Hello, this is Sea Hedgehog, and you're here again on
my channel A Jest in Sober Earnest, and I thought I
would just use this time really quickly to just
show you some of the things I've been working on since
my box opening videos.
Don't mind the clothes that I'm wearing, I just have
something to do today where I have to be dressed up,
so you've got me in fancy clothes.
So the first—watch me, dominoes, and they fall
everywhere. So the first thing that I thought I would
show is the progress to the modding project that I was
talking about in the box opening for the Doll Family H
Beilan (still pronouncing it wrong) on the 68cm new
body. And I was talking about how—I have to straighten
the doll in order for you to see: hold on. You might have
also seen on my Instagram how stable this doll is, but
as a consequence it means you've got to use some
force to unbend him from his contortions.
So I was talking about here [elbow peanut] and here
[knee peanut] and how the little indents, and I don't
know what to call it, tabs, [slits,] or whatever that the
elastic is supposed to go through weren't tall enough
and so it was interfering with the body's ability to bend
at those joints.
So I went in, and I'll show you what I did. Do you see
that? It's crooked, so you can see how I went in there on
both sides, and I did it equally on this side, and I did it
here and I did it there. And I just used an Xacto knife,
which is why they look kind of crooked instead of
straight, like with a Dremel.
I kind of prefer to do smaller scale mods with an Xacto
because you don't lose as much resin [at once], you
have to use a lot more force, and you have to go a lot
slower, so your risks of f*cking it up are lower. Or, at
least, in my perspective, they are.
And so I guess I'll show you what it [the modification]
does. I don't—I thought about making this video when I'd
done only one side, but I was sort of on a roll and so I
didn't, but I'll show you what it does.
So if you look here, see how when I bend it, when I flex it
fully now, the upper thigh and the lower leg can touch in
the back? And so it's still not a full bend, you'd want
something more like that, but if you look down here, the
problem is now that this knee peanut isn't long enough
to do that.
So essentially what I've done with this mod is I've given
it the full range of motion that a knee peanut of this
height can do. And the next step, I would either have to
1) sand this down here [upper thigh] or 2) extend the
knee peanut here or 3) add some sort of lip here that
would catch on it and push it down.
I don't know whether I'll do that. I don't think I'll be doing
that any time soon, but I do now have the full range of
motion that's possible with the current body setup,
which is nice. It frustrates me when a component of the
body has the potential to be more posable than it is with
only minor modification.
You can see I've done the same thing for the arm. So if
you look here, when I extend it—I'm off screen—when I
extend it, these are now touching here. And again, the
only way to bend it all the way would be to extend the
ELBOW peanut. I also talk about, if you've seen my
Instagram post, that I think, especially for a elbow, a way
to fix this would actually—if you look at the front of this
knee peanut, it's convex, like it's lower here and here and
it's lower in a way that's slanted instead of a straight
decrease—and so I think actually, if I went in and I built
up, I built up this a little bit so that it was straight, like a
right angle from the dip, that it might fix the problem as
well, but that would require reshaping the inside of here,
which I don't really know that I want to do.
But I've done this on other dolls, and I guess I could get
the other doll—hold on; 1 sec…
Yeah. So if you've seen the modification review for this
doll—Oops! She torques; it's scary—if you've seen the
modification review for this doll here, the NobilityDoll
FEMALE MUSCLE BODY, you'll see that I did the same
thing to her joint in here. See? That's uneven, so clearly I
did it myself.
But can you see how she's got slightly more range here
[elbow] and here—he's heavy, so this isn't working well
for the leg. Maybe if I hold him upside down? Don't mind
me; don't mind how I have these dolls contorted—but
see how this is considerably flatter? And it's because, if
you look at the length of this knee peanut [NobilityDoll],
and you look at the length of this knee peanut [Doll
Family H], this knee peanut [NobiliyDoll] is considerably
But my point in showing you this—the reason I do some
of these modification reviews—is to help people with
similar dolls or dolls with similar problems. I think if you
show the consequences of a particular mod, so in the
case of both of these dolls, it's modification to both of
the peanut joints. And kind of how it affects multiple
dolls, it might give other people an idea of whether or
not it's worthwhile to do it on a doll with a similar
problem. And especially with the illustration of the
comparison of these two bodies, you can see that the
effects of such a mod can be different depending upon
the doll.
But it has improved the posability of this body enough
that it doesn't annoy me as much as it was. Even though
he can't sit on his knees because he's hovering—I mean
he could; kind of a nice aspect of this body is that it's
super stable and so if I could find a balance point, he
would probably stay. Yeah. So he's hovering, maybe 4
inches off the floor [coffee table] right now because his
butt can't sit on his heels. So you can find a balance
point and this body is sturdy enough that he can stay
that way, but it's not a particularly natural pose.
What he can do now that he couldn't do before is
something more like this, where he's sitting with his feet
to the side. That makes me a little bit happier. It looks
like he's actually kneeling instead of just kind of like, I
don't know, it's called like the jester pose, or whatever
when you put one leg out straight and the other in like
an angle like that. Something like that.
I think I lost my train of thought when I was initially
talking about this body, but my point was just that I
think I showed in another video that this guy's pretty
sturdy, you contort him in a certain way, and I can even
engage the thigh mobility joint and shake him and he
doesn't fall out of position, which is really interesting, so
this leg doesn't fall down.
So my point with this body is just that it's a really stable
body, perhaps in contrast to this body that has a
tendency to torque forward over the hip joint. So in
addition to the modifications—I got straight out of an
exam and took this guy apart and immediately carved
the pieces how I wanted them.
I think I might have shown this comparison or maybe
talked about it a little bit in my unboxing video, but—and
now the stability's a problem because I can't un-contort
him one handed—but I think these two—and I kind of
thought about it when I originally placed the order, but I
think these two are related; I think this is older brother
[Beilan] and younger brother [UniverseDoll Blanc on
Loongsoul 62cm], but I think they're really cute together.
There's something about…but their noses are similar, I
don't know so much about the mouth, and the
browbones are different but the eye shape is very
So I'm going to sit these two down and show you some
other changes that I've been doing. Not necessarily
permanent, but just so that you can see.
So I like bodies that are a little bit more posable than the
body that this head originally came on, so I'm going to
see if I can sell it. I don't know that I'll have luck, and if I
do, I think this head's going to be getting a Dollshe body
on a Pose+. I don't know if it will be this, 24M or if it will
be the Mystic body, which has similar proportions—I
think it's a little bit shorter, and it's a little bit less
muscular, which I like.
I had two characters in mind for this head, one I think I
talked about in the box opening video, because it was
the character I had originally planned for this head. So I
had originally imagined this head for Suri, but Suri's a
female character and has to fit on a female body, and
particularly for Suri, I wanted a body with a—would it be
a lower bust: waist ratio?—so I chose the Grando
Female Nuevo, which is a 65cm body, which limits the
heads that I can put on it because that body has very
narrow shoulders (for me). So I don't really care what
the intended-to-be gender for the head is that I choose
for that body, but I am narrowly restricted in size. So
this head is far too big.
But I guess another character that I had in mind--I'll
bring the whole family down in a bit—was and I call
them by their Greek myth name until I come up with a
full name for them, full character name for them.
So he's sort of my Dionysus character, which is why I'm
looking for a body that's maybe a little bit less
muscular than that. Dionysus as a god is supposed to
be more youthful, so not have these abs.
But that was a long tangent. Basically, he's down here
partially to show you what this hybrid looks like for
anybody that's interested. So I think—and I didn't even
bother to look it up—so LLT has another head that she's
sculpting [Isidore], and it looks like it's for a body of this
size, so if anybody's interested in getting in on that
order [when it comes out], this could be a potential
hybridization for that.
But you can see this is one of the more substantial
bodies that I have. This is the body for my Nabarro
Sumner, which was designed for the 5th Motif Timeless
body to give you an idea of how massive this body is.
So I think this guy is going to go along with my little
skeleton family. This is a little baby skeleton. I don't
know if he's staying on this body. This is a POPOdoll
Ramiel on a Dollzone 62cm body. And he doesn't have
the right nose, but I do like him with this other character
that I have. I have these two kind of paired together, and
I keep meaning to dye this guy, but I haven't [mostly
because I'm not sure if this is his body]. This is my
UniverseDoll De'Ath head on a FantasiaDoll body.
And you can see, she's kind of got a similar nose as my
LLT Ahaz—she's got an aquiline nose with a little bump
on it; it's really subtle. This is a feature that I really only
consistently find in intended to be male BJD heads and
even then, they are few and far between, but I think this
intended-to-be male head does a pretty good job as a
female character, especially with the—yeah, always, with
the mouth opening mod. I always do that. So I have
these together as a pair—Oh, dear, you are heavy! And I
think I'm going to dye this guy, pretty dark, I think.
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