Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 4 2018


So, some of you have been asking, when are we going to compete (?)


it's gonna be soon

on November 15th, we will travel to Austria for our first competition of the season.

This competition is a challenger.

so it means that we cumulate points for the world ranking.

The level is almost as high as a Grand Prix competitions.

So this coming competition in Innsbruck is very important for us because it's gonna be our first time that we show our

programs to the judges to the public and to our Federation

yes, and we left our families to come in Montreal and work hard every day and

some people were believing that it was not a good idea and

We want to prove them the contrary

So the coaches accepted us here, even though they were super busy and

We really want to make them proud, like performing, and that they say, like, "they are part of Team Gadbois"

So it's really important for us.

And because of this school

We also changed our way of training

And since we are here, we've been working harder and pushing our limits to the maximum

So we are really excited and focused at the same time for our first competition

So we'll be competing Friday

16th, our rhythm dance and then the day after the Free Dance you are super welcome to watch us performing there in Innsbruck

We will be so happy to have some support

And for all our supporters in Poland, we will compete the week after, in Warsaw.

So, we wish that some of you guys can come and cheer for us. And we hope that you will enjoy the result of our 4 months of work

This After-Olympic season is a new beginning for us

We will fight to become Polish champions and get some medals in international competitions

And we are working hard to be as high as possible at the European championships in January 2019

So let the season begin!

Subscribe to follow our adventure.

And leave a like for good luck.

Do zobaczenia

Do zobaczenia

For more infomation >> Let the season begin ! 🙌 - Duration: 3:58.


2019年モデル・トヨタ「ランドクルーザー」が登場→新型でも特にどこも変更されていないのはナゼ? - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> 2019年モデル・トヨタ「ランドクルーザー」が登場→新型でも特にどこも変更されていないのはナゼ? - Duration: 6:03.


Cómo Obtener Lo Mejor De Ti | Camino A La Cima 020 con Pedro Reymond - Duration: 12:54.

For more infomation >> Cómo Obtener Lo Mejor De Ti | Camino A La Cima 020 con Pedro Reymond - Duration: 12:54.


カナダの仮想通貨取引所MapleChange追加情報!ビットコインはどうなる?閉鎖した10月28日に何が?失踪疑惑の真相を発表!仮想通貨業界を騒がせた取引所の最新ニュース!リップルXRPへの影響は - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> カナダの仮想通貨取引所MapleChange追加情報!ビットコインはどうなる?閉鎖した10月28日に何が?失踪疑惑の真相を発表!仮想通貨業界を騒がせた取引所の最新ニュース!リップルXRPへの影響は - Duration: 4:33.


『Eng S ub』免揉 葱花面包 宣软飘香Green onion bread【田园时光美食2018 105】 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 『Eng S ub』免揉 葱花面包 宣软飘香Green onion bread【田园时光美食2018 105】 - Duration: 4:20.


Why working in the Middle East WON'T make you RICH - Duration: 4:19.

You know we've all done it, we've all been there

and we've all seen that job application come through

for me it was teaching, I got an email

two and a half thousand pounds tax free

you can live in this sunny city, it's got an amazing picture

and you think, oh blimey, two and a half grand a month, do the math

30 grand a year

i think... yeah 30 grand a year

tax free

I get accommodation given to me

I'll work there for three yers, I'll come back with the best part of 100 grand

probably not

you probably won't

now, I moved to Kuwait, I've lived in Kuwait as a teacher, I've lived in Dubai as a teacher

and I can tell you that the likelihood of you getting rich from living in the Middle East is quite slim

now obviously if you're coming to work for NBK, National Bank of Kuwait

or National Bank of Qatar

or you're going to be in the top executive company, then firstly, welcome to YouTube

this is where we make videos and share them on an online platform

and secondly, you will probably make some good dosh

some good cash


for me, I lived a pretty simple life

when I was in Kuwait because I didn't have a car

I used to take buses, I made a video about my life there, which you can watch in this card

and... later, if you you like

and I used to take buses, I didn't buy a car, cars are... it's not like they're really expensive

but it's one of the things which can really eat away once you bought it

you've sold it, you've taken a depreciation, you've gotten the insurance

you have a crash, then you loose all of your money, blah, blah, blah,

by the way traffic driving here is crazy

so will you get rich by living East? probably not

join a health club, that's probably going to be like 200 quid a month

but you can afford it right?

you can afford it, go out to eat

at a nice fancy American expat western restaurant

yeah, you can afford it right?

you can afford all of this stuff

now, I'm not trying to... I'm not trying to convince anybody

to change their lifestyle, but looking at these numbers, and looking at these figures

when you get that email, when you see that job offer

you read through the paper, you see that application or you see that advert and you think...

I'm going to make an application for this job

and you think, omg, I'm going to be rich

will you wealthier then in the UK? Of course

because, by the way I'm a Brit, I'm talking about the UK

same goes for the US, I know teachers in the UK and the US earn very similar amounts


so anyway yeah, you're going to be better off but you've got to be careful

if you do come here with the intention of saving up

and having a nice nest egg lump sum

then you've got to be careful about what you do commit to, what you don't commit to

all these little extras that people like to take out, like the health club, like the fancy cars

like the foreign holidays, as a teacher you get a lot of holiday, you're only working 9 months of the year

so what do you do for the remaining 3 months? You go on holiday, and you spent like an absolute...

prince right?

you're flashing the cash

you're going all over, you're climbing mountains, you're going on all expenses paid

you know, full package deals

you're going to Bahrain every weekend

you're going to Dubai every weekend

unless you live there already in which is already expesnive

in what you're spending

so you get the idea right?

the point here is... if you come here

and when I say here, I mean the Middle East, I mean the Gulf, I mean Qatar

Doha, Oman, Kuwait

Dubai... wherever

and you do just allow yourself to totally escalate that lifestyle

I think it's called experience stretching

where you get used to... you get accustomed to a certain lifestyle

and then that becomes normal

and then you just keep doing it

if you do have any specific questions about what I'm talking about, you can join my Patreon

where I can answer your Arabic language related questions or your living in the Middle East related questions

or anything really about saving money and how to save and spend and stuff

I did quite well, I saved most of the money I earned when I lived in Kuwait

which allowed to then kind of work elsewhere

without the same kind of pressure

and blah, blah, blah, not going to give you my life story right now

join my Patreon, you can ask me on there, if you do want to join iTalki, that's a good site for learning languages

link is in the description

and until next time, you can check out more videos about living abroad

up here and here

and you can subscribe just there, hope to see you again back here soon

and until next time, bye bye!

For more infomation >> Why working in the Middle East WON'T make you RICH - Duration: 4:19.


|MMD| Bellyache - Duration: 1:47.

Sitting all alone Mouth full of gum In the driveway..

My friends aren't far In the back of my car Lay their bodies...

Where's my mind

Where's my mind

They'll be here pretty soon Looking through my room

For the money..

I'm biting my nails I'm too young to go to jail

It's kinda funny..

Where's my mind Where's my mind

Where's my mind

Where's my mind...

Maybe it's in the gutter

Where I left my lover

What an expensive fate..

My V is for Vendetta

Thought that I'd feel better

But now I got a bellyache..

For more infomation >> |MMD| Bellyache - Duration: 1:47.


Qui est Boris Vallaud, le mari de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem ? - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Qui est Boris Vallaud, le mari de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem ? - Duration: 3:51.


Carteia, yacimiento arqueológico en el Estrecho de Gibraltar - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Carteia, yacimiento arqueológico en el Estrecho de Gibraltar - Duration: 0:35.


마리텔 양정원 전현무 - Duration: 6:59.

마리텔 양정원 전현무, 요가복, 언니 양한나, 성형전

필라테스 강사 양정원이 필라테스 방송을 가지고 마리텔 생방송 1위를 차지하여 화제가 되고 있네요

이경규는 꽃방송을 가지고 양정원에 이어 2위를 차지했다고 하는데요

첫 출연에 이런 대기록을 수립하다니 네티즌들의 반응이 어땠는지 감이 오는 부분입니다.

그녀 모르모트 PD에게 필라테스를 가르치는 모습을 방송했습니다.

모르모트 PD는 생각보다 유연하게 필라테스를 따라하는 모습을 보여줬는데요

그럼 지금부터 마리텔에 출연한 양정원 전현무와의 관계, 성형전, 언니 양한나 아나운서

대학교, 키 등 그녀의 대해서 자세히 알아보는 시간을 가져보겠습니다.

이날 마리텔 양정원은 모르모트PD의 구부정한 자세를 교정해주는 모습도 보여줬는데요

양정원은 "필라테스를 통해 자세를 교정할 수 있다"고 말하면서 "마리텔 모르모트 PD님의 자세는 구부정하고

배가 나와 있어서 오스트랄로피테쿠와 같은 체형이다"라고 말하기도 했습니다.

마리텔 양정원 요가복 사진인데 정말 잘어울리는거 같습니다.

또한 얼굴만 예쁜게 아니라 입담도 상당하다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 얼굴도 예쁘고 몸매도 좋고

입담도 좋으면 거의 완전체나 다름없다는 건데 향후 상당한 인기를 끌 수도 있을 듯 싶네요

또 마리텔 양정원은 "모르모트 PD님 발에 털이 무수히 많다"며 "제가 가르친 사람들 중에 제일 많은 것 같다.

숱을 쳐주고 싶다"고 덧붙여 웃음을 자아내게 만들었습니다.

그간 마리텔에서는 섹시함과 건강미를 내세운 방송인들이 여럿 출연하기도 했으나

순위 면에선 큰 재미를 보지 못한 것이 사실입니다. 양정원의 마리텔 전반전 1위가 의미 깊은 이유입니다.

프로필 (탤런트, 스포츠트레이너)

양정원 나이 - 1989년 09월 22일(올해나이 28세) 고향 - 서울

경력 - 국제필라테스교육협회 교육이사, 브르노콘서바토리 한국캠퍼스 외래교수

신체 - 키 166cm, 몸무게 46kg

데뷔 - 2008년 드라마 '막돼먹은 영애씨 시즌3'

최종 학력 - 연세대학교 대학원 스포츠심리학 졸업

양정원 대학교 관련 궁금해 하시는분들도 있는데 한성대학교 무용학과 졸업했고

고등학교는 선화예술고등학교 발레과 나왔습니다

가족 - 양한나 아나운서 (언니)

양정원 성형전 루머

그녀가 과거 2008년에 출연했던 막돼먹은 영애씨 시즌3 출연할 당시 모습입니다.

지금과 비교해봐도 전혀 다른점을 못느낄정도로 '양정원 성형' 관련 이야기가 쏙 들어갈만한 비주얼을

보여주고 있습니다. 그도 그럴것이 그녀는 고등학교 당시 5대얼짱으로 유명했다고 합니다

아래 사진을 보시면 이해가 가실텐데요

양정원 성형전 이야기는 선화예고 5대얼짱 시절 사진을 보시면 더이상 안나올거 같습니다.

지금과 똑같이 아름다운 모습을 보여주고 앳된 모습이 귀엽기까지 하네요

아 사진이 온라인 커뮤니티에 퍼진다면 앞으로 '양정원 성형' 같은 소리는 더이상 안나올 것 같습니다.

마리텔 양정원 전현무 열애설

양정원과 전현무는 과거 2014년 종합편성채널 JTBC 예능 프로그램

'러브 싱크로'에 함께 출연하며 인연을 맺었습니다.

당시 그녀는 자신의 이상형으로 전현무를 지목하는 등 관심을 보이기도 했습니다.

이후 온라인 커뮤니티와 SNS를 통해 전현무와 양정원이 함께 있는 스티커 사진이 공개되어 열애설이 불거졌습니다.

스티커 사진에는 '궁디팡팡'이라는 문구와 함께 '70일째'라는 글도 쓰여 있었는데요

이에 두 사람은 열애설까지 기사화 되면서 뜨거운 관심을 받기도 했습니다.

그러나 전현무는 자신이 진행하는 라디오에서 "어제 사실은 뭐 뉴스를 접하신 분들은 다들 보셨겠지만

오래살고 볼일이다 제가 다 열애설이 난다. 많이 보셨을 것이다. 양정원은 진짜 친한 동생이고 사귀는

사이는 아니다"라고 전날 불거진 열애설에 대해 사실이 아니라고 해명하기도 했습니다.

당시 열애설을 나게 만들었던 양정원 전현무 열애설 스티커 사진입니다.

언니 양한나 아나운서 우월한 집안

마리텔 양정원 언니 양한나는 SPO TV 아나운서로 알려져 있으며

연세대학교 의류환경학과를 졸업한 미모의 재원입니다.

양한나 아나운서는 지난해 6월 2014 한국야쿠르트 세븐 프로야구 삼성 라이온즈 대 SK 와이번스전에

시구자로 나서 마운드 위에 올라 핫팬츠 패션을 선보여 화제기 되기도 했습니다.

과거 sbs 추석특집 방송에서도 양정원 양한나 아나운서 자매가 같이 출연하기도 했는데 당시 사진입니다

4월24일 생방송된 MBC '마이 리틀 텔레비전'( '마리텔') MLT-26에서는 이경규, 김구라

헤어 아티스트 태양, 이규혁 등이 출연해서 그녀와 시청률을 가지고 대결을 펼쳤습니다

. 앞으로 mbc 본방송에서 방영될 예정인데 반응이 좋으면 양정원은 마리텔에 계속 나올수도 있을것 같고

앞으로 다양한 방송에서 자신의 매력을 뽐내줬으면 좋겠습니다.

출처 문서:

For more infomation >> 마리텔 양정원 전현무 - Duration: 6:59.


任然 - 毀滅 「那句再見 像拆散的蝴蝶」高音質 | 動態歌詞版MV - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 任然 - 毀滅 「那句再見 像拆散的蝴蝶」高音質 | 動態歌詞版MV - Duration: 4:35.


Gad Elmaleh et Charlotte Casiraghi, cet événement « exceptionnel», que leur fils a «gâché » - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Gad Elmaleh et Charlotte Casiraghi, cet événement « exceptionnel», que leur fils a «gâché » - Duration: 2:38.


Remise en liberté refusée, le dossier T. Ramadan est-il politisé ? part 2 - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Remise en liberté refusée, le dossier T. Ramadan est-il politisé ? part 2 - Duration: 8:17.


Relaxing Music for Stress Yoga Meditation music - Duration: 30:08.

Meditation Music



Zen and Chi

Psychotic therapy music


Stress throwing music

yoga music

meditation music

relaxation music

rest music


body comfort music

zen meditation music

reiki music

deep sleep music

concentration music

sleep music

course study music

spirit relaxing music


music for the treatment of schizophrenia

subconscious music

Turkish bath and spa music

cafe music

cafe music

Meditation Relaxation Yoga

Motivation HD

Deep Sleep

Soul Resting Music


Meditation (Quotation Subject)

Meditations (Musical Album)

yoga music

relaxing music

looked at


book reading music

peaceful music

relax music

relax music

psychological treatment music

mind-blowing music

course study music

reiki music

calming music

yoga music

relaxing music

music from good to stress

sleep music

sleep meditation



meditation music




Remember to subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> Relaxing Music for Stress Yoga Meditation music - Duration: 30:08.


玉袋筋太郎、全国のスナックママをスカウト「アイドルよりも身近」 - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 玉袋筋太郎、全国のスナックママをスカウト「アイドルよりも身近」 - Duration: 2:23.


1.13 Skyblock - Episode 2 - Exploration - Let's Play Survival Minecraft - Duration: 24:10.

Hello everybody, my name is Hudinio and welcome back to

1.13 Skyblock this episode too and in between episodes. I did just a little bit of work not to too much

I haven't actually had a whole lot of time this week to sit down and play

I did manage to get a little bit of iron as well as some coal as you can see here and

I mined out a good chunk of the underside of our island here

But I did leave our first diamonds on the bottom. So I want to experience that with you for the first time

Let's head down and take care of these diamonds

And done let's see one

Where they go. Oh, okay. We have it two

And three. Alright. Those are our first three diamonds together Oh No

Right into the water below good thing that's there and it's not the void good for us

Alright, so in this episode what I want to take care of today is maybe do a little bit more reefs

resource grinding off-camera, but

On camera, I want to explore the rest of these islands. So we have one here. We have the sand islands

we have the nether and

We have this awesome beach island down below. I don't know if I need to get down there right away

Unless I really want jungle saplings

But I do want to get into the nether for sure as well as like I said finish exploring the rest of these islands

So let me just go ahead and make a few slabs. I might as well make my diamond pick while I'm at it

And I guess a handful of more torches

Just go do this diamond pick done aa few sticks maybe

Maybe that many a couple torches


Let's see. Do we have iron? Yes, we do. Let's got to make ourselves a good set of iron tools

iron sword check

iron shovel

question mark check and

an iron axe

Good to go. Alright, and we saw a three iron leftover. I don't know that I need anything else just yet. Okay

What's gonna put some of this stuff away iron can go this can go stone. Tools can go I

will put my diamond pick away coz I want to make sure that

We keep that safe. And as you can see our tree just screw which is amazing gonna throw this wood away

And make a ton of slabs that should be plenty I don't see myself needing more than that

Go here, okay

So first thing I'm noticing is that this platform is a little small. So I think I want to extend this out

Maybe two more blocks

That was three, yes, I know

Three okay. Alright fine three blocks. It is one two, three. I

Don't want to lose any of these saplings into the water. It's the only reason I'm doing this too

And we're just basically making a cobblestone

Slab of a world. It's not too pretty to look at just yet. But you know what? There's still the

starting time of a new world

there's all the resource gathering to go through first before you can start making things look pretty and

That's exactly what I intend to do is I want to make this world look as pretty as I can

Give me those back

And check. Okay, maybe a few more here

And this is the last set on this side

Okay, good to go. We did manage to get some sheep going here

I penned them in because I actually had one D spawn

Which took me from three sheep to - and I just bred these guys up and got a gray sheep

So nothing has changed here

Alright, I'll come back and take care of those later

So I did actually remove this block from the island as well

however, villagers were actually running all around my island as I was trying to mine cobblestone and

I wanted to try to keep them as safe as possible. So that's why if that's missing in case you're wondering

Alright, so let's go ahead and make our way over to this end island

I really don't know what to expect but I can assume that there's gonna be some type of treasures maybe an end portal

I don't fully know. I hope it's something good though

so like so it should be good and


Alright so I first thing I'm noticing is that there's no lights right inside

Which is great and I see some shockers now. I probably don't want to go head-on with the shoulders, right?

So maybe what would be a good idea just to break this block try to get them to attack each other?

Or maybe I can just do it from here

Is that working that worked huh, and we got shulker shells, all right

Okay, that's two done

Three four five nope, nope, nope. Nope

Okay, they are attacking each other maybe

Okay, yes, they are definitely attacking each other only one more

This might have been the easiest shulker kill in the beginning with no armor, that could have possibly happened

Yeah, absolutely that's okay good to go let's go ahead and break down the store

How many shorter shells did we get? We got two shorter shells which means we can make ourselves a joker box

Elektra first Elektra of the series done. I

Don't know equipment because let's face it. I don't know how to use it. Okay, what's in here some terracotta?


Iron, boots iron helmet totem of undying as well as fortune three. Excellent

mending and

Efficiency five. Wow, that's incredible. Okay, so that'll go nicely with the diamond pick. We just made and excited about that

I do want to take these banners and the sign

The rest of it we can leave for now, I think

Yeah, there's no reason to take anything else just yet. All right one Island done

Okay, what's next? What's next? I think let's go check out this red sand island over here Sun is going down

So I may want to sleep soon

Yeah, we'll be okay famous last words

Okay, ah let's see where do I want to jump down to maybe right here is fine


Alright I'm gonna take this cactus

And just build myself a little stairway down here

Just like so okay. Perfect a

Little stairway, it's good and drop a torch. I

Want to keep this lit I believe now what's under here? This looks like it could be housing something

Let's just kind of break through this

Okay, maybe it's not holding anything and it was literally just some red sandstone actually all it looks like

Okay, so it doesn't look like this island has any treasures trust to find

But I will take all of this cactus that I just loose some cactus

No doesn't look like it I should have six yes, I do. Okay. We are good to go. Let's get out of here

Okay, our trees look like they're basically ready to be mined up, however, I want to throw some torches down here

I know nothing can spawn here, but just for my own sanity

Let's go ahead and drop down some torches. Ah

Let's put our things away all of our new treasures. So this can go


iron boots and

helmet, I will wear a

Light robe we'll go in here

We can put this chest down I guess right

How do I how do I make Jess join how do I do this? Why can't I do this


Don't know how to make chess join each other. I don't actually know how to do it. There's new 1.13 feature. I don't know

That I like or maybe I'm just not used to it. It's probably that. I'm probably just not used to how this works

Do I need a another block here?

Let's try that

Little check is this a trap chest?

Yeah, that's a trap chest that's why well that makes sense so

What why would they put a trap chest here?

Okay. Well everyone's really hoping I have a double chest I guess was put it here. Ah, there we go

All right. Good to go. Let's gotta clear out our inventory just a little bit

Everything's gonna be a mess for a little while. I don't feel like organizing just yet. Although I know it probably should

Okay, so next I probably want to go and explore the nether a little bit so

For that I'm gonna need a bunch of cobblestone half my torches. I

might want to take my diamond pick I

Think that's a good idea. We have some armor, so I'm not too too worried

Yeah, I think we have everything we need

Just gonna plant this back

one two three


Uh, yeah to the nether let's do it I

Am scared. Oh, I don't know if you can hear that in my voice. Yes. I almost did just run off my Island. Okay?


It's gonna take a while

Alright, we made it and so far. The first thing I'm seeing is a

Bunch of lava, and I don't want to destroy the slovaks. I do only have one source

So I think I'm just gonna pillar myself over it

Maybe like right here

Just make my way over to this island

Okay into the nether we go. Let's see what we find. What I'm hoping for is another fortress. That would be ideal

I do need some blaze rods as well as

other things that the nether offers, okay, so

Looks like we're just in a giant bedrock box, which I'm not complaining about. It means I'm a little safe here, but

I can't help but think that there's stuff to explore like this down there this giant obsidian wall

Okay, let's go see what we have. I think the only way down would be to maybe make myself a little bit of a staircase

Like this like this

There is a lot of gas that's all I'm hearing or gasps cries or gasps, I'm so sad


So there's not really much in here, I know I want to grab some of this soul sand for sure

But when I do eventually find another fortress I'm gonna want to fight the wither pretty quickly

Right almost have all of this. I wonder what's behind this. Obsidian

Well, I almost punched that Pigman right in the feet that would have been bad

Okay, so obsidian there's got to be secrets behind this right? Let's go ahead and try to dig through it

Okay, another another black lips idiom, okay third block of obsidian

What you serious another one? Okay. Um, how far does this go?

So far it's for at least four blocks deep

Okay, we've broken through the other side oh there's gassed

Of course, they're being gassed right there

But we have broken through the other side and it looks like this was nine blocks thick nine blocks of obsidian

If any idea how long that took to mine

Actually, it wasn't too too long. It's only a few minutes still

It's ridiculous. I wonder what's on the other side treasures galore. I hope


That is the last one. Okay, and

Yes, so it's not

The worst thing it is a nether fortress, which is great. It is something I need

However, I am not equipped to fun to take on this nether fortress just yet

But at least now we know it's here. Hello another Pigman

You're gonna you're gonna hold your sword at me my sword is better though. Your course is bigger


Alright, so I think that does it for the nether. I do want to maybe take a little bit of this netherrack as well

Let's just go ahead and take care of this little islands of netherrack

For no other reason than just to have some so I can bring some back to the overworld

The first thing it looks like I'm noticing is a bunch of nether quartz, which is great

That'll be useful for making comparators some redstone devices as well as observers and I guess just all-around decoration

One thing I'm not too familiar with is actually redstone itself. So I'll probably end up using this more for building than for

making any type of fancy redstone contraptions

Okay, how much nether quartz is here, oh wow, there's a pretty decent amount

And it looks like just the bottom is more bedrock so I am literally in just a bedrock cube right now

Which means I am pretty safe in here

But I still might want to put slabs over all of this just to prevent gas from spawning because gas do spawn on

Any surface, I believe that is 2x2

Might be 3x3 and there is plenty of flat surface in here. So I'm gonna want to make this spawn proof

Okay, this is a pretty fair amount of nether quartz and

Honestly, I probably should have applied the fortune 3 to my diamond pick first, but we do have access to a full nether

So I'm not really too too worried about

Mining a few nether quartz blocks without fortune. It's not the biggest deal in the world

All right, so overall successful nether trip. Let's head back

There's one more thing that I want to explore in today's episode and then I'm gonna get to some resource gathering off-camera

Okay, so what do we have here just go ahead and put all of this stuff away

This this this and that

now the quartz goes up here and

You can go there. Actually, I'm gonna go feed up my sheep two, sheep will get fed. The third can suffer

Okay, white and

Gray, I want you to make me a light gray baby. Can you do that?

Yes, you can

Is that like gray or is that just another gray?

It looks the same

All right. Well, that's fine. We now have four sheep. It's better than nothing now

The other thing I wanted to check out today was this island here?

So I've already been over here and I saw it. There's chickens and pigs in the back

But this looks a little suspicious to me

So as I was digging this out, I uncovered a whole bunch of iron and coal and gold just a whole bunch of resources

Just in this little area here

And I'm thinking there might be something under this as well. I mean, why else would it be so

Thick at the bottom and rounded I mean look at all the other islands. That one's fairly flat. That one's a hundred percent flat

This one actually might have some hidden treasures below it as well

And this one we explored and there wasn't anything but you can see it's only a few blocks thick so I didn't expect anything here

This one this one's much much bigger. So I don't want to destroy the inside of the house. I don't want my villagers getting lost

So I'm gonna go ahead and tear some of this out here. I think this is probably good

Okay, and the first thing I'm finding is some acacia wood and that's the world okay, let's not let's not do that

so acacia wood and

Looks like grey clay perhaps

No, that is quartz, that is some quartz stairs, it looks like

Okay, and yeah, we did find some treasure we found a few chests underneath here so

Yeah, my intuition was right. There was something under these we do have inventory space Wow. Oh

Okay, that's only wool. I thought those were gold blocks. Well, it's crazy

All right, so we have some yellow wool some glass and some slime as well as a whole bunch of cyan wool as well

All right, we can make some colorful things. It's gonna take these chests. So I know that I've been here

more yellow or glass more slime and this time purple to go along with the cyan and

I can't actually fit all of this into my inventory. I guess we can get rid of that throw our

torches in our offhand

Okay, we can take everything

All right, look at that and we have glowstone as well

So overall pretty successful. I don't have any seeds to get my chickens. But what I do have are eggs that I can't pick up

Let's see if we can get ourselves a few more chickens in this room

Two eggs better than nothing then work no more eggs. One more chickens. I

Only see one chicken, where's my other chicken?

Okay, you're that you weren't, you know kiddo, alright, that's fine

Chickens, okay. So overall some pretty good exploring. One more thing I do want to take care of is

Exploring down below under the ocean just a little bit. Nothing too too crazy because I don't have any type of water breathing

I don't have night vision to see under there, but I can see what looks to be some type of blocks right here

Definitely over there near that dolphin and

There are bubbles coming up from the ground

You can't see him at the moment, but I did fall into the water and I saw bubbles forming right around my water pillar

So I want to go ahead and explore that as well

So let me just put all this stuff away and then we'll just take the plunge

Okay and chest isn't big enough to hold everything so let's go ahead and add this on top

Can I can I do this

Is this gonna connect no, it will not I don't know how this works yet


that takes care of that we have our iron pick which is about to break so

Do I have three iron? Can I make another one? Yes, I can

- and my sticks

One stick oh I threw my sticks over here. That's fine. We have plenty of wood

And a brand new iron pick

Okay. So let's go ahead and just jump into the water and see what we have one two

Down we go. Okay. So as you can see here are my bubbles

Looks like there's the bottom of this island here with the tree on it

okay, some fish and

Not much else I can see at the moment

Okay, a little bit of a netherrack building for our lava

What is that it's that coral

okay, so these are coral blocks and

It looks like I found a chest as well. So let's go ahead and surface so I can breathe. I

Really? Hope there's no drowned under here

Okay, I think we have our water breathing let's go ahead and see what's in this oh that's a torch

Smite five. Okay. Well, that's good. You can definitely throw that on a sword or even my axe

Take that chest and get out of here

Swim swim swim. Okay, don't drown. Yeah, there's drowned

What did I say? Didn't want to see you


All right, first kill get to go

All right, so I don't want to

Be down here too long

But one thing I did see was a whole bunch of gold blocks right around all these bubbles

And when we get some water breathing and depth Strider will definitely come back here and explore a whole bunch more

So I can hang out right here and breathe happily

All right, so let's go ahead and take a few of these gold blocks and see if there's anything lying in wait underneath here I

Don't want to mine all of this. Let's face it. I don't want to be down here just mining gold for hours

This is gonna take longer than mining obsidian without having the aqua affinity and water breathing and all that stuff

So I'm just gonna maybe take down to the bottom till I see something

And it looks like that's it

Come on, one more one more don't die. Okay

so two, maybe three layers of

Gold blocks or down the bottom there, which is helpful for sure. And since we found the one chest I can only assume there's more

scattered throughout

So that's great. All right overall pretty successful now

This video comes out in just a few hours, so I actually need to get to editing

And uploading of this video my computer is not the fastest. So rendering and uploading takes a little bit of time

so I'm gonna get started on that and

In the meantime, I will do a little bit more research

Resource gathering off-camera, so I hope you guys enjoyed this little bit of exploration in the next episode


thinking I might play around with the time-lapse and actually tear down some of these islands that you see around here and I want to

Mine out that giant ore island for sure as well as get a little bit more infrastructure like a bigger farm going some more trees


Maybe a few animal pens. So I think that's gonna be it for this episode if you enjoyed it

Make sure to hit that like button comment below to chat with me

Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see all you guys in the next episode

For more infomation >> 1.13 Skyblock - Episode 2 - Exploration - Let's Play Survival Minecraft - Duration: 24:10.


"C'est un scandale" : Brigitte Bardot réagit après la diffusion d'une nouvelle vidéo de L214 - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> "C'est un scandale" : Brigitte Bardot réagit après la diffusion d'une nouvelle vidéo de L214 - Duration: 3:05.


My Secret For GETTING MORE DONE (INFP + ENFP Advice) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:33.

Hey Dan here and I wanted to share a quick video on getting more done as a

creative person, especially if you are an idealist like an ENFP or an INFP who's a

little more creative like myself. I'm an ENFP who sometimes has trouble getting

as much done as you would like when it comes to creative projects this could be

anywhere from filming videos for YouTube like this or writing a book, writing

articles, doing anything, recording a podcast,.Ultimately this saying - if you

build it, they will come - really applies in my experience what I mean by that is

if you set yourself up to have a blank canvas literally you will paint more let

me give you an example I'm filming this right now in my new studio I've set up

half a room in my apartment for just filming now the lights will stay

permanently and yeah there's gonna be like a cool background eventually and

stuff like that but since setting this up I found I've become way more creative

and I've been filming more and it's literally the second day I've had it set

up and I found this with writing I found this with podcasting where when I give

myself basically the canvas now in a bit more of a metaphorical sense if you will

when I have the canvas meaning I go to a cafe every morning to write and I bring

my laptop and I go somewhere without internet and I'm like this is writing

time guess what happens I write a lot more and when I write my creativity

shows up because I have this outlet and it's like okay Dan you're going to write

you better produce so I do and I was actually a bit worried about my my

videos recently because I hadn't been filming very much and I was wondering am

I losing my own you know is something going away am I gonna just run out of

creativity or videos to make and sure enough when I put in the time it took me

about a day to set everything up here when I did so the creativity came back

because it was like okay all the technical details figuring out the

lights and the sound and all that is done and I can just show up

and I have found that across the board so especially as I mentioned at the

being if you're like an ENFP or INFP you probably don't love the technical

details of things like getting the exact things set up moving this here putting

this light here getting all that right and so if you could just do that once

and get set up then you're going to really allow yourself to focus on what

you want to do which is creating so whatever that creating you want to do in

your life find a way to carve out space for it it could be physical space like

I've done here with the studio setup where it's literally taking you know a

big space and making it just for filming it could also be mental space or time

space I mentioned before the example of writing and one thing I used to do and

I'm doing on and off now is in the mornings I will go to a cafe to write

and I will say I have a two hour window all I'm going to do is write and

actually on a side note I use like a really simple writing program called

darkroom that is just text no spell checking no formatting and so that

really invites my creativity out where it's like okay all I can do here I'm at

this cafe for two hours and all I can do is write text there's no internet

I can't even fool around with formatting all I have to do is write and it works

really really really really that's a lot of really is well in my experience so

find a way to carve that out for yourself let me know below in the

comment what you're gonna do about it is there a certain creative pursuit that

you're either struggling to start or you just haven't been producing nearly as

much as you want to let me know what that is and what you're gonna do about

it in terms of carving out that space setting up your blank canvas so you can

actually let the creativity flow thanks for watching if you haven't yet

subscribed to the channel I publish new videos each and every week on

freelancing on working for yourself on location independence personality type

personal development and a whole slew of other great topics so hit that subscribe

button and click the bell beside it to be notified of new videos catch you

soon ciao


For more infomation >> My Secret For GETTING MORE DONE (INFP + ENFP Advice) - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:33.


Laudeia Hallyday "Discomfort", sélectionnée par Sylvie Vartan pour son album - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Laudeia Hallyday "Discomfort", sélectionnée par Sylvie Vartan pour son album - Duration: 1:22.


FR- Comment faire une capture d'écran sur iPhone ou iPad - Duration: 0:57.

How to take a screenshot on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

On an iPhone 8 or earlier, iPad, or iPod touch, press and hold the Top or Side button.

Immediately click the Home button, then release the Top or Side buttons.

In iOS 11, a thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device.

or press and hold the thumbnail to share the screenshot. Swipe left on the thumbnail to dismiss it.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> FR- Comment faire une capture d'écran sur iPhone ou iPad - Duration: 0:57.


Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron : la dérangeante comparaison -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron : la dérangeante comparaison -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:27.


Lenovo P70-A replacement of the connector and loop of the battery, display - Duration: 10:02.


Today on Lenovo repair p70-a

I will change the display module on it.

But having disassembled the phone all went wrong as planned.

And all because the phone was already under repair

I think this is understandable on a white display on a black phone.

I already took it apart

and gathered back to show you what I ran into.

Removing the lid, we see service the fillings that I have already cut,

why are you now will understand.

Unscrew all screws

Then we go through the mediator and disconnect the body.

And remove the cover, see what were the seals for,

open up

And what do we see?

Torn wires from the battery.

Kapton tape already I wrapped them.

And so they were all soldered to the board

they broke the connector or broke the cable

and decided to go out this way

the wires were soldered and glued on the back

covers on thermo-glue.

And after I removed the cover naturally everything came off

Well, now the replacement of the display not the most important thing)),

and the question was how to recover this miracle repair.


first remove the battery

To do this, gently unsolder the last wire,

it's good that when three others came off,

contacts on the board remained intact.

Removed the battery

take the sheath and remove all the excess

and make sure that all the contacts on the board are whole.

Well, everything is fine not torn off.

Now we will disassemble the battery.

As you can see here again service sticker,

tearing up everything.

And what we see


just completely sealed off

and 4 wires are soldered to the controller.

Well and good.

Let's go further

so in my inventory, I found a loop with a controller

with old battery,

with the desired connector

with a battery that blew up,

By the way, who has not seen the video link now appears on top.

And also on one of the floor work phones found the desired connector.

There is no other therefore temporarily remove from here.

and order a new one and put it back.

To vypayat it. At first

going through all the contacts lead containing solder,

then remove the hair dryer when about 250 degrees,

plastic at the same time does not melt.

Progrety and remove the connector

It looks like this.

Next, install it on the board,

fix it,

on the pins we make pads with a soldering iron.

We take the connector,

we put it about,

and then centering first one extreme foot first,

and then from the second side.

Then you can safely solder other contacts.

If the feet are soldered together

add flux

and remove too much.

After soldering we clean

and recheck how the connector is connected.

Everything is great, connection clear and nothing loose.

And now you can and check new display.

Connecting display loops and touchscreen,

connect from the unit

supply plus and minus on the train,

check that there are no short circuits,

Connect and turn on the phone.

By the way, links to the tool from the video and to the display module I will leave for you in the description,

I will leave the module for you in the description,

come see.

Also do not forget cashback from LetyShops service.

As you can see the display caught fire, We put a film under the cable,

so that the contacts do not short out,

we will turn, and we will check working capacity display module.

Moving the icon just across the screen

The touchscreen works and the display also works fine.


turn off the phone

and glue the new module with the frame,

but for now he will dry deal with the battery.

I put acid on the contacts

and remove the old battery power controller,

it is better to immediately mark where we have plus where minus

We will also do with the new controller with a train,

a couple drops of acid

and tinning connecting contacts.

Do not regret the solder, since the terminals from the battery must be completely wrapped in solder.

Contacts with the battery do not really want soldered,

but with acid everything is easy

after sealing clean all contacts

and turn the cable inside the battery case.

Now it's time to check and battery.

The module is already glued in,

take the battery


and connect the charger,

Excellent phone is charging,

battery and accepts and gives power to the board.

Great, charging current also quite normal for this phone.

After that of course shutdown was checked

power controller when 100% battery charging.

And it remains to collect the phone completely

check it again.

And that is all.

Liked the video ?? Like it!!

And also do not forget to watch my other videos

and click on the circle in the center of the screen

and subscribe to the channel


For more infomation >> Lenovo P70-A replacement of the connector and loop of the battery, display - Duration: 10:02.


6 astuces pour en finir avec la graisse corporelle - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> 6 astuces pour en finir avec la graisse corporelle - Duration: 6:32.


4 remèdes naturels pour calmer les douleurs abdominales - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> 4 remèdes naturels pour calmer les douleurs abdominales - Duration: 6:32.


9分變學霸?中學成績大公開㊙️!老師她。。FAILED High School Exam / SPM Result|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> 9分變學霸?中學成績大公開㊙️!老師她。。FAILED High School Exam / SPM Result|WONDER QUEEN - Duration: 10:06.


Bagabag | Short Film - Duration: 16:39.

LIANA: Oh my gosh! Is that the new student? He's hot.

LIANA: He looks like your prince charming, Natalie!

TROY: Hey Freddy, you wanna ditch school?

FREDDY: Yeah dude!

TROY: Alright, let's go.

TROY: Watch where you're going fucker!

FREDDY: Troy! Lay the fuck down! He's the new student.

TROY: He almost ruined my jacket!

FREDDY: You okay dude? Sorry about that. Anyways, I'm Freddy.

XANDER: Yup, thanks man. My name's Xander. FREDDY: Mind If I check your sched?

YOUNG XANDER: Dad, Please I won't do it again! XANDER'S DAD: You need to learn, son. You need to see the truth!

XANDER'S MOM: Honey, stop hurting him! He didn't do anything!

XANDER'S DAD: Shut up you fucking whore! Both of you! You need to see what my mind is capable of!

FREDDY: Hey dude, you ready to court Natalie?

XANDER: Yeah, I think I'm ready.

TROY: Give this to her, chicks dig it.

LIANA: Bebs, You know the hottest jock in school?

NATALIE: Yes, beb. What's up?

LIANA: Well, we had sex.

NATALIE: Tell me what happened?

FREDDY: Yo, where you going?

TROY: What the fuck dude!

HOOKER: You wanna have some fun sugar?

CLUB GIRL #1: So like I saw this hottie earlier and I can't seem to find him.

CLUB GIRL #2: Yeah, I saw him too. He looks yummy and has a nice ass too.

CLUB GIRL #1: I think I saw him near the bar. CLUB GIRL #2: Then let's go find him, shall we!

TROY: Gotcha you motherfucker!

TROY: You spilled beer all over my jacket man!

TROY: Hey! Say something fuckface!

FREDDY: Holy shit dude! Where did you came from?

XANDER: Sorry man, your door was open and I had to che-- FREDDY: Where did you get that wine?

XANDER: Oh this? Troy gave this to me. FREDDY: Really?

XANDER: Yeah dude.

FREDDY: Is it okay If I can have it?

XANDER: Sure, dude.

FREDDY: What the hell?

FREDDY: That was my wine you asshole!


FREDDY: Hey man! What the fuck is that! Let me go!

FREDDY: Please don't do this! Shit! Please dude! I'm begging you!

FREDDY: What the hell's wrong with you! What the fuck!

FREDDY: Don't do it dude! Please!

PERVERT #1: That booty looks tasty.

PERVERT #2: Let's sneak up on her and fuck her brains out.

PERVERT #2: She's going so fast.

PERVERT #1: I'll taste her pussy first, okay man?

PERVERT #2: What the fuck!?

LIANA: Hey! Watch it you asshole!

NATALIE: Hey Xander, wait!

'Can I court you?'

NATALIE: No! You can't! Please just let me go! Please!

XANDER: Fuck! Not this again!

XANDER: I love you Natalie!

Music Credits In The Description

For more infomation >> Bagabag | Short Film - Duration: 16:39.



For more infomation >> L' ALTRA FACCIA DELLA MEDAGLIA (3X01)- DUAL THE WEBSERIES - Duration: 13:24.


6 aliments qui vous aident à augmenter la sérotonine - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> 6 aliments qui vous aident à augmenter la sérotonine - Duration: 7:07.


5 alternatives au sucre pour perdre du poids - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 5 alternatives au sucre pour perdre du poids - Duration: 6:37.


Relaxing Music for Stress Yoga Meditation music - Duration: 30:08.

Meditation Music



Zen and Chi

Psychotic therapy music


Stress throwing music

yoga music

meditation music

relaxation music

rest music


body comfort music

zen meditation music

reiki music

deep sleep music

concentration music

sleep music

course study music

spirit relaxing music


music for the treatment of schizophrenia

subconscious music

Turkish bath and spa music

cafe music

cafe music

Meditation Relaxation Yoga

Motivation HD

Deep Sleep

Soul Resting Music


Meditation (Quotation Subject)

Meditations (Musical Album)

yoga music

relaxing music

looked at


book reading music

peaceful music

relax music

relax music

psychological treatment music

mind-blowing music

course study music

reiki music

calming music

yoga music

relaxing music

music from good to stress

sleep music

sleep meditation



meditation music




Remember to subscribe to our channel.

For more infomation >> Relaxing Music for Stress Yoga Meditation music - Duration: 30:08.


Gad Elmaleh et Charlotte Casiraghi, cet événement « exceptionnel», que leur fils a «gâché » - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Gad Elmaleh et Charlotte Casiraghi, cet événement « exceptionnel», que leur fils a «gâché » - Duration: 2:38.


U&D, l'opinionista Jack assente in studio, le sue parole: 'Ho ancora paura' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> U&D, l'opinionista Jack assente in studio, le sue parole: 'Ho ancora paura' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:41.





川崎F小林悠が肘打ち食らい顔面強打、交代し搬送? - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 川崎F小林悠が肘打ち食らい顔面強打、交代し搬送? - Duration: 2:46.


Tim Mälzer: „Ich fühl mich wirklich körperlich krank, ich kriege dann eine Panikattacke" - Duration: 5:45.

Tim Mälzer: „Ich fühl mich wirklich körperlich krank, ich kriege dann eine Panikattacke"

Meist ist Tim Mälzer lustig, laut und leidenschaftlich bei der Sache.

Doch bei einem aktuellen TV-Experiment mit Reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff verlor er die Nerven – und ließ tief in sein Innerstes blicken ….

In der gestrigen RTL-Show „Jenke Über Leben" (2. November) erlebte man einen fast unbekannten Tim Mälzer (47).

Der TV-Koch musste nicht nur gegen eine Panikattacke ankämpfen, sondern teilte auch intime Erfahrungen von seiner Zeit des Burnouts und seiner Alkoholabhängigkeit.

Wenn die Panik kommt.

In der neuen Sendung sollte sich der 47-Jährige zusammen mit Reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff (53) an einer Felswand in Südostafrika abseilen.

Zu viel für den sonst so taffen Elmshorner.

„Es ist so, als ob dir jemand in die Magengrube greift und alles auf links dreht.

Mir wird übel, schwindlig, ich krieg Schweißausbrüche.

Ich fühl mich wirklich körperlich krank, ich kriege dann eine Panikattacke.

Keine Chance, dass ich vom Kopf her da rauskomme".

Mut zum „Nein"-Sagen. Sehr zur Enttäuschung seines Begleiters musste der Wildnis-Trip durch die Panik an der Felswand abgebrochen werden.

Doch der Reporter bewundert Tim Mälzer auch für seine Stärke, es nicht allen recht machen zu wollen.

Der TV-Koch, der bei diesem Experiment wirklich an seine physischen und psychischen Grenzen stieß, ist froh über seine Entscheidung:.

„Meine Männlichkeit liegt darin, an der richtigen Stelle auch mal ,Nein' zu sagen.

Ich bin auf die Entscheidung noch immer sehr, sehr stolz".

Alkohol, Burnout und Einsamkeit.

Doch auch in das Innenleben und in die sonst so geschützte Privatsphäre ließ Tim Mälzer in der Show blicken.

So erzählte er vom beruflichen Aufstieg, seinem Erfolg – für den er „wie eine Hafenhure" gearbeitet hatte – und schließlich auch von seinem Absturz.

„Ich habe 500 Sendungen in drei Jahren gemacht.

Ich bin wahnsinnig einsam geworden dadurch, kein Partner, kein Familienmitglied, kein Freund hat Kontakt zu mir bekommen", verrät er beim intimen Lagerfeuergespräch.

Der schnelle Erfolg und die Einsamkeit hatten zur Folge, dass er weiter den Boden unter den Füßen verlor, schließlich in eine Alkoholabhängigkeit rutschte und exzessiv feierte, um Dampf abzulassen.

Auf die Frage nach den Alkoholmengen sagte er ganz offen zu von Wilmsdorff: „Wer säuft und noch sagen kann, wie viel er säuft, hat nicht gesoffen".

„Alles andere ist Vergangenheit".

So privat hat man Tim Mälzer noch nie gesehen.

Nach seinem Zusammenbruch im Fernsehstudio und einer Auszeit hat die nordische Frohnatur sein Leben jedoch wieder in den Griff bekommen.

Ganz im Reinen sei der Vater zweier Kinder zwar noch nicht, aber er sei zufrieden.

Und dankbar. „Ich habe die Gelegenheit gehabt, Gehör zu bekommen und das ist, was ich heute vermitteln will:.

Es ist okay, wenn du mal in einer Krise in deinem Leben steckst und am Boden liegst und dann auch Hilfe suchst und da sehr stark wieder rauskommst. Alles andere ist Vergangenheit".

For more infomation >> Tim Mälzer: „Ich fühl mich wirklich körperlich krank, ich kriege dann eine Panikattacke" - Duration: 5:45.


Ровер Кьюриосити на поверхности Марса: посадка и первые солы (0003-0050) работы. СУБТИРЫ - Duration: 44:36.

Main engine start, zero (count), and ...

... lifting the Atlas-5 rocket with curiosity on board.

Mars mission to find answers to the question of the existence of life.

Run from Cape Canaveral, Florida, November 26, 2011

The spacecraft division of the Martian Scientific Laboratory from the upper acceleration stage of the Atlas 5 launch vehicle. The direction is Mars.

Arriving on Mars on August 6, 2012

Crater Gale (diameter 154 km) was chosen by NASA as a landing site for Curiosity

Carter contains numerous traces of deposited sediments, and is distinguished by its view from orbit - to the south of it stretches a train of dark sand

Inside the crater is a hill - Mount Aolid (Sharpe), it rises about 5 kilometers above the bottom of the crater

After a fiery entry into the atmosphere, a supersonic parachute opened, capable of supporting 29,480 kg of weight.

Branch of the lower part of the heat shield, with a diameter of 4.5 meters

During further descent, this allowed the radar of the vehicle to determine its own height above the surface.

The parachute was able to slow MSL to 322 km / h, but it's too fast to land.

For further braking, NASA engineers used jet streams of small rocket engines mounted on a "sky crane" carrier.

Animation created before launch, and the actual shooting of the descent special Mars Descent Imager (MARDI)

"Sky crane" took effect at a height of about 18 m above the surface

Landing node lowered the rover down with 6-meter ropes

Going down at a speed of about 2.4 km / h Curiosity gently touched Mars inside Gale Crater

"Sky crane" cut the cables and flew off at least 150 meters, crashing into the surface at a distance from the rover

The first pictures taken by Curiosity after landing on Mars in the morning of August 6, 2012. Hazard Avoidance Chamber

In the left image, the dust cover is still attached to the camera, and dust and three clips are visible around its edge, the cover is removed in the right picture.

Sol 0003. Calibration target of the rover

The calibration target of the Mastcam camera is located on the Curiosity case, the colors of the target materials have known scientific values.

It is designed to adjust the "natural" color or something like what the colors would look like if we ourselves saw this scene on Mars.

The reddish rings visible on the target are six small built-in magnets that can capture and concentrate dust from the atmosphere of Mars.

View of the target in sol 2211. 10.25.2018

Sol 0003. The following images are the first color frames. high resolution transmitted by NASA Curiosity rover

Mastcam camera shoots color images just like consumer cameras do.

It is difficult to say whether Mars will see the human eye, rather it is something that can record a cell phone or video camera.

Mastcam consists of two cameras mounted on the mast, rising up from the rover body of the Mars Science Laboratory

Stereo base pair of cameras: ~ 24.5 cm

Camera resolution: 7.4 cm per pixel at a distance of about 1 kilometer, and about 150 microns per pixel at a distance of 2 meters

Size of images transmitted to Mastmasks: 1600 X 1200 pixels or 2 megapixels

The camera has several filters for shooting sets of monochrome, "one-color", images

These images are used to analyze the patterns of light absorption in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

A field of dark dunes, near the landing site of the rover

Mastcam can record high definition video (HD) at 10 frames per second.

Mastcam has an internal data buffer (8 GB RAM), designed to temporarily store 5500+ images, or several hours of high-definition video.

The rover wheels display a sequence of dashes and dots (Morse code)

They typed a combination of letters JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Curiosity's wheel width is about 50 centimeters.

Sol 0013, Mastcam Camera Calibration Target Image

The Martian salt is a sunny day, the duration of which is 24 hours, 39 minutes, 35.24 seconds.

On Earth, the average duration of solar days is 24 hours, 3 minutes, 56.55 seconds.

The external parts of the SAM instrument are designed for the analysis of solid samples, organic matter and atmospheric composition

The outer part of the CheMin spectrometer, which allows you to determine the abundance of minerals on Mars

Sol 0020, Mastcam Camera Calibration Target Image

Sol 0024, Mastcam Camera Calibration Target Image

Jets during the landing of the rover exposed and destroyed the rocky rocks below the surface

In direct line of sight to the rim of the Gale crater (about 30 km) there is a dusty veil hanging in the atmosphere

Presumably, the network of valleys in the crater wall is formed by prolonged water erosion caused by flows coming from outside the crater.

Jets during the landing of the rover exposed and destroyed the rocky rocks below the surface

Toolkit on a scientific turret placed on the 2-meter Kyuriositi robotic arm

Sol 0030, Mastcam Camera Calibration Target Image

Stone disturbed by rover wheels

Sol 0032, a review of scientific instruments on the scientific turret, located on the 2-meter Kyuriositi robotic arm

The impact of Curiosity wheel protectors on rocky ground. Curiosity's mass is 900 kg.

Sol 0036

Sol 0037

Sol 0038

First brushing of the surface on the rover's robo-arm

Sol 0039

Shooting near the surface, frame size 15 * 15 cm

Sol 0039

Sol 0041



Layered hills on the slopes of Gale Crater. Supposedly network of valleys formed by prolonged water erosion caused by flows coming from outside the crater

Sol 0048

Sol 0049

Sol 0050. Calibration target is already covered with dust, built-in magnets captured fairly dust

Thanks to everyone who watched the video!

Do not forget that the channel has a tab Community, where the news will appear much more often than the main channel.

For more infomation >> Ровер Кьюриосити на поверхности Марса: посадка и первые солы (0003-0050) работы. СУБТИРЫ - Duration: 44:36.


元日本代表の43歳GK川口能活、今季限りで現役引退発表 「今は感謝の気持ちしかありません」 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 元日本代表の43歳GK川口能活、今季限りで現役引退発表 「今は感謝の気持ちしかありません」 - Duration: 3:39.


中国歼20靠超远程导弹猎杀F22?总师:还有更好方案 - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> 中国歼20靠超远程导弹猎杀F22?总师:还有更好方案 - Duration: 15:26.


Τζένη Θεωνά: Αυτό είναι το φύλο του μωρού που περιμένει | News | - Duration: 1:18.

 Ευχάριστα νέα για τη Τζένη Θεωνά, η οποία σε λίγους μήνες θα γίνει μανούλα. Η γνωστή ηθοποιός βρίσκεται ήδη στον πέμπτο μήνα της εγκυμοσύνης της, ενώ δίνει την πρώτη της συνέντευξη, μετά την αποκάλυψη για το μωράκι που περιμένει

 Η Τζένη Θεωνά μιλώντας στο People που κυκλοφορεί, αποκάλυψε πως περιμένει αγοράκι: «Έχω την αίσθηση πως έχω εντρυφήσει στη γυναικεία ψυχολογία, κι αυτό επειδή αγαπώ πολύ τις γυναίκες – έχω πολλές φίλες και μια αδελφή με την οποία είμαστε πολύ κοντά

Σκεφτόμουν, λοιπόν, "τι θα κάνω αν είναι αγοράκι, πόσο εύκολα θα το καταλάβω, θα επικοινωνεί μόνο με τον μπαμπά του;"

Ακόμη δεν ξέρω φυσικά. Όταν όμως μάθαμε πως το μωράκι είναι αγόρι, ένιωσα πως δεν θα ήθελα τίποτα άλλο

Τώρα απολαμβάνω τη συγκατοίκησή μας και ανυπομονώ να τον γνωρίσω», ανέφερε.  Φωτογραφία: NDP

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