Monday, December 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Dec 3 2018

Hello and welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet. I am your host, Rebecca

Felgate and today I am talking about the Top 10 Angels Caught on Tape Flying. I am not

sure where you stand RE Angels…for me they're somewhat like ghosts, vampires, demons and

loch ness monsters. Whether they are real or not remains to be seen, but the ten points

on this list seem to offer a shred of prof…or are they fake? You decide.

Before we get into this video, I want to ask you guys whether you have ever seen something

crazy you cant explain? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below. Stick

around til the end of the video when I will be reading out comments from a previous video.

Also please do leave a thumbs up on this video and share it with a friend! - Okay

10 - Truck On In May 2018 a fire chief in East Jordan claimed

that a security camera took this image of an angel flying over his truck. Glen Thorman

said that CCTV caught an angel flying over his vehicle and then disappeared out of frame.

He said "That's an angel – And I was just blown away." The Jordan Rivers Facebook

page shared the image and said : ..These photo's have not been altered in anyway. The second

photo, the security camera also shot because the angel was moving away. The camera is designed

to photograph anything in motion or unusual.... lots of tears today when they opened the security

on their camera ...WOW! Some skeptics are saying it is a moth nearer to the camera and

that the picture lacks depth perception….but others are straight up convinced its an angel.

9 - The Texan Experience Danny Ferraro was driving in Texas in July

2018 when he saw something beautiful in the sky. He stopped to take a picture of his view

down highway 105 and then shared the image of the sun setting in the clouds on facebook.

The beams of light through the clouds very much look like an angel spreading their wings

and the good people of facebook thought so to. The image was shared on the social media

platform 12,000 times. Ferraro said that the sighting came at the right time – he had

been having some family issues and said God can speak to us in many different ways and

for that, I'm thankful.

8 – Angels in Mecca A youtube video was upload to the video sharing

site in August 2010. The video was said I have been shot in Mecca in 2008 – Mecca

of course is a a holy dessert valley in Saudi Arabia sacred to those of the Islamic faith.

SO this video is pretty blurry, but such was life in 2008! I have to admit something strange

is happening here – perhaps it is an angel visiting one of the holiest spots on earth.

Or maybe it is a lens flair.

7 - Dark Angel or Dementor Some people in Kitwe in Zambia were convinced

that they had seen a dark angel, an angel of death perhaps, looking over the Mukuba

Mall. The dark humanoid figure appeared in the clouds with seemingly no explanation.

The apparition was 100 metres long and verrrry much looked like a Harry Potter dementor – who

administer kisses of death to suck out souls. People had mixed reactions to the figure in

the clouds – some thought it was an angel or another kind of embodiment of god – so

they started worshiping it. Others were terrified and ran away in fear. Apparently the mystery

cloud hung around for half an hour before disappearing. How strange.

6 - Guardian Angel A lot of people talk about Guardian Angels,

benevolent forces that watch over them and protect them from harm…a lovely idea but

is there any proof? Well…. this CCTV footage from a road in China seems to offer a shred.

A guy on a motorbike is about to be obliterated by an oncoming truck when his guardian angels

flies in at super speed and rescues him right in the nick of time, leaving him confused….baffled…

but alive! Have a look! The video was uploaded in September 2012 and has been watched over

11 million times. Proof of a higher force, right. Weeeelll…it turns out that acccctually

this is a hoax – a viral marketing campaign for a Chinese game called Dragon Totem Girl.

That's sad.

Speaking of Guardian Angels, it seems one showed up in a hospital at number 5

I found this image alongside the story of Chelsea Banton. Chelsea was 14 when she nearly

died of pneumonia. Her illness had reached the point where Doctors recommended switching

off her life support. Her mother made the unthinkable decisions to follow the Doctors

advice.. It was thought that Chelsea would die, but she survived the night and then began

to make a miraculous recovery…. One of the nurses had reported a man standing by Chelsea's

door…and when her mother seemed baffled, CCTV footage was checked…and this was the

image they saw. Whether or not it is just a patch of light from a sunny window, or whether

what you are seeing is the figure of an angel, one thing is for sure, what happened to Chelsea

was a miracle.

4 - The Stairway to Heaven In July 2018, footage from Tuscaloosa Alabama

was uploaded to the internet. The video was shot on a stormy day and the camera captures

the dark clouds….only, there is something going on in those clouds. If you look closely,

you can see what looks like two people walking through the clouds. They don't appear to

have wings, but could these be angels, anyway? It seems that the footage was shot as part

of a live stream and only later were the figures spotted. On Youtube the miraculous video has

been viewed 2.2 million times. Alabama is a pretty religious place and it seemed to

have many people locally, as well as further spread across the world, convinced of heavenly


Something very similar happening in Ghana at number 3

A Ghanaian News Channel reported on a strange sighting in Dansoman Ghana. The news presenter

shares the video in a segment called "an encounter with the dead." Whatever is in

the clouds looks a lot more like it has wings than the figures in the Alabama clouds, so

maybe this is an angel… but also maybe angels can choose to have wings when they want….and

maybe sometimes vampires can't go in the sun, but maybe sometimes they glitter like

Edward Cullen. See what I'm saying.

2 - Fairies or tiny Angels Anyone roughly my age or a few years older

from the UK Remember Goldie Looking Chain? I enjoyed them as much as a teen can enjoy

some Welsh rap …you might wonder what they are up to now? Spotting fairies in the garden,

that is what! SO John Rutledge, a member of GLC, was out having a lovely walk with his

dog in Newbridge, Wales when he decided to take some snaps of the beautiful sunny summers

day. If the sun is shining in the UK, especially wales, you want to catch that on camera, O

get it. But it turns out that John got more than he bargained for. When he surveyed his

pictures after his walk he realised he had actually captured what looked like seven tiny

winged humanoids….. are these tiny angels or fairies? Are fairies just tiny angels!?

The popstar said "ever since childhood I've wanted to witness a paranormal event…'The

last thing I expected was a winged entity in a wood in South Wales, but there it is,

smack bang in your face - it's solid evidence.' On closer inspection of he seemingly legit

pictures, it does look like little winged people.

1 – The Russian Landing. In 2016 on a live News Broadcast in Russia,

a bright light interrupted the host. I don't know what she is saying, but maybe our Russian

audience will know! Have a watch… The presenter seems totally shocked …. Her reaction seems

pretty genuine. What else could this be? We don't see wings or anything…. Just a ball

of light….. VERY VERY strange! Was this an angel caught on camera?

SO that was the top 10 Angels Caught on Camera…what did you think to this video? Which was the

most convincing to you? Comments : Scary Wizard of Oz Urban Legends

Playxr said – Every Like I Get I'll Add a Rebecca…….and…well…. this

Young Conservative Patriot wrote: I can't believe that my favorite movie actually has

a dark side to it! What's worse is that I'm actually from Kansas!?

Madison Gracelyn Said: Great video Rebecca and my favorite movie is the wizard

of Oz? – Mine too – or one of them. Tell theatre Palladium Story.

Interestingly I'm Jay Schif said : Did u know the lion costume was made of real lion


For more infomation >> Top 10 Angels Caught On Tape Flying - Duration: 10:19.


Custom Logo Jewelry

For more infomation >> Custom Logo Jewelry


Kiribati : Les populations côtières s'adaptent face à l'élévation du niveau de la mer - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Kiribati : Les populations côtières s'adaptent face à l'élévation du niveau de la mer - Duration: 2:03.


Loxone server - smart house nebo-li chytré domy s loxone - Duration: 0:13.

For more custom smart led lighting



For more infomation >> Loxone server - smart house nebo-li chytré domy s loxone - Duration: 0:13.


Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 95 pk Ultra Adrenalin S Line Florett Silver met Dak Zwart Xenon, Airco, E - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 Sportback 1.0 TFSI 95 pk Ultra Adrenalin S Line Florett Silver met Dak Zwart Xenon, Airco, E - Duration: 1:10.


Renault Captur 1.3 TCe 150pk Edc Automaat S-Edition Navi/R-link/Camara/Ecc/Bose/Panoramadak - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur 1.3 TCe 150pk Edc Automaat S-Edition Navi/R-link/Camara/Ecc/Bose/Panoramadak - Duration: 0:55.


Květa Plekancová na tribuně se Šafářovou: Maminkování Vondráčkové? Řeknu vám pravdu! - Duration: 2:54.

 „Lucie tak maminkovala, že oba kluci chodili už od brzkého věku cca dvou let do legální a vládou povolené miniškolky pro pět dětí

A byla to soukromá školka. Děti tam mohly i spát přes poledne, většina rodičů totiž opravdu celý den pracovala," rozohnila se Plekancová pro web eXtra

cz na adresu snachy Lucie Vondráčkové. Květa Plekancová (62) pak uvedla na pravou míru i zvěsti, že je její syn „škrt" a manželku i syny Adama a Matyáše držel finančně zkrátka

Přidala proto ještě pár zajímavých skutečností, které hvězdu propadáku The Perfect Kiss nestaví do příliš dobrého světla

  „Tomáš je v tomhle směru strašně hodný. Nestrádala ani Lucka, ani kluci. Kdyby byl škrt, tak by Lucie nemohla létat na dovolenou na Kubu

Loňský rok i dvakrát za měsíc," šokovala matka známého hokejisty, která už nevydržela to, jak se Vondráčková o jejího syna „otírá"

 „Nebo loni na Vánoce, když si bez dětí po Štědrém dnu odletěla na čtrnáct dní do Los Angeles

Přiletěla jsem kvůli tomu do Kanady, abych pomohla s hlídáním," dodala maminka Plekyho

 Není proto divu, že ji fotografové zachytili na kladenské tribuně v družném hovoru s tenistkou Lucií Šafářovou

S novou partnerkou svého syna si paní Květa evidentně rozumí o poznání víc než s Vondráčkovou

For more infomation >> Květa Plekancová na tribuně se Šafářovou: Maminkování Vondráčkové? Řeknu vám pravdu! - Duration: 2:54.


Nightcore - Different World | Deeper Version (Alan Walker) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:00.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Different World | Deeper Version (Alan Walker) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:00.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D Instyle 4WD | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D Instyle 4WD | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:06.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Estate Automaat AMG Line | Pan. dak | Camera - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Estate Automaat AMG Line | Pan. dak | Camera - Duration: 1:09.


Lennon Stella - Feelings (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:46.

[Verse 1] Did you forget when I tried to settle you


And talk it through, you said your worst and I hurt you

And I hurt 'til you turned around When I said "stay" without a sound

When I said "wait, just hear me out" and you said nothin'

[Pre-Chorus] Now you reach out your hands

You know it's late And I understand

You thought I'd wait

[Chorus] I don't wanna talk about your feelings

I don't wanna listen as you feel 'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that Feelings, could send me back if I believed

'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that

[Post-Chorus] I

guess they always come around Tell you everything they found

Tell you you're the only one who can save 'em

Tell you they're different now Blame it on the timing

Like their plan, it's not alignin' I guess they feel it when it's gone

When you're finally movin' on When they know you stopped believin'

They'll never be what you wanted They blame it on the timing

When they've found their silver lining

[Pre-Chorus] Then they reach out their hands

They know it's late And you understand

They thought you'd wait

[Chorus] I don't wanna talk about your feelings

I don't wanna listen as you feel 'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that Feelings, could send me back if I believed

'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that

[Verse 2] I wish you'd know that what you say you know

now But you didn't

[Chorus] I don't wanna talk about your feelings

I don't wanna listen as you feel 'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that Feelings, could send me back if I believed

'em Didn't someone teach you when you leave what

you have, you can't take it back?

Oh no, it doesn't work like that

[Post-Chorus] I guess they always come around

Tell you everything they found Tell you you're the only one who can save

'em Tell you they're different now

Blame it on the timing Like their plan, it's not aligning

I guess they feel it when it's gone When you're finally movin' on

When they know you stopped believin' They'll never be what you wanted

They blame it on the timing When they've found their silver lining

For more infomation >> Lennon Stella - Feelings (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:46.


The Benefits of Being Easily Distracted - Duration: 5:49.


Psychologists have often described attention as a spotlight you can shine on things to

bring them into focus.

And while you're focused on something, your brain processes it preferentially, and everything

else falls into the background a little.

But a 2018 paper suggests that attention is more of a strobe light — it 'pulses'

by briefly switching focus to the background four times a second.

Put simply, humans are wired to be distractible — and although you might lament that fact

when you're trying to buckle down and study for an exam, it's actually a good thing

you're not always great at staying focused.

People tend to view distractibility as a bad thing, and that makes sense.

In modern society, we place a lot of value on productivity, and being distracted can

lower your performance on specific tasks.

I mean, just think of all the work you'd get done if you didn't keep getting lost

in daydreams, feel the urge to check your Twitter feed, or…


What's that shiny thing over there…

Your brain does have ways of keeping you on task.

Most of the time, when you get distracted by the outside world or your own thoughts,

several areas in your frontal lobe will guide you back to what you should be doing, re-orienting

your attention from whatever intruded.

But there's a lot of built-in distractibility, too, and that's because, from an evolutionary

perspective, it has its perks.

Being able to focus intently to pump out a million expense reports in a row wasn't

really something that benefited our ancestors.

Instead, checking out the surroundings all of the time without realising it probably

made them less likely to get caught off guard by something dangerous, like a predator, or

Jack from the next tribe over, Jack.

And being easily distracted by even tiny threats could have meant the difference between safety

and becoming a snack.

That's something scientists say can been seen today by looking at how people with different

levels of anxiety react to distractions.

Anxious people are naturally predisposed to assume a threat is near, so they're even

more easily distracted by potential dangers.

For example, a 2007 study asked 44 participants to push a particular computer key as quickly

and accurately as they could after being prompted by a screen.

Once they'd gotten the hang of it, they were told that some extra words would appear

during each trial, which they were to ignore.

And everyone was pretty good at ignoring neutral words, like 'shower', or positive ones,

like 'delight'.

I mean "shower" is a positive word in my book.

But the participants with higher levels of anxiety were more slowed down by negative

words that could be perceived as physical threats, like 'murder'.

It was as if their attention was yanked from the task in order to assess whether or not

they needed to protect themselves.

These days, that kind of strong reaction to perceived threats can be draining.

But in the past, a little anxiety might have been a good thing, since the odds were a lot

higher that there really was a significant potential threat.

And even when you're not in literal danger, a bit of distraction can be super useful.

If you're trying to be creative, for example, there's evidence to suggest that instead

of focusing hard on the task at hand, you should let yourself be distracted.

Several studies have suggested that distractibility and creativity are two sides of the same coin…

or neuron.

That's because the structural differences in the brain that make a person more distractible

also seem to free up their imagination.

But a 2012 study went even further to show that a bout of daydreaming can get the creative

juices flowing no matter how distractible you are innately.

The researchers tested the creativity of 145 participants using a measure known as the

Unusual Uses Test.

In it, you're asked to write down as many uses for an object as you can within a set

time frame, and are assigned points for each use you come up with.

Participants did a baseline Unusual Uses Test, then either completed a mentally-demanding

task, an easy task that let their minds wander, or simply rested.

Then, they tried the Unusual Uses Test again.

Resting by itself didn't have much of an effect on their scores, nor did challenging

their brains with a demanding task.

But the group that was given the easy task crushed it.

Their scores improved by an average of about 42%.

And surveys revealed that distractions were really what gave them the edge — they were

the only group whose mind wandered significantly in between the two tests.

Other studies have suggested distractibility can help you prepare for the future.

In any given moment, things happening outside your focus might seem irrelevant.

Like, if you're trying to finish that report you're writing, a distant beeping sound

is just an annoying distraction.

But, the information you gather while distracted could become incredibly important later on.

Like, when you realize that beep was your phone alerting you to that super important

email containing all the information you need to finish your report... or a smoke alarm

going off nearby.

Look, I'm not trying to giving you an excuse to goof off every five minutes here.

Sometimes you've just got to focus.

But being distractible isn't always a bad thing.

So next time you find yourself daydreaming at work or distracted by something totally

random you see or hear, maybe don't get so mad at your brain for getting off task.

It's just trying to help you come up with an innovative way to solve whatever problem

you're stuck on, or, you know, making sure you don't ignore that incoming tiger.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

And thank you especially to our patrons on Patreon.

It simply cannot be overstated: without our patrons, we wouldn't be able to do what

we do, including making educational psychology content like this video.

So if you want to help us keep doing what we do best, or if you're curious what being

a member of our community of patrons feels like, you can go on over to Patreon.Com/SciShow

[ ♪OUTRO ]

For more infomation >> The Benefits of Being Easily Distracted - Duration: 5:49.


Jaguar X-Type 2.0 D SPORT Airco ECC Navigatie Licht metaal Cruise control Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Jaguar X-Type 2.0 D SPORT Airco ECC Navigatie Licht metaal Cruise control Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:13.


'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' Team Preview What To Expect From the Upcoming Season | THR News - Duration: 2:39.

"Smell that?"

"Smells like cheap beer and piss."

"I know... exciting, right?"

Season 2 of Amazon's 'The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' bows on December 5th with the

award winning comedy continuing to follow Rachel Brosnahan's Midge as she navigates

her budding career as a comic. Season one of the 1950's set series premiered in 2017

less than two months after the Harvey Weinstein exposé that sparked the #MeToo and

Time's Up movements in Hollywood - making Maisel's themes of female empowerment

resonate an a more meaningful way. Season two picks up with Midge following a pair of

significant setbacks in the season one finale - she's been demoted at her day job at a

department store and is banned from performing stand-up at her home club,

the Gaslight Cafe.

The show's second outing also extends to locations outside of Manhattan - namely

Paris and the Catskills. Palladino explains,

And the Catskills will serve as a spotlight for a fairly significant conflict in the season -

the contrast between Midge's privilege and her manager Susie's, played by Alex Borstein,

more humble situation.

"We're gonna die in this tunnel."

"Good. Something to look forward to."

Of course, the series will also explore the strained relationship between Midge and

her unfaithful husband. Joel now knows that Midge is pursuing stand up - something he

originally dreamed of doing himself, which will make their already complicated

relationship even more so.

To read more on this story and for further updates on season two of 'The Marvelous

Mrs. Maisel,' head to the

For The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Lyndsey Rodrigues.

For more infomation >> 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' Team Preview What To Expect From the Upcoming Season | THR News - Duration: 2:39.


Welcome to the Shopify Help Center Channel || Shopify Help Center - Duration: 0:57.

Welcome to the Shopify Help Center channel!

This channel connects merchants like yourself to the information you need to run a successful

eCommerce business with Shopify.

Watch step-by-step instructions with short tutorials navigating the Shopify admin, and

explore tips and tricks for success in the eCommerce world.

Subscribe to the channel for new tutorials posted twice a week.

Whether you own your own product, are dropshipping, or are still deciding what approach you'd

like to take, the Shopify Help Center has you covered through every stage of running

your eCommerce business.

For live training sessions, be sure to check out Shopify webinars linked below so you can

follow alongside in your own online store.

Don't forget to subscribe to keep up-to-date with tutorials, and feel free to comment below

with videos you'd like to see.

Shopify would love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> Welcome to the Shopify Help Center Channel || Shopify Help Center - Duration: 0:57.


Should Simone and Craig Get Back Together? - Duration: 1:35.

- Craig and Simone's puppy love has turned sour.

And Craig is now in a dog house.

Or actually, he's at his parent's house.

(audience laughs)

So what do their parents think about everything?

Simone's mom joins us now via Skype.

Monique, do you want Simone and Craig

to work things out?

- I believe that eventually that will come

to fruition, but at this moment

there are some things that need to be in place

for both of them at this time.

- And what are those things you think?

- First those goals that education,

that financial portion, and then all the rest of it.

But the education is important, is crucial.

- Monique what would you like to see

for these two young people.

- I would like for them to independently

get the education portion,

have an amicable relationship,

an amicable exchange, as they relate to

Katie, and as they relate to each other

and let God do the rest.

- Alright mom! Amen girl.

(audience applause)

- Alright, Monique, thank you so much

for coming on Face the Truth. Bye bye.

(audience cheers)

- Okay audience, we want to know what you think.

Should Simone and Craig get back together?

Press yes or no on your tablets.

And American, you can vote on in too.

Just go to our website

to let us know what you think.

For more infomation >> Should Simone and Craig Get Back Together? - Duration: 1:35.


Diddy 'Plays Both Roles,' Driving Twins To School On 1st Day Back Since Kim Porter's Death - News To - Duration: 3:11.

Diddy's daughters lost their mom Kim less than a month ago, and the rapper is trying to stand in the gap for D'Lila Star and Jessie James, 11

See what he had to say about single parenting.    Kim Porter tragically passed away on Nov

15 at 46, leaving behind a large family — including the 11-year-old twins D'Lila Star and Jessie James she shared with Diddy, 49

After his ex's death, Diddy has had to step up for his daughters, starting by driving them to school on Dec

3. It was their first day back since their mother's death, and he documented the major moment with a series of Instagram videos

In the first one, captioned "DAY 1," he said, "Today the journey begins. Thank you for all of your prayers and support

I'm now part of the six a.m. crew. This is mommy slash daddy, daddy slash mommy checking in

" His twins could be seen in the backseat.    "This daddy mommy thing is beautiful," he continued

"I love it. You just have to get up early in the morning, like real early, like early

You all hearing me say daddy slash mommy, all my single mothers they know what that is, even single fathers

Gotta step up and play both roles, the mothers do it all the time. Shoutout." In addition to that, he also captioned each Insta story with a message about his late ex

"New day. New life new RESPONSIBILITIES. KIM I GOT THIS. Just like you taught me!" he wrote with a heart

"I was trained by the best. #kimporter."  It's amazing to see Diddy stepping up to fill the gap when his little girls need him the most — especially when he's hurting himself! The rapper and Kim dated on and off for over ten years and had three kids together, so she was clearly a huge part of his life!      Here's to hoping D'Lila Star and Jessie James's first day back wasn't too difficult

And that if Diddy documents their drives in the future, he pulls over before getting in front of the camera

For more infomation >> Diddy 'Plays Both Roles,' Driving Twins To School On 1st Day Back Since Kim Porter's Death - News To - Duration: 3:11.


SE DUERME Y LE TATUARON EL LOGO DE YOUTUBE en la FRENTE *Me enoja Mucho* - Duration: 10:17.

The dam did not want to be youtube in the forehead I'm going to do it

tate trankilo

and how about mind welcome once again to my channel ce creation tv, my name is

Carlos Estevez and if this is your first going through this channel I suggest that

subscribe and activate the bell for so notify you every time

we upload a new video so without further preambles we started

and good people a good day by a little bit happy today I

I'm directing now to a tattoo shop as you can see now

I'm a little bit in the middle already started I have almost the full breast I have

some tattoos by the arms in the legs but now I'm going to make myself another

new idea I do not have I do not know what I'm going to do me still I'm thinking

but I'm on my way over there so enjoy the tour

this is one of the reasons why I hate to go out in the batch of the day for the

traffic a small tip also to People who want to visit the

city ​​there is no or do not drive in the hour of the day because it's super super traffic

terrible people walk like crazy They are angry if you leave early from your

home may arrive is too late your destination so much because there is a traffic

super super bad but we're on our way to the tattoo shop and stay in the


and good people we already arrived at our destination I have a small one of us that

announce them in the community tab I have a little contest of some

20 dollar cards for playstation I'm using, you just have to go

to the community tab and see how you can win from one of those

and good for the reason of the four thousand subscribers who are already subscribed

to my channel for people who are already giving the support of love to my channel the

today has completely decided the youtube logo here by the arm

what will he be doing in my brother here the ink that is the one that

everything is all about everything tattoo that I have on which can be

who has done it and we are going to see the procedure while riding all

the materials to start with the tattoo


A) Yes Y

but everyone taught me everything and up to four thousand subscribers a lot of people

supporting me thanks for you for stopping me

always present in support of the videos that we are going up in the channel I have

Much the greeting for the people of Chile in china mexico spain honduras costa


Latin America is watching and supporting a lot of the videos

the next test when you have many people from many places a lot

time from different countries

sometimes it marks the same touring culture and that this insect

I did not know that I did a very long time I was seeing a lot

In my country we are Dominicans friend here also of Dominicans and in

my country a lot of influence in the area of youtube who are working

working hard and everything and I stayed seeing it but I also wanted to be part

because I think it's an area of ​​one same that one is always doing

a lot of crazy things many new things and that motivated me a lot to start doing

my YouTube channel but unfortunately God's principle is my channel all

that can not call experience I do not see it as a negative thing

something that can happen to anyone

all a little rest with a small youtube that have more time than they have

in Youtube but as I tell you alone there is no harm in

for good do not come 'action understand everything go through something

and through that that little convenient have come to some people

mexican many people who do not they knew a person who from because

all right the happened also stay by the

video and they also stay because well the other videos I'm doing for

your it's something like this


update all I always have time as I am I do video

and I also always see

in the program I always always do I

me every time I see them always as I always see the steps the shot they are going to

leave do not forget reference then at present


in fact he has believed in me and that he gave me asylum and non-political the middle so it was

forever the first time I was living with my

aunt that I arrived June 2011 at this country like everyone else with your daughter

he knows where they're going anyway nobody is chance once more in a store to

buy more clothes again I did not have back then and suddenly I saw a

store in front

I was practicing since Republic Dominican

and suddenly that's how he could and with that then worked that element that you

leave here was the most famous ink well from New York

was working there the principle of fusion the most difficult

in as much from the kitchen they are cleaned the tubes

on the floor also of the stores of front is that what comes in the area

of boxing that was also an apprenticeship

practically a gun to the government the bad


wherever you want on your forehead you he does

me being me

Yes Yes

For more infomation >> SE DUERME Y LE TATUARON EL LOGO DE YOUTUBE en la FRENTE *Me enoja Mucho* - Duration: 10:17.


Yasak Elma 26. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. Good looks.

Forbidden Apple Chapter 26 Trailer

Hi friends, Forbidden Elma 25th episode was published. We wanted to do an immediate analysis. All Zeynep and Alihan lovers 1.500 likes and 1,500 comments are welcome. Type '' ZeyAl '' in the comment. Good Cruising.

Yildiz's hand to strengthen the child's hand Ender strengthened. But he made Alihan difficult. Zeynep is very upset.

Alihan's relationship with Zeynep is difficult because of Alihan's imbalances. The star has fallen into a big problem with the fake appearance of the jewels, and the person who will save him this time is none other than Kemal.

Do you think Zeynep will forgive Alihan? Do not forget to comment. All Zeynep and Alihan lovers 1.500 likes and 1,500 comments are welcome. Type '' ZeyAl '' in the comment. New videos will come. Stay on track.

Remember to subscribe to our channel and open notifications. New videos will come. Stay on track.

For more infomation >> Yasak Elma 26. Bölüm Fragmanı - Duration: 1:14.


Kiribati : Les populations côtières s'adaptent face à l'élévation du niveau de la mer - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Kiribati : Les populations côtières s'adaptent face à l'élévation du niveau de la mer - Duration: 2:03.


فيلم قصير مترجم : " عبر العاصفة " حائز على جائزة - 1080p - Duration: 7:36.

Come back.

-Come back.

I know what you are, Banshee.

Bring him back please.

Let him come back home.

Then take me to him. To the dead...

I can't... I have to bring him back.

I need your help and you will give it to me.

-Take me to my husband!

Where is he?

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