And she threw like chucked the vase at the TV screen it just flew past the
television and boof! landed beside about everything all over the place of course
was inside he didn't actually break the vase fortunately it was a pretty strong one at
that stage I thought my friend was gonna fucking punch this girl ...
Всем привет! Welcome back to another episode of the
vodka vodcast with me Conor Clyne this is Tsar Experience and in today's
episode of the vodcast I'm going to be going into some of my travel stories
here in the region and why maybe you might consider and coming here if you're
looking for a different type of travel experience than you're gonna get in the
mainstream locations especially in Western Europe you're not gonna find
this kind of experience here today I'm speaking to you from Odessa in Ukraine
on the shores of the Black Sea you can see the Black Sea behind me I'm at the
port and unfortunately there's a lot of this music when I came down here but I'm
still gonna persist and go ahead hopefully it won't be too distracting on
the audio and let's get into it so when I first started traveling here I've
already gone into a lot of the stories a lot of the things that happened to me on
that very first trip like so I came a travel on my own that's gonna be back in
vodcast number 4 and number 5 I go into my dating journey here in Ukraine a good
bit so if you're interested in those then go ahead and if you haven't already
watched them of course go back and look for them that's gonna be episodes 4 & 5
but in today's episode I want to start telling some of the stories from a very
special trip I took. It would have been about almost 5 years ago and I took it
with my sensei now I mentioned my sensei back in episode 5 of course he comes up
in it before we hung out here in Odessa,
we took our first trip to get a first travel trip in Eastern Europe and it was
actually his first time to Eastern Europe and I think it's a really good series of
stories to tell you because if you haven't traveled so much here or like my
sensei you're gonna be dependent on English to a certain extent when you
travel here then this is actually pretty a good series of stories to learn for
yourself and maybe get inspired to take similar trips now of course I was on the
trip and I do speak Russian and I also speak Romanian so that was something
that he had kind of like interpreter and my guidance with him on that trip so
that helped obviously quite a bit with communication on the trips but a lot of
this the issues that came up and a lot of the crazy things that happened
hopefully gives you a good bit of an explanation as to why I would choose
to travel in Eastern Europe over Western Europe of course I've traveled
everywhere in Europe to make that as a big disclaimer at the beginning I've
traveled all fifty countries so I kind of get a good overview of everything
basically and then I spend more time in this region than I do in Western Europe a lot
of reasons for that one of them actually if you look at my video my vodcast
episode about why I spent summers here in Odessa in particular then you're
gonna get a good indication of that it's also a little bit different for me I
know a lot of you guys watch me because you've told me it's because I'm a
Western European who's come to Eastern Europe and the story you can relate to
me to a large extent because of that also you know I have worked as a lawyer
in Western Europe so a lot of you who have maybe professional jobs
like that you also want to take these kind of similar trips or maybe you're an
entrepreneur like I am at the moment so these kind of things that helps you to
relate to me and I want to continue that but giving you a little
bit of a taste of what happened on the first trip that I took in my sensei
here in Eastern Europe so to give you an overview of what we were doing was just
after EuroMaidan the revolution that took place in Ukraine that led to
the overthrow and replacement of Viktor Yanukovych who was the president who was
to simplify it he was pro-Russian versus pro-European the president and
I'm gonna give you in a different video my experience of I've actually beine at Euro
Maidan I'll shoot that actually I'll try to shoot that in Kiev actually
on the square itself I think that will make it a little bit more helpful for you
to understand you'll be able to see things around me when I do that but this is
just after that and Ukraine is in a certain amount of chaos at the time and
my sensei had asked do you said I trust you whatever you want to do completely
in your hands the itinerary you just pick it and we'll go and do it so I said
okay let's go on this trip we got 12 days that's that's gonna play for play
with and we're gonna go to Romania, Moldova and Ukraine and I'm gonna try
and cram in as many cities and experiences that we can in 12 days so
that's the backdrop that's the political
situation in the region there is a certain amount of turmoil there is a
certain amount of an element of danger to a certain extent of Russia it's just
before Russia annexed Crimea and then subsequently the war in Donbass began in
the east of Ukraine so it's a little bit before I think it's probably was
probably April of 2000 and would be 2014 yeah 2014 the square on Maidan actually
still had a lot of different irregular militias and other groups that haven't
controlling it actually at the time anyways so I was given these twelve days
to play with to plan on an itinerary and I said okay we're gonna go to Bucharest,
Chisinau, Balti, Vinnitsa, Kiev and Kharkov now you may be familiar with some
of those cities at least the names like probably Kiev probably Bucharest the
capital of Romania not maybe don't recognize the rest of the names on the
list so Chisinau is the capital of Moldova Balti is a city in the north of
Moldova that's a very interesting decision to go there and then Vinnitsa
is ... lies kind of in the west center of Ukraine and the reason to go there was
just simply if you go to Balti it's in northern Moldova it's kind of next city towards
Kiev is Vinnitsa and then Kiev obviously the capital heard of that probably and
Kharkiv is in the east of Ukraine I do have a great travel vlog from Kharkov
that I made a couple of months ago so I'll link that in the card somewhere up
above and put it down in the description in the show notes if you're listening
this on the podcast version definitely go and take a look at that if you're
interested it's a really good popular vlog it's actually the most popular
video about Charkov I believe on YouTube by a longshot
already within a couple of months or super-stoked about the popularity and
how many people have enjoyed that video so why did I pick such a bizarre
itinerary well he wanted to experience the real east of Europe instead of
saying hey let's go to all the capitals and do kind of very obvious touristy
things I said let's make this an adventure
Chisinau the Capital of Moldova so maybe now it's the least
visited country Belarus used to be the least this is a country in Europe and
now that they've changed their visa regime it's it's more open so I picked
this itinerary to I bring him to different places that
really tourists wouldn't have gone to Balti was a curious decision to go into
more in that it's actually northern Moldova and yeah was it was definitely
different when we got there and then Vinnitsa is on the way it's it's kind of
a sweet town but between you know between the Moldovan border and Kiev and of
course Kiev capital you have to go there and Kharkov is a great city to have fun
in to party and basically that's was why I wanted us to go there so we
started in Bucharest now at the time Bucharest had my I mean ... I have a travel vlog
about Bucharest as well which I'll link in another card I guess now that I
talked about and in the description it's also very popular one it's not ...
Bucharest is not my favorite city in Eastern Europe I'll be very frank about that but it
does have some great reasons to go there as well and hopefully get a good good a
glimpse of that in in my video but at the time it actually had a really really
great night at a nightclub on a Thursday I remember it was called Gaia so the trip
had to start actually on the Wednesday so I was like but we're gonna start in
Bucharest in and I'm gonna take you to Gaia this club in Bucharest and that
would be the first port of call so we arrived and it's interesting how
languages can have a big influence on your life so I meet my friend at the
airport everything's cool we get a taxi in at the time it was a little bit dodgy at
Bucharest airport you used to actually have to take the taxis coming in
dropping people off not get a taxi actually waiting for you at the airport
now of course you have there the apps make it a lot safer but it was a big
issue with security at the time a lot of people been robbed by taxi drivers and actually
even murdered there was one case so the rule of thumb at the time in Bucharest
was to take a taxi that's coming in not one that's waiting loitering for someone
to abduct or rob at the airport that was the kind of yeah Bucharest has
improved a lot now you don't have to be scared of that today of course you can
take an app they have tickets that you can press on a screen in the airport
even and it's all traceable and of course if you have your app it's all
traceable so I wouldn't be worried about that now but anyway so I
called on the phone the for the Airbnb apartment that I rented for us in the
center of Bucharest and the woman I spoke to me I think in Romanian
originally and then it for some reason I must have said hey do you also speak
Russian which would be unusual in in Romania or maybe had earlier actually
in the chat or something spoken about it I think
actually the Airbnb host had told me that his girlfriend is actually from
Moldova so I think I guessed then I spoke in Russian so we're chatting in Russian
and everything's coming in to the apartment
taxi driver was super intimidated by this is like what are you guys up to
some random Western Europeans are all mumbling in Russian on the phone so
it's kind of interesting the reaction that Russian can happen a country like
Romania it's actually something I use once or twice when I was in a little bit
precarious situations with taxi drivers again this before the apps when I would take
one outside a club for example and he asked me where I was from and I didn't
trust the guy and I didn't want to say I was Western European so I said I was
Russian he said I don't believe you and I spoke in Russian and then he kind of
seemed convinced and a little bit more wary of me and then I noticed we weren't
even going to right direction so God only knows what was going to happen to me there
and then I got him to turn around and then yeah he was pretty aggressive but
once I got that club fine that's another story
that's one of the advantages of speaking Russian in Romania apparently people are
a little bit more intimidated by you we we go there we have a great rapport with the
Airbnb hosts fantastic really really cool and actually the great thing about
it is that we actually became pretty good friends afterwards and every time I
went to Bucharest afterwards I would always call him and he would set me up
with an Airbnb so actually we bonded over this issue of a large part about
language because I was able to speak in Russian as well as some some Romanian at
the time so I brought my friend out in Bucharest the first night we ended up
some Moldova bar it wasn't very eventful but the second night I brought him to my
what was my favorite club in all of Europe during the week Gaia on a
Thursday night it just love this is why I think this story might be interesting
for you if you're a traveler so the reason why I I liked the club number one
is that it a policy of not letting tourists in so first things that was
more about kind for the beautiful and the cool on a Thursday
night of Bucharest now that didn't mean that they wouldn't let you in as a
foreigner but if they thought you were tourist I'd seen it they were not
letting you in so the key there was of course just because I could speak in Romanian at
the door first of all be dressed pretty well right first of all second was
speaking Romanian even if you only say good evening in Romanian or you just say
hi or something you know you greet people that's gonna be enough like if
you just say 'buna seara' or if you say 'salut' or something when you get to the
door that's gonna make a big difference now of course I did have to chat a little
bit in Romanian always and sometimes it was a little bit tricky but I always got
in because of that because I've been at least being able to say a few words in
Romanian that's a first good tip for you traveling and I would encourage you to
learn more than just a few words but even that makes a big difference already
because it separates you for 90% of the tourists that they don't this particular
club did not want coming in so the client the kind of clientele it had was
usually successful young professionals I would say good-looking well dressed
students and also will see TV presenters models used to hang out there a lot a
lot of people from the fashion industry so you can see a lot just a lot of
beautiful people there both girls and guys actually have to say by Romanian
standards the guys actually work pretty well turned out as well so that's why
you need to be well dressed to get into this into this club in general at least
look pretty fucking cool so that's the kind environment first of all so that's
got it I'm gonna have my target demographic there which are
beautiful women of course and that's not to give you the contrast in most
Romanian clubs I don't like it at all it's not very open as an atmosphere there
are not actually that many beautiful women there to be honest compared to
further east countries like Ukraine, Belarus or Russia at all
but there are of course still plenty of beautiful girls in Romania and this
club used to attract so many of them and one other thing that is really key to
the club that made it if you're a solo traveling particularly even just a group
of guys a small group is the fact that it had a square bar in the center now
this is essential because if you have a square bar it gives you a place just like
hang out chill have a drink chat to your buddy maybe get to know someone or
open the person beside you it's all very easy plus you have line of sight all
around the club from the bar right so of course they had tables along the sides
of the club and that was also if you wanted I did took it once or twice I
think on my forays to Romania that was also a great great spot to to sit as well
but it wasn't essential to have a table there so for the traveller who shows up on Thursday
night first of all most European cities it's not really the best night to go out
necessarily so this is another cool thing about it the fact that he yeah I
mean Thursday night now and I used to even sometimes schedule just to be in
Bucharest I mean I took a flight once from this kind of make sound really
really eccentric but I was in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan and I just taken a flight
there because I always wanted to go to Central Asia I didn't have a great time
in Bishkek I'll be honest I never went back again but I could see there was
actually a flight back to Bucharest for the Thursday night I was like I'm on that
flight because it was via Istanbul I really want to go out in Gaia and
especially after my experience in Bishkek and it's what kind of woeful
night life definitely it was something that I appreciated so we go to Gaia
that's the other thing there's a square bar after it's really cool it's obviously
packed by about one o'clock and it's a very open atmosphere people are very
close to each other there's a square bar it's very easy to talk to people and
there's a high concentration of pretty girls what more do you want
so me my buddy went there this is why I'll just give it as the first first
story in the series of from this trip and we anyways it happened and you know
we partied there all night at the certain point we come back to the apartment with
a local girl I remember being there and she was in the apartment with us I was a
little bit drunk I'll be honest the girl was also a little bit screwed up and we
were all there I don't know talking in the sitting room by
the way my friend doesn't drink any alcohol which is always good for telling me
exactly what happened the morning after as an Irishman I do
have a propensity to drink a lot of alcohol at times which of course makes
me fit in pretty well with this region I think in Eastern Europe so at a certain
point my this girl whatever there was a music you mom was watching some MTV some
music and she didn't like the song so what did she do she says turn the
fucking music off right I don't like that song in a really aggressive manner
and I remember my buddy who had been there and he's like no we like the song
we're gonna listen to the song point she picked up a vase right which had some not
sure if it had flowers in it that's something in it maybe something that
wasn't really flowers just maybe I know what you call that it's like potpourri
or something I don't know anyways that's something in it and she threw like
chucked the vase at the TV screen towards it she didn't I'm not sure if
she really meant to hit the TV but it just flew past television and landed
beside it with everything all over the place of course was inside he didn't
actually break the vase fortunately. It was a pretty strong one at that stage I
thought my friend was gonna fucking punch this girl, to be honest. I mean she's
throwing vases around and I was like obviously a little bit in my drunken stupor
because dude I have this one taken care of ... so I take
the girl take her to my room obviously have sex with her and then the
next morning we wake up and I remember her being very like suddenly very
apologetic about her behavior the night before and she started to smoke some
some pot to calm herself down so the whole apartment fucking stank of marijuana
the next morning whatever she was smoking
whichever variant of soft drug and when she come down we said hey it's cool you
didn't break anything it's gonna crap happens and yeah I think it's time to
leave it cool with us with me at least my friend was still sleeping
and then put her in a taxi outside come back in the apartments area and the
places stinks of pot like absolutely sticks and of course
the Airbnb host is coming in an hour so I'm like okay how
are we gonna clean this place up and make it decent because I had such a
great rapport with that the host I was like well I was hoping to see these
people again once come back and see you know all this crap all over the
floor after this girl the place stinking probably not gonna be very very welcome
or not gonna get a good review so my buddy comes up with the idea lightning
matches so apparently the smell the matches kind of neutralized so I have no
idea he doesn't smoke anything any sort of soft drugs or anything like that
anyway so I don't know how he knew this previous experience as I learned
something there another tip for you guys and yeah we clean up the place
apparently this they ordered ... the host came they were super happy we chatted for
an hour and yeah that was it he became very very close friends with me Filip
and that was kind of the beginning of a beautiful friendship
and we're also his girlfriend and now wife and it all happened because of yeah
having an open mind learning languages and yeah people gonna give you the
benefit of the doubt and afters people are willing to overlook certain things
like this apartment stinks of doobie so why am I telling you this?
I just wanted to get you a little bit of a taste was like to travel in the east
of Europe now at the time time was a lot less touristic than it is today I don't
think you would have the same experience if you were to go there today ... привет
if you were to go back to Romania today they'll be it's quite different it's
kind of been discovered especially Bucharest as the city it's not kind of a
hidden gem of Europe anymore there's a lot of tourism because obviously a lot
of Romanians left or a lot of flights and people meet Romanians abroad actually
in spite of the stereotypes Romanians are actually not that bad so then they
come they take those cheap flights and they come and check out the city and the
night life has taken a downturn in the meantime unfortunately because a lot of
there was a huge fire a huge tragedy in the centre of Bucharest and unfortunately a
lot of young people died I think it was like I can remember the number I'm not
going to misquote it was like more than 20 for sure and this led to them being
more strict about fire safety hazards now you don't have to worry about that
at least they closed all the clubs made them at least raise the standards of the fire
safety also Bucharest is on a fault line for earthquakes which is also a
little bit of a problem if you were in a building of course and they were became
more strict about buildings being earthquake proof so they closed a lot of
the great places in the city center I did bring my friend to my favorite
restaurants and bars and at the time in Bucharest everything has gonna change but
at that moment it was like five years ago in Bucharest was kind of undiscovered it
didn't have so much tourism now if you were to go on YouTube look up vlogs you
see a lot of vloggers have been there a lot of backpackers have gone there it's
kind of on that route now at the time it wasn't and that's kind of how our first
stop on this world wind trip afterwards I have the like this trip was a trip that
actually almost killed me by the end and you're gonna see that in the next
episodes it was something very extreme I was not a vlogger at the time that's why
I have to I think it's also good for me to to share you the experience at least
belatedly now because really if I've been a vlogger then it would have been
such an amazing trip to have documented I'm not sure I could do it again physically
you're gonna find out in the next few episodes of the podcast when I tell you
what happened so what should you take out of having listened because you've
gotten to the end of this particular part of the trip the Romanian part we
then left for Chisinau, the capital of Moldova by plane
that afternoon it was would have been the Friday afternoon where things going
even crazy well they got a lot crazier I had them what happened with this girl
and vase throwing and all this kind of stuff look like every city has kind of
cool places right and you have to do your research now I think today there's
more and more information like you looking Instagram that's one of my tips
always it's kind of just look at the scene Instagram and a Friday nights you
where though I mean if if you're looking for pretty girls just look
people are posting where they are in the cool places where they're hanging out if
there's lots of pretty girls sony posting in one place that's a very good
indication that places it's the place to hang out in you know wandering around the city
center a touristic center like the Centru Vechi of Bucharest you're not
gonna find anything good like this just a reality you have to do your research I
found out a bit about Gaia on a Thursday night ... Gaia, it does still exist by the way still
it has a Thursday night it's not in the same location it's not the same vibe in
my personal opinion as it was in those days so sorry you'll have to find
somewhere else there are other places that people go to
of course to socialize today but do your research that's the key right
and I actually made local friends on a previous trip to Romania and one of them
she told me hey this is the place to hang out and that's how he discovered it
then when I was there I actually met ... it was wither there or another club
made some other remaining friends some guys and they also told me about
going there as well so then I had a kind of group the people to hang around
with on my trip so definitely do your research and look for the places that
are not going to be so obvious I mean the cool people in any city don't go to the
most obvious place that's why it's exclusive right dress appropriately and
look for places where it's gonna be easier to open have communication with
people with local people there so that's why it's central bar boom
love clubs with a central bar unless you're there with a group of friends
you've already got a table that is the best kind of Club for you to look for if
you're traveling in particularly do you want to meet meet people meet pretty
girls in particular then that's what I would do and I'm not really sure about
the vase throwing thing vase incident at the end but anyways it was kind of
comical we did meet the girl again
several years later in them yeah she she apologized for you yeah she apologized
for it anyways so that was okay this is being a part one of this series of
stories from the first trip I took with my sensei in Eastern Europe and the next
one is going to about Chisinay in Moldova where something really really
crazy actually happened I did say this trip almost killed
kill me anyways I think it almost killed both of us by the end so if you've enjoyed
this video be sure that you're already a subscriber of course that's the red
subscribe button and that you whacked a notification bell because that's how you
get notified when there are new videos on the channel and that's how YouTube
will let you know when the second part of this series is out coming next week
and if you've enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up
strike the like button because that you know that helps out the algorithm it
also lets me know that you enjoyed the video I'm not so obsessed by how many
views the videos get but I really want to see that people enjoy that I actually
look more the likes then add the number of views because that's let me know that
you didn't just click on it because I had a pretty girl on the on the
thumbnail that you actually enjoyed the video and of course write me a comment
below if you've been to Bucharest if you've been to this region if you have
your own experience I can share it below it's really valuable for everybody not
just for me but also all the other viewers because when you guys start
sharing all your experiences it's like we get all this extra information and
anecdotes and personal experiences that help us all learn and grow together so
definitely write that below and if you haven't checked out any of my free
courses for travellingm dating or languages all three of them as usual
below in the description to the video they're free I do have other premium
services like premium language course, a premium dating course that I've launched and
the premium version of the travel course and if you are traveling to the region
and you want some extra special attention one-on-one experience the Tsar
Experience when you come here then definitely just write me a message write
me a message by email if you want
or hit me a DM on Instagram Instagram is the best way go follow me
there my handle is TSAREXPERIENCE or you can type in my name Conor Clyne
after Conor McGregor I'm usually the most popular Conor in the
world it seems at the moment that's pretty cool as an accolade to have it's kind of
McGregor and then me that's actually something that helps me a lot here
because now people actually can pronounce my name thanks to Conor
McGregor it's usually how I explain what my first name is so with that said I'll
see you in part two of this series coming up because it's just sunset here
on the port in Odessa so fading light not gonna able to record anymore
stories this evening gonna come back tomorrow
got to out and enjoy a fantastic Indian summer evening in Odessa Mama that's why
I wear this t-shirt so often on the channel when I'm here you know in Odessa so
with that said it's до свидания! Goodbye! See you in the next one! Peace!
For more infomation >> Beware of hot ROMANIAN girls throwing vases ... Sensei Series 1 | Vodka Vodcast 014 - Duration: 26:58.-------------------------------------------
Neo vs Agent Smith Subway Fight | The Matrix (1999) Movie Clip - Duration: 5:00.
- What the hell just happened? An agent.
- You have to send me back. - I can't.
Mr. Anderson.
Run, Neo. Run.
What is he doing?
He's beginning to believe.
You're empty.
So are you.
I'm going to enjoy watching you die...
...Mr. Anderson.
Jesus, he's killing him.
You hear that, Mr. Anderson?
That is the sound of inevitability.
It is the sound of your death.
Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.
My name... Neo.
Cheb Mourad 2019 - Kayen Rabi | كاين ربي - Rai Sentimental - Duration: 6:11.
Pierre Palmade de confie sur ses désirs de paternité et sur ses addictions aux drogues - Duration: 4:15.
Hulk & RedHulk vs Abomination! toys fighting! Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! toy play - Charles Toy - Duration: 5:46.
Hulk & RedHulk vs Abomination! toys fighting! Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! toy play - Charles Toy
Faycal Sghir 2019 - Rani Recherché | راني روشارشي - Rai Sentimental - Duration: 3:16.
Cinderella (Mondo World) - Her last words - Duration: 4:12.
Episode 1
Episode 8
Episode 16
Episode 1 (x2)
Episode 23
Episode 9
Episode 14
Episode 9 (x2)
Episode 24
Episode 12
Episode 3
Episode 25
Episode 2
Episode 16 (x2)
Episode 6
Episode 2 (x2)
Episode 25 (x2)
Episode 18
Episode 2 (x3)
Episode 1 (x3)
Episode 18 (x2)
Episode 8 (x2)
Episode 25 (x3)
Episode 2 (x4)
Episode 17
Episode 17 (x2)
Episode 17 (x3)
Episode 13
Episode 19
Episode 15
Episode 23
Episode 15 (x2)
Episode 11
Episode 2 (x5)
Episode 24 (x2)
Episode 13 (x2)
Episode 19 (x2)
Episode 16 (x3)
¿Qué ver en Kirkwall? Nuestra visita a las islas Orcadas de Escocia (1/2) - Duration: 6:23.
Opel ADAM 1.4 Glam Favourite - Duration: 1:07.
Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V Comfort Navigator - Duration: 1:12.
Véronique Sanson: découvrez ses deux derniers coups de coeur - Duration: 3:12.
Véronique Sanson : les épreuves qu'elle a affrontées - Duration: 4:09.
Avec des si on fait de l'HYPOTAXE / MMS #63 - Duration: 2:42.
Peugeot 107 1.0-12V Millesim 200 Eerste Eigenaar auto|Airco|Navigatie| - Duration: 1:10.
3 Gode råd til kommanditister i ejendoms K/S'er - Duration: 0:44.
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 310 D lang/hoog 7 zits - Duration: 1:06.
MINI 1.6 COOPER D CHILI Airco Cruise control Rijklaarprijs Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:11.
Volvo C30 1.6D DRIVe Start/Stop Advantage - Duration: 1:10.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 250 D AMG Aut. Pano Distronic Comand Nw.Pr. € 82.229 - Duration: 1:15.
DZIĘKUJĘ! *domi* - Duration: 1:20.
How to Stop Hackers on Facebook!!! - TUTORIAL [2019 UPDATE] - Duration: 11:09.
Ian Corzine: Did you guys hear about that massive hack last week?
81,000 Facebook users accounts were broken into and their private messages were sold
on the open market for 10 cents apiece.
I'm only a YouTube lawyer but I do believe that's a violation of our rights.
Don't let this happen to you.
In this Heart of the Matter episode, I will teach you how to stop the bad guys from hacking
your Facebook account.
Ian Corzine: Hi, everybody.
I'm attorney Ian Corzine and this is the Teart of the Matter.
If you like videos on the legal side of social media, hit the Like button, subscribe and
stay around until the end when I have something special for you.
All right, let's turn to the subject matter of today's video.
Has your Facebook account ever been hacked?
If not, good, let's keep it that way.
In this video, we'll discuss how to stop hackers from compromising your personal information
on Facebook, but first, let's talk about why people hack Facebook.
Ian Corzine: There are three main reasons why people hack Facebook.
The first main reason is jealousy.
Let's say you have an ex boyfriend that doesn't like that you broke up and wants to see who
you're dating now.
Two is anger.
Let's say that ex boyfriend really is mad at you and wants to destroy your relationships
with others, and three is thievery.
You have people hacking Facebook to get into your account, get some personal information
like your date of birth, the city you were born in, your mother's maiden name, and use
that information to access your credit.
Ian Corzine: Now we know why hackers hack but how do you even know that your Facebook
account has been hacked?
There are two main ways to know that you've been hacked.
The first way you know you've been hacked is when your friends report to you that they're
getting random messages on Facebook from you with links and weird photos.
You can verify whether or not an unauthorized person has logged into your account like going
to your Facebook page and hitting the Home button, and then go over to the down arrow
on the right side.
Click on Settings, go to your left and hit Security and Login, and then look under the
heading where it says where you're logged in.
If that shows that you're logged in at a place you're not, then you know you've been hacked.
Ian Corzine: The second way you know you've been hacked is if your Facebook password doesn't
work, despite the fact that you haven't changed it.
What do you do?
Immediately attempt to change your password.
Go to the Login screen on Facebook.
Click Forgot your Password.
Attempt to change your password so that the hacker can't get in.
Regardless of whether or not you can log in or you can't log into Facebook, you've got
to report the potential hack to Facebook.
You can do that by going here.
I'll put the URL link in the description section below.
Ian Corzine: Assuming your Facebook account has not been hacked, you want to keep it that
Here's how you prevent the bad people from hacking your Facebook account.
Step number one, change your password.
Almost 90% of all Facebook hacks are the result of simple passwords that hackers can guess.
They can use personal information from the web to be able to figure out what that password
is or use special programs to be able to uncover your password, and you need a strong password.
I use
It's a great password manager.
I have all my passwords in there and it has a password generator that creates very secure
passwords that I can use for my Facebook account, but if you need a strong password generator
for free, you can use or
I'll put links to these free sites in the description section below.
Ian Corzine: To change your Facebook password, go back to the Settings, go to Security and
Login on the left and then go to the heading that says Login.
Click Edit and then enter in your current and new passwords to be safe.
I recommend you change your Facebook password every two months, at the same time you change
your bedsheets.
Ian Corzine: Step number two, choose Facebook friends that you can trust and you can contact
in case you're locked out of your Facebook account.
One of the best ways to prevent a massive Facebook hack is to select trusted Facebook
friends that you can contact and can help you when you're locked out of your account.
How it works is your Facebook friends will send you a special recovery code and a URL
that you can click on and then you could re access the Facebook account.
Ian Corzine: How do you select your trusted Facebook friends?
Well that, I can't help you with but if you need Facebook friends for login purposes,
here's how you do it.
Go back to your Settings, then it's Security and Login on the left side.
The first heading is Choose Friends to Contact, you click Edit, choose Trusted Contacts.
Then you enter in your trusted Facebook friends' names.
What's great is you enter in the first few letters of your friends' names, it auto populates,
you select your three friends and then you're done.
Ian Corzine: When you have a problem logging into Facebook, you can contact these trusted
friends and they will help you.
They will give you a code that will help you re access Facebook.
The only problem with this feature is that you're forever locked into liking your trusted
Facebook friends' family photos.
Ian Corzine: Has your Facebook account ever been hacked?
If so, write hacked in the Comments section below, and if you have a few moments, tell
us about the situation.
I would love to hear about it and then be able to broadcast it to our community so they
can learn from your experience.
Ian Corzine: Let's move on to the next step, step number three, two factor authentication.
I know two factor authentication can sometimes be a pain in the butt, but it is a really
effective way of stopping hacks to your Facebook account.
If you're not familiar with two factor authentication, it works like this.
If you're trying to log into your account on an unfamiliar web browser or device, Facebook
requires that you enter in a special code, which they send via text or email and your
password to access your account.
Ian Corzine: Two factor authentication prevents hackers from hacking your Facebook account
because they need not only to know your password, but they got to have the cellphone or the
email account to be able to get that code to use to access your account.
Hopefully, they don't have both your cellphone and your passwords.
To start two factor authentication, you go back to the Security and Login heading on
the left hand side.
Then you scroll down to the Two Factor Authentication heading.
Click on Edit.
Click Get Started.
Click Next.
I think cellphone authentication is way easier than going with the app route, and then you
just enter in your cellphone number.
Ian Corzine: Remember, with two factor authentication, you don't have to enter in the special code
every time you log into Facebook.
It only is applicable when you're trying to log into your account from an unknown web
browser or device.
It's not a big deal, right?
If you have this feature set up, you get an email or a text every time there is a successful
login to your Facebook account from an unfamiliar device or web browser.
Ian Corzine: To be clear, the difference between two factor authentication and login alerts
is that with two factor authentication, it actually prevents hackers from getting into
your account, whereas login alerts, it lets you know when someone actually got into your
account from an unfamiliar device or web browser.
Ian Corzine: What's awesome about login alerts is it also covers Facebook Messenger, which
is kind of like the new frontier for hacking.
Hackers get into your Messenger account, and then message all your friends random links
or random photos and you want to stop that and that's how you do it with login alerts.
Ian Corzine: Here's how, go to Security and Login on the left hand side.
Scroll down to Setting up Extra Security, look down to Get Alerts About Unrecognized
Click Edit.
Click the circle for Get Notifications on Facebook and Messenger.
Click the circle for your email account and you can add yourself on there too.
Ian Corzine: All right, your Facebook account is darn secure right now but we're not done
Let's get it like Fort Knox.
The reason we know so little is that no visitors are allowed and no exceptions are made.
That's because the U.S. Mint has declared the depository a classified facility.
Ian Corzine: Step number five, delete unused Facebook apps.
Another sneaky way for Facebook hackers to get into your account is through these apps.
You probably know what I'm talking about.
You're going to a third party website and it says please enter in your username and
password or would you like to use Facebook credentials for your username, password, and
you're like, yeah, of course.
I'm too busy or too tired to come up with a username or a unique password so I'm going
to use Facebook's password.
Well, when you do that, it creates an app on the Facebook site and hackers can get in
to your Facebook account through these apps, especially the ones that are expired and not
used anymore.
What do you do?
Well, you get rid of these old expired unused Facebook apps.
Ian Corzine: Here's how, just follow the steps we talked about previously and get to the
Settings part of your Facebook page.
Look to the left hand column, scan down to Apps and Websites.
There you see your active Facebook apps and websites.
Now click on Expired.
A lot of us will see a whole bunch of expired apps that we're not using.
I think I have like 80 here.
Let's take the garbage out.
Put a check mark next to each app that you're not using, then click Remove, and then you're
These apps are gone and these Facebook hackers can't get into your account.
Ian Corzine: Now you know how to stop the bad people from hacking your Facebook account,
and as you heard that story about the 81,000 people whose accounts were hacked and their
private messages were sold.
It's a serious thing.
Imagine if your son or daughter were adversely affected by a Facebook hack.
It could be disastrous, so I encourage you to share with your family and friends this
video so that they can equip themselves and prevent their accounts from being hacked,
and if you would, tell me in the Comments section below who you're going to share this
video with.
Ian Corzine: Now it's time for that special thing I talked about at the beginning of the
In the Description section, you'll find a link to my free checklist on Stop Facebook
Hacking Fast and Easy.
Click on that link, and you're going to get this checklist that you can go through and
make sure you follow every step so that your Facebook account is secure.
For more in depth discussion on the subjects we talked about in Heart of the Matter, I
encourage you to join our Facebook group.
You can find a link in the Description section below.
You click on that link and then you're going to have access to more discussion.
You have a forum for questions and you'll get free legal template.
Ian Corzine: If you like this video, well then push the Like button and subscribe.
If you hit the Bell button next to the subscription button, you'll be notified every Wednesday
when a new Heart of the Matter video comes out.
I hate to stay in this negative vibe.
We've been talking about Facebook hacking, but there's another scourge on the internet,
and that is people stealing online photos, using them for their own purposes, sometimes
making money on those photos and not giving credit to the original photographer.
If you want to stop people from stealing your online photos, then watch my video by clicking
the card here.
See you next time.
Behind the Scenes of a FAILED VANcation and what you need for a hike! - Duration: 15:21.
- This is our weekend.
The van not turning on.
(engine ignition studders)
No vancation for over night?
- No vancation.
Alright, well we'll just do two day trips, it'll be great.
The Cascades, it was rainy AF.
[Shayla] It's raining so hard.
I have no idea what we're going to be able to get into.
- [Seth] It's not raining that hard, it's just really wet.
- [Shayla] That's true.
- Today it cleared up.
So we decided just to have a little picnic, hiker lunch.
- Okay
- [Seth] I'm basically a pro. - Pouring in here.
I probably shouldn't hold it on my hand.
Ow, ow, ow.
- [Seth] It's a little warm?
- Well it's boiling water so, that was my bad.
Hey guys!
My name is Shayla.
I've just hit my chin when I did that.
Hey guys!
My name is Shayla and I make these videos every Wednesday.
I've been traveling full time since 2015
and this Wednesday, I am in Washington
where we will be for the next four weeks.
I make these videos every Wednesday
to inspire you and encourage you to create
the life that you want.
So really think about what you want.
If that means full time travel, cool.
If that means starting a family, awesome.
If that means joining your local Crossfit Gym, do that.
Just do something to spice up your life.
If you're into that please subscribe.
If you want to see between every Wednesday,
please follow me on Instagram, it's: @livingonaoneway.
This week we partnered with Backcounty,
and if you guys are headed out
on a camping trip or an outdoorsy trip,
check out Backcountry.
They have everything that you could possibly need.
Everything that was in the video
will be in the description, below.
So if you're interested in the jet boil,
or the solar panel, or our jackets, or anything,
that will be below.
It was initially a vancation video;
where we go on a vacation in my van.
And it quickly turned into a video,
more talking about how to roll with the punches.
From traveling and knowing that whenever you plan
a trip, whenever you plan an event,
whenever you plan something,
there are bound to be things that go wrong.
When we went out to the van to head out on our trip,
the van didn't start.
You either let that completely destroy everything
or you roll with the punches.
Well let's take the jeep
and do two day trips, that'll be great.
The scenery was beautiful
and then we did something that I absolutely loved.
A jet boil picnic.
Meaning, We hiked out to this cute this spot,
with this cute little view,
took our jet boil with us
and our little pre-made foods,
and had like this pickic out there
and it was so wonderful.
If you guys liked this video, please give it a like
and I hope you enjoy.
(blowing kisses)
Good morning.
- Good morning. - Good morning.
Are you a morning person?
Or are you not a morning person?
Seth is a morning person in the sense
that he likes to wake up early.
- Let's rage!
- That was aggressive
I'm a morning person.
Once my feet hit the ground,
I want to just talk.
Seth like to just be silent for a while.
Which is great too.
We partner with Backcountry to do this video.
To go on a adventure in the Pacific Northwest.
Headed out to lake and hike.
When we woke up this morning,
Seth goes, it's snowing in The Cascades,
which is where Lake Ann is.
Alright, well let's go try and check it out anyway.
That's the mission for today.
[Shayla] What just happened?
- I missed the exit.
Get the stash.
- [Shayla] Eww.
I'm pretty new to hiking.
Seth has done it a lot.
With like, just, he lived in, Colorado
and in the military or whatever,
so he knows like the things you need.
I'm like, I just really like a headband
because then my head can breath
but my ears stay warm.
And he's like, we need a first aid kit.
[Shayla] This is right off the road.
What's up handsome man?
Pro tip.
We've got service right now,
but it's possible that we're about to lose service
so, I'm downloading an offline map on Google Maps,
so that even if we do lose service,
we can get to where we need to go.
[Shayla] Other pro tip, always have what snack?
- Dinosaurs.
- [Shayla] Okay, quick pit stop
[Shayla] because, um, its beautiful.
We never get videos of us.
- So here's a video.
- So here's a video of us, together.
Walking down the trees together,
in the rain,
stepping in piles of dirt.
[Shayla] Yeah.
We made it as far as we can go.
[Shayla] Right here, this is where it stops.
Now we're going to going to go find a new adventure.
Everybody keeps asking for these,
on the go blogs,
where we're literally blogging
while we're doing stuff,
but the reason they're so hard
is the place we're trying to get to is closed.
So now we're trying to find something else.
We came to a T in the road where we need to take a left
and we're like, no let's go right.
We just kind of go where ever feels right.
It's really important to be with somebody
who also likes to make those choices.
Because I have been traveling with people.
It doesn't matter
if there are unicorns and rainbows to the right,
the left is the way that we're headed.
[Shayla] Sometimes I think that the fog,
kind of like adds something, instead of hide stuff.
It like makes it look more, mystical.
- [Seth] It's like, ominous.
- We're going to get a shot of us together.
But then also, look at all the trees above us!
[Shayla] Holy smokes people.
Seth thinks that's where Bigfoot is.
- I don't think he's like, right there,
but I'm just saying,
he's in the area.
- [Shayla] Seth, how far can I go without you freaking out?
(bleep) - [Seth] Just about here.
- [Shayla] Okay, so there's the damn,
and there's signs all along this,
because this is like a big river or whatever,
and so there's signs all along this that say like,
at any moment, this will open,
and this will all fill with water.
So, don't be Shayla and go hike down in there.
[Shayla] That's all.
- Get off that ledge.
- [Shayla] It's not really a ledge.
- [Seth] Yeah, It is.
- [Shayla] It's kind of a ledge.
(inhaling and exhaling)
[Shayla] Whoa.
- [Seth] Can you imagine jumping off
of that peak right there?
- [Shayla] Uh, no.
- [Seth] Jump off that peak
and then into the water?
- [Shayla] I cannot.
[Shayla] We are on our way up to, Thorton Trail.
We tried to get to get to another
hike called, Thorton Trail,
but by the time that we got there
it was too dark, too rainy, too long to do.
That's kind of a bummer but that's alright,
so we're just going to chill.
We're going to go to the brewery tonight.
And then tomorrow,
Seth is going to show me how to work the...
- jet boil. - Jet boil.
- It's pretty simple.
- We got a couple meals, some MRE's?
- No, nobody wants MRE's.
- Whatever I got it's not an MRE.
It's from, Backcountry, and it's--
- Dehydrated food.--
- Yeah but it looks good.
Yesterday was raining and we decided
to call it, basically.
So that we could go out today
and do a little,
what's my hair look like?
It looks like two horns doesn't it?
- It looks good.
- Thanks.
Today we are going to do a little beach, lunch, thing.
There's all these seals
and Seth want's to try to get some shots,
so I figured we would try out the jet boil.
(soothing music)
(soothing music)
(soothing music)
(soothing music)
(breezing winds)
This our weekend.
We started off with the van not turning on,
so no vancation for overnight?
- No vancation.
- Alright, so we'll just to two day trips.
It'll be great.
Yesterday we went out to The Cascades,
and it was rainy AF.
Today, it cleared up and we went to Deception Pass.
And I'm just grateful that we live here
and these things are within, like, an hour or two.
This was one is within like 30 minutes.
So we decided to have a little picnic, hiker lunch,
and we've got this.
No idea how to pronounce it.
- Uh, Bibim-mop?
Let me get some of that Bibim-mop.
- But it's vegan.
Seth was like, oh good.
(paper bag wafting)
I didn't get vegan intentionally,
but I can't have dairy.
I figured if I went vegan,
at least there wouldn't be dairy.
So we're just going to have
lunch out here in, Deception Pass.
So will you explain what you just did real quick?
- This is a stand,
it goes on the bottom of your fuel source.
- [Shayla] Yep.
- This; this is a little mini propane tank.
You have to buy it separately .
This comes with it,
those people down there don't come with it.
[Seth] So I'm going to keep doing a little talking and wait.
- [Shayla] Going to wait till they leave?
- I don't give a (bleep)
If they want a tutorial on jet boil, they can come on up.
- [Shayla] Okay. - So, Alright.
So yeah, this comes with it,
this doesn't come with,
so you'll have to get that
and there's bigger ones, smaller ones.
I like this size because the pack's easy.
Here's your little ignitor system.
This is what produces the flame.
Make sure this valve is closed.
You can kind of see the plus and minus sign there.
- [Shayla] Ah, Yep.
- See it?
- And then here's your little stove top.
- [Shayla] Okay so show us how to start it.
- Okay, so you're going to give it a little bit of gas.
(gas hisses)
Boom, there's a little bit of gas--
- [Shayla] Oh, gross.--
- It's a lot.
And then you're going to push this button, right here.
(button clicking)
Boom, now you have flame. (gas torch igniting)
- [Shayla] Whoa. - A lot of flames.
- [Shayla] Yeah.
- Fire!
Tear this pouch open--
- [Shayla] Stop it!--
- And remove the oxygen absorber.
Tear the pouch open.
Oxygen absorber, you don't want to cook that in your meal.
Add a little less than two cups of boiling, yes,
boiling water, to the bag.
So, we have to boil the water first.
So we probably should have read this, first.
- [Shayla] Okay so we need to boil water first.
- Yep.
- [Shayla] Which we do in our cup.
Two cups, Seth, measure it out.
- I'm winging it.
Alright so, two cups.
There ya go, so now it's locked in.
Just pop it, and lock it.
So we're going to turn it on.
(gas hissing)
(switch clicks)
Hit the switch.
Do you see fire?
- [Shayla] No.
[Shayla] Yeah fire.
- We're going to let this boil.
One other thing that you want to make sure,
is that you're not in super windy area.
Most of your flame's going to blow out
and you're just going to be sniffing propane all day.
- Oh, it's starting to boil.
It's already starting to boil!
- [Seth] Good.
- [Shayla] Literally been going for like two seconds
and it's already boiling.
Like, it's about to splash out, boiling.
Seth, Seth!
- [Seth] What?
It's okay, put the top on, you're good.
So it's boiling right now.
- [Shayla] Yeah?
That went so fast.
- Yeah, it's quick.
- [Shayla] So fast.
- That's why it's a jet boil.
- It is two cups!
You put it in perfectly two cups!
- [Seth] Told you.
All I have to do is wing it.
- Did you see the line on the inside.
- [Seth] I didn't. - Okay.
- [Seth] I'm basically a pro. - Pouring in here,
probably shouldn't hold it on my hand.
Ow, ow, ow.
- [Seth] It's a little warm?
- Well it was boiling water, so, that was my bed.
Maybe set it down first.
- You'll stir it, you'll reseal it,
you'll hang out for about 20 minutes.
Yes, it tells you to hang out for 20 minutes.
It says think about how big the universe is.
You can tell some backpackers invented this.
Usually it just says, wait.
Think about how we took the best spot on this hike--
- [Shayla] And everybody wants it.--
- They all keep looking at me like I'm an asshole.
- Now we're about to hang out for 20 minutes.
(soothing music)
(soothing music)
What I'm finding is that it makes
like, a really nice, warm water bag.
So it's a little bit hot but,
if you like, set it between you
and some clothing, it's going to keep you nice and toasty.
I kind of want to put it in my jacket.
- [Seth] Can I go in your jacket?
- What?
[Seth] What are you doing?
- Stirring it up, it actually looks really,
pretty delicious.
- [Seth] It smells kind of good actually.
I had my reservations.
I had my doubts.
- Yeah?
- [Seth] But it already smells
ten times better than any MRE I've ever eaten in my life.
- This is not comparable to an MRE.
This is a real good meal
- [Seth] Is it good?
- Yeah, you're going to like it. - [Seth] Let's see it.
- It basically was super watery.
Probably could cook a little longer, but.
- [Seth] Yeah.
- I'm getting hungry, so.
And they've got mushrooms in here, spinach.
And it's a little spicy,
which is so good.
It's a two person meal.
- [Seth] Yes, to the jet boil thing?
- Yeah, I'm super stoked about this.
Water boiled so fast.
So nice.
I didn't really realize how easy that was.
Thanks for showing me the way, Seth!
And, I'm so excited about these.
So, Seth has been looking for something like this.
We have a Goal Zero, like, what would you call it?
- [Seth] It's like, a charging bank.
- Yeah, but it's big, and it goes in the van.
- [Seth] You charge it up and it holds the charge.
- This I wanted because we could just stick
this in the window and it would always kind of be charged.
Because when we travel around,
we're always just bringing the thing in to charge
at peoples houses, which is fine,
but this will just keep it charged, always.
But we also got this little charging bank,
and this also charges with this.
So, Seth can throw this on his backpack on a hike,
and it can, like, soak up all the sun
while it's charging this, inside.
And I don't know how many--
- [Seth] You'd be able to charge you phone,
like, four times of off that.--
- Oh, really? - [Seth] Yeah dude.
- Or your camera, because our cameras were dead.
This is called, Gold Zero Nomad 14 Plus.
And on Backcountry's website they have something called,
I can't remember what the exact term is
but I just got on a chat with one of them,
and I was like, look I've got this Gold Zero,
which one of the solar chargers is going to charge it?
And she said, this one.
I saw that this was also compatible because I love
traveling with these.
This is pretty light to carry on your backpack,
don't you think?
- [Seth] Yeah.
- [Shayla] The moment of truth.
Want to squat down so you're not so back lit?
- Could have cooked a little long, but.
- [Shayla] We did stop a little early.
I was hungry!
- We're impatient.
- [Shayla] Yeah. - It's really good, actually.
- [Shayla] Why do you say that?
Because it's kind of crunchy?
- Yeah, the rice is kind of crunchy.
- [Shayla] Whoops.
- But, it does have a little kick to it,
which is, I like spicy food.
- [Shayla] Yeah.
- I never had much faith in these things.
I wanted the jet boil because it's dope,
and you can cook while you're on the go.
The solar power is awesome.
[Seth] I dunno, I feel like if you don't need electricity
and you can charge your stuff it's a win-win.
- So I hope that kind of shows, like,
when the van breaks down,
it can either ruin your entire weekend,
or you can say, what's our next option?
And do that.
Or when you hike is closed,
you can say, what's our next option?
And do that.
And find the silver lining of, like, these new
jet boil picnic dates are,
might be my new favorite thing.
I would love to hear a story
of where you had something go wrong
and you made the best of it.
If you guys are headed out on a camping
or an outdoorsy trip,
check out Backcountry,
they have everything that you could possibly need.
Everything that was in the video
will be in the description, below.
So if you're interested in the jet boil,
or the solar panel, or our jackets, or anything,
that will be below.
The other thing is, we haven't used the solar panels enough.
So a few people were asking, like, how shady can it be,
I'm not sure because we haven't used it enough,
so I'll try to do another video in a couple of months
after we've used it a bit.
Thank you Backcountry, so much for sponsoring this video.
I will see you all next week.
Unless you follow me on Instagram.
There's no bonus footage this week
because the whole thing was like a bet, behind the scenes.
Now you're all going to ask what was wrong with the van,
there was a rotor cup that needed to be replaced.
Thank you guys all so much for watching,
I will see you next week. (blows kisses)
An Interview With Eli Shukron - Duration: 28:23.
Living a Life You Want to Live - Duration: 3:45.
Working hard, proving myself, achieving more goals, getting more money, going after girls,
getting more business, but never asking myself why.
Why was I doing all of this?
So I thought I always needed to achieve everything, and I made a certain decision that I would
not let anybody or anything tell me I couldn't do something.
I needed to organize events, get parties going for friends.
I needed to get money.
I needed to get everything because I thought that's what you need to do while living a
With everything, I went to the extreme.
When I started working out in the gym, I instantly had to go six days a week and often even twice
a day.
I always neglected my health and kept pushing it, sleeping less, working more.
At certain point, I thought I had it all.
I had my own apartment, a girlfriend, had my own business.
I was doing my studies, and I basically felt that I was burning out.
But I just kept working and as soon as one thing fell, one domino fell, everything fell.
I started to mess up in my studies.
I lost my relationship, I lost my business, and I even lost certain friends.
My solution to it all was to work more, sleep less, and even eat less.
But it wasn't working so at a certain point I got very angry towards the world, very aggressive.
I started asking myself, "Why is this not working.
Am I not putting in enough work?
Am I not putting in enough effort?"
The problem was I thought I could achieve it all, but it was never coming from the right
I was doing it to prove myself to others and I was thinking about what other people think
of me.
I think in our current society, a lot of decisions are made by thinking what you think you must
do based on an external factor.
Never asking yourself if you're doing it for yourself but more thinking about what'd be
the good thing to do.
What would my parents want me to do?
What would make me look cool within the society to my friends and putting all these external
pressures on yourself.
So a lot of people base their identity and their confidence on external things.
Things they achieve.
But it's a very dangerous setup because when these things start to crumble away, what are
you left with?
Who are you?
What do you identify with?
Are you not working towards your passion and your purpose in life, but you're working towards
a goal you think you must achieve in order to get validation or get approval.
Now you're basically working away from who you are, what you're meant to do.
You're working towards something you think you must do, something your parents tell you
to do, something society tells you to do.
But because it's further away from who you truly are, it'll feel less authentic and you'll
feel more pressure and more stress around it.
So I started to rebuild my life for myself and then thought to myself, "Maybe I can find
like-minded people who look at life in the same way."
So I started to travel the world meeting like-minded people.
At a certain point, I asked myself, "Can I not help other people achieve the same thing?
Building a life they want to live without setting themselves up for burnout or depression."
Say you're coming out of a depression, you start meditating a bit.
You get an understanding of yourself.
At certain point, you start feeling better and you might be inspired to walk outside
a bit.
Understanding what you want out of life for you and not for somebody else.
Overcoming fears and mental blockages and then executing.
To me that's the formula.
Pierre Palmade de confie sur ses désirs de paternité et sur ses addictions aux drogues - Duration: 4:15.
Itro & Tobu - Holiday - Duration: 3:45.
VORTEK Spaces Témoignages clients / Customers Testimonials Québec - Duration: 2:33.
We are fortunate of using Cabinet Vision forever
when VORTEK came out
and was demoed
it was a natural fit.
We get the benefits of drawing the customer project once, to present it and then having a project ready for production right away.
we save time, we save on potential mistakes. We produce what was drawn and presented to clients.
When the client look at the 3D presentation, there is a surprise
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the client is really able to see his interior project, to envision his project
The software is easy to use, one reason is the fact there is a
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very easy to use for anyone.
[VORTEK Spaces] really helps overcoming the client insecurity
over their remodeling or new construction projects, mainly because they know
what to expect at the delivery.
We really use it for all projects we present to our clients.
We like VORTEK very much for it's speed
Compared to photos, rendered video visits bring life to presentations
Rendered photos are beautiful, but videos give an edge.
Videos will reveal the room and set the mood
clients feel they are stepping in their kitchen, very interesting
Spaces ease materials selection by the clients
materials and colors are closer to reality
clients are more confidents with their selections, then it's faster to make their final buying decision.
clients are pleasently surprised by the presentation quality,
the images quality most of all, and the ability for the designer to make changes
overall clients are impressed by the efficient workflow.
Véronique Sanson : les épreuves qu'elle a affrontées - Duration: 4:09.
Hulk & RedHulk vs Abomination! toys fighting! Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! toy play - Charles Toy - Duration: 5:46.
Hulk & RedHulk vs Abomination! toys fighting! Marvel Avengers Hulk Go! toy play - Charles Toy
Ingénieur en énergie durable – Michael Burke - Duration: 1:39.
E. T. Brothers' Summer | Part 2 - Duration: 3:31.
Hello vlog!
Now we're gonna juggle on...
Full video coming later ;)
It is there, but it is so small
from here, you probably
won't see it.
We went to Kristiansand!
For 7 NOK you can get with taste
"With taste" for 7 NOK!
So, if you buy a coffee for 20,-
without "with taste".
Does it taste anything???
Should we collab with them?
NRK (Norwegian version of BBC)?
Because many youtubers are
collabing with NRK!
But we aren't one of them.
Why not?
We're better than that
Flowersticks floating test:
Let's try something cool!
They sank :(
Fortunately we found them :D
"Make Mandal (a Norwegian city)
... okay again"
Comment ^
We were at Lindesnes Lighthouse
Then we went to ^
While I were at UL, God called
me to take a discipleship course
at Bildoy Bible College!
I look very much forward to that
Are you going to a Bible College
or other type of school soon?
Comment below, I'd love to hear!
We went to Crete
It turned out fine!!!
We're on our way to a museum
and ruins at Knossos
Thank you for watching!
Trajectus, une application développée à l'UdeS pour créer des sorties terrain géoguidées - Duration: 3:53.
Véronique Sanson: découvrez ses deux derniers coups de coeur - Duration: 3:12.
Beware of hot ROMANIAN girls throwing vases ... Sensei Series 1 | Vodka Vodcast 014 - Duration: 26:58.
And she threw like chucked the vase at the TV screen it just flew past the
television and boof! landed beside about everything all over the place of course
was inside he didn't actually break the vase fortunately it was a pretty strong one at
that stage I thought my friend was gonna fucking punch this girl ...
Всем привет! Welcome back to another episode of the
vodka vodcast with me Conor Clyne this is Tsar Experience and in today's
episode of the vodcast I'm going to be going into some of my travel stories
here in the region and why maybe you might consider and coming here if you're
looking for a different type of travel experience than you're gonna get in the
mainstream locations especially in Western Europe you're not gonna find
this kind of experience here today I'm speaking to you from Odessa in Ukraine
on the shores of the Black Sea you can see the Black Sea behind me I'm at the
port and unfortunately there's a lot of this music when I came down here but I'm
still gonna persist and go ahead hopefully it won't be too distracting on
the audio and let's get into it so when I first started traveling here I've
already gone into a lot of the stories a lot of the things that happened to me on
that very first trip like so I came a travel on my own that's gonna be back in
vodcast number 4 and number 5 I go into my dating journey here in Ukraine a good
bit so if you're interested in those then go ahead and if you haven't already
watched them of course go back and look for them that's gonna be episodes 4 & 5
but in today's episode I want to start telling some of the stories from a very
special trip I took. It would have been about almost 5 years ago and I took it
with my sensei now I mentioned my sensei back in episode 5 of course he comes up
in it before we hung out here in Odessa,
we took our first trip to get a first travel trip in Eastern Europe and it was
actually his first time to Eastern Europe and I think it's a really good series of
stories to tell you because if you haven't traveled so much here or like my
sensei you're gonna be dependent on English to a certain extent when you
travel here then this is actually pretty a good series of stories to learn for
yourself and maybe get inspired to take similar trips now of course I was on the
trip and I do speak Russian and I also speak Romanian so that was something
that he had kind of like interpreter and my guidance with him on that trip so
that helped obviously quite a bit with communication on the trips but a lot of
this the issues that came up and a lot of the crazy things that happened
hopefully gives you a good bit of an explanation as to why I would choose
to travel in Eastern Europe over Western Europe of course I've traveled
everywhere in Europe to make that as a big disclaimer at the beginning I've
traveled all fifty countries so I kind of get a good overview of everything
basically and then I spend more time in this region than I do in Western Europe a lot
of reasons for that one of them actually if you look at my video my vodcast
episode about why I spent summers here in Odessa in particular then you're
gonna get a good indication of that it's also a little bit different for me I
know a lot of you guys watch me because you've told me it's because I'm a
Western European who's come to Eastern Europe and the story you can relate to
me to a large extent because of that also you know I have worked as a lawyer
in Western Europe so a lot of you who have maybe professional jobs
like that you also want to take these kind of similar trips or maybe you're an
entrepreneur like I am at the moment so these kind of things that helps you to
relate to me and I want to continue that but giving you a little
bit of a taste of what happened on the first trip that I took in my sensei
here in Eastern Europe so to give you an overview of what we were doing was just
after EuroMaidan the revolution that took place in Ukraine that led to
the overthrow and replacement of Viktor Yanukovych who was the president who was
to simplify it he was pro-Russian versus pro-European the president and
I'm gonna give you in a different video my experience of I've actually beine at Euro
Maidan I'll shoot that actually I'll try to shoot that in Kiev actually
on the square itself I think that will make it a little bit more helpful for you
to understand you'll be able to see things around me when I do that but this is
just after that and Ukraine is in a certain amount of chaos at the time and
my sensei had asked do you said I trust you whatever you want to do completely
in your hands the itinerary you just pick it and we'll go and do it so I said
okay let's go on this trip we got 12 days that's that's gonna play for play
with and we're gonna go to Romania, Moldova and Ukraine and I'm gonna try
and cram in as many cities and experiences that we can in 12 days so
that's the backdrop that's the political
situation in the region there is a certain amount of turmoil there is a
certain amount of an element of danger to a certain extent of Russia it's just
before Russia annexed Crimea and then subsequently the war in Donbass began in
the east of Ukraine so it's a little bit before I think it's probably was
probably April of 2000 and would be 2014 yeah 2014 the square on Maidan actually
still had a lot of different irregular militias and other groups that haven't
controlling it actually at the time anyways so I was given these twelve days
to play with to plan on an itinerary and I said okay we're gonna go to Bucharest,
Chisinau, Balti, Vinnitsa, Kiev and Kharkov now you may be familiar with some
of those cities at least the names like probably Kiev probably Bucharest the
capital of Romania not maybe don't recognize the rest of the names on the
list so Chisinau is the capital of Moldova Balti is a city in the north of
Moldova that's a very interesting decision to go there and then Vinnitsa
is ... lies kind of in the west center of Ukraine and the reason to go there was
just simply if you go to Balti it's in northern Moldova it's kind of next city towards
Kiev is Vinnitsa and then Kiev obviously the capital heard of that probably and
Kharkiv is in the east of Ukraine I do have a great travel vlog from Kharkov
that I made a couple of months ago so I'll link that in the card somewhere up
above and put it down in the description in the show notes if you're listening
this on the podcast version definitely go and take a look at that if you're
interested it's a really good popular vlog it's actually the most popular
video about Charkov I believe on YouTube by a longshot
already within a couple of months or super-stoked about the popularity and
how many people have enjoyed that video so why did I pick such a bizarre
itinerary well he wanted to experience the real east of Europe instead of
saying hey let's go to all the capitals and do kind of very obvious touristy
things I said let's make this an adventure
Chisinau the Capital of Moldova so maybe now it's the least
visited country Belarus used to be the least this is a country in Europe and
now that they've changed their visa regime it's it's more open so I picked
this itinerary to I bring him to different places that
really tourists wouldn't have gone to Balti was a curious decision to go into
more in that it's actually northern Moldova and yeah was it was definitely
different when we got there and then Vinnitsa is on the way it's it's kind of
a sweet town but between you know between the Moldovan border and Kiev and of
course Kiev capital you have to go there and Kharkov is a great city to have fun
in to party and basically that's was why I wanted us to go there so we
started in Bucharest now at the time Bucharest had my I mean ... I have a travel vlog
about Bucharest as well which I'll link in another card I guess now that I
talked about and in the description it's also very popular one it's not ...
Bucharest is not my favorite city in Eastern Europe I'll be very frank about that but it
does have some great reasons to go there as well and hopefully get a good good a
glimpse of that in in my video but at the time it actually had a really really
great night at a nightclub on a Thursday I remember it was called Gaia so the trip
had to start actually on the Wednesday so I was like but we're gonna start in
Bucharest in and I'm gonna take you to Gaia this club in Bucharest and that
would be the first port of call so we arrived and it's interesting how
languages can have a big influence on your life so I meet my friend at the
airport everything's cool we get a taxi in at the time it was a little bit dodgy at
Bucharest airport you used to actually have to take the taxis coming in
dropping people off not get a taxi actually waiting for you at the airport
now of course you have there the apps make it a lot safer but it was a big
issue with security at the time a lot of people been robbed by taxi drivers and actually
even murdered there was one case so the rule of thumb at the time in Bucharest
was to take a taxi that's coming in not one that's waiting loitering for someone
to abduct or rob at the airport that was the kind of yeah Bucharest has
improved a lot now you don't have to be scared of that today of course you can
take an app they have tickets that you can press on a screen in the airport
even and it's all traceable and of course if you have your app it's all
traceable so I wouldn't be worried about that now but anyway so I
called on the phone the for the Airbnb apartment that I rented for us in the
center of Bucharest and the woman I spoke to me I think in Romanian
originally and then it for some reason I must have said hey do you also speak
Russian which would be unusual in in Romania or maybe had earlier actually
in the chat or something spoken about it I think
actually the Airbnb host had told me that his girlfriend is actually from
Moldova so I think I guessed then I spoke in Russian so we're chatting in Russian
and everything's coming in to the apartment
taxi driver was super intimidated by this is like what are you guys up to
some random Western Europeans are all mumbling in Russian on the phone so
it's kind of interesting the reaction that Russian can happen a country like
Romania it's actually something I use once or twice when I was in a little bit
precarious situations with taxi drivers again this before the apps when I would take
one outside a club for example and he asked me where I was from and I didn't
trust the guy and I didn't want to say I was Western European so I said I was
Russian he said I don't believe you and I spoke in Russian and then he kind of
seemed convinced and a little bit more wary of me and then I noticed we weren't
even going to right direction so God only knows what was going to happen to me there
and then I got him to turn around and then yeah he was pretty aggressive but
once I got that club fine that's another story
that's one of the advantages of speaking Russian in Romania apparently people are
a little bit more intimidated by you we we go there we have a great rapport with the
Airbnb hosts fantastic really really cool and actually the great thing about
it is that we actually became pretty good friends afterwards and every time I
went to Bucharest afterwards I would always call him and he would set me up
with an Airbnb so actually we bonded over this issue of a large part about
language because I was able to speak in Russian as well as some some Romanian at
the time so I brought my friend out in Bucharest the first night we ended up
some Moldova bar it wasn't very eventful but the second night I brought him to my
what was my favorite club in all of Europe during the week Gaia on a
Thursday night it just love this is why I think this story might be interesting
for you if you're a traveler so the reason why I I liked the club number one
is that it a policy of not letting tourists in so first things that was
more about kind for the beautiful and the cool on a Thursday
night of Bucharest now that didn't mean that they wouldn't let you in as a
foreigner but if they thought you were tourist I'd seen it they were not
letting you in so the key there was of course just because I could speak in Romanian at
the door first of all be dressed pretty well right first of all second was
speaking Romanian even if you only say good evening in Romanian or you just say
hi or something you know you greet people that's gonna be enough like if
you just say 'buna seara' or if you say 'salut' or something when you get to the
door that's gonna make a big difference now of course I did have to chat a little
bit in Romanian always and sometimes it was a little bit tricky but I always got
in because of that because I've been at least being able to say a few words in
Romanian that's a first good tip for you traveling and I would encourage you to
learn more than just a few words but even that makes a big difference already
because it separates you for 90% of the tourists that they don't this particular
club did not want coming in so the client the kind of clientele it had was
usually successful young professionals I would say good-looking well dressed
students and also will see TV presenters models used to hang out there a lot a
lot of people from the fashion industry so you can see a lot just a lot of
beautiful people there both girls and guys actually have to say by Romanian
standards the guys actually work pretty well turned out as well so that's why
you need to be well dressed to get into this into this club in general at least
look pretty fucking cool so that's the kind environment first of all so that's
got it I'm gonna have my target demographic there which are
beautiful women of course and that's not to give you the contrast in most
Romanian clubs I don't like it at all it's not very open as an atmosphere there
are not actually that many beautiful women there to be honest compared to
further east countries like Ukraine, Belarus or Russia at all
but there are of course still plenty of beautiful girls in Romania and this
club used to attract so many of them and one other thing that is really key to
the club that made it if you're a solo traveling particularly even just a group
of guys a small group is the fact that it had a square bar in the center now
this is essential because if you have a square bar it gives you a place just like
hang out chill have a drink chat to your buddy maybe get to know someone or
open the person beside you it's all very easy plus you have line of sight all
around the club from the bar right so of course they had tables along the sides
of the club and that was also if you wanted I did took it once or twice I
think on my forays to Romania that was also a great great spot to to sit as well
but it wasn't essential to have a table there so for the traveller who shows up on Thursday
night first of all most European cities it's not really the best night to go out
necessarily so this is another cool thing about it the fact that he yeah I
mean Thursday night now and I used to even sometimes schedule just to be in
Bucharest I mean I took a flight once from this kind of make sound really
really eccentric but I was in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan and I just taken a flight
there because I always wanted to go to Central Asia I didn't have a great time
in Bishkek I'll be honest I never went back again but I could see there was
actually a flight back to Bucharest for the Thursday night I was like I'm on that
flight because it was via Istanbul I really want to go out in Gaia and
especially after my experience in Bishkek and it's what kind of woeful
night life definitely it was something that I appreciated so we go to Gaia
that's the other thing there's a square bar after it's really cool it's obviously
packed by about one o'clock and it's a very open atmosphere people are very
close to each other there's a square bar it's very easy to talk to people and
there's a high concentration of pretty girls what more do you want
so me my buddy went there this is why I'll just give it as the first first
story in the series of from this trip and we anyways it happened and you know
we partied there all night at the certain point we come back to the apartment with
a local girl I remember being there and she was in the apartment with us I was a
little bit drunk I'll be honest the girl was also a little bit screwed up and we
were all there I don't know talking in the sitting room by
the way my friend doesn't drink any alcohol which is always good for telling me
exactly what happened the morning after as an Irishman I do
have a propensity to drink a lot of alcohol at times which of course makes
me fit in pretty well with this region I think in Eastern Europe so at a certain
point my this girl whatever there was a music you mom was watching some MTV some
music and she didn't like the song so what did she do she says turn the
fucking music off right I don't like that song in a really aggressive manner
and I remember my buddy who had been there and he's like no we like the song
we're gonna listen to the song point she picked up a vase right which had some not
sure if it had flowers in it that's something in it maybe something that
wasn't really flowers just maybe I know what you call that it's like potpourri
or something I don't know anyways that's something in it and she threw like
chucked the vase at the TV screen towards it she didn't I'm not sure if
she really meant to hit the TV but it just flew past television and landed
beside it with everything all over the place of course was inside he didn't
actually break the vase fortunately. It was a pretty strong one at that stage I
thought my friend was gonna fucking punch this girl, to be honest. I mean she's
throwing vases around and I was like obviously a little bit in my drunken stupor
because dude I have this one taken care of ... so I take
the girl take her to my room obviously have sex with her and then the
next morning we wake up and I remember her being very like suddenly very
apologetic about her behavior the night before and she started to smoke some
some pot to calm herself down so the whole apartment fucking stank of marijuana
the next morning whatever she was smoking
whichever variant of soft drug and when she come down we said hey it's cool you
didn't break anything it's gonna crap happens and yeah I think it's time to
leave it cool with us with me at least my friend was still sleeping
and then put her in a taxi outside come back in the apartments area and the
places stinks of pot like absolutely sticks and of course
the Airbnb host is coming in an hour so I'm like okay how
are we gonna clean this place up and make it decent because I had such a
great rapport with that the host I was like well I was hoping to see these
people again once come back and see you know all this crap all over the
floor after this girl the place stinking probably not gonna be very very welcome
or not gonna get a good review so my buddy comes up with the idea lightning
matches so apparently the smell the matches kind of neutralized so I have no
idea he doesn't smoke anything any sort of soft drugs or anything like that
anyway so I don't know how he knew this previous experience as I learned
something there another tip for you guys and yeah we clean up the place
apparently this they ordered ... the host came they were super happy we chatted for
an hour and yeah that was it he became very very close friends with me Filip
and that was kind of the beginning of a beautiful friendship
and we're also his girlfriend and now wife and it all happened because of yeah
having an open mind learning languages and yeah people gonna give you the
benefit of the doubt and afters people are willing to overlook certain things
like this apartment stinks of doobie so why am I telling you this?
I just wanted to get you a little bit of a taste was like to travel in the east
of Europe now at the time time was a lot less touristic than it is today I don't
think you would have the same experience if you were to go there today ... привет
if you were to go back to Romania today they'll be it's quite different it's
kind of been discovered especially Bucharest as the city it's not kind of a
hidden gem of Europe anymore there's a lot of tourism because obviously a lot
of Romanians left or a lot of flights and people meet Romanians abroad actually
in spite of the stereotypes Romanians are actually not that bad so then they
come they take those cheap flights and they come and check out the city and the
night life has taken a downturn in the meantime unfortunately because a lot of
there was a huge fire a huge tragedy in the centre of Bucharest and unfortunately a
lot of young people died I think it was like I can remember the number I'm not
going to misquote it was like more than 20 for sure and this led to them being
more strict about fire safety hazards now you don't have to worry about that
at least they closed all the clubs made them at least raise the standards of the fire
safety also Bucharest is on a fault line for earthquakes which is also a
little bit of a problem if you were in a building of course and they were became
more strict about buildings being earthquake proof so they closed a lot of
the great places in the city center I did bring my friend to my favorite
restaurants and bars and at the time in Bucharest everything has gonna change but
at that moment it was like five years ago in Bucharest was kind of undiscovered it
didn't have so much tourism now if you were to go on YouTube look up vlogs you
see a lot of vloggers have been there a lot of backpackers have gone there it's
kind of on that route now at the time it wasn't and that's kind of how our first
stop on this world wind trip afterwards I have the like this trip was a trip that
actually almost killed me by the end and you're gonna see that in the next
episodes it was something very extreme I was not a vlogger at the time that's why
I have to I think it's also good for me to to share you the experience at least
belatedly now because really if I've been a vlogger then it would have been
such an amazing trip to have documented I'm not sure I could do it again physically
you're gonna find out in the next few episodes of the podcast when I tell you
what happened so what should you take out of having listened because you've
gotten to the end of this particular part of the trip the Romanian part we
then left for Chisinau, the capital of Moldova by plane
that afternoon it was would have been the Friday afternoon where things going
even crazy well they got a lot crazier I had them what happened with this girl
and vase throwing and all this kind of stuff look like every city has kind of
cool places right and you have to do your research now I think today there's
more and more information like you looking Instagram that's one of my tips
always it's kind of just look at the scene Instagram and a Friday nights you
where though I mean if if you're looking for pretty girls just look
people are posting where they are in the cool places where they're hanging out if
there's lots of pretty girls sony posting in one place that's a very good
indication that places it's the place to hang out in you know wandering around the city
center a touristic center like the Centru Vechi of Bucharest you're not
gonna find anything good like this just a reality you have to do your research I
found out a bit about Gaia on a Thursday night ... Gaia, it does still exist by the way still
it has a Thursday night it's not in the same location it's not the same vibe in
my personal opinion as it was in those days so sorry you'll have to find
somewhere else there are other places that people go to
of course to socialize today but do your research that's the key right
and I actually made local friends on a previous trip to Romania and one of them
she told me hey this is the place to hang out and that's how he discovered it
then when I was there I actually met ... it was wither there or another club
made some other remaining friends some guys and they also told me about
going there as well so then I had a kind of group the people to hang around
with on my trip so definitely do your research and look for the places that
are not going to be so obvious I mean the cool people in any city don't go to the
most obvious place that's why it's exclusive right dress appropriately and
look for places where it's gonna be easier to open have communication with
people with local people there so that's why it's central bar boom
love clubs with a central bar unless you're there with a group of friends
you've already got a table that is the best kind of Club for you to look for if
you're traveling in particularly do you want to meet meet people meet pretty
girls in particular then that's what I would do and I'm not really sure about
the vase throwing thing vase incident at the end but anyways it was kind of
comical we did meet the girl again
several years later in them yeah she she apologized for you yeah she apologized
for it anyways so that was okay this is being a part one of this series of
stories from the first trip I took with my sensei in Eastern Europe and the next
one is going to about Chisinay in Moldova where something really really
crazy actually happened I did say this trip almost killed
kill me anyways I think it almost killed both of us by the end so if you've enjoyed
this video be sure that you're already a subscriber of course that's the red
subscribe button and that you whacked a notification bell because that's how you
get notified when there are new videos on the channel and that's how YouTube
will let you know when the second part of this series is out coming next week
and if you've enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up
strike the like button because that you know that helps out the algorithm it
also lets me know that you enjoyed the video I'm not so obsessed by how many
views the videos get but I really want to see that people enjoy that I actually
look more the likes then add the number of views because that's let me know that
you didn't just click on it because I had a pretty girl on the on the
thumbnail that you actually enjoyed the video and of course write me a comment
below if you've been to Bucharest if you've been to this region if you have
your own experience I can share it below it's really valuable for everybody not
just for me but also all the other viewers because when you guys start
sharing all your experiences it's like we get all this extra information and
anecdotes and personal experiences that help us all learn and grow together so
definitely write that below and if you haven't checked out any of my free
courses for travellingm dating or languages all three of them as usual
below in the description to the video they're free I do have other premium
services like premium language course, a premium dating course that I've launched and
the premium version of the travel course and if you are traveling to the region
and you want some extra special attention one-on-one experience the Tsar
Experience when you come here then definitely just write me a message write
me a message by email if you want
or hit me a DM on Instagram Instagram is the best way go follow me
there my handle is TSAREXPERIENCE or you can type in my name Conor Clyne
after Conor McGregor I'm usually the most popular Conor in the
world it seems at the moment that's pretty cool as an accolade to have it's kind of
McGregor and then me that's actually something that helps me a lot here
because now people actually can pronounce my name thanks to Conor
McGregor it's usually how I explain what my first name is so with that said I'll
see you in part two of this series coming up because it's just sunset here
on the port in Odessa so fading light not gonna able to record anymore
stories this evening gonna come back tomorrow
got to out and enjoy a fantastic Indian summer evening in Odessa Mama that's why
I wear this t-shirt so often on the channel when I'm here you know in Odessa so
with that said it's до свидания! Goodbye! See you in the next one! Peace!
LEARNING to Drive (AGAIN) in my 30s - UK Driving License | Living Abroad Diaries | Ysis Lorenna - Duration: 7:28.
Hi guys welcome back to my channel today I want to share my journey to getting a
British driving license and I know this video is not gonna be for everyone but
I'm sure that there are people out there who might be in the same situation as me
so that's what I'm gonna be talking about today if you're new around here my
name is Ysis I make videos about lifestyle and parenting so if you like
these kinds of videos then please do check out some more of my videos and if
you enjoy them why don't you hit the subscribe button it's free and it means
you get notifications when there's a new video from me so now let's get straight
on with the video so as a little recap I am originally from Brazil and in Brazil
I had a driving licence which I got when I was in my early twenties I can't
remember exactly the year but I passed my driving test in Brazil and I want to
say it wasn't a good experience I passed at first time but at the time I didn't
believe that I passed it because I didn't feel you know when you don't feel
really good about something you just feel like you you did the absolutely
minimum to pass but I've been an OK driver since I've always hated parking
always always always went for like the easiest paces never did any parallel
parking because I just hated it so I've been okay driving on the roads no
problems with that but then I moved to the UK nine years ago and when you move
from abroad to the UK your driving licence from your country of origin for
most countries is still valid in the UK for a year so you can still drive as
long as you've got insurance you've gotta take insurance separately to drive
a car you can still drive using your foreign driving licence but when you go
over a year you then have to retake your driving
test here in the UK and do the theory test and the practical test all over
again now to me the thought of that was a nightmare because as I said I think I
just about passed my test in Brazil and I thought of doing the whole thing over
and over all over again felt really daunting
I put off for nine years basically and I've been living here this whole time
without being able to drive because I've just been really scared of doing the
test lots of reasons as well first in Brazil we drive on the right-hand side
of the road and then the thought of doing my gears with the the other hand
was just really strange and yeah I wanted to do my test on a manual car I
didn't want to be restricted to an automatic I know automatic cars
everywhere nowadays and our main car is an automatic car but I really wanted to
have that option of having the manual and the automatics so anyway this is a
long story but two years ago I decided to go for it
and I booked my theory test took my favorite test pass my theory test and I
was doing driving lessons at the time I did about three lessons and they went
well but then I just felt like unless I had a date for my test booked the
lessons would be in vain because then I wouldn't know you know like I wanted to
see a deadline before I booked all of the lessons because they're not cheap
they're quite expensive to do the practical driving lessons and even
though I'm already a driver I felt like I needed them just so that I could know
how to position myself on the roads here the roads are completely different the
UK is full of roundabouts in Brazil like where I'm from they were hardly any
roundabouts so ever so that's a completely like new thing to get used to
and all the signs and everything is different so I felt like I needed the
lessons so two years went by and I decided to restart my driving lesson it
was one of my goals for 2018 was to finally get my driving license and I
booked my test because like the test centre nearest to me only had a few
dates left in December I booked my test I went to check on my theory test
certificate and the theory test certificate actually expires on the day
that I'm taking my test so no pressure there it means that if I fail it
I can't redo it I have to redo the theory test and the practical driving
test as well I'm feeling a bit nervous my test is in about a week and a half a
weekend a little bit when you're watching this video there won't be much
time left for me to do my test we decided to invest on a small little
runaround car for me to practice not just to practice because obviously I'm
gonna need a car when I pass my test because I'm being really positive about
it so we decided to buy a cheap used car which is helping me loads to get my
practice in in without having to pay loads of money for them practical
lessons I have my lessons twice a week but then I feel like I need to be
getting in the car and practicing in the week as well and that's where I am with
my driving test so yeah I feel really nervous about it I feel like parking is
my worst thing it still is I can do BAE / Bay parking okay but parallel parking
I'm still a bit I'm sure and there's a couple of maneuvers like Park on the
right and yeah reverse Bay parking so it's kind of like dominating dominating
my thoughts at the moment this whole driving test thing I'd love for you to
share on the comments below your experiences with doing your driving test
here in the UK if you've done it did you pass it first time was it harder than
you thought was it easier than you thought I'd love to just hear some
stories and experiences about this because I've not heard anyone that's
like my age taking a driving test I'm in my like mid-30s or early thirties I'm 32
and everyone who's passing their test is like 16 18 20 so I just feel like I've
got a different like life moment and experience to younger people and then
all the people that I know are already qualified drivers and have been driving
for the last like 20 odd years so I'd love to hear like recent stories of
people like in my age bracket that have passed their tests and everything was
okay or if it wasn't okay tell me what helped you and what you think was the
best tip that you could ever get for passing your
test so yeah I just wanted to share this journey with you guys and to ask for
your prayers and your support and for you to root for me that I pass my test
hope you enjoy this video if you did give it a thumbs up and I will see you
all in my next video and hopefully I'll update you soon saying that I've passed
my test if not I'll also update you but that is
the hope I'll see you guys very soon bye
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