Gallago - Lost Signals (Wezkez Remix)
쏘나타 II vs 미니 쿠퍼 S, 잊을 수 없는 4기통 엔진 소리 - Duration: 10:22.-------------------------------------------
Voici comment avoir une peau radieuse et sans défaut en utilisant du gel d'aloe vera | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:37.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] 🍰how to make Strawberry GreenTea Biscuit roll cake🍓이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 5:31.Divide the egg whites and egg yolks. Put the egg whites in a big bowl.
Add 3 portions of sugars separately and make a firm meringue.
Add 3 portions of egg yolks separately and mix it with the mixer.
Strain the cake flour and green tea powder through a sive.
Strain it lightly and mix the dough and the powder. The powder goes down of the bowl a lot, so please scrape the bottom.
Lay a sheet of parchment paper in a oven pan and squeeze the dough on top of it.
I used a round tip.
Squeeze it until the end and sprinkle sugar powder on top of it.
It would melt if you only sprinkle it once or twice, so please sprinkle it until it stays.
You can make a thick layer of it!
Preheat the oven in 180℃/356℉ and bake it for 12 minutes.Bake before the top gets yellow.
While you're baking the dough, add sugar to the whipped cream and whip them.
Separate the biscuit sheet from the parchment paper and cool down.
Please remove the parchment paper when it's still hot.
Spread the whipped cream at the back of the biscuit sheet and put a strawberry on top of it.
Put generous amount of whipped cream on top of the strawberry and roll the cake.
Please do not put the cream at the end of the sheet!
Please leave the roll cake in the fridge for 1~2 hours.
I decorated the roll cake with whipped cream and strawberry. This can be omitted!
I love every baking with strawberries!
This looks so lovely because of the green tea color.
I'm going to do bakings with strawberries a lot! Please wait for my next baking recipe too!!! :)
I'll see you in my next video! Bye :)
Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 585 - Maya Graham - Duration: 16:07.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Maya Graham Channel
Looks to be a fun day for fishing first mate tobe fishin poles ready. Yep, Rothfuss
What are you fellers up to today practicing for our best buddy fishing trip
Sorry--but, I'm a pokey cowpoke
Email prick I'm let me catch the train to junctionville howdy partner the station is just over yonder
But the train doesn't leave for two hours two hours. Oh, ma. That's quite wait oh
Sorry sheriff. I shouldn't shake hands. We porcupines are kind of you know wrinkly freakily
Jeepers Polly may you really are prickly we're inside me
You're freaking out free clean your poor keep an eye mikeg
Hmm, you know Polly May since you got a couple hours before your train leaves you want to play with us
I've never had so much fun me frankly before
Decorated with the most delicious orleans ever yes you do you want to do something males sure
prickly stuff
I was thinking about
I'm-a-comin site have you seen Toby oh?
Man prickly is fun it's the best
You okay pick
Never but
Toby's got a new buddy he doesn't want an unprecleared picker friend like me might as well face facts
the best buddy fishing trip just became
Your fishing trip Peck
Hmmm wonder what's got pecks so down
You're gonna love fishing with Peck not only is he my best buddy. He's a great fisherman -
wait Bruin
I guess we did just play prickly games
Didn't mean to leave you out pet you will me your best, buddy
I'm so happy. I met you, Toby me too. Polly May. I'll come visit you in junctionville real soon
We'll pick you ready to go on our best buddy fishing trip
You take the last biscuit dusty, no you take it dirty Dan go on brother, it's yours
Mr.. Dillos making a fancy chandelier for Town Hall sure we done seen a heap of crystals in that cave over younger be
Happy to dig some up for you share. Please love diggin sure brother. They were in the dark part of the cave
Dusted it's dark everywhere in the cave. It's a cave. Oh, yeah
Brother did you hear that
Like a crystal then we got a dope
We're a couple of ravens
Rabies two banners could be I'm not afraid
Gravis to fares division
I'm not afraid of birds that flower tweet is not afraid of a brother's thinking beat
Hammer it into the ceiling right, babe
My that's high yeah, how about we just put it on the floor instead don't be scared mr.. Dillo. You can use this ladder
Are you okay, mr.. Dillo looks like button up a chandelier is gonna take a while
That's every way dusty
Krystal's that's dirty Dan and dusty x' bag thing must be around here somewhere
Probably just a cave critter of some sort let's follow him to ask if you've seen our friends
If you cave monster
I'm really happy you're not gonna eat me
I'm batty belfry by the way nice to meet you nice to meet you too bad II I'm sheriff Callie and this here's deputy
Sparky what are you doing up so early?
Yeah, I know the barrel race Deanna's it means so much to you let's go practice right now
And the other barrel goes right here in fact we're hoping to practice now. That's a great idea
We just finished that never done up. What made it time? Yeah? I'm gonna stop watch
It'll tell you how fast you go on your mark get set go
Jump over it Sparky
And tail feathers
I'm fine. Thanks, but and that's what sure about Sparky that slip really spooked him
Hey there Sparky
You okay the important thing is for us to go back in the ring and try again. Oh
Come on boy just one more try
How long you figure Sparky will stay in that barn Sheriff he's feeling so low I've reckoned
He'd stay in there forever if I let him forever?
Keepers, that's a long time wanna. See the cat this two step
Two three four two three four
Thanks for trying Peck will do sure okay?
But good things seem to happen to me every time I wear it, so I like to pretend it is
Hmm, maybe I should give Sparky something aware tell him its lucky, too
Look what I got spark. I don't think Sparky believes you neither do I who ever heard of a lucky star f--
Play along fellas if Sparky thinks the scarf is maybe it really is a lucky scarf want the Apple boy
Then come on out and get it
Sparky are you telling me you wanna rice again?
Hanyu Marx and Samson with a time of 20 seconds
Thank You Freda and Sampson on your mark get set
You can do
Toby its party's lucky scarf
What Thank You Freda
Here's real he scarves barky it blew off after the second barrel
That's right Sparky, so how about we all go get Sparky a nice Apple to celebrate?
Sir I'm looking forward to getting to junctionville so I can compete in the sheriff's contest a fine prize
Wait it sure is Purdy governor groundhog. Can't just give it to whomever he pleases
Yes, of course, but it will be the sheriff Cruz may
Well win earth what do you say we mosey on into the refreshment car for a drink count me in Sheriff
Toby I wanna look out the window some more
Then we'll bring you something
Excuse me folks can I have your attention please, this is a stinkiest?
Trying bandits sure sounds like it come on Peck
Ah easy pick we'll be fun
Thank You Kelly course pick nice jumping kick. Thank you
Aren't from being taped up is everyone, okay?
Banded rascal stole the golden star trophy, they stole it
Sure is Purdy boss. Yep. It's real. He'll clear gotta be worth a fortune
Sheriff Callie
Now we can do this the easy way where you just
Do bad guys always got to do things the hard way wish I knew yeah
What in whiskers the passenger car
What does they mean
There's no way to stop us so sure what's it gonna be?
You win this round bandit no question those passengers are more important than you
Hey, Toby when I give the word have everyone run to this side of the car, okay
Haven't seen the last of me and I aim to be true to my word
Scientists sheriff's at all the west
And it is my great honor to award the golden star trophy to a sheriff that I declare the winner of this year's
Golden star trophy to be congratulations Sheriff I do declare that you have
Cyril Lignac, qui est la femme de l'ombre qui travaille à ses côtés ? - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 QUATTRO S-TRONIC - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Oğuzhan Koç - Vermem Seni Ellere Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:55.-------------------------------------------
Navan Dukh Lagda Aay To | Yasir Musakhelvi | New Saraiki Song | Eid Show Dream Land Mianwali - Duration: 6:34.-------------------------------------------
Emmanuel Macron crée le malaise en tenant la main de Macky Sall - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Saada Dil Dukhaindai | Yasir Musakhelvi | New Saraiki Song | Eid Show Dream Land Mianwali - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
Teray Nal Piar Purana | Yasir Musakhelvi | New Saraiki Song | Eid Show Dream Land Mianwali - Duration: 11:25.-------------------------------------------
EJ Carter is Up Next-------------------------------------------
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.2D TS+ AUTOMAAT NAVI, CLIMA, CRUISE, ZEER COMPLEET! - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Amber Heard apparait une nouvelle fois visage tuméfié - Duration: 1:19.-------------------------------------------
Voici comment avoir une peau radieuse et sans défaut en utilisant du gel d'aloe vera | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 7:37.-------------------------------------------
Desperate Adam Schiff Claims Nunes' FISA Memo Could Lead to "Con - Duration: 4:57.Desperate Adam Schiff Claims Nunes� FISA Memo Could Lead to �Constitutional Crisis�
� Compares Trump to Nixon
Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is in full blown panic
mode as the FISA memo threatens to rock him and the Deep State.
Old Schiffty penned a crazy op-ed for WaPo making all kinds of outrageous claims like
the FISA memo being released will lead to a Constitutional crisis and even compared
Trump to Nixon.
Adam Schiff tweeted out his garbage op-ed late Wednesday night in a last ditch effort
to fight Chairman Nunes on the FISA memo which is going to rock D.C. once it is released
to the public.
Schiff claimed in the WaPo op-ed that releasing the FISA memo would increase the risk of a
Constitutional crisis and another Saturday Night Massacre.
Saturday Night Massacre refers to former President Richard Nixon�s orders to fire Special Prosecutor
Archibald Cox which then led to the resignations of the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney
General during the Watergate investigation.
The panicked Democrat then accused Nunes of �cherry-picking� facts for his memo, potentially
revealing intelligence sources and methods while aiming to smear the FBI and DOJ.
Another lie from Adam Schiff.
Fox News� Catherine Herridge reported FBI officials could not identify any errors in
the �shocking,� FISA abuse memo set to be released.
Sources and methods are also not revealed in the FISA memo according to many GOP Reps
who have viewed the document in the SCIF.
Schiff then claimed the Republicans voted against the release of the junk Dem memo.
Another lie.
He also claimed the Republicans are looking to derail Mueller while pushing a �conspiracy
theory� that a �cabal of senior officials within the FBI and DOJ� are tainted with
anti-Trump bias against the president thus poisoning the investigation.
The party-line vote to release the Republican memo but not a Democratic response was a violent
break from the committee�s nonpartisan tradition and the latest troubling sign that House Republicans
are willing to put the president�s political dictates ahead of the national interest.
In response, they have drawn on the stratagem of many criminal defense lawyers � when
the evidence against a defendant is strong, put the government on trial.
The Nunes memo is designed to do just that by furthering a conspiracy theory that a cabal
of senior officials within the FBI and the Justice Department were so tainted by bias
against President Trump that they irredeemably poisoned the investigation.
If it wasn�t clear enough that this was the goal, Nunes removed all doubt when he
declared that the Justice Department and the FBI themselves were under investigation at
the hearing in which the memo was ordered released.
Schiff said Nunes and the GOP Intel Committee voting to release the memo crossed a dangerous
line then compared President Trump to former President Nixon who was under investigation
for the Watergate scandal.
But it also increases the risk of a constitutional crisis by setting the stage for subsequent
actions by the White House to fire Mueller or, as now seems more likely, Deputy Attorney
General Rod J. Rosenstein, an act that would echo the 1973 Saturday Night Massacre.
As multiple investigations work to unearth the full truth, the president has lashed out
with Nixonian ferocity at the Justice Department, the FBI, congressional investigators and the
A year later and there is ZERO proof Trump�s camp hacked the DNC server in order to disseminate
the Podesta emails.
This is also ironic given Hillary Clinton�s actions during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Instead of breaking into the Republican headquarters, she used a phony Russia dossier to obtain
a FISA warrant to spy on her political opponent.
FISAgate eclipses Watergate!
Schiff tweeted, �The decision by Nunes to employ an obscure rule to release classified
information for partisan political purposes crossed a dangerous line, and increases the
risk of a constitutional crisis and another Saturday Night Massacre.
My oped on Washington Post:�
Potato - Take Off [Music] - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
ЖЕНСКИЕ ТАЙНЫ ❤ СБОРНИК ЛЮБОВНОЙ ЛИРИКИ ❤ ЛУЧШИЕ ПЕСНИ О ЛЮБВИ - Duration: 1:04:42.-------------------------------------------
Emmanuel Macron crée le malaise en tenant la main de Macky Sall - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Les neuroscientifiques révèlent l'exercice numéro 1 pour ralentir le processus de vieillissement - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
Eclipse Across America To Scale (skala Gerhana) - Duration:'d you like to see any clips well I think I would I don't recall having seen by 101KFE.ID
any lately do you know why we having cuts oh sure it's well oh you don't have by 101KFE.ID
to say another word show how it occurred this is the earth and moon to scale
if the earth were this big the moon would be this big and this far apart but
to make eclipses happen you need a star our Sun is 400 times the diameter of our
Moon but it's also about 400 times as far away
so why are eclipse is so rare well our moon doesn't orbit in the same plane as
the Earth and Sun its orbit is tilted this means that the moon only crosses
the plane at two places we call these places nodes most of the time nodes
aren't lined up with the Sun but over the course of the year eventually they
do it's only when the three bodies are in a straight line that an eclipse can
occur if the moon happens to be behind our planet our shadow will fall on it
tinged red by every sunset on earth this is a lunar eclipse if however the moon
happens to be at the other node between us in the Sun its shadow will fall on us
this is a solar eclipse
so now you know how eclipses happen and now you're ready to see one
Cyril Lignac, qui est la femme de l'ombre qui travaille à ses côtés ? - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
김태희-비도 했다....호텔결혼보다 아름다운 스타들의 '스몰웨딩' ♥ 뉴스 기사 - Duration: 9:14.-------------------------------------------
Isola dei famosi News: la difesa di Bettarini per Francesco | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
69歲秦祥林全家近照!四段感情兩段婚姻超風流!如 - Duration: 6:40.-------------------------------------------
Fuuka Villa (Malaysia Pantai-Senang) HOTEL REVIEW - Duration: 4:19.We stayed at the Hotel FUUKKA Villa on three weeks
the hotel is one kilometer from aquarium underwater world Langkawi
15 minutes walk from the beach of Senang and most it is fortunate that he is literally in
five minutes from the beach of Pentai tengah there is a swimming pool on site
great with a nice evening water blue can be bathed in
any time until 10 pm on there is a gift shop
shop topic bought a lot of souvenirs
the hotel offers a discount of 10 percent very nice bonus
hotel small family all cleanly chinno no yelling crowd very quiet and calm
excellent service
our bungalow has a balcony
I invite you to your room
in room bed and curbstones table lamps
coffee table two armchairs air conditioner attaching
plasma TV there are no Russian channels
mini bar h
yes here is a dressing table cupboard safe there is no outlet
completely different connectors we are our own adapters did not take with them to
thought that everywhere everything is the same Thailand is a little bit like ours
everyone approached here the trouble is of course with this well, we were given
two adapters are certainly not enough for charging our entire equipment
Well so far it can because something Well, here is a bathroom
this is all very purely civil practically or after repair
towels are large two two medium
two small
shampoo two toothbrushes were shaving kit
and give a towel
for the pool 2 Well, that's the principle, everything seemed to show this
if you liked the video, ask questions leave comments
subscribe to our channel and everything to you good before new meetings
康康怒爆「演上吊戲被踹椅子」險成遺作!他不滿 - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
15 Most Amazing BUILDINGS, TOWERS and SKYCRAPERS in the World - Duration: 13:48.Are you tired of boring buildings that all look the same? Then get ready to feast your
eyes on some of the most incredible modern architectural feats!
You're watching Insane Curiosity and today we present you 20 of the most amazing buildings,
towers, and skyscrapers in the world. But before we begin, make sure you hit that
subscribe button! 15. Air Force Academy Chapel (Colorado, United
States) Now this is not your ordinary church! Built
in mid-century modern style, the US Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel features seventeen aluminum,
glass, and steel spires, each composed of 100 tetrahedrons. The Cadet Chapel houses
four worship areas: Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Buddhist chapel, as well as an
outside worship area for followers of Wicca, Paganism and Druidism.
The US Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, designed by legendary architect Walter Netsch, is not
only an iconic example of modern architecture but also an official US National Historic
Landmark and the most visited man-made tourist attraction in Colorado.
14. The Gherkin Building (London, UK) You might recognize our next building from
popular films such as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, A Good Year, Basic Instinct
2, and Match Point. 30 St Mary Axe, popularly known as the Gherkin Building, is one of the
most recognizable London landmarks. Located in the UK capital's financial district,
this eco-friendly commercial skyscraper was designed by Norman Foster, British architect
known for his sleek, futuristic office buildings. The exterior of the Gherkin is covered with
7,429 panes of glass, and at 180 meters tall, this skyscraper is three times taller than
Niagara Falls! 13. Ryugyong Hotel (Pyongyang, North Korea)
North Korea is usually in the news for all the wrong reasons, but not many people are
aware that this country has some of the most impressive architecture in the world. One
such example is the Ryugyong Hotel in the nation's capital Pyongyang.
Though still under construction, this incredible pyramid-shaped building is 330 meters tall,
has 105 stories, 7,665 guest rooms, and 5 revolving restaurants. Construction of the
Ryugyong Hotel began in 1987 and according to the latest reports it will soon be ready
for business. What do you think: is the Ryugyong worth a trip to North Korea?
12. Fuji Television Network (Tokyo, Japan) Tokyo has no shortage of awe-inspiring architecture
– from soaring skyscrapers to historic temples. One particularly impressive example is the
headquarters of the Fuji Television Network located on Odaiba - a massive man-made island
in Tokyo Bay. This unique-looking structure is 123.45 meters
high and has a total floor space of 142,800 square meters. The building is best known
for the huge spherical observation platform which offers one of the most spectacular views
of Tokyo skyline. 11. The National Library (Minsk, Belarus)
Looking at this enormous futuristic structure, you'd think it was a UFO from outer space
and not a library. The National Library of Belarus, located in the country's capital
of Minsk, is built in the shape of a rhombicuboctahedron – a geometric shape with eight triangular
and eighteen square faces. The outside surface is covered with LED glass
panels that shine 24 hours a day, giving the building an appearance of a giant diamond
in the middle of the city. The library has 22 floors and enough seats for more than 2,000
readers. It's also the only building in Minsk with a public observation deck.
10. Cubic Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands) These curious cubic houses in Rotterdam are
a true testament to the ingeniousness and creativity of their creator, late Dutch architect
Piet Blom. These funny-looking structures are based on Blom's concept of "living as
an urban roof", created with the purpose of optimizing the space in the most efficient
way. The houses are tilted at a 45 degree angle
and rest upon a hexagon-shaped pylon. Each individual house is supposed to represent
a tree, which makes this neighborhood of cubic houses look like a huge yellow forest.
9. WonderWorks (United States) WonderWorks is a science-themed entertainment
center with locations in Orlando, Florida Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, Panama City Beach,
Florida, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and Syracuse, New York. Each of the five buildings
is designed to look like a regular building that was picked up and hurled around by a
tornado and then dropped on the ground upside down.
The wacky designed of the WonderWorks buildings matches the interactive exhibits that take
place in them, including hurricane and earthquake rides, virtual sports, rock climbing, astronaut
training challenge, and plenty more.
8. Habitat 67 (Montreal, Canada) Originally conceived as the master's thesis
of Israeli-Canadian architect Moshe Safdie, Habitat 67 is a housing complex in Montreal,
Canada, known for its spectacular design. The Habitat is composed of 354 identical concrete
forms arranged in various combinations that together make up 146 residences of different
shapes and sizes. Each unit has a private terrace, which provides a constant flow of
fresh air and a plenty of natural light. 7. The Dalí Theatre and Museum (Figueres,
Spain) Renowned Spanish artist Salvador Dali was
known for his bizarre surrealist paintings, so it only makes sense that his museum in
Fugueres has an equally unique look. Dali once said that he wanted his museum to be
"a single block, a labyrinth, and a great surrealist object that would leave visitors
with the sensation of having had a theatrical dream".
This is exactly the impression you get when you visit the Dalí Theatre and Museum – a
huge complex that includes a stone tower, a glass geodesic dome, giant egg sculptures
on the roof, and plenty other surrealist architectural details.
6. Kansas City Public Library (Missouri, United States)
Now this is a building that looks like a bookworm's dream come true. The Kansas City Public Library
is made to look like a giant bookshelf, which makes it one of the most striking landmarks
of Kansas City's downtown. The bookshelf runs along the south wall of
the library and each of the books is 25 feet tall and 9 feet wide. The shelf consists of
22 classic literary titles, ranging from Plato's "The Republic" and Lao Tzu's "Tao Te
Ching" to Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and J. R. R. Tolkien's
"The Lord of the Rings. 5. The Shard (London, UK)
At 309.7 meters and 95 stories, the London's Shard is the tallest building in the United
Kingdom, the tallest building in the European Union, and the fourth-tallest building in
Europe. This astonishing skyscraper was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, one of the
most groundbreaking architects of the 20th and 21st century.
This towering pyramid-shaped building is entirely covered in glass and has a viewing gallery
and an open-air observation deck on the 72nd floor, which offers a spectacular panoramic
view of the city. 4. Nakagin Capsule Tower (Tokyo, Japan)
When it comes to out-of-this-world architecture, no one does it quite like the Japanese. Completed
in just 30 days, this mixed-use residential and office tower is a unique example of Japanese
Metabolism, a post-war architectural movement that combined the idea of architectural megastructures
with the biological concept of organic growth. The building is composed of two interconnected
concrete towers, each containing 140 capsules which function as small living or office spaces.
The individual capsules can be connected to form larger areas or removed without affecting
the others, mimicking the way living organisms can grow and adapt to their environment.
3. F&F Tower (Panama City, Panama) Just one look at the F&F Tower in Panama City,
Panama is enough to understand why this amazing structure was recently ranked among the top
10 best skyscrapers in the world. This twisted 243 meters tall tower has a façade covered
in mirror tiles and an angle of rotation that reaches 360 degrees. Each of the floors rotates
nine degrees from the floor below, creating four small balconies for every floor.
The initial concept for the tower started as just a theoretical idea based on rotating
geometry, but thanks to a group of talented local architects it became a reality in 2011
after two years of construction. The architects were allocated a strictly limited budget and
couldn't afford to make any mistakes, which makes the realization of this project that
much more spectacular. 2. Dancing House (Prague, Czech Republic)
The Dancing House, located in the Czech capital of Prague, is truly one of the most impressive
modern architectural accomplishments in the world. Designed by the Croatian-Czech architect
Vlado Milunic and his Canadian-American colleague Frank Gehry, this iconic Prague landmark was
originally named the house Fred and Ginger after the legendary dancing duo Fred Astaire
and Ginger Rogers. The house is built in the deconstructivist
architectural style, characterized by an absence of harmony, continuity, or symmetry. The unusual
shape of the Dancing House is supported by 99 concrete panels, each of different shape
and dimension. The house has two main parts that resemble a pair of dancers caught in
the middle of a routine. The first part is a glass tower that narrows in the middle,
while the second has rows of misaligned windows and moldings arranged in a wavy patter. In
addition to the impressive design, the Dancing House also has a great symbolic value since
it is located in an area of Prague that was completely destroyed by the U.S. bombing of
1945. 1. Burj Khalifa (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
No list of impressive buildings is complete without the tallest and most spectacular skyscraper
in the world – Dubai's Burj Khaifa. With a dizzying height of 829.8 meters, the Burj
Khalifa has held the top spot as the tallest structure in the world for the entire past
decade. Designed by renowned American architect Adrian
Smith, Burj Khalifa combines the shapes and patterns of Islamic architecture with the
sleek look of modern architecture. The tower has a flat desert base that rises in a spiraling
pattern toward the sky, reminiscent of the Great Mosque of Samarra in Iraq.
The cladding system is composed of over 26,000 reflective glass panels that serve as a shield
against the blazing desert sun, extreme temperatures, and strong winds. The interior is decorated
with more than 1,000 pieces of art, and has 57 elevators and 2,909 stairs going from the
ground floor to the 160th floor. Other features include the largest choreographed fountain
system in the world and the world's second-highest outdoor observation deck where visitors can
enjoy temperatures that are almost 15 degrees cooler than at the building's base.
If you liked this video, let us know in the comment section below which of these amazing
building would you most like to visit and why. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
Thanks for watching and remember – always stay curious!
Ces 7 aliments tout à fait communs sont étonnamment mauvais pour ta peau - Duration: 8:38.-------------------------------------------
Oğuzhan Koç - Vermem Seni Ellere Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:55.-------------------------------------------
Ares Panther : la Pantera renaît de ses cendres - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
DÉCOUVREZ LA VÉRITABLE HISTOIRE DE BARBE NOIRE, LE PLUS INDOMPTABLE DES PIRATES - Duration: 10:35.-------------------------------------------
Simplify Networking in a Hybr...-------------------------------------------
As most everyone knows by now the infamous FISA memo written by Congressman Devin Nunes
from California was finally released this morning. And it confirms what must of us already
knew. Hillary Clinton paid former British spy Christopher Steele to prepare the fake
"Trump Dossier," and then this fictitious document was used by Obama's Justice Department
to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in order to spy on Donald Trump's
presidential campaign.
To sum up this whole mess, the people who colluded with the Russians wasn't Trump
and his campaign; it was the Democrat party, Hillary Clinton, and former President Barack
Hussein Obama. So now that it's been confirmed that the Democrats are in trouble enters the
RINO Senator John McCain from Arizona. And as we suspected he didn't condemn the illegal
and unethical behavior of Hillary, Obama or the FBI. He instead came out to condemn the
Republican Party for releasing the memo by accusing them of doing Putin's bidding.
Keep in mind there has been very credible evidence that McCain is the one who picked
up the Dossier and handed it over to the Democrat party.
Later today, Senator John McCain chimed in.
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services
Committee, released the following statement on partisan attacks on the FBI and Department
of Justice:
"In 2016, the Russian government engaged in an elaborate plot to interfere in an American
election and undermine our democracy. Russia employed the same tactics it has used to influence
elections around the world, from France and Germany to Ukraine, Montenegro, and beyond.
Putin's regime launched cyberattacks and spread disinformation with the goal of sowing
chaos and weakening faith in our institutions. And while we have no evidence that these efforts
affected the outcome of our election, I fear they succeeded in fueling political discord
and dividing us from one another.
"The latest attacks on the FBI and Department of Justice serve no American interests – no
party's, no president's, only Putin's. The American people deserve to know all of
the facts surrounding Russia's ongoing efforts to subvert our democracy, which is why Special
Counsel Mueller's investigation must proceed unimpeded. Our nation's elected officials,
including the president, must stop looking at this investigation through the warped lens
of politics and manufacturing partisan sideshows. If we continue to undermine our own rule of
law, we are doing Putin's job for him."
Via WND:
"Sen. McCain recently wrote a scathing column for the Washington Post attacking President
Donald Trump as "poorly informed" and "impulsive." McCain stated, "We are
not his subordinates. … we don't answer to him."
The Arizona senator also called for compromise on a litany of important items, including
on Trump's campaign promise to build a "big, beautiful wall." McCain wrote that "a
literal wall might not be the most effective means" to secure the border. Instead, he
wants a "comprehensive" bill Democrats can get behind.
John McCain is losing it! Or, perhaps this is the real McCain finally coming out. During
his 30 years in the Senate, McCain has fooled the public and pretended to be a conservative
Republican. The fake news media have depicted him as a "maverick" who isn't afraid
to stand up to his own party. But McCain has always been a RINO, and he is not an honorable
man. The election of President Trump is exposing his true nature and lack of character.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he had been in constant contact with
McCain leading up to the betrayal vote.
Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson's book, "The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison
of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood."
McCain has also attacked Trump over the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. He condemned
the president for his statement, even though Trump's initial statement disavowing hate
and violence "on many sides" was spot on. That didn't stop McCain.
He tweeted: "There's no moral equivalency between racists and Americans standing up
to defy hate & bigotry. The president of the United States should say so."
According to McCain, the true Americans are Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the people
who started and escalated the violence.
McCain also had the audacity to attack Trump for pardoning legendary Arizona Sheriff Joe
Arpaio – who is beloved by the people of Arizona. Everyone knows the investigation
into Sheriff Joe was a political witch hunt by Obama cronies in the Department of Justice.
They wanted to make an example of the sheriff for supporting Trump and for enforcing immigration
laws. McCain knows this, but his judgment is clouded by his anger toward Trump.
McCain is the consummate compromiser. According to the Arizona Republic, McCain reportedly
spoke to Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer about joining forces again to pass the "Gang
of Eight" bill – an awful, far-reaching 2013 bill that offered amnesty and citizenship
to illegal aliens.
McCain was nowhere to be found while conservatives organized under the tea-party banner to fight
Barack Obama's out-of-control spending and attack on the Constitution. McCain referred
to tea-party supporters as "hobbits"!
With his unrelenting attack against Trump, McCain is revealing himself, and he doesn't
even realize it.
We have a great president who is working hard to make "America Great Again," and this
cowardly RINO is fighting against him and against the good people in this country. Arizonans,
I blame you, because you had a chance to get rid of this man, but you voted for him over
and over again.
I recall when John McCain spoke in Southern California in 2008 during his presidential
run against Obama. I thought he was a good guy. I voted for him because he presented
himself as a conservative who loved his country and the military – I didn't know he was
We the people must be aware and remain vigilant so, when we vote in 2018 and beyond, we elect
real conservatives. We need to stand back and pay attention to what's going on so
we are not deceived. The betrayal by John McCain and other RINOs is an opportunity to
wake up and change so we don't repeat the same mistakes.
John McCain betrayed Donald Trump and the American people"
Let's be honest here. All these rats like Senator McCain are trying to cover their rear
ends by deflecting away from the real people who should go to prison over this. John McCain
taking the GOP to task over releasing the evidence that our government, led by our them
president, used a knowingly fake document in order to get a surveillance order on a
private American Citizen is just another one of this RINOs diversions.
To put this into perspective, Watergate was like stealing a candy bar from the local 7/11
compared to what went down here. And of course, RINO McLame comes out on the wrong side of
history. Wouldn't it be great to see all the people involved behind bars? Even McCain?
what do you think about this? Please Share this news and Scroll down to
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WHAT ABOUT the FLATIRON Building?!?! - Duration: 4:35.It's time for another episode of Five Facts.
I'm here today at the Flatiron Building.
Here's an interesting fact.
The property here was purchased in 1899 by two brothers Samuel and Mott Newhouse.
They joined a syndicate led by Harry S. Black, the head of the George A. Fuller
Company, and filed plans to build a 20-story building on this triangular plot.
Here's a fact you might not know.
Despite rumors that it got its name from a household appliance,
this triangular region confined by Broadway, 5th Avenue,
22nd and 23rd streets was known as the Flatiron well before the building's
construction. First formal name for the building was actually the Fuller
Building, named after the construction company that built it.
Here's a quick fact.
The building was designed by a Chicago architect, Daniel Burnham, in the
Beaux-Arts style, featuring French and Italian Renaissance influence.
The Flatiron Building is a distinctive triangular shaped building with a steel structure.
With exactly 3,680 tons of steel.
It stands at a total of 22 stories and 307 feet.
The 21st floor was actually added three years after the building was complete.
And at one end of the building it's only six feet wide!
So here it is, the last fact. Many New Yorkers at the time felt the building
wouldn't hold up. They referred to it as "Burnham's Folly." They imagined the winds
would knock it over or that it would collapse due to the wind tunnel effect
created by the triangular building at the intersection of two large streets.
The building is still here, I wonder what they would say now?
Have you ever heard of the phrase 23 Skidoo?
It means to get lost, scram.
Even though the phrase was popularized in the late 1890s, it is indelibly
associated with the strong gusts of winds that whistle around the Flatiron
Building here on 23rd Street. New York Police Officers who regularly patrolled
in front of the Flatiron Building, they usually had to chase away men who are
hoping to get a glimpse of women's skirts fly up due to the strong gusts of
winds here.
I don't even know what to say that.
9.110 PB Breakdown Solve - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
ZKUS MĚ ROZESMÁT s decentní porcí politiky - Duration: 14:50.-------------------------------------------
Dụ PHỊ'CH BÉ' GÁ'I 13 TUỔ'I truyện đêm khuya hay nhất 2018 truyện đêm khuya cho FA - Duration: 19:39.Welcome to hearing Thao's story
Today we are very attractive novel, dramatic lun
I hope you like it!
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