Stir Fried Glass Vermicelli with Canned Sardines
Chinese kale 100 g
Oil 1 tbsp
Chili, garlic pound 1 tbsp
Canned sardines 1 cup
Glass vermicelli 150 g
Sugar 1 tsp
Soy sauce ¼ tbsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Sangre de mi Tierra | Capítulo 46 | Telemundo - Duration: 13:00.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
This is a trap.
-A trap? -Yes.
You really think that?
So if I get pregnant you'd feel trapped.
That's not it.
We'd discussed this already and agreed not to have kids yet.
And if we did, we'd agree on it.
-Accidents happen, Juanjo. -I don't believe that.
You're on birth control, aren't you?
Having a baby with me seems that awful to you?
Because you sure do like Aurora's baby.
Hers, yes!
But mine? Nope.
Hi. I hate you guys!
Look at them.
They've gone around the park three times.
And they're cool as cucumbers.
I'm telling you... it's youth.
Meanwhile we're here, dying.
You're dying, but I feel more alive than ever.
I'm going to run a bit more!
Excuse me!
Hey, look at me.
I'm sorry.
It was stupid of me to react that way.
Of course I want a child with you.
Doesn't feel like it.
Of course I want a child with you.
I was just caught off guard and didn't react right.
I'd love to have a child, a little Juanjo
wouldn't be bad at all.
No. It won't be little Juanjo.
I don't want him acting like his dumb dad.
I'm not pregnant.
So what's with that pregnancy test?
Serena, is Aurora pregnant?
Judging by the type of fall, it could be a sprain.
-I can call an ambulance. -Don't worry.
Just help me to the car.
I don't know what happened to you.
You took off like a madman. What were you trying to prove?
Going for the Olympics?
And at your age, really. You're very lucky.
-Thank God it wasn't worse. -Can we stop the lecture?
I've got enough with the sprain.
Does it hurt a lot?
Nah. Not much.
She's pregnant...
because he abused her.
Do you understand?
Did Roberto rape Aurora?
Yes. He did.
And not just once. He did it twice.
I'm going to kill that ------------.
No, you're not.
The last thing Aurora wants is for people to know.
-What is she going to do? -I don't know.
But she begged me to not tell anyone.
And by no one she especially meant you.
So you don't know anything. Okay?
Hey. Where's Emilito?
I put him to bed in his room. He's fine.
I'm sorry.
There's a thousand things going through my head.
Ernesto called... you won't like this...
What did he say?
Roberto was granted supervised visits with Emilito.
Is that judge crazy?
How can he get those visits
when he can't even come near me?
Ernesto says he's the baby's father
so he has a right whether or not we like it.
The law's on his side.
Where will it be? How...?
Relax, it won't be here.
Susan will choose a time and place,
and a relative can go with Emilito.
Of course, a police officer will be there.
It'll be Ernesto. I can go tomorrow.
Don't worry. He won't be in danger.
With me there and Ernesto watching us,
everything will be fine.
Paloma's right.
There's no need to worry.
I'm just so nervous.
I know what Roberto's capable of.
He might be crazy, but he's not stupid.
One misstep and he knows it's straight to jail.
And then he won't see his son at all.
So don't worry.
I'll be watching the whole time.
You're right.
Do you know where the visit will take place?
At the park I go running in.
What? She has a right to know.
Let's go so we're not late.
-Please call me if anything. -Sure, don't worry.
Pass me the diaper bag, please.
Bye, sweetie. Be good.
Take good care of him.
Of course, son!
I'll always, always bring you some ice cream
when I come see you.
You like it, don't you?
What time is it?
He's had plenty of time. We should get Emilito.
Calm down. He's got two hours
and only one has passed.
I would've given him 10 seconds and put a gate between them.
-Come on. -I'm serious.
I don't trust that jerk one bit.
I don't like him either, but you can tell he loves the baby.
Look how affectionate he is with him.
You got all dirty, champ!
Hang on.
Let me get something to clean you with.
Stay there. Good boy!
Stay there.
Right there.
Good morning.
Hi. How are you?
I wanted to apologize for being rude yesterday.
It's okay.
It's water under the bridge.
I understand...
you're going through a rough time
and you're under pressure,
so it's okay.
I'm also under pressure...
with this project.
You guys don't know everything I'm going through.
You know where my son is?
With Roberto, because a judge decided so.
Roberto has no right.
Great. Now we're clean.
Alright, son!
Paloma... are you okay? Something wrong?
Me? I'm fine. Why?
I've noticed you acting strange all day,
and not precisely because of Roberto.
Is there something else bothering you?
I think you've got it wrong.
Please confide in me.
Talking it out might help you.
worried about my brother.
He told me something
that's really hard for me and the family to process.
I don't know what to say or how to help him.
I don't know what he told you, and I won't ask you to tell me,
but let me offer you my thoughts.
As a cop, I've seen a lot.
Way more than you can imagine.
And I've realized that when there's a problem in a family,
it doesn't matter...
as long as there's love, no matter how big the problem is,
even the dumbest person can find a way
for his loved ones to be okay.
Take Roberto, for example.
We both know he's bad news.
But he loves his kid, and that love transforms him,
it makes him behave as he should.
It makes him smarter than what he is.
Do you understand what I mean?
Where's Paloma?
She should be here with Emilito!
She said two hours, which haven't passed yet.
Relax and focus on the must.
It's okay. I'll clean it.
No, I can do it!
And don't tell me to focus because I am focused.
Got that?
it's okay. Calm down.
Want to go home? Go home and rest.
Get some fresh air. Take the day.
I'll do this.
Just call me if you need anything.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
It's fine.
So Aurora's expecting a baby?
Are you crazy? She'd have to be insane.
There's no date.
I'm sure it's Emilito's.
The last thing my sister needs is another baby with you.
Time's up, Roberto.
Please say goodbye to Emilito.
Five Little Shapes | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers | Song For Babies by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:03:09.Five little shapes jumping on the bed
Square fell off and bumped his head
Triangle called the doctor, and the doctor said
No more shapes jumping on the bed
Four little shapes jumping on the bed
Triangle fell off and bumped his head
Star called the doctor, and the doctor said
No more shapes jumping on the bed
Three little Shapes jumping on the bed
Star fell off and bumped his head
Oval called the doctor, and the doctor said
No more Shapes jumping on the bed
Two little Shapes jumping on the bed
Oval fell off and bumped his head
Circle called the doctor, and the doctor said
No more Shapes jumping on the bed
One little Shape jumping on the bed
Circle fell off and bumped his head
Square called the doctor, and the doctor said
Put those Shapes right to bed!!
"And all the shapes went right to bed! Goodbye!"
River 安農溪, Taiwan. Trophy striped snakehead (鮕鮘) on softbait. 2018/01 - Duration: 12:53.- Spook away.
Hi folks, mefik with you!
And now I'm near the north east cost.
This is the Ludong city and as you see this pond.
In fact, this is not the pond, this is the Annong river.
In fact, this is the lake, coz has incoming stream and there is the outlet.
I think they just digg here and did such a quarry and this pond turned out to be.
And here, in this lake, there are snakeheads.
Striped snakehead which we will catch today.
- Hi Maxim!
- Good to see you. - Let's go!
- Where we going? - Let's go, let's go!
- Where we going, where?
- This is nice place.
So, let's run!
The weather is overcast, warm, according to the forecast of small rains, the fish should be active.
And I can not wait to throw the bait and make the first retrieve.
Many people ask why I cast a jig.
While everyone advises to catch on top water baits.
- Here is!
Folks, it's all about the conditions.
- What a jump!
As a bait I have a silicone creature-like bait in the size of 3-3.5 ".
- Yes, guys, I also want to say that two local fishermen are fishing with me today: Liszt and Peter, whom you already saw in some videos.
And one more our guest today is Mike Iaconelli.
Frequent participant and repeated winner of North American tournaments in bass fishing.
In this area there are a lot of clean, transparent creeks, the diversity of fauna of which is amazing.
These streams are also interesting to be fished.
But snakehead fish are smart, if something does not like it, especially in clean water, then it will not go further than sniffing lures.
herefore, we move to such an interesting place.
Zigzag duct of small width and depth not more than a meter.
- mefik, say something.
- Should be your the glory day? - I just exciting now, because it is a new point for me.
In such channels, strangely enough, too, there is a fish.
This man-made channel is a shrimp farm.
And usually the owners of such places themselves ask anglers to catch all predatory fish.
- Hit! There is!!!
- That's great! One!
- Small striped snakehead, let him go. Thank you for the bite!
- Go, thanks!
- Leave.
Generally in winter in the north of Taiwan, the snakehead is inactive.
But just now a slight warming.
Perhaps because of this, the bites is better.
Very simple retrieve.
A couple of throws and a pause, on which the bait falls and moves all its tentacles attracting fish.
- Here is!
- Look at, not big, may be around 700g.
- But it's nice to hold it.
- They are some kind of hungry that-whether here, it is not clear.
- We catch!
- That's good!
Well, guys, the rain was over and the bites stopped.
Now I just sitting down for a bit.
I will continue to cast, maybe something will come out.
- Here is!
- This is good one!
- Here is such a handsome.
- Listen, I want to say that this bait, it's just awesome.
- But tears so fast, after every bite.
- But nevertheless, it works so perfectly that I would say that it's probably the number one bait I have.
- Here! Huh....
- Was bite.
- Was bite, but failed.
- I want to say, now it's raining and in fact the rain is the best time for catching a snakehead.
- Now I'll try to change the color, I have a replica of this bait.
- They are a bit different, but similar.
- Here is.
- Here is even the simple hook, instead of offset, well we will try.
Striped snakeheads do not grow over a meter.
And judging by the fishing catalog, the maximum recorded weight is.
- Here is!
Equal to only three kilograms.
Although I personally caught three and a half.
But it was in the south of Taiwan.
The chances of catching the trophy in winter, out of season, are almost zero.
- Nice one, nice one!
- Nice.
- Snakehead?
- Yes.
- Striped snakehead.
- Good one.
- Absolutely!
- Not so big, but...
- Let him go.
- Go, thank you.
- Fuck, my rod!
- You rod, my God!
- Oh my God, oh my God!
- Use this, use this....
- It's huge. Huge one!
- Huge one. - Very huge.
- Man, I travel the long way from US to come to Taipei, to come to Taiwan.
- To catch this. I wanna to catch this my whole life. In this place.
- This is special!
- I wanna thanks everybody Peter, Max, Liszt!
- Thank you guys for helping me catch my dream fish! Thank you!
- Thank you, thank you snakehead.
- We put this thing back, somebody else get catched another day.
Well, that's it, guys. Today's fishing has come to an end.
The guys do not stop, they still casting in hope to catch the evening predator.
Well, I can still be a hundred and five times casts, maybe I'll take someone else.
Well, on this, we say goodbye to new meetings. All for now!
VMHD Bridge of Hope || Mrs. Le Thuy Nga - Tran De - Soc Trang - Duration: 4:58.-------------------------------------------
ఇంటిపైకి వెళ్లే మెట్లు ఎలా ఉండాలి | Metlu Vastu In Telugu | Metlu Vastu | Metlu | Telugu Devotional - Duration: 1:42.SUBSCRIBE
ยำสมุนไพรกรอบกุ้ง - Duration: 1:57.Spicy Crispy Herb Salad
Shrimp 150 g
Kaffir lime leave 3 tbsp
Lemongrass 3 tbsp
Water 2 tbsp
Fish sauce 2 tbsp
Tamarind juice ¼ cup
Palm sugar 3 tbsp
Fried shallot 3 tbsp
Fried garlic 3 tbsp
Fried chili 2 tbsp
1-2 serve
<神戸・尼崎>暴排教室、開店休業「組員の子、差別の恐れ」- ニュース24x7 - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
기아차, SUV 판매 비중 42%..쏘렌토⋅카니발 등 '인기' - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Do you know what happens to your body if you eat 2 bananas per day for a month ⚫healthcare✔️ - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Masters of the Universe Grayscale 4 Figure Set | Super7 | jSALEj #1 - Duration: 0:51.j SALE j
[ Skeletor, Beast-Man, Mer-Man, and He-Man ]
Masters of the Universe Grayscale 4 Figure Set | Super7 | Spin-A-jSALEj #1 - Duration: 0:51.j SALE j
[ Skeletor, Beast-Man, Mer-Man and He-Man ]
Ariane Brodier (Camping Paradis) : qui est Fulgence Ouedraogo, son compagnon et... - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
(Eng sub) 점점 매워지는 노래 How to Sing Old K-pop Like a Boss #1 (Spicy) - Duration: 7:22.-------------------------------------------
River 安農溪, Taiwan. Trophy striped snakehead (鮕鮘) on softbait. 2018/01 - Duration: 12:53.- Spook away.
Hi folks, mefik with you!
And now I'm near the north east cost.
This is the Ludong city and as you see this pond.
In fact, this is not the pond, this is the Annong river.
In fact, this is the lake, coz has incoming stream and there is the outlet.
I think they just digg here and did such a quarry and this pond turned out to be.
And here, in this lake, there are snakeheads.
Striped snakehead which we will catch today.
- Hi Maxim!
- Good to see you. - Let's go!
- Where we going? - Let's go, let's go!
- Where we going, where?
- This is nice place.
So, let's run!
The weather is overcast, warm, according to the forecast of small rains, the fish should be active.
And I can not wait to throw the bait and make the first retrieve.
Many people ask why I cast a jig.
While everyone advises to catch on top water baits.
- Here is!
Folks, it's all about the conditions.
- What a jump!
As a bait I have a silicone creature-like bait in the size of 3-3.5 ".
- Yes, guys, I also want to say that two local fishermen are fishing with me today: Liszt and Peter, whom you already saw in some videos.
And one more our guest today is Mike Iaconelli.
Frequent participant and repeated winner of North American tournaments in bass fishing.
In this area there are a lot of clean, transparent creeks, the diversity of fauna of which is amazing.
These streams are also interesting to be fished.
But snakehead fish are smart, if something does not like it, especially in clean water, then it will not go further than sniffing lures.
herefore, we move to such an interesting place.
Zigzag duct of small width and depth not more than a meter.
- mefik, say something.
- Should be your the glory day? - I just exciting now, because it is a new point for me.
In such channels, strangely enough, too, there is a fish.
This man-made channel is a shrimp farm.
And usually the owners of such places themselves ask anglers to catch all predatory fish.
- Hit! There is!!!
- That's great! One!
- Small striped snakehead, let him go. Thank you for the bite!
- Go, thanks!
- Leave.
Generally in winter in the north of Taiwan, the snakehead is inactive.
But just now a slight warming.
Perhaps because of this, the bites is better.
Very simple retrieve.
A couple of throws and a pause, on which the bait falls and moves all its tentacles attracting fish.
- Here is!
- Look at, not big, may be around 700g.
- But it's nice to hold it.
- They are some kind of hungry that-whether here, it is not clear.
- We catch!
- That's good!
Well, guys, the rain was over and the bites stopped.
Now I just sitting down for a bit.
I will continue to cast, maybe something will come out.
- Here is!
- This is good one!
- Here is such a handsome.
- Listen, I want to say that this bait, it's just awesome.
- But tears so fast, after every bite.
- But nevertheless, it works so perfectly that I would say that it's probably the number one bait I have.
- Here! Huh....
- Was bite.
- Was bite, but failed.
- I want to say, now it's raining and in fact the rain is the best time for catching a snakehead.
- Now I'll try to change the color, I have a replica of this bait.
- They are a bit different, but similar.
- Here is.
- Here is even the simple hook, instead of offset, well we will try.
Striped snakeheads do not grow over a meter.
And judging by the fishing catalog, the maximum recorded weight is.
- Here is!
Equal to only three kilograms.
Although I personally caught three and a half.
But it was in the south of Taiwan.
The chances of catching the trophy in winter, out of season, are almost zero.
- Nice one, nice one!
- Nice.
- Snakehead?
- Yes.
- Striped snakehead.
- Good one.
- Absolutely!
- Not so big, but...
- Let him go.
- Go, thank you.
- Fuck, my rod!
- You rod, my God!
- Oh my God, oh my God!
- Use this, use this....
- It's huge. Huge one!
- Huge one. - Very huge.
- Man, I travel the long way from US to come to Taipei, to come to Taiwan.
- To catch this. I wanna to catch this my whole life. In this place.
- This is special!
- I wanna thanks everybody Peter, Max, Liszt!
- Thank you guys for helping me catch my dream fish! Thank you!
- Thank you, thank you snakehead.
- We put this thing back, somebody else get catched another day.
Well, that's it, guys. Today's fishing has come to an end.
The guys do not stop, they still casting in hope to catch the evening predator.
Well, I can still be a hundred and five times casts, maybe I'll take someone else.
Well, on this, we say goodbye to new meetings. All for now!
O బ్లడ్ గ్రూప్ వారి జీవితంఎలా ఉంటుందోతెలుసా| O Blood Group | Blood Group Jathakam | Blood Group Test - Duration: 1:56.SUBSCRIBE
ఈవస్తువు ప్రతి ఒక్కరి ఇంట్లో ఉంటే అదృష్టం ఐశ్వర్యం| How To Solve Financial Problems | Money Problems - Duration: 5:32.PLEASE SUBSCRIBE
atta muhammad niazi purani yaadein saraiki song ►sho chri sho ►Old Hit Song junaid studio - Duration: 5:02.atta muhammad niazi purani yaadein saraiki song ►sho chri sho ►Old Hit Song junaid studio
atta muhammad niazi purani yaadein saraiki song ►sho chri sho ►Old Hit Song junaid studio
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