Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 22 2018

There were ten in the bed... And the little one said,

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were nine in the bed..and the little one said,

"Roll over! Roll over!"

They all rolled over and one fell out..



There were eight in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were seven in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were six in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were five in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were four in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were three in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There were two in the bed..and the little one said..

"Roll over! Roll over!"

So they all rolled over and one fell out..



There was one in the bed And the little one said....Good night!

For more infomation >> Ten In The Bed | Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:04:05.


Animal Sound Song For Children | Kids Tv Bob The Train Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:45.

Hi, I'm Bob!

Come let us listen to the animal sounds!

Can you hear the duck go Quack Quack Quack

Listen to the duck go Quack Quack Quack

Can you hear the hen go Cluck Cluck Cluck

Listen to the hen go Cluck Cluck Cluck

Can you hear the horse go Neigh Neigh Neigh

Listen to the horse go Neigh Neigh Neigh

Can you hear the cow go Moo Moo Moo

Listen to the cow go Moo Moo Moo

Can you hear the pig go Oink Oink Oink

Listen to the pig go Oink Oink Oink

Can you hear the sheep go Baa Baa Baa

Listen to the sheep Go Baa Baa Baa

Can you hear the dog go Woof Woof Woof

Listen to the dog go Woof Woof Woof

Can you hear the cat go Meow Meow Meow

Listen to the cat go Meow Meow Meow

For more infomation >> Animal Sound Song For Children | Kids Tv Bob The Train Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 3:45.


ఇంట్లోపూజగది ఇలా ఉంటే| Pooja Room Vastu In Telugu | Pooja Room Vastu | Pooja Gadi Rules | Devotional - Duration: 2:15.


For more infomation >> ఇంట్లోపూజగది ఇలా ఉంటే| Pooja Room Vastu In Telugu | Pooja Room Vastu | Pooja Gadi Rules | Devotional - Duration: 2:15.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


ロールス・ロイス・カリナン 観音開きドアのSUV 生産型ボディが、雪上に登場【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> ロールス・ロイス・カリナン 観音開きドアのSUV 生産型ボディが、雪上に登場【車と人生 24_7】 - Duration: 1:35.


Mas Sajady | A Free Public Service: Support for Children for Higher Brain Function/Development - Duration: 1:03:24.

For more information on my programs please visit


So this is part of the free services that we provide to help kids or people who are in need or so on like that.

And then this public program is support for children for higher brain function and development.

So that doesn't mean that you children have to be distorted or whatever to benefit from

this, even if you want to call your child normal, there's always room for improvement on there.

So whether you child is ADD, ADHD, and there are podcasts that I do about that, there are

group healings or medihealings that I do on that, so you can go to and look

at it, and I'm sorry that I'm not in London.

So let's go ahead and take a deep breath in as I scan the group and see what we need.

Whether you're new with me or not, it doesn't really matter.

The way this works is I guide you into a deep state of meditation and then I'll work on

you on several different layers.

I'll explain more about that.

And if you have a child that's not with you that you want me to work on through you,

go ahead and think of them, even if it's not your child, whether it's your nephew, somebody's,

your friend's, whoever it might be.

You can think about them, imagine them next to you, meditating with you.

So we'll take just a moment or two for that.

Breath in again, nice and strong.

Just one second guys.

All right guys, sorry about that.

Well, I'm glad it was in the beginning.

So let's go ahead and take a nice strong deep breath in again and kind of reset ourselves.

And then a nice strong breath in again, again, whether you're new or not.

Just noticing the space around you.

If you're at the expo noticing the sounds around you.

If you're not at the expo, again, noticing the sounds around you.

And noticing the sound to different layers of sounds; right sounds far away, sounds closer up for you,

sounds coming from my side, your side.

Strong breath in again.

Let's start connecting to the group.

There's lots of people online and we're all here for the same purpose.

All right, that purpose, that strength in numbers will allow us to go further faster,

help our kids much easier, faster, and then a strong breath in again as I continue to

work on you as you settle into your space by noticing your lower spine, your mid-spine,

asking ourselves, how do I connect to pure source even stronger?

And again, that question, how do I connect to pure source even stronger?

And then just settling in.

So the way I work on you, we've got a lot of new people, the way I work on you is I

guide you into a deep state and then I work on your source code or how your blueprint

is created of your life.

Most of us on this group think that things just kind of happen for us so to speak

or we have control, but it's really the underlying programs that control us or dictate how our lives turn out.

Same thing with your kids.

A lot of say your kid issues, whether they have problems or not, stem from your DNA, just

like we get hereditary issues or the color of your hair, the color of your eyes, your

skin tone and so on.

And then maybe heart problems if your family has heart problems.

Same thing here, if you have say spiritual issues, that could say castes to your child.

So as I help you eliminate it from your kids, it'll help eliminate it from you as well

if you haven't released those yet through adulthood.

Most people don't unless they've worked with me.

And then I'll work on you as a group, working on you, again, bringing in a higher understanding

or higher brain functioning let's say.

That's an overall theme.

And then say the causes.

Say that your child, or you, needs to get to a higher brain function but there's,

say for example, your child is time distorted so he's never here.

He's always preoccupied or he is always destructed.

Why is that?

The sad thing about this group, so these are subgroups within this main group, so getting

rid of this subgroup's block about time distortion and literally I see from a very

different perspective than most parents.

Unfortunately, this is where people start to put their kids on medications to bring

them back here in reality and those medications get worse and worse and then they grow into

adult and they need more and more and more severe medications to stay here, but in reality,

the way I see it is that they have really nice abilities, but their abilities distort

them so their child is intuitive.

The way they become intuitive or the way they are intuitive is that they get to pull away

from where they need to be spiritually from their physical form and kind of go into realities

that are closely knit around the reality that you see or that we see here, and then that's

why they don't feel like they're here or they don't feel like they connect to

other people or they don't feel like they're of this world so to speak.


So we'll work on that group.

I'm not going to mention all the subgroups there's a lot of people and a lot of kids

that you guys are thinking about.

Let's talk about, say, diet is really important for kids, especially here in the U.S. you know.

A lot of our kids, because of the decisions that the government made back in the early

'70s where they proposed fat is the cause of a lot of our health issues, so we started

moving away from fat and going into starches, carbs, sugars, that's where everything that

you see non-fat, that's not the cause.

The reason why I bring this up is because the kids that have issues, the mothers and

even perhaps your mother, didn't eat the proper nutrition so now the kids, as they've

grown up, their brain function is a little kind of say stunted because they didn't get

the nutrition to grow, their brains didn't…your child as a baby, and even into up to like

six, seven years old, and older, but especially those times, pivotal moments where there's

a ton of fat needed for brain development.

I'm not going to get into the details, but that cholesterol that we think is bad is key

because your brain, your nervous system, tissues, the building blocks of those is cholesterol.

So the culprit on what scientists got mixed up is that the sugars destroy how that cholesterol

is formed so again, moving your kids into a fat-based diet, even now, especially if

your kids are younger they have a chance, especially like early teens.

They really have a chance to rebuild their brain.

Their brain is still growing until I think, I want to say like 20 or so.

It's still like a growth brain and then we get into adulthood, mid-20s, and then the

brain function starts to decrease.

So if your child is under 20, let's just say feeding them a lot of fat, moving away

from sugars, carbs, fruits, will help rebuild, especially with what we're doing here today.

I'm not a nutritionist, I'm not a doctor, I'm just telling you what I saw in the teens

of thousands of people I work on,

and then you can actually do your own research on fat and brain development.

And then higher brain function as well, and this is probably a subgroup that a lot of

parents would probably not like me for, is that your brain needs exercise to develop

to a higher level, so that means that how do we get exercise or how do we strengthen

as far as like say building muscle, in the physical realm or getting stronger.

There has to be some resistance against it, resistance against the muscle.

In extreme cases, body building, that's how they get the bigger muscles.

The same thing happens in brain growth or brain development, exact same thing happens.

There has to be resistance, so there has to be problems solving skills.

There has to be say some mission oriented tasks.

There has to be situations where the child has to figure things out themselves, right?

and sadly to say, what happens is that in this subgroup, the parents, or whoever takes

care of that child, has smothered the hell out of that kid and they do everything for them.

They provide everything for them.

Their brain doesn't function.

And I hate to say it, kids like this they grow older and then you go, well what the

hell is wrong with my child?

They can't do anything for themselves.

Well what do you expect?

So again, working on that pattern to break that hold that parents have on their child

as far as smothering them, and smothering them comes from a different perspective, but

it's the same thing.

There's one smothering is where you just love them too much.

You're so careful with them because your life was so destructive.

You've done the opposite for your child.

So that's the sense of smothering where you take care of them, again, where you don't

want to see them hurt, but again, that's not the growth space.

And then the other smothering is the opposite of it, same coin, different sides, the opposite

where you smother them by disciplining the hell out of them

or being abusive to them to control them, again, just a different form of smothering.

Again, both forms not good at all.

And then there's parents, and again, I see that child kind of checked out from life because

the parents aren't there.

The parents are checked out.

They're too busy for their kids.

The kids don't feel that self-worth, self-respect, because well look, my parents aren't even

paying attention to me.

They've got too much work and they feel useless or helpless.

Well that doesn't help brain function either.

Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in again, and again, I could go on and on and

on with say subgroups but we don't have to, but I just want you to get the gist of the

main themes that I'm seeing.

Some of your family members is another subgroup, very intuitive, and again, that intuition

costs your child because intuition, if you're not training your child on it, that power

that comes into your child is so strong that they don't understand what to do with that

power tool that they have.

It's kind of like putting your child and telling them to hold onto this fire hose.

Again, it'll blow them all around and that's where they get distorted.

So whatever it might be, even if some of the

examples that I gave probably resonates with most people, because those are the bigger say

subgroups, but if your child is in this scenario that wasn't in a subgroup, I'm sure they

are though, but maybe a few here and there, I'll still work on them because I'm not

the one that heals you, I just help awaken your child, help awaken you

into your own healing abilities or transformational abilities.

Just noticing how you're feeling.

Some of you might be thinking I wish my child was actually here.

This is being recorded for you. Okay?

You can download the recording, play it in the background as your child does their homework

or video games or whatever and you'll see transformation in your child.

And those children who play video games too much, again, not in this realm so they would fall

in that first subcategory that I talked about, not being connected in this timeframe.

Another group, bigger group that kind of pops up is children who are abusive to say their parents

or siblings and then we'll talk about bullies and being bullied.

Go ahead and take a deep breath in

and then notice say your spine, from the lower half of your spine right in through the top,

at the top of the spine, so where your spine meets your skull.

So the other subgroups that I see is, again, abusive type children.

There's lots of causes for that abuse unknowingly, and this is a major subgroup within that group

is that kids who are abusive or start to get abusive, again, there are different reasons,

sometimes they get overtaken by, for example, you move into a house and this has actually

happened so I'm just relaying this story, you move into a house where a child has died.

That child takes over your child, basically just steps in and then you see a change of

personality within a short period of time.

Or if you see changes of personality like your child becomes somebody else that's

what usually happens.

They have imaginary friends so to speak that aren't imaginary.

And then there's another big group, again, because in your family history what you tend

to do is like you burden your child with your issues, so just the way your…and this resonates

for the people who will resonate to the story, say that your parents burdened you with their

problems and issues and then you took on your parents' issues and problems and then you

run your life that way.

So unknowingly you do that to your child, so your child gets abrasive towards you because

your child is aware enough that they don't want that, they don't want that stuff that

you have, those patterns that you have.

They just don't want it.

Again, and these are kids that are like intelligent, that are aware of their surroundings.

They're in tune.

They can pick up on other people's issues and they go, mom, this person is like so and

so or I wouldn't trust them or I don't like them for X reason, so those type of kids

that you have, they become say aggressive or abrasive.

That's again the cause, so if that's sort of resonates with you,

they're just trying to protect their space for you.


Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in again, and again noticing your spine from

top to bottom as I continue to work on you, and then all those bullies and being bullied.

Again, all these are scenarios of why or reasons why kids have higher brain function.

Strong breath in again, nice and deep.

As we go deeper yet, just noticing your breath as I continue to work on you.

Let's get into the second half.

So the second half of higher brain function is bringing in frequencies of say kids or even

adults who have higher brain function, so copying those patterns.

We don't have to say recreate or create those patterns.

It's a lot easier if somebody's already created that path for us, easier to find our

way because somebody's already walked that path of higher brain function.

So let's see if we can bring that in, no matter what level you are or your kids are.

So as the causes or issues start to move out of why you can't access the higher brain

functions, giving you tools as you access it to perpetuate you higher, faster.

Strong breath in, nice and deep.

As we take a deep breath in, again, the second half, downloading tools for you

for higher brain function or for your kids.

As part of that, obviously, what we talked about before, releasing that and also, again, you'll

get attracted to foods, supplements, people, places, whatever it is that say you need to open up to higher

brain functions, and then you also start to remove yourself of the food, supplements,

people, places, things, whatever, remedies, that haven't worked out for you to get you say

physically in tune as I get you spiritually in tune or create that strong foundation for you.

Wonderful breath in.

So these tools that I talk about, again, just different levels of awareness that we are.

Some of us or most of us think higher brain function is more absorbing more physical knowledge,

and yes, that's part of it, but how we process or how we absorb they physical knowledge is…there's

a lot of intelligent or smart kids so to speak.

They can ace tests and so on, but in real life they don't know how to apply that knowledge,

so that's helpful.

This is a blend of time bound knowledge, like stuff that we read, stuff that we see.

And again, from a physical aspect, it's time bound so it's dated and then going

into say…I don't want to say genius level, because we're not at this level in this

program, maybe future programs we can say cover that.

So there's four different levels.

Let me just describe the top level.

It's pretty hard to describe the levels below.

And then you'll get to see the different layers.

So the top level, level four, is again, like a genius level and by genius, usually when

people are a genius they're out of sorts with society let's say.

They're great creators, but social norms not there or they don't get along well or

they have this ego, crazy inventor scenario.

And then we associate that with genius level because, well, that's how we see it.

That's how we see most of where the geniuses are really intelligent people and by intelligent

we're talking about spiritually intelligent, say not a doctor or professor, and again,

nothing against doctors or anybody in those higher fields, let's say, with time bound

intelligence, which are wrapped up in their ego.

That's not the same level of higher awareness that we're looking for.

This is a pure thread which will help you become a successful doctor, lawyer, scientist,

whatever it is, in those higher intellects, but you don't get say define your identity around

what you know.

So that's the difference.

So the fourth level genius that I'm talking about is a genius that is aware of who they

are and they look down or look around in their physical realm and they can be able to say manipulate

it or transform it for the benefit of mankind and obviously themselves.

As a note, you think that's like far off or something into the future and it's not. The kids who, or the.

The parents who I've worked on, now they're having say kids.

More and more their kids, from what I'm seeing, even at like one or two or three,

you hear these parents go, oh, my kid is so aware.

They dominate even at a month old or whatever, they dominate say their reality.

So what that means is that they aren't burdened by what we did the first half.

They realize that that's not them and they don't want it so they won't pass on hereditary traits.

What's more is those children, even at a month old, two months old, they're so brilliant.

Say I walk into your space and you just hang out with me.

It forces you to change whether I say anything to you or not, just hanging out.

Those kids are identical.

That's what they do.

They are so brilliant.

They force the parents, siblings, or whoever to shift, to let go of the garbage that they come with.

So again, it's happening already.

It can happen to those kids that are ready in their older…this is great for babies by the way.

It's a lot easier to disconnect from the family paradigm, the distortions and so on

that comes with the family.

And as I say that, there's a subgroup that we need to work on in that group, is parents

holding their children back because they messed up their life.

They're not going to want to see their kids succeed because then they even look worse off,

and I know it sounds distorted, but not any more distorted than parents who abuse

their kids whatever or threaten their kids or sexually assault their kids in some way. Same.

So this is really the premeditation for say higher understanding.

We really didn't get into, again, even the first level and it's just that most of this

group isn't quite ready to even jump into that first level.

A few of you are.

Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in.

So that genius level, that fourth level or fifth level, depending on how you look at

it, so now you can just break it down into level three, level two, level one, and then the

beginner level, the introductory level, that we're at, where most of us are at.

So even at this level, bringing those tools that I talked about or understanding it, hopefully

you'll see amazing changes in your child even as they just merely awaken to the potential

of who they are, to step into level one, but we have to have that precursor.

There we go, wonderful breath in again.

Beautiful breath in, nice and deep.

What we'll do is just pull your forward or help you ascend higher into say that genius

level of brain function so you can understand or see the path, no matter what level you're on.

As a note, kids with like ADD, ADHD, stuff like that, or autistic children, again this will

be a benefit to them as well as some of the subgroups that I didn't say mention, but work on.

As a whole, as we step into the genius level,

this is where the scientists say we only use 10% of our brain capacity.

Well, genius level obviously uses more and the definition of genius is seeing your reality

from a different perspective than what most people see.

So although it's the same environment, obviously they see a different perspective of it and that's

where they get the brilliant ideas or that's where they become a genius.

So it's about removing those layers that keep us distorted.

One, obviously what we're working on today in this intro, pre-level course is becoming

aware of say the distortions that have kept us down.

So we'll count up to thirty six and with each count going higher and higher, passing

through the different levels and then you'll get to sense it for yourself, the different

definite or descriptive levels that we have to get into genius level and this is spiritual

genius and not the distorted type genius that we see most of the time.

So let's go ahead and take a deep breath in.

Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, we'll slow down time, nine, ten,

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, and pulling you up higher and higher, eighteen, nineteen

higher yet,twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three,

twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, pulling you up higher, twenty seven, twenty eight,

twenty nine, thirty, thirty one, thirty two, higher yet, thirty three, thirty four, thirty

five, thirty six.

And again, for those who can go higher, just go ahead and do so, but you should notice

overall there's a lighter feeling, a more controlled feeling, control of your environment

rather than being controlled by your environment or people, situations, you kind of like overshadow,

so again you're more in control of your environment, the people, the places in a positive way obviously,

in a win/win/win process.

Some of you might feel really, really expansive, almost to the point that it kind of gets uncomfortable for you.

And again, the reason for that is because at the level that you're at compared to

where this is, that's why.

It's a big gap in between.

It doesn't mean that you can't get here, because you're here already.

It just means that you can't stay at this level for a long time before getting distorted.

So a strong breath in as we come to an end and we'll just count down from say ten to

zero, whatever, and you can hang out at whatever level suits you more.

That way if you hang out at a higher level than where you started, obviously you've

let go of the baggage or the burdens of self-image that holds you back until you get that level.

So ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, and zero.

Okay, whatever level that you might feel comfortable, levels one through four or just where you were.

That's fine too, maybe a higher version of it.

Noticing the sounds around you, noticing the space around you, noticing your body within your environment.

Opening your eyes.

Sorry, I just have to stretch out a little bit.

Feeling relaxed or refreshed.

Again, for those people who aren't at the expo, you can hang on if you'd like.

Thanks for being on the call guys.

You can go ahead and donate this to schools or if you work with children who have learning

disabilities or issues you can play it in the background if you'd like.

You can do that.

Again, it's a free medihealing for you so you can give it away, offer it to schools

and so on.

All right guys?

Thanks for being on the call.

I'm going to go ahead and drop you all.

For more information on my programs please visit


Or join us on Facebook for more information.

We do a lot of Facebook Live.

For more infomation >> Mas Sajady | A Free Public Service: Support for Children for Higher Brain Function/Development - Duration: 1:03:24.


How to draw Beach for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw Beach for kids


여자만 임신해야 하는 상식이 파괴되어 가고 있다.[#1 Korea News 79.5K tweets] - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> 여자만 임신해야 하는 상식이 파괴되어 가고 있다.[#1 Korea News 79.5K tweets] - Duration: 2:32.


ఇంట్లో గొడవలు వాస్తుదోషాలుతొలగి ఆనందంగా ఉండాలంటే | Vastu Dosh Nivaran Mantra | Vastu Dosh Nivaran - Duration: 3:54.


For more infomation >> ఇంట్లో గొడవలు వాస్తుదోషాలుతొలగి ఆనందంగా ఉండాలంటే | Vastu Dosh Nivaran Mantra | Vastu Dosh Nivaran - Duration: 3:54.


Кадры из фильма Бобры-зомби - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Кадры из фильма Бобры-зомби - Duration: 0:30.


네덜란드 대표팀, 축하행사서 '대형 상패' 던져 관객 부상 - 뉴스 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> 네덜란드 대표팀, 축하행사서 '대형 상패' 던져 관객 부상 - 뉴스 - Duration: 2:29.


여자 팀추월 경기는 끝났지만 논란은 끝나지 않았다 - 뉴스 - Duration: 11:36.

For more infomation >> 여자 팀추월 경기는 끝났지만 논란은 끝나지 않았다 - 뉴스 - Duration: 11:36.


The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther's James Bond Flair - Duration: 3:16.

The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther�s James Bond Flair

though the studio may not always explicitly state it, Marvel usually has a film or two

in mind as inspiration before sitting down with potential writers and directors.

Studio chief and general film nut Kevin Feige, for example, told Vanity Fair that 1987�s

RoboCop will inspire an as-yet-unnamed future film in the franchise.

John Hughes�s 80s teen oeuvre inspired Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Early-90s James Cameron is rumored to be the concept behind a potential Black Widow stand-alone.

As for Black Panther?

Well, director Ryan Coogler has been very clear that in addition to all the African

inspirations for the movie, T�Challa�s tech-inspired fighting tactics come courtesy

of Bond, James Bond.

And in a new interview with Empire magazine�s podcast, Coogler explained how the idea to

turn Chadwick Boseman�s Wakandan king into 007 actually came directly from Feige himself.

It�s encouraging news that potentially signals an even more creatively fertile future for

the franchise�and, as Coogler also revealed, a world in which Marvel movies can stand on

their own two feet, separated from the increasingly complicated Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When the podcast�s host, Chris Hewitt, asked Coogler if he was a Bond fan, the director

got audibly excited: �Big time!� Coogler�s previous film Creed was made with Bond distributor

MGM, and afforded the director both the opportunity to dive into the 007 back catalogue and the

rights to include footage from 2012�s Skyfall in a cozy scene in which Michael B. Jordan�s

Adonis and Tessa Thompson�s Bianca fall asleep while watching Daniel Craig dodge a

runaway train.

But Coogler said it was Feige who initially proposed the idea of T�Challa becoming the

M.C.U.�s Bond:

The first meeting I had with Kevin and all those guys I sat down and they were like:

�we were thinking he could be our James Bond.� And I was like what?

I think I�m in.

An African king that�s James Bond-y and has that level of confidence and support.

That�s something that I hadn�t thought of.

With modern movie lovers clamoring for the next James Bond to be played by someone other

than a square-jawed white man (Idris Elba or Daniel Kaluuya, anyone?), Marvel sneakily

served up Boseman as a black Bond while no one was looking.

The touches of Bond come through clearly in Black Panther for anyone with a passing familiarity

with the spy franchise, though Coogler was quick to point out that, unlike classic Bond,

T�Challa is no womanizer.

(Daniel Craig will be relieved.)

The women in T�Challa�s life play a very different role.

But his younger sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright), is clearly the movie�s answer to Bond�s

gadget master, Q, and T�Challa�s casino confrontation has obvious echoes of Skyfall.

Even Martin Freeman�s Everett Ross is a stand-in for the classic Bond ally and C.I.A.

operative Felix Leiter, who has been played by seven actors in the Bond franchise�including,

most recently, Jeffrey Wright.

For more infomation >> The Surprising Inspiration Behind Black Panther's James Bond Flair - Duration: 3:16.


'3관왕' 노리는 최민정 vs. 불운했던 여왕 심석희, 승자는? - 뉴스 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> '3관왕' 노리는 최민정 vs. 불운했던 여왕 심석희, 승자는? - 뉴스 - Duration: 4:52.


Naak Par Makhi Beth Jaye to Makhi Uraiye Naak Mat Katiye | Haji Imran Attari | Emotional Short clip - Duration: 2:32.

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