Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 4 2018

Incredible Stunning Chateau Shack Tiny Home on Wheels Newest 2018

For more infomation >> Incredible Stunning Chateau Shack Tiny Home on Wheels Newest 2018 - Duration: 4:20.


"Il m'a toujours dit qu'il ne fallait pas dépendre des hommes" : Virginie Efira ... - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> "Il m'a toujours dit qu'il ne fallait pas dépendre des hommes" : Virginie Efira ... - Duration: 3:26.


Microwave chocolate crack cookies recipe (how to make no-bake crack cookies) | ASMR - Duration: 3:08.

dark chocolate 40g

unsalted butter 15g

0.5 egg (room temperature)

sugar 20g

cake flour 45g

baking powder 0.5g (1/8 tsp)

powder sugar

Thanks for watching:)

For more infomation >> Microwave chocolate crack cookies recipe (how to make no-bake crack cookies) | ASMR - Duration: 3:08.


Le jour où Enrique Iglesias a reçu un... tampon usagé d'une fan - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Le jour où Enrique Iglesias a reçu un... tampon usagé d'une fan - Duration: 2:53.


Les Spice-Girls vont bientôt repartir en tournée... mais seulement à quatre - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Les Spice-Girls vont bientôt repartir en tournée... mais seulement à quatre - Duration: 2:38.


El insustancial Sánchez sueña con ser Pedro I, el Pacificador y abrir la puerta de la cárcel ... - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> El insustancial Sánchez sueña con ser Pedro I, el Pacificador y abrir la puerta de la cárcel ... - Duration: 8:10.


Fabrizio Corona, lite furiosa in centro a Milano con un paparazzo: interviene la polizia - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona, lite furiosa in centro a Milano con un paparazzo: interviene la polizia - Duration: 3:55.


Grande Fratello Vip, duro scontro tra Francesco Monte e Jane Alexander | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip, duro scontro tra Francesco Monte e Jane Alexander | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:54.


2 - Duration: 10:55.

Might be a Zofia dead

could also be a tactical 2v5 ace clutch

Yes, buddy ya know exactly where she's I'm just waiting for her to drop I can kill her

She has 28 seconds. Yeah. I'll waste your time

All right, so what the other ones outside of garage and then I have a shun me

I'm really sorry about crashing

Rain horse, but they're not watching

Put it up and plant there

There's one over here watch other duckie watch my wrath I'm watch left

There's one in back over here pink sunset

You can draw a brawl you can type Lin the angle there. I know who's on a map

There's no there's one in

That was that somebody's on the main door

You got a chapel is he on the windows Philip? No use literally inside he's on platforms

Outside of the be window

Good whoa boy

Yeah, there's no

Red stairs Bennett's in a trophy hallway

Pause that clear

On your left at the top of red stairs, there's micro drones that's the dock

I'm opening it

Ducky right above

Sofia right above you

Closer towards or after

She's little oh we're all not laughter to your left a little bit. All right

We're doing this together boy

This plant, he's an armed ISIL ah commuters

Inspect smear


But pancake ever I killed me CeCe I couldn't see him at all I got

As in barrels right now it's lesion

Fat-faced cafe stairs lesion coming cafe stairs some washing holding

These I never sent there


For more infomation >> 2 - Duration: 10:55.


テスラ 暗証番号機能を追加 新たな盗難防止対策 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> テスラ 暗証番号機能を追加 新たな盗難防止対策 - Duration: 3:22.


ポドルスキ、衝撃の"世界一合作弾"にドイツ仰天「Jリーグでこれ以上は見られない」 - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> ポドルスキ、衝撃の"世界一合作弾"にドイツ仰天「Jリーグでこれ以上は見られない」 - Duration: 3:47.


Fabrizio Corona minaccia sui social una vecchia amica: "Te la farò pagare… | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Corona minaccia sui social una vecchia amica: "Te la farò pagare… | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:27.


The Castle Quest - episode 01 - Duration: 9:31.

We at Linhares da Beira

The new adventure is

The Castles Quest

Historical Villages of Portugal

it's gonna be awesome!

The conquest is 600 km in

13,000 Ascension

8 days

it's a challenge it's not a competition

because it does not matter your rating

you just have tot finish

you have a passport and have to go through 12 villages

And then when you arrive in places that they say they have to stamp

there is a chest with your name

Put the stamp

Each one has a name

I'm Ines de Castro

And Dri will become D.Isabel de Aragão

And if you get to the end

you are a knight

Here is our first castle

Gosh, it's not easy.

they were small right?

No, no. It's great!

Wow! Look how awesome!

Go to the other side.

We are in the castle tower

It will ring!

Look there!

Look at the stones that are the clock pendulums


White and red mean big routes

red and yellow are small routes

are shorter circuits

the visits are shorter

When there are three, it is to say that it is coincident

here the SR, small route, and the great route pass here

That is, in this street are both routes simultaneously to walk

We go from Linhares da Beira to Piodao

to Piodão

First day all the knights are here

to begin

It's not even a mile we left the castle.

Look at the situation! And only 25 to go up or 20.

We already see our castle from

yesterday at a distance and we are already climbing Serra da Estrela

Seventeen miles rode uphill

I can say that not everything is up, but it is!

Here we have the geodesic mark and that means

that we are on the summit of this mountain

How was the climb?


Goodbye princesses!

Do not abandon me! No!

Come back here!

Look who's here!

Janet is the Portuguese who I was in Brazil.

She is more Brazilian than Portuguese to tell the truth.

I speak asphalt and I do not speak tarmac

so it's coming again

What do I do now?

ai ai ai ai

What not to do; stretch or bend Luli?

Oh, what a pain!

I'm crying with laughter

Gosh you kept giving me ...

Where are we?


We are in Vide last

village before

of Piodão and the last climb that you are going to do today!

That's good!

After 67 kilometers

we still have to go up to Piodão

They say they still have a

2 kilometers climb

Up goes up!

And I killed a fly with my sword.

She's just giving me these swords

Understand! Understand?

Who is pushing the bike?


Do you think it's easy? Look at the surface!

You are all messed up

This princess skirt ...

Is your heart on your mouth?


This is a sacrificing climb

See the mountain there?

Can you see those mountains?

See? I do not know! Look at any villa below.

We were even lower still

Imagine and we have not reached the the top yet

I don't even know where that is

After two hours

We climbed two and a half kilometers

You can see that it's easy right?

Oh Gosh!

Piodão is here!

We arrived in Piodão

after 11 hours on the bike

And here we are in a city that they say it looks like the crib

And it does! it's very cute You see she's all in shale they say.

After you arrive

You come on the chestt.

Here's a stamp

One for me one for you!

One for me one for you!

This is Piodão' stamp

If you put in the passport of the twelve villages

and then you win, a prize, a knight!

But I need to say something


You Portuguese, I really like you.

Why dont Portuguese make salty popcorn?

There is no salty popcorn selling on the market?

Popcorn has to be salty

Sweet with popcorn doesn't match


Here's our tip!

For more infomation >> The Castle Quest - episode 01 - Duration: 9:31.


Amazing Most Tara's Tiny House by TexZen Tiny Home - Duration: 3:36.

Amazing Most Tara's Tiny House by TexZen Tiny Home

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