Hey guys it's John Kevitz from Acquire Liberty thanks for spending your time to
hear today. Today I want to show you and continue the lesson in sending the
sailing email marketing system I want to show you how you can utilize that and
obviously my ugly mug is not on the screen again once again today you
probably are thinking yourselves for that right now are thanking me for that
but you don't have the live action one but you could see my ugly mug on my
website acquire Liberty calm before we get into the assembly thing I actually
want to promote my acquired Liberty website to you a little bit you can
learn a little bit more about me here you can go on my website under the about
check it out learn a little bit more about what I have to offer a little bit
more about my story check out my latest blog post I have to update this a little
bit it's a little bit on the older side but I always usually post my latest
videos in there and some tidbits here and there of information I have a
fantastic resources page that helps people out on how to get started with a
lot of links and a lot of things to save you money when you want to get started
and if you want to contact me okay check out my contact page fill out the
form send me the information and you know or whatever questions you may have
and I'll get back to you as soon as I can
and also while you're visiting my website you could subscribe to my
acquired liberty newsletter and if you do that I have a really special gift for
you I want to offer you something that not many people actually offer just for
sending you know signing up for a newsletter and it's this it's a 10,000
email manifesto it's actually worth $500 and the reason I know it is because I
read it and this thing is phenomenal it teaches you how to actually run an email
business from home now this helped me out tremendously because like I said and
two videos back people focus in on Instagram they focus in on Facebook they
focus in on Twitter they focused in on YouTube my bread and butter has been
email my email list and that's how I make my living here at home doing this
and you subscribe to my choir Liberty newsletter right here and I will give
that to you for free alright guys without any further ado if
you would be so kind subscribe to my youtube channel click on a little bell
notification so every time I make an upload you'll get to see it first
and also if you're serious about working from home if you want a home-based
business opportunity that I know works because it worked for me personally it
works for thousands of other people and now these are people that I personally
know they're they're the ones that actually encouraged me to do this and
kept me going when things got a little bit tough this is the way you want to go
click that link in the bottom of the description it gives you a free video
shows me show you how I and thousands of other people like myself got started
working online phenomenal opportunity folks and if you sign up today under my
account I will give you over two thousand dollars worth of information
for free in ebooks PDFs and things that actually helped me out personally to be
successful online and do this full time okay alright guys now let's continue
with our send lane opportunity and information now I told you guys I was
going to show you how to set up not a campaign we did that in the last one
which is really really simple let's be honest guys but the automations are just
as simple they're not that bad these are my current automations that I kind of
show you a little bit of them at the end of the last video to kind of get your
juices flowing to kind of let you know that you know this isn't that bad it's
not that difficult especially if you're brand new right go over here to add
automation okay now sending is phenomenal when it comes to giving you a
ton of options about what you want to do and what kind of automation you want to
send up this is actually expanded since I actually joined send lane okay so this
is even better than when I first started but like I said when you're a beginner
send lane is the way to go get response is phenomenal
Aweber is phenomenal they are they have their definite good points over
something that is for sure but when you're starting off I say start simple
make it easy go with send lane okay I'm gonna leave you a link down in the
description below if you want to sign up what's in
Li and give it to trial you have a link down there you can click around I'd get
a 14-day free trial I say go for it I always start from scratch boom now
this is what I was telling you about before in the last video you can
actually start an autoresponder like the first like the first option I showed you
in the last video at the end of the last video or you can actually go with a
workflow now workflows you can actually create to be extremely customizable you
know and so a customer does something specific like you know let's just say
they aren't opening up their emails or they you know I haven't responded in a
while or they seem to be more interested in certain types of emails that you're
sending a workflow can redirect them to certain things that interest them and
work to your benefit and all a responder okay in and of itself is very very
simple and I suggest if you're beginner especially if you're beginner to start
with an autoresponder and all a responder is just a simply a series of
emails that you send out to someone who opts into your capture page okay and as
soon as they opt-in to your capture page an email goes out to them and then a
series of emails after that go out to them okay now you can set these series
of emails up you know to go out every day every other day you know some people
only do it every other or every week but the important thing is this you have
these emails set up before you have them start opting in to your page it's the
easiest way to do it because if you know you have people opting into your stuff
and you have their email but you don't have a an autoresponder ready that means
you have to do everything the hard way with campaigns it's not automatic that
means you'll have to go in there every day and send campaigns out to people
okay you want to make it easy for yourself and have the machine do the
work for you so let's just say I'm with legendary marker that's the thing that I
love the most as you well know and that's what I'm that's what you click on
the bottom there below that's what gave me the ability to work from home folks
so you start with an autoresponder say you throw 45 emails into this
autoresponder when someone signs up they get the initiative initial one where
you're welcome welcoming them and then every day after
that for at least the next 45 days or so you're sending them automated emails
about the program that they showed interest in that's what we're going to
do today okay so you click on autoresponder group you hit next
Automation name so I'll just write and I already have that there bucko legendary
marketer Auto so I know what that's for you can name it anything you want you're
the only one who's gonna see it so here we are there's nothing here yet so what
you're gonna have to do and when I show you in video number one of the sin Lane
series is you're going to have to choose your recipients now your recipients are
this okay now you have your lists what I showed you to do how you to do that in
the first video of the series now I would want to obviously do it with my
legendary marketer opt-in people right so when someone is interested in the
legendary marketer and my free bonuses they'll click in I'll give me their
email so it's gonna have to go to a specific list so I will say the list
will be let's just say legendary marketer AR okay well have those that
autumn this automation that we're making go to my LM a our emails okay and now
what you can do is exclude recipients now I'm not sure exactly how this works
but I'll just oh you know what it is I'm leaving out alone because this might
actually eliminate my option for when I'm sending out campaigns that I want to
exclude anybody don't ever exclude anybody just make
this your primary list okay and you hit save all right cool
now you know what you want to do next is start creating your emails okay so here
says you have your list you have now you have to create your emails or your add
your autoresponders okay so what you do here is right now
I'm gonna go through this with you with the legendary marketer system because
it's the easiest thing to understand you want to name your autoresponder which
and this one would be your autoresponder number one so let's go to my list here
let me see it is that the right one here it is
now intro intro email I want you to meet my business partner Dave sharp
he's the kind of dad attendant kind of suit okay I'm not gonna use that that's
just kind of came with the system what I'll do here is I'll just I'll show you
this one this is actually email number one and cuz it's gonna be better for you
to set this up just so you can see what I'm doing what I want to do here is see
the subject line here what I basically did for myself is I highlighted are all
the text that's actually going into this email or autoresponder and I put blue if
for the links that I want to put in subject line top goop copy the subject
line copy go back over here right and then what I do so this is so this is
number one email number one now the way they did it like just to say your name
is Jane like Jane meet Dave Dave me Jane okay I'll leave that alone for now I
don't like doing that because a lot of times people don't like
to put their name in for opt-ins and they found that actually if you just get
someone's email they're more likely to actually opt in to your information and
they because there's something a little bit more professional it's not as
personal some people love it some people hate it so what I would do basically as
I would just get a you know get rid of that personalization I'd be like and I
would just leave it like this I would say you know meet Dave
meet Dave the creator of legendary marketer alright so then I would just
take this subject line I wouldn't put the number in there because you got to
remember like I showed in less video you're the only one who sees that one
name of the autoresponder but this subject line that's what everybody sees
so you go to next now autoresponder configuration this is asking you when
someone opts in when should the autoresponder email be sent
okay now you could say let's just say today is Wednesday right and someone
clicks on to opt-in for me right today so they weren't according to what this
looks like right now they wouldn't get this email until tomorrow which would be
Thursday or Thanksgiving it's the week of Thanksgiving so to make sure that
they get it as soon as they opt-in I just type in zero right so when you type
in zero that means when they opt in it automatically goes to them now and it
asks and what time okay now if you don't select anything here it just goes out as
soon as they opt in some people like to prefer okay a certain time of day I say
just let it go out the first email go out as soon as they sign up because
people have a tendency to be a little bit impatient they want to know that you
know the opt-in counted that they got responded to and everything's connected
well on what days should the autoresponder send no I have mine set up
and get response and then when I was using send Lane here for the whole week
there are some people who have I've talked to that only sent things out you
know Monday through Friday or Monday through Saturday because they want
Sunday off they don't want anybody getting emails on Sunday and they don't
want to feel like they're bothering someone on Sunday but I feel like some
if someone's even opting in on a Sunday they're at the computer they just wanted
an acknowledgment that you know they their opt-in has
been acknowledged and someone is aware of it but you have these options of
control when you are setting up your autoresponder or your workflow for that
matter when you're sending something on for the first time so let's go to next
now here's some of amil your screen you guys are all familiar with yeah my
templates what I showed you in the last video you have the pre-designed ones and
you can start from scratch and for the sake of the argument on this one let's
start from scratch okay now begin designing your email now the first thing
I wanted to I want to do is I want to put the title in here it's a personal
preference thing right it automatically always defaults to the it the smaller
font let's go to 23 let's bold that and let's center that mmm here's your center
button your your justification button you can go to left center or to the
right see so let's just go to the center I created 223 font and I bold that it
meet Dave the creator of legendary marketer that's our subject line right
so let's go back to the email that I or the word press or the word document that
I have now if you join legendary marketer you can go in the back office
here and I'm not sure I have that hold on a second I might have it here you go
on the back office the legendary marketer okay you go under affiliates
right here and then you go to your funnels and you go all the way over to
your email copy you can actually get 45 day email sequence and download it okay
the thing is it's kind of rough the links aren't always in there and you
kind of got to customize everything for yourself and it can be a little bit
challenging what I've done with the assistance of some friends um I've
actually made it as simple as I possibly can for people to you know take this
copy it post it and be done with it okay and that's that's my whole thing and
making things as easy as possible now if you join under me okay contact me if
you want to set this up and I will send you this file so all you'll have to do
when you get this okay see this number here that's my number
that's my affiliate number right there so all you would have to do after you
purchase your affiliate when you purchase the legendary marketer program
is you would just change out your link for mine or vice versa you take my link
out you put your link in otherwise if you don't I'm gonna get the sale for
whenever somebody opts in under you well let's take this email right here let's
highlight the whole darn thing okay you copy it and what you do here is let me
go back to the Sun Lane page that's are rolling from radio to and what you do
here is is you just type this in here you highlight that take that paste boom
now guess what that email is now ready to go for the most part now what you
want to do is you want to tweak it to whatever you like right if you notice
here you can personalize see how you can put your personal like when I said
earlier on you're setting in your subject line for now Joan I need you to
whitelist the email address support at acquired Liberty comm right so you could
take that out and you say for now I would do that because I don't like doing
that because sometimes people like I said don't put their first names in it
and it kind of looks kind of silly they're the way it's written and I take
up the personalization unless I actually know the person and I've talked with me
before and it just seems a little bit better that way but when you're talking
and you're starting out with new with someone you don't really want to do that
that's my personal opinion then you have here later this week now see I'm just
going through this email here right kind of tweaking it oh darn it
get this here spacing it out maybe like looks a little bit nicer little things
like that that you're gonna want to do for yourself so instead of putting my
link here zero zero zero zero zero you could put your link in there whatever
the case may be now some people leave these here like
this right I'm not gonna do that what you want to do is you want to make
it nice clean and neat okay so you take this copy this link right down here that
takes people to your sales page so they can watch the video probably the video
that one of you guys if you watch the video before it will take you and you
know you can see the sales again to kind of get you motivated you juices flowing
delete that and you right click here like I did in the last video I showed
you and just highlight it here right and hit the link hit this here submit you
got to highlight it now I like to underline it I like to make it
just a hair bigger and I bold it and I like to make it red because it catches
the eye Boop and here we have PS watch this video if you want to get started
down the rabbit hole now so you hit click here and guess what it
takes you to the link you don't have that ugly link going all the way across
the screen no one really likes that anyway so meet Dave the creative legend
area marker here's your email this is your first email that you'll be sending
out to people you have your link in there right and you have the whole email
set out kind of talking about people about you know how to contact you you
know watch the email whitelist to emails to make sure you get it and another
thing I want an emphasis I want to emphasize on this video like I said if
you want to sign up for anything that you're really interested in online try
to always use a gmail account hotmail is a pain in the rear end lie or you know
live.com Outlook Express Yahoo they're kind of a pain and sometimes things
don't even go to a spam filter but they just got automat
we blocked at least with Gmail something goes to a spam filter you can unspent
and you can you know just put it say it's okay I want to see no blah blah
blah that's why I tell people you want a whitelist this kind of stuff now my
domain name email that's probably never one of the emails I mean I have that's
never gonna get blocked just because it's a domain and it's under my control
but it's just something you want to do what you know have control over
something whenever you sign up for anything I would always recommend Gmail
because sometimes you can send for things sign up for things and you don't
get an email about it you're wondering what happened and no one ever checks
their spam or their blocks folder or you know things that have been deleted
automatically for them by hotmail or live or Yahoo so always use Gmail it's
just a little bit easier so now you go to your preview page right here's your
preview of the email looks really nice right and this one looks like an and on
mobile which is really clean really nice so you close the preview you go back and
then what you do you hit save and continue' everything's good start your
autoresponder boom include recipients okay that's anyone who's on that list
are you sure you want to continue start autoresponder and there we go folks look
it there's my number one autoresponder so when you're setting it up your
caption page your capture page it's gonna ask you to link to the list that's
affected right so when this list LM or when this list actually gets
triggered by an opt-in from someone who clicks into your caption page they
automatically will get this right here they'll automatically get the first
email alright and then and then correspondingly right after that that's
how it works it's really really simple stuff it's a
little time-consuming I'm not gonna lie especially in the beginning okay now
what I want to do free here I want I'm gonna do one more email for you when it
says add autoresponder on the on the bottom there
the whole thing starts over again and this one will be number two and what
I'll do here is I'll go up here and this was email one so what I'll do here is
I'll go to email - that's a long one so I'll go down here oh you know what I'm
gonna do first I'm gonna get the subject line first you got played copy go back
here you got played now you have the option I'm not taking it would normally
say if you want to leave that in that's fine if you get everybody's first name
it'll say you got played Bob Robert Jang Joan whatever but me I just
like to write you got played nice and simple like I said some people don't
like to put their first names in to opt in boxes they'll just use an email so
you got played the subject line I put an O to for the second email for my own
self and you got played as the name of the email and then the subject line is
just you got played then you the track clicks here is good enough for this here
now if you want to get into a point where you're using Google Analytics and
link tracking that's fine no problem great but right now to analyze and use
sin lane all you need is to make sure your track click clicks is on because
that actually lets you analyzing your back officer in your dashboard to see
who's opening what how often things are getting open and clicked on and what
people kind of like it'll give you an idea of things a little bit better now
when should this autoresponder email be sent now the last one I set is zero
right so this one is going to be one so when someone opts in the first day
they're gonna get the first email that I just created that you just saw me create
and made it an autoresponder and that was set at zero for here so this one now
is gonna be set for one day so this will be the second day so if they opted in
today which is Wednesday the day before Thanksgiving tomorrow Thursday
Thanksgiving this is the email that they'll get and you can actually have it
within the hour days weeks months and years you can set this up for which is
pretty amazing how often you want to actually set something up for that
and here again I still ask you a time okay
now I always said it four times subscribe because those are the chances
in the end the times where people are probably most available that's why
they're able to opt in at that time in the first place so you leave that alone
personally make sure all your days are checked you go to next and for the sake
of argument we're going to start from scratch again
boom we'll do it all over again I have the email already in my copy for my
clipboard so I hit paste you got played look highlight that make it bigger
alright I did that already let's make it bold we can move it to the center if we
want there we go then what we'll do we'll go to my word document we're gonna
start down here highlight this all here ooh
now that's how the body starts we go to here highlight this stuff taste it boom
you have another email to send out now when you're doing this you have an
option I'll delete that cuz I don't like it but you can leave it in there if you
like you got played right now you have all this here it
looks pretty spaced out pretty well I can delete that here you got played I
should actually delete this off my sheet but I want to keep it there for people
like yourself who maybe want to keep it in there it'll save you a step or two
and then there's the link again I show you how to do that copy that copy delete
click here I can actually make that all caps this cell pops a little bit more
highlight it right highlight it and then let's go to links paste submit still
highlight it so I want to underline it I want to bold it want to make it a
little bigger and I want to change the color if I'm going too fast for you feel
free to pause it and just see how I'm doing all this stuff with that your
color that's your font size your bold and you know everybody knows this basic
stuff here and that's your link so there you go people kill click on that there
you go now some people well personalize this email and I think I did I actually
have a dave sharpe you make it for whatever your name is right here so read
through these things and make sure they make sense for you if you want this to
be about you if this fits what you want to tell people that's totally up to you
but this is like originally Dave sharps emails so you can adapt them to you that
you're talking to your customer or you can leave them like this and just say
you know dave sharpe is my partner you got me into this and you know work
with the email don't just copy and paste put some thought behind it think it
through make sure it makes sense for you and what you want to accomplish in your
business for the sake of argument in time I'm just gonna leave this alone
right now and you could preview it here looks clean right looks pretty good on
the mobile now you can actually go back here if you want it
see this here click that there I can actually put that over there oh I see a
quick fingers you can actually put that over there if you think it looks better
whatever you guys think whatever works but good for you you don't have to put
that in there if you don't want that's totally up to you so you save and
continue' everything is green start autoresponder click on there make sure I
always hit that bottom line start out a responder because if you don't it won't
trigger and then you're gonna be an stuck it won't it won't take it and
there you go meet Dave there's you there you go there's one and there's two so
now you have two emails set up that I showed you how to set up and make it you
know really quick and easy I mean think about it how much time is it going to
save you if you buy this product off me right and I'm gonna send you this Word
document you just copy and paste it it's all been checked for grammar and all
you're gonna have to do is change out your links your affiliate number link
right and make it so it makes sense for you what you're trying to accomplish in
your business I mean it obviously folks it doesn't get easier than that besides
actually paying someone else to do it and to actually have someone else do
this for you it gets pretty expensive I mean I will
do this for you if you want but it costs probably around 2 to 250 because it
takes a lot of time to put 45 emails to do an autoresponder it doesn't get any
easier than that but before I let you go I want to show you one thing I want to
show you mine my emails what I did personally remark workflow let's check
that one out basically same same principle
okay now this is the first one that goes out to people when they sign up for my
opt-in page this is something I kind of created for myself and I've actually
since changed it since I've I've started this business this is like one of my
older ones because I don't use send light anymore like I said I use get
response now just because it works better for my business the one I'm
looking for I know but this will show you what my email looks like see how I
put my I put my picture in here I put a little thing in there about you know
here's my story here's my facebook link I added all this kind of stuff here now
that's my intro one let's let me show you if this one's any different it might
be different now but I put that at the bottom there yes I did see now this is
my standard email for my autoresponder I always have remember I was showing you a
templates in part two well this is something that you can make a template
for yourself so once you set something like this up for yourself and your own
emails guess what you're done as a PS watch this video there's the link at the
bottom of the screen when it pops up you can see that right so I always have my
picture here right I have the description the name that I use for my
website my facebook link since I've changed that too now see this this time
this is before I changed everything that I actually had like you know Joel meet
John John meet Joe up here like it would automatically do it to over the prospect
or email them name is but this is basically simple you could highlight
italics bold things make them your own whatever you think looks good and not
even see this I linked it but I didn't make it read this is another link to the
sales page for a legendary marketer so I just wanted to give you guys an idea
about how you could change things how you can do things it takes time okay but
you could do it honestly it's really really simple it just it's just time
consuming all right guys listen that's all I have for you today I think next
time when I talk about sending what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how
to create a capture page okay so you could set it
we actually have a place for your your customers or prospects to go to click
into and then activate these lists okay that we've created and these automations
that we've created together I'm going to show you how to create a capture page
how to make it a one really quick and simple and you'll be able to you know
get in there and start doing it for yourself okay all right guys listen
that's all I have for you today if you would be so kind if this was helpful
leave a comment below like the video subscribe to my youtube channel and
click on the little Bell notification so every time I make an upload you'll get
to see it first and don't forget to click the link below it's the free video
that leads you to legendary marketer it's my number one rated opportunity to
work from home and online and legendary marketer is more than just a phenomenal
business and program ok it gives you the ability to learn about a whole array of
different ways to make money on line and if you want to stay home you don't want
a boss looking over your shoulder busting your chops or annoying
co-workers nagging you all the time and driving you crazy then this is the way
to go folks all right guys listen that's all I have for you today remember you
can follow me on Instagram Twitter obviously YouTube and check out my
website but a website at acquired Liberty comm for a whole bunch of
information and resources that will help you out in your new journey to a
home-based business alright guys until next time what do I always say I say God
Bless guys take care until next time bye now.
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