Monday, November 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 26 2018

Ella: Look Pen! Mommy is doing great!

Hi guys! This is the Giving Mama Channel.

And I wanna show you the process

of me assembling this


I got this from and

there was a 25% discount

and an additional 15%

on top of that sale. So I got it.

I'm pretty happy about it.

I'm gonna show you how I assembled it.

For more infomation >> How to Build a Dejon Loveseat (Target) - Duration: 4:16.


Mini Magical Orbeez Wowzer Playsets | Official Orbeez

For more infomation >> Mini Magical Orbeez Wowzer Playsets | Official Orbeez


Tesla Model S 85 Performance 422pk Panoramadak Luchtvering - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Tesla Model S 85 Performance 422pk Panoramadak Luchtvering - Duration: 1:13.



For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf TSI CONNECTED S EXECUTIVE/SPORTST/NAVI/APPLE CARPLAY/FABR.GARANTIE. - Duration: 1:13.


Audi A1 1.2 TFSI PRO LINE S Panoramadak / Navigatie** - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.2 TFSI PRO LINE S Panoramadak / Navigatie** - Duration: 1:08.


Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI S edition AUTOMAAT / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / LEDER / LM-VELGEN / XENON / PDC / * AP - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI S edition AUTOMAAT / NAVI / AIRCO-ECC / LEDER / LM-VELGEN / XENON / PDC / * AP - Duration: 1:08.


FINLANDIA: ¿Sueldos SIN necesidad de TRABAJAR? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:49.

For more infomation >> FINLANDIA: ¿Sueldos SIN necesidad de TRABAJAR? - VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:49.


Kamarádka Ivety Bartošové promluvila: Rychtář ji bil, tak chtěla rozvod! - Duration: 7:42.

 Příští rok v dubnu uplyne pět let od smrti Ivety Bartošové, s její smrtí se její přátelé a blízcí stále nesmířili

Velké výčitky má i její dlouholetá kamarádka a důvěrnice Bohunka Vojtěchová. Ta dává velkou vinu na smrti Ivety Bartošové právě Josefu Rychtářovi

 „Nesedl mi, měla jsem z něj prapodivné pocity. To jsem jí i říkala: Ivetko, já nevím tedy, mně se ten člověk moc nezdá

Ale ona ne, to bylo Pepa, Pepa." vzpomíná v knížce Vojtěchová, které měla Bartošová volat, když ji měl Rychtář fyzicky napadnout

 „On byl ale vždy ze začátku každý hrozně úžasný. A tak jsme si jen volaly a byly v kontaktu minimálně

Potom mi Iveta řekla, že bude v rodinném kruhu svatba a že mě zvou. Nakonec nebyli ani rodiče, ani Artur, ani já a udělali to tak, jak to udělali

Pepa prostě nechtěl, on ji odřízl úplně od všeho. Jediný, kdo tam mohl chodit za celou dobu, co byla s Josefem, tak to byl Artur

Jinak jsme tam nikdo nemohl, nedostali jsem se tam. Iveta mi volala, řekla jsem jí, že přijedu, a když jsem přijela před barák, zvoním a prostě nic

Sebrala jsem se a jela zpět domů a druhý den mi volala, proč jsem nepřijela. Tak jsem jí řekla: Ivetko, vždyť jsem tam byla

Jenomže on ji buď uspal, nebo já nevím, protože mi řekla, že byla doma. Nebylo možné se k ní dostat," popisuje Vojtěchová Ivetin život s Josefem Rychtářem a dále popisuje, jak měl zpěvačku její manžel napadnout

 „Bylo to před Vánocemi, když mi volala, že ji Pepa napadl, má modřiny a že ji zbil

Nemohla jsem tam hned jet, tak jsem jí řekla, ať zavolá policii, aby Pepu vykázali, že za ní druhý den přijedu

Hrozně se ho bála. Policie k ní opravdu přijela, Pepu vykázali a večer mi volala, že je z baráku pryč

Domluvily jsme se, že druhý den kolem jedenácté hodiny k ní přijedu. Ráno v devět hodin mi volala, že Pepa je doma

A já říkám: Jak to, že je doma, ty jsi ho pustila? A ona: Ne, já jsem si dělala kafe a on najednou stál v obýváku

Musel se tam nějak dostat, znal veškeré zabezpečení toho domu, tak to pro něj nebyl problém

Hned jsem jí řekla: Iveto, nevěř mu, okamžitě znovu zavolej policii a já jedu, nevěř mu

A ani ne za hodinu mi volala, ať nejezdím, že Pepa, Pepa, Pepa… Přes Vánoce to u nich zase fungovalo, měla adventní koncert v Uhříněvsi, na který jsem chtěla jet, ale pak jsem nejela, čehož dodnes lituju

Udělala jsem velkou chybu, protože to byla jediná možnost, kdy jsem se k ní mohla dostat

A potom v dubnu se stala ta tragédie," líčí v knížce Ivetina dlouholetá důvěrnice, která s ní byla v kontaktu jen několik dní před tragédií

 Iveta ji měla požádat o jistou službu. „Vyvrcholilo to v dubnu, kdy jsem měla domluvenou dovolenou v Dubaji

Iveta mi týden před mým odletem volala, ale už jsem měla všechno zaplacené. Zeptala jsem se jí, co se děje, a ona brečela, že už s ním nechce být, že už nemůže a že je zlý

A prosila mě, abych s ní jela na dovolenou. Řekla jsem jí, že mám zaplacený zájezd, ale jak se 1

května vrátím, tak si objednáme dovolenou. Pak se mě zeptala, jestli bych jí pomohla s rozvodem

Řekla jsem, že to nebude problém, že se zase spojíme s Ivankou, která je odvážná, nebudeme se Rychtáře bát, prostě do toho půjdeme

Slíbila jsem jí, že až se vrátím, tak to vyřešíme. To byl poslední kontakt, který jsme spolu měly

Pak mi 29. dubna přišla do Dubaje zpráva, že se stalo to, co se stalo," popisuje Vojtěchová s tím, že se pořád nemůže srovnat s tím, co se stalo

 „Nesedí mi to," říká Ivetina dlouholetá kamarádka. Myslí si, že Josef Rychtář celou dobu Ivetu Bartošovou odposlouchával a měl přehled o všech jejích hovorech

 Vojtěchová dokonce pochybuje o tom, že by na koleje Iveta Bartošová šla sama.

For more infomation >> Kamarádka Ivety Bartošové promluvila: Rychtář ji bil, tak chtěla rozvod! - Duration: 7:42.


How I became conversational in 10 languages | Italki review - Duration: 5:31.

[Russian] - Всем привет! [Hi ever [English]

and welcome back to another Tip Thursday with me Conor Clyne this is

the tsar experience and today I'm talking to you from the Opera House in Odessa

Ukraine and in today's video I'm going to be reviewing italki which is a

service that I've used so much over the last few years to help me learn

languages. It's an online marketplace for language tutors I'm really excited to go

through with you today so cue the intro!

So my channel here on YouTube I've reviewed many many software products

that help you to learn languages and some of them really great but at the end

of day there's no real substitute in learning a language then contact with

real human beings native speakers of the language that's one of the reasons why I

have always gone and hired a tutor when I'm learning a new language or trying to

improve a language that I already speak to a certain level and let me give you

example like when I was learning Portuguese I wanted to learn Brazilian

Portuguese so I hired a teacher using italki in order to find them and we

had our classes over Skype twice a week two hours 2 one hour

classes a week and in about two years I was actually able to go to Brazil have a job

interview as a lawyer in Portuguese entirely in Portuguese that's how much

it helped me so you can go out there and you have all these different teachers

like you have professional teachers you have people who just are conversation

partners like language partners that you're actually free and then you have

like informal teachers or unqualified teachers who don't have maybe

professional qualifications but some of those people are really really great now

I'm not necessarily so concerned about the professional qualifications when I'm

looking for a tutor I'm actually more interested in is this person interesting

to speak to every day when I come here and have my class rather than do they

have a certain qualifications that's something I definitely advise you find

the right tutor for you!

[Russian] - Did you know that I might go to Minsk?

- When Liza? That would be cool!

I'm going to Minsk because I need to go to the embassy.

- Ok. Good.

- I think soon. I don't know, maybe in 2 weeks.

- In 2 weeks, I will still be there!

[English] So in terms of price is definitely going to be cheaper in

general than if you have a tutor come to your place or actually you go to meet

them in person in the city or in I would think it's probably going to be about

half the price that really depends on the language you're learning and also

how much in demand that particular teacher that you want to hire is so one

of the things that I recommend that you do do in terms of learning a language for

travel and especially if you're gonna come to Eastern Europe is role plays

with the tutor that you use via italki because that's a great way to put

yourself in that stressful situation before you arrive to the country itself

and that means that you're gonna react by default when speaking the language a

lot better than if you're unprepared so for example say you're going to travel

to Russia and you know that you're gonna fly to Moscow then role playing

scenarios when you're in the airport that you need to take a public transport

into the city that you need to go to seeing museums if you're planning to go

to the Kremlin for example and other sightseeing places obviously ordering in

a restaurant is going to be important as you're all gonna have to do that maybe

dating and chatting to girls that's also something that you should practice

beforehand with your tutor in a roleplay situation so that when you're under that

stress then you're in real life because you gonna have a lot of things going on

around you they're gonna be new when you're traveling you're gonna be able to

just react by default with the right words and with confidence as well in

fact in terms of dating I'm actually working on a new product myself so there is gonna

be a link below in the description to this video you should go there if you're

interested in learning the Russian language in particular you can go there

and check that out I'm gonna have a course that's gonna allow you to really

boost your Russian and get it ready for traveling on a trip in one month we'll

also deal with all those things like dating so if that's something you're interested in

then definitely go check it out they're working on that and

there's a link below that's going to bring you to the page and give you more details so there

you have it that's my review italki that's how I hope you learned so many

languages especially Russian and Ukrainian so if you've used italki

then drop a comment below in the comment section if you've enjoyed this video and

found it useful of course check out my link there to go and look at it for

yourself strike the like button and of course squeeze that red subscribe button

if you're not already a subscriber here on Tsar Experience with me Conor Clyne

and whack the notification bell beside it

because that's how you get notified whenever I'm uploading a new video and

as you can see behind me let me show you something that's actually the

cathedral in Odessa that so this is a fantastic view I got from this Airbnb

apartment complete 360 of the city center just literally over there just

behind me is the main pedestrian street Deribasovskaya so on that note

I'm gonna enjoy the last few moments of this evening's sunshine I wish you a very

productive evening morning or afternoon wherever you're watching this and I'll

see you guys in the next video!

До свидания! Ciao!

For more infomation >> How I became conversational in 10 languages | Italki review - Duration: 5:31.


Tips to look naturally BEAUTIFUL everyday | Anna B - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Tips to look naturally BEAUTIFUL everyday | Anna B - Duration: 4:45.



For more infomation >> DBZCUT | OAV #3 | DIRECTOR'S CUT : L'EVEIL DU SUPER SAIYAN GOD [SUB FR] - Duration: 1:50:45.


Nina 2 french, eng sub - Duration: 8:15.

What's going to happen to us?

I don't know when I'll want to see you again

Yes goodbye

You still called Chris!

It's that obvious

I'm your mother, you already forgot

I don't see

why I shouldn't call her

You are right

It's OK

I guess she gave you little hope that we could get back together

You must be Mrs. Kowald

And you the roommate of Norman

Thank you very much for letting me settle here

This is perfectly normal

It won't be permanent, promised

I can also go back to the hotel

in München, at least for tonight

You are Norman's mom!

Thanks again, but on one condition

stop being so formal with me

I mean, we're a little like a WG

Nina ... Tina

Great. I live again in a women's WG

You're not going to ally yourself against me, understand?!

Don't worry! As long as you screw in the marmalade jar correctly

Does he still do it?

Yes, always and when I take one, it always falls out of my hands

I did everything I could to get her out of this habit

unfortunately without success

You're already ganging up on me

In these circumstances I will have to think about an exile

Too late

You're lucky that I understand women !

Does that mean that now you're going to screw the jars of marmalade?

No, I won't touch those pots again

From now on, I will eat every day outside

And we'll start this today as some kind of new function of the WG

It would be more appropriate if we eat here

spaghetti and ...

It's also good. I mean better

Mom is the best cook

Noodle or noodle?

With Bolognese

Mom's bolo is the best




You didn't sleep much?

Andre and I had another long talk yesterday

Only that, or did you enjoy your new freedom?

The wild years are behind me

It feels like you're 100 years old

Sometimes I feel like that too

OK I would say more like 99 years

Unfortunately we have to go

but the coffee is in the thermo

and yogurts still in the fridge

Thank you but I would have enough with an apple juice


You, in the morning without coffee?

You always drank at least 3 cups

I have already taken one

Besides, with the separation and stress

I can 't stand it anymore


It's André


Get out of your shell and come to Fürstenhof


Because you have an appointment

The hotel needs for its web page many texts

You can convince my sister-in-law of your productivity

I'm sure

thank you so much

You're welcome, see you later

So, good news?

Your chef

spoke with Mrs. Saalfed

They may have a job for me

Thanks to Konopka?

It would be great if it worked, wouldn't it?

Yes, of course, I can already hear the wedding bells ringing


Goodbye, ciao


You can have your break here too

See how happy you are with your project

That it works so fast, no one could have believed it

I would have been surprised if Mrs. Saalfed didn't give you the job

She certainly noticed that

my relationship with Nils was not the best

Nils will be able to handle this, she knows it

Do you know her so well?

We are here a big family

and Mrs. Saafeld is very good at understanding us

Do you think it's going to work between you and Nils?

On my side certainly


Here there are all drinks for employees

But don't t touch fitness drinks, they are for Nils

After he will get angry

Thank you for the warning

You probably have a crate for coffee?

Yes, but today you are invited

to celebrate this day

Thank you

normally I should invite you

Why not, it was super good yesterday

Tonight? I will also ask André

If he hadn't recommended me, I wouldn't have had this job

I can't, I'm working tonight

I can't find someone to replace me so quickly

It's the same for me. I can't

So we're going to postpone our party night

Yes, but I think you'll be better off alone with André ?

Is someone here jealous?


Anyway, I'm thinking of giving him a little surprise

that you shouldn't tell him

But we don't know what it is either

He musn't know that there is one


I couldn't have stayed here any longer

It would have exceeded your budget

Was your surprise at least worth it

your surprise?

André expected a lot but not that

when he served the meal

And after?

We ate

It was excellent

I had ordered his favorite dish

And after the meal?

Still so curious?

It's only that I'm Konopka's assistant

and if he's in a bad mood, he'll take it out on me

If he doesn't come to you anymore

it's because he doesn't have the time and not because he's in a bad mood

So is it serious with him?

ell me, isn't that a question a mother should normally ask her son?

Don't you want to say it?


So, I have everything?

If you don't have everything, a maid will take it back to the reception

Wait, I'd rather take my cellphone in my purse

You are pregnant?

You are barely separated from Chris and you immediately became pregnant

It was an accident

I was depressed. I went to a club

I wanted to take my mind off it by dancing.

And he was there , irresistible

I had drunk too much

You did not protect yourself?


but it went wrong

I ruined everything!

And this guy?


Is he aware of "his happiness"?

No, I don't have a phone number, no address, nothing

My god he was young, cute

but as a father ...

It means that you do the same thing again

than with Nils

except with someone who has money now

A little bird at the reception twittered me

that you moved again

What is happening?

For more infomation >> Nina 2 french, eng sub - Duration: 8:15.


Playthrough: Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero - Part 35 - Duration: 11:30.

Last time we got the Map for the Libra of Crystal, a presumably hidden world because it was unreachable with just the Map of Worlds...

...This is where Mobius is currently located, and Leo can't enter because of his negative emotions; Kai is given a pass, and in this video we see how it works out

Straight off the bat, we can see an Omega marker on the map, which we can suppose will be needed to fully explore the place, so why not go for it?

Side note: we'll encounter several crystal formations like this one in this world: they can all be smashed with the X Power Omega...

...but will come back when we leave the area. Elebits in this area, aside from the common green and red ones, are mostly of the yellow, light and dark blue, and purple...

...In other words, the ones who can fuse with other Elebits, those that do nothing special but give a lot of Watts, those that shoot at Kai, and those that try to hug him ^^...

...In this room we can see some mirrors, a device that shoots a yellow light beam when activated, and two light sensors, one red and one yellow...

...With the Gun, Kai can drag both the mirrors and the light cannon along the rails they're on; unfortunately there seems to be no red light cannon in this room...

...and hitting just the yellow sensor seems to do nothing; presumably we'll need to hit both sensors to reveal the Omega, so we'll leave this puzzle for later...

...After I give up here, I open the gate in the centre of the area, then opt to explore the West wing first. Skip to 3:15

These Elebit statues can't be dragged with the Gun, but they look like they're made of some metal, so we try using the X Magnet Omega... move them onto the two tiles marked with an Elebit

We've now gained access to the Northern side of the room (since Kai seems unable to jump over that row of small crystals). Skip to 4:20

There are two more Elebit tiles here, but only one metal statue: placing just one doesn't seem to do anything, so where could we get another statue? Also...

...There's another room North of here that's blocked by a yellow block; one of the fairies seems to be inside, and a melody plays when Kai stands in front of the entrance...

...but using the Melody Omega there only activates a trap! The two statues on the sides, which seem to follow Kai with their sight, breathe fire at him...

...Thankfully the flames are easily avoided, but we can't find a way in. We'll leave that for later too. At about 7:10 we start exploring the Northeast corner...

...We smash a crystal to reveal a tunnel to the walled-off room, which conceals a Pink Elebit (7:40). Just South of this room we find the red light cannon...

...but a block is in the way and we can't fire it towards the mirror room; we need to find a way to lower that block, which is probably connected to those two Elebit tiles...

...Anyhow, I fail to solve this puzzle in this video, so you can safely stop watching here. Subtitles end here

For more infomation >> Playthrough: Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero - Part 35 - Duration: 11:30.


A DO PYŽAM! // CHILLárna // #uzivej - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> A DO PYŽAM! // CHILLárna // #uzivej - Duration: 2:54.


vlog Turquie dernière partie : fethiye ÖLÜDENIZ - Duration: 21:12.

For more infomation >> vlog Turquie dernière partie : fethiye ÖLÜDENIZ - Duration: 21:12.


Renault Clio Estate Energy TCe 90pk S&S Intens - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Renault Clio Estate Energy TCe 90pk S&S Intens - Duration: 1:13.


BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Snyder`s take on Visual Drama (Video Essay) - Duration: 13:45.

I think it's fair to say that certain time periods can be described by a

dominating movie genre. What would it look like if I were to put it in a sampler?

Now, from an Eastern European perspective if we were to discuss an

American cinema, the elderly and the more mature audience would most likely name

the Godfather trilogy.



The Usual Suspects.

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing

the world he didn't exist.

In other words: A CRIME - DRAMA.

On the parallel, there are

films packed with more intense movement and style.

Like: Die Hard.

Oh, John, what a fuck are you doing?



After that followed high budget films,

that are heavily reliant on CGI.

Movies, like: The Matrix.

Harry Potter.

Pirates of the Caribbean.


Now, I wonder where does that

leave my generation? For the absolute majority, I believe, that will most likely

be a superhero movies or an action fantasy science fiction movies.

Why does that feel wrong? If we take a look at genre tendency, we see that the drama

element was pushed out. Nowadays we often hear that, "that they don't make movies

like The Godfather anymore." But genre wise they; do however if I were to name

some most people probably haven't even heard about them.

-Because you said that you would be there! -You now have three serious separate pending legal cases

against you. One with the 16 counts of misconduct, ranging from fraud to tax evasion.

You can never change their mind.

You just...

I mean... You just fuckin shot him...

See, during times this stressful people no longer have with energy for empathy and

that largely effects on how we judge movies. That is why the internet is so

packed with articles like: "Why did Batman V Superman failed?" or "Why Marvel is better?"

But to compare DC and Marvel movies in that respect is like saying:

Why Luis Fonsi "Despacito" is better than...

Iron Maidens - "Wasting Love".

And it is possible to make an analysis on that if one of course simply minds

the popularity ,sexual appeal and so on. As far as evoking emotions there are

of course still drama elements in superhero movies.

-I didn't kill your father. -Why did you run?

But it's not very effective. Usually it just tries to get us excited

however the following scene reminds us not to take too seriously...

And that is just one example:

That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.

Look, kid. There are a lot of thing you don`t understand.

Mr. Stark said you might say that. Wow.

That's why, I think, it's important to talk about Zack Snyder's

Batman V Superman. We saw Batman portrayals quite a few

times in the past couple of decades.

But even before it became a blockbuster title,

the Dark Knight's character was already well developed in hundreds of

comic books. So in order to posture about one's faith we have to look at

what drives him.

Bruce Wayne looses his parents at the age of eight.

At that moment he decides to fight crime. In the comics Bruce is shown to have mastered

127 different martial art styles. He trained to a point where he was able to

bench press over 450 and leg press over 1130 kilograms, yet he was still

mobile enough to do gymnastics and keep up with the fastest criminals. He learned

to control his body temperature. He mastered speed reading and lip-reading.

Bruce attended some of the best universities in the world, but only

studied those subjects that were needed in order to fight crime. He also learned

all the language available to him and became the best detective in the world.

On top of that Bruce is one of the richest people in the DC world.

Wayne Enterprises that consists of Wayne technologies, Wayne food, Wayne aerospace,

Wayne industries and many other branches provide our hero with an immense wealth.

So up to this point we have a character who has a willpower, skills and resources

to fight crime. And it is well portrayed in Batman V Superman.

And that is the problem. No. Not not the movie problem or Batman's portrayal problem.

It's the characters nature problem. See on the way to becoming stronger self he

chose to ignore the very reason that got his parents killed. The man behind the

murder was Joe Chill. Now his story varies here and there he appears to be a

petty mugger although later his existence is affiliated with the Mafia.

However, even though more organized the Mafia is still a side effect of

an unprecedented thing called inequality. If we mind the realism we have to recognize

that most of Bruce Wayne's advanced technology was developed by the state sector.

In her book "The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public versus Private Sector Myths",

Mariana Mazzucato states that:

From the development of aviation, nuclear energy, computers, the Internet, biotechnology and

today's developments in green technology it is - and has been the state

not the private sector that has kick-started and developed the engine of growth.

Now corporate power evidently cares only about it`s next quarter profits.

And that creates inequality. Inequality creates bitterness.

Bitterness creates desperation. Desperation leads to the creation of an organized crime and

crimes created by those like Joe Chill. In the same book the Author continues

explaining the tendencies saying: "...that these taxpayer propped corporations are

neither returning a significant portion of the profits back to the government

nor investing in new innovation. The story US taxpayers are told is that

economic growth and innovation are outcome of an individual genius, Silicon

Valley entrepreneurs. In other words our Bruce Wayne is simply a parasite and

instead of bringing balance and fighting inequality, he literally becomes a vigilante.

Therefore in order to fight crime he creates two masks for himself:

Playboy billionaires.

-But you`re the tenth? -Guess I`m the first.

And the Caped Crusader's. And all of that is so irrational that one starts

to doubt that Zack Snyder's Batman was motivated by desire for justice.

I know that that is what was stated in both comics and movies.

Even so, if we just take a look at his decisions:

-Jesus Christ. -He branded him.

Bruce Wayne chose to represent the fear while

disguising himself as a bat. In Daniel Conway's book "Demonology and The Devil - Lore"

the Author writes: "...the main characteristic of a demon that which

distinguishes it from devil - is, as we have seen that it has a real and

human-like motive for whatever evil it causes."

And I believe Batman's main motive is very primal.

It`s hunger. Since ancient times before humans made up Gods,

one of the most common needs for human being was food. It was at the time

hard to get and people decided that this must be due to first Outsiders.

Hunger spirits. It was perhaps the first state that was perplexed into demons later on.

Bruce Wayne by all means does not have to worry about an empty stomach.

"DAILY PLANET". Do I own this one?

His hunger is as complex and dark as his character. I am referring to his hunger for rage.

A lot of people were disappointed with Batman's sudden

entrance into Zack Snyder's DC Universe, but looking from this emotional

perspective he was introduced on multiple occasions in 2013 Zack Snyder's

Man of Steel. Let's just do a little editing on this and add Alfred's

explanation on Batman's increased tendency for violence.

Come on!

Here we see Clark Kent the Superman who is about to surrender himself to anger.

That's how it starts, sir. The fever, the rage, the feeling of

powerlessness that turns good men...


I don't want to be overanalyzing and I DO realize that that is NOT what

director has intended, but when you base one of your characters on anger and

cruelty; when you present those very same emotions from a different perspective

that's what you get. Therefore the difference is that there is someone to

stop Superman and those emotions shape the way Bruce Wayne communities with

others. And that's what makes him unique in Batman V Superman. See in Christopher

Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy Bruce Wayne is either himself,

playboy billionaire,

crime-fighting vigilante.

Where were the other drugs going?

Tell me...

Do you bleed?

But in Zack Snyder's version the suit is not a mask. It acts as an amplifier

for his true rage driven form.

You will.

And his social personality looks more like a suppressed version of his true self.

A true self that resurfaces almost every

time he's being even slightly provoked. Look at his interactions:

...I`m the first to see trough that babe in the woods act...

You dont know me. But I know a few women like you.

Maybe it`s the Gotham city in me. And we just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns.

That son of the bitch brought the war to us two years ago.

In all of these experiences our hero is unveiling his Batman side and in fact it

is so paltry that it actually launches even against its predecessor movies.

I almost believe that Zack Snyder's Bruce Wayne would have chopped the peasants

head in Batman Begins. He would have probably shot or at least seriously

wounded Joker and he would have definitely killed Bane had he met him

and previously mentioned antagonists under the same circumstances.

Snyder just kind of ignored the critics and audiences even by portraying the darkest

version of this superhero.

And it kind of brings me to this drama element that I have been missing lately.

The one that I referred to in the beginning.

Zack Snyder is extremely open with this.

I believe that everybody noticed the directors

passion for extended visualized moments. Those moments define the story so well.

I believe that most people at some point held one of many great writers Erich

Maria Remarques books. I myself have read most of his novels

and it shares quite a similar visual appeal.

Now Remarque, of course, uses verbal language as a medium, but the most

definitive moments were written so well that one just could not help, but imagine

it in slow motion.

At the end of the novel "All Quiet In The Western Front",

the last day of the main dying hero is defined by fading words:

"...all quiet in the Western Front".

The last two sentences of The Triumph Arc were...

"The square was nothing but darkness. It was so dark that one could not even see the Arc de Trimpphe."

I know it's hard to comprehend it with couple sentences,

but in the context it becomes so powerful that one cannot help it but to give those words a


Now, I know I ended this movie with with probably the most

cheesiest line ever, but I wanted to be familiar with the product

Batman V Superman I and I just couldn't help it. I decided to go the same way movie went.

I mean it did what it did and just like... just like Zack Snyder I decided to end

the video essay with the note that I ended it with, so if you liked the video

please hit that subscribe button and see you guys in about a month. Perhaps sooner

perhaps later depends on you, so thank you and see you next time!

For more infomation >> BATMAN V SUPERMAN - Snyder`s take on Visual Drama (Video Essay) - Duration: 13:45.


Kat von D i jej mąż nie mogli się od siebie oderwać! - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Kat von D i jej mąż nie mogli się od siebie oderwać! - Duration: 2:06.


Toyota ProAce 2.0D L2H1 ASPIRATION Airco, Cruise Control, Lichtmetaal. - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota ProAce 2.0D L2H1 ASPIRATION Airco, Cruise Control, Lichtmetaal. - Duration: 1:08.


핫이슈 l 종영 D-1 '최고의 이혼' 차태현 진심, 배두나에 닿을까 "미안해" - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l 종영 D-1 '최고의 이혼' 차태현 진심, 배두나에 닿을까 "미안해" - Duration: 4:57.


BMW X1 1.8d sDrive EXECUTIVE SPORT EDITION, Navi , ECC, Comfort Stoelen, LMV - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 1.8d sDrive EXECUTIVE SPORT EDITION, Navi , ECC, Comfort Stoelen, LMV - Duration: 1:09.


Pour Aymeric Caron, les chroniqueurs d'On n'est pas couché sont à côté de la plaque - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Pour Aymeric Caron, les chroniqueurs d'On n'est pas couché sont à côté de la plaque - Duration: 4:22.



For more infomation >> DBZCUT | OAV #3 | DIRECTOR'S CUT : L'EVEIL DU SUPER SAIYAN GOD [SUB FR] - Duration: 1:50:45.

------------------------------------------- - New Dino Monster Sends Everyone Flying!! Dino Monster Funny Lava Trolling - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> - New Dino Monster Sends Everyone Flying!! Dino Monster Funny Lava Trolling - Duration: 10:04.


Demain nous appartient (spoiler) : Bilel, un chantage fatal à Samuel et Leïla ? - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Demain nous appartient (spoiler) : Bilel, un chantage fatal à Samuel et Leïla ? - Duration: 2:26.


Cal McNair: Father valued 'faith, family, philanthropy and football' - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Cal McNair: Father valued 'faith, family, philanthropy and football' - Duration: 1:22.


New and Improved「Paper Mario 📄 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:05:40.

For more infomation >> New and Improved「Paper Mario 📄 Ep16」 - Duration: 1:05:40.


Celtics Would Have to Give up Irving to Acquire Davis in Trade | - Duration: 3:59.

Celtics Would Have to Give up Irving to Acquire Davis in Trade |

Neither the Pelicans nor the Celtics are where they thought they'd be at this point in the season, and both will soon be looking for drastic solutions if things don't turn around.

As the most sought-after player in the league, Pelicans center Anthony Davis is often at the center of trade rumors (though he has publicly kept mostly mum) and with the Celtics on the prowl for a solution he has naturally entered the conversation.

Unfortunately, according to Dakota Randall of NESN, a trade of Anthony Davis to the Celtics literally cannot happen because of the slightly obscure "Rose Rule.

I'll let Randall explain the rule:.

Introduced in the 2011 NBA-NBA Players' Association collective bargaining agreement, the rule allows for players finishing their rookie contracts to sign for a higher percentage (30 percent, instead of 25 percent) of their team's total salary cap if they hit any of three specific thresholds: MVP, two-time All-NBA Team selection or voted-on All-Star starter.

The rule was named after 2010-11 NBA MVP Derrick Rose because he was the only player eligible to sign the extension when the criteria were introduced.

Sounds innocent enough, but here's the kicker: NBA teams aren't allowed to trade for two players signed using the Rose Rule.

And Boston's player in question? Kyrie Irving.

So until Kyrie re-signs with the Celtics when he becomes a free agent next offseason, Davis will be absolutely off limits.

Unless, of course, the trade package includes Irving himself.

And that will not happen (but hey, I've been wrong before).

If Davis Moves Before July 1st, the Celtics Have No Chance.

So as far as Anthony Davis trade rumors go, you can rule out the Celtics for now, barring some kind of earth-shattering trade that somehow includes Kyrie Irving (for some reason).

What Celtics fans should be more worried about is what happens to Davis before July 1, 2019–the date on which Irving will be able to sign those papers and Davis will be fair game.

If he somehow gets picked up by someone like the Lakers before then, the Celtics will have to kiss their chance goodbye.

But a lot can happen before then.

READ NEXT: Shannon Sharpe Won't be Covering Dwight Howard on 'Undisputed'.

For more infomation >> Celtics Would Have to Give up Irving to Acquire Davis in Trade | - Duration: 3:59.


Cable Tv - Who Provides The Best Paid Cable Tv Service for Non-Cord Cutter? #CutTheCordAlready - Duration: 6:36.

believe it or not people I still have some old-timers out there that are not

down with the core cutting movement that want a stick with a traditional cable

provider so I'm going to ask me to compare the cable providers and tell

them which one is the best of course I try to give them the cord cut but

they're not going to do it so we're going to discuss the three that I found

that would be the best out of all of them in this video

let's go

in time you will know what it's like to lose to feel so desperately that you

write but to fail

read it

just text

what's good YouTube you're back in the building with the all-knowing I love you

know feeling all-seeing all-powerful just damn while everything the sex is

hell host bringing you life games money-saving financial really the best

cable provider I would rather you cut the cord and find the service you want

but I do have a lot of old subscribers that just don't want to deal with all

that so we're going to discuss it in this video but first we put on these

plus seven glasses of the sexes he'll work on skilling up my craft bringing

you a more informed you to be sparing something better to look at no sponsors

this week I just want you guys to go in my video description grab that link that

says life games email subscribe to it so when I do

raffles when I get discounts if you want a private video done about anything get

on that email list and you can have those things done and also subscribe to

the live game fitness channel that is in the video description link I cover three

providers I did its Finity I did cops and I did spectrum now why do we hate

cable providers in the first place billing issues and customer service and

generally not giving the people what they want

price people to pay a healthy price if they feel like they're getting the value

but with cable you deal with them stealing your money on billing sometimes

you deal what you can't get customer service to help you with your building

sometimes you can't even get customer service then when you do get them they

put you on hold all day and kick you to somebody else those are some of the

biggest reasons why people hate cable in the first place so we're doing this

comparison I scoured the web I scoured websites just to see what people have

said are the best none of them really says the best it's really eliminating

the worst so first we'll go Xfinity the deal with

them is they have a forty dollar basic plan and you can get it with no contract

but get this y'all you got to pay ninety I mean ten dollars to not have it

without contract and then they kill you with all these additional fees for

sports local bright and all this other stuff and to make it

worse the customer service with them is horrible I'm going to say on this list

you're probably going to want to avoid them at all cost the next one is cocks

now cops has got this all in cumbersome service that they do and you can add

different add-ons but they're very basic plan starts at $90 and that's before all

the other fees their customer service rating was a little better than Xfinity

but I'm just not happy with them either because by the time you add all those

fees that they never tell you about you gotta be paying like 150 and it's just

hard for me to do this video because I'm just so in the core cutting but i'ma try

it so I'm gonna say my people that's old heads you want to avoid cops which

brings me to the last one which is spectrum which is basically Charter and

Time Warner Cable merged here's what I like about them you can like anything

they offer no contracts so that's already a plus but the issue with them

is you've got sneaky add-ons and additional fees and the DVR that they

give you guys it only records you know maybe 45 hours of stuff and if you know

45 hours is not a lot for some of you all but for you that request the video

that might work for you because you're probably not watching it for that anyway

and their basic fee that basic plan they want you to do a bundle with like their

phone serve which who needs that nowadays you can get theirs for $89.99

but here again they're gonna add in all these other fees for the DVR if you're

going to have internet with them with the modem all these other fees and by

the time you're done with them you're out the door with about one hundred and

forty dollars but if I had to pick one of the three my old head take spectrum

for a drive because there's no contract and if you want to quit you can X them

and what I read from the customer service with them you get a faster

response time and there haven't done any sticky stuff on your bill so if you've

got to pick one of the cable providers probably go with spectrum but of course

I'm going to say cut the cord get Amazon fire stick get the add-ons you like get

the streams you want to pay for and go that route that's gonna do it for this

video don't forget to like my video comment and subscribe go get yourself a

life game cut the core my old people get your granddaughter your baby daddy

granddaughter somebody to come show you a quick walkthrough on how to use court

cutting technology it'll take you a day and you will master that and be a pro

and you'll thank me later and until the net sex is hell video I'll see you


For more infomation >> Cable Tv - Who Provides The Best Paid Cable Tv Service for Non-Cord Cutter? #CutTheCordAlready - Duration: 6:36.


The Good Life - Ruth Schofield of The Washington Report and Music by Pastor Moses Brown - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> The Good Life - Ruth Schofield of The Washington Report and Music by Pastor Moses Brown - Duration: 58:31.


Qu'obtiendriez-vous si - Buvez de l'eau le matin - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Qu'obtiendriez-vous si - Buvez de l'eau le matin - Duration: 4:13.


01 Introduction from Why (and How) I Created a History of Screenwriting Course - Duration: 1:12.

So we're here today to talk about why I created a history of screenwriting class

not a history of film class and that's my problem.

This is quickly Who I am. I've been a screenwriter in Los Angeles. I've written

on Touched By An Angel Beverly Hills 90210, Picket Fences and for ABC news...oh...

too fast. I also just come up with a book and I'll tell you about that came out of

my class so that's part of why I love this class. It's another set of books

that I've done. I'm also the book review editor for

Journal of Screenwriting which I mentioned the other day. So please offer

to review books and I'm on the editorial board for Written By which I always

recommend as part of a screenwriting class because it's free online digitally.

You can look it up as Written By magazine and you'll have the digital

copy every month we interview either a movie writer or a television writer and

it's quite good, Of course, it's in English. My apologies and I work for Stephens

College which is located in Columbia Missouri but we do a low residency

program where the students come to Los Angeles and work at the Jim Henson

studios...hence Kermit ... and this is Charlie Chaplin's original studio so

it's still designed the way it was when he set it up in 1917.

For more infomation >> 01 Introduction from Why (and How) I Created a History of Screenwriting Course - Duration: 1:12.


Kick Ons - Movie - Duration: 1:14:21.

For more infomation >> Kick Ons - Movie - Duration: 1:14:21.


Développement PME - Le service-conseil autrement - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Développement PME - Le service-conseil autrement - Duration: 2:05.


Quali disegni vanno nel manuale di un ventilatore industriale? - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Quali disegni vanno nel manuale di un ventilatore industriale? - Duration: 4:50.


vlog Turquie dernière partie : fethiye ÖLÜDENIZ - Duration: 21:12.

For more infomation >> vlog Turquie dernière partie : fethiye ÖLÜDENIZ - Duration: 21:12.


Un si grand soleil (France 2) : qui est vraiment Elizabeth Bastide (Chrystelle Labaude) ? - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Un si grand soleil (France 2) : qui est vraiment Elizabeth Bastide (Chrystelle Labaude) ? - Duration: 3:35.


How I became conversational in 10 languages | Italki review - Duration: 5:31.

[Russian] - Всем привет! [Hi ever [English]

and welcome back to another Tip Thursday with me Conor Clyne this is

the tsar experience and today I'm talking to you from the Opera House in Odessa

Ukraine and in today's video I'm going to be reviewing italki which is a

service that I've used so much over the last few years to help me learn

languages. It's an online marketplace for language tutors I'm really excited to go

through with you today so cue the intro!

So my channel here on YouTube I've reviewed many many software products

that help you to learn languages and some of them really great but at the end

of day there's no real substitute in learning a language then contact with

real human beings native speakers of the language that's one of the reasons why I

have always gone and hired a tutor when I'm learning a new language or trying to

improve a language that I already speak to a certain level and let me give you

example like when I was learning Portuguese I wanted to learn Brazilian

Portuguese so I hired a teacher using italki in order to find them and we

had our classes over Skype twice a week two hours 2 one hour

classes a week and in about two years I was actually able to go to Brazil have a job

interview as a lawyer in Portuguese entirely in Portuguese that's how much

it helped me so you can go out there and you have all these different teachers

like you have professional teachers you have people who just are conversation

partners like language partners that you're actually free and then you have

like informal teachers or unqualified teachers who don't have maybe

professional qualifications but some of those people are really really great now

I'm not necessarily so concerned about the professional qualifications when I'm

looking for a tutor I'm actually more interested in is this person interesting

to speak to every day when I come here and have my class rather than do they

have a certain qualifications that's something I definitely advise you find

the right tutor for you!

[Russian] - Did you know that I might go to Minsk?

- When Liza? That would be cool!

I'm going to Minsk because I need to go to the embassy.

- Ok. Good.

- I think soon. I don't know, maybe in 2 weeks.

- In 2 weeks, I will still be there!

[English] So in terms of price is definitely going to be cheaper in

general than if you have a tutor come to your place or actually you go to meet

them in person in the city or in I would think it's probably going to be about

half the price that really depends on the language you're learning and also

how much in demand that particular teacher that you want to hire is so one

of the things that I recommend that you do do in terms of learning a language for

travel and especially if you're gonna come to Eastern Europe is role plays

with the tutor that you use via italki because that's a great way to put

yourself in that stressful situation before you arrive to the country itself

and that means that you're gonna react by default when speaking the language a

lot better than if you're unprepared so for example say you're going to travel

to Russia and you know that you're gonna fly to Moscow then role playing

scenarios when you're in the airport that you need to take a public transport

into the city that you need to go to seeing museums if you're planning to go

to the Kremlin for example and other sightseeing places obviously ordering in

a restaurant is going to be important as you're all gonna have to do that maybe

dating and chatting to girls that's also something that you should practice

beforehand with your tutor in a roleplay situation so that when you're under that

stress then you're in real life because you gonna have a lot of things going on

around you they're gonna be new when you're traveling you're gonna be able to

just react by default with the right words and with confidence as well in

fact in terms of dating I'm actually working on a new product myself so there is gonna

be a link below in the description to this video you should go there if you're

interested in learning the Russian language in particular you can go there

and check that out I'm gonna have a course that's gonna allow you to really

boost your Russian and get it ready for traveling on a trip in one month we'll

also deal with all those things like dating so if that's something you're interested in

then definitely go check it out they're working on that and

there's a link below that's going to bring you to the page and give you more details so there

you have it that's my review italki that's how I hope you learned so many

languages especially Russian and Ukrainian so if you've used italki

then drop a comment below in the comment section if you've enjoyed this video and

found it useful of course check out my link there to go and look at it for

yourself strike the like button and of course squeeze that red subscribe button

if you're not already a subscriber here on Tsar Experience with me Conor Clyne

and whack the notification bell beside it

because that's how you get notified whenever I'm uploading a new video and

as you can see behind me let me show you something that's actually the

cathedral in Odessa that so this is a fantastic view I got from this Airbnb

apartment complete 360 of the city center just literally over there just

behind me is the main pedestrian street Deribasovskaya so on that note

I'm gonna enjoy the last few moments of this evening's sunshine I wish you a very

productive evening morning or afternoon wherever you're watching this and I'll

see you guys in the next video!

До свидания! Ciao!

For more infomation >> How I became conversational in 10 languages | Italki review - Duration: 5:31.


6 Ways to ENJOY Motherhood and Be PRESENT in the Moment | Mindful Motherhood | Ysis Lorenna - Duration: 12:05.

Hi guys welcome back to another mindful motherhood Monday in today's video I

want to share six ways for you to enjoy motherhood by being more present in the

moment and if you don't know mindfulness the definition of mindfulness is being

present in the moment so essentially I'm gonna show you a few ways in which you

can use mindfulness to enjoy motherhood this is something that I'm really

passionate about and it's the focus of my channel so if you're new around here

then hi my name is Ysis I make videos about lifestyle and parenting and I

focus on mindfulness for moms I have a series called mindful motherhood which

is this one that you're watching and it goes live on my channel every Monday at

7 p.m. and I love these videos they helped me as a mom so much and I'm

really glad to hear that they're helping you guys too so without further ado

let's get straight on with the video the first thing I wanted to say is that part

of this journey that I've been on of being a more mindful parent is to pay

attention to the way that I parent and the things that happen around me so I'm

gonna speak from the heart here and I feel like a lot of you will understand

me sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and so

exhausted by these huge demands that my little people have and personally when I

get overwhelmed it can go one of two ways

I either shut down completely or I start blaming the world for my problems

these are overwhelming moments that we all have we all go through in our lives

are usually the ones when I notice that I'm not enjoying motherhood to the

fullest and I catch myself doing things like talking to my children without even

looking at them or kind of huffing and puffing when I have to like refill the

snack bowl for the fifth time in five minutes so the little things that once

gave me joy are actually feeling like a chore the things that made me feel happy

and made me laugh are now feeling like the things that I can't keep up with and

I feel so guilty for being like that and I want to be better but how when I get

to that point this is how I get out of it

start enjoying motherhood again so I have six things that I do that help me

be more present in the moment with my children and help me enjoy motherhood

the first thing I do is to cancel all my plans now obviously this is not possible

every day but if I'm having a tree over whelming day that is the first thing

that I will do cancel anything that's unnecessary and I focus on just having

fun with the children go out in the garden and run around that you chase

them around the house and all of a sudden I'm in the moment with them and

I'm enjoying being their mum instead of being a mum who was in charge of the

whole house and has so many things in their mind I'm simply just being mum I'm

having fun they're having fun so that's the first way that helps me enjoy the

moment and be there for my children the second thing that helps me is to

remember how quickly our children grow up I mean I can remember not long ago I

had to hold my children's head upright for their heads not to fall and that

time is past and they don't need me in that sense anymore so it's about

perspective it's about making you feel like this time this phase is a dot

compared to the whole of their lives and it won't be long until they don't want

us and don't need us all the time for everything anymore and that always helps

me to enjoy motherhood that little bit more it's that sort of missing out on

those precious years that go by too quickly that make me feel like maybe I

need to be enjoying this rather than feeling overwhelmed by these their needs

and you know their demands which are only going to be for such a short space

of time third thing is to wake up before the kids and now if you have a newborn

baby or very young children or children who don't sleep well at night then you

might be looking at me and going no way no chance of that happening and I know I

get you because I was one of those people up until recently I still have a

child who does sleep through the night so I understand

being up in the night and feeling like every little second counts of sleep but

I'll tell you with me being a case study of what it's done for me

just by waking up 5 minutes 5 10 15 minutes before my children even if I

don't get out of bed if I just lay there in silence or if I look at the news on

my phone and catch up with whatever I need to do plan the day ahead in the

quiet peace does wonders for my mood and for my brain and it makes me feel when

the kids come into our bedroom in the morning like I want to play with them

and cuddle them and kiss them because I've had that time for myself as much as

it was only 5-10 minutes it was time that I had to just process

and to breathe and to you know just being me for five minutes so that does

wonders for me enjoying that first thing in the morning instead of feeling like

they're interrupting my time interrupting my sleep I feel like I

really want a cuddle from them and I want to talk to them and you know it

just really does great things for my mind and for my mental health and for my

mood in the morning I highly recommend it

I am aiming to get up - waking up one hour before the kids and to actually get

out of bed and get myself ready and get downstairs but I'm not quite there yet

because I still need a little bit of that extra sleep but doing the 5 to 15

minutes before the kids really does help me fourth thing that helps me might be a

little bit odd but it's just to shake it off physically and I mean like

completely with your body just like shake it all off and get out of an

overwhelming mood and makes you feel lighter and what I find in that that

usually makes my children laugh as well if I'm standing in the kitchen and I'm

really like stressed and overwhelmed and you know they're asking for loads of

things and I'm trying to focus on something that I'm doing and if I just

take a deep breath and shake it all off my kids look

like what are you doing and they start to laugh it just breaks the bad mode it

breaks that tension in the air and it just makes me feel lighter so I kind of

look at the situation differently from then onwards and you know it just I

don't know it puts a spring in my step and I feel like it helps me enjoy the

little moments a little bit more and gets me out of like an overwhelmed mood

number five is to establish some boundaries and I know that that's really

hard when you're a parent and you know boundaries personal space what is that

waking up with someone put your finger up your nose it's just a normal being a

parent isn't it so the word boundaries for parents is really difficult but I

feel like in order for you to properly enjoy your time with your children and

be present in the moment with them you have to have boundaries you have to have

children time mum time or whatever you call adult time and kids time and you

have to have that time for yourself obviously it depends on what stage of

life your children are if you have very young children it will be incredibly

tricky but finding any time of the day where you can have time for yourself the

traditional way of living is always to separate work in life you know the old

saying you don't take your home to work and you don't take work home that is

like the ideal work-life balance so drawing that parallel into parenting if

you're constantly in my mode you feel like you have nothing for yourself and

it's very quick from there for you to have a mummy burnout which I talked

about in a previous month mind for motherhood video I'll leave that links

below I talked all about mummy burnout and how to avoid it so when you have no

boundaries between your time and children time you're much more likely to

take your frustrations out on your children and to snap at them because

obviously you feel like you haven't had a chance to do anything and you haven't

had time to do anything in my opinion the best way to set your mind up to

enjoy your time with your children is to time without your children as harsh as

that sounds and as weird as it sounds you need that little reset button I feel

like when I spend a few hours away from my children for whatever reason even if

it's for work I come back and I miss them so much I'm much more likely to

want to play with them and talk to them and interact with them it literally

doesn't have to be long you can have loose boundaries and adapt it to what

your family needs but definitely having some boundaries is for me essential to

enjoying your time with your children and the last thing that helps me really

enjoy motherhood and be present in the moment with my children is to really pay

attention to them and really look at them when was the last time that you

watched your children play and watch their little brains working things out

when was the last time that you listened to a whole sentence by looking into

their eyes and fully taking in everything that they're saying and

marveling at how much they know and how develops their speech is and how they

can understand you and you can understand them when was the last time

that you really paid attention to your children that to me is a very quick way

to get out of an overwhelming situation when I just look at my children and I

pay attention to them I get so much enjoyment out of doing that it reminds

me of when I had my first child and I had all this time to just sit and stare

at his face and I remember him falling asleep in my arms and me lying there and

just looking at his face and I would literally like I don't know analyze

every little feature of his face I would look at his nose and his ears and his

eyes and I wouldn't know every inch of his face and that feeling of getting to

know your child can kind of wear off once they're a little bit older and

they're you know moving all the time they don't want to be held they don't

want to be coddled so much and you can kind of lose touch with that you know

with that part of really paying attention to your children so when I

remember the time that I used to spend sitting on my sofa with a baby asleep in

my arms just paying attention to him I go back

and I look at them my children now and I see everything I see their eyelashes I

see you know the little things that they have on their faces the way that their

faces light up when something happens you know the different expressions and

everything so that is a really great way for me to enjoy motherhood is to pay

attention to my children and watch them closely so I hope you guys found these

tips helpful please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and don't

forget to share it with your friends if you feel like this might be helpful to

someone you know as well if you're not subscribed to my channel I would love to

have you here I post videos three times a week but come in December I have a

very special surprise for you guys so stay tuned on the 1st of December is

something really really good coming up I hope you enjoyed this video and I will

see you all in my next video bye

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