What are you going to do?
Give me a green one too!
1, 2, 3, 4...
For more infomation >> Aigues Mortes (France) - Candy Shops, Castle, Tourist Train,... AIGUES MORTES - Duration: 2:15.-------------------------------------------
Foja Ft. La Pegatina - Dummeneca (Domingo) - Duration: 4:05.
arrived in Kolomna stroll at the same time to see the palace finally
I invite you on a tour of the palace
summer grand residence of king Aleksei Mikhailovich
was in the village of Kolomna here in the second half of the 17th century was built
magnificent architectural ensemble named the eighth wonder of the world royal
The mansions consisted of a variety of wooden the buildings of the chambers in the form of tents
bulbs and barrels united by galleries porches
transitions of greatness unprecedented beauty the buildings surprised foreign ambassadors and
claimed the power of royal authority king very much loved Kolomna here he
hunted and received ambassadors it was he who turned his estate into
fabulous house construction took place five years of work performed talented
master carpenters under the guidance of ivan Mikhailovich and seeds of Petrov red and
front porch by which we climb the main entrance
any royal palace according to etiquette to he could ride up or ride
carriage only king for violation followed severe punishment in Kolomna
even foreign ambassadors and boyars went off the horses in front
the gateway sovereign's court inside in every hall
17th century mica windows transparent minerals mica often drained windows
temples and palaces
go up to the observation deck and I'll show you what's interesting here
the palace had an asymmetrical layout and consisted of many different-sized cages
connected by passage and and transitions of all in the palace there were 26 towers in height from
two to four floors the palace was divided into two halves
masculine and feminine total in the palace there were about 260 rooms
we are on
viewing platform of the king's palace I invite you to take a walk and this
country residence loved to visit all the ruling persons here often visited
and Peter the first and Sofia Alekseevna but more often than others came here for a long time
lived mother of Peter the first Natalia Kirillovna dining room
the biggest front door solemnly decorated palace in the ward
held the most important palace ceremonies foreign visitors were received here
celebrated family church holidays could have a wet party
destination guests in the palace as seeds in cucumber
one from sweden the other from greece 3 with Hawaii and everybody eat lobsters
another squid third sardines one bread and drink getter on the king's
the table was served following court ritual every
the dish was tried many times for fear poison or damage when going to the kitchen
the dish tasted the chef presence Solicitor from him a dish
took key workers every single food and under the protection of solicitors carried in
Palace key attendants tried each with I finally tried my dish
butler head of the order of the great court in charge of products for the king
table and gave the stolnik bear in front sovereign before serving dish
tried kravchy drinks bowl canopy in front of the dining room kinda
the pantry from which served the royal feast and here they put all that later
served on the tables from the hearty courtyard vessels with wines, beer, honey and kvass
the chamber served as the highest waiting officials of the boyars of the king's exit either
invitations increasingly solemn and important
to the value of this house the chamber is very similar to the front hall
the dining room is the same carving the same black cloth outfit the same for
Russia wall shops in the royal chamber
palaces the role of the throne room sovereign seated on
this throne below 2 golden lions They with secret Alexey Mikhailovich was
big fan of mechanics
Cabinet room of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich in this room the sovereign spent
most of the day in the royal bedchamber as befits a bed in those times
short as slept sitting to the blood not rushing to my head it was considered
life-threatening access to the room was no one could strictly enter here
except the closest king to the court in the king spent the rest of the night in his bed room
There were several crusading chambers in the palace. every adult family member
necessarily had its own separate cross chamber
Room of Prince Fedor Alekseevich Fedor 9 child of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
1676, the 16-year-old prince was crowned kingdom instead of unexpectedly deceased
father's cabinet the first wall of Peter lined green cloth like it was red
the most favorite for the marquee outfit simple rectangular light
windows with a small Dutch binding here stands the authentic dutch wardrobe
work window glass opaque glass rolling mill was not yet
invented glass blower blew big bubble rolled him with a rope
it turned out uneven wavy surface
soap box includes movovy canopy and the very soap in the hall before the soap not only
undressed but also rested after a bath therefore along
the walls here were benches with bright edge and rolling pastels
besides the shops in the blue in front of the soap stand tables one of which was intended for
movable cooking things that were used during
washing the covers of bed sheets the royal palace soaped staged
in a clump or on the same floor with living rooms
separating from them in small transitions corridors or hall
decent chamber of the queen in this chamber the empress spent
tricks about your birthday easter name heir children easter christmas
and other important holidays to these receptions women were sometimes allowed and
men in this case at the reception attended by the king himself in the workshop
Chamber Empress engaged in needlework this chamber can be called
handicraft ministry Tsaritsyn workshop chamber were
gold kadashevskoy and sewing workshops Khamovnichesky settlement Moscow
the empress was supposed to give lessons then from the assignment assignment to the workshops and
accept their work if the job was done poorly then she
I had to show myself how to do well the queen was the skilled worker of the skilled workers
best embroideress and needlewoman should have been able to brilliantly
work as a needle to the 18th century palace decayed enough and by decree of Catherine
second began dismantling the palace but before
dismantling were made exact schemes and descriptions
which survived to our time by which with particular accuracy the palace
restored on we leave the palace of alexey
Mikhailovich and go down into the apple garden of course none of the current apple trees
may remember the king how much time passed but it complements the atmosphere very well
the palace
Prema Khaidi HD Movie Actors Then and Now | Ali | Uttej | Goutham Raju | Suresh Production - Duration: 2:23.
Tân Vua Hài Kịch 4K ⚡️ One Piece ☄️ Các trận đánh của băng Mũ Rơm 90s với chap 923 - Duration: 1:39.
[Travel with foreigner friends] Busan "Cho Ryang" traditional Market_DDUK BBOK KI - Duration: 7:39.
Wow (Just arrived Busan bus terminal)
I feel weather is hotter
Yes. we arrived Busan.
We will go to "Cho Ryang" to find our Airbnb house.
Thank you! (Gam Sa Hap Ni Da)
School isn't starting the summer holiday, yet.
Is this an elementary school? Yes
(Anna booked whole house for 1 night)
follow the address we have to go to this small street
Lily: This street is so cute
Yeah, I think so
Even when we were young, this kind of street was very few
Here likes the small street in Beijing(called "Hu Tong")
Finally we find our Airbnb house
It has a small yard, Korean called it "Ma dang"
It seems old hillside village
1 Night: KRW 75,000
Disadvantage: No air conditioner and No wifi
It's early July, we're fine without air condition
Now, Two guys arrived
I want to send them to the school :-D
Here seems like 7,80's old town in Busan
Everyone surprise with this small street
To Jeremy explain to no air condition, He said it's fine.
not locked?
Lily has difficult time with this old style key
There is a stair, I can check around the house.
This house just looks like 7,80's house style in Busan(or Korea)
When my mother still young(she's from Busan), maybe she lived like this house.
It's bigger than what I though
There is an air cleaner?!
This is an old style lock for a sliding door(or window)
Take down the mosquito net
we can prevent the mosquito and others?!
Bathroom also fine
I'm satisfied with this Airbnb house, I think the price is very reasonable
It's really narrow
long time no walk on this kind small back street
Travel Beijing I walked in "Hu Tong"(small street in China)
Hu Tong wasn't narrow like this.
I think the motorcycle also couldn't go through here.
Now we are going to the street market nearby
A police car passes them, why so nervous?
one time we went to a supermarket but never been in the street market.
just 10 min, we arrived "Cho Ryang" street market
There is watermelon, the price around RMB100.
RMB 100?!
In Korea, the price of vegetable and fruits are expensive (compare with China)
These made sides(Ban Chan) are for working couple.
Fresh Seafood
This one is the one we ate in yesterday dinner.
(It was "Spoon Worm")
the fresh red one
one of the seaweeds, called "Chung Gak"
in Busan, people put it in the Kim-chi. for better taste.
I like this one. It's "Warty sea squirt"
Korean called " Mee Du Duk"
Korean hand made Dumpling store
Is this a dumpling?
Yes, It's Korean style dumpling
Those are steamed, and these are grilled.
Pig's Feet "Jok Bal"
It compares with the Chinese one, bigger. right?
This is Korean Sausage (Pig) "Sun Dae"
It's pig intestines, they put the glass noodle and pig blood inside.
Buy the sausage, they will give you the other intestines as well.
Korean Street Market Donuts!
in front of the Kimchi store, There are lots of types of Kimchi.
such as cucumber kimchi, watery kimchi etc..
Travel Korea! MUST visit the street market nearby!
Lily, check those pants! they are very cool.
It's ice pants!
Stir-fried Rice Cake (one of the best street food in Korea)
Next to the fried rice cake are fish cake sticks and soup!
It's stir-fried rice cake with red pepper paste.
(Madam asked is Jeremy from the US)
(Madam though Jeremy is from the US)
(She doesn't mean to be offensive to Jeremy)
Now, Madam ask is he from the Russia T-T;;;
(Now Jeremy give up;; )
(Andy teach him how to speak "I'm French" in Korean)
"프랑스 사람"(Peu lang seu sa lam)
Jeremy! You can do it!
His pronunciation is good!
Madam: He can speaks Korean
Yeah, Time to eat!
Lily, You can cut the rice cake
like this?
whatever you want~
Is this a red pepper paste?
Red pepper paste and red pepper powder
How to mix the paste and powder is the secret of their recipe
So, that's why every shop's tasty is different
Li Yuan Bao is Jeremy's Chinese name
Sorry, I can't translate the French
Jeremy though the rice cake is kind of fish cake
Talk to madam, Lily and Jeremy said delicious!
How to say "delicious" in Korean
"Ma Si DDA"
"Ma si sse yo" formal language for senior
Let's eat
Long time no eat "real" Korean food, Now I'm very happy.
Lily: I love to eat street food.
In China, When I was young we usually eat "Smelly Tofu" on the street. (It also very delicious.)
If it's too hot, you can drink the fish cake soup(odeng tang)
we order another dish, it's fried dumpling with the sauce.
Usually, fried dumpling is filling with grass noodle
dumpling is very hot (because it's just fried)
the important thing is the dumpling skin,
Crunchy dumpling skin and the fried rice cake sauce! Good!
It's really Delicious!
Point is the Crunchy texture!
Lily, don't cry
I don't know French, but I can guess what Lily speaks to Jeremy
Yeah, Please Jeremy listen to your wife!
Suddenly, rain is pouring
Yeah, We can move to next menu!
Korean street style toast
This toast brand is famous in Korea, It's easily found everywhere in town.
This is the signature menu in this brand
Ham, Egg, and the cabbage + signature sauce!
Now is the better than past time (when I was in university)
I can taste the signature sauce, it's never changed.
The sauce is sweet and can taste lots of fruits.
"Hao Chi" = Delicious!
This is a new menu.
Potatoes, Yellow Cheese and the cream cheese
Taste, it seems like kids will be like. (JJ order it)
Yeah, The sauce is definitely sweet!
NEXT! Hae Un Dae, Best Beach in Busan!
High speed train, go to Yong-in (Anna's home)
2 Meal Timing Tricks That KILL Cravings & Control Ghrelin - Duration: 5:11.
Hey, hey, hey, everybody.
What is up?
Doing a little flex there to get your attention.
My name is Shaun Hadsall.
I'm a stubborn fat expert who's been in the industry
over 20 years.
I am an online best-selling nutrition and exercise author.
I'm also a grandpa to five beautiful grandkids
And that's one of the reasons that I'm filming this video.
Now that I'm 47 years old, I eat and move a lot differently
than I did when I was younger.
So inside this video, if you're over 35--
you're in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, and you
want to quickly lose stubborn fat,
I'm going to teach you how you can
do that in as little as 12 minutes a day.
Now, I also want to teach you how to control
the hormone called ghrelin.
Now, ghrelin's responsible for giving
the body hunger and cravings.
And now that I am 47, I move and eat completely different
than I did when I was younger because it
helps me control ghrelin.
Now, you can see here--
back in 1998, here I am.
I'm ripped and I'm shredded.
In fact, that was an after picture
for a contest called Body for Life
that I placed first runner up grand champion in.
And you can see here I was first runner up.
Now, I did this eating six to seven small meals a day
and doing lots of cardio after my weight training sessions
and on my off days.
Now, in today's day and age, now that
my current hormonal condition is different,
I do almost the complete opposite.
And I want to share how this can help you control ghrelin,
and how this can help you with your weight loss efforts.
And if you don't have time to exercise,
this is the perfect video for you
to listen to if you're over 35 years old.
So the first thing I did is I ate six
to seven small meals a day in that picture.
And the theory is it speeds up your metabolism
because you're eating every couple of hours
with the thermic effect of food.
The theory is that it prevents muscle loss.
The theory is that it helps with weight loss.
And science is now showing this is simply not the case.
And that's why I do the exact opposite,
and I fast at least 12 hours a day, Monday through Friday.
You can take the weekends off if you want.
So by stopping eating around the same time every night
and starting eating around the same time every day
with about 12 hours in between, you can control ghrelin,
and you'll get less ghrelin pulses.
Now, we all know that hunger and cravings are the devil.
They sabotage our weight loss efforts.
So getting control of ghrelin is huge.
Now, if you want to extend this window out 14 to 16 hours,
and you're familiar with intermittent fasting,
and it works for you, great.
But 12 hours is a great barometer to start with.
So if you stop eating at 7:00 PM,
you'd eat your first meal the day the next day at 7:00 AM.
Now remember, by doing this, you have less of a feeding window.
So you really only need about three larger meals,
and you'll get the same results.
In fact, if you're eating every couple hours,
like conventional weight loss wisdom would tell you to do,
you're actually programming ghrelin to pulse more.
So you're going to get more hunger and more cravings.
So by eating larger meals spread apart in a shorter feeding
window, now you can control ghrelin for faster fat loss.
Now, the second thing that I did that was
the complete opposite of those pictures that you saw--
besides the 12-minute protocol that I'm going to share with
you right here--
I used this 12-minute protocol to maintain six-pack abs
from 2008 to 2017 because I stopped doing cardio.
See, cardio, although beneficial in small amounts
and if you're younger, it can increase hunger levels.
And if you click the link around this video
and you go over to my web site, you're
going to see some studies showing that too much cardio
not only increases hunger, it increases cortisol, which
is known as the stress hormone.
It increases free radicals, and these free radicals
have been linked to many of today's modern health
And it can also potentially suppress T4 to T3 conversion.
Now, this is your thyroid.
This is the master gland of the metabolism.
Now, I'm not just making these claims.
I have over 30 studies over at my website substantiating this.
That's why I replaced steady-state cardio
and heavy weight training with my 12-minute metabolic bursting
protocol that uses specific movement
patterns, specific rest periods, and specific intensity
levels that are designed for the current hormonal condition
of people over 35.
So people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s
can use this 12-minute protocol to increase growth hormone
levels and increase adrenaline-- two hormones that
have been shown to be responsible for helping
us maintain a healthy weight or to quickly lose stubborn fat.
So hopefully, you got something out of this video.
If you did and you haven't subscribed,
hit the sub button below, hit the thumbs up,
share this, and then, of course, go over to our website
and learn all about this 12-minute protocol.
It will save you a ton of time.
It only takes five days a week, a total of one hour per week.
Replace your steady-state cardio with this 12-minute protocol.
And I can't wait to hear your success story over
at our channel.
Thanks for watching, and keep going strong.
范冰冰有时蛮可怜的 - Duration: 3:11.
Foja Ft. La Pegatina - Dummeneca (Domingo) - Duration: 4:05.
How to see the actual intensity of the WiFi connection - Duration: 5:03.
Good morning, today I'll explain something pretty simple, but that sure is going to
come very well if you connect regularly by WiFi, and you want to know what is the power
Real of the connection that is coming to you.
To explain it a little better, when we we connect via WiFi shows us in the tray
of Windows system this icon where we can see WiFi connections to connect to
one of them.
In my case for example I am now connected to which Movistar_E9C7 says, and if we want
see the quality of the connection, usually what we would do is look at these stripes, which
According to their number, they indicate the power of the signal, for example 3 lines means
a good connection, and no a bad connection, up there, what we all know, so
that this part have no secret.
However, this method is quite imprecise, because it does not allow us to see the real power
of the signal, ie the exact percentage, and the difference between one line and another can
be very important
So in this video, I tell you what way you can know with what exact percentage
the signal of your WiFi is arriving.
For this you simply have to go to the search engine Windows 10, bottom left, although
if you have Windows 7 you will also have have the option to search by pressing
the start button.
And in the search engine we write CMD, so that we get the System Symbol application,
what do you see here?
We click on it to open it and it will appear this window that you see now.
Once in it, we just have to write This command that you see on the screen "netsh
wlan show interface ", do not worry since in the description of the video I
I'll leave it in writing, so you only have to copy it and paste it, which is what I'm going to do
Once we have written it, we press the key "Enter", and you will get all this information
where you can see several interesting facts related to your WiFi, but the one
we are interested in this case is the one that says Sign, that you see here, since it is the one that is
indicating the real power, which is arriving from our WiFi.
In my case as you can see is 80%, because I'm relatively close to router, so
only about 4 meters, so the signal that I get there it's pretty good.
Now for you to see the difference I'm going to do the test with another WiFi signal
around me, for example as you see here I have another one called Movistar_11CB, the
which apparently comes to me with less force, so I'm going to buy what is the power
Real of the signal.
I open the Command Symbol again, I write the same command as before, and how can you
see, in this case the signal is only the 52%, since it is a ruoter that I have
something further away, and although it's still a acceptable connection, you're losing enough
power on the road.
And finally to complicate it even more, I'm going to connect to this other signal, that
is from a WiFi repeater, which is like about 15 meters, and as you can see the signal seems
be very weak, so let's check what is the real power that I get.
We open the CMD, write the command again, and as you can see, it's barely 34%, so
it is a signal that makes navigation almost impossible, and the ideal would be to be closer to her,
for that way the WiFi comes to us with a greater power.
I also take this video, to comment another method that I have already talked about in other
tutorials, if we want to see better at what speed we are browsing, and it is simply open
the browser and write in Google, Test Speed.
We give you to Perform Speed Test, and we await the results, although this method
does not tell us what the signal strength is WiFi that we are receiving, if not to what
speed we can navigate with our connection current, something that is also very useful
knowing it, being able to do this test connecting us both by WiFi, as if we do it directly
by network cable.
And here the video, I hope that I have useful result knowing this method for
see the real power of your connection WiFi, if so you can hit Like, or if
you have any doubt leave it in the comments, and do not forget to subscribe.
See you later.
Michael Bolton - To Love Somebody Lyrics | Lirik + Terjemahan Indonesia - Duration: 1:52.
Clove & Nutmeg
arrived in Kolomna stroll at the same time to see the palace finally
I invite you on a tour of the palace
summer grand residence of king Aleksei Mikhailovich
was in the village of Kolomna here in the second half of the 17th century was built
magnificent architectural ensemble named the eighth wonder of the world royal
The mansions consisted of a variety of wooden the buildings of the chambers in the form of tents
bulbs and barrels united by galleries porches
transitions of greatness unprecedented beauty the buildings surprised foreign ambassadors and
claimed the power of royal authority king very much loved Kolomna here he
hunted and received ambassadors it was he who turned his estate into
fabulous house construction took place five years of work performed talented
master carpenters under the guidance of ivan Mikhailovich and seeds of Petrov red and
front porch by which we climb the main entrance
any royal palace according to etiquette to he could ride up or ride
carriage only king for violation followed severe punishment in Kolomna
even foreign ambassadors and boyars went off the horses in front
the gateway sovereign's court inside in every hall
17th century mica windows transparent minerals mica often drained windows
temples and palaces
go up to the observation deck and I'll show you what's interesting here
the palace had an asymmetrical layout and consisted of many different-sized cages
connected by passage and and transitions of all in the palace there were 26 towers in height from
two to four floors the palace was divided into two halves
masculine and feminine total in the palace there were about 260 rooms
we are on
viewing platform of the king's palace I invite you to take a walk and this
country residence loved to visit all the ruling persons here often visited
and Peter the first and Sofia Alekseevna but more often than others came here for a long time
lived mother of Peter the first Natalia Kirillovna dining room
the biggest front door solemnly decorated palace in the ward
held the most important palace ceremonies foreign visitors were received here
celebrated family church holidays could have a wet party
destination guests in the palace as seeds in cucumber
one from sweden the other from greece 3 with Hawaii and everybody eat lobsters
another squid third sardines one bread and drink getter on the king's
the table was served following court ritual every
the dish was tried many times for fear poison or damage when going to the kitchen
the dish tasted the chef presence Solicitor from him a dish
took key workers every single food and under the protection of solicitors carried in
Palace key attendants tried each with I finally tried my dish
butler head of the order of the great court in charge of products for the king
table and gave the stolnik bear in front sovereign before serving dish
tried kravchy drinks bowl canopy in front of the dining room kinda
the pantry from which served the royal feast and here they put all that later
served on the tables from the hearty courtyard vessels with wines, beer, honey and kvass
the chamber served as the highest waiting officials of the boyars of the king's exit either
invitations increasingly solemn and important
to the value of this house the chamber is very similar to the front hall
the dining room is the same carving the same black cloth outfit the same for
Russia wall shops in the royal chamber
palaces the role of the throne room sovereign seated on
this throne below 2 golden lions They with secret Alexey Mikhailovich was
big fan of mechanics
Cabinet room of Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich in this room the sovereign spent
most of the day in the royal bedchamber as befits a bed in those times
short as slept sitting to the blood not rushing to my head it was considered
life-threatening access to the room was no one could strictly enter here
except the closest king to the court in the king spent the rest of the night in his bed room
There were several crusading chambers in the palace. every adult family member
necessarily had its own separate cross chamber
Room of Prince Fedor Alekseevich Fedor 9 child of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
1676, the 16-year-old prince was crowned kingdom instead of unexpectedly deceased
father's cabinet the first wall of Peter lined green cloth like it was red
the most favorite for the marquee outfit simple rectangular light
windows with a small Dutch binding here stands the authentic dutch wardrobe
work window glass opaque glass rolling mill was not yet
invented glass blower blew big bubble rolled him with a rope
it turned out uneven wavy surface
soap box includes movovy canopy and the very soap in the hall before the soap not only
undressed but also rested after a bath therefore along
the walls here were benches with bright edge and rolling pastels
besides the shops in the blue in front of the soap stand tables one of which was intended for
movable cooking things that were used during
washing the covers of bed sheets the royal palace soaped staged
in a clump or on the same floor with living rooms
separating from them in small transitions corridors or hall
decent chamber of the queen in this chamber the empress spent
tricks about your birthday easter name heir children easter christmas
and other important holidays to these receptions women were sometimes allowed and
men in this case at the reception attended by the king himself in the workshop
Chamber Empress engaged in needlework this chamber can be called
handicraft ministry Tsaritsyn workshop chamber were
gold kadashevskoy and sewing workshops Khamovnichesky settlement Moscow
the empress was supposed to give lessons then from the assignment assignment to the workshops and
accept their work if the job was done poorly then she
I had to show myself how to do well the queen was the skilled worker of the skilled workers
best embroideress and needlewoman should have been able to brilliantly
work as a needle to the 18th century palace decayed enough and by decree of Catherine
second began dismantling the palace but before
dismantling were made exact schemes and descriptions
which survived to our time by which with particular accuracy the palace
restored on we leave the palace of alexey
Mikhailovich and go down into the apple garden of course none of the current apple trees
may remember the king how much time passed but it complements the atmosphere very well
the palace
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