1 kill
Asko Vølund WMC64P Vaskemaskine - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit-------------------------------------------
2018-02-02: Minuta s XTB - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Light sensitive species - a problem for dinosaur extinction theories - Duration: 1:01.One of the biggest mysteries in earth history is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
There are over 100 theories, including the suggestion that dinosaurs suffered from slipped
discs, shrinking brains or chronic constipation.
The most popular idea is that a meteorite hit the earth and caused dramatic changes
in earth's climate, which led to the demise of the dinosaurs.
However, even though this story is often repeated as fact, many scientists don't believe it.
For instance, in their book The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy, two evolutionary scientists
explain how the meteorite idea has become a new dogma that has outstripped the evidence.
They expose many problems with the theory.
For instance, how did some organisms that require daily sunlight inexplicably manage
to survive an event that supposedly blacked out the sun and caused 50% of species on earth
to go extinct!
So, it appears that even the best evolutionary theory of dinosaur extinction can't see
the light of day!
To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website creation.com
Self love revisited. - Duration: 8:36.Hi All.
I'd like to take us back in a different way to self-love and how self-love is a cornerstone
in being successful.
I'm going to talk to you about a guy who restarted the program December 9th of last year 2017.
He had been on the program before, lost a tremendous amount of weight but he's an addict.
Whatever tension or pressure comes up in his life he uses food for comfort and escape and
in doing so he never did stabilisation.
So although he took the weight off, he's put the weight back and here he is again.
Recognising what I've just shared with you.
In my head I said I'm known to treat him in the same way that I treat teenagers.
I'm going to give him two strikes.
The first week he comes in and hasn't lost I'm going to say strike one.
The second week in a row he comes in and hasn't it lost I'm going to say you're out find another
means and way of losing the weight.
He was not happy.
He said I want to do the program.
I know it's difficult for me.
I know it's a conflict but it's something that I have to do and I said well why is it
that it's something that you have to do?
He says: I can't walk up the stairs.
I can't keep up with my kids.
I feel tired after a day of work and physically if I don't do this then I'm really in trouble.
I said to him: I understand but what's going to keep you this time without my putting limits
on you from holding to the structure of the program?
He said: I'm not sure, all I can tell you is I'm motivated and this is what I want to
We talked about the magic protocol.
He called me after our first meeting in December said he had gone out and bought the candies.
He placed them everywhere he could think of.
In his car, at work, in his pockets, at home and he was going to do it.
Two weeks ago, that's 14 days ago, so it's the middle of January say about the 15th of
January he was down 45 pounds and in the last two weeks he lost an additional 10.
55 pounds from December the 9th to February the 1st.
When he walked in today he was out of control, in a positive way.
He was excited, he couldn't stop talking.
He couldn't stop talking about what he was doing, how much weight he had lost, how it
felt, how it made him feel good and then he said to me: You know the first two weeks I
guess I was using the magic protocol 40/50 times a day.
I almost never was without a candy in my mouth and that's not right Dr. Schwartz and I said
to him: What does that mean it's not right?
He says: I was totally dependent on the candies and I was out of control and I'm out of control
with food.
You called me an addict.
I said: yes I did.
You use food for comfort and escape.
Well instead of food I was using the magic protocol for comfort and escape.
I said: did it work?
He said what do you mean?
I said: Well you've lost 55 pounds since December the 9th.
Tell me how many candies a day are you using?
7/8/9 and I do so because every time I do it I know it works and it feels so good when
it works because I want to cheat but I can't control it the moment I put the candy in my
You're right I could do nothing; it takes the power away from me but it feel so good
because even though I have no power to cheat, I can't cheat and that's what I really want.
What is it did you really want?
I want that cheat but I want to lose the weight even more than I want the cheat and the only
way I can do it now.
How do you feel Ralph?
He said I have to tell you the sort of going out of control is terrifying knowing that
I can fall back on the magic protocol feels soothing and calming because I know I can't
It gives me what I really want despite the fact that without those candies there is no
question in my mind that I would cheat.
Now listen to what he said.
Food controls him because it reduces his stress, it reduces his anxiety, it gives him comfort.
He has now substituted the candies which give him not as much comfort, which take away his
power to cheat but it gives him the feeling of control because he's the one choosing to
put the candy in his mouth instead of the cheat.
If you want to be successful and you're an addict be able to say what he's beginning
to say and that is the more I do it the happier I'm becoming with myself.
Love yourself, do the magic protocol, take your life back!
Talk to me soon.
|MMD| Scream #Riciano4ever (1440p test) - Duration: 2:07.Usher, baby
we did it again
And this time I'mma make you scream
I see you over there, so hypnotic
Thinking 'bout what I do to that body
I get you like
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
Got no drink in my hand But I'm wasted
Getting drunk of the thought of you naked
I get you like
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
And I've tried to fight it, to fight it
But you're so magnetic, magnetic
Got one life, just live it, just live it
Now relax, and get on your back
If you wanna scream "yeah"
Let me know and I'll take you there
Get you going like
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
If you wanna scream
Louder, louder, louder
Hey, tonight I scream, I'm on need
If you wanna scream...
Let me know and I'll take you there
Get you going like
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
Ooh baby baby Ooh baby baby
If you wanna scream
Vianney, Benjamin Biolay, Louane se confie sur ces deux rencontres décisives - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Yvan et les loups (145) Avec illustrations 3D. - Duration: 3:38.Hello, today, my story is called: Yvan and the wolves
One Friday evening, in December 1982, in a Russian village, Ivan was walking
to a communist political meeting in order to make a speech.
He had to get to the next village at 8 o'clock.
Apart from two young people, who were having fun ice-skating on the frozen lake, at the end of the village,
Ivan met few people. Night was falling.
He walked with a determined step, remembering about his speech in order not to forget anything.
And he plunged deeper into the forest.
After some steps under the firs, he has to switch on his torch
Realizing he could see almost nothing
And, by lighting it up, he thought he heard a noise behind him! He overturned and illuminated the way
into the direction where he thought he had heard the noise.
He couldn't see anything.
But just after he overturned, he heard the cry of the wolves that were following his footprints.
"It's too late to go back now." He thought"
And he started to run as fast as possible
But the wolves rapidly caught him! I am lost! he finally said
And I don't have time to ask if God exists or not…"
He fell on his knees, breathless
"Oh God ! Save me from the wolves!
If you help me, I will be your servant!"
At this tight moment, as he could smell
The breath of the wolves around him, he saw them back off.
He stood up, and tried to leave slowly, without any abrupt gesture
But the wolves turned to him again, and started growling showing their fangs…
Once again, he fell to his knees and prayed. "My God, I have fought against you until now,
But today, I give you my life…"
And all night long, Ivan remains on his knees to pray.
The wolves lay down next to him.
Early the next morning, the wolves got up and left him alone.
So, alone, and face to face with himself, Ivan admitted that God had answered his prayer…
He decided to go to the the nearest headquarters of the communist party.
As soon as he arrived, he told his friends what had happened to him the night before.
But nobody believed him, and they all laughed, thinking he had invented this story
As an excuse for not having been to the meeting of the day before.
But Ivan remained immovable, gave up saying : "Go to the forest by yourselves
And the wolves will teach you: God exists!"
After a short time, Ivan walked into the snow and prayed God,
Quoting a prayer made many centuries before by the King David,
"Then, they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from all their distress."
Find one day a story on :www.365histoires.com
La nuit a dévoré le monde - Bande annonce - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Le Joueur de flûte - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
刘德华爱好收藏咸蛋超人:盘点娱乐圈哪些明星的嗜好令人瞠目 - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
Public declaration Rubén Collío - 19/01/2018 - Duration: 16:33.Mari Mari pu peñi pu lagmien, Mari Mari compu che, compu wenuy,
I am pleased to have you here, thanks you for joining us today.
Today, we want to declare with strength, one more time, that La Negra was killed, Macarena was killed!
La Negra was killed for being women, she was killed for being Mapuche, for daring to rise her voice!
We have always affirmed it. We have been demanding justice for a year and a half, a year and half !
Without anyone listening to us, except for you all.
I thank you for being here. I thank you because I see many faces that believed in us from the onset.
There are too many friendly faces here today, and we must to appreciate that.
Today, we have the technical certainty, because we have always known what happened.
We always had the certainty, but today we have the scientific way to prove what we have being saying for over a year and half.
Macarena was murdered!
This people did not care that her one and a half-year old son was present in the house,
they did not care that there were four children behind.
They murdered her and they hung her body to make it look like a suicide.
This for convincing us that she took her life!
But La Negra left us with a clear example of fight and consequence.
We are not willing to allow more deaths. We are not willing to be trampled.
We are not looking for violence. We are not terrorist. We love life.
La Negra loved life, she loved her children, she loved her land, she loved her river and she was able to give her life for all that.
We do not seek death, we want life, but we are willing to defend life until death, and that must to be clear as well!
We will not let them beat us. We will not allow they bring their war to this zone of peace.
Panguipulli has stood against several dam building attempts.
How many extractive companies have already tried to settle here?
and they were all stopped, peacefully, with intelligence.
And all this scares them; they are afraid of our conviction, of our strength
It is for that reason they murdered La Negra; because they want to bring their war here,
they want to justify their violence somehow, they want to militarize this area.
Is that what they are looking for? We will not allow them.
For over a year and half we have been demanding justice.
For over a year and half we are claming that La Negra was murdered
Today we cannot be called crazy. They cannot say that we are drunk, they cannot say that we are drug addicts.
On my hands, I have the conclusions of the report that we all made possible to have it.
This is not the result of one person, this result is of everyone.
Everyone who support us, who believed on us from the onset.
The Lagmien (women) who send greetings, the lagmien who helped me with the cleaning of the house.
The peñis (men) who called just to give a word of encouragement,
the people who helped to organize activities to collect the money for this.
Today we have the scientific way to prove it
The result of the histological study says the following:
"An anatomopathological examination was performed on the skin
and dissected white tissues of the anterior and bilateral cervical areas
The samples were transported in sealed plastic containers -associated to the autopsy protocol-
and they were delivered on the same day the autopsy was conducted to Dr. Carmen Cerda Aguilar
professor at University of Chile, and Director of the Department of Anatomy and Legal Medicine.
She is not an intership student, she is not an inexpert professor, she is not a recently graduated doctor.
She is the Director of the Department of Anatomy of the University of Chile!
In her results, she says: "there was no evidence of vital injurie´s signs in any performed test"
In any performed test!
This expert report was commissioned to Luis Ravanal, with a Master degree in forensic medicine;
a professional with high international prestige,
he is neither a graduated nor an internship student. And, in his conclusions he said:
"The histopathological study of the cervical region skin confirmed the absence of vital injuries.
That is to say, the presence of signs of haemorrhagic infiltration in the area
where the cervical groove of hanging was located is discarded.
Therefore, it can be say that this has to do with the cervical suspension by loop around a corpse,
not of a living person. If the latter had happened, signs of haemorrhagic infiltration would have been present.
In sum, in light of these results, it is possible to objectively controvert the causes
and the mechanism of death established in the first autopsy report"
The first report said that the death cause was suffocation by hanging, suffocation for suicide-type hanging.
Now, with this new expert report, that is discarded. And it has been demonstrated that La Negra was hanged after death;
and, if she was hanged after death, it is because someone else was there
That is to say, indeed, there was participation of third parties.
The report was already presented to the General Prosecutor.
We are now requesting an audience with the National General Prosecutor.
An audience was also requested with the president Michelle Bachellet Jeria yesterday morning
This is a political murder, and they have to give an answer to
why state mechanisms are not working for Mapuche? Why there are people who are not doing their job?
Why is there a doctor from the Medical Legal Service who signed a fake autopsy?
Why have the General Prosecutor tried to close this case twice?
Why was La Negra murdered?
Why did they try to make it look like a suicide?
Why did they try to conceal it? Why did they try to silence us?
Why Policía de Investigaciones (Investigations Police) and its homicide squad have not done its job? Why?
Is it because we are Mapuche that we have no rights in front of justice? Are we not equals?
Is there any Rule of Law in this country?
Or, is there anything else behind?
Is there anyone financing this?
We want answers, hence, today we demand the President to show her face
and answer why her officials are not doing their job.
As I said before, if you see to the cleaning person in your working building,
who get $276.000 with the readjustment,
but if the floor is dirty, or if the toilet smells bad, or the furniture are not clean,
and if someone catches this person sitting, her/him will be fired.
If a construction worker does not carry cement all day and someone catches him sitting, he will be fired
The people of the homicide squad of the PDI get much more morey than the minimum wage, much more!
The General Prosecutor get much more money than the minimum wage, why they do not do their job?
Why they have not been fired for not doing their job?
The doctor of the Medical Legal Service did not do his job either, and this is the third time he does this.
It has been already proved that he signed two fake autopsies before.
He declared suicide where there were in fact two murders; and, this is the third murder he signs as a suicide.
Why is he still working? and why is the doctor of the Medical Legal Service of Valdivia still working? if they are not doing their job?
We want answers!
We are not going to remain without them.
You were asking how I am feeling with this,
same I felt a year ago, same as I have been feeling since a year and half, with rage.
We always knew that Macarena was murdered,
we have always had that certainty and today we can scientifically prove it.
And, those who will have to duck their heads will be others!
Because we will continue walking with dignity, and we will continue defending what we believe is fair.
They have to give us answers.
We are not going to let violence against women to be normalized, we cannot allow it!
Does this mean that everyone here is a possible victim tomorrow?
So, all of you who came here today to manifest with us, are you opening a door to be killed too?
Is this the way this country will works?
Anyone in disagreement with those governing has to die?
Is this the way it will be?
We do not agree with that, and we are not going to allow it.
Thank you again for being here. Thank you again because here I can see many familiar faces.
Thank you on behalf of my sons. Thank you on behalf of La Negra.
This time has been of darkness.
The other day I thought...
Life is not all a bed of roses;
life is multicolour, life is beautiful,
only that they are making us passing through the darkest part now;
and, it is like that that we have lived for all this time.
What they do not know, what they have never imagined,
is that the most beautiful things happen in the dark,
the most intimate care happens in the dark,
the deepest kisses are given with both eyes closed,
and the deepest calm, inside the maternal womb, is also in full darkness.
So, today from the darkness we upraise with more strength, because black is of Newen (power).
La Negra was of Newen.
And today we upraise with even more strength to shout that we want justice,
We demand justice!
And we are not going to allow this to continue, we are not going to let them...
We do not want their violence here, we do not want their war.
Take it away, go and fight alone.
We are not going to accept them here with their violence.
Fey müten Pu Peñi, Pu Lagmien, mañunkelen ...
Thanks for listening to me, thanks for being here again, if anyone has any question, this is the moment
Marichiwew! (Ten and a thousand times we will win!)
EJ Carter is Up Next-------------------------------------------
Ilaripro VS Mika Väyrynen - Duration: 11:30.Ilari
I know Ilari.
Hey everyone and welcome to a new video!
I'm honored to have Mika Väyrynen as a guest today. How are you?
Good, thanks. Thank you for inviting me here.
You quit your career, but you can't stay away from the pitch. Why is that?
This is the number one thing. You know it too.
You've been a player and you're still doing it. This is the coolest sport.
That's understandable.
This video is made in a cooperation with adidas and we got a couple of huge boxes from them.
Let's check what's inside them. -Let's go.
Here's the boxes. They really are big.
Do you have any clue what's inside? I have a feeling, but what do you think?
I have a feeling too, but I'm still excited. Big boxes like that are always exciting.
It's always cool to get one of these. Let's open them. How do these even open? -Thanks.
A clean box.
The Predator is back.
What do you think? You already took a little smell test. What was the first impression like?
Unbelievable. I don't know what's the fetish to smelling new shoes.
You a Predator guy, so I'd guess you like these a lot.
As you noticed I went for these right away.
I started my professional career with the Predators.
Then they were taken off for a while and I dropped a few tears. Now it's back.
I'm not the only one who's been waiting for the comeback.
This is a great thing.
These are really cool, but I've liked the X's a lot.
I think this is a great boot. The upper is smooth and thin. You get a close touch to the ball.
I like these a lot and there's nothing bad about the colourway either. They look cool.
Unbelievable boots.
Talking about the colourway, white/red/black just works with the football boots.
It does. -They're clean.
I can see we both share the same interest to boots.
Of course the most important thing is that the boots feel good
but to me it's also important that they looks good.
Of course. Of course they have to look good.
We're not the only ones who think that. Many others think that too.
To me, when the boot looks good it somehow feels good too.
Then it hopefully reflects to the pitch as positive action.
That's right.
Which.. well, I think I know which boots you're going to use. I guess the Predator.
The Predator is definitely my choice. If that's all right?
I'm more than okay with that. I'll wear the X's.
Let's put the boots on and start playing. -Great.
The boots are on. How are you feeling?
Great feeling. When do we get to play?
Now. Let's put the ball rolling or we'll get cold.
Good little warm up. How do you feel?
Feeling good. It went surprisingly well.
I'm honestly surprised how good you were at ATW and all the tricks. You been practicing! When?
As a kid. Maybe once or twice.
Now we'll start shooting. Do you prefer shooting to a moving ball or just a free kick?
To a moving ball. Moving picture. -All right, let's do that.
Is it true that you haven't practiced shooting in a while?
Last season I took a shot maybe ten shots in total. Last time I really kicked a ball in 2014.
We'll see.
The first shots of the day.
Well, nothing amazing yet.
A couple of good ones, but now we'll get more.
This is our thing. -Now we'll hit more.
Why would anyone ever want to shoot to a moving ball?
Two in a row? -Yeah.
You can go home now. That's for being on the video.
See you. -See you.
That's okay.
That's what it's like on top.
Are you satisfied with your shots today?
No. -Not yet?
Nah, those were terrible. Couple of good ones, but the average was....
Have you been shooting knuckleballs?
I've heard about it. -Have you ever done it?
Today, once. -Yeah.
Let's try that. From a bit further distance.
That's crazy.
It's getting cold. -Yeah, I can feel it.
I think that that for shooting.
A lot of shots, some good ones too actually.
A few nice ones. You shot a few crazy knuckles.
A lot of bad ones too, but the vibe was positive. -Yeah, a good feeling.
You have a long career behind you.
What was your strength as a footballer? Talking about skills.
Was it crosses? You were a midfielder.
Was it the first touch or what?
The first touch. That and playing with one touch was my thing.
How can you practice that if you go to the pitch alone?
You can practice the first touch anywhere.
Throw the ball up, kick it against a wall and it comes back bouncing.
You always have to try to control it. You can do it anywhere even if you're alone.
That's right.
I'd like you to show me and us, the viewers a skill you used to do at younger age.
Maybe you haven't used that many skills lately. -Yeah.
Some cool skill or what ever that could be useful in a match.
Okay, let's do that. -Let's go.
That was Väykkä's skill. I was a bit surprised.
What name would you give that skill?
I don't know. Old school greatness of the archives.
You don't really see this skill anymore, but people used to do it back in the days.
Looked cool. Go practice it.
I think we need a bit of competition to the end. -Always.
You like it. You're a competitive guy. -Yeah. Competition is always good.
Small bets and everything works.
Can you guess what's the best competition for this situtation?
Some people have talked about a crossbar challenges and juggling... I don't know.
What do you have?
A crossbar challenge. -Legendary.
You have to hit three crossbars. The one who hit's them first is today's champion.
I'll start. -You'll start?
How didn't I hit it? Usually I always do.
In the middle.
Do I get two points with a rabona? Okay, if Väykkä hits a rabona, he'll get two.
Same thing for me? -Yeah.
Three nil.
That was quick action. Thanks for the session. It was cool.
Pretty well.
We've had a good afternoon at the pitch.
Thanks for coming here. It's been an honor.
Thanks to you. I'm also glad and honored to be on your video.
As I've said many times, you quit your career after the last season.
I have a few question about that. If that's okay? -That's totally okay.
Everyone knows football was your job and you got paid for playing.
What else did your career give you?
A lot of life experiences. I've learned languages and got friends. It gave me so much.
Not only football but so much from around it. It's been very fruitful.
You played in many countries.
Does some club or country stand out from the others? The most unforgettable.
Maybe the Netherlands, because I played there for ten years, which is most of my professional career.
Also Enland, the U.S. and Finland has given me something.
That a richness I'll always remember.
I can imagine.
You played in many clubs. Can you say who's the most skilful player you've played with?
Might be a difficult question. -The most skilful player?
That's a tough one. I've been playing with many skilful players.
Actually one guy stands out. He's Moroccan player, Assaidi.
He's a street football kind of guy with all the skills. He always got past the opponent.
Played in Liverpool later on.
Definitely the most skilful player. -Okay.
Thanks for this. It's been a cool day.
Great, thanks.
Hopefully you enjoyed the video. Give a thumbs up and send greeting to Väykkä in the comments.
Do that and follow me.
Ilari will tag me. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and everywhere.
If you enjoyed, give a thumbs up, leave a comment and subscribe for more.
See you next time, bye! -Ciao!
Yvan et les loups (145) Avec illustrations 3D. - Duration: 3:38.Hello, today, my story is called: Yvan and the wolves
One Friday evening, in December 1982, in a Russian village, Ivan was walking
to a communist political meeting in order to make a speech.
He had to get to the next village at 8 o'clock.
Apart from two young people, who were having fun ice-skating on the frozen lake, at the end of the village,
Ivan met few people. Night was falling.
He walked with a determined step, remembering about his speech in order not to forget anything.
And he plunged deeper into the forest.
After some steps under the firs, he has to switch on his torch
Realizing he could see almost nothing
And, by lighting it up, he thought he heard a noise behind him! He overturned and illuminated the way
into the direction where he thought he had heard the noise.
He couldn't see anything.
But just after he overturned, he heard the cry of the wolves that were following his footprints.
"It's too late to go back now." He thought"
And he started to run as fast as possible
But the wolves rapidly caught him! I am lost! he finally said
And I don't have time to ask if God exists or not…"
He fell on his knees, breathless
"Oh God ! Save me from the wolves!
If you help me, I will be your servant!"
At this tight moment, as he could smell
The breath of the wolves around him, he saw them back off.
He stood up, and tried to leave slowly, without any abrupt gesture
But the wolves turned to him again, and started growling showing their fangs…
Once again, he fell to his knees and prayed. "My God, I have fought against you until now,
But today, I give you my life…"
And all night long, Ivan remains on his knees to pray.
The wolves lay down next to him.
Early the next morning, the wolves got up and left him alone.
So, alone, and face to face with himself, Ivan admitted that God had answered his prayer…
He decided to go to the the nearest headquarters of the communist party.
As soon as he arrived, he told his friends what had happened to him the night before.
But nobody believed him, and they all laughed, thinking he had invented this story
As an excuse for not having been to the meeting of the day before.
But Ivan remained immovable, gave up saying : "Go to the forest by yourselves
And the wolves will teach you: God exists!"
After a short time, Ivan walked into the snow and prayed God,
Quoting a prayer made many centuries before by the King David,
"Then, they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from all their distress."
Find one day a story on :www.365histoires.com
Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me | Little Red Car Songs For Children | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:54.Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
"Now there's a bug as well!"
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
Shoo, bug, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
"Where did this wasp come from?!"
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
Shoo, wasp, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
"Look at this bee!!"
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
Shoo, bee, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
BOB the Irish setter does not get the concept of opening a door... - Duration: 0:12.Come.....
Come on boy....
Come on!
Yeah! (wags tail.... :-D )
Come on here!!
Don't you understand it?
ABC Song | Junior Squad | Video For Toddlers | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:04.It's the Alphabets song..
Y And Z
Now i know my A B C.. 26 Letter form A TO Z
Y And Z
Now i know my A B C.. 26 Letter form A TO Z
Y And Z
Now i know my A B C.. 26 Letter form A TO Z
26 Letter form A TO Z
26 Letter form A TO Z
Samsung Galaxy S9 Trailer 2018 - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
Звёздные Войны. Всё о Телепортации. ЛорЗВ#273 - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
GOD OF MESSI : #Ronaldo #Rooney ,Lionel Messi :CHYGOZCONCEPTS EPISODE 7 - Duration: 2:16.
The God I serve is God of Mercy,
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
What are you people doing on the road?
Don't you know is not good to stand on the road and be doing this thing.
This is what devil is using to distract the generation
Who that help?
Who that help?
No, please may the peace be with you
and with your spirit
Please, sister praise the Lord, respect God atleast
God I respect you ohhh
Thank you
I am here to indroduce my God
He is a wonderful God
he will show you MERCY.
I know, like you are boy
you she is a young girl you might be doing what young boys and young girls are doing
and is a Sin
If you continue is a Sin
Excuse me Pastor,
which one do young boys and girls do again?
Do you know, if she is my sister
Oh sorry
I am here to tell you, that God of Mercy
will show you mercy
His mercies endureth forever. Can someone say Amen
Excuse Pastor
I have question
Since you have been talking about Messi
It's because you are putting on Barca Cloth
What of me that is wearing Real Madrid?
You are not talking about God of Ronaldo
And me that is Man U Fan
He is not talking of Rooney also
We are talking of Football, we are talking of God of Mercy
Is better you receive God of Mercy in your life
No We need God of Ronaldo
I need God of Rooney
God of Mercy is God of heaven, he will show you mercy
God of Rooney
God of Rooney
God of Rooney
Tom Clancy's Ghosts Compilation Wins & Fails [GER] - Duration: 6:13.Hello and welcome to the waiting screen
of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
with me and my Brother
Burning now there. all..
All smoking..
Yes. In the air.
In the air.
What is it?
I'm drawing my weapon. Watch out.
Let's go.
Okay, Pulling parachute
Compared, this one worked out very well.
Nevermind, I'm fine
I've heard of the death road.
This is the "DeathRoad" or what?
It's called because...
Because of all the tanks driving there..
Oh no, oh f***
Oh sh**
Oh god.
We need to go that way.
We are suspicious-
By that guy? Do we act suspicious?
I don't think it is any use, we need to fly there by helicopter anyways.
Ok.. yes, order one..
We don't hesitate (lt. burn) too long..
Oh, wait.
Guess what. Doesn't drive anymore
He won't get off
Gasoline save and ready to be taken by the rebells.
That's what I call all-inclusive service.
Does this still drive?
Yes.. chilled
Both with the TAR. If you shoot quickly you'll get both
God, that was weak, duude. Once working with professionals.
Ohh, here comes the lorry
Have you please recorded this?
Alex, that was great!
You would get him, you think?
I would.. I would get him
And the guy back there?
The mortar? I wand him gone.
I don't know if I can make that.
Not from this position.
Where is the tower? Back there.
I really want to try it.
Then try.
I don't have to, I only have a 4 times zoom scope.
I'll try that for sure now.
I'm so thrilled now
I see him.
424 meters
Oh, he's 212 meters from here.
[ENG] Newt Scamander polymer clay Tutorial - from Fantastic Beasts fimo DIY - Duration: 10:12..
Le Joueur de flûte - Histoires avant de s'endormir - Histoire pour Enfants - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Netflix, Vanilla, OPM Indie Music | January 2018 Favorites - Duration: 5:45.Hey, Dreamers, it's me Kate and welcome to my January Favorites video.
So, the first thing on my January Favorites list
is this mason jar in ombre red with the Philippines on it
which I bought from Kultura at ₱49.50.
I just love the color red and it also makes me think
that I'm drinking some flavored stuff even though it only has water,
so that's definitely a plus.
As I'm already sitting on the couch,
let us instantly dive into my favorite shows for this month.
The first one would be FRIENDS.
I'm currently on the 9th season and absolutely love it.
I don't know, I guess I'm just a sucker for the classics.
Been watching this since the late of last year
and I'm just one and a half seasons away from its end.
I already miss it just by thinking that it's gonna end soon.
Another one would be this Netflix Original Series,
The End of the F***ing World.
I absolutely loved it.
It captures real adolescent angst.
Not really a handful to watch
because it's only a 20-something minuter per episode
and only has a total of eight episodes.
So, if you're looking for something fresh and beautiful, this is definitely it.
And lastly is the fourth and latest season of Black Mirror.
I talked about this in a previous favorites video,
blabbering on and on how completely genius the entire anthology is.
For this season, nothing has changed. It's still unbelievably brilliant.
I can't put into words how clever this series is,
you just have to see it for yourself.
Trust me, the future is now.
Book-wise, John Green's Turtles All The Way Down is a good read.
Very heartwarming, as expected from a John Green novel, duh?
I really don't want to spoil you with the details,
but I'm telling you, it's quite a ride!
For skincare, I have absolutely been loving
The Body Shop's Vanilla Chai Shower Gel
and The Body Shop's Vanilla Chai Exfoliating Sugar Body Scrub.
If you've been following me for quite some time now,
you probably know that I am super fond of anything vanilla,
and I just love this vanilla scent.
And I love that this lingers on the skin for a long time.
I can practically smell myself oozing with vanilla.
I just love it! 10/10, omaygad!
Bath related, I'm also loving this little scented candle
in Harvest scent from EGGS' Regalong Pambahay (Glorietta stall)
which I got for 250 pesos.
Yes, I know it's a bit pricey for something this small,
but I'm telling you, this fills up the room like, BAM!
And this actually lasts a long time
I usually light it up for five minutes every day and just leave it open
by the bedroom door because you can still smell it
as you walk in the room even when it's not lit,
that's how good it is.
And when I'm having a bath and I feel like lighting up candle,
this is definitely my go-to scented candle.
And if you're into scented candles like me,
then you should definitely try this, but I will recommend the Forest Rain scent
because that scent is the bomb.
My music for this month are all Pinoy indie music...
[IV OF SPADES' "Where Have You Been, My Disco?" playing]
♪ Yo momma said that you should be home Seven in the evening with a sober soul ♪
♪ Don't you worry, brother, I'm on my way Just keep on truckin' tonight ♪
[Cheats' "Crumble" playing]
♪ You say I see it backwards ♪
♪ I've seen your world And it's crumbling down ♪
♪ I'll beg off contemplating If I should stay when it crumbles down ♪
[Munimuni's "Sa Hindi Pag-Alala" playing]
♪ Kakalimutan na kita ♪
♪ Siguraduhin mong Hindi talaga pwedeng tayo ♪
...and The Ransom Collective.
[The Ransom Collective's "Settled" playing]
Seriously, guys, if you haven't listened to any of them yet, you are missing out.
OPM isn't dead.
So, these are my favorites for the month.
If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up
and, of course, subscribe if you wanna see more from me.
See you next week, and don't forget to "Aim High, Sky Dieme!"
♪ ...that I once loved ♪
♪ I'm writing down everything it means ♪
♪ We played our parts We colored within the shapes and lines ♪
♪ A brand new start... ♪
Bitcoin millionaire says we all should be rich in a decade - Duration: 2:43.Bitcoin millionaire says we all should be rich in a decade
[ITA] Newt Scamander in fimo Tutorial - da Animali fantastici in pasta polimerica DIY - Duration: 10:12.-------------------------------------------
#Geocaching 🌧 Petit FTF sous la pluie 🌧 Little FTF in the rain 🌧 - Duration: 7:44.[Musique]
hi the Geo subscriber welcome in this news
video so as you see we are in
car the sun is not even even
looking up and going with "Grheuu"
normally if everything goes well on
a new cache and if everything happens
on an FTF! so here is
the weather is not with us, it's raining
so that's the main answer
to why I do not do a lot of
videos right now outdoors he
for a good week * two weeks *
I returned from Evreux and since it rains
** In fact he returned from Normandy with rain **
it's not me who says it, it's Grheuu
I do not dare now that I
know the normans that I do not dare
to go to the pz
then a little aside for my mom who
I know is watching the chain
if today I am not covered
while it's raining it's not because I
do not want or want to keep you
it's just because I forgot my
coat leaving, Angelique who thought one!
but me no, that's it.
that being said we are going to look for the
cache ** No but he does it to keep you up ** (laughs)
so we see something suspicious
the undergrowth in the rain is strong
nice is that yes woaw, woawww it's a
big box
So, what's up to him?
is there a system?
so what do you see? are you
see something?
Let's study! ** For the moment no ? **
** There were numbers in the index **
yeah wait what I'm going to do it's
that I'm going to hang the
camera a few hand and then we go
try to find that. so after
observation we found below a
small notice I may put the
picture here but here, in any case
it tells me that we need to clear the
plates are the side to find this
that I understood balls that grows
a ball that pushes another ball and force
to push the ball with a precise number
we get the cache * I did not understand all that !! *
Me neither, but we are going to get there
so it gets up! so I have holes
So you to the numbers 1 2 3
so wait there were clues
actually we have numbers with
three holes three holes on each side
** what are you like numbers ** then I have 4 5 6 and you
a 1 2 3 in the index we have
1 equals 39.2 equals 24 and 3 equals 17
** this is where the doubt settles **
it's too early in the morning
** I push to see? **
I repeat the clues
so you dropped two of them.
how many balls? 1 equals 29?
39, go again
In fact there are three ball circuits, so
that's the cache and in one of the
three if you think you've found
count the number of balls to be made out in loop
so for example on
circuit 1 it's 39
the 2 is another number and the
circuit 3 this is another figure we will try
so that would be 24 so we count well
to go I think we have to count from the side that comes out
meanwhile at veracruz
wait because it can be a decoy!
** no, that's it? **
it looks like a logbook
** and the "I got you"
** you to a pen? ** yeah I have a pen of course
it's the logbook !!
we are FTF !! go have a quick wink to joshua
so as we saw in the video
previous we will note co-ftf in ??? ** in parentheses ? ** no
that's on the application ... IN BRIEF here ^^
so that's a little hiding rather
friendly even very nice a
little technique it's nice because
in the area we have a lot of small
pots lying behind trunks at the foot
behind the foot behind ** and in the
ivy! ** to no! this is my specialty haha
but that's it actually changes
course and loops it's a small
alternation we will say that it
allows us to change
** yeah it's a poser who does
mainly techniques **
it does that it actually is rather
nice! continue I know who you are
will recognize you, but not this one really
nice in the area I think it's
the only one I saw like that
we are planning to make one
with marbles too but who will not be with the same
system so that's good we get
will actually complete. So that's good
to see you soon we're going back because
that in fact it shows
fortunately there are trees
it's raining more and more we're going back
have breakfast and then I
tell you very quickly the Geo Subscriber
ciao ciao !!
if you too do not want to miss
caches, outings, etc ... Subscribe
by clicking on these two small balls
here it is, here
yeah go ahead click ** you can do it **
here !! ** you see I told you that you went sick
no but then ^^
Evelyne Bencicova ⎸ PICS PILLS #16 - Duration: 2:13.Hello everyone, I would like to talk about Evelyne Bencicova.
It's a young Austrian photographer that I find interesting for her organic approach.
And if sometimes the geometries and architectures take over the protagonists of the photos,
risking to make abstract photos,
the materials remain palpable.
We thus find ourselves closer to a realistic universe than to a graphic universe.
These materials and warm colors contrast with a strangely frozen staging.
Atmospheres, sometimes distressing in their banality, sound of a green manner close to the world of David Lynch.
Regarding the vocabulary of the strange, Bencicova rarely shows faces, even to use masks.
One of his gimmicks consists of staging multiple characters that are true copies of each other.
These characters are often anonymous shadows that haunt the place.
We feel that they are comfortable in the environment despite destabilizing poses.
There is therefore a dramatic tension that settles between a certain warmth of the spaces and the strange aspect of the stagings.
But the reason I like this photographer is because of his portraits.
In these photos, she stages various makeup accessories,
like strings or powders.
The photos are a treatise of how the epidermis reacts to these accesories.
These photos tend to look like fashion photos in their lighting and framing,
on the other hand, they have an organic dimension that I like.
There is a whole lot about the skin, its deformations, and certainly what is underneath.
I often use this term "organic" to refer to the presence of bodies
the feeling that we can touch what is present in the photo.
Here it is a little different, it is an organic matter in the medical sense of the term.
Since the body is shown for its material, it surpasses the identity. That's why she does not show faces.
The identity of the people is not important.
Well, there are other works at this photographer that I did not talk about which I have less to say, but that I find just as good. I invite you to go see them.
Thank you for watching the episode, see you soon!
[Scoop] Audi RS5 Sportback (2019) : premières infos - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Learn Spanish: (60) El pretérito perfecto, the use - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
Voici le nombre d'heures de sommeil dont vous avez besoin selon votre âge. - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 308 : nouveau moteur PureTech 225 et série spéciale Style - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...-------------------------------------------
ROBLOX of :I'm show you crazy: by Bebe Rexha - Duration: 1:56.There's a war inside my head Sometimes I wish that I was dead i'm broken
So I call this therapist And she said ''Girl you can t be fixed just take this''
I''m tired of trying to be normal I'm always overthinking
I'm driving myself crazy So what if I'm f___crazy
And I don't need your quick fix I don't want your prescription
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy So what if I'm f___ crazy
Yeah I'm gonna show you
Yeah I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you
Yeah I'm gonna show you
BAT S___
Yeah I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you
Yeah I'm gonna show you
Yeah I'm going to show you
Yeah I'm going to show you
Tired of trying to be normal
I'm driving myself crazy
And I don't need your quick fix I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy So waht if I'm f___crazy
스마트폰 4종 카메라 비교, 아이폰X·V30·픽셀2 XL·갤노트8 - Duration: 16:17.-------------------------------------------
Netflix, Vanilla, OPM Indie Music | January 2018 Favorites - Duration: 5:45.Hey, Dreamers, it's me Kate and welcome to my January Favorites video.
So, the first thing on my January Favorites list
is this mason jar in ombre red with the Philippines on it
which I bought from Kultura at ₱49.50.
I just love the color red and it also makes me think
that I'm drinking some flavored stuff even though it only has water,
so that's definitely a plus.
As I'm already sitting on the couch,
let us instantly dive into my favorite shows for this month.
The first one would be FRIENDS.
I'm currently on the 9th season and absolutely love it.
I don't know, I guess I'm just a sucker for the classics.
Been watching this since the late of last year
and I'm just one and a half seasons away from its end.
I already miss it just by thinking that it's gonna end soon.
Another one would be this Netflix Original Series,
The End of the F***ing World.
I absolutely loved it.
It captures real adolescent angst.
Not really a handful to watch
because it's only a 20-something minuter per episode
and only has a total of eight episodes.
So, if you're looking for something fresh and beautiful, this is definitely it.
And lastly is the fourth and latest season of Black Mirror.
I talked about this in a previous favorites video,
blabbering on and on how completely genius the entire anthology is.
For this season, nothing has changed. It's still unbelievably brilliant.
I can't put into words how clever this series is,
you just have to see it for yourself.
Trust me, the future is now.
Book-wise, John Green's Turtles All The Way Down is a good read.
Very heartwarming, as expected from a John Green novel, duh?
I really don't want to spoil you with the details,
but I'm telling you, it's quite a ride!
For skincare, I have absolutely been loving
The Body Shop's Vanilla Chai Shower Gel
and The Body Shop's Vanilla Chai Exfoliating Sugar Body Scrub.
If you've been following me for quite some time now,
you probably know that I am super fond of anything vanilla,
and I just love this vanilla scent.
And I love that this lingers on the skin for a long time.
I can practically smell myself oozing with vanilla.
I just love it! 10/10, omaygad!
Bath related, I'm also loving this little scented candle
in Harvest scent from EGGS' Regalong Pambahay (Glorietta stall)
which I got for 250 pesos.
Yes, I know it's a bit pricey for something this small,
but I'm telling you, this fills up the room like, BAM!
And this actually lasts a long time
I usually light it up for five minutes every day and just leave it open
by the bedroom door because you can still smell it
as you walk in the room even when it's not lit,
that's how good it is.
And when I'm having a bath and I feel like lighting up candle,
this is definitely my go-to scented candle.
And if you're into scented candles like me,
then you should definitely try this, but I will recommend the Forest Rain scent
because that scent is the bomb.
My music for this month are all Pinoy indie music...
[IV OF SPADES' "Where Have You Been, My Disco?" playing]
♪ Yo momma said that you should be home Seven in the evening with a sober soul ♪
♪ Don't you worry, brother, I'm on my way Just keep on truckin' tonight ♪
[Cheats' "Crumble" playing]
♪ You say I see it backwards ♪
♪ I've seen your world And it's crumbling down ♪
♪ I'll beg off contemplating If I should stay when it crumbles down ♪
[Munimuni's "Sa Hindi Pag-Alala" playing]
♪ Kakalimutan na kita ♪
♪ Siguraduhin mong Hindi talaga pwedeng tayo ♪
...and The Ransom Collective.
[The Ransom Collective's "Settled" playing]
Seriously, guys, if you haven't listened to any of them yet, you are missing out.
OPM isn't dead.
So, these are my favorites for the month.
If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up
and, of course, subscribe if you wanna see more from me.
See you next week, and don't forget to "Aim High, Sky Dieme!"
♪ ...that I once loved ♪
♪ I'm writing down everything it means ♪
♪ We played our parts We colored within the shapes and lines ♪
♪ A brand new start... ♪
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