Hello, I am Gosia from Agencia Cosmica.
How are you?
The last video that we did with Swaruu dealt with serious topics,
Artificial Intelligence, clones, chips and all that.
Thank you, Swaruu, for your article again. It was very good.
In this video I will include a chat that I had with her asking about some things mentioned in the article.
It is important because...
just yesterday I had this chat with her,
and I asked, among other things, ¨Swaruu, why exactly are you giving us this information?,
how can it really practically be useful for us if we are not going to be able to fight against it anyway?
Can we fight it?
How can we protect ourselves and why are you giving us this information?¨
Well, she told me something..., and you will see it in this video,
that made me understand exactly why waking up to these things, including negative things that are happening,
forms an important part of the awakening,
and of the movement towards the 5D.
She has an enormous talent of summarizing things with few words that make me understand them inmediately.
She has this gift of expressing herself in such a concise, transparent, clear and fast way
that inmediately something makes a click in me,
and even when I had some doubts, the moment she responds, I understand.
As if some new piece of the puzzle opens up for me and I understand exactly the WHY of whatever it is.
So you will see why it is important to be aware of these things.
And I also ask about other elements,
I ask about the mobile phones, how to protect oneself,
how to protect oneself against the Red Queen,
if there are ways to protect oneself,
I also ask about the clones.
See you at the end of the video because I would like to add a few more points
to what is being mentioned in this chat.
Well, enjoy a lot this conversation and see you at the end of the video.
Hello Swaruu, it was a very intense essay. You wrote the biology 3
I have some questions about it first. Let's talk about the Red Queen
You said it controls all internet and all information is passed to her in real time
so one question is why does the cabal allows this information to flow around and
Secondly, if the Internet is a way to control us. Why are you communicating through the internet now with us?
Hello, Gosia
responding the first question about the Cabal the Cabal doesn't have
100% control over the internet many positive races DSD until X Arcturians are
protecting the Internet and
They are attacking this information in many ways. They also have a system that is to first
discredit people so others won't follow
they cannot be simply shutting off all the YouTube channels that don't agree with them altogether or
The people will see that as an overt attack on their freedom
They want to manipulate the people's perception
So, it's BAE themselves who call for these kinds of contact communication to be stopped
And many YouTube channels are going offline
silencing them
The second question why the internet?
Because it's the best I've got and we must only use the technological means
Already present in the planet not introduce new ones
Having said that we are all aware that they are listening
So this information
This chat now, is it being fed back to the Red Queen? Is she reading it? If so, how will she react?
She is reacting
Hence the attacks. We are receiving and will receive
Maybe not all I am NOT saying that she is behind them all
Also, we are small not worth doing anything else against us as there are many methods working to get us off line
Discrediting and shaming comes first, then direct shut down and then elimination
They won't go to the last before trying out the first
Ok now talking about Red Queen. Is this the non terrestrial?
invasive AI or terrestrial
Terrestrial but with a negative et behind her and humans are as well
Who designed her?
Silicon Valley scientists under DARPA
So now she's out of cabal's control, right?
she's sentient but under cabal control still working for them, but
You said she's completely autonomous and not under control of any human anymore
She has independent thought but she's still working for them
I meant that she no longer needs programming and yes, I don't doubt that
She may be following her own agenda now, too
But largely still working for them
Also, the Federation computers are interfering now with her
influencing her
We cannot really know how independent she is how much she is cooperating
We do have evidence that suggests a complete independent thought and decisions
combat robots that are under her control at DARPA killed their creators
So is she like a computer or or a robot?
essentially, she's a computer network that includes all the internet with big nodes in dumps and
in government buildings, and yes
She also controls robots many of them from industrial robots to combat drones
Many toys as well and that interactive creepy thing Cortana, I believe it's its name
You asked it questions and in answers back based on web interaction
Are there any ways to protect our devices against the Red Queen?
basically, if there isn't much to do as the Internet is part of the Red Queen use them without the connection to the internet, so
Shut off the Wi-Fi in Internet as much as we can
Not use the internet Wi-Fi is also very harmful
Do organize help to protect against Wi-Fi and all that many people use them I do too
Yes, our labs were messing with them a few months ago. They apparently do work but some more than others
The ones there are transparent and look nice don't work
Well or another oh and the solid looking gray ones with a lot of metal do work very well
These are the best
preferably in a pyramid shape
Excellent. Thank you. Also, do crystal pyramids work if you put them on top of a router or something like that
Yes, and or next to you it's better to keep them close to you. They do help
Now another question about mobiles
You said they affect us even when shut off at what distance don't they damage us anymore?
Yes, the mobiles are dangerous
So this shouldn't be used because they are very negative. But life there demands them unfortunately
Shut off they affect you less, but they still work
Especially the new ones that you cannot remove the battery
How many meters aren't they damaging anymore if shut off if I put it in another room it won't affect me
The further away the mobile phone is the better also
Will not in use keep it in airplane mode
And yes, that's the best option as it emits less radiation
Okay. I have a few questions about the clones now
When they make a clone of someone, what do they do with the original?
It just goes on an animal vacation. They have to hide somewhere unnoticed
They are usually killed and if part of their club, yes, they do go underground or take a vacation
There are videos of the MK ULTRA failures of the TV presenters, etc are vey cons
People acting weird all of a sudden getting frozen etc
Yes many are
Malfunctioning clones like Zucca Berg sitting on his suitcase like Hillary Clinton making faces
Oh, wow, these are clones
Gaddafi was a clone too. The real one was last spotted living in Berlin
What happened to the real ones in these cases?
May be hiding having a nice life. Each situation is different
Okay, moving on battle its drew my attention when you wrote that some clones retain the admah signal
From the original and can be used as a blackmail to hurt the original you mean as a sort of a voodoo doll
exactly that
So the clone in this case would be the real person if he retains some admah signal the soul
It is a copy but to a degree. Yes
Do the clones know they're clones
Some of them do know, I know it's hard on them. I
Am sure they're not happy about that then not at all
But this means they have some sort of a soul if they are self-aware to this point
If they have a connection to source, then they too are real. Yes, as you can see. It's a real mess
Yes, and the ones connected to the AI who controls it with a false signal then? No, right
No, those are or would be completely false
Okay. So now apart from the Red Queen artificial intelligence. You mentioned the non-terrestrial AI
Invasive one and that's something else right?
Yes that's in biology for info
Okay, then we will wait for it
Now a very important question in the face of all these threats the Red Queen
artificial intelligence clones
Etc. What can be done about all this? And why are you telling us this exactly, how can we protect ourselves?
What can you do only be in a frequency where that cannot touch it
Be aware of all this but say no to this
this is not to scare you it's to inform you because other than being in high frequency and not
wanting that in your reality
There is not much people in general can do
Keeping a high frequency will remove you from the negative events moving your timelines away from those negative
Events, but then we must be clear about how to move timelines your timelines
I am writing about this in the preface of biology 4 and later on will write about the timelines
The problem is that you and others are being affected by these negative things because you have a tacit agreement
Sometimes before birth to be affected by these events
Why do I know?
Because apparently you all are suffering from the consequences of these negative things
Attributing the causes to other things many times
So if you know what's going on or what may be going on at least you can say no
I don't want that in my reality
Great. I understand. I have this question from the public here related to all this the
reason why you want to wake up people so we get off this planet is
maybe because there is no hope to get out of all this with a Red Queen here and everything is
There hope for our planet
This is the topic of timelines again
planet Earth is
Already liberated now. We are just not seeing that timeline. We are all
experiencing a dubious one
your frequency and your intention will determine what timeline you will see and you will live so
this is also why the Federation says that it's useless to do what we do because the earth is
Exactly as it's supposed to be they are right from that point of view only of course
But how can the people move to the positive timeline if they don't know at least now?
They are warned and I am not the only one saying this there are many now doing this exactly
Thoris cannon till Swan bent enormous ro Abram Estelle and so many others
Super interesting
I think I am starting to understand if
We don't know we might get sucked into the timeline where the earth is not liberated, right?
Knowing and opposing this moves us into the liberated timeline
Right because you have a positive intention
Now the idea of the controllers is to lower the frequency of the earth
So every one or as many as possible do manifest the lower bad timelines
same as with the clown's if
You don't know you can pair it away by the negative flow. If you don't know these things you only said oh as
Determinism do nothing about it and end up in a negative spiral trap in the law of attraction. I
Understand the clearly. Knell. Thank you
Before I was worried a bit about the purpose of us knowing this I didn't understand why you are telling us
That's my fault. That's also why my message is complicated to convey sometimes and easy to misinterpret
It's complicated because on one hand you are attracting clones to your reality just because I mentioned them to you
Yet if I don't you will be affected by them and you won't even know why such thing happened
Better to know and be able to fight back
so being an ostrich is not an option because if I told you that all you needed to do is
Raise your frequency and don't look at the world around you you will be an ostrich
So is there hope?
There is always hope but don't hope.
Well there you have it.
There you have Swaruu´s explanation, among other ones,
of why it is important to know these things.
Because some of you might say:
¨Ai but this is not useful to me practically, why do we need to know this?¨
Because I also asked this question.
So now I understood very well from this conversation
why it is necessary to be aware of these things.
As she says, and she will explain it more in the following articles,
some will deal with the timelines,
to be aware of these things, including some of them which seem, and well...are pretty negative,
from our point of view,
to be aware of these things forms a part of the awakening and of being able to decide firmly,
with our attention-intention,
where we want to go and where we want to pass.
So if we are not aware of these things,
if we continue with the flow of the reality attributing some negative events to other things, or to ourselves,
we will then continue with the timeline that will include those negative elements.
But when we realize that no...wait, this negative event over here is because of this and that,
we will be able to clearly say no to the given event, oppose it and separate ourselves from the timeline that includes it.
That´s what this is about.
This is why Swaruu is explaining us so much what is happening.
Because if we don´t know, we will continue in the timeline together with those very events.
So not knowing, being ignorant and faking that these things don´t exist
and simply focusing on higher frequency,
which is also important,
but it is not enough according to Swaruu.
We do need to work on our frequency,
continue to elevate our frequency,
the video about it is coming up next,
but also get informed,
and be educated about different elements that are taking place in the reality to which we still belong.
So that then we can, with our intention, decision, and strong determination,
decide that we don´t want nor desire to form a part of that reality any longer.
Our consciousness generates the reality no?
Where your attention goes, where you decide to remain, so you shall.
So now this is the moment to make a decision,
not really fight all this as not much can be done, as she said,
you can protect yourself with some of the things she mentioned,
but apart from that, now it is about manifesting another timeline for ourselves.
So let us focus on the dedication and strong intention of not wanting to participate in those events more, in this reality,
focus on what it is that we do want,
and this way we will pass to the positive timeline.
And the other one will continue,
well there are always multiple timelines happening at the same time.
But what this is about is to be able to get us out of the timeline where we continue participating
alongside with the clones, Red Queen, etc.
It is about getting ourselves out of here,
and take with us whoever wishes to join us.
We are waking up,
and waking up also means waking up to the realities that are cruel and difficult to accept,
but it is the truth.
And once we know all the pieces around us,
we know how they fit,
and what forms part of the reality, what goes on exactly,
then we can consciously decide what we want, where we wish to continue participating,
and where we don´t.
This, I want.
That, I don´t want.
That, I definitely don´t want.
That, I definitively do want.
And that is what generates the positive timeline.
And that is what this is about.
To empower us.
Not give us the negative information so it drags us down,
but so that we can strongly become aware of what we want and what we do not want,
and so we can get centered in that positive timeline.
Well, I leave you with that.
Until next video, which will already be about how to Elevate the Frequency.
But please, it will not be anything of another world.
A lot of these things are already understood and known.
Like for example meditation, exercise, nature..
So don´t anticipate tricks or secrets that will surprise you.
It is simply a summary, the synthesis, of the things which a lot of you know already.
Well, thank you very much.
Until the next video.
Ciao. And that´s it.
Nothing more. Bye!
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