Saturday, February 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2018

We see our hero... staring

He must make the jump to save his friends and family.

A strum of a cord tells us something is about to happen

Our hero arms himself

He prepares himself for the jump

*Death* the death of our great hero has come, it is a sad day. We must recover ourselves and not let this stop us from achieving out goals. We can get through this. Let us survive the remainder of this war happily and proudly.

For more infomation >> The Jump - Duration: 0:30.


(Most of) January Wrap Up | BookTube - Duration: 10:21.

I really tried to break the alternation of queer (and/or ASL Ponderings), and books, but… Oh well.

Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome to a wrap-up. I will TRY to make this short but we'll see.

I've decided that I need to be more consistent about WHEN I post wrap-ups of what I've read.

So from now on, I will be doing end-of-month wrap-ups.

I will try to do that anyway.

So! I have nine books today. Let's get started.

"How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack"

This is funny. It's kind of a parody book. I enjoyed reading this. It's a very quick read, maybe an hour.

If you're a fast reader, maybe an hour. It's not even that thick.

It's written like a "how to survive a zombie apocalypse," that kind of thing. So this is pretty funny.

It will talk about garden gnomes like they're alive and have very murderous intent.

It's a funny little book, I enjoyed it.

Next, "The Partner."

It's basically about a guy who worked for a law firm, and stole money from them, disappeared for 2-4 years.

They looked for him, couldn't find him.

The law firm that he worked for went broke, all the partners spent the money before they even had it.

There's a lot, but at the same time, not a lot going on in this story. It jumps back and forth a lot.

It kind of pieces together the story as you go, it doesn't tell you from the beginning to now, no.

It starts now, jumps to back here, then forward to now, a little back, now, far back.

It can be a little confusing sometimes, but overall, it is good. It's a Grisham book, I enjoy his books.

*shrugs* It was good.

Next, "Queer" by William Burroughs.

I…gave it three stars on GoodReads. Partly because it was just very confusing.

I'm just going to read the synopsis on the back of the book, because I'm not even sure how to explain it.

Set in Mexico City during the early 50s, "Queer" follows William Lee's hopeless pursuit of desire

from bar to bar in the American expatriate scene.

Yeah, I… It was interesting, but very confusing. The writing style is very different than modern books, so…

It's not something I would say you must read. It's okay if you… Yeah, I don't know.

Next, "Girl at War" by Sara Nović. A couple things.

One, I already kind of explained this story in a collab I did recently. I'll link that up here wherever.

Second thing, the author is deaf.

Now, this book doesn't have any deaf characters in it, as far as I know. [text: Actually yes. But very minor.]

But the story itself is good.

It's about a girl who was born in Croatia and grew up during the downfall of Yugoslavia.

Then at about 11 years old, she was sent to the US to live there. She grew up, became an adult (there).

She (started to have) flashbacks, struggling with her life.

So she decided it was time to go back to Croatia and reconnect with her roots. It's really good.

It does touch on war, violence, trauma, so be aware of that if you need to prepare yourself for that.

Next, "Creative Struggle." If you know Zen Pencils, you will know what's in this book.

It's pretty much his comics from online put into book form. [text: *Not all of them, just a select few.]

So if you read online, there's nothing new in this.

It may be good to tell you what this is about.

It has different comics about famous people like Tesla, Einstein... Who else? Akira Kurosawa - a filmmaker.

Mary Shelley, the person who wrote Frankenstein.

All different masters of creativity, and the comics are about their own struggle.

Many people will look at them and go, "They're brilliant, good at what they do, they never struggle."

But the comics say no, really, they did have their own struggles that they had to get through

before they became skilled/good.

I really liked how Gavin, the cartoonist, did this. He drew it as if the person themselves was telling the story.

After each comic, he will have text about that person, what their history is, maybe more details about

their accomplishments, and why it's important to know about this person. It's really interesting, I liked it.

Next, "The Orchid Thief."

Basically, the story is about orchids and trying to figure out WHY people are so obsessed with them.

This started as a New York Times article, then the author decided that she wanted to expand to a full book maybe.

So she went to Florida, everything happens in Florida.

She follows one person who is obsessed with ghost orchids. He wants to get one, and clone them to sell

everywhere. Because they're hard to get, they're in the wild, only in Florida, they don't grow anywhere else.

It's an interesting story, yeah, and I did learn quite a bit about orchids in this.

I gave it three stars on GoodReads, because it wasn't anything that hit me and made me go,

"Wow, this is really fascinating!" It was an interesting story, yes, but not anything special.

Next, "Winter." This is the fourth, and final, book in the Lunar Chronicles.

If you remember from my previous videos, I've read all four - Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and now Winter.

I really enjoyed reading Winter because we got to learn more about Luna, and what (the author) imagines

what life is like on the moon, and the people who live there. It was interesting.

It was good, still has a little bit here and there that felt a little bit convoluted. But…overall, the series is good.

I enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed seeing the alternate possibilities of all these fairy tales.

Winter is obviously based on Snow White.

But I'm not going to say anything more because this series is one of those you have to read in order,

they're not stand-alone novels. So let's get to the next one.

Next, Piper. I… *winces* I don't like this one. I don't.

To be clear, this book is a graphic novel, so that's different from a book.

This is a re-telling of the Pied Piper. Simple and basic.

But I really didn't like it because… It has a deaf character in it, a main character other than the Piper.

But I felt like the deafness was used as a plot device, and the whole story felt kind of forced, and…

The way it was written was kind of all over the place, it felt choppy, jerky, it didn't feel natural at all.

So… I gave it two stars on GoodReads. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend this book at all.

Next book, I started and finished in maybe four hours. "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore."

This was recommended by Kathy, and the minute I saw it, I knew I had to get it and read.

I mean, a book about a 24-hour bookstore, and books, and mystery, and all of that? Yes. Yes, please.

I decided, fine, I'm going to the library, get it, because I found out my library has it, yesss.

I got it… I think I may have to get my own copy.

Anyway! This story is about a guy who recently lost his job, his career goals didn't really pan out, so he's looking

for a job. He happened to find one at Penumbra's. He thought, sure, why not? It's a good temp for now.

And of course, things get weird. And get weirder, very fast.

This has a good mix of old-timer, books, a bookstore, and tech with Google, 3D models, and all of that.

While I was reading it, I used this specific bookmark to hold my place. I thought it was appropriate.

A book bookmark in a book about a bookstore and books. What can get better than that?

Also, for those who don't know sign, the book has a symbol that is mentioned frequently in the book.

It also has a picture.

That is the sign for book, [demonstrates sign].

So…I don't know if that was the author's intent or not, but I thought that was a cool tidbit.

Of course I want to add this. A really cool thing with this book cover is it glows in the dark. That's really cool!

I would definitely recommend this read.

That's it for today's wrap-up. Have you read any of these books? If so, did you like them or didn't like them?

Let me know in the comments below.

If you want to support my content financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you next time.

For more infomation >> (Most of) January Wrap Up | BookTube - Duration: 10:21.


How to Knit a Cable Heart Stitch Pattern | Valentine's Day - Duration: 10:17.

How to Knit a Cable Heart.

Hi, Guys! I'm Kristen and today on Studio Knit we are

knitting up this cable heart knit stitch pattern. It has an interlocking design

it's a classic project for Valentine's Day and perfect all year round.

The interlocking hearts are vertical and these panels can be knitted up for a lot

of fun projects. I think that the hearts would look great as a scarf and multiple

panels, they can be pieced together to create a blanket of any size.

It's always fun to see the cable design emerge as you knit it up and these hearts make an

extra special project filled with love. And here is how the cable pattern looks

on the right side of the work and this is what it looks like on the wrong.

And if you're in the mood for love, I have some more great heart patterns

that you'll want to check out. I have puffy hearts softies. I also

have some lace heart patterns, as well as a pillow, another cute little heart

project that you make with i-cords, even some knitting-inspired cupcake treats.

For your materials you can use absolutely any yarn and corresponding

knitting needles of your choice. Here I'm using size 11 with number 5

bulky weight yarn. Of course you'll need a cable needle I'm just using a

double pointed needle that I painted pink on the ends to help you differentiate them

from my regular knitting needles as I demonstrate the cable stitch patterns.

And, of course, scissors and a tapestry needle. We have a garter stitch edge

right here because the base is reverse stockinette and if you are familiar with

stockinette you know that it tends to curl up. Here is the back so you can sort

of see that classic stockinette stitch on the back. So the garter stitch on the

side helps it lay a little bit flat. It still does tend to curl up a bit so you

may want to block this. the width of your scarf depends on the yarn and needles

that you use in my example here it's about 7

inches wide you'll definitely need to get the pattern it's over on my website

totally free on my website page and if you would like the PDF printable version

all you need to do is sign up for my mailing list there are six different

cable stitches in this pattern and I've created a color-coded system it easily

helps you discern the different cable stitches as you go along it's also great

to pin this project to Pinterest to save for later and links for everything you

need to know are in the description below you're excited to knit up some

cable hearts yourself please like up this video it really helps me out and if

you haven't already please make sure to subscribe

So let's knit it up we begin

of course with our beloved Slip Knot and from there we are going to use long tail

cast on method just really simple and we're going to be casting on for this

pattern a total of just 24 stitches now once you have all 24 stitches I am going

to be creating a garter edge so that's just knitting and I'm doing four rows of

the knit stitch to get started so that I have a nice sturdy edge on the bottom

you can totally skip this step you can do two rows, four rows, or even more

whatever you'd like and this is what my four rows of knitting for my garter edge

looks like and I am ready to get started on my cabling so you'll need the pattern

as I mentioned here it begins with some knits and purls and I'm going to be

demonstrating the cable stitches so that as you go along if you have any

questions on exactly what to do you can refer to this video at any time so the

first one we encounter is C4B that means that we take our cable needle

we take two stitches and we take it to the back our

needle is in the back and then it's k2 from our main needle so holding that

cable needle in the back we are going to knit two stitches from our main knitting

needle pretending like that cable needles not even there and now we switch

and from the cable needle we are going to knit two stitches and if cabling is

new to you this might be a little bit of a challenge but I know you're totally up

for it just systematically go through the pattern stitch by stitch and you

will see you're pretty hard emerge it's really cool now the next one is C4F

that means that we're holding the cable needle to the front so we take those two

stitches we hold the cable needle to the front we pretend like it's not even

there as we knit two stitches from our main knitting needle and then we take

the cable needle and sometimes it's a little bit of a stretch

and you knit two stitches directly off your cable needle and then you just

continue on with the knits and purls in the pattern here is how it's shaping up

this is our even row I just wanted to point out that the even rows are

knitting the knits and purling the purls if that's something that you're

familiar with, then it's great, you can just go ahead and you don't have to

refer to the pattern you can easily knit those knit stitches and right there you

see those little purl stitches and you just go along on all of the even rows

knitting the knits and purling the purls. Okay our third cable stitch that we

encounter in the pattern is CR4B okay so that means cable right 4 back so

taking two stitches and holding the cable needle to the back and then

because we are knitting we need to bring that yarn to the back and off of

our main knitting needle we are going to knit

two stitches right here from our main knitting needle and once we've completed

that we take our cable needle and we're going to be purling two stitches from

the cable needle so we'll bring our yarn into the front and this is another one

that requires a little bit of a stretch it can be a little bit of a tight

squeeze but you are in control of the yarn you will make it happen and you

just purl those two stitches right there off of your cable needle

okay we're halfway there our fourth cable needle it's CL4F so we're

taking the cable and we're holding it to the front and we're going to be purling

two stitches off of our main knitting needles to begin with

and then we bring our yarn to the back because we are taking our cable needle

and we are going to knit two stitches from the cable needle and let's take a

minute to admire our work now already after just three rows of our cable

stitch our heart is starting to emerge it's the bottom part of the heart and

let's keep going so our fifth cable stitch is CR3B back so we are taking just

one stitch on our cable needle and holding it to the back and then we are

knitting two stitches right here from our main needle and then we're gonna

finish it up with that one stitch from the cable needle

we take our yarn of course we need to bring it to the front because this is a

purl stitch and we purl it once right here off of our cable needle again

that's another little tight squeeze to accomplish that stitch and I want to

show you right here in the middle you know there's that pretty little cable

that runs up the middle of the hearts and this is a stitch that we've already

done but I just want to point out that we are doing this twice to accomplish

that and the first time is here on row five okay final cable stitch to review

so it is CR3F that is holding two stitches on our cable needle in the

front and then it's just one purl stitch off of our main needle right here and

we're going to bring our yarn around to the back because we finish it up with

the cable needle and it's two stitches off the cable needle this one's a little

bit of a stretch it's not too tight following along with the pattern this is

a pretty simple cable once you get the hang of it and it just makes me so happy

seeing all of these hearts emerge cable knitting always feels really satisfying

because you get these great designs you just keep on going to

get that inner locking heart look and I hope you are inspired to knit up your

own cable knit hearts thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time, guys.


For more infomation >> How to Knit a Cable Heart Stitch Pattern | Valentine's Day - Duration: 10:17.


Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 T.SPARK PROGRESSION leer clima cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo 156 1.8 T.SPARK PROGRESSION leer clima cruise lmv nap nette - Duration: 0:59.


Citroën Xsara 1.6I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 airco cruise nw apk nap nette - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.6I-16V DIFFÉRENCE 2 airco cruise nw apk nap nette - Duration: 1:00.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION - Duration: 0:59.


Volvo V50 1.6D S/S Advantage, LM velgen+Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D S/S Advantage, LM velgen+Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I EDITION S Clima-Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I EDITION S Clima-Stoelverwarming - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I EDITION S Navi-Trekhaak-Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I EDITION S Navi-Trekhaak-Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:01.


Honda Jazz 1.2 S airco zeer goed onderhouden onderhouds boeken zijn er bij en gestempelt - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2 S airco zeer goed onderhouden onderhouds boeken zijn er bij en gestempelt - Duration: 1:00.


FOD TV News, Part 2 | FOD TV | IFC - Duration: 3:42.

This is Funny or Die TV.

Boop, boop, boop.

Now FODTV News.

Belts -- they're the body's equator,

but what if we've been wearing them incorrectly?

What if belts are meant to be the body's prime meridian

and we're meant to wear them longitudinally

from our scalps to our penises?

More on that now.

Boop, boop, boop.


With the bullying epidemic evolving into the cyber arena,

we hit the streets to ask, "How did you bully your classmates?"

Woman: How would you bully your classmates?

Typically, I would bone their dad.

I used to find out their allergies,

rub that on my lips,

and then give them their first kiss.

I'd make them grilled cheeses.

I'd use really expensive bread and really expensive cheese.

And they wouldn't like it 'cause it's for an adult palate.

So I'd just laugh and laugh and laugh.

I made them write my papers, but I never submitted anything.

I got a lot of F's, but those idiots worked for nothing.

With medical advances,

people are living longer, healthier lives.

But for what reason?

We hit the streets to ask, "Why won't you die?"

Woman: Why won't you die?

Don't know how. Dad never taught me.

Can't shave either.

Terrified of ghosts.

I'm waiting till they make cooler caskets.

Ones that spin.

Why won't you die?

[Laughs] What are you, my mom?

Die? Hell, I bet my brother and sister would love that.

Not gonna happen.

More Americans than ever

are being classified as having high blood pressure.

We hit the streets to find out, "What gets your blood boiling?"

What gets your blood boiling?

[Laughs] When my wife turns up the hot tub.

I'm just kidding.

No, seriously, my wife is trying to kill me.


Are they snakes? Are they fish?

Pick a lane.

Hot tubs that are too hot.

Saunas that are too hot.

Falling into geysers that are too hot.

If you meant that metaphorically, nothing.

I'm pretty chill.

When the deli man assumes that I want tomatoes on my sandwich.

That kind of stuff really makes me want to explode.


Swipe right.

Swipe wrong?

Online dating has led to countless romances

but even more breakups.

We hit the streets to ask people,

"What's the sweetest way you've ever dumped someone?"

What's the sweetest way

you've ever dumped somebody?

Easy. Pushed her directly

into a very large bowl of chocolate pudding.

Many critics are calling it the golden age of television,

but I'm not allowed to watch TV.

We hit the streets to ask, "Tell me what I'm missing."

What's he missing?

Wait. Why can't he watch TV?

Does he not have permission?

Does he still live with his mommy and daddy?

Is he in jail? Wait. This is your anchor, right?

Tell him to watch TV on his computer.

By now, we've all heard about the latest political scandal

rocking Capitol Hill.

But before we hit the streets for comment,

we invited investigative journalist Chip Rutgers on

to share insider insight.

Chip, don't hold our feet to the flame here.

What's going on?

I think the phrase is actually

"Hold your feet to the fire."

-What'd I say? -Flame.

Yes, I think that's right.

Pretty sure it's fire.

Also, you didn't use the phrase correctly anyway.

Well, they're synonyms, so I think either works.

And last I checked, this is America,

and you can use any phrase any way you want

to mean anything.

Final thoughts? -I disagree.

Thanks for your time, Chip.

I'm being told now

that we actually cannot go to our street segment

because our camera operator got homesick and had to call his mom

to come pick him up.

You kidding me with this?

This is Funny or Die TV.

Boop, boop, boop.

For more infomation >> FOD TV News, Part 2 | FOD TV | IFC - Duration: 3:42.


Mercedes-Benz Citan 111 CDI Tourer Ambition Lang Navigatie / Cruisecontrol / Lichtmetalen velgen / S - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Citan 111 CDI Tourer Ambition Lang Navigatie / Cruisecontrol / Lichtmetalen velgen / S - Duration: 0:51.


How to make chickens lay diamonds in Minecraft PE with Command blocks - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> How to make chickens lay diamonds in Minecraft PE with Command blocks - Duration: 5:58.


Monopoly Gamer Nintendo Power Pack | Rosalina | Spin-A-jSALEj #3 - Duration: 0:45.

j SALE j

(Each sold separately)

For more infomation >> Monopoly Gamer Nintendo Power Pack | Rosalina | Spin-A-jSALEj #3 - Duration: 0:45.


Shakira - Trap Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> Shakira - Trap Reaction [Koreans React] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:13.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #21:Treadmill Training - Duration: 2:23.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm here with my co-instructor, Myla. She has

low tone and Down syndrome. We are here in front of a running treadmill. She

can sit short periods on her own. She still needs to have pillows around her. So, the

research says that we can start trying to do treadmill training. We're going to

give it a shot.They say that you should try for a

minute and see if you can get 10 steps. I think I already know the answer to this

question, but let's give it our best shot for one minute.

Here we go my friend. (setting stopwatch) Ok. Oh boy. Alright. I'm going to be in front of her and just squat to do this.

Okay, so I've got it at 0.5 miles per hour which is notably a little fast. One

step.. Uh-huh. I think that was three steps.. four... oh boy...

five-ish... oh boy... So I'm trying to weight shift her to try to get her to take a

step. I saw another steps. four, five... I don't know about that. We're almost done sweet pea.

...six... oh gosh... Uh-huh. I know. it. I know it...

seven...eight and there was one minute of trying. So she was a very good sport. It's

still a little bit tricky. It's something that we can continue to try, and I bet she'll

get better at it later. Yes, I know. So this is the beginning of treadmill

training. We'll be able to use this to see how she does it comparatively in the

future. I hope you enjoyed this segment, and I

look forward to seeing you in the future. Thanks! Bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #21:Treadmill Training - Duration: 2:23.


Audi A3 Limousine 1.4 TFSI COD S-Tronic Sport Proline 5 jaar garantie . Max 100000 km - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine 1.4 TFSI COD S-Tronic Sport Proline 5 jaar garantie . Max 100000 km - Duration: 0:59.


Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI 190pk S tronic Launch Edition - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TFSI 190pk S tronic Launch Edition - Duration: 0:59.


'명품 골반' 드러나는 밀착 드레스 입고 '대문자 S라인' 뽐낸 수지 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> '명품 골반' 드러나는 밀착 드레스 입고 '대문자 S라인' 뽐낸 수지 - Duration: 2:18.


태양♥민효린 결혼식서 개성 넘치는 하객룩 선보인 스타들 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> 태양♥민효린 결혼식서 개성 넘치는 하객룩 선보인 스타들 - Duration: 5:23.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


BREAKING They Just BOO'd Trump OUT – He's About To Unleash WAR!- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 27:28.

For more infomation >> BREAKING They Just BOO'd Trump OUT – He's About To Unleash WAR!- BreakingNews24 - Duration: 27:28.


Arena ven a mi :,,D ||Dani Cat :3|| - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> Arena ven a mi :,,D ||Dani Cat :3|| - Duration: 0:11.


Toyota Land Cruiser 2.8 D-4D-F SX | Leder | Navigatie | Keyless-entry | UNIEK - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Land Cruiser 2.8 D-4D-F SX | Leder | Navigatie | Keyless-entry | UNIEK - Duration: 1:02.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Business Solution Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Business Solution Avantgarde Automaat - Duration: 0:59.


Kia cee'd cee`d 1.4 CVVT X-tra 1ste eigenaar dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd cee`d 1.4 CVVT X-tra 1ste eigenaar dealer onderhouden - Duration: 1:00.


General Grievous Hero Evolution - Duration: 7:41.

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

(heroically laughing)

For more infomation >> General Grievous Hero Evolution - Duration: 7:41.


How to make chickens lay diamonds in Minecraft PE with Command blocks - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> How to make chickens lay diamonds in Minecraft PE with Command blocks - Duration: 5:58.


NOWA DRAMA Boxdel "kłóci" sie z Guralem cała rozmowa !! - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> NOWA DRAMA Boxdel "kłóci" sie z Guralem cała rozmowa !! - Duration: 6:56.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #21:Treadmill Training - Duration: 2:23.

Hello! My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm here with my co-instructor, Myla. She has

low tone and Down syndrome. We are here in front of a running treadmill. She

can sit short periods on her own. She still needs to have pillows around her. So, the

research says that we can start trying to do treadmill training. We're going to

give it a shot.They say that you should try for a

minute and see if you can get 10 steps. I think I already know the answer to this

question, but let's give it our best shot for one minute.

Here we go my friend. (setting stopwatch) Ok. Oh boy. Alright. I'm going to be in front of her and just squat to do this.

Okay, so I've got it at 0.5 miles per hour which is notably a little fast. One

step.. Uh-huh. I think that was three steps.. four... oh boy...

five-ish... oh boy... So I'm trying to weight shift her to try to get her to take a

step. I saw another steps. four, five... I don't know about that. We're almost done sweet pea.

...six... oh gosh... Uh-huh. I know. it. I know it...

seven...eight and there was one minute of trying. So she was a very good sport. It's

still a little bit tricky. It's something that we can continue to try, and I bet she'll

get better at it later. Yes, I know. So this is the beginning of treadmill

training. We'll be able to use this to see how she does it comparatively in the

future. I hope you enjoyed this segment, and I

look forward to seeing you in the future. Thanks! Bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #21:Treadmill Training - Duration: 2:23.


Développement d'un nouveau traitement pour les migraines chroniques - Duration: 8:26.

For more infomation >> Développement d'un nouveau traitement pour les migraines chroniques - Duration: 8:26.


{Top Santé} Les vertus médicinales de l'oignon - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> {Top Santé} Les vertus médicinales de l'oignon - Duration: 2:21.


{Top Santé} 5 étapes pour réaliser ce que vous désirez - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> {Top Santé} 5 étapes pour réaliser ce que vous désirez - Duration: 4:35.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


Toyota Land Cruiser 2.8 D-4D-F SX | Leder | Navigatie | Keyless-entry | UNIEK - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Land Cruiser 2.8 D-4D-F SX | Leder | Navigatie | Keyless-entry | UNIEK - Duration: 1:02.


Second Source Comes Forward – Claims Rosenstein Threatened Nunes and House Intel if They Didn't Stop - Duration: 3:30.

FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett went on with

Sean Hannity on Friday night after the release of the House Intelligence FISA memo.

Jarrett said his sources told him Rod Rosenstein threatened the House Intelligence Committee

members three weeks ago.

The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.

The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American


This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting

three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena

their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with


intel committee.

That's threats

and intimidation.

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