Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 22 2018

have you guys ever wondered what's inside a cannon 18 to 55mm lens?

today we find that out, compared to all the other Canon lenses I would have to

say at 18 255 which is this lens here is the most popular lens that any

photographer or videographer would get whatever they buy a new camera the kit

lens the one that comes along with the kit that you buy this lens is broken so

that's why I'm deciding to open it just to see if I can maybe fix it see what's

inside see how it works because after taking apart my 10 to 22 millimeter lens

which is this lands right here the autofocus is broken on this and the

autofocus is broken on this one too my job today is to see what's inside this

thing let's get it open

as I was taking it apart I rang to through the screws around here which

means I can't unscrew them so

I think we can all agree the fact that I've just mangled this lands it's not

gonna work again but look inside here look at this honestly oh my goodness

there's rings coming out of this thing look at this here there's a ring here

that just came out of it that's probably what the screws went into and there's

another one here I wonder if these are actually four maybe insulation or

protection or I don't even know there's two of these things but then what's

interesting is whenever I pull this back you can see the actual circuit board of

all of the lands right in here and I know how to get this plastic piece

separated from the actual circuit board itself because I done this with the

other lands there's just two little screws on either side of here I can just

unscrew and it should come off no problem that's if I don't ring them

actually here's a little tip whenever you're using a screwdriver use the right

screwdriver for the right job this one isn't gets us to beg use the right

screwdriver always even if it's like you know normally you'd go and get a butter

knife or something and go that will do it and you end up bringing a screen

you're like what the heck if I don't should've just went and got the right

tool for the right job Julia I like taking things apart since I was like

really really young I've always liked the idea of opening things up seeing how

things work and this is you know this is my my childish side coming in right now

how the heck does a lens work okay so I got this partner I should just come off

there we go no problem and there's another flatbed cable inside here what

the oh it's just a plug one so that plug on plugs from here just like that see

these cables are your worst enemy they're so fragile you snap one of these

your dad so then I'm gonna unlatch every one of these flatbed cables

so now I've separated the circuit board from the lands itself this is the

circuit this is what tells the camera you need an autofocus right now and I'm

gonna see if I can find what the problem it feels like whenever I twist this

there's a little bit of clicking this is if there's something stopping it inside

cuz like it's connect now it's still broken to see this little tiny fragile

piece of metal right here this is what tells the camera this is what reads the

rotation of the camera this tells it what the focus is at so it knows what to

focus to this next piece when I'm guessing I'm only guessing because I'm

not really sure how this lens works but I think this piece right here I'm taking

art is the motor it is because there's all gears and stuff inside I think this

is what runs along the inside here if I left this piece of metal I'll be able to

see all these carrying the gears and sorts inside there feel the gears and

stuff in there that's what turns the autofocus I think and maybe the lands

let me see I was to take this metal plate off just like that oh my goodness

we're getting really end of this night guys this thing just came off and inside

this there's like a little rotating motor thing oh my goodness look how many

of these there is there's like gears all over the place you know whenever you use

the lens and this is actually more interesting for you guys because you

don't have to destroy our lands in order to do this but whenever you use the lens

that's glass piece here that's the actual part of the lance the camera

looks three and the rest of is just around if there's motors and gears and

cogs and all this kind of stuff that makes it work but I'm thinking what can

I get this lens in half oh inside here there's like little tiny screws like way

deep inside this thing screwdrivers on one right now I'm going to see if I can

unscrew it oh I think I've caught it yes I have it's turning it's turning okay

we're getting somewhere if we're getting somewhere I hope the screw works oh

there's the screw to it that's the screw right there whenever

you're taking something apart if you're taking something apart I don't recommend

to do this in any way you'll destroy your lens if you don't know what you're

doing but a little container to put other screws in because we sit them some

work they will disappear in a matter of seconds gonna wash screw got only one

side here got another one oh my goodness this is so freakin messed up I mean the

lens said morgana waste and I was no use to me so I thought you know what let's

open it up for a video just not come off yet okay there's more screws to be had I

thank you

just find another one of them things and say that give the contacts to the things

probably for the assuming function hold on tasty first time alright last thing I

want is a piece of glass or plastic planning in my bowl that's analyzed this

night I don't leave the destruction the thanks freakin heating up right guys

I've discovered something that they're like I've discovered something ok

there's been little tiny screws hide in a way that we haven't seen that they're

like camouflage and side this thing like in here and here underneath things so

I'm gonna need to unscrew these maybe that's what's preventing it from coming

in half not really sure but we're gonna give a shot you know what just snap the

plastic around the screw there we go beautiful beautiful creative destruction

gonna make something out of this oh my goodness there's a spring inside it's

just getting more and more interesting look at this sort of spring inside this

thing oh my goodness well there's a little Lance thing there what if I put

this over this lens what would happen ok maybe it won't be more of a macro kennel

and that's the trick just snap the plastic pieces you really want them to

there's that little devil of a screw that was hiding way inside so you're

right here that's screw really comes apart easier then oh my goodness look at

this it's super warm really warm like that's hot

there we go this is what I was looking for look at this thing this is like the

main focus of the lay I think whenever the focus happens can't these things are

kind of twisting around each other as it oh this is looking say this oh my god

guys what do you think of this let me know in the comments could this be used

in like a horror film you know like you know whenever someone's looking through

like a peephole in the door this would be a perfect thing I'm gonna use this

for this like oh my goodness okay wait this makes it you can see way over here

like see my hand here then I pull it out of the way well you

can still start to see it but you know I'm talking about you can see whoa look

at this you can see me and say the lat oh my god it's like it looks like I've

like mashed that end but that's the way that's real this is I'm gonna take some

SEC photos with us just holding it up I'll put whatever Instagram I'm gonna

probably go actually maybe two days time see what else I can Devereaux to this


but yeah there you have it guys that sits inside a canon 1855 millimeter

lands I did this so you guys didn't have to but just look down here at this

friggin shambles look at this this is absolutely crazy

every part of the land the circuit board you've got the thing that goes onto the

you know the money part and this part goes through the circuit board then you

have like some of the lenses that's inside it and then there's this big

massive cool-looking thing here which is gonna be super cool for shots the thing

that struck me the most about this is the amount of engineering that goes

under even a cheap lands this is a really really cheap one so it's in

really baller may destroying it plus I'll probably use this for doing really

cool shots and stuff so hope you guys enjoyed it if you wanna see me do

anything kinda like this again helped me over the comments leave a like in this

video make sure to smash that like button down below would really help me

read a lot and I'm gonna end up this one right here thank you guys so she

watching this eyes nice set it off and I will see you guys tomorrow in the next


For more infomation >> What's inside a Canon 18-55mm Lens? - Duration: 10:08.


イタルデザイン50周年記念「ゼロウノ・ロードスター」公開。限定5台、価格は2億700 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> イタルデザイン50周年記念「ゼロウノ・ロードスター」公開。限定5台、価格は2億700 - Duration: 4:00.


河上英里子(アイドル)の大学は!水着画像が鬼可愛い?元ノンシュガー! - Duration: 9:04.

For more infomation >> 河上英里子(アイドル)の大学は!水着画像が鬼可愛い?元ノンシュガー! - Duration: 9:04.


韓国・起亜が新たなフラッグシップセダン「K900」のティーザー画像を公開。ドイツ御三家のフラッグシップモデルがライバルに - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> 韓国・起亜が新たなフラッグシップセダン「K900」のティーザー画像を公開。ドイツ御三家のフラッグシップモデルがライバルに - Duration: 3:44.


The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther's James Bond Flair - Duration: 3:16.

The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther�s James Bond Flair

though the studio may not always explicitly state it, Marvel usually has a film or two

in mind as inspiration before sitting down with potential writers and directors.

Studio chief and general film nut Kevin Feige, for example, told Vanity Fair that 1987�s

RoboCop will inspire an as-yet-unnamed future film in the franchise.

John Hughes�s 80s teen oeuvre inspired Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Early-90s James Cameron is rumored to be the concept behind a potential Black Widow stand-alone.

As for Black Panther?

Well, director Ryan Coogler has been very clear that in addition to all the African

inspirations for the movie, T�Challa�s tech-inspired fighting tactics come courtesy

of Bond, James Bond.

And in a new interview with Empire magazine�s podcast, Coogler explained how the idea to

turn Chadwick Boseman�s Wakandan king into 007 actually came directly from Feige himself.

It�s encouraging news that potentially signals an even more creatively fertile future for

the franchise�and, as Coogler also revealed, a world in which Marvel movies can stand on

their own two feet, separated from the increasingly complicated Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When the podcast�s host, Chris Hewitt, asked Coogler if he was a Bond fan, the director

got audibly excited: �Big time!� Coogler�s previous film Creed was made with Bond distributor

MGM, and afforded the director both the opportunity to dive into the 007 back catalogue and the

rights to include footage from 2012�s Skyfall in a cozy scene in which Michael B. Jordan�s

Adonis and Tessa Thompson�s Bianca fall asleep while watching Daniel Craig dodge a

runaway train.

But Coogler said it was Feige who initially proposed the idea of T�Challa becoming the

M.C.U.�s Bond:

The first meeting I had with Kevin and all those guys I sat down and they were like:

�we were thinking he could be our James Bond.� And I was like what?

I think I�m in.

An African king that�s James Bond-y and has that level of confidence and support.

That�s something that I hadn�t thought of.

With modern movie lovers clamoring for the next James Bond to be played by someone other

than a square-jawed white man (Idris Elba or Daniel Kaluuya, anyone?), Marvel sneakily

served up Boseman as a black Bond while no one was looking.

The touches of Bond come through clearly in Black Panther for anyone with a passing familiarity

with the spy franchise, though Coogler was quick to point out that, unlike classic Bond,

T�Challa is no womanizer.

(Daniel Craig will be relieved.)

The women in T�Challa�s life play a very different role.

But his younger sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright), is clearly the movie�s answer to Bond�s

gadget master, Q, and T�Challa�s casino confrontation has obvious echoes of Skyfall.

Even Martin Freeman�s Everett Ross is a stand-in for the classic Bond ally and C.I.A.

operative Felix Leiter, who has been played by seven actors in the Bond franchise�including,

most recently, Jeffrey Wright.

For more infomation >> The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther's James Bond Flair - Duration: 3:16.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


Dessine-moi l'éco : Accueillir les Jeux Olympiques, opportunité économique ou mauvais calcul ? - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Dessine-moi l'éco : Accueillir les Jeux Olympiques, opportunité économique ou mauvais calcul ? - Duration: 4:13.


PIS ? - Episode 186 - Né pour un petit pain ? - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> PIS ? - Episode 186 - Né pour un petit pain ? - Duration: 1:28.


Ten In The Bed | Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:04:05.

There were ten in the bed... And the little one said,

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were nine in the bed..and the little one said,

"Roll over! Roll over!"

They all rolled over and one fell out..



There were eight in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were seven in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were six in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were five in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were four in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were three in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were two in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There was one in the bed And the little one said....Good night!

For more infomation >> Ten In The Bed | Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:04:05.



I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.

For more infomation >> RUSUH BANGET TOWER CONTROL... (#18) [SPLATOON 2 INDONESIA] - Duration: 23:48.


Rig A Jig Jig | Kindergarten Videos For Babies | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 15:32.

Let's do Rig A Jig Jig

As I was walking down the street,

Down the street, down the street,

As very good friend I chanced to meet;

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Away we go, away we go;

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

We clapped our hands and stomped our feet,

Stomped our feet, stomped our feet,

We clapped our hands and stomped our feet,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

We jumped up high and came back down,

Came back down, came back down,

We jumped up high and came back down,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Away we go, away we go;

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

We climbed on a train and tooted the horn,

Tooted the horn, tooted the horn,

We climbed on a train and tooted the horn,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

Kissed my ma and hugged my pa,

Hugged my pa, hugged my pa,

Kissed my ma and hugged my pa,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Away we go, away we go;

Rig a jig jig and away we go,

Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho.

For more infomation >> Rig A Jig Jig | Kindergarten Videos For Babies | Nursery Rhymes by Farmees - Duration: 15:32.


Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning La Palma CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning La Palma CA - Duration: 1:08.

Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning La Palma CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning La Palma CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning La Palma CA - Duration: 1:08.


Locating underground services at a school. Watch as we play detective - Duration: 21:32.

Good afternoon everyone.

Hope you're well.

Hope you're all having a lovely day wherever you are.

Just want to show you this job we're on at the moment.

We're at a school.

Let me turn the camera around, I'm on the IPad guys.

Sorry, so it's a bit shaky.

Let me turn the camera around for you.


Let me show you where we're up to.

So, over here we have some tennis courts as you see.

Some very nice tennis courts too actually.

And you've got a retaining wall just here.

All nice.

And then have a look at the old one.

See the old one over there?

Come closer.

So this one here has been replaced recently, you can tell.

Oh not recently but more recent than that one there.

Look at the old girl.

She's seen better days.

So yeah, so they're just replacing that there at the moment.

Or, sorry, that's what they're planning to do I should say.

So you see the difference between the new one, the newer one and the old one.

That's what they're replacing there.

So they're going to be digging right through here.

This is where the works going to be.

And they want to make sure that there's no services coming through.

They want to make sure there's no pipes or anything

that are running down along this way at all.

Or that are running underneath through here.

So yeah, that is what they're up to today.

So that is what we're up to today I should say.

We're just going to try to tell them all the services that we find that go between there.

We're at a school.

There's no plans of any underground services that go through here so

we've got to do it the old fashioned way.

We're going to try to hook on to everything we can see.

Try and just work out, play detectives.

Which is what we do every day I guess really.

We're just going to go through and hook onto any water tap we can see.

Hook onto the gas pipe.

Hook onto the telephone cables.

Lift up the pits.

Go in, hook onto the, open up the switchboards.

Hook onto the power cables there.

So that is what Shaun is up to today.

He's trying to find it all as we go at the moment.

We've already found power.

All done.

Already went to a power point.

But yeah, that's the bad parts.

Well, not the bad parts but that is why on these jobs,

these jobs are slow because we've literally got to hook onto every single thing we can see.

Speaking to anyone that walks past.

Asking anyone that knows anything about the area.

School has been here 150 odd years I think.

So, it's an oldie.

But yeah, we've got to go through and try and take our time

and work out individually one by one where they all go.

Let's have a look.

Come for a walk, I'll show you what's happening.

Alright, so I'll start here first.

I'll show you this one first.

So we've got a switchboard just there.

And there's the cover.

So that tells me that there's definitely underground service in the area there.

So we opened it up and it turned out to be a power cable.

Which is what we suspect for this to be here.

So power cable, hooked onto it to see where it was going

and it turns out that it's going

have a look at the orange dots

orange dot

orange dot

straight over to

power point.

So yeah, pretty straightforward.

What you'd expect.

But we just had to make sure that that's where it went

and didn't go over to any of the other schools,

it didn't go down to any old lights that might have been on the tennis court

anywhere like that.

So, let me show the next one that Shaun's doing right now.

So, Shaun's just about to start trying to locate where the water is.

If you have a look in here

just putting the earth in now.

And there, right hidden in there is the water meter.

See that?

So the question is

where does she go?

Does it go straight down that way there?

does it go that way there?

If it goes over that way it's all good.

Does it go that way?

If it goes that way, we're in trouble.

Not in trouble but that's what we don't want for the

So that's what we're going to do now.

We're going to see where it actually goes.

And it might be over there by the looks of it.

Let's see how he goes, if he finds it or not.

Okay, so Shaun's just having trouble with that water.

Looks like it might be plastic so we can't locate it.

So we'll try the acoustic or GPR afterwards.

He's just going to try

have a look at this over here.

He's just going to try, there's another water tap

just in, in there if you can see it.

It's an oldie.

But you never know, still might point us in the right direction where the water goes.

We're about to hook onto there.

But, let me just show you this for a minute.

So, I've got a little ninja tip for you.

What we do to work out, got a building

where the services come in and out or what's the go.

So, what we do is we literally just walk along and see what we can,

see what we can work out.

This is how we are a detective.

What we do, we come along here

get over to about here.

See what looks to be like a gas valve

or some type of pipe.

It's tapped of there as well so we'd hook onto that see where that went.

Looks like there's a water pipe there by the looks of that.

Coming off another pipe there.

Sewer over here.

So, you walk through, what we do we can hook onto each one of them

and see where they're all going.

There's another pipe in there coming out

looks like it's turning over through there.

Looks like, it that stormwater?


There's stormwater going down

now it goes down to the tank

but it used to go down into that so there could be a stormwater pipe

coming over this way through here.

So we'll work out where that guy goes.

So this is where it takes time

because you're going through and finding all these.

Now, mind you, none of these might be going over there.

And I mean there's a fair drop

so that might all be out of the way.

But you still need to double check.

Still need to confirm where are they going.

Come around this side.

More sewer.

Where do these go?

There's water there as well but that all goes into the

inside the building.

Now, over here

this looks to be like a gas pipe.

The big one there is a gas pipe.

Comms through here.

Some PNG's.

Back in the days, Telstra.

This will be the comms.

Actually, there it is.

There's the telephone cables just there.

Cobweb around it.

There's your water again.

So that water there is going over to that tap that we're trying to locate right now.

I'll go tell Shaun about this tap in a minute.

He can try hooking on here, after he hooks onto there.

If he has no luck locating over there he might have luck here.

What have we got behind here?

You're kidding me.

Oh, there we go.

There's the gas meter.

And okay.

So that is the gas meter there.

And that's where I was right, that pipe there is the gas pipe.

So it looks like the gas is out of the area.

The gas coming in, coming in from the street will be coming that way there.

What else have we got around the front here?

Let's go for a walk, see what we've got.

Sometimes there could be services around here that could still go around to the back.

Okay, so there's more sewer over there.

That's a sewer pit.

We had a look in before, we got told that before.

Irrigation I can see.

So, this is what we generally do.

We walk along and see what there could be.

Here we are.


So yeah, that is what we literally do.

I'll be looking around like this as I'm walking

trying to find any little sign that's a service could be coming in or out of the building.

Of course, at a school like this

it's even harder when there's multiple buildings

across different streets.

I'll show you what I mean.

You've got the tennis courts there and the building there.

That's one thing.

But, you've also got another building there

and another building there.

And we already know that there's an optic fibre from that building there

crossing over to this building here.

They think it goes over through there

and then back up through this way here.

But we don't know.

So that is what we're trying to find

and to make it harder

what they've done is

instead of coming up on the wall

which they do at some places

they've come internal.

So, I've already been inside and I've already seen

So, I've already been inside and I've already seen where the optic fibre comes up in the

comms room

and I can see where it comes up there

and it goes from there, we know, I reckon I've seen a pit where it comes from

at the other building but what we need to do is we need to go over there

hook into it, hook into it, lift up the pit

put a rod up it and then see where that goes.

So, yeah, definitely makes it harder when there's multiple different buildings

at different streets on different areas.

But hey, I love hard jobs.

It's challenging but it's a good feeling when you finish it at the end.

Alright guys.

Take a look at this.

So, looks like a normal fence.

All nice.

All good.

But have a look in here.

Can you see it?

There she is.

See the water pipe?

Hidden away in there.

So that pipe there goes down and goes up along there

right up to the end past the car.

Only because we happened to see the pipe and follow it along

to see where it was going that we found it.

Bit of a, bit of a hidden, hidden pipe there.

I don't know the last time they used it.

Doesn't look like it's been used for a while.

Alright, so that water pipe that we saw earlier

we've been following it along

Goes along there, comes to there.

See the water pipe just there?

So it comes down there and there she is there.

See the water pipe there?

In there.

Shaun has, he's already tried to locate it and it goes

see the blue dots there, it stops just there.

So along the sides of this tree

I won't be surprised along the side of this tree.

It's a biggie.

That that's gone and broken the water pipe just there.

Let's see.

Let's go up and walk back around and have a look

and see what he's found on the other side.

Also, I've just noticed something else.

See the stormwater coming out.

So we know for a fact there's definitely stormwater

coming up through this way here.

So we could always rod that and see where that goes.

Okay, so that water pipe that we did before

see it going through.

Stops right there.

See the blue dot?

That's where Shaun has located it to.

Can't get it past the tree which tells me the tree

has broken the pipe.

Then come and have a look at the other end.


See that water pipe there?

He's hooked onto there.

So where it goes, it goes along, along, turns

goes that way

up through here

up through here

and then it must turn and go underneath there

because that pretty much

yep, lines up here with the tree.

So I wouldn't be surprised they've replaced it through here

where the tree's

and let's just see

Guys, remember how I just said the hard part between buildings

is trying to find services that go in between the two buildings.

Well, take a look at this.

We've just found, we reckon we've found where the Telstra comes,

the optic and so forth comes from.

This side of the road to the other side of the road.

Come have a look at this.

So there it is right there.

That's the optic going across it.

So we're hooked onto the copper cables

because they're in the same conduit

but see optic fibre and copper both going across the road.

Alright so we've found the optic fibre

goes along there

comes along here

stays along here

under here.

Let's go for a walk see where we got it to.

And there she is there.

And good, he's marked it going right across the road.

So what do you reckon came in first?

The optic fibre or the car park?

What do you reckon was installed first?

Key in thinking music right about now.

Alright, time's up.

What did you guess?

Carpark or optic fibre.

Let me show you.

Okay, easy way to tell what came in first is from this.

So the optic fibre is there.

Let's go for a walk and see where it is.

No cars.

Optic fibre is there.

So the dots there

and have a look at this

comes in right there




there it is on this side

directly underneath that post.

How have they not hit that when they put the post in?

I'll have to find out from Shaun how deep it was.

Oh, here we go.

400 deep.

Oh, they would have hit that for sure.

How deep do you reckon this thing is?

Don't know how deep the fencepost is

but that optic fibre is directly where that fence post is.

So, the answer is

they installed the optic fibre first.

There wasn't a carpark here before that.

I kind of cheated a bit

because I actually knew the carpark wasn't here first.

I spoke to the computer guy before.

He's the one that told us that there is an optic fibre between the two buildings.

Even though we couldn't get access to it

or we couldn't see it out from, coming from the walls.

So, actually just going back to what I said earlier.

This is why we ask everyone that has worked in the area

or knows, knows the of area what other services they know that are out here.

But anyway, the fact is that optic.

So, again, whoever put the fence in didn't get locators

or didn't know that the optic was there.

Have a look at where else he found it.

So it's coming up through there

400mm deep

400mm deep

300mm deep

comes up

comes up

keeps coming

keeps coming

oh yeah, there we go

and that's where it turns in.

And then it goes into the building that way.


So, where they're working will be good.

It will be out of the way of their works.

I might tell them, see if they want us to draw this on a plan for them

or they can come and do it themselves.

But it will be good for them to know in the future

where the optic is

or even maybe even dig down and double check that they haven't damaged it.

It isn't conduit so hopefully the optic's alright.

Another little tip for you.

If you know that you've crushed a telephone cable

or a data cable or an optic fibre cable

But your internet still works.

All good.

If the internet starts to slow down, then the issue is that you have damaged the cable.

So, while you still might have some data through

the connectivity might have dropped right down low.

And we've come across a few jobs where they've gone and

they've crushed the cable basically.

So it still works but a lot slower than what it should work.

I'm going to move because it's a bit windy here

so I'm not sure how much of this you're hearing.

As I said I am on the IPad today instead of the camera

because the camera is broken again.

My god.

Time to buy some better cameras I think.

Or actually, not good cameras.

What do you reckon guys, should I buy a GoPro?

I'm not keen on the GoPro because of the image you get from it.

A wide angle but let's, I'll put it out to the community.

Leave some comments below.

GoPro yes or no.

Just say below GoPro yes, GoPro no.

I'm not liking the camera I've got at the moment.

I love the camera, the camera's unreal.

But I hate how fragile it is.

Anyway, I'm on a rant again.

Let's keep doing some more locating.

So, there is the sewer there.

See underneath the white conduit.

The white conduit is sewer.

Plan says it used to come down from there

go straight across there where they're working.

But we've worked out that all this has been changed

and now the sewer comes from there

down back in

and then along that pipe that I showed you underneath the building.

What I would like to know is where does it come from there.

Does it come straight across

Does it come straight across from there

straight to the old sewer.

Or, have they updated it also and goes down on an angle.

Either way, it's away from where they're digging

so it's okay.

But it would be nice to know.

We can always put a camera in down it if we have to.

So we'll talk to the client and explain that to them.


Might do some radar work now and see how we go with the radar.

Okay guys, so interesting one out here.

The radar, ground penetrating radar.

No go up here.

Didn't have any luck locating anything up here, even, let me show you.

Even the stuff that we know is in the area.

So we know for a fact that there is optic fibre

and communication cables, copper cables in there.

Could not see that at all.

The radar was just terrible in this area.

The radar could not see anything.

However, when I was down there,

I used the radar down there and it was beautiful.

Could see it really, really nice.

So obviously they've redone, they've ripped up the soil in there

put new turf down, oh new turf, new foundation and made the soil a lot better

and that made it a lot easier to see.

Of course, there was nothing in there so I didn't see any services in there.

In here was where I wanted to see it,

where I wanted to find stuff.

Radar terrible.

So it's just one of those jobs where

radar's either good or bad.

You know sometimes where it will work, sometimes where it won't work.

But, at least I knew within 10 minutes of getting it out that no go up here.

But, it's not the radar's fault.

The radar itself works fine.

I can prove that because within 10 metres of the area over there it worked good

it's just over here it didn't work any good because of the soil conditions.

That's it.

Alright guys, we're nearly finished out here now.

Just going to find a couple more things, just double check

just triple check that we've them right

and there's nothing else here and then we're packing up.

Alright, let's keep going.

You know what annoys me about these sort of jobs?

Is that we've got nothing to show for it.

We've found a Telstra, a optic fibre cable just in there.

Found, actually let me show you this water pipe I just found.

So what I was saying is we've found an optic fibre and, which is good.

They didn't know exactly where it was so that was good.

We've confirmed there's nothing else there

but it's just annoying that is not much to show of

we've been here for a fair few hours and there's not really much I can show for it.

Have a look at this guy though.

So, water meter was in there.

That was the one that Shaun tried to locate earlier.

It's plastic going back into the building so we can't find that.

But, come out here, this is, it's weird.

So there's an old pipe coming over and stopping there.

So this used to be an old residence.

So it's earlier on, it's a very old building.

The whole area's old.

So there's all sorts of stuff in the ground.

But yeah, water pipe stops there.

But there's another one, it crosses the road

well it goes over to the road

and then

initially I thought it went down the street and that way there.

I've now got to also go up that way there.

I reckon, so let me.

No cars, I'm not going to get run over am I.

So the water main itself runs right down the middle of the road here.

The water main is in the middle of the road.

I wouldn't be surprised there is an old water main

on this side of the road and I reckon this is coming over

and either teeing into it or they've replaced it with plastic in there.

So the pipe through there but

yeah, just something we didn't expect and we've now found.

Not that they're working over here but I just wanted to double check

it didn't go back into where they're working.

So that was why I located that.

Shaun is, can you see him.

No you can't see him in there.

He's just writing up the paperwork.

These fly's being a pain today.

He's just writing up the paperwork for the client of everything we've done

everything we've tried to locate

and everything we've found.

So, the only issue they've got now

which we're going to put back on them

is the sewer that we can't locate where the sewer goes, the sewer pipe.

We're sure the old, the current one is out of the area of works.

The old one is the issue.

Do they still want to locate the old one.

If they do, we'll get a camera out here and do it.

We'll jet the pipe and then put a camera down it.

If they don't then they're all good.

Guys, I hope you've had a better day.

I shouldn't say that.

It's not been a bad day.

It's been a good day out here.

We've accomplished a lot I think.

Found, found where everything goes.

Helped them out so, yeah.

I think that's a good day's work.

I am hot though.

It's been a hot day.

And it's been a few hours so I'm going to go home.

Might have a few beers and call it a night.

After I return phone calls and everything I've missed from today.

Guys, you take care.

Hope you've all had a lovely day

and we'll catch you on the next job.


For more infomation >> Locating underground services at a school. Watch as we play detective - Duration: 21:32.


Pourquoi ne devrions-nous pas boire de lait de vache ? - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi ne devrions-nous pas boire de lait de vache ? - Duration: 6:55.


Sometimes It's Okay to Lose || Deleha Decker - Duration: 20:11.

better mute this like Full House thing we got going on get the hair in check

alright we're live in three two one

hey guys welcome back to my channel thank you so much for tuning in if

you're new here my name is Deleha and if you are a subscriber or if you've

already seen a video or two welcome back thank you so much for coming here again

for tuning in I'm so happy that you are here and I can't wait for what's to come

so for today's video it's something that it happened a couple weeks ago I watched

something and it really was put on my heart that I could possibly talk about

it so I guess without further ado let's kind of jump on it and let's talk about

why it is okay to lose hmm let's get started so you guys if you are familiar

with college football or if you watched the championship a few weeks ago I think

it was a few weeks ago I don't know whenever this video gets up so it was a

little while ago beginning of January so if you guys are familiar with college

football then you know it was recently just the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day and

then it was the national championships and if you know SEC football then you

know it was Georgia playing against Alabama I was rooting for Georgia so um

don't get me wrong I like Alabama too it's just you know the dogs let's go go

dog SiC em whoo anyways so I was rooting for the dogs and it was a wild

game I mean it was neck-and-neck in the Rose Bowl oh my gosh I better you know

talk about that a little bit before we get right into it so the Rose Bowl that

was great I watched that I was actually supposed to be watching the passion

conference online but you know there were some technical difficulties and

thank you God because I mean that Georgia Oklahoma game was amazing I mean

it was neck-and-neck it first it would uh I mean one minute you're like oh my

gosh come on Georgia and then the next minute you're like yeah that's George

and then you're like oh my gosh it was just so back and forth

it was crazy but it was so good and I was so happy that I could watch that so

you know another I guess kind of instance where things don't really go

according to plan and he kind of lose and as far as the technical difficulties

go but I actually really won because I did enjoy that Rose Bowl game but anyway

hopefully that'll make sense at the end of this video so I watched the Rose

bowl with my mom we were you know really getting into it was crazy so then I knew

I just could not miss the national championships I mean I was looking

forward to this game all week so um comes to be the Monday night and we're

getting ready for the game and the games on and I've got like I don't have any

Georgia gear but I have red on and then I had black and um I you know I just

whatever my friend came over my mom was there we were all just watching the game

I was so hyped I was so pumped and once again you guys it was a neck-and-neck

game like I mean Georgia was up for the longest time once they finally did score

but then at halftime um Georgia was still up I don't remember

what the score was forgive me that's kind of irrelevant now especially if

you've watched it but after halftime you know Alabama they ended up switching

their quarterbacks I don't remember which quarter if it was before the

halftime or whatever but long story short they switched their quarterbacks

and forgive me because I don't know this guy's name hang on just a second oh let

me check it out

298 frozen patties later okay so I got a name you guys it is - Tua

Tagovailoa Tua Taga Villa I don't know how to say it Tua Taga Tua Taga somethin'

I'm sorry I forgive me but I don't mean that in any

disrespectful way I just really cannot pronounce his name but anyway I still

commend him very very greatly because not only did he do an amazing job

leading Alabama to there win yes as much as I hate to say it Alabama did

win they ended up winning sorry spoiler alert if you guys haven't

watched it and you have it DVR'd or whatever but anyway so Alabama did win

they went into overtime Georgia got a field goal three points but Tua just

had a heck of a throw and I can't remember who caught it forgive me as

well it's not really the point of this video but anyway

Alabama won and in that moment I mean like I said it was a neck and neck game

all night so like literally my mom was in she was laying down she didn't feel

good poor thing my best friend she was up cuz she or upstairs going to bed

because she had to she had to work in the morning and she was just gonna stay

over at my house we're having a little you know sleepover girl's night for this

game and so they're you know she's here she's my mom's here whatever and I'm

just running around the house I'm whooping and hollerin' and my feet are just a goin'

and you know I'm just going crazy cuz this game is so wild and it was a

nail-biter like literally I was on the edge of my seat the whole time I got a

headache I was so into this I mean I was feeling a little nauseous at times at

the end I was hungry I mean there was all sorts of things going on but you

know I was just I was so happy and I thought for sure I was like you know

what Georgia's been up this whole time I'm like these things just don't happen

like God's gotta be with them I'm like this is meant to be you know they're the

underdogs in this game they haven't been here since like 73 and Alabama I mean

they've already had their turn I saw a video that kind of turned me off about

them you know winning second place last year and I was really just like you know

what dogs beat the tide like come on we have got to

do this and we didn't and we lost and I remember

watching this overtime and I don't even go to the University of Georgia you guys

I'm not even a student there I'm just simply a bystander a fan and I remember

I was watching that on the edge of my seat

I saw them make the field goal I'm like alright this is it I want to say it

was like Alabama's third or fourth down or something when Tua made that heck

of a pass and when they when they when he threw it and then they caught it and

they're in the endzone or they run it in I can't remember how I think he was

in the endzone and something else kind of crazy happened that just you know

it's just it was crazy and in that moment I remember when I saw

that catch I went from uh to oh and I just felt so defeated

and I was like how did it it seemed like the stars were all aligned God was on

their side it seemed like this perfect you know victory was about to come and

it was gonna be they were gonna win and whatever and they didn't and I just

remember sitting there to myself and I was like God like and you know I'm a

religious person I'm a spiritual person whatever and I was just thinking I was

like God like how did this happen why did this happen like they were up ahead

and they were winning and they had all this going for him and it looked so

promising and they lost how could that be and so you know i sat there I watched

the end of it and you know my mom was awake at this point forgive me for

waking you up mom I am so sorry if you were watching this and I just i sat

there I was watching it you know watching them the little celebrations

poor Georgia guys they're walking off they're going to the locker room

whatever and I'm sitting there and I'm like alright you know I'm just gonna

watch the end of this not gonna be a poor sport you know whatever so as I'm

watching this they're doing their interviews and Nick Saban I believe is

his first named the head coach he was you know given his

little spiel and I was half listening I'm not gonna lie I was on Instagram I'm watching

the stories from you know the big upset and you know just seeing how different

people's opinions were formed and perspectives whatever and my mom's like oh

yeah like that was a nice interview like woo-hoo like amen yeah whatever and

he's just like or she's just like yeah like absolutely kind of like agreeing with

him whatever he said I don't remember cuz you know I was half listening I was

all upset like you know the dogs just lost I can't you know call the dogs

can't do the victory sic 'em I can't you know whatever I don't even know the

chants the rituals whatever I don't go there but I was just so excited and then

Tua comes on and I'm sorry I've got to call him Tua like I know him I don't know

him I just I can't say his last name and I don't want it you know butcher it or

be disrespectful whatever so Tua comes on and you know he says something along

the lines of you know I gotta give all the glory to God to my Savior Jesus

Christ and he was just praising God left and right on national television because

this was aired on ESPN and you know thousands, millions of people are

watching this and he's just on there praising his Savior and I was like you

know I remember I was looking down you know scrolling the 'gram looking at

stories I'm like oh this kind of stinks who else is feeling me but I remember I

looked up and I was just like what and my mom's over here she's like amen and I

I was just I was astonished I was astounded I was in shock like here's

this guy praising the Lord giving all this glory to God pretty much saying how

he couldn't have done it without him on national television

fearLESS first of all and second of all acting in such a godly and christly matter

I was just like alright alright yeah like yeah Alabama you guys can win I'll take that

and immediately you guys I was just I was happy and it was no I mean of course

I was still upset that we had that we that Georgia had lost that the team that

I wanted that looked so promising that they were gonna win I was still upset you

know that they had lost but in another sense I was so happy because this

guy this kid this quarterback is giving such Grace and such praise to God and I

just remember in that moment and I was telling my mom or I texted her a few

days after when we were reflecting on this and I was just like oh yeah she

sent me that's what it was she told me about how Tua's interview went viral

and I'm just thinking myself I'm like praise be to God I have never been so

happy so excited in my life before to lose and I just remember thinking myself

like oh my gosh here I was wanting to win so bad I wanted the dogs to you know

win and you know finally after all these years just have their chance and

don't get me wrong that would have been wonderful but like my mom said she goes

if maybe if Georgia would have won and we're not saying that yes this would

have happened if they would have won or no it wouldn't have happened if they

would have won or we're not saying you know anything about that but what were

just saying is maybe Georgia wasn't gonna give the glory to God and the

praise to God that Tua was gonna give Him and maybe that's why Alabama ended

up winning instead of the dogs and you know like I said we're not saying that

would have happened we're not saying it wouldn't have happened we're you know just

speculating but maybe you know cuz we are a big believer in everything happens

for a reason maybe Alabama won so that Tua could

somehow change hearts or change someone's heart that was watching or to

introduce them to God or just quite honestly to spread awareness in this

crazy world that we've got going on just about God and how great he really is and

when my mom was telling me about that and when we were kind of talking it over

just when I was speculating on my own I just it brought me so much joy and I was

so happy that we did lose and you know I still it would have been great if

Georgia would have won but it was even better that Tua shared with

everybody how awesome God is and just think all those people that were

watching and all the people that heard about his interview and went back and

just saw how viral it went and everything like that like he honestly he

planted seeds or he could have been planting seeds just by talking and that

oh I got a Holy Ghost goose bumps just talking about it because that is just so

wonderful and so powerful so thank you Tua for sharing that and that I

guess leads me to what I kind of want to talk about today after reflecting on

that and just thinking about wow like sometimes we are so concerned about

winning or we're so concerned with you know getting this or gaining this

advantage or you know being successful in this or reaching that goal or having

our plans work out exactly the way that we want them so that in the end we're a

winner but sometimes it is not always paid to be a winner

because what our plans might be or what we might want that might not necessarily

be what God wants and gods want and his will for us is always a thousand times

better shoot it's probably even a lot more a lot better than that and this is

something that I have had to learn and am still learning for instance I want to go

to school I would love to go to school so bad in the fall but there are so many months

until the fall comes and there are so many circumstances that could happen

that could change me from going to school in the fall from being able to go

to school in the fall just you know anything like that so you know I have a

plan actually you know I don't even have a plan I don't have a plan anymore at

all because of this exact reason I've tried so many years to plan I just

remember after college or after high school when I was about to go to college

I was trying to plan out you know like I'm gonna go to this school for a year

and then after this I'm gonna go away and then after this I'm gonna do this

and after this this this whatever and I still haven't gone away I've been

graduated for how many years now and it's just like often well for a while I

was just like you know why like why are my plans not going accordingly why

is this not happening like I just I just want to go away so bad and I mean I

don't know if I'm gonna be able to go away ever I don't know if I'm going to be

able to go away this year I don't know if it's meant for me to go away I don't

know maybe I will never go back to school but all I know is no matter how

bad I may want something or how bad I want to be the winner of

something or how about I want my plan to go accordingly if it doesn't it's okay

because whatever is gonna happen is probably gonna end up ten million times

better than I could have ever imagined and it's probably gonna go ten million

times better than what I had planned you know friendly reminders from God can

come in the craziest of forms and it can really come in any type of form and I

guess after watching this SEC national championships I just got a reminder and

now you know I want to share it with you guys that sometimes when we want

something or we have a plan for something or quite frankly we just want

to be winners sometimes it's okay to lose and sometimes when we do lose

granted it's not always as bad as we think it is the reason why we lost or

what we have next for us in store is going to be ten million bajillion

quadrillion bazillion Google or whatever this big word is times better because

God's got his hand on it he's got a purpose and a plan for us and that's all

there is to it I mean sometimes I'm not gonna lie it sucks

and I know how much how competitive I am and how much I like to be a winner and

how much I love for my plans to go accordingly but sometimes you guys

that's just not always the case and that's life we're gonna have to deal

with it and I guess on the other side of the spectrum if you're not a godly

person if you know religions not your thing I hate to break it to you but

we're all traveling on this journey called life and you know you're not

gonna get your way either and I don't mean to be rude about this I don't mean

to think I know everything because I don't and I'm not going to but its life

and that's what it is and we don't always get our way and I just hope that

kind of like this happened with the game that we can just change our perspective

and maybe be more open to losing not saying that we can't try our best to

obtain our goals and to reach our dreams because that's what we want like that's

what I want for you and that's what I want for me and that's what I want for

all of my peers and my family and everyone around me

like I want us to be able to have this far-fetched goal and dream and be able

to reach for it and grab it and attain it and if you know God wants that to

happen for you it will happen but if for some reason you lose in 2018 and you're

not a winner or for some reason you know you try again in 2019 and you're still

lost and you're still a loser not a little loser but you still in a way just try to

change your perspective and maybe try to think about okay if this didn't work

this time what can I do the next time to try to be a winner or if it didn't work

out this time what's something else that I can do that will maybe make me a

better person or will help me along or what's a different way that I can go

about this so that I can ultimately achieve greater results and the success

that I'm striving for so I hope this little spiel on why it's okay to lose

and that it's okay to not always be a winner I mean of course we always love

to get that gold medal and to see our faces on this big platform this big

pedestal and we love to be uplifted but if for some reason you're experienced

some kind of loss or some kind of trouble or obstacle and you just can't

seem to shake it I want you to know that it's okay and although you did lose

maybe perhaps there's something better for you so that is my spiel for tonight

and my little talk I guess I hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to

subscribe to comment down below to leave your thoughts about or your comments or

your stories and struggles or whatever you have about either you know

struggling or being a loser and being happy to be a loser or where maybe you

did win some time and where you know it was God's grace that really got you

through that and you are so thankful for that or you know maybe a trial that

you're in right now that you want prayers for or you want to talk about or

you know that you're just experiencing or whatever you're going through right

now so leave some comments below let's talk it out let's see where this

discussion takes us and let's just continue to journey on in this life

together because ultimately that's what we're here to do and that's

what I'm here to do for each of you so thank you so much again for tuning in

tonight for or today or in the morning the afternoon wherever whatever time it

is I'm filming this at night shocker but thank you guys so much for tuning in again I

hope you enjoyed this video be sure to LIKE comment subscribe all of that jazz

y'all probably aren't new to YouTube so you know the drill but yes so thank you

so much again and I hope in some way that this was helpful bye guys

see we don't always want to be winner, winner, winners chicken dinners

For more infomation >> Sometimes It's Okay to Lose || Deleha Decker - Duration: 20:11.


Comment savoir si vous avez des calculs dans la vésicule ? - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Comment savoir si vous avez des calculs dans la vésicule ? - Duration: 7:42.


"Laeti­cia Hally­day victime de méchan­ce­tés gratuites", la veuve de Johnny reçoit... - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> "Laeti­cia Hally­day victime de méchan­ce­tés gratuites", la veuve de Johnny reçoit... - Duration: 2:47.


Ryan Coogler Shares Sweet Thank You Letter to Black Panther Fans "It Still Humbles Me - Duration: 2:22.

Ryan Coogler Shares Sweet Thank-You Letter to Black Panther Fans: �It Still Humbles


black Panther�s success has been an emotional journey for millions, perhaps none more than

Ryan Coogler.

The reception for his film has been mind-blowing�it�s broken box-office records, earned breathless

praise from fans and critics alike (and Michelle Obama!), and sparked endless dialogue.

Even the movie�s soundtrack, curated by Kendrick Lamar, has been a smash, selling

an astonishing 154,000 copies in its first week, according to CNNMoney.

Now that the film�s uproarious, stressful opening weekend is behind him, Coogler has

taken a moment to release a lengthy thank-you note to everyone who supported the film, saying

the reception often brought him to tears.

Marvel released Coogler�s letter Tuesday night on Twitter.

�Never in a million years did we imagine that you all would come out this strong,�

he wrote.

�It still humbles me to think that people care enough to spend their money and time

watching our film- But to see people of all backgrounds wearing clothing that celebrates

their heritage, taking pictures next to our posters with their friends and family, and

sometimes dancing in the lobbies of theaters� often moved me and my wife to tears.�

Black Panther has been an unprecedented success for Marvel, pulling in $427 million worldwide

in its four-day opening weekend, and $242 million at the domestic box office.

Not only has it shattered records for movies released in February, but it also had the

fifth-highest opening weekend of all time.

And to think, this is only Coogler�s third film�ever.Marvel chief Kevin Feige has spoken

warmly of Coogler, and has already said that he�d be interested in working with the director

again for a Black Panther sequel.

Coogler himself has lightly dodged Black Panther 2 questions in interviews, but it does seem

likely that he would hop back in the director�s chair for a second round (after some fierce

negotiations, of course, now that Panther is a box-office juggernaut).

Considering how carefully and beautifully he rendered the world of Wakanda, it seems

likely that fans want him back for the sequel, too.

For more infomation >> Ryan Coogler Shares Sweet Thank You Letter to Black Panther Fans "It Still Humbles Me - Duration: 2:22.


Trump's solution to school shootings arm teachers with guns' - Duration: 2:44.

Trump's solution to school shootings: arm teachers with guns�

It is the gun, it�s the person behind the gun and it�s about helping people before

they ever reach that point,� said a mother whose son died at Sandy Hook elementary.

Donald Trump has said he will consider a proposal to arm school teachers in an attempt to prevent

mass shootings, a move certain to prove fiercely divisive.

The US president, holding a listening session at the White House with survivors of last

week�s Florida school shooting and others affected by gun violence, claimed that allowing

airline pilots to carry and conceal guns had demonstrated the measure could be a success.

It only works when you have people very adept at using firearms, of which you have many,�

Trump said during an emotionally searing session that, extraordinarily, was broadcast live

on national television.

�It would be teachers and coaches.�

Referring to Aaron Feis, a football coach who used his body as a shield to protect a

student during the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, the president

continued: �If the coach had a firearm in his locker when he ran at this guy � that

coach was very brave, saved a lot of lives, I suspect.

�But if he had a firearm, he wouldn�t have had to run, he would have shot him, and

that would have been the end of it.

This would only obviously be for people who are very adept at handling a gun.

It�s called concealed carry, where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them.

They�d go for special training and they would be there and you would no longer have

a gun-free zone.

Gun-free zone to a maniac, because they�re all cowards, a gun-free zone is: �Let�s

go in and let�s attack, because bullets aren�t coming back at us�.�

Trump added: �An attack has lasted, on average, about three minutes.

It takes five to eight minutes for responders, for the police to come in, so the attack is


If you had a teacher who was adept at firearms, they could very well end the attack very quickly.�

Knowledge of this would act as a deterrent to a would-be attacker, Trump claimed.

�You know, a lot of people don�t understand that airline pilots now, a lot of them carry

guns, and I have to say that things have changed a lot.

People aren�t attacking the way they would routinely attack and maybe you would have

the same situation in schools.�

The president asked for a show of hands in the room over the proposal: some were in favour,

others were against.

�We can understand both sides and certainly it�s controversial,� he acknowledged,

promising to discuss it seriously.

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