Friday, February 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 2 2018

나 다시 허락한다면

그댈 다시 볼 수 있다면

내 지난 기억 속에서

그 아픔 속에서

You're my destiny 그댄

You're my destiny 그댄

You're my everything

그대만 보면서

이렇게 소리없이 불러봅니다

You're the one my love 그댄

You're the one my love 그댄

You're my delight of all

그대는 영원한 나의 사랑이죠

如果 對我還殘存想念

那麼 就快靠到我身邊

你 含著眼淚的雙眼

就證明我還在 你心 裡面

You are my destiny 永遠

You are my destiny 不變

You are my everything



You are the one my love 永遠

You are the one my love 不變

You are my delight of all



My destiny 喔~~~

For more infomation >> My Destiny covered by Celine Tam - Korean TV theme song 來自星星的你 - Duration: 3:05.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


유튜브 최초! S급 카모 M249 분해 - 스페셜 솔져 [미네르] - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 유튜브 최초! S급 카모 M249 분해 - 스페셜 솔져 [미네르] - Duration: 1:01.


Did The White House Help Nunes Write The Memo? - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Did The White House Help Nunes Write The Memo? - Duration: 5:10.


Welcome To The Mess, Hope Hicks - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Welcome To The Mess, Hope Hicks - Duration: 4:05.


Le tempérament du chat - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Le tempérament du chat - Duration: 4:13.


HSN | Preparedness Event 02.02.2018 - 01 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Preparedness Event 02.02.2018 - 01 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


How to make WATER Dispenser Machine from Cardboard DIY - Duration: 4:40.

Thank you guys for watching ✌

How to make WATER Dispenser Electric Machine from Cardboard at home by DIY Ocean - DIY crafts projects from cardboard

For more infomation >> How to make WATER Dispenser Machine from Cardboard DIY - Duration: 4:40.


Louane : le jour où elle a su qu'elle voulait être chan­teuse - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Louane : le jour où elle a su qu'elle voulait être chan­teuse - Duration: 2:41.


15歲出道,曾志偉諷刺嘲笑她就被揍成豬頭,至今無人敢惹她! ✔ - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> 15歲出道,曾志偉諷刺嘲笑她就被揍成豬頭,至今無人敢惹她! ✔ - Duration: 6:36.


WE EXIST EVEN DEAD - Bones And Flesh (feat. Diego Teksuo) - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> WE EXIST EVEN DEAD - Bones And Flesh (feat. Diego Teksuo) - Duration: 4:17.


Over In The Meadow (Lyrics) - Lingokids - Duration: 1:24.

Over in the meadow In the sand in the sun,

lived an old mother turtle and her baby turtle one.

"Dig!" said the mother, "I dig!" said the one,

and they dug all day in the sand in the sun.

Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue,

lived a mama crocodile and her crocodiles two.

"Swim!" said the mother, "We swim!" said the two,

and they swam all day where the stream runs blue.

Over in the meadow in a hole in the tree,

lived a mother chameleon and her chameleons three.

"Wink" said the mother, "We wink" said the three,

and they winked all day in the hole in the tree.

Over in the meadow by the big barn door,

lived an old mother snake and her little snakes four.

"Squeak!" said the mother, "We squeak!" said the four,

and they squeaked all day by the big barn door.

For more infomation >> Over In The Meadow (Lyrics) - Lingokids - Duration: 1:24.


'명품 골반' 드러나는 밀착 드레스 입고 '대문자 S라인' 뽐낸 수지 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> '명품 골반' 드러나는 밀착 드레스 입고 '대문자 S라인' 뽐낸 수지 - Duration: 2:18.


Ali Kewer - CIDRO (Official Video) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Ali Kewer - CIDRO (Official Video) - Duration: 3:09.


Acties inzetten om snuffelziekte te constateren en voorkomen - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Acties inzetten om snuffelziekte te constateren en voorkomen - Duration: 3:06.


Что простые швейцарцы хотели бы сказать Трампу? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Что простые швейцарцы хотели бы сказать Трампу? - Duration: 1:54.


Regali di San Valentino - #05 Vlog - Matrimoni con l'accento - Roberta Patanè - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Regali di San Valentino - #05 Vlog - Matrimoni con l'accento - Roberta Patanè - Duration: 7:16.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


Votre corps vous prévient un mois avant d'avoir une crise cardiaque – - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Votre corps vous prévient un mois avant d'avoir une crise cardiaque – - Duration: 6:07.


Karine Ferri enceinte de son deuxième enfant de sa relation avec Yoann Gourcuff - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri enceinte de son deuxième enfant de sa relation avec Yoann Gourcuff - Duration: 1:32.


How to make WATER Dispenser Machine from Cardboard DIY - Duration: 4:40.

Thank you guys for watching ✌

How to make WATER Dispenser Electric Machine from Cardboard at home by DIY Ocean - DIY crafts projects from cardboard

For more infomation >> How to make WATER Dispenser Machine from Cardboard DIY - Duration: 4:40.


Stop Aux Pensées Négatives - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> Stop Aux Pensées Négatives - Duration: 8:25.


Les abonnés d'Orange privés du replay des chaînes du groupe TF1 - Duration: 3:30.

Les abonnés d'Orange privés du replay des chaînes du groupe TF1

Le siège du groupe TF1 à Boulogne-Billancourt. — LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP. Si vous possédez une box Internet Orange, vous n'avez plus accès à MyTF1, c'est-à-dire au replay des chaînes du groupe TF1 (TF1, TMC, TFX [ex-NT1], TF1 Séries Films [ex-HD1]​ et LCI), depuis minuit ce jeudi.

Les deux parties, en négociation depuis deux ans, n'ont pas trouvé de terrain d'entente et c'est le consommateur qui en fait les frais. Le contrat ayant expiré le 31 janvier, Orange n'est plus autorisé à vendre les services de TF1 à ses abonnés.

« Constatant qu'Orange poursuit l'exploitation commerciale de ses chaînes sans contrat, le groupe TF1 entend utiliser tous les moyens juridiques à sa disposition pour faire valoir ses droits », annonce le groupe télévisuel dans un communiqué.

Son PDG, Gilles Pelisson, ajoute : « Notre objectif reste de trouver un accord équilibré et équitable pour offrir aux téléspectateurs abonnés d'Orange une expérience à forte valeur ajoutée autour de nos programmes. ».

Les abonnés d'Orange devront, en attendant qu'un accord soit trouvé, se rendre directement sur le site ou l'appli du groupe TF1 pour accéder aux programmes. En juillet, une mésaventure similaire était arrivée aux abonnés de SFR. Un accord trouvé avec SFR-Altice et Bouygues.

En 2016, le groupe télévisuel a engagé des discussions avec les opérateurs pour obtenir une rémunération pour la fourniture de ses chaînes en clair, qu'il fournissait jusque-là gratuitement.

Au départ unanimement opposés à ce changement, les opérateurs ont, pour certains, changé d'avis en acceptant négocier la facturation de services additionnels avec le groupe.

TF1 a mis en avant son offre « TF1 premium » enrichie de nouvelles fonctionnalités, tout en exigeant en retour une forte hausse de la rémunération de ces services.

En novembre le groupe a signé un premier accord avec l'opérateur Altice-SFR. Fin janvier, il a passé un accord avec Bouygues Telecom (qui, comme TF1, appartient au groupe Bouygues).

Avec Iliad, la maison mère de Free, TF1 dispose d'un délai un peu plus long pour négocier.

For more infomation >> Les abonnés d'Orange privés du replay des chaînes du groupe TF1 - Duration: 3:30.


Karine Le Marchand en couple avec JoeyStarr - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Karine Le Marchand en couple avec JoeyStarr - Duration: 1:29.


Vlog: Girl Meets Boy by Ali Smith - Duration: 5:40.

Hi I'm Liv and welcome back to the Waterstones vlog. This is my first vlog

for the Waterstones channel and I'm very excited. I am going to talk to you about

a book by one of my all-time favourite authors and it's one of my new favourite

books of all time. Anyone who knows me probably has a good idea of certainly

of what author this is gonna be, but it's Girl Meets Boy by Ali Smith.

Now, full disclosure I am an absolute Ali Smith fangirl. I'm not the biggest fangirl in

the world, I haven't read all of her books yet

because I'm rationing them out for myself because I don't want to run out

Now this one was published in 2007 and is a retelling of one of Ovid's

Metamorphoses tales and it's retelling of Iphis and Ianthe. Now the tale of

Iphis and Ianthe just for a bit of background, is about two parents who

need to have a son and the husband says to the wife if we have a girl, sorry,

we're gonna have to kill it. It's all very Greek. The wife of course doesn't

want this to happen and she is visited by some other gods including Isis who

say look, if you get pregnant, whatever it is, don't worry about it, we'll handle it.

So she gives birth to a girl and the husband actually names her Iphis

because it is a gender-neutral name and she's brought up as a boy. Now when she

reaches a certain age the father marries her off to Ianthe and Iphis realises

you know she's a girl this could get awkward so she goes and prays to some

gods and the gods turn her into a man and then she gets married. So what Ali

Smith does in Girl Meets Boy is she sort of takes this Ovid tale and twists it on

its head and it becomes this tale of sort of gender roles and love and it's

just absolutely fantastic. It has become one of my favorite books of all time.

You know when you read a book and I've only read it in the last couple of years but

you read it and you finish it and you think I know, you just know about a book

that is going to be one of your all-time favourites. That is this book for me and I

think it could be for some of you as well. So in this retelling it is about

Anthea and Imogen who are two sisters living in Inverness and you see a little

bit about their childhood and essentially their grandfather gives them

a little bit of background into this sort of Ovidian tale about sort of

gender and being a girl and being a boy and it's quite interestingly woven in

And then when the two girls grow up Imogen is working at the

marketing board for a water company and Anthea is this sort of quite tearaway

sort of easy living young woman and she falls in love with an

eco-warrior named Robin. And because this book does more than one thing really

well what it does is it takes Anthea's tale and Anthea and Robin are the Ovid

tale, they are Ianthe and Iphis. And it does this gender-queering sort of

storytelling so beautifully. And then with Imogen it brings her out of herself.

She's working for this marketing company with this ridiculous product trying

to sell water and just making ridiculous decisions and she's gradually sort of

realizing how bizarre everything is and she's got this conflict with her sister

of course, now fallen love with an eco-warrior

and she is learning more about herself as she goes on and who she is as a

person. And it is written with Ali Smith's sort of trademark just

absolutely scintillating prose. Every page is just beautifully rendered, every

moment, every conversation is just so perfectly done. Now as I say, I am biased

I'm an Ali Smith fangirl, of course I'm gonna love her prose, but I'm gonna read

you a little bit here and tell me if you don't fall in love with this.

'Because of us things came together. Everything was possible. I had not known before us that

every vein in my body was capable of carrying light like a river seen from a

train makes a channel of sky etch itself deep into a landscape. I had not really

known I could be so much more than myself. I had not known another body

could do this to mine. Now I'd become a walking fuse, like in that poem about the

flower and the force and the green fuse the force drives through it. The force

that blasts the roots of trees was blasting the roots of me. I was like a

species that hadn't even realized it lived in a near desert till one day its

tap root hit water. Now I had taken a whole new shape.

No, I had taken the shape I was always supposed to, the shape that let me hold

my head high. Me, Anthea Gunn, had turned towards the Sun.

I mean, wow! Every page is as beautiful as that, is all I can really say and Ali Smith's

writing, for me it does something special where it touches right into the heart of

you and it triggers these little things that you didn't realize you knew, much

like this animal that didn't realize it lived in a near desert until its taproot

hit water. It touches something that you didn't know was there and it is

so vital and vibrant and it's just absolutely gorgeous. So it's a

slim little novel, it's about 160 pages and it was published by Canongate with

their gorgeous The Canons series and I love these. I ended up having a matching

set. And it is one that I thoroughly, thoroughly recommend. If you are someone

who has been thinking about coming to Ali Smith's writing and you know you've

heard all about Autumn and Winter and her seasons quartets and of course

How To Be Both, it's something that I would say is a good introduction to Ali

Smith. It's her retelling a Greek myth, not for the first time, she's done

Antigone as well and it's pulling on all these influences that are sort of rife

throughout her work. You've got art, you've got myth, you've got politics,

you've got people all woven in and I think I would say that this is a

fantastic introduction to Ali Smith. Because with any Ali Smith there's

always something a little bit left-field there's always a sort of tongue-in-cheek

nature that she knows she is playing with language and she wants you to know

that but with this one it is so rooted in people and love and politics, it's so

resonant and relevant that for me it is just a fantastic introduction Ali

Smith. So, as you may be able to tell I am a huge fan of this book and I really

think you will be too so give this one a go. So that's my first video for the

Waterstones vlog, I hope you enjoyed it. Go check out Girl Meets Boy

and I shall see you next time.

For more infomation >> Vlog: Girl Meets Boy by Ali Smith - Duration: 5:40.


СПб. Пискарёвский пр. - Муринская дор. - Суздальский пр. - Duration: 15:29.

For more infomation >> СПб. Пискарёвский пр. - Муринская дор. - Суздальский пр. - Duration: 15:29.


French KPOP Reaction | Red Velvet - Bad Boy (EN sub) - Duration: 4:57.

Hey everyone, it's Jymeh. We find ourselves today for a new video

Kpop reaction, once again, 'cause the new Red Velvet's MV coming out

Bad Boy

I was waiting so much for it

That I told to me:

As soon as the MV is online, I record a reaction

Except that: the MV was online when I was in DisneyLand Paris

My sister told me:

"Oh the song is awesome, did you already listening?"

No not yet, I'm waiting to coming home

For recording a reaction

We will doing right now, just after that.

Chill in my Jacuzzi

Them come closer

I like them style in the MV

The window mannequins in the background scared me

I hate this kind of thing

Guns again

Dollar$ Dollar$

Aww I love the unicorn !

Them are REALLY closer

Looks like a LGBT MV

Damn Irene...

Ooh, it's not finish

I love it

Aww They are so cute on the bed

Oh nice, the flowing blood

I'm going to watch the Lyrics of the song now

To see (and understand) the lyrics song

The song is nice, chill, composed...

The girls are closer, hussy

This MV was cool, I liked it

I was a choreography's MV

compared to Peek-A-Boo

Don't worry I'm going to download the song

I hope you enjoyed my react video

and you liked the MV too

The link is down below

If you enjoyed the video you can like this video

Subscribe to my channel if you want

And leave a comment to give me a kpop song you want I react

Thanks to watched this video and see you soon

Ciao !

For more infomation >> French KPOP Reaction | Red Velvet - Bad Boy (EN sub) - Duration: 4:57.


Making a Dream House from Cardboard - Home Design & DIY Project by the Team @SuliAi - Duration: 17:01.

How to Make Cardboard House - DIY Home Project

It took us about a week to build this dream house project from scratch utilizing the collected cardboard.

We also use color papers to enhance the the feel of our home.

If you'd like to make one by yourself, please follow the video and below instruction (guide):

Land size: 86.00 Cm X 75.00 Cm

Home size: 43.00 Cm X 36.00 Cm

Materials required:

3 mats of plastic grass

Color papers; white, black, brown, dark blue (3 art-papers for roof), green (2 art-papers for covering the ground), light yellow (umbrella).

Small size Popsicle sticks (table & chairs)

A white (remote) toy car (Range Rover)

Some crepe papers (for making flowers for gardening)

Some plastic flowers (for decorating your garden)

Markers (coloring the brick & window)

A plastic film glass (window mirror)

2 Plastic Pearls (Used as lamps)

Glue Gun & Glues

ATM paper glue

Paper Knife, Scissor, Ruler, Pen, Meter, etc.

Ok, thanks and hope you like this project!

For more infomation >> Making a Dream House from Cardboard - Home Design & DIY Project by the Team @SuliAi - Duration: 17:01.



For more infomation >> СКИН БРОНЯ ЗАДОМ НАПЕРЁД ЧЕЛЛЕНДЖ! НУБ ТРОЛЛИТ ИГРОКОВ! ПРОСТО РЖАЧ! - Скайварс - Duration: 10:15.


Ssangyong Q200 : un nouveau pick-up présenté au salon de Genève - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> Ssangyong Q200 : un nouveau pick-up présenté au salon de Genève - Duration: 2:44.


Renault Mégane RS (2018) vs Peugeot 308 GTi : premier match statique ! - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane RS (2018) vs Peugeot 308 GTi : premier match statique ! - Duration: 7:07.


Me Pashchimaa - Duration: 14:12.

Sky needs a bird

Bird needs a tree

Tree needs a courtyard

Courtyard needs a home

Home needs two eyes,

One eye should have tears of happiness,

The other eye should have the grains of affection,

And everything, everything including the sky should fit in the both eyes.

This all should reside within me, is my soul purpose of existence.

I am a relaxed, peaceful bit of space.

My soul is not alone the walls, the roof, the floor

but the divine energy that it will carry to bring life to its utmost level.

I am Pashchima

Seven to Eight years have passed by, and I have flourished on this vastu opine undesirable 400 sq.m. triangular piece of land.

My belief is to merge with nature, incorporate all living things existing into my being.

Also, call it my perseverance, I insist, materials used to create me should be natural and less energy consuming.

My soul existence should not wander about only inside the closed walls,

but amalgamate with the cosmos, creating a divine abode as if it is an integral part of that whole.

My inner self is inspired by the outer and the inner surroundings which together create endless ripples, rhythm and a sense of belonging.

My persona should cause delight, elate, creating strong bonds between every soul existing within me

which also forms a part of my values.

The surrounding sparse barren land is slowly blossoming with flora and fauna is becoming a part of my whole being.

Around twenty species of birds reside here in my expanse.

Many of the birds' perch on the branches and have laid their nests giving rise to their successors.

This type of symbiotic relationship between the trees and the birds enables growth in number of their species in and around the arena.

Apparently, along with these, small insects,

butterflies too, help to create a biodiversity inside this small space.

My inner planning is done in a such a simple way that it is easily able to communicate with the outdoor space.

Being simple, small birds like




are free to soar in the surroundings, perch inside or outside.

The efflorescence of trees like Nilmohar, Bahava, Kanchan, Taman elates me.

Every season has something new in for its show, which has an overwhelming joy in store for me.

I am a mere part of this whole institution and just a medium.

A medium to channelize energy to the surroundings, creating a habitat for flora and fauna. Seeing them in my environment delights me.

We all have become a single entity as if we all are painted in a colour that doesn't distinguish us.

Weaver bird is known to stay away from human settlement. But here you can find 8-10 nests,

which means they are trying to inhabit and willing to bring their successors in this place of happiness.

The bulbul and sparrow population has grown tremendously which is felt due to their continuous chirp.

The parakeets visit the garden three to four times a year without fail to savour the delicious seedpod of the Barbados flower fence.

The real home of the common moorhen is the waters, but she makes a visit here and lays her eggs and nurtures her babies.

And sometimes when she returns to the water, even I feel I am bathing in the water.

. Along with these tiny birds- white eye, even I feel tiny and so close to nature.

Shikra, is a hunter bird often visits and savours other small birds.

It is in charge of a well-functioning food cycle.

Squirrels are a sport to see. They jump , hide, here and there.

Seeing them unexpectedly is a delight for that particular moment.

These birds singing and chattering, is the soul reason, I rise up in the morning.

In this waking up ritual of melodious morning,

sometimes Robin sings along with everyone else.

And sometimes Jungle Mynah timidly helps me through my soulful poems.

Basking under the newly risen sun

I feel the sun rays mingle in my being.

The leaves too cherish the sunlight,

Leaving me happy with the bond being reaped.

I feel the breeze caressing me,

Twirling the leaves, as she passes through them.

Not understanding, If the breeze disguise the leaves or the leaves mask the breeze.

But leaves me happy with the bond being reaped.

Witnessing my tall and dense trees spreading,

Bulbul finding an abode here,

Pecking at the luscious cherry,

Leaves me happy for the bond being reaped.

Merging with the dark shades of blue sky,

Swinging along the Bahava tree,

I too swing steadily to the hymn of the bee,

Leaving me happy with the bond being reaped.

In this momentary game,

I am confused weather I am into them Or they are a part of me,

This essence of confusion colors my world,

But I am happy to experience it.

But I am happy to experience it.

Most of the roofing material used are cement sheets

thoughtfully covered with now three year old thatch.

A number of tiny creatures reside within the thatch eventually becoming prey to the varied bird species.

For example : Common Myna


Bee eater


Mean while some other birds are seen relishing their rooftop sunbath.

And just like that, a visitor Hoopoe meets a Squirrel,

and after a brief enquiry they en route their own path.

The Purple Rumped Sunbird nurture their children in nests built with electrical cables.

Fantal Flycatcher are also seen setting up their nest and proceeding the heredity.

Some frequently seen companions in the arena

Ashy Prinia

Tailor Bird

Magpie Robin


Brahmani Mynah

Jungle Mynah


Crow pheasant



Many a times people often ask, how has this become possible?

Even we have cultivated gardens.

But this garden is not cultivated, but left natural.

It was encouraged to grow by itself taking natural forces into charge.

Tiles were not installed everywhere,

but shrubs were planted.

Neither the branches of the trees were lumbered nor were they given any shape.

Water was made available throughout the 12 months.

My form and facade were made such that they amalgamate with nature.

Shrubs and plants were encouraged that attracted numerous birds.

It may be my love towards nature and empathy

that the living creatures also found peace and a sense of security here in my expanse.


The joy of life is nothing but the happily co- existing with other living beings

Om, May All become Happy,

May All be Free from Illness.

May All See what is Auspicious,

May no one Suffer.

Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

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