Fair warning: this video will make no sense.
I will sound crazy.
And honestly…
*me trying to speak normally*
I'll sound insane…
If you don't get a headache just by watching a few lines of code, then congratulations!
You're already one step ahead of me.
I am talking way to fast and I'm repeating this again…
* I have no idea how I did this, but neither were speeded up or reversed... *
Take the pieces.
Burn THEM!
And then I would put them in…
In order to move on, should this work…
I think we can make all the plans we want…
Should this work, we need to provide…
* in a BAD british accent* Take 2, darling…
Since I believed no one could help me figure this out, I did…
Am I recording?
It's also easy to think… to see…
Not for long.
My battery is dying…
You've allowed…
*freaking out over the weird "allowed" *
I can't.
I'm sorry.
You've allowed to be on…
Plus, you keep failing…
You keep trying and constantly failing to…
…clickbait that, if you're lucky…
You can hear dogs barking…
And then we would conclude.
So, because we're a part of you…
* trying to say clearly * One we have thought about…
* I tried to say "enneagram" a lot... I still have no idea if I'm saying it right... *
I can go first…
Until the end of the year…
I need to breath…
To make sure that you don't feel forced to continue this project and…
Good resolution: To breath….
Most of the times I feel like I can do…
It's time to change.
We think it's time for you to feel comfortable with yourself…
Work, Wi-Fi.
I should probably care about how I look, but I don't.
Here we go…
I recently did a…
I have this thing…
It's called a tongue…
You need to let go of things you no longer need.
So, I'm going to make popcorn, watch a movie
and pretend my life is not falling apart over the next couple of hours.
Ok? Ok!
Have fun!
For more infomation >> What Happens In Between Edits - Part 2 (Bloopers & Outtakes) - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
🔴Charles Bonnet S by German Oscillatory Medicine.|428Hz. - Duration: 10:58.
It is a healing video channel that can experience the frequency which is said to increase self healing power by listening with earphones.
This sound source contains frequencies of bands that can not be heard much.
Early disabled people can expect effects by vibration from the earphone.
After exiting, please take enough moisture. Please turn off the fluorescent light.
To obtain the effect of this video please listen for at least 5 minutes.
All videos are posted on the official page "428 Hz Hybrid Sound".
We are waiting for requests.
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Thank you very much.
HSN | Chef Curtis Stone Holiday Prep 11.03.2018 - 04 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
Artificial Intelligence and Clones (Extraterrestrial Message from Pleyades) - Duration: 24:14.
Hello, I am Gosia from Agencia Cosmica.
How are you?
The last video that we did with Swaruu dealt with serious topics,
Artificial Intelligence, clones, chips and all that.
Thank you, Swaruu, for your article again. It was very good.
In this video I will include a chat that I had with her asking about some things mentioned in the article.
It is important because...
just yesterday I had this chat with her,
and I asked, among other things, ¨Swaruu, why exactly are you giving us this information?,
how can it really practically be useful for us if we are not going to be able to fight against it anyway?
Can we fight it?
How can we protect ourselves and why are you giving us this information?¨
Well, she told me something..., and you will see it in this video,
that made me understand exactly why waking up to these things, including negative things that are happening,
forms an important part of the awakening,
and of the movement towards the 5D.
She has an enormous talent of summarizing things with few words that make me understand them inmediately.
She has this gift of expressing herself in such a concise, transparent, clear and fast way
that inmediately something makes a click in me,
and even when I had some doubts, the moment she responds, I understand.
As if some new piece of the puzzle opens up for me and I understand exactly the WHY of whatever it is.
So you will see why it is important to be aware of these things.
And I also ask about other elements,
I ask about the mobile phones, how to protect oneself,
how to protect oneself against the Red Queen,
if there are ways to protect oneself,
I also ask about the clones.
See you at the end of the video because I would like to add a few more points
to what is being mentioned in this chat.
Well, enjoy a lot this conversation and see you at the end of the video.
Hello Swaruu, it was a very intense essay. You wrote the biology 3
I have some questions about it first. Let's talk about the Red Queen
You said it controls all internet and all information is passed to her in real time
so one question is why does the cabal allows this information to flow around and
Secondly, if the Internet is a way to control us. Why are you communicating through the internet now with us?
Hello, Gosia
responding the first question about the Cabal the Cabal doesn't have
100% control over the internet many positive races DSD until X Arcturians are
protecting the Internet and
They are attacking this information in many ways. They also have a system that is to first
discredit people so others won't follow
they cannot be simply shutting off all the YouTube channels that don't agree with them altogether or
The people will see that as an overt attack on their freedom
They want to manipulate the people's perception
So, it's BAE themselves who call for these kinds of contact communication to be stopped
And many YouTube channels are going offline
silencing them
The second question why the internet?
Because it's the best I've got and we must only use the technological means
Already present in the planet not introduce new ones
Having said that we are all aware that they are listening
So this information
This chat now, is it being fed back to the Red Queen? Is she reading it? If so, how will she react?
She is reacting
Hence the attacks. We are receiving and will receive
Maybe not all I am NOT saying that she is behind them all
Also, we are small not worth doing anything else against us as there are many methods working to get us off line
Discrediting and shaming comes first, then direct shut down and then elimination
They won't go to the last before trying out the first
Ok now talking about Red Queen. Is this the non terrestrial?
invasive AI or terrestrial
Terrestrial but with a negative et behind her and humans are as well
Who designed her?
Silicon Valley scientists under DARPA
So now she's out of cabal's control, right?
she's sentient but under cabal control still working for them, but
You said she's completely autonomous and not under control of any human anymore
She has independent thought but she's still working for them
I meant that she no longer needs programming and yes, I don't doubt that
She may be following her own agenda now, too
But largely still working for them
Also, the Federation computers are interfering now with her
influencing her
We cannot really know how independent she is how much she is cooperating
We do have evidence that suggests a complete independent thought and decisions
combat robots that are under her control at DARPA killed their creators
So is she like a computer or or a robot?
essentially, she's a computer network that includes all the internet with big nodes in dumps and
in government buildings, and yes
She also controls robots many of them from industrial robots to combat drones
Many toys as well and that interactive creepy thing Cortana, I believe it's its name
You asked it questions and in answers back based on web interaction
Are there any ways to protect our devices against the Red Queen?
basically, if there isn't much to do as the Internet is part of the Red Queen use them without the connection to the internet, so
Shut off the Wi-Fi in Internet as much as we can
Not use the internet Wi-Fi is also very harmful
Do organize help to protect against Wi-Fi and all that many people use them I do too
Yes, our labs were messing with them a few months ago. They apparently do work but some more than others
The ones there are transparent and look nice don't work
Well or another oh and the solid looking gray ones with a lot of metal do work very well
These are the best
preferably in a pyramid shape
Excellent. Thank you. Also, do crystal pyramids work if you put them on top of a router or something like that
Yes, and or next to you it's better to keep them close to you. They do help
Now another question about mobiles
You said they affect us even when shut off at what distance don't they damage us anymore?
Yes, the mobiles are dangerous
So this shouldn't be used because they are very negative. But life there demands them unfortunately
Shut off they affect you less, but they still work
Especially the new ones that you cannot remove the battery
How many meters aren't they damaging anymore if shut off if I put it in another room it won't affect me
The further away the mobile phone is the better also
Will not in use keep it in airplane mode
And yes, that's the best option as it emits less radiation
Okay. I have a few questions about the clones now
When they make a clone of someone, what do they do with the original?
It just goes on an animal vacation. They have to hide somewhere unnoticed
They are usually killed and if part of their club, yes, they do go underground or take a vacation
There are videos of the MK ULTRA failures of the TV presenters, etc are vey cons
People acting weird all of a sudden getting frozen etc
Yes many are
Malfunctioning clones like Zucca Berg sitting on his suitcase like Hillary Clinton making faces
Oh, wow, these are clones
Gaddafi was a clone too. The real one was last spotted living in Berlin
What happened to the real ones in these cases?
May be hiding having a nice life. Each situation is different
Okay, moving on battle its drew my attention when you wrote that some clones retain the admah signal
From the original and can be used as a blackmail to hurt the original you mean as a sort of a voodoo doll
exactly that
So the clone in this case would be the real person if he retains some admah signal the soul
It is a copy but to a degree. Yes
Do the clones know they're clones
Some of them do know, I know it's hard on them. I
Am sure they're not happy about that then not at all
But this means they have some sort of a soul if they are self-aware to this point
If they have a connection to source, then they too are real. Yes, as you can see. It's a real mess
Yes, and the ones connected to the AI who controls it with a false signal then? No, right
No, those are or would be completely false
Okay. So now apart from the Red Queen artificial intelligence. You mentioned the non-terrestrial AI
Invasive one and that's something else right?
Yes that's in biology for info
Okay, then we will wait for it
Now a very important question in the face of all these threats the Red Queen
artificial intelligence clones
Etc. What can be done about all this? And why are you telling us this exactly, how can we protect ourselves?
What can you do only be in a frequency where that cannot touch it
Be aware of all this but say no to this
this is not to scare you it's to inform you because other than being in high frequency and not
wanting that in your reality
There is not much people in general can do
Keeping a high frequency will remove you from the negative events moving your timelines away from those negative
Events, but then we must be clear about how to move timelines your timelines
I am writing about this in the preface of biology 4 and later on will write about the timelines
The problem is that you and others are being affected by these negative things because you have a tacit agreement
Sometimes before birth to be affected by these events
Why do I know?
Because apparently you all are suffering from the consequences of these negative things
Attributing the causes to other things many times
So if you know what's going on or what may be going on at least you can say no
I don't want that in my reality
Great. I understand. I have this question from the public here related to all this the
reason why you want to wake up people so we get off this planet is
maybe because there is no hope to get out of all this with a Red Queen here and everything is
There hope for our planet
This is the topic of timelines again
planet Earth is
Already liberated now. We are just not seeing that timeline. We are all
experiencing a dubious one
your frequency and your intention will determine what timeline you will see and you will live so
this is also why the Federation says that it's useless to do what we do because the earth is
Exactly as it's supposed to be they are right from that point of view only of course
But how can the people move to the positive timeline if they don't know at least now?
They are warned and I am not the only one saying this there are many now doing this exactly
Thoris cannon till Swan bent enormous ro Abram Estelle and so many others
Super interesting
I think I am starting to understand if
We don't know we might get sucked into the timeline where the earth is not liberated, right?
Knowing and opposing this moves us into the liberated timeline
Right because you have a positive intention
Now the idea of the controllers is to lower the frequency of the earth
So every one or as many as possible do manifest the lower bad timelines
same as with the clown's if
You don't know you can pair it away by the negative flow. If you don't know these things you only said oh as
Determinism do nothing about it and end up in a negative spiral trap in the law of attraction. I
Understand the clearly. Knell. Thank you
Before I was worried a bit about the purpose of us knowing this I didn't understand why you are telling us
That's my fault. That's also why my message is complicated to convey sometimes and easy to misinterpret
It's complicated because on one hand you are attracting clones to your reality just because I mentioned them to you
Yet if I don't you will be affected by them and you won't even know why such thing happened
Better to know and be able to fight back
so being an ostrich is not an option because if I told you that all you needed to do is
Raise your frequency and don't look at the world around you you will be an ostrich
So is there hope?
There is always hope but don't hope.
Well there you have it.
There you have Swaruu´s explanation, among other ones,
of why it is important to know these things.
Because some of you might say:
¨Ai but this is not useful to me practically, why do we need to know this?¨
Because I also asked this question.
So now I understood very well from this conversation
why it is necessary to be aware of these things.
As she says, and she will explain it more in the following articles,
some will deal with the timelines,
to be aware of these things, including some of them which seem, and well...are pretty negative,
from our point of view,
to be aware of these things forms a part of the awakening and of being able to decide firmly,
with our attention-intention,
where we want to go and where we want to pass.
So if we are not aware of these things,
if we continue with the flow of the reality attributing some negative events to other things, or to ourselves,
we will then continue with the timeline that will include those negative elements.
But when we realize that no...wait, this negative event over here is because of this and that,
we will be able to clearly say no to the given event, oppose it and separate ourselves from the timeline that includes it.
That´s what this is about.
This is why Swaruu is explaining us so much what is happening.
Because if we don´t know, we will continue in the timeline together with those very events.
So not knowing, being ignorant and faking that these things don´t exist
and simply focusing on higher frequency,
which is also important,
but it is not enough according to Swaruu.
We do need to work on our frequency,
continue to elevate our frequency,
the video about it is coming up next,
but also get informed,
and be educated about different elements that are taking place in the reality to which we still belong.
So that then we can, with our intention, decision, and strong determination,
decide that we don´t want nor desire to form a part of that reality any longer.
Our consciousness generates the reality no?
Where your attention goes, where you decide to remain, so you shall.
So now this is the moment to make a decision,
not really fight all this as not much can be done, as she said,
you can protect yourself with some of the things she mentioned,
but apart from that, now it is about manifesting another timeline for ourselves.
So let us focus on the dedication and strong intention of not wanting to participate in those events more, in this reality,
focus on what it is that we do want,
and this way we will pass to the positive timeline.
And the other one will continue,
well there are always multiple timelines happening at the same time.
But what this is about is to be able to get us out of the timeline where we continue participating
alongside with the clones, Red Queen, etc.
It is about getting ourselves out of here,
and take with us whoever wishes to join us.
We are waking up,
and waking up also means waking up to the realities that are cruel and difficult to accept,
but it is the truth.
And once we know all the pieces around us,
we know how they fit,
and what forms part of the reality, what goes on exactly,
then we can consciously decide what we want, where we wish to continue participating,
and where we don´t.
This, I want.
That, I don´t want.
That, I definitely don´t want.
That, I definitively do want.
And that is what generates the positive timeline.
And that is what this is about.
To empower us.
Not give us the negative information so it drags us down,
but so that we can strongly become aware of what we want and what we do not want,
and so we can get centered in that positive timeline.
Well, I leave you with that.
Until next video, which will already be about how to Elevate the Frequency.
But please, it will not be anything of another world.
A lot of these things are already understood and known.
Like for example meditation, exercise, nature..
So don´t anticipate tricks or secrets that will surprise you.
It is simply a summary, the synthesis, of the things which a lot of you know already.
Well, thank you very much.
Until the next video.
Ciao. And that´s it.
Nothing more. Bye!
Eindelijk! Een video met een koe! Finally! A cow video! - Duration: 5:24.
Good day ladies and gentlmen, and again, welcome
In advance, this video is not suitable for people with a weak stomach, just so you know. So now is the time to click away
Okay, you clicked away? You´re still watching? Don´t say I didn´t warn you
This cow calved about 3 days ago and didn´t loose the afterbirth
I´m going to pull it out, so again, you still have the time to click away
First I wash the vulva
She doesn´t find it to pleasent
I´m trying to get my hand through the cervix, which is tight
Now I´m going to put some capsules in there, and they look like this
Allrighty, finished
The cow is free to go where ever she wants
That smell!! POE! It isn´t a job for mondaymorning after a heavy weekend
Why do I do that? We take good care of our cows
An afterbirth, if it stays in there it will rot.
It´s the bag wehre the calf was in
And if the cow doesn´t loose it, it will rot, and she will get a cervix infection and in the worst case she dies
The capsule I just showed is made out of the same stuff that people sometimes use, so it resolves quickly
If it gets warm en wet, it resolves. It got sticky already, in the cow
The manufacturer is VIRBAC, and next to the name it says antibiotic
It isn´t that I use an antibiotic just for fun, not at all
Because it´s a cost, but we use it to keep our cows healthy. Nothing more, nothing less
Inspite of animal wellfare organizations who like to let you believe different
So if you have questions about the use of antibiotics, ask them to me or a farmer in your neighbourhoud
So don´t believe that we use antibiotics just for fun. That being said, I would say
like! Comment and subscribe if you haven´t already and follow me on Facebook and Instagram. Thanks for watching
[Mini YTParody + Announcement] - Ass...king for your help. - Duration: 5:36.
Over here, over there…
Oh, Trotro! You have a nice kite!
Oh…it doesn't fly anymore…
Run Lily,
Because I am dangerous
,and right now I feel like punching your face
, real nice.
Oh no Lily!
Don't go!
I'm so hot right now...
But next time:
Right in her pussy!
Hey friends!
This little video to ask for your help: I don't have any ideas for my upcoming YTParody
I'm working on a big project right now – which takes a lot of work, and which is barely started. So, in the meantime, drop YOUR ideas!
Animated series, tv shows, video games, music, porn movies: I take them all!
Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.
Maybe next video will be one of your requests, maybe not, or there could even be no video at all. We'll see.
Meanwhile, I'm giving you another mini YTP, this one from one of the many unpublished scenes I didn't put in the Trotro YTParodies, and which is a tribute
to the one I turn to every morning to pray: Le Père Doriot (a French pooper), who seems to be deceased on his channel, lol. But also, a preventive video:
Here is why…
Today, I can't play in the garden...
What could I do...
So, what could I...
A porn movie!
(âne us sounds like anus in french, and âne means "ass" /"donkey")
Please, hold the line; your call is important to us
One of our agents is going to be with you any moment once they're done touching their noodle...
It's mighty fun to play with Maurice!
What else could I do?
And now.
That's good
No, not that.
Ah! That!
Ah! Spring time!
The chirping of flowers, the scent of birds ...
Take a deep breath Tintin, do you smell how terrible it is!
Oh, a rubbish dump! That's rad.
I couldn't be any happier right now.
And that dear Trifon who is trimming his roses...
Ah! Madame Boulue!
I rape u!!
That's too much fun!
I've got an idea...
(Yellow phone book)
Hello Madame Boulue?
I rape u.
See!! YTPs are dangerous for kids!!
And I believe you are ready for a triple double-penetration.
And don't let them watch porn either!!
I'm waiting for your ideas! Don't hesitate.
But do not ask me in the comments how a triple double-penetration is ever possible!
These are the mysteries of love my children.
The mysteries of love...
Hello Madame Boulue?
I feel like shitting
very hard
in your face!
I'm so hot right now!
He/she is the one who gave me my vocation to poop ;) Link to his/her channel in description (not sure the poops there are subtitled though. At your own risks ;))
Thanks retard!
李亞鵬怒懟大S,網友竟紛紛聲援大S? - Duration: 1:42.
[Mini YTParody + Announcement] - Ass...king for your help. - Duration: 5:36.
Over here, over there…
Oh, Trotro! You have a nice kite!
Oh…it doesn't fly anymore…
Run Lily,
Because I am dangerous
,and right now I feel like punching your face
, real nice.
Oh no Lily!
Don't go!
I'm so hot right now...
But next time:
Right in her pussy!
Hey friends!
This little video to ask for your help: I don't have any ideas for my upcoming YTParody
I'm working on a big project right now – which takes a lot of work, and which is barely started. So, in the meantime, drop YOUR ideas!
Animated series, tv shows, video games, music, porn movies: I take them all!
Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comment section.
Maybe next video will be one of your requests, maybe not, or there could even be no video at all. We'll see.
Meanwhile, I'm giving you another mini YTP, this one from one of the many unpublished scenes I didn't put in the Trotro YTParodies, and which is a tribute
to the one I turn to every morning to pray: Le Père Doriot (a French pooper), who seems to be deceased on his channel, lol. But also, a preventive video:
Here is why…
Today, I can't play in the garden...
What could I do...
So, what could I...
A porn movie!
(âne us sounds like anus in french, and âne means "ass" /"donkey")
Please, hold the line; your call is important to us
One of our agents is going to be with you any moment once they're done touching their noodle...
It's mighty fun to play with Maurice!
What else could I do?
And now.
That's good
No, not that.
Ah! That!
Ah! Spring time!
The chirping of flowers, the scent of birds ...
Take a deep breath Tintin, do you smell how terrible it is!
Oh, a rubbish dump! That's rad.
I couldn't be any happier right now.
And that dear Trifon who is trimming his roses...
Ah! Madame Boulue!
I rape u!!
That's too much fun!
I've got an idea...
(Yellow phone book)
Hello Madame Boulue?
I rape u.
See!! YTPs are dangerous for kids!!
And I believe you are ready for a triple double-penetration.
And don't let them watch porn either!!
I'm waiting for your ideas! Don't hesitate.
But do not ask me in the comments how a triple double-penetration is ever possible!
These are the mysteries of love my children.
The mysteries of love...
Hello Madame Boulue?
I feel like shitting
very hard
in your face!
I'm so hot right now!
He/she is the one who gave me my vocation to poop ;) Link to his/her channel in description (not sure the poops there are subtitled though. At your own risks ;))
Thanks retard!
Never Rebuild Your Car's Transmission, Unless - Duration: 5:12.
Rev up your engines, vapor ac says scotty I have a 03 chevy tahoe
with 245,000 miles, it looks like it rolled off the show room floor and the engine is
going strong, would it be worth putting a new transmission in,
well in that case it would, if you like it and it runs fine, it looks great, why not,
but here's what you want to do, you want to put in a factory remanufactured transmission,
don't go to some clown that says, oh I can rebuild it for $1,200 or something, get a
factory remanufactured unit, I've had customers do that and then they get many more years
out of it, but don't go to some place that says they can rebuild them, half those guys
don't know what their doing anymore and I've just read the other day in a car magazine,
33% of the automatic transmissions rebuilt in the US fail, so one out of every three
that's rebuilt somewhere isn't rebuilt right, so you want a factory remanufactured one,
and then it might last a lot more years, who knows, they don't make them like they used
to and back then they were solid built, the newer ones no, blue Subaru says, good morning
scotty should I get a Subaru 2005 or a Mazdaspeed as a first car, both of those manufacturers
have weak automatic transmissions, that said, if you were going to get them in
a manual transmission, either the subaru or the mazda, I would get the mazda with the
manual transmission, because the subarus have some head gasket problems and the mazdas don't
really have any head gasket problems, but if you're getting an automatic transmission,
I would go mazda versus subaru, because the subaru automatic transmissions are worse than
the mazda ones, team raid says should I but a 1977 spitfire with 44 thousand miles, a
77 spitfire was probably one of the worst cars the English ever made, guys like them
because their cute and all this stuff, but they were so cheaply made and that was
right before pretty much they went bankrupt and stopped making cars, but if it's only
got 44 thousand miles on it and you can get it cheap enough and you want a toy, there's
nothing wrong with buying a toy and playing around with it,
but don't think you can drive that as an every day driver, it would be a toy, you could still
get parts for them and stuff but don't pay much, it's worth nothing it not a real collectors
item, they made a bunch of them and they were really poorly made cars I mean, even in 1977
if it's an American model it had to have catalytic converters and it didn't work well with the
dual carbs they put on them, I mean they were disasters to work on, I used on a lot of them,
david tmz says, 1990 buick roadmaster, do they make great cars, they were pretty good
cars back then, I had a customer that had 350,000 miles on one of those, if you take
care of it and drive it conservatively, they can last a long time, what would eat up a
bunch of those when those first came out, I had customers with them that were happy,
but I had some customers that didn't like them, and the problem was, the engines were
really strong, but they were stronger than the transmissions,
now if you're a grandma or grandpa and drove them conservatively, it didn't matter because
you don't strain the transmission, but I had customers that bought those and they drove
the heck out of them, and they all burnt the transmissions out,
some of them even broke the flywheels of them, because they were spot welded, but if you
drive them conservative they can be great cars, but you don't think it's a race car,
the engines were pretty strong and if you really pushed them you'd burn the transmission
out, gw says scotty I got a 2013 chevy cruze there's
a tricking noise coming from under the dash, it sounds like it's coming from the fuse box
and my air quit working, any suggestions, my first suggestion would be never buy a chevy
cruze their junk, but you already bought it so you're stuck with it,
if your ac stopped working and you hear a clicking noise, pray, pray, that it's just
the ac relay, the electric relay for the ac, go get another one and put it in, pray that
fixes it and if it fixes it great, if not then you got a problem in the ac system and
the relay is clicking on and off because it knows it's going out if could be a bad compressor
and knowing gm's it can easily be a bad compressor, their very expensive and their very poorly
made, but pray it's just the ac relay, you can get
them cheap enough, put it in and pray that fixes it,
seth says scotty I got an 03 chevy silverado, when I turn it off it dies, I hooked up a
computer and I get camshaft sensor, could that be the problem and it's a new battery,
ok pray that it's only a bad camshaft sensor, their easy and cheap change that out, get
that changed out, because on those and it's old enough, if the timing chain of the engine
is worn, a lot of times the computer gets fooled, because the camshaft has a sensor
on it, but if the timing chain is worn, it fools the computer and it can give wrong data
for the sensor and it can trip a code for the sensor, and I've seen many people on those
engines, they'll change the sensor, thinking oh it's the sensor I'll just replace that,
and the code comes right back, because the timing chain itself is worn and it keeps tripping
that code, and that's a pretty expensive deal putting a timing chain in,
because if you do that you don't just put the chain you got to put new sprockets and
do everything correctly so I'd try the sensor first and pray it's just a sensor, sometimes
it is, so if you never want to miss another one of
my new car repair videos, remember to ring that bell!
Chocolate Macarons recipe / Macarons al Cioccolato - Duration: 8:54.
Hi everyone!
Welcome back to my channel!
French macarons have a bad reputation for being difficult to prepare and many people
are intimidated by the thought of baking french macarons but they're actually quite easy
to make as long as you have the right recipe and follow the instructions exactly.
In today's video I'm going to share with you my chocolate macarons recipe.
I chose to fill my chocolate macarons with a pear mascarpone cheese filling but you can
fill them with chocolate ganache, buttercream, jam, whatever your heart desires.
and now let's see the ingredients we need: for the shells:
almond flour, powdered sugar
egg whites, room temperature. Regarding whether to age egg whites, personally,
I don't age my egg whites and I've never had any problems with my macarons.
we also need unsweetened cacao powder
granulated sugar, a pinch of salt
for the filling: mascarpone cheese
pear puree, granulated sugar
The macarons should have a uniform size and the best way to achieve even shells is to
use a macaron template which you can download online and print out then lay on your baking
sheet under the parchement paper or you can
draw little circles on the back of the parchment paper.
Process the almond flour, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder in a blender or food processor
until finely ground and evenly combined.
Sift into a bowl, discarding any bits that won't fit through the sieve.
Place the egg whites, granulated sugar and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with
the whisk attachment.
Beat on medium speed for 5 minutes then increase speed to high and beat until meringue forms
very stiff peaks, about 4-5 minutes more.
Add half of the almond mixture, and gently fold it into the meringue with a flexible spatula.
Once incorporated, add the remaining almond mixture.
Continue folding, scraping down the bottom and sides of the bowl until you have a smooth
batter that runs off of the spatula slowly in a ribbon.
This is a very important passage in the macaron making process called macaronage,
so be careful not to over-mix or under-mix; if you overmix the batter, it will be too
runny and the macarons will spread too much, resulting in flat shells without feet.
Undermixing, on the other hand, can cause lumpy and cracked macarons.
Fit a pastry bag with a round tip and fill the bag with the batter.
Using the template as a guide, pipe circles onto the parchment paper.
As you pipe, hold the pastry bag perpendicular to the baking sheet, squeeze a blob of macaron
batter then quickly pull away after each blob, to minimize the peaks.
After piping your shells, bang your baking sheet on the counter a few times, to spread
the batter evenly and smooth any peaks left after piping.
Let macarons sit for 20 minutes to an hour or until the tops feel dry to the touch and
are not sticky.
Drying time will vary, depending on the temperature and humidity of your kitchen.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven on the convection setting to 170 degrees C / 338 degrees F
Bake in the middle of the oven for 14-16 minutes, until the tops are firm to the touch.
Remove from oven and let the shells cool completely on the baking sheet.
Once cooled, macarons should peel away easily from the parchment paper.
To make the filling mix the mascarpone cheese with the sugar until smooth.
Add pear puree and mix until well combined.
Flip over half of the shells and pipe the filling onto the shells, then
sandwich them with their naked halves.
The macarons taste better the next day, so refrigerate them overnight to allow flavors
and textures to soften and meld.
Delicate and airy with a nougat-like chewy texture, these chocolate macarons are so delicious
and totally addictive.
Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed the video, please leave a '' like '', and
don't forget to subscribe!
Hunt: Showdown - Duration: 2:30:44.
【赚钱方法】PhD 收入来源 source of income| 美国中部穷学生的正确生存之道| 自给自足经验分享 (干货)| 10 More TIPS - Duration: 8:06.
~~~it's about the money, money, money
We need your money, money, money~~~
Today, let's talk about money.
The source of income for international Ph.D. students in the central of U.S.
Hi, everyone, I am Dr. K!
I know many students bought a lot of things during the sale season recently.
Obviously, they haven't stopped themselves through watching Dr. E's last video.
So, in this video, I am going to talk about how to make money.
We all know that you need a lot of money if you come to study in the U.S.
Let alone PhD,
which takes you 3-5 years for you to study and that's a big investment.
The good thing is most PhD programs have sponsorship, especially in the central U.S.
Who do you think will come to this desolate area if they don't have sponsorship???!
So, these sponsorship may come from:
The government, such as CSC, the Chinese Scholarship Council;
Or the American University, the school will give students fellowship if they are excellent enough;
Or your college and professor
they will give you assistantship and salary
and your professor becomes your boss.
You will start to work like a horse…happily.
If you got any of the sponsorship above, you can concentrate on your research without worrying about what to eat and wear
because you don't need to spend a lot of money on living expense in the central of U.S. when someone had covered your tuition fee already.
But, what if you couldn't get a sponsorship?
In fact, the PhD students in science and engineering programs are easier to get sponsorship than PhD in liberal arts programs.
Most PhD students in liberal arts programs need to self-pay their tuition fee at least during the first year of their study.
If the students came from a superior family, they don't need to worry about anything.
However, if they came from normal or poor family, they will live a hard life.
They need to save every penny and find ways to make money.
So, as a busy international PhD student in the central U.S.
how can I make some money?
First, let's talk about… the legal methods:
In the school, if you didn't get the fellowship
you still have chances to apply for various other scholarships
which give you hundreds to thousands dollars
different from school to school
You can search "scholarship" on your school official website and try to reach their requirements.
You will never be surprised if you don't strive for it.
If you get it, it will be something to write in your resume, even though you just get a little amount of money.
If your professor/advisor cannot give you assistantship
that means he/she does not have any graduate research assistantships (GRA) or graduate teaching assistantships (GTA) positions
You can always ask other professors.
You can also start with a partial assistantship.
There are partial assistantship positions open for students every year in the school offices.
Although the payment is low, it's stable.
You can make a lot of friends
build close relationship with professors
practice your oral English, and improve your work capacities.
It is a solid choice.
There are lots of part-time jobs on campus
depending on what you want to do
There are dorm manager, security, dining hall front desk staff
dish washer, library staff, auditorium staff,
short term school activity staff, etc.
If you go and look, you will find jobs are everywhere.
There is another way.
If you are a person who has strong research abilities and you have many academic achievement or research papers,
you can actively attend academic conferences.
There are awards and funds for academic conferences
and if you save that money, that will also be your earnings
I know, there are few high paying on-campus jobs.
It's almost always the minimum wage standard.
That's for sure. You cannot expect the school to give you a lot of money.
They pay you on time, that's good!
If that money is not enough for your studies, you have to consider an off-campus job.
The legal process needs your student curricular practical training (CPT) or optional practical training (OPT).
If you already graduated from school, you can use OPT; If you are still in school, you can use CPT.
The process of application is not very complicated and you will find the instructions on your school website.
But those jobs need to be related to your major.
Your advisor should give you permission for your CPT.
If you think those positions are for you, you can make full use of your winter or summer break!
But, if your advisor doesn't give your permission
you have few work opportunities in your area,
you earn fewer money off-campus than your on-campus job.
Not a problem! We have other ways!
First, We have the universal internet!
You can be an internet celebrity, a youtuber, etc.
You will be rich if you become famous,
but it's not easy to get famous.
You can teach online course or become a tutor.
You will earn money if you have stable source of students,
but it's not easy to find a stable source of students.
Or, you can do online surveys,
sale pictures, publish novels, buy Powerball, etc.
These methods will make you feel you are super cool.
But not surprisingly, you cannot make any money.
So, are you going to close this video angrily?
No no no. Don't do this, I am just telling the truth.
Because it really depends if you can make any money from those internet methods.
But, I am going to introduce a method which is going to make some money for sure
Take advantage from the bank system.
Many bank cards and credit cards have rewards for opening accounts,
referring friends,
and other shopping cashbacks.
These policies will save or earn you a lot of money if you make good use of them.
There are many tutorial articles and videos about this topic
so I will not explain much here.
Except for the methods above, literally, there are some ways of making money that are "not allowed",
such as
off-campus jobs without legal visa.
The main locations for those jobs could be Asian restaurants or shops.
In fact,
you have little possibilities to be complained about or caught if you study in the U.S. countryside.
Other ways might be private businesses.
such as overseas purchasing agents, driver,
handmade snacks seller,
second-hands dealers,
currency dealers, etc.
I don't need to list all types of jobs.
The work you are not willing to tell people about like those above may be put in this category.
Dr. K will not comment on those jobs.
If someone chooses to work and make money through these ways,
they have their own difficulties that others cannot understand and never experienced before.
If you brainstorm, you will find more ways of making money.
But what Dr. K suggests is,
students who can study for their PhD in the U.S. should be excellent people,
who paid a lot of efforts.
If you are not lacking money,
you'd better choose a legal and safe method.
Everything you do should be responsible for yourself and benefit your future development.
Don't be greedy for small gains! Don't except to be rich overnight!
Sometimes people pay a lot and get nothing, but no pains, no gains!
In addition, Dr. K suggests students to communicate more with your family when you are choosing the methods of making money,
as well as follow your heart and hold your principles close.
You will live your life, happy and rich!
Finally, I wish every student watching this can make more money!!!
If you have some amazing ways of making money, you are welcome to leave comments and share with us.
Support my channel, share it, like it, and subscribe to it!
Thank you~!!!!!
Next up: 2018 Annually favorite TOP 10 items for PhD students in the central U.S.
✅ Maria De Filippi piange a Tu Si Que Vales: Marco e la poesia alla madre - Duration: 2:45.
Tu Si Que Vales: Maria De Filippi piange durante l'esibizione di Marco Sabato 3 novembre è andata in onda in prima serata su Canale 5 la sesta puntata di Tu Si Que Vales, il talent di grande successo dei sabato autunnali di Mediaset
Come in ogni puntata, ad esibizioni divertenti e spettacolari si alternano quelle che conquistano il cuore dei giudici, del pubblico in studio e dei telespettatori
Siamo abituati a vedere in televisione Maria De Filippi molto controllata nelle emozioni, ma in certe circostanze fa davvero fatica
È stato il caso di Marco Baruffaldi, un ragazzo affetto dalla sindrome di Down, che si è presentato sul palco di Tu Si Que Vales come rapper con un brano scritto da lui contro il bullismo e la sopraffazione
Il brano di Marco ha commosso tutti. Rudy gli ha lasciato la poltrona e il rapper ha abbracciato e ringraziato Maria De Filippi, la quale si è complimentata con lui: Il ragazzo di Castelfranco D'Emilia è diventato un esempio e un simbolo di forza per molti, dopo aver vissuto molti anni di bullismo e di prevaricazioni quando a scuola lo deridevano e lo aggredivano
Il giovane ha subito soprusi anche da una maestra di sostegno dovuti alla sua disabilità: Maria De Filippi in lacrime: Marco ricorda la madre a Tu Si Que Vales Marco Baruffaldi è stato uno dei tanti concorrenti a calcare il palco della sesta puntata di Tu Si Que Vales
Il ragazzo ha fatto commuovere davvero tutti con una canzone impegnativa, in stile rap, e con una poesia molto intensa dedicata alla madre, scomparsa per l'aggravarsi di un tumore
Fiumi di lacrime per Maria De Filippi, Rudy Zerbi, Teo Mammucari, Iva Zanicchi, Gerry Scotti, Belen Rodriguez e tutto lo studio, i quali si sono alzati in piedi per applaudire il giovane artista
Il pubblico l'ha apprezzato con il 98% 'sì', mentre Belen Rodriguez gli ha concesso un bacio indimenticabile
Sul palco è arrivato anche il papà di Marco, che ha raccontato il dramma che il figlio ha vissuto sin dall'asilo
A scuola, il ragazzo è stato maltrattato brutalmente. Veniva picchiato continuamente e minacciato
Ha subito di peggio da un insegnante di sostegno e un suo compagno, per fargli un dispetto, ha urinato nelle sue scarpe ortopediche durante l'ora di educazione fisica
Il 22enne modenese ha ancora un sogno nel cassetto: incontrare il suo idolo J-Ax, per regalargli il suo disco e poter cantare una canzone insieme
La De Filippi ha preso l'impegno di contattare il rapper, da sempre sensibile alle cause sociale, per organizzare un featuring insieme
✅ Verissimo, Alena Seredova su Buffon rivela: "Ho avuto pietà di me stessa" - Duration: 2:29.
Alena Seredova ospite a Verissimo torna a parlare dell'ex Gigi Buffon Domani pomeriggio andrà in onda su Canale 5 una nuovissima puntata di Verissimo
E tra gli ospiti che intervisterà Silvia Toffanin ci sarà anche Alena Seredova. La puntata, come molti sapranno già molto bene, è stata registrata nei giorni scorsi, e poco fa sono uscite le prime anticipazioni su ciò che la Seredova ha rivelato alla Toffanin
La donna, ovviamente, ha parlato del suo ex marito Gigi Buffon, il quale ha iniziato una nuova relazione ormai alcuni anni fa con la popolare conduttrice in forza a Sky Ilaria D'Amico, con la quale ha messo al mondo anche un figlio
E a proposito di Gigi Buffon, la Seredova pare davvero avere ancora il dente avvelenato, asserendo a Silvia Toffanin: In pratica la ex modella Ceca non ha certo nascosto di aver provato tanta rabbia dopo essere stata lasciata dal portiere del Paris Saint Germain, asserendo però di aver preferito tenere il low profile, soprattutto per rispettare se stessa e proteggere i suoi due figli
Verissimo anticipazioni: l'intervista di Alena Seredova Alena Seredova e Gigi Buffon sono stati sposati tanti anni
E i due hanno dato vista anche a due bellissimi bambini. Purtroppo per la coppietta non c'è stato l'happy ending come nelle migliori delle favole
Difatti l'uomo ha conosciuto la conduttrice Ilaria D'Amico, innamorandosene perdutamente
Per tale ragione ha deciso di lasciare la moglie e mettersi insieme alla D'Amico, con la quale ha fatto anche il suo terzo figlio
Alena Seredova a Verissimo ha ovviamente parlato di tutto questo, non nascondendo di esserci rimasta molto male
Tuttavia ormai la donna ha voltato definitivamente pagina, avendo iniziato da circa 4 anni una nuova relazione con Alessandro Nasi
Una storia d'amore che le ha fatto tornare il sorriso sulla bocca. E da Silvia Toffanin a Verissimo, come riportato dalle anticipazioni, ha svelato: E sull'eventualità di risposarsi proprio con il suo nuovo compagno, Alena Seredova ha dichiarato a Verissimo di non essere ancora pronta a rifare un passo del genere
Per chi volesse seguire l'intervista alla Seredova e a tutti gli altri vip invitati dalla Toffanin, non resta che sintonizzarsi domani pomeriggio su Canale 5 per seguire una nuova puntata di Verissimo
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