Ever feel someone watching you?
Like, you just know they're staring, even if you're not looking at them?
It's not some psychic sense, as cool as that would be.
Psychology researchers call it gaze detection—your ability to recognize where a person or animal is looking.
And even though we don't have all the answers about how it works in humans, science has provided some pretty good evidence as to what's going on in your brain.
Various studies suggest that gaze is processed preferentially by the brain, meaning it's processed faster and more accurately than some other kinds of stimuli.
Especially when it's on you, which is called direct gaze.
Your brain has a pretty big network of areas that handle different aspects of getting information from faces.
Like, there are regions that respond to shape, orientation, or specific features. That sort of thing.
And when it comes to gaze detection, scientists believe an area in this network called the Superior Temporal Sulcus, or STS, is responsible for telling you exactly where someone else is looking.
Studies looking at a comparable area in the temporal lobe of macaque monkeys found cells that are tuned to the orientation of both the head and gaze direction.
For instance, one study from 1985 had macaque monkeys look at faces of other macaques.
And they found that 63% of the 182 cells that were probed fired in response to changes in head direction.
More than half of that 63% also responded to changes in gaze direction, and a few responded to direct gaze.
Researchers assume the Superior Temporal Sulcus works similarly in humans, since performing the same sort of experiments in living humans is too invasive.
Now, it's easy enough for your brain to figure out where a gaze is pointed when you're looking right at someone.
But what about that feeling of being watched when you can't see someone's eyes clearly?
In your peripheral vision, the resolution becomes low enough that details are harder to see—like, where someone's pupils are with respect to the whites of their eyes.
In this situation, your brain starts to take head orientation as evidence of direct gaze instead.
Researchers studying this in 2015 tested how well participants could identify the gaze direction of faces with different orientations presented at different eccentricities.
They had participants stare straight ahead, so a face straight ahead would be 0 degrees eccentricity, and in line with their shoulders would be plus and minus 90 degrees eccentricity.
And they generally found people could accurately tell where a gaze was directed up to 6 degrees eccentricity.
Which isn't that much before we kind of start to suck at it.
Overall, gaze discrimination got less accurate farther away from zero degrees.
Which makes sense, because farther from zero degrees means more blurry peripheral vision.
As details of eyes became less clear, participants relied more on head orientation to figure gaze out.
This swayed their answers, and wasn't always accurate.
This and the results of a similar study from 2015 showed that if faces in the periphery were pointed right at participants, they were more likely to assume it was a direct gaze.
So, basically, if someone just out of your line of sight is facing you, your brain assumes they're looking right at you.
If their head is turned, you're more likely to assume they're not looking at you, no matter where they're actually looking.
And as for the spooky feeling of "that person behind me is looking at me, I can feel it" thing, there is an explanation for that too.
Even though nobody actually has eyes in the backs of their heads.
Turns out, we might just tend to assume people are looking at us.
All the time.
In research from 2013, scientists showed participants a series of faces and eyes under different levels of noise filter that basically made them look blurry.
Some were really clear, which made it easier to read the gaze.
And others were pretty obstructed, so they were less easy to guess at.
The researchers asked participants to judge whether or not the faces were looking at them.
And they found that in trials where the faces and eyes were obstructed by noise, participants were more likely to perceive the gaze as directed at them.
In real life, the scientists took this to mean that in situations where you can't know where people are looking—like when it's dark, someone's behind you, or they're wearing sunglasses—your brain is automatically making you feel watched.
And I mean, come on brain!
We're interesting, but not enough to be watched all day, every day, by everyone whose eyes we can't see.
It might sound like sort of a silly assumption if I put it that way.
But evolutionarily speaking, knowing when someone or something is looking at you could be really important.
They might be planning to attack, so it's best to be on guard.
Besides that, knowing if you're being watched also lets you interact socially.
If someone wants your attention, whether it's your friend or your baby, it's way easier to notice if you're already unconsciously scanning for people looking at you.
So sorry, you're not psychic.
You just have a solid and comprehensive and well-designed gaze detection system.
And that's just as cool, right?
Thanks for learning with us here on SciShow Psych, and thanks especially to our patrons on Patreon whose support makes all these videos possible.
If you want to join our community, you can go to patreon.com/scishow.
Or share this video with your friend who swears that he has a spidey sense for being watched.
For more infomation >> Why Do You Feel Like You're Being Watched? - Duration: 5:13.-------------------------------------------
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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry move to Bigger House so Doria Ragland become 'Nanny' - Duration: 11:01.
Megan's mother Doria will stay with her and Prince Harry and become a hands-on grand in new larger house after couple leave Kensington Palace
Prince Harry and Megan are planning to move into a bigger home
so her mother can become a regular live-in nanny it emerged yesterday that Harry and his wife Megan are to move out of
Kensington Palace next month to set up home at Frogmore cottage on the Windsor estate
The royal couple currently live in nottingham cottage in the ground of kensington palace and are up paying sticks to accommodate their expanding family
This move would also allow Megan's mother Doria Ragland who has just moved to the UK
To join them and there would be room for a live-in nanny
the 62 year old who lived in Los Angeles
is said to want to be a
Hands-on gran and it is believed to the couple want her to have a wing of their next home
Frogmore has 10 bedrooms compared to just two at nottingham cottage the kensington palace property where they currently reside
grade 2 listed Frogmore is said to be undergoing two multi-million pound refit paid for by the taxpayer in
preparation for the birth which is expected next spring
It is believed Doria will stay with the sussex is on a regular basis when she comes to visit her new grandchild
The couple chose Windsor because it means a huge amount to them. It is where they got married a source said
former social worker
Doria was the only member of Megan's family to attend her wedding and held back tears as Prince Charles walked her daughter down the aisle
She spent much of her the summer with Harry and Megan and described the prince as amazing
Palace sources said there was nothing available as an official residence in London
One said they are expecting a baby early next year and obviously need a bit more space
It is not like this has just come up
News of the move comes after reports that the princes who both have homes at the palace may be ready to set up separate courts
rumours of tensions between the Sussex
Ah's and Cambridge's have been bubbling away for months in contrast to megan and harry's cottage at Kensington Palace
Kate and William have a 22 room home recently refurbished at a cost of 4.5 million pounds
The Sussex has wanted to move into a palace apartment currently used by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
But the current inhabitants are said to want to stay put thank you for watching the video
Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and don't
Forget like and share the video with everyone if you feel this video is useful
The Queen will weigh Megan Marco and Daria Ragland after Christmas lunch is part of bizarre tradition
Megan Marco and her mother Daria Raglan will be weighed after their Christmas dinner as part of a bizarre royal
tradition according to a royal expert
Royal expert an editor of majesty magazine Ingrid Seward claims that each member of the royal family
including Megan's hobby Harry and Big Brother wills is weighed before and after tucking in to their turkey dinner on Christmas Day in
Great old Grazia that the Queen asks each of her guests to weigh themselves
using a pair of antique scales when they first arrive at the Sundering ham estate in Norfolk for the Christmas period
But this is all to make sure guests are having a great time and their way to make sure they were being well fed
the tradition dates back to King Edward sevens reign in the early 1900s and applies to all the members of the royal clan as
The festivities undeniably revolve around eating the royal family first
enjoy a turkey dinner with all the trimmings before indulging themselves in an afternoon tea complete with a gargantuan iced cake and
Although the Queen appears to have bent the rules by inviting Megan's mother to join the family
It's on bring ham an honour, which has never been bestowed on Kate Middleton's parents
This sacred tradition means that both Megan and Daria will be weighed both before and after they leave the royal residence
What's more the Queen's guests are also expected to enter the dining room in order of seniority
After they are then seated the head chef carves the turkey and paper hats are done but not by the Queen
in order to make room for their lavish afternoon tea the royal family then walked the grounds of the Sundering ham estate and enjoy a
Kangol of dinner in the dining room in the evening
The profound presence of Daria Ragland
The day of the Royal Wedding we could not keep our eyes off her
What was she thinking as she sat in the pews of the 500 year old Chapel enveloped in history and irony?
I mean the mother of the bride Daria Ragland a
millennium of world shifting encounters of violence and of romance and effects in between produced the scene the 61 year old Ragland an
American who teaches yoga and does social work in Culver City
California sitting in the episode an equivalent seat to Queen Elizabeth 2
They'd agreed on green the color of beginnings Ragland inch or chi
Pastel oscar de la renta the queen an electric line stewart Parvin one is a descendant of the enslaved a child of the great
migration and Jim Crow and 70s New Age spirituality
the other the heirto and keeper of empire
Blood had long ago decided what life would be like for both?
but love barges in and finds away love brings together Prince Harry and Megan Marco whose train of identifiers biracial
actress Angelina
divorcee feminist former lifestyle blogger complete the Mad Libs of the new American Vogue
Love brings together their families the House of Windsor in a one-woman house
Genuine attraction seemed to pulse between them as Harry biting his lip giddily whispered to his bride. You look amazing
Markle's doe eyes Glenn dit
nearby Ragland radiated with what looked like maternal pride
Certainly, it was more complex than just that
Ragland isn't an actress like her daughter, but she said many things with her face
photographs of her and Marco breasts close to one another in the rolls-royce on the way to the chapel show the mother trying on a
Regents wave smiling warmly, but tentatively
Inside she executed her duties with grace
Her locks had been swept beneath her p.o box hat the shine of her tiny nose ring gleamed like the shine and her eyes
There was not much emoting in the crowd of royal fascinators. Although many screwed their faces as bishop. Michael
bruce curry the first black head of the episcopal church
Thundered in his sermon about the possibility of a new world, but one could perceive Ragland softly reeling beneath her composure
Her lips trembled as her daughter walked down the aisle
She cried gently when curry spoke about the example of Martin Luther King jr. And the power of radical
Love she nodded unreservedly when the East London choir roused the room with Ben II Kings stand by me. She swayed
Sometimes the cameras would catch Ragland as if she were in a trance lost in some intimate thought
What we know of the relationship between mother and daughter hasn't us against the world feel to it
After her parents divorced when she was six Marco's spent weekdays with her mother
Ragland doted on her only child calling her flower when Markel became wealthy
She paid for her mother to attend graduate school in a mother's day post on her blog
She swooned with reverence over ragland's resilience
There's no imitation of life drama here in which the mixed-race daughter shunts her darker skinned mother
Markel clearly delights in what she amazes as her mother's free spirit, but they are different women
Markel makes it a point to call herself biracial
She vaguely invokes the wounds of American history, but is careful not to frame herself as a race hero
The skin of the mother is honey brown
But the daughter has been cast as ethnically ambiguous in a phase Markel recalls that as a child
strangers in the valley mistook her mother for her nanny in
front of billions mark Leonard one of the oldest halls of whiteness with the flowers of former colonies sewn on her veil and
bended in
Raglan stood out. It is true that Marco and her groom beautifully threaded black rituals throughout the ceremony
But claims about the wedding swiftness are a little jarring
This was a royal marriage set against the backdrop of the government threatening to deport Britons of the Windrush generation
was that melancholy and ragland's eyes a
Worry about whether her daughter would be truly accepted in the family and what she may have to do to usher in that acceptance
did she recall the Christmas luncheon that Marco attended in December at which princess Michael of Kent wore a
blackamoor brooch clipped to her jacket
Markel had longtime friends in her party but Ragland was the sole representative of her family
Raglan's mother Jeanette who reportedly watched Marco as a child while Doria worked
died in 2000 through her presence
Ragland implied a lineage of black women and represented the fraud lineage of a nation
It should not be lost on anyone that
Despite the pitiful shenanigans of her ex-husband Thomas Markel and the gossiping of her ik stepchildren
Raglan flew to Heathrow to do what black women do straighten the Meza?
one vision of the black mother depends on this kind of self or facing altruism
The public has fallen for a gland on Twitter people speculate that Lady Diana Spencer
Whose legend of social rebellion is especially idolized by black women would have adored her at an afternoon tea on Friday
Raglan charmed the Queen and she has quit her job at the mental health clinic to avoid the paparazi
The big interview will likely come via Oprah who?
Swaggering into the castle and Saturday in pink called attention to her own supremacy
But how Raglan will participate in the cult of her daughter's marriage is yet to be seen?
There is new pressure on the duke and duchess of sussex who take their titles after the first and only Duke of Sussex
Who supported abolition to liven up the monarchies reputation the hunger for a chordal kind of racial?
Harmonizing is strong. I know Markel feels that burden and I know that Raglan does too
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Built by the seventh feudal lord of the Uwajima domain, Date Munetada, also known as "Shunzan",
Tensha Park is a small garden located in the center of Uwajima city.
Date Munetada used it for his own personal pleasure as a place for him to rest during his retirement.
Loved by Date Munetada, this little park takes its name after a poem written by Munetada.
The poem goes as follows :
"I spent my younger days on a horse for battles,
now the world is peaceful and my hair has turned gray,
my aging body exists here because God in heaven forgave me and let me live."
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(The next Ryan Gosling?)
(La La Land vibes)
(Plays with its entire body)
(Any angle)
(How I play irl)
Our Chanyang plays so well
(Love is blind.. And deaf LOL)
Chanyang plays whatever it wants
(Creative freedom?)
Go down the scale
Good job
Right on
(Like a sold-out concert)
(round of applause)
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