Friday, November 23, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 24 2018

Please see " Why VN, Fish magical " Do not rush the interesting thing ahead


Interesting pressure test

For more infomation >> Why VN , Fish magical - Duration: 9:29.


RED BALL 4 \ KIRMIZI TOP 4 \ MOBİL-PC GAME - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> RED BALL 4 \ KIRMIZI TOP 4 \ MOBİL-PC GAME - Duration: 9:02.


Parma woman?s mom still missing in California wildfires - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Parma woman?s mom still missing in California wildfires - Duration: 3:28.


Ibrahim Maalouf : condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure, il s'indigne - HOLA news - Duration: 3:53.

Ibrahim Maalouf a été condamné : le musicien, accusé d'agression sexuelle sur mineure, a écopé d'une peine de quatre mois de prison avec sursis. En colère, il a fait part de sa consternation sur les réseaux sociaux.

En janvier dernier, le musicien Ibrahim Maalouf était placé en garde à vue à la sûreté territoriale du Val-de-Marne.

Comme l'avait révélé Le Parisien, l'artiste était suspecté d'avoir agressé sexuellement une fan mineure.

Selon les informations du quotidien, il n'avait pas cherché à nier ni à minimiser les accusations lorsqu'il a été interrogé par les forces de l'ordre.

Il se serait même excusé et aurait confié qu'il « ne [s'expliquait] pas son comportement ».

Les faits qui lui étaient reprochés datent de 2013 : à l'époque, le musicien avait accepté en stage une collégienne alors âgée de 14 ans.

Comme le détaillait Le Parisien, « la gamine est tombée plus ou moins amoureuse » durant cette semaine, qui aurait été marquée par deux événements répréhensibles.

Au cours du procès, qui a eu lieu le 9 novembre dernier au tribunal correctionnel de Créteil, la justice a pu entendre la version des deux parties.

A l'issue d'une sortie au cinéma, où ils étaient allés voir ensemble La crème de la crème (dont Ibrahim Maalouf a réalisé la bande-originale), le musicien a embrassé sa jeune stagiaire.

« Avec la langue », selon elle, mais l'artiste a toujours assuré qu'il s'agissait d'un simple « bisou ».

Ibrahim Maalouf avait assuré qu'il avait rejeté l'adolescente : « Je lui ai pris les poignets, je me suis éloigné d'elle, sans la brusquer », avait-il assuré.

Lors d'un deuxième rendez-vous, dans son studio cette fois, le musicien aurait mimé un acte sexuel sur sa stagiaire.

« Je sentais son sexe derrière moi sur mes fesses », avait-elle raconté dans sa déposition.

Ibrahim Maalouf condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure Ibrahim Maalouf, qui a toujours rejeté ces accusations d'agression sexuelle,

s'était défendu lors de l'audience en assurant que la jeune fille n'avait pas supporté d'être rejetée.

Lorsqu'il a prétendu qu'un « dépit amoureux » était à l'origine de cette histoire, l'avocat de la plaignante s'était indigné : « Comment voulez-vous qu'une jeune fille dont l'état de santé s'est objectivement dégradé,

mente, pour rien, juste parce qu'elle aurait été vexée d'avoir été éconduite ? » Le 9 novembre, le procureur avait requis six mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis pour le musicien.

Le verdict a été annoncé ce vendredi 23 novembre par le tribunal correctionnel de Créteil : Ibrahim Maalouf a été condamné à quatre mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis pour agression sexuelle sur mineure et devra s'acquitter d'une amende de 20 000 euros.

Le musicien n'a pas tardé à réagir : sur son compte Twitter, où il s'était déjà vivement défendu il y a quelques mois, il a fait part de sa consternation.

« Quatre mois avec sursis pour un smack qu'une fan ado, folle amoureuse de moi, me fait malgré la distance que j'ai imposée, s'est-il indigné.

WTF ?? Je dois arrêter d'être sympa avec mes fans ? » Ibrahim Maalouf a remis en cause le jugement, assurant que la plaignante a menti : « Le postulat du tribunal est qu'elle ne peut pas être en train de mentir.

Nous avons apporté les preuves qu'elle mentait et changeait de version dès que ça l'arrangeait, a-t-il assuré. Bizarre ou pas ? » En tout cas, la plaidoirie de son avocat n'a pas été assez convaincante…

For more infomation >> Ibrahim Maalouf : condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure, il s'indigne - HOLA news - Duration: 3:53.


Ciftlik & Fethiye a slice of Turkish delight - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.044) - Duration: 17:19.

Give him a chilli! No don't you dare. Ah that's cruel, that might really upset its stomach. He's going to s@#$ like a horse now isn't he

Good morning it's about 10 a.m. on Monday the 15th of October and we've

just left Bozukkale and we're on our way to Ciftlik and I think

that's about a three-hour journey. 3 hours Baz?

About 3 hours, yep. So again we've got calm seas hardly any wind, motoring but it's

just so nice out here it's lovely. Bozukkale was an absolutely beautiful

spot so if you are visiting Turkey whether you're sailing or whether you're

just on a holiday do go visit there it's absolutely beautiful

So we'll talk to you when we get to Ciftlik

So there are several restaurants here at chick flick or chiflick (Citflik) and each

restaurant has its own little jetty and pontoon where you can tie up so when

they see a boat come in the guy runs out of his restaurant grabs the flag - this

one's got a green flag, that one's got a orange flag and so on and so on so - he

grabs his flag and he waves it like this - come over here come over here - so

they're flagging for business basically. We are coming to this particular jetty

and this particular restaurant because this is where Mike comes all the time so

if you are coming on your own and you see all these flags waving it doesn't

mean anything apart from hey hey hey you can come and park here and come and you

know use our restaurant to buy beer or food or whatever. Just choose whichever

one you fancy really whichever one takes you fancy. But I'm gonna have a nice

beer. Aannsha's happy that we're on like a little beach here because she can

actually wade in and still keep her broken wrist dry

We left Ciftlik this morning around that nine o'clock, it's now just after

four o'clock in the afternoon and here we are in Fethiye. Our buddy boat has one

month left on their annual contract with a marina chain and so over at

the other side of the bay in Gocek they're allowed to have some free time

in the marina there as part of their deal with the the marina chain so

they've decided they're going there for the marina. Now obviously marina prices

are not in our budget so we decided to come to Fetiye and they'll be joining us

here in a couple of days but here in Fethiye we'll be able to get hold of a

sim card and pile it up with as much data as we can so that we can have our

own connection to the Internet. It'll also allow us to find the so called

phone hospital here that we can have the screens repaired on Aannsha's Samsung

and the little spare Samsung that Aannsha also managed to break the screen on so

that's got to be done and what else? Oh of course it'll also give us a couple of

days to just sit here and work getting the next video out for you guys so we

bought ourselves a little bit of extra time by coming here rather than going to

Gocek. It's a nice place it really is pretty to look at, it's very big and this

is a nice protected little bay here, the holdings good, we're in ten meters of

water so we've got 40 odd metres of chain out but the holding is really good

and of course in Mantus we trust. All right time to put the boat to bed

and crack open a beer ... All hatches and sea cocks are open captain. Thank you No.1

It's our first morning here in Fethiye and one of the reasons we decided to come here was

to allow us some time to be able to get a data SIM card and also have both

phones repaired so we've got up fairly early this morning, it takes time to get

things together and one of the things of course we had to do with just Aannsha and

I on board was get the dinghy off the davits

and into the water. We've managed to do that it's down there look, we managed to do

that because that was the easy bit. The hard bit will be getting it back up but we

have a plan B for that and the plan B includes sheet-bending two lines

together and bringing them to one of the big winches so we can actually winch

winch it back up onto the davits with Aannsha only having the use of one hand at

the moment, so on this beautiful calm morning in Fethiye we're about to go and

explore and find out where we can park and find out where all these things are

that we need in Turkey. Every day is an adventure

There's also some sort of

regatta going on so a lot of these regatta event boats came in yesterday

and they're all off again this morning.

Right, do you want to pass those bags up?

So this is our first day off the boat in Fethiye in Turkey and we're doing a bit of

sightseeing because somebody said there's an old town and we're also on a

mission to an electronic store to buy a Samsung tablet - yep - for navigation

purposes. Not too sure how far it is - looked fairly close on Google Maps. I guess

we'll find out when we get there. Yeah

Do you think the trees enjoy being painted white. I don't know maybe, maybe maybe it

feels a bit glam. A bit glam, a bit of zhuzh? Yeah. Oh something I've found out about

Turkey is that it is a law that animals are protected, so people look after the

animals here. The street animals look way healthier than they do in the rest of

Europe. Yeah that's true. And you've got to trust people that take care of

animals don't you? Yeah well so far everything it took so far everything in

Turkey has been very welcoming It has, it's been great. Yeah

I'm not sure

who this guy is but that's actually a life-size statue of him sitting on a

horse and if I recall correctly depending on whether the horse is on two

legs or four legs indicates whether he died in battle or didn't die in battle

I'll have to look it up on Google but the horse having two legs raised from

the ground indicates something in particular. I wish I could remember all

this useless information that I've picked up over the years. Anyway let's take a

look at some more of Fethiye town

I wanted to try some real Turkish made Turkish Delight and this shop was so

tempting we went in. I chose a variety of flavors from pistachio to cranberry and

chili chocolate and personal favorites lemon and rose. Yum. After that we

explored more of the old town called Pasaptur. There we found the

ancient duck pond located in Fethiye bazaara

And who did we meet there? Phil and Linda!

So tonight we are coming ashore to a place called Yacht Classic and we're

moored just a hundred metres away from here well, maybe closer to 200 metres

away from here but Mike and Linda and Phil on Mira II, are parked right here

What are you having? What, to drink? Yes. Gin and tonic. God help us. It'll be interesting getting back on that boat.

Here's a short tour of Yacht Classic showing some of its 5-star features

And we ate a gourmet dinner at a waterside table ...


And the people next door to us got real fireworks on their birthday cake

Workplace Health and Safety? No!

Reviewing this footage was when we first learned that we had a major issue with

the audio on our Sony camera but in a nutshell what we're saying here is it's

7:00 a.m. on Sunday the 21st of October we're wishing our son Luke a happy

birthday back in Brisbane Australia and explaining that we've got a seven-hour

journey ahead of us as we head towards what is our ultimate destination of Kaş

in Turkey and that's the place where we're going to start making plans for

our journey back across the Mediterranean Sea

There's a gorgeous smell coming from down below in the galley, Aannsha is

cooking a bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast and I'm savouring the smell

because it could be a while before we have bacon again. It's not that you can't

get bacon in Turkey, you can, there's several shops in Fethiye where we've just

left that are specialists in bacon. It's just it's so expensive ridiculously

expensive. But we're going to savour this breakfast

How's it going down there? It's going pretty good! Is that the last of the bacon? That's the last of the bacon!

Uh oh! But we're going to enjoy it. Yes

Eggs and bacon on the go

Life on the road. It's so much fun especially when you're wearing slippers

Join us next week on Sailing A B Sea as we drop anchor in the bay

next to Kaş marina and start hooking into some of the jobs on our big to-do list

If you enjoyed this episode don't forget to hit that subscribe button and

click on the bell icon so you get notified whenever we put a new Sailing

A B Sea video out. Thanks for watching and take it easy

For more infomation >> Ciftlik & Fethiye a slice of Turkish delight - Sailing A B Sea (Ep.044) - Duration: 17:19.


김나영, 남편 구속 날벼락→과거 발언 재조명..."남편 사업 이해 못했다". 김나영이 한 말은? - Duration: 16:39.

For more infomation >> 김나영, 남편 구속 날벼락→과거 발언 재조명..."남편 사업 이해 못했다". 김나영이 한 말은? - Duration: 16:39.


北, 우리 어선 한때 나포… 정부 6일간 몰랐다 | korean army - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 北, 우리 어선 한때 나포… 정부 6일간 몰랐다 | korean army - Duration: 6:19.


Tera Rang Balle Balle DJ Remix Song || Soldier || Hindi Old Is Gold DJ - Tera Rang Balle Balle Remix - Duration: 4:10.

Tera Rang Balle Balle dj

For more infomation >> Tera Rang Balle Balle DJ Remix Song || Soldier || Hindi Old Is Gold DJ - Tera Rang Balle Balle Remix - Duration: 4:10.


Community PowWow @Fletcher's Meadow S.S. | Ep.1 - Duration: 4:15.

everyone welcome back to my channel it's mr. Geum I hope you all had a great day

and welcome to my vlog it's actually the first vlog ever vlog I'm doing so

welcome to that so I mean basically I'm actually at my school there's an even

going on it's about introduced people and it's called powwow I will put the

full name of the full name of the even like on your screen or in the

description below in case you're interested so basically what I will be

doing is just going to vlog the Steven I'm gonna try to keep it short I don't

want this vlog to be really long and it's process flowing so like it's just

falling all over me and as it is my first vlog if we really appreciated it

or it's it's going to be really great if you leave a comment below and let me

know how it is also if there's anything I should improve on so not wasting any

more time let's do the intro






it's just like keep on snowing and then stopping and snows again then stops

and now its raining. so basically the event is divided into two main parts so first one

is the first very grand entry which is from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and the other one

is so second grand entry which is from 5:30 pm to 8 p.m. I might not be here for the

second grand entry so I'm going just try to cover up with the first grand entry

they're going to start with a like first main event the big event like 5 minutes

and that's the first grand entry. Its more like

I'm not really sure what they're going to do because they just gave us like the

titles saying it's first grade entry then at 4:00 after 4:30 5:30 it's the

second grand entry so that's all they gave I'm not really sure what

exactly in it but I will try to cover it all

okay so basically I found out that we are actually not allowed to record or

take any pictures when they're coming in so like when the in like the entry is

happening of the people like all the people we are participating in event so

what they're coming in and until they do their prayer we actually not allowed any

filming or any photographs. So I'm going to try to vlog after the introduction and the

I won't be able to take the starting but hopefully I can get the rest of the event

so that's it for my vlog I hope you liked it if you have any like

suggestions for me get like which I can prove for the next vlog you can leave

them in the comment section below and honestly this vlog was just like

introduction for me like an introduction to vlogging like just getting the hang

of it making of the log is seeing what else I can if you like after you know

you watch the video make sure to press the subscribe button and hit the bell icon

that way you get notified every time I come up with a new content and little

like button if you liked the video see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Community PowWow @Fletcher's Meadow S.S. | Ep.1 - Duration: 4:15.


NO LIMIT - Blazy Riser & UP NORTH - Tone Cola Drum Cover - Duration: 4:24.

No Limit Drum Cover

Blazy Riser & UP NORTH

Tone Cola

Thanks for Watching!

Tone Cola Drum Covers

Hit Subscribe Link Above

Thanks for Watching!

For more infomation >> NO LIMIT - Blazy Riser & UP NORTH - Tone Cola Drum Cover - Duration: 4:24.


Troll 2 thanh niên bản ăn mù tạt l cái kết kẻ tham ăn - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Troll 2 thanh niên bản ăn mù tạt l cái kết kẻ tham ăn - Duration: 4:47.


Hoban beats Avon 42-7 to advance to D-II state title game - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Hoban beats Avon 42-7 to advance to D-II state title game - Duration: 0:41.


Partidas "TROLL" con mis hermanos y subs :D "parte 1" (DIRECTO) - Duration: 1:16:12.

For more infomation >> Partidas "TROLL" con mis hermanos y subs :D "parte 1" (DIRECTO) - Duration: 1:16:12.


It's Will Always Be About Race Until Senators Stop Being Racist. - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> It's Will Always Be About Race Until Senators Stop Being Racist. - Duration: 3:42.


Prema Nagar Movie Scene HD || Telugu Videos || ANR || Vanisri || Suresh Productions - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Prema Nagar Movie Scene HD || Telugu Videos || ANR || Vanisri || Suresh Productions - Duration: 6:23.


Ibrahim Maalouf : condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure, il s'indigne - HOLA news - Duration: 3:53.

Ibrahim Maalouf a été condamné : le musicien, accusé d'agression sexuelle sur mineure, a écopé d'une peine de quatre mois de prison avec sursis. En colère, il a fait part de sa consternation sur les réseaux sociaux.

En janvier dernier, le musicien Ibrahim Maalouf était placé en garde à vue à la sûreté territoriale du Val-de-Marne.

Comme l'avait révélé Le Parisien, l'artiste était suspecté d'avoir agressé sexuellement une fan mineure.

Selon les informations du quotidien, il n'avait pas cherché à nier ni à minimiser les accusations lorsqu'il a été interrogé par les forces de l'ordre.

Il se serait même excusé et aurait confié qu'il « ne [s'expliquait] pas son comportement ».

Les faits qui lui étaient reprochés datent de 2013 : à l'époque, le musicien avait accepté en stage une collégienne alors âgée de 14 ans.

Comme le détaillait Le Parisien, « la gamine est tombée plus ou moins amoureuse » durant cette semaine, qui aurait été marquée par deux événements répréhensibles.

Au cours du procès, qui a eu lieu le 9 novembre dernier au tribunal correctionnel de Créteil, la justice a pu entendre la version des deux parties.

A l'issue d'une sortie au cinéma, où ils étaient allés voir ensemble La crème de la crème (dont Ibrahim Maalouf a réalisé la bande-originale), le musicien a embrassé sa jeune stagiaire.

« Avec la langue », selon elle, mais l'artiste a toujours assuré qu'il s'agissait d'un simple « bisou ».

Ibrahim Maalouf avait assuré qu'il avait rejeté l'adolescente : « Je lui ai pris les poignets, je me suis éloigné d'elle, sans la brusquer », avait-il assuré.

Lors d'un deuxième rendez-vous, dans son studio cette fois, le musicien aurait mimé un acte sexuel sur sa stagiaire.

« Je sentais son sexe derrière moi sur mes fesses », avait-elle raconté dans sa déposition.

Ibrahim Maalouf condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure Ibrahim Maalouf, qui a toujours rejeté ces accusations d'agression sexuelle,

s'était défendu lors de l'audience en assurant que la jeune fille n'avait pas supporté d'être rejetée.

Lorsqu'il a prétendu qu'un « dépit amoureux » était à l'origine de cette histoire, l'avocat de la plaignante s'était indigné : « Comment voulez-vous qu'une jeune fille dont l'état de santé s'est objectivement dégradé,

mente, pour rien, juste parce qu'elle aurait été vexée d'avoir été éconduite ? » Le 9 novembre, le procureur avait requis six mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis pour le musicien.

Le verdict a été annoncé ce vendredi 23 novembre par le tribunal correctionnel de Créteil : Ibrahim Maalouf a été condamné à quatre mois d'emprisonnement avec sursis pour agression sexuelle sur mineure et devra s'acquitter d'une amende de 20 000 euros.

Le musicien n'a pas tardé à réagir : sur son compte Twitter, où il s'était déjà vivement défendu il y a quelques mois, il a fait part de sa consternation.

« Quatre mois avec sursis pour un smack qu'une fan ado, folle amoureuse de moi, me fait malgré la distance que j'ai imposée, s'est-il indigné.

WTF ?? Je dois arrêter d'être sympa avec mes fans ? » Ibrahim Maalouf a remis en cause le jugement, assurant que la plaignante a menti : « Le postulat du tribunal est qu'elle ne peut pas être en train de mentir.

Nous avons apporté les preuves qu'elle mentait et changeait de version dès que ça l'arrangeait, a-t-il assuré. Bizarre ou pas ? » En tout cas, la plaidoirie de son avocat n'a pas été assez convaincante…

For more infomation >> Ibrahim Maalouf : condamné pour agression sexuelle sur mineure, il s'indigne - HOLA news - Duration: 3:53.


Visit @ Manila Ocean Park - Duration: 4:30.

What's up guys!

Uhm, i am here at Manila Ocean Park

This is Manila Ocean Park




It's alot

There are alot of kind of fishes here

Yeah, there are people inside!

People inside, so good, so good!

Brother, can you wave?


Can you look here?

Oh, that one is scary!

Let's go here

We will go inside this circle

I'm wondering about this for a while

There oh!

So many people, no?

There are getting more and more people, let's go

I'm lost

Wow! There is a shark here


Baby shark

There is a Brother inside



How many fish below can you find in the living ocean tank

This is it

That is the one a while ago, Giant, Giant...

There is another tank here

So many people

I will try now

It's ticklish


This tickles, it tickles

For more infomation >> Visit @ Manila Ocean Park - Duration: 4:30.


Over and Over - Duration: 2:38.

Naked, she sits on the edge of the porcelain tub that she just scrubbed and she rubs

the back of her neck already feeling like a wreck watching water drain, it's a strain

And it's strange how things change, how she does this everyday without complain, Over & over & over again, Over & over & over again

Shampoo is leaking from the bottle and she's wiping up the puddle with a towel from the

rack and her back is feeling like a sponge soaked with regrets and the grunge of

life's little mess, it's a shame, and it's strange how she does this everyday without complain, Over & over & over again, Over & over & over again

By 9 o'clock she runs to catch her bus, at noon she stops to pray for every one of us, at 3 she stops to pray for someone else

but she finds it so hard to help herself Naked, she sits on the edge of the porcelain tub scraping at the tiles for awhile

and she's wringing out the towel and she gives a little scowl as soap gets in her eyes, and she cries and she cries

Over & over & over again, Over & over & over again

Over & over & over again, Over & over & over again By 9 o'clock she runs to catch her bus, At noon she stops to pray for every one of us

At 3 she stops to pray for someone else, But she finds it so hard to help herself, It's a shame and it's strange how things change

it's a shame and it's strange how things change, things will never be the same

For more infomation >> Over and Over - Duration: 2:38.


Black Friday Guide | Make A Profit! - Roblox - Duration: 8:46.

Black Friday Guide | Make A Profit! - Roblox

Hello!! In this video, as Day One of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales end, I have some tips on what items to invest in for a profit. I use leaks from RBXLeaks to see what items will be coming over the next few days. I really hope you enjoyed this video! If you have not already, please, subscribe! Thanks, for watching! :D ------Link's------ ► RBXLeaks: ► Roblox: ► Twitter: ► Discord: ► YouTube: ----Contact Me---- ►Email: ►Discord: @3MtnBros#5325 *3MtnBros*

3MtnBros,#gaming,roblox,roblxo black friday,roblox review,roblox new item,roblox limited,roblox meme,roblox pg,roblox black firday sale,roblox blss,blss,roblox,roblox sale,black friday,roblox robux,robux,roblox limited,limited,roblox games,roblox pg,pg,roblox fun,blss youtube,roblox 2018,roblox leaks,roblox meme,roblox item,roblox sale,roblox epic,roblox pg,roblox black friday sale,roblox black friday sale 2018,roblox leak video

For more infomation >> Black Friday Guide | Make A Profit! - Roblox - Duration: 8:46.


海贼王925话:月光莫利亚洗白,黑胡子登场内含玄机,细节炸裂 - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> 海贼王925话:月光莫利亚洗白,黑胡子登场内含玄机,细节炸裂 - Duration: 13:04.


Nightcore - FAKE LOVE (English cover / Female / Acoustic) BTS || Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.

For you I could pretend I was happy I could hide away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

and be the man you can depend on.

I'm wishing lovin was perfect, I'm praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream, a hopeless cause

now I watch the flowers as they wither

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I wanna be a good one just for you

Give you the world love just for you

Forget who I was just for you

Now I don't know me, who are you?


forest for us two, love where have you gone

I forgot the route, wandered now I'm lost

I'm starting to fade, to what you want to see

For your happiness, I have lost all of me

For you I could pretend I was happy I could put away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

And be the man you can depend on

Im wishing loving was perfect, still praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream, a hopeless cause

now I watch the flowers as they wither

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, in the image you drew

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, thrown away when you're through

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

Why you sad? I don't know anymore

Smile for me, tell me how you love me now

Look at me, even I have given up

Where you at? Love you said you'd understand

You won't take my hand, you're saying

I'm not the guy that you used to love,

but how can you ask me that

When you were the one who ripped me apart?

What do you mean no love?was blinded by you

is love even real I wonder? It's all fake love

(Woo) I dunno, I dunno, I dunno why

(Woo) who's the face, looking back, in the mirror

(Woo) I just know, I just know, I just know why

Cuz its all Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, in the image you drew

Love you so bad, Love you so bad

A perfect illusion created for you

Love you so mad, Love you so mad

A beautiful doll, thrown away when you're through

I'm so sick of this

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

I'm so sorry but it's

Fake Love, Fake Love, Fake Love

For you I could pretend I was happy I could put away the sorrow

For you I could feign strength, numb the pain.

And be the man you depend on.

I'm wishing lovin was perfect, I'm praying

You don't realize deep inside that I'm broken

I trusted in a dream a hopeless one

now I watch the flowers as they wither

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For more infomation >> Nightcore - FAKE LOVE (English cover / Female / Acoustic) BTS || Lyrics - Duration: 3:52.


Arsenal news: Tony Adams makes Gunners revelation - 'I was never a fan' - Duration: 2:58.

 Adams captained Arsenal to two Premier League titles, as well as the old First Division

 He also helped the side to three FA Cups and has a statue outside the Emirates. After retirement, the former defender went into management, taking charge at Feyenoord and Portsmouth

 He was named manager of La Liga outfit Granada in 2017, though lasted just seven games as the club were relegated

 Adams even asked former Arsenal chief executive Ivan Gazidis if there were any roles at the club but was turned away

 And while it doesn't look like he will return to the club he did so much for, Adams has revealed he doesn't support Arsenal, even now

 "I did good work there." Adams told the Times. "I went a couple of times. If they don't think I can contribute

. . I think I can. "It doesn't look like it's my path. I'm not sitting here for the rest of my life, saying, 'Oh I want to get back to Arsenal, please, please

' I'd be in daily turmoil if I lived like that. "It's like an ex-girlfriend: 16 years trying to get back with a girl, get the message, mate, move on

It doesn't hurt me. "I just wish my ex-girlfriend all the luck in the world! If it comes to a time when she wants to employ me again, then Hallelujah

 "We are going New Year's Day [v Fulham]. The kids all love Arsenal. "I was never a fan, so it was different, I worked there

I was never a fan of any club. "I loved playing it, that was my escape. It was like alcohol

I never liked the taste but I drank it like it was going out of fashion. "I loved what football did to me

 "The game's changed. A lot of fans today go to see their team win when back in the day when I played they used to go to support the team, win or lose, it didn't matter, that's your local team and you supported it

It's a different animal today."

For more infomation >> Arsenal news: Tony Adams makes Gunners revelation - 'I was never a fan' - Duration: 2:58.


If giving up had been an option when I saw this sign... 😵 - Duration: 21:24.

Day 17.

It's around 3:30.

Oh dear sun.

I just spent a '' beautiful '' night on my...

In my room with a concrete floor.

I've just pack my things.

I'm going to eat a few things.

There are picnic tables there.

Just a little.

I have a fruit salad waiting for me, I will eat it a little later,

when it will be a little warmer.

It's good thing that I found myself a shelter because it's about ... 10 degres.

Probably even a little less.

So I eat three to four bites and I go.

While riding, I will surely warm up, until the sun ...

I mean right now the sun is up, it's already up, but it still behind

trees and mountains.

So it'll start warming up in maybe two hours.

It's time for me to leave, it's cold.

It's really cold.

A little over 140km to go today.

So let's say a little less than 150.

I think it's going to be ok, I'll ...

Yesterday with all my misfortunes of bad roads, I make some detour, but

I decided to change my route a bit.

I take a bit of a shortcut.

So yesterday I managed to do 128km, but ...

Getting out of the city was quite hard with all those turn left, right, pass

below, over roads ...

It took a lot of time.

It slows me down a lot.

Today I follow Highway 40.

That's it.

Highway 40 brings me to Geilo, which is where I'm going to sleep tonight, in a bed!

I hope so.

Let's go.

We begin to see the first rays of sun, according to me within half an hour

I should be able to get some heat.

A little.

It will do good.

Because here I am really ...

I'm fine, but I'm dressed thick.

It's not the best thing to ride a bike.

It will be hot sometime.

Temperature side it's better and better, the sun is not yet visible

from where I am, but he came out.

Now it's 6 o'clock.

Now it's a little bit better.

It was really cold earlier.

As soon as I find myself a place to eat in the sun, I stop.

Ahh !!! Yeah!!

I know I said the first sunny place, but now I can't wait.

I'm hungry.

So I'm going to eat my fruit salad.

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah I'm going to eat all that.

Oh yes it feels good!

He'll even have room after that.

Oh yeah! Life is Beautiful.

8:10, hamburgers and hot dogs are already ready.

I took a chocolate cake, but ...

Phew ... I'm tired ah!

I still have a lot of rode to ride.

I am still at 75km in a straight line.

A 140km day today.

The day is going to be tough.

It goes up and it goes down more and more.

I think Geilo is ...

It is a village that is still quite high.

Then I go up and down, up dan down, but still climbing a little more.

Ah !!

I am tired.

It was really not the best night of my life.

I sleep so much better a real bed, rather than on concrete, in cold.

What I like the most in nature are the mountains.

Water stuff are beautiful, but it does not excite as much as a mountain.

But now...

The water spot in Norway are amazing.

I think that's the best thing that there is to do in Norway.

It's exploring its small roads and see it's nature.

It is really wonderfull.

Since this morning that I left and it is stuff like that all the time.

All the time all the time.

That's wonderful.

Ah! I wanted the sun so badly this morning and now it strike me so hard.

But is it me or that church has more an Asian style than Norwegian.


In Norway there are two types of people.

Those who stop their engine every time they can, when they arrive at a red light

or see even I saw a few times at a stop.

Or those who do not care at all.

Ah, I want to die!

It's been a lot of kilometers that I climb and it's always climbing

it's gently climbing, but it goes up since a while.

Right now I am at 686M of elevation and I was starting to ask myself

when it will stop climbing and I've just found that.

This is a warning because there will be high elevations.

So here, right now, I'm here.

At my 686M, and it will go up to 1100M.

At 7 to 9%.

To go down to 850M and go back to 1000M to go down to 800M, to go back to more than 1000M.

Up to 10%.


Ha! No! I don't want to do it.

It's been 99km since I left this morning.

There I have 41 left to reach the city.

Yes because after all the ups and downs down, I arrived.

It ends quite tough.

And already now, since this morning I climbed 850 meters.

And I think I'm going to double that.

In 41km.

If not more.

Ah! I don't want to do it.

I have just stopped for at least 10 minutes.

In a shelter in the shade.

Because there is not only that.

The sun burn like hell and I am

doing a huge physical activity so I'm hot.

And the sun is falling on me, I'm overheating.

If I had a little needle like in cars, well earlier I was in the red.

Ah! I have half of the first climb done.

I could have done it by car, motorcycle or maybe I could just not do it at all!

No me for my holidays I decided to suffer on bicycle.

Yeah, well done.

Bravo super good idea.

There are people who decide to lie on the beach, I decide to suffer on bike.

Oh yes I find myself super smart, super smart.

Yeah! Bravo!

Ah !!

Do you see that how easy it is by cars.

He press on the gas and it goes up.



Beautiful invention by the way.

Oh! That, I'll be able.

Just release the brakes and Yahoo.

But I would have liked prefer it goes up a single time than all flat up to the end

Rather that this up and down, up and down and finally up and down.

Big big hills.

Yeah, whew ...

It's a special place. Like a forest desert with scattered houses everywhere.

It is special.

Ah !! My first climb is done.

I still have three descents and two climbs.

Visibly in Norway, they can sell products that are past date

and that's where they put it at a discount.

So today is the 22nd if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway stuff at 50% in Norway is fun, that's made at normal prices.

Ah! Second summit is reached.

He was really less bad than the first.

The last one is the one that scares me the most.

It's not the longest climb, but it is the one with the highest inclination.

But at least it's going to be the last.

In a straight line I am at 15km of arrival.

Phew ...

What a day!

Oufff !! Finally, I think I'm done with the elevation.

It was time because I no longer have energy.

I think I have something left to do in there, and then it goes down to the city.

I have almost no pedal stroke to do, I think ...

It's still pretty ridiculous.

I just ordered a kebab because it's what was less ridiculous

to order on the menu.

I mean to avoid spending a fortune and for $ 17 I get that.

That's all.

Okay, now I'm going to find myself some food at the grocery store to fill my hunger

because my $17 plate did not do it.

I wonder what is the average salary of people here.

Because for $17 in Canada, you stomach is overfill.

Or you ate so well.

I mean it was good, but tabarouette it's crazy.

It's crazy.

Well! Grocery.

Good finally made it to a place with a bed.

It's going to be a so good tonight.

And here I am going to watch the journey I had planned to do tomorrow.

Maybe, modify it.

I do not know what I'm going to do tomorrow.

I'll go back to watching this.

I recharge all my stuff and again tonight, the cheapest place I found ...

Oh no, not the cheapest, there was places where could I sleep

in dormitories but ...

Not tonight.

Tonight I want to sleep well.

Here's my room.

It's cool it's a place ...

It's an old home that they have completely renovated.

It's brand new.

And I have my own bathroom.

There is something I still do not understand.

Since I'm in the Scandinavian countries, all showers have no ledge.

So when we take a shower, it makes water everywhere in the bathroom.

I do not understand.

But OK.

There are worse things in life.

But still, it's a good idea to put shower flanges and it does not cost much.

Okay, so I get to work and I see you tomorrow.

Good evening!

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For more infomation >> If giving up had been an option when I saw this sign... 😵 - Duration: 21:24.


F-X사업 감사 1년… 발표 못할 속사정 뭐길래 | korean army - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> F-X사업 감사 1년… 발표 못할 속사정 뭐길래 | korean army - Duration: 9:45.


起降轰烂机场地面的疯狂运输机!有10台发动机:2台矢量推力! - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> 起降轰烂机场地面的疯狂运输机!有10台发动机:2台矢量推力! - Duration: 7:26.


marvel spiderman turf wars Belediye Çalımıyor #24 - Duration: 29:14.

For more infomation >> marvel spiderman turf wars Belediye Çalımıyor #24 - Duration: 29:14.


F-X사업 감사 1년… 발표 못할 속사정 뭐길래 ☞ armynews - Duration: 9:42.

For more infomation >> F-X사업 감사 1년… 발표 못할 속사정 뭐길래 ☞ armynews - Duration: 9:42.


Nets 'We Ain't Fu**ing Tanking' T-Shirt Takes Twitter by Storm | - Duration: 3:29.

Nets 'We Ain't Fu**ing Tanking' T-Shirt Takes Twitter by Storm |

Brooklyn Nets coach Kenny Atkinson has been adamant about the fact that his team is not tanking.

So much so, that the comments have taken off and one t-shirt creator has taken it to the next level.

As The Athletic's Michael Scotto revealed recently, a Nets fan at Barclay's Center during Friday's game was wearing possibly the best shirt I've seen created for the team.

Back in August, Atkinson spoke about the idea of tanking and strongly denied any thought for that, as The Athletic and Scotto detailed in a story.

"No, because we've never talked about tanking," Atkinson said.

"Sean and I, I'm just going to be honest, internally we don't use the word.

We don't talk about it.

We talk about internal improvement.

We talk about player development.

We talk about culture, but tanking is not a word we use.

It's just not in our…I don't think the fans in New York want to see that.".

Nets' Start to Season and Atkinson's Resume.

Over Atkinson's first two seasons with the Nets, the team has improved, going from a 20-62 record to 28-54 last year.

While the Nets are currently playing the Minnesota Timberwolves at the time this is being written, they currently sit with an 8-11 record thus far.

If that trend were to continue, Brooklyn would finish with roughly 34-35 wins on their current pace.

Unfortunately, the Nets did lose their top scorer and arguably best player in Caris LeVert to a scary leg injury recently.

Prior to that, he was averaging 18.4 points over 29.7 minutes per game.

The future looks bright for the Nets, especially when LeVert is able to return to the floor and take back over as the go-to scorer.

READ NEXT: Draymond Green Trade: Odds Have Warriors Star Potentially With Nets.

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