Thursday, December 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 27 2018

This video I'm going to be sharing with you the game of reality one, oh one.

I'm going to show you how to win at the game of life and how to get to a totally new level

within yourself.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video, I'm going to be sharing with you the game of reality.

One, oh one, and how you can up grade the level that you're at.

Understanding that this is a powerful metaphor for understanding how life may actually be

like if you study a lot of some of the ancient philosophies of understanding how the world


If you study and look into metaphysics, you see that it's highly probable that this reality

that we experience is not the baseline level reality.

This is something that Ilan Musk was pointing out when he was talking in an interview within

the last couple of years.

He said, the chances that this is the baseline reality, which means the actual reality itself

that we think is actually real is less than a fraction of a percentage.

Now, think of it like this, we in our society almost have virtual reality to the extent

that we hardly know the difference between what we see and what we imagine and what we're

actually experiencing.

We already are within 100 years of having the ability to not know the difference, so

what's to say at a higher level of consciousness.

We did not decide to come down into a lower level of vibration and forget who we are because

that's one of the purposes of the game, to then have this kind of experience that we

call life on earth and I'm going to be pointing to a couple of things so this video is mainly

meant to help you see the world from a new way.

If you so choose.

With everything that I share, find out what resonates for you.

Go within yourself because this is just one thing that one facet for the way that I see

reality and I find it to be something that's very conductive to me accomplishing what I


Filling and feeling this spiritual fulfillment within myself.

This doesn't mean that we live in some type of a computer.

Computer is a metaphor.

We are immortal, spiritual beings made of love and light that have come into this experience

to remember that that's who we are, but it is not necessarily as dark as maybe the movie

the Matrix made it seem where it's like these are just evil machine entities trying to get

us, so this is a very loving thing.

It's a very empowering thing and in general, what I want to ask you right now is what are

your beliefs about reality itself?

Do you believe that reality is fixed?

What I mean by that is very solid, very hard to change because if that's what you believed,

that will be your reality.

Do you believe that reality is flexible?

What does metaphors that you use for your life?

Do you believe that life is an uphill battle?

Because that metaphor will be a self fulfilling prophecy.

You'll find that when you tried to do things, you're pushing and you're trying to go, you're

trying to go and it feels like an uphill battle.

Whatever beliefs you have are going to be your experience, so a powerful understanding.

One that I like a lot is reality being a dream because the more dreamlike uc reality, the

more dreamlike your reality becomes.

The more you realize your life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life becomes, and

that's because then things become more flexible, they become less rigid in the same way.

Another powerful one, which is what this video is about, is understanding that life is a

form of game and when we start to see that life is a form of game, we can then find out

ways of moving through it, enjoying the process, but how we can upgrade our level as well of

what level we're at within the game of life itself.

So just to give this a little bit of a basis that I had a marker similar I do right here.

So just to give this a little bit of a basis, let me explain a little bit about who we really


Who we really are

is source energy.

We are unconditional love and bliss.

We are multidimensional beings that exist at many different layers right now.

When you go to bed at night, you may think, oh, I'm just having these subconscious dream.

That's it.

That's all I'm doing.

When you go to bed at night, you wake up to higher states of consciousness that you don't

remember because you wouldn't have any way to translate what the higher dimensions are

like because in this reality you interpret through your five senses how you touch, smell,

taste, hear, see, that's how you interpret reality and your brain is able to record memory

and how it compares itself to see how things work, to then see which direction to move


However, understanding that, it's about knowing that in higher this source energy that you

naturally are is of a very, very high vibrational state.

It's unconditional love.

It's bliss.

It's when people are considered enlightened, they are more so embodying more of that source

energy because they're less identified with the vehicle.

Let me explain that.


when we come into this reality, what we must do is we must have some form of limitation

by a limitation.

What I mean is we have a body, a body that can only vibrate to a certain frequency before

it gets transcended and the body isn't needed anymore.

Some people call that ascension.

However, in our life right now, we're going through this transition of consciousness.

We have chosen to be here whether we're aware of it or not, and we use this body as a vehicle,

as an avatar.

In the game of life, this vehicle is an Avatar in the game of life and we interpret our reality

through the five senses and we go through life experiences.

Now what happens is as we're born, as we grow up, as we go through social conditioning,

we become identified with the body.

We become identified with the ego and the ego doesn't have to be bad.

Some people say the ego is bad.

The Ego just is the ego is what we use for a physical experience.

The problem is when you become identified with only the ego, if you're aware of the

ego, that's when things begin to change in a very powerful way.

However, we come from source energy.

We have decided to have this life on earth right now and we interpret reality through

the five senses of the body and we are in a way going through certain things in our

life for learning because in the higher dimensions, when we are source energy, when we think of

something or we want to experience something, we do it immediately.

There is not time and space in this reality.

We have a longer stretched out time and space to where we come here and we're able to soak

in experiences.

If we're thinking of something, there is a delay factor, somewhat of a delay factor of

what we think to what we experience, so because of that, it makes this life experience more

interesting because we can more so soak in what is happening versus being in the higher

dimensions where you're have such a high vibration that you immediately think of something and

it's there.

You want to talk to someone.

You're immediately there with them.

If you choose to.

Do you want to go to a certain environment, you create that environment.

It is a very magical place in the higher dimensions.

We would consider it magic and that is who we naturally are.

So then what we say is we say, I want to go and experience this lower vibrational reality

where things slow down, where there's time to cultivate and their ability to learn lessons

you see in the source energy and we want to learn something.

It's instant Karma.

We instantly experience it.

However, when we come here, there's a little bit of a stretch to where we can absorb in

the experience a little bit more and we can learn from it.

And another thing we do is we come on earth and we have all these physical bodies where

we think we're all separate from each other.

So there's also this game of separation that we play.

The game of separation is us realizing say an Ime, you are you.

So when people go to war, that's when there's conflict, but then we go through this shift

where we realize that we're all connected.

So what I do to someone else, I also do too.

Another aspect of myself from a certain point of view, but in this game of life right now

on the planet, it is about knowing and remembering who we are.

There is an awakening happening on the planet right now.

This awakening is people becoming aware of how this vehicle works, their body, their

Avatar, knowing that they are actually immortal, spiritual beings that come from source energy,

that are source energy, pretending to play this game of life.

As this Avatar, I'm using this avatar.

I am Erin Dougie.

I make youtube videos.

This is who I am, but that is not just who I am.

Just like you are not just who you think you are.

You are so much more than that.

Now, when we come into this world, it's a difficult place.

You want to know why you forget who you are.

There are many other systems of reality in the universe where when you go, you retain

your memory of who you are.

You know your purpose.

When you're very, very young, you know why you came here.

You have more of this buffer in between different dimensional states of consciousness, meaning

your multidimensionality is more so a what you're aware of it and you remember that as

you're growing up and with who you are here, you forget who you are.

You go through a veil of forgetfulness because that makes the game more interesting.

Imagine you are playing a game and you knew it was a game.

You may not take it as serious, but what happens is as you start to become more aware of you,

who you are, you go through these layers and one of the first things you do when you start

to go through this, as you have what is called a spiritual awakening, you become aware that

you are more than just your physical body.

You become more aware that this is what it is.

Does not bad, not good at just is this whole avatar vehicle structure that interprets reality

through the five senses, but then you remember that you are source energy.

You are more than you can even possibly imagine.

You have more ability to remember these multidimensional states of consciousness of who you are, and

that's one of the purposes of life is to remember who we are and here's the thing.

In a way, life is like a dream.

Life is like a game.

However analogy you want to use it.

Think of it like a dream for a second.

If reality and life is like a dream, I know that in a dream you can become lucid, which

means you become aware that you're in a dream.

What happens when you become aware that you're in a dream?

You can then direct to the dream in the direction you want.

You say, Oh, I'm gonna.

I'm dreaming right now.

Well, I'm gonna.

Go do this, and then you go do something.

In reality, it is the same way.

When you become aware that life is a form of dream or life is a game, you can then direct

it the way that you want because then you see how the game works.

You start to see certain patterns and there's certain patterns within our reality of how

our reality works and one of them is our beliefs create our reality, so from a level we decided

that when we come into this reality, we have the ability to generate meaning.

Generating meaning is where the beliefs, the meaning is this happens, this means this.

We start to see certain patterns and we create this pattern structure in our life, so our

beliefs create our reality.

Now the best thing is is your beliefs create your reality.

You can change your beliefs and start with this first belief.

What do you believe to be true about reality itself?

More so than trying to change your beliefs about money, about relationships, about health?

What are your beliefs in general about reality?

Do you think that life is solid?

It's an uphill battle, or do you think that life could be a form of dream?

Do you think that life can be a form of game?

Because if so it will become more flexible in your life will become much more fun.

Games are fun.

Games are meant to be fun, so this is about loosening up our perspective on it and not

taking it so rigidly and serious because this is a temporary experience and this is meant

to be fun.

This is meant to be something that we can put our own intention into and together right

now, we are going through this awakening some quicker than others.

If you're interested in my content on Youtube, then most likely you are already there in

it, so congratulations because that means you're upgrading yourself.

Now, our beliefs create our reality.

We've become aware of our, how our beliefs create our reality.

Our beliefs are also tied to our identity, our identity, identity, our identity as part

of our Avatar, and how we identify yourself.

The way that we see ourself, our self image is what is called a cybernetic mechanism.

Cybernetic means that whatever the base point is, it will always revert back to the base

point, just like there's a thermometer over there on the wall that is set to 76 degrees

right now.

If the heater, if it.

If I open up this door to becomes colder, the heater will kick on and it will bring

it back up to 75 or 76, whatever I said it was something like that and that is a cybernetic

mechanism and the same way.

If you see yourself as only able to accomplish a certain status within the game, only able

to make 50 k per year only able to have a certain type of relationship, then guess what?

That will be your reality because that's what you see yourself as capable of doing so you

must first change that id, the identity.

As you change that, then things begin to change in your life.

Now, what is the key to upgraded the game of life?

Here we go.

This is the secret right here.


Awareness is the key to upgrading the game of life.

Maybe you've seen me also shared before the scale of consciousness.

The scale of consciousness is that from certain levels of vibration, and I'll go ahead and

show that real quick because it's very powerful and this will help you understand how to upgrade

in the game of life.

So awareness.

The more aware you become of your beliefs, the more you upgrade your level, the more

you become aware of who you are as source.

The more you upgrade your level, the more aware you become of how you can let go of

this lower vibrational states of consciousness.

The more you upgrade your consciousness because you are unconditional love and bliss.

We've just lowered our vibration by coming into an Avatar, physical body that is encapsulated

within this time space, reality, and we experience our reality through it and remember realities

and mirror so whatever we perceive are then getting that mirrored back to us.

Whatever we believe to be true will be mirrored, mirrored back to us, and the key is being

aware of it because when you're aware of it, you start to take your power back.

Most people are simply in the autopilot mind and most people are living out the effects

of social conditioning at the effect cause effect, stimulus response, stimulus, response,

stimulus response.

Something happens, something happens, something happens.

They are just in the reactive mind.

You start to become more aware.

You upgrade in the game of life, the more use you become aware of how you can respond

rather than react, observing the thoughts as powerful in this mode, so let me show you

real quick.

This scale of consciousness, you'll see the scale of consciousness right here.

I'll go and put it in.

Now you'll see on this gal consciousness, which I've shared many times, you'll see shame,

fear, guilt.

Eventually you'll see anger and the neutrality, big step at neutrality.

Then you'll see that of willingness, acceptance, and then reasoning.

That's the intellect and then love, love and above as who you naturally are.

Now, this is what happens in the game of life.

There are these different levels of consciousness.

Now, when you are in drenched entrenched into the lower vibrational states of consciousness,

which is below neutrality, you identify with the physical body, you identify with the reaction


You identify with all this stimulus is that are happening and a big powerful step happens.

When you move from that into neutrality.

Neutrality means you observe what is happening.

You say, oh, this person said this to me.

That's it.

Oh, this person said this to me, this person did it.

I'm watching the news, oh, this is happening, but I don't have.

You don't have to feed into it and feel like you're reacting.

You can more so respond.

That is neutrality because then you let go of the autopilot mind because those lower

vibrational states of consciousness are just on autopilot.

They're just running themselves out over and over and over again, and the more you identify

with them, the more that's your reality and the more you say entrenched with it, so a

big step you get to in the game of life.

When we get to neutrality, you learn how to start observing your thoughts.

Then what happens is you get to that of reasoning.

That's a big step.

Then acceptance where you accept where you are, you understand you can surrender to the

present moment.

Willingness, the willpower to go in a certain direction.

Reasoning is the intellect.

Einstein himself calibrated at all for 99 on the scale of zero to a thousand.

Now it's because he took the intellect as far as it could possibly go.

Now four to 500 is where you realize that your beliefs create your reality.

It's a very powerful step because then you see that as you change your beliefs, you then

also change the reflection that you're getting back, so that is very powerful.

So then what you do is you work there for awhile, but then you must actually let go

of all the beliefs you have in order to get into love.

You must go beyond the intellect because the thing with life is everything you believe

to be true is true for you because everything is a self fulfilling prophecy.

So it's almost like a paradox because what's true for you may not be true for someone else,

but it's not that one's right, one's wrong.

It's just that they're true for two different perspectives.

So it's about being aware of that and knowing that eventually you let that go.

You didn't get into love and then love and above is who you naturally are.

The way that you move up the scale is through awareness of where you are.

Doesn't have to be a label, but just awareness of where you are observing your thoughts and


Forgive yourself, forgive other people, forgive things that have happened in your life as

you forgive you.

Let go of these lower vibrational states of consciousness.

Forgive yourself, forgive things that people, people are always doing the best with where

they are.

They're doing the best they can in their life where they are and I get it because I've had

an abusive step mom before and I look at her and say, well, how can I justify this?

But she was also abused by her dad and she was treated a certain way, so she's playing

out in an old pattern.

She's doing the best she can with where she is and she just believes that she has to be

that way.

I'm not saying it's right and I agree with it.

I'm just saying I'm able to forgive it because I see that she's just where she's at.

You see, so it's about awareness and when you become aware, you start to upgrade your


When you're in a higher vibration, you create things easier than ever.

Your vibration is higher, so therefore things happen easier, so the game of life is about

understanding that you came from source energy, that you are using this Avatar, a physical

body to interpret your reality, but it is not just all that you are.

You have this Id.

You have this identity of how you define yourself and based on that you are perceiving your

reality through those beliefs.

The way that you upgrade the game of reality is awareness.

You become aware of who you are.

You become aware that you are source energy.

You become aware of the beliefs that you have and then what you do is you forgive.

Let go, observe and start to exist from your heart.

You start to feel from your heart.

These are all ways that you upgrade your game of life into a totally new state of consciousness

and from that place you then see that you are a multidimensional being.

You start to have experiences when you go inwards, when you meditate and you can start

to go within yourself like everything I'm saying right now, see what resonates with


Start to go within yourself and find out what your game of reality is about.

Find out what is true for you because we've been conditioned to believe so many things.

We believe that this is who we are and we're so much more than we can imagine.

Now, here's something that will help you in this process completing the past.

If you complete the past, you do not repeat the past and this is how you become more aware

and the game of life and I it this meditation I'm going to share with you also drenches

you in source energy vibration so you complete the past so you don't have to repeat it and

then you get washed over with unconditional love and bliss.

It is one of the most powerful meditations I've ever created.

It's in the top of the description box below.

Listen to it for 21 days and watch how your life begins to change.

Read the comments on that video as well just to see what's possible because you'll see

what I mean.

Also, I'll be doing more live Koreans on instagram.

I've been doing them almost every single day and I also post twice a day there as well

native content, so if you haven't followed me on instagram yet, you'll see it right here.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

Feel free to like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you haven't already hit the

notification gear so that you could see the daily bids that I do and other than that has

always peace.

Much love and not mistake.

For more infomation >> The GAME of Reality 101 and How to WIN at LIFE - Duration: 21:46.


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2018 in Review: Advice From The Self-Advocates, w/ Anita Lesko, Jeff Emmerson & more | EDB 153 - Duration: 15:21.

Hi, I'm Dr. Hackie Reitman.

Welcome to this special two-part episode covering just some of the highlights from Exploring

Different Brains in 2018.

In this first part, we are going to hear from a handful of the inspiring self-advocates

whom we have featured.

Becca Lory

...For any young woman, or any woman, who has just been diagnosed with autism, what

would you advise her?


"Read" is my favorite thing to advise, and not everyone is a reader, and that's

why I was so excited to do the podcast because sometimes you need it a different medium,

so what I say is go find your tribe.

That's the best way, and I know I'll get flak for saying the word "tribe."

It's not cultural appropriation; I'm sorry if it offended you, but go look for us; go

find us because we're writing.

There others of you out there writing, speaking, doing podcasts, being available online, and

you're in the online groups.

Most of our community functions online.

If you're looking for the autism community, get on your computer; we're there, and that's

how we all communicate with each other, so get online; get some books; look for some

recommendations; you can start on my website if you want to.

I have some resources on there; I certainly have my writing and reading on there, but

I always say to people start there.

Read somebody else's experience because the minute you start to understand that you're

no longer alone and it's not just you and you're not the broken one, suddenly there's

hope, and there's the ability to understand that things can change, and it doesn't have

to be the way it's been, but until you hear other women's voices to know you're not

the only voice, it's kind of hard to push past, so get out there and do some reading.

You don't have to get involved.

You can get online and just, you know, go around and read; you don't have to participate

right away, but you'll feel less alone in the journey for sure.

Casey Seidman

What tips do you have for someone, like someone in our Different Brains audience who might

have Dyslexia or ADHD, or family members, what's the biggest tip you might be able

to give them?

Be very patient.

Be very, very patient because when you're younger and you have ADHD or some kind of

learning disability, things tend to come at first slowly, so you might learn something

you might teach a child or teach a nephew or teach a niece something and they may not

get it right away, but it might click in two weeks, so my advice is to be patient, and

if you're that person with ADHD or a learning disability, be patient with yourself.

It will come to you.

Not only will it come to you, you'll learn how to take it and use it as an advantage

because a learning disability, or a different brain as they would say, is not a disadvantage.

On the contrary, it's something of an advantage.

You have to think of it like Bruce Lee: Bruce Lee used to say, "Be like water."

Well, that lets you be like water, and that lets you take a look at whatever your disadvantages

and turn that around to your advantage, and that's my philosophy and that's my advice

to everybody.

Lisa Wood Shapiro

What tips would you have for people in our audience whether they're dyslexic or not

on becoming a writer and trying to make a living at it.

You have to have be egoless you have to be persistent anyone that's starting out to

write I would recommend Ryan holidays book the obstacles the way it is a fun book to

actually it's a great audible if you're riding in the car or something and the book

is really about some of the great quotes of stoicism like Seneca, a lot of his quotes

sound like they came from someone yesterday.

One of the things is if this for anyone trying to be a writer not just dyslexic right you're

trying to do something that you're going to get rejected you're going to have to

have a vision and afford to not have an ego about that and to see yourself as just a persistent

person doing work and action action action.

So I would say anyone that's trying to be a writer to kind of seek out that kind of

book where it really talks about its action that will get it done so you know when you

first start writing you might have this great pitch and you send it to the one person you

know that happens to be an editor or a writer at a magazine you want to be in.

You might not hear from them and you'll get a no and that might be three weeks of

your life and I would say you should be pitching constantly and assume you'll get rejected

and if you're giving someone a first look tell them, you know a few days goodbye you

don't hear go catch someone else if you think it's a good idea you'll usually

land it.

Also, so anyway so I just wanted to say a couple things.

Your loyalty should be to the work.

Pierre Marsh

For example, if I give you an analogy, a tanker would be a massive ship, needs a huge rudder

to turn it, to direct it, that's humanity.

It needs a huge rudder to start turning that tanker.

It takes about 2 or 3 miles to turn the tanker, but guess what's on the big rudder, a very

small rudder, which turns in the opposite direction.

Without having that capacity to turn in the opposite direction, the big rudder won't

be able to turn the ship out of danger.

And I believe that's where neurodivergence is.

It sits on the edges, the fringes, of humanity.

Think about all the entrepreneurs, think about all the people in Oxford and Cambridge for

example, which are neurodiverse.

This is something like 40%.

People with Asperger's, they're focused they can't stop doing, applying themselves

to a particular problem.

Think about the odds, philosophy, all of this is where neurodivergence sits.

Yes, the sequential people who run the administrations and the offices, all these types of things

are very important.

But they all work well in conjunction with all that creativity.

Jeff Emmerson

Now, here at Different Brains, what we try to do is to learn and teach positive tools

for people to use.

Now, someone who's watching this who might be going through a depression or has other

stuff going on, what advice would you give them?

Obviously it's case by case.

On Twitter, I certainly try to say that I don't have a cookie cutter answer of course,

but what I would say is that for me, because I've been there, the worst moments and the

worst struggles taught me, ironically, the greatest strength is resilience, almost like

baptism by fire.

They taught me to; they forced me.

You're either going to go all in and figure this stuff out, or else it's obviously a

much darker choice.

I chose the former, fortunately.

I would say number 1: be, and again I can only offer this from the heart, be gentle

on yourself no matter what's going on around you; it's a huge thing, I think.

I would always get into the racing, high expectation, high anxiety mindset, and self sabotage, in


I would say you're not alone definitely in this stuff.

You can go, remember I was 35 at the time, age, regardless of if I was 70 or 12 or whatever,

you can overcome; you can change the future.

For now, be gentle on yourself.

Don't rush it.

I'll finish with this: Like my wife said, it's ok to wave the white flag and allow

someone else to help you.

Again, the best thing I could have done, and that's why I'm here on this mission today.

Kimberley Spire-Oh

What advice would you have for someone out there who has epilepsy, who's a female and

is thinking of starting a family?

I would advise them to seek out a geneticist and get information about their condition

and their family history just so they know what risks are involved.

I encourage them to look into the AED registry because I think that it's world renowned

as far as the information that they can provide but they need to know that you can do it,

you can have healthy children.

There are certain things that I had to be taught as far as once my son arrived people

with seizures have to be careful about using changing tables because if you set your child

down and then you have a seizure nobody's going to be able to keep the baby on the table

and the child is at risk.

So I had to learn to bring blankets that I could lie him down on the floor or on you

know a low settings so that I didn't have that risk when you're a new parent you are

not getting enough sleep and lack of sleep can be a risk factor for epilepsy.

So you don't you know you're more at risk to have seizures while you're going through

those early stages of having an infant.

So being aware of that and trying to do a lot of self-care and get as much rest as you

can is another thing, but you can do it just reach out for the resources and information

that you need to do it successfully.

Anita Lesko

I'd like to touch on something that often doesn't get discussed with people on the

spectrum which is: I want you to give some advice from your vantage point, your unique

perspective, on relationships.

Someone who's in a relationship with someone on the spectrum.

My husband and I talked.

He's autistic.

I think our most positive aspect of our relationship is our ability to communicate.

Now doesn't that sound funny for two people on the autism spectrum who allegedly can't


But he and I, one of our hobbies with each other is sitting and talking with each other

for hours and hours.

On weekends, especially.

Even if it's hot out, we'll jack up the air conditioner and build a fire in the fireplace,

and then just sit there and talk for hours, like on the couch, my legs will be over his

lap, and we'll sit there holding hands and talking, talking, talking.

We do things together all the time.

We both love to cook, and so we rarely will go out to dinner.

We always eat at home and make it from scratch.

So we do that together.

You have to find somebody that you can talk to and be friends with first.

Because there isn't going to be any kind of long lasting relationship if we can't

be friends with that person and have them think to get along together and share common

interests together and just be able to sit and talk to each other.

That's what we think is a very, very strong component of the success of our marriage.

Patrick Sallarulo

I'm going to be speaking down in Washington D.C. at a big event and what might you say

to inspire other people to somebody your age to encourage them?

I tell them be honest.

Be honest is the key.


Use your brain and think.

Shawn Smith

You know, I'll bring it back to "No one ever said being awesome would be easy."

You know, I know that I'm not for everybody and everybody's not for me.

We often feel like, you know, validation comes from people liking us and being surrounded

by people.

But I know now as I mature that that's not what it's about.

It's about being surrounded by the right people.

And if people don't accept you for who you are, they're not friends.

Find those people in your life that when you think of them, the value they add to your

life just automatically comes into your mind.

Those are people who are your friends.

If you hesitate for even a second, not a friend.

They're an acquaintance.

Find those people that add value to your life and who you are as a person.

Surround yourself with them and be that person for them as well, and that's where happiness

will come from.

It comes from within.

You're not gonna find it by trying to gain acceptance from other people because that

means you're trying to be something or somebody that you're not.

Matteo Musso

Well, one of my most fun and pertinent sayings is, "I am autistic for so many reasons,

but one of the biggest is to open the minds of society and help us all reexamine our priorities."

For more infomation >> 2018 in Review: Advice From The Self-Advocates, w/ Anita Lesko, Jeff Emmerson & more | EDB 153 - Duration: 15:21.


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VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> VW Golf Sportsvan - Duration: 0:41.


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海贼王:女帝和路飞3次心灵邂逅,一次是"意外",路飞赚到了 - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:女帝和路飞3次心灵邂逅,一次是"意外",路飞赚到了 - Duration: 5:28.


Hello Parlons-En | Face à l'incertitude, est-ce que j'y arriverais - Duration: 12:45.

Today on Hello Parlons En (Hello Let's talk about it)

- Good morning everyone

you're with Geovanie

Welcome to the stage of Hello Parlons En

I'm not standing here on my own

but honored to be sharing the stage

with Mama Nana and Ricky

how y'all doing

how you doing Ricky

- I'm great and you Geovanie

don't give me that eye, I was asking for both in general

- Alright, I thought something was different

- How are you Mama Nana

- Yes I'm good

- And you

- Yes I'm good too

well winter just landed

but still trying, still trying

Before we start

I want to remind you that you can relisten

to the show on our podcast app

you can also leave your comments on social media

that includes our facebook page

Starting with the topic of the day

Facing uncertainty, will I make it one day?

- wow

- You have to, you have to

- this is THE question

Ricky I'm going to start with you

- Alright

- Why do we get uncertain

- It all comes from fear

- It really comes from not being sure of something

that you get afraid of something not working your way or

or that something occurs that you won't be able to control

that's why you see people not taking risk

because in their own mind they see the risks

and tell themselves what if I fail in the end

but what you have to know is that

Yes! by trying, you are at risk

but by not trying too you are taking a risk anyway

that's how I look at things

what do you think Mama Nana

- it's very true, both ways are risky

In my opinion, uncertainty by definition

it's when you're not sure of doing something

it's when you hesitate between 2 things

- True

- You ask yourself if I need to this or the other

you're really in a situation where you hesitate on choices to make

you're in fear of your tomorrows, you're future

- Well

- Concerning fear of the future

How am I supposed to behave in fear of what you mentioned, Ricky

- Prepare yourself mentally

Mentally, because everything you see today

all came from a vision in your mind

so mentally, if I'm not getting my mind ready

but instead mentally, you're telling yourself that I'm gonna fail

that am I really going to make it

Of course, you won't have a visible end result

everything really starts mentally

and when you get those feelings

of not being sure of something or an outcome

For the mind, I watch motivational videos

that helps my mind

you need your feed you mental

prepare your mental before starting anything

- So it's really about feeding your mind

what about you Mama Nana, do you want to add something from what he said

- Yes, surround yourself with good people

that can be a help to you

get away from negative thoughts

You need to know that you're allowed to fail in life

but don't stay in that position

it's only there of certain period

you can fail once, you can fail twice, etc

but don't stay in this position

look for people

get around good people

that will you pull you back up

- Alright, to be honest with you

this kind of fear can be a giant to us

this kind of doubt that we face

at time you see as a big giant

so can you tell me more about how can I deal with that

- hum, you do it like David in the Bible and throw a rock

- I'm asking you seriously, Ricky

- Sorry, You said 'giant' and it click on me David with Goliath

- 'Giant' David and Goliath


- Seriously now

I really was joking when mentioning David with Goliath

if I need to say so, it's really when David throw the rock

and the giant felt

he was so determin and had a solid faith

and that's what I want to come to


First and far most, what is it I believe

do I believe in me

because truly when I get those thoughts

yes, I can have a feeling of being weak

in ignorance of knowing that

true strength is within us

we need to make that effort

to know what you say you are

of course if you call yourself a looser you won't make it

I can't count how many times I doubted myself

but everyday I will face battle and new challenges and I have to be ready for that

so I tell myself that I'm expected to get up

and act

and not just standing there doing nothing in response

that's why it's so crucial to have faith

on a personal level now

when I'm uncertain I'm forced to take it as a good challenges

I love a verse in the bible that says

'by the sweat of your brow you will eat'

so when hear 'sweat'

you already can tell that you will sweat!

it all come to say

it's normal to be face with difficulties

with challenges

but I need to be an overcomer

I need to overcome this

- Alright Mama Nana, from what Ricky is saying

let me be real with you

what's the point of trying especially when I already know that I can fail

- That's why I truly have to believe in myself

- alright but I I know there's a possibility that I fail, why do it

what am I gonna earn from failing

- You get nothing not trying

believing in yourself is the best thing to do

and believe in God's goodness, really

only God ca give you enough strength to move forward

that's why it's so crucial to be surrounded by good people

- what she's saying is very true

I can name many life stories about this

like the founder of Dyson, a vacuum cleaning company

I'm sure you heard of him

the time period between when he thought about this to the selling part

is approximatively 5 years

in 5 years you question yourself

- 5 years it's too much, common!

- it's too much

it's way too much

- yes, you can say it's too much but

know that to create the first vacuum cleaner he had 5127 prototypes done

check on their website you will see what I'm telling you

- 5000 what you just said

- 5127 prototypes

- this is patients and not anymore about prototypes, wow

- it's really matter of being patient

- perseverance too

- what you need to remember in these situations

you're always having people saying look at your results

the first prototype didn't work why are you still persistent

- yes the wrong crew, the doubtful crew

- why was he still persistent in his doing

only because his vision was clear to him

he believed in himself and in his project

he wanted this so bad

to pay the price for it

You also have to know that after a failure

you can reevaluate where I got it wrong

so that on the next one, you don't get the same failure you had previously

just to say that you truly learn from your past failures

and so, simply trying teaches something there too

- Great! Our time for today is up

here is the time to our 10 second chronic challenge

this challenge is very simple

you basically have 10 seconds

to tell us your last words for the theme of the day

for us today is face with uncertainty, will I make it one day

Some tells it in one word and we say it in 10 seconds chronic

yes I know it's quite challenging

but that's the way is going to be, there you have it

- you don't even wanna give us 15 seconds instead

- Ricky it's 10 seconds and that's it

- see!

so we are going to start with Ricky

you insisted much so it's for you


- there's too much love here

here we go, Ricky 10 seconds, go

- Believe in yourself because you'll never have people believing for you

yes it's hard, it can be hard

so it's something you must deal with from the start in your mind

- stop [laughter]

- Wanted to say more

I knew it you was gonna say it that I just stop there

Mama Nana, here's you turn, 10 seconds

- Truth is not reality

doubts is the opposite of success

so my advice doubt you doubts!

- did you heard her

doubt your doubts

- yes as soon as you start doubting, doubt about your doubts

- I record

I'm thanking both of you for the message of today

The advice of the day

Maybe at this very present time

you're watching us and going through a difficult time

you're in a place of uncertainty and doubts

or you just fail at something

it's really normal to feel like this

but know one thing you are not alone

and that God is with you

don't choose to live in fear

but be of great courageous

and have faith

Jeremiah 29:11 says: 'For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future'.

I have come to tell you

that you may be facing difficulties

but know that it's only temporary it's not always going be like this

things will change

and one last thing

surround yourself with positivity!

stay with positive people and everything will be ok

The show is coming to an end

let me just remind you that Hello Parlons-En

is a Christian show

therefore we can't close the show

without giving you a great opportunity

to you that is watching me or backsliding

to receive Jesus as The Lord and Savior of your life

Matthew 11:28 says:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart'

I'm inviting you today !

no more time to hesitate !

it's very simple

I am talking about A God that make the impossible possible

He changes life

We call Him the God of Second chance

it's very simple

repeat after us this simple prayer

Lord Jesus I repent of sins, Come in to my heart, and from today I will make you my Lord and Savior forever. Amen!

We congrats you

welcome in the family

welcome among us

Know that at this very moment

there's a big family, angels up there celebrating you in Heaven

let's celebrate them

- Congratulations

Thanks for tuning in and see you very soon

For more infomation >> Hello Parlons-En | Face à l'incertitude, est-ce que j'y arriverais - Duration: 12:45.


Colgate Connect E1 Review - The Apple Chosen Smart Toothbrush! - Duration: 5:47.

- I'm Andru Edwards and you're watching Gear Live.

I feel like I've started a lot of videos this year

with the phrase I'm a big fan of smart tech.

And it's true.

I like controlling various devices in my home

using my smart phone or voice control.

But hold up.

I was in the Apple store the other day

and I came across this.

This is the Colgate Connect E One.

Now you're probably wondering,

what is a toothbrush doing in the Apple store?

Well, it was in the smart phone section

because this is a smart electric toothbrush

with artificial intelligence built in.

It aims to use technology

to improve your dental hygiene

with its companion iOS app.

Now coincidentally, after I saw it,

Colgate reached out and said they wanted to send one over

for me to check out.

So, let's jump into it.

What is going on Tech Squad?

Andru Edwards here, Editor in Chief at

If this is your first time here,

this channel's all about tech, gadgets and gaming,

so if you're into that kind of stuff

feel free to hit the subscribe button down below

along with the bell notification icon

so you don't miss any future videos.

As I mentioned today, we are taking a look

at a smart electric toothbrush

that has AI built in.

This is the Colgate Connect E One.

Now if you go into the dental hygiene area

of your favorite store,

whether it's an electronics store or a pharmacy, et cetera,

you're gonna see a bunch of different things

to take care of your teeth.

You got your water flossers,

you got your regular floss,

you've got your mouthwash,

you've got the toothpaste,

you got all sorts of stuff, whitening,

all this, but the one thing people don't do

as well as they should out of everything

is brush your teeth.

Now hold on I know a lot of you out there,

what are you talking about?

I don't brush my teeth,

I brush my teeth very well, thank you.

I'm not saying you don't brush your teeth.

I'm saying we learn to brush our teeth as children

and then we just pretty much continue to brush our teeth

the way we learned to do it as children.

That may not be the best way or the best method

of taking care of your teeth.

And listen, I felt the same way when I learned that fact

and I actually learned that fact a few years ago.

So when I went to the dentist, I said,

"Hey I need, I want you to show me,

"what is the proper way to brush your teeth?

"Because I feel like I brush my teeth the right way,

but I hear people don't do it properly."

So, they showed me, and I've been brushing,

it's a little bit of a tweak but I've been

brushing my teeth that way ever since.

Have no problems.

Now according to a study Colgate conducted

users miss over 40% of the surfaces of their teeth

prior to using the Connect E One.

All right, now before we get to testing this guy out,

it is time to open it up.

Inside the box as you can see here you will find

the Colgate Connect E One toothbrush itself.

You get an extra brush head

and the charging base.

The smart toothbrush maps out your mouth as you brush

and it keeps track of exactly where you brushed

and it will even provide feedback on what you missed

and how you can improve your brushing score.

All this information is available right in the app,

which connects to your toothbrush over Bluetooth.

If you connect to the app while you're brushing,

the app will even provide real time feedback

so you can make sure you hit every spot.

The app gives you an overview of your weekly average stats

based on duration, frequency and surface coverage.

You can tap on each item to get a detailed graph

and make sure you're on track with your brushing.

And what's more, you can even share your results

with your dentist to make your appointments

that much more effective and you can even opt-in

to Apple research kit integration,

which lets you share your brushing data anonymously

to help oral health researchers improve their products.

So obviously the app makes brushing a little more immersive

and a little more fun, especially for kids.

But what's even cooler is there is also a companion

Apple watch app as well,

so you do not need to have your phone out

while you're brushing your teeth.

I just mentioned kids,

the Colgate Connect E One is also very kid-friendly.

It features games in the app that'll motivate kids

to brush better and collect coins

based on their brushing habits.

The family mode also allows you to track the entire family,

so the whole group can keep up and compete with each other.

The app also keeps track of when you brush your teeth,

perfect for keeping the kids on track

and reminding them to brush twice a day.

The Connect E One has everything you need

to track and receive feedback on your brushing,

but it's also an amazing toothbrush on its own.

It uses sonic vibrations to provide the best clean

and the small rounded head is able to fit into any

spot of your mouth.

The brush has a 10 day battery life

so if you go on a trip that's shorter than that

there's no need to take your charger with you.

And if you do run out of juice,

it takes about 12 hours to go from an empty battery

back to fully charged.

The brush heads are easily replaceable

and you can buy replacement heads in packs of three

for about 19 bucks.

So went back to my whole love of smart home tech,

even my toothbrush now is smart enough to connect

to my smartphone, to connect to my smart watch

and give me feedback on how well I'm brushing my teeth,

which may not sound like a big deal,

but oral hygiene is a part of health

and when tech isn't just cool but actually helps

keep us healthier and more fit,

I am a huge fan of that.

So there you have it guys,

that was your look at the Colgate Connect E One

smart toothbrush with artificial intelligence built in.

Let me know what you think

in the comments below.

Is this something you'd pick up?

It costs 99 bucks, you can pick it up at the Apple store.

Apple store online, Apple store in person

and at as well.

Are you as big a fan of smart tech as I am?

Let me know in the comments down below.

I will meet you there for further discussion.

Don't forget if you enjoy this one,

please do drop a like on this video

and don't forget you can click or tap on my face

when it appears right at the bottom of the screen

in order to subscribe for free to the channel

so you don't miss any future videos.

Thanks so much for watching.

As always guys, I appreciate your support.

I'm Andru Edwards and I will catch you in the next video.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Colgate Connect E1 Review - The Apple Chosen Smart Toothbrush! - Duration: 5:47.


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Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale — Save On Rebecca Minkoff, Tory Burch, Kate Spade & More - News Today - Duration: 2:37.

You can save up to 50% off amazing brands at Nordstrom from now until Jan. 2. See the best deals by clicking below!    Nordstrom is one of our favorite stores, period, but especially during their half yearly sale, where women's, men's, kid's, home items and much more are up to 50% off! Plus, there is free shipping and free returns, so you never have to leave your couch or change from your pajamas! Here are some of the deals we're definitely snagging during this sale

 Did you get cash or a gift card for the holidays? This is the perfect time to spend it

For women, you can save 40% off UGG boots, 50% off a Madewell tote, 40% off J. Crew flannel pajamas, 40% off SPANX Leather Leggings, and so much more

Beauty and fragrance items are also massively discounted — get Fresh, Lancome, Origins, Clinique, MAC, Oribe, Laura Geller and more for less right now! There are almost 14,000 items on sale, for women alone!    For men, cashmere sweaters, scarfs, suits, sneakers and more is up to 50% off

Save on cool brands like BOSS, Ted Baker, Levis, Adidas, Nike, Theory and so many more

You can save on bedding, bath and home decor — perfect if you just bought a house or are moving into a new apartment in 2019!  If you or someone you know is expecting, there is a ton of kids and baby items on sale now

Perfect if you have a shower on the horizon! There are clothes, toys, shoes, plus strollers, the Boppy pillow, diaper bags and more! Brands like Tory Burch, Kate Spade, Calvin Klein and Burberry rarely go on sale, so now is the time to check out these amazing deals!

For more infomation >> Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale — Save On Rebecca Minkoff, Tory Burch, Kate Spade & More - News Today - Duration: 2:37.


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最新ニュース : 安室奈美恵引退に沸いた2018年、あえて浜崎あゆみを「再評価」- 記事詳細| - Duration: 8:11.

   12月20日、 リコンが発表した年間 ンキングで、安室奈美 がアーティスト別の年 売上ランキングで、1 0億円を記録し、2位 乃木坂46の103億 に大きく差をつけ19 6年以来の1位を記録 た

  安室はアルバ 部門と音楽DVD/ブ ーレイ部門でも、分野 の1位を記録。9月1 日の引退をピークに、 018年のJ-POP で最大の注目を集めた ーティストとなった

対して、浜崎あゆ は  「17年9月 引退発表から1年にお ぶ"引退キャンペーン が、ハマりすぎるぐら ハマりました。引退の ュースは、NHKが7 のニュースで取りあげ り、速報を出すほどで たからね

アルバムやブルーレイ 売り方なども含めて、 ャンディーズの解散を える盛り上がりになっ のではないでしょうか   と、ある芸能 者は語る。  「ア ロはユーロビートのカ ーから火が付き、小室 哉とタッグを組んだこ でさらに人気が拡大し ミリオンを連発

90年代なかばには" ムラー"と呼ばれる彼 のスタイルをマネる女 子が大量に出現するな 、社会現象的な人気を 得しました」    かし、若い女性に人気 一時代を築いた"歌姫 といえば、浜崎あゆみ 名前をあげる人も多い ろう

 「もともとアイ ルとして活動していま たが、安室より少し遅 て98年にエイベック から歌手デビューしま た。アムラー世代より し若い、当時の女子高 を中心に爆発的に人気 出て、ファーストアル ムでいきなりミリオン ラーとなりました

その後もミリオン連発 一時期のエイベックス 売り上げを支えました (同前・芸能記者)   浜崎あゆみのこれ でのCD売上数は50 0万枚を超え、201 年にAKB48に抜か るまでは、女性歌手と て歴代1位だった(女 ソロとしては現在も1 )

  いっぽうの安 奈美恵は、4000万 弱。チャート1位獲得 数でも、浜崎37曲に し、安室は11曲。さ に、第一興商が11月 発表した調査によると 平成時代に最も歌われ 歌手も、浜崎あゆみだ たという(安室は16 )

  様々な条件が るため単純比較はでき いが、数字上だと、あ が安室より上回ってい 部分がたくさんあるこ は確かである。 脱 リスマ、等身大で狙う ブレーク   "ア ロス"という言葉が生 れるなど、多くの人に しまれながら芸能界を っていった安室と、近 、登場するたびに叩か がちな浜崎の違いはど にあるのだろうか

ある音楽番組関係者は う。  「安室さん 、結婚出産で一時活動 休止しました。復帰後 、R&B寄りの方向性 活動する一方、200 年の『九州・沖縄サミ ト』のイメージソング 、16年のリオ五輪の HKテーマソングなど アムラー以外の層にア ールできる曲が複数あ たことは大きいのでは いでしょうか

  そこに引退需 が起こり、新たなファ 層も獲得した。CMな で楽曲が使われ続け、 やアーティストの存在 風化しないまま、惜し れ型の需要が爆発した は、『ボヘミアン・ラ ソディー』で人気が再 するクイーンの再評価 りに少し似たものを感 ます」   いっぽ 、あゆはといえば、  「まず、近年は体形 指摘されることが多か た

しかも、ネットやSN でその画像が拡散され ばかりいました。自ら 撮りを頻繁に掲載する ですが、それが細かっ り脚が長かったりと、 工をしているのではな かという疑惑も生まれ りした

  プライベート 、海外のゴシップセレ のような扱いでしたね ライブや新作発表も積 的に行っているけど、 れらの活動より、ネッ での『笑われ』『いじ れ』キャラ化してしま た

かつてのカリスマ性は れてしまったのではな でしょうか」    かし、そんなだからこ 、あゆを評価する声も がる。  「近年の ゆは、神秘的なカリス ではなく、ナマっぽさ 感じさせる存在になり した

体形が変わったり、売 上げが伸びなくて、も いたりあがいたりする に、好感を持つ人が増 、"一周回って"面白 を感じる人もいます。   とはいえ、テレ 出演での態度の悪さに 判的な言葉が多いこと 事実です

ここで一度、開き直っ カリスマでない等身大 40歳の女性という姿 アピールすればいいと うのですが。それこそ A PUMPが"ダサ っこいい"で再ブレイ したように」(前出・ 楽番組関係者)   アーティストとしての ゆが、女性ソロ売上歴 1位にふさわしく再評 される日を待ちたい

 <取材・文/渋 恭太郎>

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