Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 5 2018



近日唐嫣與羅晉也在維也納舉 行了婚禮

雖然唐嫣和羅晉的婚禮備受矚 目


所以兩人婚禮到底是怎樣進行 的網絡上並沒有爆出

近日光胡歌一小段婚禮獻唱的 視頻就登頂了熱搜

可見網友對兩個人婚禮的好奇 了。

說起唐嫣和羅晉的淵源可謂是 十分深刻了




羅晉作為男二最終居然逆襲男 一抱得美人歸


其實關於兩個人戀愛的傳聞由 來已久



公布戀情的時候兩個人曬出的 「童年合照」更是心意滿滿 。

公布戀情後兩個人雖然依舊低 調

但是也合作了新的劇《歸去來 》















10月30號中美電視節頒獎 典禮舉行

兩人的作品《歸去來》摘得年 度最佳電視劇金天使獎

這個獎項可以說是對兩個人的 演技和對這部劇的莫大肯定 了。


唐嫣近日也因為《歸去來》中 的蕭清提名了華鼎獎最佳女 主角

也難怪網友紛紛留言稱:三喜 臨門!現在這個獎項還沒有 截止投票


希望可以幫糖糖拿到視後大獎 ! 兩個人最近真的是 可以說是好事連連了

剛剛大婚就提名了最佳女主還 拿到了金天使獎

而且所有的獎項提名還都來自 兩個人合作的劇

兩個人都可以說是彼此的福星 了

最後小編在這裡也是祝糖糖好 運

拿下華鼎獎最佳女主角!對於 唐嫣和羅晉的三喜臨門

你有什麼看法?歡迎給小編留 言! 最有夫妻相的明 星


唐嫣和羅晉都敗給了他們 最近娛樂圈真的是喜事多多 啊

先是趙麗穎官宣和馮紹峰的喜 訊

接著迎來了唐嫣和羅晉的婚禮 。





經常說的在一起相處時間長了 就會越來越像


今天咱們就看看娛樂圈中的明 星夫妻和情侶




若曦和四爺在一起讓很多人感 嘆劉詩詩終於遇到了自己的 白馬王子




吳奇隆對劉詩詩的愛已經從電 視劇延伸到現實生活中

而嫁給吳奇隆的詩詩也是過的 相當幸福

從照片中能看出兩人還是相當 具有夫妻相的。


兩人從相識相知到相愛到步入 婚姻殿堂


謝娜的旺夫體質也讓張傑事業 步步高升

而剛誕下雙胞胎的謝娜也沒閒 著


兩人不管是家庭還是事業都是 幸福美滿


也難怪章子怡會在節目中說謝 娜一家席捲整個娛樂圈

兩人不管在節目中還是私下都 甜蜜的不行



剛剛領證的的兩人享受著甜蜜 的二人世界

儘管很多人在聽到穎寶的官宣 不是戀愛而是結婚了的事實 後





也說明了對馮紹峰的認可和信 任

所以大家就忠心的送上祝福就 可以了





兩人從公布戀愛開始就一直相 當的低調



也是讓很多人心裡的石頭落地 了








你說能沒有嗎? 關曉彤 和鹿晗

這是目前還沒結婚只是高調公 布戀愛的明星情侶

雖然當初鹿晗在事業的上升期 公布自己的戀情確實相當的 冒險




兩人在眾人的質疑下依然愛的 甜蜜




發現關曉彤和鹿晗還真挺有夫 妻相的呢。

最有夫妻相的要數孫儷和鄧超 夫婦

這兩人可以說是娛樂圈的典範 了




夫妻更是聯手拍攝張藝謀導演 的大片《影》






互換身份的P圖讓人直呼越來 越像了





你覺得誰最有夫妻相呢? 明星夫婦童年的照片對比


李晨范冰冰最有夫妻像 昔 人云:十年修得同船渡


因而說可以和一個人相愛是一 件很僥倖的事變


固然他們身邊歷來不缺帥哥玉 人

但是能找到真愛的幾率照舊很 小的

在生存中好多人喜好用夫妻臉 來描述一對情侶的般配水平

那麼當天小表妹就帶大眾看看 明星情侶童年照的比照

看看誰最有夫妻臉? 張 若昀和唐藝昕是在2017 年8月2日公布愛情






唐藝昕小時候的笑容也很有辨 識度






你有沒有猜出他們是誰呢?兩 個看上去都虎頭虎腦的十分 神愛






李晨和范冰冰小時候還真的蠻 像的。


有幾多人是第一眼認出是李小 璐和賈乃亮呢?李小璐作為 星二代



只是眉眼中仿佛看到了甜馨影 子


你以為李小璐和賈乃亮有夫妻 相嗎? 田亮小時候和 如今的變革並沒有很大

反卻是葉一茜讓人有些認不出 來




這大約便是夫妻待久了就會越 來越像的真實證據吧! 提及唐嫣和羅晉









覺得特殊心愛有木有? 看到這張童年比照照的時候

小同伴們能猜出哪位是倪妮嗎 ?好多童鞋肯定不敢置信左 邊誰人是倪妮

從倪妮如今大大咧咧的性情來 看


而井柏然的童年照則比較小女 生




是不是會把兩人的性別弄混呢 ? 好多人都說關曉彤 配不上鹿晗







當看到鹿晗和關曉彤的童年照 比照圖時


原來他們在這麼小的時候曾經 開始穿情侶裝

兩人看上去是不是有點像呢? 最其後說說楊紫和秦 豪傑這對活寶情侶

他們宣布愛情的方法是曬雙下 巴

可以在相互眼前肆無顧忌的自 黑才是真愛有木有

我們都曉得楊紫在很小的時候 就出道了

因而她的童年照在網上多到數 不清

而秦豪傑小時候看上去則有點 老幹部的風采



For more infomation >> 繼唐嫣和羅晉維也納大婚之後兩人又有喜訊傳來,網友:三喜臨門 - Duration: 10:03.


[Eng Sub] Rebel Detectives S2 E12 - Duration: 8:59.

[This program was produced with the support of development fund by Ministry of Science and ICT]

[Passionate female detective] [Ok Jinkyung/ Kim Namjoo]

[Profiler who majors in liberal arts] [Seol Ohsung/ Ahn Hyungseob]

[Scientific investigator who majors in science] [Pyo Haneung/ Yoo Seonho]

[Rebel Detectives 2]

Angyeon secretly went over to Prince Anpyeong's house at night.

The security was hard in front of Soosung Palace filled up with treason,

but inside there, everyone was caught and there was no one.

Princess of Prince Anpyeong, Eungyeong...

"Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land," the painting of Prince Anpyeong.

To protect this princess, and to protect this painting...

Treason is established.

But Angyeon knew...

He is the only person who can protect these two.

With Soosung Palace as the center, Prince Anpyeong, Angyeon, and Eunyeong...

Happy moments that created "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"

and the tragedy of hit list that had "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"

created the novel, "The Story of Eunyeong."

The novel said that Eunyeong died, but she actually didn't die?


The secret is hidden here.

"Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" was released in 1447,

and 1453... It disappears during Geyujungnan.

How the disappeared time was exact... It must have been intended.

If Chosun's best story can't be remained in Chosun,

what happened to Angyeon's painting?

Eunyeong hung herself,

and Scholar Kim lied down and died...

Teuk dies after falling into the well.

Eunyeong who died by hanging has two vertical lines...

And Scholar Kim who died lying down has two horizontal lines.

And if we add the two's dying position, there is the well "Jung" character.

What does that mean?

It's not a simple death but a symbol....

This well "Jung" gets used as the way of going far away that can't be returned.


Then the square shape of well "Jung" represents the painting,

and the picture can represent "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land?"


The name Teuk

means special "Teuk"

and that means Eunyeong!

Angyeon sent Eunyeong and "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"

that could be dead across the water.

It's really a tragic...

In order to not die from Prince Sooyang's knife,

there might have been no other choice.

Descendants of Prince Anpyeong hid this fact even until 1930s.

The name Teuk means Teuk under special situations.

I am sure there was no name for a servant?

The symbol that Eunyeong was lost somewhere was hidden with the name Teuk.

Does that mean that Eunyeong went to Japan or not?

Eunyeong is the only person who will know.

There are many ways for water routes.

But after 440 years,

to see "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" been discovered in Japan,

wouldn't Eunyeong have gone to Japan?

The servant Teuk...

To portray villain as the desire for the owner and offering...

It's high possibility of irony where they tried to avoid censorship.

Tenri University has also possessed manuscript of "The Story of Eunyeong."

"Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" and also "The Story of Eunyeong..."

I wonder about the identity of Tenri University.

The name Teuk

is Toku in Japanese.

There is a region called Toku Fuji in Kyoto, Japan.

There is a temple built during 1400s...

"Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" disappeared similar to temple being made.

And the name Toku Fuji...

If we connect these three,

we might be able to reveal secret to "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"

and Angyeon, but we won't know until we go right?

Then, Professor Toku from Tenri University is...

He must be the descendant of Eunyeong with the name Teuk.

House where they must protect "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"


There is a way then to find "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land"?

Of course!

It's the letter sealed by Angyeon!

If there is evidence that it was protected and not plundered treasure,

once the certificate is given, they can only give it to the owner of it.

Angyeon wouldn't have left the "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" to Eunyeong...

There must be certificate that shows the owner of the painter.

The reason that "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" was the only signature one...

It's to show who the owner was...

If Professor Doku finds the letter sealed by Angyeon,

he believes he can find "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land."

But we don't know if such letter exists...

What? Tell me again. I can't hear you.

Noona, get up!

Get up!

We were all sleeping...

I just woke up too.

What is this...

We must have been fooled by the researcher.

But it's so vivid to consider this as a dream...

Isn't this some sort of experiment?

We just dreamed about what was written on the note.

What did it say?

It's unfortunate that hypothesis can't be in evidence.

But I hope that my research will not be useless.

I wish "Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land" will go back to the owner.


Thank you for coming this far!

Grandfather was able to close his eyes and rest in peace.

What's this mean?

Grandfather passed away?

Grandfather came to Japan.

There were welcoming guests from Korea.

They would understand me.

As he said this, he rested in peace in front of me.

Ah, I see...

Professor Toku's hypothesis can be right or wrong,

It's amazing how much the scholar has researched until the end to reveal the truth.

Grandfather has left the note for Rebel Detectives...

For the future of mankind.


What just happened?

We were here the whole right now?

Did we do the time warp?

Is that what we can do?

Who has...

[Rebel Detectives 2]

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] Rebel Detectives S2 E12 - Duration: 8:59.


Přinášíme do Česka Homesharing – sdílenou péči o děti s autismem. Staňte se i vy pečovatelem! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Přinášíme do Česka Homesharing – sdílenou péči o děti s autismem. Staňte se i vy pečovatelem! - Duration: 4:40.


Diwali whatsapp status video 2018|diwali Hindi,Marathi s|diwali 2018whatsapp status in hindi diwali - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Diwali whatsapp status video 2018|diwali Hindi,Marathi s|diwali 2018whatsapp status in hindi diwali - Duration: 0:31.


Can Humans Become Immune to Poison? - Duration: 1:57.

King Mithridates the sixth of Pontus was terrified of being poisoned.

His father King Mithridates the fifth had been killed by poisoning at a large

banquet while Mithridates was a child. Worried his mother would kill him so his

younger brother could take the throne Mithradates fled into hiding.

He spent the rest of his life trying to learn as much as he could about poison in the hope of

protecting himself against the same fate as his father.He developed an antidote

consisting of many poisons which he would take small non lethal doses of in

order to increase his body's resistance to the toxins. Eventually Mithridates

returned to Pontus and was hailed as King.

He threw his mother in jail for plotting against him. Mithridates wanted to expand Pontus into a great empire and

sent his army to the west. He spent much of his life fighting the Romans but when

he lost the battle of Lycus in 66 BC he fled north to regroup.

he ordered conscription to the army and began preparations for war.

The locals didn't like Mithradates attitude, so they rebelled against him led by

Mithridates own son. Mithridates fled to the Citadel in Panticapaeum.

Surrounded by his enemies and his life's work ruined he decided to

commit suicide rather than be captured alive. Naturally he chose his weapon of

choice: poison. Unfortunately for him the poison wasn't effective due to the

tolerance he had built up to it. Weakened from age and the non fatal effects of the

poison he had to ask a soldier to kill him with a sword. His plans to immunise

himself had worked a little better than he might have hoped.

For more infomation >> Can Humans Become Immune to Poison? - Duration: 1:57.


Goldilocks Paradox Unplugged: Behind the Sci-Fi (1/4) - Duration: 3:36.

Hello and welcome to the Habitable Zone Unplugged, where we explore the science

behind the sci-fi. I'm Calla Cofield from the Media Relations office at NASA's Jet

Propulsion Laboratory. So today we're talking about the episode Goldilocks

Paradox, and here to help us explore that episode are two astronomers: Dr. Robert

Hurt, who is a visualization specialist and also the director of the episode; and

Dr. Johanna Teske who is an exoplanet scientist. Thank you both for being here.

Let's start with the basics: can you tell me, to a scientist, what does the

habitable zone mean?

So right now, scientists think of the habitable zone

as where water could be liquid on the surface of an Earth-ish sized planet. To

have that, you need to be not too close to the star that the water would be

steam, but also not too far away that it would be ice on the surface. So, it's

about how far away and what type of star you have.

So in this episode, our

space explorers discover two very promising planets, but actually neither

of them turns out to be very hospitable to humans. So Robert, what were the main

science concepts that you wanted to get across in this episode?

Sure, the idea

of the whole series, in fact, is to really dig at this idea of what really does a

habitable zone mean, and look at all the different parameters that have to be

lined up just right an order for a planet to truly be habitable, even

if it's sitting in the right spot. So the idea behind this one was to look at

composition. You know, that you need a planet that not only is in the habitable

zone at the right location, but it actually has to have the right mix of

water and gases on the surface to support oceans. In this case, the idea is

we get something that's just right in terms of composition but in the wrong

location, and something that's perfect location that just doesn't have the

right stuff.

Yeah, and so in the episode, one of the planets Cas notes that it

is the same distance from its star as Earth is to the Sun. And they detect

water, but it's not actually habitable, it doesn't have oceans. So tell me why that

would be.

So as you noted, this planet appears to have water, but

that distance that the planet is away from the star in that system actually is

too far away for that water to be liquid. They show an image of the star being

slightly smaller and cooler than the Sun, so that means that at the same distance

as Earth, the planet is actually receiving less heat or radiation from

the star, and so the water can't be liquid: it's ice. And then the second

planet is in the habitable zone of its star, but it also isn't habitable, doesn't

have oceans. So Robert, why is that?

Well again, that was just me conspiring as a

writer and scientist to imagine a world where the composition is wrong to have

the right mix of volatiles that you would need to support liquid water on

the surface. In this case, the idea would be to come up with a planet that has a

higher density than the earth, and is thus maybe a little more biased towards

the heavier elements and doesn't have the right mix of light elements to give

us the oceans.

Alright, we're going to take a break. But in our next video, we'll

dive deeper into how the art in this episode is informed by actual science.

I hope you'll join us.

For more infomation >> Goldilocks Paradox Unplugged: Behind the Sci-Fi (1/4) - Duration: 3:36.


The Habitable Zone: Goldilocks Paradox (Part II) - Duration: 2:58.

Previously on The Habitable Zone:

Tracking telescopes have found two Earth-sized planets.

An ocean of water is down there but you can see it's all ice.

What about that other planet you found?

Maybe it's got water in liquid form.

And now the conclusion.

I made some infrared measurements of the planet during our approach

and the temperature looks pretty comfortable.

Well, I'm all for more ocean and less ice.

Hopefully, but I don't have a good reading on the composition yet.

Well, in my professional opinion there ain't no water down there.

There is an atmosphere but it looks pretty unpleasant.

Nitrogen, sulfur compounds, carbon dioxide...

but no oxygen or water to speak of.

Orbital stats show the planet is almost the same mass as the Earth

but it's a little bit smaller.

That makes the planet denser...

Why are you looking at me?

It's rich in heavier elements but it doesn't have a good balance

of the lighter ones like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen...

Which you kind of need if you want H2O and breathable air, right?

Yup. We find an earth-sized world right in the habitable zone...

But because of what it's made of

it ain't habitable.

Certainly not by us.

Time to try again. Plenty more star systems out there.

Well pilot... Go find us another one

You know...

You only call me "pilot" when I'm about to hit that jump drive button.


It ain't got no control. I mean, I may as well be spinning a roulette wheel

for as much piloting as I'm doing...

Well, give it a spin, PILOT, and let's see where we end up!

I think you missed my point.

Here we go!

Our valiant voyagers have run afoul of what could be called a "Goldilocks Paradox"

While one planetary bowl contained porridge that was simply too cold to eat,

the other planetary bowl that was just right in temperature

had no porridge at all.

In the quest for worlds rich in liquid water

proximity to the star is only part of the equation.

A planet also needs to be made of the right stuff.

If it lacks the ingredients that nurture life

then it will not be habitable.

Even if its orbit falls within...

For more infomation >> The Habitable Zone: Goldilocks Paradox (Part II) - Duration: 2:58.


The Habitable Zone: Goldilocks Paradox (Part I) - Duration: 3:35.

Two intrepid travelers jump randomly from star to star

in a ship that tunnels through folds in space.

Their quest?

A new world.

One that could be a second home for us all.

But on the leading edge of exploration there are no navigation apps

no reviews from previous exoplanetary vacationers to guide them.

Instead they must rely on their observations, wits, and scientific insights

to determine if a new planet truly has all the right stuff

Even when it lies in a place astronomers call... The Habitable Zone

Oh, why oh why does that ship's computer always do that every time we jump?

I think it's funny, especially when it annoys you.

Maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed if the computer did anything more useful

than just dropping us in some random system every time I hit that thing.

And ruin the surprise? Besides if you could choose,

would you actually know where to find a habitable planet?

Obviously... You know, it's gonna have a lot of...


Yeah, me neither. So let's see what's out here.

From the measurements, this one looks like an early K type star

just a little smaller and cooler than our Sun. Are you detecting any planets?

Tracking telescopes found one... no, TWO Earth-sized planets.

We're pretty close to the outer one. Want to go for a look-see?

Let's do it.

This is promising. Our instruments looking at the planet's atmosphere

are detecting signs of water.

Ooh, we like water. It's good for making coffee.


And showers.

I'm gonna ignore that.

Oh, halfway there. Hang on.

It's time to decelerate into a nice cozy orbit.

Nice parking job.

From the flight data it looks like this planet is about

one astronomical unit away from its star.

Just like Earth... That's good news, right?

Oh, sadly not.

Since this star is smaller than our Sun it puts out less light and heat.

So at this distance, the planet is REALLY cold.

Define "really cold."

You ever spend a winter in Antarctica?

No, can't say that I have.

Well that'd be a tropical paradise by comparison.


An ocean of water is down there, but you can see it's all ice.

That'd be a big fat NO on the habitable scale.

What about that other planet you found?

It's in a closer orbit.

Maybe it's got water in liquid form.

Shall we?

As our voyagers head toward the inner, warmer world

with high hopes of habitability, they could be in for a vexing surprise.

don't miss the science-packed conclusion in the next episode of...

The Habitable Zone

For more infomation >> The Habitable Zone: Goldilocks Paradox (Part I) - Duration: 3:35.


Nadeem Raza Sarwar|Ali Shanawar |Ali Jee Haram-e-Imam Hussain a.s Noha Khuwani Live Arbaeen 2018-19 - Duration: 2:01.

Please Like & Share

For more infomation >> Nadeem Raza Sarwar|Ali Shanawar |Ali Jee Haram-e-Imam Hussain a.s Noha Khuwani Live Arbaeen 2018-19 - Duration: 2:01.


Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Morning Star Candlesticks Technical Analysis Tradingview Live Chart Proof Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 10:11.


Angelina Jolie agrandit sa famille, un réfugié syrien adopté - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie agrandit sa famille, un réfugié syrien adopté - Duration: 1:21.


SURVIVAL 4K |Horror Thriller | An Uzair Sipra Original film - Duration: 7:48.

many have died

we see dead on the roads

and those who got infected,

search for the food in the dark

and we, .. in the day light

now this is, .. our survival




i know you are hungry

and so i am

you have to stay active and watch your surroundings

it will dark soon

and we must find our new shelter

stay close

can i search them?

be quick

[gun shot]


[infected running crowd]

For more infomation >> SURVIVAL 4K |Horror Thriller | An Uzair Sipra Original film - Duration: 7:48.


Laeticia Hallyday lâche prise à Saint-Barth, elle craque devant la tombe de son mari - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday lâche prise à Saint-Barth, elle craque devant la tombe de son mari - Duration: 1:24.


Curious Quail - Cosmic Wound - Duration: 5:40.

[Yet-to-be-determined-if-sad-or-not guitar brings us in]

[Ok yea it's sa…]

🎶Rising frustrations, lasting implications, it's done🎶

[Lookit them tasty drum fills]

🎶The hardest part was thinking that we had more time🎶

🎶"Spur of the moment", yet they had to know that we'd die🎶

[This isn't just another guitar and drum song is it cuz like y'all promised me some…]

🎶The hardest part was having friends who believed the lie🎶

🎶But on their face🎶

🎶They realize that their mistakes are alive🎶

[Bass rumbling that low end tastiness]

🎶And created this wound🎶

🎶but fear misplaced🎶

🎶They're searching for someone to blame for the lie🎶

[Buttery guitar notes]

🎶That created this wound🎶

🎶But hold on; we'll get back to rage in a moment🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken; that's no reflection on you🎶

🎶but it's okay, we may not feel very hopeful🎶

🎶But we'll burn these fuckers down wholesale🎶

🎶Before they get started on you🎶

[Who ordered the droney guitar notes and Gameboy Bass lines?]

[...or the overly echoy voal oohs?]

🎶Completely surprising how dehumanizing it feels🎶

[The drums are like a balsamic marinade lightly glazing the song]

🎶The hardest part was caring if we'd stoop to their low🎶

🎶Civil innuendo gets thrown out the window with glee🎶

[Writing the captions on an empty stomach was a rookie mistake, in hindsight]

🎶The hardest part was knowing this hate comes naturally🎶

🎶You see their face🎶

🎶They're quickly learning their mistakes are alive🎶

[Ok ok no food metaphors, this guitar is...tonal]

🎶They've created this wound🎶

🎶With baited breath🎶

🎶They're justifying countless death for the lie🎶


🎶That created this wound🎶

🎶But hold on; we'll get back to rage in a moment🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken; that's no reflection on you🎶

🎶but it's okay; we may not be very hopeful🎶

🎶But we'll burn these fuckers down wholesale🎶

🎶Before they get started on you🎶

[Bass and guitar and drums building into…]

[A conveniently timed out-of-control Gameboy Solo]

[Please vote in the 2018 Midterm Elections]

[Fun fact: if you think this shirt is offensive you're probably a racist


[The acoustic guitar has the fuzz pedal again]


[I wore the same Chocobo shirt in both guitar shots, how embarrassing]


🎶Hold on🎶

🎶We'll get back to rage in a moment🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

[Gameboy sadbloops]

🎶We'll get back to rage in a moment🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

[Didn't have a chance to mention earlier but Abe's here and he brought an ebow]

🎶 a moment...🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

[Cacophony of voices having opinions about if it's ok to feel broken or not]

[Consensus is yes, btw]

[Erin, Delicaye and I checking off "sing 'fuck' a lot in the round" from our bucket lists]

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

🎶But hold on; we'll get back to rage in a moment🎶

🎶It's ok to feel fucken broken🎶

🎶That's no reflection on you🎶

🎶but it's okay; we may not feel very hopeful🎶

🎶But we'll burn these fuckers down wholesale🎶

🎶Before they get started on you🎶

[All the instruments play us out!]

[No surprise Joey at the end, sorry]

[Thanks for watching! Catch us live at MAGFest in January!]

For more infomation >> Curious Quail - Cosmic Wound - Duration: 5:40.


Charlotte Casiraghi sous pression, « Beaucoup de devoirs dus à sa naissance » - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Charlotte Casiraghi sous pression, « Beaucoup de devoirs dus à sa naissance » - Duration: 1:45.


Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Maxima des Pays-Bas inquiète, de quelle maladie souffre-t-elle ? - Duration: 1:23.


Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola Champions League claim made, Man City fans won't be happy - Duration: 3:07.

 That's the view of pundit Stan Collymore, who believes Guardiola should have led his side to European glory by now

 City are yet to reach a Champions League final despite achieving plenty of domestic success

 Guardiola guided his side to the quarter-finals last season but fellow Premier League side Liverpool dumped City out of the competition

 The Spaniard has won the Champions League as a manager before, twice guiding Barcelona to the title

 Mourinho has also lifted the trophy twice in his career, once with Porto and once with Inter Milan

 He also achieved European success with Manchester United, lifting the Europa League in 2017

 And with the riches City have at their disposal, Collymore believes the former Chelsea boss would have led the Etihad outfit to continental success too

 "Nowadays the big clubs – especially the major names abroad – see the mark of success as winning the Champions League," Collymore wrote for the Mirror

 "And, as much as we love Guardiola's expansive, attacking philosophy and the purity of his football, if he walks away from City after five or six years in charge without winning that crown you wouldn't be able to bracket him with football's elite

 "I suspect that, if they were given similar resources, all the top managers he competes against at home and abroad, including Mourinho, might already have won at least one Champions League if they were in charge at City

 "Bankrolled by Sheikh Mansour, I'd say Guardiola should win the Champions League three times if he stays six years, which is a fair haul

 "That would certainly put him up with the greats of all time. "If not, his halo will slip

" Guardiola recently expressed his doubts over Manchester City's capabilities in Europe

 "Manchester City can't be considered the favourite for Champions League," he said

 "The maximum that the club has done in the competition is a semi-final, I do not know if we are ready to be honest

 "When you believe you can win, then you have to do it."

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho and Pep Guardiola Champions League claim made, Man City fans won't be happy - Duration: 3:07.


How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? | - Duration: 5:11.

How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? |

Tonight's episode of The Walking Dead has been widely billed as Rick's final episode, and fans aren't very happy about this.

We're still holding out hope that he might survive and the character will just leave the show for awhile, because we don't want to believe they'd really kill such an important character.

(But then again, considering what happened to Carl, it's definitely possible.) As you might expect, tonight's episode will be longer than usual.

But sadly, it's not going to be as long as you're probably hoping.

Tonight's episode is airing from 9 p.m.

Eastern to 10:08 p.m. Eastern.

That means we're getting an extra eight minutes of air time for what has been billed as Rick's final episode. .

That doesn't quite seem fair, does it? The Season 9 premiere was practically movie length, lasting a full 86 minutes and ending at 10:26 p.m.


So we'd expect at least that long for Rick's last episode.

But sadly, we're only getting an extra eight minutes.

Talking Dead will air for an hour immediately after The Walking Dead airs.

This is a game-changing episode.

It's part of the first season since Angela Kang replaced Scott Gimple as the showrunner for the series.

So far, fans have loved Kang's take on The Walking Dead universe.

They are saying that she's capturing what made the show so great in the earlier seasons.

Daryl, for example, has talked more in the last few episodes than he has for multiple seasons now.

So whatever happens with Rick, it's likely that Kang will handle Andrew Lincoln's exit well.

Tonight's episode is called "What Comes After.

" The synopsis reads: "Rick is forced to face the past as he struggles to maintain the safety of the communities and protect the future he and Carl envisioned.

As you could tell in Episode 4, Rick is still struggling with Carl's death and I don't think he's truly allowed himself to grieve.

That's why he might be making some questionable decisions about trying to save that bridge — decisions that ended up getting him impaled on rebar.

The beginning of the season kicked off with an 18-month time jump.

Since then, the communities have been struggling.

Maggie wants Negan dead, and Daryl is determined to support all her decisions.

Daryl is just as loyal to Maggie as he was to Carol, and it's good that she has someone backing her up like that.

But she also has Jesus, who isn't afraid to let her know when he disagrees with her plan.

The Commonwealth is still out there, which is the group that Georgie oversees (at least, that's what fans have been guessing.) Meanwhile, Jadis is working with a group that has a helicopter and takes people labeled "A" or "B" in exchange for goods and supplies.

I've got to wonder if Negan knew about this group.

For more infomation >> How Long Is TWD S09E05? When Does The Walking Dead End? | - Duration: 5:11.


The Walking Dead | Saison 9 | Episode 6 | Teaser [HD /VOSTFR] - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead | Saison 9 | Episode 6 | Teaser [HD /VOSTFR] - Duration: 1:31.


HOW TO DRAW EDDY From PORORO | Best Kawaii Cartoon Characters Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:18.

How to draw Eddy from Pororo

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For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW EDDY From PORORO | Best Kawaii Cartoon Characters Drawing | BLABLA ART - Duration: 10:18.


Strictly Come Dancing's Faye Tozer GUSHES over husband Michael for being 'so supportive' - Duration: 3:58.

 Faye Tozer has revealed how grateful she is of her husband Michael Smith as she competes in Strictly Come Dancing

   The pop star, 42, and her doting hubby spoke exclusively to OK! magazine about how they were coping with the BBC dance competition, and revealed how it had affected their relationship

   The blonde bombshell gushed: "Michael's been amazing, so supportive. It's so lovely that he comes down every week

"   The Steps star added: "I can't imagine if he wasn't there – having him there brings me luck! He's one of those confident, happy people who's fun to be around

Top Stories Faye Tozer left in 'TEARS' over head injury during Strictly Come Dancing rehearsals Strictly Come Dancing's Faye Tozer 'LOST' identity in Steps amid 'overwhelming' impact  "Michael and I have such a strong bond and a great life together

"  Confessing that the show did impact how much time they had together, Faye added: "We are seeing less of each other

I've done musical theatre tours and I've been away before, but we made a pact early on in our relationship that we'd never be away from each other for more than three weeks

"  The loved up couple, who share nine year old son Benjamin, also revealed how he is feeling about his mum's journey on the Strictly dance floor

   Michael opened up: "He's so proud of his mum. He can't come down to Strictly because you have to be over 14, but they all have a party at home

" Most Popular Little Mix's Jade Thirlwall accidentally show off her NIPPLES at EMAs Emmerdale's Michael Parr addresses Ross exit as he leaves with Rebecca McDonald's is selling a new Christmas drink and you wont find it anywhere else  Faye's other half also shared on how Faye's figure is reaping the benefits of the Strictly rehearsal regime: "Faye's tiny

She's changed shape completely and is totally toned. She looks like a professional athlete

"  Faye previously revealed that the show was also responsible for a boost in her sex life

   The stunner has praised the Tango and Salsa dances for revving her up, revealing starring on the BBC show has done wonders in the bedroom with Michael

   See the full interview plus all the pictures exclusively in OK! magazine, out Monday

  Top Stories Giovanni Pernice DENIES Faye Tozer affair after Gleb hints at Strictly curse Faye Tozer husband and children: Strictly Come Dancing and Steps star's family life Faye Tozer's sex life has spiced up since starring on Strictly

For more infomation >> Strictly Come Dancing's Faye Tozer GUSHES over husband Michael for being 'so supportive' - Duration: 3:58.


Přinášíme do Česka Homesharing – sdílenou péči o děti s autismem. Staňte se i vy pečovatelem! - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Přinášíme do Česka Homesharing – sdílenou péči o děti s autismem. Staňte se i vy pečovatelem! - Duration: 4:40.


Happy Dhanteras Status🤝Happy Diwali Status Video🙏Diwali Status Video💙 - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Happy Dhanteras Status🤝Happy Diwali Status Video🙏Diwali Status Video💙 - Duration: 0:37.


Sparkle Barbie Disney Princess Shoes High Heels Dress - Play Doh Cartoon for Kids - Duration: 2:33.

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