Hello everyone and welcome back to the keep productive YouTube channel on today's video
We're diving into a master class on how to use notion
databases now notion databases is something that are quite tricky to get your teeth stuck into
but once you do you can apply it to pretty much any page that you create and it can become a
Really useful tool and resource inside of your notion account. So in today's video, we're gonna show you how you could use it
We're going to give you three demonstrations of it
We're then gonna dive into some of the functionality in terms of the small features
You can use to really optimize notion databases and then we're gonna finalize with a few advanced
Experiences which some of you notion nerds might want to wait around for so guys in today's video
We're diving into notion databases
So guys thank you very much to joining us today
I'm really looking forward to diving into some an ocean databases sinus now as you can imagine
It's something that I'm slowly
Progressing and you and I think one thing you do learn when you're using notion on a regular basis is you learn as you go
as well
So you're always picking up small things that you can do with databases and hopefully some of the advanced things that I've recently discovered
will be beneficial for you all so guys just
Before we dive in I wouldn't to thank our sponsor this week on the key products of youtube channel
Which is sanebox. Sanebox is an email management tool the professionals can plug in to their existing email
client that helps you to reduce email if you're someone it is pretty stressed with email and is looking to
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$25 credit below as well as a free trial to sanebox. So check them out a big
Thank you to sandbox for sponsoring this week here on a humid octave youtube channel
So guys now all the notes are the way let's get stuck here now, we'll be doing three main demonstrations
We're going to create a project for a company retreat
Then we're going to dive into how to create
Team meeting notes using a table and finally then we're going to dive in the hiring process and how you could potentially use that
So hopefully you'll get a four idea of the different types of databases
You can use so many people ask as a first question
How do you use notion databases every single day now imagine when you're setting up a document and you're looking to add a bit more?
context to everything or be able to add a
Table or a board or even a calendar view to the thing you're trying to explain?
now databases work in a very similar way to that you can basically
interactively explain and demonstrate
experiences so
databases are really simple inside of notion as I mentioned once you get stuck into them and you can create two types of databases when
You're inside of a page
You can create a full page one
Which means it will take over the entirety of the page and you can also create an inline one
Which is useful if you're adding existing information to that page. So here we are
Let's create a new page and let's start with the team projects area
So once you're creating a new page, there's two ways to access the databases
You could go straight to the template and actually use one of the existing templates that are created
You can see there down at the bottom on the right hand side
You can select some of the notes ones some of the recruiting ones some of the CRM ones
So if you're looking for a template that's going to get you started and probably save you time creating it from scratch
These are gonna do you a fantastic job, but if you wanted to create it from scratch as a full page
You'll see that you can access table board lists calendar and gallery from below down here now in this case
We're going to create new a team project. So let's go with the board option
So as I mentioned we're going to be doing this for a company retreat
Let's say we're going to Spain as a way to get away for the year
Let's talk through some of the features of the databases as we go so you can add a title to the top of the page
And that's a really good starting point
So as you can imagine you can add an icon and a cover too if you wanted to be able to demonstrate more in this
Example, I'm just gonna put a lovely palm tree as the icon
So as you can see here, I've already created a to-do in the column
So these are all columns and inside of a board
It works very similar to the likes of asana boards or Trello
You can actually just create the columns and then be able to add cards below them
So these almost act as lists as soon as you can see here
I just Hal eing a few of the different projects or tasks that I'll be doing towards the company retreat
So let's start by adding a few to dues. So there we are
I've added three cards three really simple cards and as you can imagine once you've added them you can click into them
And what's great about this is you can add even more detail
So to add more detail we have to do is click add
Property and you get this sort of prompt to create a new property type as well as a new area
so for example if I wanted to start putting a
Budget per item that I'm working on I could title this area budget here
And I've added a property type of number and for example up here
I automatically have one called assigned which is a property type of a person
so for example
I can assign this to myself and give it a budget of maybe two hundred-pound
so you can see here that once I come off this it almost creates this bigger card because it's given me
An assignment of this one, but let's say I add a few more details to the other ones. So there we are
I've added a few people to it as well as given them budgets, but as you can see here
It's really easy to assign people to certain boards and activities now if I wanted to and during this week
I know that for example Alice started doing this or organizing the company retreat with a team party on the beach and
Croom managed to finish this one off so it's done so you can move it between the
Statuses that you're working on now as you can imagine
This is a really simple use of a board and something that I think a lot of people would know already
But as you can imagine it's a great way to plan and visualize your work with a board
Database you can go up and change the settings based on the person
It says something to or the different properties of each of the cards
So anytime if I wanted to see the actual?
Activities assigned to each person I can do and as I add more properties I can group them
Buying these different areas now we'll get into properties and details and functions a bit later
But let's begin to demonstrate how you would go through a hiring process with a table
So you go through the same process. You create a full page table
So I'm going to add a few properties for this data. Okay. So here we are
I've added a few different properties and tables pretty much work in the same way as a spreadsheet word
Inside of summon like Google sheets or even Excel so you can create these different and columns and as you can imagine you can add
Stuff underneath them, okay
So as you can see here
I've started and a bit more detail about that
and as you can see on each of these property types
It works in the exact same way as the boards did previously now you can move around
Columns that are available here so that it's a little bit easier to view and the good thing is if you wanted to you could
Go up to add view and change it to something like a calendar view
so if I went and created a calendar view this is what would appear and you can actually go into the
Information and you can see all of the relevant property types you can do this
For example with the company retreat for example if I wanted to create it into the list view
I can go ahead and create that and as you can see here, the tasks are automatically laid out
I could add a tertiary view and maybe and a gamma review
let's see what it looks like that so you can see there here are all the tasks if I click in I can see all
of the information
I need to know so these different viewing options allow you to see your different boards
Tables calendars in a different angle and allow you to adapt that data accordingly
So for example, if you wanted to create team meeting notes, you could do something very similar with the list for you
So, all I'd have to do is create a database with a list view as a full page
What I tend to do is I'll delete some of the existing ones before and title it meeting notes
Let me give the titles of the first note
And what I can do is I can add a bunch of properties to help this database out
So for example, let's say this was a call with Bob. I could really simply add an icon to get started with
So let's just put the call icon and what you can start doing is adding relevant tags dates of meetings. For example
Importance of the meeting the person's present in the meetings as well as a time taken
So let's give a few context points. So there we go. We've added a few context points
I've added the topic of the conversation with Bob the date of the meeting the
importance of the meeting and also the person's present
I've also indicated a tie we'll be taken and as you can see the actual date for this one has been set in the
So for example if you wanted and this is something that you can do, for example
if you wanted a reminder on this you can actually
Include a reminder here and you can have that two days before the event or on the day of the event as well as include
a time and also an end date
So if it was like a three day meeting that could be possible to add two
So for example, let me just add two days before to get a nudge on that one
And as you can see, it comes up with a blue
Reminder and that will indulge me on my mobile or my reminders here on notion
it looks like I'm all ready for the meeting and the great thing is I can click in and
I can go down here to page content and be able to
interact with this data
Now if I wanted to and I wanted to be able to create this into a table view I can easily do so by going
over to create all of the information is laid out in a very similar fashion and if I wanted to add to all of those
Meeting notes I'd go over to open and you can see I could add them just below so it's really easy to change the view
If that's something that you want to do before the meeting, so you've seen there the ability to create boards for projects
you've seen the ability to create a table for using it for meeting notes as well as
using it for the hiring process and also the list view and also
Gallery view we mentioned but there's so many different ways that you can use this and the great thing is it's so flexible
So let's dive into a little bit of the details here
Let's talk about the functions of how you can change the viewing options even further
So let's dive into a few examples. Okely-dokely
Let's take you over to the editorial column
We use I use this as an example a lot
and what I want to demonstrate in this video is a few of the
Experiences that you could use and I've got a few set up already
So I'm just gonna take them off for this example and then show you how I actually got to them
So let's start with the search function
I think search functions a great feature
If you've got a table view, you've got any time if you want to find a bit of information
for example, if you want to find like all of the notion articles, we're doing on the blog then for example
I can type in notion and see exactly all the times that notion is mentioned across all of the articles where
Doing now if I want to do the same with for example like courses
Which is a very specific term, then I can see whether there's any mention of course there
And for example, I see that it has one mention of course there
So as you can see by this database that we're using we've separated into do title of it
Topic of the thing that we're talking about
We've actually gotten a sign area a Jew area and a post area so you can add lots of different
Due dates or even you can add a Jew day. You could add a edit day. You can add a post date
There's no limit to how many times you can add a date as a property type now
The one thing that I do for example is if I want to see all the articles I'm doing
Then that's quite important to me because I want to be able to see exactly what I'll be working on
Me and Alice tend to do this with all the different views we've got because it saves a bit of time
so we'll go over to the filter section and
Add a new filter now. It's really easy. I'll go over to assign to and contains
Francesco and I can see all of the articles that I need to work on and that's quite a useful view when for example
I'm like, okay, I need to actually
See all of the articles that Alice is working on so that I can assign more to her
I can easily do so just by using that filter and I can then go down to the bottom and add more and
Automatically it's adding Alice as an assigned person. So that's helpful for when I'm looking to add more articles to Alice's plate
So you can use actually the sorting function to go a bit
Deeper for example is if I wanted to see all of the due dates that are ascending or descending
Then I can see for example
all of the latest ones at the top
That will save me time viewing and as you can imagine I'm still in that filter for Alice view
So I'll only see Alice's ones and with the top or the latest articles at the top
So for example if I want to change that filter
I could quickly go over to Francesco here and see all of the ones that are coming up for me in the ascending order
What's great is during this whole process if I'm fed up of seeing it in line because this is what it looks like in line
I can actually go to open as page and it will actually open it as a fixed page which makes it a little bit more
Focused when you're working on it, probably wondering what does of properties mean and that's a very good question
for example
if I went up to the top and created and view and maybe chose a
ListView you'd see all of the articles were working on
Assigned to all the different people and it might look a little bit mental
So if I went over to properties I could then start ticking open certain things
so for example
if I'm going to see all the topics that
Are being worked on or the article relates to I can see that if I want to see the actual?
Due date for the articles I can toggle that on too
And as you can see even more context is added as I go though. You cannot do this for all of the sections
so for example
I want to see which ones have been completed so far
Just by a glance view you can easily do so and that is very easily accessed
Now if I jumped over to for example calendar view I can actually do this here by adding the properties
so for example
If I wanted to see the topic of them just by a glance of you I can see that and it makes the entire
Calendar look so much more interactive
So the properties allow you to add even more detail just by viewing it from this angle
Now, let's just jump back to the table view and knock off some of the filters
I'm going to show you some of the sorting abilities. Let's just take off one of the sultan's abilities there
so for example
If I wanted to see all of the Articles that are not done I can go to done
Ascending and see all of the ones there if I wondered you see
Only the Articles that were have not been completed yet
I can go to filter and I can go to the done property and actually has is
Not ticked and as you can see, these are all of the articles that we need to complete
This is so useful and over time. You can learn about all of the different experiences
for example
If I want to see all of the articles that are not done that relate to for example
Trello in the tagline that can be easily done. For example, we go to the topic and contains Trello
I can see that these two articles are coming up and need doing so we can then focus in on all of those
So the sorting and filtering abilities are really detailed once you get into the thick of it
Now the real way to access everything here is by the settings or options call in the top right-hand corner here
You can delete it. You can duplicate a table or database
You can actually copy a link to it and I'll show you what that looks like near the end of the video
you can also access and open it as a page as mentioned before you can access properties here as filters sort and you can even
Turn it into a page from fresh. So if you want it to be a fixed view or just
Condensed everything into a page. I've done this in the past
Once a project is completed and I just want to finalize everything off then you can easily do so
So for example, let's say we finished off these articles and we wanted to create a new one
We turn this into a page and call the page q4 of that year. That's a useful way of doing it
You can also go down here and merge with a CSV so you can bring in a CSV, too
And you can also export as markdown or CSV, which is helpful
Now you can wrap our cells as well and also move to a different area inside of okay
There's actually a really good link that somebody I think actually the notion team created two databases if you're looking to go
From scratch and go away from this video with something that I'll include now
We're going to touch on a few of the advanced abilities
I'm going to show you a few demonstrations of how I'm using it and experimenting with it at the moment
So let's dive over to I've actually created something called a gallery
Inside of here so I can almost create pinned notes here
So the one thing I'm doing at the moment is actually in my health section actually
Tally information like sleep meditation and a bits on my workout information
So for example today, I just need to make a note actually
I have done my workout today and I'm going to go back to workouts and be able to add that now
So I normally do this in calendar view because I like to just quickly add it. I'm going to add for example that I did
work out a that's the workout get the calendar I do and it was mainly on core now I spent about
30 minutes in there today and as you can imagine, that's all I need to know for now
Now the great thing is you can see here. The calendar view gives a really basic idea when we recently started using this database
And that's great. You're probably wondering fantastic. So the brilliant thing is if I go back to the health section and
Just takes a second to load if I go back to the health section
I can then go to here and actually do a lookup which I'll demonstrate in a moment of
Some of the pieces that are ready on that workout. So as you can see workout a was done here
so for example
I've got a long that today I've had seven hours sleep meditation and I did work out a and it
Automatically pulls in the time. So let me show you how to do that. So it's really easy
Once you've got a database of it is existing
So for example that previous one with all of my workouts in it and sort of like a workout log
And you've got a another database that for example this one brings together information
then you create a property of
Relationship type so you click relation and you select the database you want
so in this case it was I believe this workout log and you once you click the database you can create a
relation now once you've created a relation any time that you go inside of this you can basically
Look up any of the existing
Pieces you've already done. So for example, let's say I didn't
Do that one today. I did for example
actually know why I did work out a
It will bring in
Work out a two here
And if I want to I can go and link out to that if I want to go back and if I did two workouts
I can add them to here too now
It automatically brings in using roll-up
Which is a almost a lookup when you're using relationships
an automatic rollup for for example time
so I used the relation which was this one here the column next three the property type of time and also
Allows you to also allow you to calculate as everything as well
So for example, if I wanted to calculate the medium amount I could easily do so
But in this case, I'm just going to go with for example 30
So this is almost an experimental function, but the actual relationship and lookup has been very useful
I'm going to change the way I use this
So this is almost like a peek into my experience with it
And as you can imagine this can take me time to learn it a bit more
What I recommend is checking out Rebecca Ford's use of it because it's so much more advanced than mine
This is more for looking up information of maybe
For example workout a what workout I did and adding a bit more context around it
so hopefully it's more of a menu than it is a
You know manually adding at each time
So guys hopefully this gave you an insight into how to use databases databases are so advanced
It's going to probably take a few videos to do but hopefully it gave you a perfect introduction to it
Now if you haven't check out my skill set course yet. Feel free to get down below. You'd have to download it
You can download though, the free pdf all about notions so you can go and enjoy that one any of you guys a big
Thank you for stopping by and today. I hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know in the comments what you thought a big
Thank you. Just same box for sponsoring this week and get $25 credit below
But what I further adieu guys, I will see you guys in the next video
So I will see you guys very very soon and have a fantastic
weekend cheers guys
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