after 18 years of trial South Korea's Supreme Court reached a final verdict on
Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries forced wartime labor on Koreans ordering
the Japanese firm to compensate the victims the court ordered the firm on
Thursday to pay around in ninety thousand US dollars to each of the 23
victims and their families for unpaid work at the Mitsubishi factories back in
1944 the Supreme Court says a 1965 agreement under which Japan paid South
Korea 500 million dollars to normalize diplomatic relations does not terminate
the right of individuals to seek reparations in a separate ruling the
court order the firm to also provide compensation for the four grandmothers
and one of the family members of the deceased these women suit Mitsubishi in
Japan back in 1999 but lost and filed another lawsuit in Korea in 2012
For more infomation >> Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to compensate Korean plaintiffs for forced wartime labor - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Mash Daal Cream For Spotless & Fairer Skin/Skin Whitening Glowing Skin With White Lentils Cream Rani - Duration: 6:49.
Please Subscribe Rani G Health & Beauty Tips
Máy Chiếu Mini - Mang Cả Rạp Phim Về Nhà - T&G F5 - Duration: 5:37.
Jesse Ventura: Trump Should Have "Term Limit" | - Duration: 3:35.
Jesse Ventura: Trump Should Have "Term Limit" |
Jesse Ventura has always told it like it is and did it his way in the ring and in politics.
In the ring, Ventura had classic feuds with former WWE Champion Bob Backlund.
He also was the man in the ring with Adrian Adonis, as he and "The Body" made up The East-West Connection.
On the microphone as a commentator in wrestling, he was Charles Barkley before he took over "Inside The NBA" with Ernie Johnson, Kenny 'The Jet' Smith and Shaquille O'Neal on TNT!.
He kicked butt working alongside Gorilla Monsoon and Vince McMahon as a broadcaster.
As a politician, or a statesman as he calls himself, he was the mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minneapolis before becoming the governor of Minneapolis in 1998.
Check out Jesse Ventura and Brandon 'Scoop B' Robinson via Scoop B Radio:.
Post political career, Ventura has been a political watchdog.
In his book, DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government, Ventura states that 'both parties are street gangs warring with each other for power over the country and the American people.'.
On Scoop B Radio, Ventura addressed regulation in how much time politicians should spend in office.
"Well you know you look at it this way, we have term limits on the President," Ventura told me.
"You know the President can only serve two four year terms that's it, you know but then again it comes back to us," Jesse Ventura told me.
"When you strip everything away from it all it comes back to us.
We can implement term limits, vote him out of office.".
Ventura continued:.
"We have the ability to do that so ultimately all problems in this country could be resolved by the people but the problem is the people aren't vigilant, and the people aren't paying attention, and also I found this out you know people tell you that they wanna hear the truth and all that and this and that I don't believe they really do and I'll tell you why.
I don't think people like the truth because many times the truth takes them out of their comfort zone, and people do not like to be taken out of their comfort zone and the truth can do that, when you learn the truth like a lot of the things our country does internationally, then you learn about it we don't look so good but you notice that we never come back, that's one thing I notice about this country, we never admit to a mistake.".
Làm Thế Nào Để Lộc Vừng Ra Thế Kỳ Đà Thế Trực Đẹp Mắt , Bonsai Đồng Hới, Cây Mưng Rừng Miền Trung ! - Duration: 10:18.
Henry J's Taco Shop rebuilding after car crash - Duration: 1:48.
My crea-menu: how to organize the weekly menu - Duration: 5:10.
you are also in trouble creating a weekly menu and you want to find a method
quick and easy to plan lunch and dinner for every day of the
week? maybe to avoid eating, turn around, always the same things?
hello I'm Letizia, creative of the channel Live with Letizia where you can find
many creative recycling projects do it yourself and tricks for home to me
I really like cooking but I always have little time available to plan a
weekly menu so very often me happen to have to decide the day for
what to cook for lunch and dinner. but one of the main problems is when i
foods that have to cook are still in freezer because I forgot
to defrost them. I have in the last few months elaborated and tested my own menu creations
personalized with which I can now organize myself to perfection and without
waste energy if you also want to get to work i
your menus quickly and easily especially various so you do not
find yourself eating always the same what's this
keep watching and if you like them tutorials like this I recommend you
subscribe now to my channel by clicking on sign up and also on
bell to not get lost none of the upcoming videos
to organize my creo menu weekly using my agenda
Of course, those of you who do not use an agenda or prefer to do otherwise
for example, you can report this table even on a sheet a little larger than
then stick to the refrigerator or to the kitchen wall. for my menu
I use to use these mark to create the table i
measured so that there were 2 mark on top of each other I created
the table dividing the page into four columns, in the first there are
every day of the week the second will serve for breakfast the
third for lunch and fourth for the dinner I also added a page
top that I stuck with washi tape and then I took another page that
I cut in half and I attached to the sides I have dedicated each column to one
particular category of foods
eggs and vegetables
on the right I left this half page for the list of the expenditure therefore for all the
foods that gradually and I have to hand remember to buy back and left
I left space for the column of the breakfast and for the food saver column
this will be a menu that I I will use it for a long time and there are no pages
that sometimes stick a lot and then they risk taking with them pieces of
paper to make it last longer plasticize with adhesive paper
transparent all the pages of mine create menu
now I can start placing all of them different ingredients in the bottom row
I place all the foods I have in it home, for example, in fish, cod
tuna ... before going shopping for the next week check
both in the pantry and in the refrigerator that in the freezer to see which
they are the foods I actually have still in the house of which I may not even remember
I use the upper columns of the my table creates menu to mark
of references and particular recipes every month maybe I buy a magazine of
kitchen where I find recipes that maybe I want to try
I have a special method for the classification for each recipe I have
created my cataloging that me it serves both to keep the various in order
magazines that to find the recipe on the relative number so I usually write to myself
the abbreviation that I have established for the name of the magazine, the year, the number of the
ie this magazine, and the number of page
in this case, for example, I know that if I want to make the chicken recipe with le
zucchini and mint I have to take eva kitchen have 7 number 9 page 55
I am very sure that with my crea personalized menu you will find
very well you too if you like them tutorials like this I remind you of
subscribe now my channel by going sign up that also on the bell for
do not miss out on any of the next ones video. how do you plan to organize the
your weekly breakfast menu lunch and dinner
you will use your agenda or a table to hang on the fridge at home?
[한글자막CC] 방탄소년단 제이홉 소개영상 / 트랙팝리액션/ An Introduction to BTS J Hope Version TRACKPOP REACTION - Duration: 32:21.
【衝撃事実】ワイ耳掃除しない民、完全大勝利wwwwwwwwww - Duration: 2:38.
「耳掃除はしなくていい」はウソ?ホント? 正解は、(1)ホントです。 ■掃除 的でモノを耳に突っ込んではならない 耳掃除は、自分でやっても、人にしてもらって 気持ちの良いもの
そう思っている人も多いかもしれませんが、実は健康な人であれば、耳掃除は原則不 で、掃除目的で耳に何かを突っ込むことによって、かえって耳垢が奥へと押し込まれて耳 中を塞いでしまう(=耳垢塞栓:じこうそくせん)可能性があります
2017年1月、米耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会(AAO-HNSF)は、医師向けに 何らかの症状があって受診した耳垢塞栓患者に対する適切な診療手順を示す診療ガイドラ ンを作成し、公表しました
これと並行して、一般向けに、耳垢に関する基本的な情報と正しい管理方法などを解 する文書[注]も作成し、「とにかく耳にモノを突っ込むな!」と強力に注意喚起してい す
耳垢は、耳の穴の開口部から鼓膜までつながる外耳道を保護する役割を果たしており 完全に不要な老廃物ではありません。 耳垢が生じるのは外耳道の外側約3分の1の部 で、耳垢は外耳道の上皮の動きと、咀嚼(そしゃく)やあくびの際の顎の動きなどによっ 、開口部に向かって徐々に移動していきます
まーたワイが勝ってしまったのか 普通彼女に耳に舌入れて綺麗にしてもらうよ 5: >>4 きも… 耳かき商法に騙されるやつw 中間おすすめ記事 ピンセットで耳くそ引っぺがすのがやめられん 1 >>8 ご愁傷様やで…w ■耳垢が耳の中を塞いでしまうとトラブルに 湿っているタイプの耳垢(湿性耳垢)で っても、移動している間に乾いて、自然に耳の穴から外に落ちます
したがって、健康な状態であれば、耳掃除の必要は全くない、と同学会は強調します 掃除をするなら耳の外側を布で拭く程度にとどめ、耳の中にモノを入れるべきではないの す
しかし、耳垢の自然排出が妨げられた場合には、外耳道の中にたまってしまいます。 えば、補聴器の日常的な使用や、綿棒や耳かきなどを用いた掃除は、耳垢の蓄積を引き起 します
専門医が診察した際に、鼓膜近くに詰まっている耳垢が見つかれば、綿棒などで誤って押 込んだものと見なされます。 耳垢が本来あるべき場所より奥に押し込まれると、自浄 用が働かないため、さまざまな症状が現れる可能性があります
医者が稼ぐために嘘バラ撒いとるだけやんけ こんなんに騙されるとかどんな知能 数しとんねん 3 >>10 ブーメラン刺さってるぞ 病院なんてもう5年ぐ い行っとらんわ 風邪も自然治癒でなんとかなる 1 うっわイッチ耳くそ見えと で これ信じて数カ月やらなかったら酷い目にあったで 1 >>12 ワイは う2年耳掃除やっとらんけど全く問題ないで カサカサ音も愛着湧いたわ 37: >>18 きったね 1 気持ちいいからするんやで 耳かきせんかったワイは いことになったぞ 1 体質による ワイも耳掃除せんけど耳詰まって聞こえなく るたびに耳鼻科行ってジオクチルソジウムスルホサクシネート処方されてるわ 中耳炎 ったことあるやつは気を付けたほうがええで もう耳かきが癖になってもうてるからや られん ポロっと落ちてくるのもなんか気持ちいいで かさぶたが取れるのを待つの 似たようなもんや 6 >>20 たまに耳かきで取れないのにほじった後落ちて る大物あるよな 2 うちのガキ耳垢たまりすぎてエライことになってたわ 頻繁 掃除する必要はないにしても、穴塞ぐほどたまってたらキレイにすべきやろ しないと らかに聞こえ悪いやん 2 >>22 生活に支障ないぞ 2 耳の中に水注 して汚れとる動画すこ 2 ちなみに前回の勝利は顔を洗わないや これもワイの 面で実証済みや 45: >>24 不潔 クソ気持ちいんだよなあ耳かき んかいも外耳炎なってる 2 病院で耳垢取る治療やったけど痛過ぎて涙出たわ やアレ 3 >>26 一回で全部やろうとする所とクソ遺体から何回かに分ける があるね 自分でやるのこわいからしばらくやってないわ 綿棒以外怖くて使えない 汚いじゃん 5 掃除しなかったらゴミ詰まって聞こえなくなるぞ 6 一般 はしなくていいわ貯まるやつは咀嚼が足りないガムでも噛めば自然と出てくる 耳鼻科 前の人がたくさんゴミが溜まってますねー言われてたな 自分でせずに耳鼻科でやって えばいいんだろうけどめっちゃ混んでるわ 10 カナル型イヤホンよく使うからど しても掃除してしまうわ 一応気にして細い綿棒使っとるけど 耳かきはあれ気持ち いけど体に悪いのは実感できるわ やっぱ綿棒やね 引用元:おすすめ記事1001 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomem ry【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Newton RAGBRAI committee donates $35K back to local organizations - Duration: 2:50.
You Froze My Shorts / What a Matryoshka - Duration: 25:00.
Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to compensate Korean plaintiffs for forced wartime labor - Duration: 0:54.
after 18 years of trial South Korea's Supreme Court reached a final verdict on
Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries forced wartime labor on Koreans ordering
the Japanese firm to compensate the victims the court ordered the firm on
Thursday to pay around in ninety thousand US dollars to each of the 23
victims and their families for unpaid work at the Mitsubishi factories back in
1944 the Supreme Court says a 1965 agreement under which Japan paid South
Korea 500 million dollars to normalize diplomatic relations does not terminate
the right of individuals to seek reparations in a separate ruling the
court order the firm to also provide compensation for the four grandmothers
and one of the family members of the deceased these women suit Mitsubishi in
Japan back in 1999 but lost and filed another lawsuit in Korea in 2012
నిత్య సౌభాగ్యం కోసం ఈ మాలను ధరించండి | Kalpavruksha Mala | Soubhagyam | Atchireddy Astrology | 2019 - Duration: 2:17.
For More Updates Please Subscribe
S. Korea step closer to launching satellite launch space vehicle with successful test launch - Duration: 1:13.
as South Korea successfully tests launched the first stage of its orbital
rocket ksl v2 on Wednesday attention is also on the rocket itself and our kimi o
son tells us what steps are ahead for South Korea to realize its space dream
South Korea took a step closer to launching a space vehicle designed
solely with homegrown technology on Wednesday with a successful test launch
of a rocket engine the next task is to develop what's called a clustering
technology that groups to 475 ton engines that constitute the three stage
Korea space launch vehicle - dubbed gnudi researchers must conduct tests to
enable the four engines to work as one and they also need to carry out further
research on assembling the three stages of the rocket
we've been running tests on engines for stages two and three we now have the
difficult but important task of assembling and testing the rocket if
everything proceeds as planned gnudi will be launched in October 2021 which
will enable South Korea to realize its space sovereignty ambitions Huson
arirang news
This Is Us Aftershow: 308 - Duration: 5:09.
S. Korea delivers 50 tons of pest control chemicals to N. Korea - Duration: 2:01.
this morning South Korea delivered 50 tons of pesticide to North Korea's
border town of Kaesong and in the afternoon the officials from the two
Koreas will be conducting a joint inspection of the nearby pine forests
song he tells us more forestry experts and officials from South Korea's Forest
Service headed to North Korea's border town of Kaesong on Thursday morning to
deliver 50 tons of chemicals to control pine wilt according to Seoul's
Unification Ministry the delivery is to prevent damage from spreading throughout
the pine forests as they have a limited amount of time to control pine wilt only
up until March after unloading them in the morning the South Korean team will
inspect a nearby pine forest with North Korean officials in the afternoon and
conduct pest control operations it doesn't go against UN sanctions as the
chemicals are not restricted items and the necessary equipment is to be
provided by the north this is the second time South Korea sent officials for an
on-site visit to North Korea's forests back in August Seoul officials visited
the north Kumgang Sun mountain for a joint survey
during Thursday's on-site visit forestry teams from South and North Korea will
also touch upon modernizing tree nurseries as well according to Seoul
after forestry talks in October the two sides agreed to start modernizing ten
tree nurseries in the north this year solar says it's been communicating with
Washington through their bilateral working group and will seek ways not to
violate the international sanctions meanwhile the two Koreas are starting
joint on-site inspections of railways in North Korea on Friday for two and a half
weeks on inter-korean research team and train cars will be moving together as
they test the Western County line first and the eastern to headline the on-site
survey is to end in mid-december Wu dong Yi Arirang news
Largest container ship built in US arrives in Hawaii - Duration: 0:39.
Kathanayakudu HD Telugu Movie Scene | Balakrishna | Vijayashanti | Suresh Prouctions - Duration: 5:54.
Residents sue Sacramento over McKinley Park water vault plan - Duration: 1:51.
(2002) Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis (Dino Stalker) (English captions available) - Duration: 0:15.
Which way is the path to survival?
Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis
'불화설' 멜로망스, 해체 안한다 - Duration: 5:55.
【UB】 2018.11.27 《日版天堂》《Lineage Japan》《リネージュ》《리니지》 - Duration: 23:08.
2018.11.27 Unlimited Battle
BGM: Ace Attorney Music Compilation
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