Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 23 2018

Good morning guys!

4th Endurata, finally

there's 5 of us today

it's good number

so cold!

it's 8.30, it's winter

between the cold and the fatigue I can't feel my hands anymore

"piastraia" for the third time

the first time went well, the second time I fell

the guy in front forced me to stop

I can't give gas anymore

it's getting better

this is a new road, we've never been here

only the first part was in common

it's the wood

I fell standing still 'cause

a piece of wood turned my tire

Can you believe it that my legs are trembling

due to the fatigue?

what the f**k is this car doing here?

all good?

Go Lore!

there he goes!

sound of the 2t

if you get there fast you could even jump

let's get ready



you have to give gas


there was the tree, otherwise I would have made it

it's done like this, you think?

I don't know

I could have made it if I didn't hit the tree

guys you know the last Endurata?

where we passed a lake?

today we'll do it the opposite way

I got hurt. Ouch!


Ouch! Can someone help me?

I got it

I was holding it with my knee

also Giulio

my foot is turned

holy s**t

I fell down to check on you

No I'm okay

it didn't get back up

I was looking at you

You scared me

I'm fine

It's over there, the they all move here

what a fall, guys!

what a fall

I took a big one

the whole big went down

yeah it didn't rise and I fell

I went too sure that the bike would rise

instead I did point the forks right and it slipped back

and I

fell down. Here's hard. Holy s**t

Look at Giulio! In the middle is deep

you have to take it straight

Go, f**k

yeah just like that


wait, wait

oh god

I almost got you

all the water! get out

get out

wait wait

might as well...

where else would you laugh so much? In bed

drying the air filter


so much water!

just one turn is enough

the boot is up in flames

there we go

we succumbed to the water

you are stuck

just go in front

s**t I sunk


Despite all

it's been a very nice day, hard but nice

As I was saying go Giulio before, I'm happy 'cause

today compared to the other times I've been able to

keep the gas constant uphill

which is fundamental

For more infomation >> FELL IN THE WATER?! - Enduro #6 - Duration: 14:25.


[충격] 안재환 어머니가 정선희씨에게 보내는 편지...사랑하는 아들이 왜 그렇게 가야 했는지... 내용은 충격적인 비밀이 밝혀졌다. (P.3) - Duration: 18:24.

For more infomation >> [충격] 안재환 어머니가 정선희씨에게 보내는 편지...사랑하는 아들이 왜 그렇게 가야 했는지... 내용은 충격적인 비밀이 밝혀졌다. (P.3) - Duration: 18:24.


You Don't Have to Start a Company - Duration: 4:29.

This is Julie Hennrikus from Your Ladders, which is the business school for performing artists. Today I wanna talk about a subject that

has been year and dear to my heart. I talk about a a lot to a lot of different artists. And this is the thought. You don't have to start

theater company or, or dance company or band or anything else to do your work. You can do is as a solo producer.

So I want to talk to you about five other ways of doing your work. As an aside

or as a continuation of that conversation, Your Ladders was started buy me so that performing artists could have access to the

business skills they need in order to produce their own work, or manage their career or understand that their business better.

I want you to dream your dreams and I want to give you the skills in order to plan on how to make those dreams come true.

I truly believe that that energy and the work that you're doing is important, and it does take some business skills, but it doesn't take

necessarily an arts management degree for you to do your work. So how are five ways

that artists can do their work without starting a company on its own?

#1, you can take on the mantel of creative producer or find a creative producer and do your show, your concert, your event as a one

off as a series instead of having to do two or three shows in the season. It may be better for you financially. It also may be better for you

as far as artistically getting the skills and getting the momentum up to do the one show.

#2, you can partner with another organization. Maybe a space that you want to use has slots for different groups to come in. You can

partner with them and provide content for them to produce within their venue.

#3, you can work under the umbrella of an existing arts organization

as a standalone or as an aside, or maybe as part of their overall programming. Do look at larger arts institutions and see if they offer

anything like that or if they offer any kind of support for outside groups. Also as you're

becoming a community member talk to folks and see if maybe they may be willing

to help you out, let you produce in their off time. or do whatever else

That's part of community building. That will be another video as well, but that's another option.

#4, remember that there's no timeline on this necessarily. You may, in developing the skills, think about the way you want to

produce, figure that it is going to take you time. You want to do a series of readings. You want to spend some time raising money.

You want to do the work you want to do the way you want to do it, and that's great

and that's fine. Work towards those dreams, and figure out the steps as you moving forward. Take your time.

There's nothing wrong with that. In fact that's pretty great. And #5

Don't start an arts organization for the sake of starting an arts organization. Look around. See if there are unexpected collaborators. Maybe

you're a dance company and you want to work with a band. Maybe you're a theater company and you want to work a museum. There's a lot

of different ways of looking at this. Maybe you're a band and want to work in a brewery. Maybe you're, you know, a million things.

The list goes on and on. Look for unexpected and interesting collaboration ideas

and take them, process them, think about them. You're bringing a lot to the table, they may bring a lot to the table, but then you're not

building a silo that you're responsible for keeping up walls up on and managing. That's why I don't want to encourage folks to start a

company until they've really thought about it, and they've done a lot of work, because maintaining that momentum and maintaining a

company takes a lot of work and effort, and where do you want to spend your time

and your effort in making the work or keeping the company going? If you're a solo producer that's a big call, and a hard thing to think

about, so I do want you to you think about it. Thanks so much listening to this video

and we're going be continuing this conversation on other videoes. Make sure that you subscribe to this channel. Make sure that

you like Your Ladders on Facebook, that you're following Your Ladders on Instagram, and that you've gone to and signed

for your newsletter and updates, and you've also read the blog. And comment on this video

and I'm happy to answer any questions and have a conversation.

Thanks so much, we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> You Don't Have to Start a Company - Duration: 4:29.


Why Is MY PPC Not Converting to Sales During My Launch? - Duration: 5:34.

Hey what's up, its scott and in today's ask scott video session we're gonna be

talking all about pay-per-click launching and what happens when we start

running our pay-per-click and we get no sales what can we do why could this be

happening well stick around because that's what we're gonna talk about in

today's video alright cool so Before we jump in let me just remind you if you

have any questions that you want me to answer on an upcoming Eska video session

whether it's about this topic or another topic drop it in the comments down below

and I'll do my best to answer it either in the comments or on an upcoming ascott

video session all right so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and read

the question and then I'll give you my answer so here's the question I've

launched my product and I created a pay-per-click campaign

manual and auto but none of my keywords generate any sales is there anything

else you recommend doing alright so let's talk about this alright now

there's a bunch of different ways that we can launch our product but we're

gonna really talk about if you're using pay-per-click as your launch vehicle

well we need to make sure that our images are really really strong okay

because let's face it when people are searching and they see your ad it needs

to pull them in right it needs to get their attention so images are a must you

must have really really good images now moving down the checklist we want to

then look at our title is our title exactly what they are looking for now

here's one of the big problems that I see a lot of people will say I want to

go after this one keyword or this search term because it gets a ton of traffic

but when people land there is it really what they're searching for or is it your

product that is going to be the result that they're looking for right you don't

care about how much traffic you get what you really worry about is is it the

thing that they're looking for alright and that's why I like to get really

really targeted with what I'm going after especially when we're doing a

launch all right so here is what I want you to make sure of when you're doing a

launch make sure that it's exactly what they're looking for so an example would

be stainless steel garlic press that's what we're looking for now if I'm

looking at a garlic press that might not even be as exact as I want to be in the

beginning okay yes you can do a manual campaign and you

can put it in stainless steel garlic press you can go after the broad term or

you can go garlic press and then you can reach some random stuff but what I like

to do when I'm launching is get really laser focused and targeted on those

things that if people searched for my thing they're going to be more inclined

to buy it because it's exactly what it is all right so definitely make sure

that the title is going to say exactly what they're searching for going down

the list we want to make sure that our listing is fully optimized meaning that

we want our keywords to be inside of our listing now here's the deal you might

not be getting impressions if you're not getting impressions well then you

probably are not optimized all right so there's a bunch of different things that

we have to look at I'm assuming that you are optimized and I'm assuming that

you're getting search for and people are seeing your your listing okay now that's

the one thing I would probably actually advise you to do do a quick little

search and see if your ads are popping up if they are then good that means that

you are being optimized for those search terms or those keywords alright the

other thing is is are you spending enough are you are you bidding enough on

those keywords that's another way of getting more traffic or getting more

eyeballs if you've only had 10 people to see it and you haven't had anybody buy

it it doesn't really mean that the campaign didn't work it just means you

didn't get enough traffic yet now here's the one thing that I would suggest

anyone that is launching a product using this strategy what I mean by that is

where you are actually using pay-per-click sponsored product ads to

launch your products always always have great images always have a great title

and then always lower the price so this way here it's below your competition

because in the beginning they are going to be basing it off of reviews if you

don't have a lot of reviews then they have to be able to go well wait a minute

here if I'm going to go with this one that doesn't have as many reviews why

would I go with this one right does it have a better image maybe

but is that enough so then what it's going to take is sales now in the past

we've done giveaways and I don't say myself but people are in this space have

done giveaways deep discounts of 90% or more off so why wouldn't you reduce your

price 25 or 30% just across the board to get some sales that's what we want to do

alright so with this strategy that you're trying to use right now you need

traffic you need eyeballs so hopefully this has given you some ideas on what

you can do to see if it's really your pay-per-click that's not working or a

few other things that could be tweaked maybe that will help really get the

launch underway all right so hopefully this helped you or anyone else watching

that's going through this process right now if you guys have any other questions

for me drop them in the comments down below whether it's on this topic or any

other topic and then the other thing is subscribe to this channel this way here

you get all of the new videos that I'm going to be creating here to help you

build your brand and grow your business all right so that's it that's gonna wrap

it up as always take care and take action I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Why Is MY PPC Not Converting to Sales During My Launch? - Duration: 5:34.


Future Challenges: Usercentric thinking? - Duration: 4:13.

Hey and welcome everyone to another issue about future challenges series here at gannaca.

Today I want to talk a bit about user centric thinking, which is something that

almost all our clients agree with us upon when it comes to managing the

digital transformation of their businesses.

And yet, it´s one thing to talk about things and it´s a different thing to actually act on it.

And there comes the comfort zone problem.

And it starts with three ages. The ages are: Heritage, habit and hierarchy.

And the problem goes like this. You hear things for instance like:

Ah you know generation z, the youngest ones in play now. They are all of the sudden more conservative about things again.

So my friends, what does that mean?

Everything can just stay as it is?

Or you hear people, decision makers talk about kids and the way they touch

tv screens or even a book. And they actually touch them in the way they swipe a tablet

or a smartphone. And it´s a lot of talk about observations and you find it especially on

Power Point slides that MBAs bring up to the ivory tower.

Leaving that age bubble isn´t actually that complicated.

But it means that it gets uncomfortable at first and seemingly.

Because it means that you will actually have to think about inviting these kids,

teenagers maybe, young professionals, to your board meeting.

Yes, and I´m not talking about the one before Christmas with the last item on the agenda,

when you think about having some fun. I´m talking about the most serious,

the most important board meeting that comes up on your schedule next month.

What if you invited a fourteen year old, an eighteen year old,

to sit with you at your ivory tower? What happens if you actually listen to these people,

to these human beings, to the next generation carefully there?

Yes, that would maybe stir up some questions. It would have people raise their eyebrows at your organisation.

But it would actually give you that opportunity to really gain inside.

And I tell you one thing: Successful unicorns have done exactly that.

And they do it on a regular base. They have the youngest one decide at the end of a meeting

about a serious investment question. And maybe you should do that, too.

Because it´s not about watching your grandchildren or your kids on on the weekends.

It´s about integrating them into your daily practice.

So here´s my challenge for you guys: Think about it concretely.

Who could you invite for that next super important meeting?

First item on the agenda. Let them speak. Let them criticize you, your interfaces,

your products, your services. Make a list and then do adiligence on that and find a way

to get closer to these people and their needs.

That is user centric practice and not only thinking. Enjoy.

For more infomation >> Future Challenges: Usercentric thinking? - Duration: 4:13.


В Антарктиде найден вход внутрь Полой Земли? - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> В Антарктиде найден вход внутрь Полой Земли? - Duration: 5:20.


Як вступити до УАЛ? Покоління Z. Книжкова Толока. Що коїться #10 I Дивовижні - Duration: 10:53.

This is the vlog What's Going On? by Dyvovyzhni CSO.

Where else can you wash a dead cow's bones?

Who are they and what's their thing?

How is this project financed?

High time we paid attention-

Can I go like this?

There are these cultural movements.

I've always wanted to do it on film.

If I were like ten years younger...

Do you copy, I'm in Pushcha-Vodytsia, getting closer to the target.


[sings a song about billions of children based on a song by Ukrainian band TNMK]

Hi, this is the vlog What's Going On? by Dyvovyzhni CSO.

According to Wikipedia, there are more than 7 000 000 children and teens under 16 in Ukraine.

The so-called Generation Z. But who are they and what's their thing?

In 15 to 20 years, today's kids will become the politicians and opinion leaders of tomorrow.

They will be raising wages, adopting laws and reconstructing parks.

It's high time we paid attention how we raise our kids at home.

So if you happen to have a kid in the house, a sibling or a nephew, doesn't matter, somebody under 16, listen up.

Today, we will show you innovative education strategies by the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership

and we will also have a look at Book Bustle fair in Zaporizhzhia, but let's start with good news.

Have you heard about "To Hear"? It is a project meant to make art available for

people who cannot hear.

[reads a line of a poem]

Its participants, poets, read their own poems in sign language, and the organizers record it.

They also arrange meetings and concerts uniting people who can hear and those who can't

so they would communicate and to break down walls between people in the society.

This year, the project will travel across Ukraine, so you can meet it in your own city.

You can find the link to the project in the description of the video.

Australian researchers have found that teens who didn't at all go to school but lived

in a house with a big library and read regularly turned out just as educated as their peers

who spent ten years in school but weren't really fans of reading.

So if you love the smell of books, sitting in a chair and reading another novel etc.,

it is not just an old-fashioned habit, it is actually really cool, because a library at home is...

... like college, let it be college.

Do you know what else is like an advanced university but without the strict discipline

and strict teachers? The Ukrainian Academy of Leadership, which Mariana is already infiltrating.

Do you copy? What is the status?

I am ten kilometers away from Kyiv, in Pushcha-Vodytsia, getting closer to the target.


We're in Zaporizhzhia at one of the biggest cultural events in this city - Book Bustle,

designed to remind even the youngest local citizens how important it is to read.

Books books books books

We exist since 2014, since Maidan: we realized that one of Ukraine's problems was the lack

of culture. The Bustle as a festival is held with the goal to transform the society.


I will quickly show you the Kyiv chapter. It is an incredibly beautiful area in Pushcha-Vodytsia.

There are 41 students in UAL. During 10 months, they live and study on this great campus, but

I am now talking only about the Kyiv chapter, but there are five more in Ukraine.

To help students focus entirely on education and personal development, they do not spend time on cooking, and

there are these wonderful women cooking great, delicious food for them.

It happens here, in the cafeteria - where we will soon be eating, too, by the way.


So, at Book Bustle, guests can attend the following locations:

The music stage, a.k.a. the dome, for fans of the Ukrainian music.

The history area, for those who want to figure out age-old facts.

They are holding a workshop how to tie a kerchief correctly, Ukrainian style.

Are they real bones? Let's dip them. And now cleaning.

Where else can you wash a dead cow's bones?

The area "strong minds" is about inspiring people.

There are also dozens of booths of various Ukrainian publishing houses here,

there are lectures, workshops and book presentations.

They've also got "bookwood," a place where you can get like into a real fairy tale.

I improvised.


UAL gives you something that college, school, a summer camp cannot give you.

Here, during ten months, you quickly learn how to become a whole new person.

The competition is tough, this year we only accepted 1 in 17 people who applied.

The first and simplest stage is to fill in the application form. The cost for the entire

year is $12,500, but the students actually pay only a fee of UAH 2000.

In 10/15/20 years, these people, these students, will be holding key positions

in politics, in business, and they will become opinion leaders, so it is a really cool project.

It's really cool being here, there's a lot of communication with like-minded peers,

with various lecturers, speakers who sometimes visit us even from abroad.

Let's go eat. - Let's, but I'll ride.

What do you think? - It's really great. Especially when we went home for a week.

I really like the rhythm here. When I went home, I realized I walked too slowly for my city.

I like how everything is combined, we've got kind of informal subjects, not just math or-

The lecturers are amazing, you just sit and listen and absorb every moment in the academy.


It is the fourth time this entire magic world is organized in Zaporizhzhia so kids, who

are now growing up in such a digital world, would know that there are books, there

is manual work: some work with clay, some draw, some read fairy tales to little children.

Instead of tapping away at their smartphones.

You can come look at the books -- and then borrow them from a library, here are the addresses.

Do you and your family read books? - Yes, we do. Mainly ebooks, of course.

How often do you read books? - Every day.

What was the last book that you read? I read Warrior Cats.

How often do you read yourself? - ... once a week.

People come here a lot, regularly; yesterday we had around 4,500 visitors.


It's really cool to be taken away from your usual surroundings, and I think I would

have done everything to get into this academy and I wish you to do the same.

What do you think about informal education? Share in the comments so we know!

Also, subscribe to our channel, there's a button here somewhere, and give our video a thumbs up.

We will be very thankful. It was Mariana and the vlog What's Going On?, we will

see each other again in our future videos. Bye-bye!

And I would give everything to take off my shoes and run around listening to a fairy tale.

It is really cool that kids these days have so many opportunities.

This media product is presented by Dyvovyzhni ("The Wonderfuls") CSO as part of the project Ukraine Confidence Building Initiative (UCBI II)

financed by US Agency for International Development (USAID). The content of the product is the sole responsibility of Dyvovyzhni CSO

and does not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the U.S. Government. It is prohibited to reproduce and use any part of the product in any format

including graphic, electronic, copying or any other use without proper reference to the original source.

For more infomation >> Як вступити до УАЛ? Покоління Z. Книжкова Толока. Що коїться #10 I Дивовижні - Duration: 10:53.


[ Cuộc Đối Đầu ] Giữa 2 Ông Lớn Khủng Nhất !! Ngành Loa Kéo - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> [ Cuộc Đối Đầu ] Giữa 2 Ông Lớn Khủng Nhất !! Ngành Loa Kéo - Duration: 5:04.


brother P-touch D400VP Beschriftungsgerät - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> brother P-touch D400VP Beschriftungsgerät - Duration: 2:12.


Funny clips from all over the internet #Läuft 005 - Duration: 2:07.

Welcome to a new episode of #Läuft!

In the first clip, you will see a thief

with very big pants.

This man shot a hole-in-one without hitting the ground!

We are now at the end of the video, here you can see a Japanese spider crab!

If you liked our video, please leave a free subscription!

And don't forget to active the bell!

For more infomation >> Funny clips from all over the internet #Läuft 005 - Duration: 2:07.


S. Korea expresses regret over N. Korea's seizure of South's fishing boat - Duration: 0:39.

Seoul's Unification Ministry responded to Pyeongyang's seizure of a South Korean fishing

boat... in waters south of the two sides' maritime border.

Via the Joint liaison office, Unification Minister... expressed regret over what happened

to the vessel earlier this month.

Cho Myong-gyon... also called on the communist state to take measures... in order to prevent

the re-occurrence of such incidents.

On November 3rd, the regime's military officials captured the boat operating in waters off

the eastern maritime boundary.

The North Korean guards detained 11 crew members who were aboard.. and released them hours

later, citing inter-Korean reconciliatory efforts.

For more infomation >> S. Korea expresses regret over N. Korea's seizure of South's fishing boat - Duration: 0:39.


New Interpol president Kim Jong-yang arrives in S. Korea after election - Duration: 1:24.

Kim Jong-yang made headlines by becoming the first South Korean to become the head of Interpol.

The career cop who dedicated decades of his life to policework here in the nation, is

looked to make sure the organization resume its core mission after months of scandal.

He returned home today, and shared his thoughts on his appointment upon arrival.

Our Choi Si-young was at the press conference.

Returning from the 87th session of the General Assembly in Dubai where he was named the first

South Korean to lead the global investigative body Interpol, Kim Jong-yang held a press

conference at Incheon International Airport.

This is what he had to say.

"Again, I thank the South Korean government, our police agency and those who've been at

my side during the assembly meeting in Dubai."

He also showed his appreciation for the member states that supported his appointment.

"Member states have shown their trust and voted for me, and as the new president, I

intend to meet their expectations."

Russian candidate Alexander Prokopchuk was widely viewed as the front-runner,... but

concerns from the United States and countries in Europe... that Russia may have abused the

policy agency tipped the scale toward Kim.

Kim is the first Korean national to serve as the head of the investigative body.

Kim will cover the remaining 2 years left in former president Meng Hongwei's term,...

who Beijing confirmed has been detained and investigated for allegedly taking bribes.

Choi Si-young, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> New Interpol president Kim Jong-yang arrives in S. Korea after election - Duration: 1:24.


Laura Smet, loin des polémiques, elle s'éclate avec Raphaël au Cap Nègre - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet, loin des polémiques, elle s'éclate avec Raphaël au Cap Nègre - Duration: 1:24.


Mazda MX-5 2.0 S-VT Touring - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 2.0 S-VT Touring - Duration: 1:08.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 EXCLUSIVE BOOSTERJET (Cruise,Climate,navi,Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 EXCLUSIVE BOOSTERJET (Cruise,Climate,navi,Bluetooth) - Duration: 0:54.


11/23/18 6:36 AM (119 S 1st St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> 11/23/18 6:36 AM (119 S 1st St, Richmond, VA 23219, USA) - Duration: 5:00.


BMW Z4 Roadster 2.2i S BLACK FRIDAY €500,- EXTRA INRUIL - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 2.2i S BLACK FRIDAY €500,- EXTRA INRUIL - Duration: 1:03.


Fiscalité verte Macron s'entête et c'est l'écologie qui trinque - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Fiscalité verte Macron s'entête et c'est l'écologie qui trinque - Duration: 2:53.


Brigitte Macron « trop de risques », des escapades très dangereuses -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron « trop de risques », des escapades très dangereuses -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:23.


Laura Smet et David accusés du pire, « derrière » le cambriolage de la villa de Laeticia ? - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet et David accusés du pire, « derrière » le cambriolage de la villa de Laeticia ? - Duration: 1:27.


Dynamics 365 Business Central - Styr hele din virksomhed i skyen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Dynamics 365 Business Central - Styr hele din virksomhed i skyen - Duration: 1:01.


Brigitte Macron « trop de risques », des escapades très dangereuses - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron « trop de risques », des escapades très dangereuses - Duration: 1:27.


How to automatically export your report - Duration: 3:02.

Hi, and welcome to the "How to automatically export your report" tutorial

Today, I will teach you how to save and delete a report

as well as how to manage automatic exports

To start off, we want to generate a new report by clicking on the reports tab

and then on "New Data Selection"

We want to make a very simple daily report and so we leave everything as it is

Instead, we want to go on and select the given store or mall that we want to pull the data from

And then we click on "Apply"

So, in order to save our new daily report, click on the green button "Save report"

Let's call it "Daily report" and click on Save

You can confirm that your report has been saved by clicking on the reports tab > saved reports

Here you will find your newly created report

Now, go to the reports tab and click on "Manage exports"

This module allows you to automatically export multiple reports at once at selected time intervals

Click here to add a new one

First of all, we want to type in the name of the compiled report that we want to receive

In this case, we call it Daily report as we want to receive the automatic export daily

We can also send the report at different intervals if we wish to do so

In fact, we can choose between every 15 or 30 minutes, hourly, daily, weekly or monthly

For a weekly report, you can choose a specific weekday on which you want to receive the report

and for a monthly report, we can choose to receive the report on the first day or the last day of the month

In this case, we want the report on a daily basis at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning

and we would prefer to receive the report only on work days

Furthermore, the report should also be sent in a pdf format

As for which reports to be included in this export, the drop down menu here allows you to select multiple reports at once

For instance, suppose that you want a daily footfall report for a given location as well as daily footfall data for a given zone compiled into one report

As for recipients, you can choose to send the report to other users in your company

or simply type out an email address if the recipient does not have a vemcount account

Finally click on save

As you can see, the export now appears in your export manager, which you can edit or disactivate at any time

The final thing we want to do is to delete our saved report

Simply go to your saved report and in the upper left corner, click on the button Delete current report

Click yes to confirm

Your report has now been successfully deleted

We can confirm this by going to the reports tab and under saved reports

Here, we see that the report can no longer be found

And that's basically it. Now you know how to manage and export your saved reports

For more infomation >> How to automatically export your report - Duration: 3:02.


表演「扯下自己衣服」刻意走光搶頭版!Jennie自導自演黑暗面被起底…網驚:也太誇張 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> 表演「扯下自己衣服」刻意走光搶頭版!Jennie自導自演黑暗面被起底…網驚:也太誇張 - Duration: 4:08.


Richardson Zéphir | Choisis ta route | Vol.2 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Richardson Zéphir | Choisis ta route | Vol.2 - Duration: 1:26.


How To Setup And Use A Sendlane Email Marketing Account (Part 3) (Automations) - Duration: 33:27.

Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time to

hear today. Today I want to show you and continue the lesson in sending the

sailing email marketing system I want to show you how you can utilize that and

obviously my ugly mug is not on the screen again once again today you

probably are thinking yourselves for that right now are thanking me for that

but you don't have the live action one but you could see my ugly mug on my

website acquire Liberty calm before we get into the assembly thing I actually

want to promote my acquired Liberty website to you a little bit you can

learn a little bit more about me here you can go on my website under the about

check it out learn a little bit more about what I have to offer a little bit

more about my story check out my latest blog post I have to update this a little

bit it's a little bit on the older side but I always usually post my latest

videos in there and some tidbits here and there of information I have a

fantastic resources page that helps people out on how to get started with a

lot of links and a lot of things to save you money when you want to get started

and if you want to contact me okay check out my contact page fill out the

form send me the information and you know or whatever questions you may have

and I'll get back to you as soon as I can

and also while you're visiting my website you could subscribe to my

acquired liberty newsletter and if you do that I have a really special gift for

you I want to offer you something that not many people actually offer just for

sending you know signing up for a newsletter and it's this it's a 10,000

email manifesto it's actually worth $500 and the reason I know it is because I

read it and this thing is phenomenal it teaches you how to actually run an email

business from home now this helped me out tremendously because like I said and

two videos back people focus in on Instagram they focus in on Facebook they

focus in on Twitter they focused in on YouTube my bread and butter has been

email my email list and that's how I make my living here at home doing this

and you subscribe to my choir Liberty newsletter right here and I will give

that to you for free alright guys without any further ado if

you would be so kind subscribe to my youtube channel click on a little bell

notification so every time I make an upload you'll get to see it first

and also if you're serious about working from home if you want a home-based

business opportunity that I know works because it worked for me personally it

works for thousands of other people and now these are people that I personally

know they're they're the ones that actually encouraged me to do this and

kept me going when things got a little bit tough this is the way you want to go

click that link in the bottom of the description it gives you a free video

shows me show you how I and thousands of other people like myself got started

working online phenomenal opportunity folks and if you sign up today under my

account I will give you over two thousand dollars worth of information

for free in ebooks PDFs and things that actually helped me out personally to be

successful online and do this full time okay alright guys now let's continue

with our send lane opportunity and information now I told you guys I was

going to show you how to set up not a campaign we did that in the last one

which is really really simple let's be honest guys but the automations are just

as simple they're not that bad these are my current automations that I kind of

show you a little bit of them at the end of the last video to kind of get your

juices flowing to kind of let you know that you know this isn't that bad it's

not that difficult especially if you're brand new right go over here to add

automation okay now sending is phenomenal when it comes to giving you a

ton of options about what you want to do and what kind of automation you want to

send up this is actually expanded since I actually joined send lane okay so this

is even better than when I first started but like I said when you're a beginner

send lane is the way to go get response is phenomenal

Aweber is phenomenal they are they have their definite good points over

something that is for sure but when you're starting off I say start simple

make it easy go with send lane okay I'm gonna leave you a link down in the

description below if you want to sign up what's in

Li and give it to trial you have a link down there you can click around I'd get

a 14-day free trial I say go for it I always start from scratch boom now

this is what I was telling you about before in the last video you can

actually start an autoresponder like the first like the first option I showed you

in the last video at the end of the last video or you can actually go with a

workflow now workflows you can actually create to be extremely customizable you

know and so a customer does something specific like you know let's just say

they aren't opening up their emails or they you know I haven't responded in a

while or they seem to be more interested in certain types of emails that you're

sending a workflow can redirect them to certain things that interest them and

work to your benefit and all a responder okay in and of itself is very very

simple and I suggest if you're beginner especially if you're beginner to start

with an autoresponder and all a responder is just a simply a series of

emails that you send out to someone who opts into your capture page okay and as

soon as they opt-in to your capture page an email goes out to them and then a

series of emails after that go out to them okay now you can set these series

of emails up you know to go out every day every other day you know some people

only do it every other or every week but the important thing is this you have

these emails set up before you have them start opting in to your page it's the

easiest way to do it because if you know you have people opting into your stuff

and you have their email but you don't have a an autoresponder ready that means

you have to do everything the hard way with campaigns it's not automatic that

means you'll have to go in there every day and send campaigns out to people

okay you want to make it easy for yourself and have the machine do the

work for you so let's just say I'm with legendary marker that's the thing that I

love the most as you well know and that's what I'm that's what you click on

the bottom there below that's what gave me the ability to work from home folks

so you start with an autoresponder say you throw 45 emails into this

autoresponder when someone signs up they get the initiative initial one where

you're welcome welcoming them and then every day after

that for at least the next 45 days or so you're sending them automated emails

about the program that they showed interest in that's what we're going to

do today okay so you click on autoresponder group you hit next

Automation name so I'll just write and I already have that there bucko legendary

marketer Auto so I know what that's for you can name it anything you want you're

the only one who's gonna see it so here we are there's nothing here yet so what

you're gonna have to do and when I show you in video number one of the sin Lane

series is you're going to have to choose your recipients now your recipients are

this okay now you have your lists what I showed you to do how you to do that in

the first video of the series now I would want to obviously do it with my

legendary marketer opt-in people right so when someone is interested in the

legendary marketer and my free bonuses they'll click in I'll give me their

email so it's gonna have to go to a specific list so I will say the list

will be let's just say legendary marketer AR okay well have those that

autumn this automation that we're making go to my LM a our emails okay and now

what you can do is exclude recipients now I'm not sure exactly how this works

but I'll just oh you know what it is I'm leaving out alone because this might

actually eliminate my option for when I'm sending out campaigns that I want to

exclude anybody don't ever exclude anybody just make

this your primary list okay and you hit save all right cool

now you know what you want to do next is start creating your emails okay so here

says you have your list you have now you have to create your emails or your add

your autoresponders okay so what you do here is right now

I'm gonna go through this with you with the legendary marketer system because

it's the easiest thing to understand you want to name your autoresponder which

and this one would be your autoresponder number one so let's go to my list here

let me see it is that the right one here it is

now intro intro email I want you to meet my business partner Dave sharp

he's the kind of dad attendant kind of suit okay I'm not gonna use that that's

just kind of came with the system what I'll do here is I'll just I'll show you

this one this is actually email number one and cuz it's gonna be better for you

to set this up just so you can see what I'm doing what I want to do here is see

the subject line here what I basically did for myself is I highlighted are all

the text that's actually going into this email or autoresponder and I put blue if

for the links that I want to put in subject line top goop copy the subject

line copy go back over here right and then what I do so this is so this is

number one email number one now the way they did it like just to say your name

is Jane like Jane meet Dave Dave me Jane okay I'll leave that alone for now I

don't like doing that because a lot of times people don't like

to put their name in for opt-ins and they found that actually if you just get

someone's email they're more likely to actually opt in to your information and

they because there's something a little bit more professional it's not as

personal some people love it some people hate it so what I would do basically as

I would just get a you know get rid of that personalization I'd be like and I

would just leave it like this I would say you know meet Dave

meet Dave the creator of legendary marketer alright so then I would just

take this subject line I wouldn't put the number in there because you got to

remember like I showed in less video you're the only one who sees that one

name of the autoresponder but this subject line that's what everybody sees

so you go to next now autoresponder configuration this is asking you when

someone opts in when should the autoresponder email be sent

okay now you could say let's just say today is Wednesday right and someone

clicks on to opt-in for me right today so they weren't according to what this

looks like right now they wouldn't get this email until tomorrow which would be

Thursday or Thanksgiving it's the week of Thanksgiving so to make sure that

they get it as soon as they opt-in I just type in zero right so when you type

in zero that means when they opt in it automatically goes to them now and it

asks and what time okay now if you don't select anything here it just goes out as

soon as they opt in some people like to prefer okay a certain time of day I say

just let it go out the first email go out as soon as they sign up because

people have a tendency to be a little bit impatient they want to know that you

know the opt-in counted that they got responded to and everything's connected

well on what days should the autoresponder send no I have mine set up

and get response and then when I was using send Lane here for the whole week

there are some people who have I've talked to that only sent things out you

know Monday through Friday or Monday through Saturday because they want

Sunday off they don't want anybody getting emails on Sunday and they don't

want to feel like they're bothering someone on Sunday but I feel like some

if someone's even opting in on a Sunday they're at the computer they just wanted

an acknowledgment that you know they their opt-in has

been acknowledged and someone is aware of it but you have these options of

control when you are setting up your autoresponder or your workflow for that

matter when you're sending something on for the first time so let's go to next

now here's some of amil your screen you guys are all familiar with yeah my

templates what I showed you in the last video you have the pre-designed ones and

you can start from scratch and for the sake of the argument on this one let's

start from scratch okay now begin designing your email now the first thing

I wanted to I want to do is I want to put the title in here it's a personal

preference thing right it automatically always defaults to the it the smaller

font let's go to 23 let's bold that and let's center that mmm here's your center

button your your justification button you can go to left center or to the

right see so let's just go to the center I created 223 font and I bold that it

meet Dave the creator of legendary marketer that's our subject line right

so let's go back to the email that I or the word press or the word document that

I have now if you join legendary marketer you can go in the back office

here and I'm not sure I have that hold on a second I might have it here you go

on the back office the legendary marketer okay you go under affiliates

right here and then you go to your funnels and you go all the way over to

your email copy you can actually get 45 day email sequence and download it okay

the thing is it's kind of rough the links aren't always in there and you

kind of got to customize everything for yourself and it can be a little bit

challenging what I've done with the assistance of some friends um I've

actually made it as simple as I possibly can for people to you know take this

copy it post it and be done with it okay and that's that's my whole thing and

making things as easy as possible now if you join under me okay contact me if

you want to set this up and I will send you this file so all you'll have to do

when you get this okay see this number here that's my number

that's my affiliate number right there so all you would have to do after you

purchase your affiliate when you purchase the legendary marketer program

is you would just change out your link for mine or vice versa you take my link

out you put your link in otherwise if you don't I'm gonna get the sale for

whenever somebody opts in under you well let's take this email right here let's

highlight the whole darn thing okay you copy it and what you do here is let me

go back to the Sun Lane page that's are rolling from radio to and what you do

here is is you just type this in here you highlight that take that paste boom

now guess what that email is now ready to go for the most part now what you

want to do is you want to tweak it to whatever you like right if you notice

here you can personalize see how you can put your personal like when I said

earlier on you're setting in your subject line for now Joan I need you to

whitelist the email address support at acquired Liberty comm right so you could

take that out and you say for now I would do that because I don't like doing

that because sometimes people like I said don't put their first names in it

and it kind of looks kind of silly they're the way it's written and I take

up the personalization unless I actually know the person and I've talked with me

before and it just seems a little bit better that way but when you're talking

and you're starting out with new with someone you don't really want to do that

that's my personal opinion then you have here later this week now see I'm just

going through this email here right kind of tweaking it oh darn it

get this here spacing it out maybe like looks a little bit nicer little things

like that that you're gonna want to do for yourself so instead of putting my

link here zero zero zero zero zero you could put your link in there whatever

the case may be now some people leave these here like

this right I'm not gonna do that what you want to do is you want to make

it nice clean and neat okay so you take this copy this link right down here that

takes people to your sales page so they can watch the video probably the video

that one of you guys if you watch the video before it will take you and you

know you can see the sales again to kind of get you motivated you juices flowing

delete that and you right click here like I did in the last video I showed

you and just highlight it here right and hit the link hit this here submit you

got to highlight it now I like to underline it I like to make it

just a hair bigger and I bold it and I like to make it red because it catches

the eye Boop and here we have PS watch this video if you want to get started

down the rabbit hole now so you hit click here and guess what it

takes you to the link you don't have that ugly link going all the way across

the screen no one really likes that anyway so meet Dave the creative legend

area marker here's your email this is your first email that you'll be sending

out to people you have your link in there right and you have the whole email

set out kind of talking about people about you know how to contact you you

know watch the email whitelist to emails to make sure you get it and another

thing I want an emphasis I want to emphasize on this video like I said if

you want to sign up for anything that you're really interested in online try

to always use a gmail account hotmail is a pain in the rear end lie or you know Outlook Express Yahoo they're kind of a pain and sometimes things

don't even go to a spam filter but they just got automat

we blocked at least with Gmail something goes to a spam filter you can unspent

and you can you know just put it say it's okay I want to see no blah blah

blah that's why I tell people you want a whitelist this kind of stuff now my

domain name email that's probably never one of the emails I mean I have that's

never gonna get blocked just because it's a domain and it's under my control

but it's just something you want to do what you know have control over

something whenever you sign up for anything I would always recommend Gmail

because sometimes you can send for things sign up for things and you don't

get an email about it you're wondering what happened and no one ever checks

their spam or their blocks folder or you know things that have been deleted

automatically for them by hotmail or live or Yahoo so always use Gmail it's

just a little bit easier so now you go to your preview page right here's your

preview of the email looks really nice right and this one looks like an and on

mobile which is really clean really nice so you close the preview you go back and

then what you do you hit save and continue' everything's good start your

autoresponder boom include recipients okay that's anyone who's on that list

are you sure you want to continue start autoresponder and there we go folks look

it there's my number one autoresponder so when you're setting it up your

caption page your capture page it's gonna ask you to link to the list that's

affected right so when this list LM or when this list actually gets

triggered by an opt-in from someone who clicks into your caption page they

automatically will get this right here they'll automatically get the first

email alright and then and then correspondingly right after that that's

how it works it's really really simple stuff it's a

little time-consuming I'm not gonna lie especially in the beginning okay now

what I want to do free here I want I'm gonna do one more email for you when it

says add autoresponder on the on the bottom there

the whole thing starts over again and this one will be number two and what

I'll do here is I'll go up here and this was email one so what I'll do here is

I'll go to email - that's a long one so I'll go down here oh you know what I'm

gonna do first I'm gonna get the subject line first you got played copy go back

here you got played now you have the option I'm not taking it would normally

say if you want to leave that in that's fine if you get everybody's first name

it'll say you got played Bob Robert Jang Joan whatever but me I just

like to write you got played nice and simple like I said some people don't

like to put their first names in to opt in boxes they'll just use an email so

you got played the subject line I put an O to for the second email for my own

self and you got played as the name of the email and then the subject line is

just you got played then you the track clicks here is good enough for this here

now if you want to get into a point where you're using Google Analytics and

link tracking that's fine no problem great but right now to analyze and use

sin lane all you need is to make sure your track click clicks is on because

that actually lets you analyzing your back officer in your dashboard to see

who's opening what how often things are getting open and clicked on and what

people kind of like it'll give you an idea of things a little bit better now

when should this autoresponder email be sent now the last one I set is zero

right so this one is going to be one so when someone opts in the first day

they're gonna get the first email that I just created that you just saw me create

and made it an autoresponder and that was set at zero for here so this one now

is gonna be set for one day so this will be the second day so if they opted in

today which is Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving tomorrow Thursday

Thanksgiving this is the email that they'll get and you can actually have it

within the hour days weeks months and years you can set this up for which is

pretty amazing how often you want to actually set something up for that

and here again I still ask you a time okay

now I always said it four times subscribe because those are the chances

in the end the times where people are probably most available that's why

they're able to opt in at that time in the first place so you leave that alone

personally make sure all your days are checked you go to next and for the sake

of argument we're going to start from scratch again

boom we'll do it all over again I have the email already in my copy for my

clipboard so I hit paste you got played look highlight that make it bigger

alright I did that already let's make it bold we can move it to the center if we

want there we go then what we'll do we'll go to my word document we're gonna

start down here highlight this all here ooh

now that's how the body starts we go to here highlight this stuff taste it boom

you have another email to send out now when you're doing this you have an

option I'll delete that cuz I don't like it but you can leave it in there if you

like you got played right now you have all this here it

looks pretty spaced out pretty well I can delete that here you got played I

should actually delete this off my sheet but I want to keep it there for people

like yourself who maybe want to keep it in there it'll save you a step or two

and then there's the link again I show you how to do that copy that copy delete

click here I can actually make that all caps this cell pops a little bit more

highlight it right highlight it and then let's go to links paste submit still

highlight it so I want to underline it I want to bold it want to make it a

little bigger and I want to change the color if I'm going too fast for you feel

free to pause it and just see how I'm doing all this stuff with that your

color that's your font size your bold and you know everybody knows this basic

stuff here and that's your link so there you go people kill click on that there

you go now some people well personalize this email and I think I did I actually

have a dave sharpe you make it for whatever your name is right here so read

through these things and make sure they make sense for you if you want this to

be about you if this fits what you want to tell people that's totally up to you

but this is like originally Dave sharps emails so you can adapt them to you that

you're talking to your customer or you can leave them like this and just say

you know dave sharpe is my partner you got me into this and you know work

with the email don't just copy and paste put some thought behind it think it

through make sure it makes sense for you and what you want to accomplish in your

business for the sake of argument in time I'm just gonna leave this alone

right now and you could preview it here looks clean right looks pretty good on

the mobile now you can actually go back here if you want it

see this here click that there I can actually put that over there oh I see a

quick fingers you can actually put that over there if you think it looks better

whatever you guys think whatever works but good for you you don't have to put

that in there if you don't want that's totally up to you so you save and

continue' everything is green start autoresponder click on there make sure I

always hit that bottom line start out a responder because if you don't it won't

trigger and then you're gonna be an stuck it won't it won't take it and

there you go meet Dave there's you there you go there's one and there's two so

now you have two emails set up that I showed you how to set up and make it you

know really quick and easy I mean think about it how much time is it going to

save you if you buy this product off me right and I'm gonna send you this Word

document you just copy and paste it it's all been checked for grammar and all

you're gonna have to do is change out your links your affiliate number link

right and make it so it makes sense for you what you're trying to accomplish in

your business I mean it obviously folks it doesn't get easier than that besides

actually paying someone else to do it and to actually have someone else do

this for you it gets pretty expensive I mean I will

do this for you if you want but it costs probably around 2 to 250 because it

takes a lot of time to put 45 emails to do an autoresponder it doesn't get any

easier than that but before I let you go I want to show you one thing I want to

show you mine my emails what I did personally remark workflow let's check

that one out basically same same principle

okay now this is the first one that goes out to people when they sign up for my

opt-in page this is something I kind of created for myself and I've actually

since changed it since I've I've started this business this is like one of my

older ones because I don't use send light anymore like I said I use get

response now just because it works better for my business the one I'm

looking for I know but this will show you what my email looks like see how I

put my I put my picture in here I put a little thing in there about you know

here's my story here's my facebook link I added all this kind of stuff here now

that's my intro one let's let me show you if this one's any different it might

be different now but I put that at the bottom there yes I did see now this is

my standard email for my autoresponder I always have remember I was showing you a

templates in part two well this is something that you can make a template

for yourself so once you set something like this up for yourself and your own

emails guess what you're done as a PS watch this video there's the link at the

bottom of the screen when it pops up you can see that right so I always have my

picture here right I have the description the name that I use for my

website my facebook link since I've changed that too now see this this time

this is before I changed everything that I actually had like you know Joel meet

John John meet Joe up here like it would automatically do it to over the prospect

or email them name is but this is basically simple you could highlight

italics bold things make them your own whatever you think looks good and not

even see this I linked it but I didn't make it read this is another link to the

sales page for a legendary marketer so I just wanted to give you guys an idea

about how you could change things how you can do things it takes time okay but

you could do it honestly it's really really simple it just it's just time

consuming all right guys listen that's all I have for you today I think next

time when I talk about sending what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how

to create a capture page okay so you could set it

we actually have a place for your your customers or prospects to go to click

into and then activate these lists okay that we've created and these automations

that we've created together I'm going to show you how to create a capture page

how to make it a one really quick and simple and you'll be able to you know

get in there and start doing it for yourself okay all right guys listen

that's all I have for you today if you would be so kind if this was helpful

leave a comment below like the video subscribe to my youtube channel and

click on the little Bell notification so every time I make an upload you'll get

to see it first and don't forget to click the link below it's the free video

that leads you to legendary marketer it's my number one rated opportunity to

work from home and online and legendary marketer is more than just a phenomenal

business and program ok it gives you the ability to learn about a whole array of

different ways to make money on line and if you want to stay home you don't want

a boss looking over your shoulder busting your chops or annoying

co-workers nagging you all the time and driving you crazy then this is the way

to go folks all right guys listen that's all I have for you today remember you

can follow me on Instagram Twitter obviously YouTube and check out my

website but a website at acquired Liberty comm for a whole bunch of

information and resources that will help you out in your new journey to a

home-based business alright guys until next time what do I always say I say God

Bless guys take care until next time bye now.

For more infomation >> How To Setup And Use A Sendlane Email Marketing Account (Part 3) (Automations) - Duration: 33:27.


NOTIZIE GIAPPONE: Robot Cafe per disabili, Gozilla Nuova Costellazione - Duration: 2:01.

In November a new cafe will open in the Akasaka district of Tokyo with robot waiters remote controlled by people with serious physical disabilities.

The coffee, which will open on weekdays from November 26 to December 7, will have a robot stand called OriHime-D

controlled by disabled people with conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a form of motor neuron disease.

The robot waiters, 120 cm tall / weighing 20 kilograms, will transmit video and audio via the Internet, and this will allow these people to address them from home via tablet or computer.

In August, during the event that marks the debut of OriHime-D, a robot controlled by Nozomi Murata,

who suffers from Autophagic vacuolar myopathies which causes muscle weakness, asked a family if they wanted chocolate.

"I want to create a world where even people who can not move their bodies can work", said Kentaro Yoshifuji, managing director of Ory Lab. Inc., the robot developer.

Yoshifuji suffered from stress-induced illness in childhood and had difficulty communicating.

With his experience of social isolation, he began developing robots at Waseda University to help connect people with the world.

The smallest OriHime robots, 21.5 cm tall and weighing about 600 grams, they were introduced by about 70 companies for telecommunications.

They can also be used by students who can not attend school due to illness or other reasons.

Ory Lab. Aims to create a permanent coffee with OriHime robots and to increase adoption aside of companies ahead of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020.

"Everyone should have the freedom to work in the way they prefer", said Masatane Muto, one of the organizers of the project suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

"I want to get the message to the message in 2020 of how you can show your hospitality even if you have disabilities," said Muto.

It seemed like a brilliant idea to us, and we hope it will spread soon! What do you think about it?

PS: We end this video with a little curiosity

the iconic monster Godzilla and Mount Fuji are now among the new unofficial and modern constellations

announced on October 18 by scientists with NASA's Fermi gamma-ray telescope. CONGRATULATIONS ^ _ ^

For more infomation >> NOTIZIE GIAPPONE: Robot Cafe per disabili, Gozilla Nuova Costellazione - Duration: 2:01.


Sex mit Mathelehrer oder beschneiden lassen?! [ Entweder - Oder ] | Kostas Kind - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Sex mit Mathelehrer oder beschneiden lassen?! [ Entweder - Oder ] | Kostas Kind - Duration: 10:20.


Kate Middleton « un poison mort.el », ses enfants risquent le cancer -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Kate Middleton « un poison mort.el », ses enfants risquent le cancer -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:10.


How To Take a Good Selfie With a Cat - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> How To Take a Good Selfie With a Cat - Duration: 1:29.


#138 photographier les couleurs de l'automne - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> #138 photographier les couleurs de l'automne - Duration: 8:05.


Peugeot 208 XY 1.6THP 155PK 3-D|NAV|CLIMA|HALF LEDER|BLUETOOTH| - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 XY 1.6THP 155PK 3-D|NAV|CLIMA|HALF LEDER|BLUETOOTH| - Duration: 1:13.


Françoise Hardy en guerre contre le cancer, la vérité sur son état -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Françoise Hardy en guerre contre le cancer, la vérité sur son état -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:20.


Flashback Friday: Who Says Eggs Aren't Healthy or Safe? - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> Flashback Friday: Who Says Eggs Aren't Healthy or Safe? - Duration: 8:06.


Rolex 'Red' Submariner: A Closer Look | SwissWatchExpo - Duration: 3:31.

From SwissWatchExpo…

Spotlight On: The Rolex 'Red' Submariner.

A Closer Look.

If you've spent time studying and collecting Rolex watches, you'd know that the devil

is truly in the details.

A seemingly small detail – such as a font – can significantly increase a watch's

appeal and value in the market.

In the case of the Rolex 'Red' Submariner, it's the red Submariner writing.

The highly prized Sub is one to collect, but even if you don't plan on getting one, it's

thrilling to be in on secrets only Rolex lovers know.

Here's a closer look.

The Rolex 'Red' Submariners are part of the reference 1680, introduced in the late


It was the first Rolex Submariner to come with a date; and has quite a number of dial


For this guide, we'll use the easiest way to tell these differences.

We'll look at the feet indication right below the SUBMARINER writing.

Let's start with the first variation – the MARK one, two and three dials, made in the

late 1960's.

For these models, the meters, indicated as 200 m, come BEFORE the feet indicated as 660


A closer look also shows that the red Submariner text was painted over white.

Let's move on to the Mark IV dial.

This specific dial dates back to 1969 to 1970, where a variation was made in the order of

the feet and the meters.

Beginning with Mark IV, the feet indication comes before the meter indication…

Look even closer, and you'll see that the 6's in this dial are open styled.

Note that there is a space where the end of the 6 meets its middle.

And finally, for the Mark 6 dial, created from 1973 to 1974, a very slight change was

made again.

The feet still come before the meters in this model.

But can you spot the difference?

This one also comes with feet indication before the meters, but the number 6 are closed.

Notice also the taller, larger, more modern font.

The Rolex Submariner 1680 has more details that are distinctly vintage.

Notice the unadorned case back, and the unique knurling on the bezel edges, making it unmistakably


It also makes use of a raised crystal, often called the "Top Hat" because it protrudes.

These details would surely be overlooked by the untrained eye, and that's exactly what

makes it so thrilling to Rolex lovers – and, what makes the Rolex Red Submariner, so highly

desirable to collectors.

For more infomation >> Rolex 'Red' Submariner: A Closer Look | SwissWatchExpo - Duration: 3:31.


TEST Your English Vocabulary: Do you know these 15 advanced words? - Duration: 19:17.


I'm Vanessa from

Are you ready to test your vocabulary?

Let's get started.

Today we're going to talk about 15 advanced vocabulary words that you'll definitely hear

in daily conversation.

If you enjoyed my first advanced vocabulary quiz, you can watch it up here.

If you haven't enjoyed it yet, watch out because you might see some of these words in this

quiz as well.

I challenge you to test yourself.

If there's a word that you don't know, write it down.

Try to make your own sentence with it.

Read it out loud.

Try to repeat it so that it sticks in your memory.

You'll have three seconds to guess each answer before I explain.

Let's get started.

Number one: I don't know why it's taking so long to ... the house across the street.

I don't know why it's taking so long to renovate the house across the street.

I don't know why it's taking so long to relegate the house across the street.

Which one is the correct answer?

You have three seconds.

Two, one.

The correct answer is, I don't know why it's taking so long to renovate the house across

the street.

This is a true story.

The house across the street has been getting renovated for minimum two years.

Renovate means that they're fixing it up.

There's already a house.

They're not building a new house, but they've repainted it.

They put a new porch on it.

They painted it again.

They fixed up some of the outside of it.

They renovated the house.

We usually use this word in association with buildings or houses.

That's the most common way that you'll see it.

Number two, the worst bosses will ... everything that you do.

The worst bosses will subjugate everything that you do, or the worst bosses will scrutinize

everything that you do?

Which one is the correct answer?

Three, two, one.

The worst bosses will scrutinize everything that you do.

This beautiful word scrutinize means to look carefully at something.

But, it's not just looking carefully.

It's a good idea to look carefully at what your employees are doing, but this often means

critically are negatively.

They're scrutinizing.

They're picking apart every little detail of what you do.

If you've had a boss like this, you know how annoying it is.

The worst bosses scrutinize every little thing.

They don't trust their employees at all.

They scrutinize their employees.

Number three: Have you ever had a ... friend who just won't go home even though you've

already done the dishes and brushed your teeth for bed?

Have you ever had a chatty friend who just won't go home?

Have you ever had a clingy friend who just won't go home?

Which is the best word, chatty or clingy?

Three, two, one.

Have you ever had a clingy friend who just won't go home no matter what you do?

Clingy is a beautiful adjective, and it means stuck like glue, usually in a negative way.

When we're talking about a person, it means that you want them to go away, but they just

won't go away.

So, we could say that she is a clingy person.

She's always with you.

How are you doing?

What are you doing?

Can I get together?

Can I come to your house today?

And then she won't leave.

She's clingy.

We could also talk about items being clingy.

Maybe the skirt was clinging to her tights.

It was a clingy skirt.

It's kind of sticking.

That's kind of annoying when it's a skirt, but it's not always a negative thing.

Maybe the cling wrap, or we call this sometimes plastic wrap, is clingy.

It sticks to the bowl, and that's exactly what you want.

So, it means sticking.

Number four: When someone's driving poorly, I wonder if honking will ... the problem or


I wonder if honking will exacerbate the problem or help.

I wonder if honking will examine the problem or help.

I'll give you three seconds.

Three, two, one.

We have a clue in this sentence.

Because we have the word or help, we know that the key word we're looking for is the

opposite of help.

If you're taking an English exam, this is great to look for these key words.

We have our word, that we're going to talk about in just a second, or help.

So, it needs to be the opposite of help.

Sometimes when I see poor driving, I wonder if honking my horn will exacerbate the problem

or help.

Can you guess what the word exacerbate means?

It means make it worse.

It's not helping.

Sometimes when someone cuts in front of me and I honk my horn, I wonder if they will

drive correctly or if it will just scare them, and all of a sudden they'll drive even worse.

Sometimes I wonder this to myself.

It happened last week that someone cut in front of me and I honked my horn, and they

got in the correct lane and it was fine.

But sometimes I'm worried that when I honk my horn it will exacerbate the problem, make

it worse because that person will just be surprised and then veer off the road.

Number five: I'm usually ... when I walk alone at night.

I'm usually wary when I walk alone at night or I'm usually wiry when I walk alone at night?

There's only one difference between these two words and that's the vowel.

Which one is it?

Three, two, one.

I'm usually wary when I walk alone at night.

This just means careful, cautious.

I'm usually wary.

I look around me.

I try to stay alert because I want to stay safe.

I'm usually wary, cautious of my surroundings when I walk alone at night.

Make sure that you pronounce this word correctly, wary.

It kind of sounds like wear, I'm wearing clothes, wear, and then you just add E at the end,


If you're in the Fearless Fluency Club, you already know this word because we talked about

it a couple months ago.

If you're not in the Fearless Fluency Club, you can click up here to learn more with me

every month and learn great vocabulary expressions like the ones in this lesson.

Number six: I was surprised that she was ... about doing the dishes because she seemed so put

together in her life.

I was surprised that she was ... about the dishes.

I was surprised that she was testy about doing the dishes.

I was surprised that she was negligent about doing the dishes.

In this sentence, maybe you don't know what put together means.

That's going to be a key element here, but we can imagine in our heads something that

is put together.

When you have a puzzle and it's put together, it means it's completed.

It's finished.

It looks nice.

So, we can kind of piece together the rest of that sentence to guess what our key word

is here.

Let me tell you, in three, two, one.

I was surprised she was negligent about doing the dishes.


What does this word sound like?

Do you know the word neglect?

This means that you're forgetting something.

If you were neglected as a child, this means that your parents didn't pay attention to


They forgot you.

They ignored you.

We can kind of imagine that for the dishes that she was negligent about the dishes.

The word negligent means that you often forget important tasks.

In this situation, we have someone who is put together.

They're organized.

It seems like they always know what's going on.

They're never confused, or worried, or uncertain.

They are put together.

But surprisingly, she is negligent about the dishes.

She has tons of dishes in her sink.

We can say that she often forgets important tasks.

She is negligent.

Number seven: We rented a ... house in the English countryside.

We rented a quaint house in the English countryside or we rented a tactful house in the English


Which of these words feels the most correct?

I'll give you three seconds.

Three, two, one.

We rented a quaint house in the English countryside.

The word quaint means cute in kind of an old fashioned way.

So, it kind of makes us think about simple times, a long time ago, maybe our grandparents

or hundreds and hundreds of years ago, this beautiful, cute little house.

This is something that seems typical in the English countryside.

There are quaint houses.

This is kind of a stereotype, but you can use that word quaint to talk about somewhere

that you went on vacation.

Oh, I love this little village.

It's so quaint.

It's cute.

Number eight: I often wish that architecture in the US was more ... pleasing.

I often wish that architecture in the US was more discretely pleasing or I often wish that

architecture in the US was more aesthetically pleasing?

Which of these two words is correct?

Three, two, one.

The answer is I often wish that architecture in the US was more authentically pleasing.

Aesthetically means something to do with beauty.

Oh, it's so aesthetically pleasing to see quaint, old houses.

Or if you've ever visited Europe and you've seen those beautiful buildings that have existed

for hundreds of years, it is aesthetically pleasing.

That means it's pleasing to your eyes.

It looks beautiful.

All of those colors together in your dress are so aesthetically pleasing.

We often use those two words together, aesthetically pleasing.

But on the other hand, architecture in the US isn't really known for being aesthetically


Unless you go to some older areas of New York, most places in the US just look like this.

Just some big, box stores with big parking lots.

Some downtown areas are kind of cute, but in general, architecture in the US is not

so aesthetically pleasing, and I wish it was.

Number nine, I'm sure this is not you.

Sometimes people can be rude online because it's easy to be ... Sometimes people can be

rude online because it's easy to be anonymous or sometimes people can be rude online because

it's easy to be assimilated?

Which of these two words is correct?

Three, two, one.

Sometimes, unfortunately, people can be rude online because it's easy to be anonymous.

Anonymous, this means that your identity is hidden.

Maybe you just have a screen name.

Nobody knows who you are.

You can say whatever you want, so it's easy to be rude online.

Did you recognize this word, assimilated, from the first vocabulary test?

I hope so.

If not, make sure you go watch it.

Number 10: Do you think that social media ... content that you see?

Do you think that social media censors content that you see or do you think that social media

subtracts content that you see?

Which one's correct?

Three, two, one.

Do you think that social media censors content that you see?

The word sensor means hide something that's unacceptable.

Maybe for a music album they might say censored or explicit, and this helps parents to know

I don't want my five-year-old to listen to this music because there's something in here

that needs to be blocked.

But when it comes to social media, maybe the people who run social media are blocking certain

things so that we don't see it.

This is a controversial opinion.

I don't really know what I think about it.

I don't really think much about it often.

But, I want to know for you, do you think that social media censors the content that

we see?

Let me know in the comments below, and use the word sensor.

Number 11: The mother gave an ... sigh when her son got in trouble at school again.

The mother gave an angelic sigh when her son got in trouble at school again or the mother

gave an exasperated sigh when her son got in trouble at school again?

Is it angelic or exasperated?

Three, two, one.

The mother gave an exasperated, ugh, sigh when her son got in trouble at school again.

Does this word sound familiar?

Does it sound like a word we talked about previously?


Oh, it's not the same word.

One word has a B, exacerbate.

This means to make something worse.

If I honk my horn, will it exacerbate the problem?

Or in our sample sentence, here we have a mother who's frustrated.

That's what the word exasperate, with a P, means, frustrated.

"Aw, son, why are you getting in trouble at school, again?"


[frustrated sigh].

The word exasperate means to breathe out.

So, we can kind of imagine the mother going, "[frustrated sigh].

Why are you in trouble again?


She's exasperated.

She's blowing air out.

She's frustrated.

Number 12: Even though he tries to be ... he still can't pay his bills.

Even though he tries to be fair, he still can't pay his bills or even though he tries

to be frugal, he still can't pay his bills?

Which one of these two F words is correct, fair or frugal?

Three, two, one.

Even though he tries to be frugal, he still can't pay his bills.

The word frugal means careful with your money.

It's generally a positive thing.

If you want to use it in a negative way, you can say stingy.

This means that he never gives money to other people.

He never helps other people.

He just uses his money for himself.

But if you want to say it in a positive way, he's just careful about spending his money.

He wants to make sure that it goes to the correct places, to the best people.

You can say frugal.

This is a term that has often been used to talk about me.

I'm a frugal person.

That means that I'm careful with my money.

If I give money to someone else, I just want to make sure that it's used in the way that

they say it will be used.

I don't have problems donating, but I just want to make sure that it's in the best way,

so I'm careful with my money.

I'm frugal.

Number 13: I could see the ... anger on his face by looking at his eyes.

I could see the subtle anger on his face by looking at his eyes or I could see the sappy

anger on his face by looking at his eyes?

Is it subtle or sappy?

Three, two, one.

I could see the subtle anger on his face by looking at his eyes.

The word subtle means not obvious.

Maybe it's a little bit hidden.

You have to look carefully at his eyes to see his anger.

It's subtle.

Do you notice something strange about the pronunciation of this word?

There is a B, but it sounds like a D, subtle, subtle.

If you want some more information about how to pronounce the word subtle, I made a video

about some of the most difficult words to pronounce up here, and one of those words

is the word subtle.

So, click on that video so that you can get some more details about its pronunciation.

Number 14: My baby is the cutest baby in the whole world, but of course I'm ... But, of

course, I'm blasé.

But, of course, I'm biased.

Which of these B words is the correct word?

Well, we could say in three, two, one, my baby is the cutest baby in the whole world,

but I guess I'm biased.


The word bias has a specific meaning.

In fact, we use this word a lot in daily conversation.

It means that you have a previous notion that kind of affects how you feel about other things.

My baby is my child, so I'm going to have a different opinion than someone who doesn't

know my child.

Of course, all of my feelings about my child are going to be biased.

They're going to be affected by some previous idea.

I want to take a look at a quick cartoon so that you can get another example for the word


Here we see a courtroom, and there is a lady who's being accused of being a witch.

She says, "It makes no difference what I say.

You've already decided that I'm guilty."

This man had a previous notion that she is a witch.

She's guilty.

It doesn't matter what she says.

He is going to continue to think that she's guilty.

And the man here, he says something that reaffirms his belief.


Witches can read minds.

She is a witch."

He's just reaffirming what he already thinks, which also affirms what she thinks.

Here, this man is biased.

He has a previous notion that's affecting how he's currently behaving.

Number 15, our final question.

This is a question that I often get a lot, actually.

How did you learn how to teach?

And I might say it's just ... I guess.

It's just intuitive, I guess or it's just oblivious, I guess?

Which one of these two words is correct?

Intuitive or oblivious?

Three, two, one.

How did you learn how to teach, Vanessa?

Well, it's just intuitive, I guess.

Intuitive means that it came naturally for me.

It's something that was already within me and it came out.

This is just partially true because I also did try to channel some good teachers that

I've had and tried to emulate them, but we can say here it's intuitive.

It came from within me.

Well, what about that other word, oblivious?

Do you recognize this word from the first vocabulary test?

I hope so.

If not, make sure you check out that video.

Oblivious and intuitive are not the same thing.

We could say that, well, I guess my teaching was just intuitive.

I just knew it within my mind without having to study.

How did you do on this test?

Let me know in the comments.

What was your final score?

Also, I have a challenge for you.

Try to make a sentence with one of these new vocabulary words.

Use it in a sentence correctly, and read it out loud so that you can test your speaking

muscles and also try to ingrain it in your memory as easily as possible.

Thank you so much for learning English with me, and I'll see you again next Friday for

a new lesson here on my YouTube channel.


The next step is to download my free ebook, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English


You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

Thanks so much.


For more infomation >> TEST Your English Vocabulary: Do you know these 15 advanced words? - Duration: 19:17.


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Dynamic Line Garant t/m 2021 | Navi | Clima | Autom. verlichting | Lichtmetalen ve - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Dynamic Line Garant t/m 2021 | Navi | Clima | Autom. verlichting | Lichtmetalen ve - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo C70 Convertible 2.0D Tourer Aut. Navigatie Stoelverwarming Xenon Cabrio - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Volvo C70 Convertible 2.0D Tourer Aut. Navigatie Stoelverwarming Xenon Cabrio - Duration: 0:55.


Top 10 CRAZIEST Black Friday Stories! - Duration: 10:46.

From fights over XBoxes to full blown shoot outs...stay tuned to number 1 to find out

the most insane Black Friday stories!

Number 10: No Line Jumping Here!

There are plenty of things that can go wrong on Black Friday, but the biggest thing of

all that most people know to expect is the thing we like to call "line jumping".

There are actually many different forms of line jumping, including "holding a spot" for

someone, which is considered such a big flag that it was the plotline for a recent episode

of the CBS series Bull.

But, there are also people who think it's "ok" to jump in line, and they pay the price

for it.

In 2012, in San Antonio Texas, there was a large line happening at a Sears.

Sure enough, a man didn't want to "wait in line", and thus decided to try and cut ahead

of his fellow shoppers.

One person saw this and argued with the man, who promptly punched the guy in the face.

What he didn't know at the time, was that the guy he punched had a concealed weapon,

which he promptly pulled out, causing the guy to flee for his life.

Now, before you condemn the man for using a gun, he actually had a permit for his concealed


And as noted, he clearly pulled it in self defense.

Oh, one more thing.

After the incident?

It only took 10 minutes for shopping to continue.

Black Friday ladies and gentlemen.

Number 9: Bike Wars.

There are many common stories that are told about Black Friday, and one of the more popular,

and recurring ones, is that of two people fighting over an object that they both want.

The reason this happens a lot is that when you have a massive amount of people, there's

a good chance that they're after the same things, because of this, items run out.

For one Reddit user who used to be an employee of a Black Friday store, they recalled an

incident that definitely tops the crazy charts: "Back in my poor college days when I worked

at Walmart we had a fight break out over a bike.

Fists were thrown and there was some blood.

Eventually one guy got ahold of it and managed to get away from the crowd, he rode the bike

out of the store to flee his pursuers (without paying)."

So not only did this person start a fight, they actually committed a robbery in the process.

Will people never learn?

Number 8: Xbox Marks The Spot.

Before we talk about the Xbox story, take a moment to like this video and join the Zero2Hero

community by using the buttons below!

Video games have become a big part of Black Friday, especially during years where major

consoles like the Nintendo Wii, PS3, and the Xbox 360 came out, most of which were close

to Black Friday.

For one person, he did something in his life he thought he'd never do because of a video

game, throw a punch.

I'll let him explain what happened.

"So it was the year the 360 came out.

I was standing in line to get some external hard drive next to the video games.

And there was this 11ish year old kid with a woman in her 60s.

He was waiting for his 360 bundle.

Woman before him had "gotten the last one," sighs all around.

Then he says "nope one more" and begins the motion of handing it to the kid and this guy

comes out of nowhere and pushed the older woman and the kid.

The kid hit his face on the edge of a video game rack, you know the one with the metal

and plastic dividers.

At 19 years old I don't know what came over me but I instantly swung for the dudes head

and caught him right in the temple sending him into a kurig tower in the middle of the


Everyone froze, including me.

Guy had dropped the 360 and got up and walked away.

I slid it with my foot to the kid and he didn't say anything either."

While violence is never the answer, in this case, it was justified.

Oh, and the people in line thanked him by letting him get the next hard drive.

Number 7: Price Check?

Why do we do Black Friday?

For the deals, naturally.

We look up online or in store ads to see exactly what is available and for what price and then

when the time comes, we go to the store in hopes of getting the deal for a good price.

But, for some people, they like to get an even BETTER price...even if that price was

obtained illegally.

How so?

Well, this happened to a lady behind the register one day.

A guy casually walked up to the register and had a TV in his hands.

One of a good size, which would probably have a big pricetag, even with it being on sale

more than likely.

Yet, as the cashier scanned the bar code, the price came up as...$20.

The cashier KNEW this wasn't right, and confronted the guy about it.

To his credit, he played it cool, insisting that it was indeed $20.

Upon further inspection of the bar code, she noticed that it was a fake and taped on over

the actual one.

He was taken away by security, and she got a free pie for her good service.

Number 6: Was It Worth The Wait?

People are just hard to predict at times, you know?

You wonder what their motivations are for doing certain things, or why they go to extreme

lengths to get other things.

For one guy, he was working crowd control at a Target, and was talking to people who

were in line.

He noticed that the first people in line were a couple.

One that had been in line for over 12 hours.

When the store opened, they went in and got what they wanted...towels.

He saw them as they went to the cashier, and the lady had a cart full of towels, ones that

were on sale for $2 per.

When the day ended, he went back to the isle where the towels were on sale, and there were

tons of them.

So if they had waited until then to get the sale, they still would've gotten it.

Oh well.

Number 5: Get Away!

As you've seen by now, people will go to extreme lengths in order to get what they want.

For one woman at a Wal-Mart, this meant actually pepper spraying a large group of people as

she tried to get a video game.

Here's the kicker though, not only did she do all of this without having a hand laid

on her (more-or-less), she was then able to get her item, pay for it, then leave!

Yep, she committed a crime, technically, and got away.

Though to her credit, she did feel guilty and turned herself in later.

Number 4: Praying For A Better Spot.

Selfishness is a driving factor in most of the things that happens on a Black Friday,

people think that they deserve a certain thing, and when they don't get it, they lash out.

What's worse, they'll use any excuse they can to try and gain an advantage over the

others who are trying to get their items.

One lady though got really Biblical about it, and the story, according to the clerk,

goes something like this: "At one point there were maybe 200 people

in line to check out, when a woman with two full carts tried to cut to the very front.

She told me that she was buying toys for kids in her church, so she should be expedited.

I apologized and told her that was not going to happen.

Then, right there in the middle of the store, she got down on her knees and started praying...LOUDLY...that

Jesus strike me down with righteous lightning for blocking the path of a Christian soldier.

After 15 minutes of me not being struck down, she left the store."

On the plus side, all the toys that she didn't get got to go to more worthy homes.

Number 3: Gone.

In the hustle and bustle that is Black Friday, you can be forgiven for not noticing everything

that's going on around you.

Bumping into people, grabbing the wrong item because you're trying to get out of people's

way, that kind of thing.

But in 2011, in West Virginia, things got taken to a whole new level when a man collapsed

in a Target...and no one checked on him.

Now, if he was standing against a wall, sitting in a chair, or even in a bathroom stall, you

would likely be ok with not noticing that something was wrong.

Instead, this man collapsed in the middle of an isle in the electronics section, which

you know on Black Friday is filled with people.

But, no one seemed to notice.

It was hours after he collapsed that he was treated by paramedics, and by that time, he

had already passed away.

Let this be a lesson to you all, if you think that someone is in trouble, reach out.

Number 2: Shooting At Toys 'R Us.

Violence is almost a guarantee on Black Friday, it's something that people expect.

But what no one expected at a Toys 'R Us in Palm Desert, California was for a simple adventure

to turn into a shootout.

Ironically, this didn't happen because of an item or object that two people wanted.

Two women just started to have an argument, and it grew so out of control that they started

to throw punches at one another.

They each had a boyfriend who were with them, and they too got into verbal arguments before

getting physical themselves.

This led to them pulling out guns, and actually chasing one another down in the store.

The end result was both of them passing away from their wounds.

Number 1: Trampled.

You often hear stories about Black Friday and how the crowds get so massive that they

cause stampedes, and people can get seriously hurt because of it.

Well, in 2008, this is exactly what happened at a Wal-Mart to an employee named Jdimytai


But in his case, it did not turn out well for him.

Well most Black Friday stories, it started with a massive crowd amassing outside of the


True to form, the crowd grew and grew with each passing hour.

At this time, the Wal-Mart wasn't a 24-hour store, it opened at 5AM.

By that point in time, the police actually had to be called in to keep the crowd calm

and compact.

But sadly, they failed to due that, for the size of the crowd was so large that when they

pressed against the doors, they shattered.

Instead of being regular human beings and helping each other out, they stampeded into

the storm to try and grab the deals.

Jdimytai Damour was caught in the stampede and was trampled, here's a report of the incident:

"Suddenly, witnesses and the police said, the doors shattered, and the shrieking mob

surged through in a blind rush for holiday bargains.

One worker, Jdimytai Damour, 34, was thrown back onto the black linoleum tiles and trampled

in the stampede that streamed over and around him."

Though he made it to the hospital, they weren't able to save him, the injuries were too great.

So let this be a lesson to everyone watching this.

When you are out Black Friday shopping, it's ok to be excited for a deal or discount, but

don't put a present above a human life.

Tell us what you think about these Black Friday stories in the comments below and...take care!

For more infomation >> Top 10 CRAZIEST Black Friday Stories! - Duration: 10:46.


Charger correctement son Smartphone (11) - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Charger correctement son Smartphone (11) - Duration: 1:23.


You Don't Have to Start a Company - Duration: 4:29.

This is Julie Hennrikus from Your Ladders, which is the business school for performing artists. Today I wanna talk about a subject that

has been year and dear to my heart. I talk about a a lot to a lot of different artists. And this is the thought. You don't have to start

theater company or, or dance company or band or anything else to do your work. You can do is as a solo producer.

So I want to talk to you about five other ways of doing your work. As an aside

or as a continuation of that conversation, Your Ladders was started buy me so that performing artists could have access to the

business skills they need in order to produce their own work, or manage their career or understand that their business better.

I want you to dream your dreams and I want to give you the skills in order to plan on how to make those dreams come true.

I truly believe that that energy and the work that you're doing is important, and it does take some business skills, but it doesn't take

necessarily an arts management degree for you to do your work. So how are five ways

that artists can do their work without starting a company on its own?

#1, you can take on the mantel of creative producer or find a creative producer and do your show, your concert, your event as a one

off as a series instead of having to do two or three shows in the season. It may be better for you financially. It also may be better for you

as far as artistically getting the skills and getting the momentum up to do the one show.

#2, you can partner with another organization. Maybe a space that you want to use has slots for different groups to come in. You can

partner with them and provide content for them to produce within their venue.

#3, you can work under the umbrella of an existing arts organization

as a standalone or as an aside, or maybe as part of their overall programming. Do look at larger arts institutions and see if they offer

anything like that or if they offer any kind of support for outside groups. Also as you're

becoming a community member talk to folks and see if maybe they may be willing

to help you out, let you produce in their off time. or do whatever else

That's part of community building. That will be another video as well, but that's another option.

#4, remember that there's no timeline on this necessarily. You may, in developing the skills, think about the way you want to

produce, figure that it is going to take you time. You want to do a series of readings. You want to spend some time raising money.

You want to do the work you want to do the way you want to do it, and that's great

and that's fine. Work towards those dreams, and figure out the steps as you moving forward. Take your time.

There's nothing wrong with that. In fact that's pretty great. And #5

Don't start an arts organization for the sake of starting an arts organization. Look around. See if there are unexpected collaborators. Maybe

you're a dance company and you want to work with a band. Maybe you're a theater company and you want to work a museum. There's a lot

of different ways of looking at this. Maybe you're a band and want to work in a brewery. Maybe you're, you know, a million things.

The list goes on and on. Look for unexpected and interesting collaboration ideas

and take them, process them, think about them. You're bringing a lot to the table, they may bring a lot to the table, but then you're not

building a silo that you're responsible for keeping up walls up on and managing. That's why I don't want to encourage folks to start a

company until they've really thought about it, and they've done a lot of work, because maintaining that momentum and maintaining a

company takes a lot of work and effort, and where do you want to spend your time

and your effort in making the work or keeping the company going? If you're a solo producer that's a big call, and a hard thing to think

about, so I do want you to you think about it. Thanks so much listening to this video

and we're going be continuing this conversation on other videoes. Make sure that you subscribe to this channel. Make sure that

you like Your Ladders on Facebook, that you're following Your Ladders on Instagram, and that you've gone to and signed

for your newsletter and updates, and you've also read the blog. And comment on this video

and I'm happy to answer any questions and have a conversation.

Thanks so much, we'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> You Don't Have to Start a Company - Duration: 4:29.


3 days travelling OUTBACK AUSTRALIA | Little Grey Box - Duration: 9:45.

In this day and age people tend to gravitate towards the same popular travel spots

but what happens when you move away from that path and you go to

spots where you least expect to have these amazing adventures

[intercom] Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Longreach

Hey you guys Phoebe here from Little Grey Box now as you can tell Matt and I are in

beautiful Outback Queensland, we have just touched down in Longreach

because we are doing a few amazing days with the guys from Outback Aussie Tours

and we are so excited!

So we have just checked in to our accommodation here at Saltbush Retreat

in Longreach and I am feeling it you guys they have gone in on the country

Queensland theme and it is incredible the rooms are

so rustic and well-thought-out all the fittings are beautiful even the

sink basins are lovely every single detail

flying up here is one great option to get up here

you can also catch the overnight train which sounds like a

whole lot of fun too but if you don't have 24 hours to spend on the train

flying up here is a great way to do it

So what do you think Longreach offers

people you can't get anywhere else in the world

it's the Outback, it's, it's... it's Aussie its Larkinism it's...

it's quirkiness it's really relaxed

So have you heard of the Whitsundays?

So that's all that's left of a huge volcanic province have covered the eastern part of Australia

So my wife and I live in town and we come out here to do the tours

and help with any of the ongoing maintenance

So we just did a tour inside the Camden Homestead

and something that Outback Dan said just really struck a chord with me

he said their family motto is treat people well and fortune will follow

and I just think that's such a good attitude to life and you could just see that in Dan

so we are going to make the most of it right now we're gonna go have

some sunset drinks and something to snack on I believe

We're at the historic Wellshot Hotel and this is so much fun

the beers are cold, inside there are some really fun games that we're playing

throwing money at the roof

what did I tell you? unexpected adventures, this is incredible

So the money on the roof goes to the museum across the road

on the other side in the other bar it goes to Angel Flight

Let's throw some money on the ceiling hey?

you beauty!

this was the day the Outback Romeo's went against what most had said

parked a beat up Alpha on top of old Big Red

It is day two we have just woken up and first things first

I need some coffee and I need some food

so you're probably dying to know what the coffe is like in Longreach

I'm about to find out first sip


No it's actually.... ahhhh!


it's really good!

Let's go throught the Macca's drive though

700 large chips thanks

My legs are so short

We're doing the wing walk

look it delivers what's promised you're on the wing!

quick wing tour there's the plane there's the wing

here's me that's all you need to know

on the wing

Tom's just given us this an amazing guided tour of the Qantas Founders Museum

and I was wondering how you got the bug?

how did you get into everything with planes?

I was born that way

good answer

My wife says I was born an aviation and as far as I can recall that's the way it's been

I'm one of those sad people that takes aircraft manuals home to read for fun

that's not sad, that's amazing it's good to have a passion right?

There are a lot of stories in there a lot of local stories and a lot of

just quintessentially Queensland and Australian stories

yes yep

Why do you think those stories are so important? why do they need to be told?

There's always been an affinity whether you're from the city or whether you're from the coast

with the Australian bush I mean there's the, you know the romance

they can get a sense of that

then they can walk out and they can see this massive sky and the windmill

and the wind and the heat and the rain and all of those things that come along with it

so it's par of a bigger story

life in the bush you know it's got a terrific future

All right we're aboard the river cruise and you guys

the beer from up here you know it!

It's stinking hot

nailed it

and a stubbie cooler!

a lovely present from Smithy thanks Outback Dan!

this is gonna be delicious

got my hat... I'm on the river... got my beer

Oh my goodness so we are halfway through our river cruise and this is amazing

I did not think of this when I thought of Longreach and I'm just having the best time

Smithy he knows so much the beers are cold the snacks are delicious

and the sunset is beautiful

what more could you want? it's just so...

unexpectedly amazing out here

Why don't we just see what's going on you here, just look at this here...

oh my god!

[singing] swapped it for a Hilux and bubs learning

[singing] how to fly


thank you very much

Tell us about Olli

He's a Brahman he's... come over here mate

he's got a little tiny splash of Charolais in him

but he's predominantly Brahman

It's a real connection to the land out here isn't it? it's like a respect for the land that sustains you isn't it?

it is

it is in many ways, um...

maybe sometimes it's more noticable...

owner operators if you live on it

good dog

What I love about coming out here is that you hear all those Aussie words and sometimes

you forget to use them

and another lovely thing is without words you can

you tell each other how you are out here

you know in the car just do a simple wave, a thumbs up

no it's not what you know

it's not what you know it's what you know of who you know

that is groundbreaking

hold em to ransom ha ha!

I saw you topless in the Thompson river yesterday

There are so many things that make Longreach special it's

an amazing sense of community where everybody knows everyone and with the likes

of Smithy and Dan from Outback Aussie Tours you get right into the community

I mean we are leaving feeling like we're friends you know I feel so

much more grounded I haven't had any anxiety since I've been here I feel so

calm and I more than that I feel like I want to be a better person you know

I'm looking at these people going

I want to emulate that I want to emulate

those those values and those you know country qualities that I love

seeing in these people so I'm coming away from this I've learned a lot I've met

some amazing people who I'll be friends with for life and I don't know it makes

me feel like I want to be a better person and that's not something you get

everywhere it's definitely not a selfish travel experience it's an enriching

travel experience and that is something really special and that is why it is so

important to always look out for those unexpected adventures and not just go to

the same places as everybody else

Thank you so much for watching you guys I hope you enjoyed this video

Now if you don't already be sure to subscribe and say G'day in the comments below

Have a great weekend and I will see you next week

Love ya!


For more infomation >> 3 days travelling OUTBACK AUSTRALIA | Little Grey Box - Duration: 9:45.



For more infomation >> МНЕ ВЗОРВАЛИ БАШНЮ ИЗ ПЕЧЕНЬЯ В МАЙНКРАФТ БИТВА ПЕЧЕНЬЯ! - Duration: 20:47.


Richardson Zéphir | Choisis ta route | Vol.2 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Richardson Zéphir | Choisis ta route | Vol.2 - Duration: 1:26.


Volvo V50 2.0D Momentum - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 2.0D Momentum - Duration: 0:53.


Volvo S40 1.6D Edition II Navigatie Cruise Control Leder Schuifdak Xenon - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Volvo S40 1.6D Edition II Navigatie Cruise Control Leder Schuifdak Xenon - Duration: 1:08.


Lexus RX 450h 4WD F Sport Line - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Lexus RX 450h 4WD F Sport Line - Duration: 1:15.


Nachda Palace Tak Jaavan (Full Song) Sharry Mann & Mannat Noor | Marriage Palace | Punjabi Song 2018 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Nachda Palace Tak Jaavan (Full Song) Sharry Mann & Mannat Noor | Marriage Palace | Punjabi Song 2018 - Duration: 2:35.


Jens Büchner (†49): Vox filmte noch kurz vor seinem Tod - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Jens Büchner (†49): Vox filmte noch kurz vor seinem Tod - Duration: 7:34.


ANALAGA Praise+ AnaVitória (Oceans) - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> ANALAGA Praise+ AnaVitória (Oceans) - Duration: 5:20.


Shoot 4K in Filmic Pro with Android and DJI Osmo Mobile 2 - Duration: 5:43.

If you want to shoot 4k video on your Android and DJI Osmo mobile 2 gimbal,

keep watching. I'll explain just that. How to do it with

Filmic Pro app.

And for those who are watching my channel first time, my name

is Zdenka Darula. I make tutorials and fun vlogs, so don't forget to hit the

subscribe button.

Well, we are getting winter months here in Canada so I'm kind

of enjoying summer through my memories when I was back in Czech Republic

and Slovakia, where I was filming lots on my phone which is Samsung Galaxy s6 and

gimbal DJI Osmo mobile 2. Well here's everything I was doing to get the


One quick tip before we get into Filmic Pro app. To save your battery on your

phone it is the best to turn on the airplane mode. Your Bluetooth will work

not to worry, especially if you are traveling your

roaming will eat up your batteries so just turn on the airplane mode. Well some of

you might be thinking, why is she using Filmic Pro app? Well DJI Go app offers

this resolution and if you are very serious about those crispy beautiful

shots in 4k where you can control everything you will need another app and

in my case it is Filmic Pro app and I can honestly say it is worth it. My phone

is Samsung Galaxy S6 so let's get going and let me show you the setup. I'm

going to open up the application. Hit settings, resolution and select 16:9 and

I like to keep it there if you want to do letterbox you simply want to do it in

a post-production because you just never know what you might use the clip for in

the future.

Below select 4K size 2160 and filming extreme quality. Next you will need to

choose a frame rate. When you just shoot a normal speed video choose capture at

24 frames a second and playback at 24 frames a second as well. Now if you want

to shoot slow motion you're not going to be able to get that in 4k you have to

bring the resolution down all the way to HD 720p then you can go back to frame

rate and select 120 as your capture.

Once you are done go to presets and select

save current values to preset. Done. Now every time you are going to open up the

app you don't have to go through all the steps again. Just hit the presets and

select your saved preset. You can save as many as you like. To use your DJI Osmo

mobile 2 hardware select DJI Osmo mobile to enable your gimbal.

In my case it's DJI Osmo Mobile 2. Let's see how we can all use it together

Your zoom button on a gimbal will no longer work as your zoom button and you

don't want to use your zoom anyways because the more you zoom in you would

drastically decrease the quality of your video as it is digital so not optical

zoom. That control button will now allow you to switch between three modes we

have here. Let's look at mode 1. Simply push down zoom button. Here you can pan

and tilt with your joystick. Push down zoom button again to get to mode 2.

Here we can lock and unlock exposure and focus with joystick. Moving joystick

left will lock exposure, moving joystick left again will unlock exposure. Moving

joystick right will lock focus and moving joystick right again will unlock

focus. Let's push the zoom button down one more time. Now we are in mode 3.

When you move joystick up and down it can set focus here. By moving joystick left

and right you will adjust exposure. And if you feel there joystick is way too

fast or way too slow you can adjust a speed

with small sliders which you will find on the left and on the right. M button

will switch between free mode and follow mode. When the light is green you are in

free mode. Hit the M button. When the light is yellow you're in follow mode.

So that's it for today's video when it comes to using DJ's mobile 2 and Android

phone with filmic Pro app. So if you liked this video don't forget to give it

a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos. If you have any comments and

questions please feel free to leave them below. I read them all and respond to

everybody and I'll see you next time again. Thank you for watching.... Cau... Ahoj...

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