Saturday, November 3, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 3 2018

blasphemy punishment is death sentence

Today all european not accepting it

they are accepting all, its not incredible

Finality of Prophethood law & blasphemy


Europeans do not digest



to forgive

its also blasphemy

because courts give contempt of court for themself

contempt of court, contempt of court

they most care about contempt of court but

they take sou moto notices for contempt of court

but blasphemy law is not contempt?

blasphemy is not crime?

i would say that these judges

treason with constitution

they also treason with blasphemy law

they rebel with constitution

my point of view is that

these judges not only suspended

in constitution where mentioned about blasphemy law

they (judges) deserve death sentence

Allah O Akbar (God is big)

Allah O Akbar (God is big)

Blasphemy law is great

Blasphemy law is great

these judges

deserve punishment according to blasphemy law as well

This Chief Justice Saqib Nisar

was gained very popularity

he was struggling against corruption and land mafia

and was catching the thieves

was also catching corrupt Ministers

we thought God gifted him to us, we thought he is like angel

but this angel become devil

He poured water on all his good deeds

his all good deeds finished after (Asia bibi case judgment)

so on this situation

i meet with PM Imran Khan

my first meeting and first demand was

about this matter (Asia bibi case)

i said, i heard courts going to leave / to set free Asia bibi

i asked, what is inside story of Asia bibi relieving?

He (Imran Khan) was upset

He never answered properly about my question

I said if you do this (relieved Asia bibi) God (Allah) will snatch your Government

because Nawaz Sharif

hanged Mumtaz Qadri immediately

even Pakistan & India never took this risk (quoted incident before partition)

its Pakistan bad luck that every new ruler

is worse than previous ruler

So this man (Nawaz Sharif) dont care

He hanged Mumtaz Qadri for happiness of US

So i told that all story to Imran Khan

I told Nawaz Sharif's story to him


take strict stand on this case (Asia bibi)

never take burden of international lobby

So now, these judges are like punishment for us

these judges deserve strict punishment

Imran Khan should stand and suspend those judges

or rollback the decision of Supreme Court judges

If he didn't do this than its my faith

that his humiliation days has came.

Allah (God) will disgrace him

and his power will be lost. InshaAllah

And all parliamentarian

giving speeches

Shahbaz sharif also came to parliament and give speech

on Kashmir, but no one member of parliament

stand on this issue

either Shahbaz Sharif

either no other member of parliament

All opposition is silent on this issue

who never toook stand for our beloved Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

what he will be?

No one paying lending on this issue

All members should stand on this issue

Fight against enemy of our beloved prophet

is deobandi (our) responsibility

we will be in first row on this issue

and we will take this movement

uptill these judges (who give judgment on Asia bibi case)

must be punished, we will not stop movement

May Allah (God) protect all of us

For more infomation >> Maulana Sami Ul Haq JUI-S Last Speech before assassinated in Urdu / English Subtitles - Duration: 4:32.


11/2/18 9:35 PM (Union Bank Plaza, 445 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 11/2/18 9:35 PM (Union Bank Plaza, 445 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90071, USA) - Duration: 5:02.


11/2/18 9:30 PM (2507 S Bronson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018, USA) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 11/2/18 9:30 PM (2507 S Bronson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90018, USA) - Duration: 5:02.


印度買S400用盧布支付俄羅斯 「去美元化」浪潮加劇 美元瓦解不遠了 - Duration: 10:35.

在全球去美元 化的浪潮下

俄羅斯和印度 的作用不能 忽視。


據環球網援引 俄羅斯衛星 通訊社報道 稱

俄羅斯副總理 尤里·鮑里 索夫向記者 表示

與印度所簽署 的S-40 0系統供應 合同支付貨 幣為盧布。


俄羅斯計劃與 軍事技術合 作夥伴本幣 結算。

根據兩國簽署 的飛彈協議

俄羅斯將向印 度提供足夠 裝備5個團 的S-40 0防空飛彈 系統

交易金額54 .


一個是全球第 二軍事大國

一個是全球第 二人口大國

俄印兩國採用 盧布進行軍 火交易結算

充分彰顯了兩 國去美元的 堅定決心。

俄印兩國在重 大交易上放 棄使用美元

將產生兩個重 要影響。


促進俄羅斯所 有軍火交易 都使用盧布

衝擊國際軍火 市場。


與俄羅斯達成 採購S-4 00協議的 國家不止印 度

還有中國和土 耳其

而俄羅斯的其 他武器也受 到各國青睞 。

在國際軍火市 場上

俄羅斯武器所 占份額毫不 遜色美國。

如果中國土耳 其均採用盧 布結算軍火

那麼將提升俄 羅斯貨幣的 國際影響力

加速去美元化 的趨勢。


俄羅斯自今年 以來就多次 拋售美債

一舉退出美債 十大持有國 名單

並呼籲建立本 國貨幣為中 心的結算體 系。

俄羅斯去美化 的舉措

旨在反擊美國 的經濟制裁

抵消使用美元 帶來的經濟 風險。


促進和加速多 元化國際結 算體系的形 成。

在俄羅斯呼籲 建立本國結 算體系之前

中國歐盟也提 出了同樣的 想法。


歐盟委員會主 席容克認為

歐盟80%以 上的進口能 源採用美元 支付是「不 正常的」

必須建立歐元 結算體系。


歐盟委員會就 鼓勵歐洲央 行推進使用 歐元作為單 一結算貨幣 。


俄羅斯財政部 長西盧安諾 夫表示

俄羅斯願與歐 洲國家展開 合作

嘗試用歐元來 結算石油貿 易。

除了歐盟和中 俄之外



伊朗等在嘗試 用人民幣、

歐元和本國貨 幣進行國際 交易。

為了不被美國 脅迫壓榨

各國掀起了去 美元化的全 球浪潮

俄印的實質性 舉動

將會增強各國 去美元化的 信心。


美國建立了操 控世界經濟 秩序的石油 美元體系

通過這個體系 美國攫取了 大量財富

成為世界超級 強國。

911事件爆 發後

美國耗費巨資 發動全球反 恐戰爭




不惜代價推行 美國優先的 單邊主義行 徑

運用美元武器 對付不聽話 的國家

讓世界各國對 使用美元產 生了牴觸情 緒。

無論出於維護 本國利益

還是順應全球 「去美元化 」趨勢


只有尋求替代 美元的貨幣

才能不被美國 政府綁架。

雖然「去美元 化」不可能 一蹴而就

但趨勢已然開 啟

誰也不可能阻 擋這股歷史 洪流。

在全球去美元 化的浪潮下

俄羅斯和印度 的作用不能 忽視。


據環球網援引 俄羅斯衛星 通訊社報道 稱

俄羅斯副總理 尤里·鮑里 索夫向記者 表示

與印度所簽署 的S-40 0系統供應 合同支付貨 幣為盧布。


俄羅斯計劃與 軍事技術合 作夥伴本幣 結算。

根據兩國簽署 的飛彈協議

俄羅斯將向印 度提供足夠 裝備5個團 的S-40 0防空飛彈 系統

交易金額54 .


一個是全球第 二軍事大國

一個是全球第 二人口大國

俄印兩國採用 盧布進行軍 火交易結算

充分彰顯了兩 國去美元的 堅定決心。

俄印兩國在重 大交易上放 棄使用美元

將產生兩個重 要影響。


促進俄羅斯所 有軍火交易 都使用盧布

衝擊國際軍火 市場。


與俄羅斯達成 採購S-4 00協議的 國家不止印 度

還有中國和土 耳其

而俄羅斯的其 他武器也受 到各國青睞 。

在國際軍火市 場上

俄羅斯武器所 占份額毫不 遜色美國。

如果中國土耳 其均採用盧 布結算軍火

那麼將提升俄 羅斯貨幣的 國際影響力

加速去美元化 的趨勢。


俄羅斯自今年 以來就多次 拋售美債

一舉退出美債 十大持有國 名單

並呼籲建立本 國貨幣為中 心的結算體 系。

俄羅斯去美化 的舉措

旨在反擊美國 的經濟制裁

抵消使用美元 帶來的經濟 風險。


促進和加速多 元化國際結 算體系的形 成。

在俄羅斯呼籲 建立本國結 算體系之前

中國歐盟也提 出了同樣的 想法。


歐盟委員會主 席容克認為

歐盟80%以 上的進口能 源採用美元 支付是「不 正常的」

必須建立歐元 結算體系。


歐盟委員會就 鼓勵歐洲央 行推進使用 歐元作為單 一結算貨幣 。


俄羅斯財政部 長西盧安諾 夫表示

俄羅斯願與歐 洲國家展開 合作

嘗試用歐元來 結算石油貿 易。

除了歐盟和中 俄之外



伊朗等在嘗試 用人民幣、

歐元和本國貨 幣進行國際 交易。

為了不被美國 脅迫壓榨

各國掀起了去 美元化的全 球浪潮

俄印的實質性 舉動

將會增強各國 去美元化的 信心。


美國建立了操 控世界經濟 秩序的石油 美元體系

通過這個體系 美國攫取了 大量財富

成為世界超級 強國。

911事件爆 發後

美國耗費巨資 發動全球反 恐戰爭




不惜代價推行 美國優先的 單邊主義行 徑

運用美元武器 對付不聽話 的國家

讓世界各國對 使用美元產 生了牴觸情 緒。

無論出於維護 本國利益

還是順應全球 「去美元化 」趨勢


只有尋求替代 美元的貨幣

才能不被美國 政府綁架。

雖然「去美元 化」不可能 一蹴而就

但趨勢已然開 啟

誰也不可能阻 擋這股歷史 洪流。

在全球去美元 化的浪潮下

俄羅斯和印度 的作用不能 忽視。


據環球網援引 俄羅斯衛星 通訊社報道 稱

俄羅斯副總理 尤里·鮑里 索夫向記者 表示

與印度所簽署 的S-40 0系統供應 合同支付貨 幣為盧布。


俄羅斯計劃與 軍事技術合 作夥伴本幣 結算。

根據兩國簽署 的飛彈協議

俄羅斯將向印 度提供足夠 裝備5個團 的S-40 0防空飛彈 系統

交易金額54 .


一個是全球第 二軍事大國

一個是全球第 二人口大國

俄印兩國採用 盧布進行軍 火交易結算

充分彰顯了兩 國去美元的 堅定決心。

俄印兩國在重 大交易上放 棄使用美元

將產生兩個重 要影響。


促進俄羅斯所 有軍火交易 都使用盧布

衝擊國際軍火 市場。


與俄羅斯達成 採購S-4 00協議的 國家不止印 度

還有中國和土 耳其

而俄羅斯的其 他武器也受 到各國青睞 。

在國際軍火市 場上

俄羅斯武器所 占份額毫不 遜色美國。

如果中國土耳 其均採用盧 布結算軍火

那麼將提升俄 羅斯貨幣的 國際影響力

加速去美元化 的趨勢。


俄羅斯自今年 以來就多次 拋售美債

一舉退出美債 十大持有國 名單

並呼籲建立本 國貨幣為中 心的結算體 系。

俄羅斯去美化 的舉措

旨在反擊美國 的經濟制裁

抵消使用美元 帶來的經濟 風險。


促進和加速多 元化國際結 算體系的形 成。

在俄羅斯呼籲 建立本國結 算體系之前

中國歐盟也提 出了同樣的 想法。


歐盟委員會主 席容克認為

歐盟80%以 上的進口能 源採用美元 支付是「不 正常的」

必須建立歐元 結算體系。


歐盟委員會就 鼓勵歐洲央 行推進使用 歐元作為單 一結算貨幣 。


俄羅斯財政部 長西盧安諾 夫表示

俄羅斯願與歐 洲國家展開 合作

嘗試用歐元來 結算石油貿 易。

除了歐盟和中 俄之外



伊朗等在嘗試 用人民幣、

歐元和本國貨 幣進行國際 交易。

為了不被美國 脅迫壓榨

各國掀起了去 美元化的全 球浪潮

俄印的實質性 舉動

將會增強各國 去美元化的 信心。


美國建立了操 控世界經濟 秩序的石油 美元體系

通過這個體系 美國攫取了 大量財富

成為世界超級 強國。

911事件爆 發後

美國耗費巨資 發動全球反 恐戰爭




不惜代價推行 美國優先的 單邊主義行 徑

運用美元武器 對付不聽話 的國家

讓世界各國對 使用美元產 生了牴觸情 緒。

無論出於維護 本國利益

還是順應全球 「去美元化 」趨勢


只有尋求替代 美元的貨幣

才能不被美國 政府綁架。

雖然「去美元 化」不可能 一蹴而就

但趨勢已然開 啟

誰也不可能阻 擋這股歷史 洪流。

無論出於維護 本國利益

還是順應全球 「去美元化 」趨勢


只有尋求替代 美元的貨幣

才能不被美國 政府綁架。

雖然「去美元 化」不可能 一蹴而就

但趨勢已然開 啟

誰也不可能阻 擋這股歷史 洪流。

For more infomation >> 印度買S400用盧布支付俄羅斯 「去美元化」浪潮加劇 美元瓦解不遠了 - Duration: 10:35.


HSN | Chef Curtis Stone Holiday Prep 11.03.2018 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Chef Curtis Stone Holiday Prep 11.03.2018 - 12 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Maruti Suzuki NEXA IGNIS - Personalize it your way | Shivam Autozone - Duration: 0:22.

it's different its unique , personalize your Ignis your way style it drive it Ignis

none of a kind

For more infomation >> Maruti Suzuki NEXA IGNIS - Personalize it your way | Shivam Autozone - Duration: 0:22.


What If People Don't Like The Music I Make? - Duration: 5:43.

What is going on what if someone doesn't like your music when you take the time

to release an album or become a music producer rejection is definitely a

reality in this video we're gonna discuss how to deal with rejection in

the music industry but first I'd like to let you know that episode 4 of the

samplers podcast is live right now at the daydream sound website this week's

episode deals what the question of is the barrier to entry to low for music

producers in 2018 and of course you could always support our work here by

liking and subscribing to our channel and with that let's get to it

rejection and general dislike of our music by the general public is the

plight of all musicians we all go through this over the duration of our

career and it's something that has to be managed and put into perspective or the

consequences that can be suffered from continuous rejection can cause an early

end to our careers and music you know it's one thing to get general hate from

people who you don't know like if you put out an album or you're making beats

and someone just says well I don't like that I don't like this guy I don't like

your music I don't like you well it's never something that we want to hear

it's still really an anonymous opinion what can really shake us up is negative

feedback from people whose opinions we actually respect when you receive

negative comments about your music from people like this it can really dominate

your thoughts and while your self-esteem may not be shaken

you will be bothered enough to wonder how can someone evaluate your entire

work that you put so much effort in and just flippantly dismiss your creation so

we're gonna go over three things to help you deal with this number one

have great people around you this can be friends acquaintances business partners

your core team the people that you interact with most have to be people

that will snap you back into the present whenever things like this happen they

will remind you why you make music in the first place and these aren't yes men

or women that I'm talking about here these are people that will see you

spiraling out of control overthinking things and snap you back

into reality and they'll do all this because they know and above all things

you chose to make music and as long as that is your goal they'll hold you to

that number two now when you do receive comments or feedback or negative

reactions in general about your music you're gonna have to deal with it this

isn't something that you can run away from and the most beneficial way to deal

with this sort of thing is to turn it into a learning experience sometimes the

most valuable Intel that you can gain about your music and your craft comes

from a genuine insult and in knowing this you can take the criticism from

others extrapolate what works for you and what you can use and discard the

rest this is a very important step because you're not going to be able to

move forward unless you do this and a technique like this is a great way of

finding out exactly who your audience is and what they like and if you find that

you're receiving the same vein of criticism consistently about your music

it doesn't say anything negative about your music what it is saying that

possibly the audience that you have isn't the type of audience that you need

and since we live on earth with a lot of people there is definitely room for you

to find the audience that will react favorably to your music oh and one last

thing before we move on a genuine negative comment is not to be confused

with a dedicated listener or client or fan recognizing that you may have took

shortcuts and intentionally put out subpar music hoping that they wouldn't

realize if your audience is calling you out on this in what might seem like a

negative comment it's time for you to stop take a step back and realize that

that particular person or people is giving you the biggest for most

port you can ever get what they are saying is that they enjoy your music so

much and they're invested in you so much that they want to see you do better

because they know you can do better and rather than silently move on to

another artist they'd rather let you know to step your game up and that's a

big sign to let you know that you have the right audience and you have a

dedicated audience number three keep it moving once you've gone through the

process of step one and two realize you're still here to make music and as

artists we don't have time to stop the cultivation of our craft to mourn over a

negative reaction to our music it's best for us to realize that when we take

risks and music people will hate what we do today and love what we do tomorrow

we've seen this time and time again throughout the history of Arts in

general sometimes our audience isn't all ready to accept what we're doing and

sometimes the reactions may vary from positive recognition to all-out hate so

we have to put everything in perspective but what we can't do is stop a career in

music can be a serious mental rollercoaster with extreme highs and

ridiculously low lows kind of like life and no matter what part of the journey

we're on we have to keep on being creative and if we deal with rejection

and negative reactions from our listeners in this way we can ensure

longevity in our careers without burning out mentally anyway thank you for

watching if you liked and learned something today

subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the

meantime take care of yourself peace

For more infomation >> What If People Don't Like The Music I Make? - Duration: 5:43.


Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.

For more infomation >> Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.


Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:56.


Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:47.


Merah : "La Cour a manqué de courage", dénonce le président du Crif Midi-Pyrénées - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Merah : "La Cour a manqué de courage", dénonce le président du Crif Midi-Pyrénées - Duration: 3:53.


かえるのピアノ - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> かえるのピアノ - Duration: 2:31.


Map Giáng Sinh - Tướng Mới Darcy | New Map Christmas - New Hero D'ARCY | SGaming - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Map Giáng Sinh - Tướng Mới Darcy | New Map Christmas - New Hero D'ARCY | SGaming - Duration: 4:37.


Vlog! Manor Abramtsevo. As we were not allowed into the museum with a dog - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Vlog! Manor Abramtsevo. As we were not allowed into the museum with a dog - Duration: 6:18.


Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.

For more infomation >> Using capitalism to save nature - VPRO documentary - 2017 - Duration: 44:49.



For more infomation >> QUELLE VILLE CHOISIR POUR DE LA LOCATION COURTE DURÉE - Duration: 6:56.


Muffin Man | Supremes Cartoon | Songs And Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:03.

Muffin Man...

For more infomation >> Muffin Man | Supremes Cartoon | Songs And Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 2:03.


Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:14.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after

Then up Jack got and home he ran,

As fast as he could caper.

He went to bed to mend his head

With vinegar and brown paper.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after

For more infomation >> Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:14.


Why Claudia Kim keeps getting roles in Hollywood? Because of her English? - Duration: 3:54.

Hello, it's Jinger.

Claudia Kim lived in America

from 5 to 11. So she speaks like a native speaker.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

She took the role as Nagini.

People said Nagini casting is racist.

Korean actress appearing in a blockbuster movie

I think it's positive.

It's not a stupid, ridiculous role.

Nagini is Voldemort's snake!

I totally support Claudia Kim.

So I made this video.

Jinger English

(English & Korean subs will follow.)

Seal means to close securely.

When your lips are sealed, you can't talk.

So it means to keep secrets.

My lips are sealed.

means 'It's a secret'.

Native speakers use it a lot.

I love her voice when speaking English!

It sounds great.

She's beautiful

and intelligent.

From 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

The Dark Tower

Marco Polo

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

she took many roles.

I'm sure people are jealous.

But she didn't get them easily.

Avengers audition

meant a lot to me.

I acted in front of the director.

Do it again!

He said.

That praise

helped me to recover my self-esteem.

I thought I got the role.

But it was almost taken away from me.

Because I wasn't as well known as other actresses.

I decided let it go.

But then, the role came to me.

She became Nagini

because the original actress

got pregnant

so Claudia Kim took it.

She was lucky.

But if she weren't a great actress

would the role become hers?

Of course not.

You can catch a chance when you're ready.

Other people get chances

but why not me?

Have you ever thought like that?

Then think about yourself. Am I good enough?

You might not be ready

or maybe you didn't see it coming.

Until I could get a better chance

I will keep trying hard.

My name is Jinger.

If you like this video


See you next time


For more infomation >> Why Claudia Kim keeps getting roles in Hollywood? Because of her English? - Duration: 3:54.


What If People Don't Like The Music I Make? - Duration: 5:43.

What is going on what if someone doesn't like your music when you take the time

to release an album or become a music producer rejection is definitely a

reality in this video we're gonna discuss how to deal with rejection in

the music industry but first I'd like to let you know that episode 4 of the

samplers podcast is live right now at the daydream sound website this week's

episode deals what the question of is the barrier to entry to low for music

producers in 2018 and of course you could always support our work here by

liking and subscribing to our channel and with that let's get to it

rejection and general dislike of our music by the general public is the

plight of all musicians we all go through this over the duration of our

career and it's something that has to be managed and put into perspective or the

consequences that can be suffered from continuous rejection can cause an early

end to our careers and music you know it's one thing to get general hate from

people who you don't know like if you put out an album or you're making beats

and someone just says well I don't like that I don't like this guy I don't like

your music I don't like you well it's never something that we want to hear

it's still really an anonymous opinion what can really shake us up is negative

feedback from people whose opinions we actually respect when you receive

negative comments about your music from people like this it can really dominate

your thoughts and while your self-esteem may not be shaken

you will be bothered enough to wonder how can someone evaluate your entire

work that you put so much effort in and just flippantly dismiss your creation so

we're gonna go over three things to help you deal with this number one

have great people around you this can be friends acquaintances business partners

your core team the people that you interact with most have to be people

that will snap you back into the present whenever things like this happen they

will remind you why you make music in the first place and these aren't yes men

or women that I'm talking about here these are people that will see you

spiraling out of control overthinking things and snap you back

into reality and they'll do all this because they know and above all things

you chose to make music and as long as that is your goal they'll hold you to

that number two now when you do receive comments or feedback or negative

reactions in general about your music you're gonna have to deal with it this

isn't something that you can run away from and the most beneficial way to deal

with this sort of thing is to turn it into a learning experience sometimes the

most valuable Intel that you can gain about your music and your craft comes

from a genuine insult and in knowing this you can take the criticism from

others extrapolate what works for you and what you can use and discard the

rest this is a very important step because you're not going to be able to

move forward unless you do this and a technique like this is a great way of

finding out exactly who your audience is and what they like and if you find that

you're receiving the same vein of criticism consistently about your music

it doesn't say anything negative about your music what it is saying that

possibly the audience that you have isn't the type of audience that you need

and since we live on earth with a lot of people there is definitely room for you

to find the audience that will react favorably to your music oh and one last

thing before we move on a genuine negative comment is not to be confused

with a dedicated listener or client or fan recognizing that you may have took

shortcuts and intentionally put out subpar music hoping that they wouldn't

realize if your audience is calling you out on this in what might seem like a

negative comment it's time for you to stop take a step back and realize that

that particular person or people is giving you the biggest for most

port you can ever get what they are saying is that they enjoy your music so

much and they're invested in you so much that they want to see you do better

because they know you can do better and rather than silently move on to

another artist they'd rather let you know to step your game up and that's a

big sign to let you know that you have the right audience and you have a

dedicated audience number three keep it moving once you've gone through the

process of step one and two realize you're still here to make music and as

artists we don't have time to stop the cultivation of our craft to mourn over a

negative reaction to our music it's best for us to realize that when we take

risks and music people will hate what we do today and love what we do tomorrow

we've seen this time and time again throughout the history of Arts in

general sometimes our audience isn't all ready to accept what we're doing and

sometimes the reactions may vary from positive recognition to all-out hate so

we have to put everything in perspective but what we can't do is stop a career in

music can be a serious mental rollercoaster with extreme highs and

ridiculously low lows kind of like life and no matter what part of the journey

we're on we have to keep on being creative and if we deal with rejection

and negative reactions from our listeners in this way we can ensure

longevity in our careers without burning out mentally anyway thank you for

watching if you liked and learned something today

subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the

meantime take care of yourself peace

For more infomation >> What If People Don't Like The Music I Make? - Duration: 5:43.


Brigitte Macron : La presse Britannique la compare à une "star de cinéma" -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron : La presse Britannique la compare à une "star de cinéma" -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:36.


Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:56.


Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show (11/02/2018) Krystal must decide whether to stay in an open relationship.... - Duration: 5:47.


5 Mistakes to Avoid On While Uploading Video on Youtube | Youtubers Mistakes to avoid 2018 In Hindi - Duration: 12:03.








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