Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about how to improve heaviness of ear back side.
This time also is bone rubbing self movement. Aiming point is place that you are feeling pain.
At first,check head condition. Please check how pain come out by do pinch the ear. That time,pinch lengthwise the ear.
If you pinch sideways the ear,you feel self ear softly. But in that method is can't check stiffness. Please pinch the ear lengthwise strongly.
Case of me,i feel the strong painful into ear center. Opposite side ear is stiff overall. I remove glasses to explain easily.
Maybe you are pushing place that feel heaviness already. And you were doing self massage. But in that method is can't to soften ear back side.
I recommend to keep that state and move more the neck. That neck movement is to face up. Self care effect increase in only add this movement.
I said about this self care to one customer. 「This soften method is you can with self」 「But case of me,can not do like same by painful!」 This is hard problem a little.
If you have self massage habit,please add this self care. Push in finger second joint of fist into place that moved three fingers from ear. Please use finger bone sharp point.
Move neck in that state. Maybe you feel so strong pain. I also same. I also have many stiff muscle yet.
After few minute,check ear stiffness again. Maybe you pinch easily self ear more than last time. Then thickness,stiffness,etc is improved.
Of course,neck movement improve also. To check every time is very important. Your back head become soft semi permanently by do this self care.
Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
For more infomation >> How to improve heaviness of ear back side. bone rubbing self movement - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
[福音讀給你聽 #8]使內心合神心意 - Duration: 2:39.
SsangYong Actyon Sports A 200 Xdi s Limited Edition Pick-UP 4x4 SUPERDIK ! - Duration: 1:13.
Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse 63 S AMG 4MATIC+ - Duration: 1:08.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 E-Tron PHEV S-LINE S-tronic ,Panodak, Navi, Xenon, Hleer - Duration: 1:11.
MINI Clubman Cooper S 184pk Aut. Bond Street - Duration: 1:13.
(Fluid270) Do you know that when the color is not enough? - Duration: 9:29.
"Jacques Chirac est immobile, seul au monde" - Duration: 3:07.
La déclaration de patrimoine de Jean-Luc Mélenchon - Duration: 6:11.
Comment MAXIMISER Une Formation - Duration: 56:47.
Kia cee'd SW 1.6 GDI 20TH ANNIVERSARY - GARANTIE 2020 - Duration: 1:08.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI DESIGN EDITION | Clima | 16'' LM Velgen | Navi | Camera | Cruise | - Duration: 1:07.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI DESIGN EDITION | Clima | 16'' LM Velgen | Navi | Camera | Cruise | - Duration: 1:11.
Toyota GT86 2.0 D-4S Supercharger +85 PK Totaal 265 PK! JBL, Navi, UNIEKE AUTO! - Duration: 1:06.
"Jacques Chirac est immobile, seul au monde" - Duration: 3:07.
TakeTwo Interactive is a Great Stock to Buy in a Market Crash - Duration: 4:24.
David Gardner: Stock No. 2, I just mentioned it.
I do think Take-Two Interactive had a short attack at some point a few years ago.
You could check my math.
The ticker symbol for Take-Two Interactive is TTWO.
This could sound a little confusing. We had 2U, then we had Take-Two.
Take-Two Interactive, though, is a completely different company from 2U.
Take-Two Interactive is one of the best video game companies our time.
The Houser brothers behind Rockstar Games of Grand Theft Auto fame.
Red Dead Redemption 2, which is an outstanding video game, one of the greatest, in my experience,
of all time up to this point, just came out this fall.
That comes from Take-Two Interactive. Where has the stock been recently?
It hit a high of $138 a share on the final day of September, 9-28.
It went from $138 to where it is today, $108.
That's a decline of 22% for a company that really literally did release one of the best
products in its industry of all time. I love this company.
I first recommended it in September of 2007 at $17.
Then I added another recommendation three months later.
It was at $19 at that point.
It's gone from $17 to $19 to where it is today, as I mentioned, around $108.
So, yep, it's been a big-time winner for Motley Fool Rule Breakers, a six-bagger twice over.
I should also mention on a side note that I also re-recommended it in November of 2015,
three years ago this month.
A lot of people at the time were probably thinking, "Well, hold on, now.
You already recommend this stock eight years before. It's already more than doubled.
Why would you re-recommend it again?"
Well, from that $35.62 cents, I'm happy to say it's tripled in just those three years.
I'll say a little bit more about this company in a second.
This is a reminder, as a fellow stock market investor, you and me, that since winners win,
we should be looking to add to our winners.
I'm never afraid to take a stock, buy it at one price, watch it go up some
and then buy it again, and watch it go up a lot more, and years later, buy it again.
Take-Two Interactive, and how we've treated it at Motley Fool Rule Breakers, is a great example.
What are two things that I like about Take-Two Interactive?
Well, the first one is, if you've listened to this podcast for a while, you know that I love games.
I certainly love video games in addition to all my tabletop, board, and card games.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is something that I really love.
I've already spent hours just in the last few weeks playing the game. I love it.
I highly recommend it. It's a Western.
It takes you back to the end of the Old West, just as we're transitioning into the 20th century.
You're going to be playing a principal cowboy in a gang that's a bunch of ne'er do wells,
but they're trying to come to grips with the world changing around them.
It's a cinematic video game. It's beautiful, especially on my Xbox One X. It's stunning in 4k.
But also, I want to play up the writing of it.
It's written like some of the best movie scripts or some of the best exchanges you've ever
seen on the big screen.
You're going to see that kind of level of quality, because that's how Rockstar does
it in this video game. I highly recommend the game.
It's a great reason to like the stock.
Now, the company's much bigger than any single product, so let's not get carried away.
Red Dead will definitely pump up the numbers, I predict, in the next earnings report.
But this is not a one-trick pony -- talking about horses out west.
This is a company that has a lot of different excellent products.
The second thing that I like about this is that I think there's a chance that Take-Two Interactive
could end up being bought out in the future. I'm not invested for that reason.
I might have thought that in 2007 when I first recommended it.
Here we are, 11 years later, the company remains independent.
I love it when my companies remain independent.
I still wish Marvel, one of my favorite stock picks of one generation ago, hadn't been bought by Disney.
I can only imagine how well we would have done as Marvel shareholders.
But you do get paid a premium when another bigger fish comes along and eats your smaller fish.
That seems like it's implicit in a stock like this.
It could certainly happen, although I would be rooting against it.
There's stock No. 2, Take-Two Interactive, TTWO.
7 Awesome Video Games Nobody Played - Duration: 4:39.
It's sad but true: there are plenty of great games that didn't sell well.
Let's pour one out for these awesome games that flopped hard.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning should've done well.
Fantasy writer R.A.
Salvatore created the story, and Todd McFarlane provided the art direction.
In all, Amalur featured a huge world with over 200 hours of quests.
Unfortunately, those 200 hours went unplayed.
The game only sold 1.2 million copies after three months.
That might sound good, but it was considered a failure since Amalur needed to sell 3 million
to break even.
Soon after, developer 38 Studios filed for bankruptcy, killing any chance at a follow-up.
EarthBound is a legend among Nintendo fans...but most people didn't actually play it when it
was released in the '90s.
Known in Japan as Mother 2, the game only sold about 140,000 units in the United States,
about half of what it sold in Japan in 1994.
Some think its graphics were the problem, since they were pretty simplistic.
Others blame its low sales on bad marketing:
Either way, modern gamers came to appreciate the weirdness of EarthBound and the franchise
got a Japanese sequel in 2006, a Virtual Console port in 2013, and of course, it was also included
on the SNES Classic.
Beyond Good & Evil
Beyond Good & Evil is a cult classic.
It earned great reviews and was critically acclaimed for its visuals, storytelling, and
But it suffered poor sales during its 2003 release.
Some think it was because it was overshadowed by big titles released the same year, like
the original Call of Duty or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
A remastered HD version was released in 2011 for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live
Meanwhile, even though a sequel was announced back in 2008, ten years later, the game has
yet to materialize beyond trailers.
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the Nintendo DS featured a top-down adventure that hearkened
back to the GTA games of old, allowing players to cause mayhem with the Triads of Liberty
Despite being part of one of the most successful franchises in gaming, Chinatown Wars sold
under 90,000 units in its first two weeks in America, making it a commercial dud despite
being amazing.
Maybe it was the fact that the DS was thought to be too kid-friendly.
But really, the Grand Theft Auto series is anything but.
Jet Grind Radio
If you had a Sega Dreamcast, you probably played Jet Grind Radio.
Too bad most people didn't have a Sega Dreamcast.
The game let players rollerblade through the city while performing tricks and spraying
graffiti tags on as many surfaces as possible.
Despite its low sales, Jet Grind Radio spawned a sequel and a few HD remakes.
At the very least, the Dreamcast classic managed to tag the hearts of players around the world.
Valkyria Chronicles
There are few games as pretty and as addictive as Valkyria Chronicles for the PlayStation
This strategy role-playing game had great visuals, memorable characters, and a wartime
backdrop that hooked players.
Its sketchbook-style aesthetic brought a classic, old-world feel to the game, which was loosely
based on pre-World War II Europe.
Despite its positive reviews, Valkyria Chronicles didn't have stellar sales numbers.
It saw a sales boost after a price cut, but it was never considered a commercial success.
Luckily, its PC port sold very well on Steam, moving about 650,000 copies within its first
five months.
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
The first Max Payne game was enough of a hit to warrant a sequel, and the second installment
earned great reviews.
But whatever the reason, Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne sold terribly.
It might as well have been called Max Payne 2: The Fall of Take-Two Interactive's Earning
The poor performance at retail might have made the process of getting Max Payne 3 greenlit
that much harder.
Fortunately, the third game in the series managed to right the ship, selling four million
copies in its first year.
That's almost enough to forget about the Max Payne movie starring Mark Wahlberg.
Black Friday Haul 2018 - The Deals I Found and The Deals You Can Haul Through Christmas 2018. - Duration: 5:48.
I can't figure out why people need a damn new TV every Black Friday I mean
how many damn TVs you need in your house I'm in the rooms you got you got a TV
for the bathroom the closet the kitchen everywhere you go there's a TV now we're
going to talk about how some people March stuff up and i'ma show you guys
the great deals I found on Black Friday that really work good deals in this
in time you will know what it's like to lose to feel so desperately better right
but to fail
read it
what's good you two you're in the building with the all-knowing all-loving
Oh feeling I'm seeing all-powerful just damn all everything does sex is hell
host of this life games channel we're bringing you your life games and really
understanding how to get good Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and not
let the stores take advantage of you but first y'all know we got to put on the
plus seven glasses of the sexy as hell work on skilling up our craft giving you
a better YouTube it's paying something better to look at sponsors for my video
ipvanish if you want to keep your web stream and anonymous grab that's in the
video description link and the Robin Hood app start investing and stops
paving the way for your future that's in the link as well and go subscribe to the
life game Fitness channel it isn't a link also so I got a lot of stuff on
Black Friday and imma show it to you but first thing I want to say is be careful
out there my people because oftentimes Black Friday is nothing but a markup and
a drop down of things that stores put on sale what I'm saying is now March stuff
up prior to Black Friday they'll drop it
down maybe two bucks from what it normally costs and have you thinking
you're getting the deal and another game that they play is that they'll have
something that is really a true value to get y'all in line and have y'all all
warmed up spice up you're out there making new friends with tents waiting
all night to get into a store and then when you get in there there's three
items so what are the halls that I got that were real good deals and how did I
go about doing it first of all I looked online at Amazon
other places to see what was the rates for a lot of these things and the first
thing we picked up was bang I might be getting back into the gaming if you are
on ps4 hit me up at business gamer three three six I got both of these games
Believe It or Not for $25 at Gamestop now Madden this is this newsman uses
game stays 60 bucks until the end of the year and they had a special this game is
old but I basically got it for five dollars that's a great haul
what else did I get we went to a warehouse club and for my wife I got her
a 6th generation iPad let me turn this thing on for you look at that oh and I
got the keyboard for two this is separate I got the keyboard for the iPad
keyboard with $7 and I got this my wife this iPad ladies and gentleman for 256
generation and I got that from a place called BJ's and if you check online to
see what they're selling these things online and you mentioned that to them
when you buy it in the store that often times get before the online price so
make sure you guys are doing that next thing we got because we know cell phones
and iPads need juice and they tend to run out we got these from BJ these are
ultra fast power storehouses so you charge this up at home and then when
you're on the road traveling you take it with you to keep your phone charged if
you're watching video it'll do six hours each one of these you got two for $15
great value and last but not least Amazon fire stick this is the old model
and you can get this at Amazon I got a link in my video description for this as
well $24 right now and if you want to get the new one with the fresh remote
which I highly recommend you do that that's in my link as well and right now
they're running that one for $35 that's cheaper than what this one used to be so
ladies and gentlemen that is my Black Friday haul and I don't want you guys to
be getting taken advantage of you know this channel is about making life games
making games in every area of your life with fitness finance money making money
saving money and I want you guys to be doing those things so still look around
for some deals that are left because today is Cyber Monday and see what you
can find and that's gonna do it for this video don't forget to like my video
comment and subscribe go get yourself that life game
to the next sexes hell video I'll see you
Why Teledoc is a Strong Tech Stock to Buy Now - Duration: 4:05.
David Gardner: Stock No. 3, continuing down the alphabetical list.
Stock No. 3 is Teladoc, ticker TDOC.
This is a company, a Rule Breaker, that made a high, like Take-Two Interactive,
on the final day of September. Teladoc touched $86 that day.
Here we are less than a month and a half later, it's gone from $86 to $59. It's down 31%.
And yet, the company is the same company, for the most part, that it was a month and a half ago.
The market has turned down, but not this company's fortunes.
Why is this one of our bigger winners? It's a more recent pick for us in Motley Fool Rule Breakers.
In fact, I picked it one year ago this month for the first time, November 2017.
It's up 84% over the last 12 months, versus the market up 9%. That's why it's one of our big-time winners.
And yet, it's still in its first year as a Rule Breaker stock.
Really happy to see that it's still up 84%, despite having dropped 31% in just the last six weeks.
You can see, it was already much higher.
And indeed, I think, in time, it will be much higher again, which is why I'm including it
on this five-stock sampler. What are two things that I like about Teladoc?
First of all, if you get to know the business -- feel free to click around Motley Fool Rule Breakers,
our service, if you're a member. Or, you can google Teladoc, and look over their services.
Basically, it's what it sounds like.
This is a business where you can use a telephone to contact a care professional and get help.
It turns out, you don't always have to go to your doctor's office, or even the MinuteClinic at the CVS.
Sometimes, those aren't adequate for the kind of conversation that you'd like to have.
Well, increasingly, Teladoc is getting its service in HR and benefits packages for good
companies nationwide. You might be working at a company where you have Teladoc as a benefit.
You could dial up a phone number and have a conversation about your health with somebody
who is knowing and professional. This is, to me, an obvious business.
This is a good example of something that could have always existed. Why not?
Luggage wheels. Wheels on luggage.
That really could have always been with us, all 20th century long, but for some strange reason,
it took a long time to show up.
In this case, I think it's a little harder to get regulatory clearance and really scale
a business like Teladoc.
It probably had to wait until more recently with the internet showing up and improving our lives.
I think that's a great reason for Teladoc's timing, but the company has clearly hit the
ground running, both as a public company, but for years before that as a startup.
To me, it's one of those great stocks, don't-make-you-think stocks.
That's an essay I once wrote. You can read it.
I think you can google "great stocks don't make you think David Gardner" and you can read my short essay.
Often, in my experience, if you step away from the stock market and the near-term Sturm und Drang
of "the market's up" and "the market's down" and this kind of coverage of the markets,
you just think, "The time that I'm living in, what are the really obvious, big things that matter?"
Then you step away and say, "I'm just going to buy those stocks."
Great stocks shouldn't make you think.
Great stocks shouldn't make you think should make you think too hard.
I think often, great elevator pitches, a solid 60-second pitch, should be all takes to
tell you about Amazon or Netflix back in the day.
To me, Teladoc is one of those "great stocks don't make you think" stocks.
That's one thing I like about it.
The second thing I like about Teladoc is true of all these -- how about the decline?
It's down from $86 to $59 in the matter of just some weeks.
We're never looking backward at The Motley Fool or on this podcast. We're looking ahead.
And I see sunshine in the future for this company and for you as a potential investor.
That's the reason I'm making Teladoc stock No. 3.
La déclaration de patrimoine de Jean-Luc Mélenchon - Duration: 6:11.
GM announces cuts, looks toward the future with autonomous vehicles - Duration: 4:12.
me too | mary jane watson - Duration: 1:07.
MJ: Hi.
MJ: Mary Jane Watson.
Peter: Excuse me, miss.
MJ: I'm a reporter.
Peter: Are you supposed to be here?
MJ: Well....
MJ: I....
Jefferson: So what's your angle?
MJ: ....like to get a jump on things.
MJ: I don't have one.
MJ: No.
MJ: Nevermind.
MJ: I got myself into this, I'm getting myself out.
Peter: She's good.
MJ: We're good.
MJ: Hey, Pete.
MJ: Wait!
MJ: Come on you stupid piece of....
Peter: You're lucky to be alive!
MJ: Says the guy I saved 5 minutes ago.
MJ: Let him go.
MJ: Hi.
MJ: Funny.
MJ: I've got you!
MJ: It's exactly how I pictured it.
MJ: You're up!
MJ: Go get 'em, tiger.
MJ: I mean....
MJ: What if we....
MJ: Again.
MJ: Mary Jane Watson.
MJ: Teamed up?
Peter: You wanna be my sidekick?
MJ: No, not a sidekick.
MJ: Associate editor.
MJ: A partner.
Peter: Thanks.
MJ: ....figure it out together.
Peter: Partner.
Peter: You are crazy!
George Washington High School Bond Renovations Get Thumbs Up - Duration: 2:26.
(Narrator) From one school year,
(MaryRose Cohan) "It's not the best learning environment for our students."
(Narrator) to the next.
(MaryRose) "It fits the needs of today's learners."
(Narrator) George Washington High School has seen big changes, thanks to "Focused Investments"
– part of the 572-million dollar 2016 DPS Bond.
From a revamp of the library,
(Khalid) "It's just so much better as a workspace."
(Narrator) to the women's locker rooms.
(Meredith) "We have a team room now, so it fosters that sort of community.
Our showers go over our heads, which is really exciting (laughs)!"
(Narrator) To spruced up STEM labs, improved lighting, and better windows and blinds across
campus which keep temperatures more stable.
(Henry) "There was one class, my seventh period, where I'd walk (in) and I'd just
be hit with a swamp of humidity and heat.
where I'd be hit with a swamp of humidity and heat.
And then my eighth period would be freezing cold.
But that's not quite the same this year."
(Narrator) They're projects students, educators and parents identified as major priorities
– which DPS, working with the school and a local architect, helped bring to life.
(MaryRose) "I think in general they're a morale booster."
(Narrator) We first met speech and debate teacher MaryRose Cohan in the Spring ahead
of the renovations, annnnnnd…
(MaryRose) "Like windows that are over 50 years old" "These plastic brown things
that get pulled down and stay down, they're kind of unsightly."
(Narrator) Now that the dust has settled, she's taking on a different tone.
(MaryRose) "I think it makes all of us feel like we're being supported.
And the fact that the public was willing to help us get those (renovations) really means
a lot."
(Narrator) The look and feel of GW gets a 'pretty' obvious – okay, unanimous thumbs
(Meredith) "I feel sometimes before you had to dig sort of deep to find out how cool
our community is.
But now that it looks super cool, it's really nice!"
(Narrator) More importantly, these improvements are helping students with their learning.
(Henry) "I love the study rooms.
They're absolutely incredible.
(Ross) "And I feel like now, after the renovations, the library's just a lot nicer to study
in or do some work in during an off period."
(Henry) "Being able to go in there, hunker down, type out for 2-3 hours after school
It's been amazing."
(Narrator) And it wouldn't have happened without the support of the Denver community.
(Meredith) "I'm so grateful."
(Khalid) "Yeah, I'm very grateful for this new space."
(Meredith) "It really means a lot to have community support."
(Narrator) With this update on the 2016 DPS Bond, I'm Ben McKee.
Big Hero 1 Teaser Trailer (Remake From "Thomas Goes To Bollywood") - Duration: 0:39.
Comment MAXIMISER Une Formation - Duration: 56:47.
Korean personal information, buy and sell for 10 yuan (about 1.5 dollars) in China! - Duration: 5:47.
Korean personal information, buy and sell for 10 yuan (about 1.5 dollars) in China! (Translated by google.com)
The Chinese e-commerce site says that Korean personal information is sold for only 10 yuan (about 1.5 dollars).
It includes names and resident registration numbers, portal IDs, and e-mail addresses, so you can purchase easily.
In addition to this, a service that carries out procedures for mobile phone authentication is also offered at a rate of 60 RMB (about 8 dollars) per month.
Mobile phone authentication is required when additional authentication is required or when purchasing paid items in the game.
Chinese in Korea acquires personal information from students, homeless people, debtors, etc.,
It is said that he carries out a mobile phone contract and performs an authentication procedure.
These accounts are often used for popular Korean online games such as "Lost Ark" and "Black Desert" in China too.
In China, it is very difficult for Korean games to enter, so Chinese gamers connect to Korean servers and play with this means.
Other than that, the accounts of Korean shopping sites are ordinarily selling proudly.
The Korean government has requested the Chinese government to delete or to strengthen the monitoring, but the reaction of the Chinese side is one more thing.
In Korea, we checked the security of the virtual currency exchange, which means that we found a deficiency in major places.
It is well known that Korean personal information has been traded all over the world for a long time.
In order to reduce this situation even a bit, the Korean government and industry efforts are necessary.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2BzW8Qv http://bit.ly/2BzWnen http://bit.ly/2BzWy9x http://bit.ly/2BBxoHt
Korean reaction
Korean people will be intermediate brokers. You must eliminate everyone by losing your fellowship.
The Chinese really transcend the imagination.
The Chinese government is unpublished, making Korean games impossible in their country, and the citizens do something unpublished.
Talking to him in the game of Lost Ark declares the Chinese account as suspicious if it can not do Korean properly.
If you want to play Korean games you guys should have been born in Korea. Why do you do this?
It is illegal itself to steal personal information for now.
It is okay for Korean people to sell away.
Personal information in China was sold by a cell phone store.
Other hospitals, Internet operators, car dealers, real estate agents, etc.
Is personal information not terrible when buying Chinese mobile games or Chinese brand products?
China is still earlier in money than moral consciousness.
Request personal information for shopping and insurance 1,000 won or 2,000 won coupons. It is better to stop exchanging personal information with cheap items.
People who use Xiaomi or HUAWEI as cheap will be worried.
Are not they people robbed by auction sites?
Is not there a backdoor embedded in communication equipment itself such as smartphones?
The Korean government and businesses sold to China to offer a tribute.
Voice fishing is not positively caught but the Korean crowd densely populated area is increasing more and more.
It is said that almost all Korean resident registration numbers are traded in the Chinese market. It seems that about 34 million people were robbed.
I mailed that I tried logging in China every day at dawn where my steam ID and password were also robbed.
Comment Quoted from: http://bit.ly/2BAU4aA http://bit.ly/2BB2Buo
The idea of Japanese editors
Personal information is sold in large quantities in Darknet, but it seems that it is sold proudly in a famous site in China.
It is truly China that the site management side does not regard it as a problem.
By the way it was a timely story, but I heard that my STEAM account was also logged in South Korea.
I recently registered for tools or something that can be downloaded free on STEAM,
I do not plan to use it in particular so I think I used a password to use it.
Because it is a famous combination that is circulating in Darknet, it probably could be logged in even by Korean people.
Just because famous sites do not detect logins in strange places and proceed further, the problem does not become big.
To put it clearly, the use of the password is the worst, if it is balanced in China it is taken over by the root. Attention is necessary.
We strongly recommend using a management tool that creates a complex and unique password.
It can be said that there is a problem with the Korean social system that using a resident registration number will be contracted without permission.
My Japanese number is currently unavailable, so this is not the case, but it may be that they have similar problems.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
Also, if you do not mind registering to the channel thank you.
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