This video will demonstrate how the lock and unlock
properties of layers work
And also the plot preview. I'm sorry the print or no print plot or no plot
property of the layers
Now let's Lock everything, but say the green furniture layer lines
Hit escape to deselect for good measure
click layer properties will lock everything with the
Furniture layer notice you can lock the current
Foundation demonstrate that a
little further in a second everything's locked except the furniture layer. Close layer properties manager
Now I can move copy rotate and pick move
everything on the furniture layer only
without disrupting the walls
floor covering
electrical HVAC
Let me undo get the furniture back where it was
As as with freeze-thaw and on off you can control the lock/unlock from this drop-down list
now furniture is locked and
Everything is locked
So I can click the move icon select a bunch and absolutely nothing is going to be
moved or copied
You can
Draw on a locked layer Foundation is the current layer?
And it is locked and see I can add more
gray border lines on
The locked current layer, but I can't again. I cannot copy move or
Keep getting this error message
Either on a locked layer cannot copy on a locked layer, but I can create on a
Locked layer. Let's look at the plot and no plot properties go back to layer property manager
That's all the way over here. Let's
click the foundation proper they
say the furniture layer I
Set it to no plot. I've changed a little white
printer icon into one with a circle slash in the lower right corner
So now when I go to put the plot
The green furniture layer won't plot out because that everything on the layer property is set to no plot
By the way once you dimension the create a layer called death points
We'll cover that probably in dimensioning, but nothing ever prints out on the layer def points
cover and dimensioning again
Close the prop
property dialog box for the layers
with just the greens
Metiria green layer furniture rigged it to no plot
the plot
Set it to PDF
For nothing else I'll window say what I want to plot
Center on the plot
Apply to layouts wise in plotting which we haven't covered yet
but get a little preview of plotting here click preview and
remember all that green furniture that will not plot up while we're here notice that the
Line weight will plot out even though it doesn't display on the screen
Line weight that is for emphasis fat
Means means important stuff then means
unimportant stuff
for emphasis
So as you zoom in on the sheet of paper. You can see that you can measure the line weight
You know a half half a millimeter
quarter millimeter
will bail out here click exit without
Or until you click on the show/hide line weights everything looks razor thin
so again to get a relative feel of how your plots going to look out just tap on the
line wait hide/unhide
I button on the status bar
That's about it. See you next video
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