scarce. Knowing nothing else, we learn
from those messages. Let's watch what we experience and learn inside the womb
from the fetus perspective. Month 1: only 24 hours alive every bit of genetic
information is already present in a single cell: from our hair color to our
talent as a future pianist. Then we divide ourselves again and again. After
around a week we travel from the ovaries to the uterus where we then undergo the
great divide - splitting into two, half of which will become us while the other
half forms the placenta which brings us food and oxygen and carries away waste.
By week four we have developed into a small being that is growing at a rate of
1 million cells per second. Our spinal cord, heart and brain are now clearly
visible, even if we adjust the size of a poppyseed. Month 2: at about week four to
five our heart starts to beat and we are now ten thousand times bigger than we
were at conception. This is a crucial point in our neurological development as
our brain grows at a rate of around a hundred thousand cells each minute. If
our mother consumes alcohol and drugs or experiences extreme stress or trauma our
tiny brain can get damaged. This can lead to maths problems at school or even
schizophrenia some forty years later. If our mum stays healthy and can relax our
brain can develop to its full potential. We are now the size of a raspberry.
Month 3: at the beginning of month three we start to react to stimuli. Our
sense of smell is developing and exposure to toxins can make us cringe.
Our brain is continuing to grow very fast our Ears start forming and we can
soon hear our mum's heartbeat and voice speak. Still small enough we have plenty
of space to move inside the belly. Our mother's womb becomes our sensory
playground we learn to move our arms, stretch our fingers, smile or suck our
thumb. 75% of us are now showing a preference to use the right hand we are
now around the size of a lemon. Month 4: our head makes up about half our total
size. We learn to kick, pee and how to swallow. Our taste buds are developing. If
our mother eats a wide variety of things we learn to appreciate different tastes
and become less fussy eaters later in life. If we receive inadequate or poor
nutrients we adapt our physiology to sustain our development. This process is
also called fetal programming. Some researchers have found that this can
result in health problems such as obesity, heart conditions and diabetes
later in life. We are now around the size of a big tomato. Month 5: while earlier
our mums voice sounded muffled now it is starting to become clear. We are also
experiencing a big growth spurt and we start the development of our teeth and
our first real hair, fingernails, eyebrows and eyelashes. We are becoming more
active each day and enjoying flexing our tiny muscles. As we wriggle, kick and turn
our mother will start to feel as moving. If she responds we learned that for
every action there is a reaction. We are now around the size of a dragon fruit.
During this sixth month a major mark of brain development occurs. Our brains
cerebral cortex splits into two hemispheres. But it's also an exciting
month for our eyes which open for the first time. Even though we see only blurs
we start to respond to light. Some say it's good if our mum now takes us into
the sun. We are now starting to make simple facial expressions such as
forming a grin. We probably learn to communicate for the time when we are
born when we want to show our feelings. We are now around the size of a small
cauliflower. Month 7: we begin to develop regular intervals for sleeping and being
awake. The hair on our head is now clearly visible and our milk teeth have
formed under our gums. When we hear our mum speak we may respond with an
increased heartbeat and movement. Some researchers claim that we now begin to
learn language from hearing the voices from outside because once born we seem
to show a preference for our dads and mums native language. If we were to be
born now we would have a 90% chance of survival and arrived the size of a
pineapple. Month 8 we are now behaving like a newborn. Our brain is functional
and our nervous system ready. Our lungs are almost fully formed and we are
practicing breathing by inhaling and the amniotic fluid. Ee now spend almost all of
our time as sleep, maybe dreaming about our near future. In preparation for birth
most of us will have now turned upside down. To get through that tiny hole at
the end of the tunnel our bones and skull are still extremely flexible. Only
the immune system is still in its infancy.
It will take many months after birth until our internal body guards can fully
protect our health. We are now around the size of a melon.
Month 9: in the last month we keep practicing our motor skills and kicks.
When our mum laughs eat sweets or drinks an ice tea we might respond by bouncing
up and down. If we could already understand research papers we would now
hope that our mum can bring us to the world through natural birth which
protects us through a stronger immune system for life. The puzzle of what is
nurture and what is nature is now well underway and already shows a first image
of our character. The most important missing piece will be added in our early
childhood. At the end of the nine months we are around the size of a jackfruit.
After many hours of hard labour we will be welcomed into this world. Some
will then be instantly taken away for various checkup procedures and bathing.
But if we are lucky we will first spend some time with our mum. If placed on her
belly we will instinctively crawl to her
breast and then show us sucking skills. This makes us happy, full and feel safe.
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DA TITCHA - Punchline - Duration: 3:15.
Como Sacar na Cryptotab seus Satochis? Cryptotab Como Sacar Rápido e Fácil 2018*2019 - Duration: 4:21.
10 SPLATOON GIFT IDEAS - Duration: 9:33.
Christmas time is coming, and I thought it could be great
to talk about Splatoon merchandising again, it may help you
find a gift to a close friend or relative who loves Splatoon.
So here's a ten-gift list you may
offer to any Splatoon fan.
There are different prices, and different types of gifts.
Some are official Nintendo products,
and some others are fan made.
Of course, this list is very personal, I chose the things I think
are relevant.
Someone else may have a different opinion, so feel free
to comment about it and share with us other Splatoon stuff you may have found
that I wouldn't talk about in this video.
It is a good way for you to help one another.
So let's go! First, let's begin with the basics, and by basics, I mean, litteraly,
the basics!
You may or may not know, but many Splatoon 2 fans don't own the whole
package to enjoy this game: some don't have a Nintendo Switch, some don't have
the game, some don't have the Octo Expansion, and some don't have the Nintendo Switch Online
subscription yet.
So, if you have any close friend or relative who is a Splatoon fan and one of these
four features is not in his hands yet, the Switch, the Octo Expansion, the game or the Online subscription,
well it is a good way to begin with because you can offer them
a chance to improve their gameplay, and without it, you can't play Splatoon, or at least
not properly.
I know that a lot of kids still don't have the Nintendo Switch Online subscription yet
so Christmas is a great opportunity for you to make them happy, it is only 20€,
and the kids will be able to play the Nintendo games online for a year.
So, in my opinion, it is the most essential gift to make to those who couldn't subscribe.
The Octo Expansion also brings some brand new gameplay experiences.
Same as the Nintendo Switch Online, it is only 20€.
And believe me, it is worth its price.
The second gift you can make is a Splatoon cap.
I really enjoy caps, i'm putting one on in all my videos now,
and I try to buy the Splatoon caps I really like,
I found three that are quite beautiful.
You may have seen them already on my head during a video or a live session.
But I'm gonna show them again and of course I'm giving you all the links
in the description section so you can buy all the products I'm presenting you.
For your information, some of these objects can be found in France,
and some others have to be imported, most of the time on ebay, but
on other websites as well.
It is safe, you know, I have ordered many objects on them myself,
Everything went perfectly with these orders. It is sometimes longer than expected,
and this is why I am doing this video in November and not in December.
So, the caps! There are three or four caps I saw on the internet which look really good
to me.
First, there is this one: it is the very first I bought, and it is really simple
but quite cool, but not my favourite.
The second one has the same style as the first one, but this time this is a snapback style,
the first was more Splatoon 1, and now this is
more Splatoon 2, and it is a new brand in Splatoon 2 actually,
and this cap is the one the main inkling is wearing on the game cover,
it is quite cool and well-ventilated, it one of my favourite
Splatoon 2 caps.
And the last one: there it is, with the Space Inkvader. I'm wearing it a lot,
it is one of my favourite as well!
The third gift you can offer to your relatives who are Splatoon fans,
is obviously the official Splatoon manga books.
There are four books already published as I speak, the fourth one got released
not long ago, actually.
It is meant to be read by young people, because the story is quite childish,
but a lot of hardcore Splatoon fans, whatever their age,
enjoy buying those things, I guess.
We are following a team which is trying to make a name in the world of Inkopolis
through many turf wars, and up till now, there are only
four books available in France, but they are being translated by Soleil Manga,
so there will be more in the future, and for now, I think you can find
a pack containing the first three books, so you can buy them all three at once,
and you can find them easily, on the French internet,
or in any big bookstore, you'll find them really easily and this is cool gift
that Splatoon players who don't own them already will enjoy.
let's move on and see the fourth idea: Splatoon amiibos
There are plenty of amiibos, obviously, and you can see almost all of them here
on my shelves, but you have to keep in mind the last three ones released,
in addition to their cute Octoling features, they enable you
to unlock some gears that went viral within the game, especially the octopus one,
you can buy them as a three-amiibo pack, but others can be bought one by one,
if you don't want these three ones.
Of course, these ideas are not groundbreaking, but a lot of people
don't own these amiibos yet, when you are a grown-up
and you have enough money, you can buy anything you want,
but there are a lot of kids who don't own all these objects I'm talking about,
and many parents don't know that such objects exist, so, to me, it is essential
to give you some ideas that seem really simple or basic.
But, honestly, even though amiibos are not essential in Splatoon 2 for you to enjoy
the game, these last ones are really cool and bring you some really funny gears.
These features are mostly skins and it brings you nothing in terms o gameplay,
but it is cool.
Now, if you see that the person you want to makea gift to is carrying
their Switch in their hands, well you can find
some Splatoon carrying cases.
There are many references, I have three different cases,
some are quite plain, and others not, and either way, they have the designs and logos
of the game, which is nice, and it enables you to keep your Switch
safe from any potential bumps when your carrying it,
As we speak about it, I'm giving away one carrying case in this video: the one other here.
Inside, there is: this case, some little grips to put on your joucon sticks,
just like that, Splatoon themed.
A little case such as this one in which you can put your games,
and a new joycon grip Splatoon themed again, this is a good gift
to offer so I'm giving you a chance to win one in this video. To have a chance, it's very simple:
write a comment in the commentary section of this video and I'll draw one randomly,
feel free to come back and see under this video if you won,
I'll answer to the winning comment,
and then I'll ship it to you, right at home, so good luck!
Let's talk about clothes again, but this time, we'll talk about t-shirts because
there are many Splatoon references.
There are not that much official t-shirts, at least in France.
But non-official t-shirts can be found very easily: many people reproduced
some of the t-shirts seen in the game
and you can find them online.
I have, myself, an online store where you can buy t-shirts, in case you didn't know.
Many possibilites for you, so; I can't show you everything
but I'm giving you all the links you'll need in the description section,
You have plenty of references, and if you buy one on my site, it would help me a lot,
just so you know.
Seventh and eighth ideas are quite similar, because it is both
Splatoon plushes and pillows.
You can see all around me, there are pillows here, on my left, and plushes
hanging on my lamp, there.
As for plushes in France, you can find squid plushes very easily,
just like that, they are quite small, not really expensive, and pretty cool
If importing from outside Europe doesn't scare you, well, you can also buy
Judd and Lil'Judd plushes quite easily.
Other Splatoon characters can be found, such as the Squid Sisters
or inkling boys and girls as well.
As for pillows, well you can find some big ones such as these Squid ones
but also Judd and Lil'Judd pillows.
Honestly, i found them really great, they are really soft and fluffy,
they are really great to handle.
Please note that the prices can change a lot from one site to another,
because they depend on the color of the squid you want, because some are more
difficult to find than others, so the prices change.
Some are really expensive, and others really affordable,
I sharing all the links in the description so you can make
your choice.
Idea number 9: books again, but this time,
Splatoon artbooks.
There is one about Splatoon which is about to get released in French, in November,
so you can put your hands on it, and a second one about Splatoon 2,
but for now it Japanese only, so you'd better wait for a translation
to come later, I think; and these two books are big and you can see some
interesting facts and artworks about the game, conception
are any small details about the characters, and they are really nice,
I think it is a gift any Splatoon lover would like to have.
Last idea: I already told you about it on my channel,
Splatoon weapon replicas, just like these ones, here.
As I told you, an online shop is printing some replicas,
many references, and they are really cool, beautifuly crafted,
that's really awesome, and it's really good for any cosplayer who loves going to conventions,
and for collectors as well.
Of course, the prices are higher than everything I told you about,
it is more expensive, but these are rare objects,
and the range of weapons is good, I think this gift
is perfect for any Splatoon fan for sure.
There are already a lot of objects,
but you can also find a lot more, and in order to help you in your quest,
I created a website called and it references
many objects and merchandising about Splatoon, mainly official products,
Nintendo, and others.
I'm sharing Amazon, Fnac or ebay links
and you can buy these Splatoon objects on those websites.
Almost all the objects I told you about are listed on this site
but you can also find others which may interest you,
I'm trying to put on it only French objects or objects really easy to import.
The displayed prices are the prices you can find on the selling websites,
but some time you may find a little
difference if they are not updated.
Anyway, if you are interested in one objects on this site, feel free to click
in order to see all the information about it on the seller's website.
So, in addition to those ten ideas, if you want more, feel free to check this site: , I'm giving you the link in description, feel free
to tell us what you thought of this video, and these ideas.
Don't forget to comment if you want to enter the contest, to like the video if you
enjoyed it, if it helped you in your quest for the perfect Splatoon gift.
I hope it did, see you soon in a next
Citroën C4 Picasso 2.0-16V Lumière EB6V 5p. 79443 km, G3 GAS, AUT,PANORANADAK - Duration: 1:11.
Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 95pk Adrenalin S tronic - Duration: 1:08.
Justin Bieber Greatest Hits Full Album Live 2018 \\ New Pop Songs World 2018 - Duration: 1:07:42.
Justin Bieber Greatest Hits Full Album Live 2018 \\ New Pop Songs World 2018
[슈퍼스타K] 출연자 중 '구슬기'만 외면받는 이유 - Duration: 12:13.
S. Korea successfully test-launched locally developed rocket - Duration: 0:33.
we begin with Korea's successful test launch of an indigenous rocket engine
that was carried out this afternoon according to the Ministry of Science and
ICT and the Korea aerospace research institute the engine fully combusted for
151 seconds 11 seconds longer than what the team considers a successful run the
rocket flew for about 10 minutes the engine which is nearly 26 meters high 3
meters wide and weighs in at 52 tons was launched at 4 p.m. local time from the
narrow space center in Cahoon chalindo province
PM Lee hails S. Korea's game industry for contributions to job creation - Duration: 0:41.
videogames are look to help create jobs for young professionals here in South
Korea which is why today's sauce Prime Minister invited game industry leaders
to lunch at his office to encourage and thank them for their contributions to
job creation you know again hailed the sectors creativity and skills as well as
efforts to spread outstanding gaming content or around the world the local
gaming industry maintained an average annual growth rate of eight point seven
percent over the past 10 years games account for some 3.3 billion u.s.
dollars worth of exports or 55% of all outbound shipments from South Korea's
content industry which includes publishing advertising and music
S. Korea to deliver 50 tons of pest control chemicals to N. Korea on Thursday - Duration: 0:36.
South Korea will deliver 50 tonnes of pest control chemicals to North Korea's
border town of Kaesong tomorrow via the land route heading north will be 15
people including forestry experts and officials from the South's Forest
Service they'll deliver the items in the morning and in the afternoon look around
the nearby pine forest and with officials from Pyongyang discussed ways
to work together Seoul says the chemicals to be sent tomorrow are not
restricted by the UN sanctions and the delivery is to prevent force damage from
spreading back in August 8th korea sent officials
to nords Mount Kumgang asan for a joint check on local forests
Pressure mounts as N. Korea, U.S. yet to schedule stalled talks - Duration: 2:30.
Working-level talks between Pyeongyang and Washington may not happen.
According to a U.S. official, the North has not responded to proposals to reschedule other,
high-level talks that need to happen first... but have been postponed.
Top American officials seem to believe that the regime needs to make an effort before
the "window of opportunity" closes.
Lee Ji-won tells us more.
Talks between Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his North Korean counterpart have been
postponed already, and now working-level talks between the two sides seem to be falling apart
Radio Free Asia reported Tuesday that, according to a former senior U.S. official, Washington's
special representative for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, was going to attend working-level
talks with North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister, Choe Son-hui, in mid-December.
The former official said that Biegun had even cleared out his schedule the second week of
December for that meeting... amid hopes that the high-level talks between Secretary Pompeo
and his North Korean counterpart would be rescheduled to sometime in late November.
There were reports that the U.S. had proposed holding the high-level talks toward the end
of November but never heard back from Pyeongyang.
And according to the former official, there is no meeting scheduled with the North as
of now... and unless the situation changes, it'd be hard for the working-level meeting
to take place in December.
Observers say that the North and the U.S. are in a tug-of-war over the lifting of sanctions
and over concrete steps toward denuclearization,... but that they need to make sure they don't
lose the momentum for dialogue.
The Seoul-based paper JoongAng Ilbo reported Wednesday... that in a meeting with his South
Korean counterpart earlier this month,... Biegun said... the "window of opportunity"
for the nuclear talks is closing... if the North continues to be ambiguous, referring
to Pyeongyang's silence about rescheduling the high-level talks.
Citing a U.S. official, the paper reported that Biegun also said... that because of growing
pressure on those in the U.S. who want dialogue with the North, and with the Democrats taking
over the lower house of Congress, the Trump administration cannot sit idly by.
The administration has been emphasizing how there is no timeframe for North Korea's denuclearization,
but watchers say Biegun seems to hint that dragging out the negotiations won't do any
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Nation under fine dust alerts _ 112818 - Duration: 1:45.
hello Michelle park with the latest weather updates in the whole country is
covered and find us today and currently air quality is rated as very bad intogen
susan and also in jeju island even tomorrow there will be an inflow of
yellow dust that is about two to four times higher than what's considered as
normal and tomorrow afternoon the country will be overcast especially for
the northern parts of the country and at the same time beijing will get a good
amount of sunlight with similar highs expected as Seoul as cold winds are
expected to blow and overnight a lot more regions will fall below freezing by
tomorrow morning it's horri will begin at zero degrees Celsius to ten minus two
and come to at minus 1 degrees there's a big jump into the day though and similar
highs are expected as today was whoring out to 7 degrees while the southern
regions will reach into the mid and dry weather will continue throughout the
weekend under partly cloudy skies and dry conditions should be relieved by
some rain next week I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world
3% of all elementary school students in Korea from multicultural families - Duration: 1:37.
we're seeing a growing number of multicultural families here in South
Korea in tune with us change the country's education system will also
need to be reformed to better support such such diversity for details let's
turn to our suburban
South Korea's demographic landscape is changing rapidly highlighted by an
increase in the number of multicultural families
research shows that three percent of all elementary students here in Korea come
from multicultural backgrounds according to the National Assembly legislation
Bureau the number of multicultural students enrolled in Korea's elementary
middle and high schools rose twelve percent on-year as of April this
represents the more than two and a half fold increase from the year 2012 for a
total of 122 thousand multicultural students in the country the region was
the highest number of multicultural students was congedo province at twenty
four percent of the nation's total followed by Seoul at 13 percent the list
is rounded out by tallinn i'm the province chungcheongnam-do province in
gyeongsangbuk-do province with korea becoming a more multicultural society it
has led to growing calls to reform the country's education system to reflect
this demographic shift it is also being suggested that in regions with a high
concentration of multicultural families bilingual curriculums and culture
awareness programs should be introduced to help strengthen multiculturalism in
korea suburban arirang news
S. Korean childbirths continue to decline in September - Duration: 2:08.
for years chronically low birth weight has been an issue South Korea is unable
to resolve if recent data is any indication the country could see its
annual fertility rate drop even further in the near future
one junk - the full story the number of newborns in South Korea fell again in
September yet another sign of the country's chronically low birth rate
according to data released by statistics Korea on Wednesday the number of
newborns for that month was the lowest for any September since the agency
started compiling related data on a monthly basis the number of childbirth
per months has been decreasing on-year every month since December 2015 in
September about 26 thousand babies were born down 13.3% from a year earlier and
24% lower compared to 2016 the number of babies born during the third quarter
fell to some 80 thousand down ten point three percent from a year earlier
marking the lowest third quarter tally since 1981 on a yearly basis despite
concerted efforts to tackle the issue the number of newborns dropped to a
record low last year it totaled less than 360,000 down eleven point nine
percent from 2016 experts are already concerned about this year's overall
number the total fertility rate or the number of babies that a woman is
projected to have during her lifetime has been gradually decreasing in every
quarter of this year considering that the fourth quarter of the year tends to
mark the lowest figure of all experts say it is highly likely that the total
fertility rate for the country could fall below one for the year 2018 the
expected figure is depressing as it not only suggests that there are quite a lot
of women who do not have a baby but it will also bring a serious concerns in
terms of economic growth potential in the country reducing the size of the
workforce and driving up welfare costs to support a rapidly aging population
1john arirang news
Mickey Mouse visits Seoul hotspots as Disney marks icon's 90th birthday - Duration: 1:51.
this month a cartoon character considered the face of Disney celebrates
his 90th birthday Mickey Mouse is marking the occasion by drawing the city
of Seoul to meet local fans Lucy Jung was there to catch a glimpse
of the icon in his first ever visit to the country Mickey Mouse is in Seoul
sporting his trademark is in a signature smile the world's most famous Mouse
began his first ever tour of the country on the month of his 90th birthday he
surprised her locals in the city centre on Wednesday appearing with Korean
actors Jung Hyun shin se-kyung along with staff members of Disney Mickey
wrapped early Christmas presents for 500 children from low-income families the
walt disney icons visit comes as part of his birthday celebration taking place
around the globe Mickey Mouse first hit the big screen in 1928 in the Disney
cartoon Steamboat Willie fast forward 90 years he saw the world's
most famous cartoon character having starred in a hundred and twenty-one
animated short films and around 90 TV series since to meet with his fans
around the globe Mickey Mouse's visits his Shanghai London and New York and has
now partnered with Seoul City in the third anniversary of its icehole you
slogan Seoul is celebrating Mickey's birthday and he in return is celebrating
the third year of the ice whole new brand which we hope will last for more
than hundred years through our collaboration we plan to share his
moments of Touring's home via social media before he leaves on Saturday
Mikio visit some of those iconic landmarks including the toon diamond
design Plaza yuridu Hangang Park and n Seoul tower so there's plenty of time to
spot those famous is for yourself Sooyoung Arirang news
Two Koreas to wrap up demolition of 10 guard posts each by this week - Duration: 2:14.
the two Koreas are continuing to tear down guard posts in the DMZ are part of
joint efforts to alleviate military tensions in the border regions Park
Jiwon zooms in on the changes being made
the two Koreas have been demolishing ten guard posts each in the DMZ since early
this month and it has expected the demolition process will be completed by
the end of this week this is according to a military source speaking to Arirang
news Wednesday afternoon once completed a thorough inspection process will be
initiated to confirm the complete demolition of the guard posts on both
sides yet the military source said no details about the inspection process
have been decided as of now and it will be determined following more
inter-korean military talks it is also highly likely that the inspection could
be conducted by the inter-korean joint military committee which the two Koreas
have agreed to set up during September's comprehensive military agreement
although the two Koreas have yet to reach a conclusion on how to form the
military committee the military source said the committee is likely to launch
sometime next month earlier this month two Koreas revealed to the media images
of guard post facilities in the DMZ being torn down over at the joint
security area located in the truce village of Panmunjom the two Koreas as
well as the United Nations command have already completed a two-day joint
inspection on the demilitarization of the area in late October according to
the military source the three sides are currently discussing ways to Joley
manage the patrols of the joint security area and allows civilian visits it is
not yet clear though when the three-way consultations will come to a conclusion
on the matter meanwhile a 12 metre wide inter-korean Road in the DMZ at
Arrowhead Hill Incheon counter province will be paved for vehicle use the
pavement and ditch digging operations are likely to be completed by early next
year to facilitate the first ever join were amazed recovery project between the
two Koreas starting next April Park Jiwon Arirang news
Interview with OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria - Duration: 2:54.
the secretary-general of the OECD was in South Korea for the 6th OECD Wall Forum
held in Incheon which runs through Thursday
akima song got to sit down with an NGO Korea to get his thoughts on the theme
of this year's event the future of well-being and the current state of the
South Korean economy let's take a look
the OECD pointed to digitalization as a key trend that could affect people's
well-being in the next 10 to 20 years ai and robots are expected to change the
way people communicate and live and disrupt around half of existing jobs
among OECD countries meaning both the public and the private sector need to
find new ways of governance on how the host country of this year's OECD world
forum Korea is faring on well being an economy secretary-general Korea said
Korea has inflation under control Korea has a current account which is quite
strong Korea has is a powerhouse of exports
with all the classic indicators Korea is in relatively good shape but the
question with Korea is look at the medium and the long term we mentioned a
moment ago the question of Aging that is going to be very crucial because
not only does it impinge in terms of the total size of the workforce it also has
an impact on public finances which is quite considerable it also has an impact
in terms of your planning for skills as a medium-sized open economy that is
vulnerable to slowing global trade growth Korea also faces challenges like
worsening inequality and low labor productivity which is 46 percent below
that in the top half of the OECD countries what's your advice on how
Korea from the public and the private sector can do to tackle its challenges
like rising income gap and high unemployment and I'll boost its economy
inclusive growth that has to be the answer and then we find a leader here in
Korea moon jae-in who has precisely that approach and who is has those same
priorities but the question is also under which
quality of life and that is where the companies can make a very great
contribution they can make a contribution by training the adults that
work for them on top of efforts by companies to raise labor productivity
mr. Greer says deregulation by the government to spur private sector
innovation is also important you have to keep a proper balance between
productivity and therefore growth and inclusiveness Kim Ezell Arirang news
Two Koreas to begin joint on-site survey of N. Korean railways on Friday - Duration: 2:52.
Seoul and Pyongyang are finally starting their long overdue joint inspections on
railways in North Korea after two days of silence Pyongyang replied today and
they've agreed to start the on-site survey this Friday which only gets us up
to speed with the developments it was originally in late July that the two
Koreas agreed to start their joint inspections of North Korea's railways
but the problem was bringing the necessary resources and equipment into
the north with violate UN sanctions back in late August solar tried to send a
research team up north for an on-site survey but it couldn't because of
objections from the UN Command fast forward and it's been a for months still
mates both in North Korea u.s. nuclear negotiations and an inter-korean
cooperation but now there's some progress last week's whole in Washington
launched a bilateral working group than the UN Security Council granted a
limited waiver towards North Korea sanctions and the u.s. too decided to
print some exemptions to its own sanctions Seoul quickly proposed a
schedule to the north for the inspections and with a reply from
Pyongyang on Wednesday the two Koreas are starting their joint rail
inspections this Friday South and North Korea agreed to move along 2600
kilometers of North Korean railway tracks over the course of 18 days
starting November 30th we're going to survey the western section between
Kaesong and shiney Joo for six days until December 5th and then the eastern
section between Mount Kumgang and the Tumen River from December 8th until the
12th the upcoming inspections will cover tracks in North Korea proper South and
North Korea check the cross-border sections back in July 7 South Korean
train cars will be crossing the border with 55,000 liters of oil and 300
kilowatts of electricity at penguin station the South Korean train will link
up to a North Korean locomotive and cars then they'll move together as they test
the Western County line first and then the eastern to headline the whole
process is expected to take 18 days this will be the first time in over ten
years that the two Koreas have checked the Western comely line in the first
time in history they've surveyed the eastern - hey line during the survey
horse says it'll talk with the north about holding a groundbreaking ceremony
within this year and after the inspections are over South Korea will be
working on plans for more surveys and then for actual construction the UN says
the two Koreas will need more sanctions waivers to take further steps in setting
up railway connections and his horse says actual construction will proceed in
accordance with progress in North Korea's denuclearization Oh jung-hee
Arirang news
National Assembly Speaker designates bills to complement budget proposal - Duration: 0:48.
the Speaker of the National Assembly has designated 28 bills linked to next
year's budget plan to be reviewed by the Parliament standing committees among
them are revisions to the laws on property tax corporate tax and income
tax under the national assembly act lawmakers must review the bills by
November 30th which is this Friday if that's not accomplished they will
automatically be referred to the plenary session for a full floor vote Saturday
along with the 2019 government spending plan unless parties agree otherwise
however the deliberations aren't expected to be easy the budget
subcommittee hasn't been able to move ahead on the budget itself for the past
few days rival parties are at odds after the government said it expects a four
trillion won shortfall in tax revenues next year
പ്രഷർ കുക്കർ വെള്ള കടല മസാല /Easy Chole/Chana Masala Recipe:96 - Duration: 7:42.
李進良新歡連環爆 小禎妙回:你也有大餅跟鳥? - Duration: 5:32.
Kinderlieder und lernen Farben lernen Farben spielen Spielzeug in der Schule Kinderlieder Wort #9435 - Duration: 10:58.
G-IDLE - HANN @AAA 2018 - Duration: 3:28.
Do you remember remember what you said
you start talking to me
as if you would give me anything
don't chu remember what you said
then you changed as if you took a pill
cast blue, my blurred vision
is it true? you won't regret it?
yesterday your my boo
lonely life
i like it
i swallowed water, i got cold
i want you to be ruined
i won't hold you
yesterday your my boo
lonely life , good bye
you look at me with cold eyes
you see me and turn as if you didn't know me
i just stand here vacantly
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