Hello everybody, my name is Hudinio and welcome back to
1.13 Skyblock this episode too and in between episodes. I did just a little bit of work not to too much
I haven't actually had a whole lot of time this week to sit down and play
I did manage to get a little bit of iron as well as some coal as you can see here and
I mined out a good chunk of the underside of our island here
But I did leave our first diamonds on the bottom. So I want to experience that with you for the first time
Let's head down and take care of these diamonds
And done let's see one
Where they go. Oh, okay. We have it two
And three. Alright. Those are our first three diamonds together Oh No
Right into the water below good thing that's there and it's not the void good for us
Alright, so in this episode what I want to take care of today is maybe do a little bit more reefs
resource grinding off-camera, but
On camera, I want to explore the rest of these islands. So we have one here. We have the sand islands
we have the nether and
We have this awesome beach island down below. I don't know if I need to get down there right away
Unless I really want jungle saplings
But I do want to get into the nether for sure as well as like I said finish exploring the rest of these islands
So let me just go ahead and make a few slabs. I might as well make my diamond pick while I'm at it
And I guess a handful of more torches
Just go do this diamond pick done aa few sticks maybe
Maybe that many a couple torches
Let's see. Do we have iron? Yes, we do. Let's got to make ourselves a good set of iron tools
iron sword check
iron shovel
question mark check and
an iron axe
Good to go. Alright, and we saw a three iron leftover. I don't know that I need anything else just yet. Okay
What's gonna put some of this stuff away iron can go this can go stone. Tools can go I
will put my diamond pick away coz I want to make sure that
We keep that safe. And as you can see our tree just screw which is amazing gonna throw this wood away
And make a ton of slabs that should be plenty I don't see myself needing more than that
Go here, okay
So first thing I'm noticing is that this platform is a little small. So I think I want to extend this out
Maybe two more blocks
That was three, yes, I know
Three okay. Alright fine three blocks. It is one two, three. I
Don't want to lose any of these saplings into the water. It's the only reason I'm doing this too
And we're just basically making a cobblestone
Slab of a world. It's not too pretty to look at just yet. But you know what? There's still the
starting time of a new world
there's all the resource gathering to go through first before you can start making things look pretty and
That's exactly what I intend to do is I want to make this world look as pretty as I can
Give me those back
And check. Okay, maybe a few more here
And this is the last set on this side
Okay, good to go. We did manage to get some sheep going here
I penned them in because I actually had one D spawn
Which took me from three sheep to - and I just bred these guys up and got a gray sheep
So nothing has changed here
Alright, I'll come back and take care of those later
So I did actually remove this block from the island as well
however, villagers were actually running all around my island as I was trying to mine cobblestone and
I wanted to try to keep them as safe as possible. So that's why if that's missing in case you're wondering
Alright, so let's go ahead and make our way over to this end island
I really don't know what to expect but I can assume that there's gonna be some type of treasures maybe an end portal
I don't fully know. I hope it's something good though
so like so it should be good and
Alright so I first thing I'm noticing is that there's no lights right inside
Which is great and I see some shockers now. I probably don't want to go head-on with the shoulders, right?
So maybe what would be a good idea just to break this block try to get them to attack each other?
Or maybe I can just do it from here
Is that working that worked huh, and we got shulker shells, all right
Okay, that's two done
Three four five nope, nope, nope. Nope
Okay, they are attacking each other maybe
Okay, yes, they are definitely attacking each other only one more
This might have been the easiest shulker kill in the beginning with no armor, that could have possibly happened
Yeah, absolutely that's okay good to go let's go ahead and break down the store
How many shorter shells did we get? We got two shorter shells which means we can make ourselves a joker box
Elektra first Elektra of the series done. I
Don't know equipment because let's face it. I don't know how to use it. Okay, what's in here some terracotta?
Iron, boots iron helmet totem of undying as well as fortune three. Excellent
mending and
Efficiency five. Wow, that's incredible. Okay, so that'll go nicely with the diamond pick. We just made and excited about that
I do want to take these banners and the sign
The rest of it we can leave for now, I think
Yeah, there's no reason to take anything else just yet. All right one Island done
Okay, what's next? What's next? I think let's go check out this red sand island over here Sun is going down
So I may want to sleep soon
Yeah, we'll be okay famous last words
Okay, ah let's see where do I want to jump down to maybe right here is fine
Alright I'm gonna take this cactus
And just build myself a little stairway down here
Just like so okay. Perfect a
Little stairway, it's good and drop a torch. I
Want to keep this lit I believe now what's under here? This looks like it could be housing something
Let's just kind of break through this
Okay, maybe it's not holding anything and it was literally just some red sandstone actually all it looks like
Okay, so it doesn't look like this island has any treasures trust to find
But I will take all of this cactus that I just loose some cactus
No doesn't look like it I should have six yes, I do. Okay. We are good to go. Let's get out of here
Okay, our trees look like they're basically ready to be mined up, however, I want to throw some torches down here
I know nothing can spawn here, but just for my own sanity
Let's go ahead and drop down some torches. Ah
Let's put our things away all of our new treasures. So this can go
iron boots and
helmet, I will wear a
Light robe we'll go in here
We can put this chest down I guess right
How do I how do I make Jess join how do I do this? Why can't I do this
Don't know how to make chess join each other. I don't actually know how to do it. There's new 1.13 feature. I don't know
That I like or maybe I'm just not used to it. It's probably that. I'm probably just not used to how this works
Do I need a another block here?
Let's try that
Little check is this a trap chest?
Yeah, that's a trap chest that's why well that makes sense so
What why would they put a trap chest here?
Okay. Well everyone's really hoping I have a double chest I guess was put it here. Ah, there we go
All right. Good to go. Let's gotta clear out our inventory just a little bit
Everything's gonna be a mess for a little while. I don't feel like organizing just yet. Although I know it probably should
Okay, so next I probably want to go and explore the nether a little bit so
For that I'm gonna need a bunch of cobblestone half my torches. I
might want to take my diamond pick I
Think that's a good idea. We have some armor, so I'm not too too worried
Yeah, I think we have everything we need
Just gonna plant this back
one two three
Uh, yeah to the nether let's do it I
Am scared. Oh, I don't know if you can hear that in my voice. Yes. I almost did just run off my Island. Okay?
It's gonna take a while
Alright, we made it and so far. The first thing I'm seeing is a
Bunch of lava, and I don't want to destroy the slovaks. I do only have one source
So I think I'm just gonna pillar myself over it
Maybe like right here
Just make my way over to this island
Okay into the nether we go. Let's see what we find. What I'm hoping for is another fortress. That would be ideal
I do need some blaze rods as well as
other things that the nether offers, okay, so
Looks like we're just in a giant bedrock box, which I'm not complaining about. It means I'm a little safe here, but
I can't help but think that there's stuff to explore like this down there this giant obsidian wall
Okay, let's go see what we have. I think the only way down would be to maybe make myself a little bit of a staircase
Like this like this
There is a lot of gas that's all I'm hearing or gasps cries or gasps, I'm so sad
So there's not really much in here, I know I want to grab some of this soul sand for sure
But when I do eventually find another fortress I'm gonna want to fight the wither pretty quickly
Right almost have all of this. I wonder what's behind this. Obsidian
Well, I almost punched that Pigman right in the feet that would have been bad
Okay, so obsidian there's got to be secrets behind this right? Let's go ahead and try to dig through it
Okay, another another black lips idiom, okay third block of obsidian
What you serious another one? Okay. Um, how far does this go?
So far it's for at least four blocks deep
Okay, we've broken through the other side oh there's gassed
Of course, they're being gassed right there
But we have broken through the other side and it looks like this was nine blocks thick nine blocks of obsidian
If any idea how long that took to mine
Actually, it wasn't too too long. It's only a few minutes still
It's ridiculous. I wonder what's on the other side treasures galore. I hope
That is the last one. Okay, and
Yes, so it's not
The worst thing it is a nether fortress, which is great. It is something I need
However, I am not equipped to fun to take on this nether fortress just yet
But at least now we know it's here. Hello another Pigman
You're gonna you're gonna hold your sword at me my sword is better though. Your course is bigger
Alright, so I think that does it for the nether. I do want to maybe take a little bit of this netherrack as well
Let's just go ahead and take care of this little islands of netherrack
For no other reason than just to have some so I can bring some back to the overworld
The first thing it looks like I'm noticing is a bunch of nether quartz, which is great
That'll be useful for making comparators some redstone devices as well as observers and I guess just all-around decoration
One thing I'm not too familiar with is actually redstone itself. So I'll probably end up using this more for building than for
making any type of fancy redstone contraptions
Okay, how much nether quartz is here, oh wow, there's a pretty decent amount
And it looks like just the bottom is more bedrock so I am literally in just a bedrock cube right now
Which means I am pretty safe in here
But I still might want to put slabs over all of this just to prevent gas from spawning because gas do spawn on
Any surface, I believe that is 2x2
Might be 3x3 and there is plenty of flat surface in here. So I'm gonna want to make this spawn proof
Okay, this is a pretty fair amount of nether quartz and
Honestly, I probably should have applied the fortune 3 to my diamond pick first, but we do have access to a full nether
So I'm not really too too worried about
Mining a few nether quartz blocks without fortune. It's not the biggest deal in the world
All right, so overall successful nether trip. Let's head back
There's one more thing that I want to explore in today's episode and then I'm gonna get to some resource gathering off-camera
Okay, so what do we have here just go ahead and put all of this stuff away
This this this and that
now the quartz goes up here and
You can go there. Actually, I'm gonna go feed up my sheep two, sheep will get fed. The third can suffer
Okay, white and
Gray, I want you to make me a light gray baby. Can you do that?
Yes, you can
Is that like gray or is that just another gray?
It looks the same
All right. Well, that's fine. We now have four sheep. It's better than nothing now
The other thing I wanted to check out today was this island here?
So I've already been over here and I saw it. There's chickens and pigs in the back
But this looks a little suspicious to me
So as I was digging this out, I uncovered a whole bunch of iron and coal and gold just a whole bunch of resources
Just in this little area here
And I'm thinking there might be something under this as well. I mean, why else would it be so
Thick at the bottom and rounded I mean look at all the other islands. That one's fairly flat. That one's a hundred percent flat
This one actually might have some hidden treasures below it as well
And this one we explored and there wasn't anything but you can see it's only a few blocks thick so I didn't expect anything here
This one this one's much much bigger. So I don't want to destroy the inside of the house. I don't want my villagers getting lost
So I'm gonna go ahead and tear some of this out here. I think this is probably good
Okay, and the first thing I'm finding is some acacia wood and that's the world okay, let's not let's not do that
so acacia wood and
Looks like grey clay perhaps
No, that is quartz, that is some quartz stairs, it looks like
Okay, and yeah, we did find some treasure we found a few chests underneath here so
Yeah, my intuition was right. There was something under these we do have inventory space Wow. Oh
Okay, that's only wool. I thought those were gold blocks. Well, it's crazy
All right, so we have some yellow wool some glass and some slime as well as a whole bunch of cyan wool as well
All right, we can make some colorful things. It's gonna take these chests. So I know that I've been here
more yellow or glass more slime and this time purple to go along with the cyan and
I can't actually fit all of this into my inventory. I guess we can get rid of that throw our
torches in our offhand
Okay, we can take everything
All right, look at that and we have glowstone as well
So overall pretty successful. I don't have any seeds to get my chickens. But what I do have are eggs that I can't pick up
Let's see if we can get ourselves a few more chickens in this room
Two eggs better than nothing then work no more eggs. One more chickens. I
Only see one chicken, where's my other chicken?
Okay, you're that you weren't, you know kiddo, alright, that's fine
Chickens, okay. So overall some pretty good exploring. One more thing I do want to take care of is
Exploring down below under the ocean just a little bit. Nothing too too crazy because I don't have any type of water breathing
I don't have night vision to see under there, but I can see what looks to be some type of blocks right here
Definitely over there near that dolphin and
There are bubbles coming up from the ground
You can't see him at the moment, but I did fall into the water and I saw bubbles forming right around my water pillar
So I want to go ahead and explore that as well
So let me just put all this stuff away and then we'll just take the plunge
Okay and chest isn't big enough to hold everything so let's go ahead and add this on top
Can I can I do this
Is this gonna connect no, it will not I don't know how this works yet
that takes care of that we have our iron pick which is about to break so
Do I have three iron? Can I make another one? Yes, I can
- and my sticks
One stick oh I threw my sticks over here. That's fine. We have plenty of wood
And a brand new iron pick
Okay. So let's go ahead and just jump into the water and see what we have one two
Down we go. Okay. So as you can see here are my bubbles
Looks like there's the bottom of this island here with the tree on it
okay, some fish and
Not much else I can see at the moment
Okay, a little bit of a netherrack building for our lava
What is that it's that coral
okay, so these are coral blocks and
It looks like I found a chest as well. So let's go ahead and surface so I can breathe. I
Really? Hope there's no drowned under here
Okay, I think we have our water breathing let's go ahead and see what's in this oh that's a torch
Smite five. Okay. Well, that's good. You can definitely throw that on a sword or even my axe
Take that chest and get out of here
Swim swim swim. Okay, don't drown. Yeah, there's drowned
What did I say? Didn't want to see you
All right, first kill get to go
All right, so I don't want to
Be down here too long
But one thing I did see was a whole bunch of gold blocks right around all these bubbles
And when we get some water breathing and depth Strider will definitely come back here and explore a whole bunch more
So I can hang out right here and breathe happily
All right, so let's go ahead and take a few of these gold blocks and see if there's anything lying in wait underneath here I
Don't want to mine all of this. Let's face it. I don't want to be down here just mining gold for hours
This is gonna take longer than mining obsidian without having the aqua affinity and water breathing and all that stuff
So I'm just gonna maybe take down to the bottom till I see something
And it looks like that's it
Come on, one more one more don't die. Okay
so two, maybe three layers of
Gold blocks or down the bottom there, which is helpful for sure. And since we found the one chest I can only assume there's more
scattered throughout
So that's great. All right overall pretty successful now
This video comes out in just a few hours, so I actually need to get to editing
And uploading of this video my computer is not the fastest. So rendering and uploading takes a little bit of time
so I'm gonna get started on that and
In the meantime, I will do a little bit more research
Resource gathering off-camera, so I hope you guys enjoyed this little bit of exploration in the next episode
thinking I might play around with the time-lapse and actually tear down some of these islands that you see around here and I want to
Mine out that giant ore island for sure as well as get a little bit more infrastructure like a bigger farm going some more trees
Maybe a few animal pens. So I think that's gonna be it for this episode if you enjoyed it
Make sure to hit that like button comment below to chat with me
Subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see all you guys in the next episode
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