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What is a Thread Lift?|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:21.What is a Thread Lift?
With the passage of time, our skin loses firmness and elasticity.
To have a well defined face, you can opt for a thread lift.
The effects are instantaneous and it doesn't require anesthesia or hospitalization.
A thread lift is a "miracle" to end facial flabbiness, a problem that worries both women and men.
To have a well-defined face without signs of the passage of time, it's important to know that it's not necessary to undergo costly and painful aesthetic surgeries.
After all, now you can opt for a thread lift.
In this article, we'll tell you more about it.
What to know about a thread lift.
Also known as tension threads or "magic threads," this face lift aims to rejuvenate the internal tissues of the skin by correcting flabbiness.
The procedure is quick, without incisions and with bio-compatible material.
That's why it's so popular.
Thread lifts started in Japan. Believe it or not, it came from the technique used to suture heart operations.
It doesn't cause any problems like allergies.
They use Polydioxanone material to perform the procedure.
Believe it or not, the use of threads to tighten or give a better look to the skin is not new.
However, it's true that techniques have been improving over time.
In the 80's, for example, the "gold threads"were used.
However, the main problem with this technique was that the material caused adverse reactions.
For example, many experienced irregularity in the dermal tissue, hardening in the treated area, etc.
On the other hand, thread lifts manage to return the firmness of the face and neck through a kind of mesh-like fabric where threads are interlocked.
This "mask" is then placed on the skin to hold the facial tissue.
How is a thread lift applied?.
First of all, the technique is 100% personalized.
Thus, they perform it keeping in mind the needs of each patient such as age, facial stuture and degree of flaccidity.
Approximately 10 to 20 threads are inserted with a needle-thin cannula through the subcutaneous tissue.
When they remove them, the thread stretches by itself.
The result is more elastic and youthful skin.
One of the main advantages of a thread lift is that there are very few cases of allergies or rejections.
In turn, the threads are not visible and require little maintenance.
Many call polydioxanone (PDO) threads "magical." After all, they have the ability to form support tissue naturally.
Meanwhile, they also help in the formation of fibroblasts and collagen around them to tighten and re-densify the skin.
The results of this technique are progressive and quite natural.
You can notice the first choices after the third week and improve up to 3 months after the application.
The session to implant the tensor threads lasts approximately 30 minutes.
You must repeat it after 6 months.
The side effects of this beauty treatment are:.
Redness at the insertion points.
Bruising if a capillary breaks.
Passing pain (disappears within 2 to 6 days).
Mild edema.
A thread lift is appropriate for people starting at the age of 35. It's good for both men and women who wish to repair, prevent or improve facial sagging.
You can also combine it with other treatments, such as mesotherapy, radio frequency or plasma application.
However, it's worth noting that this treatment is not recommended in people who have excessive flaccidity due to advanced age or those who want to solve skin sagging that comes from obesity or a large weight loss.
Advantages and disadvantages of thread lifts.
The main uses of the tension threads are:.
Elevation of the cheeks, Elimination of wrinkles around the eyes, Neck reaffirmation, Reduction of the "double chin," Improvement of naso-labial folds.
You can also use thread lifts for treatments in other parts of the body(buttocks, abdomen, breasts, arms, etc.
Among the advantages of this treatment we highlight:.
Immediate effects and no changes in facial expression.
It doesn't require anesthesia, hospitalization or special preparation.
The threads are not visible, offering a more natural result.
There are no scars or bleeding. Plus, you can combine the treatment with other techniques.
The material used is biological and does not produce allergies or rejections (and are naturally reabsorbed).
It's a quick treatment and can be applied as many times as necessary.
On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of thread lifting:.
Bruising, swelling or slight infection may occur in some patients.
If the person who does the procedure has no experience, it can cause asymmetries in the face.
The results are not permanent and they disappear progressively if they are not maintained. After 12 months, there are no traces of the threads if you do not get another application.
In a very low percentage, a tensioner thread can break and cause health risks.
Habits that Happy Couples Should Avoid at All Costs|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:13.Habits that Happy Couples Should Avoid at All Costs
A happy relationship is a blessing, so you need to care for it and dedicate time and attention to it.
Happy couples should maintain and nurture their relationship so that it can flower.
Their connection needs to be cared for every day, and it's crucial to banish bad habits when living together.
These habits often appear as time passes, and they can be very damaging for couples:.
Tiredness Distrust Distance Lack of interest Lack of support.
8 habits that happy couples should avoid.
It's important to know how to recognize these habits so that you can avoid them if you genuinely want to be happy with your partner.
Wanting to change your partner.
A couple doesn't necessarily have to agree on everything.
In fact, it's quite normal for disagreements.
The success of an emotional relationship lies in the ability of both parties to learn about each other, respect each other, accept each other, and understand that there will always remain certain differences.
When one person doesn't accept the way their partner is and is constantly trying to change them, this could mean that they don't love them or perhaps are not with the right partner for them.
Not spending time together.
It's good to have a common space, despite daily activities, responsibilities and stress.
Happy couples look after this space so as to enjoy their intimate moments together.
Any lack of time or connection can make things harder, and can even create distance between them.
Being defensive or critical.
Always being defensive, always saying the first thing that comes into your head, criticizing, or always voicing your opinion, can be quite tiresome.
All of us have defects, and constant criticism just lowers out self-esteem.
This can make someone become more distant or even seek a way out of the relationship.
Routine is a difficult habit to quit.
After all, life is not a continuous adventure.
It's inevitable in all walks of life.
What a couple shouldn't allow, however, is that their routine makes the relationship monotonous.
Lies and deceit.
There are people in the world who lie and who can turn relationships toxic, which in turn destroys trust between people.
Infidelity and betrayal can completely destroy the love between two people.
It's very difficult to trust someone later on because of these types of experiences.
Happy couples share the decisions that impact their daily life and their future.
If they make decisions like this independently without thinking about the other persons goals or dreams, it's much more likely that the relationship won't last.
Turning your back on your problems.
All relationships are different.
None are perfect.
There are always disagreements, disappointments, or sad times. The most destructive thing, however, is to ignore your problems, keep quiet, do nothing, and fail to resolve the problem.
This lack of communication doesn't help deal with the issue.
In fact, it makes things worse, creating a stalemate which can generate even more misunderstandings.
A stable and mature couple tries to maintain honest communication and do everything they can to solve any problem together.
Not having sex.
Intimacy is crucial for a couple to stay united in the long term.
By this, we mean that their sexual relationships need to be satisfying.
Sex helps to strengthen the bond, but often couples put it off because daily life has tired them out.
Sexual relations change as the years go by, but are fundamental to keep that aspect of the relationship alive and share those essential moments together.
A relationship is always complicated and needs constant attention.
However, if you avoid these habits, you'll be able to prevent hardship and misunderstandings, making sure that you maintain a healthy and happy connection.
5 Alternatives to Avoid Including Sugar in Your Diet|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:57.5 Alternatives to Avoid Including Sugar in Your Diet
Eating too much sugar can lead to certain diseases that can affect both children and adults.
We'll show you some alternatives to sugar so you don't have to give up sweets, helping you maintain a health diet that includes fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Just thinking about living without sugar is disheartening and can even make many people grumpy.
After all, it's a delicious ingredient that our body needs.
However, nutritionists strongly recommend opting for sugar alternatives whenever possible to avoid including sugar in our diets. .
Fortunately for us, avoiding sugar doesn't mean renouncing sweets.
There are recipes out there that allow us to enjoy delightful desserts and sweets without having to eat any sugar.
Sugar: why you should avoid it.
Studies have shown that eating refined sugar leads to certain diseases.
The most common are dental cavities, heart problems, a compromised immune system and obesity.
Sugar also increases your probabilities of having cancer or an increase in dopamine.
Our body doesn't need sugar; it needs glucose.
There are other, healthier foods available as alternatives to sugar that can provide us with this nutrient.
The need that a person feels for sugar is more so a habit than an actual need for his or her body.
So, you can start getting into the habit of using sugar alternatives in order to keep sugar out of your diet.
Sugar alternatives . Stevia.
Stevia is quite a popular natural sweetener these days.
The stevia planthas leaves that have a sweet flavor.
Currently, you can find powder stevia in the market, which actually has a similar appearance to sugar.
It makes for a good alternative to avoid using sugar in teas and desserts.
Some of the benefits that it has to offer the body are the following:.
Stevia helps control diabetes because it regulates the blood's glucose levels.
Its diuretic effect helps eliminate toxins.
Stevia is a vasodilator that helps control blood pressure.
It's calorie-free, meaning that it prevents obesity.
Honey is the oldest natural sweetener around.
It's been present since the beginning of mankind.
Currently, it's a treasured product.
It's become one of the best alternatives to substitute for sugar and people of all ages can eat it.
Honey is especially good for children and the elderly because, in addition to sweetening foods, it contains nutritional medicinal properties.
Benefits that come with eating honey are the following:.
Honey provides fast energy.
It has antibiotic properties and prevents infections.
Hence, it helps with coughs and colds.
Honey has healing effects. It's an antioxidant.
Honey boasts minerals, especially B group vitamins.
It's also a great source of other minerals such as sodium, magnesium and zinc.
Agave syrup.
Agave is part of the aloe vera family. The syrup, a thick and sticky liquid, comes from its thick leaves.
It's become quite trendy and widely recommended.
Agave has a sweetening effect that makes it an ideal alternative to avoid sugar.
It has a high fructose content yet a low glucose content.
Its fructose helps the blood's insulin levels and, as a result, it's especially helpful for diabetic patients.
Some of agave syrup's properties are the following:.
It's anti-inflammatory and -microbial.
Agave syrup helps improve the immune system.
It aids in weight loss.
Agave lowers cholesterol.
It has benefits for skin and postpones its aging process.
This sweetener originally hails from Japan.
Amazake is made from rice in a fermentation process that's common in Asian cooking.
The process makes a heavy, sweet paste that can substitute refined sugar in all kinds of recipes.
Amazake boasts important nutrients and benefits for our body:.
It's easy for the body to absorb and digest.
Amazake has a good amount of fiber, which helps speed up digestion.
It contains B group vitamins and basic enzymes for the body. .
Panela as a sugar substitute.
Panela comes from the evaporated juices of the sugar cane. There is no refined or chemical product used in making panela.
Panela is becoming quite a popular alternative to avoid sugar.
Among its properties, panela boasts:.
Panela has a powerful energizing effect.
It has vitamins A, B, C, D and E.
It's the sweetener that contains the highest amount of minerals.
Reducing our sugar consumption takes time. Changing our dietary habits can start by choosing one of these alternatives for avoiding sugar.
Each person should consider his or her own personal health situation and possibilities.
Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse 200 Ambition Panoramadak,Sport stoelen - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Make Your Own Homemade Chimichurri|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:33.Make Your Own Homemade Chimichurri
Discover the curious origin of this Argentinian sauce followed by a delicious and authentic recipe that you can enjoy at home.
Chimichurri is a delicious condiment found all over South America that is mostly served with barbecues, primarily in Argentina.
Chimichurri also goes good with empanadas, a stuffed dough that's baked or fried.
Likewise it's good with salads that are common to the region. They generally contain chopped herbs and spices mixed with oil and vinegar.
The condiment's main ingredients are parsley, olive oil and chili.
However, you can use the ingredients you prefer to customize your own chimichurri.
Even if you tweak the original recipe a bit, you should follow the recipe's original proportions to get its traditional flavor.
By keeping track of its traditional flavor, your recipe will match perfectly with any food.
This condiment is so popular, you can find it in many supermarkets. However, you should make it from scratch with fresh ingredients and adjust them to your liking.
Below you can take a look at a delicious homemade chimichurri that is evenly proportioned according to authentic chimichurri.
Likewise, you'll find four other variations.
The origin of the name "chimichurri" In gastronomy, there are three possible stories that could explain the origin of its name; the real story has yet to be determined.
The first story claims that James McCurry – – popularly referred to as Jimmy – – created the condiment and commercialized it in the 19th century.
As the story goes, he initially made chimichurri as a substitute for Worcestershire sauce. The non-native English pronunciation eventually became "Yimi Churry".
Another version is about XIX century British soldiers that were captured by the Spanish in South American colonies.
The prisoners requested a condiment for their meals by asking "give-me-curry" or "che-mi-curry", which later morphed into "chimichurri".
The last theory originates from a Basque term that spread to South America, "tximitxurri".
The term means "mix" or "jumble" and it refers to a sauce that uses repeated ingredients and techniques for all sorts of dishes.
Traditional chimichurri recipe that you can make at home.
This recipe uses the original ingredients and proportion.
This amazing condiment makes up approximately 6 servings. If you want to make a bigger batch, increase the quantities of all the ingredients evenly.
3 bay leaves. 1 squeezed lime (100 mL).
½ teaspoon of salt (2 g).
1 cup of olive oil (200 mL).
½ cup of red or white wine vinegar (100 mL).
½ teaspoon of black pepper (2 g).
1 teaspoon of dried thyme (5 g).
3 cloves of finely chopped garlic (15 g).
1 generous tablespoon of oregano (10 g).
5 tablespoons of chopped parsley (40 g).
½ finely chopped red onion (20 g).
1 teaspoon of sweet chili powder (5 g).
Crush the oregano, parsley, garlic and bay leaf with a mortar and pestle.
Add the onion and the rest of the spices (thyme, black pepper and sweet chili powder) to the bowl. Prepare the condiment base by emulsifying the oil, vinegar and salt together.
Add the base to the prior mix and stir together.
Store in a glass jar with a lid.
Keep the condiment in the least cool area of the refrigerator for a few days.
After you start using it, it can be stored away for 3 months in the fridge.
Chimichurri variations.
You can make several variations off this original recipe by adding different ingredients to the mix, or by substituting others.
For example, if you substitute the red onion for a little more garlic, you can make a garlic chimichurri.
You can make a tomato chimichurri by adding 200 grams of dried tomatoes to the original recipe.
Be sure to give the tomatoes enough time to re-hydrate.
For a cilantro chimichurri, replace the parsley with cilantro, using the same quantities.
You'll end up with an extremely aromatic condiment that's perfect for a variety of dishes.
Now that you have this easy chimichurri recipe on hand, there's no need to buy it.
Benefit from the high quality and longer shelf-life from the fresh and natural ingredients.
Entrevista Quid a Claudia Piñeira 1/5 - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
4 Delicious Ways to Stuff Roasted Ripe Plantains|HFE♪ - Duration: 12:07.4 Delicious Ways to Stuff Roasted Ripe Plantains
Roasted ripe plantains are an exquisite dessert.
How you fill them can vary depending on how creative the chef is! In this article, we share 5 different ways.
Roasted ripe plantains are a very popular dish in Latin America.
In Colombia and Venezuela, plantains are an extremely common ingredient in cooking.
The most common dish is a sliced plantain fried in vegetable oil with some hard grated cheese in the middle.
You can enjoy this healthy snack by roasting them and then adding a topping or stuffing.
Below you can find some different ideas for stuffing ripe plantains.
How to cook and stuff roasted ripe plantains.
The process is very simple.
First, you need to peel the plantain and cover them with oil, margarine or butter.
We recommend doing by hand in order to cover the entire fruit.
Then, put them in the oven at a high temperature for 20 minutes on each side. Once they are golden, and lightly darkened, slice an opening through middle and then stuff each plantain.
Just like the following recipes, there are many different options for toppings or stuffings.
Roast ripe plantains stuffed with cheese.
Cheese is the most common stuffing for plantains, and when melted, it is a creamy and delicious dish.
4 roasted ripe plantains (150 g).
Black pepper or another spice to taste.
4 slices of oven friendly cheese, such as mozzarella, cream cheese, etc.
(80 g). Preparation.
First, pre-heat the oven to around 200º C.
Open the recently cooked plantains lengthwise.
Stuff them with the cheese and sprinkle over some pepper.
Cook at 180º C until the cheese has melted.
Serve immediately.
Roasted ripe plantains stuffed with meat and cheese.
This recipe has a delicious contrast of sweet and salty.
Ingredients. Salt and pepper to taste.
½ kg of sliced beef.
½ cup of tomate frito (100 ml) 1 cup of bechamel sauce (200 ml) 1 finely chopped tomato (30 g) 4 roasted ripe plantains (150 g) 1 finely chopped small onion (25 g) Half a pepper, finely chopped (15 g) 1 cup of grated Parmesan cheese (150 g) 2 cups of crumbled mozzarella cheese (300 g).
First, pre-heat the oven to around 200º C.
Sauté the vegetables, starting first with the onion, then pepper, and the tomato afterwards.
Add the meat, fry it a little and add the tomate frito.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
You'll need to cook the mixture for a while, until the meat is cooked but still juicy.
Open the recently cooked plantains horizontally.
Stuff them with the rest of the ingredients: meat, bechamel sauce, mozzarella and Parmesan cheese.
Cook at 180º C, until the Parmesan cheese has melted.
Serve immediately.
Roasted ripe plantains stuffed with tuna.
Although, it doesn't seem like it but tuna sure mixes very well with plantains.
Ingredients. Salt and pepper to taste.
Juice of ½ lemon (50 ml) 1 teaspoon of dry parsley.
1 finely chopped tomato (25 g) 4 tablespoons of olive oil (80 ml) 4 roasted ripe plantains (150 g) 1 finely chopped medium-sized onion (40 g) 1 small finely chopped pepper (20 g) 2 cups of crumbled mozzarella (200 g) Canned tune in oil, enough for the amount of plantains you have.
First, pre-heat the oven to around 200º C.
Sauté the onion, then add the pepper and tomato, and fry for a little bit. The onion should become golden brown, almost at the point of "caramelizing", but without being over-fried.
Add the tuna and stir.
Add the salt, pepper, parsley, and lemon juice.
Mix everything well, so that all the flavors fuse together.
Open the recently cooked plantains horizontally.
Stuff them with the tuna and then the mozzarella cheese.
The stuffing should not be bulky. I should be the right amount in order to prevent overwhelming the diner.
Cook at 180º C, until the cheese has melted.
Serve immediately, still hot.
Roasted ripe plantains stuffed with guacamole.
Here we have a Mexican version of stuffed plantains with some delicious avocados.
Guacamole is a delicious simple to make refreshing dip.
4 roasted ripe plantains (150 g).
2 cups of guacamole (300 ml) 4 slices of avocado (40 g) 2 cups of grated white cheese (300 g).
Open the recently cooked plantains horizontally.
Stuff them with the guacamole, avocado and grated cheese.
Serve immediately.
You don't have to stuff roasted plantains with just these ingredients.
The choices are unlimited. You just have to play with different sauces or ingredients in your fridge or pantry. You'll might find many which complement the flavor and texture of ripe plantains.
Vegetable Juices To Help You Recover After Overeating|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:06.Vegetable Juices To Help You Recover After Overeating
Despite including some uncommon combinations, these vegetable juices are very purifying, they fight against bloating and provide a lot of vitamins and minerals.
Vegetable juices are a very healthy to include in your diet in order to eliminate toxins and get extra doses of vitamins and minerals.
Also, it is an excellent way to recover after overeating during the holidays, since they help us lose weight and balance the organism.
Take a look at these 4 delicious, healthy and purifying vegetable juices.
Vegetable juices at any time of day.
Vegetable juices are an excellent to drink at any time due to their numerous health benefits.
Fruit juices are best in the morning, since they are rich in sugar and give us a lot of energy.
However, if you change them for vegetables and spices, you will have a more balanced effect on the nervous system enabling you to drink them at night.
These vegetable juices have the following benefits:.
Their purifying powers help eliminate toxins from your body.
Regulate the functions of the liver, kidneys and intestine.
Improve the appearance of your skin, hair and nails Have a lot of antioxidants Help you lose weight healthy by eliminating fat and helping with diuresis Increase energy levels Fight nervous disorders like stress and anxiety Improve nutritional deficiencies such as anemia Strengthen your defenses.
4 healthy and lite juices.
Try these delicious combinations of vegetables, fruits, aromatic plants, seeds and species.
Get even healthier by their medicinal properties.
Cucumber, watercress and ginger.
This vegetable juice is refreshing and it has a kick due to having a slight spicy taste.
Its main feature is its purifying power which fights bloating and liquid retention.
The cucumber is an antioxidant and alkanizer, two properties that are fundamental for long term health.
Also, it is a great remedy for liquid retention.
The watercress are small, green leaves that are in the same family as broccoli and arugula. They have purifying and diuretic values which fight anemia and reduce blood sugar levels.
It is a very healthy food to consume on the regular.
Ginger is a very beneficial medicinal spice, especially for women, as well as a natural accelerator for the body.
Therefore, it helps you lose weight. .
Tomato, garlic and basil.
This tasty vegetable juice reminds us of gazpacho due to its tomato content.
However, it is much liter and aromatic, and it is surprisingly nutritious.
The lycopene found in tomatoes have anti-carcinogenic propertiesfor certain types of cancer, such as prostate, lung and stomach cancer.
Its nutritional values multiply by adding some olive oil and black pepper to your juice.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic that helps improve blood flow and prevents cardiovascular diseases.
Basil has the ability to stimulate the body and relax the nervous system.
Beets, chia seeds and apple.
The intestine – – along with the liver and kidneys – – is one of the most affected organs when it comes to food.
Nevertheless, this attractive purple juice has the power to regulate intestinal functions no matter what health condition it is.
Beets are rich in iron.
Therefore, it is a food that helps fight anemia and provides energy.
Chia seeds thoroughly clean the intestine and regulate your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Apples are a very purifying fruit that prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Celery, carrot and pear.
A sweet and light juice that helps eliminate a lot of toxins while clearing your skin from impurities.
This drink is ideal for those who are dealing with pimples and black heads, especially after eating junk foods.
Celery is ideal for improving the purifying function of the liver and kidneys, also for keeping your skin free of impurities.
Raw carrots are a great antioxidant that prevent ocular diseases and kidney stones.
Pears provide a natural sweetness to the juice and helps us eliminate liquids. It is a silicon rich food, a mineral the helps prevent wrinkles.
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Βρισηίδα Ανδριώτου: Αυτή είναι η παίκτρια που θέλει για νικητήρια του My Style Rocks 2 | News | fthi - Duration: 1:34.Ο δεύτερος κύκλος του My Style Rocks έχει ξεκινήσει εδώ και καιρό και κάποιες από τις παίκτριες του περσινού κύκλου, φαίνεται πως είναι φανατικές τηλεθεάτριες
Μια από αυτές και η Βρισηίδα Ανδριώτου, η οποία μέσω των instastories μας αποκάλυψε ποια θέλει να δει νικήτρια
«Αυτή λοιπόν δεν είναι άλλη από την Χριστίνα Παπαδέλλη. Αξίζεις το έπαθλο κορίτσι μου
Μην ακούς καμία. Είσαι υπέροχη. Έχεις το δικό σου στυλ, όπου και να πας το προσαρμόζεις πάνω σου
Σε θαυμάζω και αξίζει να κερδίσεις, όχι μόνο για το στυλ, αλλά είσαι και υπέροχος άνθρωπος», έγραψε χαρακτηριστικά η Βρισηίδα Ανδριώτου
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How to Wear Animal Print | Leopard Print Outfit Ideas - Duration: 3:36.Hey,guys! What's up?
I'm Styledirector EUNBI
오늘은 호피무늬 아이템으로
다섯가지 스타일링 방법을 보여드릴게요
Today, I'll show you how to styling with leopard item.
모자,스커트,아우터등 호피아이템으로 스타일링을 했어요
I did the styling with leopard item, hat, skirt, jacket etc.
Please understand that these products have
no product info because they are vintages or old products.
제가 추천해드리는 키워드로 검색하시면
If you search by the keyword I recommend,
비슷한 제품을 찾을 수 있습니다
you can find a similar one.
호피베레모 스타일링이에요
This is a leopard beret style.
상하의 전부 블랙컬러로 입은 후,
After you wear all black color up-and-down,
호피모자로 포인트를 준 코디입니다
spiced fashion with a leopard hat.
전부 블랙이면 너무 심플하니까
It's too simple if it's all black.
시스루 와이셔츠와 블랙 데님 스커트로 소재의 차이를 주었어요
so I made a difference of material with see-through dress shirt and black denim skirt.
Since there is a silver zipper on the skirt, it will be pretty
when you wear a silver necklace to make a unified point.
옷이 블랙이라 베레모 색상은 대부분 컬러가 다 잘어울리고
Most of the color will match because of the black clothes.
And it can be a point.
레오파드 패턴은 자칫 잘못하면 올드해보일 수 있지만
Leopard pattern could look old in a wrong way.
이런 플레어스커트에 들어간 호피무늬라면 귀엽게 입을 수 있어요
But leopard pattern in this flared skirt will be a cute way to ware.
신발은 부츠같은것보다는 운동화,
Shoes are sneakers than boots.
상의는 캐주얼한 데님자켓을 매치하면
And if you match casual denim jacket,
발랄한 느낌으로 호피무늬패턴을 즐길 수 있어요!
you can enjoy leopard pattern in a lively way!
I made pigtail hair
To someone feels uncomfortable with the leopard patterns.
작은 아이템인 가방부터 시작하는걸 추천할게요!
I recommend you to start with a small item like a bag!
상의는 블랙니트 하의는 블랙스키니로 깔끔한 스타일을 입은 후
After you wear a clean style with black knitwear top and black skinny jeans bottoms,
호피가방을 매치하면 포인트가 되기때문에 부담없이 트렌드를 따라해볼수있어요
you can follow the trend by matching with a point leopard bag.
호피무늬가 가방이아니더라도 신발, 악세사리도 좋아요.
It's okay to use shoes, accessories not a bag.
맨투맨, 후드같이 캐주얼한 이너에 호피무늬 아우터 하나만 걸쳐주면 스타일리시해보여요
It looks stylish if you just put on a leopard jacket with some casual inner wear like a sweatshirt, hoodies.
When your jacket is thick with fur,
상의만 밸런스가 몰려있고 캐주얼한 느낌이 강해보인다면
it is unbalanced to the top and looks too casual.
I recommend you to wear mesh stockings on your bottom. If you
uncomfortable with this, wear color socks, 20 denier stockings etc
또는 컬러가 들어간 팬츠를 추천할게요
or colored pants are recommended.
마직은 호피아우터와 화려한 악세사리 스타일링이에요
Last is a styling with leopard jacket and fancy accessories.
블랙상의에 깔끔한 스커트를 매치,
Matching neat skirt with a black top,
상하의가 어둡기때문에 답답해보일 수 있기때문에
It could look stuffy because of dark up-and-down,
중간에 벨트를 착용해 시선을 분산시켜줬어요
I diffused attention wearing a belt in the middle.
다소 평범해 보일 수 있기때문에 호피무늬와 어울리는 골드컬러로
It could look normal so matched with suitable gold color for leopard pattern.
화려한 악세사리를 매치해서 코디를 완성할 수 있어요
I complete the style matching gorgeous accessories.
악세사리가 화려하기때문에 기본베이스는 블랙으로 깔끔하게 입어야 투머치를 막을 수 있답니다!
Since the accessories are fancy, you should wear basic things in neat black to avoid too much.
요즘 유행인 레오파드 패턴! 화려하다고 겁내지말고 도전해보세요
Today's fashion trend leopard pattern! Don't be afraid of fanciness and try it!
앞으로 이런 소소한 스타일링 팁 영상을 많이 가져올게요!
From now on, I will bring this trivial tip videos a lot!
구독이랑 좋아요 눌러주시고 다음번에 또 만나요
Please subscribe to my channel ! and leave a like! See you next time.
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