(no subtitles - just plane noises)
Opel Astra 5drs 1.0 Turbo 105pk Online Edition | Navi | Climate - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
13 sfumature di una Youtuber!🎥 - Duration: 6:33.Hi all colors, and welcome to this new video: it's practically at the
third time I ride it then step immediately to give the due credits; it's a tag
created by Mary, of the Make up x Passione's Channel, which has been
requested by Jessica, of the Miele e Cannella channel,
I leave both channels in it Description. I immediately accepted why
he has some very interesting questions so we do not waste any more time and we go to the questions.
1. Describe yourself in three words: moody, sensitive, and a characteristic
composed - let's say so - with the head on the shoulders.
2. What would you say to your worst enemy? Just nothing, because it does not deserve attention.
3. What annoys you the most?
The unsaid, the double faces, play with people's feelings and above all play with people's needs
and here I stop, because otherwise it comes out of a political video.
4. Your dream in the drawer? To be made personally (so how
individual) and in parallel - without doing distinctions of importance - also have
a family. 5. Describe your life in a single word.
Well this will hopefully be one constantly changing response
but unfortunately at this moment the word is undoubtedly "isolation"!
6. Do you have only one chance to travel through time, what period of your life would you like to live again?
To this question I answer no one, because anyway up to now
the worst period is still very recent, so I think the wisest decision
both go on and fight for what you want to achieve.
7. Your biggest regret? too much goodness with people who did not deserve it
that hurt me, only in the perspective that they would change their mind.
8. Your most beautiful memory? Luckily many, are so many to the point
not to know how to choose, however at the same time, unfortunately it is worth the
same thing for the memory more painful, they are so many that it is difficult ...
maybe maybe an argument with my sister of many years ago, who, for
how much we had made peace practically immediately, he marked me, and I remember it
with a certain clarity despite many years have passed, really many years.
10. The thing you could never do give up? Right now Freya, though
I do not know if this will lead me to have dogs for life, because life
I'm doing, I do not like it, and I do not like the life I'm doing in Freya
even if you would say no.
11. Reason or feeling?
Feelings without forgetting too much the reason, nor without being eaten
too much for reason. 12. Would you like to write a book? Would be
nice, but I deeply hate the lyrics descriptive, I deeply hate i
historical references, I do not like it very much do research, so I think it's not there
are the features to write a book.
13. What kind of books do you read? So, now I'm recovering very slowly to read
in fact if you see there is a review alone in my channel, of books, which
It dates back a long time ago, and I put it maybe in the cards.
Generally however we talk about fantasy, biographical novels, author ...
contrarily I do not like those precisely with excessive descriptive texts,
I do not like those who are anxious because in life there is already so much, so horror
etc. etc., I like those in general who enter psychology
of the characters, which make you seem with their descriptions of being there, that you
they want to know how it ends: I do not think there is a kind that can
enclose all this. Tag whoever you want. This tag is very much in my opinion
detail: in the last shot, which I have had to cancel for an editing problem, I already had
tagged a person, and renew my tag that person since it's a lot
intimistic / psychological, a little 'how I think they like her too,
so I would like to see this tag redone precisely by Melania Constantine: for
the rest, if you want to make this tag, it's not that because I did not tag you
you can (God forbid, here!), I remember you as always though
to quote the authors, I prefer you to quote the author rather than me
you are not obliged to quote me: me I recommend we respect the creations of others!
With this I greet you, there remember if you are not registered for
subscribe to the channel, to activate the bell to not lose the next
video, and we'll see each other, Hello! *kiss*
L'amour est dans le pré : les dernières révélations ce soir sur M6 - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Domenica Live, ancora liti per il figlio tra Mauro Marin e Jessica Bellei | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
Miss France 2019 : Quelle candidate a remporté le test de culture générale ? - Duration: 5:20.-------------------------------------------
Vào Trong Rừng Bắt Cá Suối , Tắm Tiên Cảnh Đẹp Lý Tưởng, Dân Dã Thiên Nhiên Ban Tặng Son Doong !!! - Duration: 12:11.-------------------------------------------
Barbara D'Urso attacca Elia Fongaro: 'Se volevi stare in silenzio non andavi al GF VIP' - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Plus belle la vie en avance : Patrick et Babeth se remettent ensemble-le résumé intégral de ... - Duration: 3:54.-------------------------------------------
'혜경궁 김씨' 지목된 '송이어링스'(?) "마녀사냥 멈춰달라" - Duration: 17:19.-------------------------------------------
浜ちゃん×コブクロの"H Jungle with k"が大阪でゲリラライブを開催! - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Renault Mégane Cabrio 1.4-16V Aria - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Sword Art Online: Alicization Opening Full【LiSA - ADAMAS】 - Duration: 3:45.Trying to justify things has made us numb,
Caught in bitter darkness and a whirlpool of roars…
But loneliness accompanies every new beginning.
Even if we're surrounded on all sides, smash through the walls!
If the direction of the wind doesn't suit you, then stir it up!
Pay close attention to the beat of the accelerating magma, moving ever onward.
A grinning god of death is calling to me,
"Do you believe yourself?"
I've begun. Because I want to see the glory of this goal!
SHiNY SWORD MY DiAMOND, A crystallization of my sorrows and desires.
We each declare our duty, proceeding toward our respective lights.
I've made it to today by taking a stand again and again.
It's TiME. A single prayer will confirm the revolution. So shine!
Sweat and tears, mistakes… they seem to taste of honey
On a slimy road covered in the drool of hyenas.
I carefully crafted a glass charm,
With a 100-karat shine (FAKER!!)
But the world is waiting for a dazzling miracle to take its breath away!
SHiNY SWORD MY DiAMOND, A crystallization of my purity and hopes.
OH SHiNE ON MY TEARS! They shelter the light of my strength.
I don't have time to waste with imitations.
Not until the symbol of my strength, the polished jewel of my efforts, burns out.
No way to prove just follow through! (DON'T BLOCK MY WAY!!)
Don't break it now! (NO!!) Breaking (NO!!) (MAKE ME BRAVE!!)
When you pull out the sword the end begins ( BLESS YOU)
I'll simply protect what I want to protect!
No way to prove just follow through! (DON'T BLOCK MY WAY!!)
So I will keep on (GO)ing! ! keep on (GO)ing!! (ViCTORY!!)
Raising our "cores" to the sky: "SHiNY SWORD MY DiAMOND"
SHiNY SWORD MY DiAMOND, A crystallization of my sorrows and desires.
We each declare our duty, proceeding toward our respective lights.
Taking a stand again and again, we'll go on into tomorrow.
It's TiME. A single prayer will confirm the revolution. So shine!
Shine in this moment!
It's TiME It's TiME "ADAMAS"
Raw inflight video: British Airways Boeing 767 - Edinburgh to Heathrow - Duration: 16:53.(no subtitles - just plane noises)
【驚愕】ワイ、泊まった家で勝手にテレビが付いて震える・・・真相が・・・ - Duration: 0:46.なお、着いたのがしまじろうなので一瞬で怖さがきえた模様 よくある しまじろ の呪いやな どこの家に泊ったんや 結構単純な作りやからねうちもよくつくよ オパレスなら隣の部屋からチャンネル変えれるしな 中間おすすめ記事 とりっぴー 蛍光灯の光で点くこともあるんやで 1 ワイ家電の設計してるんやが、完全な説 いるか? 13: >>11説明して 1 >>13TVには製造時の通電確認 にある周波数の電波を受信するとスイッチをon状態にするセンサーがあるんやその周波 は長距離トラックの無線電波と一致するバンドがあって長距離トラックが半径1キロ圏内 特定のバンド帯で無線を使うと一定の確率でテレビがオンになるこれが夜中とかにテレビ 勝手につく真相やちなごくまれにエレベーターと自動ドアに同種のセンサーが組み込まれ るんやが真夜中に突然エレベーターやドアが開くのはこれ
だからどこの会社でも「深夜に霊が…」みたいな話がある 1 >>15ほえーマジ 詳しいやん、サンガツやで 2 >>15しゅ、しゅごい…… 4 >>15エ ベーターのドアが開くのが、仕様なら押してもない階に行くのも仕様なんやろか 1 子供の幽霊で見たかったんやろなあ 流石に泊まった家に急にテレビが配送されてきた 怖いわ ちなそれにまつわるめっちゃ怖い話聞きたいか? 2 >>20聞きたい 2 けっこう怖いで1988年の事や複数のメーカーに同時に、ユーザーから苦情や い合わせが寄せられたんや「深夜にテレビがついて、野球のナイターが映った」という内 で、皆一様に阪神対広島の試合だったという事で、同じ映像であることが確認されたただ その日や周辺日には阪神対広島のカードはなかったのと、当時のテレビの配信構造的にそ な映像が夜中に流れるわけはなかったんや結局全ての会社が原因は不明として調査を終え しかなかったこれは映像関係者の不手際として長らく封印されてた話やったんやが、そこ らインスパイアされてホラー映画「リング」では冒頭、勝手についたテレビから野球中継 流れてきて、貞子が出現する
あの日流れた試合はどこで行われて、どの選手が試合をしていたのか永遠に謎のままや 30: >>28広島ファンの怨嗟が、別の世界をつなげてしまったんやろうな 3 >>28ほえー、怖周波数バンド合わせて出力高い信号送ればテレビつけさせた上、ナ ター映させたり出来た的な? 2 アパートとかで近くの部屋で同じ会社のテレビの モコン使うと一緒につくことあるで、特に最近のリモコン 3 こんな朝っぱらから いな 3 電波で動くもんが着いただけで怖いような人って手品とか素直に驚いてく るんやろなあ 47: >>39手品は素直に驚くやろ…そんな斜に構えた人生楽し んか? 冷風機のリモコンでもテレビついたわ 4 テレビつけながら寝てて深夜 起きてそのままテレビ見ようと思って音量下げたのに表示は下がって音量はデカいままだ たことがあったんだが故障なのかな結局怖くなってテレビ消したけどそれ以降は一度もな しそのまま起きてたから夢とかでもないはずなんやが 4 ガラケー時代にリモコン 能でイタズラしてたの思い出した図書館で福祉のビデオ見てるおっさんがいたからガラケ リモコンで大音量にしたり停止にしたりして 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選 事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【 撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww
Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse Cabrio CLK230 K. 194pk AUT ELEGANCE LEDER PDC CRUISE STOELVERW. ECC '98 - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
浜ちゃん×コブクロの"H Jungle with k"が大阪でゲリラライブを開催! - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Almost Real Sea Urchin!? [Cup Noodle] Rich Thick Sea Urchin Cream x10 [3.8Kg][3500kcal] - Duration: 6:02.hello, it's kinoshita yuka
jaan, i'm going to try the new release of Cup Noodle Rich Luxuriously Thick Sea Urchin Cream
"almost real sea urchin"
so this is not a sea urchin !
so what is it ?
it's written "6.9% real sea urchin"
that's so luxurious
because i really like sea urchin, i'm looking forward to try it
so, let's prepare it !
let's see first what's inside the box
here a sea urchin paste
and inside...
this is how it looks like from the inside
the orange thing here is what they're calling "almost real sea urchin"
let's add the hot water now
let's open it
hay, this is how it looks like from the inside
there are many sea urchin ingredients
ah! and there is some broccoli too! !
and now let's add the luxurious paste
a seasoned one
It does not smell like sea urchin, but rather like butter
let's add it here
we do that step by step
mukbang videos demande plenty of time to create it
hay, we done
it's a little bit different now
let's start eating
let's move these away
and we start with this Cup Noodle
i didn't try it yet
this is thick, creamy and really yummy
and that's right, there is a light taste of sea urchin in this creamy soup
it's not creamy as the pasta cream, but still creamy for a noodle
this is so yummy
delicious, delicious
this thing here, its taste like a real sea urchin
but how they said that... the texture is totally different than the real sea urchin
but it contains a light aroma of sea urchin
it's fluffy and soft which is different than what a real fish feels like
this is not like the real texture at all
mmmm, but still so tasty
hay, we did it
you finish 1 cup so quickly, isn't that !
and now let's go to my size
i don't think that the taste is different
but i enjoy eating such a big amounts
mmm... this looks like a pottage a little bit
i really like this soup
this is the "almost real sea urchin"
it really makes you remember the taste of the real sea urchin
thanks to its light aroma of fish
mmmm, but still so tasty
and the color resemble to the real sea urchin
this topping here
we added at the beginning some kind of paste, and it's so rich with butter what makes the soup thicker
and it makes the taste stronger
"almost real sea urchin" 6.9% real sea urchin
and Rich Luxuriously Thick Sea Urchin Cream
and rich with calcium
so sea urchin is so rich with calcium
like what's written here, the soup is really rich and thick
after reading that, i found that is not a real fish at all, i didn't notice that at first
they recreate the taste of sea urchin using meat
so this is not sea urchin, but just recreated meat
what means "almost real sea urchin"
you can say that the taste looks like the sea food version
only soup that left
the last bite, itadakimasu
we did it
"almost real sea urchin" cup noodle was so tasty
because i like when the soup is creamy and thick, i really like this soup so much
and regarding the artificial sea urchin, i can just say that is almost real sea urchin
i liked the thick and the strong taste of the soup
the taste of butter was rich and it's so tasty
you can find it in any supermarket or convenience stores, what makes it available for all of you
i think it's so famous too
they all bought it from supermarkets
after all "sea urchin" word attract many people, and me one of them
and because it was so tasty, why you don't try it too ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
Best Makeup Transformations 2018 #3 - The Power of Makeup Ugly to Pretty - Duration: 11:55.I
Get up time is barely outside
I don't want always with love
Stores, which is leading us
Love is all will ever trust. Yeah
No, I don't want always with
Through wastelands through the highways to my shadow through sun rays and
Along the way melodies we haven't played I don't know
Going around these walls fighting to create a song
I don't wanna miss Abbey
We'll go
Through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow through the sunrays and
We'll go
We'll be number
if you
see the
us the
Thousands and will grow be number few
to see the her
We'll go
Where's viral in the morning son such a father long good day
People feeling like the light has just come we must never stop
Listen so that
Let's gonna come
The birds of Jessica
We will always take
For the people
Let's go back
So that
Oh coming home Savannah tada
Walking alone streets empty the only the nagas is the home suit
And I'm getting stronger
step by step
Say VI
We will
Fear you
Ready to spoon this guy I need you to listen. I need you to
you know Joe and
We will VI
Are you from town to town from
London to Simon I've been on
Trying to protect your soul
Don't know I went wrong today. Why do I feel like a linger?
Linger between the words to say a to say there was you remember
Now we're here to take control
Oh, I embody all these cells you're insane back
newsy Oh
【3 language Mukbang】Japanese choose the best Korean noodle!! (ENGL subtitle) - Duration: 11:19.Today, we want to decide the best Korean noodles.
We came here to buy some Korean noodles.
Choosing 10 Korean Noodles options.
We can find many Korean noodles here.
There are a lot of "불닭"(the most spicy noodle in Korea) here.
You want one?
We come here to buy "delicious" ramen.
I heard cheese flavor is not bad.
Okay, then let's buy one.
We'll choose 10 options among these many ramens.
10 nominations.
No.1, Jin Ramen
No.2 Zhawang
No.3, Jin jjambbon
No.4, Potato noodle
No.5, Sesame Flavor Ramen
No.6, Kokomen
No.7 Namja Ramen
No.8, Mupama
No.9, Neoguri
No.10, Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen (Carbo Flavor)
We bought 10 ramens~!!
Hiromi, do you know all of them?
Maybe two of them.
Neoguri and Jjambbon
and I tried original "Hot Chicken ramen"
How was it?
I and Toshi have eaten all of them.
We've completed them.
Actually, we never tried "hot chicken flavor ramen(Carbo flavor)."
But, we also tried original one.
I heard this one is not as spicy as original one.
So, I think we can eat it easilly...(maybe)
(They don't know they'll regret later...)
So, we'll cook and try them!!
What's that??
Masa, you know what you gotta do.
(Water has not boiled...)
(Control of the heat.)
I've just put fire, so it's not boiled yet.
(Namja Ramen drop out.)
Guys, people sometimes make a mistake, right??
You gotta say thank you to your mom.
Size of Ramen is bigger than the pot.
Masa, you are also bad at cooking...
I should not let them cook...
You want me to cook instead??
Now, ramens are ready~!!
Then let's eat them!!
Which one do you want to try first?
Neoguri is super popular in Japan.
Texture of noodles is really similar with Japanese "Udon."
Usually, Japanese people love it.
But, I tried this only few times.
He's a bad man.
It's good!
Let's go "Potato noodle"
It tastes like Japanese Ramen.
It's a Japan Ramen!!
Does it taste like Japanese Ramen??
You know, I lived in Korea for 7 yrs, and Japan for 12 yrs.
So, I can tell the difference of two countries' ramen.
You said it tastes like Japanese one...??
Sorry, but I don't know the difference. (He has poor sense of taste...)
You only lived in Japan when you were young.
I'm only one who lived in Japan longer than 20 yrs.
I know Japan the most.
Oh, I know this taste.
It tastes super cheap RAMEN.
but it's good, I like it.
Let's go "Jjambbong"
I love this seafood flavor!!
Hey, Hiromi... lol
It has different taste compared with another ones.
It has thick noodle, I like this texture.
I eat too much to open the mouth...
"Namja Ramen"("Namja" means "boy" in Korean.)
It sounds spicy~
Spicy ramen for man.
It has many garlics.
I can smell garlic flavor.
It has strong taste.
You said it is "Namaja(boy) Ramen."
"Namja Korya"("What is this!?" in Japanese)
It's not too spicy.
"Hot Chicken Ramen(Carbo flavor)"
I'm sure this one is not spicy cuz this is carbo flavor...
Have you tried original one??
Then, you can eat all of it, Hiromi.
(Help me, GOD...)
It's not spicy... right?
IT'S so hot!!
I don't wanna eat..
I don't know if it has carbo flavor..
Did you put carbo powder??
I can find carbo flavor in the deep place.
Why can you eat so much!?
It's spicy, but it's also good!!
It tastes carbo flavor.
a little bit, though.
Oh, I know the carbo flavor, and it's not spicy for the first bite.
Francis out
(Skipping another ramen eating time.)
We tried all of them
Don't worry, we'll eat all of them after shooting this video.
Now, it's time to announce the results.
I wanna explain simple standard.
3rd place gets 1 pts, 2nd place gets 2pts, and 1st place gets 3pts.
And the Ramen which gets most point will be the best ramen for Japanese.
Wait, can I say we are "Japanese"??
Where is my identity??
3rd place: 1 point
"Sesame Ramen" +3 "Hot Chicken Ramen"+1
I'm the only one who chose "Hot Chicken Ramen..."
Why did you choose it!?
Cuz it's delicious!!
3rd place!?
I can't believe...
Every one admit "Sesame ramen."
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