Saturday, February 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 3 2018


Ice cream

So sweet ice cream

Hello. Uncle

Oh beautiful girl

What is your flavor?

I want chocolate

Here you are !

Thank you very much.

How much is it?

1 dollar

Here it is.

Thank you very much

So sweet.

Ice cream

So sweet ice cream

Hello. madam.

Little pretty princess.

What is your flavor?

I want strawberry.

Here you are !

Thank you very much.

How much is it?

1 dollar

Here it is.

Thank you very much.

What is this?


Ice cream

So sweet ice cream

Hello. Uncle.

Oh beautiful girl

What is your flavor?

I want melon.

Here you are !

Thank you very much.

How much is it?

1 dollar

Here it is.

Thank you very much.

So delicious

So delicious

The ice cream ended up on the floor.

I need to clean up.

So delicious

I got it on my clothes

I love chocolate ice cream.

The ice cream ended up on the table

I need to clean up.

For more infomation >> Funny Ice Cream Shop Play, chocolate, melon,learn color,toy, RIWORLD - Duration: 4:37.


Peugeot 207 1.6 HDI XS URBAN MOVE AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 1.6 HDI XS URBAN MOVE AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:00.



For more infomation >> Audi A4 2.0 TDIE BUSINESS EDITION LM VELGEN | TREKHAAK - Duration: 0:59.


Recommandations | Black Sails - Duration: 6:02.

Hello everyone! As you probably noticed, I was quite absent during the month of January.

And the reason to this absence is only one two-syllables word : series.

I spent all my free time binge-watching tv shows with multiple seasons,

which I had not done for quite a while.

And among all those tv series that I've watched during the month of January,

There is Black Sails.

Someone recommended this tv show a few years ago in the comments of one of my video,

(thank you!)

And I took so much time to watch it. I almost missed a masterpiece.

And because I loved this show and because I think that it definitively doesn't receive the attention

that it deserves,

I had to make a video about it.

Black Sails is a 4 seasons show and ended at the begining of last year.

So I'm, as always, 50 years too late to talk about it.

This show was created by Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine and aired

on Starz from 2014 to 2017.

Michael Bay also produced the first 2 seasons of the show.

Black Sails happens 10 years before the events of the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

and takes place in Nassau, in the Bahamas, around 1715 if I remember correctly.

I want to say here that I don't think that it's necessary to have read the book Treasure Island

to understand what's happening in the show.

Because I never read the book and I could understand everything.

So we can say here that we have a historical fiction with a lot of characters that actually existed

like the pirates Jack Rackham or Anne Bonny,

but a story that is really fictive.

So Black Sails is about the adventures of the terrible Captain Flint and his crew.

For a few years now they have been looking for a huge Spanish galleon

which is estimated to carry in its hold tons and tons of gold.

The route taken by this boat is kept secret by Spain

precisely to avoid pirates

but the Captain Flint is determined to intercept it and rob its treasure.

As the Captain Flint is about to gather all the informations that would allow him

to figure out the route, the last piece of the puzzle is taken by a guy come out of nowhere

called John Silver.

Before, when people asked me what was my favorite show,

I used to say In the Flesh or Hannibal or some times Buffy.

But now, when people will ask me what is my favorite show,

I will say Black Sails.

Black Says is a show which at first look, looks like any pseudo historical show full of action.

There are a lot of sex scenes, a lot of blood, a lot of violent white men with a bunch of psychological baggage...

And in fact, we could think that the only thing that differentiates Black Sails from the others shows is

the fact that it's about pirates. And we both know that when it's about pirates it's generally rather cool.

But in my opinion, Black Sails stands out completely and in a really positive manner.

This show's difference is in multiple aspects but mostly in the way the story is written.

It's a really violent story, it's a story where a lot of stuff happens,

a lot of pseudo-political plots, but it's also a really emotional story.

To give you an idea, in this show the majority of the scenes is characters face to face

talking about their feelings.

It probably sounds quite boring, but the feelings of the characters are so intertwined with the story

and with the action that it becomes fascinating.

Also, second aspect which in my opinion makes of Black Sails a show positively different from the others

in this genre,

there are not 14 000 useless seasons or 50 unnecessary episodes,

everything is said as it should be, and the characters have the development that they deserve.

Third aspect of this show that makes it absolutely incredible,

is its brillant LGBT+ representation.

For a show like this, I had never seen something like that before.

Almost all the romantic relationships presented in the show and build during the 4 seasons,

are gay relationships.

The show especially builds during its four seasons a beautiful poly relationship which ends well!

Actually, most of those romantic relationships ends well.

And for a show like that, again, I had never seen that before and I would even say

that it's a little revolutionary.

The romantic relationships are intertwined with the story, complex because the characters and the story

are, but not horribly tragic or trash and it's refreshing,

it's good.

This show also talks about slavery in a way that I thought was rather decent.

I liked the fact that slavery was not completely ignored or only in the background,

but was really a part of the story.

I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil you,

but if the cast is mostly white during the first two seasons of the show,

in the third season black characters appear and take quite a big place in the story

and I really, really liked the way their relationship with slavery is written in this show.

About the film-making, you can sense that Black Sails is not a show with a small budget.

Multiple times I admired the way the light, the framing, the colours... are used,

you can sense that there is money that went in this show. It's quite impressing.

Also, special mention for the credits which is absolutely awesome.

I'm a big credits skipper but I think I didn't skip that one more than 2 or 3 times while I was watching.

Finally, last thing about Black Sails that I really enjoyed,

is the fact that this show is completely meta-textual and is as much about pirates as it is about stories,

their importance in the life of individuals, their durability...

And really I love stories about stories.

I could talk about Black Sails during hours to try to convince you to watch it.

This show deserves way more recognition in my opinion.

I really think that it's game-changing and gives on a plate everything I always wanted from the others shows

of this genre without ever receiving it.

Diversity, depth without pretension, coherence, an accent on quality instead of quantity, etc.

Did you watch Black Sails? If yes who is your favorite character?

Mine is Max because the development of this character is absolutely beautiful.

Also the Maxanne broke me and made me whole again.

I hope I would have succeeded at convincing you at least a little to take a look at Black Sails.

If you liked this video don't forget to like it, to share it. And if you'd like to see my next videos,

don't hesitate to subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you very soon! Bye!

For more infomation >> Recommandations | Black Sails - Duration: 6:02.


Renault Mégane Grand Tour 2.0-16V TECH LINE | XENON | NAV | TREKHAAK | PDC | LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Grand Tour 2.0-16V TECH LINE | XENON | NAV | TREKHAAK | PDC | LM VELGEN - Duration: 0:59.


Eryk 'Ya Boy' Anders - Highlights 2018 - Duration: 1:04.

like + sub <3

For more infomation >> Eryk 'Ya Boy' Anders - Highlights 2018 - Duration: 1:04.


Free Template - After Effects + 3 Plugins - Intro STRANGER THINGS - Duration: 17:05.

Download - Custom - Enjoy

Software : After Effects Plugins : Trapcode ; Universe ; Color Vibrance Link in the description

The result

Intro recreate original version Intro recreate custom version

download the file in the description

it's the texture on the letters

this is the image that appears at the end of the intro

font to download

I already have it

video link that shows you how to get the plugins used in the project

Thank you for downloading By doing so, you have accepted the terms and conditions of use listed below.

AUTHORIZATION : - publish only the result (videos, photos) - distribute my template, only through my download link PROHIBITION : Except with my permission, ... - to make money with this template one way or another - to show it in a video (type: tutorial ...) - modify it to redistribute it

Failure to comply with these terms may result in the receipt of a YouTube STRIKE for infringement of my work

to go faster, I reduce the quality of the preview

change a text

position yourself with the keys to change them (here colors)

replace a text

make a space of 0.1 px between the first two letters to correct the problem

edit a scene

change the color

the glow is red

editing a scene with letters

change the letters

adapt the texture to the new letters

change the color of the letters

the lowest layer

you have to adapt the lights: color, brightness

in the final composition there is a hue tool, to adjust the colors more quickly

I disable the composition of reflection, I will put it back and modify it

the masks automatically follow the other composition, to modify their follow-up you must delete the keys and recreate a new follow-up

change the text is long enough

replace the two big letters first

delete all keys

the letter follows because it is related to the movement of "A"

redo with the other and I change the color of the letters

write the new text in one part : it will just serve to position the real letters later

resize, space them

delete the old letters except the "A", hide it, it will be used to position all the other letters

recreate all the green letters apart and position them on the green ones

the letter "A" which serves as positioning is renamed "marque"

once the letters are in place, add "marque" (the hidden letter) as parent

make sure the new text follows everything else

you have to animate

before I put the white lines

select all letters that do not have animation

and add a key at the end when all the letters stop

for anime that, go to the beginning and change the vertical position (right) or horizontal (left)

I change the color of the bottom text

change the glow

edit the last scene

simply change the text

but as the text is changed, you have to change the zoom of the camera which is no longer in the text

delete the last points

recreate the zoom

click on the text and place the closest letter in the center

also delete the old text movement key


For more infomation >> Free Template - After Effects + 3 Plugins - Intro STRANGER THINGS - Duration: 17:05.


2018.2.3 ★アーチ橋が見えるロケーションで氷上ワカサギ釣り&デイキャンプを楽しむ★(釣れる対象魚:ワカサギ・サクラマス・アメマス・ブラウントラウト・ニジマス) - Duration: 13:30.

For more infomation >> 2018.2.3 ★アーチ橋が見えるロケーションで氷上ワカサギ釣り&デイキャンプを楽しむ★(釣れる対象魚:ワカサギ・サクラマス・アメマス・ブラウントラウト・ニジマス) - Duration: 13:30.



For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.6 TDI AMBITION PRO LINE S S-LINE | NAVI | SPORTSTOELEN | XENON | AUTOMAAT | - Duration: 1:03.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Watch: Performances From The 27th Seoul Music Awards - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Watch: Performances From The 27th Seoul Music Awards - Duration: 1:20.


Karma Is A Bitch Challenge Compilation #14 ||NEW|| 2018 - Duration: 10:26.

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For more infomation >> Karma Is A Bitch Challenge Compilation #14 ||NEW|| 2018 - Duration: 10:26.


Ford Focus 1.6i 5drs Automaat! Cc, Pdc, Ac! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6i 5drs Automaat! Cc, Pdc, Ac! Zondag Open! - Duration: 1:00.


甚麼?牛奶比水還便宜!澳洲超市必買大公開~|Things you should buy in Australian supermarket! - Duration: 9:03.

Hello! Everyone

I am Brenda.

So today as I have some free time

I came to Australian supermarket

ready to get my shopping done.

While I am doing my shoppig,

in Australian supermarket

what are the things you should buy!

So we are going to start off with

let me introduce you


place where they sell liquor.

The place they sell liquor

they are always separate from

the normal supermarket area.


So liqour

and the supermarket

they are separate.

So here are all the different kind of beers

They are not just selling Australian beers

For example, they also sell Asahi.

This one is Japanese beers, right?

I think so.

There are lots of different beers

Apple cider

I think

this one...(forgot the name haha)


(trying to get the word "Apple cider" in Chinese)

I think they taste better.

Recently they have this flavour

Cloudy Apple

So when you are buying liquor in Australia

You can't find one in normal supermarket.

Unless you come to this kind of liquor place.

and when you are buying liquor,

by law,

They will need to check you ID first,

can be your driver license or passport

confirm that you are age 18 or above

then they can sell liquor to you.

Alright, so this is the main part

it is the supermarket.

So here is

Vegetables and fruits area.

Here you can find fresh vegetables.

Fresh fruits

also cooked food.

and also some bakery.

I recommend this one!

If you are coming to Australia

and you come to buy food in the supermarket

you must try this Roasted Chicken.

It looks like the same where you can buy it outside,

I can't say it is cheap

but I think it worth the money.

it tastes good

These are muffins

(Trying to get the word "Muffins" in Chinese)

(My sister said "cupcake" lol)

Nononono, Cupecake is not Muffins.

The muffins tastes really good.

(I can't think of a word to say lol)

I recommend them to you.

This has banana in it. Taste so good.

They are recently baked.

It is worth buying it.

and also there is 8 muffins in a box

It only costs you AUD3.50


Look at this,

right now is summer

the high productive period

with this super big size

This~~~~~big watermelon

It only costs you AUD1 per kg

really cheap

unfortunately, we can't finish the whole thing if I get one

(Spread section)


It calls the Australian "god spread" haha

Mostly only Australian will have it.

I tried it before,

it is really....


I won't say it tastes awful

but it is wired

What I think of spread should be sweet

but this one is salty


So if anyone have the spirit of taking challenge


you should get one and try it

maybe you will like it

but it definitely not my thing

Chocolate section~

so chocolate

If you can't think of what souvenir you should get,

chocolate will be the best choice for you.

Beside those chocolates from Cadbury

there also some other Australian made chocolate you can choose

This chocolate

no only dark chocolate

but this brand

it not from Australia

it is from New Zealand

but it tastes really good

this one

actually it also produces by Cadbury

but this one is a different edition

This one is "Old Gold" edition

it is different from normal Cadbury chocolate

the normal one is more sweet

the "old gold" is more coca in it.

So this one

I would also recommend

get one

it can be souvenir

or a gift.

really recommended

If you are look at Australian chocolate

this chocolate

taste good

I brought this back to Hong Kong

I shared to my colleague and friends....

Not colleague, friends haha

All my friends tried it

everyone said it is good

because there is coconut inside

chocolate with shredded coconut inside

coded with chocolate

inside is shredded chocolate

it won't taste to sweet

When people who don't like sweet,

they also find this taste good

Milky Way~~~

I love this chocolate so much

It is

It is a milk chocolate

but it is not too sweet

it is because inside the chocolate

inside the chocolate bar do you say

the chocolate is so soft

when you eat it, it taste really good

In Australia

there are different kind of meat you can buy

beside those commonly seen in a supermarket

For example lamb, pork, beef, and chicken

there is another one you can only find in Australia.

it is Kangaroo meat!

all these is roo

so we have roo sausage.

roo burger patty

and roo steak

It is not that expensive actually

even those you can only see them in Australia, but too expensive

It is on sale now, 2 for AUD 10

I haven't try it before

I can't tell you how it tastes

If you come to Australia and it on the menu in a restaurant,

you should order one and give it a try

I think it is tasty

the item that the price difference is huge compare to Hong Kong

that item is MILK!

I normally drink full cream milk.

the price of a bottle of full cream milk

It's only AUD2.9 for a 1L bottle

If you calculate into HKD

Let's assume it costs AUD3

the currency exchange 1:6

3 x 6 equals to 18

Is that even possible to buy 1L milk with HKD18

I don't think so...

Besides full cream milk

here they also have skim milk......etc.

a lot of different kind of milk you can choose

the price is not expensive

Even you buy a 2L bottle

It only costs AUD5

It only AUD5

AUD5...5 x 6....HKD30

Can you buy a 2L milk in 30 HKD?

I don't think is possible

Recently in Australia

there are lots of chips brand

but recently there is a new

we called it "limited edition"

"limited flavour"

that is Smith's

from Smith's, the flavour is Lamb and Mint

Taste so good

Last time when I came and tried to get some more, but it was sold out.

Luckily they still got some left this time

and it is on a half price sale!

it only costs AUD1.64

the second brand in Australia for chips

I personally think you should try it is

this one "Red Rock Deli"

this flavour "Honey Soy Chicken"

(explaining in chinese)

It is delicious

I personally prefer a little bit sweet

AUD4.3 is not that expensive

But if it is on sale

let's say when it is half price sale

it will be cheap to get one

one thing is special in Australia

Water, you don't need to buy a big bottle or one pack of 24 bottles.

you can buy a tank of water to home

how big is one tank of water? Come with me

This is how big a tank of water is

It costs AUD4

10L in one tank of water

this looks like a tap you can turn it on and get water

So there a lot of people

they are not used to drink water from the tap

they buy a tank of water and drink it at home

Here we are~the ice cream section

See! there are different kind of ice cream.

Among all this ice cream

the one that I like the most

and I would recommend to all of you

it is "Golden Gaytime"

Actually "Golden Gaytime" in Australia

I think it is Australian Special

It looks like this

It look like this

you should try this

It is not too sweet

Inside it has crumb (not crumble lol)

It look like something similar to bread crumb or biscuit crumb

the ice cream is coded with chocolate and crumb

it is really tasty. You should try it!

It is on sale now!

It is only AUD 5

It normally costs AUD 8.5

but now is only AUD5, so I decided to take one.

My share will end now.

Let's see next time!!

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