- Thanks. Let's play again next year.
See you later!
For more infomation >> [P] 1779. See you later! - Duration: 0:08.-------------------------------------------
[P] 1778. Farewell gift - Duration: 0:09.
- Heeey, Shizuhaaa!
It's a parting gift. For you.
''Come back again.''
- See that, Sis! [Poke] Cirno's the one being more adult here!
[P] 1777. Shizuha's suggestion - Duration: 0:10.
- We'll be saying goodbye to Gensokyo for a while. It'll be lonely, won't it!
- Say, Minoriko...
...can we not take them with us?
- Sis, you naughty girl! Pervert! Abductress! Kidnapper!
- Ow! Don't throw chestnut burrs!
[P] 1776. Training - Duration: 0:10.
- Shake! -Swff-
- Well, you've sure tamed it. - Side triceps!
- Look, Minoriko... why bother taming that?
- It would be nice if it remembers when we come again next year!
Is that asking too much? -Meowww-
[P] 1775. Minoriko vs. Cat - Duration: 0:11.
- My big sister has work to do, you see... The work lasts from my sister becoming autumn...
...until I become autumn. ...but right now, there's nothing for me to do except toast up some tasty roasted sweet potatoes.
Can you keep up!?
And goooo!☆ -Meowww-
[P] 1774. Autumn Gods' autumn situations - Duration: 0:07.
- Gensokyo's thoroughly colored now. A job well done, yes.
-Meowww- Don't play with it.
Rightfully - Goblin Slayer {ENGLISH} OP *Rap Cover* - Duration: 3:00.
Mack Nigga - "Oh My God" || VideoClipe EXCLUSIVO VI$Hmob - Duration: 2:06.
New Fingerlings HUGS Are Here
TEAM QUESO´S DECK | Clash Royale - Duration: 6:56.
Obadiah Stane Steals Tony Stark's Arc Reactor | Iron Man (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:39.
Tony, are you there? Hello?
Easy, easy.
You remember this one, right?
It's a shame the government didn't approve it.
There's so many applications for causing short-term paralysis.
When I ordered the hit on you,
I worried that I was
killing the golden goose.
But, you see, it was just
fate that you survived that.
You had one last golden egg to give.
Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you?
Your father, he helped give us the atomic bomb.
Now, what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?
Oh, it's beautiful.
Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony.
What a masterpiece. Look at that.
This is your legacy.
A new generation of weapons with this at its heart.
Weapons that will help steer the world back on course,
put the balance of power in our hands.
The right hands.
I wish you could see my prototype.
It's not as...
Well, not as conservative as yours.
Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this.
I would have preferred that she lived.
What do you mean, he paid to have Tony killed?
Pepper, slow down. Why would Obadiah...
Okay, where's Tony now?
I don't know. He's not answering his phone.
Please go over there and make sure everything's okay.
Thank you, Rhodey. I know a shortcut.
Good boy.
Exploitation Design - IberoPistacho - Duration: 3:52.
How to Block ads Permanently on Google Chromeme Mobile in hindi/urdu - Duration: 3:59.
Ads Block Setting For Google Users
Odkaz o cudzích jazykoch - Duration: 14:27.
佟丽娅穿"钉子裙"看着就疼,想都不想就上台了,真大胆! - Duration: 2:33.
Ein ZONY kaufen :-) - Star Stable [SSO] - Duration: 1:31:28.
Eric Choupo-Moting (PSG) cambriolé en plein match... Un énorme butin dérobé - Duration: 6:52.
乌海军擅闯领海 俄罗斯军舰猛烈撞击开火 普京:两周内占领基辅 - Duration: 4:23.
Snooki's Italian Dinner Secrets ft. The Situation | Cooking in the Crib w/ Snooki & Joey - Duration: 6:46.
- Hey guys, and welcome to Cooking in the Crib with Snooki
- and Joey! - Joey.
So I have my mother-in-law, Janise here.
What are you cooking today?
- Just our traditional Sunday dinner.
Pasta, chicken parmesan, and some appetizers.
- [Mike] Do we have any snacks?
- How are you still here? - What are you doing here?
- How is Mike still here? - We have snacks.
- I'm strictly here for the food tasting.
(Snooki laughing)
- So, we're gonna make a sauce, gravy,
whatever you wanna call it. - Yeah,
if it's gravy, it has meat in it.
- Do you work here?
- I work here, this is my cooking show.
- This is my day.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Ooh!
- Is there anything in the fridge
maybe I should pull out,
in case there might be - Absolutely.
- something to pick on. - Oh, yeah,
he want the pick on. - Okay,
so we could start with this,
I have some pepperoni, - Oh!
some supersized-- - Ooh, I love pepperoni!
- Oh, my gosh. - Yaaas, Queen!
(funky, upbeat music)
- Joey? - Yes.
- I want you to put some olive oil in the pan,
a little bit garlic.
Nicole, I need you to blend some tomatoes.
Here we go, there you go.
That's good. - That's it?
- That's it. - That's it?
- That's it.
- How we, oh, - Oh.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. - I only put a little bit.
- Okay, a little bit. - Hey, oh!
- Whoa, hey. A little bit. - Is that enough?
- That's good, okay. - That was easy.
- Yaaas, I wish you had smell-o-vision. (laughs)
- This is how you cook sauce
in Mykonos, bitch. - Okay.
- So you're gonna start putting the tomato in
(Joey gasps)
- [Snooki] How did we miss this?
- What? Oh, my God!
When did you make this? - Oh, oh!
- How did we miss the fresh mitsado?
- [Janise] I wanted him to start with that.
- Yas (laughs),
this is for the deaf people at home.
- That means what?
- The people that are hearing impaired
know I'm screaming, "Yas!"
- And, what does that mean? - Oh, my God.
- It means I'm excited, there's fresh mitsado out!
- Oh, okay.
And we're gonna throw a bay leaf in there.
- Alright, one bay leaf?
- One bay leaf. - That was a basil leaf.
- Same thing.
- A basil leaf, and a bay leaf is not the same.
- Oh, they're gonna fight. - That's the bay leaf.
- I want that. - You told me to get that.
- He's trying to upstage you. - He's trying to.
- I'm not!
- You're trying to. - You are, this is her time!
- So Nicole, I'm gonna have you make some garlic bread.
- What do you put in here?
Garlic salt? - Garlic salt,
salt, pepper, some parmesan cheese.
- I just paint it like it's a (tape rewind)
it's a painting. - What's in that mixture?
- Oil, - We just said.
You were not listening. - Olive oil, that wasn't nice.
- That was not nice, - It's Mike.
- I second that. - Yeah, that was not nice.
(Snooki laughing)
So, put this in the broiler.
- [Snooki] Oh, this is such a cheat day.
I'm starving myself tomorrow.
- I'm not, I'm going to a buffet.
- Okay, so what I like to do with my garlic bread.
This is plain regato cheese.
So, this is fig.
- Fig, what are we in, Paris? - Joey.
- Ooh! So, this would be a great appetizer.
- This is great appetizer. - This is.
This is really satch-iating the palette right now.
- Oh thank you, satch-iating?
(Mike giggling) I like that.
So, the sauce is looking good.
We're gonna make the chicken cutlets, okay?
- Mike, can you give me those eggs?
- I'm strictly the - I'm parched,
I gotta chug a water. - food tester, but
- You can help. - I can help.
- You have flour? Ooh! - Ooh!
- No flour in my chicken cutlets, who does flour?
- I usually do flour, so the egg sticks.
- Did he just make that up? - I think he did.
- I'm a scientician, so.
- A who? - A scientician.
- Mm-hmm. - Okay, whatever.
Okay, dip it in the egg, then the bread crumbs.
Okay, here we go.
How's the gravy doin', Joey?
- It's looking good, it's foaming on top.
- The next cutlet that is done, I'll just put it right here.
- Okay, this one we're gonna give to you.
- Give that one to Mike.
- Put that all in here like that.
- Yep, that's good,
yes. - You have to come over one
Sunday, you'd die. - Again?
- Talk about a cheat day.
- I know. - Oh, my God.
- That's why I'm so fat. - That's a cheat d--
Oh, you're gonna blame me? - Yeah.
- Today, I wanted to teach Nicole how to make my sauce.
I mean, you never know, I might drop dead tomorrow so,
- No. - God forbid!
Can I have your house?
- No. - Can I have that top one?
- What's that say?
(Joey squawking)
- Don't scare my mother in law.
- So, now that we're done with the chicken cutlets,
you're gonna put tomato sauce down first.
- I should wear a bonnet. - A bonnet?
- We don't work in a soup kitchen.
- Okay, put a nice layer of chicken.
- That's good. - That's good.
- [Janise] Another layer of sauce.
- [Joey] Rinse it out?
- Yes, and some
parmesan cheese. - Parmesan?
- And then we'll pop this in the oven
while we're making the meatballs.
- You guys, I made this.
You're welcome.
So, now I'm gonna teach you how to make meatballs.
I always use beef, pork, and veal.
Okay, so you're gonna put two eggs in.
Some garlic, - Parsley?
- parsley, - May I, could I?
- Yes, you can.
- This enough? - That's perfect.
- Parmesan cheese. - Do you put any bread crumbs?
- I don't use bread crumbs, Joey.
I use wet bread, I normally save
some day old bread. - Oh, wow.
And I put it in very hot water, and squeeze.
- I've done milk before, but the water's--
- This isn't your show.
- Okay, so I do use wet bread crumb.
Okay, - Get in there.
- Get in there! - Get in there!
- I prefer to-- - Sitch, do you wanna do it?
- Come on Sitch, you're here,
so let's go. - Come on.
- [Mike] Should I just dive in?
- Just dive in, go for it.
Mike, you gotta really--
- I'm in there. - Okay, very good.
Alright, good, thank you.
Okay, so what we're gonna do, make some balls.
- Ooh, look at the shape of those meatballs.
I'll be honest with you, I just walked over here, okay.
Someone has some nice perfumes on.
- Oh, it's me, thank you. - Oh, it's probably Janise
- She's wearing Snooki. - I am not.
- Oh, you switched perfumes? - Sorry,
it's not all about you. - Oh, my God.
You know what, you're never coming to my cooking show again.
(Janise laughing)
Okay, so the meatballs look like they're done now.
So, now we're just gonna drop them into the sauce.
- Got it. - And the sauce could cook
about an hour and a half,
two hours. - 'Cause these'll soften up,
and get nice and juicy. - Yep, yep.
- Now, we're gonna let this simmer on a low, right?
- A low. - This isn't your show.
- I grew up on this exact meal - Yep.
- almost every Sunday
with my family. - Every Sunday,
right? Okay. - Amen.
- Give it a little taste,
I'll take a little dip too, I'll taste it, see how it is.
- Mmm! - I'll be honest I feel
a little left out. - Get in there!
- What about us? - Pass the bread.
- Can he do two more? - Okay Joey, can you hand me
the pasta please? - Yes, Ma'am.
- And I need some
parmesan cheese. - The ladle?
- It's happening.
- [Mike] This is what I like, put it right in the center.
- Right in the center,
okay so this is the pasta.
- Yas, Momma! - Yas, Queen!
- Oh, yes that looks good.
- [Janise] Chicken parm?
- Oh, my God this looks bubbly, and delish.
- Yas, I did it.
- [Joey] Right here?
- Yep, this is our chicken parm
and this is our Sunday dinner.
This is our Sunday feast. - [Mike] Wow.
- [Janise] So everybody grab a plate, and dig in.
- Mmm! You guys, sorry, we are involved right now.
This is so delicious, - Yeah.
it's like therapy for everyone.
- Mm. - Yes.
- So a toast to my mother in law for coming today,
we love you. - Thank you.
- You're amazing, - Thank you.
- and you're the best cook I know.
- [Everyone] Cheers!
- Cheers, thank you Janise. - Thank you.
(funky, upbeat music)
- Thanks everyone for watching.
Come join us next week, hopefully I'll make something
even more special.
The violinist (Full Documentary) - Duration: 47:26.
My name is Stravensky Débrosse.
I was born in Haiti on February 4, 1990.
I am from an humble family, without much resources.
I came here after the 2010 earthquake..
Before the earthquake I already knew the country was plagued with instability and problems..
I crossed the border and I went to university.
I've never thought of coming here in Dominican Republic...
Because I've heard of the stories between both countries...
Actually I didn't know how was the situation.
Actually I came here in Dominican Republic to study business management.
My story with the violin is kind of sad.
As a kid I already dreamed about it.
To study music.
I went to a school in Haiti where they teach that.
But I did not get to play violin.
There they see all this as very luxurious.
My family didn't think that I could make a career of it.
When I used to watch the orchestras on TV...
I would see myself in the orchestra. To me, that's where I would fit.
I thought it was a dream I would never be able to achieve.
I thought I was already too old.
To cover some expenses I had to find a job.
With my salary I tried to save some money.
I was able to save 100 dollars.
And I decided to buy a violin.
- Keep the bow at the center.
No... Here, above this point.
- Look at my forearm!
I took classes during 3 years with Don Frank.
He's a good teacher. He's an amazing person with a great heart.
- Your C is a bit low! Look!
- C sharp!
- No. Do it again!
- Two and three!
- One, two and three!
There I started to meet other kids, other people.
Having new friends.
- It starts and ends with the same note.
- You must do it like this. Look! - The trill must be played with the center of the bow.
- You must do it like this.
- The center of the bow.
- Water!
- Sweetheart how are you? Did you get there?
Why near the park?
I was sweating a lot. I had to take a shower.
I called and I asked to wait for me.
- Relax your hand...
Now like this...
Again like this... Like this!
Now pick the bow with this hand.
Like this!
When I started to give classes at the Cultural Center...
I did it first to help master Frank.
It was not very easy.
I'm someone, even when you reject me...
When yo try to share peace, love with others...
Even when they hurt you you want to move on.
Yes there were parents at the Cultural Center...
...who looked at me up and down...
...and said: "What about this Haitian? What the hell is he doing here?"
Some children too told me.
They told me what their older brother was saying when they had been unruly...
That the Haitian would come to eat them, kidnap them or kill them. Something like that.
Children would say that.
It's something cultural. Some people grow up like this.
Some people have what we could call a conditioned racism.
Sometimes you ask them: "Why hate a Haitian?"
They answer: "Because he's Haitian!"
They don't have any valid, strong reason to explain you why.
- It's because you did not get used to that...
When you do it, you do it like this.
- You raise the first finger.
- Let's do it slowly.
There must be only one point of contact.
The bow mustn't move like this.
I know you won't be able to do it the first time.
What you gonna do, you're going to work home.
This whole part...
- Three and one!
Santiago is a nice city.
People are different and one feels safer.
Like we use to say, it's like being in the countryside.
But with all the facilities of a big city.
I have friends here, students at the university.
I know drivers from the public transportation.
So even when there are these expulsions...
I'm not too afraid.
But I do know it may affects me anytime.
If there is a problem between both countries.
- Once again!
- Well. No problem? So far so good.
- I'm in front of the Cultural Center.
- Are you in the park?
- If you speak French you can also say it.
"Blanc" - "Blanc"
- How do you say? - "Blanc"
You pronounce it "blanc".
- How do you say blue? - "Bleu"
- They mispronounce the "r" in "la crema".
In Spanish I mean... They emphasize the "r".
If my mother had taken five minutes in her life to realize...
How much classical music is important for me...
I think right now I would not be there.
- What do you prefer? Classical or baroque music?
- What? - Classical or baroque?
- Both. - I prefer baroque music.
After I had started with the100 dollars instrument...
I reached a level and my teacher Don Frank told me:
"Listen, you should change your instrument. What you have is a cardboard toy."
"You must change it because there are some flavors that you need to look for in a piece..."
"You won't get them with this instrument."
I was wondering where I would find the money to buy another instrument.
I have an uncle, I call him Dad...
He's like my Dad because since I was a kid I've known him as my father.
He asked me if I could not find a violin for around 2000 dollars.
Wow! My uncle telling me that!
One day, and it will be after I play a concerto as a solist with orchestra in front of him...
I will ask him why he had given me an instrument.
There's this man, Darwin Aquino.
He's the conductor of the Juvenile National Symphonic Orchestra.
He makes auditions to know who can join the orchestra.
So after my second or third exam...
He told me that I could be part of the second violins in the orchestra.
I must go to Santo Domingo on Saturdays.
I must go every Saturday...
There are also general rehearsals...
...scheduled within the week by the conductor.
And on concert days I must go rehearse in Santo Domingo.
- Three and four!
- Sing! We do not play, we sing.
Second row!
Remember that here we sing. We do not play.
Play is not sing.
Three and four!
- Lost!
When I joined the orchestra, those musicians there in Santo Domingo...
They are people who study music...
They have teachers who teach them techniques...
Such as first sight reading... Many go to the conservatory...
I didn't know how to count silences.
I had never played with a piano.
To learn how to count.
These are techniques you get while learning music theory...
Musical reading classes... As for me, everything was new in this orchestra.
And until now, sometimes I'm lost.
But I think I improved myself.
I can read most of the sheets at first sight and it helps me.
One can go fast. One can also have the illusion of going fast.
With my former teacher everything looked fine.
And I thought I was progressing.
But I felt there were some arm positions...
Some quick tempo parts that I did not get.
And I dd not know how to resolve that. I was not making any studies, any scales...
I had reached a point where I felt stuck.
I wanted to move on but I could not...
Because my body would not allow it.
Now my teacher is a Korean woman.
She made me go back a little bit.
She told me I could play.
But there are techniques, when you don't master them...
Music pieces become difficult.
For me, music is everything.
I don't feel well without classical music.
I wish I had already finished university.
So that I could play 24/7.
Practice violin... If I must go play, I go play.
I come back, I practice again.
I go to sleep, I wake up early, I pick up my violin, I practice...
This is how I want to live.
Over there in Haiti...
What a young guy can see...
Is the prostitutes...
For a young Haitian, all Dominican women are prostitutes.
And all men are thieves.
These are stereotypes that we must try to change.
As well on this side of the island...
People think that Haitians are bad persons...
That they only believe in black magic. That when one of their peers die, they have a party.
That when a baby is born they start to cry as if it was a wake.
These are things I've never seen over there!
People need to change. Yet we are in 2015.
And I hear Haitians and Dominicans speak about a war on the island!
People don't realize that a war is something very hard, very cruel.
During a war, innocents die!
Children lose their legs! Children die!
Sometimes whole families!
Some people say: "Damn Haitians" ! "Damn Dominicans" !
Even me sometimes in the street...
They insult me.
They tell me: "Go back to your crappy country" !
President Fernandez built you a university...
All this because in my country too politicians are irresponsible.
I'm gonna give you an example.
I don't say that what I do here in Dominican Republic is a super work.
However staff members from my consulate here don't know me.
I don't say that they should know me.
But at least the money I spend to go to the capital to rehearse...
They could reason: "This guy is doing his best to represent us" !
"He does something different, he changes our image and he does it alone" !
However these people from the consulate, they don't know me.
And if they heard about me, they don't care!
Because at the end, what really matter is their money and their little business.
But I will keep doing what I do.
My dream... I don't know if at some point i will fail.
But I'd rather fail with music...
Instead of having success, fame...
In a profession that I'd have done like this, without love.
This is why there are so many bad doctors...
So many managers who steal...
Because they learned these careers without achieving their dreams.
They didn't have the guts to at least try...
They are cowards because as for me...
I failed many times.
But I did try. Sometimes I'm depressed.
I'd rather fail with my studies.
Although my family could say: "See, we had told you" !
" But you didn't want to know" !
Better fail and know that at least one day...
My victory even though I'd never play again...
For some reason. But I would know that at least once in my life...
I did play the concerto in A minor. I did not play it perfectly.
But at least I tried. And I tried for an audience.
And the audience applauded.
And they were happy!
Saro - Please (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:44.
[Intro] Sleeping off the side effects again
I, I double the intake I like you that way
And it's not the best look to be so thirsty like
But it's all for you Can I be enough?
[Chorus] Please let me be the promise that you keep
Offering my soul for something real A sacrifice to feel
Please let me be the weakness in your knees Part me from my heart, my fate is sealed
A sacrifice so I can feel
[Verse 1] Seems you've lost your train of thought again
Don't call me a mistake, don't throw me away
Lies suited you so well Maybe our time is up, maybe I'm not enough
To give him a reason to know when to leave him
[Chorus] Please let me be the promise that you keep
Offering my soul for something real A sacrifice to feel
Please let me be the weakness in your knees Part me from my heart, my fate is sealed
A sacrifice so I can feel
[Verse 2] Stop come no closer, so I won't cry
Should have known I'd never mean anything to you
I can see through your disguise
[Chorus] Please let me be the promise that you keep
Offering my soul for something real A sacrifice to feel
Please let me be the weakness in your knees Part me from my heart, my fate is sealed
A sacrifice so I can feel
Actors Discuss How Far They Went When Playing Real-Life Icons | THR News - Duration: 5:05.
"I'm happy to be talking to a true white American."
"God bless white America."
For an actor, portraying a real life person can be the greatest challenge - if it's a well
known public figure, audiences will have very specific ideas of how that person should be
portrayed and if it's a less familiar figure, the actor is faced with the task of telling another
person's story - perhaps with less information to draw from. 'The Hollywood Reporter'
spoke to 14 actors about how they brought their characters to life, from the physical
transformations to the emotional work of getting to know the real people they'd be
playing. Here, we take a look at 5 of their stories.
"You're a bunch of boys making models out of balsa wood!
You don't have anything under control!"
To prepare for playing the role of Neil Armstrong's first wife, Janet, in Damien Chazelle's
astronaut biopic 'First Man,' Foy began by reading the book upon which the film is based:
James Hansen's 'First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong.' The Golden Globe winner also
spoke with loved ones who knew Janet who passed away in June.
The actress says she discovered that her character was "the force that drove the family
engine" and someone who deserved to have her story told. Says Foy,
"I think about men. I don't know why. I'm so sorry."
'Boy Erased' tells the true story of a boy whose parents send him to a gay conversion
camp with Lucas Hedges playing Jared. The film is based on Garrard Conley's 2016
memoir of the same name and Hedges reveals that he felt as though his character was a
combination of Garrard and himself.
For the film, which also stars Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe, Hedges says he did feel
a sense of responsibility to get Garrard's story right, and he says he was able to do that
in part because he connected to the character's need to please those closest to him.
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen."
In Queen biopic 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' Rami Malek took on the task of bringing the
incomparable Freddie Mercury back to life - and did so to critical acclaim. "I knew
there was more to Freddie Mercury than a man who holds an audience in the palm of
his hand," says Malek. The 'Mr. Robot' star began by researching the beginning of
the singer's life — starting with Mercury's mother.
Malek also took piano and singing lessons and worked with a movement coach to learn
Mercury's signature stage style — but also to never feel restrained by it.
"I know your heart has more within it than the men who counsel you."
"You would do well to watch your words."
"I will not be scolded by my inferior."
Saoirse Ronan stepped into the shoes, and wig, of Mary Stuart the ambitious queen of
Scotland who attempts to overthrow her cousin Elizabeth I (played by Margot Robbie)
for 'Mary Queen of Scots.'
In addition to reading John Guy's book 'Queen of Scots: The True Life of Mary Stuart,'
on which the film is based, Ronan also felt that the physical transformation was key to
her performance.
For Ronan, a big part of her self-expression on screen, came from a particular headpiece.
"My mouth to God's ears, I really hate those black rats. And anyone else really that
doesn't have pure white Aryan blood running through their veins."
For 'BlacKkKlansman' - which tells the story of Ron Stallworth, the black police officer
who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan in 1979 - John David Washington pushed away
modern distractions to embody the man he calls a "true American hero." Says Washington,
The talented actor also had the benefit of having unlimited access to the real-life
And the admiration was absolutely mutual as the actor reveals to 'THR,'
To read the full list of 14 actors who have taken on the challenge of portraying real
people, head to THR.com.
For The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Lyndsey Rodrigues.
How to Sell Your House Fast | 6 Tips to Sell Your Home Quickly and for More Money | Selling a House - Duration: 6:51.
Hey there savvy home buyers and home sellers
this is Jeff O'Leary - The Village Guru
Mississauga Real Estate Broker
and in today's episode I'm going to go over
Six Tips to sell your house fast!
Now whether you're in a good market or a bad market... it really doesn't matter
all these tips are critical to get you the most money from the sale of your house
so without further adieu... let's get into it!
So as a home seller there's a lot of things about the home selling process
that you really don't have a lot of control over
the most important being the real estate market.
Listen, we can't control what interest rates are like
or how the market's doing
however as sellers we can control
a lot of things within our home
and that's what I'm going to talk about today
6 tips on how to sell your house quickly
and for the most money.
So starting off with #1 - Get yourself Organized.
If I'm selling my house, the first thing I'm going to do
is start to pare down what I have in my house
because let's face it we all have a lot of 'stuff'
and the longer we've lived in the house
the more 'stuff' we have.
What I'd recommend is going through room by room
and finding things that you don't use.
If you haven't used it for over a year
then get it in a storage
sell it, or give it away
basically on any normal house you're going
to have to cut down about 50% of the 'stuff' you have
you're there to live sparsely
and show off your house to buyers.
So make sure to get organized and decluttered.
One tip that I do
is when we come up with a plan
we put sticky notes in all the rooms
with notes on what you need to do in that room.
Also make sure to label any boxes
put them all in one spot
and slowly but surely you're going to get organized.
Now I do recommend for organization
you start this process early.
If you want to sell a house next week and you haven't even started
it's going to be crazy, if you can get it done at all
so if you know you're moving
start this process well in advance
pick one weekend focus on closets
maybe pick a weekend to do the garage
over a couple of months you'll realize
slow and steady wins the race
and it's not that stressful.
So number 1 - get organized!
Tip #2 - Make Repairs!
Guys, if you've lived in a house for a long time
we all know the little things that we haven't got to
that need to be repaired
maybe you have a leaky faucet or a cracked tile
maybe some nicks in the walls
buyers are super picky
take this time now to go through the home
and fix up everything that needs repair.
If you need some help hire a handyman.
Overall, buyers make decisions emotionally
so when they see things that need work
in their head they're thinking,
"well if that needs work what else needs to be done"
so don't leave any thought or questions to the buyers
fix everything and get it in tip-top shape!
Tip #3 - Get a Pre-Inspection.
This happens when you hire the home inspector yourself
they come through and do a report for you
and identify any issues with the home.
I always say it's better to find out ahead of time
than to find out when the buyer does their home inspection
and you have no leverage in the situation.
See in a slower or balanced market
almost always, buyers are going buy your house
with condition on home inspection.
Now when they go through the home and they don't like something
they're gonna come back to you and either ask you to fix it,
or give them money
or even worse, they may walk away from the deal.
Now the problem is other buyers and their agents
are going see that the house was sold
and then the deal fell through
it's just not a good situation to be in
it's better once you sell that home
to finish the deal and move on with your life.
So when a home inspector goes through
you have a couple of choices
Number one, you could go through and fix all the problems
and be confident that your house is in tip-top shape
or you can price it accordingly.
So if you know that the furnace, the air conditioner and the roof
the roof they're all going need to go in five years
maybe you reduce the price just a bit and you let the buyers know that
"Hey, we know about this and the house is priced accordingly."
Whatever it is, having that knowledge ahead of time
is going to put you in the driver's seat when it
when it comes to negotiation.
Step #4 - Get your house Home Staged!
I can't emphasize it enough
home staging works
on average houses sell from 3-5% more than non-staged houses
and on top of it they sell way faster
which means less stress to you.
Now I always offer home staging
as part of my services to my seller clients
and I think it's really important
because it's good to have a second opinion when looking at your home.
Listen, I know there's a lot of you out there that have great-looking houses
and you're good at decorating and you like to do it
but this is not the time.
In fact, decorate your new house
but have a second opinion
because they're going to look at the house in a different light
more like how buyers are going to see it.
Now with home staging
it's really all about making your house
look as big as possible and as bright as possible
and focusing buyers attention on the positive aspects of your home
while at the same time kind of de-emphasizing
the negatives, which every home has.
All I can say is get home staging and do it
and on top of it
do it first thing
have the Home Staging consult ahead of time
that way you have a few weeks to work on it
and get the house prepared for sale.
Step #5 to sell your house quickly
get top-notch professional photography.
I can't emphasize enough... that home buyers
99% of them are online looking at houses.
A lot of buyers I work with they won't even see an ugly house
or a house with bad photos
even if I know the house is nice on the inside
even if I know they're gonna get a deal
they're really picky.
So listen, serve it up to them
it's all about marketing guys and creating a feeling
and having professional photos and videos
gives your agent the chance to market the house
in as many avenues as possible.
Step #6
The most important tip to sell your house fast
in any market
is to price it properly.
Now a lot of people will believe that pricing their house high
and negotiating down is the best way to go
but I'm going to argue it doesn't work.
I can show you hundreds of examples
where sellers either price their house at market value
or slightly below and they create bidding wars
and they end up getting more money than they wanted.
The problem is that if you price your house too high
buyers... they're just not in the mood to negotiate.
I mean if your house is worth 700k and you're asking 770k
hoping to meet in the middle at 725k
that's not how it works.
Most agents and buyers, especially in a balanced market
will just move on and find the house that's properly priced
because let's face it, we're not haggling culture here in Canada.
People are used to paying sticker price sure they might negotiate a little bit
but the belief is if you're asking that much that's what you want
so most buyers won't even bother.
So I'm giving you the answer as to why I don't
recommend you over pricing your house.
So there you have it I hope you enjoyed my
six tips on selling your house in any market as fast as possible.
If you like this video give it a thumbs up
subscribe to my channel and share it with your friends.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you soon!
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F/GO Christmas Event- Main Quest (3rd Night): We are Middle Schoolers - Duration: 12:10.
Alright, guys, welcome to another F/GO video!
So I just realized something today:
I CAN reset the lottery lineup in the exchange.
Stupid me...
So as you guys can see, I already cleared two of the lineups
because, apparently, all I need is to get the Doll
for the reset button to appear.
So my goal is to get the Doll and the Log Breads and then reset the lineup.
I didn't realized until today when I cleared two of lottery.
Also, the last free quest is released.
It is the Miracle Stocking Node,
meaning the Stocking rate will increase per drops,
which is good.
But anyway, le's dig into night three, shall we?
Dang, that's sad...
I wouldn't want a book for Christmas, either.
Unless it is a comic book or a manga, then it is acceptable :)
I think Jeanne is a little bit harsh on the Christmas presents...
This might be overkilling...
No need for Hyde to show up this time ;)
That was wierd...
F/GO becomes Power Ranger all of the sudden...
Japan and their superheroes...
Let's do the lottery!
Whoa! First try!
Sorry for doing this too fast, y'all,
but I hope you guys can see that I just got my Doll in the first try!
Anyway, thank you for watching!
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel for more F/GO contents.
What an awkward way to end the video, now I think about it...
But anyway, Merry Early Christmas!
And I will see you in the next video!!!
Skyscrapers, Statics, and Dynamics: Crash Course Engineering #26 - Duration: 10:10.
After years of hard work as a student of engineering, you've landed a role as an engineer in a big company.
Your new job even gives you a fancy office in a skyscraper. It's a sweet deal!
Until one day, a terrible storm hits the city.
That doesn't bother you too much at first; a bit of wind doesn't seem like a big deal when you're in an office.
But as you're working at your desk, you notice the entire skyscraper begins to sway in the wind.
In fact, the building tilts so much, your pencil rolls right off your desk and the view outside your window starts to angle toward the sky.
In 1978, the Citicorp building in Manhattan came dangerously close to that scenario.
If a powerful enough storm had happened before anyone realized, key parts of the structure could have failed.
And all because the engineers who designed it didn't account for how all the forces acting on the structure could affect its stability.
But by considering those forces and how to counteract them, an industrious team of engineers managed to save the Citicorp building before any disasters happened.
[Theme Music]
A force, as you'll recall, is any interaction with an object that, if unopposed, would cause it to accelerate, or change its momentum.
Like, with the skyscraper, you don't want forces like the wind seriously deforming the structures you build or even causing them to collapse entirely.
So it's important to design things to be able to withstand the forces they may encounter.
When the Citicorp tower was first built, it had a slightly unusual structure to accommodate a church on the corner of the block it was built on.
The whole building was raised on nine-story-high stilts, but because of the church, the stilts needed to be in the middle of each side rather than in the corners.
Which meant quartering winds, which blow diagonally to the faces of a building rather than straight on, became a problem.
Ordinarily, these winds aren't a huge issue since they blow past the structure without applying much force to it.
Unfortunately, having those columns on the building's sides made it more vulnerable to quartering winds than the engineers originally thought!
And they didn't notice until after the building had been built,
when a student writing a paper on the Citicorp building realized there was a problem and brought it to the attention of the lead structural engineer.
Essentially, they'd made a critical mistake when they calculated the building's statics and dynamics.
Both of these are branches of mechanics, a field that considers how forces affect a structure's behavior.
Statics, as the name implies, is about what happens to objects that don't accelerate when a force is applied.
All the forces acting on the object balance out, keeping it rigid – it doesn't rotate or move from its original position.
When this happens, we'd say the object is in static equilibrium with its environment.
Dynamics on the other hand, deals with what happens when the various forces don't cancel out.
If the structure isn't held in place by friction or attached to its surroundings some other way, a large enough force will cause it to move, rotate, or deform.
That's when dynamics comes into play, and you'd have to consider the object's motion.
The good news about that is that the same basic idea governs both statics and dynamics:
Newton's second law of motion, which says that the force acting on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration.
But an object like a building or bridge is made of many connecting parts.
If the mass is distributed throughout the structure, a force applied at one part of that structure won't affect the entire thing in the same way.
It's also important to note that Newton's second law assumes the force acts in a given direction.
So in reality, it's not quite as simple as "F" equals "m" "a".
Instead, you have to consider the direction the force is applied in, which also determines the direction of the acceleration.
Quantities that have both a magnitude and direction are called vectors, and you have to take the direction into account when you add them together.
Both the "F" and "a" in Newton's second law are really vectors.
To know the final motion or overall force acting on a structure, you need to add all the forces acting in different directions on each part of it.
That might sound like a lot to consider, but there's a clever way to keep track of all of it.
As we've mentioned, in statics, we're looking at a situation where all the forces are balanced to zero – static equilibrium.
These calculations are important for making sure your structure is never on the verge of failure.
Objects can only handle a certain amount of stress before they deform or break.
Statics helps you work out the force that parts of the structure are experiencing under a load.
Since by definition, all the forces on the structure have to cancel out to zero,
if you know some of the forces acting on it, you can usually figure out the others.
To make sense of all this, engineers use what's called a free body diagram – a sketch of the structure and all the known forces acting on it.
Consider, for example, a bridge.
The material the bridge is made of contributes to its weight.
Rather than show the force of gravity acting on all the little bits of the bridge,
you can average all the contributions of its mass and draw a single force on the diagram acting on what's called the center of mass.
Now, say there was a goat trying to cross the bridge, maybe to get to some greener grass on a hillside.
Luckily for the goat, there's no troll blocking its way.
Since the bridge is in equilibrium and both the goat's weight and the bridge's own weight are pulling it down,
there must be some force counteracting this to stop the bridge from dropping into the river.
In this case, you would use static equilibrium to calculate the force each of the supports have to apply to the bridge to hold it up.
The details require a bit of math and careful thinking.
But the basic idea is, if you add the contributions of all the forces in each direction,
being careful to give opposing forces different signs in your equations, everything should balance out to zero.
So at a glance, you already know that the sum of all the forces acting upward, from the supports of the bridge, has to cancel out the downward forces of the weights.
The full treatment would require a bit more work, of course.
If it was a suspension bridge, the weight of the bridge and the goat would be counteracted by the vertical component of the tension in the cables.
If those cables can only handle a certain amount of tension before breaking,
a free body diagram could help you work out the total weight the bridge could handle before the cables snap.
It's also important to consider the torque – any force that could cause a rotation of an object around a point.
It's also sometimes called a moment.
Torque is usually a factor when part of a structure is fixed to some point, about which it's free to rotate, called a pivot.
If you've ever been to a playground, you might have seen torques in action on a seesaw.
Let's say there are two twins with the same weight, Parvati and Padma.
Both twins sit on a seesaw, one and a half meters away from the pivot.
They both weigh six hundred newtons – the equivalent of about 61 kilograms of mass being pulled down by gravity.
They're exerting torque because on their own, each twin would cause the seesaw to rotate.
The torque comes from the force of the twin's weight pushing down on the seesaw, perpendicular to the line connecting the seat to the pivot.
The heavier the twin, the more force they'll exert and the stronger the torque will be.
Their distance from the pivot matters too.
If Parvati moved closer, she'd exert less torque than Padma and the seesaw would swing her upward.
Those are the two ingredients you need for calculating torques –
the force perpendicular to a line connecting to the pivot, and the distance from the force to the pivot.
Multiply those together, and you get torque, which is measured in units of Newton-meters since you're multiplying a force by a distance.
As with forces, in a statics scenario – like the twins balanced on the seesaw – you can use the fact that everything balances out to zero to help you.
If you add up the torques, defining either clockwise or counterclockwise as the positive torque direction, they'll equal zero.
In this case, Parvati and Padma each create torques of nine hundred Newton-meters in opposite directions, which cancel out.
Of course, if Padma swaps places with a heavier friend of hers, the torques will no longer add up to zero.
If the seesaw was long enough, she could balance out the torque generated by her heavier friend by sitting further away from the pivot.
But if they're sitting the same distance away on opposite sides, we have a dynamics problem, rather than statics.
By adding up torques or forces, we could work out the total torque and Parvati's change in angular momentum – or the momentum of her rotation – as she begins to swing upward.
So dynamics describes when the net force or torques on the system don't cancel out.
That was the problem for the Citicorp building – the force of the wind had a significant chance of overwhelming it.
Big skyscrapers ordinarily resist the wind through a system of braces inside the building's structure.
As we've seen for the other engineering materials, the braces can withstand a certain amount of stress before they begin to undergo failure.
In the case of the Citicorp building, the student's discovery prompted the lead structural engineer to consider the quartering winds.
He realized that the positioning of the building's support columns meant the total wind force on the braces would be way more than they'd planned for.
By looking at how the force of weight was distributed throughout the building and calculating how quartering winds would distribute a force to the braces,
he found that some of the braces would encounter a tension of 160% more than they'd previously calculated!
It would only take a once-in-16-year storm for the braces to fail!
Thankfully, he and a team of engineers worked through the full mechanics of the situation
and realized that they could reinforce the braces by welding 5-centimeter-thick steel plates throughout the structure.
To get the job done without causing too much panic to the inhabitants of the building – or alerting the media – welders worked at night, and in secret to reinforce the braces.
After a few months of welding, they transformed the Citicorp building from having a 1-in-16 chance of failure in any given year, to one of the safest buildings ever built.
Today, it can handle pretty much anything the weather throws at it.
In this episode, we looked at statics and dynamics, and what they mean for the structures we design.
We explored the idea of static equilibrium, forces, and torques, and how free-body diagrams can help us make sense of it all.
In our next episode, we switch from looking at the math engineers use to solve problems,
to the decisions they have to make to acknowledge and admit problems in the first place.
Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios.
To learn more about physics in the real world, check out Physics Girl.
Dianna Cowern demonstrates the physics behind puzzling phenomenon and everyday mysteries.
Check out Physics Girl and subscribe at the link below.
Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.
And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.
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