Thursday, February 22, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 22 2018

I know its hard to believe but

I am a


Please use headphones for better quality

*birdwing flip

if you shake that armpits

You will become one with the wind

shit only we can do

snots bc its cold winter

if put my head up I see

those humans in boundaries

Its hard to find food bc its too cold

itd be so nice if I could eat one of those humans

its so unfair man

yall cook our friends chicken.

why cant we eat yall

marinated human.. friend human.. soy sauce human..

Looking at this beautiful view

Gives chill in my wings

but compared to that those human places

So disgusting

they boutta lose all the nice natural shit

Feels like the air is getting shitty too

such a blessing that humans cant fly

if that was a thing..

I would've been

cut in pieces by them

and consumed by them

I see my friends above water

oh now that I think about it

we eat those weak ass fish too

as yall know

Fish is tasty

not too long ago I saw humans camping

they didn't even clean and left

saw like left over fish and shit

I wasn't used it

. I was slowly tasting it with every part of my beak


this is the taste of fire

my beak was stabbing the shit out of that fish

it wasn't the taste of fish I was used to

Some type of fishgasm…

flipping wings

the tree I grew up in got sliced.

Once it was a forest but now its left alone.

well I cant exactly remember where I was really born. Cant remember bc im a bird..

Its somewhat true that birds are dumbasses

I see human footprints.

im getting really mad.

Im waiting for it to snow.

when it snows im gonna shit all over human head.

they wont be able to tell whether its snow or shit

imma leave now..

I remember the days when humans didn't exist ..

but I want that grilled fish again

I heard there was a good grilled fish restaurant

but those fuckin pigeons took over that area

well.. im done now

There is no line in the sky

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For more infomation >> Bird's Point of view ASMR - Duration: 7:32.


Cách làm cung tên đơn giản để đi săn (Fazendo um arco e Arrow - Como fazer um arco à mão) - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> Cách làm cung tên đơn giản để đi săn (Fazendo um arco e Arrow - Como fazer um arco à mão) - Duration: 12:00.


Bardwell F4 AIO - Firmware Upgrade - Duration: 2:49.

Hello everyone, I'm Mirko, and today let's see how to update the Bardwell F4 AIO firmware

Updating Betaflight Firmware is important to have access to all the latest new features

and guarantee an increasingly stable and precise flight.

First we download the ImpulseRC Driver Fixer by clicking the link you find in the description

This software replaces what Zadig did by automating the driver installation process.

After downloading the software, click on the executable.

Now we connect the flight controller.

After a few seconds the drivers are installed and the program will close automatically.

Disconnect the flight controller and start Betaflight.

Now hold down the BOOT key and connect the Flight Controller to the PC.

As you can see we are in DFU mode that there allows you to upgrade the firmware.

So we click on "Firmware Flasher" e in this drop-down menu we choose the target.

The correct target for the Bardwell F4 AIO is "CLRACINGF4", so we select it.

Now we choose the firmware, I recommend always choose the latest version available.



Once the process has finished the firmware is installed, we can click on connect

Now we can make all the configurations based on the components we have installed on our quad.

This was my tutorial on how to update the Bardwell F4 AIO firmware

Thanks for watching the video, please like and subscribe.

You can also support me on Patreon by clicking the link at the end of the video.

For more infomation >> Bardwell F4 AIO - Firmware Upgrade - Duration: 2:49.


Une astuce incroyable pour chasser les moustiques ! - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Une astuce incroyable pour chasser les moustiques ! - Duration: 3:56.


Làm Thế Nào Để Thanh Lọc Gan và Thận Tự Nhiên Sau Tết - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Làm Thế Nào Để Thanh Lọc Gan và Thận Tự Nhiên Sau Tết - Duration: 3:41.


현대차 신형 싼타페에 도입된 '최초 기술' 세 가지[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 현대차 신형 싼타페에 도입된 '최초 기술' 세 가지[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 4:02.


Une astuce facile pour que votre maison sente toujours bon ! - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Une astuce facile pour que votre maison sente toujours bon ! - Duration: 4:03.


Loredana Lecciso è stata vista insieme al cantante di Cellino San Marco a Milano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso è stata vista insieme al cantante di Cellino San Marco a Milano | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


Isola dei Famosi: Giucas sospeso dal programma, ecco il perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Isola dei Famosi: Giucas sospeso dal programma, ecco il perché | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


평창 올림픽 김연아 인면조 일본 해외 반응▼|K-News - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> 평창 올림픽 김연아 인면조 일본 해외 반응▼|K-News - Duration: 8:54.


폭스바겐, 파사트 GT 금융 프로그램 마련[24/7 카] - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> 폭스바겐, 파사트 GT 금융 프로그램 마련[24/7 카] - Duration: 1:47.


Daniele Bossari smascherato dopo la puntata: ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Daniele Bossari smascherato dopo la puntata: ecco cosa è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


L'Isola dei famosi,Eva Henger umilia Daniele Bossari dopo lo scontro in diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> L'Isola dei famosi,Eva Henger umilia Daniele Bossari dopo lo scontro in diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.


현대차, 신형 싼타페 내외관 디자인 공개 "가격 2985~3710만원"[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 현대차, 신형 싼타페 내외관 디자인 공개 "가격 2985~3710만원"[24/7 카] - Duration: 3:39.


Dopo Giucas, un'altra naufraga ha lasciato l'Isola Dei Famosi: ecco chi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Dopo Giucas, un'altra naufraga ha lasciato l'Isola Dei Famosi: ecco chi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


Uomini e Donne: Giorgio Manetti, la frase che sciocca Gemma, Sperti furioso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Giorgio Manetti, la frase che sciocca Gemma, Sperti furioso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


Voici ce qui arrive à votre corps si vous dormez sur le côté gauche chaque nuit pendant un mois - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Voici ce qui arrive à votre corps si vous dormez sur le côté gauche chaque nuit pendant un mois - Duration: 5:08.


BMW, 신형 i3 94Ah 사전계약 실시…기본가 50만원 인상[24/7 카] - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> BMW, 신형 i3 94Ah 사전계약 실시…기본가 50만원 인상[24/7 카] - Duration: 4:20.


Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA

For more infomation >> Sebastián Yatra - SUTRA


VKAR RACING BISON V2 - Miglior Macchina Radiocomandata Elettrica da 90km/h - Recensione Unboxing ITA - Duration: 11:27.


For more infomation >> VKAR RACING BISON V2 - Miglior Macchina Radiocomandata Elettrica da 90km/h - Recensione Unboxing ITA - Duration: 11:27.


Top 3 Electric Cars! - Auto Expo India 2018 | UNITI UPDATE 19 - Duration: 8:11.

Welcome to Uniti Update Episode 19!

So, as you may remember from our last episode,

we had just packed up everything and we were ready for our next trip

And so, now the car is in its box, and we're ready to ship it to India

Okay, so now the car is finally here at the Auto Show and everything is in full swing

However, we want to tell you a little bit about how we got here, and how the event turned out

We're in Delhi! So we just go right to the hotel.

Okay, so in my weather app, we're in New Delhi - it says smoke

And pollution?

Yeah, mask.

Pollution is really bad. And it is increasing rather than decreasing because vehicles are coming out from everywhere

So we are now at the hotel and we're gonna meet up with Rony, and who's Rony?

So, Rony is our collaborator here in India

He works for Bird Mobility, which is part of Bird Group

And he helps us interact with the Indian market and see where we go

I work for Bird Group in India and have been in the automotive industry for about a decade now

And we found the car from Sweden is going to be an absolute good fit for our India markets

So we look forward for a successful association in India and getting Uniti on the Indian roads as early as possible

And he also arranged for the car to get here

So now we're gonna see if it's still in one piece and get it to the event

Miraculously, our car has now shown up in this parking lot in New Delhi

Looks okay. Looks okay!

Okay, so now we need to pack it up again, and then it's going to be sent to the event hall tomorrow

We're in the Ambience Mall and they're supposed to have India's only ice skating rink

And this is also where Bird Group is going to be marketing us after the event we have at Auto Expo

We're ice-skating in India, can you believe that?

I think about electric cars are the best

We are in a Zbee from Clean Motion.

It an electric rickshaw from Gothenburg, Sweden and they are our friends at home

It's actually pretty cool compared to the other rickshaws

As it accelerates a lot quicker And it's very quiet, very smooth

We're gonna move this box to the exhibition hall

It's good!

We have the computers and VR headsets in the whole booth and the car is packed

We're on our way to the expo now. It's an hour's drive in this truck and the car is on the back

So now it's 11:30, and we're at the fuel station fueling up.

So in order to get rid of the pollution problems, they've started using compressed natural gas

So they're actually refueling with the gas here at the station

But we want to take it one step further at Uniti - we want to charge with electricity instead of gas

Where we going? Auto Expo?

Yes, yes

Finally, we're here!

So this is the Auto Expo and now we're going to set it up in the booth

And somewhere in here, is Pontus


Hey! We're building a booth!

There's actually 20 people here building this booth from scratch

We're gonna have to focus on next task - getting the cars down from the truck

So it's 20 minutes to 5:00

And the booth is on the way, and then here, we are creating the video content

For the screen there

After an entire night, we're done.

So, the Auto Expo here in New Delhi, India, it's a huge event with more than

600,000 people visiting. And we're getting lots of interesting people talk to us, and we got lots of new friends here

And it's been a lot of excitement over our car

There's even a line up to get pre-orders, and as we said earlier in India,

we're actually launching together with Bird Mobility a 5-seater and the reason for that is that we feel that the 5-seater

fits the Indian market a lot better, so that's really exciting for us

And we're not the only ones excited actually. All the pre-orders are going great

And I think we should go and talk to some of the people that have ordered the actual car

You just pre-ordered the car, congratulations! What was the main reason that you purchased the car today?

So my main intention is to buy this and

to save the fuel

for the future

I feel like I want to

reduce pollution and

increase the comfort and experience

Electric cars are needed

It's not just in India - it's needed everywhere all over the world. Indian government is also pushing a lot

for the electric vehicle it really has a very huge future

I'm the 9th one who has

made a booking for India. As I said, it's awesome, awesome product.

Wish you all the best!

I think the future is bright

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities on the planet. The government needs to do something about it

And they are being very aggressive on electric cars, so they are saying 100% electric by 2030, which I think is difficult

But I think it's a good goal to have. I think it's a very beautiful car

I think that's what the Indian consumer wants - he's very picky so if you give something exciting and different

Definitely will be accepted very well.

Yesterday I think we had about 65

articles in the media and 15 or 20 TV interviews in total.

Some even say this is the coolest car of the whole expo

There's around 20 or 30 in total, and they listed us as top 3 there

I'm really loving the crowd so far and we got a lot of pre-orders done, so that's great

My god!

It's really really awesome - they like our car. They really like the five seater

We hand out all these flyers - nearly 20,000

So it's been really exciting here in India

We've got a great response on the vehicle and it's been great working with Bird Mobility and see where that can go in the future

And now, it's time for the team to head back home to Lund and continue working at the headquarters until the next adventure

For more infomation >> Top 3 Electric Cars! - Auto Expo India 2018 | UNITI UPDATE 19 - Duration: 8:11.


J.Cole - Deja Vu 中文字幕CC - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> J.Cole - Deja Vu 中文字幕CC - Duration: 4:27.


Dany Brillant évoque son passage à vide : « J'ai un peu fait n'importe quoi » - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Dany Brillant évoque son passage à vide : « J'ai un peu fait n'importe quoi » - Duration: 1:27.


Volvo S80 2.4 BI-FUEL DYNAMIC | NAV | CRUISE | LEDER | PDC | TREKHAAK | LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo S80 2.4 BI-FUEL DYNAMIC | NAV | CRUISE | LEDER | PDC | TREKHAAK | LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:54.


Booba a fait une surprenante révélation... - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Booba a fait une surprenante révélation... - Duration: 1:58.


Seth Gueko absent lors de la venue de Booba en Thaïlande, les fans le clash sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Seth Gueko absent lors de la venue de Booba en Thaïlande, les fans le clash sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 2:30.


Ansia di parlare in pubblico: 2 rimedi per gestire le parole - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Ansia di parlare in pubblico: 2 rimedi per gestire le parole - Duration: 1:54.


Clear Skateboard Wheels

For more infomation >> Clear Skateboard Wheels


평창 올림픽 김연아 인면조 일본 해외 반응▼|K-News - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> 평창 올림픽 김연아 인면조 일본 해외 반응▼|K-News - Duration: 8:54.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 302 - Molly King - Duration: 16:36.

PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!

Growing up, so let's celebrate your upcoming if y'all do it for day without that kind of party

It's actually it needs to be something truly unique

Something worthy of such a rare occasion we can find something at one of the stops on our trip through Spain

What is it?

24 hour energy drink in addition to being poison for humans people it can power for trips around the galaxy

I have charted many intergalactic territories Brussels

Holy a moon made entirely of sugar a candy planet as you humans would say

Nothing for the gorg babies there once. We are arrived at our first schedule

It is a geological phenomenon the most fragrant

Methane geyser in the universe so it's a fart. Hole this to convalesce egg is great, but it is not perfect

Although we have not found the perfect gift

Right over this hill it's beautiful

Blast this is a job for two people. Oh, let me get this straight

We're going to bypass the most awesome zoo in the universe to find one tiny speck

Oh, my goodness tip come quick. I think I found it the perfect gift

tip tip tip

Unto me let go of that loop down baby good, but I do not think it likes that

No a call bridge mother

So fast you two are coming with me

No, I am sorry tip I had forgotten how excited I was when I first came to earth

But wild tip was out doing the ruckus

Oh was able to locate the it is the perfect present for babies

What no I can't give it to them because we're stuck here, man

I'm such a jerk it seems finding the perfect gift will not matter anymore that will be making the baby crying

Who's yog who team Devin you're been this reap what?

He said we did not need to bring a present

Let us put it poop by the naughty puppy candles agree

My mom's crafts are being better than seeing the most exquisite gustatory experience of my

food would travel

Galaxies for this mom's not gonna want a bunch of boob buying her stuff just to eat it what mom doesn't know can't hurt her

That is not true the unknown is much more likely to kill you so let us not be too secretive

But we are having to find a way for

always enjoy

Here you go dear what's good this sudden surge of boom. I haven't had this many of you

I'm looking for your tastiest bear a maybe in a brown flavor or pink hi

You must mean the Bears mom made out of old candles, but flavors are so tempting hey Tim. How's everything going over there?

totally great

Upselling that's my little entrepreneur

Mom a guy with great hats is walking by the store, and it looks like he has a law degree

Bunch bad today


What is going on over there ah

You're dead. I'd be done no more happiness ever just wanted to tell you that love you. Oh

We're gonna do this we gotta get organized besides, then ever seen the outdoor bistro area too doctor oh

Goodness things are really flying off the shelves. I could really use some help no bag. Please Oh

Stairs it is being very full in the dining area

He must be confusing us with

Confusing a Swifter. I got it

Here's the table flour things

I'm going this great 4x2 lower abdomen okay. I am liking this glitter ball, but do you have something to the smooth amount?

They're buying my art just to yeah, they sure are but look

Very bad

Sales were down, so we had to focusing on a different demographic

humans were I've just always dreamed of my work meaning something to someone like a

Googly, boy being held closed by a baby in their cradle passed down from generation to generation and I can proving zip

And I will be requesting the leopard-print handbag as a last meal

Your menu friend and what can I get for you - boosted blaring a fuse and one googly boy with you sparks

Perhaps the pig cat is not

Understandings when you chew on my not away from the me

Mm-hmm safe place safe play whoa the metal safety capsule

Now pig cat you must be staying out all day Tuesday be closed

Too late

Don't you touch that we promise not to touch. Oh we got to get them out Pfister Matt

Died so he could not sickle my nostrils know what see out there

We're going to put up posters to help I'm pig tip I did a very good job at hanging my mr.. Works

If we shake these treats and piggies anywhere around here he'll come running

Why not

You are clearly not understanding the most clever solution is found


An optimum outcome to our searches yes, that's an action

You're my only friend princess

Beautiful, where did you getting it? All right Ellen use my fashion secrets oh?

But if you want anymore, oh this and I knows that shit, please made a trash pile of everything

That is being

It was yours

You ain't getting this


Said I am sorry what more do I need to do?

Oh, you've got zero rivers you like garbage come back home. I am a frog

Big house giving me a gift that's not a gift

My body and my instincts are telling me. I'm just fine Lucy kisses

Having a blast like those guys watch that candle - I think your fever is getting worse and you are starting to see things

Please come back in from the outside

That was being a very good show

You are already sick

Now I

We don't believe you you're just lucky. We don't call the fire department

Dinah County your pants being on the fire white meat or the lion, you're doing what's going on here

Tip has been seeing lots of things what you know for the cops

Trouble is quick

He just threatened to do something awful to you if I call the cops again, but I can't go over there alone

I'm coming with you

It appears the sickness has made you too weak for walking

Oh, I know I am going to prove that you are just the humans who I was looking for


What brings you

Project on my ass steaming hot milk avec une I will have to be trying that yes

Okay, I am in it is appearing that maybe you were being wrong about Donny

It seems to being taped to the wall

Your violin tip don't let this people stop you

You bastard is wrong never seen that

It combines my love of cooking and swindling various species out of money

What but there was disagreement I was behind on the cake order for one of sharzad events

I thought she would forgive me when she saw the beautiful cake I prepare for her

Not wanting to go to waste. I decide to start garbage smoothies

Got it yeah to get rid of it, but to your home garbage


Everything, but what about that threatening phone? Call you said I'd never see my chubby friend again

I meant me would I be friend Danny the police would like my instincts excuse me?

Tragedy victim coming through I dropped my phone throwing a hissy fit, and I haven't been able to test for life


All my instincts are telling me I need to go get some rest. Let's go, baby duck

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 302 - Molly King - Duration: 16:36.


Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Songs for Children - Duration: 13:55.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes | Songs for Children - Duration: 13:55.


Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 💄😱 18 Amazing Lip Art Ideas Feb 2018 From Instagram - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Lipstick Tutorial Compilation 💄😱 18 Amazing Lip Art Ideas Feb 2018 From Instagram - Duration: 10:03.


Sales Strategies - Say YES Sales Tip #3 for Online Entrepreneurs - Duration: 4:41.

hey everyone I'm Summer Tannhauser and I'm back for week number three in my

signature brand new series simplified say yes sales I'm giving you guys 50 to

use sales strategies that you can implement right away in your business no

matter your offer to skyrocket your leads to increase your clients or

customers and ultimately to double or more the revenue you're bringing in for

your business so I'm all about running a live more work less business model and

optimizing your sales strategy and increasing your income is one of the

quickest and easiest ways to make that lifestyle a reality for you

each week I'll be back with a brand new strategy I'll present it to you in less

than 5 minutes so that you can watch it implement it quickly fill out the

implementation guide and take action getting those results if you haven't yet

be sure to click that button or the link sign up for this full series which is

gonna let us send you that weekly video tip straight to your inbox so you don't

miss a thing along with the implementation and a guide for that

week's tip which is only available if you sign up alright so sign up now and

now let's dive in do sales strategy tip number 2 which is don't give up now

let's be clear this isn't about pressuring people to buy something that

they don't want or need it's not about pestering someone until

they give in that's a key right that's a key sales no.1 with that being a pest or

hounding someone for a sale is the best way to turn them off from ever wanting

to buy from you in the future in any way shape or form so what does this mean to

not give up it means that you're gonna follow up in an authentic way that comes

from a mindset of actually caring about that person and caring about their

struggles so let's take for example let's say you're a web designer and you

have a chat with a potential client about designing their web site they end

up deciding that they're not ready to move forward at that time so do you wash

your hands clean and say good riddance know you put together a plan to follow

up with them authentically in the future so let's say one month into the future

you send them a blog article that you wrote covering

one of the struggles that they were currently having with their website and

some ideas are how to correct it no hard sale needed right just saying honey hope

you're doing well right I know we chatted when we chatted you mentioned

that you were struggling with this so I thought this murder article might be of

interest to that you and then give them the link right that's all that's all you

got to do it's staying top of mind maybe one month later you notice that their

website still hasn't changed you follow up one more time you say hey you know I

chatted awhile back about this this and this I was thinking about you the other

day I wanted to check in if it was still something you were thinking about

pursuing let me know if I can help in any way right super easy super quick

you're keeping yourself on their radar you're not going for the hard sale but

you're staying in their mind so when they are ready to take you up on your

offer or they are ready to make a change who do you think they're gonna contact

the person who actually cares enough about them to follow up even though

they're you're not they're not even their client yet they've already chatted

with you they already know about your offer and it becomes so much easier to

become a yes than having to go back out there and find someone new that they

don't know anything about they haven't talked to yet and they they don't know

if it's actually a real person that really cares about them so don't give up

today's action step for you is to go back through your client calls and your

personal emails and see is there someone that you've talked with in the last one

to two months who was AD Anno at that time but you can then go back and check

in with again app can you offer them a valuable resource or just authentic

email saying I'm thinking about you right send that email to check in and

then schedule into your calendar one to two months into the future to do another

follow up don't give up stay top of mind and you're gonna turn those nose into

future sales so let me know in the comments what you're planning to do

today to follow up with a past client that was a no at the time but now you're

ready to turn into a yes I'll be back next week with tip number four in the

simplified say yes sales series and don't forget to pop that name and email

in so you're notified when it goes live grab that

implementation guide for this week's tip and here's to generating more say yes

sales I'll see you next week

For more infomation >> Sales Strategies - Say YES Sales Tip #3 for Online Entrepreneurs - Duration: 4:41.


Ondraa Irandaa Aasaigal - Official Teaser || Ashwin Jerome | Kaajal Pasupathi || Abilesh Ravi - Duration: 0:57.

One thing which we expect throughout in our life,

is the uncertainty of chances in life.

Unexpected instances are more interesting than the expected ones.

So are the consequences which comes with it.

I didn't understand!

No matter how much you scheme, It's us who'll kidnap.

It's no surprise that good is always within the evil.

But that evil within,

is worser than it!?

For more infomation >> Ondraa Irandaa Aasaigal - Official Teaser || Ashwin Jerome | Kaajal Pasupathi || Abilesh Ravi - Duration: 0:57.


[특별 뉴스]잠자는 자세와 관계, 그 연관성,감성관계,사랑,수면,잠 - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> [특별 뉴스]잠자는 자세와 관계, 그 연관성,감성관계,사랑,수면,잠 - Duration: 7:46.


Aayiye Sikhte Hai (ASH sir) channel monetization disable | Haters ki jai ho | its supportiong video - Duration: 7:32.

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