Friday, November 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 2 2018

how to treat psoriasis on face at home at home

psoriasis on the face can be difficult to treat because the skin is very thin

and sensitive it is important that a doctor evaluates the skin and makes

recommendations to ensure the treatments will not be too harsh for the face

sometimes a person can apply over-the-counter topical corticosteroids

such as hydrocortisone to the face to reduce the incidence of face psoriasis

however a person should be prepared that application of hydrocortisone may cause

a variety of potential side effects such as thin transparent skin easy bruising

skin that is more easily torn

a doctor will sometimes recommend using topical steroids as sparingly as

possible they will suggest a dose that makes sure

that a person will get results while minimizing side effects

if the skin around the affected by psoriasis doctors will

advise taking great care when applying medications many over-the-counter

psoriasis treatments can cause damage to the eyes that can lead to glaucoma or


however the United States Food and Drug Administration FDA have approved two

drugs for the treatment of psoriasis that may work especially well on the

face these prescription drugs are tackle amiss ointment and fine chroma scream

both creams should be applied very carefully avoiding the eyes

in addition to these topical medications there are several practices a person can

do at home to reduce irritation as much as possible

these include using gentle non soap cleansers to keep the skin clean

applying moisturizers regularly give early

sunscreen on a regular basis to reduce the effects of ultraviolet radiation

practicing good self-care will help a person control their psoriasis as much

as possible

For more infomation >> How to treat psoriasis on face at home | Psoriasis treatment - Duration: 3:15.


Loa Kéo Di Động ✤ ALOKIO AL-CH71 ✤ Tuyệt Đỉnh Karaoke !! - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Loa Kéo Di Động ✤ ALOKIO AL-CH71 ✤ Tuyệt Đỉnh Karaoke !! - Duration: 5:14.


【警告】1人で運転中に熱唱する奴に告ぐwwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.

丸聞こえだからやめた方がええで めざせポケモンマスター歌ってるンゴ ヒヤッと るからそういうこと言うのやめて 楽しいんや 中間おすすめ記事 ワイが軍歌爆 しとるんもばれとるんか 主に高速道路で熱唱してるんやが、ドライバー達の愉快なB Mになってるんか? サビしか歌わん模様 ワイは中国語やからわからんやろ な やみんな歌っとるんやな安心したわ 1 いざゆけー!つはものー!にっぽーんだん ー! 1 銭のないやつぁおれんとこへこい~♪ 1 信号待ちでは小声になる らセーフ 黒人が歌ってるの好き 1 マンPの(゚∀゚)Gスポット!!(゚∀ )Gスポット!!(゚∀゚) 1 エアドラムもするぞ 1 ワイはいつもボー ギャグ咥えてカラオケドライブしてるから外には聞こえんわ 21: >>19二度 しそう 信号待ちでふと横見たら若い兄ちゃんがガチで熱唱してて草生えたわ 2 >>20なに歌ってた? 2 >>22ワイも音楽かけてたから聞こえんかったけど 面がやばかった 26: >>25何県や? 2 >>26北陸やけど不安に駆 れすぎやろ 30: >>28すまんな 31: >>28すまんワイかもしれ 3 >>30>>31ええんやで 2 自転車で熱唱してる高校生の方が闇が い 2 この前散歩してたら後ろからいかにもDQNな車が「ドン!ドン!」って重 音で迫ってきてたけど流れてる曲がaikoだってホッコリした 3 映画トップガ のサントラかけるとテンションめっちゃ上がるで おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事  020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的 に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww 引用元:

For more infomation >> 【警告】1人で運転中に熱唱する奴に告ぐwwwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.


Canon Selphy CP1300 Wireless Photo Printer w/Ink 167 S... - Duration: 26:27.

For more infomation >> Canon Selphy CP1300 Wireless Photo Printer w/Ink 167 S... - Duration: 26:27.


Case moving forward against suspect charged in meth lab investigation - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Case moving forward against suspect charged in meth lab investigation - Duration: 0:23.


大S超狠!减肥菜单曝光 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 大S超狠!减肥菜单曝光 - Duration: 1:27.


#135 Sortir de sa zone de confort - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> #135 Sortir de sa zone de confort - Duration: 3:27.


Sangue di San Gennaro: fenomeno inspiegabile? - Duration: 14:11.

For more infomation >> Sangue di San Gennaro: fenomeno inspiegabile? - Duration: 14:11.


Isabelle Nanty (Munch) : cette phobie qui a longtemps handicapé sa vie - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Isabelle Nanty (Munch) : cette phobie qui a longtemps handicapé sa vie - Duration: 2:01.


[小丸訪談室] 台灣跟馬來西亞有什麼不一樣? WCA代表-王俊文 WCA Delegate from Malaysia part.2 - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> [小丸訪談室] 台灣跟馬來西亞有什麼不一樣? WCA代表-王俊文 WCA Delegate from Malaysia part.2 - Duration: 8:39.


Ségolène brise le silence envers François Hollande ! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Ségolène brise le silence envers François Hollande ! - Duration: 2:29.


C. Dion fait subir une terrible humiliation - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> C. Dion fait subir une terrible humiliation - Duration: 2:35.


✅ ELLE Style Awards風格人物大賞頒獎典禮2日在信義區舉行,現場星光熠熠,包括大小S、汪小菲、黃子佼都出席... - Duration: 2:45.

 ELLE Style Awards風格人物大賞頒獎典禮 日在信義區舉行,現場星光熠熠,包括大小S、汪小菲、黃子佼 出席,黃子佼是晩會場內主持,他跟小S多年的恩怨早已化解, 其實當年批他最狠的是大S,曾下狠話口出惡言,而且至今沒有 何機會當面化解,這晚,大小S和黃子佼同場,黃説:「其實我 都長大了,而且,我只是負責串場,也沒有什麼機會面對面

」  而典禮一開始,黃子佼就走下台,邊說:「我要跟這個 講話,我跟這個人已經18年沒有講話了。」他走向大小S的座 ,此時大S站起來,先喊出一聲:「佼!」小S則在旁邊拍手鼓 :「和好、和好!」笑著跟黃子佼說:「她說她很久沒有看到你 不知到要怎麼面對你,她說她還有點討厭你!」 大S笑得有 尷尬,說:「沒有啦,大家都知道我們4個人、5個人的恩怨, 那檔子事嘛!事情過了這麼久,我都結婚了,佼也都有了另一半 我真的很喜歡你的另一半,她是一個很優秀的女生,你要好好照 她,希望你們趕快結婚生小孩,我們以前的恩怨一筆勾銷,我非 欣賞你的主持風格,你每次主持我都為你感到高興跟實至名歸

」2人當場擁抱,大S還補了一句:「差一點是我妹夫的人。」 小S見縫插針:「還好不是,不然我就不能加入豪門了!」 子佼笑說:「終於,我總是在往返北京的飛機上看到小菲,我總 躲得遠遠的,覺得有點尷尬,以後終於能打招呼了!」

For more infomation >> ✅ ELLE Style Awards風格人物大賞頒獎典禮2日在信義區舉行,現場星光熠熠,包括大小S、汪小菲、黃子佼都出席... - Duration: 2:45.


Nego do Borel - Me Solta Reaction [Koreans Hoon & Cormie] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:43.

Today we are going to watch a new music video

Our subscribers recommended some various music videos

Visits of Brazilian subscribers have recently decreased

Many music videos were recommended before

But recently music videos are rarely recommended

So we considered what music videos to watch

Then we found a familiar name

The singer we saw many times

And we remember him

I like the song

Maybe it's a new song of Nego do Borel

Released at July

It's a recent song

Over 120 million views

What it means?

Google translator says 'Let me go'

I remember his sticky but impressive song

And a bit mischievous

Today we are going to watch that

How to do that, erased?

Hanging that shoe means something, I know

But I just forgot

What is this

What concept today?

Is this guy Nego do Borel?

Maybe right

Look at him smiling

What an exciting song

Really exciting

And addictive

This song...

In Brazilian songs, in this atmosphere

Generally sexy women dance like this

I'm confused

The dance looks fast-forward

What is that


Oh my god


Let's forget

The song is exciting

Look at this


'dislike' are more than half

'like' are 1.75 million, but 'dislike' are 1.11 million

It's definitely shocking

Actually I don't know the lyrics

And because I don't know the background of this song

So I don't know how to say

I think I need to be careful

It was fresh

I was a little shocked

Fresh and shocking

I didn't predict that they would kiss suddenly

I don't know about Nego do Borel

For example, about this song or the singer

If this song is for LGBT

Actually I don't know

But if it isn't, and it's just a really unique music video

If it was simply a concept for shocking directing

It was really shocking

You have achieved your purpose

Let's accept

I accept easily such things

And I admit easily

It could happen, just a fresh music video

It could happen

But it's shocking to watch it

The atmosphere was sudden, they suddenly kissing

They quarreled, and suddenly they kissed

The song is really exciting

If there are two impressive scenes

Repeated parts of the lyrics

Men and women dancing to shake their butts


It was interesting that men dancers did like that

A fat man has appeared before

If I dance, I will be like him

This song made me wat to dance together

However, the evaluation depends on people

I personally, rather than bad

Was it shocking?

If there is one more button

Rather than 'like' or 'dislike'

I just want to click on 'shocking'

We watched Nego do Borel after a long time

His image is so different than I remember

We watched he came with Anitta

It was a naughty image at that time

Rather than naughty, a little sticky

Anyway, this time it's shocking

I accepted it quickly

It could happen, opened mind

I'm always opened

Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us

For more infomation >> Nego do Borel - Me Solta Reaction [Koreans Hoon & Cormie] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:43.


Consonant Sound /ʃ/ as in "show" – American English Pronunciation - Duration: 12:29.

Hello there!

This is the "Sounds American" channel.

In this video,

we're going to talk about the American consonant sound /ʃ/,

as in the word "show."

You can also hear this sound in words like

"ship" - "cash" - "option" or "chef."

We'll be using this cute phonetic symbol - /ʃ/ - for this sound.

As always, let's begin with some phonology.

Take it easy, it's not complicated :).

The /ʃ/ belongs to a category of consonant sounds called the fricatives.

This is the largest group of consonants in American English:

it consists of nine different sounds!

Take a look:

So, why are they called the fricative consonants?

All these sounds are made by partially blocking the air,

moving through your mouth, which creates an audible friction.

Speaking about the /ʃ/ consonant,

- this sound is made by partially blocking the air,

flowing between the blade of your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

The /ʃ/ occurs in only 40% of the world's languages,

but in English, it's found in about 8% of words.

Well, it's not the most frequent sound.

But at Sounds American, we like it as much as any of the others. :)

So, to support this adorable consonant,

let's find out how to make it correctly.

Slightly open your mouth and round your lips.

You may push them out a little.

Now, focus on your tongue.

Arch your tongue and raise it to the roof of your mouth, but don't touch it.

Make sure there's a small gap between them.

Next, release a stream of air over your tongue.

When the air flows between the blade of your tongue and the roof of your mouth,

it'll create lots of noise.

Something like this:

Remember, the fricatives are continuous sounds

and so is the /ʃ/ consonant.

Let's try and stretch it out.



How about one more time?

Here are a few typical mistakes that people make when pronouncing this sound.

Some Spanish speakers confuse the /ʃ/ and the /tʃ/ sounds.

As you may have already guessed, it leads to misunderstandings.


Make sure that you don't stop the air before making the /ʃ/ sound

because that's exactly how the /tʃ/ sound is made.

Another problem is that some non-native English speakers

replace the /ʃ/ with the /s/ consonant,

especially when it occurs at the beginning of words.

The /ʃ/ gets distorted

when you move the tip of your of your tongue

too close to your alveolar ridge.



These are completely different words!

And finally,

always keep in mind the Vowel Length rule!

The /ʃ/ is a voiceless consonant,

so vowel sounds before the /ʃ/ are typically shorter

than they are before voiced consonants.

Compare the length of the /ɪ/ vowel

when it's before the voiced /ʒ/

and the voiceless /ʃ/ sounds.

We talked about the Vowel Length rule in detail in one of our previous videos.

Don't forget to check the link in the Description below!


let's switch from theory to practice!

After all,

this is the most important part of the whole lesson.

This is how it works.

You'll see a word on the screen and hear its pronunciation.

Like this:

You'll have a few seconds to pronounce the word.

Try to go through as many words as possible.

Let's start with the /ʃ/

when it's represented by the combination of the letters 'sh'.

Let's pause for a second and catch our breath.


we'll practice words where this sound is represented by the letters 'ch'

and the letter 'c'.

It's still the same /ʃ/ sound,

just a different spelling.

Let's continue.


Now let's practice pronouncing words

in which the /ʃ/ sound is represented by the letter 't'.

By the way,

don't forget that the /ʃ/ is a continuous sound

and you have to make the vowel before it short.

Let's do it.

You're done!


You may have already noticed,

but we'll say it again.

There's no special letter

for the /ʃ/ fricative in English.

We know, life is hard. :)

which is probably why this sound

is represented by a number of various letters

and combinations of letters.

Take a look:

Most often,

it's written as the letter 't',

like in the word "station" or "option."

Next is the combination of letters 'sh',

as in "she" and "wish."


this sound is represented by the letter 'c',

like in "delicious" or "ocean,"

and by one or two letters 's',

as in "sugar" or "pressure."

Sometimes, the /ʃ/ is represented by the combination of letters 'ch',

like in "chef" and "machine."

This may look complicated,

but it's really not.

There are phonics rules for these spellings.

Let us know if you're interested!

Click "Like" if you liked this video.

Share this video with your friends, pets, and relatives.

Don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned on our Sounds American channel!

For more infomation >> Consonant Sound /ʃ/ as in "show" – American English Pronunciation - Duration: 12:29.


Meet Mission Zer0 - s1e208 - Duration: 13:44.

I'm Bill Snodgrass. Welcome to this episode. I am doing a collaboration video

today with another member of the #nosmallcreator Facebook group. His

name's Sean Guenther and I've mentioned him before. He does a channel called

Mission Zer0, and we're gonna… we're gonna collaborate on this video today so this

is going to be kind of a very special episode.

Well thanks Bill… So hi everybody

yeah… as Bill mentioned my name is Sean and I run a channel called Mission Zer0.

So Mission Zer0 is actually a community organization that is aimed at helping

people come closer together. Really. So it really fits right in line with

that idea of helping people kind of live their best lives and to to be more

connected to each other.

So this is gonna be just a regular question and answer video.

Just trying to let you guys… I want you to get to know a little bit about

Sean and his channel and I feel like he has some insights that a lot of you guys…

a lot of people on my channel would appreciate—some of you who may… may not

already know him. But I think he's gonna have some insights and some some stories

that will really fit with… with kind of the "better version of yourself"

underpinning of my channel. So I want to start off by saying, Sean, did you have

any… are there any… any… anything else you want to add different from your introduction.

Yeah… So I think the three things that everybody needs to know

about me is number one is I am a Texan so if I talk funny that's why. I am also

a rabid geek so if I talk funny that's why. A nd I am a Christian which means if

I talk funny that's why. So, Bill, I know we met in the #nosmallcreator group, and

when that started I had just been YouTubing for a couple of months, but I know

you had been YouTubing for considerably longer, so can you talk a little

bit about what the #nosmallcreator group has done for you and how it's changed your channel.

You asked an interesting question about #nosmallcreator and… and

I had really just made a video before I really kind of discovered #nosmallcreator

and… and I was kind of analyzing where we are as… where I was particularly

as a creator and… and did it really matter? Was it really worth doing? And all

at the same time I ran across a video from Amy Shark in which she says "I bet the

world thought I was going to give up today" and then it's very clear in the

video that she's not going to give up. And then I ran into the the Cody Warner

Peter McKinnon collaboration video. And then I discovered #nosmallcreator…

Really all like a cascade of things that happened all at once, and as a result not

only did I come up come in contact with a lot of creators who kind of share the

the process and the value and and those kinds of things…

I was just reinvigorated my… my motivation was recharged and… and the

result of that encounter was—yeah it doesn't it doesn't matter if 30 or 40

people watch my videos that's 30 or 40 people who have heard my voice. And it's

it's not about… the video I made was it's not about the size of the audience

is about the size of the message, and if your message is big enough then you need

to put it out there because the size of your message will motivate you and the

amount that you believe in your message will motivate you to move forward and

deliver that message to people who are out there. So #nosmall… #nosmallcreator

to me came in at a time when I was kind of questioning "is this something that's

worthwhile when I was trying to work through and find the answers and and

#nosmallcreator helped me do that plus just meeting the people on #nosmallcreator

it really kind of gave my gave my channel like a bit of a charge. So… so let

me let me ask the next question. Let me let me turn this back to to you Sean

it seems like in the in the last couple of months your channel

has has refined quite a bit. You've done quite a few few things. As you see it now

what is what's the purpose of Mission Zer0? What's the purpose of your channel?

And you know you kind of… If you look back over the last three months or so, maybe

there's some changes that you you feel are noteworthy and you wanna you want to mention those.

Yeah, absolutely. So I think the biggest way that my channel has

changed in the last few months is that I have drastically increased the quality

of my videos, and that is a hundred percent due to the #nosmallcreator

group and just kind of that constant push to to get better and to do better

and to be more creative. And so definitely come a long way from my first

videos that were just sort of me in my guestroom in front of a camera… low, bad

lighting and low energy and you know. But as a purpose for the channel I have

really kind of shifted that direction to… to lessen the kind of educational bent

that I was taking initially to try and hit more practical application for

people to… to actually use the information that I'm providing rather

than kind of leaving people on their own to figure out well what do I mean by that.

Sean I know you you you watch a lot of… You have watched because you've

commented on a lot of my videos and you know that that one of the things that I

talked a lot about on my channel is your personal mission in life and your goals

and and in the dreams that you have helping you create goals so as your

channel has changed… as your channel has matured and evolved over these last few

months, how do you see your work on YouTube fitting in with your personal

life mission, with your personal goals as a person? How are you using YouTube to to

help you fulfill those those life goals in those life that life mission you have?

That's an excellent question so the the personal mission of Mission Zer0 is

really to help people get closer together. My real focus is this idea of

understand that there is no us and them. There's just us and that we should focus

on us and being sort of I have this tagline "be the youyest you can be" and that

fishtails beautifully I think in to my YouTube channel because YouTube is a

place to to reach so much more of the world than you could ever get to on your

own two feet and that really drives this. If my if my mission is to connect people

together this is a beautiful place to do that because you have so much access to people.

[Bill] I've also come to understand from from watching your channel that that

you've had some changes in your—you know—your nine-to-five that seems you have

left that nine-to-five and you've got a new direction that that you're that

you're about to embark upon. Talk about that… Tell my tell my channel what's

going on with you where you're going and and sort of those those short term long

term medium term plans you have for for what you're gonna be doing yeah

absolutely you hit it on the head so in August of this year I quit my job as

vice president of technology for a telecom company I had spent 20-some odd

years in telecom building products and motivating teams and building teams that

built products and ultimately although I loved it I found that I was in that

seventy percent of Americans who do the thing that they are second-best at and

it just wasn't fulfilling to me and so I I set out to to enter a new phase and so

what that looks like for goals and the short term my wife and I are trying to

sell our house because that's going to give us enough money to meet the second

challenge which is this mid-range goal of moving out of the country we are

going to start off in Southeast Asia most likely Indonesia but we'll just

start a Travel Channel interview people I'll bring some of those in

views into mission zero but to really immerse ourselves and other cultures and

do that for two to three months and then go to another place our idea really is

to to round the world as a long-term goal and how that fits into mission zero

I do have the the desire to make it an official nonprofit corporation as many

countries as I can and really spread this to a worldwide organization that is

doing community outreach and setting up social interactions that are really

targeted at helping bring people closer together alright so as you know I work a

lot and I have you know mostly ninth graders in my classes so my day job as a

teacher I encounter a lot of really young people 13 15 year-olds mostly so

if you had one opportunity you could you could drop a tweet that that sort of

like was directed at those 13 to 15 year-olds today on your mind

the the thing that you wish that you could tell 13 to 15 year olds ready set

go whoo okay that's that's a big ass

because I'm not a person who tends to fit in 140 characters but the single

biggest thing that I think young people need to understand and to really take to

heart is you have value and your value is not higher or lower than anybody

else's we are all on an even playing field and so when I say there is no them

there is only us what I'm saying is understand that you have importance and

that other people are just as important and that we should treat ourselves that

way we should treat other people that way that really so that okay 140

characters are Kappa - 140 characters it is that understand there is no them

there is only us and don't ever let anybody try to convince you that there

is at them because there just isn't so okay so bringing this video to an end

last last thing as you look ahead as you look into the next six to 12 months

obviously you've got a lot of plans a lot of things are unfolding and you're

adjusting the plan all those sort of things so so what are you looking at as

the biggest challenge that you're gonna face as you go after this this new this

new chapter in your life as you as you begin to execute the plans that you've

made what do you see standing out there is like that big challenge that you're

gonna maybe have to find a way around ah this may be a less practical and more

conceptual answer than you were looking for but the biggest challenge for me is

that we are selling everything we own and we are going to launch into the

unknown with really a plan that never extends more than two to three months

ahead of us and the biggest challenge that comes with that sure there's

logistics and you know how do you figure out how to communicate with people who

don't speak your language whatever but that's all easy pickins

the real challenge is overcoming the fear that comes with that there is this

huge tendency inside of people to coast to just go with inertia and not

challenge themselves staying the comfortable but we are going

to throw away the comfortable and that comes with a good amount of fear and so

I think that the that that's the big challenge and the big key to killing

that will be staying flexible and trying to adapt to whatever comes all right

well I'm gonna thank Sean for being a part of this collaboration I want to

thank him for for participating in this in this collaboration video I I'm sure

that the things he said is is going to be helpful to to a lot of people least

give you something to think about I am going to link his channel here in a

card up here and also you can hit him on the in screen you can hit the subscribe

button on the in screen I you will not you will not be disappointed

Sean's videos are from a Christian worldview and they are day daily

applicable to how you can live out that your life better and less as you that

you can learn and and this is really powerful really powerful motivational

information so yeah I'm sure you will not be disappointed so hop over there

subscribe to this channel and and you can like binge watch all of his videos

some some afternoon or weekend or something that is going to bring this

video to a close I appreciate everyone who supports my channel leave me a

comment a question suggestion you know I love to interact with you I try to get

back to everybody who who leaves a comment or something sign up for

notifications subscribe the channel hit the like button that's all I have for

this one so I will see you in the next one


For more infomation >> Meet Mission Zer0 - s1e208 - Duration: 13:44.


Qui est Hravn Forsne, le politicien suédois qui se revendique fils de Mitterrand ? - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Qui est Hravn Forsne, le politicien suédois qui se revendique fils de Mitterrand ? - Duration: 4:22.


Ségolène Royal flingue à tout-va. Ségolène Royal raconte "la violence de l'adultère" - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Ségolène Royal flingue à tout-va. Ségolène Royal raconte "la violence de l'adultère" - Duration: 3:10.


Il prétend être le fils caché de François Mitterrand - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Il prétend être le fils caché de François Mitterrand - Duration: 5:43.


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Highline 160PK! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.4 TSI Highline 160PK! - Duration: 1:05.


Hravn Forsne, le Suédois qui affirme être le fils illégitime de François Mitterrand - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Hravn Forsne, le Suédois qui affirme être le fils illégitime de François Mitterrand - Duration: 2:50.


László Sólymos podporuje Zoltána Péka na starostu Podunajských Biskupíc - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> László Sólymos podporuje Zoltána Péka na starostu Podunajských Biskupíc - Duration: 0:51.



you are gay yeah

For more infomation >> HOMER SIMPSON IS GAY (THEORY ? REALITY ?) - Duration: 0:05.


Ernie Ball: String Theory featuring Daron Malakian from System Of A Down - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> Ernie Ball: String Theory featuring Daron Malakian from System Of A Down - Duration: 19:00.


#135 Sortir de sa zone de confort - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> #135 Sortir de sa zone de confort - Duration: 3:27.


Peugeot Partner 170C 2.0 HDI AVANTAGE / AIRCO / NWE D.RIEM / *MARGE AUTO* / * APK 11-2019 * - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 170C 2.0 HDI AVANTAGE / AIRCO / NWE D.RIEM / *MARGE AUTO* / * APK 11-2019 * - Duration: 1:06.


Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, à Honfleur: le président looké comme Tom Cruise dans Top Gun ! - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron, à Honfleur: le président looké comme Tom Cruise dans Top Gun ! - Duration: 1:56.


Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 190 - Duration: 9:18.

WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

In today's episode we'll be talking about the Halloween event.

We'll also be reviewing in detail the new, updated missions,

and talking about Tanki tournaments.

Hello tankers!

This week has been fun, but not quite as smooth as we had hoped.

First, server maintenance took longer than planned.

Then, we had to have a couple of unscheduled restarts…

But in the end, it all worked out fine.

From the planned updates, here's what has been released:

missions... drones... alterations… and shot colors.

All that's left to do is Overdrives,

but unfortunately, they won't be coming out this week.

And that's all because of ONE overdrive.

It's still unstable and slows down the whole update.

We're almost done, but at this point it's very hard to give a release date.

It might come out next week, or maybe a bit later.

As Halloween marches across Tanki Online, battles are rolling, stars are falling.

Don't forget about the main prizes for Star Week:

Earn 700 stars and get the "Barbed wire" animated paint.

And for 900 stars, you'll be snatching a new,

super cool Demonic skin for Firebird.

And of course, discounts.

Today, Friday, Shop discounts.

Tomorrow, Garage discounts.

And on Sunday, we conclude the Upgrade sales.

Don't miss it!

By the way, don't forget to visit the Graveyard map,

where Gold Boxes will be dropping 20 TIMES more often.

The map will only be available for 1 day, on Saturday, November 3rd.

Go get it!

After the last V-LOG, many of you have been asking for more details

about the changes in the mission system.

The update has been released, but the questions remain.

So let's have a closer look at this release.

Let's start with something a bit more familiar first —

daily missions.

Just a small change here.

Missions are now sorted by difficulty.

The left one is a simple mission — same task and reward as before.

The middle mission is a bit more challenging,

but the prize is a bit better.

The daily mission on the right is the toughest of the three,

but it gives the biggest reward.

Now, for the weekly missions.

Our intention was to make it possible to win even bigger rewards than before.

Of course, players will need to fight harder and more consistently to earn them.

So the rewards will be bigger or smaller

depending on how much effort the tanker puts into them.

Here's how the system works in more detail.

There is a timer that determines when you get new weekly missions.

When this timer reaches zero,

your empty mission slots are re-filled with new missions.

Everything is just like with daily missions, but instead of being updated once a day,

it is updated every seven days.

So if you received missions on Tuesday this week,

your empty slot missions will be refilled with new weekly missions next Tuesday,

with the morning restart.

Here are three scenarios to help you understand the feature better:

Let's say you finish all three of your daily missions every day,


This means you should be able to complete your first weekly mission

within the first 2 or 3 days,

the second mission by day 4, and the final mission by day 7.

If you do, all your empty weekly mission slots will be filled with new ones on day 8.

Here's another scenario.

You play fairly regularly, and manage to finish around one or two daily missions per day.

At this pace,

you should be able to complete your first weekly mission by day 4

and the second one by day 7,

leaving your third mission only halfway done.

In this case, on day 8,

your two empty slots will be refilled with new missions,

and your new weekly timer will start.

As a final example, let's say you don't play regularly.

You receive 3 weekly missions.

You complete the first one by day 3 and the second one by day 5.

Then, for some reason, you don't play at all for a couple of weeks.

In this case, when you relog into the game,

you'll find that your third mission will have kept its progress,

the other two will have been replaced by new missions,

and the new weekly timer will kick off.

So, the mechanic is set so that

you can complete a maximum of three weekly tasks per one week period.

And finally, one very important thing.

To avoid issues and ensure everyone gets missions and rewards when they're supposed to,

all rewards MUST be claimed as soon as the mission is completed.

Earned — claimed — earned — claimed.

Saving rewards from completed missions to claim them later, is no longer practical.

If you feel that this process is a bit confusing, you really shouldn't worry about it.

Forget about the details and subtleties, and just focus on the key point -

you complete 3 tasks a day, you receive daily prizes,

and from time to time you get containers.

And what are Challenges?

Don't think about it too much for now,

we'll tell you about them in an upcoming episode.

eSports news.

The Clan Championship is THE most prestigious tournament in Tanki Online.

Only the best clans — not just the strong —

participate in the tournament, and right about now,

the 11th Clan Championship is reaching its most heated stage.

Clans will be competing to qualify for the Play Offs,

and only 8 clans will make it.

Will the previous year's champions Synergy defend their title?

Or will we see a new name?

Time will tell.

So make sure you watch the live streams, and support your favorite team!

By the way, our livestream commentators will be giving away promo codes!

And for those of you who want to compete in a tournament,

but haven't yet built the skills to join the Clan Championship,

we've started the Sand Storm.

It's also a clan tournament that is fought out on one map

-- Sandbox, of course.

Prizes include crystals, supplies, batteries, containers and rating points,

which will help you join even more prestigious tournaments in the future.

Winners will also be able to choose one of three rare paints

— Matrix, Galaxy or Starfall.

And on a final note, we would like to congratulate clan WoodPeckers

and one of the veteran tankers Orion on their mini anniversary,

because their clan is now 5 years old!

They even participated in the Star series, during the Starladder days,

and played very confidently.


Tanki challenge!

Last week we gave you a challenge —

on the Opposition map, you had to deliver a tank from the platform,

back to your base, using only Smoky.

Here's how the trick was done by the V-LOG crew:

Let's welcome our winners — the team that completed the challenge first.

And now let's watch the best video with the completed trick.

The winners get 100,000 crystals to split among their team.


For the next episode, record a video on "How I caught the pumpkin on Halloween".

Remember to wear the Orange paint.

Submit the links to your videos through the special "Video of the Week" form.

That's it for today's episode!

Don't miss Saturday — the most pumpkin day of the year.


A week ago Hammer fired a shot on the Island map.

You had to guess how many bullet holes would be left on the wall.

The correct answer is... 6.

Let's welcome our winners, and here's the new question:

How many shots will hit the bridge's railing?

Hello tankers.

I am the new community manager for Tanki Online.

My name is...

Hello tankers.

Those of you who have been around for a while,

probably recognize my face.

For those who don't, my name is Cedric,

and I used to be the community manager before Nives.

But now, Nives is moving on to a new adventure,

and I've decided to return.

Let's start with a bang.

I've decided to organize a funny little contest in the forum.

There will be a special thread.

In it, you will need to post a meme about my return to Tanki Online.

Rewards will include weekly containers.

And in case you haven't heard about weekly containers,

they are pretty cool,

because they drop rewards according to your rank.

So if you're a low rank, you'll get something you can use.

And if you're a high rank, the reward will fit your level.

The great news is that if you're part of the German,

Polish, Brazilian or Spanish community, you can still join.

Just post your meme in the same thread.

So, share this V-LOG far and wide.

Spread the word, tell everyone about the contest, and let's have a good time.

See ya!

For more infomation >> Tanki Online V-LOG: Episode 190 - Duration: 9:18.


Meghan Markle sous le choc, son père veut l'attaquer en justice -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle sous le choc, son père veut l'attaquer en justice -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:57.


3 fun days in Seoul, South Korea | Little Grey Box - Duration: 12:34.

Hey guys, Phoebe here from Little Grey Box now Matt and I are in Seoul! Yes!

[sings] Let your soul glow

we are here living our best K-Pop life and of course this is all

part of a #SquadSQ trip thanks to the guys at Singapore Airlines who flew us here

direct from Singapore to Seoul so we are gonna get out right now and

we're gonna explore Seoul and find out just what it has to offer

starting right here in Myeongdong

This is Myeongdong and if you're coming to Seoul you absolutely have to come

here this place is packed with loads of cafes all kinds of Korean beauty and

makeup shops I'm serious like everything your heart desires and things you didn't even

know you needed, there's loads of stores boutiques it's a great spot to pick up

hats, shoes, dresses, clothes anything and everything you want

when it comes to shops

you guys, this is the most beautiful coffee I have ever seen

you get this cotton candy puff over the top of your latte

this coffee alone was ₩10,000 which is about 12 Australian dollars

so she ain't cheap but she beautiful

We're at Cat Playground the cat cafe in Myeongdong and they're around forty cats

in here and they're really, really friendly and cute

It is raining cats and dogs here in Seoul

so we've been hiding out in the cafe but you guys I've been

stir-crazy so what we're trying to run underneath these awnings because we

forgot an umbrella

So look to make up for it we're gonna treat ourselves to an ice-cream

and they look like roses they're so beautiful

this was ₩6,000 but

you guys sometimes you just gotta do it for the Gram!

It was dinner time and I was very hungry

so we went out looking for somewhere to eat and now

look it's a challenge because a lot of the places look like they're going

to be amazing, but I can't read Korean so I don't know what they serve

and a lot of it is meat

But we found this place called Pomato

there are a lot of people in it I saw a couple of vegetarian options

Now this has come out, it's a tofu stew

now the Korean understanding of spice is very different to the Australian understanding of spice

so it's safe to say I'm petrified

I'm waiting for the afterburn

it's spicy but

it's actually the perfect amount of spicy

yeah okay that's delicious

Good morning you guys

So it is our second day in Seoul

yesterday it was bucketing down rain so

weren't able to do any of the outdoor activities we wanted to do but today

yeah forecast is for blue skies I'm really excited about that and we are

going to somewhere very interesting today we are going to the DMZ that is

the demilitarized zone between South and North Korea it's somewhere that Matt's

been fanging to go for for a really long time and today he's fulfilling that dream

I feel like my mom probably wouldn't want me to go there but you

know what she's not here, she doesn't really know how to use the Internet, so I think we're cool

Oh, that was just sixty minutes of quiet time it was four introverts in a van and it was just pure bliss

Did not expect to see this see

See North Korea ride the super viking

What a day

Alright guys, we are here, behind me is North Korea oh my goodness

I never thought I would ever in my life get this close to it. So this area is really

interesting if you look behind me you'll probably see a tower with a flag on it and that

is the North Korean flag

Now that area is Kaesong and it used to be a propaganda city

But now it's a place that workers who work in the major area of Kaesong

that's where they live. Also if you look behind you'll see two mountains and there

should be a tower sticking up in the middle that's actually a jamming tower

and what it's aimed to do is jam the signal from South Korea so that none of those

radio waves of televisions ones or anything can get over there

so interesting right?

All right we're inside another section now so we got back in the bus and we've

driven somewhere else and we're about to see a movie about the Korean War and

then it's time to go and see the tunnel which I'm really excited for and I'll

tell you more about it when we get there

We're about to go into the third tunnel but you guys we've just been told there's no

filming no photography in there so we're gonna lock you guys in this locker right

here and when we come back I'm going to tell you everything that we saw and some

really interesting facts because this place is wild

I'm exhausted

All right we just got back up from the tunnel and that's actually a really cool experience

you start with a light safety briefing

up here at the top and then you put on a hardhat and you begin this descent the

tunnel is very very steep and I believe it's a couple of hundred meters you go

all the way down and then you meet the North Korean tunnel it's made of granite

it's around 2 meters wide about they say it's 2 meters high but I would say it's

about 160 centimeters high you keep walking all the way to the end and then

there's like three concrete walls really thick concrete walls that you can peek

through this is the third tunnel so in total there are four yes they had

sneekly and this is after the Armistice so they didn't said hey peace peace

peace and then they had started digging these tunnels from North Korea to South

obviously with the intention of launching a surprise attack

This afternoon we are doing something really special so we are at the SBS TV

headquarters here in Seoul because we are attending the taping of a K-Pop

TV show it's called... The Show

what's it about?

I have no idea but I feel like

we're gonna discover it together

K-Pop is a big deal here and I'm so excited to see what The Show is all about

So I just went outside and spoke to some of the fan girls

cuz we're super interested to know like, who are they waiting for?

what are they all about? I met a lovely girl named Veronica from Poland and

she's there because she is staning a group called Big Flow now I don't know

who that is but she's told me they are amazing and to look out for them so the

girls out there they line up in different queues and about 20 of each

groups fans are allowed in to the taping of the show...

The Show

the show, The Show

So we're gonna be going in too and Veronica has told us to keep an eye out

for Big Flow because they are awesome

All right well that was incredible that was unlike anything I've ever

experienced before and I once took my little sister to a Justin Bieber concert

it was so much fun I was laughing

the fans really get into it and as Gui was explaining

the fandoms have like their own little light-up signs

different shapes and different colours represent a certain brand... well band

so you hold it up and that bnad sees you in the crowd and knows that you're their stans

I'm kinda blown away it's like a hobby almost

yeah if you ever get the chance get into K-Pop culture because it is awesome

One really great way to get awesome views of Seoul is to come here to Seoullo

so what it is is Seoul's answer to the High Line in New York, if you've ever been you

will know it's just amazing

it's a big walking area with lots of gardens and you wrap your way through the city

so there are fantastic views looking down over Seoul

high-rises, blue skies

I mean, if you're into photography there's light bouncing off everything

Now this is actually Seoul's national treasure and very sadly a few years ago

somebody... they burnt it down, but the locals have managed to rebuild it so it

has been restored to its full glory now it's definitely worth visiting and is

right in the heart of Seoul and it's a beautiful a fantastic opportunity for

photos and to soak up a little piece of Seoul's history and culture because this thing...

it's old

If you want really really good local food you've got to keep your eyes peeled

we were just walking down the street and to our right this whole alleyway just

popped up out of nowhere and the food in here smells incredible there's ladies

everywhere they are hand rolling and hand chopping noodles they look so good

and I just don't think you ever get anything better in those big restaurants

when it comes to getting around Seoul the subway is going to be your best bet

now the network here is expansive Matt is pretty sure that he heard somewhere

that it's one of the biggest in the world and not only that it's actually

really affordable and it's easy to navigate

This place is beautiful

so there are all these really gorgeous gardens around the area

stunning trees and of course really, really beautiful structures like this one

Right here in the middle of the city is the Cheonggyecheon stream and it's just a

beautiful oasis, lots of big trees, some birds and wildlife and it's a really

peaceful space in the heart of the city

All right we visited the cat cafe and of course when I found out they had a dog

cafe here in Korea I had to come

Cat cafe and dog cafe... offer just different things

cat cafe is very chill

it's very relaxed dog cafe there's barking it's a bit more hectic

so you know decide what you're into

We are ending our last day in Seoul right here at Yeouido Park

just... I think I'm pronouncing that wrong but you just gotta bear with me

so this place is heaving and I am fairly certain that today is a weekday and yet

there are people everywhere so it's a very popular spot for the locals

Thank you so much for watching you guys I hope you enjoyed this video

If you don't already and be sure to subscribe and say 안녕하세요 in the comments below

Have a great weekend and I will see you next week

Love ya!

For more infomation >> 3 fun days in Seoul, South Korea | Little Grey Box - Duration: 12:34.


Initial D: Street Stage - Part #2 - Kenji (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:29.

How is it Itsuki?

Isn't it nice to race in a pass other than Akina sometimes?

That's it Kenji. I have learned a lot.

You did pretty well nevertheless Itsuki.

Do you agree Takumi?

I agree.

I feel safer than before when driving with you.

I've noticed that too.

I have to practice a bit..

That? You..

Isn't it the Eight-Six that beat Itsuki?

That's right Kenji.

It seems normal but it races pretty well apparently.

How is it?

Do you want to race with me one time?

Please select a card.

Art card 5 obtained.

I lost..

I thought I'm better than Itsuki..

After all I wonder what are my abilities like..


For more infomation >> Initial D: Street Stage - Part #2 - Kenji (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:29.


The Solar Revolution Is Yours for the Taking - Paul Mampilly - Duration: 7:31.

Hi it's Paul with this week's Winning Investor Daily.

I just read

a shocking

truly stunning report, and in this report, it makes a radical and

totally incredible and really somewhat amazing prediction.

And the prediction is that this energy sector

is set to rocket, and when I mean rocket, I really mean rocket higher

by the year 2050. It sounds far away

however, when I tell you the scale of what we're talking about, which is that this sector is set to

skyrocket by 65 times. 65 fold.

So if you were putting

$1,000 for example, in something that was growing at that rate, every $1,000 would turn into $65,000.

Every $10,000 would turn into $650,000.

So this is a big, big deal.

So, what is this energy sector? Well, it's solar power. Solar energy.

So I was reading this report from this very prestigious

insurance company that issues this report

every year about the energy transition that's going on where we're moving on from fossil fuels to

more sustainable energy, alternative energy. I call it new energy, and it's a mega trend across all of my services.

And, this report, which is based on very credible research,

that's been done by people that have been following this trend for many, many years now,

they say that solar power is set to zoom by 65 fold by the year 2050.

And you'll see in the article that covers this report, and I provided a link to the article,

the research suggests that by 2050

40% of the world's power will come from solar energy. Just think about that. 40 percent. Just a few years ago,

that was a single-digit number. It's going to be 40 percent.

Even more incredibly, and you'll see why this is important when I get to the end of this, Winning Investor Daily,

30% of that is going to come from rooftops. In other words, from installing solar power

on the roofs of houses and businesses.

And a small amount will also come from these solar farms, because, some people I know object to solar power because

they believe that it cuts trees down and uses up land, but only 0.3% of land mass is expect to be used by solar power.

So this really addresses the objection that many people have.

This report also has other good news for other related fields, which is like

storage power, battery power, which by my reckoning is set to grow 40 fold.

And this is related to solar power because

the idea is that you would get your power from your roof and then it would go into a battery.

The really big shocker in this report is that this is all expected to happen as more and more people

benefit, share, and participate in the miracle of electricity.

I grew up in India when

really we never could really take electricity for granted and this report expects that

by 2028

95% of all people around the world will have access to electricity,

and that half of the world's

cars and

light trucks will also be running on electricity. So...

This is a revolution, this is not a

small thing. This is why we can see a 65 fold increase

happening in solar power. Now some of you will be like, "Hey Paul, you're hyping this,"

and, ok fair enough.

However, even if this were half true, even if this were a quarter true,

it would still mean straight-line growth from where we are today,

and really it would mean absolutely

incredible, astonishing growth.

And especially when you consider what has been going on with these solar power stocks. If you go and look at solar stocks right now,

you'll see that they're dirt cheap.

To prepare for this Winning Investor Daily, I looked up a ETF

It's the Invesco solar ETF and it's down

40% in the last six months - 40%

And that's crazy, when you consider what I just told you, which is we are setting up for a complete revolution in our energy systems,

and when I went and looked at the ETF, I understand why it's been down,

which is that this is a global ETF and because it's a global industry.

And so it's been hit by concerns around trade wars and tariffs.


I really believe that our turn is going to come sooner rather than later.

And, it's going to be huge. It's going to be massive,

because these stocks are going to turn on a dime, because of the growth prospects that I just laid out for you.

When that happens, this ETF is going to soar higher -

because of all the things I've laid out for you in this Winning Investor Daily.

Now, this ETF will do perfectly well.

However, I know from

being on Wall Street long enough and from looking at the performance of ETFs versus individual stocks,

if you really want to get the big winners,

the huge...

100,000% winners, you need to be in

the dominant leading stocks in this industry, and those are the kinds of stocks

I focus on in Profits Unlimited, which is my base service - my flagship service - and also

my three other services where we really focus on these leading dominant stocks that

have stocks that can soar and that can really skyrocket when things go right.

So if you're the kind of investor that likes these big extraordinary gains,

sign up for Profits Unlimited so you can start getting in on these kinds of stocks.

So that's my Winning Investor Daily for this week,

which is, I'm telling you to buy into this Invesco

Solar ETF, and you'll see here I've given you the ticker which is TAN

and you'll have some details that are listed in there and you can also look it up

online, and as I mentioned, it's been down. However, I believe that it's going to go up.

So if you liked this video give this video a big thumbs up!

Please subscribe to this channel if you haven't already subscribed to it, and share this with your friends and family

so we can continue to keep making these videos for you.

Until next week, this is Paul saying bye.

For more infomation >> The Solar Revolution Is Yours for the Taking - Paul Mampilly - Duration: 7:31.


Why Some Cars Have Drum Brakes Instead of Disc Brakes - Duration: 6:57.

rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about drum brakes on your car versus

this brakes on your car, now the back brakes on this car are drum brakes but

the front brakes they're disc brakes, hey why is it that way how did that come to

be, well drum brakes have been around for a long time hey wagons, some of them have

drawn type brakes on them, they work quite well and they've been around for a really

long time, drum brakes are exactly what they say

there's a drum and inside are brake shoes and when you step on the brakes

the cylinder pushes out and pushes the brake shoes that are curved against the

inside and for a long time this was the best system out there it's relatively

sealed from the elements, since the shoes are inside and this covers them, but they

have one major drawback, they tend to fade after quick repetitive usage of the

brakes as in racing where, you stop and then you speed up and stop and speed off

the corner and brake and then speed up they'll fade, so for racing and really heavy

loads they came up with these disc brakes that don't fade that much and

they also work better in water situation, because it can squeeze the water right

out as it squeezes in, where if water gets inside the drums then they really

slip and slide as they dry out, when I was young at a 1970 Ford Maverick and it had

four-wheel drum brakes and believe me especially in colder weather, if you had

drum brakes and you went through some deep water then you hit the brakes, they

would just slide cuz the water got inside and it would just slide like mad

where the disks, those pads they can squeeze it out and since they're open air

the water comes off a lot easier, now the first real use in mass production of disc

brake was in the 1940's for airplanes and for tanks, for two kind of

different reasons, but here's what they are, the disc brake systems tend to weigh

less, take up less space, so in an airplane that's a big deal, fighter

jets they want to make them as fast as possible and a big b-17 bomber hey

that's a lot of weight, so the disc brakes can take that heat when you step

on the brakes and all that weight condenses and dissipate it better than the drum

brakes could and in the tanks, there was a limited amount of space with the treads

going around, so they found that the disc brakes would fit in that smaller space

better plus, hey tanks went everywhere they went in water, mud, and you're better

off with disc brakes in a bad environment than you are with drum

brakes, now as for cars the first real disc brake use was in 1951 in a British

racing motor company, they had a Formula One car that had front disc brakes, now

disc brakes had such an advantage in racing that all the racing cars quickly

went over to disc brakes because they slam on the brakes before they hit a

corner, then they stopped on a gas and then they hit the brakes, they don't want any

fading and want them to work as well as possible and of course in a race car

weight is everything, you want to make it as light as possible so they all went to

discs, now the first American car that was mass produce it had four-wheel disc

brakes that was a 65 Chevy Corvette only makes sense a sports car, they wanted to

make the Corvette as race capable as possible, guys were racing them and to

have the absolute best performance so it was the first American car that came

with all four wheel disc brakes, so you might well ask why does this Toyota

Celica that it was made 30 years after the Corvette have discs in the front way

up here in the front, but drum brakes in the back, well of

course part of it has to do with cost, this is based on the Toyota Corolla, they always had

drum brakes in the back and are somewhat cheaper to make and it's a really low end sports

car, a lot of people wouldn't even call it a sports car, so it's got discs in the

front and drums in the back, but in terms of normal driving, it really doesn't

affect it much at all, because the front brakes especially when disc, they do over

90% of the braking of your vehicle anyway, normal driving, the main thing

that the rear brakes do, is keep the vehicle from swaying from side to side

like a wild wagon when you're braking and I'm forever getting people asking me

on my car talk or emailing me questions, oh Scotty I

got disks in the front of my car and drums in the rear should I buy a disc

conversion kit for the back brakes to make them work better and my response is always

Hey unless you're racing the thing don't waste your money. it doesn't affect them

all that much. there's still a lot of motorcycles out there that still have discs

in the front and drums on the back, because if you know anything about

driving motorcycles, you use your front brake all the time, some of the guys never even

use their rear brake, now the racers do because they're doing completely

different kinds of dynamics of normal driving on the street, a normal

motorcycle driver uses your front brake all the time that's how you slow down

and that's how you control the vehicle and other guys will ask me, hey I've got

regular disc brakes in my car, but should I put drilled or slotted rotors

on them, well again only if you're racing the

vehicle, that allows the heat to be dissipated a little bit faster because

of all the holes that the air can go through, so in a race where you're

stopping and going stopping and going they won't fade, but really for normal

driving, non slotted disk actually will stop your car faster for one time

because there's more surface area so the pads are squeezing more surface area and

the heat can be taken away faster and stop your car quicker, plus there's a big

downside to drilled and slotted discs, one they have a tendency of making noise

because you got either the slots of the holes drilled and a lot of times you can

hear and feel it as you stop and guess what that we're out a lot quicker

serious race guys hey, they change the rotors and discs after every single race

you're not gonna be doing that driving your everyday driver, so in any modern car the

system that it comes with for everyday driving it's pretty good the way that it

was designed, but let's say you were building up an old 1970 maverick like I

used to drive that had four-wheel drum brakes, in that case it would definitely

be worth your while to remove just the front drum brakes and replace them with

disc brake systems, that would stop a whole bunch better, so now you know the

truth about drum vs disc brakes, so if you never want to miss

another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> Why Some Cars Have Drum Brakes Instead of Disc Brakes - Duration: 6:57.


Il prétend être le fils caché de François Mitterrand - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Il prétend être le fils caché de François Mitterrand - Duration: 5:43.


High Plains Food Bank - Give A Meal With Bank of America pt 2 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> High Plains Food Bank - Give A Meal With Bank of America pt 2 - Duration: 2:42.


Dominik Kraihamer - Student & driver at Le Mans 24 - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Dominik Kraihamer - Student & driver at Le Mans 24 - Duration: 1:38.


Qui est Hravn Forsne, le politicien suédois qui se revendique fils de Mitterrand ? - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Qui est Hravn Forsne, le politicien suédois qui se revendique fils de Mitterrand ? - Duration: 4:22.


Isabelle Nanty (Munch) : cette phobie qui a longtemps handicapé sa vie - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Isabelle Nanty (Munch) : cette phobie qui a longtemps handicapé sa vie - Duration: 2:01.


How to Hack CCTV Others Use Termux Part 1 - Duration: 6:22.


For more infomation >> How to Hack CCTV Others Use Termux Part 1 - Duration: 6:22.


Why is it important for your brand to go to industry events? | Jemima Willcox Photography - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Why is it important for your brand to go to industry events? | Jemima Willcox Photography - Duration: 6:10.


[Eng] Mukbang ASMR Cheogajip spicy chicken Korean no talking eating 吃播 食べ放題 辛いチキン 炸鸡 - Duration: 10:01.

Hello. Guys. Today's menu is Cheogajip spicy chicken.

(I'm Changbae. Please, remember me. Let's enjoy it.)

(That's Cheogajip spicy chicken.)

(Please see Changbae again.)

(Please click like and subscribe. See you guys again.)

For more infomation >> [Eng] Mukbang ASMR Cheogajip spicy chicken Korean no talking eating 吃播 食べ放題 辛いチキン 炸鸡 - Duration: 10:01.


Celtic hero music! 🌄 Royalty free video game music - Duration: 3:32.

Celtic hero music for you! This is good royalty free video game music.

Classical heroic music about the victory of good over evil in a great battle. Electronic arrangement available.

For more infomation >> Celtic hero music! 🌄 Royalty free video game music - Duration: 3:32.


Hravn Forsne, le Suédois qui affirme être le fils illégitime de François Mitterrand - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Hravn Forsne, le Suédois qui affirme être le fils illégitime de François Mitterrand - Duration: 2:50.


Balada o pilotovi'celý'f'i'l'm' 2018,#Ceska-televize - Duration: 1:19:07.


My niece is a feminist and

They get in this afternoon

All things considered you think that's such a good idea. Yeah, it goes they don't know

What you're saying, you know have a storm coming and shall await tomorrow so

Maybe they should just wait not everyone's as superstitious as you done


Okay in there boy

Okay, fine

Don't you say you're good to drive you're not seriously gonna blame this on me?

Be my guest

You want to talk about it No

We'll get through this, okay

So we had an agreement and what agreement is that exactly I have a hard time keeping track of all your rules

No more arguing in front of Emma

She's been through enough. Okay. She doesn't need to see us at each other's throats all the time

Well, excuse me, if I'm not all that excited about leaving behind what little of my life is left

You're not the only one who's had to put their life on hold here Marlene

And I thought we agreed no more of this in front of Emma

We could have found a way

If you really cared we could have found a way to stay the money's gone Riley

Mom and dad's life insurance didn't come close to covering Emma's hospital bills. If we want to be together. Encore is the only option

There's nowhere else to go

We need to get going or we're gonna miss the ferry

There is not much

They're supposed to be a fairy the schedule said three o'clock, I guess we'll just have to go back

Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that the schedule said that there was a three o'clock

Lots of folks been coming off the island, so I didn't expect anybody wanting to go we don't we do

There's a big storm expected tonight and we've

Staked over the island now by ferry, there might not be another ferry until the storm breaks and that could be a couple of days

The island is not somewhere you want to be stuck not during a storm not

Especially not this time of year

You heard the man. This is an all-around bad idea

The ferry is scheduled to be running and we'd like to be on it

That would your way Oh

Looks like you'll have some company after Allah

Folks are you know you wanted to get up to the ramp now if you want to go? It's

Okay, when you're on there was a young girl in her backseat. Did you see where she went? I?

Thought was just a tool

I can't hold the ferry not with the storm coming Emma. We need to go

Wanna be stuck here, Emma




just uh, well, you know, I saw that girl you were looking for just

Walking towards the fair. I just thought you'd want to know

Yeah, uh stay off that Island to the storm passes if I were you I

think we'll manage I

Don't know about that

Last time the storm hit that Island on Halloween

Half the people there ended up dead. I

Just steer clear that's all I'm saying if you're so worried then why are you going I

Have my reasons, I guess that makes two of us

Once Adams

You scared the hell out of us

What is it Henry alright


Ankara's fine. We just talked to her this morning, but I slept

Mmm what's going on? I'm sorry. I just I wanted to see the Iowan

It's okay no harm done we gotta get going though

The dreams aren't getting any better

She needs time things will get better

She watched our parents burned to death in their own car. She barely survived herself

Really think she's ever gonna get over that

When I was own and of course still not answering

I'm just been sleeping an awful lot. Her meds makes retired. Well, it's really gonna help with the nightmares

You do know where you're going right don't start, okay

Someone's watching us

Pick a direction, let's just go

What is the GPS a nothing there's no reception out here I thought you said you knew where you were going

I got turned around. Okay, I

Thought I saw that green car again. Nice. Nothing is ever your fault. Is it guys?

We're almost out of gas

How long has it been like that

Please bad for you in drive just drive


This isn't happening. Tell me this isn't happening

We just have to walk. Okay and Korres is just down the road

Leave it let's just go. We need Ana's medication. Let's just go. Come on. Let's

Go who's wishing me state mystery now

Oh my god

Get him in the house

Riley get him in the house. You're gonna do

Emma stay in the basement isn't safe up here. I

Don't know I

Don't know

What the hell is going on Sara

There's someone out there then kill them core, do you understand what that means?

What are you getting the mice?

How's she doing not good three months of medical school isn't gonna cut it she needs doctor

Everything's gonna be you know, it's not I

Didn't mean

You have to

What did she just say

What the hell is she talking about? What do you know?

She's in a lot of pain it's time you tell me what happened to aunt Cora

I'm not sure, okay

Stop treating me like a child. Tell me what happened. I don't know what happened to her. All right, I deserve to know Sarah

Thank you

Her eyes were gone just gone like someone cut them out of her head or something

And then some sick twisted her insides on fire


Sorry, I shouldn't even told you not like that

Was lucky noon in the truck and was said she had a dream about aunt Cora that's something happens ever happened

she know that Sarah how

It's coincidence, I mean it has to be she's been having those type of dreams about all of us

She thinks death follows her around wherever she goes

She's terrified that everyone around her is gonna die

Well, I'm not gonna let that happen

Hell I still out let her sleep she had a rough night and I don't understand Cora

How almond doesn't look too good if we don't get her to a hospital she's not gonna last much longer

How Idaho's

Okay, so we'll siphon the gas from aunt Cora's car can't be too hard well get ours going and

We'll get her to the hospital

She says that killing won't stop until the end of Halloween

What if whoever chased her here and killed aunt Cora is just out there waiting for us

If we stay here she'll die for sure

In the house

Just don't look okay just get this over with


Should have listened to him

Listen to who?

That creepy vibe back at the ferry

He said the last time a storm hit here on Halloween

Nearly everyone died

He said a white

and you're just telling me this now I

Thought he was just some weirdo. Okay for all you know, he's the one doing all this

I didn't want to worry you any more than you already were I?

Am so sick and tired of you thinking you know, what's best for me. That's enough

It's not enough that our parents are dead. Now. You're gonna get the rest

Don't touch me don't okay just don't

Why would someone do that to another person

It's gone what's gone the car he's going


okay, so

So walk we need to get that woman to the hospital. We'll send someone

All right. We should need to get the hell out of here. We still can what about Emma?

She won't make it far with her leg like that. Well, what do you suggest we do just wait here until that psycho Josef?


No, wait, no, we don't have a choice Marlon, you know, we don't

You keep watch

I'll deal with

Miriam I'm gonna need your help of drill

See where you are

And you shouldn't be out here you need to go back inside, but everyone was gone I didn't know

Where the hell are we gonna go home?

Until tomorrow

Well, we'll find help

Are you serious did you see that thing who the hell is gonna be able to help us I

Don't know. All right, but you're not helping the situation

Sears read them. We're gonna get through this and then we'll find a way out of here

Hey we often just trying to I thought

Whatever is happening here have nothing to do with you

What what is that everyone stay in the car?

Hitting him didn't do

We need to get the hell out of here now before he end up like him. We need to find help

These people aren't gonna help us you saw how they just stared us cared. They knew this was gonna happen

There's nowhere else to go you said so yourself

We we can go to the ferry dock. Maybe there's another boat there. They should at least have a radio, right?

Please Sara just this once I need you to listen to me. We need to go now

Hey, let's get in the car

She just wandered off right like she did before

If something happened we would have heard him. Oh my god

See things every run around she dies she's trying to protect no no


And by now this is your fault another sound



A minds that you need to come out. Okay, none of this is your fault

Em you in here

You need to do is shut the hell up

Okay, that thing out there was almost gone and she's you and your friend showing up. You almost got us all killed

Let her go Toby, I think she gets the message. Yeah, she better have

Now maybe you'll be able to keep her quiet too

Sarah what are they doing you she didn't leave us any choice?

She wouldn't stop yelling who's gonna hear us in here, where's Emma did you find her?

Clean our sister is still out there

I'm sorry, but if your sisters out there right now she's already dead. But you're all alive you managed to survive

We survived by accident

When everyone else ran away we all hid in the freezer we could hear them

But we knew if we open the door we'd be dead right along with them

What the hell is that thing out there yeah, why don't you ask mr. Internet sensation over here

He seems to have all the answers you knew about this at the ferry, and you didn't say anything

I tried to warn you. All right, I did when I saw you on Main Street

I was gonna tell you guys everything you drove off too fast

You said that some people died in the last storm. That was here. You never said anything about that thing out there

I was just trying to mess with you. All right, I didn't think it was real

Yeah, I thought it was real enough to bring a gun

Okay, look I have a web series

All right. I stay overnight at the haunted places. None of them ever really turn out to be haunted right? I

Bring the gun because you never know who you're gonna want to enter on these things

It's just me. There's a lot of crazies out there. I

Just bring it for protections

Couple weeks ago I I

was in a bar I

Met this old guy who's drunk started in with this story about an island that we still live on

so that Halloween 1915 a storm had

Killed half the people here

Get to the part where you tell us what's killing everyone out there


Locals say it was the storm

The old man says that storm brought something with it

something evil


Tell her why

On the eve of Halloween before the storm hit

and townspeople they

They burned six girls on the stage

for practicing witchcraft

Now as the story goes before the girls burned to death, they summoned a storm

Lightning struck each one of them pulling their spirits up in the storms that they could return something far far more evil

Families there avenge on the island. So the Sun came up ending on a Hallows Eve and that's not even the best part

The witches they army

They vowed to return on the anniversary of their murder once every hundred years

Wipe out everyone who - stay on the island

People around here been telling that story for years, but nobody ever believed them. Yeah. Well, I'm sure it's hella believer

So, how do we kill it don't

We survive it. I

Kill him won't stop until the end of Halloween hates Halloween and that's why we're not leaving him till morning

Until sunrise

We'll stay here for the night

nothing will

Go back where it came from just like he did last time. Well, that's not happening

I told you our sisters out there and we're going to sleep

okay, what makes you think you're the only one who's lost someone if you want to stop us you're gonna

Play around here. Hey, just let her go Toby

No one is leaving here until morning. Okay?

Until that Sun rises nobody's leaving this building. I

Don't think it kills everyone I

Don't I don't think it chose everyone? No not right away at least

You know, I think it's taking them somewhere

Why do you think that

Well, we were out chasing after these two, you know, I saw quite a few bloody drag marks where there was no bodies

And they're all headed in the same direction

I've been thinking about it and the only thing that would make sense is if it's dragging them all at the same place. Why?

And who says they're not already dead

I'm just saying that there's still a chance that

Y takes some of the bodies but not the others

No, maybe they're survivors out there just dead. All right, and where's her body? Huh? Don't why wasn't it here with the others so still?

That's Kim

You know as well as I do that if I were to open up that freezer door, we would all be dead. Okay?

I saved your life

It never should have been here in the first place

Come with us

You're looking for someone too we can search together we must be good with tracking and stuff, right?

This was our first trip out

We came to the island cuz you kinda have to hunt here the deer don't know to be afraid, you know

They're hazy picking, yeah, let's just try to impress my girlfriend

Well, none of that changes the fact that no one's leaving

Says who

Gus, yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. This is if they want to leave just let them leave

Maybe they'll lead it away right? Come on


Yeah, nothing over

You're kidding me right

If I'm dying, I'm leaving the record

I'm gonna find her and shut it up before she gets us auctioned off. No wait


We see her in the parking lot

Why is she just standing there help me help it I like that

Dinner, no, no not so fast. Something's not right. I can't just let her die out there there

There it is. Do you see it?

Okay, I'm sorry we have to get out of here

Maybe we're good. Maybe you didn't hear us

Well hide it out in the freezer just like last time we can't get trapped in here

We have to find Emma but you can stand out here and discuss this all you want. But as soon as that freezer door closes

There's no getting in keeping people alive Toby you just saw it yourself

And Jo might still be alive

homie found her you owe her that

No used to anybody if we're dead

Now who's coming with me

Cold hell are you doing come on? I don't want anybody else to die because I did nothing

Come on Alex, don't be stupid. You're a coward Toby

Just don't see the upside of being dead hero

It's nice knowing

Good luck

Do you hear that?

It's gone, it's stopped that doesn't mean that it's gone

Well, we have three rounds left

That's not gonna get us far

The sheriff's station is a block down

We might stay out of sight if we go through the alley in the back that's waiting for us there. We need those weapons

You had there I'll draw it away I'm gonna beat this Marley. What the hell are you doing Marley?

We should have gone with them


Or three other people so life up there Toby we can help our dearest the next one's for me. But thanks that guy's

The only person I'm interested in keeping alive now is myself

I'm going after

I guess we wait and see what your sister has in store

If we're gonna go we're gonna go now got your back, oh, it's just around the other side of the building

Maybe check that room over there

Hello can anyone hear me?

Is anyone out there please can anyone hear me? This is an emergency

You think it hurt us, I don't know

Is everything you really think all this is gonna stop that thing Oh,

Slow down the first time that's

Something right

She'll be back

We best be going Sarah I don't want to be looking in the dark

So you're gonna show us how to load these things

Everything's loaded and good to go

She's got a release to safety. It's uh, it's right there by uh

where your thumb I just

You said that all the drag marks were headed in the same direction which way is that


Are the ones that I saw this morning?

And this this is the one we saw right here

They all seemed to be leaning into this side of the island what's over here nothing really it's just for us

There is an old power station not far from there that's been closed for years



Where's Alex

Are you gonna tell me what happened you killed them? All right like it does everyone else

Where were you all the time?

I thought I heard em. I saw what lookin

And I found this

But they were drag marks like Alex the same she's still alive, okay

I think it's a lunch up here to go where Alex in the cold. So that's on the spot. I might be taking in

I'm sure about this. They're not powerful. It looks like the drag marks are leaning. They're

Better than nothing right shimmy through here

We should keep going



There's a trail over this way this must be what it's dragging them

Come on




Cirie's are you?

Sara Sara

It's nice being where they burn them girls, I guess they're saying

The trail it just ends here

Come on am I just a little further?

Emma and when you're gonna have to help, okay

Look look there must be part of the powerplay. Come on almost there


I'm scared. You know we all are you just see you later. Yeah, I'm here until morning. This will all be okay

We should find somewhere to stay at a site

We stick together right no more running


Feel all right dice we're not dying and well I'm not leaving you

For more infomation >> Balada o pilotovi'celý'f'i'l'm' 2018,#Ceska-televize - Duration: 1:19:07.


Chevrolet Spark 1.0 16V LT WhiteBi-F/airco/leer/dikste uitvoering - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Spark 1.0 16V LT WhiteBi-F/airco/leer/dikste uitvoering - Duration: 0:55.


DEUTSCHE essen türkische SÜSSIGKEITEN - Duration: 9:12.

For more infomation >> DEUTSCHE essen türkische SÜSSIGKEITEN - Duration: 9:12.


Not So Hidden Gems - Duration: 1:50.

Okay, so, "Hello!" I'm Jiali

Thanks for joining us as we explore Toronto. In our first season of I Love You Toronto.

We decided to explore places that best illustrate Toronto's growing diversity, our rich history, and what the future of the city has to offer.

The three neighbourhoods we're exploring are: Kensington,

The Distillery, and Waterfront. The idea we're going for is: Old is staying old:

Kensington. Old is new again: the Distillery.

And, new is new is new:

the Waterfront. Let's talk about Kensington. Its iconic,

vibrant, and it has grown into the multi-dimensional,

multicultural neighbourhood that we know today.

It's scrappy past has led to its scrappy present.

Kensington Market has been fighting off demolition and development plans since the 70's. When Jan and I used to live near there, there were plans

to open up a major coffee chain in the market, the community rallied, and

Well, you go see for yourself. For all you Instagrammers, there's amazing street art

cute patios, and even cuter food for you to capture. So if you're ever stuck for content, just make your way there. Grab your coats,

your curiosity, and your currency. But don't worry, It's still one of the more affordable neighbourhoods...for now.

Check out Angie's Angle on her take of Kensington's balancing act of old and new. Also, do you like to watch people suffer, maybe just a little bit?

Check out me and a ton of other people as we get our asses in shape for our first Muay Thai lesson.

We hope you like it and visit us next week.

For more infomation >> Not So Hidden Gems - Duration: 1:50.


Kensington Market | Angie's Angle - Duration: 4:27.

Kensington by any other name would smell as strange.

From the wafting nag Champa

to the pungent salt cod, the cocktail of smells hits you in the face.

In the summer, there's the scent of too ripe stone fruit that's rolled into the gutter and

hints of what's cooking behind the brick facades - chalupas, greasy burgers, Belgian

waffles, they slap you in the face one after another but it's not just the

smells. This place is a head spinning super sensory experience as vivid and

punchy as it comes. Here everything counts. The gritty bits are just as important as

the bright and happy things. Wikipedia tells me that a certain Robert

Fulford famously stated, "Kensington today is as much a legend as a district...

has probably been photographed more often than any other site in Toronto."

You said it Bob. But while the communal Circus is

captivating it begs the question, is Kensington more like a sideshow or the

main attraction? With crumbling laneways and peeling street art this chocolate

block neighbourhood can be raw and unapologetic but it's never disappointing.

Kensington market is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get sort of

place until you poke through the dark doorways. Here's my take on its virtues

and vices for what it's worth.

Do you know the Garden car? The lump of living junk at

the corner of Augusta and Oxford that's possibly the most

photographed thing in Toronto's most photographed neighbourhood. It happens to

be Toronto's smallest park and the nature over concrete symbolism is hard to miss.

But the park is not as rooted as it might have you believe

today's car isn't the original garden car and each November it rolls out of

the neighbourhood for the winter a stipulation from the city.

Call me a cynic but while the sprouting sedan makes a statement isn't really any

match for a car for city like Toronto?

In Toronto cars, people and bikes are always jostling for space.

That conflict comes to a head in Kensington Market

went about a thousand people, several hundred bicycles, a gaggle of strollers

spill into the tight streets to reduce the horn honking maniacs to a crawl.

I say let him crawl. I applaud anyone who cycles through the terrifying gauntlet

that is Toronto's core because the cars around here tend to take over.

Pedestrians Sundays are when they finally take a back seat to people

I'd argue that the free living and free moving -- the sheer freedom of Kensington should force cars to

compensate every day to go a few blocks out of their way and let the people beat

their drums and hock their wares in peace. With a little more asphalt to

tread we could all get where we're going, buy what we're seeking and generally

co-exist more gently in this little space.

Vintage clothing stores in Kensington Market go together like peanut butter

and jelly. I used to visit the Victorian row houses on Kensington Avenue as a

teenager to curate a carefully undone look as was the style and linger in the

musty rooms. Many of those leather and polyester clad shops are still there

today but there are some new kids on the block and they come from money. Bungalow

sits at the north end of Augusta and it's put a shiny new face to vintage as

Toronto real estate grows more precious and rents edge up there's less room for

dead stock and silver bangles and more room for tea consoles.

Although it's easy to scowl at the rise a pricey Kitsch one

wonderful market feature has come of our heart flirtation with the Atomic Age and

that's cosmic treats. This isn't just another vegan cafe they put their money

where their mouth is serving up some of the best cake and crumbly delights in

the city with a cutesy malt-shop vibe. Don't believe me? Try a slice of the

chocolate peanut butter cheesecake and call me in the morning. This cake has

changed lives. It's enough to keep you fighting the crowds, dodging the cars and

holding my breath past the fish stands. But who's kidding who? Whatever the

future brings to the neighborhood there will always be a reason to take a detour

down Augusta cut through Bellevue Park and loiter in the glow of Kensington

Marketness. There's just no substitute for it.

For more infomation >> Kensington Market | Angie's Angle - Duration: 4:27.


Consonant Sound /ʃ/ as in "show" – American English Pronunciation - Duration: 12:29.

Hello there!

This is the "Sounds American" channel.

In this video,

we're going to talk about the American consonant sound /ʃ/,

as in the word "show."

You can also hear this sound in words like

"ship" - "cash" - "option" or "chef."

We'll be using this cute phonetic symbol - /ʃ/ - for this sound.

As always, let's begin with some phonology.

Take it easy, it's not complicated :).

The /ʃ/ belongs to a category of consonant sounds called the fricatives.

This is the largest group of consonants in American English:

it consists of nine different sounds!

Take a look:

So, why are they called the fricative consonants?

All these sounds are made by partially blocking the air,

moving through your mouth, which creates an audible friction.

Speaking about the /ʃ/ consonant,

- this sound is made by partially blocking the air,

flowing between the blade of your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

The /ʃ/ occurs in only 40% of the world's languages,

but in English, it's found in about 8% of words.

Well, it's not the most frequent sound.

But at Sounds American, we like it as much as any of the others. :)

So, to support this adorable consonant,

let's find out how to make it correctly.

Slightly open your mouth and round your lips.

You may push them out a little.

Now, focus on your tongue.

Arch your tongue and raise it to the roof of your mouth, but don't touch it.

Make sure there's a small gap between them.

Next, release a stream of air over your tongue.

When the air flows between the blade of your tongue and the roof of your mouth,

it'll create lots of noise.

Something like this:

Remember, the fricatives are continuous sounds

and so is the /ʃ/ consonant.

Let's try and stretch it out.



How about one more time?

Here are a few typical mistakes that people make when pronouncing this sound.

Some Spanish speakers confuse the /ʃ/ and the /tʃ/ sounds.

As you may have already guessed, it leads to misunderstandings.


Make sure that you don't stop the air before making the /ʃ/ sound

because that's exactly how the /tʃ/ sound is made.

Another problem is that some non-native English speakers

replace the /ʃ/ with the /s/ consonant,

especially when it occurs at the beginning of words.

The /ʃ/ gets distorted

when you move the tip of your of your tongue

too close to your alveolar ridge.



These are completely different words!

And finally,

always keep in mind the Vowel Length rule!

The /ʃ/ is a voiceless consonant,

so vowel sounds before the /ʃ/ are typically shorter

than they are before voiced consonants.

Compare the length of the /ɪ/ vowel

when it's before the voiced /ʒ/

and the voiceless /ʃ/ sounds.

We talked about the Vowel Length rule in detail in one of our previous videos.

Don't forget to check the link in the Description below!


let's switch from theory to practice!

After all,

this is the most important part of the whole lesson.

This is how it works.

You'll see a word on the screen and hear its pronunciation.

Like this:

You'll have a few seconds to pronounce the word.

Try to go through as many words as possible.

Let's start with the /ʃ/

when it's represented by the combination of the letters 'sh'.

Let's pause for a second and catch our breath.


we'll practice words where this sound is represented by the letters 'ch'

and the letter 'c'.

It's still the same /ʃ/ sound,

just a different spelling.

Let's continue.


Now let's practice pronouncing words

in which the /ʃ/ sound is represented by the letter 't'.

By the way,

don't forget that the /ʃ/ is a continuous sound

and you have to make the vowel before it short.

Let's do it.

You're done!


You may have already noticed,

but we'll say it again.

There's no special letter

for the /ʃ/ fricative in English.

We know, life is hard. :)

which is probably why this sound

is represented by a number of various letters

and combinations of letters.

Take a look:

Most often,

it's written as the letter 't',

like in the word "station" or "option."

Next is the combination of letters 'sh',

as in "she" and "wish."


this sound is represented by the letter 'c',

like in "delicious" or "ocean,"

and by one or two letters 's',

as in "sugar" or "pressure."

Sometimes, the /ʃ/ is represented by the combination of letters 'ch',

like in "chef" and "machine."

This may look complicated,

but it's really not.

There are phonics rules for these spellings.

Let us know if you're interested!

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For more infomation >> Consonant Sound /ʃ/ as in "show" – American English Pronunciation - Duration: 12:29.


Surviving my first Krudar Muay Thai class | Kensington Market - Duration: 3:51.

So today we're at Krudar, and, come and watch me get my ass kicked.

Sah Wah Dee Khap, guys! Welcome to Krudar Muay Thai. Come on in, let's have a tour.

Hey guys, my name is Taylor, one of the Muay Thai instructors, personal trainers, and fighters here at Krudar Muay Thai.

So we are a 7000 sq/ft facility, with two floors.

So upstairs we have our ring. We got some heavy bags.

The basement we run fitness classes, boot camps, and kettlebells.

Muay Thai dates back a few hundred years ago.

It was originally developed as a battlefield tactic when

Thailand was known as the kingdom of Siam and they were battling against the

Burmese also known as the art of eight limbs because it uses two fists two

elbows to knees and two shins. This was later developed into a sport which we

now know as Muay Thai which also uses some above the waist grappling, some

clinching sweeps and dumps as well.

We try to keep it as close to Thailand as

possible whether it's with the culture on the gym training itself.

for a lot of us here at the gym, Muay Thai is in fact the lifestyle so it doesn't just start

and end in the gym, you take my tie with us everywhere we go in our everyday life

whether it's getting proper rest proper nutrition staying disciplined

being respectful.

Kru Darwin's been involved in Muay Thai for over 25 years.

he's extremely dedicated to the sport to the martial art

it's a big passion of his and that's part of the reason why I'm so happy to

be a part of this gym is to be to work under the Kru Darwin and to train under

Kru Darwin, it's pretty amazing.

So we cater to everybody. Professional fighters

all the way down to first-timers. People that are just

interested in getting in shape. Class structure 90-minute classes. First five

to ten minutes skipping to warm up, the body a solid 30 minutes of strength and

conditioning so lots of jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, activate the

muscles, get a get a full-body warmup and then the last 45 to an hour is a

technique portion. Shadowboxing, learning the basics, stance guard, of course all

the weapons: punches, elbows, knees, and kicks, some technical partner drills and

as well as paddler work.

In Muay Thai, it's respectful to bow to your instructor

you're a partner at the beginning and end of each session.

Sah Wah Dee Khap.










Back and forth, picking up the heels…

Roll that shoulder over, twist…

The magic word in Muay Thai is 'Ish'










ish, ish


ish ish ish

I did it!


What's next?

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