5 Naturally Delicious Stress Fighting Juices
You can benefit from the nutritional values of these juices to prevent and alleviate stress and its consequences without having to get medicated.
Stress is an emotional state characterized by high physical or emotional tension often caused by overly-demanding circumstances.
It's one of the body's defense mechanisms which reacts to dangerous or difficult situations as a survival instinct.
Stress symptoms may vary depending on what trigger them.
Therefore, it generally causes irritability, muscle aches, and poor mental performance.
Currently, there are many therapeutic approaches to prevent stress from affecting your quality of life.
Thus, several natural juices have been made as one of these options. These juices combine healthy ingredients that contribute to wellness.
Here are 5 delicious juices you can make when you're stressed.
So, be sure you try all of them out!.
Almond, Banana, and Coconut Water Juice.
Due to being high in B vitamins, this natural juice helps relieve stress related imbalances that harm the nervous system.
Nevertheless, it's a great source of iron, calcium, and magnesium.
10 almonds 1 banana 1 cup of coconut water (200 ml).
Blend the almonds, bananas, and coconut water until you get a smooth mixture.
How to Drink it.
Drink the juice whenever you feel stressed.
Drink it 3 times a week as a precautionary action.
Cashew and Sunflower Seed Juice.
This delicious juice is an important source of magnesium and calcium.
At the same time, these minerals are involved in controlling central nervous system problems.
Fortunately, its high energetic value and antioxidants improve your mood and reverse stress symptoms.
2 tablespoons of cashews (6 cashews) 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds (about 30 sunflower seeds) 1 cup of water (200 ml).
Blend all the ingredients together.
How to Drink it.
Drink it whenever you have some initial stress symptom.
Celery, Broccoli, and Cauliflower Juice.
This healthy green juice is a source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that improve your physical and mental health.
Its detoxifying action helps eliminate bodily waste; which is associated with suffering from stress crises.
2 celery sticks ½ cup of chopped broccoli (75 g) ½ cup of chopped cauliflower (75 g) 1 cup of water (200 ml).
Thoroughly wash the vegetables and place them in the blender.
Add a glass of water and blend for a few seconds until its smooth.
How to Drink it.
Drink the juice at mid-morning on a day your full of work.
If you're already stressed, drink this juice twice a day.
Pear and Oat Juice.
This energizing juice reduces stress related tension and irritability.
It contains essential vitamins and minerals that regulate cortisolproduction which in turn relieves stress.
1 ripe pear 2 tablespoons of ground oats (30 g) 1 glass of peppermint infusion (200 ml) 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).
Cut the pear into cubes and put them in the blender.
Add the oats and peppermint infusion, then blend for a few seconds.
When the juice is ready, sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.
How to Drink it.
Drink it whenever you feel physical or mentally stressed.
Carrot and Celery Juice.
This high antioxidant carrot and celery juice is an interesting way to promote wellness in stressful situations.
It helps balance the central nervous system functions by easing anxiety, nervousness, and other stress related emotional symptoms.
6 carrots 2 celery sticks 1 cucumber 4 sprigs of parsley.
Put all the vegetables in a juice extractor.
Then mix all the juices in a blender to make a single juice.
How to Drink it.
Drink the juice at mid-morning, whenever you feel fatigued or stressed out.
Drink it again in the afternoon if necessary.
Do you go through many stressful situations? Now since you know how to fight stress naturally, don't hesitate to make these juices at home.
For best results, get enough rest and try some relaxation techniques.
For more infomation >> 5 Naturally Delicious Stress Fighting Juices|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:01.-------------------------------------------
The Return of Flared Jeans|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:55.
The Return of Flared Jeans
In order to really make these pants from the 60's work, you should understand the basic rules of wearing them.
Keep in mind some of these tips!.
Every so often, current fashion trends include an element from the past and have given them a new twist.
This is the case with flared jeans, which were very typical in the 1960s.
Do you remember that they also came back in style at the start of the millennium? Well, they've come back again.
The fashion runways in the fall and winter of 2017 were the stage of return for this style, with a few adjustments.
So, for the start of 2018, all of the store windows had mannequins with flared jeans.
The high cut of the pants and the wideness of the boot are the same. They have just changed the sewing details to highlight the figure.
The return of bell-bottom jeans.
Flared jeans – or bell-bottom jeans- were created by the fashion designer Mary Quant in the 60's.
This designer also boosted the popularity of the mini-skirt during this decade, which marked a historic trend.
By the 70s, bell-bottoms could be found in everyone's closet.
Both men and women worse this style so they wouldn't clash with the current trends.
No one could escape this piece of clothing.
The wider the bell-bottoms, the bolder the person who wore them.
They also took full advantage of vivid colors and psychedelic stamps.
Even today, they're still a symbol of boldness and style.
Of course, there were also unicolor bell-bottom jeans.
They were also made of corduroy instead of jean material.
Style your figure.
The style specialist at Macy's department store, Martha Gil de Montes, believes that flared jeans give us a better silhouette.
Also, this article of clothing goes very well with tops that have tight sleeves (blouses, sweaters, jackets and button downs).
These pants, without a doubt, are very practical and very comfortable.
Since the pant starts at the waist, it stylizes and makes your figure more pronounced.
Plus, since the flare starts at the knees, you look taller.
The flared jean's illusion of looking taller is accentuated if you wear them with heels.
That way, everyone will see your legs as longer.
In order to really make these pants from the 60's work, you should understand the basic rules of wearing them.
Keep in mind some of these tips!.
Show them off.
There are two basic rules for wearing flared jeans that will help you sport them with confidence and a lot of style.
You should always wear them with high heels.
They look better with blouses with tight sleeves. .
Preferably, the heels should be wedge or platform to keep the bell from getting caught.
If you don't wear high heels with them, the cuff will drag along the floor and they won't move like they should.
Shoes are an important accessory that we shouldn't underestimate.
Meanwhile, the shirt is the second piece of clothing that adds a lot of points to a good look with bell bottom jeans. It should have narrow sleeves that doesn't make your outfit look like it is doing too much. Shirts with wide sleeves, or with a lot of fabric, take the focus away from the pants and don't look good.
Adapt them to your body.
Your body measurements and height are an influencing factor when it comes to wearing bell bottom jeans.
For example, those that are called that are super wide at the bottom are best for women with thicker legs.
This variation is wide all the way from the hips, not just from the knees.
So, they make your legs look smaller and your figure more proportioned.
On the other hand, the classic cut looks perfect on those with skinny legs. You can wear them tight from your thighs to your knees with confidence and you won't have any problems.
In fact, these pants look especially great on skinny, tall women.
For women who are shorter and stouter, we recommend bell bottom jeans without pockets.
Pockets in the front and the back can create an unfavorable visual effect that fills you out more.
For that same reason, women with pronounced hips should avoid the patterned pants and stick with dark, unicolor ones to fit your figure.
Skinny jeans vs. bell bottoms.
Surely, at some point you tried to mend a pair of flare jeans to make them into skinny jeans.
Maybe you even got rid of your favorite pair of them because they were no longer in style.
You'll be happy to know that the reign of the skinny jeans has ended and that you can revive your hippy spirit.
During the past few years, the flared jean trend has been eclipsed by skinny or straight jeans.
In fact, anyone who still wore bell bottoms seemed old-fashioned.
Flare jeans were replaced little by little.
As the years went on, the boot became tighter and tighter and everyone became accustomed to skinny jeans. The truth is that style works in cycles.
Trends come and go periodically.
While skinny jeans are currently in everyone's wardrobe, flare jeans will always have a special place in people's hearts and are experiencing a comeback.
6 Differences Between Love and Habit|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:10.
6 Differences Between Love and Habit
Do you identify with any of these 6 differences between love and habit? It's important that you know these differences, because if your relationship begins to show these symptoms, it's likely that something is not right.
However, if you feel that you still love your partner, simply look for a solution.
A couple that begins their relationship very much in love can, with time, demonstrate certain behaviors that reveal that they are no longer together out of love but rather out of habit.
Learn about the differences between love and habit in this article.
Spending so much time with a partner involves facing innumerable challenges that, in some cases, are not solved in the best way.
This can give way to monotony and cause us to begin to question ourselves as to whether what we feel is love or habit.
And the thing is, there are differences between love and habit.
In this stage of a couple's relationship, it is common that the magic and the excitement that they felt at the beginning disappear little by little.
Thus, it may be that one of the two, or even both, begins to be with the other person out of habit.
The differences between love and habit.
Here are some questions that will help you differentiate whether you are with your partner out of love or habit.
Does everything he does bother you?.
One of the strategies for knowing whether it's love or habit that we feel consists of asking ourselves the following: Why do so many things bother me now that at first did not matter?.
If it really bothers you when he makes noises when eating, if he forgets to buy something, or if he doesn't wear that shirt that you like so much, then there's no doubt your relationship dynamics have changed.
That is, if whatever thing he does or does not do bothers you, you should evaluate whether you want to continue with him.
This is the best thing you can do, because if you do not do so, you will live in constant displeasure.
Simply put, you will remain with your partner just out of habit.
Find out more: Express Your Affection to the People You Love Every Day.
Are you unsure about planning things with your partner?.
You want to take a trip in a couple of months, but you wonder if you really want to go with your partner or you begin to make any excuse for the plan not to happen.
If this or a similar situation happens to you, something is not right with your relationship.
This insecurity and lack of commitment to your relationship is nothing more than a sign that you are with your partner out of habit and not out of love.
Maybe this person has stopped being your ideal partner.
Are your "I love you's" automatic?.
Saying "I love you" is a very special act, and when you really feel it, it becomes twice as special.
However, it's a phrase that loses its true meaning when you say it without wanting to or out of commitment because you're not feeling it like you did before.
If you repeat it automatically just so that the other person doesn't feel bad, something isn't right in your relationship.
On the other hand, if you feel worried and fear that the absence of the sentence could be a trigger to instigate an argument, you definitely may no longer feel love but rather act out of habit.
Is there a lack of sex?.
Intimacy is very important for any couple.
When sexual relations improve with the passing of time, it's because both partners have built very strong bonds.
On the contrary, if you make love infrequently or you feel that you're with your partner sexually because of commitment or obligation, chances are that you are no longer with that person out of love but rather out of habit.
Do not you surprise your partner anymore?.
The details make the difference. They are small things that make life more beautiful.
When it comes to being in a couple, this is even more true.
There are endless things you can do to surprise that special person: a homemade dinner, an unexpected "I love you," a motivating message or a romantic outing.
However, when your partner does not consider even the smallest detail or doesn't even tell you how good you look, you're probably together out of habit and not love.
Does it no longer interest you to talk with your partner?.
Bad or little communication is another of the six differences between love and habit that you should evaluate in your relationship.
The thing is that good communication is the foundation for all emotional relationships, for that balance that we aspire to experience with a partner.
Without a doubt, two people who really love each other overcome communication barriers.
When you keep your problems to yourself and it doesn't interest you to talk about your plans with your partner, this is because something is not right in your relationship.
In this case, you may no longer feel the same confidence as when your love story began.
Do you identify with any of these 6 differences between love and habit? It's important that you know these differences, because if your relationship begins to show these symptoms, it's likely that something is not right.
However, if you feel that you still love your partner, simply look for a solution.
Once you're aware that something is happening to you as a couple, it's much easier to deal with and overcome the problem.
In the case that both partners really want to save the relationship, they must put all their effort into recovering the magic they had at the beginning.
5 Ways to Fight Cellulite|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:55.
5 Ways to Fight Cellulite
Seeing a Specialist is first thing someone should do in order to treat cellulite.
Drinking plenty of water, eating yogurt, and drinking common marigold infusions help make this skin condition disappear.
Cellulite is one of the most unattractive things according most people, especially women.
They hate it because it makes their skin look awful.
This is a very common skin tissues infection, specifically in the mid layer of the skin (known as the dermis).
However, on occasions the muscle can also be at risk.
How to Recognize Cellulite.
Cellulite comes with a lot of symptoms which are sometimes very recognizable.
Here are some of the most common symptoms:.
High temperature in the affected area.
Pain. Inflammation.
Sensitivity. Skin lesion.
Stiffness if found near a joint.
Taut skin.
Sudden rashes (Not present in all cases).
Causes of Cellulite.
The main cause of this infection is bacteria.
However, there are many ways you can catch these microorganisms.
Staphylococcus is widely recognized and associated with cellulite.
If it's not eliminated, this bacteria can cause serious damage, not only to the skin but to the entire body. The following are the most influential risk factors for acquiring this ailment:.
Recent surgeries.
Bites (animal or human). Open wounds.
Immune function impairing drugs .
Ways to Fight Cellulite.
Fortunately, you can treat it in several different ways.
Below are the most appropriate and healthy ways to do so.
Let's begin.
See a Healthcare Professional.
It sounds cliche, and even illogical, considering that nobody likes going to the doctor.
However, it's best to see a healthcare professional who can monitor your cellulite and provide a diagnosis.
They can offer a number of medical solutions and even prescribe a suitable symptomatic and skin care treatment.
A doctor appointment is the first step to take because an antibiotic treatment will take around 7 or days to kill cellulite.
Drink Water.
While following the treatment prescribed by your doctor, drinking water is considered an excellent way to fight this infection.
Skin tissues need to hydrate and this precious liquid is the best choice.
On the other hand, our body also needs to eliminate toxins. These toxins hinder the infection killing process. Drinking approximately 2 liters of water per day is highly recommended.
Eat Yogurt.
There are many types of yogurt. Most of them are runny and flavored.
However, natural yogurt is one of the healthiest foods for your body.
Its mainly made up of good bacteria which help the immune system.
In this regard, yogurt is an excellent way to fight cellulite. Eating at least 2 cups of yogurt a day can help.
Common Marigold.
Common marigold is known for its excellent anti-inflammatory effects.
That's why its used in several drug treatments. Infusion is the best way to benefit from its properties. One of the main symptoms is swelling on the affected area.
That's when common marigold comes into play!.
First, you must prepare an infusion of dry common marigold leaves.
Then, let it sit before drinking.
Even though there is no consumption limit, you may drink this infusion during morning and evenings hours.
If you're trying to get rid of cellulite, you've probably cut off a few foods from your diet.
One consequence of this is a lack of nutrients.
Bacteria goes hand in hand with cellulite.
Therefore, following a diet based on antibacterial foods can help fight it. Garlic has many antibacterial properties.
Eating it helps the eliminate harmful toxins.
Also, it helps burn excess fat.
However, if you want good results, you must do more than just include it in your recipes.
Eating 3 garlic cloves throughout the day is suggested.
Make sure to crush them with your teeth before swallowing.
6 Benefits of Practicing Pilates Every Week|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:40.
6 Benefits of Practicing Pilates Every Week
Pilates doesn't only help you improve your posture and become more flexible; It also allows you to disconnect from the world and put your stress and worries aside.
More and more people are practicing pilates every week.
What began as a way to exercise has become an activity that benefits both your mental and physical health.
Some of the goodness that pilates provides includes losing weight, having good musculature, bettering posture, and combating nervous disorders like stress or anxiety.
In this article, we'll go over some of the most important benefits that pilates provide, including a technique that allows you to be in shape without the risk of hurting yourself.
At the same time, your flexibility increases and you'll achieve a toned figure that you'll never want to lose.
6 Benefits of Pilates.
Gradual Weight Loss.
Pilates activates your metabolism, which is the bodily function that regulates energy use.
When it's sped up, your body temperature increases, you sweat, and you burn calories.
In this way, you facilitate gradual weight loss.
It's be ideal to combine pilates with some kind of aerobic activity, such as walking, dancing, running, swimming, biking, etc.
This way, you can have good bodily balance between toning and cardiovascular exercises.
This is the healthiest and most effective way to lose weight and not gain back the weight you've lost.
Tone Your Body Without Hurting Yourself.
Doing pilates every week is an excellent way to tone your muscles and increase your strength and resistance.
They work in a complete way and targets all of the different muscles in your body.
In addition, it helps create a balance between your upper and lower body, which is different from other sports.
Another huge advantage is that it also prevents injury.
This is thanks to the type of exercises that it uses, with your own weight or light weight tools.
It requires light weights, elastic bands, balls of different sizes, runs, etc.
Shape Your Body.
By facilitating weight loss and toning your muscles gradually, you can shape your figure. Muscles don't get bigger, but rather get more defined.
At the same time, the flexibility and stretching exercises better your silhouette.
Toning your body helps you to feel better about yourself.
If you're a woman, you'll get more feminine and firm curves, without excess fat.
If you're a man, you can get defined muscles and balance between your chest and legs.
Better Posture.
The benefits that we mentioned earlier also contribute to better posture.
Muscle toning in your abdomen is the perfect support for an erect back, and it goes the same the other way around.
A strong lower-back and strong dorsals help you maintain strong abs.
Strong legs and glutes are also necessary to support your body.
Your entire body functions in a balanced way.
In this sense, pilates works in a holistic way, so there's no part of your body that is left out.
Increased Flexibility.
Pilates exercises always include stretches.
These are done at the beginning and at the end, but they're also incorporated in its toning techniques.
A good stretch is imperative to work your muscles in a comprehensive manner.
No matter what, it shouldn't be limited to only one stretch.
When you stretch, you'll see that your flexibility slowly increases.
This helps you prevent injury, as well as muscular and joint problems.
It also contributes to better posture and a better predisposition to play any sport.
Stress Reduction.
Pilates doesn't only help you to lose weight, get toned, and be in shape overall.
Regularly doing physical exercise provides many benefits to your nervous system.
In this sense, it helps you combat issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
In particular, pilates requires good concentration and coordination.
These two skills make you clear your mind and put your worries to the side, as well as any other burden, work problems, or family concerns, or emotional stress.
While you're in a pilates session, your mind is focused on how your body is moving, your strength, balance, and breathing.
In this way, practicing pilates is a powerful way to destress.
Dandelion and why it is good for your liver|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:53.
Dandelion and why it is good for your liver
Dandelion is known for its detoxifying power.
However, if you are on medication, consult a specialist before taking it to make sure there won't be any adverse interactions.
Even though dandelions are considered weeds, they are actually great for you: they are diuretic and used to treat a variety of digestive and renal conditions.
In addition to being used as natural medicine, dandelion also has a place in the culinary world, like in salads.
Medicinal properties of dandelion.
Thanks to its special components, dandelion provides your body with a lot of nutrients.
It is also a natural detoxifier, which makes it great for eliminating liquid retention.
Dandelion helps stimulate bile secretion, which helps improve any digestive issues you may have. Its laxative properties are very effective for constipation too.
Also, dandelion is an excellent stimulant, which helps improve your renal system's activity.
The plant helps treat problems caused by excessive uric acid and gout.
Dandelion has been used to eliminate kidney stones.
They are also rich in iron, which makes them very good for your body.
Additionally, they help clean your blood and free your body from toxins, allowing it to work like it should.
Dandelion for your liver.
The plant is bitter, which stimulates your liver and helps with hepatic detoxification. It is very useful for patients with hepatitis or cirrhosis.
As we've already said, its purifying properties help clean our blood and therefore protects your liver from any possible breakdown caused by chemical intoxication or diet.
Medicinally, it has been used for people with cirrhosis. The majority of cases are from abusing alcohol, causing the person's liver to break down.
But fortunately, improvement has been seen after drinking dandelion tea.
The recommendation is to drink dandelion tea two or three times a day.
Dandelion is often a recommendation for treating hepatic problems along with other treatment.
However, it will not be effective if you do not stop smoking or drinking.
In general, the plant is used as a complement after having been treated with anti-inflammatory medications for hormonal problems or if a person is overweight.
Hot dandelion tea is best, as the boiled water will help extract the properties we've mentioned above.
Side effects.
Taking dandelion is not a good idea for a period of longer than four months, since it can have negative effects on your skin.
In normal cases of overuse, allergic reactions or sensitivity to sun exposure has been reported.
Other, less common, cases include diarrhea or stomach pain.
Final considerations.
You can use dandelion in your salads as a great way to keep your liver healthy, or make a detoxifying tea out of it.
It's excellent for your digestion and also helps your kidneys fight off certain issues.
However, it's very important that you drink it responsibly and don't overdo it.
As you can see, despite it being annoying for those who want a beautiful yard free of weeds, dandelion can be very good for us.
If you consume it and notice any issues, talk to your doctor.
Don't take it as your primary medication, but as a supplement for any treatment that your doctor has prescribed you.
We also recommend adopting healthy habits, such as exercising and walking more.
Sweating helps your body free itself of toxins that it doesn't need, in addition to helping it burn fat.
So, enjoy the fresh air while you collect a few dandelions to use in a nice cup of tea, and keep your body healthy.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT BUSINESSLINE | 5-Drs | Bluetooth | Airco | LED | 7 Jr Gar | - Duration: 1:10.
Prinz Harry & Herzogin Meghan: Endlich! Das Babygeschlecht ist bekannt! , Wann ist ihr nächster - Duration: 12:11.
Конструктор LEGO Star Wars Звёздный истребитель типа Х - Duration: 1:21.
Never Rebuild Your Car's Transmission, Unless - Duration: 5:12.
Rev up your engines, vapor ac says scotty I have a 03 chevy tahoe
with 245,000 miles, it looks like it rolled off the show room floor and the engine is
going strong, would it be worth putting a new transmission in,
well in that case it would, if you like it and it runs fine, it looks great, why not,
but here's what you want to do, you want to put in a factory remanufactured transmission,
don't go to some clown that says, oh I can rebuild it for $1,200 or something, get a
factory remanufactured unit, I've had customers do that and then they get many more years
out of it, but don't go to some place that says they can rebuild them, half those guys
don't know what their doing anymore and I've just read the other day in a car magazine,
33% of the automatic transmissions rebuilt in the US fail, so one out of every three
that's rebuilt somewhere isn't rebuilt right, so you want a factory remanufactured one,
and then it might last a lot more years, who knows, they don't make them like they used
to and back then they were solid built, the newer ones no, blue Subaru says, good morning
scotty should I get a Subaru 2005 or a Mazdaspeed as a first car, both of those manufacturers
have weak automatic transmissions, that said, if you were going to get them in
a manual transmission, either the subaru or the mazda, I would get the mazda with the
manual transmission, because the subarus have some head gasket problems and the mazdas don't
really have any head gasket problems, but if you're getting an automatic transmission,
I would go mazda versus subaru, because the subaru automatic transmissions are worse than
the mazda ones, team raid says should I but a 1977 spitfire with 44 thousand miles, a
77 spitfire was probably one of the worst cars the English ever made, guys like them
because their cute and all this stuff, but they were so cheaply made and that was
right before pretty much they went bankrupt and stopped making cars, but if it's only
got 44 thousand miles on it and you can get it cheap enough and you want a toy, there's
nothing wrong with buying a toy and playing around with it,
but don't think you can drive that as an every day driver, it would be a toy, you could still
get parts for them and stuff but don't pay much, it's worth nothing it not a real collectors
item, they made a bunch of them and they were really poorly made cars I mean, even in 1977
if it's an American model it had to have catalytic converters and it didn't work well with the
dual carbs they put on them, I mean they were disasters to work on, I used on a lot of them,
david tmz says, 1990 buick roadmaster, do they make great cars, they were pretty good
cars back then, I had a customer that had 350,000 miles on one of those, if you take
care of it and drive it conservatively, they can last a long time, what would eat up a
bunch of those when those first came out, I had customers with them that were happy,
but I had some customers that didn't like them, and the problem was, the engines were
really strong, but they were stronger than the transmissions,
now if you're a grandma or grandpa and drove them conservatively, it didn't matter because
you don't strain the transmission, but I had customers that bought those and they drove
the heck out of them, and they all burnt the transmissions out,
some of them even broke the flywheels of them, because they were spot welded, but if you
drive them conservative they can be great cars, but you don't think it's a race car,
the engines were pretty strong and if you really pushed them you'd burn the transmission
out, gw says scotty I got a 2013 chevy cruze there's
a tricking noise coming from under the dash, it sounds like it's coming from the fuse box
and my air quit working, any suggestions, my first suggestion would be never buy a chevy
cruze their junk, but you already bought it so you're stuck with it,
if your ac stopped working and you hear a clicking noise, pray, pray, that it's just
the ac relay, the electric relay for the ac, go get another one and put it in, pray that
fixes it and if it fixes it great, if not then you got a problem in the ac system and
the relay is clicking on and off because it knows it's going out if could be a bad compressor
and knowing gm's it can easily be a bad compressor, their very expensive and their very poorly
made, but pray it's just the ac relay, you can get
them cheap enough, put it in and pray that fixes it,
seth says scotty I got an 03 chevy silverado, when I turn it off it dies, I hooked up a
computer and I get camshaft sensor, could that be the problem and it's a new battery,
ok pray that it's only a bad camshaft sensor, their easy and cheap change that out, get
that changed out, because on those and it's old enough, if the timing chain of the engine
is worn, a lot of times the computer gets fooled, because the camshaft has a sensor
on it, but if the timing chain is worn, it fools the computer and it can give wrong data
for the sensor and it can trip a code for the sensor, and I've seen many people on those
engines, they'll change the sensor, thinking oh it's the sensor I'll just replace that,
and the code comes right back, because the timing chain itself is worn and it keeps tripping
that code, and that's a pretty expensive deal putting a timing chain in,
because if you do that you don't just put the chain you got to put new sprockets and
do everything correctly so I'd try the sensor first and pray it's just a sensor, sometimes
it is, so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!
[Mini YTParody + Announcement] - Ass...king for your help. - Duration: 5:36.
Over here, over there…
Oh, Trotro! You have a nice kite!
Oh…it doesn't fly anymore…
Run Lily,
Because I am dangerous
,and right now I feel like punching your face
, real nice.
Oh no Lily!
Don't go!
I'm so hot right now...
But next time:
Right in her pussy!
Hey friends!
This little video to ask for your help: I don't have any ideas for my upcoming YTParody
I'm working on a big project right now – which takes a lot of work, and which is barely started. So, in the meantime, drop YOUR ideas!
Animated series, tv shows, video games, music, porn movies: I take them all!
Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.
Maybe next video will be one of your requests, maybe not, or there could even be no video at all. We'll see.
Meanwhile, I'm giving you another mini YTP, this one from one of the many unpublished scenes I didn't put in the Trotro YTParodies, and which is a tribute
to the one I turn to every morning to pray: Le Père Doriot (a French pooper), who seems to be deceased on his channel, lol. But also, a preventive video:
Here is why…
Today, I can't play in the garden...
What could I do...
So, what could I...
A porn movie!
(âne us sounds like anus in french, and âne means "ass" /"donkey")
Please, hold the line; your call is important to us
One of our agents is going to be with you any moment once they're done touching their noodle...
It's mighty fun to play with Maurice!
What else could I do?
And now.
That's good
No, not that.
Ah! That!
Ah! Spring time!
The chirping of flowers, the scent of birds ...
Take a deep breath Tintin, do you smell how terrible it is!
Oh, a rubbish dump! That's rad.
I couldn't be any happier right now.
And that dear Trifon who is trimming his roses...
Ah! Madame Boulue!
I rape u!!
That's too much fun!
I've got an idea...
(Yellow phone book)
Hello Madame Boulue?
I rape u.
See!! YTPs are dangerous for kids!!
And I believe you are ready for a triple double-penetration.
And don't let them watch porn either!!
I'm waiting for your ideas! Don't hesitate.
But do not ask me in the comments how a triple double-penetration is ever possible!
These are the mysteries of love my children.
The mysteries of love...
Hello Madame Boulue?
I feel like shitting
very hard
in your face!
I'm so hot right now!
He/she is the one who gave me my vocation to poop ;) Link to his/her channel in description (not sure the poops there are subtitled though. At your own risks ;))
Thanks retard!
那些年BTS說過讓人無比感動和激勵的話,是一羣真誠善良的人啊 - Duration: 5:27.
✅ Curiosities, References and Easter Eggs of Metal Slug in Metal Assault ✅ - Duration: 1:56.
The end??
To be continue!...
【赚钱方法】PhD 收入来源 source of income| 美国中部穷学生的正确生存之道| 自给自足经验分享 (干货)| 10 More TIPS - Duration: 8:06.
~~~it's about the money, money, money
We need your money, money, money~~~
Today, let's talk about money.
The source of income for international Ph.D. students in the central of U.S.
Hi, everyone, I am Dr. K!
I know many students bought a lot of things during the sale season recently.
Obviously, they haven't stopped themselves through watching Dr. E's last video.
So, in this video, I am going to talk about how to make money.
We all know that you need a lot of money if you come to study in the U.S.
Let alone PhD,
which takes you 3-5 years for you to study and that's a big investment.
The good thing is most PhD programs have sponsorship, especially in the central U.S.
Who do you think will come to this desolate area if they don't have sponsorship???!
So, these sponsorship may come from:
The government, such as CSC, the Chinese Scholarship Council;
Or the American University, the school will give students fellowship if they are excellent enough;
Or your college and professor
they will give you assistantship and salary
and your professor becomes your boss.
You will start to work like a horse…happily.
If you got any of the sponsorship above, you can concentrate on your research without worrying about what to eat and wear
because you don't need to spend a lot of money on living expense in the central of U.S. when someone had covered your tuition fee already.
But, what if you couldn't get a sponsorship?
In fact, the PhD students in science and engineering programs are easier to get sponsorship than PhD in liberal arts programs.
Most PhD students in liberal arts programs need to self-pay their tuition fee at least during the first year of their study.
If the students came from a superior family, they don't need to worry about anything.
However, if they came from normal or poor family, they will live a hard life.
They need to save every penny and find ways to make money.
So, as a busy international PhD student in the central U.S.
how can I make some money?
First, let's talk about… the legal methods:
In the school, if you didn't get the fellowship
you still have chances to apply for various other scholarships
which give you hundreds to thousands dollars
different from school to school
You can search "scholarship" on your school official website and try to reach their requirements.
You will never be surprised if you don't strive for it.
If you get it, it will be something to write in your resume, even though you just get a little amount of money.
If your professor/advisor cannot give you assistantship
that means he/she does not have any graduate research assistantships (GRA) or graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) positions
You can always ask other professors.
You can also start with a partial assistantship.
There are partial assistantship positions open for students every year in the school offices.
Although the payment is low, it's stable.
You can make a lot of friends
build close relationship with professors
practice your oral English, and improve your work capacities.
It is a solid choice.
There are lots of part-time jobs on campus
depending on what you want to do
There are dorm manager, security, dining hall front desk staff
dish washer, library staff, auditorium staff,
short term school activity staff, etc.
If you go and look, you will find jobs are everywhere.
There is another way.
If you are a person who has strong research abilities and you have many academic achievement or research papers,
you can actively attend academic conferences.
There are awards and funds for academic conferences
and if you save that money, that will also be your earnings
I know, there are few high paying on-campus jobs.
It's almost always the minimum wage standard.
That's for sure. You cannot expect the school to give you a lot of money.
They pay you on time, that's good!
If that money is not enough for your studies, you have to consider an off-campus job.
The legal process needs your student curricular practical training (CPT) or optional practical training (OPT).
If you already graduated from school, you can use OPT; If you are still in school, you can use CPT.
The process of application is not very complicated and you will find the instructions on your school website.
But those jobs need to be related to your major.
Your advisor should give you permission for your CPT.
If you think those positions are for you, you can make full use of your winter or summer break!
But, if your advisor doesn't give your permission
you have few work opportunities in your area,
you earn fewer money off-campus than your on-campus job.
Not a problem! We have other ways!
First, We have the universal internet!
You can be an internet celebrity, a youtuber, etc.
You will be rich if you become famous,
but it's not easy to get famous.
You can teach online course or become a tutor.
You will earn money if you have stable source of students,
but it's not easy to find a stable source of students.
Or, you can do online surveys,
sale pictures, publish novels, buy Powerball, etc.
These methods will make you feel you are super cool.
But not surprisingly, you cannot make any money.
So, are you going to close this video angrily?
No no no. Don't do this, I am just telling the truth.
Because it really depends if you can make any money from those internet methods.
But, I am going to introduce a method which is going to make some money for sure
Take advantage from the bank system.
Many bank cards and credit cards have rewards for opening accounts,
referring friends,
and other shopping cashbacks.
These policies will save or earn you a lot of money if you make good use of them.
There are many tutorial articles and videos about this topic
so I will not explain much here.
Except for the methods above, literally, there are some ways of making money that are "not allowed",
such as
off-campus jobs without legal visa.
The main locations for those jobs could be Asian restaurants or shops.
In fact,
you have little possibilities to be complained about or caught if you study in the U.S. countryside.
Other ways might be private businesses.
such as overseas purchasing agents, driver,
handmade snacks seller,
second-hands dealers,
currency dealers, etc.
I don't need to list all types of jobs.
The work you are not willing to tell people about like those above may be put in this category.
Dr. K will not comment on those jobs.
If someone chooses to work and make money through these ways,
they have their own difficulties that others cannot understand and never experienced before.
If you brainstorm, you will find more ways of making money.
But what Dr. K suggests is,
students who can study for their PhD in the U.S. should be excellent people,
who paid a lot of efforts.
If you are not lacking money,
you'd better choose a legal and safe method.
Everything you do should be responsible for yourself and benefit your future development.
Don't be greedy for small gains! Don't except to be rich overnight!
Sometimes people pay a lot and get nothing, but no pains, no gains!
In addition, Dr. K suggests students to communicate more with your family when you are choosing the methods of making money,
as well as follow your heart and hold your principles close.
You will live your life, happy and rich!
Finally, I wish every student watching this can make more money!!!
If you have some amazing ways of making money, you are welcome to leave comments and share with us.
Support my channel, share it, like it, and subscribe to it!
Thank you~!!!!!
Next up: 2018 Annually favorite TOP 10 items for PhD students in the central U.S.
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